#and like I adore Eddie but I think it was Dustin’s reaction that Really got to me
dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
After Starcourt, Steve finally managed to get a date. He actually liked her, too. She was nice, smart, and completely smitten over the fact that he was fond of the kids he babysat. Apparently, she didn't take it too well that Dustin followed him onto his date. She left before Dustin came back from the bathroom.
"Hey, where's Lydia?" Dustin asked.
"Oh, her parents called the theater. Apparently, there was a family emergency," Steve shrugged.
"Oh, that sucks. You were really looking forward to it," Dustin frowned. "More popcorn for us."
He made his way over to the concession stand. Steve didn't have the heart to tell him the real reason why she left. Dustin's had a hard time lately since the mall, and from what Claudia told him, he's been having nightmares lately. He didn't have to say anything, but Steve figured the reason why Dustin's been clinging to both him and Robin lately was because he felt guilty about them getting hurt. Robin had agreed with him on that theory. He didn't mind it much. He loved spending time with Dustin, someone he thought of like a little brother, and he knew Robin had come to think of him like that, along with Erica. It was where Robin was currently at "babysitting" for the Sinclairs while they had their own date night. As much as she complained, Erica had wormed her way into Robin's heart. Once they got their drinks and popcorn, they found a couple of seats up front.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A voice asked.
"No," Steve replied with looking, and he almost did when he felt leather brush up against his arm.
"Steve?" Dustin asked.
"Your date stood you up because of me, didn't she?" Dustin asked.
"What? No!" Steve said quickly.
"You're a terrible liar, Steve," Dustin whispered. "But that's okay, Steve, I still think you're my brother."
"Well, you know, if she doesn't understand that my little brother is important to me, then she's not worth my time," Steve whispered.
"You guys are terrible whisperers," a voice from Steve’s other side said. "Also, totally adorable."
Steve turned and found that Eddie Munson was sitting on his other side.
"Do you know this guy, Steve?" Dustin asked.
"Eddie Munson," the man himself introduced. "Didn't know Steve Harrington had a nerdy little brother."
"I adopted him," Dustin replied. "Besides, Steve’s not just a jock. He's a nerd, too."
"No, I'm not," Steve scoffed.
"Please, I found the comic books under your bed," Dustin hissed.
"What the hell did I tell you about going through my stuff, you little shit?" Steve hissed back.
"You really are brothers," Eddie grinned.
"Hey, Eddie, you're a guy," Dustin said suddenly.
"That's what it says on my birth certificate," Eddie replied.
"Do you know why a guy would keep his muscle magazines with his playboys? Do you think it's a jock thing?" Dustin asked.
"Oh my god!" Steve exclaimed, mortified.
Steve could feel Eddie watching him with curious eyes, and he waited for his reaction.
"You know, it must be a jock thing," Eddie said. "I think if I were your brother, I'd give you hell for digging through his private things."
Dustin sighed and rolled his eyes, but Steve took this as a sign that he's thinking about how wrong he was. The movie was about to start. Suddenly, Eddie leaned so close to him that Steve could feel his hair tickling his cheek, his breath in his ear.
"It's not just jocks who put their muscle magazines with their playboys," Eddie whispered and paused briefly, moving in closer until his lips were brushing up light against his ear. "Big boy."
Eddie sat back in his seat, leaving Steve flushed. His heart was pounding in his ears, and suddenly, his crush on Eddie came roaring back. Steve cursed mentally as he tried to focus on the movie and not on the fact that Eddie was leaning more heavily against his arm. His pinky was brushing up against his. At some point, Eddie started running over his hand, drawing circles into his skin. His touch was setting him on edge, and it was making his brain go all fuzzy.
"Bathroom," Steve said gruffly and stood up quickly.
He was grateful that there wasn't anyone in the bathroom when he went it. It allowed him to catch his breath. It was crazy how one single moment could bring out all of the feelings that he shoved inside of him when he was just a freshman, a freshman who has seen the most beautiful boy ever. He honestly hadn't felt this way since Nancy, and honestly, it was baffling. Just one little moment, and he was crazy about him again. Suddenly, the door opened, and Steve looked through the mirror as Eddie walked into the restroom. They made eye contact, and he raised a questioning eyebrow at him as he locked the door. Suddenly, Steve was moving and pressing Eddie up against the door as he kissed him. Eddie pulled him closer by his hips as he kissed him back. Of course, it didn't last long before someone wanted in. They broke the kiss, and Eddie quickly disappeared into a stall before Steve could unlock. The man walked in and frowned at him.
"Uh, the door got stuck," Steve said.
"I heard the lock, young man," he said.
Steve slipped by him and hurried back to his seat. Eddie soon came back, a grin on his face. He pulled a pen out of his pocket and started writing his number on Steve’s hand.
"Call me when you're ready to have a date without your brother," Eddie whispered. "I really do appreciate people who collect lost sheep."
Steve grinned. Things were looking up. Suddenly, he was very grateful that Lydia stood him up.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Steve’s Ex
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Steve’s ex is back in town and shows up at Family Video with a ring on her finger and a kid on her hip.
Word Count: 2412
Eddie Masterlist
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“Steve! Steve!” Robin runs into Family Video late for her shift yelling for her best friend.
“Whatever you’re about to say Buckley better have to deal with why I’ve had to cover for you for the past twenty minutes.”
“I bumped into Dustin on my way here and he said your ex is back in town.” She moves behind the counter glancing at Steve out of the corner of her eye waiting for his reaction.
“Which ex?” Robin spins around at his nonchalance, shocked he’s not freaking out yet.
“Which ex?! Steve, the ex, the one you’ve been hung up about since before Nancy! Honestly, why would we warn you about any other ex?” She gets to watch her words dawn on him in real time. Steve’s eyes go wide, his lips part and he fumbles and drops the VHS in his hands before turning to face Robin.
“Y/n’s back in town?” He hasn’t seen you in years, not since you moved away after his freshman year and your sophomore year. And not since you broke his heart by dumping him. He says he’s over you but he and everyone he’s talked to about you know that he’s not really. “When did she come back? Where is she staying? Where did Dustin see her?”
“Woah slow down Romeo. I don’t know the answer to any of those questions.” Robin holds up her hands in defense before Steve can start shaking her for information. “You really haven’t had any sort of communication with her?”
“Not really, I saw her once or twice when she was in town for holidays over the years but it was always in passing and she had a boyfriend each time.”
“Well maybe this time she won’t have one.” Robin offered up with a shrug before grabbing some tapes to restock shelves.
“You ready to go pick a movie for tonight baby?” You speak to your little girl smiling down at her as you unclasp her from her carseat. She beams up at you and nods her brown hair moving around with her head. Every time she beams up at you makes you feel like you’re falling in love with her all over again. “I was thinking of getting Muppets Take Manhattan, you wanna watch The Muppets?”
“Yeah!” You smile and bring her into your arms, shutting the car door and looking over at the Family Video in front of you. 
“And you know what? You were so good today that you get to pick a movie on top of my pick.” 
“Really?” You smile softly at how it actually comes out as ‘weally’. Arwen had issues pronouncing her r’s still which isn’t unusual for children her age and as adorable as it is you’re nervous that maybe she got your speech impediment that you had to work on all throughout elementary school. 
“Really.” You nod, poking her stomach and letting her hold onto your finger when she grabs for it. The bell above you rings as you walk into the store and you head straight to where you know you’ll find your movie. Arwen begins to wiggle on your hip after you grab it and you place her down holding your hand out for her to take so she doesn’t wander away. She starts tugging you away and you let her knowing she’s on her way to the children's section.
Steve froze in his spot when he saw the little girl pulling you across the store. He hadn’t seen you come in and if Robin knew this was going to be his reaction she would’ve told him that you had just walked in. She can’t help but laugh at his expression but still pinches him when she notices you walking towards the counter. The kid is babbling on about something and you continue looking down at her nodding along and chiming in here and there. Steve takes your distraction with the kid to get himself under control.
“Did you find everything alright?” At the sound of his voice your attention goes from your kid to the man you definitely recognized behind the counter.
“Steve? How are you?” You place the two movies on the counter both Muppets and Rainbow Bright and the Star Stealer, Arwen's pick for the night.
“Good, good. What are you doing here?”
“Getting movies for movie night.” You pick up your daughter then and Steve’s attention goes to her.
“Whose this?” He leans on the counter smiling at her.
“This is my daughter Arwen.” Steve chokes on air, he was expecting you to say it was your cousin or something, not your daughter. She looks like she’s around like four and his heart drops to his stomach at that realization.
“Is she, is she mine?” You laugh at him causing Arwen to let out little giggles too. She may not have known what you were laughing about but hearing you laugh normally caused her to. It was one of your favorite sounds in the whole world.
“God no. She’s only three Steve, we broke up, what five years ago?”
“Four years ago.” He tries not to sound dejected at you both laughing at him and not remembering when you broke up. “Is uh, is her dad still around then?” He knew how normal it was for teen dads to just sorta not want anything to do with the kid.
“Oh yeah. He absolutely adores her. Arwen, this is my friend Steve.”
“Hi, I’m Awwen.” Steve smiles at her as she waves at him.
“It’s nice to meet you. A pretty name for a pretty girl.” She giggles at the compliment hiding her face in your shoulder. “How’d you come up with Arwen?”
“Her dad named her, she’s named after a character from Lord of The Rings. Can I rent the movies?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah of course.” Steve gets busy logging the movies out. “So how long are you back for?”
“Hopefully for good. I figured it was time to finally move in with my husband instead of constantly worrying about him from my parents house after the scare he gave us earlier this year.” You put Arwen down again so you can get your wallet out to pay.
“Husband?” Steve’s throat goes tight as he wonders who the lucky bastard who got to marry you is. The bell rings again then and Steve watches over your shoulder as Eddie walks in, his eyes lighting up as he sees the two girls at the counter. 
“Daddy!” Arwen rushes away from you and into Eddie’s arms as he crouches down to catch her. Your attention immediately goes to the man picking up your little girl behind you.
“Hey Princess, you miss me?” Eddie kisses the side of her head as she buries her head in his shoulder and wraps her legs around his waist the best she can. Robin immediately understands what’s going on and she wants to laugh at the confusion written across Steve’s face. “Hey baby.” Eddie stops next to you and plants a kiss on your lips causing Steve’s mouth to drop.
“You married Munson?!”
“Do you two know each other?”
“Do we know each other? Like you don’t know we dated for a year.” Steve scoffs out and rolls his eyes while crossing his arms. He can’t believe Eddie never told him he was with you, he didn’t even know the man was married.
“You dated Harrington?”
“Oh, yeah.” You shrug because it’s not a big deal. “We broke up like a month, maybe, before we started dating.”
“Woah, woah, woah wait. You waited a month before dating someone who lives in the same town as me when you dumped me because and I quote ‘long distance is for chumps’?”
“Eddie was very convincing with his argument for me trying it with him. If you had tried to convince me otherwise then maybe we would’ve stayed together.”
“How did the two of you meet?” Robin chimes in as Steve starts to get into his head and before he can say anything stupid. “Hi, I’m Robin.” She holds out her hand for you to shake.
“Hi! Eddie’s told me a lot about you!” He really has, he absolutely adores Robin to death and he’s told you all about how his friendship with her has grown. 
“Corroded Coffin had a show in her town, something Gareth's cousin set up for us, and she was one of the only people there enjoying the music. I caught her after the show and we went to get dinner at the diner down the street.” Eddie answers her other question before you can spill about how much he gushes about his cool new friend.
“And after that he basically begged me to try the long distance thing and it ended up working. He’d come visit me a lot and he was constantly sending me love letters in the mail. Four months later I got pregnant with my little angel here, freaked out a lot and spent almost all of junior year pregnant. Even though we didn’t mean for it to happen we both fell in love with her after the first ultrasound picture.” You reach over to brush hair away from her face and boop her nose. “Eddie proposed after I graduated and we got married a month after she turned two.”
“Why haven’t you been living here then with Eddie?” Steve’s still being uncharacteristically quiet as Robin continues to ask questions. 
“He insisted it was better for Arwen if I stayed with my parents for a while since he was still in school and didn’t trust that the trailer was safe enough for her. But after what happened in March I told him there wasn’t a choice anymore and we were moving home.” 
“And since it looks like we’re going to win this defamation case, I’m gonna get us our own place with the money we get.” Wayne was quick to find a lawyer and file a defamation case after it was proved Eddie was innocent. He wasn’t happy at all with the town still painting him out to be a devil worshipping murderer and trying to ruin Eddie’s chances at living a normal life. If it wasn’t for Wayne knowing the owner Eddie wouldn’t even have his job at the auto shop in town.
“Wait what are you doing here Eddie? Thought you’d beat me home today.”
“Was on my way home when I saw your car in the parking lot. Had to make sure you weren’t getting one of the Muppet movies again.” He bumps your shoulder with his own teasing. Really he was just super excited to see you and couldn’t wait till you got home. You look away from him then and towards the tapes still on the counter. Arwen begins to giggle and you already know she’s going to rat you out.
“Mama got Muppets.”
“Before you even say anything Eds, it isn't The Muppet Movie again, I’m switching it up. You wanna tell dad what you picked out Winnie?”
“Rainbow Bright!” She throws her hands up and you and Eddie gape at her before looking at each other smiling. 
“Did she just?”
“I’m pretty sure she did.”
“Did you two hear that?” Robin and Steve share a look of confusion at your excited voices while you don’t wait for their answer and grab Arwen's hands stepping closer to her. “Say it again baby.”
“Rainbow Bright.” She’s still smiling at all the excitement she’s getting from her parents even if she doesn’t understand exactly why. Yours and Eddie’s smiles reach your eyes as she pronounces both r’s right for a second time. 
“That’s right baby! Rainbow Bright.” You take her from Eddie’s arms and spin her around causing her to laugh.
“Look at you Princess, getting your r’s right! You keep this up and I’m gonna have to start calling you Pirate.” Eddie’s hand rests on her head after he places a kiss there pulling away beaming at her. “I think this calls for ice cream, what do you think Sweetheart?”
“This definitely calls for ice cream. What do you think honey? You want some chocolate ice cream?”
“Yeah!” She claps and you hike her further up your body before turning your head towards Steve and Robin.
“It was nice seeing you again Steve and it was wonderful to meet you Robin. I guess I’ll see you around.” You wave bye to them and Arwen waves over your shoulder as you walk away. “Do you want to go home first and then we can all go together?”
“Yeah that sounds good.” Eddie stays close to you as you both walk towards the door.
“Oh! We should see if Dustin wants to join us.”
“Hey guys! You forgot to grab the movies.” The two of your attentions go to Robin and Eddie stops you from taking a step in her direction.
“I’ll grab them Sweetheart, you go get Arwen all snug in her carseat.” You nod at him before exiting through the door he holds open for you. “Thanks Robin, we got a little distracted there.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She shrugs before smiling wide at her newest friend. “I can’t believe you never told us you were married or had a kid. She’s so fucking cute!”
“Isn’t she? And it’s not like I kept it a secret, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas even met them both in the beginning of last school year. Honestly if it weren’t for my girls I probably wouldn’t have let Dustin drag my ass out of the upside down.” Eddie watches you through the doors as you coo to your daughter with a love drunk smile. “Alright I gotta go, got two pretty ladies waiting for me to get ice cream. See you Robin, Harrington this was weird don’t try to hit on my wife again. Bye!” Steve gets flustered only proving Eddie right. He hadn’t even heard what you and Steve had been talking about before he showed up but he could tell that Steve was into you with just one look at his face. And Eddie is still blissfully unaware that you’re the ex Steve talks about sometimes.
“Steve your ex is a total fucking milf now!” Robin exclaims once Eddie is out of the door and pulling you into a kiss.
“Shut it Robs. I can’t believe she ended up with Eddie.” He groans out, dropping his head into his arms while Robin laughs.
Eddie Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​ @fromasgardandback​​ @rockchickrebel​​ @yourdailymemedelivery​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ ​ @eddiethesexy​ ​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @midnightsgetawaycar​  @alexis6699​ @goldylions​ @venomsvl​ @zbeez-outlet​ @eddie-swhore​ @haileighboi @myownworstenemyyy​ @sharnnnnnn​ @bratckerman​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
For Steddie bingo, “Eddie Caused Steve’s Gay Awaking ™️” I adore a good “Oh. Oh” moment we’re Steve’s brain just glitches bc of Eddie
Have a bit of post s4 recovery as well!
"You know he doesn't look half bad when he's asleep like this", Steve commented like it was a totally normal thing to say about a guy friend currently in a hospital bed.
Clearly it wasn't because Dustin AND Robin were looking at him like he'd grown a second head.
"You know what I mean, all peaceful and junk. I don't think I've ever seen him like...like this, you know?"
"Yeah, I know", Dustin said. "He never sat still, even when things were fine."
He could have just left it at that, but Steve couldn't leave it alone. Why did Eddie's sleeping face get that reaction from him? Steve remembered being around guy friends while they slept. He never had any thoughts deeper than hoping they didn't drool. He'd seen Dustin sleeping and while he thought he looked deceptively cherubic while unconscious, it was like watching a baby sleep. Cute, when they weren't shouting at the top of their lungs.
Eddie being awake wasn't much better. Well-it was, given the alternative was death by gut injuries. But every time he opened his eyes, Steve let out a relieved breath and got to watch him slowly return to the world of the waking and wished he could spare Eddie a few more precious moments where he was blissfully unaware of the world outside that still wanted to kill him.
There was something really familiar about it all that he couldn't put his finger on. One day, when he came to the hospital to visit Eddie, he got an idea, making sure to close the door behind himself.
"Hey, uh, mind if I lay down with you?", Steve asked.
"You don't mind laying in bed with a freak?", Eddie asked.
"Come on man, I didn't get a lot of sleep", he lied. "Plus, you know you're like the fifth freakiest person I know."
"Fifth?", Eddie gasped. "I should lick your elbow for that", he threatened, but scooched anyway and lied on his side. There really wasn't a ton of room on the bed, but on their sides, they were just barely able to squeeze in together. Steve let out a breath as he got comfortable and imagined waking up like this, next to one of his many dates. Except this time, it was Eddie's face who greeted him after a night together.
Instantly, he felt the urge to reach out and stroke his hair, to kiss him awake, to coax him from sleep softly and whisper a promise of 'next time'. And the idea of doing so with a man wasn't a deterrent at all.
Well, that was new.
"What's going on under all that hair Harrington?", Eddie asked softly.
"Are you doing anything later?"
Eddie snickered. "Got a hot date with a catheter later."
"And after that?"
"Careful Stevie, it almost sounds like you're asking me out."
"And if I am?", Steve asked, eyes hopeful.
Eddie searched them for any signs of deceit. Because Steve Harrington couldn't be lying next to him, asking him out right now.
"I'd say....that Iiiiii, I guess I'll have to call the catheter and cancel."
Steve smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that."
Steddie bingo under the cut.
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I just realized I technically have bingo but yall are more than welcome to keep sending me prompts until i fill up the whole card LOL
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little-annie · 1 year
Okay, so they told Dustin and it was… interesting.
If interesting is thinking your friend is dying, then telling him not to get pregnant by his boyfriend before ultimately shrugging your shoulders and bullying your way to the arcade.
So yeah.
And now to tell Robin.
Which is less scary in a sense but also, like, fucking terrifying in another. Because they didn't tell her first. Because Steve kinda sorted out the whole Bi-Sexual thing on his own when he fell into bed with Eddie on some random Saturday night.
So yeah. Maybe Steve's a little scared and maybe Eddie finds it hilarious, because why wouldn't he?
They're at Family Video, Eddie hanging out with Steve while he finishes up the last remaining hours of his shift. A shift Robin will soon be joining if the schedule in the break room is anything to go by.
They don't really have a solid plan, because why would they? They probably should but they've, um, been a little busy, if you get what I mean. So in the last five minutes they've decided to be themselves and let Robin catch on. That's their hardly existent, probably not the greatest plan.
And for the most part it works.
They're standing too close to be considered just friendly when Robin arrives. Shoulders brushing, Steve's lips tickling Eddie's ear as he whispers something that makes the man blush and smirk before slapping Steve's chest and playfully shoving him away.
Robin just looks, smiles and carries on to the back room to clock in and grab her vest. When she returns, she offers Steve a raised brow and a questioning glance but nothing more.
They carry on with their work routine, skirting around each other in perfect sync while Eddie forever hangs in Steve's orbit; making the man laugh or sneaking kisses on the cheek when they're hidden and no one's in the store.
Occasionally they think Robin notices the lingering touches or the not so well hidden kisses, but she never says anything, just carries on, only offering a smile or the continuation of a conversation they hadn't finished last shift.
It isn't until Steve's on break and Eddie has him pressed up against the wall in the break room that Robin finally says something.
But it's just a simple, "You two wanna quit fornicating for two seconds so I can get to the bathroom back there?"
Not a 'What the fuck?' Or 'Since when?' Or a 'Steve's gay?'
They boys separate, Steve's a little shocked and they stay silent as Robin passes by and ducks into the washroom.
"What the fuck?" Steve whispers, looking at Eddie as if also asking, 'did you also just witness the lack of reaction from Robin?'
To which Eddie responds with a crinkled nose and a shrug as if to say, 'What're ya gonna do?'
"But, like, that was weird, right? Like she didn't say anything really. Just pushed past and carried on."
"Maybe she already knows?"
And then there's a voice coming from the bathroom to their left, "You know I can hear you guys out there right?"
"I know you're together, you idiots. I'm not stupid." There's a flush and the sound of Robin washing her hands before the door swings open and she continues, "Like what, you've been together since you got all horny when Eddie shoved a broken bottle to your neck?"
Steve sputters because, well, no…maybe. "I- I didn't-"
While Eddie teases, "Oh Stevie, you liked that did ya?"
And Robin continues, "Don't lie to me, you liked it. Just as much as Eddie liked seeing you all sweaty in his vest." (To which Eddie shrugs, because she's not wrong) "If I didn't know better I'd say you two were doing the dirty that night in the woods. But, I do know better and if I'm right, which I usually am, this whole thing started a few months ago and you're already grossly in love. God,-" she scoffs fondly, shaking her head, "-I bet you guys cry during sex. Disgusting. But adorable. Just be safe. Don't get Steve pregnant." She claps them on the shoulders with finality and sanuters past like the pair aren't standing there with mouths agape in shock.
And then the door to the break room swings shut and they're alone again.
Steve's still blushing, jaw hanging open while Eddie has obviously moved on by the way he's rucking up Steve's shirt and mouthing at his neck and he mumbles, "She's not wrong, you looked hot in my vest."
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hitlikehammers · 7 months
stupid superpower
rating: teen tags: humor, brotherly ribbing, Dustin has a ✨stupid superpower✨, Dustin continues to have issues with his tone ✨for @slashify at my BIRTHDAY MONTH PROMPT FEST for the prompt: Character Has Powers (requested to be Dustin)
“Look, see!” Dustin points at the mat he’s laid out on the coffee table in Steve’s living room. “This is why Dart was so easy, it makes so much sense now.”
He turns to them with the biggest grin that’s getting a little less gummy by the week, now, but…he looks so proud, is the thing.
And it is painful. The pride. What it’s for.
The way they’re gonna have to probably dash it.
“I,” Steve squints at the setup, start to finish, empty cans framing the perimeter before he sighs: “I am not seeing anything, man.”
“No,” Dustin’s voice goes pitchy, really, he should have outgrown that by now, s’looking like it’s a permanent trait, yeesh; “look.”
And he points with such…some superiority, such imperiousness, like…okay, so maybe it’s the least painful of the list, when they have to dash all that pride. Kid’s gotta fucking learn some humility, man. Like, sooner rather than later.
“I told you I could communicate with them!” Dustin pulls off his cap and throws it to the couch, triumphant. Steve watches the mat for a few more seconds before he straights up, cocks his hip and crosses his arms.
“You’re telling me,” he says slowly; “that you talk to slugs.”
Because that…that certainly appears to be what the argument has been. They’d kinda thought Dustin has been joking, in previous passing mention. Eddie, at least, definitely thought he was just being an annoying little prick for how many times he asked if either of them felt particularly chiropteran, muttering about traits from interactions, close encounters, bites would obviously count.
Like, it was Dustin, if they took all the crap he said to heart, weighed it seriously, they’d never do anything else.
Like: ever.
“Interspecial gastropodic extracommunicational phenomena,” Dustin rattles off, a little defensive, if Eddie’s gonna be honest; and it wasn’t exactly called for. Steve just asked a question.
Eddie, on the other hand…
“So slugs and snails,” Eddie confirms, droll as fuck by intention, because Eddie is actually very aware of his tone in most situations, thank you very much; “the shell doesn’t deter you.”
“No, I think it’s the whole at least the whole class, maybe the whole phylum,” and he’s so excited, but, he’s also being a fucking know-it-all about it and there is a part of Eddie that doesn’t want to squash Dustin’s enthusiasm but the bigger part of Eddie, but fucking far, knows for a goddamn fact no one could possible squash Dustin’s enthusiasm, or self-confidence, like, Dustin would happily go toe-to-toe with like, Stephen fucking Hawking, and brag afterward that the intellectual stimulation was lacking.
So Eddie doesn’t actually feel bad about any of this and Dustin rambles on.
“But I think if I got my hands on a limpet, or an abalone—“
And when he looks up he must catch something, like he must be able to tell, to read something despite Eddie being very fucking careful to keep a helluva poker face right now—and Eddie’s kinda proud, because maybe the little shithead can be taught.
“You’re joking,” Dustin concludes, dry as fuck and with the audacity to sound…disappointed? Like in a how-could-you-be-so-juvenile-as-to-stoop-to-this-level kind of way which. Which.
“Not at all,” Eddie clutches his non-existent pearls in mock offense, and Dustin’s eyes just narrow.
“I was right.”
“Might not want to say that too loud, Dusty-Buns,” Eddie shoots right back and Steve coughs unconvincingly to cover a laugh and Eddie bites his bottom lip to stop his own smile, less because of Dustin’s reaction and more just because…Stevie. Being adorable.
Steve being his Stevie.
“Yeah, that feels like slander,” Steve adds in thoughtfully, stroking his chin and everything before he turns to Eddie, considering.
“Can you slander yourself, if you’re embarrassing enough?”
And oh, oh: Eddie adores it when his boyfriend’s bitchy side comes out. He adores it so much.
“‘Course you can, big boy,” Eddie can’t help himself as he leans over and pecks at Steve’s cheek; Dustin scowls at them and Eddie can’t help himself, so he licks up Steve’s cheek for the disgusted grown from Dustin and the half-assed shove from Steve that doesn’t move him further away at all.
“You’re just jealous that I have a superpower,” Dustin ultimately shoots back which: okay, Eddie knows he’s capable of better than that, he’s kind of disappointed, that was so weak.
“It’s a stupid superpower,” Steve points out, plain and simple and Eddie wants to clap his hands. He. Loves. His. Bitchy. Boyfriend.
So. Much.
“Or is it a superpower for stupid?” Eddie asks, turning back to Steve like it’s a genuine question, a worthy debate.
“Naw,” Steve shakes his head, almost regretful; “he is pretty fuckin’ smart.”
“More than one kind of stupid, Stevie,” Eddie notes with due gravitas.
“Envy,” Dustin sniffs, so goddamn superior. “Green’s really not your fucking color,” and ooo, there’s a little snarl, a little sneer on his lips; “either of you.”
“I look good in green,” Steve points out, not even petulant, just factual.
“For example,” Eddie picks up and talks over Dustin’s comment like he never made one, leveling the little asshole with a pointed look:
“Some people are stupid about their tone.”
Steve doesn’t even try to cover his snort that time.
“You look good in everything, sweetheart,” Eddie takes the opportunity to comment, to sneak another kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth as he purrs; “and out.”
“Disgusting,” Dustin gags and Eddie turns to glare as he bites out:
Like, way to prove Eddie’s fucking point for him, wow, the lack of self-preservation is overwhelming here.
“I’m gonna go find El,” Dustin announces, like he thinks it’s an airport; “she will be thrilled to have someone like her around—“
“Remember what I said?” Eddie turns to Steve, exaggerates the knowing look he gives; “types of dumb,” then he turns again to Dustin, and knows his look is pitying, because he fucking means for it to be.
“Telekinesis and slug-speak aren’t even in the same universe, man,” and Jesus H., Dustin looks offended at the suggestion, which.
“The overlap of telepathic—“
“Slugs, Dustin,” Steve butts in, cuts him off; “I drown those fuckers in little bowls of beer in the yard. They go in willingly,” and oh. Oh, Eddie loves his boyfriend.
Eddie loves his boyfriend so goddamn much.
Because he hadn’t even noticed the set up, the slight of hand, because Steve had overturned the can of PBR he hadn’t finished, that had gone warm anyway, and dumped it into the shallow little bowl that used to have pretzel sticks inside, low enough to, to—
“Well they won’t anymore,” Dustin declares, fucking haughty with it; “because I will tell them—“
“Yet behold, special super slug-whisperer,” Eddie gasps and gestures wide to the mat where the slug demonstration had originally taken place: “whatever do we have here?”
What they have there is the little bowl of beer, set on the slug mat.
With slugs already drowned inside.
“Probably maybe you should be smarter about where you stick your attention if you really want to save your precious children from their hoppy graves,” Eddie shrugs, and infuses his words with as much fake fucking concern as he can fit into them because slug-whispering.
Fucking honestly.
Dustin only wastes a few seconds gaping at the scene, mouth working around something—comprehension, maybe, or just some degree of shock—before he turns his eyes up and glares at them both.
“You’re evil,” he says definitively, pointing; “both of you.”
“Go see El, Super Slug,” Eddie smiles indulgently; “she’s absolutely trembling with anticipation at the arrival of an equal, I’m sure of it.”
“After all, didn’t you say,” Steve shrugs and folds his arms over his chest, looks Dustin up and down before delivering the final blow:
“You were right.”
And Dustin scowls, and Eddie cackles, because that’s his brother, that’s their brother.
“Fucking assholes,” Dustin mutters, and leaves his slug mat and the beer-bowl behind as he stomps out the door: these children really need to learn about cleaning up after themselves, even if they leave in a stompy little huff like a goddamn toddler, fucking hell: but still.
Dustin’s their brother.
Like they were ever going to let him get away with bragging about slug powers.
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permanent tag list (comment to be added/removed): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson @estrellami-1 @bookworm0690 
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anasticklefics · 1 year
Another Way To Bond
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Steve, Max
Anonymous said: Could you write a fic about ler!Steve and lee!Max from Stranger Things (PLATONIC OBVIOUSLY) where Max is purposely annoying Steve because she’s bored and Steve tickles her? 
Words: 835
One thing about the kids - Steve felt he had them mostly figured out and therefore knew how to handle them. He could pinpoint Dustin’s mood from the way he moved and not necessarily from how he spoke (the kid had a tone on most good days too). Even when excited or agitated they spoke pretty much the same way to each other, and thus Steve had learned to read him from the way he sat, hunching over or leaning back, from how he walked with quick steps or much too slow, from how he let his eyes linger or quickly dart away.
As life would have it he started seeing the other kids more and more as well, and even though he never really did it on purpose he found himself cataloging them as he did Dustin, putting pieces together until he eventually had a nearly fully accurate description of how to read (and in turn handle) these teenagers that had grown up way too quickly.
He knew Mike distanced himself because he was scared of loss. He knew Will would never say if something was bothering him because he was scared no one would care. Lucas wanted to help everyone so badly that he ignored his own boundaries. He knew Eleven hated not fitting in so much that she would copy everyone to the most ridiculous details.
And Max? Well, Max wasn’t sure how to stop pushing everyone away, and so she kept resorting to what she knew: sass.
Fortunately - or unfortunately - for her, Steve was all too used to sass.
“Stop,” he said, swatting away her foot. “You’re worse than Dustin.”
“That’s an insult.”
“It was meant to be.”
She huffed, sticking her shoe into his face again. “You’re boring.”
“You’re free to leave.”
“There’s nothing better to do anyway.”
They were sitting on the steps leading up to Eddie’s trailer, Steve waiting for Eddie and Max waiting for god knows what. Max seemed to avoid being at home, but she seemed to avoid purposefully seeking everyone else out too, maybe afraid her mind couldn’t handle it once she got there. With Steve (or maybe more with Eddie - Steve suspected she did this more with him) she could just leave when she felt like it. No commitment. No hurt feelings.
Steve pushed her foot away again, twisting his body to glare up at where she was sitting two steps higher than him. She smiled, not innocently, but provocatively. Steve could see why everyone adored her. Why Lucas was head over heels for her, why Dustin and El fought for the title of her best friend, why Eddie let her hang around even though they had nothing in common. Why Steve himself would protect her with his life like he protected the others.
He huffed and looked away, hoping his thoughts weren’t written on his face because how cheesy was that? Fortunately Max didn’t seem to be done tormenting him because her red shoe was in his face again, this time tapping his ear and Steve had had enough, his dealing with Dustin instincts kicking in as he grabbed her ankle. “Stop.”
“Make me.” She said it before she started tugging at her leg and realizing she couldn’t escape his grip. “Let go.” Her tone, albeit in a subtle way, was less cocky now.
“No. You need to learn some manners.” Without thinking he started scribbling his fingers over the back of her knee, making her jerk away with a sudden, panicked laugh. “Oh, really? I didn’t think a little tickling would be your weakness.”
“Don’t,” she said, her voice laced with laughter. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop.”
“Mm, no. I think I need to make sure you won’t do it again first.”
“Steve, I’m warning yo-AH!”
Steve had gone for her knee cap this time, spidering his nails over it in a way he knew made Dustin freak, and while Max’s reactions were smaller, more calm, it seemed to be doing the trick anyway. She curled in on herself, hands flailing, seemingly unsure of how to react since Steve had her leg trapped. He tried to make sure she didn’t hurt herself, tickling and pausing and tickling and pausing in order to keep her from sliding down the stairs or hitting her head against the railing. His repetitive stopping made her laughter choppy, which was cute.
“Is your calf ticklish?”
“I feel like you’re lying.”
She managed to grab the back of his shirt as he pinched her calf, pulling weakly at him without much success at whatever she was trying to do. “Stop!”
“This? This is called revenge. And I’ve only been at it for a minute.”
She groaned through her laughter and Steve was so focused on how her leg vibrated each time he tickled it that he didn’t notice his grip loosening until a foot came flying for his face.
That was how Eddie found them, residual giggles pouring out of Max’s mouth, and blood pouring out of Steve’s nose.
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Redeemable~ Part 2 of Birthday Disaster
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Part 1
Words : 6k
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @djkeruigbbygirl @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
Eddie slouched in his seat while he stared at you from across the room, pouting in his seat when you won’t even look at him or speak to him anymore. He didn’t mean to forget your birthday. He had it all planned out and he got so busy that he couldn’t help but fall asleep. That was his excuse and now you were mad at him. He was going to tell you how he felt about you too and now he had no chance in that either. He felt hopeless and he missed you so much. 
“ What’s got into you, Munson?” One of his classmates nudged him. He threw them a glare telling them he didn’t want to talk to them and instead his eyes laded on you once again. You are taking down notes for next week’s quiz feeling a pair of eyes on the side of your head. You knew he was watching and waited for you to look at him.
But he hurt you, and you didn’t feel like he deserved it. 
The bell rang and Eddie got to his feet, moving around the desk to get to your desk and stopping right in front of you to block your path from exiting the classroom. 
You saw his Reeboks in front of you and sighed to yourself thinking he was doing good by blocking your path. Your eyes rose to meet his brown doe eyes that were pleading for some sort of interaction or reaction from you. 
“ Can we talk?” He asked, his voice sounds so broken and so lonely. You didn’t answer him as you moved your desk away and going the other way to get to the door. You can hear him following you as he tried to pick up the pace you were going.
“ What do I have to do to get you to talk to me?” He asked, but you ignored him making your way to your next class. He sighed, stomping his foot feeling his heart sink to his stomach wanting nothing more but get his best friend back, get the girl that make him feel like he could do anything. 
“ Still nothing” he heard the sound of Dustin’s voice who looked at him sympathetically. Eddie shook his head with his eyes glossing over. This hurts him a lot, the way you were ignoring him. He couldn’t do anything to fix this. 
“ I feel so stupid. She won’t talk to me, not even a look. She did look at me but it was like she was trying to rip my heart piece by piece and I don’t know” he says. 
“ She’s really hurt you forgot her birthday after telling her you planned it all out. She was waiting and waiting only to find out there was nothing waiting for her. She thinks she’s a joke too you” 
“ But she’s not, I love her” Eddie says close to tears. 
“ Do you want me to talk to her?” Dustin asks. “ She adores me, I might loosen it for you to have her talk to you.”
Eddie’s eyes light up at Dustin’s words.
“ You would do that for me?” Eddie asks. 
“ I would, I will and you just watch me” Dustin puffed out his chest with his hands on his hips. Eddie rolls his eyes hearing the bell, but he didn’t really care that he was going to be late but chuckled watching as Dustin raced off towards class yelling, “ shit.” 
You were getting your books from your locker when Dustin appeared all of sudden, scaring you causing you to jump a little. Your eyes were wide as saucers seeing him standing there with a huge smile on his face.
“ You scared me, geez Dustin” you had your hand on your heart. 
“ I’m sorry, but I had to do it. The look on your face” he chuckled. 
“ Was there something you needed?” You closed your locker after getting your books. “ I need to get to class.” 
“ Uh, I was wondering when are you planning to talk to Eddie?” Your face dropped hearing his name. You shrugged in response, sighing to yourself that Eddie had sent Dustin to talk to you and have him figure it out. 
“ I appreciate that you want to fix this, I do but this isn’t yours to fix. It’s his” Dustin nodded his head. 
“ I know but he’s desperate to talk to you and fix this” 
“ I know he is but he hasn’t done anything that would make me want to talk to him” Dustin eyebrows scrunched up together. 
“ What do you want him to do to fix it all? Throw you a birthday party?” You shook your head.
“ No, I’m not much of a party person. He’s a big boy and can think for himself. I’m sure in that head of his, he can think of things”
Dustin sighed. 
“ I need to get to class, see you later” he waved watching you walk by as he snapped his fingers thinking you were going to tell him and he’d report back to Eddie on how to fix it and all would be good as new.
Eddie wanted to scream into a pillow, scream into the world, into his locker, in his van and at someone at the way you were just ignoring him and after Dustin reported back to him that he failed, he was frustrated. Sitting at lunch with his arms across his chest and a sour look on his face, he was angrily staring at the side of your head while you were reading a book and munching on some grapes. 
“ Stop staring at her” Gareth says, poking Eddie in the shoulder. Eddie didn’t even turn to glare over at Gareth. He huffed, uncrossed his arms and crossed them again. 
“ He screwed big time if Y/N won’t even glance at him and let alone speak to him” Jeff says.
“ Thank you for stating the obvious” Eddie spoke out as his hands landed on the table scaring the Hellfire table. “ If you excuse me gentleman I will be elsewhere looking how to solve my problem since none of you can’t help me” he gets out of his seat and grabs his lunch box heading towards the doors of cafeteria and to his own surprise he’s heading to the library. 
He’s that desperate for your attention that he’s thinking that the library will have an answer to his problem. 
“ Eddie Munson in the library?” The librarian lowered her glasses to look at Eddie who shrugged looking around and not sure where he was planning to go and what book he needs to be looking for. 
“ What are you looking for?” She asks. “ Maybe I would be able to help you” 
Eddie walks up to her, placing his hand on top folding them as he licks his dry lips trying to figure out what he wanted to say or ask. 
“ I’m looking for a book on how to win a girl back” he says like that’s the best he could come up with. The librarian raises her eyebrow in question on what this is really about but Eddie doesn’t say anything else. 
“ My, I didn’t really think you’d be the one coming here to solve girl problems” 
“ Will you be helping me or not?” He asked, already annoyed by being here. It’s not somewhere where he belongs. 
“ What did you do? If you don’t mind me asking” Eddie hangs his head, refusing to tell the librarian on what he did in case she might laugh at him and send him off. His lips are in a thin line as he shakes his head.
“ Will you help me or not?” He asked, again. The librarian hums and points him in the direction where he turns to look and then looks at her in disbelief. She was going to show him what he needed to look for, then how was Eddie suppose to find what he needed? 
“ Unbelievable” he mumbles to himself walking to the section it was pointed out to him. He was meant with rows of books that small titles and big titles. He wasn’t too sure which book he needed. He stood there scratching his head in question when his hand reached out to grab some random book with a big title that seemed appealing to him. 
“ Okay” he nodded to himself. “ I got this” he says walking back to the librarian. She stops typing on the computer to pay attention to Eddie who slides the book to her to check out. She reads the title and looks up at him with an eyebrow raised. 
“ I thought it looked interesting” she sighed and began to check him out telling him to return the book otherwise he will need to pay for it. His hand comes up to take it and mumbling some words to her that she throws him a look of disapproval. 
“ Boys” she mumbles to herself going back to what she was doing before. 
You were invited for movie night over at Steve’s with everyone else, but you weren’t sure in going because Eddie was going to be there and you know how that might go. Therefore, you told Steve that you were coming down with something or think you might be coming down with something and decided to stay home. Of course Steve thought that was lie to get yourself out of movie night that Eddie is here for already, looking through Steve’s films. 
“ So what happened to trying to get Y/N to talk to you and all?” Steve asked waiting for everyone else to show up. Eddie sighs to himself and shrugs. 
“ That’s not entirely an answer you know?” Eddie grunted and said something underneath his breath that Steve didn’t even hear. 
“ What were you even doing that you forgot her birthday?” 
“ Sleeping” Eddie answered. 
“ You don’t sleep well or something?” Eddie rose his head to meet Steve’s gaze. “ I was going through a lot that weekend, with so many things to do that I forgot what day it was and before I knew it I was sleeping on the table.” 
“ Sleeping isn’t really a good excuse to miss her birthday, I thought you were into her, Munson”
The color on Eddie’s face drains as his cheeks flush red. 
“ How did you know that?” Steve chuckled. 
“ It’s obvious between the two of you that you like each other” 
“ She likes me?” Steve nods. 
“ And you screwed it up” Eddie groans laying down on the ground with his hands covering his face. “ What am I suppose to do, Harrington?” 
“ Find a way for you to forgive her” 
Eddie rose up to sit and glare at Steve. 
“ You don’t think I have tried that?” Steve shrugged. 
“ I’ve sent Henderson to ask too and she sent him back” Eddie sighed. 
“ Is there something she really wanted but couldn’t afford it?” He asked. 
Eddie hummed to himself as he thought about it and then it hit him. His eyes grew wide as he scrambled to his feet.
“ You’re a genius, Harrington. I could kiss you right now” Eddie says. 
Steve’s face turned into a grimace as he put his hands up. 
“Don’t come near me, Munson” Eddie laughed, and then he stopped laughing because the one thing you wanted but you couldn’t get was a car. Eddie used to always give you rides to school and now you took your bike to school. 
“ She wanted a car..” Eddie says, wincing because he doesn’t really have the money for the car to buy right now. “ What If I gave her yours instead?” Eddie suggests, humoring Steve who family laughs and then stops. 
“ No, my BMW isn’t for sale or for anyone” he says. 
“ You’re no fun, Harrington” Eddie tapped his chin. 
“ Maybe I could give her Wayne’s station wagon” Steve snickers in response. 
“ How’s Wayne going to get to work then?” 
Eddie frowns, “ well I am not giving her m van, that’s for sure.” 
“ You’ll have to get her a different car then” 
“ They are expensive” Eddie sighs running a hand down his face. 
“ I’m never going to get her to forgive me” 
“ You’ll find a way, Munson. I can feel it” Edie sent him a look. 
“ Thank you so much for the support, Harrington. Makes me feels so great” Eddie says. 
There was a knock on the door startling Steve for a moment. 
“ There is everyone one else” he says clasping his hands together as he makes his way to the door. Eddie sits back on the couch, slouching as he wines on when will you talk to him again. Max walks in the room and rolls her eyes at the sight. 
“ Oh brother, this again” she says. 
“ You look like a sack of potatoes” Dustin say walking into the room and sitting down besides Eddie. 
“ Leave him alone, he’s upset. Let him be upset” Nancy says. 
Eddie falls back onto the couch onto Dustin’s lap. 
“ Um…” Dustin mumbles and pats Eddie on the head, not knowing what to do. 
“ Is this normal?” He mouths to Steve who shrugs. Eddie was in the slumps dearly missing you and looked over to the empty spot on the couch that you were suppose to be here but you hadn’t showed up. 
“ Where is Y/N?” Robin question noticed your empty spot. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion. “ She’s usually here before us” she looks over to Steve for answers but he shrugged having no idea where you might be. You had called Steve that you weren’t going to make it movie night. 
“ She must not be feeling her best” Steve says. Dustin nudged Eddie by the elbow. 
“ Maybe move night will cheer you” 
Eddie wasn’t too sure move night would cheer him up since he’s been thinking about you and how in the world was he going to get your friendship back. A hand on his knee brought his attention out of his thought as he looked over to Nancy. 
“ It’s going to be okay” she tried to reassure him with a pat on his knee. 
“ Thanks, Wheeler” she nodded placing bowl of snacks on the table settling down on the other part of the couch. 
Eddie laid in his room thinking what could he possibly do that got your attention, usually his dramatics would get your attention but lately there wasn’t even a look. The other day, Jason pushed him against the locker passing him, and you stood a few feet away not even glance but you heard it. 
You heard Eddie’s wince, closing your eyes wanting to slap Jason across his face. But you held back thinking that this is what Eddie wanted. A reaction out of you to get yo to talk to him. He didn’t deserve it. 
What Eddie didn’t know was that you were the one to steal Jason’s clothes from the boy’s locker room and chased had to walk around in the clothes that was in the lost and found for the rest of the day. That would teach Jason. It made Eddie snicker and Jason for a moment thought that he was the one to do when he spotted you smirking at him.
He couldn’t do anything to you, he was fuming for the rest of the day.
Eddie’s eyes roam over to sweetheart by the mirror hanging there and an idea came to his mind. It wasn’t the idea he wanted to go with, even thought Sweetheart meant a lot to him. He was doing it for you. He stood up from his bed and changed his shirt, and made his way over to Sweetheart. 
“ You’re so pretty” he says to her as he gets her off and holds her in his arms. His eyes gloss over, and he takes a deep breath running his fingers over the strings. She was the next beautiful thing he has ever seen, next to you. 
“ I am going to miss you a whole lot” a tear runs down his chest as he holds her tight to his chest. The sniffling got the attention of Wayne who stood outside Eddie’s door, knocking.
“ Is everything okay, son?” Wayne asked. 
Eddie wiped his tears away not wanting Wayne to see that he was crying. 
“ Yes” Eddie answered him. Wayne didn’t seem convinced letting Eddie know he was coming in and opened the door finding Eddie standing in the middle of his room holding Sweetheart for his dear life while tears run down his cheeks.
“ What’s the matter, boy? Did you break your guitar?” He asked. Eddie shook his head.
“ I am going to sell my guitar that Y/N will talk to me again. I was going to get use the money to get her the ring she saw in the jewelry store. It was her favorite color too. She told me she couldn’t afford it and I wanted to get her it, but I couldn’t…” 
Wayne sighed, looking disapprovingly at Eddie. 
“ That guitar means the world to you, boy” 
Eddie nods, “ Not more than she does.” 
“ You love her” Eddie nods, with a small shrug. 
“ I just miss her so much. I need her to come back into my life”
Wayne made his way over to Eddie and brought him into his arms. Eddie still was clutching sweetheart in his hands as he let his tears run, soaking Wayne’s shirt. Wayne needed to do something. He never saw Eddie crying this much, not since he was a little boy when he was younger. 
Eddie pulled away from Wayne. 
“ I’m going to go do this now, or I might not do this at all” he says. Eddie’s eyes were puffy red as he turned around to grab his car keys on top of the dresser and grab his wallet. He looked at Wayne.
“ Have a good day at work” 
When Eddie left and Wayne heard the car drive off, that’s when he walked over to the phone. He dialed the number of your house not really knowing if you were home or not but he had to try. The phone rang and rang and then Wayne heard the sound of your voice. 
“ It’s not a good time right now, Eddie” you answered. 
“ It’s not, Eddie” Wayne says. You were surprised that Wayne had given you a call. It wasn’t like him to call you like this. 
“ What’s wrong Wayne? Is Eddie okay?” 
Wayne sighed. 
“ You really are stubborn girl I tell you, that boy messed up one time and you don’t even have the time to sit down and talk to him like a normal person. That boy has been hurting and hurting and he’s been crying. He’s been trying and now you’ve done it.” 
“ What do you mean?” 
“ He went to town to sell that guitar of his that he loves so much to get you that damn ring you always wanted” 
You gasped. 
“ Wayne, tell me it’s not true. He wouldn’t do that” you shook your head in disbelief. 
“ He did, he held that guitar in his arms saying goodbye to him before leaving the house. That boy’s been in love with you since the day he met you.” 
“ He loves me-e?” You questioned, your eyes wide as saucers.
“ Now I suggest you hang up the phone and drive to stop him or you are never coming over here if I see your face” 
“ Wayne it’s not that easy” 
“ You’re still talking to me?” 
“ Wayne I-“ 
He cuts you off, “ I said what I said, go catch him and tell him how you feel. I can’t stand the two of you looking at each other like your waiting for the fireworks to go off.” 
You were about to start when Wayne hung up the phone instead. 
“ That’s rude, he didn’t say bye to me” 
You put the phone down back where it should be and grabbed your shoes heading to the door with your keys in your hands. 
“ Oh Eddie” you mumbled sliding into your car. 
Meanwhile, Eddie put his guitar on the counter letting the guy take a look at it, is in awe of hoe pretty he is as his hands run over the strings. It was hurting Eddie just seeing his guitar on the counter and someone else’s hand on Sweetheart. 
“ How much you want?” The store owner asked. Eddie looked at his name tag seeing the name “ Robert” on it with big letters. 
“ Well, Robert is it?” Eddie glanced down at Sweetheart and back up at him telling him how much he needed remembering the close amount of the ring you wanted that he was sure was still in the store across the street. 
He took Sweetheart off the counter and laced her carefully on the stand, not to break her and Eddie’s heart pulled heart strings wanting to get her back and tell the owner he was joking. But he took a deep through his nose telling himself he was doing this to get you back. 
Robert handed over the money to Eddie.
“ Pleasure doing business with you” Robert says as he walks over to the other customer on the other side. Eddie takes another look at Sweetheart trying to hold back tears seeing that she wasn’t his anymore.
“ Take good care of her” he says to Robert who happens to look at him once more seeing he was still standing there. Robert nods as he turns back to the customer. It took a whole lot of Eddie to walk out that door without Sweetheart in his hands and it took him a lot to walk across the street, looking into the glass seeing there on the stand was the ring. 
The very ring you hoped one day to have. 
Eddie didn’t expect to see you when he walked out of the shop and in his hand was a dark green box from the store holding the ring he purchased. It was a gift for you. Your breath hitched seeing he didn’t have Sweetheart on him.
“ What did you do, Eddie?” You asked with worry in your eyes. 
“ So, now your talking to me?” He asked pocketing the ring in his jacket. 
“ What did you buy?” You motioned to his jacket. You saw the ring box in his hand. 
“ I bought something” Eddie shrugged making his way over to the van but you stopped in his tracks. 
“ How did you afford it?” 
His face dropped as his eyes looked across the street at the shop and that gave him away as you turn to look at the shop. There you knew that he really did what Wayne told you. 
“ You didn’t” He shrugged like he had no idea what you were talking about. 
“ Eddie” you stepped towards him and pulling him into your arms. “ Why would you do such a thing? Sweetheart means the world to you” He nods but pulls away from you to look you in the eye.
“ She does, but you mean more” your heart raced at his words and eyes growing wide. 
“ No, no. We have to get her back” you grabbed onto his wrist to lead him across the street where he pulled his wrist back from your grasp. “ Eddie, come on” 
He shook his head, “ I don’t need it. All I want is you. I want you back in my life” he says. 
“ You have me. Eddie I-“ he knitted his eyebrows together and raised his hand to move a piece of your hair away from your face. “ You what?” He asked urging you to go on. 
“ I…” He nods telling you he’s listening and leans closer that his breath fans over your face. 
“ Eddie..I..” He tilts his head to the side and his lips look inviting as if they were urging you to kiss him. You can’t get the words out on what you want to tell him. 
“ Fuck it” you grabbed onto the his jacket causing Eddie to look down and then look back at you, his eyes growing wide when your lips land on his. His mind is screaming at him that finally that it’s happening and he need to kiss you back. His eyes close as his hands drop to your hips bringing you closer to his body. He feels like he’s on cloud nine as he kisses you with passion. 
You slowly pull away with your lips inches away from his. 
“ I love you too” Eddie says to you, he knew now what you wanted to tell him. A smile appears on your face and his eyes grow wide and he steps back fishing in his pocket for the box. His hand out holds a box to your letting you take it in your grasp.
“ What is it? You didn’t have to get me anything” 
“ Open it” he says. He is biting the inside of his cheeks as his nerves take over. His heart is racing when he watches you open the box. The little gasp you make when you notice what it is. 
“ I can’t take this” you close the box and pushing it towards Eddie’s hand but he steps back that you don’t get a chance to. 
“ I got it for you, sweetheart. It’s all yours” 
“ Eddie, I can’t. This is too much” He shakes his head.
“ Take it,  this is my way of apologizing for missing your birthday.” 
“ A love confession would of been just fine you know” a giggle escapes from you and he rolls his eyes. 
“ Put it on” 
“ Do you wanna do the honors?” You asked him. His mouth a jars as he nods in happiness taking the box and getting the ring out to slip on your finger. When he does, it looks perfect on you. 
“ It’s perfect”
“ Just like you, my perfect girl” he says bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing on top of it. 
“ Your girl, huh?” He nods, his cheeks are blushing as he looks away. 
“ If you want to be. I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to-“ you stop his rant with a kiss on his lips which he happily returns. 
You pull away looking at your boyfriend who’s more than happy to make you happy even though he sold his guitar, which meant so much to him. You swore to get it back. It couldn’t someone else’s or hold on display at the store. Sweetheart belonged to Eddie Munson and you were going to make sure it was returned to him. 
“ What are you getting for Eddie’s birthday?” Dustin asked you walking into the school with you by your side. Eddie had a customer early in the morning therefore he met him in the woods while you went ahead with Dustin. 
“ That’s a secret” you say, holding your book bag by the strap as Dustin walked you to your locker. “ Oh come on, I won’t tell.” 
“ I am not telling you squat, Henderson” he sighed, but pouted in case you were going to give into him. Gareth and Jeff made their way over to you.
“ Good morning” Gareth beamed while Jeff yawned, still feeling tired. 
“ What are you talking about?” Jeff asked, leaning against the locker next to yours. 
“ I was asking Y/N what she’s getting for Eddie’s birthday but she’s not telling me anything” 
“ I have already tried that, and she won’t say a word” Gareth says. “ It must be really special whatever she’s getting for him” 
 “ It’s very special and might make him cry” 
“ What are you ladies talking about?” Eddie appeared out of no where and wrapping his arms around you. 
“ Nothing” Dustin and Gareth said it together, making it look suspicious. Eddie’s eye grew in slits looking from one to the other to see who would squeal first. 
“ Alright, who did what?” Eddie asked. “ Talk” 
“ I have to get to class!” Dustin shouted. “ I have to talk to Principal Higgins!” Gareth shouted. 
“ I have to go find Mike!” Jeff shouted as they all ran off. Eddie turns his head to look at you while you put your hands up and turning back to your locker to get your book. 
“ Now m’lady, you wouldn’t happen to know what they were talking about?” 
“ Not a clue, I need to go find Robin now” you quickly shut your locker, giving a quick kiss to your boyfriend and run off before Eddie could ask you more questions. You really didn’t want to be the one to squeal about Eddie’s birthday. One of the guys could. 
“ Are you getting me something special? It’s a new car, isn’t it?” Eddie asked at lunch while he was guessing what you were getting him. “ You don’t like the van very much” He sighed. 
“ No, Eddie. It’s not a new car” 
“ Is it a new shirt?” You shook your head.
“ Is it a cup?” You shook your head, “ you already have a full wall of those.” 
“ I mean, one more couldn’t hurt” 
“ Just trust me, Eds. You’ll love what I will get you” You already bought Sweetheart back and hid it behind your clothes at the back of your closet. It took you months after you got together with Eddie to get it back. Robert, the owner wasn’t to fond you had barely the money needed to buy it from him that’s when you used the card that you knew Hopper. Robert didn’t want to have any trouble so he offered a much lower price for it. 
“ Is it a new notebook?” He kept trying to guess but was coming up with nothing. 
“ You’ll have to wait and see” he threw his arms across his chest as he pouted wanting to know what you got him for his birthday. He was impatient and excited at the same time. 
“ Here Mr. Pouty, eat” you offered him the other half of your sandwich which he happily took and munched on. Eddie was more than happy with having you as his, even if you didn’t get him anything. He wasn’t too fond on your spending money on him. He wanted to spoil you.
But he deserved to be spoiled as well. 
When his birthday had came, Eddie hasn’t seen you all morning. He was grumpy about it until later that night when he arrived home after Hellfire club and everything was pitch black for some reason. He wasn’t in a good mood thinking you had forgotten his birthday and giving him a taste of his own medicine when he forgot your birthday. 
But when he walked into the trailer, the lights turned on and he saw his friend, Wayne and you yelling “ Happy Birthday” to him. He had his on his heart feeling it race. He looked around the room seeing everyone there and then he spotted you, his favorite person smiling at him and making your way to him. 
“ Happy Birthday, Eds” you threw your arms around him, kissing his cheeks. His eyes glossed over never in his life he had so many people care about him this much to throw a birthday party. 
“ Happy Birthday, boy” Wayne walked over, hugging Eddie to his side. “ It was all this once’s idea” he pointed towards you. Eddie’s tears roll down his cheeks from happiness and you thought you did something wrong.
“ What’s wrong? You don’t like the surprise?” 
“ I do, sweetheart. No one has done something like this for me, ever.” 
“ No?” You looked up at Wayne. 
“ It was always just the two of us” Wayne says. “ Couldn’t afford much” 
“ Oh Eddie” you brushed away his tears and placed your forehead against yours. 
“ Happy Birthday to my favorite. This is just the beginning of many more surprises” Eddie could’t stop crying on how happy he was. He deserved this and he loved that you were the one who planned this. 
“ Munson, get over here!” Steve called out to him. “ Stop making out with your girlfriend too” he added.
“ I’m coming, Harrington. Hold onto your hair spray” 
Throughout the party, Eddie and you kept glancing at each other waiting for the moment to be alone. Eddie got so many gifts that he didn’t know where he was going to put everything. He got cake made by Robin and Vicky which was really good to his surprise, he kept looking around the trailer at the decorations seeing how his home looked different. 
“ Hey there, stranger” you caught him staring at the decorations in the hallway, standing alone. He turned at the sound of your voice. 
“ Hi there pretty” 
“ Are you enjoying your birthday?”
“Yes, thank you for doing this” he says cupping your face with both his hands. “ You didn’t have to do this, you know? I would of loved just spending it with you.” 
“ I wanted to do this, you deserved to know how much loved you are” 
“ I love you, sweetheart” his thumb ran over your cheeks. He was so happy.
“ I love you too, Eds but I have a present for you” His eyes widen when he hears you tell him this.
“ This party isn’t my present?”
You shook your head leading him into his bedroom.
“ Um, sweetheart as much as I like this, everyone is still out there” he points to the door. 
“ Not that kind of present, Munson” you rolled your eyes and turn him around that he could face the mirror and where his Sweetheart used to hang. Eddie’s eyes ran over his room. He was confused on what he had to see until he spotted it. In the same spot that Sweetheart used to hang, there she was back at her place.
Eddie’s most drops open as he stared at her. It couldn’t be, could it?
His hand shook as he made his way over to her, and reached out to run his fingers over the strings. It was. She was here.
“ How did you?” The only words left Eddie’s mouth as he took her off her place to admire her in his hands. You walked over to him, leaning your head on his shoulder once you stood on your tippy toes to look over his shoulder.
“ It’s really her” you nod. Eddie turns his gaze to look down at you in shock that you did this for him. 
“ Why?” He asked. You were confused on why he would ask such a question when you leaned back down on your feet to turn to walk away thinking he didn’t like what you had done. You thought you had upset him and when Eddie saw that you were walking out the door, back to the party. He hurried to catch up with you, putting sweetheart on his bed for now. 
“ Baby” he grabbed onto your arm and pulling you back to turn you to face him. 
“ Where are you going?” He asked. “ Back to the party, you don’t seem too happy”
Eddie shook his head, “ Baby I am more than happy. But why did you get her back?” 
“ Because she means a lot to you, and I know how heart broken you are over losing her. I couldn’t let you lose something like Sweetheart, something so pretty and something important to you. I can’t.” 
“ I told you that I didn’t need her” 
“ You do because she makes you happy”
“ You make me happy, sweetheart” he takes a hold of your hand in his and brings it up to his lips, kissing them. 
“ Sweetheart or not, there is only one you. I prefer you over the guitar any day” 
“ Would you just say thank you and kiss me? Is that too much to ask, Munson? I mean you talk a whole lost but I’m standing here and waiting for you to plant one on me.” 
He chuckles and pulls you closer to him where his hands lace with yours. 
“ You’re so pretty, you’re all mine and I can’t believe such an angel had stepped into my life. You make so happy, sweetheart..” 
“ Again, Eddie. Stop talking and get to smooching because time is ticking” 
“ Why are you worried about time?”
“ I’m not” 
“ We have all the time in the world” with those words, Eddie pulls you close and kisses you.
47 notes · View notes
Chapter Three
Finally! It's here, I kept procrastinating but now it's all yours <3
Two idiots who don't know how to tell each other how they feel, previous chapters
WC: 5.6k. CWs: Dogs, discussions of Max's injuries
Steve walked y/n to the door and handed her the flowers he and the kids picked from Weathertop the day before.
"I'm tired of this Steve," Dustin whined.
"Well that's just too damn bad, keep picking."
"I think it's nice. It's cute, Steve." Will said as he added a handful of wildflowers in every color of the rainbow to the basket El was holding. 
"Thank you Will! See, at least somebody gets it." Steve answered, throwing his hands in the air.
"Hey, Steve?" Lucas called over to him from the other side of the hill. 
"Can I- uh- take a few of the blue ones, for Max?"
"Yeah totally, man. Take as many as you want."
"Thanks-Thank you."
"Of course, man." They did their special handshake that ended with clapping each other on the back. 
Dustin made him come up with handshakes for each of them because he didn't want anyone to feel like Steve had any favorites, even though they all know he does (it’s just constantly changing). None of them were as long or dramatic as Steve and Dustin's though.
"Thank you for such an amazing, amazing date. I had a really, really good time." she gushed.
"I did too, we'll have to do it again sometime." He opened the invitation, trying not to push her into anything.
"I guess we will, I owe you a pretty good one."
"Anything with you is a pretty good one." He looked down with a bashful smile, scared of her reaction at such a bold statement so soon. He glanced up at her only to see the most adorable, shy smile.
"You, Steve, my darling, are far too perfect." She praised as he suddenly found the grains of the hardwood floor incredibly captivating. He wasn't sure what his neck was getting so hot at for more, the name or the compliment that followed. While he was looking at the floor, he didn't notice her reach up to hold his jaw while perching up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. 
"What was that for?" She only looked up at him and shrugged, not removing her hand from his cheek. With a sudden surge of confidence he took her face in his hands and kissed her. She slid her hand from his jaw and crossed her wrists behind his neck, still holding the small bouquet only making him smile against her lips. She laughed into it and he pulled away with her still giggling. "What?" he looked down at her confused. 
"The first one wasn't enough for you?" she asked with a coquettish grin. 
"M-mm," he shook his head, slowly moving down to her lips. "’S impossible." Their lips finally met with his hands around her waist and her free one in his hair and her occupied one hung over his shoulder. He mumbled something against her lips before resting his forehead against hers. 
"I should go before your kids get here."
"Nooo," he whined and pulled her closer, making her giggle again. "They're so mean, you're my first line of defense." he continued with a pout.
"If they're so mean I want no part of it. You probably deserve it anyway."
"I do not! And I can't be mean to them, they're my kids." He pulled back as soon as he said it. "I mean, they're kids. Not my kids, they are kids."
"I think they might be your kids." she said with a wink and patting his chest. She got her keys out of the little olive wood desk bowl and he opened the door for her.
"Call me when you get home, alright?"
"I will, I promise." She gave him one last, quick kiss before walking out to her car, skipping for the last few steps. He laughed as he shut the door.
"Hello Munson, welcome to my home…uninvited…again." Steve said as he opened the door exactly 12 minutes after y/n left.
"Hello big boy. Lovely of you to have me. A gentleman as always I see, but alas I'm only dropping them off. Band practice." Eddie teased.
They moved out of the way so the kids could come in with their craft supplies. "Thanks for driving us Eddie." Mike said.
"Yeah, thanks Eddie," El repeated.
"Of course, m'lady." he said with a little bow making her laugh before she walked past Steve and they did their handshake. Theirs was the simplest of all, besides Max's which was just three fist bumps making different animals, jellyfish, turkey, snail. Steve and El's was more complicated than that but it was all hands.
Turning back to Steve, with confusion apparent on his face at how strange he found the closeness between Hawkins High's former biggest douche bag and this strange little magic girl; as well as all the other kids. He shook his head as if it'd erase his expression like an etch a sketch, "Do you need me to pick them up or can you take them all home?"
"No, I think I can handle it but thanks."
"Anytime Harrington, say hi to Red for me. Oh and your new lady Jonesy." he playfully punched Steve's arm.
"She's not 'my lady' and 'Jonesy?'" Steve looked at him in confusion. 
"When she just moved here, she was real angry about having to go to Catholic school and what not and she listened exclusively to the Sex Pistols." he shook his head at the memory of her on the swings with two Dutch braids and her walkman blasting God Save the Queen so loud he could hear it across the park. "She was an insanely punk 11 year old."
"What, she wasn't cool enough to be metal?"
"Well no of course not because they aren't metal, they're a punk band. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath. Thaaaat's metal."
"Yes, Stevie?"
"Get on with it. You're gonna be late to band practice."
"Oh. Right, Steve Jones was her favorite, sooo Jonesy just sort of happened. She totally had the fattest crush in all 11 years of her life 'cause I'd mess with her like 'No way, Johnny Rotten is way cooler than him.' and she'd give me a whole goddamned thesis on why he's so much better and how it's really his band, blah blah blah. But she really chilled out once she got settled. Found way better music too. 'S Effervescing Elephant still her favorite song?"
"Why would I know that?"
"Harrington, I know that is the first thing you asked her on your date last night." Steve pushed him outside and shut the door.
"How'd you know about that?" Steve demanded.
"Robin, my new best friend, told me yesterday. It's funny how much you can learn when she just doesn't stop talking."
"First, stop stealing my fuckin friends Munson! Second, yes it's still her favorite. Third, you're already late. So off you go."
"It's so cute you know when my practice is." Eddie said as Steve walked with him to his van. "So caring, it's cute, it's really cute." He spoke as he got into the drivers seat.
"Goodbye, Eddie."
"Bye, Stevie." Steve rolled his eyes as he turned back to the house only to see Will at the door.
"Uh, Steve, El says there's someone on the phone for you."
"Ugh shit." he muttered before sprinting into the house to find El with the phone while Eddie jeered "Woooo go get your girl Harrington!"
"Fuck off Munson!" Will waved goodbye to Eddie and shut the door.
"Steve! Language!" Dustin chastised as he zipped past the kitchen. 
Steve ignored him and thanked El for holding the phone.
"Hi," he was a little winded by how fast he sprinted inside and to the phone.
"Hi, if I'd known you're so busy I would've just left a message," she laughed.
"You left me stranded."
"Sorry, I had to watch Eloise and take care of Herman and Frog."
"You have frogs?"
"No, my dog is named Frog."
"Why is your dog named Frog?"
"Because we made the mistake of letting Eloise name her. We tried to tell her we're not naming the dog Frog but it's literally all she responds to so we're kind of stuck with it."
"She's cute."
"She's so cute. Anyway, I'm sure you have things to do and I just wanted to let you know that I'm home and this is where I'll be for the rest of the day so call whenever, ok?"
"Will do."
"Alright go watch your kids."
"They're not my kids."
"They are so your kids."
"Goodbye y/n."
"Goodbye Steve."
He put the phone down with a smile that only dropped when he found 5 teenagers in the doorway.
"Was that her?"
"You are such a liar, Steve." Dustin said.
"How'd it go?" El asked.
"Did she like the flowers?" Will followed
"The cherries?" Dustin said.
"The food?" Lucas asked.
"It went pretty good, like really really great." His beaming smile faltered when he remembered the nightmare. He quickly shook the thought from his head as they cheered him on. 
"Finally! A dad!" Dustin shouted.
"What?" Mike spoke for the rest of the room when they all faced Dustin.
"Well, you know, 'cause like Steve's our mom...so she'd be like our dad...Y'know?" All that followed was a harmony of four "ohh's" and Steve's matching  "nooooooo."
"Well what would you call it then? Because all I see is one strangely maternal relationship with the odd older brother undertone thrown in every once in a while." Dustin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. He felt like he had to fill in the silence that followed. “So, she’d be our dad.
"Whatever, let's just get started ok?" Steve raised his hands and walked past them. “And if Max were here, she’d tell you to expand your heteronormative mindset,” he called over his shoulder with a raised finger. She shares her Ms. magazines with him sometimes, when they have to sit through hours upon hours of campaigns together. She says she’s graduated from Wonder Woman comics, but he still brings her the latest issues and she still reads them.
They spent half the afternoon making get well soon cards for Max. He was very grateful Joyce sent Will with extra newspaper to put over the table or else his entire counter would be caked with glitter, and paint, and ink. Weeks later he still found glitter on the other side of the house. They also planned some of her welcome home party. The doctors weren't sure exactly when she'd go home but they said sometime towards the end of April, early May. They had very flexible plans since they decided to have it at Steve's house, these new parties are very different from the ones he used to have as King Steve. So far Max's mom, the Wheelers, the Sinclairs, The Byerses (including El and Hopper[and Argyle]), Dustin and his mom, Robin, Eddie and Wayne, and obviously Steve, were all invited. They planned on pizza and Max's favorite foods but didn't set any plans in stone yet since they didn't know exactly when she'd be out. 
She'd broken both legs, both arms, cracked or at least bruised a few ribs and got a minor concussion so the doctors thought it would be best if she stayed where she can have constant care and they can keep an eye on her condition. When they asked what happened Lucas said she tried to stop Jason from hurting him but when the earthquake happened she fell down the stairs of the attic. It was scary at first, they had no idea if she would ever fully recover, but she's been making quick progress and heading in the right direction. They've been visiting her as much as they can, Will and El always brought her food Joyce makes. Will would draw her something new before every visit. Mike and Dustin brought board games, and Robin would always sit and talk with her, once she got over her concussion and could finally be in the light again, and hear loud noises. Eddie brought her new music and she would recommend things for him to listen to and they would discuss them together. Steve would bring her whatever she asked for, which were usually snacks, and movies, or just anything she mentioned in passing. Lucas was there the most, he brought her stuffed animals, board games, video games, snacks, food he or his mom made, and anything else she wanted without knowing she wanted it. He would just bring it and she would realize how much she’d been missing it. 
When they finished their planning for the day and made all their gifts they piled into Steve's car. Since it only had 5 seats they did rock paper scissors to see who had to sit on someone else's lap. El automatically got shotgun because she could change the traffic lights, and in more dire situations move other cars out of the way. That was only necessary once when Steve had to yell at the boys in the back for messing around and didn't see the car that was coming right at them. Now it's an accepted precaution. It ended up with Lucas on the passengers side, Dustin in the middle, and Will on Mike with his legs reaching out so his feet were on Lucas's lap. 
Mike and El had a long discussion when they got back to Hawkins, they decided that they both needed some time to find themselves as individuals and if they're really meant for each other they'd find their way back together. So far it's been working out really well, they've been much more honest with each other and Hopper's even been able to go off his blood pressure medication. 
Knock, knock, knock. "Hi, Max!" Lucas announced.
"Hey guys," she paused the soap opera she'd been watching for the last week. 
They put all the baskets of cards, and drawings, juice boxes, cassettes, and other little things on the table.
"You guys really didn't have to do all this, any of this, really."
"But we did, so now you gotta take it." Lucas playfully demanded. She smiled sweetly at him.
"Do you leeches, and Max and El, want anything from any of the vending machines?" Steve asked them all.
"Can you get me some Reeses pieces, please?" Max asked and Steve nodded.
"Skittles if they have them please." El said.
"Sure thing. Anyone else? And sorry, Will, didn't mean to rope you in with the rest of them, what d'you want?"
"Um, could you get some m&m's?"
"Yeah, totally."
"Razzles," "Starbursts," "Sour Patch Kids," Dustin, Lucas, and Mike said in rapid succession. Steve didn't even dignify it with a response, only a raised eyebrow with his arms crossed.
"Pleeeease," all three said together with begging hands.
"Fine, I'll be right back." He walked out the door while pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. 
Dustin turned his chair around to face Max. "Finally he's gone, that should keep him occupied for a while."
"Why were you waiting for him to leave?" Max asked, confused as the group made a circle around the bed.
"We have something important to tell you." Mike started.
"It's very top secret," Lucas continued.
"Very important. And we have to be quick."
"Then get on with it!" Max cut Dustin off.
"We think he's in love." Dustin said. 
"Yeah, with Nancy. I thought we knew this." Mike looked disgusted at the thought that Steve could still be hung up on Nancy of all people, after 2 years. 
"Ew no, not Nancy," was his immediate reaction.  
"We went to his house and he had a pillow fort with way too many pillows for one person-" Mike stated very matter-of-factly about the appropriate pillow to person ratio.
"That all smelled like flowers!" Dustin interrupted, which earned him a few confused looks, "What?"
"You...smelled them?" El asked. He crossed his arms and shrugged.
"The smell made its way to my nose. I wasn't, like, sniffing it, or anything." They turned back to Max while still side-eyeing him.
"But doesn't he wear cologne? Like often?" Max had enough trouble following their theories without a concussion, and now, even with no alternate dimensions and weird fleshy monsters involved she had no hope. "And I didn't think he was seeing anyone. Except for a few minutes there I really did think he and Eddie were like, two seconds from kissing."
"What ew, no." Dustin shook his head while scrunching his nose, that’d be like thinking about his mom kissing someone, blech. "This girl we met at the school, you know how it's been turned into like a shelter, so we were all volunteering and he starts talking to her so me and Robin go over and she's like super nice and her niece is just the cutest. So he asked her out, but not really out out, 'cause they just went to his house. But also they saw each other every day. He would LEAVE ME to my own devices and go to the diner with her. THEN, not only that, but he makes me scour the land for her fricken cherries because when we were at the diner she mentioned them ONCE! ONE TIME! And of course I found them because, duh, he's like my best friend, sorry to you guys but we all know it." They just nodded and they knew Dustin was his best friend too, besides Robin.
"So he still took you with him? Like to breakfast, I mean."
"And why are you all so upset?"
"Not all!" Will spoke up. "Leave us,” he first gestured to himself and El, “out of...that," then waved his hand at Dustin and Mike. 
"I wouldn't say upset, just that... I don't know." Dustin shrugged.
"I think he means like, he's not upset that Steve found someone that makes him happy. Just that he's, like, worried. That, that Steve won't have time for him- us, anymore and that it'd be different. Is that right?" Lucas picked up for him.
"Yeah, yeah that's it. I mean, of course I want him to be happy and have his little Harrington Nugget, Winnebago dream–"
Mike leaned over to El and Will, "Did we miss something?"
"I think we absolutely did." Will whispered back. 
"–And every time I've talked to her she's, like, super cool and really nice. And apparently she used to know Eddie so she has to be cool y'know. And every time Steve talks about her, which is kind of a lot, but I don't mind 'cause like with all the times he's heard about Suzie, it's only fair; he's just so excited and his face lights up and he talks really fast and his eyes start like, buggin' out of his head."
Max was about to reply when Steve walked in with his hands full of their candy plus some Nerds for himself. They talked about some more stuff until it was time to bring them all home. Lucas called earlier so his dad would pick him up later and they all said goodbye to Max. Will sat between Mike and Dustin and Steve peeled out of the parking lot. He dropped off Mike first, then Will and El and Dustin moved to the front seat. Once the other three had left, a contemplative silence filled the car. Only broken by the low drumming of Steve's fingers on the dash as he slung his wrist over the steering wheel.
"Are you ok?" Dustin asked at a red light. 
"Y-yeah, I'm totally fine," he hesitated.
"You're a really bad liar, Steve."
He groaned, why does this kid have to know him so damn well, "Fine, I'm worried, about- about how things are going with y/n."
"I thought it was going great? You kept saying how great your date was, and how amazing everything was?"
"That's what I mean, like first I'm worried that I'm totally falling for her, way, way too fast. And second, everything has been going amazing but what if something happens?"
"You can't just live your whole life avoiding things just because you could lose them. She's basically the girl of your dreams. Actually she is, because she's been in every dream you've had this week. And these were the words from your mouth, so don't even try to deny it. Or the way your mouth was all swollen when Eddie dropped us off this morning." 
"I don't mean like I could mess it up, or something gets in the way. I mean like some Upside Down shit, or Vecna or whatever the monster of the month is this time. What if she gets close to me and she gets hurt, or something happens to me and you guys have to explain ‘Oh yeah that guy you were totally in love with? Well he's dead. Oh you want to know what happened? Hm, unfortunately the government has deemed that classified information and girlfriend of the dead guy doesn't really get you on the list.’ At this point they were only sitting in Steve's driveway but Dustin wasn't about to interrupt Steve's moment. "And what if, what if she sees the bites or the thing around my neck? How do I explain evil monster bats from the closest thing to hell?"
"I don't know," Dustin sighed out.
"And wha-what-"
"Steve! I don't know. None of us know. He's dead. Vecna's dead. The gates are closed. El killed him. He didn't get Max, he didn't get Eddie, or me, Robin, Nancy, you, none of us. He didn't get any of us." Dustin held his shoulder. Steve could hardly look at him, but when he finally did he sharply turned away before getting out and leaving Dustin confused. Until he opened Dustin's door and they hugged for a long time. 
"You heard, didn't you?" Dustin choked out with a laugh, still happily trapped in Steve's tight embrace.
"Of course I did." Steve laughed, though salty little drops were still leaving his eyes and his shoulders still hiccuping a little. Dustin only held him tighter and rubbed his back a few times. Their height difference making the angle a little awkward, but Dustin wasn't about to complain. 
"How much?"
"All of it." Steve laughed a little, finally pulling back to look at Dustin. Ignoring the tracks his tears left.
"You wanna go watch Return of the Jedi in that super awesome fort?"
"You said I got the pillow to person ratio wrong. And the roof blankets weren't taught enough."
"I didn't say anything about the pillow/person ratio, that was all Mike," they finally started their way inside.
"You didn't stop him, you blanket sniffin' creep." Steve walked ahead to unlock the door.
"I didn't smell the blankets! It just wafted into my nose. I can't help it! Unless you want me to be what? A mouthbreather?!"
"Alright, alright! Whatever you say," Steve held the door open as he walked through, "sniffer."
Y/n sat at the kitchen table going over Phoebe's study materials and her most recent paper on the history of penicillin.
"I still don't know why he gave you this one, of all the prescriptions to give the whole class you get the most obvious? You're a hundred times the writer all of them combined could even dream of being."
"It wasn't just prescriptions, it was antibiotics in particular. Half the job is penicillin anyway, I really don't mind." Phoebe shrugged, not once looking up from her flash cards.
"Are you sure? 'Cause I could totally walk in there like ‘Excuse me, Dr. Whatever his name is! My sister is a brilliant student and a gifted writer, why'd you give her the lamest topic? Oh yeah? Is that right? Well in that case you dropped this," She held her arm out and opened her fist like dropping something on the floor before pointing to it. "That's a bag of hair."
"I assumed so. Please don't drop a bag of hair at my professor's feet like a cat with a hairball."
"I make no promises," she started fake coughing and choking before holding out her palm in front of Phoebe.  "Hairball?"
"No! You're so gross."
"I am not!"
"Yes you are, I don't know how Steve could handle having you over night, let alone over at all. I bet you stayed up aaaaall night," she made the kissing motion with her hands, complete with sound effects.
"No! Oh my god there are children in this house!"
"Not right now there's not."
"I know but now every time I come into this room I'm just gonna think 'my sister is such a creep, she's a whole ass mother and still won't ever stop being the single most embarrassing person I've ever known.'"
"Exactly, I am a whole ass mother, and your sister, so being embarrassing is literally my job." Y/n shook her head against her hands, her elbows resting on the table.
"Really on your way to employee of the month." Her voice was muffled by her position.
"Almost 19 years running. And I'm also almost on my way to being auntie of the month too." She wiggled her eyebrows.
"Jesus Christ! No! Absolutely not! First of all, I'm not even 19 til July. Second of all, we're not even ‘official’ yet. And third, go ahead, be aunt of the month. I'm already the Nani of the century."
"Absolutely you are. But what do you mean ‘not official yet’?"
"It's only been one date so I don't expect it anytime soon, but we're not, like, boyfriend-girlfriend yet." She scrunched her face at how ridiculous she sounded to herself. "Ew I sound so middle school."
"Well, I feel like it's been more than one date considering you went out Every. Single. Day. this week. And you already told me about all the dreams you've been having. But every time you tell me another I just get more convinced that they're all daydreams."
"They're not daydreams." She said defensively and pointed her finger then relaxed back in her seat. "Not all of them."
Phoebe smirked and put her neon pink flashcards down. "Sure they aren't. But you don't have to expect it, ya know?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you could ask him." y/n considered it for a few moments while Phoebe watched with raised eyebrows.
"Ok, yeah, maybe I could, but how would I even do that?"
"You walk up to him. Use your mouth. And ask like a normal person!"
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because," she pouted and started picking at the table 
"Because why? I've seen you with him and he'll totally say yes. And talking can't be the problem, 75% of your job is talking."
"Talking is the problem, when I'm cutting people's hair it's all 'Mhm' 'Oh yeah?' 'Really? How interesting!' It's all old lady gossip and shit. But when it's like feelings stuff I, like, can't talk. My tongue doesn't work and it comes out all stuttery and bluh."
"But you're the one always talking about the importance of honesty, and vulnerability, and telling people how you feeeeeeel!" 
"I know that, I know but like-"
"You don't have to like tell tell, you could write it?" She didn't even finish before y/n ran down the hall on the way to her room. "You're welcome!" Phoebe yelled. Y/n nearly fell on the sharp corner and still tripped down a few stairs to the basement, making Phoebe laugh. "Are you ok?!" 
"Yes! I'm fine!" Phoebe just shook her head and went back to studying.
Ring ring. Ring ring.
Y/n got up from the kitchen table and left her cereal and Eloise. Ring ring, "Hello," she twisted the cord around her finger, leaning against the wall. Eloise was getting Frog to balance cheerios on her nose. It was working, except Eloise would look up to put one on her own nose so Frog would also look up and they'd all fall off. 
"Hi, y/n" Steve said, y/n thought he sounded a little nervous.
"Hi, Steve. I didn't think you'd be up this early."
"There was a bird right outside my window, and not one of the nice ones either. It was all squawky, but I was asleep pretty early last night so it's fine." He didn't tell her that he heard a rustling in the woods at 5 in the morning so he and Dustin went out with the nail bat and huge flashlights. Just to be sure there's no demodogs or new gates or anything of that sort. Dustin kept assuring him that everything was fine, Vecna's gone, there's no more demogorgons, they're safe. Steve still stayed out until he checked all around the house twice. But there was still a bird that didn't let them get back to sleep, so not a total fib.
"I hate the squawky birds, they remind me of the old ladies that complain to me about their daughter-in-laws all the time while I'm just trying not to stain their hair purple."
He laughed, genuinely, but he cut himself off, "Hey, um, Robin wanted to know if you wanted to, uh, maybe come over to my house later? Just to hang out, and whatever, I have to bring Dustin home soon but I think Eddie might be coming later? I don't know if he has anything going on with Hellfire."
"What's Hellfire?"
"Oh, yeah, that's his dungeons and dragons club. The boys are part of it."
"Oh, cool."
"Sooo, do you wanna come over? I totally get it if you don't. Yo-"
"No, I want to. I'd love to."
"Ok," he breathed out, "Ok, yeah, can you be here at 3ish?"
"And I can leave the door open if you don't mind just letting yourself in? We'll probably be either upstairs or in the basement and for whatever reason it's impossible to hear the bell."
"Yeah, that's ok. So I'll see you at 3ish then. I have to go clean up a disaster of cereal created by my tormentor, I mean my niece, but I'll see you then."
"Good luck with that."
"Thank you, I need it."
"Bye, y/n."
"Bye, Steve."
Steve hung up the phone with a smile. 
"So what did she say?" Dustin asked.
"That she's coming over and also that Hellfire sounds cool."
"Perfect! So you're gonna ask her?"
"Ask her what?"
"To marry you,” His face was not nearly as horrified as Dustin anticipated, but still a little shock came through, “No! To be your girlfriend, idiot."
"I'm worried it's too soon, ya know? Like I start with 'will you be my girlfriend' and then five seconds later it's 'all week I've been imagining our wedding and when I can't sleep I think of names for our kids and when I do sleep you're the only thing I dream about' then she thinks I'm a total creep and I've ruined everything." 
They both started walking down to Steve's basement to work on Dustin's new project. His mom doesn't let him 'tinker' in the garage anymore since he almost blew up Tews, so he's relocated to the empty, unfinished part of Steve's basement. It was also so that she would stop saying tinkering, but when she asked what she should call it instead he didn't have an answer.
"I don't know how many times me and Robin are going to have to tell you this, but you are so blind! Do you not see the way she looks at you? Honestly, a blind toad could see she absolutely feels the same!" Dustin threw his hands up to emphasize the point. They walked over to his table and Steve acted as his assistant. 
"I feel like I don't believe you. And even if I did, I don't trust any dating advice from you or Robin. Especially her." 
"Would I lie to you Steve?" He held his hand out and Steve handed him the allen wrench he knew he needed.
"Yes! And you have!"
"When? Screwdriver."
"Where to start? (Wire cutter) How 'bout yesterday? When you shooed me away so you could gossip! Like the, like the filthy gossip you are!"
"And I'm sorry about that, but it had to be done. Hold the red one?" He held the blue wire and Steve took the other.
"So it's not in the way, why do you think?"
"No dickhead, why did you have to trick me into getting you your stupid Razzles?"
"How can they be so stupid if I shared half the box with you!? And would you actually have let us tell Max if you were there."
"No," Steve mumbled. "And why not?" Steve shrugged. "Y/n was just talking like three days ago about how important honesty and communication is to her and to any relationship! How can you expect to be honest with her if you can't even be honest with me?"
Steve groaned "So I just feel...like...you guys are so important to me. Jesus Christ this is so embarrassing. And whoever I date, like seriously serious relationship shit, is also gonna be really important to me." He spoke to the ceiling, wanting to vomit at the words leaving his mouth. "So I feel like, if I like, I don't want to call it like bring them home or anything but you know what I mean. Like I couldn't give less of a shit about them meeting my parents, but I care... about her meeting...you guys. And like if I do that'd be really important to me and it'd really matter. I don't mean it like I don't want you guys getting attached but yeah, a little."
Dustin moved from the table and hugged Steve again. "I shouldn't have told them until you were ready."
"It's ok."
"And uh, it's really uh, nice *hm* it's really cool...that you care about us so much."
Steve ruffled his hair before they jumped apart at the smoke coming from Dustin's latest invention.
Thank you ssooooo much for reading, I know this is a long one but yay you did it <3<3<3 and I'm so beyond grateful for every comment, reblog and like (but comments and reblogs are just extra special, if you like it that much 🥰) And I promise chapter 4 will be here sooner
Tags, in case any of you are interested: @beezywriting @loving-and-dreaming @haydipoof @avipoof @babyrunsforfanfic @stevesza
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 years
I feel betrayed but it’s Fine
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Dustin the matchmaker, or not
Summary: Steve an you are dating but Dustin doesn't know, so he tries to set you up with Eddie at the basketball game
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Dating Steve and being Dustin’s older sister was not always an easy task particularly when said little brother didn’t knew about the relationship. It’s true Steve and Dustin have an amazing friendship that I find adorable, but I was a bit scared of his reaction and I was still a bit scared that I was just a rebound. 
Steve was picking me up to go to school with Robin so I had to be stealthy – like a ninja as Steve would say- to avoid my little brother seeing us. I heard the front door close and saw Dustin leave the house probably to join Mike to go to the basketball match. 
I looked through the window and saw Steve’s car a few houses further and started to take all my stuff to join him and Robin in the car.
“Hey, you, how are you?”, Steve asked while giving me a soft kiss on the lips. 
“Eww stop doing that in front of me! I already had to see you two kiss at the back of the store all summer that is enough.”, I laughed as Robin pulled a disgusted face while Steve looked completely done with her.
“So, what where you two talking about before I came in?”, I asked while looking at the two best friends. 
“How Robin stands a chance with Vickie, do you know she wasn’t even listening to me this morning! She was going on and on about how tired she looked and how stressed she was for a pep rally.”, I looked at Robin who seemed ready to murder Steve but before she could say anything I said “Wait you Robin are stressed about a pep rally?! Yeah, this is about Vickie!”
“Thank you! Plus, Vickie returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds, do you know who pauses that movie at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?! Someone who likes boobies!”
“Ew Steve don’t say boobies”, Robin and I yelled at the same time. “What? Robin likes boobies, I like your boobies and Vickie likes boobies”, I became bright red at Steve’s comment while robin continued to argue with him. God that boy was going to be the end of me.
As we arrived at school Robin got out and ran into the school while Steve and I stayed in the car. 
“So, you like my ‘boobies’?”, Steve became bright red and ran his hands trough his hair with a nervous smile.
“Well – I mean”, I laughed softly at Steve before shutting him up with a kiss. 
“It’s the best compliment you have ever given me I think”, I started laughing while Steve groaned and told me to forget what he said but I just kissed him again before leaving the car.
“You know we could stay in this car, and I could show you how much I like them”, my cheeks turned red while Steve started wiggling his eyebrows at me but before I could say anything Dustin came running towards Steve and me.
“There you are! I have been trying to find you all day”, Dustin said while panting 
“You saw me not even an hour ago don’t be dramatic Dusty buns”, I said while looking at my brother cringing at the nickname his girlfriend Suzy gave him. 
“Well, I wanted you to meet someone since you are single and the only people you spend time with are Steve and Robin”, I started to feel where this was going, and it was not going to be pretty.
“Excuse me?”, Steve said falsely hurt “Am I maybe not good enough company mini-Henderson?”, Dustin looked tired of our dramatics and took the arm of the guy that was behind him.
To my surprise it was Eddie Munson who looked like he was a bit uncomfortable with the situation.
“Dustin, you do know that I know who he is right? I go to school here”, Dustin let out a big and overdramatic sigh as I said that. 
“Yes, I know but you probably never really talked together, and he is my D&D master so maybe you two would get along well and go on a date!”, as Dustin finished his sentence the three of us started to disagree.
“I don’t need you to meddle with my love life thank you verry much”, I said trying to get those ideas out of my brother’s head.
“Yeah, Henderson that is the same for me! I mean your sister is incredibly hot but”, as Eddie said that I felt my boyfriend freeze and Dustin looked at Eddie disgusted
“That is my sister you are talking about stop it!”, Dusting shrieked while covering his ears. God he was dramatic. We all started to argue again with Dustin trying to tell me that Eddie was great and Eddie and I telling him to stay out of our private lives.
“Stop!”, we all stopped talking and looked at Steve who had just screamed.
“Listen, Dustin you little shithead your sister and I are dating so I would like for you not to try and make her date Munson! Is that clear?”, I looked at Steve with an open mouth while Dustin looked like we had just announced that Mews was alive. Eddie seemed relieved while Steve had red cheeks and looked a bit angry. 
“You are dating my sister!”, Dustin screamed “And you didn’t tell me you were dating Steve?!”, I looked at Dustin who seemed a bit hurt but more in shock.
“Well, I wanted to be sure of my relationship with Steve before I told you and because I knew you would react like a drama queen”, Dustin looked shocked at this “Me?! A drama queen?”, before he could finish his sentence Eddie told him that he was exactly that and Dustin started to argue with Eddie.
“Hey, why did you never told me that was the reason why you didn’t want to tell him?”, Steve asked me while taking me a bit further away.
“Steve this has nothing to do with you, you are an amazing boyfriend and in the last months we have been dating have been incredible”, the boy tells me immediately that it is the same from him with an adorable smile.
“I guess I was just insecure about Nancy and how I was scared to be a rebound but those are my insecurities, and you never gave me a reason to believe them.”, I try to make Steve understand that it isn’t him who made me feel like this but my own insecurities, but I see his eyes sadden. 
“I never wanted you to feel like this”, he says with a sad frown
“Steve, I know that and I’m sorry that I didn’t came to you with these insecurities you deserved to know”, as I said that I started to caress his cheek with my hand trying to make him understand.
“I should have known there was something wrong I’m sorry”, as I told him there was nothing to be sorry for, he dropped his forehead on mine to look me straight in the eyes.
“I love you you know, more than I have ever loved anyone else”, I felt my heart beat louder in my chest at his words, this was the first time he said he loved me. 
“I love you to Steve, so much”, Steve seemed relieved at those words and kissed me on the lips while putting his hands on my cheeks. 
“Ew this is disgusting, stop it! Will you stop kissing my sister!”, both Steve and I ripped apart at the loud shriek my brother let out before starting to laugh.
“You know he looks like a tiny chihuahua getting angry”, Steve told me while laughing and the both of us started laughing louder. After a moment we stopped laughing and I looked at my brother.
“Dusty, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about Steve earlier but just know that he makes me verry happy and I hope you can be happy for us?”, Steve smiled at me and put his arm around my waist.
“I am happy for you two I mean you two make more sense than Eddie and you”, I heard Eddie protest and Dusting shushing him. “And I am glad that you two are together because now Steve is my real brother!”, Dustin seemed a bit shy at saying the last bit, but Steve didn’t give him time to speak before taking him into his arms. “Your also my little brother kid!”. 
“Just so you know you hurt her I will kill you”, I heard Dustin mutter in the hug and Steve just squeezed him harder while saying he knew he would.
“Well Henderson time to go to the game and let your sister and Harrington alone”, Eddie took Dustin by the arms while he looked disgusted at what Eddie was insinuating.
“I love you so much you know that?”, I smiled at Steve while he put his arms around me. “But I do love your boobies more”, I started laughing while hitting him on his chest and he kissed me with a large smile.
I guess I really had no reason to doubt this boy.
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
Do you have any headcannons on how Eddie’s friends would have reacted to Chrissy? Do you think they knew about his crush on her? Would they be supportive and help cover for them if they had a secret relationship or would they not approve?
i think they knew about it in middle school but they never imagined it carried into high school. the guys are realists about their place in the social hierarchy so they’re absolutely stunned when Eddie brings Chrissy fucking Cunningham to a Hellfire session.
At first they think she’s in the wrong place until Eddie pulls a chair out for her and explains that she’ll be sitting in on the game.
They’re not unsupportive, they’re just… confused. Gareth is the one to vocalize it. He tends to speak for the group. He’s Eddie’s right hand man and they were friends first out of all of them so he can usually appeal to Eddie’s sensibilities without getting his head bitten off.
“What the hell is going on between you and Chrissy Cunningham?”
To which Eddie just popped a grape in his mouth and smiled wickedly.
“I have no fucking clue.”
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The unnamed Hellfire member (i call him Grant in my head bc of @cunninghamschrissy hc lol) is more outspoken about Chrissy attending hellfire meetings but Eddie shuts that down with one stern look.
Jeff is the most accepting of Chrissy’s presence. He’s a very go with the flow guy and he has a gentle spirit like Chrissy. At the second game she attends, he wordlessly offers her a pretzel from his snack bowl. Those are one of the snacks Chrissy can stomach without bringing up any of her ed issues so she takes it with a grateful smile.
When they realize Eddie has genuine feelings for Chrissy, they’re a bit worried. They don’t want to see their friend get hurt. Eddie might put on a front but there’s a real vulnerability there. But all it takes is to see the two of them interacting to know the feeling is mutual.
Although she doesn’t participate in the games, she’s always enraptured by Eddie’s storytelling, watching him with fascinated eyes and having animated reactions to his various voices and other performances. After their performances at the Hideout (Chrissy goes to see them every week), she’s always touching Eddie. Her hand never leaves his and more often than not, she’s got both arms wrapped around his bicep. They think it’s really cute how Chrissy loves PDA and Eddie does too but he’s clearly not used to it so he’s always bright red in the face when she does it.
Once they get to know Eddie and Chrissy as a couple, they’re more than supportive. Beyond that, they get to know Chrissy as well. She tells them a bit about her life, her overbearing mom and how she hates all the pressure to be the “it” girl. That strikes a chord with them and they realize Chrissy’s just as much of an outcast as they are, she’s just an outcast in popular kid’s clothing.
The younger Hellfire members adore Chrissy too. Dustin likes just about anyone, Lucas is impressed that Eddie pulled her, and Mike is just so obsessed with Eddie that he likes anything Eddie likes so Chrissy is alright in his book.
And the feeling is absolutely mutual. Chrissy LOVES all of Eddie’s friends. She was a little apprehensive to meet them at first because she knew how rowdy they could be but she trusted Eddie wholeheartedly. She knew he would never guide her into a dangerous situation.
As mentioned, she and Jeff have similar soft demeanors so she warms up to him first. With Grant, his emboldened D&D outbursts make her jump but she eventually grows to appreciate his passion. Out of all of Eddie’s friends, Gareth is the one she respects the most. He and Eddie are like brothers and even though Eddie is the leader, Gareth would never let anything bad happen to him, including getting his heart broken by a pretty cheerleader. He was a little standoffish with Chrissy at first but they have caring for Eddie in common and that binds them together.
And come on. How could she not adore the younger Hellfire members? She thinks it’s so cute how Mike copies everything Eddie does. She’s even brought Mike stuff from the thrift store that looks like Eddie’s (that’s how Mike starts his ring collection). Lucas is a fellow jock and she’s impressed by how multi-faceted he is as a person. Her favorite thing about Lucas is his sister.
Erica makes Chrissy laugh harder than any of them, even Eddie sometimes. Her wit is something she’s never seen and she’s always impressed when Erica want obliterates any monsters in the party’s way. Erica won’t admit it, but she likes Chrissy too. And she loves having another girl in Hellfire even if she doesn’t technically participate. (She has yelled at Eddie and Chrissy for kissing in the middle of sessions though)
Dustin is her favorite. They have the closest bond out of all the kids. She and Eddie always joke that he’s their adopted child and Dustin has jokingly referred to Chrissy as his step-mom multiple times. Dustin talks to Chrissy about Suzie all the time (she thinks their relationship is so cute) and they even talk on the walkies sometimes. Dustin swears up and down that the four of them will go on a double date one day and Chrissy really hopes it happens because she wants to meet this girl.
As far as the secret relationship goes, the guys have no qualms about helping the two of them out. As far as they’re concerned, Chrissy’s one of them and Hellfire protects their own.
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yoongyuplace · 2 years
Get us together
pairing: eddie munson x steve harrington
just couldnt sleep so i wrote some silly little things going around my brain. theres some s4 spoilers and probably some spelling mistakes cause its 3am and im sleepy
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The demobats finally got Eddie. There are bites and blood all over him, he is agonizing in so much pain. The last thing he can do is say I love you to his best friend.
"Eddie, you're dead." Will pronounced.
"No fucking shit! You're kidding me, right, kid?" Eddie pointed at him, getting up from his chair. Not fucking fair. He looked around the room wanting to see everyone's reaction.
Dustin weakly sighs, trying to stop the tears from falling through his cheeks. He really got into that character. "Shit, that was tough."
Eddie was walking around his seat, fingers passing through his hair while he tried to calm himself down. That was his biggest character, that was his moment. Everyone in the table was holding their breaths —everyone in pain. The most loved persona in that campaign just died in front of their eyes. Eddie just died laying in his best friend's arms. Dustin's arms. And that shit did hurt. He just gave up, sitting back on his chair and watching everyone trying to get back to the game —he could see Steve hiding some tears. Cute.
"While on the other side, Max, you're levitating in the air. Vecna's got you. You can feel all your bones almost breaking inside your body, although, you can't see anything anymore." Will narrates, pronouncing every word slowly, "You know that's how your story ends. What's going on through your mind?" he asks, looking right into Max's eyes.
She sobs quietly, "Fuck, I'm-, I can still hear Lucas yelling my name. I can feel his pain and that makes my heart hurt almost as much as my bones breaking through my skin. I try to remember those good memories from the past years. Hanging around with our group, shopping with El, the snow ball with Lucas and our first kiss. Now I just feel like crying, not just cause my bones are breaking in pieces, but mostly cause I am not ready to go." Max finishes. A single tear falling from her eyes.
"You're right. You're not ready to go." Will says in a low tone, pausing for a second. "Everything stops. You're falling to the ground."
The campaign ends and Vecna is gone.
Well, that's what they all wish. Their story ends on a big cliffhanger and everyone loses their minds.
Will announces he is currently writing their last adventure for this campaign and, even though some of them are still crying, they all congratulate him for the story they've been playing for two years.
Eddie can see little Wheeler going into Byers’ direction, hugging him and kissing his cheeks after congratulating him. He can't help but find it adorable —he would never admit it.
Not too far from him there's Steve and Robin talking about something he can't really hear; until he starts walking to them.
"Oh, he's coming." Robin tries to whisper; a smirk crosses her face. "Yeah, yeah! Almost forgot about that- uh, that thing I need to do now! Bye, Steve!" she hurries herself out of the room, a few little giggles left behind. Oh, that's kinda funny, Eddie thought. Just the way Robin leaves, so do the rest of the group —and Eddie loves the idea of being alone with Steve Harrington.
"So, Harrington," he approached "never thought I'd see you crying over my death." a little smirk lingering his lips.
"No, no, no. That's not what happened, Munson" Steve crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "I just got emotional because of Dustin, don't get too much into your head." He tried to hide a little smile.
"Sure, pretty boy. But see," he got closer to the boy who had big beautiful eyes —as Eddie would think. "you won't have the chance to flirt with my character anymore."
"Oh, yeah?" Steve moved his hands to Eddie's waist, pulling him closer. "But I don't need a character to do that, do I?" There it is, the prettiest smile.
"Mmhm, you're right." so he just leaned for a kiss; it always feels like the first time and he absolutely loves it. He could feel Steve squeezing his waist while deepening the kiss. "I'm not going anywhere, you know?" Eddie says between some pecks. "Or are you just hungry?" he'd smirk while Harrington's got that pretty pink tone spreading along his cheeks. Eddie loves making him flustered —and that's so easy to him.
"You know what? I actually am." he picked his backpack that was laying on the ground beside him. "Let's get dinner, hm? My place."
"Sure, big boy." he left one last kiss on his lips. They walked to the parking lot; it was already empty. "Also," he sat on the passenger seat. "don't you think it's time to tell Robin we're dating?"
Steve laughs, starting the car. "No, it's fun to watch her trying to get us together."
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disdaidal · 2 years
So... I watched s4 vol 1.
My favorite things about this season:
Eleven + Hawkins lab + 001. Like, holy shit. We're finally getting back to that s1 mood with this stuff, and I'm just loving it. Jamie Campbell Bower? 10+.
Hopper in a Russian prison. That fight with the demogorgon? Fuck yeah.
Will and Mike moments. We getting a gay Will yes? Yes please? I know the Duffers probably won't do it, but I found Will's reaction and jealousy towards Mike so adorable and yet also kind of sad at the same time.
Dear Billy episode. Very Max-focused and got a glimpse of our boy as well. Lots of feelings from that one.
Less Karen, a little more Ted. My man Theodore never disappoints. Good for him.
Eddie & Argyle. I actually enjoyed their scenes a lot. Vol 1 was quite heavy and depressing overall, so they brought some much needed comedy & spice in it.
My least favorite things about this season:
Forced Stancy. Seriously? Gimme a bucket. Cause I'm gonna barf. Their relationship was probably like my least favorite thing about s1, and didn't s2 Nancy specifically tell Steve he's bullshit and their whole relationship is bullshit? So what is this shit? If they're gonna get engaged or married in s5, I'm not gonna watch it. No fucking way. I was feeling sick enough watching them the first couple of seasons, and that alone was torture. Give Steve the girlfriend (or boyfriend) he deserves, let Nancy sort her shit out with Jonathan, and let Steve and Nancy just be friends. Please. I'm begging you. Anything but this.
Speaking of Jonathan, he was very lacking this season. I really enjoyed his teamwork and relationship with Nancy in the previous three seasons, and he was my favorite character in s1. I don't know what's happened to him season by season, but I'm so disappointed in him. Like he's just a stoner now? Lying and thinking about dumping Nancy when he used to support her and confront her when something didn't feel right? Okay. Whatever. I'm so disappointed.
Steve was... kind of lame this season? Besides The Dive episode, I feel like he barely even stood out from the rest of the group sometimes. And he's still largely being treated like a cheap comedy relief who apparently lacks brain or something like that. Also his relationship with Dustin was... I don't know. They've always been kind of mean to each other but this season, I felt like they were on a whole new level of mean. I don't know what to think of that.
Robin was such a klutz. I mean... s3 Robin was smart, witty, sarcastic, a little bit mean sometimes. She even cracked a secret Russian code. Now this season, she was somehow just a clumsy lesbian who kept rambling nonstop and seemed just... really... kinda dumb and cringey, too, I dunno? And the way she keeps pushing the Stancy agenda this season, along with Eddie, and trying to make friends with her, though I recall her calling Nancy a priss to Steve last season. Right. Make it make sense bro.
Doctor Brenner. Nothing in this show stays dead, except Billy, Barb and Bob, apparently. What are you doing back man? How are you even back? Go away. Haven't you caused enough trouble already?
Honestly I'm really happy we got even a small glimpse of Billy in vol 1. At least he wasn't completely forgotten.
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
ok it’s rant time !! there are SO many things which are just so ?????
1. what was the point of eleven and nina ? like why did it have to be stretched out. they could’ve been done with it in like 4-5 eps max
2. everyone was so separated…. like it’s similar to the previous seasons where there are like 3-4 different storyline’s converging to form the bigger picture but this season was just so messy…. eleven had a completely different storyline, will + mike + jonathan had a sub plot within elevens plot and so irrelevant at that ???? (like hello will deserves sm better) then what was even going on w hopper + joyce ???? like they were doing a completely different show and had a cameo appearance on stranger things in the last 5 min of vol. 2….. OH AND elevens reaction to seeing hopper ALIVE AND IN FRONT OF HER AFTER MONTHSSS??? not it. like where is the drama, the emotion, the “i can’t believe you’re here and real and alive” it was like she was Expecting to see him. no shock. no surprise. no questions. even joyce for that matter but it was still better. and why was there so much focus on jason and the dudes? eddie and argyle deserved that focus tbh. i couldn’t connect with either of them. (eddie seems overhyped to me because you don’t really see much of him, other than being the nerd who witnessed the first death) the main characters were literally steve + robin + nancy (derogatory) + max (+ lucas + dustin and maybe eddie)
3. speaking of main characters, whatever happened to the og gang ?????? the 4 guys and eleven and max????? i miss all my children being together and doing this shit together!!! this was just so not it. also, where did the fun go???? s1-2 (and 3) were just FUN. there was good humour AND logic. the kids were just so adorable and likeable (except mike but yes)
4. they tried SO HARD to make new audience favourite characters in eddie and argyle but these 2 were just so so so so so so so so pointless and useless like ughhhhhh (eddie also died for NOTHING, like he literally just wanted to be the hErO) it was just stupid af. they also tried making eddie and dustins dynamic like steve and dustins ???? the never change exchange between the two of them?? so random tbh. idk whatever it was,,,, looked very very forced fit.
5. so many characters were just THERE it was so annoying like helloooo people, add to the plot !!!!!! the stupidest plot ever but pls contribute !!!!!!!!!!!!
6. when it was revealed that henry is vecna and vecna is one and one is the dude w eleven, i was just like woah ,,,,,,,, disappointing. marks for the effort but disappointing nonetheless. also this could’ve been such a good ending for the entire show??? that it’s been vecna all along but no vecna is somehow still fucking alive
7. why tf did eleven need mike to tell her he loves her for her to gain her powers? why did mike lose ALL personality once he got together with her? like his personality was annoying but he at least had some personality.
8. lucas my man is so under appreciated. dustin and mike were so mean to him actually in the beginning w the campaign and basketball thing. lucas deserves better friends.
9. vol 2 felt like a never ending epilogue tbh. it could’ve literally been done in like a 1hr episode max but no. they could’ve really ended the season at vol 1 finale.
10. jonathan is bleh but this season he’s BLEH. erica was annoying this time ngl.
11. oh yeah, what the fuck happened to owens?
hi hello grey! finally getting around to reading this x
1) i liked getting backstory on eleven’s origin and i do think nina could’ve had one (maybe two) episodes that dug into that, but they really did drag it on and on for a plot twist that had little pay off imo also i’m tired of not knowing what powers eleven can do anymore. it’s like they add new elements every season but never explain them— and she just instinctively knows? how to do them?
2) i don’t have a real issue with everyone being separated as long as it makes sense in the end and they all come back together per seasons past during the climax, but yeah it just seems like they have bloated the cast unnecessarily and given so many different subplots that either are incredibly boring/irrelevant or are completely left behind without an explanation. and yeah hopper and eleven’s reunion was so disappointing. i felt more for dustin and eddie’s uncles dialogue than hopper and el’s and eddie is a new character lmao the last 30 minutes of ep 9 felt super rushed and clunky overall tbh.
3) i think one of the worst decisions they made was to separate the entire group of kids this season. i know they wanted to expand on eleven’s backstory etc. but they threw the rest of the hawkins kids with four of the teens to try and repair that absence but it wasn’t the same at all. it felt like a corny scooby doo episode every time that group was exploring together lmao and having will and jonathan almost completely absent was such a bizarre choice. and yeah i miss max + eleven’s friendship. it was really special, and it was just ripped away like. after el left it was like the writers forgot her and max were close lmao
4) i like eddie’s character tbh, but i do think they pushed him to the forefronts of the group too quickly which didn’t make it feel organic. i don’t have anything against argyle either, but the entire california storyline didn’t need to happen at all, and it would’ve still been the same season so yeah just wasted content tbh
6) i just want to know why it was so easy to “defeat” vecna with fire and shotgun bullets like i know he was vulnerable during that time, but it was so underwhelming. the climax of episode 9 was SO underwhelming. legitimately no one but eleven really did much besides fuck around in the upside down and almost die
7) it’s the way eleven’s entire story arc this season was that she has the power within herself and doesn’t need validation or security from outside sources to tap into her strength and purpose and to water her down to like an accessory of mikes 🤢 where she can’t do anything without his love or approval 🤢 is insanity to me and gives off the worst message.
8) lucas deserves a better storyline altogether??? like they basically ignored the opportunity to flesh out his character for three seasons only to do it very uncomfortably in S4 he deserves so much more than what they gave him
9) no forreal vol 2 was def just a money grab to keep the excitement and engagement alive for netflix and the series, as a whole, since i was surprised myself to see so much attention back on the show after being gone since 2019 there was no reason why we needed OVER 60 minute episodes for vol. 2 especially when it was drug the way it did (like ep 9? i found myself on my phone scrolling through social media so often for the TWO AND A HALF HOUR RUNTIME)
10) i always love erica but yeah jonathan has always been bleh and he literally built his entire relationship with nancy off being a creep and taking photos of her without her permission on someone else’s property (all while treating her like shit nonetheless) yet they really gave this man maybe 45 minutes of screen time the entire season and it was unbearably noticeable
11) stranger things! where everything is made up and the points don’t matter ✨
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Four, Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
I made it. Somehow, I made it.
The Netflix synopsis upset me even before I started the episode. "With selfless hearts and a clash of metal..." is just Eddie all over, isn't it?
I'm honestly still surprised no one in the Russia story died. I thought for sure the guard or Yuri was going to bite it. Or possibly Murray, but they just made him a regular so that seemed unlikely.
The Hop/Joyce hook-up was a long time coming. They're as bad as Nancy and Jonathan, dancing around each other - you can see where Jonathan gets it from.
Hey, breadsticks and lasagne ARE good!
This is the last time Nancy, Steve, and Robin see Eddie alive :(
Argyle suggesting the baggage compartment is just...yeah. He does come up with the right solution in the end though, so he gets points for that.
Fucking Jason, ruining everything.
For what is essentially longer than most movies, this episode really does keep you going all the way through. There's a LOT to it, and I never felt like I was getting bored even having seen it once before.
They manage to link the Russia storyline back to the Hawkins stuff pretty well, surprisingly.
Hey, it's Chekov's flamethrower!
Pizza is always the answer.
Oh god, the Argyles are multiplying. I'm sure the other guy is even billed as Other Argyle or something in the credits, I forgot to check.
You should probably lock the door, Jonathan.
Preparations for war take many forms. Guns, guitars, and pizza dough are equally as important.
I'm glad at least some of the pizza ingredients got eaten.
Eddie's final stage :(
Super confident idiot. We love Steve. I'd forgotten about this whole conversation, it really does sum up Steve's arc up to this point.
Of all the things you wouldn't expect to work, appealing to Yuri's better angels is what gets him to buck his ideas up. Huh.
The Lucas/Max scene with the notepads is adorable as fuck. Also Caleb's a lefty.
Good thing Vecna was home and not out for a walk or something.
Oh, it's the sad Will hour.
Jonathan is still Big Brother Of The Decade.
And there's Tear-Up #1 - Will and Jonathan hugging it out set me off.
I hope the water they had MBB laying in was warm, at least.
Sadie Sink really knocks it out of the park this season. She's always been the strongest of the kids, but this season was another level.
Max wanted something bad to happen to her, and she definitely got it. I wonder how she'll feel in Season 5, if she'll think she deserved what happened to her?
The timelines for this last bit are kind of weird. Pretty much everything happens at once, but because they linger on certain scenes it makes it feel like some stuff takes longer than it does - like Steve, Nancy, and Robin are being strangled for like 45 minutes because the prison stuff is so far behind.
The blending of the Billy footage is really good; you'd never know Dacre didn't re-shoot it.
I love that Eddie's reaction when Dustin tells him it's time to go is to rock harder, and not run away.
Couldn't Eddie and Dustin's plot just end there? Let them leave and live happily ever after?
Silly Russians, you should know not to play with evil clouds.
Blood balloons. Gross. I know high school dances are bad, but this is kind of ridiculous.
Jason's little minion should NOT have messed with Erica.
Eddie shoving the nail-shield into the ceiling was very clever.
Oh, it's kinky strangle time! Vecna has a choke fetish for Steve, this is like the third time it's happened.
And here we go. Eddie's fucking face when he realises that he has to go back is just...the journey he goes on, it's so painful. This is the part where I realised he wasn't going to make it out of the season the first time through, and it broke me.
"Eddie, what are you doing?!" Yeah, we were all asking that, Dustin.
Crit hit! Go Erica!
Lucas's speech to Jason is A+. "Normal is a raging psychopath" indeed.
If Jason hadn't smashed the cassette player, I wonder if this would have ended differently.
The parallel between how Henry held El in the Rainbow Room vs. how El holds Henry in the Snow Ball is delicious.
There's just so many of those bats, but Eddie stays anyway. What a fucking hero.
"Touch her again, and I will kill you...again." El has entered her BAMF stage. Kali would be proud.
That shattered Creel House set in Vecna's mind is so good, it's smashed to bits, just like Vecna's mind itself.
I do enjoy the Mind Flayer/Vecna dynamic twist. Considering we haven't seen the Mind Flayer at all this season, and we know it's still alive out there.
Also, the Mind Flayer is a giant spider. I never noticed that before, but it is. So clever.
"It was always you." The best kind of retcon is one where it doesn't even look like a retcon. Amazing storytelling.
"Stay still, it'll all be over soon." That's exactly what Billy said to the people that got flayed.
Murray + Flamethrower = <3
Everyone really does play a part in the final fight, even if it doesn't look like it from the beginning.
Just fucking die, Demogorgon, jesus christ.
Epic Kate Bush reprise is epic. Get his ass, Nance!
But of course, he gets away.
Eddie's lifeless eyes, FFS.
Here comes Tear-Up #2 - Eddie's death, and then Max's literally the scene afterwards was just too much, man.
Did Jason deserve to die? No. Am I glad he won't be around anymore? Yes.
God, somehow watching that was worse the second time around. I was a mess even before Eddie died.
Oh, we're going into the final season, let's smash all the sets!
Steve's ass in those jeans at the end is perfection.
God, Vickie and Robin are as bad as each other. What a pair.
And just when I'd recovered from #2, here comes Tear-Up #3 - Dustin's little speech to Wayne broke my fucking heart.
Jonathan's still lying to Nancy. It's not going to end well, bud.
I wonder if, because Vecna apparently absorbs everyone he kills, El might be able to like deep-dive into his mind and pull her out, so she can get back to her body?
That final shot is chilling as hell.
What a great season.
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