#and ler!Taion
rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Here’s a somewhat related Xenoblade 3 tickle scenario that I just thought of!
So I highly doubt that St. Patrick’s Day exists in Aionios, even in the City, but I like to think that it has some sort of equivalent holiday where if you’re not wearing anything green, you get pinched. Alternatively, this could just be a day where people who aren’t wearing green get pinched for no reason (at least not for a holiday-related reason, anyway).
Ouroboros learn of this holiday/day, and Eunie uses it as an excuse to pinch/tickle all of her friends for not wearing green since she’s the only one who wears green in her default outfit.
The next time the day comes around, everyone makes sure to change their class to the Medic Gunner class so they avoid her wrath, but she ends up tickling them anyway because spark them! Tickling them is too much fun for her to obey the rules of the holiday/day!
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tickly-tufts · 1 year
hey!! hope youre havin a good day! if youre up for it, could you write a lil smth with lee!eunie please? as much as i love her as a ler, i think she's a rly cute lee <3 i'll let you choose the ler! :) -tickleraptorss
"Oh, it's so soft!" Sena gasped, feeling Eunie's left wing between her fingers.
"And fully mobile," Taion observed as the right wing flapped his hand away. "Not large enough for actual flight, though. I've always considered that an especially odd Kevesi quirk."
"S-Says the Agnian... with a random... c-crystal in his chehehest!"
Eunie had fought valiantly against the giggles that'd been bubbling up inside of her, yet she could only hold out for so long under the light touches to both her head wings. It wasn't often that she let others near them, nor did they draw attention from her fellow Kevesi, but both Sena and Taion had expressed curiosity, and Eunie hadn't seen any reason to deny them.
No reason at all, until she'd realized her wings were ticklish.
It was as much a surprise to her as it was to her companions... perhaps even moreso, given they were her wings. They'd simply never been examined so closely before, and ticklishness hadn't been a problem when Eunie handled them herself.
"Tahaion, yohohou aharse!" she exclaimed when he very purposefully ran his fingers through her feathers. Then he kneaded along the upper ridge of her wing, and she barely stopped herself from smacking him. "AHH! Nohoho! Sehehenaha!" she squealed when the other scritched playfully near the base. Slamming both hands firmly over her face, she muffled a small screech as the tickling continued.
"Is it normal for these wings to be so sensitive?" Taion inquired, half-wondering, half-teasing.
"Hey, come back here! I wasn't done yet!" Sena laughed as Eunie wiggled out of her grasp.
"Bohohoth of you ahahare gohoing to regrehehet this!" The threat was impossible to take seriously. Not only because of Eunie's persistent giggling, but because despite her squirming... she still hadn't tried to leave.
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
related to the post you reblogged: feather-ticklish noah <3 -tickleraptorss
Noah is so feather-ticklish that even one accidental brush of Eunie’s wings on his neck/ears/stomach would cause him to topple over onto the floor.
And I know I’ve mentioned this scenario in a previous post, but since it’s relevant to the topic at hand, I think it bears repeating: Mio and Eunie occasionally team up to torment Noah by tickling his ears. When they’re not blowing into his ears or wiggling their fingers in them, Eunie will pull two loose feathers from her wings, give one to Mio, and work with her to tickle Noah’s ears until he’s nothing more than a puddle of giggles.
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
thank you for spreading the lee noah propaganda i am not immune to extremely ticklish jrpg protagonist
as a thanks i offer you: ler!mio who is a menace as a ler but is also very ticklish and can't win tickle fights unless it's against noah or taion.
also consider ouroboros tickle fight battle royale. every man for himself. who do you think would win 👀 -tickleraptorss
I may not be as active on here as I once was, but I’ll keep on spreading the lee!Noah propaganda for the foreseeable future! Maybe one day the lee!Noah nation will rise up…
Hehe ler!Mio who can’t take what she dishes out when her lee turns the tables on her~ She may be able to tease you into oblivion, she may be able to tickle you to tears, but the moment you fight back and start tickling her? She’s down and out for the count!
This is often the case when she tries to tickle Sena. There are rare occasions where she wins the tickle fights that occur between them, but 99% of the time her starting a tickle fight with her goes about as well as trying to fight a Level 80-something Gogol at the beginning of each Xenoblade game.
And the Ouroboros tickle fight battle royale… hmm… I’m having a hard time thinking about who would come out on top, but I know damn well that it’s not going to be Noah. He’d probably be the first to go!
I might have to give this a bit more thought, but I think the winner would be Lanz? I was originally going to say Sena because she seems to be physically stronger than most of Ouroboros, but Lanz is likely just as strong as she is, and is far less ticklish to boot. Taion was another contender, but let’s face it: under that scarf and stoic exterior is a ticklish nerd who’d likely get targeted by Eunie and Lanz at the very least.
Again, I might need to think about this for a bit longer, but I’m going to say Lanz would be the winner.
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tickly-tufts · 2 years
im still thinking so much abt your lee!taion fic. eunie and taion's dynamic has so much tickly potential!!!!
also imagining taion asking eunie if she could tickle him again, probably saying smth like "it wasn't entirely unpleasant... last time..." nd bein all embarrassed abt it. eunie, ofc, is going to tease the daylights out of him while tickling him. they're nerds. both of them. -tickleraptorss
taion's pride would be at war with his desire to actually have some fun, because that's the kind of repressed nerd he is. fortunately, eunie would see right through him. unfortunately, she’d also tickle him into admitting the truth... and then tickle him some more just because she can.
she’d definitely be a pro at teasing, too, and there’s no risk of snarky comebacks with taion laughing himself to pieces. having a natural arsenal of feathers doesn’t hurt either, plus eunie’s at the perfect height to just nuzzle taion’s neck.
eunie would be a wicked ler, but taion would be such a stubborn lee. like the guy could be absolutely dying of giggles, yet still trying to argue that he’s not that ticklish.
(he is, though, and all of ouroboros ends up knowing it)
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Off-Seers Need a Good Laugh, Too (Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Tickle Fic)
A/N: Bitch, you thought you saw the last of me!
Okay, in all seriousness, I didn’t think I would write another fic ever again. I lost the motivation to write because I convinced myself that people would think of my work as inferior when compared to the works of other tickle fic writers. That, and I thought that people wouldn’t give a shit about me or my work, given how infrequent my posts have become as of late. Combine this with school, a severe episode of depression that lasted for a month and a half, and finding out that I might have some form of social anxiety, and I think you can see why I never thought I would do this again. But I did, and I have to thank the severe case of Noah Xenoblade brainrot that I’ve had since February for giving me the courage to write fics again.
So here it is. My first fic of 2022… and it’s for a game that hasn’t been released yet. This is going to be interesting, to say the least.
To everyone who is reading this fic after the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, please read this disclaimer: This fic was written and published nearly 3 months prior to the game’s release. Therefore, there are bound to be some inaccuracies between this fic and the actual game, both in terms of the personalities of each of the main six party members, and the location in which this fic takes place in. Please keep this in mind as you read through this fic.
Also, as a reminder, my fics do not contain any sort of romantic or NSFW content. I don’t really know how to write romance, and NSFW content, especially NSFW tickle content, makes me uncomfortable.
Well, here we go… I hope I won’t regret writing this…
Noah only managed to get a single foot past the entrance to Colony Lamba before he found himself face-down on the ground, his wrists pinned together behind his back and his legs held down by someone’s body weight. Believing he was being detained by Agnusian troops, he thrashed about in an attempt to break free from their hold. Upon being flipped over onto his back, however, he realized that the culprits who pinned him were not Agnusian troops, but rather his two childhood friends, Lanz and Eunie.
He was about to ask them why they pinned him down, but then he saw the burning glint of mischievousness in their eyes, and his questions died in his throat as panic took hold of his mind.
“W-wait, Lanz! Eunie! You d-don’t have to do thihihihihihihihihihihis!” Noah bared managed to get the last word out before he succumbed to a giggle fit, feeling Lanz’s hands attacking his armpits, which were suddenly left wide open thanks to Eunie holding his wrists over his head. Not long after, she joined in by holding his wrists in one hand and gently wiggling a finger in his ear with the other.
“Sorry, did you say something, Noah?” she snarked, clearly enjoying the sight of the Keveian off-seer falling apart right in front of her. “Lanz, did he say something?”
“Did he? I must have missed it!” He then drilled his fingers into the center of Noah’s armpits, grinning in satisfaction when he heard Noah shriek and fall into another giggle fit, “Well, whatever it was, I guess it wasn’t important!”
“Whihihihihihihihihihihiy?! Thehehehehehehehre’s nohohohoho nehehehehd for thihihihihihihis!” Noah cried out, squirming until he was borderline thrashing as he tried and failed to break free from the clutches of his playful friends.
“Huh? What was that? I can’t understand you, Noah! You need to speak clearly! How are we supposed to follow your orders if we can’t understand what you’re saying?” God damn Lanz and his ability to tease Noah in just the right way at just the right time to make him crumble into hysterics…
“Huh, I actually agree with Lanz for once. Must be a miracle.” Eunie said sarcastically, earning herself a glare from the aforementioned male.
“Focus, Eunie! We’ve got to cheer up Noah, here!”
“Buhuhuhuhuht wh-whahahahahahahat about Mihihihihihio?!” Noah managed to ask them through his giggles. The two of them were returning to Lamba after performing their duties as off-seers. She made it back to the Colony before he did, but he didn’t see her anywhere in the area prior to being pinned down by Eunie and Lanz. If he had to guess, she must have met up with Sena and Taion somewhere in the colony, but he didn’t know where they were, nor did he know why they met up in the first place. Maybe they were planning their next move?
“Oh don’t worry about her, she’s in good hands~”
Noah couldn’t hear anything over his own laughter, but if Eunie and Lanz listened closely, they could hear the faint sound of hisses, screeches, giggles, and laughs coming from the other side of the colony. Clearly, Sena and Taion were giving Mio the same treatment they were giving Noah right now. Every now and then, they would catch Sena’s relentless teasing and the occasional cheeky comment from Taion. They wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t get the chance to talk to Mio for the rest of the day, since she’ll likely be exhausted by the time those two were done with her.
Returning their focus to the off-seer beneath them, Lanz called Eunie’s name.
“Yes, Lanz?” She answered, carefully removing her finger from Noah’s ear and holding his wrists together with both hands, keeping her grip tight to prevent him from escaping.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He asked, giving her a look. Upon seeing it, she immediately caught on to what he was planning to do.
“I am now. Shall we?”
“No! Nonononono! Don’t you even dare!” Noah protested, nearly screaming in terror as he knew exactly what they were planning. He could only hope that his yelling wouldn’t disturb anyone who’s trying to live their lives in Colony Lamba.
“Oh, but we do dare, Noah~” That was the last thing Lanz said before he and Eunie pulled Noah’s sweater up and mercilessly scribbled their fingers all over his stomach, occasionally poking at his belly button. The poor boy damn near screamed before he fell into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, his squirming evolving into full-blown trashing as he tried to throw Lanz off of his legs. Unfortunately, he was far too heavy for him to throw off, so all he could do was accept his fate and pray that they wouldn’t tickle his belly for too long.
Sensing that their friend was approaching his limit, Eunie and Lanz finished their tickle session with two small raspberries to his tummy, with Eunie leaning over to blow her raspberry right underneath his bottommost rib, and Lanz leaning down to blow his raspberry right over his navel. Noah’s laughter went silent for a brief moment, and then all of the tickling stopped at once.
Eunie released her hold on Noah’s wrists as Lanz sat up off of his legs, giving them a quick check to make sure that he didn’t cut off the circulation. Noah laid flat on the ground, trying to catch his breath in between his fits of after-giggles.
“You okay, Noah?” Lanz turned to face the still giggling boy, watching as he struggled to regain control over himself.
“Y-yeheheheheheah, I’ll… be okay. Hee hee hee…” He replied, choosing to keep his sentences short until he could properly breathe again (which took him a minute or so to do). His giggles didn’t let up, though.
“Sorry, Noah. I think we might have gone a bit overboard…” Eunie said apologetically, helping him sit up.
“A lihihihihttle, but you’ve bohohohoth done wohohorse…” Noah then took a couple of deep breaths to try and bring his giggles under control.
“He’s right, Eunie. We can certainly do worse. Hell, if it wasn’t for the fact that we’re kind of in a public space, I think we would have taken it further.”
Eunie thought about this for a moment, then nodded, “You have a point…” She walked towards Lanz, “Well, I think we should check in on Mio. Gotta make sure she’s still conscious, you know.”
“Aw come on, Eunie! Sena and Taion aren’t that cruel!” Lanz countered.
“They literally jumped on her and tickled her to tears right in front of our faces just to prove how ticklish she was.” She countered back, shuddering at the memory, “I don’t think I would have survived if I was in her position…”
“…Fair point.” Lanz muttered under his breath, also shuddering at the thought of Sena and Taion ganging up on him. Noah didn’t say anything to agree or argue with either one of them, though he still found himself stuck in a mini giggle fit.
The three Kevians found their Agnusian allies inside of the colony’s Iron Giant. Sena and Taion wore prideful grins on their faces, while Mio’s face was impossibly red, falling into a fit of giggles at random. It seemed as though she was in a similar state to Noah after being relentlessly tickled by her friends.
“I take it our plan was a success?” Taion inquired.
“Wait, YOU PLANED ALL OF THIS?!” Noah and Mio shouted in unison.
“Yeah, why? Are you really that surprised?”
Mio’s response was to tackle Taion with full force and attempt to give him a taste of his own medicine, which Sena seemed to disapprove of. “Oh no you don’t, Mimi!” was the only thing she said before Mio’s laughter filled the machine once again thanks to the aggressive pokes she was giving to her sides. Noah’s response, on the other hand, was to hide his face in his hands, trying to hide the darkening blush on his face.
“They’re so silly. All of them. And yet…” Noah felt a small smile tug at his lips, “I would not hesitate to sacrifice myself for the sake of their lives.”
It seemed as though Eunie, Lanz, Taion, and Sena’s plan was a success.
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Remember to Laugh (Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Tickle Fic)
A/N: You can thank the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Direct for this fic’s existence.
I don’t know what the presentation did to me, but it gave me a burning desire to go onto my iPad and type out this cute little self-indulgent lee!Noah fic. I’m not sure what I have to say beyond that, so let’s move onto the fic, shall we?
Before this fic begins, I must inform everyone who is reading this after the release of Xenoblade 3 that this fic was written prior to the game’s official release, so there may be inaccuracies in regards to the personalities of the characters or the names of the locations mentioned in this fic. Please remember to keep this in mind as you read this fic.
Well, here we go! Time to give Noah the wholesome, fluffy tickles he deserves (especially after everything we saw in that Direct, because dear God, that shit was dark)!
This fic is also on AO3! Here’s the AO3 Link!
The midday sun beat down on the Seilas Terrace Camp, but it was far more tolerable there than it was in the Eagus Wilderness (which was the main reason why Noah and the others came back to the camp in the first place).
Currently, the only two people who were at the campsite were Noah and Taion. Lanz, Eunie, Sena, Mio, Riku, and Manana had all left to go look for Shijima, the missing off-seer of Colony Lamba. Noah and Taion stayed behind to keep the campsite secure from the monsters who lurked a few meters away from the area. They had defeated one monster already, and they both knew that more could come.
As they prepared themselves for a possible surprise attack from another monster, Taion’s mind wandered as he thought about his comrades, both new and old. Suddenly, he made an observation that piqued his curiosity. A curiosity that could only be satiated if he asked the person who was the subject of his observation.
“Hey Noah, can I ask you something?”
Noah finished wiping off the last speck of dirt off of his blade, called it off, and turned to face Taion. “Sure. Is something bothering you?”
“I guess you could say that.” Taion answered, bringing a hand to his chin. “It’s a bit of an odd question, but I know that you’re the only one who can provide a sufficient answer, however vague it may be.”
Noah raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Okay… so what’s going on?”
“What does your real laugh sound like?”
The off-seer recoiled slightly in surprise. What kind of a question was that…?
Out of all of the possible topics he could have asked about, Noah figured that he would’ve asked about the monster that attacked them or how the search was going, but this? How the hell was he supposed to answer that?!
“My… real laugh? What do you mean by that?”
“Sorry for offending you-“ Taion began to backpedal before Noah held out his hand to stop him.
“No no, you didn’t offend me, I’m just… confused.” He pulled his hand back. “What encouraged you to ask me that question?”
“Well, I couldn’t help but notice that out of all of us, I’ve never heard you laugh before. You’ve let out small chuckles in the past, but they always sounded so… restrained. Like you didn’t want to laugh at all, or didn’t want anyone to hear you laugh.”
“Really? I’ve never noticed...” And he was telling the truth. He’d never even noticed how much nor how often he had held his laughter back before now. How long had he’d been doing that? Since he first joined the Keves army all those years ago? Since he first became a refuge? Since he first arrived at Colony Lamba? When did this begin?
Before Noah’s mind could conjure up any more questions, Taion’s voice pulled him back into reality.
“Noah? Are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, I’m just… trying to recall the last time I laughed. But I’m more curious about why you’re asking me about this in the first place. The real reason, I mean.”
“Did I not explain why earlier in the conversation?“ It was Taion’s turn to raise an eyebrow now.
“Yes, but… why are you so concerned about everyone’s laughs? What does that have to do with our situation?”
“So that’s what you meant…” Taion had to think about his answer for a second. Why is he so concerned about everyone’s laughter in the first place…?
“Ah yes, that’s the reason why.” He concluded in his head.
“It’s because… I want to make sure that everyone’s okay. We’ve been through a lot as of late, what with that strange giant that attacked us, you and Mio becoming an Ouroboros, switching classes with one another, Vandham telling us where the ‘real enemy’ is…” Taion paused for a moment, “…it’s just a lot of information for us to process in such a short amount of time. Enough to cause us emotional distress if we think about it too much or too often.”
“Ah, I see… so you’re looking out for us…” Noah lowered his head a little bit after finishing his sentence, then lifted it back up again. “Thank you, Taion. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I appreciate your effort to keep us sane during these hard times.”
“Not a problem, Noah.” The hand returned to Taion’s chin, “But in order for me to do this task, I need you all to answer the questions I ask of you. You haven’t done that yet, so I can’t do anything until you answer me.”
“O-oh, right…” Noah’s face heated up slightly, but it thankfully (for him at least) didn’t manifest itself in the form of a blush, “I… don’t remember when I last had a good laugh. I racked my brain to see if I could remember a scenario in which I ended up laughing at something, but I couldn’t find anything…”
“That’s a shame…”
“‘A shame’ is the understatement of the century, maybe even the millennium…” Noah remarked sorrowfully, “Too bad I can’t laugh on command. Otherwise, this wouldn’t be an issue…”
A slight tinge of sadness pulled at Taion’s heart. Had he never laughed before? Ever? Has the war really killed off Noah’s ability to laugh?
“No… it can’t be possible. Noah can still laugh, can he?” He asked himself “Surely the war didn’t traumatize him that badly, but I wouldn't blame him if it did…”
Taion was at a loss. Is there anything he could do to get him to laugh?
He’d have to ask the man himself if he wanted to find an an-.
He had an idea. If it worked, he’d have to thank Lanz and Eunie for giving him this little tidbit of information he had on the former Keves soldier. If it didn’t… well, he wouldn’t know what to do beyond that point.
“You may not be able to laugh on command. In fact, I don’t think anyone is capable of doing that and making it sound like a genuine laugh. But…” he slowly walked up to Noah until he was about an arms-reach away from him, “…I think I might know something that can get you to laugh again.”
“Hm? And what would that be?” Noah grew more and more puzzled as he saw the tactician approach him ever so slowly.
“Well… before I show you, I should apologize to you in advance if this makes you uncomfortable.” Taion said before wrapping his left arm around Noah’s waist. “If it does, please say something to me. I don’t want to overstep your- no, our- boundaries.”
“Uh, s-sure?” Noah responsed with a slight stutter, “But what does your arm being around my waist have to do with this?”
“To keep you steady. What I’m about to do may cause you to fall over, if Lanz and Eunie’s words ring true.”
The moment Taion mentioned Lanz and Eunie’s names, he put the pieces together, and his eyes widened in fear. Nonetheless, he tried to remain calm. “And why did th-they tell you that?”
“Because of this.” That was all Taion had to say before he attacked Noah’s sides with the gentlest of pinches.
“Wait, wahahahahit, what are you d-dohohoing?” He really tried to hold back his giggles, he really did, but if there was one thing Noah was known for (at least, it was known by Lanz, Eunie, and now Taion, apparently), it’s for being too damn ticklish for his own good. He could never win any of the “don’t laugh” games Lanz and Eunie would subject him to, and as he just found out at this exact moment in time, he couldn’t handle gentle pinches on his tickle spots, either.
“Experimenting.” Taion answered, a small grin threatening to take over his features as Noah’s quiet, small giggles found his ears. He kept up the pinching until he decided to switch tactics, now poking him rapid-fire in the ribcage, occasionally poking at the small crevices between each of his ribs.
“T-Tahehehehehon, nohohohoho! I-It’s dahahahanngerous arohohound here!”
“I checked the nearby areas with my Flame Clock, and I can assure you that no monsters will attack us here.” He reassured the off-seer, then realized the potential he could get out of that statement, “Though I suppose there’s only one monster here that you should be worried about…”
“Ahahahand that is- wait, dohohohon’t say ihihihit!” Noah nearly fell into Taion’s trap and foolishly thought that he wouldn’t dare say the name of the monster. Unfortunately for him, Taion had other plans.
“The Tickle Monster~” And with that, Taion let his subtle grin take over his face as pulled Noah onto the ground and held him tightly against his chest, continuing the never-ending barrage of pokes to his ribs. It was a bit difficult for him to poke him in this position, but it clearly worked, as Noah’s giggles grew into uncontrollable laughter.
“Taion? Who’s Taion? I’m the Tickle Monster, and I don’t know what you’re talking about~”
“Such language! I think that warrants a punishment, don’t you think?”
“Too bad! You’re getting a punishment right this instant!”
Taion moved his hands down to Noah’s hips, feverishly squeezing the area.
“AHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHO! TH-THAHAHAHT’S NOT FAHIHIHIR!” Noah tried to kick his legs in an effort to break out of the tactician-turned-tickle-monster’s hold, but he accomplished absolutely nothing. If anything, it earned him his legs being pinned down by Taion’s legs.
“What do you mean this isn’t fair? You swore, and according to my rules, that warrants a punishment!” Taion teased, “But you only said ‘hell’, so I’m not going to give you a severe punishment, only a minor one.”
“Yes, though it seems to me like you’re very ticklish in this area, so I guess this is a rather severe punishment. How unfortunate for you~”
Taion kept up the squeezes as he brought his hands up his poor victim’s sides and ribs and into his underarms, earning him a small squeal.
“Oh~? Is this a bad spot? And I just finished punishing you, too… Oh well, that isn’t going to stop me~!”
“G-GEHEHET OHOHOHOUT OF THEHEHEHERE! TAHAHAHAHAION, PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” The last part of Noah’s request came out a bit whiny as he desperately squirmed in Taion’s arms, trying anything, anything, to get out of his grip.
“Oh wow! I never thought I would hear the trusted off-seer of Keves beg for mercy like that~! You must be VERY ticklish here!”
“I AHAHAHAHAM! GOHOHOHO SOMEWHEHEHEHEHEHEHRE EHEHEHEHEHEHELSE!” Noah pleaded, not realizing what he’d just said. Fortunately (though it was unfortunate in Noah’s case), Taion noticed his slip-up.
“You want me to go somewhere else? As you wish, Noah~” He obliged, slowing the tickling down to a stop so he could give Noah a breather and think about the next spot he could target. He could feel the Keves refugee’s chest heave up and down as he gulped down as much air as he could in case Taion wasn’t finished with him yet.
“Nohohoho… I didn’t mehehean thahahat…” His words were barely a whisper, getting mixed up in the after-giggles he couldn’t help but let out. When he caught his breath and regathered his strength, he tried to squirm away once more, only to find that he still couldn’t break out of Taion’s pin. “Damn it! Just how strong is he?”
“Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard you ask me to move somewhere else… It wasn’t polite, but I’ll accept your request anyway.” Taion’s grip loosened as he hovered his hands above Noah’s body. “Now, where should I tickle you next…?”
“U-um… nowhehere?” At this point, Noah had given up on trying to escape the supposed tickle monster’s clutches, so he failed to notice the opportunity he had to finally get away from him.
“Hm… there is one spot I haven’t tried yet…”
“Shit!” Noah thought to himself, freezing in place. “I was hoping he wouldn’t think about it!”
“You okay there? I thought I felt you tense up.”
Was he… was Taion actually checking up on him? Like Lanz and Eunie did when they would tickle him silly back when they were kids? He didn’t know Agnus soldiers could be so caring!
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Are you… d-done now?” He whimpered out the second half of his question, still afraid that Taion wasn’t finished with him just yet and would go to that forbidden spot.
“Not just yet, but I promise that this will be the last spot I’ll tickle. When I’m done, I’ll let you go.”
“D-do you promise?”
“I promise.”
With that confirmation, Taion’s hands began their steady descent towards Noah’s stomach. His poor, unprotected stomach.
“Did you mean ‘Tickle Monster’?”
“Nohohoho… I meheheant Taihihihion… quihihit tehehehehasing mehehehe…”
“Oh, so you WANT me to tickle you~?”
“N-no, I never saihihid-!”
“Very well, then! I shall stop teasing you and get straight to the point, just like you asked~”
The very second Taion’s hands made contact with Noah’s belly, the latter broke out into laughter again.
“Oh but I will~ And judging by your reactions, I think it’s safe to say that this is your worst spot. Isn’t that right, Noah~?”
Noah was about to respond, but would soon lose the ability to speak at all as Taion’s hands wreaked untold havoc on his stomach. There were pokes, there were scritches, there were scribbles, and there were squeezes, and the end product of all of these different methods of tickle torture was an ear-splitting screech that Taion was almost certain would’ve been heard all the way from the Colony and whereever the rest of his allies were, following by the most hysterical laughter he had ever heard in his entire. Life. Not even Mio or Sena’s screeches could compare to the one that tore itself free from between Noah’s lips.
Yep, Noah had been officially broken, and all it took was some well-placed tickles to his tummy. But as much as he would’ve loved to keep tormenting the poor tummy beneath his hands, he knew he had to stop, and he had to do it soon.
And so he did. He stopped his hands almost immediately and pulled them away from Noah’s stomach, finally letting him roll out of his grasp as he let the poor boy go.
At first, he was afraid that Noah had fainted as he didn’t move for a few seconds after being let go, but his worries were eased when he heard a steady stream of giggles pour out of his mouth. He gave him a few minutes to give him the chance to regain control of himself, then spoke, concern very apparent in his voice.
“Are you going to be okay? I went overboard there, didn’t I…”
“Mahahahaybe, but I’ll behehe fine… It wihihill take more thahahan that to kill mehehe…” Noah giggled out confidently, a bit of an odd tone for him to use considering everything that just happened.
“So that’s what your real laugh sounds like… I won’t lie, I wasn’t expecting it to sound that hysterical. And yet…” Taion trailed off, contemplating whether or not he wanted to finish that sentence. He ultimately decided to go for it. “…It was cute.”
Noah shot up into a sitting position, face beet red with embarrassment and as wide as the saucers Taion assumed the Queens would use to place their teacups on (if either of them drank tea at all, he didn’t know). “C-cute?! You think my laugh is cute?!”
“I do, and if everyone else were here to hear all of that commotion, I think they would’ve found it cute, too.”
“Th-thanks… I appreciate the compliment…” Noah turned to face Taion, still sitting on the ground, “Can you promise me something?”
“Promise me that you won’t tell Mio or Sena. I’m not sure if I want them to know about this… Not yet, anyway…” Noah looked like he wanted to say more, so Taion waited until he spoke again.
“And in exchange for your secrecy, I promise I won’t tell Lanz and Eunie about how you acted that whole time.”
“A fair compromise. I don’t know what came over me back there, but I don’t think I would want Lanz and Eunie to know about that for the time being.”
It was awkward at first, but Noah and Taion would eventually look pinkies with each other, “Do we have an agreement, Taion?” Noah asked the tactician.
“Yes we do, Noah.”
Once the promise was solidified, the two refugees got up off the ground, dusted themselves off, and returned to scouting the area around the camp site.
It wouldn’t be another 2 hours before Lanz and the others returned from their search to report their findings to Noah and Taion, but while they were waiting, Taion mentally took notes on Noah’s true laugh.
“I made a promise to him that we wouldn’t talk about what happened with anyone, but one day… I hope I can share his laughter with the world.”
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Looking back at my previous post, I realized how ironic it is that Taion is like “Tickling is childish, and I’m above such silliness” when, if someone asked him to or if he deemed it appropriate to do so, he’d unleash his inner tickle monster and tickle his lee into hysterics without a moment’s hesitation.
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
I understand that this may cause a bit of emotional whiplash considering my last post (and to the anon who sent that message to my inbox, I will respond to it, I just don’t know what to say at the moment), but the first chapter of Xenoblade 3 has me thinking about Lanz and Taion’s relationship as the two tickle monsters of the main party.
Mild spoilers for the first chapter of Xenoblade 3 under the cut.
Lanz and Taion’s bickering upon meeting each other after the events of Alfeto Valley has me thinking about the potential of them being super competitive with each other in terms of who’s the better tickle monster. They’d constantly challenge each other to see who’s the best tickler out of the two of them, and unfortunately, the rest of the main party are their victims test subjects.
I can see the two of them being like, “I’m the best tickler out of all of us!” “No, I’M the better tickler of this group!” while they tickle their poor victim to tears. They’d try to one up each other and get carried away while doing so, resulting in them nearly tickling their friend to death.
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
big fan of mean ler taion but... have you considered.... taion who absolutely cannot take what he dishes out and is super ticklish and sucks at hiding it -tickleraptorss
Taion may be a mean tickle monster, but the moment someone flutters their fingers on his neck or tases his sides he just… dies.
He tries so hard to hide any and all signs of him being affected by the tickles (such as hiding his wobby smile behind his scarf or trying to keep himself from blushing) but everyone can see that he’s being affected, and once they decide to gang up on him to make him crack, he’s fucked.
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
It took a while for me to come up with all of these, but now that we have a little more information on the six protagonists in Xenoblade 3, I’ve decided to post a some headcanons for them!
Just like the headcanons I made on everyone’s position on the lee-ler-switch spectrum, these headcanons could change as more information comes out about these six characters. For now, however, this is what I have for everyone.
I’m putting these under a “Read More” just in case this post gets a bit too long.
I’m updating the headcanons I previously made for Mio and Eunie. My headcanon for Mio’s position on the lee-ler-switch spectrum is now a ler-leaning switch, and Eunie is now a pure ler. The headcanons I made for Noah, Lanz, Taion, and Sena remain the same for the time being.
From the most ticklish to the least ticklish, we have:
I don’t have a specific placement for Taion and Lanz because I have no clue if Lanz would be ticklish in the first place. Judging by his appearance, he might not be ticklish at all due to his mechanical body (or at least, it looks like a mechanical body. Maybe he’s related to the Machina from XC1 somehow?).
If he is ticklish, however, I think he would be in fifth place, which would make Taion the least ticklish out of the six protagonists.
According to Lanz’s character bio, him and Noah are childhood friends. Given this information, I don’t think anyone would be surprised to know that these two get into tickle fights All. The. Time.
I use the term “tickle fight” VERY loosely, because 99% of the time (or 100% of the time if Lanz isn’t ticklish), it’s just Lanz tickling the shit out of Noah.
Eunie will occasionally join in on Noah and Lanz’s tickle fights, usually so she and Lanz can work together to tickle Noah into hysterics.
There are times where Lanz and Noah will team up to tickle Eunie, but this rarely ever happens, mainly because Eucine will somehow find a way to tickle Noah and convince Lanz to help her tickle him.
Regardless of whether or not Noah is related to Shulk, he does share a weak spot with him, that being his stomach.
Noah can not take tummy tickles AT ALL. He’s just too sensitive there!
Hell, you don’t even have to tickle his belly if you want to make him laugh! You could put your hand on his stomach and not even move it an inch, and he’d still fall into a giggle fit.
Of course, everyone in the main party loves to take advantage of this. They mainly use this weakness of his to lift his spirits after he comes back from his duties as an off-seer, but they can also use this to their advantage should they get into an argument with him (both Lanz and Eucine can confirm that this works. Both of them have used this strategy multiple times in the past).
Noah has two other weakness: raspberries and feathers. He absolutely can not handle either one of these, especially if they’re used on his belly.
Similarly to Noah and Lanz, Mio and Sena will often get into tickle fights. Unlike Noah and Lanz, however, there’s a 50-50 chance of either one of them winning, even though Sena is physically stronger than Mio.
Unless of course Taion shows up, which in that case, both of them will lose.
Mio and Sena share a tickle spot with each other, that being their Core Crystals.
Taion is a downright EVIL ler. He will learn all your worst spots, and he will find all of your weaknesses. He will then proceed to come with a way to make his lees a giggly mess by combining the above information together. He’s a tactician, what more did you expect?
Long story short, don’t fuck with Taion. He will wreck your shit.
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
I change my mind. I need to make a post about the six protagonists of XC3 and where they fall on the lee-ler-switch spectrum.
My headcanons may change as I learn more about these six characters, but for now, here’s what I have:
Noah- True switch
Mio- Ler/Ler-leaning switch
Eunie- True switch
Taion- Ler-leaning switch
Lanz- Ler
Sena- Lee-leaning switch
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Tickle Fic Masterlist
Since I currently don’t have a tag for my fanfics, I have gone ahead and created a masterlist for all of my fics!
All of the fanfics on this masterlist will be organized by the fandom that the fic was written for, and all of the fandoms will be in alphabetical order.
To the right of each title, you will see the names of characters that appear in each fanfic, starting with the lee/lees and ending with the ler/lers.
In addition, each fic will have a summary. This summary can be found directly underneath the title of the fic that is being described by the summary. If any of the summaries describe a specific fic in a poor fashion, then I apologize. I’m not that good at summaries.
Be warned, some of these fics contain spoilers. If a fic has a spoiler in it, it will be noted in the Author’s Note of the fic in question.
I will try to remind myself to update this list whenever I write a new fic.
The link to this masterlist will be in my pinned post, but if you don’t want to use that link, you can either search for this post using the search bar, or check the “Tickle Fic Masterlist” tag.
Super Smash Bros.
An Unexpected Change in Routine (Lee!Cloud, Ler!Shulk)
The morning routine between Cloud and Shulk gets changed up a bit, to say the least.
Cheaters Never Prosper. Or do They? (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Cloud) (AO3 Link)
Shulk “cheated” in a casual Smash battle, but won’t admit to it. Cloud tickles a confession out of him.
Curiosity Tickled the Cat (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Cloud)
Shulk gets turned into a cat hybrid, and Cloud becomes curious. Naturally, this curiosity led to some tickly experiments.
Sleep is for the Ticklish (SSB Edition) (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Cloud) (AO3 Link)
Late in the night, Cloud finds Shulk in the lab. Seeing how the visionary hadn’t slept at all that night (he was too busy with research), Cloud takes matters into his own hands.
Stubborn (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Cloud)
Shulk refuses to tell Cloud what’s upsetting him, even after Cloud threatens to tickle him. So Cloud, what else, tickles him until he talks to him about it.
Pain and Stress Relief (Lee!Shulk, Ler! Wii Fit Trainer [referred to as Sally in this fic])
Shulk gets a stomach ache due to stress, and the Wii Fit Trainers give him an abdominal massage to help him out. There’s only one problem with that: Shulk’s stomach is insanely ticklish.
P.S The Male Wii Fit Trainer is in this fic too (he is referred to as Sal in this fic), but he’s neither a lee or a ler in this fic, so I didn’t include his name in the parenthesis.
Valuable Lessons (Lee!Young Cricket, Ler!Kat, Ler!Ana)
Never underestimate your enemies. Apparently, Cricket forgot this lesson, and suffers the consequences for doing so.
Wild Kratts
The Other Chris (Lee!Martin Kratt, Ler!Chris Kratt)
After a string of bad luck, Chris decides to get revenge on the source of some of his frustration: his brother Martin Kratt.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Silver Linings from Silver Eyes (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Alvis) (AO3 Link)
Alvis learns that Shulk had had a stressful day at work. When Shulk begins to verbally tear himself apart right in front of him, Alvis steps in to cheer him up with compliments and tickles.
New World, Old Traditions  (Lee!Fiora, Ler!Shulk, Ler!Reyn)
Fiora sleeps in on the morning of her birthday. To wake her up, Shulk and Reyn tickle her. As soon as she is awake, they remind her of an old tradition the three of them used to have.
Wakey Wakey (Lee!Shulk, Ler!Fiora)
Shulk sleeps in, and Fiora has to wake him up. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Off-Seers Need a Good Laugh, Too (Lee!Noah, Ler!Eunie, Ler!Lanz with background Lee!Mio, Ler!Sena, Ler!Taion)
After Noah returns from his duties as an off-seer, Eunie and Lanz team up to tickle him (Sena and Taion team up to tickle Mio, too, but for the most part, this happens in the background).
Remember to Laugh (Lee!Noah, Ler! Taion)
Taion's curious as to what Noah's real laugh sounds like, which leads to him showing off the (surprisingly) playful side of himself.
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