#and like i was a thin kid
youjustwaitsunshine · 10 months
thinking about ballet class and like my parents literally paid some lady for 10 straight years so i could go and get bodyshamed once a week lol
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hideousvampire · 6 months
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pretend robby took this picture
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schro4444 · 1 year
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just a typical Kuroba magic show!
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
hibiscia!!! Sorry if youve explained before but is there something specific about reset-remember fics that you hate? I don't really like them either but for me it's just because I feel like a lot of authors type sans in very ooc ways
They're completely antithetical to Sans' character arc for the sake of cheap and easy angst. The nature of his brand of cosmic horror isn't in reliving his life again and again, that's Flowey's. Sans knows OF the anomaly, knows that it's manipulating time and knows it's a threat to the entire universe, but he doesn't know how or why, because he doesn't remember.
And that's crucial! him being mostly in the dark in spite of the MANY warning signs about us... because it's in that doubt that he remains hopeful. YES we could potentially end the world... but what if we don't? yes we have unimaginable power over everyone else and we can bring back time, but what if we're just.... sad? he needs that gap in his knowledge so he can take a leap of faith across it, it's his entire character arc in the pacifist run. sans THINKS he's given up, he wants to have given up, he chose to do it because there's a comfort in that. in contenting yourself with good food and bad laughs. there's peace. but he hasn't given up, not really. on himself? maybe. but not in us.
there's no way to have that arc if he remembers resets.
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c0smic-v0mit · 1 month
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Wow they're so cute I hope nothing bad happens to them in season 2 (if we even get a season two at this point).
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ballcrusher74 · 2 months
Ena's dad just got revealed ayo ????
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mazojo · 1 year
I wish the ultimatum had a period where the couples go to therapy
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teddybearty · 4 months
WAIT OMG CAN YOU DRAW NUMBUH 2. of the hit cartoon network show codename: kids next door. that would be so awesome
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Here For You, Numbuh 2 ✌️🩵
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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headcanon post derailed i realised how funny it was to give him guns
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communistkenobi · 9 months
I’m thinking about how administrative leave requests would work in starfleet and it’s gotta be a huge pain in the ass right. vulcans would probably need a special expedited leave request process for pon-farr, because they become violent/die if they don’t excuse themselves to have sex asap, but this is probably a narrow accommodation only granted to vulcans, so if they were dating a non-vulcan who had to go through normal, slower leave request procedures that would cause logistical issues cuz emergency pon farr admin leave only works if both parties can do it at the same time, so if you’re a non-vulcan dating a vulcan you would have to probably apply to get that accommodation extended to you, and because I’m assuming starfleet operates on the same punitive logics as contemporary bureaucracies do, they’d be paranoid about non-vulcans “cheating the system” by falsely claiming they were dating a vulcan to get their leave request expedited, so they’d probably require proof of marriage or long-term cohabitation with a vulcan in order for a non-vulcan to get approved for that kind of thing, meaning casual or otherwise non-normative vulcan/non-vulcan couples in starfleet would be administratively marginalised and (re)produce a culture deriding interspecies dating, especially because humans seem to be kinda default racist towards vulcans in star trek in general, so they would probably view a human dating a vulcan as getting “special privileges” for administrative leave even though it’s just a basic accommodation. this is a classic example of how administrative apparatuses operating on a liberal conception of equity can reproduce systems of racial discrimination
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stinkypeanutbutter · 4 months
i feel like Aiden was such an animation meme kid
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mewkwota · 7 months
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Obviously I forgot how to draw Lan again, so I am drawing Lan again. I also tried to brush-up his bangs so the Hikari symbol on his headband is actually visible.
There is also a cut-up thing following this previous post.
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reineydraws · 2 years
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i have a soft spot for fics where billy sort of ends up adopting el and will alongside max. like, these are the kids that get dibs for rides in the camaro haha.
also im unfortunately not participating bc prev commitments but #harringrove for turkey is happening right now if yall want to donate to the earthquake relief funds for turkey & syria and get some art/fic back from harringrove fans! :) check out the tag if you're interested!!
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decepti-thots · 6 months
no offense but with all the uptick of posts i'm seeing from people hoping eathspark series two will be 'darker' or 'more complex', this seems like a good time to gently remind people: earthspark is aimed at six year olds and upwards, through the solidly pre-teen target demo. it is going to continue to be extremely 'teach very young kids Good Morals' the entire time. earthspark isn't even for older kids really, it is for young children. if you find earthspark difficult to watch because of how simplistic, wholesome and morally straightforward it is much of the time, this is likely to be less a failing of the show and more a completely reasonable disinterest in watching children's TV as a full grown adult! but mostly just... don't get your hope up s2 is magically going to turn into a show for adults, because that absolutely isn't gonna happen, sorry.
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moongothic · 7 months
There is something funny to be said about how both Dragon and Crocodile are like 2½ meters tall, they are massive fucking men. But Luffy's 174 cm, that's the height of a regular ass person. Which makes him 80 cm shorter than his dads, nearly a whole meter in height difference
Which makes me wonder
Was Luffy a regular-sized baby by our standards but absolutely itty bitty tiny when compared to his dads (like he would've fit onto Dragon's palm), or was Luffy a massive ass fucking baby who came into the world huge but didn't actually get the Huge Motherfucker-genes from his parents and just stayed short
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ducktracy · 26 days
i am very averse to "look at how much this thing sucks. let me shove said sucky thing in your face and laugh at how it sucks and cultivate an environment of suckiness" posting but the reaction to this i'm having is so severe and making my head explode that i have to share it. likewise because it doubles as an excuse to post a Good Thing alongside with it.
i just stumbled upon the Alvin's Harmonica segment from The Alvin Show and I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT IT'S SO CUTE AND CHARMING. i like that Alvin tortures Dave even in his subconscious like some sort of horrible inverse of Jiminy Cricket. love the layout work and everything about this is extremely charming
and so now, having instilled that Goodness into your brains, i now ask you to look at this instead which got recommended to me. WHAT DID THEY DOOOOOOOOOOO TO THEMMMMMMMMMMMMM. THIS IS MAKING MY SKIN CRAWL. WHY DO THEY SOUND LIKE THAT. WHY ARE SIMON AND THEODORE MAD, IN THE ORIGINAL THEY ARE GLEEFULLY COMPLACENT IN ALVIN'S ANTICS AS THEY SHOULD BE. AH!!!!!! AND THE RAPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously making my skin crawl i'm going to sob
i. oh my goodness. for the record i am not Genuinely outraged at this Good Chipmunk Erasure because that would be even more stupid than the above clip. but this just elicited such a violently bewildered and shocked reaction out of me and appeals perfectly to my cartoon masochism in that i absolutely eat up stuff that makes me go "WTF" that i had to share. this is making me hyper from how. whatever this is. i hate it and its existence is so funny to me #NOTMYALVIN
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