#and my favorite sims family
alltimefail-sims · 2 years
More Alexander Goth hcs please 🤲
This has been in my inbox for a few days because I kept thinking of new things to add, but I’m cutting myself off! Some of these are fun, some are serious, some are really long... but because you asked for it dear anon, here are some *drumroll*
Alexander Goth HCs:
He has a lot of tattoo ideas, but is a self-proclaimed "needle weenie," so he’s not sure if he’ll ever actually get one.
He is a surprisingly good dancer, but he never dances seriously in front of other people. Every now and again, Cheryl will beg him to learn Tik-Tok dances with her. He always ends up giving in, so long as she doesn’t post the videos. (She posts the videos anyway lol.)
He is always offering his friends food. Coming over his house to hang out? Here’s some food. You’re skipping lunch? Not on his watch! Just not hungry? Well, let me put out some cheese and fruit anyway...just in case! It’s something instinctual - he does it without thinking. (I would consider this a love language of sorts.)
Alexander does not sleep very well - the boy is operating on 2-3 hours of sleep (or less) on any given day.
Aside from his many fish, Alexander is the family guard dog’s chosen “person.” Even though he bickers with their dog quite often, somehow the dog is still closest with Alexander. Alexander named him Cerberus; a nod to the three headed dog that guards the underworld. (5 year old Alexander thought this was very clever).
He carries around a (well-loved) copy of his favorite childhood book everywhere he goes. Whenever he feels anxious, sad, or even just bored, he’ll reach into his bag or guitar case and reread his favorite parts.
Even though he’s a musician, he actually ends up getting a degree in physics. He’s really interested in archeology and geology as well! Basically, he thinks the universe is endlessly fascinating.
His favorite color is yellow, much to most people’s surprise!
Alexander, like his sister, can be a bit melancholy - but he’s always been so sweet. Because of his shy and insecure nature, he had a hard time making friends when he was little. He is also quite a worrier - all the adults said he was “old and wise in spirit.” In my mind, I can just imagine Bella pinching his little toddler cheeks and telling him not to carry the world’s troubles on his shoulders. I also can imagine that the stories of Winnie the Pooh had an impact on him as a child, and he was the kind of toddler to spill something or trip or forget to tie his shoes and he’d just be like, “Oh dear, oh bother...”
His neighbor and friend, Olivia Kim-Lewis, calls him “X.”
Alexander didn’t actually move into the attic until he was about 11. One of the largest factors for relocating was that he hated being forced to socialize/schmooze at his parent’s (many) parties - the attic was farthest away from the action as possible. Plus, he likes that he can climb out his window and sit on the roof whenever he wants to think, stargaze, or have some alone time.
His favorite food is arepas con queso because they’re comforting to him. This was one of the first dishes he learned to make on his own, and he loves to eat them with barbacoa/carnitas/or even eggs sometimes (with breakfast).
That being said, anything that reminds Alexander of his family or his childhood is going to be meaningful to him. He is highly sentimental and values quality time with the people he loves.
Alexander hates coffee. Absolutely haaaaaates it.
He does not like scary movies, he does not like haunted houses, he does not like being scared (he’s very easy to frighten lol)!! His big sister definitely took advantage of this information while they lived under the same roof...😂
He definitely enjoys comics and ”nerdy” stuff, but isn’t super into the whole Disney-Marvel-cash-cow movie industry mumbo-jumbo. He does like Vision, however. But he’d much rather binge a tv series or listen to music than sit through a whole movie.
OKAY, I’m done for now! If you are also an Alexander Goth stan, dear anon, please feel free to come off anon so we can love our pixel child together.
Also, shameless plug: you can peep my Alexander Goth lookbook HERE.
Thank you for your ask! <3
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bunnithechubs · 6 months
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we're just tinkin' around.
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skyblueartt · 14 days
Insomnia hitting hard and I could NOT get the AU/Headcanon of “Mike and Henry planning the Fnaf 6 fire together and willingly going out together” idea out of my head!!!!! Have some doodles inspired by that :’)
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(The mushrooms thing is based off of my pizza place job irl)
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speckaboo · 11 days
After catching up to recent episodes, I wanted to put my two cents in with Gwen and Jon's characterization since they both share similar vibes and not enough people talk about their differences.
First of all, Jon would never have done what Gwen did in the latest episode (ep 20). They both have a knack for pissing off Avatars/Externals, but even s1Jon wouldn't have mouthed off like that to one. Jon got beat up by Avatars for asking too many questions and not minding his own business (and for being Gertrude's successor), Gwen was just being blatantly antagonistic to a someone that literally kills people with tattoos because she got annoyed that they wouldn't sign her government form.
Second of all, Gwen isn't Eye-aligned like Jon was. Unlike Jon, she isn't curious. She doesn't ask questions or go looking for answers regarding the Externals. She does exactly what she's told, which is the exact opposite of how Jon operated. She's only interested in doing her job with the end goal of taking Lena's position, for whatever reason that might be.
And lastly, Gwen is selfish. While Gwen and Jon both wanted to be taken seriously in their line of work, Jon had given up that professionalism pretty quick when he realized people were getting hurt because of it. Even when he'd lost his humanity, he'd been terrified of putting anybody through the same terror he'd been through, to the point where he'd constantly put himself in harms way because of it. Jon was a stubborn idiot, but he cared deeply for other people. He never wanted others to get hurt, even when he wanted answers. (That's why he burned Gerry's page, after all.)
Gwen, on the other hand, isn't like that. When Gwen found out from FR3-DI that her boss had literally tried to murder someone that used to work here, her immediate response was to blackmail her to get a raise. She didn't warn her coworkers, she didn't even think of the risk to her own safety - just how it could benefit her. It's the same for when Gwen met with Bonzo and the other Externals. Even though Gwen found out what had happened to the people she'd sent Bonzo after, the fact that dozens of people died because of her involvement, she still didn't leave. She felt bad about it, sure, but it didn't stop her from continuing with it. Because for whatever reason, she wants that promotion so much that she's willing to let other people to die for it.
Gwen is not like Jon, who constantly sacrificed himself for others, nor like Gertrude Robinson, where the ends justified the brutal means. Unless there's some grand reason for it, a promotion isn't worth what she's doing. Gwen isn't heartless, but she is selfish.
She's not a monster just yet, but she is painfully human.
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mintjeru · 4 days
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i am neither easy nor immune o(-(
open for better quality | no reposts
my shop is open!!
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moonfromearth · 20 days
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🎁 300 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!! 🎁
I can't believe the blog has made it to over 300 followers!! 😱 Thank you all so much for following and being so incredibly supportive. It really means the world to me. 🥰
I know I haven't been around very much but I promise that this is the beginning of me posting more again! So stay tuned for the return of the Horse Ranch series and my upcoming For Rent series that will probably be getting teased more soon... 😏
With that out of the way, here are the sims!
The theme for this was chosen via poll and I had so much fun seeing what everyone picked! I don't know why I was so surprised that "families" won because I wasn't sure what I expected to win 😆
All four of these families are cc free (if it says cc in the gallery I swear there's no cc! I haven't figured out the culprit but it still says they have cc in my gallery so idk 🤷‍♀️) and all have set careers, clubs, skills, and dynamics! Hopefully they all turned out good 😅
Enjoy! 😉
Full Sim Dump [Google Drive]
[Profile photos, brief descriptions, and individual household download links are all under the cut!]
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Household 1 - The Li-Suwan Family
After quitting her job after the birth of their first child, Ying was hoping to go back into the work force, but with two new babies and her mother around, that's near impossible! Meanwhile, Min is in her rebellious phase, feeling like the whole world is against her, except for her grandmother. Erik is struggling to make friends and Kenny is the golden child but feels his crown slipping a way with the new babies in the house.
Li-Suwan Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 2 - The Hawley Family
Husbands Grant and Will have completely devotd themselves to the raising of their three kids, but with their oldests attending college classes their parenting roles are beginning to dwindle. Kamryn has given her all to school while Kayson enjoys a more laid back experience, frequenting the campus parties. Youngest, Hallie, dreams of being an actress but for now enjoys her childhood with family dog.
Hawley Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 3 - The Whitaker-Perez Family
Sloane and Karla have been waiting forever to adopt a child, and finally after all their years of waiting young Zane has entered their home! An energetic, rambunctious kid, Zane isn't quite sure what to make of his new mothers, one a quirky school teacher and the other a serious and professional doctor, but he's hoping that they'll all get used to their new family dynamic… However long that could take.
Whitaker-Perez Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 4 - The Barretts
Jayda Barrett is planning on going places. She's climbing up the corporate ladder, slowly but surely, with big dreams of becoming a huge executive or CEO, a position that brings in the big simoleons. Jayda is a single mom to an imaginative and horse loving toddler, Myla, who roams the house going on grand adventures with their cat, Carrot, already developing big dreams of her own.
Barrett Household Download Link [Google Drive]
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sandsstorms · 1 year
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Straud, the oldest registered family name on the Forgotten Hollow Valley; the pale skins, the peculiarly perennial looking siblings, the cold-eyed and over-dominant older brother, the never confirmed stories about his responsibility on the first war against Transylvania, the so many rumors surrounding the second sister's marriage, the runaway son and his bride, the ever silent daughter, the creepy doll looking baby
and who was Lady Ecaterina? ...well, that's a story for another day.
previous looks after the cut and some fun facts
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the Strauds have been a work over the years of my sister and I. and we have so much lore about them. we created the family in different moments and with different stories and then ended up joining them together making something so much better and then enriched the story we already had, and made some touch-ups along the way to some of them... that's why originally they all look so different from one another (there's a big mix of mm makeovers with original vanillas and ancient 2017 us sim styles. lol) it's been a ride, it's still a ride, it's just so fun to keep adding things to their lore. we're still creating their history books (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
fun fact is I think we've never actually played with them. lol. and we've had them for so long!! but we just made them and made their stories in our heads and that's it. that's our favorite way of playing apparently... using the game to create ocs, imagine their lifes while doing it and closing the game after that. lol. well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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fizzytoo · 8 months
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beautiful day for turtle hatching!
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bl-bam-beyond · 6 months
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Shin Ki Tae (LEE SEUNG GYU) was overwhelmed by Lee Wan's (LEE JONG HYUK) confession in high school and his subsequent reaction caused Lee Wan to flee.
Shin Ki Tae reconnected with Lee Wan through the latters cartoon blog well before a face to face reunion took place.
7 years after the confession Shin Ki Tae lured Lee Wan out of hiding via a job proposal as an illustrator for gaming company creating a dating simulation app.
Initially a bit cold Shin Ki Tae finally returned the confession but could Lee Wan (still pining for his high school first love) believe that Shin Ki Tae returned his feelings after what Lee Wan felt as rejection 7 Years Ago.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pharawee @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @absolutebl
@thewayofsubtext @bengiyo
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nerdetiquette · 1 year
Idk if this is a hot take or anything but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Jon didn’t have any friends (besides Martin) basically the entire series.
Sasha was nice enough but she was strictly professional. Tim was reasonable in the beginning and I like to believe they were friends but honestly he’s pretty wary of Jon s1. Melanie hated Jon the whole way through. Georgie was there for a bit before things got too messy, but the way she treats him s5 is like a time bomb. Basira treated Jon like a stove with a broken gas release, and Daisy, my god Daisy. I could go on and on about their relationship but it was really clear after the trauma she inflicted on Jon he could never truly trust her.
They all feed into the theme of Jon’s inhumanity, but I remember listening and being confused because I always saw ppl treating this like a found family when they never were.
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solarbunzzz · 7 months
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Just two little kids enjoying a rainy day ☔
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willowcreektrait · 1 month
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scott gameplay ™️
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pocketfullofsimshine · 7 months
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pretty sure this bed cuddle mod is one that I won't be able to play without anymore / still blows my mind that this isn't a thing in sims 4 :( / absolutely loved how sims slept in sims 2 / I miss it so much
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catsinmugs · 2 months
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cuddle weather ❆
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arcadewonder · 2 years
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winter settles in over the swamp.
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jasminesilk · 21 days
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Daniel is now a Global Superstar and has achieved his lifelong goal of having a Celebrity Tile on the Del Sol Valley Walk of Fame!
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