#and like we're fine he's rallied and is going to come up with something else
woolandcoffee ยท 1 year
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While everyone who is refusing to vote for Biden because of Gaza and his poor debate, Trump is calling people Palestinian as a slur.
Like...Everyone is fair to judge Biden on his lackluster response to Gaza (as I do), but look at this! All undecided and "Vote Third party because of 'Genocide Joe'" Trump has actively told Israel to "finish the job" while also doing this and talking about how Russia, North Korea, and China (something he accused Biden of being a puppet of) are our allies! Why aren't people talking about this? Why are people so willing to let this monster get away with lying and being racist and supporting other regimes to the point that they will throw away their vote by voting third party or not voting at all?!
Aren't they seeing what they are potentially letting back into the White House all because Biden is not the perfect guy? I get that Democrats are a mish-mash of ideologies but look at what we're doing being at each other's throat over someone who is at least trying to help us.
Trump is not going to help Gaza. He's going to destroy it while also destroying America with Project 2025, which may I add, is already getting the show on the road by gutting a ton of stuff yesterday.
And don't give me that "Biden needs to step down" because how the hell can that be pulled off in 4 months without pissing off the delegates that wanted him while trying to swiftly bring the mish-mash of Dems to try and vote for them in 4 MONTHS? Not only that, no one is credible at the moment.
Sanders is older than Biden and Orange Man.
Newsom is disliked in Cali.
Whitmer (who I would vote for in a heartbeat) is an unknown to the country and a woman
No one likes Harris not only due to her policies with the police but we all know she has a uphill battle because she is a POC and a woman.
AOC (who I would vote for in a heartbeat) also has the same issue as Harris being a POC and a woman.
Crockett (who I would also vote for in a heartbeat) is both an unknown, a POC and a woman.
And do I even need to bring up Hillary and the demonization she's STILL going through even after being vindicated.
And I bring this up for third parties as well. Who do we have in that list?
Jill Stein is actively a shill for Putin and was seen dining with him.
Cornell West has been on his bullshit for years now.
And RFK Jr? Someone I've seen people asking to vote for. The man who is anti-vax, anti-science, someone who his family isn't rooting for, and had a worm in his brain. And keep in mind, I left out some stuff.
So third party voters, how will you rally around one of these three or someone else in 4 MONTHS?!
We don't have time for all this division. We need to band together to defeat Trump and give America a fighting chance because if we don't, POCs, LGBTQ+, the Disabled, women, the homeless, anyone who cares about climate change, and fucking everyone that isn't rich, white, Christian males will be in danger by this wanna-be dictator.
In order to help Gaza, we need to be able to help ourselves and stop the fascism breathing down our neck.
Give us a fighting chance, please, and vote pure blue
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genderlesssinner ยท 1 month
Prepare yourself for more of my rambling bullshit
I apologize this is gonna be LONG as I just spew my thoughts while watching
Oh right Liliana is here I forgot this is where we left off OOF
The Weave Mind built the fortress, okay okay okay
Burrow Site?? Ah the dig to the cage
Oooh no he's using Liliana for the projection??
Oooo fae info dump
Are the Unseelie part of how Ludinus does the widespread projections? Or is he just rallying the troops
I am both stressed and love how eager Travis always is for things to go poorly
So much teleporting if they do this and going to the Fey is time fucky so that could be bad I hope they remember that and maybe Morri can still help with that?
Istg Travis. That die roll is gonna get Chet one day and no one is gonna believe it at first cause he fakes out so much
"we're not interesting enough for that" TAL
Part of me really hopes they turn the Sorrowlord fully against Ludinus but I also don't want that sombitch anywhere near Fearnie
Always walkin and talkin, or they would never get anywhere. Ever.
This meeting should be interesting.
I know my love, J'mon is one. Who are the other two.
Love having telepathic bond, hell yeah Imogen
Braius apologizing to Fearne is hilarious to me Fearne is the last one to be picky about relationship stuff yet he kissed Imogen and it it's fine lol
TALIESIN IS SO INTO THIS I love Taliesin's reactions to everything omg
"shut up baby I know it" LIAM LEMUR O'BRIEN
I have so many mixed feelings about all of this wow okay
Thank you for stopping them Matt
Oh no oh um is that papa Wyvernwind?? It iiisssss oh shiiiiiiitttt
Hoo boy, those are big ass golems
Oooh man I love these absolute chucklefucks
The beacons are lit
Cerkonos!! Fuck yeah. Ashari!
Vex is like fuck the politics we have to *stop* this
Everytime they say Sunder King it sounds SO FAMILIAR and I can't remember it's driving me bonkers
That is one hell of a name Matt
Oh SHIT the dragon Zone of Truthed the whole damn place ooooff
Oh shit Braius of of everyone being able to lie? That totally won't bite is in the ass WILL IT SAMUEL?
OH SHIT the fucking bright queen vouching for the mighty nein shiiiitttt if she only knew
Taliesin: happy wiggles
Oh poor kiki dealing with all these assholes on top of everything else
Dorian thank you oh my god I was sitting here like Ash pls I love you but this one time keep your opinions to yourself you beautiful dumbass
Oh no
Okay maybe it's okay that Braius can lie ...maybe
Many months = two whole days
A GUY WHO MAKES Chairs crying
"what's the Platinum Dragon's mother's name?" Hoo that throwback
Oh boy Sam is making something Canon rn
Interesting okayokayokay
Oh Ashton oh no
Oh. Okay. No I'm vibing with this though.
Fearne flashing the room would be hilarious
"quick spin the bottle" XD
Oohhhh showing them is uh an interesting choice right now with the uh exhaustion that comes after
Fuck shit I missed a bit because technical issues hell
Oohhhhhh hh my sweet bard boy
Robbie is such a wonderful story teller ugh
Orym blue screening over Dorian and his horsedragon, love him
Chet is gonna wolf out ain't he.
Tiny sexy breath ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Aaand there it is. Ope he's not actually changing okay okay
I totally got distracted and missed something said but it's fine I'll watch again Monday
Where's papa Wyvernwind
I forgot his name is Bronte
Yeah no tracks okay fuck.
Break time! More rambling fuckery in the second half yall
Go use the bathroom and get drinks and snacks
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thechaseofspades ยท 1 year
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DT17 Anniversary Posting
So I've heard around the cafeteria that there's a theme for today centered around people's favorite episodes. Well, I don't have [a] favorite episode. But I can narrow it down to 1 per season, so let's go with that.
(P.S. if you were tagged in this post it's because I gave you cool people a shoutout at the end.)
S1: The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!
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When I first watched this show, this episode was the one where I realized things were serious. This wasn't just a funny duck show. It's definitely still funny and a duck show, but it's so much more than that.
On Disney+, this episode comes right after Lena is possessed by Magica, so my mind was 100% on that heading in. Instead, we got the resolution to Dewey's arc and the mystery of Della Duck... or so we thought!
Sure, we found out Della's fate, but that was almost secondary to the family drama, especially between Dewey and Scrooge. It's very intense, and even when we get the answers we're looking for, the questions all change.
I don't need to explain why this episode is good. It just is. The fact that I picked this episode, and not a Lena-centric one, shows how good it is.
S2: A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!
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Alright fine. One Lena episode.
After Lena was brought back in "Friendship Hates Magic!", the question was, where do we go from here? I think they handled it very well, integrating her back into the kids' friend group while still letting the effects of Magica's abuse linger on.
I really enjoy the idea of characters' dreams showing their deepest fears and desires. The kind of stuff they would otherwise stash away when they're awake. This episode took that concept and sprinted with it.
I still think we ought to have had more sleepover episodes with all of the kiddos. When everybody is fighting for screen time in Season 3, this episode shows how you can balance several characters at once, even if Lena was the one getting the majority of the attention. The "Swanstantine" episode is another good example of this.
I mean, come on. We got Webby dressing herself up as Scrooge McDuck as soon as she realized she could do whatever she wanted. It was foreshadowed from the beginning!
S3: Astro B.O.Y.D.!
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I've talked about this one before. It's one of my favorite pieces of autism rep. Boyd's journey in this episode really resonated, as well as his relationship with Huey.
In my opinion, the best part about it is how Huey relates to Boyd. Specifically not because he's a robot, but how Huey sees him as just a kid, just like him. The robot part is more of a neat quirk than anything. He's wired differently, literally, but they deserve a chance to be themselves.
And I appreciate how "Astro-B.O.Y.D!" gives Boyd a purpose as a character. I thought the bit in the Doofus episode where the villains try to pull the same con as Louie was fun, but Boyd didn't feel like much of a character, or at least no more of one than Sharkbomb was.
So "Astro-B.O.Y.D!" takes a character that very well could have had a one-off bit role, and made him something special. Made him somebody that a viewer can relate to, just as Huey did in the episode. Even just for 22 minutes, Boyd felt special. I felt special. I felt seen.
So yeah, that's my three. The fact that I can sit here and ramble about a half-decade old show that ended before I found it, is really cool. I'm so glad to have the chance to hang out with everybody here, whether we're discussing the best show in the history of time or doing literally anything else.
Shoutout to the people rallying the troops for today's anniversary... @secret-tester @justaboot @alexcanine @boingodigitalart @yeyeducks @cookieruby @the-richest-duck ... and to everyone else who's participated not just today but any day. We wouldn't be a community without the fine folks in it.
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apockalypsisblog ยท 13 days
Hi there - yes it's me, the same Anon!
I think we can rest assured that the case IS settled. The prosecutor's office issued a summary indictment which is used specifically for cases that do NOT need to go to trial. The only recommended penalty was a fine. Yesterday, Seoul's Western District court imposed that fine: 15 million KRW, which equals about $11,000 USD. The reports I've read all say that "this brings an end to the case." So that's that.
As for the "final reporting" it was exactly as I described. A collective yawn and now everyone has moved on to the latest New Jeans shitstorm.
I'm very happy for Yoongi that this is over, but I am still so pissed off about it all. JTBC's apology was fucking pathetic..."sorry for the confusion?" Really? That's it? Where was the groveling, the self-flagellation, the begging for forgiveness from everyone, and the desperate promises to atone for as long as JTBC exists and never, ever do anything wrong again? You know, all of those things that people kept saying were just part of "the culture?" Why did Yoongi have to do all of that because of "the culture" and JTBC didn't...and neither did anyone else? The rules of that culture seem to be very selectively enforced. How much you want to bet the "serious penalties" that SK's communications commission threatened against JTBC never actually manifest?
If it had just been a social media dragging, I wouldn't have cared. If jackasses want to blow their money on funeral wreaths, let them. I don't really think anyone takes that shit seriously, especially when K-poppies are constantly freaking out and demanding idols get the boot over...literally everything.
But this was basically every media outlet in the whole country. That horde of reporters outside the police station weren't Knetz. And what about the police themselves -- do you think they would've let a crowd of ARMY camp out on the steps of their precinct house for days? Of course not. They would've dispersed them pretty damn quick...and they could've done the same with those reporters, or at least moved them across the street and stuck them behind a barricade. But they acted like there was nothing they could do about it. Right.
I'm pissed off at people who were rolling their eyes and saying, "Please, nothing serious is going to happen to someone like him." Because something serious did happen. It happened for three weeks, and it was getting worse every day. If not for the real CCTV footage coming out, who knows where this would've wound up? And even with the footage, he still had to do that macabre photo line and write that apology to get them off his back.
The one silver lining I saw in all of this was the support Yoongi received from other artists. They clearly saw that something was going sideways and they chose to speak up about instead of waiting for things to get even worse. Fans can rally for him by the millions, but no one really cares what fans think. We're expected to be histrionic. But even a handful of celebrities coming out and saying they stood with him...I think it had an impact. And I'm sure it meant a lot to him.
And yes, I'm also proud of the way he's conducted himself. I'm hardly even angry at him anymore for being stupid, because he more than paid the price for that fuck-up. Chuseok begins this Monday, and I hope he gets some time off from his job and can just go somewhere peaceful and decompress. And I hope he knows how sincerely all of us do care for him and are looking forward to his comeback (correction: his triumphant comeback) with BTS next year.
Thanks for reading and all your thoughtful responses. ๐Ÿ’œ
og post: BTS Suga & The Era of Misinformation
previous post
hello anon, once again.
i'm not going to argue about the legal aspects of the case. i'm not a lawyer, i don't know korean law. what i said is what i've read and how i've understood it, so you can take it with a grain of salt. i agree with you in that i think the only way this could not be closed is if one of the parties (either yoongi/hybe or the final judge) decides it requires a trial. which i don't think they will. hopefully we won't hear much about this situation anymore at all.
the fine amount is, as far as i'm aware, unconfirmed. the exact amount reportedly came from an article that sourced "the legal community" which can mean anything. it might be a mistranslation, or it can mean "unrelated lawyer speaking from experience with similar cases", or idk. for now i choose not to believe it.
i'll be happy if we never find out how much he was fined or what his actual BAC was (even if it's lower than reported) cause... he deserves to have some privacy in this matter, ffs.
"I'm very happy for Yoongi that this is over, but I am still so pissed off about it all. JTBC's apology was fucking patheticโ€ฆ"
yes, absolutely. forgive and forget? no no no. resent and remember. and i will resent, forever. i don't have any societal obligation to be the bigger person, unlike bts. i do hope that k-armys will continue to monitor the situation so that people can put pressure on the responsible authorities and ensure that this doesn't get swept under the rug. as i've said before, hybe and yoongi probably won't press any charges. yoongi already stated that he will accept all punishment and criticism, which... probably includes even unwarranted one. it might be a bad look for him if he turned around and sued, even though i think he should.
"But this was basically every media outlet in the whole country. That horde of reporters outside the police station weren't Knetz."
i assume this is in reaction to me saying to ignore socmed rhetorics and to stop enabling random knetz. let me make this clear, then - i agree that the scope of what's happened has absolutely been bigger than just stantwt and the thepoo forum or whatever it's called, or even knetz. he's been slandered by actual legitimate news outlets with actual power to harm him, his career, his reputation. indisputably. this has reached far beyond the online spaces.
my point is that these outlets were enabled to do so by knetz, the chronically online, the antis, the solos, the mantis, and even the well-meaning regular fans who just want to keep in the know. i as an individual can't really fight the korean media, or any media for that matter. that's a bit above my paygrade. what i can do is not give attention to the loud mass online that in turn gives engagement to the media. that's what i want to do, and what i urge everyone to do.
as for those wreaths... those leave a bitter taste in my mouth. that's a death threat and i don't understand how it's not being treated as such. what do you mean, people had been sending fucking funeral wreaths to his company, to his home, and the reaction was just, "eh. classic anti stuff." don't people realize how deeply fucked up that is?
"I'm pissed off at people who were rolling their eyes and saying, "Please, nothing serious is going to happen to someone like him." Because something serious did happen."
and then it's going to be these exact people who post sad thinkpieces about how tragic it is that we've lost yet another life. i've seen it happen a thousand times, and even if i can't prevent it from happening again, i'll at least try. i don't want this to happen to anyone, no matter how rich and famous they are. i don't want it to happen to yoongi, i don't want it to happen to gdragon, or... britney spears or any random micro influencer who's the viral bullying target of the week.
it's infuriating that these situations are only taken seriously after someone harms themselves. no. enough. prevention above reaction.
"Fans can rally for him by the millions, but no one really cares what fans think. We're expected to be histrionic. But even a handful of celebrities coming out and saying they stood with himโ€ฆ"
shout out to psy and el capitxn in particular - the only two to support him publicly that actually live in korea (as far as i know). and they of course got smeared for it.
i believe that the fans' support had been unprecedented as well, though, especially for kpop. i haven't seen armys this united about anything in ages, if ever. the last, polar night, haegeum and snooze shooting up the charts was a pretty powerful statement from us - to the company, to the public, to yoongi. i am highly critical of a lot of moves armys as a fandom and as individuals did, but of this, i felt proud. that was hundreds of thousands if not millions of people matching yoongi's language - music. we couldn't have made a better statement, i think.
so, i also hope he knows how much we care, and has it in himself to believe it.
happy chuseok to bts and the people who love them, and thank you for your continued patronage and please come again! (anon who are you... i want to follow you...)
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jaehyunspeachparty ยท 3 years
daddy jaehyun
iv.lxxx. (a) - the end? pt.2
Jaehyun's memory went black when he got the call that you were in the hospital fighting for your life. He remembered that he grabbed Miga and Sunoh and drove off immediately. Sometimes he no longer knew whether his heart was still beating. He was so rigid with fear. Miga didn't say anything, even though she usually liked to ask questions, and Sunoh calmly looked out of the car. It was as if they understood immediately that something bad had happened and they had to be good now.
When he got to the hospital, he ran upstairs with the two of them and asked for you. He was immediately referred to the intensive care unit and pediatrics. Geon and Kiwoo were there too. Jaehyun didn't know where to go first. He was so conflicted that the nurse felt sorry for him. "I'll talk to someone from pediatrics and see how the kids are. Maybe someone can send them down." "That would be great. Thank you!" Jaehyun tries to breathe, but the harsh lights and the sounds of the medical equipment are killing him. The nurse smiled sheepishly and immediately picked up the phone. She made a short call and then immediately hung up. "The twins are fine. They will be taken to their wife's room." She smiled and Jaehyun breathed a sigh of relief for the first time. "Mr. Jung?" he suddenly heard a voice and saw a doctor coming towards him. "I'll take the kids," said a nurse, and the doctor took Jaehyun aside. He knew that wasn't a good sign. "The accident severely injured your wife and the unborn child," the doctor said and Jaehyun tried to catch a glimpse of you at the same time. He saw you lying there with tubes in your mouth and several devices beeping. "What do you do now?" Jaehyun asked, trying to be calm. "We're just watching the kid. In the next few minutes, we'll do some tests and decide if we can get the kid out sooner." The doctor slowly tried to explain everything to him, but Jaehyun was in shock. "What about my wife?" "She is currently stable. We hope she will wake up in the next few hours." Jaehyun took a deep breath. That was a good sign, wasn't it? But as soon as he could breathe again, the devices around you began to beep loudly. "What's happening here?" Jaehyun asked and saw the doctor running to you. The nurses rallied and one of them grabbed Jaehyun and pushed him out of the room...
"How are your sisters?" your father asked. You were still sitting on the couch and you were kind of trapped here. You didn't know how to leave. "Well, Audrey has also become a mother and Mia lives here in Korea. She has a very nice boyfriend here. It's also a friend of Jaehyun's." You smile and look at the picture that was next to the window. It portrayed all your sisters when you were all children. That time seems so far away from you. "That's good to know." Your father smiled and also looked at the picture. You are silent for a few minutes, but then you hear a noise. Someone was here...someone else...a baby... "What is that?" You got up and went to the kitchen. A baby lay on the floor, wrapped in a white blanket. The baby just cries and cries and just stands there and looks at him in bewilderment. "What's going on?" your father asked and you didn't want to know the answer. Tears welled up in your eyes and you keep staring at the baby. "Is she dead?" you ask your father and turn to him. He shook his head and looked at the child. "No, the dead look different here." "But you look normal to me, just like her." You start sobbing and almost don't want to look back. "Because you're not dead yet." Your father had a very simple explanation for everything, but it was still confusing to you. You turn back to the screaming child and pick it up. Then you wrap the girl up and stroke her cheek. "It's her. That's Sofia..." you say and smile. "She's trapped here like you. You're both fighting for your lives." Your father looks at you, but you were busy with your daughter. "Jaehyun and I have wanted a girl so badly." You rock the child and stroke the little head. "Y/N, you have to make a decision..." your father said suddenly and you look at him confused. "I want her to live," you say softly, watching the girl calm down. "And she's supposed to grow up without a mother? What about Miga, Sunoh, Kiwoo and Geon?" he asked and you didn't know what to say. "I know..." "You have four other children," he then said, standing in front of you. "That's what Jaehyun would say." You put the girl on your chest and look at your father. "Are you going to leave them alone?" he asked, looking at you caringly. "No, but I don't want to leave Sofia alone either." You rub the baby's back and sigh. How could you make such a choice? "She's not alone. She has me...", your father's voice was very soft now. He smiled softly and held out his arms to receive Sofia. But you didn't want to give her up that easily. There had to be a solution. "No, we can do it." You hold your daughter tight and start running. You run as fast as you could to the door and wanted to get out, but you were hardly out of the house before you were back inside. "How? What's going on here?" you ask through tears. "You both can't go." Your father looked at you expectantly, but you don't see the point of giving up. You run again, and again, and again, and again. But it was no use. And eventually, you realize it. The pain came and now it was also clear to you that you had to make a decision. You collapse on the ground in grief and didn't want to realize it, but the reality was there. "I can't let her go, she's my baby...we've waited for her for so long...how can a mother do such a thing?" You start to cry and feel the despair. "What mother would leave four children behind. Kiwoo and Geon are so young. They need their mother. Or imagine Sunoh...if you left him, he would go crazy." Your father crouched on the ground next to you. "Sofia is innocent...she hasn't gotten to know life yet." You cry bitterly and didn't want to let go of your daughter. "Y/N, you're out of time. You have to go..." "No, no I can't." you cry and cry It was the worst moment of your life for you. But your father reached out again and took Sofia. You didn't understand how and why. You held her tight, but he could take her so easily. "Go now..." he said and kissed your forehead. You could barely look at him as your tears blurred your vision. But somehow you were able to pull yourself together and take the first steps. "I'll take
good care of her," he said, stroking the girl's little head. You look at her sadly again, hoping she would be able to go with you after all. "I promise," your father said and opened the door. And when you left the house, it turned white again...
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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babbling-idiot ยท 4 years
Colin gray x reader
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Request: "Love this blog! um could you do fluff #6 + kiss $12 with Colin gray?? I love him. Also sorry if we're not supposed to combine prompts. If not just ignore this plz!" -By Anon
Warning: non but smooching, my writing is cringy so excuse me lmao
#6. โ€œPlease just kiss me already.โ€
#12. Against a wall kiss
(Hey anon! So, it's totally fine to combine prompts, I want yall to go wild! I had an amazing time writing and thank you so much in happy you like the blog, I'm trying and also hope you enjoy!)
So, when it came down to liking people at the school it was slim to none. There was one that you were sure of. That was colin. Colin was what alot of people would call emo, he didnt mind it and plus he was cool. He was a great guy and you hug out alot. Or more like he hug out with you. You never understood why, one day your not even acquainted with him but by the next day he was following you around like a lost puppy.
Alot of the time people would tell you that you just didnt see it. See what, what weren't you seeing. They'd respond with a 'you'll see' or a 'you'll figure it out' but you didnt understand where they were coming from. You never really thought much about it. You never understood why people had to make things difficult. Why not just say it, save yourself time. It didnt matter though, you'd figure it sooner or later. Much sooner than you thought actually.
Today in art class the teacher was talking about a banner that needed to be made for the pep rally. Colin was the first to raise his hand. No one else wanted to do it and luckily you weren't busy at all so you raised yours as well. Colin saw this and his eyes grew wide and he started to smile like a dork. This made you smile as well. "Alright, colin and y/n! This banner needs to have a good quote on it, positivity and energy is what we want. Bright and fun colors. Draw some cool designs and make sure to put this classes grade on it." She says as she goes on about how we should try our best to be as energetic as possible. Me and colin both decided to stay in the art room. It wouldnt be occupied and you had access to both art supplies and music.
So, after school you both were in there with a huge ass piece of paper and loads of art supplies. Music was blaring through the small speakers. Over the music you made small talk, mostly on the task at hand. At one point though all talk had ceased and all you could hear was colin breathing. You had thought he was busy drawing so you didnt bother him. You were leaning over the paper finishing out a sketch. When you came back you were satisfied with what you did and went to the back to get a black marker. When you turned you glanced over at colin. He was looking at you, lips partially open and his eyes blown wide. "Colin you ok?" You say as you walk slowly over to him. He walks towards you, grabbing you by your arm and pushes you toward the wall. He was just staring at you. He wanted to saying something, you could tell he was struggling to get it out, "I'm sorry its just....I'm just really....I like you...alot." too shocked and surprised to say anything. You snap out of it and go to say something but he cuts you off, what he says shocks you even more "Please just kiss me already.โ€ You grin and pull him towards you attaching your lips to his. His groans into your mouth and holds onto your waist. He pushes you flush against the wall. His lips tasted like mint and so soft. You could have kissed them all day if it wasnt for the need of breathing. When you started to pull away you nipped at his bottom lip were is peircing wand he sighs out. Bringing your hand up you run your hand through his mop of curls, finally your hand comes to rest on his cheek. "I like you too colin." Instead of saying anything he wraps his arms around your waist and lays his head on your shoulder "I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner or did it in a more normal place. This was just the only time I had alone with you. "He says as he looks up at you shyly. "You dont have to be sorry, I'm just glad this is what they were talking about!" "What they were talking about? Who are you talking about?" "Our group of friends. They kept telling me that you'll see or you'll figure it after they practically told me I was blind for not seeing that you liked me sooner" he groans again and puts his head back on your shoulder. "I told them about my crush on you and they kept teasing me about and said I'll have the chance to tell you someday. I guess they meant this." You scoff and chuckle a bit "Well I'm happy you told me." He nods his head "Me too. I hate to ruin the moment but I think we should go back to the banner now." You nod back and you go and sit down. You sit in comfortable silence and continue the drawings. Making little light hearted jokes here and there. It was the best day you've ever had at school yet.
(Hey again, thank you for requesting and please know that combined as many as you want. I'm having an amazing time with these prompts so thank you and remember requests are always open. Have a wonderful day and stay safe out there in the world!)
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Fairytale Romance: An engagement interview!!! HIRH Prince Imperial Darius and his Fiance Miss Alysha Estep sit down for an interview with Selena Murdoch!
Marasean International broadcasts from The Imperial Palace a live interview with HIRH Prince Imperial Darius and Miss Alysha Estep.
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Selena Murdoch: YIRH, Miss Estep, Thank you for agreeing to sit down with me today and congratulations on your engagement. I'm sure many Maraseans agree with me when I say we are very excited for the up and coming nuptials.
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HIRH: Thank you Ms Murdoch.
SM: So I guess the first question should be, which every one is dying to know, when did you two start dating? We know you met whilst you were both at University, but when did you know there was potentially something blooming between you?
HIRH: Well yes. We met during an Eco Rally, it was one of the few occasions our respective universities weren't competing against each other. Alysha actually wouldn't give me the time of day. She simply brushed me off at the Rally. It wasn't till a few days later at a convention when I tired my luck again.
Alysha: Believe it or not, I hadn't realised who Darius was until one of my roommates at the time told me that evening. To tell you the truth, I was shocked and didn't believe her until Darius found me at the Unified Marasea convention a few days later and asked me on a date.
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Alysha: I'd say, it wasn't until the fifth date and, maybe... two, two and a half months of speaking via telephone, video calls and text messages did we feel that... well spark, where we got really comfortable with each other.
HIRH: I think I fell in love with Alysha pretty quickly, maybe after the third date.
Alysha: Darius actually said I love you first. This was maybe after 8, 9 months of dating.
HIRH: Which was fine. Dating a member of my family is never easy nor straight forward. Alysha didn't want to rush into anything, we both didn't. And rightly so, Alysha also wanted some guarantees that her life wouldn't be turned completely upside down. I was glad to give it to her.
Alysha: Yes, Darius was very understanding, and patient might I add. Admittedly, I was initially terrified, but, Darius was so attentive and caring, it didn't take me long to fall for him and to fall hard.
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SM: And the rest of the rest is history?
HIRH: Yes, almost five years later, the rest is history.
SM: So you took your time?
HIRH: Yes, I didn't want to push Alysha, because I knew she was special, and... I wanted to give her an out.
SM: An out?
HIRH: Yes, an out. As a member of my Family, our whole lives are dedicated to public service, which can sometimes leave time for little else.
Alysha: Darius did explain to me, after about two years of dating and a couple of months before I met TIRM's what it would mean to join the Family. It was already clear by that point that the relationship was serious, if not quickly getting there. Of course we have discussed this in more detail since.
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SM: And we know around that time you had just moved in together. There were reports about a number of break-ins and security had to be increased. Could you tell us a little more about that? I must have been a difficult time for you.
HIRH: Well we won't go into too much detail about that, but yes it was a difficult time for me, for us, but especially for Alysha. We had kept the relationship under the radar pretty well until that point. We were going out in public a bit more often, and with that comes the increased likelihood that we will be spotted. Hence the Lady in Red edition in the Marasean Times. After that, another news outlet produced what can only be described as a resume on Alysha from what could be garnered on the internet. Thank fully not much. But there was enough trivial information to stimulate some interest into who Alysha was, or maybe because there was so little. Some employees of a news outlet that shall remain unnamed, where... overzealous, and saw an opportunity to be the first to ''spill the beans'' on the Imperial Prince's girlfriend. We won't say anymore on the subject...
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SM: Fair enough. So how long was it before you introduced Alysha to the Imperial Royal Family and visa versa?
HIRH: As you know, we were dating for two years before I introduced Alysha to my parents. It was actually my Uncle ( the Imperial Duke of Sulani) , who met Alysha first. By the time of our graduation I had already relocated to where we live now and was spending most of my time in Sulani by that point. It happened organically really. Alysha was there for a visit and he just dropped by with the family, my cousins and my Aunt. We're not very far from each other, maybe a 10 minute walk. We're dropping in on each other all the time. It wasn't planned, it just so happened that Alysha was there that time around.
Alysha: Darius' Uncle, Aunt and cousins were all really welcoming and we ended up spending the rest of my stay, if think I was staying for two weeks at the time?
HIRH: Yes about that.
Alysha: We ended up spending the rest of it with them.
HIRH: That was the first year of dating, a couple of months after that it was my brother (Imperial Duke of Linacre) and Lorna, he had been dying to meet Alysha, so they invited us around to dinner. My little sister (HIRH Princess Imperial Erika Cara) was there too. And then it was Nerina and Greyson (TIRH The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea), again for dinner. A couple of months after that, it was time to meet the parents.
SM: So the Christmas get way to Terra House last Christmas wasn't the first time you introduced Alysha to the family?
Alysha: No, I had met them all before that point.
SM: Did you have any worries about meeting them Miss Estep?
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Alysha: No, not at all. I was more worried about the protocols and addressing everyone by the correct titles. Once you get past that there was really nothing to worry about. Darius only ever referrers to them like any other son would, sister, brother, mother father ect... To me I was meeting his family.
SM: And what about your Family Miss Estep?
Alysha: It was within the first year of dating that Darius met my sisters. I was living with them during my last year of University. So, it was easily done. Darius came over and we ordered in some take away and that was it really, it was a really normal night.
SM: Your sisters? Are you not an orphan?
HIRH: That is an in inappropriate and personal question...
Alysha: No, Darius it's okay. Yes, I am an orphan, but family isn't always the one you are born with, sometimes it is the one you choose and make for yourself. So yes, my sisters, I have four, are my family. I make no distinction between them and those I may be biological related to.
SM: I'm sorry if I caused any offense, it was not my intention. What you have said is very moving... apologies.
Alysha: Thank you...
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SM: So the wedding, is there anything you can tell us about it? Will it be a private affair?
HIRH: There is not much we can tell you about it now, we haven't even decided ourselves...
SM: Nothing at all?
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Alysha: Sorry no, unfortunately everyone will have to wait. We can say that there will be announcement made soon.
SM: Okay, we will all, no doubt, be eagerly waiting for the news. YIRH, after you are married, have you made any decisions in regards to your position in the Imperial Family? We've known for years that you have wanted to step back for a more private life like you Uncle, The Imperial Duke of Sulani. Has that changed now that you have met Alysha?
HIRH: Well yes, yes it has...
SM: And???
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HIRH: I, well we, have decided to stay and serve as working Imperial Royals. I realised, when Alysha and I attended a couple of engagements together, that what I was really missing was a partner. A weight of the responsibility is shared when you are able to perform you public duties with a partner. My brother found it, my sister found it and my mother found it too. I have found my partner, in life, service and in love in Alysha.
SM: Unbelievable, wonderful. Such a beautiful sentiment. What about the charity in Sulani, you were setting up with HIRM, Prince-Consort Ngata?
HIRH: That will still go ahead. We are still dedicated to setting up a charity there. We will have our main residence near to Mother (HIRM Empress Sheva) to be of service, but will split our time between here and Sulani. We are determined to make this work.
SM: Wonderful! That's a perfect way to end this interview. Thank you so much for your time. May I offer you my congratulations once again!
HIRH: Thank you...
Alysha: Thank you...
Phew! That took forever to write, I hope you all enjoy!!! Fingers crossed. It's a long one, but I saw no way to shorten it... :)
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babygirlkiki1016 ยท 4 years
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The Lynnwood Inn, which was our next stop. However after the Wendigo situation, Deans been treating me differently, he's been flirting with me. There's something up with him, I thought, was it because of the night in motel? Or the kiss after the Wendigo mission. I look over at him to notice there is a mostly empty plate in front of Dean, who is circling obituaries in a newspaper. An attractive waitress, whose nametag says Wendy, approaches.
"Can I get you anything else?" She asks mostly focusing on Dean. Dean looks up, sees the waitress then goes back to the news paper as Sam comes over and sits down.
"Just the check, please." Sam orders.
"Okay." And Wendy walks away.
"You know Dean I'm surprised you weren't flirting with the waitress." I say, Dean points to Wendy walking away, who's wearing short shorts.
"Well you see her, she's not my type."
"Dude every girl is your type." Sam laughs.
"Not every girl, I highly doubt-" I point to myself "-girls like me are his type."
"If you believe that then your wrong darling." He winks at me. "And the two of you are talking like I'm not here." Sam looks at me, then at Dean who hands him the newspaper.
"Here, take a look at this, I think I got one. Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week Sophie Carlton, eighteen, walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water, nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found either. They had a funeral two days ago."
"A funeral?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, it's weird, they buried an empty coffin. For, uh, closure or whatever."
"How is that closure? If the coffins empty then the body is still out there. Doesn't sound like closure at all."
"You have a point there Y/n, also your hair is green." Sam points out, I groan and pull up my hoodie to hide my hair while Sam takes more notes. "Back to the topic. People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them."
"Something you want to say to me?" Dean growled.
"The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day."
"Sam's right Dean, it seems like whereever we go he was never there-" Dean silences me with his the wave of his hand.
"So what are we supposed to do?"
"I don't know. Something. Anything." Sam huffs.
"You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do?"
"Yeah, I know you do, it's just-"
"I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?" Sam rolls his eyes, making Dean walk out of the Inn, shaking his head in disappointment. We left the Inn a few hours later, and the three of us made our way to our next case. Sam was in the back sleeping, while me and Dean were in the front.
"....So...." Dean suddenly says, desperately trying to strike up a conversation. "Are we gonna talk about it?"
"....Talk about what?"
"The kiss."
"....What kiss?"
"The one you gave me a few days ago, after we saved Haley and her brothers. I know you wanted to kiss me but you decided against it." My heart started pounding, what was there to talk about? I had a bad feeling of how this was gonna go.
"Y/n I....I want to ok? Your....You make me feel...." He glances over at me, then travels down to my hand that's resting in my thigh. He slowly grabs it, and squeezes like I'll disappear.
"I make you feel what?...." I say getting his attention again.
".....I don't know, but when I'm around you I have this sick like feeling-a good sick like feeling. I've never felt this way before...but sadly we can't your still a kid and if we were to, ya know."
"I understand."
"I will promise you this, when you turn eighteen, I'm gonna give you a kiss you'll never forget. And one after that, and one after that, and one after that." He smiles but doesn't let go of my hand, and neither do I. We sat there for hours, just enjoying each other's company, hoping that this moment would never end.
When we got to Wisconsin, we make our way up to the house that belong to the Carlton's. Dean knocks on the door and a man opens it.
"Will Carlton?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, that's right."
"I'm Agent Ford, this is Agent Hamill and Samson. We're with the US Wildlife Service." Dean holds up an ID, Will leads us around the house and I notice that a man is sitting on a bench on the dock.
"She was about a hundred yards out." Will says. "That's where she got dragged down."
"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Dean asks.
"Yeah. She was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She was as safe out there as she was in her own bathtub.
"So no splashing? No signs of distress?" I questioned.
"No, that's what I'm telling you."
"So she was just pulled down but never came back up? Like kind of a shark attack?"
"Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?" Sam wondered.
"No. Again, she was really far out there."
"You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?" Dean says.
"No, never. Why? Why, what do you think's out there?"
"We'll let you know as soon as we do." As Dean heads back to the car Sam catches up to me.
"So, you and my brother huh?" He smirks.
"We're not together."
"Yet, that's right I heard your conversation." My cheeks begin to burn, and my hair turns purple.
"So you were pretend sleeping?" You could hear the fear in my voice.
"No I tried to sleep, I just happened to overhear how Dean is gonna give you a kiss you'll never forget, and one after that, and one after that-"
"Shut up!" I push him lightly with my cheeks burning, he laughs as I walk even faster. We get back in the car, the next stop was the police station. It was silent, but I could feel Sam looking between me and Dean from the back seat.
"Can I help you Sam?" Dean demanded.
"Nope." Sam said with a smile, he was thinking about me and Dean.
"You keep looking at me then at Y/n."
"He heard our conversation Dean." I confess, Dean smirks and looks back at his brother.
"Sam you sly dog!"
"What, it's not my fault you two are loud talkers."
"Oh that's bullshit! You didn't sleep cause you wanted to know if something was gonna happen!" I laugh.
"Well something did...cause when it's your birthday-"
"Shut up Sam!" Me and Dean yelled in chorus.
The station was small, but somewhat cozy. I looked around as Dean introduced us as the Wildlife Service.
"Now, I'm sorry, but why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?" Jake Devin's, the sheriff asked.
"You sure it's accidental? Will Carlton saw something grab his sister." Sam replies and we follow the sheriff into his office.
"Like what?" Jake motions to chairs in front of his desk. "Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake." Sam sits down while Dean offers the other seat to me. I smile at the gesture and kiss his cheek before I sat down. "There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness Monster."
"Yeah." Dean chuckles and Sam glances over at him.
"Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks." Jake sits down and continues. "We dragged that entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep, just to be sure, and there was nothing down there."
"That's weird, though, I mean, that's, that's the third missing body this year." I state. "There had to be something there, Sophie Carlton was a varsity swimmer. There's no way she drowned...."
"I know. These are people from my town. These are people I care about." The sheriff admits, he seemed sad, but yet had a somewhat guilty look on his face. "Anyway..." Jake sighs. "All this...it won't be a problem much longer."
"What do you mean?" Sam leaned forward, obviously interested.
"Well, the dam, of course."
"Of course, the dam. It's, uh, it sprung a leak." Dean says, trying to make the conversation less awkward.
"It's falling apart, and the feds won't give us the grant to repair it, so they've opened the spillway. In another six months, there won't be much of a lake. There won't be much of a town, either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that."
"Exactly, sorry it's been a long week." I apologize as a young woman, taps on the door.
"Sorry, am I interrupting?" She asks, me and Sam stand up knowing that it's time to probably leave. "I can come back later."
"Gentlemen, this is my daughter." The Sherrif says and I hold out my hand to her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Y/n." We shake hands.
"Andrea Barr, Hi." She greets.
"They're from the Wildlife Service. About the lake." Andrea's father explains.
"Oh." Then a boy, walks in around Andrea. "Oh, hey there. What's your name?" I ask, with a smile but he walks away without speaking and Andrea follows, we do the same.
"His name is Lucas." She says and gives him some crayons out of a box.
"Is he okay?" Sam worried.
"My grandson's been through a lot, we all have." Jake stands and goes to the office door. "Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know."
"Thanks. You know, now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?" Dean asks.
"Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner. It's about two blocks south." Andrea comments. "I'm headed that way anyway. So I'll walk you there."
"I think we can find it just fine." I say, Sam looks at me and smirks, he knew. I was jealous, she nods with a frown on her face and turns to Jake. "I'll be back to pick up Lucas at three." She turns to Lucas. "We'll go to the park, okay, sweetie?" Andrea kisses him on the head.
"Thanks again." Sam smiles and we walk out the door, Andrea walks outside with us.
"So, cute kid." Dean comments.
"Thanks." She says, then points south. "Like I said, two blocks, that way."
"Thanks." Sam says and she smiles at Dean. "Must be hard, with your sense of direction, never being able to find you a good pick up line." And with that she leaves while calling back over her shoulder. "Enjoy your stay!" Sam slaps Deans shoulder "'Kids are the best'? You don't even like kids."
"I love kids." Dean looks at Sam like he's offended.
"Name three children that you even know."
"Y/n?" He wraps an arm around me, with a smile on his face thinking he won this argument.
"She's older than Lucas, she's not a little kid anymore."
"She acts like a kid."
"Seriously?! I'm right here!" I rant, Dean rubs my head but I push his hand away playfully.
"See? Your pouting, and your short to." He chuckles. "Anyways let's get to that motel, we have work to do."
As soon as we got our room I grabbed some clothes and instantly claimed the bathroom. Sam went to get some food for us so it was just me and Dean. It had been a while since I felt hot water run down my back, and damn did it feel good. Sadly I had to get out and go back to reality, when I exited the bathroom Dean was watching Dr. Sexy. I put my stuff down and settled next to Dean.
"So Dr. Sexy?" I asked, I could hear him hum in response. "Well that doctor is pretty hot."
"The girl or guy?"
"Both are good looking."
"Hm." I look over at him, he was staring at me.
"Nothing...." He turns off the TV and sits on the edge of the bed, tiredly rubbing his face. I moved to his side, worried.
"Dean are you ok?" I put my hand on his, caressing it gently. He looks back at me, those eyes we're filled with...lust. He didn't take his eyes off of me. I scooted closer to him, making him blush at how close we were but he stayed focused on me.
"You know what?" He mutters.
"Hm?" I wondered, as he slowly got closer to me. "Screw it." Not even five seconds later he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him, smashing his lips against mine. I instantly kissed back, my hands traveling through his hair as he pulled me onto his lap. His rough lips went together with mine like a puzzle, he was kissing me with passion. This was it...our moment, the moment I had been waiting for. I tugged at his shirt, which he immediately took off, then his lips merged with mine once more. I could feel him smile, was he happy? Didn't he want to wait since I was to young? Who cares, who the hell cares right now, I focused my thoughts back on Dean who flipped us over. Now he was on top of me, kissing down my neck, making me moan.
"Dean?" Sam called out, making us both stop and slowly look over at him. He was holding our chinese food with a surprised look upon his features.
The New Hunter Masterlist
@samsgirl93 @nani-gram @eliwinchester99
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the-firebird69 ยท 2 years
Can we find provino again we find savino again after after this morning's episode where he was arrested by us and then his own people arrested him well active and they caught up with him and told him to stop doing it I'm saying no now all the Giants are attacking his shadow up there in the Hudson Bay and they're trying them out and they're hitting them it's just like to see her desert and he's falling and it's supposedly better not as quick as Giants who moves fast as humans and big humans and they will on them and they're nailing them with all sorts of stuff it's very surreal scene if you're on the ground everybody is screaming and yelling they're moving this way get out of the way and if they can't move fast enough it's gross tons of Giants are falling and tons of robots or Jager really she's huge fight huge tremendous explosions this one started here just north of Orlando is a gigantic fight and everybody's in it and the small shadow dome have emptied again and it's the big huge battle and the shatteredome in Georgia's emptying too it's coming down and fighting Tommy f and his Yeager and his clones it's a gigantic battle the sun is way too close to them golf and we're infiltrating the s*** out of them right now cuz she's giving every indication that he's trying to do it and we're going to move on him here in a minute just trying to come down the road there's a huge number of people against him you're all showing up now for the fight and I can't stand him they know who he is and when he drives and everything tons of them are after and he's ruining the realm and his big mouth a huge homo mouth.
Matter of fact this is true that just drove by I'm going to swing back around and try and go get the national guard equipment and trying to rally all theirs from here that's what they do they want to fly by and see what he's doing I know some kind of new I'm making me dumb smiles it's hardly something to smile about time to kidnapping is a crime treason is a crime they keep doing it and doing it and doing it Max is trying to connect them too that's a weirdos trying when he was young but his granddaddy had him do it he knew about it too Matt could overcome an occasionally but not Tommy it's got a full bar and he's completely lost the battle is going fine up there shortly other shattered home will be opened up and battling as Giants form they're going and challenging the Yeager for the shadow dome they want to be the ones who put bombs in it right now the infiltrators have disabled the bombs and some of them have rolled out it's important to note that those bombs being in there make it so they're shattered on can't be blown up if it is it's a catastrophe and tell me if you know would be blamed is he instigated a catastrophe nobody wants that so they have to be careful in there that's a blow up any ordinance so they all know it's a math is it's a huge infiltration War as well they're after Tommy favino to take his bodies just as he's been saying to our son for years now they're all hearing it they can't stand it for a second no sun says they deserve it and it's very hellacious it's much worse than they would know but he's not really that Swift and doesn't think from someone else's perspective that often he is very mean to him thinks he's some sort of machine does what he wants and he's not simply deserve it they're going to be out of control with hatred and we agree with that they deserve it a lot and it does make them go nuts because they think that people are subservient to them and they don't understand this is how it is you're a Mac I'm a Mac we're compatible we'll get along just fine and yeah he's doing to the to his mom so really it's just dessert and it's happening everywhere now because of the bomb comment and the giant diamond the Trump said he found up on Titan underneath the shadow dome show them the scans and how he's doing it and Dan is confirming it you know they don't really want to
Thor Freya
0 notes
xtruss ยท 4 years
Restrictions Leave US Travelers โ€˜High and Dryโ€™
โ€” Stacey Lastoe, CNN โ€ข Updated 27th June 2020
(CNN) โ€” In downtown Buffalo, New York, crossing the border into Ontario, Canada, used to be as easy as driving one mile across the Peace Bridge over the Niagara River. But that's now a forbidden route.
In the coronavirus era, New York residents and out-of-state road trippers aren't allowed to cross the border for leisure travel.
US citizens have been shut out of their neighboring country to the north and a slew of nations around the world. The latest travel news affecting Americans: The European Union is considering blocking travelers from areas with severe Covid-19 outbreaks after it opens it borders on July 1.
Since the United States has more confirmed coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world, with numbers increasing in some states each day, US travelers are unlikely to be allowed in any time soon.
"The US's chances are close to zero," an EU diplomat told CNN. "With their infection rates ... not even they can believe in that possibility."
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As long as the US-Canada border remains closed, visiting Niagara Falls in Ontario won't be possible for US citizens. (LARS HAGBERG/AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
Although potential travel bubbles are being discussed all over the world -- Fiji is the latest in talks to join one with Australia and New Zealand -- the United States has yet to form or join a bubble.
Where does this new world order leave US citizens with a penchant for travel?
Nostalgic for the pre-Covid days when a US passport promised access to much of the world? Anxious of how they'll be perceived -- and received -- by foreign countries when restrictions are eventually loosened?
The future of travel for Americans, and whether they'll be welcome again as tourists, is not clear; in many ways, it's a moot point for as long as travel to certain regions is prohibited.
As many Americans eschew air travel and instead take to the road, they won't be taking the road into Canada. Indeed, travel restrictions for US passport holders at this time far outnumbers the travel possibilities.
And for many people, that's just how it should be.
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A trip through Canada is unlikely to be a summer vacation option for Americans while the Covid-19 outbreak in the US continues to swell. )Courtesy Via Rail Canada)
Colleen Friesen, who lives in a small resort town in British Columbia, hopes the US-Canadian border stays closed.
"The majority of Canadians are strongly against allowing Americans into the country due to the US's rampant infection rate. Although some states seem to be managing the pandemic, when we see news of Oklahoma allowing an indoor rally, we just shake our collective heads," Friesen tells CNN Travel via email.
Stacey McKenna, who is based in Colorado, isn't ready to think about international travel of any kind right now, though she stipulates that it's partially because the places on her radar "are extremely vulnerable economically and geographically," and she wouldn't be willing to risk exposing anyone.
"I think if I reach a place where I feel international (or even air) travel would be appropriate, then I'll start asking myself if I think I'd be welcome."
For New York-based travel writer Juliet Izon, who canceled a summer vacation in Italy months ago when there was still a glimmer of hope that things might resume, seeing where the United States is compared with other countries is disheartening and depressing.
Izon believes she'll take the trip to Italy one day but says, "I wouldn't be surprised if in certain countries if they don't allow Americans in for a while or a really strict quarantine for years to come," adding that the United States' handling of Covid-19 was likely to be "another black mark against us."
The other? The state of US politics.
Friesen, who says she appreciates her country's politicians taking a backseat to the scientific and medical community, is scared of the way the virus in the United States "has become politicized."
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France is moving through stages of reopening, but US citizens are not yet on the list of countries who can visit. (BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
But one EU diplomat ,who spoke to CNN earlier in the week on condition of anonymity, calls the US-EU travel decision a very sensitive issue and insists "it is only ever about health."
"For sure, you can see not being on the list as something political, when one country is allowed in and another is not, but this is a misrepresentation of what we are doing. We are looking to open our borders, this is a positive step."
In spite of this statement and the EU diplomat's insistence that "we want people to come," the much-changed travel landscape has some people concerned.
"Rather than thinking about the near future of travel, I've been pondering how all of this will affect xenophobia more generally," says McKenna.
A Holistic Experience
Dennis Geronimus, New York University art history associate professor and chair, has historically combined business and leisure travel, often to Italy. He is not personally concerned about how he'll be received when he travels internationally again -- and he's someone who'll likely be able to travel on certain foreign soils well before other Americans.
This is in large part because of the nature of his travel. Geronimus is typically hosted by international colleagues and admits that it is "different than going on vacation somewhere not knowing anyone and then just diving into the culture and going to see the sites and seeing other foreigners at the sites as well."
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At this time, American travelers can't go to Italy and cities such as Rome (above), at least not for pure leisure travel. (ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)
There are steps Geronimus could take now to potentially be granted access forbidden to US leisure travelers, though he'd still be subject to the quarantine.
In any event, though he'd like to see the Raphael exhibition in Rome and collaborate with colleagues in Italy, he's not planning a trip to the region anytime soon.
It might be deemed essential, but Geronimus doesn't see it as essential enough. Instead, the professor would prefer to focus on the measures needed to resume on-site classes at NYU this fall.
Likewise, McKenna, whose background is in medical anthropology and public health, is thinking about other, bigger things: "I'll be honest. I haven't even gotten to the question of whether I think I would feel welcome as an American" since international travel is just not appropriate right now.
Says US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, "We've been working with countries all across the world, including our friends in Europe and the EU proper to determine how it is we can best safely reopen international travel. It's important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States."
Safety First
It's not about Americans, per se, says New Zealander Elen Turner, though it's hard to ignore the restrictions impacting them along with the number of confirmed Covid deaths and cases.
"I think once the borders reopen properly, New Zealanders will be as welcoming of Americans as they will be with any other travelers," Turner says.
But Friesen, who is troubled by the United States' handling of the pandemic, says, "Given the push back on the pandemic protocols we've seen in the US, we just don't believe that Americans will do the right thing."
As stories of Americans refusing to wear masks -- not even on an airplane in at least one case -- and not practicing social distancing surface, Friesen's skepticism may be justifiable.
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While New Zealand may form a travel bubble with Australia, it's unlikely Americans will be allowed in any time soon. (Courtesy Shutterstock)
However, for so many people CNN Travel spoke with, the health and safety of others -- and doing what's right -- is paramount.
Chicago-based photographer and writer Joshua Mellin says: "I think to travel internationally for leisure right now demonstrates a total lack of care, you deserve whatever stares you get."
Mellin adds: "I'm personally of the mind we're all global citizens, but there's still a reality you're not entitled access to a foreign country, you're granted entry."
When it comes to granting foreigners entry, Turner would be comfortable taking cues from the New Zealand government. Right now, returning New Zealand citizens must quarantine for two weeks upon arrival, and no one else is allowed in.
If, down the line, the quarantine was applied to all visitors to New Zealand, what then?
"So if that was to be extended to all arrivals then I think New Zealanders would be fine with that because generally, our government has handled the pandemic well and there's a high degree of trust in them," Turner says.
She adds, however, that she doesn't see this happening, does not envision a New Zealand opening itself up to foreigners until quarantine is no longer necessary.
The idea of a pre-holiday quarantine is the subject of scrutiny anyway.
Last month, when the concept was gaining steam, Alison Hickey, president of Kensington Tours, told CNN Travel "we would not recommend traveling to a destination that has implemented a 14-day self-quarantine requirement."
'We're Reopening'
While enforced quarantines will deter many a traveler, other regions with no quarantines in effect might entice them.
From Mexico and the Caribbean to Turkey, tourist spots around the world are opening back up and encouraging visitors to boot.
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US travelers can fly to Mexico, but for many, the risks aren't worth it. Pictured: Parroquia de San Miguell Arcรกngel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. (Shutterstock)
Whether hotel promotions or upgrades or relaxed policies on cancellation, the sweet chorus of "we are opening" could potentially jump start what has been a very dark period in the tourism sector.
But just because The Maldives, a luxury destination, is ready to welcome back all visitors with no restrictions (there are also no visa requirements or additional fees), how many US citizens are ready to go?
For many of the US travelers that CNN Travel spoke to for this story, being welcomed or feeling welcome in another country is beside the point.
The danger of exposure and of being exposed looms. And then there's the fear of being stuck somewhere far away.
Elizabeth Lavis, who is originally from upstate New York, found herself scrambling to get out of Vietnam in March amid the outbreak and sudden stringent travel restrictions. That ordeal and what's transpired with the coronavirus since have made Lavis reluctant to go far away from home for the foreseeable future.
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California-based writer Melanie Haikan would like to go to Costa Rica at some point and is only eyeing places that are eager for visitors. (Nell Lewis)
California resident Melanie Haiken expresses a desire to help struggling economies as a tourist and is already thinking about her future travels, which include places not so close to home: "As to international travel, I would be ready to travel again in August, but would want to go places that are eager for visitors. I have my eye on Guatemala and Costa Rica, Turkey and Jordan, Scotland, Estonia, and a few other places that seem likely candidates based both on safety and how much their economies depend on tourism."
Turkey, it would seem, is a likely candidate. On June 19, Turkish Airlines relaunched two North American routes to Istanbul with two others (Miami and Los Angeles) following on June 22 and 24 respectively. By late July, three additional US hubs will be operating flights to Turkey.
Any EU travel ban could change things, but as of June 23, when CNN spoke to Connecticut-based Caryn B. Davis about her upcoming trip to the Azores in Portugal, the travel journalist said she is still planning on going, hopefully in the next six weeks.
Pompeo expressed the importance of the economy in travel between the US and the EU, saying "It's important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States. It's important, very important for the Europeans to fully reconnect with the American economy as well."
But until safety concerns can be adequately addressed, Mellin doesn't think anyone, US citizen or not, should be going anywhere.
"There's a responsibility of showing respect for other people and places as a traveler that starts at home and is inherently broken by visiting another country during a global pandemic."
But in fact, international travel may resume sooner rather than later in some currently off-limits places. "I'm confident in the coming weeks we'll figure that out as between not only the United States and the EU, but the United States and other parts of the world, too," Pompeo said.
As to what it'll be like?
"I think if anything, when we do travel, it's certainly my hope that we bring that sense of, I guess, empathy to wherever we're going ... ," Geronimus says.
โ€” CNN's James Frater, Michael Conte and Luke McGee contributed reporting to this story.
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punkscowardschampions ยท 6 years
Ali & Marlene
Ali: Hey babe, sorry I missed rehearsal, know you rocked it regardless ย ๐Ÿ’‹ Marlene: Kind of need our lead singer to do that. Instrumental wasn't the vision for the track, babygirl Marlene: Where did you have to be? We could've rescheduled Ali: I know, I know, my bad! Make it up to you Ali: Ugh, got detention, didn't I Ali: don't even get me started on that Marlene: Make it up to me alone or me and the band? Marlene: Little rebel Marlene: Can't have you getting in more trouble by ditching, can we? Marlene: I'll add in another rehearsal, the girls won't mind Ali: Why not both? Ali: Come over and I'll record the vocals for you Ali: You know it boo ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผโ€๐ŸŽค Ali: Exactly, even though I'm fully staging a protest tomorrow Marlene: That's my girl Marlene: I'll be there front and centre, lending my voice to the movement Ali: Aww, so supportive Ali: cute ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ali: I've rallied all the usual suspects so it shouldn't be a flop Ali: we have the allotted hours, like, if they fail to control us in 'em, why add more, yeah? pointless, where's the logic Marlene: Making me so proud to have you on my arm Ali: As you should be Ali: Though that arms not bad ๐Ÿ’ช Marlene: I wouldn't be the best bassist in this shithole if it was Ali: One track mind ๐Ÿ˜ SUCH a bassist Ali: don't you ever break that focus? Marlene: It has been known Marlene: For the right girl Ali: Introduce me to her some time, yeah? Ali: Get some tips Marlene: You know her pretty well Marlene: The name's Alison, like the song Ali: So soft Ali: Still say we do a Elvis Costello and Dolly mashup Ali: idc what you say, Jolene is a bop and you need to own it Marlene: If I can hear you do an original Elvis cover, I'll think about it Ali: Fine, I'll happily sing about myself all day Ali: can even get the accent down, thanks Ma Marlene: I'll be waiting for that Marlene: The girls are asking if you need posters or anything else for the protest? Anything to stick around and drink more Ali: Patience, babe Ali: Gotta save these pipes for the protest Ali: Feel free to go for their lives, like Ali: Bear in mind if they use too many expletives, the School ain't gonna listen tho Ali: creative language, not colourful, ladies Marlene: No promises on getting them to dial back the reclaimed slurs Marlene: But we'll leave off calling the teachers the cunts they are Marlene: For you, our glorious leader Ali: ๐Ÿ™‡ down Ali: I'll take it, they're not going to go anywhere near hate speech vibes, too risky Marlene: Tempting offer Marlene: I'll take you up on it when we're alone Ali: Yeah? Gonna skip rehearsal more often then Marlene: For revolution and no less, babe Marlene: But I have missed you Ali: The revolution's always rolling, babe Ali: I can't stop the wheels of change, you know Marlene: I know you want me to make a rock and roll pun Marlene: But I refuse Ali: Boooooo ๐Ÿ‘Ž Ali: too punk for me now? Marlene: Not gonna quote a dead white man either, not even Lennon Marlene: You're still my little punk princess, you know Ali: Throw some Yoko craziness at me Ali: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Marlene: Keeping it back so the protest won't flop. Can't let it Ali: Sure, you just don't wanna get on the rooftop with your mates Ali: someone'd fall, or get pushed ๐Ÿ˜‚ Marlene: Not me or you Marlene: With these arms we're safe Ali: ๐Ÿ”ซ pew pew Ali: they wanna try me, bitch Marlene: We should fill up supersoakers for those who are anti our message Marlene: Piss on their negativity in a literal sense Ali: not with actual piss, right? Marlene: You have to start thinking punk rock, babe Ali: I am not pissing into a supersoaker Ali: not dying to prove my aim is as good as a man's like Ali: you do you, babe but I'll leave it at good old fashioned water Marlene: Now who's deserving the boos and jeers Marlene: So regal of you Ali: what can i say? my idea of a good time isn't pissing on my own hands Ali: crazy, i know ๐Ÿ˜‰ Marlene: How true my love is Marlene: Any time's a good time with my baby Ali: ๐Ÿ’™ Ali: forreal tho, what are we doing this weekend Marlene: There are a few parties Ali: where Ali: i wanna go as far away as poss Marlene: They're local, usual suspects Marlene: We can do something else Ali: Think of something better, yeah Ali: I'm sick of the locals at the mo Marlene: I'll come back to you with a plan Ali: ๐Ÿ’‹ Ali: that's my girl Marlene: What am I good for if I can't take you away from this shithole? Marlene: Not like it's that hard Ali: You got your license, 'til I got mine I'm at your beck and call, like Ali: Your Ma will be cool, yeah? Doesn't need to be long, just long enough to breathe Marlene: I'll make a deal with her Marlene: Name drop you since she's a fan Ali: Such a parent pleaser ๐Ÿ˜‡ Marlene: If you sang it she'd do anything you say Marlene: Thinks you've got the voice of an angel for sure Ali: Aww, what a babe Ali: like mother like daughter ๐Ÿ˜ Marlene: She had her moments of hell raising Marlene: Would to this day if it was possible Ali: Imma ask her all about it when I see her Ali: fo'sho Marlene: That'd make her happy Ali: Who doesn't love being scandalous? Marlene: Whoever gave you detention Ali: Give you three guesses ๐Ÿ˜‘ Marlene: I don't need them Marlene: Most are in your fan club too Ali: Exactly Ali: Don't teach R.S. if you can't handle healthy debate Marlene: Yeah. We live in Dublin not a dictatorship Ali: Honestly Ali: Some people really wanna take it back to the troubles Ali: Shouldn't have said as much but chill, dude Marlene: Freedom of speech, babe Marlene: I've lost count of how many teachers I've called homophobes Marlene: Gotta speak up Ali: True Ali: you are a bit quick on the draw sometimes, like Marlene: I'm not letting them get away with it Ali: Just sayin', plenty of reasons to give you dirty looks, babe, not all of 'em that you're gay ๐Ÿ˜œ Marlene: I'm a perfect gentleman and you know it Ali: True Ali: You don't look it tho Marlene: You don't look like a rebel queen Marlene: And yet Ali: I know looks are deceiving, tell it to the homophobes, babe ๐Ÿ˜ Ali: also you gotta stop with the compliments ๐Ÿ˜พ Marlene: But everyone's clearing out. It's the perfect time to shower you with them Marlene: Where do you wanna be? Here or there Ali: When bae only sweet talks you when their mates aren't about Ali: SUCH a fuckboy, darling ๐Ÿ’‹ Marlene: You know what I was getting at, darling Marlene: We can be alone finally Marlene: But only if you're in the mood Ali: I'll come over Ali: as much as my Ma is also a fan, just yours like, not so much mine Marlene: Let me pick you up Marlene: It's too dark for that shit Ali: Nah, I wanna walk Ali: gotta burn off the energy I didn't get to rock out Marlene: Hold your keys since you won't take my knife off me Ali: Don't worry Ali: My Da beat you to the self-defense lesson, like Ali: I'm sweet Marlene: If I'm not there to protect you, I'm bound to worry Ali: You worry too much, baby Ali: Good thing I'm coming to take all your cares away Ali: and I've got bud, naturally ๐Ÿšฌ Marlene: And I hid some drinks from the vultures Ali: Party of two ๐Ÿ˜˜ Marlene: When you get here. Until you do I'm sitting on the floor alone writing shitty songs about you Ali: Try and write a good one, will ya? Not having it bandied about that I'm a shit muse ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ali: you could never Ali: gonna play for me when I get there? Marlene: Been trying since I met you, babygirl Marlene: It's not you, it's me Ali: Nah Ali: there's a hit in there, I just gotta try harder Ali: as you're so anti-establishment, your brain is noping on writing a bop that everyone will love Marlene: I want you to love it Marlene: You're the one it's for Ali: I'm excited to hear Ali: assuming I don't get shanked on the way by the big bad wolf Marlene: Your tragic early death isn't the inspiration I want or need Ali: Tell it to the TV writers, hun Ali: angry protest song #765 Marlene: I'll sing you my shitty song and you can die laughing Ali: Never Ali: cross my heart Marlene: And fingers that I can patch together a chorus that doesn't make me wanna die before you get here Ali: ๐Ÿคž Ali: I have faith enough for two Marlene: As an angel, you kind of have to bring it Ali: No pressure ๐Ÿ˜“ Marlene: I'm more than okay with you lacking it, stick it to your detention giver over again Marlene: And I love you, so forgiven most sins Ali: A benevolent Goddess you are Marlene: Modeled on the original lesbian in the sky Ali: Debated theology enough today to live and let live on that one babe Marlene: Promise I'll save the angry lesbian god essay recital for another night Ali: You're a doll ๐Ÿ’‹ Ali: Oh, hold up, I see my ex Ali: ready for this awkward convo in 3 2 Ali: brb Marlene: Bet you want me to pick you up now, don't you? Ali: [15 mins later] Ali: That was wild Marlene: What the fuck, Ali Marlene: I was about to start searching for you Ali: Soz, more chatty than I remember Ali: only gone at got someone pregnant hasn't he Marlene: Dodged a bullet Ali: Tell me about it Ali: Still out on the town tryna get some though Ali: is that the new come on? I'm fertile! Marlene: In this town, likely Marlene: Which ex is it? Ali: #4 good drugs, bad teeth Ali: the one who lowkey stalked me after and my brother had to smack him one Ali: good times, unexpected detour down memory lane there but got us some freebies so Marlene: It took 15 mins to get what you're owed, how long does he take over customers who aren't his stalked exes Marlene: bad business is what you should've called him Marlene: Or manners Ali: names are definitely open to workshopping Ali: he had to show me the scan pics, duh Marlene: Had to do the whole come on Marlene: fucking pig Ali: Bless Ali: have your fun whilst you still can, kid Marlene: not with my girlfriend Ali: don't worry babe, got the drugs for free free Ali: not suck my dick free Marlene: Are you gonna be here soon Marlene: I can still bring the car Ali: Yeah, I'll get a wriggle on Ali: 5 minutes if I run Marlene: If you don't run into any more exes first Ali: cities littered with 'em Marlene: If you didn't date men you could stay friends with them Ali: why would I wanna do that? Ali: I've seen your dyke drama, a no thank you Marlene: I don't have dyke drama Marlene: You're the one trying to avoid the awkward Ali: ๐Ÿ˜ Ali: I don't care, its funny Ali: he wasn't that bad, really Ali: don't need to add every ex to my inner circle though, that's a madness Marlene: He stalked you Marlene: He's an asshole Ali: Not properly Ali: Just had issue letting go as fast as I did, who can blame him ๐Ÿ˜˜ Marlene: It's not funny, Ali, it's fucked Ali: So serious ๐Ÿ˜พ Ali: It ain't like he locked me in his basement, I get to decide how fucked it was or wasn't Marlene: You get to brush it under the carpet too, doesn't make it right Ali: ๐Ÿ™„ you're as bad as my mother Marlene: maybe she's got a point Ali: Ugh, don't need to point score, she already likes ya, babe Ali: he's just a stupid kid, not fucking Bundy, yeah, let's chill Marlene: He doesn't have to be Bundy to be held accountable, babe Marlene: He's gonna be someone's dad Marlene: What the fuck Ali: for what? being a bit of a prick at 16 Ali: s'not a crime, last time I checked Marlene: it doesn't have to be Marlene: Lads think they can do whatever they want Marlene: They can't and shouldn't Ali: Nah, this isn't a soap box moment, babe Ali: we all do things we know are wrong, and ain't proud of Ali: 'cos of how we're feeling Ali: Honestly, not a big deal Ali: and not an exclusively male thing, that's a crock of shit Marlene: If I was heavy handed with one of my exes I'd get so much shit Marlene: He gets boys will be boys Marlene: It's not a big deal because you're making excuses for him Ali: From who? The lesbian mafia? Ali: Straight girls are INSANE Ali: way worse than #4 was ever Ali: I'm not gonna burn him at the stake for something I don't believe in Marlene: Straight girls are a whole other subject Marlene: Last I checked you didn't have any of them as exes so no really the point Ali: That you know of Marlene: I know about every one of your exes Ali: Okay, Liam Neeson Ali: can't be calling out stalkers when you're breathing down the phone like that ๐Ÿ˜‚ Marlene: You're not funny Ali: I am though Ali: but I ain't coming over if you're gonna be such a downer Marlene: Are you serious? Marlene: Your jokes are so bad I can't tell Ali: Duh Ali: Killing my vibe, babe Marlene: You're basically here Ali: So? Ali: I can keep walking into this dark night Marlene: So come in Marlene: I'm sorry, baby Ali: You promise you're gonna stop being lame? Marlene: Cross my heart Ali: Okay, lemme in then
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