#and like. theyre doing that thing again of shoving the girl aside bc they want their uwu gays to be canon instead
avatar-aaang · 7 months
#personal#so i try to never involve myself in Fandom stuff much#aside from the occasional art piece or fanfic#but like... i like this one ship. its 'het'. and easily one of the most hated ships lmao#and like. theyre doing that thing again of shoving the girl aside bc they want their uwu gays to be canon instead#which like i get it you want gay rep thats fine and completely understandable#but this character has just as much chemistry with the main girl who is a real character and i think people just hate it bc#if (and probably when) it goes canon itll make the main straight#which like first off thats not how it works in the real world lol im in a straight passing relationship but im not straight#and i know they wouldn't make him queer officially but its still there in the subtext#but its okay if he ends up with this girl bc it still works. and it might not even be for romantic reasons they get together lmao#anyway im not against the gay ship but people fr need to remember what genre we're in lmao#and being upset about it maybe going canon is fine but like. tbh the ending of the story has much bigger fish to fry like pls pay attention#him possibly getting with a girl isnt the end of the world#but the stupid shit theyre doing might be. good god. what a weird direction theyre going in. but ill see what happens#ANYWAY. im gonna continue to like this ship bc i think it's cute and just block people who dont like it lol#like not to be petty or whatever but im curating my experiences bitch!
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jangofctts · 3 years
pls tell us all about your ocs im beGGIN
aHH ok a couple people asked so!!!!! also ive included some of my drawings!! (tIS BELOW THE CUT)
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oK SO STARTING OFF WE HAVE commander blanche!
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hE’s a bit Cold and Stern but he’s a softy!!! his squadron (sunburst squadron) is a nIGHTMARE to run. it’s like herding cats dhsksn. his eye and his hair are from like a genetic mutation and nO HE DIDNT DYE IT OK?? tbh i still need to flesh him out more but he just wants to bring all his men home safe, will throw himself into battle wiTHOUT hesitation and just rad guy dhdkdn
next we have sgt. blue!
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he’s.,.,.sO Tired. boy’s been through it. the scar across his face is from jumping between his general and a dark side force user, HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD AND SOMETIMES DOESNT THINK THINGS THROUGH WHEN IT COMES TO DANGER BUT he baby. again i nEED TO FLESH HIM OUT MORE BUT DHSKSN
ok nEXT we have our lovely sharpshooter, sweets!
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he’s Very Shy. he’s the youngest in the squadron but was bumped up into sunburst squadron bc of his skill. he doesn’t like talking much so he’ll pat your arm or grab his brother’s shoulders to get their attention. when he does speak, it’s very soft spoken and gentle. he got in trouble a lot when he was a cadet for trying to befriend the service droids or little animals he would find. if you mention something you like, like a certain type of flower or necklace, WHATEVER he does kinda have....sticky fingers...so he’ll just Snatch the thing you like unprompted and then later he’ll just shove it into your hands and walk away. 1000/10 deserves a kith
oKiE next we have kamikaze (kaze or kami for short) and jaws.
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so kamikaze or kami OR kaze for short—he’s the pilot! earned is name for a reason bc this boy is fuckin WILD with piloting. he likes to brag that he’s the best pilot in the GAR which—idk you’re gonna have to judge that yourself. bc yeah he always makes it out alive whethet or not his ship is all but bLOWN UP but—he’s cocky and you might end up loosing your lunch since he tends to do a lot of barrel rolls or made up stunts. he’s a sweetheart tho, after you push aside the cocky and happy go lucky attitude. he’s super hyper most of the time so the squad likes to joke that he has designated nap time dhdjdbd
jaws!!! JAWS MY BOY—he got his name because one time he almost got eaten by a nexu the day after being promoted from cadet. he’s a Flirt, but gets awkward when you flirt with him back. he loVES holodramas or holonovels and therefore a hOpeLESS romantic rvdkdb unfortunately he some how believes that bad pick up lines work,?,,,?! he has some wild scars on his back and will have nO HESITATION to show you the nexu teeth marks. he has a tendancy to “adopt” little creatures or encourage sweets to steal one so That is an Issue
then fuse!
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can you....guess..,.what he enjoye? if you guess setting shit on fire/blowing things up then yUh. the reason he has different colored tattoos is because he was originally from another squadron but was reminded too many times and he was sort of Forced out. FORTUNATELY the general transfered him in sunburst squadron and let’s him be the explosives guy. he’s also very hyper and gets ALONG GREAT with kamikaze—a little too well fhdkd the chaos bros for sure. he’s super rambunctious/loud, isnt shy to tell you what he thinks—even those in higher command. he gets in trouble for it but he has a heart of gold and means well!
and then the medic!! void
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vOid is Tired....sO TIRED OF DEALING WITH fuse and kamikaze’s cOUNTLESS stupid injuries. he’s the Mom friend and will literally run and tackle you if you aren’t drinking water or taking the meds he’s perscibed. arguably the Smartest one in the bunch—at least with common sense fhdkdb he’s bffs with blue and theyre the Mean Girls of the squad, silently judging you always dhsksn. he definitely overworks himself a LOT just because he cant stand to be alone with his thoughts for long or else he starts to fixate on all the lives he couldnt save. he needs a pHat nap and a cup of caf sO PLEASE give him this, he also always has a massive headache due to the bafoonery he must deal with 25/8 dhsksn
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also bonus half sketch/comic of ahsoka that im too lazy to finish rhdkdn
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movisual · 4 years
Frankly the way high school is portrayed in movies is kinda ridiculous-funny.
1. When was the last time. I drove to school. And the sun was up. Ive walking into school with the moon still in the sky.
2. [Kid gets up and gets ready for school. He is late. Again, sun is shining. His mom is yelling "youre gonna be late!" He is running around, very energized and frantic] Excuse me id like to see a Teen Movie start with someone's alarm going off in a dark room, with body under blankets, just for that person to turn it off again with a loud groan and roll over. 5 minutes later another alarm goes off. Snooze. 5 minutes later ano
3. The hallways are such a madhouse. People throwing toilet paper???? Skateboarding???? Couldnt be my school. The craziest thing people do is stand in the middle of the hallway and disrupt the flow of traffic, and to that i shove them aside. they know better.
4. Stop making the "popular girl" mean!!!! The popular girl ISNT mean!!! All the "popular" kids at my school are in student council, great grades, participate in sports, genuinely kind and well rounded people. No One Likes The Mean Kid.
5. WHERE ARE THE HICKS???? I see the goths, the jocks, the phone girls (movies love to pull that joke), the "nerds" (usually accompanied with some sort of haha theyre lame joke), but i never see the muddy boots, work jeans, camouflage sweatshirt and trucker hat, mullet HICKS. Let these bitches at my school get represented
6. The gay kid isnt always flamboyant. Please stop making the lesbian girl really boyish looking. Stop stop stop.
7. I have never seen "The Jocks" bully "The Nerds" or "The Band Geeks". Seriously. They play sports its chill. Ik a person doing musical AND throwing for track. This isnt the breakfast club.
8. "Phone Policy" in movies the characters always get their phones taken away. Does this still happen bc at my school we need our phones alot for kahoot or quizlet live or online work or google docs. The phone policy is of the past.
9. People do enjoy school sometimes. Like that happens. Its not "everyone is falling asleep except for THAT ONE NERD who raises her hand like her life depends on it" kids mostly pay attention and try and joke with teachers, its more a minority of thosd who really dont care and most of the time, no other kid wants to work with them.
Tell me if you think of more!!!
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
i love your brother billy series, if youd even call it like that. but what about protective boyfriend? well like billy likes steve a lot and theyre not really friends and billy finds out some ppl give shit to steve and billy comes to the rescue and when steves like whyd you care about it billys like i love you
Sometimes i think “brother Billy” and then i think it sounds like he’s a priest or something. 😂 it makes me laugh. But ohmydear thank you augh!! ♥ so sweet you’re so sweet!
But okay so it sounds like we're in S2?? I'm gonna set this in S2 so that Steve is still going to school w/ them. Like, after S2 when the Fall of Steve is happening bc he left his friends for his girlfriend and then his girlfriend left him for a guy that beat him up last year and now the only time anyone ever sees him outside of school or random parties is when hes w/ a bunch of kids??
And people in high school are Dicks, esp in small towns bc there’s not a lot to fucking do but either be overly invested in everyone’s life or not care about anyone but you and your friends, so people are giving Steve shit and Billy notices and Does Not Like It.
Bc Billy has a major fucking crush on Steve. He’s cute as all hell and he’s protective and a badass and fucking fights monsters and Billy is infatuated. So he sees these people being dicks to Steve, shoving into him in the hallway or following him around during lunch or mocking him during classes and Billy is not happy about it.
And so the next time he sees it, when Steve is running for PE and there’s a bunch of guys running right behind him and next to him, snarling in his ear about how he’s “Not so mighty anymore, are ya?” and “How did it feel being left for a loser like Byers?” and “Better run home to your kids, Mrs. Harrington.”
Billy trips one of them. And the other guys square up before they realize it was Billy.
“Get away.”
“But… Hargrove, c’mon-”
“I said, get away.” Billy growls, and then they’re gone.
Steve eyes him funny.
“What was that for?”
And even though he didn’t do much, suddenly Billy feels caught. He’s stuck like an animal in a trap, looking at Steve’s brown doe eyes and his pouty pink lips and the sweat beading on his forehead and he’s gonna fucking pass out and-
“Fucking with you is my job, nerd.” Billy says, running past Steve with a shove to his shoulder. He can hear Steve scoff behind him.
And he keeps doing this and keeps shrugging it off. He shoves guys who corner Steve at his locker. He yells at guys who try to meet Steve at his car. He punched a guy in the arm hard when said guy leered at Steve in the shower. That one had him seeing absolutely red.
Every time, Steve gets more and more suspicious about it, and every time Billy tries to brush it aside. Until…
It stops happening. No one is fucking with Steve anymore so no one is giving Billy any reason to get close to Steve anymore.
Except for one day, when these two people who Billy’s never really noticed before are standing in front of Steve’s table at lunch with their trays in their hands. They’re smiling and laughing, poking at Steve’s shoulder as they talk about “Not too good for everyone anymore, are ya?”
And Billy feels like this is his chance, finally after a whole week of no one giving Billy any opportunity, he’s able to rush over there and growl at the guy and girl who are talking to Steve.
“Get away, assholes.”
They look at him shocked, petrified before they turn scared eyes onto Steve and send him a shaken “See ya, Steve.” and then they’re gone.
Billy looks over to Steve to see him looking at Billy incredulously.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Billy doesn’t like that tone for having just saved Steve from bullies. Again.
He wants to say protecting you. He wants to say keeping people away from you. He does say:
“Getting rid of those dicks.”
Steve scoffs amusedly.
“Those two weren’t dicks, they’re my friends.”
Billy’s eyebrows furrow. He’s never seen Steve with anyone other than Tommy and Carol or Nancy and Jonathan… he has… other friends???
“They’ve never hung out with you before.”
Steve smirks. “And how would you even know, huh? Are you stalking me?”
Billy tightens up, shoulders tense and mouth snarling.
“Don’t get a big head I just… didn’t like how they were looking at you.”
Steve is laughing now. It’s pissing Billy off. Especially because Steve’s laugh is so beautiful…
“Right. Okay, well… since you scared my friends off, are you going to eat lunch with me?”
Billy’s panicked now.
“What? Why would I do that?”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Because you scared away my friends and now I have no one to keep me company.”
Billy rolls his eyes. “I’ve got better things to do.”
“Like what, smoke under the bleachers?”
“Shut up.”  Billy can feel his heart beating all too fast. He doesn’t like feeling trapped like this. “Piss off.” He grumbles, turning away but Steve reaches out over the table to grab his arm.
“Nuh uh, you’re not getting off that easy. If you’re gonna act like my body guard, then you’ve gotta be here with me all the time. Who knows, maybe someone’s gonna try to steal my Jello or something.”
So Billy sits with a huff, trying his best not to thoroughly enjoy Steve’s smirk.
And the next day at school, Steve is grinning hard at Billy.
“Hey bodyguard, gonna walk me to class or something?”
“You’re such a dork, Harrington.”
“Thanks.” Steve says with a smile that makes Billy wanna fall over.
So he walks Steve to class. He eats with him at lunch. He tries not to let Tommy and Carol get under his skin about it bc they’re fine but they can be dicks, esp when it comes to Steve. They refuse to hang out when Steve’s around and Steve’s alright with it for the most part. It’s still a little upsetting to him, but it’s fine.
And so by the end of the month, it’s just a well known fact that Billy is always with Steve. Protecting him like a dog. Growling at anyone who gets too close to the point where Steve is laughing at Billy and asking: “So, when are you gonna ask me out, Hargrove?”
Steve smirks. “You’ve been guarding me like a hawk for weeks. You don’t let anyone pick on me, hell you barely let people near me. When does the date come?”
And Billy feels like he’s in a trap again. Feels again like he’s been found out except this time he’s done everything wrong. He hasn’t been subtle in the slightest and he wasn’t even aware and now he’s got his foot caught in the door and can’t escape.
So he tries to deny it. The words come bubbling out of his chest like soda.
“Harrington, if you think I’ve ever done anything because of… out of… because I love you or something, then you’re even dumber than you look.”
And the second they’re in the air, he wants them back. He feels like a moron. He looks at Steve absolutely terrified because Steve is giving him that look like he’s a cat who just caught the canary. Like he just won the damn fight.
“Love you too, Billy.”
And Billy’s heart leaps from his chest. His mind is spinning too fast to comprehend anything. He doesn’t know what to say, having really been found out so he just… stares at Steve as he backs away from Billy towards his own car.
“You’re such bullshit, Harrington!” Billy calls, because he can’t think of anything else. They’re the only words coming out of his mouth and maybe they’re the wrong ones because his smirk tilts down at the corners for a second.
“Old news, Hargrove. Old news.” Steve mutters before turning to walk properly towards his car.
He calls over his shoulder back to Billy: “Pick me up at 8 tonight! I think they’re showing a bad movie downtown.”
And with that, he’s getting in his car and driving away.
And Billy can’t keep the smile off his face, absolutely melting at what just happened, from the heat of his embarrassment and the heat of his infatuation.
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imaginetale · 6 years
Pls tell me about your genderswap skellies like what you have for names, what theyre like, ect bc while i love my bone boys, man if my gay ass dont LIKE SOME LADIES-
Buckle in everyone, its gonna be a long post
Also, quick disclaimer - while I won’t be writing anything but gender neutral and het reader characters, you all are free to do so with my ladies!
I’m still working on everyone’s personalities, but I can give you guys the basics, as well as my designs for them! Keep in mind, theses designs are very sketchy and some are on lined paper, not to mention that this is what they would wear underground, I haven’t yet drawn their topside fashions, but as I feel it’s important to the characters personalities, I will say what kind of things they would wear topside. Let’s get started with the one who started this.
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Tinta! Aka lady Ink!
She’s bubbly and hyper and pretty much socially inept. Her back story is similar to that of canon! Ink, save for two things. One, she ends up regaining her SOUL (like the Ink I write) and, two, instead of getting “tattoos” from falling through the code, her bones splintered, leaving scars once she finally got them healed. She still suffers from phantom pain but usually hides when she gets a pain episode so others don’t worry. Whereas Ink has memory problems, she is rather intelligent but comes off as ditzy due to her poor social skills. She almost always wears fully covering clothing because she’s self conscious of her scars, but she loves Decora Kei fashion and will wear it if she can find a way to cover herself completely.
Side note, Tinta was designed for my own genderswaped self ship, and while I don’t mind her being shipped apart from that ship, please don’t ship her with Error, genderswaped or otherwise, as i am really squicked by that particular ship.
During the time that I made Tinta, @nighttimepixels started making her Lilytale ladies and I was inspired to make more than just Tinta, so I ended up starting with Underswap. Aside from Tinta, these ladies have the most development
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This is Muffin. She is training to become a royal guard and wants to look adorable doing it. She actually wears full armor under her magical girl inspired outfit. She looks like she’s just goofing around, but when push comes to shove, she’s dead serious. She’s who you face during genocide and she’s just as tough as canon Sans, maybe moreso since she’s been actively training. She also uses her cute looks to manipulate others into doing what she wants and into underestimating her so she can use it into getting the upper hand if need be. She’s still a kind caring monster, she’s just not naive. She believes in others to a point, but if you pass that point, she knows there’s nothing more kindness can do. When she gets topside, she still loves dressing like a magical girl, but she leans more into general Lolita fashion and anything super cutesty, although she does like to secretly try out biker esque fashion.
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Then there’s Honey Bun, or Bunny, as Muffin calls her. She is a nervous bundle of anxiety and self esteem issues. She pushes herself to the point of breaking to try to both not worry her sister and impress her. She attaches herself to the fallen human because she relates to them, seeing as she’s mute most of the time if her sister isn’t around. Even in the genocide route, she believes that the human can be a better person if they just try a little harder. She’s a worrywart obsessed with those huge twisty lollipops, which she sucks on when she’s nervous. Her fashion sense consists of comfy, easy to wear clothes like sweaters and sweats, but when she goes out, she just wears a lot of maxi dresses
Also, shes the only one with a canon sexuality. She’s bi!
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Solena is like Sans but less nihilism and and depression. Instead she has intense paranoia and trust issues. I’ll admit from this characters till horrortale, I need to work on my ladies personalities. Topside, Solena, or Sunny, wears punny t-shirts and skorts, with toches of casual hipster fashion, dispite not really knowing what a hippster is. She just likes the look.
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This gal is Papagina, or Poppy. Yeah, that’s all I got for her, she needs some work, sorry. I see her wearing super summery clothing 95% percent of the year, and mixing it with rock chic for the other 5%.
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Scratch is a bad girl with a heart of gold but will vehemently deny it if its pointed out. She’s protective of her sister but will take every chance she can to tease and mock her. But only she’s aloud to do that, anyone else talks shit gets hit. She’s also extremely good with kids and teaches the kids in Snowdin how to fend off bigger meaner monsters. She actually has a secret desire to be a mother of a lot of kids, but will again deny it wholeheartedly. She and her sister become their Frisks legal guardian, as well as their universe’s Chara and Asriel (All of my versions of all universes have Chara and Asriel come back, because kindly screw canon they get happy endings now) because the King and Queen need some serious therapy before they can take care of their kids again. She’s super active as a PTA parent because of this. Topside, she wears biker chic and Hot Topic, as well as some punk mixed in
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This is Slash and she holds the award for the MOST FRICKEN REDESIGNS WTF. I could not get her look down for the life of me. ANYWAY, she is Captain of the royal guard and only those with a death wish try her. She’s fiercely protective of the monsters she deems worthy of her presence, and this includes her sister, even if she busts Scratch’s chops every time she sees her. But, again, only she is allowed to do so, lest you become the next human shiskabob. On the surface she wears preppy clothes and tailored suits and, occasionally, rocker chic.
*Horrortale starts here, mentions of death and cannibalism*
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This is Pumpkin,and She’s not exactly a fan of killing humans for food and unlike every one around her, never really got used to it. The guilt still eats at her. She’s got a box in her room full of tiny bits of the bones of her victims, that she promises herself that if they ever do make it to the surface, she’ll give her victims a proper burial. Her necklace contains the hand bones of her first victim, which she wears so she can remind herself of what she’s done and what everything important to her has cost. The ghost of her first victim still haunts her, but he’s actually become more of a friend than a poltergeist. Topside, she wears casual, nondescript clothing, still wearing her necklace underneath until she can forgive herself for what she had to do.
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This is Candy. Candy never actually killed any humans while underground, although she did eat them. She tries to be kind to all the humans she.meets, because she knows what fate entails for them. They should have a friend who stays with them before they die, right? She usually ended up as the one who distracted the humans as Pumpkin killed them as quickly and as painlessly as she could. She tends to make her own clothes even on the surface.
And even though I won’t be writing her, have a genderswaped swapfell sans, or as I like to call her, Cupcake
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
a/n; very much inspired by jihoon's demonic lenses he wore here?? and this prompt!i would also like to thank @hwinkinghwi for the demonic(?) moodboard hehe,,,happy early halloween!
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jihoon is one of the most cunning demons
he would actually use his ungodly looks to his advantage to get his way
almost everything his goddamn face will make people give in/compromise
sometimes he uses his evil to help kids out
like, he sees a kid being bullied at a playground or something, he would give retribution by shoving sand down the bully's shirt??
(i have no idea how demons work so please spare me)
but other than that jihoon is pretty cynical
when he disguises himself as a mortal, he looks normal, until you look at his eyes,,,
theyre a light blue
they arent even contacts, like theyre just his eye colour
people just believe his lie that those are prescription contacts LOL
jihoon is being notorious for the senior who uses his looks to get through anything and everything
but not his grades lmao
so he's two years older than the kids taking their college entrance exam
basically he just wasted 2 years of his life in school
but he just wants to live off fellow demon!seongwoo,, so he just, doesnt study and goes to school
but seongwoo found out about it,, and made sure jihoon spends his legit last year in high school or jihoon would be ugly in his next life LOL
you're a senior in high school, trying to make the best out of your dying grades
you do know jihoon, but avoid communication as you're an angel
like legit,, angel
you were an angel thanks to your mother, who was involved in the heaven
and she wanted you to live a sin-free life as much as possible
ok now back to avoiding jihoon
why avoid communication?
for a simple reason;
you had a crush on him
and the rule of thumb your mother bestowed upon you was
"you can date anyone but demons"
and you were well aware jihoon was a demon, as your halo(which was invisible to the eyes of mortals) were blinking whenever jihoon would be near you
and you just didnt like the idea of dating a handsome asshole
fun fact: jihoon used to be an angel until he was involved in the 101, which made him evil
you knew jihoon relatively well due to the fact he used to be an angel
he was your childhood friend
always protecting you and looking out for you
your crush on him developed even before he became a demon, and didnt falter even when he wasnt a angel
but the both of you grew distant as your mother would warn you not to play with fire
you were taking a media studies elective as a subject and there was a coursework you had to do
which involved acting w a partner of the opposite gender
and to your luck, jihoon was the only student in the class who took media studies
not knowing anything between the both of you, your teacher assigned the both of you as partners LOL
to make things worse, the story was
romeo and juliet
how ironic lmaoooo
meaning, you had to kiss jihoon
or rather, jihoon had to kiss you
because your teacher chose the last scene, which had the least lines, for the both of you to "ensure your distinctions"
and the both of you just had to bite the bullet and take it because you'd want to graduate from school quickly and attempt to wash the sins of kissing jihoon away by doing more good things in college
while jihoon just wanted to get this thing done and over with
you told your mom about it, she was okay with it, but she still warned you not to fall for jihoon
though, your dad is a demonxangel
its a given that you and jihoon had to stay after school to run through the script
and every time you and jihoon renact the last scene, your breath hitches in your throat and you hiccup
or on days where you just burst out laughing and accidentally spit on jihoon
he actually wasnt that mad about it because 1. he knew how hard it was to keep one's composure in a kiss scene WITH THEIR CRUSH
2. he just thought you were cute
despite jihoon not kissing you for practices
which you were thankful for or else you cant sleep at night
until,,, the day of the assesment
everything went fairly smoothly, and the dreaded kiss of life was very soon approaching you
you thought jihoon wouldnt kiss you like he did in practices
bitch you thought
he kissed you on the lips and you were trying your best not to shoot your eyes open in shock
and of course,, the kiss of life received a standing ovation from the teachers who were really impressed
because most students dont actually kiss lmao
so you had to drag jihoon aside after yhe assesment and he had that stupid smile on his face
"cant you see i like you???"
you were stunned and also happy
but you had to keep your promis to your mom
"im sorry jihoon, i cant be your girlfriend"
boy he was shocked because he was never rejected
"because," you bit your lip, contemplating wheter to tell jihoon
"angels and demons cant be together," was all you said before leaving jihoon hanging
you and jihoon never talked until,,, halloween
which, you decided to go as yourself to your friend's halloween party at universal studios
you wore a plain white dress,, and wore a halo headband
pretty basic and simple but you really didnt care and just tried to dress nicely
apparently her parents rented the whole theme park for a private party lol
your friend was asking why you didnt bring jihoon along as your "plus one"
and you just shrugged,
"shit happened and we arent really talking anymore"
she got the hint immediately and stopped mentioning jihoon
meanwhile, jihoon was also dressed as himself
his hair was dyed a lighter blonde and wore a v neck black button up w ripped jeans,,,,,, and wore a choker on his neck too
basically all-black and looking good as heck
when he arrived every girl turned their heads and were shookt
like he barely needed to do anything to look THAT good
"a demon" was what he replied,, but he was laughing inside as people dont know his real identity
he was just enjoying the atmosphere of halloween where people dressed up and didnt care if their make up was shit,, its halloween anyway
he was just chilling and walking around w fellow demon!baejin when he saw someone carrying a girl in a white dress,,,
and that girl in a white dress seemed too familiar...
that when it clicked and he had to abandon baejin to save you
when he stopped the figure holding you, he ripped off its mask and revealed someone he wouldnt expect
lai guanlin
"guanlin, what are you doing?"
"i..i can explain--"
"explain what? drugging y/n and bringing her somewhere to hurt her?!" 
at this point jihoon was really really angry, his irises turned red
"who made you do this?”
“i can’t tell you--”
“im severing all ties with you if you dont tell me.”
“okay okay! seongwoo-hyung made me do it,, he just wanted to mess with you. nothing poisonous was fed to y/n! i swear!”
jihoon could only sigh and roll his eyes, as he motioned guanlin to come closer to him
and when he did, he twisted guanlin’s ear, making the younger groan in pain,,, while still holding onto you LOL
“help seongwoo-hyung again and not only your ears would be red,” jihoon snapped, as guanlin helped to load you on jihoon’s back
jihoon was contemplating where to bring you to,,, in this state where you were fast asleep
he decided to bring you back to your home
of course, with you on his back was pretty crazy
people were staring at him, thinking that he got a girl drunk lmao
but some people were noticing how cute he was and he’d just blush and try to hide his face??
meanwhile you were still sleeping, and jihoon made your head lean on his shoulder
and it was quite a scene bc a literal angel leaning on a literal demon’s shoulders??? p sadistic but cute at the same time
he knew the exact route to your house because it was almost like muscle memory,, he always came over to your house during the weekends when the both of you were childhood friends
when jihoon knocked on the door he was pretty nervous to how your mom would react
“y/n youre--jihoon?”
“sorry you have to see this, but y/n got drugged by someone... i saw her and i had to save her”
“ah, i see...” your mom was weirdly happy that no one but jihoon saved you??
“her room is the last bedroom to the right...” your mom pointed, “i think you should stay over, it’s quite late.”
“but i don’t have any clothes...” jihoon smiled nervously 
tbh how is he not tired after holding you for so long;)
“its fine! daniel has some clothes he cant wear anymore, you can use those.”
casually slips in olderbrother!daniel
jihoon was reminded of the times where your mom would take care of him p well, he was so touched that her heart didnt change over the years despite being a demon himself
“thank you mrs y/l/n, please rest early too!”
thats when your mom muttered something about him calling her mom
“excuse me?”
“yeah i will sleep soon, when daniel comes home.”
as jihoon entered your room, it was clean, and like a typical teenage girl’s room, with fairy lights and wall decorated with polariod pictures
after he settled you on your bed, he looked around your room and spotted a picture of the both of you amidst all the polariods
it was the both of you during your freshman year,, he took you to smoothie king because you were having a bad day
he smiled, but then sighed at the thought that your mother didnt allow you to date demons
but she was liking him so much she wanted yall to get married right there
all he could do was kiss your forehead and ruffle your hair
when he was about to leave he felt something tugging on his arm
“don’t go...” 
you were sleeptalking lmao
jihoon hence slept at the side on your bed, while holding your hand
the next morning, you woke up to a weight on your hand, and you saw a blonde head 
you were surprised so you screamed
and you woke jihoon in the process
“what are you doing here?”
“well...” jihoon scratched his head sheepishly 
“what-- y/n! i know im a demon but no, i would never do that”
“then?! what are you doing here, in my room, in your...outfit”
“because you told me to stay??” jihoon raised his eyebrows
shit he heard that, you cursed internally
“but thank you for saving me.” you blushed
“that’s it?” jihoon smirked, “no thank you kiss?”
“because you are mine.”
shit i cringed so hard but smth jihoon would say tbh
“but my mom--”
he then interrupted your words with a kiss, which worked
“i can bet you my life saving that she is peeping at us right now,” jihoon whispered
and yes she was, peeking at the both of you and you could see her punching the air in victory
dating demon!jihoon is just like dating a huge fluffball
and takes revenges on your behalf if anyone dares to hurt/offend you
but sometimes hes hella r u d e 
like randomly flipping his hair and winking
and whenever he trips,,
“i think i fell for you”
like p l e a s e  s t o p
still has the innocence in him despite being a demon
like lighting up in front of candy
and buying you stuff in a non-evil way
your mother openly supports your relationship with jihoon
“yes yall my son in law is jihoon,, isnt he handsome??”
and you had to shut her up everytime she starts talking about jihoon
sometimes you wonder if she forgot that youre her child and not jihoon
overall, a relationship most wouldn’t expect but still ship together
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clearcrownmilkshake · 5 years
I havent been writing like I should have been, I really should have been because things been topsy turvy and just making me pissed and confused and all kinds of stuff but the kast thing I will be doing is feeding into this retardation. Myst is a bitch, Winona is a bitch- Amy has bitchy friend friends.
He himself can be a bitch but I tend to corner him him until he cant think of shit else to say, plus I accept the bitchy side of him like he accepts the explosive irrationality, wrath and short temper and easy vexation with me. That's whatever
But his friends are really- Myst especially is starting to get the fuck on my nerves. I've been trying to dismiss her shit foe a while but I cant anymore- thats a fucking bitch whose against women and is so damn manly but is PROUD to be a woman. Chicks like that is so revolting
Like good for you that u have male friends, not shoving u down for that, but stop thinking that makes u this supreme hetero woman who knows what she wants and is just bc of the audience she keeps bc no offense but butch lesbians are surrounded by guys as well and is treated like one of the boys too. So whats ur common interest with guys?
Being a dom? Being tall? Not being like other girls stereotypically lol? Well arent you proud that you're not like other girls uwu ecks dee hashtag quirky. So GROWN UP SO ADULT, WOW WOW WOW. but quite the dismissive bitch. Quite the haughty dismissive bitch.
Flexing and flinging around your dick bc u can, bc youre a rare species of a woman. Well whoop dee fucking damn doo bitch, you want a cookie? So original! So cutting edge!!!! Shes not like other girls, shes a fucking bitch :DDDD!!!!!
Shut the fuck up no one cares about ur underground edgy interests, or ur BIG AMAZING YET TOUGH MENTALLY DRAINING ADULT LIFE or how mature you are, bc evidently youre not as mature as u claim
Mature adults don't do this shit, they dont flex, they dont put other ppls shit down only to uplift their own interest, or put down someone's interest bc its mainstream. Mature ppl arent usually rude or condescending, if they're neutral then theyre neutral, no shit talk at all. They dont pretend to be smth theyre not, even if quirky, they own up to it and stick by it even if they dont fit in
Mature ppl dont sling around how sub or how dom they are, thats so mf reatrded like stfu idc, mature ppl also dont act so grossly in something as small as ROLEPLAY bc it show just how you are overall, bc if youre gonna act like this over smth as small as a server, imagine if in a business or whatever
She makes a terrible business partner if shes not on close friendly terms with em and thats a problem. Made up my mind dont be mod.
That was ringing in my mind again, the complete unfairness of it all, Onyxx was RIGHT to leave, I'm the moron who wont and I'm being pushed to BY THE OWNER bc she cant fucking read. Amy at this point shouldn't be a mod if ita just Her and Win making all these choices. Let bitchass Win become the owner again then if ur gonna uphold that dumbass thing about it all being her idea.
I wanna talk tk onyxx but no use, she probably think I hate her, I was just predicting her leaving soon, I knew she wasnt going to be abke to keep that position for long given how these people are.
Also all this ONLINE BULLSHIT aside, I need to apply elsewhere since papa johns is taking its precious time lol- that and my depression is trying to revamp- easy vexation, irritation, overstimulation, anger, crying episodes, blank depersonalized states, boredom- yeah I'm depressed. And in panic, but its been a while since the other the pains.
Idk what to do about it other than handle to my best abilities and get away from whats cranking it up e.i. my family- but should it get worse like crank into self harm and suicide ill be getting help again.
Really gotta start writing again. Bitches are wilding and I wish I could slap without repercussions
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