#but when have I ever been able to keep things organized on this blog?
luveline · 8 months
would you ever be willing to write the day spencer and stripper!reader met in the grocery store? i’ve always loved the concept when you’ve referenced it in the story, i would love to read it👀 you’re absolutely incredible and i can never say anything not anon to you because my blog is flooding you with notes constantly and i’m embarrassed😅
thank you for your request ❤️ fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for domestic violence and workplace abuse
There's this weird organic grocery store by Spencer's place that's far too expensive, but it's a ten minute walk, so that's where he goes. (Weird in separation to organic.) 
He needs a lot of groceries now he's home for the week. Bread, vegetables, rice, flour if he wants to try and make pancakes, which he does. He also needs a new pen to write a letter for his mom, but Leaven is slightly too small for a stationery section. 
He doesn't know what he'll say to her in this one. Maybe that the cases he's going on are easy, or that he's been reading about crows. She's not feeling well lately. It might help her to know he's doing gentle things, even if it isn't true. 
No, he thinks. Can't lie to her. He never lies to his mom. 
Eggs. Sugar. Coffee grounds. He fills his cart. It'll be a lot to carry on the way home, but better to do it in one go. He likes keeping busy but he's a human being, too, and he's looking forward to spending at least sixteen hours in bed after dinner tonight. 
You look tired, too. 
Your back is turned, but Spencer knows it's you. You must live close by, he's been seeing you duck in and out for months. Usually with a loaf of bread or a single box of painkillers tucked in your pocket. You don't steal, he'd be able to tell, and he wouldn't say anything if you did, anyways. All he knows about you is that you have a nice smile when you have the energy, and your voice is like silk. Purposeful or by nature, he's yet to guess. 
You're standing by the end of the aisle near the checkouts with a basket hanging from your fingers. All you're buying today is a box of pancake mix and a bag of peas. 
Weird, he thinks with a smile. Spencer likes weird stuff. It's quirky. 
You turn to see which checkout is empty and Spencer's smile abruptly drops. 
You have a bruise across half of your face. It isn't strictly fresh —he can see the split skin on your cheek starting to close in on itself, and your purpled eye is open (though barely). You're frowning. Spencer knows how bad it hurts to get hurt like that. For a split second he can't believe someone could do that to another person, and then he remembers the hundreds of women he's had the privilege to meet at their most vulnerable, who trusted him, and he thinks maybe he's capable of helping another one. 
“Hey,” he says. 
You meet his eyes with a funny smile. “Hey. Sorry, am I in the way?” you ask, your voice stretched, thin but not weak. 
“No, you're not, it's… I see you here all the time.” 
You hold your breath. When you talk, it rushes out. “So?” you ask wearily.
“Are you okay?” 
Your funny smile fades as Spencer's had. He supposes that's the talent of cruelty. Even when it's over, it's not truly over. Your bruise still hurts, and Spencer still needs to know you'll be okay when you go home tonight. 
“I see you all the time too. We've… we've actually spoken before, haven't we?” you ask after a moment. 
“Yeah, about spirometry. I was out of breath running and–” It doesn't matter. You asked him if he was okay, and he explained that he was, just that his lungs don't hold much air on account of his own laziness, and it doesn't matter. “Are you? Alright? It's a bad bruise.” 
“It's getting better.” 
It might be, but there's something so raw about seeing you standing there in your sweatpants too big for you and a hoodie with a hole in it, purple and yellow contusion across your eyes and nose like the clumsy stroke of a paintbrush. Spencer will admit to feeling sorry for you.
“Can I talk to you?” he asks, knowing this isn't the right place. “There's the cafe at the front? Let me pay for my stuff and–” 
“I'm really okay–” 
“You had a cast on your wrist two weeks ago and now you're here with a limp and a really bad bruise,” he says softly, imploringly, “I just wanna talk to you about it. You don't have to say yes, I'm not trying to be weird, but I–” 
You cut off his mile a minute speech with a small smile. “Okay. I'm not, you know, doing anything anyways. It'll be nice to sit down.” 
Spencer knows it's dumb, but he wants to show he has good intentions. He takes your basket out of your hands and nods toward the cafe past the checkouts. “I'll come and meet you.” 
“You don't have to,” you say, gesturing at the basket. 
“The damage is done, right? This place is ridiculous.” He doesn't like the way you're holding your hip. It makes him feel sick, even though there's no proof one way or another to say you've been hurt beyond your bruising.
He pays for his things and yours and meets you at the cafe. He's half expecting you to have bolted, but you sit at a table near the entrance, completely still. 
Spencer puts his two bags under the table and offers you your pancake mix and peas in their own bag. 
“Yeah, no problem.” 
“It was my boss.” You look at your fingers, spreading them slowly over the table top. “I’m a dancer. Sorry. I know you’re going to ask.” 
“And he hit you?” 
Spencer knows the number for every women’s shelter in every state, but he doubts it would matter to you. He can tell already that you’d say no. He can tell you’re scared, even if you don’t realise it yourself. “Is it getting worse?”
You can’t offer him anything else. He understands how that feels. There have been moments where he desperately wanted to tell someone, anyone, what was going on in his life, but he always holds his secrets like a perpetual ache in his throat. It’s like he can’t tell someone, even if they ask. 
Sometimes he just wishes they’d ask twice. 
“You can tell me. It won’t sound stupid,” he promises. He’s in some odd place between Agent Reid and young, terrified Spencer, determined to help you, but not sure how. “It’s getting worse, right?” 
“Yeah,” you say, the weight of tears on your tongue. 
“You’re a dancer. Is he just a boss– Does he… abuse you financially?” 
You laugh wetly. “He’s not my pimp.” 
He can feel his face heating up.’“No, but do you get paid on time? Everything you earn?” 
You shake your head. “No, I don’t get paid on time. He takes a percentage, and somehow there’s always another percentage, and then discipline. And now…” 
“Now he’s hitting you.” Very badly. 
“I’m not stupid.” 
Spencer frowns gently, talks softly, “I didn’t mean to imply that you were.” 
“No, I know, but I need you to know I’m not stupid. When we talked before, you– you’re so smart, I bet you know so many smart people.” 
He’s not sure where you’re going with this. Perhaps you don’t want to talk about being hurt anymore. It must be a kind of torture to be hurting and know that that hurting will come again. There isn’t an end in sight for you, just right now. 
“Can I buy you something to eat?” 
“I have money,” you say, taking your small purse from your pocket. There are a few notes wedged inside. 
“You can’t take painkillers on an empty stomach, and you should take painkillers again soon. You had some before you came, and they’re wearing off.” He meets your confused frown with a frown of his own. “Your hands are twitching like you want to move away from yourself.” 
“You’re very perceptive,” you say in that smooth murmur. Power clawed back, he thinks. You’re protecting one of the things you can control about how you’re seen when everything else is far from it. 
“I’m a profiler. Do you,” —he tries not to sound hoity toity— “know what that is?” 
“I’m an FBI agent.” You’re laughing as he takes out his badge. He joins you. “I know it sounds like I’m making it up.” Spencer offers you his identification passport slowly, so you know he isn’t wielding it around to be an asshole. “I’m in the behavioural analysis unit. We analyse the way people act. That’s why I know you’re in pain.” 
You take his badge, looking between his photo and his real face with a growing smile. “If you need all that to know I’m in pain, you’re not as smart as you think,” you tease, gesturing to the mottled skin of your bruise sweetly. 
Spencer buys you both cold sandwiches from the front of the shop and a drink to wash down your aspirin. It’s awkward, he guesses, but he’s used to that by now, and under it he can feel your palpable relief. You trust him to not hurt you, if nothing else, and he can work with that. 
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foreveric · 2 months
"𝓘 𝓓𝓞."
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pairing — john wick x f!reader content — 70% FLUFF 20% ANGST 5% SMUT words — 2,284 dividers — @saradika-graphics tagging — @feinv and @iovesia (srsly their blogs r what kept us inspired to finish this while sick, lol)
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This is it.
The day hundreds of lives were ended so that John would be able to settle down in his life with you, the most precious thing that he’s ever had in his life. You’re like his rock that he’s never had growing up, and he wouldn’t dare risk allowing his bloody career to get in the way of the life that he could have with you. And now, everything that he had planned and gone through that day for this very ceremony was coming into fruition.
Today made it feel like everything he did that night was worth it: all of the lives he took, and the blood he had to so violently spill. Watching you walk down the aisle in the dream wedding dress he’d always imagined on you, kissing you slowly at the altar after you’ve shared your vows to seal your commitment after years of dating each other. 
Hearing the marching music begin to fade in, John’s gaze flickered up to meet your own, even if it was covered slightly by the mesh of the white veil you were wearing. Lifting the veil up, John would flash you a smile full of warmth and affection; the most emotional smile the man was ever able to muster in his entire life — you could just see it behind his eyes.
“Do you, Mr. Jardani Jovonovich, take Ms. (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife…” The Officiant asked, his attention focusing on John as he stood at the altar, holding onto your hands.
A few months earlier, John was in a much different place mentally. Instead of getting prepared for his wedding with you, he was preparing for his final assassination, the “impossible task”, as Viggo called it. Of course, John was more than willing to perform such a task, if it meant getting to settle down with the love of his life.
“You did well, Jonathan.” Viggo commented to John with his hands held behind his back.
“Thanks,” John replied with a small nod of his head, silently expecting Viggo to add onto his statement.
“I suppose you still want to be released from our organization?”
“Yeah.” He answered firmly, yet he still tried to keep himself level-headed after the adrenaline rush of the mission.
“Well, I wish you and your lover the best life.” Viggo replied to John before turning his back to him, holding his hands behind his own back while he stared out the large window that was just placed just behind the desk. “Be seeing you, Mr. Wick.” He added in a colder voice than before. It was a tone that didn’t go unnoticed by John, but he didn’t care then. At least, not about this “family” he’d been stuck in since his childhood. No, now all that he cared about was the future he was about to lead with you.
In the shower at home, you were luckily not home that day, giving John the perfect chance to wash the blood away from his body. None of it was his blood, though. No, he was washing off the lives he’d ended a mere few hours ago. But, he was used to this feeling — he was used to killing, to seeing the red on his hands and chest after an exhausting mission. 
And now, John tried to make himself focus on the plans he had made for today many months ago — to propose to (y/n), and make you his officially. That ring he got a few weeks ago? It was going to be used for this special day. His heart leaped when he opened up the box to check on the ring, the diamond shimmering brightly in the sunlight that seeped in through the nearby glass windows of the mansion he was now sharing with you. A smile painted itself across John’s lips as a reaction to the thoughts he began to have flooding through his mind of the day that would soon be in his future.
Then, just as he’s lost in thought, John’s head whipped up to the sound of the doorbell ringing, announcing your presence at the front door. Quickly hiding the box away from view, underneath the bed, John sprinted out of the bedroom to greet you at the door. There’s a smile still present on his face as you open the door, immediately welcomed by him wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his embrace and kiss the top of your head.
“Hey, hon.” John greeted you, his voice more cheerful than it normally is.
“Hey…how was your day?” You ask, your voice sounding groggy from working long hours throughout the day.
Catching on to your exhaustion, John gave you a light nod of his head before taking his right hand and gently placing it on the back of your neck, his thumb resting on the side of your jawline. 
"I've been thinking about you," he says with a tone of sincerity laced through his voice while his deep brown eyes were locked onto your own.
"Yeah?" You reply with a hint of playfulness that John quickly caught onto, making him smirk down at you.
"Mm-hmm." John murmurs affirmatively right before leaning in to lock his lips onto yours; they always surprise you with how soft they are every time you feel them. After breaking the kiss, he brought his lips up to brush them against your ear, sending shivers down your entire back. "You go take a shower while I cook you some food, alright?" He offers, yet there was a silent hint that he wasn't going to budge on this.
"Okay." You agree, nodding your head lightly in response to the offer John had just made you.
Lying wounded on the cold ground of the warehouse in which Viggo's enemies operated in, John gasped for breath as he locked eyes with the sky, which was pouring down the same tears he nearly shed at the idea of not standing at the altar with you, not putting that ring on your finger, not marrying YOU. He couldn't bear himself if this is how it all ended. When he noticed he was unable to get up, however, you seemed to have a spiritual hold on him — or, maybe even...a connection? John began to hear his phone ring, prompting him to glance down and take a look until he saw that it was your contact displaying as the number that was calling. At first, John was hesitant to answer. Not because he didn't want to answer your call, it would be far from that. No. Instead, it would be because...he was terrified of what you'd think of him if you were to find out about the truth of his past and what he used to do for his life. But, something clicked inside of John for him to press the green button on the keypad of the cell phone, lifting it up to his ear to hear your voice speaking to him once again.
"Hey, babe. I got dinner ready a few hours ago and you didn't come home, are you okay?" You ask as the line connected, the concern evident in the tone of your voice.
"Long story..." John answered in his own weakened and strained voice. You could immediately discern that something was horrifically wrong.
"Where are you?"
Not a beat was skipped between either of you before you swung your purse over and around your shoulder, jingling your car keys in between the crooks of your fingers. John gives you the address to the warehouse he was in. Of course, the sketch location raised questions in your head, but you knew you couldn't probe him for answers now; not when he's in such a risky position.
"I'll be right there." You say as you swing the front door open and begin to rush out to the driveway until you reach the car that was left.
In a matter of no time, John would soon begin to hear the engine of your car rumbling in the near distance until it was parked a mere few yards away from his limp body. "Oh, John!" You exclaim in concern right before rushing over to where John was leaning against the warehouse wall, the adrenaline immediately beginning to course through your entire being.
"I'm alright, honey." John replied in a soft-toned voice that was only meant to comfort you through the distress he knew he must be putting you through.
"I'm going to get you in the car," you declare in a tone that leaves no room for him to argue with you. But, in that moment, it really seemed as though John had no thoughts of even attempting as such. Taking his arm over your shoulder, (y/n) used your strength to walk John back over to your car to the passenger side. Once he was seated, you quickly pulled the seatbelt over John’s chest and buckled him in right before shutting his side’s door and darting around the car until you were able to get into the driver’s side.
Back at home, you gave John the stitches he needed for the deep gunshot wounds he had when you first got to him. There was a surge of emotions flooding throughout your entire mind, mostly being that of fear and concern for John’s well-being. You couldn’t lose him, not when you still have the chance to save him. Shoving away the questions you may have wanted to ask him, you focus on the task at hand of saving his life.
After you took John’s black tuxedo and white dress-shirt off by sliding them up his arms and chest, revealing two gunshot wounds to his right shoulder and chest, eliciting a gasp out of you.
“Jesus Christ, John.”
“I know, I know…” he attempted to speak up while keeping his voice low and soft-spoken, but you were too panicked to even hear him as you prioritized making every last move count.
“This is the worst I’ve ever seen you.” You continue to mumble to yourself as you attempt to concentrate on the bloody wounds that were penetrated straight through John’s skin.
“Where the Hell even were you?” You question, quickly followed up by an exasperated sigh with your eyebrows furrowing deeply in frustration. The thought of someone hurting John made your blood boil into pure rage.
“(Y/N), relax.” He finally spoke up, this time at a much louder volume than before to ensure that he got your attention. John would then notice you flinch back slightly, prompting him to reassuringly reach both of his hands up to lightly yet firmly place them on the top of either of your shoulders, his thumb slowly rubbing the exposed skin underneath your crewneck top. “I promise, I’m okay.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” You sigh before reaching your hands back down towards the one gunshot wound you were giving stitches to. John appeared to hardly even flinch the entire time, only raising more questions in your head. But you knew that now was not the time to probe for anything. After you have finished stitching up John’s wounds, you exhale out a deep sigh and rub your forehead with the back of your hand. He could see how exhausted you were after a long day, making him reach his hands out to hold onto your shoulders. Your eyes lock onto each other’s.
“Thank you,” John said. A soft smile curls up across the corners of his lips and he trails one of his hands up from your shoulder to the nape of your neck, prompting you to lean in closer to him. Locking your lips, you and John began to share a searing kiss. It was one of those that made your heartbeat start to speed up against the walls of your chest, one that you would never forget for as long as you shall live 
That’s the moment that John recalled when he snapped back into reality to see you standing in front of him, looking like the most gorgeous bride ever. His eyes sparkled with love and affection, his smile growing warmer right as the Officiant continued on with his speech. The music already faded out and it was all silent on the Western front – only the Officiant spoke, and the audience was also silent, even the babies. “— in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The Officiant asked while his head was turned in John’s direction, who answered with a light nod of his head in confirmation.
“I do.” John responded to the Officiant, his eyes never once straying away from yours.
“And do you, Ms. (Y/N), take Mr. Jardani Jovonovich to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do.”
The ring bearers then handed the proper ring to the bride and groom, which was then followed by you and John sliding either ring on each other’s ring finger. You both were smiling gleefully at each other while the trade was made between you. “In the power vested in me, I hereby declare you husband and wife.” The Officiant announced with joy radiating through his tone of voice as he took a small step back, allowing you and John to close the distance between the both of you. “You may now kiss the bride.” He said to John, who didn’t waste a second in making your marriage official.
That kiss, it’s like one that you could only ever dream of. It was one that would change either of your lives forever; not like how your first kiss did, no. This kiss was one that would change the course of your relationship for the rest of your lives, officially making the both of you legally married. He was your husband, and you were his wife. And now, you could live happily ever after.
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How to avoid info dumping at the end of a story (with a huge world change) for a large cast of supporting characters in order to let readers know how these characters are getting on with their lives?
My first, second, third, etc. drafts of this climax and resolution chapter keep getting messier the more I try to make this information more organic and less boring. I can't seem to break out of telling this information to the reader when I know that showing works better.
There is an epilogue chapter which is dedicated to showing the lives of my two protagonists a few years after the story's resolution so I'm not worried about how that plays out.
Thank you for your time, and for this blog. I recently discovered it, and have sent it to my other writing friends.
Story Clunky with Supporting Characters' Resolutions
It sounds like you're trying to do way too much with your ending. :)
I like to think of story endings in three stages:
-- taking stock as the "dust settles" from the climax -- settling into the post-climax situation/world -- "sometime later" epilogue, if any at all
Taking Stock as the Dust Settles
Regardless of whether your story's climax is the final round of a cheer competition, a last-ditch effort to prevail upon a love interest not to leave, a courtroom battle with an innocent life on the line, or an epic showdown between good and evil, from the first second the climax is won or lost, a period of "dust settling" begins. This period can play out over minutes, hours, even a full day or two immediately following the climax. During this time, the protagonist/s and any main characters directly involved in the climax take stock of the impact of their win or loss by tending to any casualties, examining the consequences, and determining next steps. In story structure, this period is known as "falling action" because things are ramping down toward the ending.
Settling Into the Post-Climax World
Now we skip ahead to when the dust has settled. The casualties have already been tended to. The consequences have been examined and addressed. Next steps have been determined and taken. This is days later, possibly weeks, maybe even months. The protagonist/s have settled into their new, post-climax situation or world. If they won a cheer competition and the result of that was being accepted to a college dream team, they're packing up the car, ready to drive to their new college life. If they won a major court trial and the consequence was being able to retire with a clear conscience, they are cleaning out their office and daydreaming about sipping tropical drinks on a beach somewhere. If they overthrew an oppressive usurper and the consequence was being able to assume their rightful place on the throne, they are flanked by hopeful courtiers as they make their way into the castle for their coronation.
Sometime Later/Ever After Epilogue
Some stories skip ahead several months, a year, even a few years to show where things finally end up. The cheerleader may be performing during a college homecoming game. The lawyer may be drinking a mojito on a beach in Mazatlan. The queen may be watching a joust at the Queen's Tourney while the citizens of her happy, thriving kingdom enjoy the festival.
Where do main characters fit into all this? It's easier to address the main characters during the "dust settling" stage, because they were part of the climax. They're already there, already participating.
However, depending on what your protagonist/s "settling in" and "sometime later" stage looks like, the main characters who were involved in the climax may not even be present. They may be off doing their own thing by that point, and it may be tempting to leave the protagonist to go show what each of those characters are doing, but that's how you end up with an overblown, clunky ending.
If your characters are a part of the protagonist's "settling in" and "sometime later" stages, you can find a way to have them participate in the scene that is mainly highlighting what the protagonist is doing. For example, let's say the usurped heir has a bestie who is a knight-in-training, as the now queen is walking into the castle for her coronation, she might look at the flanks of hopeful courtiers and see her best friend in their shiny new Queen's Guard armor, and she might think about how she's excited to hug them during the knighting ceremony later that day. With just a few sentences, we've let the reader know that the knight-in-training has been inducted into the Queen's Guard and is going to be knighted. Then, if you choose to do an epilogue where the beloved queen is watching a joust during the Queen's Tourney, you could have her watching her bestie compete and win, illustrating that they're now a successful knight. And let's say there was a blooming relationship between this knight and another character... when the knight wins, they jump off their horse and embrace the loved one. Now the reader knows they're together and having their own little HEA. Again, just a few sentences, no big deal.
In other words, the point isn't to do a five paragraph dive into what each character's life is like now. You just find the most important element or two, then find a succinct way to illustrate it--showing, telling, both... whatever works. If a character wouldn't be present during either of these two stages, the narrator or protagonist can tell the reader (briefly) where they ended up. Or, maybe the protagonist gets a text message that hints at a few things, or maybe another character asks about them and the protagonist fills them in.
I think a really great example of this is in the movie version of The Mockingjay [spoilers for The Mockingjay, the movie in particular.] After the climax and the "dust settling" stage, Peeta reads a letter (from Annie, I think?) that updates him and Katniss on how she and some of the other characters are doing. We get one line about Gale, an important character and one of the most important people in Katniss's life, when we are told about his military appointment. But, that's all we need. We don't need to see him actually performing that role, or know where he's living or who he's loving or what he does in his spare time. We just need one point of reference that roots him in the space of the "ever after." Gale has been promoted to a captain in district two to help keep order and security. Boom. Done. End of story.
And there are many supporting characters whose endings we don't get to hear about. It's okay for us to wonder where this character or that character ended up.
So... be honest about who needs to be rooted in the "ever after" in some way. Who will the readers care about the most besides the protagonist/s? Rank the characters from one to whatever, and address only the top three to five. Find a way to work the characters naturally into the protagonist's "settling in" or "sometime later/ever after" epilogue so the reader can get a glimpse of them there. Or, if they are in another place at that time, find a way to have the protagonist/s learn of where the characters ended up so the reader can learn along with them.
It's going to make for a much less clunky, much smoother ending. :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Victor Edwin Payne
Thomas King doesn’t know what he’s fucking dealing with. Thomas might have power and money, but he’s Capitol born and bred. He has power, alright, and he might have allied with the rebellion to take down the Games and the President’s Council, still ruling Panem in the President’s name, but he doesn’t know what it takes to be Edwin Payne. What it takes to get out of that Arena, breathing through blood and broken bones and guilt and crawling your way to your Victory. What it takes to be a child forced to kill other children, forced to make yourself into a monster, forced to be the only one to make it out. What it takes to be standing there in front of the hovercraft, bleeding, half-dead, knowing that you only survived because everyone else died.
Monty remembers Edwin’s Games. Remembers the way that he had mostly won using traps, able to keep far away, until the final day when he had been in a fight with Simon. Simon, the boy from One, had tried to sacrifice Edwin to the spider mutts, and by all means, Simon, who was bigger and better-trained and had been eating better for the three weeks they’d been in the Arena, should have won. Edwin Payne should have died that day and Monty should have died three years later.
But Edwin has always run faster than anyone would have predicted. He’s always been faster, endured longer, broken harder without falling than anyone ever gave him credit for.
Edwin is not just a pretty thing that ended up in Capitolite beds. He’s not just a quick tongue and a quicker mind. He is a survivor with a heart that beats louder and bigger than anyone else that Monty has ever met. He is bloodied and broken and brutal and beautiful because of all of that.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, there's nothing sweeter than my baby (so full of love I could barely eat)
But oh, my heart was flawed I knew my weakness So hold my hand Consign me not to darkness
So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown I can take the road and I can fuck it all away But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate
-Mumford & Sons, Broken Crown
@deadboy-edwin @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @ashildrs
@tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude @mj-irvine-selby
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@tiredghostby @sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @queen-of-hobgobblers @every-moment-a-different-sound
@nix-nihili @holvivum
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kindlespice · 9 months
🍉 actual hiatus 🍉
hi hi! so... it's been a while! *checks notes* i have not posted since august... of last year x.x i've been lurking around a bit occasionally dropping likes here and there, but for the most part been entirely absent. i feel like it's wayyyy past time for me to check-in, let everybody know i'm okay and all that jazz. but i am declaring this an actual hiatus now
i lost the simblr itch, i thought "surely it will come back" but it never came back and now i'm hyperfixating on other things.
i'm gonna put specifics under a read more if anyone's that interested in what i've been doing, what i will be doing, where i'll be hanging out now, etc. but it's really nothing big or major--just interests changing.
⭐ my content + patreon
(since it's kinda important and i want everyone to be able to see this) i'm not deleting this account and i'm still keeping my content up both on patreon and sfs! you will still be able to download things for free!!! i will be deleting my patreon tier! even though it was basically a donation tier, i feel bad keeping it up knowing i'm consciously not making more sims content (or being really active in the community) for the foreseeable future i'll be reaching out to existing patrons and making a similar post over there as well about the tier change!
i also wanna say thank you to everyone who's ever followed, donated, liked, commented, messaged, lurked or just been sweet and kind to me ❤️! simblr will always have a special place in my heart, so i don't think i'll ever leave leave, but i owe it to you guys to let you know that i'm making the conscious decision to be inactive for some time.
as a closing statement, fk isr*el and i am absolutely 100% without a doubt full stop
you should be too if you're any kind of decent human being :)
⭐what will happen to my account?
nothing really. or at least nothing different from how it's been for the last year and some change XD like i said, i'm still keeping my blogs up, downloads won't move, etc. i am just committing to not actively posting content or really being on simblr that much. maybe i'll drop some likes or comments when the mood hits (like i have been), but not really much else. i guess if there's any questions about this i'll answer them since my active attention will be back on simblr for at least a few days while i clean some things up. i would like to do one last thing as a kind of parting gift at some point... i never did end up cleaning up my downloads page or organize the thumbs/sorting for my cc like i said i would so maybe i'll do that before it gets away from me again but i'm not making any promises
⭐why am i on hiatus?
nothing bad happened or anything, i just.... lost interest. I already wasn't really playing the game that much even when i was super active; i mostly just took pictures and did edits. but i just wasn't having as much fun as i used to, opening the game started feeling like a chore, i wasn't all that inspired to make content, etc. i've burnt out on simblr on many an occasion so i just took a break like i always do but it kept going...and going.......and going.........until i realized it had been FOREVER and i hadn't really felt the itch to create here during that time, it wasn't coming back, and i was having much more fun doing other stuff. the times i did consider coming back it was more bc i felt bad about not creating rather than any actual desire to create. so i had to think long and hard about whether or not i even really wanted to come back. and i flip-flopped for probably 6 months--trying to drum up creative projects and never committing--before coming to the conclusion that i think i just need to call it a hiatus XD
⭐what have i been up to?
annoying my family with boycott lists and making them buy alternatively :D bouncing back and forth between many different hyperfixations... i fell back down the skyrim rabbithole several times, genshin, stardew, acnh, made a million notion pages i'll never use--the usual suspects. BUT BG3! at one point i swore i was gonna come back end of july/early aug but then BG3 dropped early and it was over... i definitely did A LOT of heavy lurking here when the girlies were all posting GORGEOUS tavs omg... i spent a while getting ts3 up and running, even made a sideblog thinking "maybe i'll come back with ts3 content that would be cool!"... just to not end up playing and not using the sideblog and not coming back -.- 4LIENS were supposed to have a comeback like... 4 separate times and it just did not happen... i've been making a concerted effort to get back into drawing and art. i've been in a kind of... depression? slump? with it for years now; always feeling like it wasn't good enough, that i should be better since i'm so "gifted and talented", i should be monetizing it and not "wasting" all that skill, blah blah imposter syndrome blah blah getting frustrated when i'm not 100% perfect all the time blah blah feeling like a disappointment to my family blah blah... but i am HELLA sick and tired of having all this anxiety and fear surrounding something i used to love so much so i'm pushing through! i've been trying out lots of different mediums and actually using my sketchbooks and just generally trying to introduce more fun into the process and stop being so hard on myself all the time. i picked up crocheting for a bit. at this point i haven't touched it in so long i probably forgot how to do it but... maybe one day i'll make a blanket or smth I started journalling (relatively) regularly for a bit. i was feeling really down at several points throughout the year and i thought having daily entries would help combat the feeling like every day was just absolute shit. on the contrary, the majority of days are good--at worst mundane--the bad ones just tend to stick out more. trying to get back into reading again... i miss doing it for leisure and taking notes bc i want to and not because i have a 300 annotation school assignment :P and a whole bunch of other stuff probably but it's hard to remember every single thing that's been on my mind for 16 months lol
⭐what will i be doing / where can you find me now?
i'm hoping to start a webtoon/build up art socials in the new year as a part of my "reconnecting to art" process. i made some art socials @kbearie-art here and @/kbearie_art on insta, youtube, tiktok, and twitter; they're empty for now though bc i got scared the minute i made them and never posted anything -.- but i'll be real with you... twitter is a cesspool, and im not fond of tiktok so i think tumblr, insta and youtube will probably be where i'll dedicate my time i've been thinking about getting back into posting videos on youtube again just in general. in fact this thought was the final push for me to make this post bc i was like... if i post a video out of the blue with no word to simblr that would be fked up XD i play games all the time and i had such a fun time recording, learning to edit and stuff that i think i'd like to pursue that further. i wouldn't be doing sims related stuff though bc...well... i don't play anymore XD but other games ya know. my other youtube is kspice (the same place with my tutorials, speed edits, the acnh vid, etc.) if you'd be interested in that
and i guess that's pretty much it!
again, for at least the next couple of days i'll probably actively have my eyes on this post/simblr in general (and i am gonna clear out my inbox hopefully) so if you have questions i'd ask em quickly before i go back into hiding XD
thanks again, i love you guys, free palestine, and have a good new year! 🍉⭐💖
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ofblackskies · 10 months
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So this blog has hit 1'000 followers recently, and that gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies about all the people I've met along the way. The ones I talk to every day, the ones I've fallen out of touch with or who are no longer a part of the community, and the ones I keep on my dash even though we never speak. This blog is one of my safe spaces and that's primarily because of all the amazing people I keep around. So I figured this was the perfect time to give all y'all a little extra love.
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My ride or dies here, my hoes before bros, the loves of my life, these are the people who make every day on here worth it. These are the people I hope I never ever lose contact with - and if I do it's their fault and they deserve to be punished for it tbh.
@devilsanddarlings - Chrissy and I have been friends for 12 years both on and off of tumblr, but more importantly before tumblr and after tumblr. I have no doubt in my mind that we'll be friends until the end of time. I would trust you with my passwords, but I would also trust you with my life, and I do trust you with all my secrets. You've been with me through the epic highs and lows of high school football everything, and if we ever lose touch it'll be because I'm dead. And even then? I'mma haunt your ass. So be ready.
@acourtcfmuses - Alana! You and I are going on 8 years knowing each other, and you're so awesome. You're one of my oldest friends from this hellsite, and the only one who's really active anymore. And when I say active, I mean active. Nobody has more characters than you. I've finally broken 100 and I'm still nowhere near being able to be in the same race! Not only that, but you do so well with all your canons, and your ocs are all so well put together. Thank you for always being around when I need you - even if we are on completely different time lines, you always reply when you can and that means a lot.
@hellgiven - Charli, you're one of the few people that I would follow to any blog they made. I don't care what the fandom is, I don't care who the character is, so long as it's you writing them, I know it will be good and I know that we'll find a fun pairing to write! I tell you things I don't tell hardly anyone, and you let me bitch when I need to but you don't ever take it to heart, and I love that. I love you <3
@snnydcys - Lumi, I know I give most of my attention when it comes to our friendship to Channy, and I know I'm terrible at getting to replies in a timely manner - but Channy deserves the attention, and you never bully me about how slow I can be. You've adapted Sonny into this multi-fandom baddie, and you did it in such an organic way that I could never have imagined could be done with a Disney character. I'm always so impressed by the way you've made her fit everywhere. And I promise I will get to doing other things with your other characters. I promise.
@carp3diems - Bluejayyyyy! First of all, obligatory mention of the soulmates: Cal and Del are everything and I swear any time I go to write a reply for him that isn't for her, he's in my head whinging and asking where she is. The fact that I have an oc who's so obsessed with yours is honestly such a vibe because I too, am obsessed with you. You're a great friend, and you only pressure me to write when I explicitly ask you to - which is exactly what I need sometimes. I'm a sucker for all of our little ships and plots and dynamics, even the ones that we're just getting started, and I adore youuuu.
@unitcd - Fabian, we share a love of Jeremiah and a hatred on Conrad, and them there could be fighting words to a lot of people, but we get along so well! Even without that basis, I think we would have become friends eventually, and I'm really glad we did! Even if I'm terrible and don't reply fast enough.
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These are the blogs I follow that either I don't write with much, or just haven't had the chance to get out of that 'new follower' stalking vibe with yet! This is also where I'm sticking those people I just don't talk with much ooc (at least not on a daily basis) but I still love so much! I adore you all, and thank you for making my experience on the dash so awesome, it wouldn't be this good without being able to read your threads
@unbearablyindifferent / @tobeblamed / @seesgood / @klaeus / @salvatoraes / @stanfordprepped / @tvintedspvrk / @fcntasyadvcnturc / @localsalt / @takeflight / @lcvelj / @lcveblossomed / @fuckedprophet / @inspotlight / @gunchamber / @benbraeden / @sunsymbols / @malka-lisitsa / @rhaegore / @stcllla / @shesdaylight / @cruelprincae / @sarcasticsnackpack / @saltzitivo (!!! I would say a lot more about you but you know. We don't do a lot here on tumblr anymore, but Hallie is one of my absolute favorite people on the planet alwaysss, my aussie sister <3)
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@thcdarlingboy - Blair isn't active right now, but she will forever be one of my favorite people I've ever met on this hellsite. Every day I hope she comes back to throw her characters at me, and because I think of her on such a frequent basis, she deserved an honorable mention on this list despite the fact that her blog hasn't been active since 2020. Blairbear, if you do pop on at any point in time and see this, I want you to know that I love you and I miss you &lt;3
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Now, if you've gotten through all of that and made it all the way down here, you deserve something special. So anyone who reblogs either this post or my promo by this time next week will get entered to win some sort of graphics prize. We can chat about what you want if you win, but the realm of options is anything from base icons, to a promo or blog graphics. I'll be picking two randomly generated people, and one person by hand. The only rules are that you have to be following me (this is a follow forever giveaway, after all), and you have to reblog either this post or my promo. Reblogging this post will gain you two entries, because I really want to give the loves of my life some love and get their names out there a little more! But I know it's long as hell, so no pressure! And good luck! May the odds be ever in your favor.
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hiya, I’d like to put some thoughts out there on my blog (my house) bc I need to yarf some intense feelings or I fear I will explode on a nuclear scale. This is about hollowridge (not in a negative light!! just explaining + reminiscing of old stuff and talking about new stuff. Pouring my heart out more than a little bit.)
I will put them under a readmore of course, this is PRETTY long winded, so you can read or ignore at your leisure -w- 
I was in my adri tag a while ago looking for some images and ended up going through the whole thing and seeing the evolution of him as a character and HR as a story. Additionally, I recently organized my external memory where all my art files are stored and also saw my old stuff, old concepts, old documents with info and ideas, etc etc and like other times where I have looked through my old stuff I have been WRACKED with so many emotions about it. It’s always a dangerous game to go back into my folders/tags to look because I always end up feeling this whooole spiel all at once and very intensely.
Seeing my content shifts is jarring. Very much so. It always is. I don’t think I can pinpoint causes, some of my better creative highs were at really low points in my life, and then other times my creativity and worlds were subsequently really hardly hit during similar lows. I like to think that I am on the up now though, both mentally and creatively. I’m getting back into a lot of things I love, and I am surrounded by people who I love dearly and who love me back, and things in general are really good! I feel less… I wouldn't say wrathful, but way less frustrated when looking back at my old stuff and more inspired to go back to these concepts with a healthier more open mind + knowing that I have improved nonetheless. 
Specifically for hollowridge. Hollowridge feels like a home to me, simple as that. It's something immensely dear to me and I think this is clear by how much effort I have put into it over time, not all of it well placed or with good results, but effort to make it the best that it could be (at best) and effort to keep it afloat (at worst). HR is a strange thing to look back on because it has gone through so many iterations that its hard to pinpoint just one when looking back, but there's a specific time slot (2017-2018 roughly… I’m not gonna check) that I believe is where it was at its best, and that is specifically the vibe that I am trying really hard to go back to with the newest iteration.
I’ve always struggled with it a lot, I've often voiced this publicly, or to friends who would hear my woes out (god bless them for hearing me go on and on about this like a bass boosted and emotional broken record), often because there was so many possibilities that I could run with and I had a lot of really, really conflicting ideas that I wanted to explore. I also had a lot of trouble with lore in general because for many years I was haunted by the absurd need to “make things make sense”, whatever that means. Having things grounded so that people wouldn't be able to poke holes into the watertight plot.. which I never achieved of course. It was less watertight and more of a welded together pringle shaped monstrosity (This was not only true for hollowridge, but was true for everything I have ever made. like in general. It’s been a consistent creative problem for me). 
Eventually what happened iteration after iteration was that I throttled myself too much with rules, random limitations, all in favor of making something cohesive and deleting all the fun bits off the project in the process.
For this reason I also can’t just up and go “yeah i'm gonna turboscrap everything and go back to what worked in 2017” because it also DIDN’T work then. But that vibe specifically is what I am aiming for. The “classic” vibe, if you will (if that means anything to you as it does to me.)
What didn't work for me back in the day was giving everything a reason for existing, which is something I no longer wish to do (it’s better that way) and also something that failed back then both in HR, and in extinction (earlier drafts) and just about any version of a story I ever tried to make was THE SCOPE. It always spiraled out of my hands. God entities always escape me. Magic systems always escape me. How cities and such would be regulated in these scenarios escape me. Its just things I’m not comfortable writing about in general
So that’s why I have made changes to it currently (the whole lens of technology over it) because it makes it easier to think about, and easier to handle. Post apocalypses are fun to handle, and also easy to handle (for me, in this context). Technology going awry feels like its easier to think about than just vague “magic”, even if in the end the aesthetic looks literally exactly the same. Does that make sense? I hope it makes sense.
To give an example: Magic spells and circles → programs and code lines. That can be shot into machinery or meat (recodes your fucking genome in real time and gives you super brain hemorrhage idk). I guess it just gives my brain something to latch onto that isnt just vague rules of a magic system that could potentially be anything and everything? It essentially works the exact same way… its just the lens of looking at it is changed.
Mimics are their own thing now (nanotechnology, instead of vague.. shadow things). Adri is his own thing while still connected to mimics (an angel array made of the same stuff, instead of.. whatever else). Connected to the world. AND all the conflicting but dearly beloved concepts I had for him actually fit (snake, scarf, smoke, usurper of a body that is not his. Hey remember when he was made out of ashes/smoke and eventually out of goop. Well all of that is true at once now! It’s ALL canon! Bitch! The concepts have been reconciled!!)
There are also more “normal” creatures besides these, animals that have either evolved aboveground due to fit into new world niches (so I can design Whatever without being too limited) and there’s also machine/biomachine chimeras, and purposed grown organisms, and just Weird Shit made by machines in the belly of the earth (meat is just complex machinery. you know this. your heart is a piston and your blood gasoline. but I digress.) So I have the space to Get Weird if I so choose, on my own terms this time. And it will have a proper place in the world.
There used to be a lot of concepts that were cool that I missed a lot when I had to shift away from them. Like mimics infecting people and pretending to be them, and then being able to break the hosts bodies apart to make bodies for the mimic itself. That did not fly in pretty much 80% of the later versions of HR but I was able to bring it back for this one. I’ve tied mimics to the epidemic and to Adri in a way that MAKES SENSE but lets me go wild anyways
I guess… the short way of explaining is that. Instead of it being very vague supernatural stuff of dubious origin, now it's a ‘manmade horrors beyond your comprehension’ type deal (still of dubious origin). Which obviously neither the characters nor I would be able to explain to you the details of its origins but the distinction MATTERS to me (to my brain).
Something else about HR is that it’s made up of me having rounded up a bunch of ocs who’s stories were empty or were left to the void so that they could have a fitting home where they could shine. At the end of the day I just wanna do my characters justice. I don’t want to just relegate them to nice set pieces (even though they ARE cool set pieces), but each of them has years of backstory stuff that I would like to keep to not lose the essence of said character and its where I put the bulk of my writing effort into.
I want their connections to the story to be solid, but I also want their base vibes and the vibes I am familiar with for those characters to BE THERE too. So if I’m slow with revealing info, or writing in general, its literally because all the processing power in my skull is being used to think of how to best approach that and not just throw low quality spaghetti at a wall. (Sometimes the spaghetti method works very well, but often. It does not. And only makes things more complex in the long run, so I have learned to be more careful with it)
Dianne and Nirven are over 12 years old now as characters. That 's insane. And she still has the same core concept of how her magic works as I created it ages ago.
Same for Bei. He still has his same vibe back when I made him 10 years ago.
And Adam when I made him 9 years ago. Though I’m working out stuff for him still in this new edition, but I’ll get there. I promise. 
Sooo……….. What I’m really trying to say is that I’m learning to have fun again. And at the same time (re)realizing I used to have some super swag ideas that I have never fully let go of that I am VERY adamant on keeping. And my aim is to go back to that unhinged unbridled joy of creating for a world that is just So Fucked Up but it Works somehow. And yeah, if you’ve ever been frustrated at my changes don’t worry: me fuckin’ too buddy. A thousandfold. And if you’ve ever been curious as to the why of everything, then I hope this rant serves as some sort of explanation?
So yeah, if you’re an old fan and missed old stuff, I hope I am able to do it justice once more and from now on. I promise I am trying my best, I always have been. It just works better sometimes. And if you are someone new and dont know what the fuck I’m talking about, 1. thank you for reading this far and 2. I hope you enjoy the ride regardless
And who knows…. knowing me in a few years I might see this all changed again. Or maybe this will be the one, finally, that sticks. We’ll see. At the moment like I said, I am focusing on loving my characters, their world, their and my original intentions, and just having as much fun as I can with it. If I create confusion in the process then that’s something I will have to accept. I’m not a big media corporation with a team or writers, or even just one (1) accomplished author with a huge brain. I’m not tolkien. I’m just some guy having fun with made up guys in my brain
Thank you for reading this far, if you did, if there’s anything you’d like to comment or discuss (if anything, I don’t expect it) please feel free to reply or DM me, I try to respond in a timely manner when possible <3 
Thanks for sticking around too. It means the world to me that you have. Have a really good week, cheers
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splatreference · 4 months
File Garden Mirror of Splatrefs
hey peeps! I genuinely forget if i've already made this post because i've been meaning to for like 5 months, but the gist of it is that i've been working on a mirror of this blog on File Garden.
This will function as a backup of the blog in case something ever happens to it (e.g. tumblr dies, i get banned, i accidentally delete it and whatever else giant meteor etc.) But it will also serve as an alternative way to access the resources here through another website, as well as easily access all the files themselves rather than having to sift through photo posts.
The pros that come with this:
MUCH easier management and uploading of pictures and even videos (for me). Tumblr has a daily image upload limit and even then the images have to be split across many different posts, which makes it a days-long, sometimes weeks-long process to be able to add pictures. Also don't have to memorize tags. -
Clear organization; folders and subfolders mean that everything can be neatly in one place. Whether you find this easier and/or more convenient to navigate than Tumblr tags is subjective, though. -
Easy downloads! I'm always saying that if you need some references a lot, I recommend saving them for yourself and File Garden makes it pretty easy to my knowledge. I will keep recommending this, by the way. -
In MY experience, load times for images are usually much faster than on Tumblr (which is definitely my main draw for making it in the first place) -
It's not Tumblr, but an actual file hosting site. I know, that's revolutionary
Unfortunately File Garden also isn't perfect, so to be thorough here is also a list of cons:
The site is down ALL the time. I feel like it has constant outages which isn't really unexpected for a smaller site. The good news is that these rarely last very long - the bad news is that you might also run into errors. -
There are no folder icons, which can make it a bit harder than it needs to be to actually find where you want to go, which is annoying given there's no search -
While faster at loading image previews than tumblr by a country mile (especially when reloading the page), loading in the images can be really flashy. As in they literally flash white when loading in sometimes.
Going forward, I'll be uploading everything I upload here also to File Garden. I'm slowly working towards copying every major thing from the blog over to there (it's horrible guys, one copypaste at a time) so it should fill up over time and be usable as an alternate resource!
(Also, for anyone taking a look, please help a guy out in the endless war against admin error. If there's pictures in folders where they shouldn't be or there's thumbnail-sized uploads in some of the folders, shoot an ask here with the location and I'll fix it...)
That's it for this century's status update. I've been procrastinating a fuck ton on actually getting anything uploaded here... hope everyone has a good Sizzle Season and maybe I'll try to catch up at least a little bit.
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emi-writings · 4 months
'Cause They're No Ordinary Girls
'Cause They're No Ordinary Girls (2599 words) by EmiWritings Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot Characters: Wilbur Soot, Alexis | Quackity, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Prince Wilbur Soot, Thief Alexis | Quackity, Siren Alexis | Quackity, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Niki | Nihachu are Triplets, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Niki | Nihachu are Siblings Summary: Wilbur is a prince. Quackity is a thief. And also a siren.
“You look tired.”
Wilbur turned and glared over his shoulder at his brother. Technoblade was dressed all too casually, no crown on his head, in a loose short and comfortable pants. He didn’t even have his cloak to keep him warm, and with his hair pulled back into a ponytail it was obvious that he had taken his free time to the fear of the gods in the hearts of any new recruits of their army. It was a horrible contrast to Wilbur, who was dressed in all his noble finery.
“And you look bored,” Wilbur turned in his chair to face him, “Would you like me to create some work for you, brother dearest?”
Technoblade made a face, “So I take it negotiations are going well”
“They are the most obtuse representatives I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. They are trying to scam us, but they have worded things in such a way I cannot call them out on it without creating a diplomatic incident,” Wilbur groaned, “I am pretty sure they are hoping to exhaust me so that I just give in to their demands at this point.”
“I am so glad I chose to take over the war stuff. You and Niki are always so busy,” Technoblade paused for a moment, “Though I wouldn’t mind a chance to really test out my sword skills.”
“I wouldn’t mind swapping places if you really want to be busy.”
Wilbur sighed as Niki entered his room – he adored his siblings, but he really needed to get his work down. Niki, of course, was also dressed regally as ever, though a bit more toned down compared to Wilbur. When the triplets had come of age, each of them had chosen a different domain to take over to decrease the amount of stress on their parents. Technoblade had chosen to take over everything war and battle related, Wilbur had chosen everything diplomatic, and Niki had taken over everything agricultural and food related.
It had seemed like a fair division of labor at the time, and there had been no complaints. But they lived in times of peace. Niki was always worried about whether or not they’d be able to produce enough food for their ever increasing population, especially when most of their land was covered in snow the second spring ended. Wilbur was forced to handle alliances and trade agreements regularly. Technoblade had plenty of free time when there was nothing that required pure force and weapons to be handled.
“As much as I love the both of you, I could really use the space right now, I need to deal with this,” Wilbur sighed as he attempted to massage his headache with a hand.
Niki walked over and sat on his desk, “As much as I would love to, I actually have to talk to both of you about something.”
“What’s wrong?” Technoblade frowned and placed a hand on the hilt of his sword.
“Please don’t be more work,” Wilbur nearly begged.
“Fishing concerns. Nets are getting torn to shreds to the point where they’re not bringing in any fish. It started three weeks ago, and it was just one or two here and there. But now it’s progressed to nearly every net that is tossed into the water,” Niki said.
Technoblade nodded, “That reeks of sabotage.”
Niki nodded, “I don’t know who to accuse and I don’t know why they’re doing it. So this could be a diplomatic clusterfuck. It could be the beginnings to war, a subtle act of guerrilla warfare. Or it could be a scorned lover of a fisherman trying to get revenge.”
Wilbur sighed and placed his head in his hands. He had a hunch he knew exactly who was behind the torn fishing nets, and he also had a good idea of what the motive probably was. Only petty motives, but motives nonetheless. That was just another thing he’d have to take care of.
Wilbur felt large hands quickly slip underneath his arms and lift him out of his chair, and he recoiled at the indignity, “Hey! You might be taller than me but that doesn’t give you the right to manhandle me like a cat!”
“You seriously need a break,” his brother simply replied as he put Wilbur on his feet and commandeered his chair, “I studied this just as much as you have, I can take over for a bit.”
“I have a meeting in an hour,” Wilbur said.
Technoblade gave him a look, “I am aware.”
“They will consider you showing up a threat.”
“I am aware.”
Wilbur closed his eyes, took a deep breath in and breathed out slowly, “You know what, fine. Subtly threaten them. You’re the one who has to deal with it if a war breaks out.”
“I’ll bring you something warm and soothing in a bit,” Niki said with a hand on his shoulder.
Oh, he must have really looked like shit then.
“Alright, I’m going,” Wilbur sighed.
And with that, he turned and left.
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Wilbur’s bedroom was not kept in the most accessible of places, though that had been by design. The last thing his parents had wanted was to make it easy for their children to be kidnapped. Constant patrols, and many traps were placed around them. Some are more subtle and hidden than others. Easy enough to avoid for those that were aware of them.
That didn’t mean that those that were really stubborn couldn’t get in, however.
“Breaking into a prince’s room and rummaging through his things to steal is a crime that can land you in prison for life, if not executed,” Wilbur said with a sigh at the sight of his occupied room.
The thief sprawled on his bed didn’t look repentant. Rather, he looked almost smug as he stared at Wilbur, like a cat that caught the canary. The thief was dressed in dark clothes, with a brown cloak thrown over his shoulders. With the hood down, Wilbur could see the shining golden and red jewelry that the other wore easily.
“I’m not here for your little trinkets,” with a smug smile the thief started to saunter over.
Wilbur narrowed his eyes, “Trespassing on a prince’s private quarters is still a crime regardless.”
The thief grinned before he suddenly pushed Wilbur up against his own door, “I tend to do as I please, Your Highness.”
And then before Wilbur could say anything else, the thief pressed his lips against the prince’s own. Wilbur was stunned for a moment, before he moved to deepen it. He felt the other smirk against his lips, and shifted his hands to tug at Wilbur’s hair.
When Wilbur pulled back he was breathless, “Quackity—”
“Oh, now he knows my name,” Quackity teased pressing up against Wilbur, “What was it that reminded you? Was it the manhandling? The hair pulling? The kissing?”
“Quackity!” Wilbur felt his face burn, “Why are you here?”
Quackity pouted, though his eyes shone with mischief, “You’re avoiding me. I got lonely . Can you blame me?”
“I haven’t been avoiding you.”
“Oh? What have you been doing?” Quackity leaned in and teased Wilbur’s neck with his teeth.
“I was busy. Negotiations aren’t going well so I’ve been very stressed out and haven’t been able to meet up with you,” Wilbur gently pushed the thief to look at him, “And recently something else has been added to my plate. Something about fishing net sabotage.”
“Oh. I think that little fishing net issue will take care of itself.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes, “There are better ways to get my attention.”
“But not many of those are fun,” Quackity grinned, and then dropped his eyes to Wilbur’s lips, “Speaking of fun things…”
“I can’t walk into a meeting looking like I just got back from my wedding night,” Wilbur said.
“And what if I sang to you?” Quackity tilted his head.
Wilbur froze, “You wouldn’t… not to me…”
Quackity hummed thoughtfully, “Oh, but it is very, very tempting…”
“But you won’t.”
Quackity looked at Wilbur, his eyes stared into Wilbur’s own and left the prince feeling exposed. Then the thief just gave a smile that was wicked and all teeth as he pulled away from the other.
“It is very tempting. But right now I’d rather have a drink with you.”
Wilbur shook his head, “You’re a menace.”
“And you love me regardless,” Quackity said as he poured himself and Wilbur a drink.
Wilbur sighed, and accepted the chalice. He was certain he recognized the bottle that Quackity had gotten for them, and if he was correct then the thief had pillaged the kitchens before he made his way to Wilbur’s room. That would end up being another headache then, stolen goods wouldn’t just be allowed to slide in the empire no matter how small. Likely it would be the diplomatic representatives that get blamed when no one else can be found guilty, and that would be more work for Wilbur.
“You know, if you wanted to hang out more you could try and visit me more often instead of having me come out to visit you,” Wilbur took a sip, “I know you have some… complications concerning water, but still.”
“Nah… I think I’ll just steal away your time,” Quackity laughed, “Maybe eventually I’ll get to steal you away as well?”
“You wish,” Wilbur shook his head.
Quackity took his own sip of the drink, “So, you finally managed to get some free time then?”
“I got kicked out by my brother. My siblings think I need a nap,” Wilbur sighed.
“You do look a little tired,” Quackity glanced at the door, “Should I be expected to hide from any visitors?”
“Not for a while at least. Niki is busy, but she wants to bring me one of her treats. It’ll take time for her to make it and bring it up.”
Quackity hummed a little bit, a tune Wilbur couldn’t place. Wilbur ignored it mostly, anything that kept Quackity occupied was good in his opinion. He knew from experience that if Quackity has his way with the prince, Wilbur wouldn’t be able to make a public appearance for at least a week. Not that Wilbur ever really complained in the moments, he tended to indulge and encourage Quackity’s shenanigans more often than not.
Though now that Wilbur was seated in his room, listening to Quackity hum a song lightly, he started to think his siblings may have had a point. His eyelids started to feel heavy, and his bed looked so tempting. He had been so stressed out for so long, he really should have taken a break long before it reached this point. It really wouldn’t hurt to just lie down a rest, wouldn’t it? Allow Quackity to lull him to sleep with one of his songs…
“Quackity, stop humming,” Wilbur mumbled.
“Just go to sleep, Wilbur,” Quackity said, and something in his tone made Wilbur nearly collapse.
“ Sleep .”
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As Wilbur started to come to, he very quickly worked out he wasn’t in his bedroom. The biggest hint was that he could feel that he was partially submerged in water. So, as Wilbur blinked his eyes open, he found himself in some kind of cave. There was a hole in the roof of the cave. In the floor of the cave was a pool of water, one that looked like it led somewhere – potentially outside given the lack of entrances to the cave he was in. Wilbur was trapped, bound by chains on his wrists that kept him trapped in the pool of water.
“Oh, songbird, you’re awake!”
Wilbur glared over at where Quackity stood, “What the fuck are you doing Quackity?”
“Oh, I was preparing a little surprise for you!”
“This better be a fucking a fucking kink thing I swear to the deities above,” Wilbur growled.
Quackity didn’t look repentant at all. Instead he looked far to smug, his arms lazily crossed. There wasn’t a lot of room to stand in the cave, he was basically pressed against the wall of the cave to try and avoid water. Wilbur wondered if he could splash the thief with how he was bound. He doubted it, but the thought was enough to keep him from threatening the other badly.
Quackity tilted his head, “You know I would never hurt you, Wilbur.”
“You kidnapped me! You actually fucking kidnapped me!”
Quackity knelt down besides Wilbur and tilted his chin up before he leaned in for a kiss. It was short, and Wilbur still felt himself melt into it. So warm, with a hint of something that made him crave more. Wilbur felt almost a little breathless when Quackity pulled back from him. A hand cupped Wilbur’s face and gently stroked his cheek.
“I need to go before the full moon rises overhead. If I’m moon drunk, I won’t be able to function until morning,” Quackity whispered.
Wilbur leaned forward as much as he could, “What are you doing, Quackity?”
“This is a Moon Pool. They’re special to merlings and sirens – any humans who are in one when the full moon aligns with this Moon Pool will find themselves turned into a merling anytime they touch water,” Quackity explained.
Wilbur felt his stomach drop, “Quackity—”
“You’ll still be able to walk on land when you’re dry, don’t worry,” Quackity continued to gently stroke Wilbur’s cheek, “It’s only when you touch water. It’ll make it easier for you to stay with me.”
“Quackity, let me out of here!”
Quackity smiled at him as he rose to his feet, “I’ll be back for you later, don’t worry.”
And with that, Quackity left Wilbur alone. Wilbur tried to call out to him, and when that didn’t work, he tried to call out to anyone that could potentially save him. No one came. He couldn’t even hear the sounds of any civilization if he tried to listen to it. So, wherever this moon pool was, it probably wasn’t anywhere near the empire. Wilbur was entirely screwed unless Quackity decided to have mercy on him and let him go.
Eventually, the moon shone above Wilbur’s head.
Wilbur hadn’t really known what to expect when Quackity had explained the moon pool. He had kinda just expected that the change would be instant, much like how Quackity’s own transformation was. But when the moonlight hit the water, the water bubbled and glowed with a bright light. It overwhelmed Wilbur with how bright it was. And the sensation of magic that filled him was intense and nothing like Wilbur had ever experienced before.
Eventually, Wilbur passed out once again.
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When Wilbur woke again, he could feel the sunlight that shone on him.
He was also rested on someone’s chest and submerged in water.
“Is someone finally starting to wake up?”
Wilbur groggily pulled his head up and gave Quackity a halfhearted glare, “Fucking bastard.”
Quackity was in his siren form, scales, fangs, claws and all. He looked satisfied with himself. His arms were wrapped around Wilbur as he lazily floated along the surface of the ocean. Wilbur quickly realized that the strange sensation he was experiencing was the feeling of a tail against his own. A quick check and yeah, he was a merling like Quackity had said. Wilbur felt his ire rise even more.
“Don’t look like that, songbird. Besides, I don’t see why you’re so mad, I thought you liked the water,” Quackity grinned.
Wilbur’s response to that was to shove Quackity’s smug face underneath the waves.
Quackity just laughed up at him.
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dryams03 · 1 year
This drawing came actually pretty late, I'm really really sorry, but I hope it still counts! I made it with all my patience and heart in 11 h so... It better worths the while >:p
Don't mind me simping under the cut @goldazu || @ruki--mukami
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Well, let's talk with truth and heart because those are the meaningful words we have in the world to speak.
First, I send to you past Mai 26 a single message with a happy birthday while I was... in the middle of something at the university, sleepless and stressed. Yes, a hard day with... 48 hours of speedrun...
I wrote something like I really hoped you were doing fine; but I really wanted to do more, I had this drawing on mind that moment but I wasn't able to do it.
But that didn't stop me you see, I wanted to do something special for you because you, honestly, you deserve it.
I think that every single soul that decides to share their inner worlds in any art branch that ever existed need to have a mutual like you. Not only because the wholesome and fulfilling support you give and the kindness you sprout to people around you but the way you show yourself so dedicated to your blog. Everything is so organized and your writing is perfect cause it feels so real! (sometimes I feel like Ruki is a real person and right behind there is you, the secretary, writing his speech with a bloc-note XD).
Girl, it's inspiring, I meant it a lot. And I hope, as you said, it stays like this a little bit longer, no matter how much. It will be fine.
I have to confess, before I met you I really have been having a little bit of troubles around my character. I was unsure that Cassie would find a place to develop her personality. Like... She has phases, right? And she could be amazingly cheerful and a literal sunlight at the beginning but she... Is more like that in the surface, you see. But none crossed that line. I think the problem was that I hadn't found in that time the kind of roleplay that I was looking at. The roleplay that sinks into the deepest parts of the characters and that make them give opinions, do more complicated actions, express themselves in the way they truly are. But, since the day you met Cassie you have been supporting me and I have been feeling a lot of confidence about my character. You really made me want to come back to Tumblr with a lot of energy, to renew and rethink my character, and show all her sides, all the beauty that she is intended to give, the lightest and the darkest side of her. And I granted part of this inspiration to you .
And, Jas, did you remember? Cuz I think I wouldn't forget it in my life——
Girl you made me a fanart of my girl in my birthday when you barely knew me!! I was like: I LOVE IT BUT WHY?! I was surprised! I wasn't expecting anything like that! And it made me so happy that I could barely keep myself entirely! (Also that day I was feeling pretty bad, I was having a terrible day and that simple thing changed completely my humor. No people physically around me understood it, but I didn't give a shit! I was happy! For true! Btw the picture is still in my smart clock and I don't plan to quit it uwu).
No matter the time you took to answer, that doesn't stop me to enjoy roleplaying with you. I'm glad you feel fulfilled with your life and I hope you can still walk to the future with all hopes.
I'm glad for having in my memory the day I clumsily popped into your inbox.
And, again, happy birthday Jas. I appreciate you a lot ♥️
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jillsandwhichs · 3 months
cleon fic , chap 6 , still loveable
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pairing: Claire Redfield & Leon Kennedy
summary: Claire gets hurt during a mission at terrasave & Leon visits her in the hospital
status of their relationship in this oneshot: Dating
wc: 2.5k
type: Sfw
a/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Thank you
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The bright white lights were beaming in the tranquil, pristine room. It was also quite a small room, clearly meant for only one person to be staying in, but it was extensive enough to allow visitors to stay in. It smelt very bland, as if it had no smell, it was a boring scent. There weren't many windows either, just a few along the left wall, which showed the busy outside world, people who were actually able to live their lives outside of a hospital.
Claire didn't like it here - she absolutely despised being in the hospital. If only she would've been more careful, she wouldn't have ended up here, in this plain, depressing room. All she wanted was to be back at her house, laying in her bed and watching TV or reading a book. Here, she can still do that, but not like she can back home. Now she doesn't even know when she'll be out of here, the nurses haven't given her a clear set time yet.
Her entire left side hurt, it was beyond bruised up, it was all black and purple. Her left arm was also banged up too, having red scratch marks all down it and a huge dried bloody scab on her elbow. Her body hurt, but it wasn't an unbearable pain. She's sure if she was in the comfort of her own home, she would feel a whole lot better. But alas, she has to stay here to make sure no further damage occurs to her well being.
Not only does she miss her home, Claire also misses being at work. Despite her mission at TerraSave causing her to get hurt, she doesn't really care, she just wants to get back out in the world and work, it's her ultimate passion and it's all she ever wants to do aside from being home. She misses some of her co workers, luckily a few of them have visited her. Gabe is the one she misses most, the two have a tight bond, he's like a second brother to her.
All Claire was trying to do was get her mind off of the fact she's rotting in a hospital bed mid day, when she could be at work, being productive and useful. She feels lazy, which is a feeling she hasn't even felt since her days in college, back then she was lazy, she'll admit that. Although, it's kind of hard to keep her mind off of it when all she can even hear is the sounds of the lights buzzing above her, they were clearly old and in utter need of being replaced.
Once she's all healed up, the first thing she's doing is going to HQ and asking when the next upcoming mission will be ; that is if they even let her go on one. TerraSave happens to be rather safe than sorry and sometimes they'll force workers to take breaks from serious missions after a messy injury, which Claire has sadly suffered. It's like all she can think about - working and being home.
Whilst Claire was deep in thought, she hadn't even noticed a nurse walk in. The woman seemed young, even younger than Claire. She finds it admirable that young people are working towards such tough and hard working jobs ; a nurse being a great example of that. It encourages her more than anything. "Hi Claire, I'm Kaylee, it's nice to meet you, your usual nurse had the day off today so I'm here just to check in on you!" Kaylee spoke, her tone kind. "Oh, yeah, sure." Claire responded, attempting to sit up.
"Oh, no hun, just stay layed down... You did a lot of damage to yourself." Kaylee chuckled to herself, seeming very friendly. "Yeah, guess that's what happens when you work in the force though." "I imagine so... TerraSave, correct?" "Yes, that's the organization I work for." Claire responded, her eyes gandering up at the nurse. "What's your position there?" Kaylee questioned, holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, most likely needing to gather some info from Claire.
"I'm a representative for the company." Claire answered, sliding some of her loose hair behind her ear, although it hurt her arm a bit, she still wasn't recovered at all. "Nice... And your organization just basically helps people and the aftermath of terrorist attacks? Or just attacks in general?" "Pretty much, yeah." Claire spoke, her tone brittle. "I see now... And how exactly did you end up injuring yourself?" "Well, I was on top of this steel platform, trying to get a better angle of where our missing chopper was, because it literally vanished, then boom, the platform starts swaying and I fell from it onto a rock, it fucking hurt." Claire snorted, rubbing her temple. "I bet." Kaylee replied, her tone empathetic.
"I'm honestly surprised you're okay, for the most part. You bruised your ribs pretty good and your entire arm is scratched up and it's swelled... Like a lot... You're a tough girl." Kaylee complimented, placing the clipboard down. "Thanks, I try." Claire tittered, sighing deeply to herself, her eyes staring down at the white marble floor, Claire imagined it was cold to be barefoot on, but at least the cot was warm enough.
"Alright well, thank you for answering those questions, I appreciate any information I can get." Kaylee stated, smiling kindly at Claire before speaking once more, "Oh and by the way, Barbara, the receptionist currently working told me that you have a visitor on the way, not much has been told to me but I know their name is Leon, does that ring any bells?" Kaylee asked, seeming skeptical. "Oh, yes, that's my boyfriend. Jesus, in all honesty I forgot about him." Claire giggled, she wasn't being serious but she won't lie, he wasn't on her mind much.
"Don't worry, you hit your head and got hurt, you tend to worry about yourself more than others which is valid in this situation but I'll keep your secret." Kaylee reassured her. "Thanks." Claire chuckled, folding her arms. "Yeah... Anywho, I'll see you soon, I'll check your vitals and all that good stuff in about an hour or two, will you be okay until then?" "Yeah, don't worry about me!" Claire expressed, giving Kaylee the queue to know she could leave not worrisome. "Okay then, just hit the button on the right side of your cot to alert a nurse and one of us will come to you, sound good?" "Yep!" "Alrighty then, bye bye Claire." Kaylee said with a bright, cheerful grin before walking out of the room.
Breathing out deeply, Claire reverted her eyes to the TV directly in front of her bed. It was a small, black square one and it was mounted onto the wall. What was playing was Steve Irwin, the guy was playing with some Cheetahs, it was adorable. Sadly, the man had passed away not to long ago, Claire remembered how girls at her high school fawned over him. She has no doubt girls will continue doing it once his son is older.
Through the small windows in the compact room, Claire spotted a few different breeds of birds finding their ways to the sills of them, relaxing and pecking away at whatever goods they were able to acquire. Claire adored wildlife, it was so natural, like truly. It isn't even debatable. It sort of kept her mind off of the fact she was hurt pretty badly, but nevertheless, she would recover soon, it's just a matter of time.
Lost in her own thoughts, Claire was startled when she suddenly heard the door creak open, black shoes were visible from the bottom, indicating it was Leon. He must've just gotten out of work, he dresses quite nicely for it too. "Leon?" Claire spoke aloud, hoping it'd be him. "I'm here babygirl." He said back to her, opening the door fully to show himself off. He looked as handsome as ever.
"Hi." Claire mumbled, tilting her head upwards, catching a glimpse of his face. "Hi baby... You doing okay?" Leon questioned, striding over to her cot and immediately grabbing her hand, knowing to be careful, despite it being her not damaged arm. "Yes, I'm okay, just sore and hungry." Claire responded, her voice soft & timid. "I imagine honey, I heard you had quite the fall. Pedro told me you were unconscious afterwards, I wish I could've been there, my love." Leon spoke with sincere, he felt horrible that he couldn't be there for her the day it happened.
"It's okay, you were at work, you aren't obligated to come to my rescue." Claire tittered, beaming at him with love plastered on her face. "I kind of am though..." Leon whispered, caressing her hand with his thumb. "You said you were hungry?" "Yeah, I haven't eaten since yesterday, before all this happened." Claire chuckled, sighing deeply to herself. "I can pick you up some food here in a bit, I don't need you trying to eat this shitty hospital food." Leon snickered, firmly holding her hand, making sure she knew he was there for her.
"It's okay, I'll live." "No, I insist, I can get you whatever you'd like, from wherever." Leon insisted, sitting down in the chair beside her hospital bed, being careful to not bump anything. "Well... A bagel from the bakery sounds good." Claire giggled, gazing up at her man. "You ask and you shall receive." Leon smirked down at his girl. "Before you go, just stay here for a bit, it's been literally two days since I've seen you." "Okay beautiful, I'm more than happy to stay here with you... When will you be able to come home?" "Don't know yet, I imagine I'll find out when the nurse checks my vitals again." Claire replied.
"Okay. Whenever you're able to, whether it be tonight or tomorrow or whenever, I'll bring you back to my place, it'll be safer that way. Pedro told me you're getting some time off, he told me you were pretty rough looking." Leon heaved, letting go of her hand and moving it to her hair, slowly running his fingers through it. "I bet I was." Claire blew out, adjusting her upper half and attempting to turn her body to get a better view of Leon. "No, just stay there, you're so stubborn." Leon chuckled. "I just wanna be able to move again." "Give it a day or two babygirl."
Claire cutely rolled her eyes and let out another deep breath, she seemed very bored of this place, which Leon didn't blame her. He wishes that she could be home, with him. It's all he wanted for her. "Come here." Leon mumbled, standing up and drawing himself closer to her body, embracing her with open arms. Claires lips formed a half smile whilst she wrapped her right arm around him, using her fingers to grasp onto his shirt.
Leon nuzzled his head into her neck, breathing gently and taking in this moment with stride. He was grateful she was okay, he doesn't know what he would've done if she would've gotten more injured than she already is, or worse. Leon can't imagine a world where Claire isn't his soulmate. "I'm glad you're ok." Leon uttered out in her ear, kissing her cheek a couple times before officially pulling away. "I love you Claire." "Me too and I love you more, Leon." Claire said, her heart was swelling with care and love for him.
"Do I look dumb at all? My hair is a mess, I haven't showered in two days and my entire left side is just beyond beat up... Ugh..." Claire scoffed. "No, no babygirl, you look fantastic always. You could like..." Leon stopped in thought before finishing his sentence, "You could have literal shit smeared on your face and I'd still view you as perfection." Leon laughed, lightening the mood. "Ew, you sicko." Claire chortled, slapping his arm lightly. "Just speaking my mind." He mumbled out to her.
"Oh, by the way, Chris let me know he's gonna fly down from New York to check on you. I wouldn't dare try and deny his request." Leon joked, he somewhat feared Chris but respectively. "What? Why? I'm fine! That's a waste of money, he has absolutely no reason. Oh Jesus." Claire groaned out. She wasn't a teenager anymore, yet he still tries his best to take care of like she is. "Hun, he's your big brother, he's going to worry." "I get that, yes, but it's beyond unnecessary, I'm okay." "Well, it's your problem now, not mine." Leon teased, pinching her cheek playfully.
Leon leaned over towards her face and planted a gentle, warm kiss on her lips, breathing in her scent as he did so. He felt a load of sorrow deep within him. Seeing his girlfriend hurt like this was the last sight he wanted to bare. And when she had asked, "Do I look dumb?" He just felt his heart break a little bit. He was never much of the soppy type, but Claire has definitely made him softer, more affectionate. She will always be his love, she'll always be loveable, no matter what state she's in.
He kept the kiss going for a bit longer, very lightly touching her hip considering it was the bruised up one. Claire's right hand held onto his forearm, her eyes were closed too. "I just wish I could've visited you sooner, I'm sorry that I was working." Leon spoke, his tone blue. "No need honey, I understand. I'm just appreciative that you're here now, that's all that matters Leon." "I'm glad beautiful. I'll make sure you get home soon, I don't need you stuck here in a hospital." "Trust me, I know." Claire tittered. "I can't wait to get back to work." Claire exclaimed.
"Well sweetheart, I hope you understand you aren't going back anytime soon, you need time to heal, you could've... You just really got hurt, alright?" "I'll go back whenever I feel okay." Claire pleaded. "No Claire, you'll go back once your body is okay. You're so stubborn and so damn ambitious, it's attractive." Leon laughed, telling her how he felt. "I got my ways." Claire snickered. "But seriously, I want to get back to work asap, I hate being lazy, you know that." "This isn't lazy, this is called recovery, you need it babygirl." Leon persisted. "Fine." Claire sighed, laying her head back onto the hard yet comfortable white pillow.
"You're dramatic." Leon teased, plopping back down into the chair and gleaming at her. "How about I go get your bagel, how's that sound?" "Yes, please, I can feel my empty stomach each time I move." Claire chuckled, tossing her right hand onto her lower stomach. "Ok. I'll be back soon, just hang tight and don't fall asleep on me, yeah?" Leon spoke, pulling his head down to hers and pecking her forehead with carefulness.
"I'll be back, I love you." Leon stated, kissing her lips quickly before beginning to tread lightly out of Claire's hospital room. "Love you more handsome." Claire responded, waving goodbye with her healed hand.
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the-little-moment · 8 months
I come to you in my time of need...
Alright, Tumblr. This newbie needs help.
This site is...very unintuitive to me. One thing at a time.
Reblogging: It feels, weird? I guess because I'm used to my "likes" on other social platforms actually doing something. The explanation I've seen is mostly "Tumblr is a blogging site! It works like a blog!" Except every non Tumblr blog I've ever been on is just a site dedicated to the owner's own writing/art/what-have-you. They don't constantly mix in content from other people?
It just feels like there isn't a good way to organize my blog to keep my stuff separate from the content I'm reblogging, and it all gets pushed down the page so fast. Literally the first thing I noticed about Tumblr, back when I was just a lurker, was how frustrating it was to find a creator's blog, and not be able to separate out the stuff *they actually made* from all the other stuff I was uninterested in. I use my own tag on all my stuff, but is this really the only way to categorize? Because tons of makers don't use a unique tag and then I have no way to find their stuff.
So, yeah. Reblogging a ton feels weird to me because it feels like it makes stuff disappear down my dashboard too fast, BUT I am trying to do it more, because I get that it's important, I just wish there was another way to boost other people's content. Is this why people have side blogs, or is that a different idea?
Next, Blocking: Is there no way to hide stuff I don't want to see without completely blocking someone? Like, say a piece of art they made makes me uncomfortable, is there no button to just, hide it from my feed? I know there's a way to block certain tags/words, but what if they don't use any distinct descriptions? I don't wanna be like "begone forever" because of one thing (or a few) that I don't like, but there's been at least one time where the same post kept showing at the top of my feed for DAYS and I just couldn't take it anymore.
There are definitely more things I'm forgetting about, so I'm sure I'll be back but, in the meantime, please help me. 😥
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1/100 days of getting my life back together
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
So I decided to try to do a thing for the first time ever since forever - try to start having a blog(?) again, because, well, the brain rot is real. I've deleted twitter for now to give my brain some rest, because a lot of things were stressing me out.
My life has been a real mess the last few months and I really need to get my shit back together. This semester was the biggest flop so far (which is not to say that much - it's only a second one, but still) and I'm really upset about it.
I've come off one of my meds, that were making me insanely sleepy whenever I tried to focus (still have no idea whether that was a real thing or no, but they either way were not doing anything for me), got back on antidepressants, that are a-okay to me, at least side effects wise, and I was hoping that NOW I will be so much better at school. It got so much worse.
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Not my room, but the vibes sum everything up quite perfectly. Everything feels insanely hard to do. I feel like a failure. I'm stressed and lost, but we persevere to the best of our abilities.
Anyway, I am writing this post one day after the 3rd of July, because I figured I should start somewhere, and despite wanting to have the first entry be as perfect as I want to become later, I figured that I have already tried that approach earlier, and it always falls off. Maybe it's better to start bad, slowly trying to build up all the habits and changes.
After all it is 100 days of trying to get my life together, not 100 days of describing my life being together.
Anyway, on 3rd of July I wanted to do some document related work and do some job applications, but because of fucking up my sleep schedule days prior to finish an assignment (which I got 100% for, insanely), I could not resist falling asleep in the day and then waking up late in the evening. That then scaled to 4th of July night, when I could not fall asleep again until 4 am, and the cycle repeated again.
So, yeah. T'was a flop. I didn't do anything good or productive for studying. The only thing I managed to accomplish was tidying up the place a little, but not the dishes. Luckily, my boyfriend helped me with that. It feels so much better to be able to work as a team on tasks that feel this big and unbearable.
2/100 days of getting my life back together
Thursday, July 4, 2024
It is currently 13:44 as I am writing this. Woke up (or more so, thankfully, got woken up by my boyfriend) by about 12:30. Still feel very poopy, but in today's plans are to do some studying for the first out of my two exams, and maybe a little bit for the second one.
DB 2
DB 3
DB 4
Probably will keep editing this post for any relevant updates that are not shitposts.
15:08 - 16:02 finished the db2 and 3 bits, 3rd one was way shorter than I expected. it turned out that I already had a set of flashcards on quizzlet there on it, so that was a win. originally was planning to study for one hour, but then finished 6 mins earlier, because my brain was fried and finished the dishes on my break. now back to studying
16:17 - 18:01 finished working on the SE2, but the lecture was kinda short and won't be that important at the exam, so I can't say I studied it properly. i will put more thought into it later (maybe), but not for now, since my ass is BURNING from the heat of upcoming deadline for the exams and there are more complex things i need to learn. started working on DB 4, which was an addition on initially planned to-do list. a little more than 1.5 hours of trying to understand the lecture made my brain feel GONE. i started to feel very irritated at the end, so im gonna be taking a break.
18:36 - 19:52 some minecraft break for mindlessly and quietly doing some things around our base. cleaned up the ground for where i want to build our house, transferred some stuff and organized it in a new chests system. the project will take A LOT of time so yuh. did i spend too much time on it? yes. will i do it again? also yes, probably. then we ate some dinner and now im comming back to some studying and note taking.
21:09 - 22:22
did some more note taking on DB4, not finished with it yet, but I think I'll call it a day for today. I'll probably play some more Minecraft before sleep and reread my notes and flashcards too. overall I feel still kind of unsatisfied with the day and its' results, I think mostly because of this is 1.5 hour game break, but it is what it is for now. overall I guess I did do some stuff done today, so it's still a win, right?
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
Miss Cammie Dawn Masterpost
Hi all! Welcome to my combination psychology, hypnokink, fandom and personal blog! I post a ton about hypnosis mostly with a side order of mental health stuff because kink and Bad Brain are all that are on my mind.
I had bad experiences compartmentalizing my online presence years back so I keep everything in one place these days. Prevents self-loathing and impulsively deleting blogs when the shame wins. It's an all or nothing deal. Sorry about that.
We are American but born and raised in England. We have red hair. Are in our 30s at time of writing and have been active in the hypnosis community since our late teens. Presently we are prioritizing working with educators at hypnokink events and doing photoshoots where and when I can.
We are transgender, having started social transition in 2019 and HRT in 2020. We identify as transgender and consider it a very large part of who we are. We're not fond of that fact being erased, even if we mostly adhere to the gender binary in terms of our presentation.
We are sex-averse asexual but involved in kink. Our blog is adult only but we're not really that big on overt eroticism. Even the hypnokink smut we write is 100% fluff with no sex scenes.
We are fairly open about our DID diagnosis (noting that we approach our own condition through a lens of psychopathology) and the treatment we are in. We are a system of 5 though we still try to present as a single individual outside of close relationships.
Our tagging system is mostly a switch counter for tracking if any of us are missing to report to our therapist. Though we do answer individual asks on request, pending a member's presence.
We try to do what we can to walk the line between not suppressing our individual expression(s) without glorifying our condition and erecting further divide between parts. I avoid syscourse where I can and typically do not advertise specific things about my parts, we are all "me" just in different lights so I'll never post stuff like individual ages/genders or such. I'm open about the condition but private about the circumstances and manifestations. Please respect that.
Last updated: 7/3/2024 -
I am addicted to tags. If you ever want to find my original content or my fandom posts you will be able to easily here. Just click on the links below and all shall be neatly organized.
Also there are secret tags which are not advertised. Those ones are for me. A little personal treat.
General Tags:
Cammie Posting - tag for a soft and playful girl. Camden Posting - tag for a traumaqueer. Dawn Posting - tag for a flirty and extravagant Fae. Craig Posting - tag for the boy that lives in the heart of a girl. Utility Tag - tag for a survival part who is learning to live.
Original Content:
Artwork Commissions - Any time I pay a lovely creator to do some art for me <3 Cammie Photos - Photos which feature this beautiful ginger in all her glory. Cammie Stories - My hypnosis related short stories. Fictional ones this time, though sometimes inspired by reality. Hypnokink Original Content - My little submissions of audio, visual or written hypnosis stuff. Hypnokink Writings - My personal opinions, info and resources on Hypnokink. Madison and Belladonna - Our series of hypnokink stories slightly based on reality going over a pair falling in love while one navigates their dissociative disorder Media Essays - A tag for my own big lengthy posts breaking down media (sometimes includes reblogs of other people's commentary) Media, Myself and I - Essays on DID representation in media. Photos We Took - We don't often share our proper photography work on Tumblr but sometimes we do and tag them here ReadOnlyMind - External link to my full length stories shared on ReadOnlyMind Scene Stories - Posts where we describe a scene that we did IRL. If I use this tag it is a recounting of real events. Suggestion Suggestions - Ideas for hypnotic scenes. Video Posts - Posts where we are on video. Voiced Posts - Posts where we record stuff and say it with our mouth words.
Personal Topics:
Asexuality - We are a kinky ace. We don't do sex or orgasms but sometimes do horny. BPD Specific - BPD is difficult to live with and impacts our relationships with others DID specific - DID is difficult to live with and impacts our relationships with ourselves. We try to educate on the topic. Mental Health/DID/BPD Topics - Watch Me Post My Trauma In Public Personal Posts - Ones which are just me venting or talking specifically about my life and experiences. Trans specific - This Is My Gender and I am Proud of It.
Meme Tags:
Bites You Bites You Bites You - Cammie has a tag entirely for biting people <3 Camus Posting - One must imagine Sisyphus memeing Fae Posting - Our loyalty lies with the Seelie Court and we must meme about it Puns - Craig likes puns and we put up with it. Shitposting - tag for when we're being silly. We Have To Meme or We'll Cry- Mental health/plurality jokes
Hypnokink Tags:
50 Days of Fetish Masterpost - Easy links to all 50 posts about why I love hypnokink with examples, audios, photos and videos. 50 Days of Fetish - Tag list of 50 different scenes and suggestions in hypnosis that gets me going and reblogs of other folx who participated in the challenge. Community Resources - Educational resources in hypnokink. Community Safety - Topics discussing dangerous topics and predators Con Recaps - Convention recaps for Charmed! and Beguiled Hypnokink conventions General hypnosis tag - General tag for all hypnosis topics. Hypnokink -General tag for all hypnokink posts. Hypnokink Art - Artwork featuring hypnosis. Hypnokink OC - Our hypnokink content Hypnokink Writings - Our posts and essays on hypnokink Hypnosis on Display - Audios, videos, demos and photos of hypnosis. Hypnosis Events - Convention information Hypnosis Fiction - Stories featuring hypnokink.
Thirst Tags:
Hypnokink Art - Did I mention we have a hypnokink? Redheads - We like redheads. We are redheads. Stage Magicians - Stage magic is hot. Do not @ me. Sword Lady Thirst - I just want my chin lifted by a sword so I have to meet their gaze... Vampire Thirst - Cammie Likes Redheads
Friends and Loved Ones:
Daja - Beloved. Double Grinch - Absolute sweetheart. Fellow Secret Mod. EllaEnchanting - Inspiration for asexual hypnokink, cool person and opinion haver. Lady Ru'etha - Goddess, Beloved. Linny Bee - Sweetheart. Hypnokink craft lady. Nath - Incredible writer. Good opinion haver. Metamour. Paperboy64 - Absolute sweetheart. Puppet - Counterpart. Metamour. Fellow Sleepyhead enjoyer. Skaetlett - Inspiration for plurality based hypnofiction. Superb person. Secret Subject - Boss. VTuber extraordinaire and good friend. Sleepyhead - Beloved. TennFan - An inspiration in asexual hypnokink content
Ask Tags:
Cammie Asks - Asks answered while Cammie is fronting. Camden Asks - Asks answered while Camden is fronting. Dawn Asks - Asks answered while Dawn is fronting. Craig Asks - Asks answered while Craig is fronting. Wynn Asks - Asks answered while Wynn is fronting. Ask Memes - Ask based games. We try to link the source but sometimes forget. Hypno Themed Asks - Asks about hypnosis.
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Monty, Charles, and Edwin Finch-Rowland
Some scars are less scars and more open wounds, even if they cannot be seen from the outside. Sometimes, a thing injured you so deeply that you are going to be feeling it for the rest of your life, the ramifications going across bone and blood and breath.
Sometimes it is hard to walk. Sometimes it is hard to breathe. 
And yet you have to keep on living, in this half functional state, and the only way you can keep going is by leaning on someone else.
Sometimes, two creatures have been broken at such similar angles that they find themselves only able to exist within each other's shape, surrounded by the arms of a boy that loves them more than they have ever loved themselves.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, there's nothing sweeter than my baby (so full of love I could barely eat)
Promise me that you'll start
Where I end
And I promise to give you everything
That I am
We'll go on and on and on again
In the end, all I hope for
Is to be a bit of warmth for you
When there's not a lot warm left
To go around
-The Oh Hellos, Boreas
@deadboy-edwin @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @ashildrs
@tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude @mj-irvine-selby
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@tiredghostby @sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @queen-of-hobgobblers @every-moment-a-different-sound
@nix-nihili @holvivum
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inevitably-johnlocked · 10 months
hey steph! i hope you’re doing well!! i know you have all the fics you’ve read in a masterlist doc you made yourself, and i was wondering if it was worth the time it took to make that? if so, do you have any tips on how to go about doing that? thank you :]
Hey Lovely!!
I am SO sorry for the delay in a reply to this... I saw it and then it just got buried LOL. I'm SO SO SORRY, wasn't intentional!!!
I do indeed have all my fics listed on an offline RTF Text Document (not even a word doc, it's Apple TextPad lol) and OOOF when I first decided to start filing it, UGH it was A CHORE. I'm talking a LONG time because I went through, at the time, all 500 of my bookmarks and just spent DAYS AND DAYS of holiday time just copy pasting them all into a tumblr post, and then copying those over to the lists. I chose to use the Tumblr formatting since that's where it would inevitably be posted to.
"Why not use a spreadsheet??" I've been asked before. It's literally because I hate spreadsheets, I don't like using them, and by using an RTF formatted document I can keep the formatting consistent between Tumblr and the lists offline. I wanted to make it as PAINLESS and easy as possible to copy-paste between Tumblr's ever-changing UI and my offline lists. I literally just have to double click a block of text and I highlight the whole rec :)
Now, at the time I thought I was wasting time doing it, thought it was all for naught re-reading EVERYTHING so I could properly add tags to fics that didn't have them or so I could sort them better. But it's now 500 more fics later, and I'm SO glad I streamlined a process to do it. Having the posts this way, WITH my own tags makes it MUCH easier for me to call up the fics you guys are needing, or if I need to make a quick-list in-a-pinch. It was well-worth the time to initially sort the bookmarks. It's worth the time to format not-read fics on a separate list so I can quickly find them again and add them to my Bookmarks list already-done. And I keep going back to my bookmarks every couple months to add those new fics to my offline lists.
That said... it's a lot of work, and it's REALLY fortunate that my OCPD actually functions well for this kind of website. I like digital organization, and I'm meticulous about how things are organized, because it feeds that need for control in my brain. So I can say it's ALSO not for everyone, but if you're just looking to do it for yourself, just add tags to all your bookmarks on AO3 (make sure all your bookmarks are private, otherwise the authors can see what you're tagging or noting them as. All my bookmarks are private because my tags are all spoilerific and I don't know if those would show up for other people).
BUT if you want to run your own blog, check out this post here for some past things I've written on the organization and time management tips for your own :)
Finally though, Yes, it's worth it. While not getting the traction I used to, I know that my recs bring joy to people, and honestly being someone who people can come to to find what they're looking for is heady and humbling. I love being able to leave my mark on the fandom in some way. :)
Sorry again for the delay, but I hope this helps answer your question. Please don't hesitate to ask something else if I missed anything or misunderstood <3
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