#and my sister responds with ‘well it doesnt seem like it’
I’m about ten or fifteen years too young to be dealing with this shit, but here i am.
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shay died which feels idk kinda weird but also not id really know him i was introduced to him n i think we both blundered our first meeting lmao
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rotturn · 2 years
not to constantly be negative but this trip just keeps getting worse and this was supposed to be the part i was excited for and mum said that it'd be the part of the trip where we do things i want to do and where I'd get some focus but it is the complete opposite
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ashblooddragons · 2 months
The Red Queen 1\?
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107 ac Kingslanding
Aemma’s pov
I sit in a rocking chair as I watch you stack blocks only to knock them over, and like always you turn to me for approval and when I clap you smile big showing your first tooth. I sigh once you gets back to playing, the lady Alicent has been coming to play with you since you were six moons stating she noticed Rhaenyra doesn’t play with you, but I know she was sent by her father to get in me and Viserys good graces. 
Today you’ve been quite pouty and upset, and I know exactly why. Daemon has been sent to the Vale to be with his wife for at least half moons turn. Viserys was lucky he got Daemon to agree to that much, as Daemon hardly leaves you as it is. It shocks the court how protective he is of you, he doesnt let anyone hold you in his presence besides me, Viserys, or himself. Because of this over protectiveness you’ve grown quite attached to him and his blasted dragon he demands you ride with him on. If the court thinks Daemon is over protective they havent watched that wyrm growl at me, your own mother, because I picked you up. Thankfully Daemon doesn't believe you should sit on the saddle yet, so he straps you to his chest via cloth wraps commeners use. I must admit my heart about jumps out of my chest everytime you fly with him, but when you come back down, and you have that smile on your face it all seems worth it.
As I’m musing someone knocks at the nursery door. “Alicent would you be a dear and see who that might be?” I ask as I stroke my stomach. Me and Viserys found out two moons ago that I’m with child…again. One of us was over joyed, the other wanted a long nap after finishing raspberry and ginger tea for my nausea and sore ankles. 
Alicent nods and gets up off the floor and goes to the door. “It's Princess Rhaenys and her daughter Laena, Your Grace.” she says looking at me to see if she should let them in. “yes please, and would you leave us darling? I need to have a talk with the princess.” I say to which Alicent nods and moves towards you to pick you up, but i stop her with a shake of my head.
Once Alicent has left and Rhaenys, and Laena are in the room I sigh. “The girl always with you?” Rhaenys asks in that cold tone she always has. 
“Yes, but I must admit she is quite helpful.” I respond through another sigh. This one is quite a mover cause I never can quite seem to chase the nausea away. “So I’m assuming you got my raven?” I ask once she sets Laena down on the ground next to you.
“Yes, I did.” Is the only answer I get, so I nod and watch as our daughters play together. We’ve sat in silence for quite a while, the only source of noise coming from you and Laena as you play and babble. This is why I about jump out of my skin when Rhaenys starts to talk again. “Has Rhaenyra truly not come around to her baby sister?” she asks with a amused smirk.
“No, nothing we do has helped as of yet. We’ve tries stories, games, walks, picnics, even going to the Dragon pit so Rhaenyra can show her Syrax, but that only ended in her throwing a tantrum and getting on Syrax, only coming down once we’ve left.” I say disappointedly, and I must sound truly pathetic, cause Rhaenys reaches over and holds my hand.
She hums in understanding and sympathy. Rhaenys has always been a woman of few words, never seeing the point in hiding ones true thoughts in words, preferring to speak plainly or not at all. I quite enjoy this as you always know what she’s saying is the truth, it’s the main reason she’s my favorite out of my cousins. 
“Well, I cannot say Laena will be here all the time, but I suppose the children and I would like to be closer to Corlys.” She says smiling as you and Laena chase each other, her running away laughing and you crawling after her giggling. “Besides a child needs a friend close in age to them.” she says as we both watch chuckling at you two. 
“I feel a life long friendship in their future, don’t you agree?” she says looking at me. All I can do is nod and smile. My little girl will have a friend for life in the little Velaryon.
109 ac Dragonstone
Your pov 
Me and Laena run out of the feast together, it’s my sisters nameday party and she demanded it be held at this place…Dragonpot? My sister doesn’t seem to like me very much, so me and Laena decided to look for dragons. We heard this place has LOTS of them, I mean it’s called Dragonpot for a reason, right?
“Laena it’s raining! Are you sure this is a good idea? I ask as she drags me out of the castle and into the rain. “Oh it’ll be fine! Stop being a worry wart! You want a dragon or not? This is our chance, might be the only we get!” Laena says back, to which I nod and follow after her towards the beach. The wind is so harsh we’re holding onto each other to stay standing, and our hair is perpetually in our faces. Because of these things we don’t notice the two dragons in front of us, well not until we hear the growls. We both push our hair back and look up at the two dragons, one white as snow and the other a slate grey. The white one is eating a pile of fish, while the other has two dead horses in front of it. 
“Um, maybe I was wrong, I don’t think this is a good idea anymore.” Laena says as we stand frozen in front of the dragons. “What are you on about, they won’t hurt us!” I say matter of factly. Caraxes never hurts me, in fact he doesn’t seem to like people around me not even my Kepus. “Watch Laena, you just walk up and pet them and then they make happy clicky sounds.” I say confidently as I walk forward smiling as I reach out to pet the white one. Laena keeps calling my name and the wind must be bad cause I hear other people calling for us too, but that can’t be true cause they’re all inside for my sisters nameday.
The white one growls abit but once i touch it, the growling stops and almost seems shocked. “Whoa that’s it? I’m gonna try.” Laena says as she runs over to the other dragon. Laena reaches out to touch the other one but it snaps at her, she frowns and yells at it. “Stop being a meanie! I will pet you!” which seems to surprise the dragon enough for her to touch it an start petting.
By this point there is no denying people are calling for us. I turn around and see mine and Laenas Mamas, Papas, Laena’s brother, my sister, Ali, and my Kepus. The Only ones who seem to be moving closer though is Laenas Mama and my Kepus. “Kepus I got a dragon!” I yell to him which catches Laenas attention and she yells to her Mama. “look Mommy, I got one too!” 
“Yes, yes we see now get over here right now!” Kepus yells at us which shocks me cause he’s never yelled at me, not once. We look at our dragons sadly before running over to them. “Dont ever scare me like that again! Do you understand!” Kepus yells and I nod trying not to cry.
Once we get in and they have us in our nightdresses and covered in furs our parents and my Kepus sit us by the fire and stare down at us. “What in the seven hells were you two thinking? Running out in a storm like this to hunt down dragons!” Laenas Papa yells as we hang our heads as we cry from their disappointment.
“You guys said this place has lots of dragons, we just wanted ones of our own. So I can be like Mama and she can be like her Kepus.” Laena sobs out and I nod my head in agreement. “Yes well did you two need to be stormchasers as well? Those damned dragons seem to agree with you on this being wonderful weather to be outside!” Laenas Papa keeps going. We hear a silent ‘my love.’ and he just sighs and sits in a chair hanging his head in his hands.    
“We understand you wanted dragons darling, but you scared us greatly running off like that in a storm. Let alone what those dragons are. Laena you claimed Mongrel and you claimed-” But I cut off Laenas Mama. “I claimed Stormchaser.” I say confidently as my Kepus bends down to wipe my tears away. 
“Is that what we’re calling him?” Kepus asks, to which I make a face. “It’s not a boy Kepus, it’s girl!” I say resolutely, which seems to have amused him as he chuckles and ruffles my hair. “How silly of me, sweetling. Of course it’s a girl.” 
That was the day Laena and I became dragon riders, and our friendship solidified.
Special thanks to @sugutoad for making the header!
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dunmeshi-darlings · 6 months
Can I request a laios x reader, with the reader as laios ex-fiance, since their arrangements was broken off when he ran away without explanation reader have been sad and mad about it. But then someday laios mother told reader about laios become a new king after defeating a demon, reader decided to go there, because reader want to know why he ran away
I'm sorry if this is difficult to understand, English is not my first language, thank youuu
Oh you got no need to apologize its all ok. i understand what you meant. id be happy to do this. thank you so much for sending an imagine in.
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Even though its been many years since laios cut off the arrangement and disappeared you still found yourself getting upset at him. He just cancelled it all and ran off to not be heard from again.
Of course over the years that anger and frustration faded greatly but every so often your mind would wander and you would feel your cheeks heat up at the thought of being abandoned like that. but over all you figure it was probably for the best anyway, you dont mind your life and that touden was always...strange to say the least even if he was a looker.
One day though as you are going about your day when laios mother approaches you, asking if she can come in. You agree and let her inside, despite your feelings about laios you had no bad blood with her. you get the both of you some tea as she starts speaking. "Did you hear about the rise of the golden kingdom?" she asks, you nod and say of course you had. it had been the talk of the entire world ever since it rose up out of the sea, seemingly out of nowhere one day. Apparently some group of adventurers defeated the mad mage and seemed like those rumors about becoming the new leader of it was true. You say casually as you take a sip of some tea. "yeah well apparently Laios was the one that defeated the mage and rules the golden kingdom now." she says so casually causing you to spit all the tea you were drinking out, shouting in confusion you ask her if you heard that right? she nods and explains what she had been told from letters from falin, you knew that falin had stayed in touch with there parents but laios had apparently cut them off a decade ago much to your surprise.
You decide to pay a visit, you feel like you almost HAVE to. you need to know why he just left you like that, why he did what he did all those years ago. It took you a bit to get to the new golden kingdom, laios definitely had travelled a far distance since your last time you saw him. By the time you reach the kingdom a full month has passed, you ask the guards to message the king telling him that "Y/N from his arranged marriage wanted to see him." of course you werent sure he would even respond, i mean why would he. he didnt want to marry you obviously so why should he care about seeing you, especially now that he is a KING of all things. However you were surprised when the guard came back and agreed to take you to the king.
When you entered you saw him sitting on a throne. To his left you see a young elf woman with twin braids beside him, This must have been his royal advisor maybe? you werent sure. However you did notice his sister beside her chatting with her...except she was different, she wasnt a tall man anymore..atleast not fully. you noticed a plume of fluffy white feathers poking out of the opening on her chest and down her arms. It was clear she had been changed by some form of magic.
As you walk closer laios asks if everyone can leave the room for a moment, he wants to talk privately with you as they agree and leave leaving only you and him. "So Y/N, how have things been?" He asks awkwardly, its clear he is uncomftorable and doesnt know what to say. You had thought of the things you would say to him for years now, over and over you had gone over in your head what you were going to say to the man that just up and left you like that. you would be furious and scream, sob and cry, all the words you planned to say just dissapear and all you can say is a single word. "why.."
He sighs as he rubs his neck and begins to explain, He tells you how he had began to despise his parents for how they let falin be treated, and how instead of supporting her and her talents they sent her away to the magic school on a different continent. He had grown to hate his parents (more so his father but he had no fond feelings towards his mother either) even though falin kept in contact with them. He also explained how he never felt comfortable around people, that he had always felt more comfortable around monsters...and that in truth he hated people. Plus he admits he wasnt the richest person in the world so would have been able to give you a proper dowry. All of these together made him feel like he wouldnt have been able to give you the life you deserved, he didnt want you to be stuck with a man that hated everyone around him and hated where he lived and wanted to leave and get as far away as he could. He figured that wasnt fair to you, and he didnt know how to properly convey this and let you down easily so...he ran.
The weight of his words hit you harder than you expected...all this time you thought he just didnt like you or hated you ever, or he didnt care about you at all. All this time you hated him for what he did and that you swore you would get answers one day...but these werent the answers you were expected. It would have been so easy to continue to be mad at him, if he said he just didnt like you or hated you that would have been fine..you expected it at this point, but no...he did this because he didnt want to subject you to a miserable life with him..he knew you would be miserable with him if he had stayed there and he didnt want to put you through that...god this was so much harder than you were expecting. "You know....now that im king of the golden kingdom money isnt an issue..and ive made sure the kingdom is a kind place that treats everyone with kindness." you see him slump down a bit. "and since monsters come nowhere near the kingdom...if you want, we can get to know each other better..and see how we feel about each other then?" he says softly, damn that man he was a looker. you sigh, almost relieved its turned out that way. saying you would like that
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ugly-pickle · 9 months
Good morning, Pickle.
Please kindly consider this Ayato request: Your spoilt and pampered sister who has always destroyed every marriage prospect you have isn't happy that Ayato chose to marry you instead of her. So, on your wedding day, she has her servants destroy your wedding kimono as a fit of petty jealousy.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
lovely ☆ ayato
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CHARACTERS: ayato x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: your sister seems to be upset when she finds out that you and ayato are engaged, so she casually ruins your wedding
GENRE: fluff 💿
W/C: 1.4k
C/W: cussing, betrayal, scissors, and physical touch (let me know if ive missed anything!)
A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST AHRGHDSHH im currently working on your other request @sailorstar9 so just hold on tight! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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your sister is your everything, from the moment of her birth, when you held her in your arms you just knew you had to protect her until the sun and the moon collided, no, even after that you have to protect her. you thought all of the compassion youve shown your sister would help her bloom to be an elegant young lady, but has instead grown into a carrion flower.
your sister is certainly a bitch from time to time, but maybe it's because she doesnt have any suitors that truly love her, on the other hand you do. only an imbecile wouldnt want to be your lover, youre charming, funny, loving, intelligent, and beautiful. it could be out of jealousy that your sister had ruined your relationships with men who want your hand in marrige.
one day, you were having a fancy dinner with ayato, his family (plus thoma), you, and your family, when he suddenly got down on one knee and held out a ring with a fat diamond to you. you obviously accepted his proposal, and everyone in the room applauded for the two of you, except your sister.
for the next couple of months of your engagement with ayato, youve noticed that your little sister has become, well, bitter. her state worsens more and more the closer that the date of your wedding day approaches.
the week of your wedding day has finally arrived. the first gift youve received is from ayaka; you open the gift, you laid your eyes on the most beautiful kimono that has ever been made. the embroidery is truly one of a kind, the floral patterns was simply gorgeous, and the hair ornament looks so delicate that even the softest gush of wind could shatter it into pieces.
“oh my— ayaka this is beautiful…” youre at a loss of words, “im glad it’s to your liking,” ayaka responds with a sweet smile gracing her lips. “i will make sure that this kimono will never know what a blemish is,” you tell her solemnly, she giggles, “i wish i could talk to you longer, but im afraid that i have unavoidable duties to attend too,”
you bid ayaka farewell. you close the door behind you, you place the kimono back into its box and store it safely away. oh how you cannot wait to tells your friends and family about this gift, especially your sister.
when she heard about the news of your kimono that descended from celestia she threw an entire fit, one more immature than a toddler’s, but she does have her manners and did it once you had left the estate. her servants were comforting by her and calming her down, until one suggested to, perhaps, ruin the kimono?…
now that this idea has been implemented into your sister’s brain, nothing could lure it out. during the days leading up to your big day your sister has been ordering scissors so sharp that it could leave a scratch on the geo archon’s shield. your sister had selected her most loyal servants fit for the task to to shred your beloved wedding kimono to pieces.
your big wedding day is finally here! your bridesmaids are helping you get ready, they took you to the bath first, leaving your bedroom unattended.
the servants took this opportunity to sneak into your sleeping chambers and rummage through your things, looking for your kimono. after some time, one had found it; calling the others over, they started to get to work.
the embroidery now looks like the handwriting that belongs to a toddler, the floral designs had certainly seen better days, and the ornament is now smashed into pieces. the kimono now looks like the ghost from the ring would wear. your sister’s servants, pleased with their artwork, placed the kimono back into the box and storing it where they first found it.
you hear something scurry away, you open the door to see nothing. you shrug it off, “ladies, would you please bring my kimono? it’s in that box over there,” your bridesmaids nod there head, one of them grabs the box and places it on your bed. you open the box to find your kimono in a strange state.
your eyes widened in horror, you wanted to cry but you were in too much shock to do so. your bridesmaids were just as terrified as you are. the maid of honor instantly sent out two ladies, trying to order another kimono in such short notice. the ceremony is soon, you want someone to comfort you, but not the ladies with you. your sister? not a good idea, ayato? yes. but, hes busy.
you tell everyone to get out of the room, not wanting to shed tears infront of them, "but y/n, the wedding is soon, we cant afford to waste time, especially now." you acknowledge this for a moment, but with no dress you cant have the perfect wedding youve always dreamt of; besides the ladies cant get another kimono in time. "out. i already told you, get out," they cant do anything but put their heads down and listen to you, they exit the room one by one.
after the last one shuts the door, the tears fall down your face, you cant help it, you really cant. who did this? who would be so cruel, so jealous, so petty to do this? not even the tsaritsa would be this evil. the only person you know of who would do this is,
your sister?
how can she be so cruel?… but, jumping to conclusions is never good for anyone, and even if she did do this, it couldve been out of jealously.
oh FUCK THAT SHIT, she just ruined your wedding for archons sake. you look at the clock. oh archons. the ceremony had started, but who cares, even a trash bag looks better than your wedding kimono.
tears are continuously rolling down your face, like a river that will never stop flowing. your sniffles are quiet, but it is the only rolling that can be heard in this room.
ayato is standing there at the alter, waiting for the love of his life, but she never shows up. worry suddenly floods his mind, what if something happened? he excuses himself and rushes to find you.
your sister sees him dashing towards her. have the archons finally answered her prayers? “oh ayato! i knew you would come to your senses sooner or later!” she exclaims. ayato, a bit disgusted, brushes her off and says politely, “i love y/n dearly and im currently searching for her, do you have any idea where she might be?”
one of your bridesmaids is running towards ayato, “over there ayato! quickly!” she shouts and points from across the room, unable to catch her breath. ayato nods, running towards where you are.
he slams the door open, “y/n—“ he cuts himself off when he sees your glossy eyes, tears falling down your face, your sniffles and breath trembling. “oh ayato,” you walk to your not-so-soon-to-be-husband and embrace him. the wet stain on his shoulder slowly growing.
for the first time in a while, ayato is genuinely shocked, hes seeing his lover upset, crying, and he cant do anything about it. “my love, whats wrong? what happened?”
you point to your bed, ayato takes a look and sees why— he and ayaka spent hours searching for a dress thats one of a kind and meant for you. his eyes widen a bit then relax again. he places his hand on the small on your back and rubs it in small circles.
he comforts you by saying, “i am beyond lucky to have you as my bride, even the most expensive jewels cannot be compared to your beauty because you outshine all, so please dont be too upset about this matter. i will find a dress made in celestia just to please my wonderful my darling.” he kisses your temple and pulls say, his face looks a bit more eerie now.
“your sister, right?” ayato asks you. “i think so—” ayato cuts you off, “i’ll cut off that bitches head as soon as possible, dont worry y/n.”
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A/N: this was VERY rushed but i hope you still enjoyed it ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
imagine a plot twist where the sister is in love with you lol (i dont write incest)
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9 @gummy-dummy @hopefulceladon @username-try-3
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sierrrraaawwwwwcgtcvh · 9 months
hai !!! is it cool if i request a
Velvet x GN!Reader
maybe like a ,, worried velvet ? Maybe an interviewer said something about her crush on reader (preferably like reader and velvet are known close friends or known friends and reader is also a popstar?) and it caused Velvet to get pissed off and when she says something, she thinks she said the wrong thing (ex ; she thinks her words were worded wrong so she believes reader thinks she doesnt like reader) So she avoids reader and then reader confronts her and she spills everything ?
Velvet x GN!Reader
Warnings: cursing?
Velvet and Veneer were currently doing an interview, with the interviewer only asking Velvet questions as Veneer sat quietly. 
"So.. Velvet! Some rumors have been circulating the media." The interviewer said, a bright smile on his face.
"And..?" Velvet had an eyebrow raised. 
"Is it true that you really have a crush on (Y/n)? Apparently, some fans seem to think you look and treat (Y/n) in a certain way that's different from others! So, we have to know. Do you like (Y/n)?" 
Velvet held her composure, even though inside she was internally screaming.
"Hmm, well.. I, personally.. think they're just alright." Velvet shrugged. Why did I say that!? She screamed inside. 
"Oh.. so you don't have a crush on them? Ah.. I see. Well, you heard it from Velvet herself everyone! See you next time with the popstar, you know and love.. (Y/n) (L/n)!" Velvet immediately got up and left the interview area, heading over to a dress room designated for her.
Velvet entered the dressing room, groaning as she shut the door behind her. She didn't even want to THINK about opening her phone. She could already think of all the tweets or things that people would say about her and (Y/n). She had already begun to regret what she had said.
She heard a knock at her door, "What do you want!?" She shouted. 
"Um.. it's me, Veneer. Can I come in?" 
"Yeah." She said, loud enough for him to hear. She sat on a couch as the door opened, and then shut. 
"I thought you said you liked (Y/n)? Why the sudden change of heart?" Veneer walked over to his sister and sat beside her on the couch. 
"I do like them! I don't even know why I said that.." Velvet groaned.
"Oh.. well, you probably shouldn't check any social media apps. The fans are going crazy, and not in a good way." Veneer sighed.
"Fuck.. I just.. I do want to tell them how I feel but I'm scared they won't like me." Velvet took the pillow next to her and held it in her lap.
"It's always better to just say it y'know? You shouldn't lie about how you feel." 
"I know. Great, now I'm gonna have to avoid them like the plague.." Velvet groaned, for what.. the 50th time already? 
“You could just talk to them?” Veneer was confused, why couldn’t his sister just confront them?
“But I can’t! Not after that.. It’d be sooo awkward!”
“It’s not that bad, Velvet. I ended up explaining how I felt to my partner and it turned out great!”
“But that’s you! I can’t tell if they even love me like I love them.” She mumbled.
“True.. well, I guess it’s ultimately your decision.” Veneer shrugged as Velvet rolled her eyes.
(Y/N)’S POV:
You’d just gotten back from an interview. You couldn’t believe what Velvet had said. She thought you were just.. alright?
You frowned as you laid on your bed, pulling out your phone from your pocket. You texted Velvet.
“Hey, can we talk..?” 
sent at 08:23 p.m.
You watched as Velvet had read your message, but didn’t respond. You texted again.
“I know you’re seeing my messages Velvet. Please, text me.”
sent at 08:24 p.m.
You huffed as she read your message again, still not responding. You then decided that you’d text Veneer.
“Hey Veneer! I’m trying to talk to Velvet but she keeps leaving my messages on seen. Is she okay??”
sent at 08:29 p.m.
He read your message immediately as he responded.
“Hi (Y/n)!! Velvet’s okay :)) I’m not sure why she’s not responding..”
sent at 08:30 p.m.
“Oh…” You frowned. You then texted him back,
“Oh, okay!! Thank you for letting me know. :D Sorry if I bothered you.” 
sent at 08:31 p.m.
You then turned off your phone, setting it on your dresser after plugging it into your charger. Hopefully you’d get a response from Velvet soon.
She couldn’t focus on singing at ALL. Velvet was thinking about your messages and what she said earlier. 
How am I supposed to even face them after this? She pondered, as she sang with Veneer. They were singing their newest song, “Watch me Work”.
Her thinking caused her to mess up a move, but she quickly recovered. Fuck, I need to think about this later. Velvet held back a groan as her and Veneer finished the song as the audience roared in excitement. At least their concert was over for the time being. 
Velvet and Veneer walked off stage and headed to their dressing room.
“Sis.. you really need to talk to (Y/n). They’re worried for you.” Veneer wanted to at least convince his sister to talk to them.
“Veneer, you don’t think I know that!?” Velvet snapped at him as they entered their dressing room. 
Velvet sighed, “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m just.. stressed out.”
“It’s okay. But vel you should talk to them, like seriously.” 
“I know, Veneer. I just.. can’t.” 
“Well, why not?” He asked, checking the time on his phone.
“I don’t know what they’re gonna say and I’m scared. I’m mad at myself for what I said! I’m pissed, like seriously pissed. I should’ve said something better! What was I even thinking..” She grumbled, walking over to the couch in the dressing room and sitting on it.
Veneer sat beside her, “It’ll be okay.” 
She scoffed, “Easy for you to say.”
(Y/N)’S POV: 
You walked through the long, longgg hallway of dressing rooms. You were heading to one in particular, Velvet and Veneer’s. You knew they’d be there as they just got done with a concert. Well, you didn’t really have to look for their’s as you knew where it was. You’d been there a LOT before.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood in front of Velvet and Veneer’s dressing room. You hesitated.. but knocked on the door after gaining enough confidence. 
“Coming!” You heard Veneer shout. 
He opened the door and saw you standing there, his face turned into shock. 
“Oh.. I should probably leave you two alone for this. Haha..” He laughed awkwardly as he moved out of the way to let you in. You walked in after he shut the door and left. You saw Velvet sitting on their couch. 
“Veneer, who was at the door-.” She cut herself off as she looked up and saw you. 
“Velvet..” You started as she got up immediately.
“Why’re you here?” 
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” You sighed as walked up to her. “What’s your problem?” You asked.
“I don’t have a problem.” She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
“It sure seems like it. You didn’t reply to my messages.” 
“So? I don’t have to reply to what you say all the time.” Velvet looked away from you.
“Velvet, what was that about? The interview I mean. You really think I’m just.. alright?” You watched as her face faltered, turning into a frown. 
“No..” She had her head turned, but she finally looked at you.
“Then what? What do you really think of me, huh?” You crossed your arms.
Velvet gave no response as she looked away once more.
“Oh.. I see. You don’t wanna tell me? Fine.” You scoffed as you began walking to exit the dressing room.
“Wait!” Velvet grabbed your arm. 
“What? You made it clear you don’t like me.” You didn’t even turn to face her. 
“I do.. I do like you! I’ve liked you for so long..” You heard Velvet begin sobbing as you turned around, her hand still gripping your arm.
“I don’t know why I said it.. I was scared.. scared you wouldn’t like me.” Velvet held your arm as she cried. 
You frowned as you pulled her into a hug, “How could I not? Your smile is beautiful, I love everything about you Velvet.” You heard her begin sniffling, signaling she’d began to stop crying. She let go of your arm.
“You mean it?” Her voice hoarse from crying.
“I mean it, Vel.” You pulled back from the hug. You held her right cheek with your hand as you smiled.
“Now, please.. don’t ignore me like that. I seriously thought you hated me.” You laughed a little bit.
“I won’t ignore you like that ever again. I’m sorry.” Velvet frowned.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at that. 
You heard the door open as you both turned your heads to look at who had just walked in. Your hand falling from her cheek.
“Are you two together yet or what?” Veneer asked as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You looked at Velvet as she looked at you for a second, before nodding. 
“Yeah, we are.” You replied.
“Ugh, about time!”
(I’ll prob edit this later if I see any mistakes)
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crystallizsch · 2 months
Hello! I really like your art and comics with Jamil and your OC. It looks very cute!
I just want your thoughts on this as a Jamil lover. I really like Jamil but Idk why??? I like him so much that I cry whenever I don't get his card or daily greetings at login. He's not usually my type like Izuku or Tanjiro. Just want to know your thoughts since you like Jamil hehe. It's ok if you don't respond!
AAH THANK YOU SO MUCH it means a lot to hear you like them i really appreciate it!! 💖💕💖💕💖
ANYWAYS as a jamil enthusiast i ask myself that question too 🤠;;
dont know what kinda hypnotizing magic he did on me but it worked bc i was incredibly neutral about jamil when i first saw him and now he lives in my head rent-free
okay in all seriousness i ended up rambling about jamil and why i like him personally and it ended up longer than intended so uh proceed with caution under the cut 🧍
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(i had to look up the characters you mentioned,,, i know both of the anime but BARELY know the characters so idk how to compare other than they seem to be the benevolent hero/protagonist type???) (so on that note theyre actual opposites??? of jamil 😭)
okay so for me i personally just find jamil’s character really fascinating (and relatable???)
like his character arc drew me in i think, i legit do not recall 100% how i started liking him bc he was NOT my usual type either
i saw him before book 4 and went “okay” 🤷 and moved on 😭
my usual type is kalim actually (the sunshine type with a depressing reason for being all sunshine-y lmao) but. i did not vibe at first with how kalim looks so i didnt really get attached to him either 🤧 (im absolutely fine with him now tho 😭 ive learned to appreciate him more thanks to other kalim enjoyers)
(and tbf a lot of twst characters i didnt think i would like but here we are)
back to jamil. alright maybe it’s his looks. maybe bc he’s a pretty guy idk. but if that’s the case i wouldve been all over vil bc he’s the definition of beautiful gorgeous guy who doesnt fw with gender norms but im NOT. instead it’s JAMIL.
i think it doesn’t help that aladdin is one of my favorite disney movies too 😭 jafar has that two-faced, manipulative disposition with a side of dramatic, and insane and that’s. actually just jamil.
so maybe i guess what drew me in with jamil is that sense of theatrics, the dramatics ;;; that dichotomy of having that level-headed, intelligent front he puts up but then also having this unhinged, unfiltered side that he shows when he is free to be more himself
i’m a sucker for seemingly calm and collected characters on the outside and then their true self being WAY more different and expressive
(i think this would make more sense if you’ve seen aladdin and if you remember how jafar is like in the movie) (i am also choosing to ignore that ONE scene with jafar and jasmine towards the end iykyk) (and the twst characters shouldnt be considered one-to-one with their disney counterparts anyway but i digress)
also scalding sands event my beloved it might be what actually sold me on him bc things like his little sister reveal and his childhood stories wrecked me
(also also i’m obsessed with his canon dynamic with kalim but that’s another thing altogether)
or maybe it’s not that deep and that i just grew attached for no particular reason 🧍 (and that reasoning in of itself should be completely fine as well if that’s your case! just. like who you like, there really doesnt have to be a reason as long as you enjoy them)
uhhhh in conclusion,,, jamil’s a really complex character tbh i could say so much more about his relatability but i feel like im already exposing myself a lot LMAO and i dont think i can properly articulate with words anyway how deeper his character is beyond my surface level thoughts
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hearts4golbach · 6 months
The Night Shift.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Chapter 24
"we'll wait for more people to join before we start." he squinted, attempting to read the chat.
i sat next to him anxiously. we shared the cameras view. i also leaned in to read the chat.
'omg you two are so cute.'
'heyyyy johnnieee'
'Whats your nameee 😱'
i turned to johnnie, "Am i allowed to answer chats?" i whispered.
"Yeah, of course." he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh, "it's your Q and A."
"Oh, okay," i fidgeted with my fingers. "Well, my name is y/n."
"Send in more questions while we wait." johnnie added.
'that name is kinda ass tbh'
'whats your favorite movie y/n'
'is johnnie a good bf?'
'oo i love your name'
'opinion on sharks?'
'we have the same name!!'
"Hmm," i pondered for a moment, "i think my favorite movie is [favorite movie]. but I like a lot of other ones, too. yes, johnnie is a great boyfriend." i giggled, patting his back. "opinion on sharks? sharks are cool as fuck, i love them."
The chat went by fast.
'are you and jake friends?'
'whats ur fav color?'
'youre seem so sweet wtff'
"hi!" i responded, "yeah, me and jake are friends. my favorite color is [favorite color]. i seem sweet? thank you so much." i placed my hand over my mouth as i smiled.
'johnnie is red as a fuckin tomato rn bro is CRUSHINGGG HARD'
'not johnnie staring at her lolll'
'would you start your own youtube and social media thing?'
I looked towards johnnie, whos face was even more red after being exposed by his own fans. he placed a kiss on my lips, making the chat go fucking insane.
"i probably won't start my own youtube channel, but my instagram is @______." i pulled out my phone to show my instagram account.
"okay, i think we're good to start. im going to be doing my whole makeup routine on her and making her emo." he joked, emphasizing the word emo.
he turned my chair so i was facing him. "im scared. dont kill me, please." i teased.
he rolled his eyes. "Sometimes i do concealer, so we're going to use her concealer all over her face."
as he was blending out the concealer, i looked over to read the chat.
'im stroking my shit rn (im a girl)'
'Are you and tara friends?'
'favorite music artis??'
'opinion on spaghetti'
'Are you going to start recroding some videos with jake and johnnie????'
johnnie began putting black eyeshadow on my eyelid as i spoke. i closed my eyes, "me and tara are basically sisters. my favorite music artist is probably [favorite artist(s)]." i peeked at the chat again, "opinion on spaghetti? fire as fuck, to be honest."
johnnies finger dipped into dark red eyeshadow as i read through more comments.
'do u guys live togetherrr??'
'omg its looking so good!!'
'is johnnie lady gaga'
i squinted my eyes at the last comment, "uh, i dont think hes lady gaga," i turned my gaze towards johnnie. "are you lady gaga?"
"last i checked, im not." he mumbled, his full attention on the makeup.
"yeah, we live together. it was a weird situation," i admitted.
'i cant tell if i wanna be y/n or be with y/n'
'do you like mcr?'
'is there an age gap between you and johnnie? you look so young lol'
as johnnie began putting streaks of eyeliner under my eye, i answered, "well, im 25 and johnnie is 26. theres not much of a gap. also, who doesnt like my chemical romance? my mom always hated me listening to them, though."
'ur mom is weird then no offense'
'fav mcr song'
"my favorite song by them is probably cancer or to the end." i answered as johnnie patted my leg.
"look at the camera, youre done." he smiled.
i did as he said, looking towards the camera for all the viewers to see.
'y/n should be emo fr'
'omggg johnnie she looks so good'
"i know she looks good," his thumb rubbed my thigh.
i pulled out my phone to see myself before taking a photo of me and johnnie to post on my story. "oh my god, i actually love it."
his smile widened. "im so glad." he paused to admire me before turning back to the camera, "were busy the rest of the day, so i think i gotta end the stream here."
i was confused, we didnt have anything else planned for today. the only thing i had to do was work tonight. "bye, everyone!"
'pleaseeee bring y/n back sometime!!'
"yeah, ill bring her back, dont worry." he grinned and held up a peace sign, "bye, guys."
he ended the stream and immediately kissed me, one hand meeting my cheek, and the other snaked around my waist. i leaned in, deepening the kiss.
he pulled away slowly, "i dont want you to be too tired for work tonight."
"youre right." i took a makeup wipe and began to wipe my face off. "i should probably get some sleep."
i got up and crawled into our bed, making sure to save space for johnnie. he climbed in and laid next to me, pulling me close to his chest. i fell asleep to the rhythmic drum of his heart as he ran his fingers through my hair.
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lazorsandparadox · 11 months
Theres probably a guide to this somewhere but i wanted to take a crack at figuring out which shapeshifter illusion came from which party member, because i think some of them are obvious
For the marcilles, i think its pretty obvious which is which. The first one to be discovered is from senshi, since he knows her the least well, and the second one is from chilchuck, since her book included the "spell to turn back time" a remark she made that only he heard. The last one to be discovered was laios's - she had a more accurate spellbook because laios was the only other one who had read it, and she was the only one who didnt have something condemning her for using ancient magic, because laios didnt see it as a big deal.
For the chilchucks, the first to be discovered was from laios, who couldnt recall small details like his scarf, and the second one was probably from senshi, since that one had a really accentuated baby face and senshi has made it very clear that he views chilchuck as a child. The last one was from marcille, who seems to be the closest to chilchuck in the group (theyre always having asides about senshi and laios) so it would make sense that her impression of him would be the most grounded but a bit...cuter i guess?
For the senshis, the first to be found out was, again, laios's, for the same reason as his chilchuck - he just didnt remember the details correctly. The second one was likely marcilles, and i admit my only reason here is that im POSTIVE that the last one is chilchucks. Marcille was the first one to notice the last senshi illusion was off, to which chilchuck responded "hes always looked like that", so it would make a lot more sense for it to have been based off chilchucks impression of senshi than marcilles.
The ones im least sure about are the laioses. I know that the one who looked kind of like falin cant be from marcille because she specifically got mad about that, and the one with the crazed look in its eyes cant be from senshi because senshi doesnt think laios's enthusiasm for monster cuisine is insane. So my best guess is the really big one is from senshi, who knows laios the least well and is also least likely to compare him to his sister (whom he only met for less than a day), the crazed one is from marcille who has the biggest problem with his monster eating, and the falin-looking one is from chilchuck, who likely met the touden siblings at the same time and so thinks of the two of them together by default.
If anyone knows where i can find any official info on this, please let me know! Im interested to see how close i was!
Edit: immediately after posting this i found the official guide lmao. I cant believe i managed to get every one right except for every single laios.
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Now what? 18🟢
Noelle finally made it back to her room, her legs were weak from standing for the last 2 days, she was ready to pass out. On her way in, she caught a glance at Leshy and smiled weakly
“How is everything?”
“Theyre alive, not much else to report”
She said. Leshy nodded and let her go to her room. On the other side, Fernilla was besides herself with grief.
“My goddess…there is nothing you couldve done different”
“Moses! I couldve moved! I could have fought back! Anything!”
“Even if you did, he’d kill you! His hits kill their target. You being a weaker goddess could’ve killed you, thus, Shamura saved you, and if she was fast enough, Heket as well!”
He said. Fernilla still couldn’t get it
“Why did they save me?”
“I…I don’t know…when they gave you that mint, I was honestly suprised. Even their encouraging words to you… like a parent with their child. Maybe it was muscle memory”
He said. Fernilla sighed. She couldn’t wrap her head around it, but she couldn’t sit around. She gets up
“Where are you going my goddess?”
“To the temple, I must pray for Shamura”
“Wait! Isn’t that bad for another god to pray for another?”
“What else am i going to do?!?”
She leaves her room and walks to the temple. It was eerily quiet, only the smell of incense filled the room. Inside was Heket, praying by herself with very silent music playing. She heard the door open and looked at her.
“Fernilla…Why are you here?”
She said. Fernilla hesitated for a moment, her voice barely above a whisper as she responded to Heket's question.
"I'm here to pray for Shamura,"
Fernilla said, her voice quivering with emotion. Heket turns her head
"I know it might seem unusual for one god to pray for another, but I can't just sit idly by after what they did for me. And you as well…”
Heket nodded, her expression softening.
"I understand, Fernilla. Shamura's sacrifice was... unexpected, to say the least. But it showed a side of him we didn't know existed. A softness for a stranger. Come”
Fernilla approached the altar, where a small, flickering flame symbolized the presence of the gods. She lit a stick of incense and began her prayer.
"Great Shamura, you have shown me kindness when I least expected it. I don't know your reasons, but I am grateful for your intervention. Please watch over me, my fellow gods, and this world."
Heket joined Fernilla in prayer, and together, they offered their thanks and hopes for Shamura's well-being. As they prayed, they felt a strange but powerful energy fill the temple, as if their words were echoing through the divine realm itself.
“What was that?”
“You never felt that before? The “God” is pleased with your prayer and has given you comfort”
“That was…a nice feeling”
She said. Heket gives a small smile.
“Naiive goddess…”
She lifts her chin to meet her gaze. Her normally icy gaze is softer now, looking down at the naive goddess.
“So much to learn…so delicate like snow but strong like Ice…”
Fernilla blushed, not sure what to make of that statement.
“Th-thank you…”
When they finished, Fernilla turned to Heket, her eyes filled with determination.
"I don't know what the future holds, but I want to find a way to repay Shamura's kindness, to honor their sacrifice. I can't just sit back anymore."
Heket smiled, her amphibian eyes shimmering with understanding. She doesnt say much, but she appreciated her company. When they both left, they were greeted by Kallamar.
“Sister, Fernilla, Mother has called us”
That was strange, Gaia never calls them this late.
“Its a bit late now, is it important?”
Heket said but Kallamar looked stern
“Its about Narinder”
There was no time to wait for that. They all gathered in the Dining hall, where they were before all of this happened. Leshy joined Heket, Fernilla, and Kallamar. Gaia sat in the seat next to Shamura’s, not wanting to sit in her partner’s spot. It was eerie to have their spot open.
“We have to talk…”
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thisdreamplace · 9 months
hi dream :) I've been worrying a lot about my sister lately, shes a kid (has less than 10 years) and she's seems to be very aggressive now, don't tell us anything that happen in her life, uses her cellphone all the time and has very bad influences as friends (they talk about dating, kissing, jealousy! and one of the friends who she talks 24/7 always talk about k1ll1ng people). Oh and a 15 year boy (fucking pedophile) was texting her on Instagram, even sending hearts.. and she said "hi" (there were many old men following her as well 🤢). She has angry attacks when we (the family) don't do what she wants, and doesnt stop crying. What's your advice for me? We don't know what to do :(. Also sorry for telling all this but I'm kinda desperate yk
hiii <3
tbh, given everything that is happening the best thing you can do for your sister is be there for her. build a relationship with her that is made on trust and care. the thing is that, of course a child acts out this way when they feel their needs arent being met and so, they are getting them met in other ways such as acting out and doing things that are so beyond them. sadly, she is your sister so really it was in your parents' hands to not let her go off so astray, but that's unimportant now as you're asking what can you do. and this is exactly what you can do. show up for her in a new way, and allow the time it may take for that relationship to be built. have fun with her in ways she likes and responds to, and let her see there are people on her side, who truly care for her. don't try to do this by force, get to know her and therefore speak her language. :)
this is my advice coming from someone who has worked with kids... and i have seen first hand children with "behavior problems" be completely different with me by the end because of these small things. because i didnt just yell at them and try to boss them around and control them, but i saw where theyre struggling and decided to show them i'm a person who cares. that i'm a person who actually wants to help them, and not just push them to the side and see them as helpless. i got to know them, and therefore could praise them in ways that actually reached them and disciplined them in ways where they were able to respect me. this takes patience and practice everyday, but as she is your sister, you have a lot of time to do this, instead of like me who only had several months. so i know you can do it. :) she is a child, so don't just look at her what she is going through right now but look at her with all of the love, and faith in who she can be.
i hope this is somewhat helpful <3
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
im all for guys being absolutely in awe of our y/n, that's what my bb girl deserves !! so first hyunjin (yess) to now mINGI HELLO?? GET IT GIRL, SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH PLS WORLD LET HER HAVE HAPPINESS AS WELL 😤
+ i cant WAIT for her to show everyone just how smart she is ! peoples jaws will be dropped, wigs will be snatched and some ppl will be embarrassed af abt things they've said and/or thought abt (looking at u san + gang, u lil bitches)
san going from being such a nice and caring guy to y/n to just using her for sex is making me so sad for her, like san KNOWS what he's done to all these girls including y/n but he just doesn't seem to care (maybe he does and feels shitty abt it who knows)
wooyoung and hongjoong giving y/n the friendship and care she deserves !! and the scenes with seonghwa rly made me tear up, it's such a complicated situation and i get why he's angry, he felt like he lost his little sister to drugs and that she isnt here anymore and is long gone. little does he know, that girl never left and she just wants his big brother back :(
a great chapter, ily and thank u for your work <3
i'm having such an off day and don't know how to respond to half of the msgs in my inbox rn so i'm sorry for all the dry responses i'm just sluggish today 😭
san knows what he's doing with girls and he feels kinda bad but on the other hand he doesnt, he's one of those sad lil bois who got their heart broken in grade school and decided to never trust a woman again (not really but we'll get to that idk)
but thank you so much for reading and for the feedback, have a great day <333
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blackvail22 · 10 months
bro i have been sick as hell these past few days
took a covid test and, well, i have covid!!
the first time ever, too
and now, in about 6 hours from now, i have to call my job and tell them that
i know its not my fault im sick, but we only have, like, one person to replace me... and if he cant work, what then? i think there is a new person, but im the associate that trains people, too. who is going to train her?
i keep writing the script of what im going to say in my head. i keep going over it over n over... nothing seems quite right...
its so difficult to talk to my store manager, too. i mean, im socially awkward in general, but she doesnt respond in ways i can expect? and its difficult to read her facial expressions (if she has any at all), so it stresses me out. i cant understand her lol
and thats not her fault...
but i have to call off (again), but this time, its for five days. oooh my god.
i might just ask to talk to my assistant store manager, but i know shes usually busy when shes not mod... and shes stressed out enough lol
im going to SOB
i think my fear of not being believed is taking a part in my anxiety, too, since my mom never believed i was sick while growing up (i was sick so much it caused me to have a disease in my tonsils and severe sinus issues and allergies) so, i mean!!
everything always ends up back to my mom
kinda crazy
kinda... sad.
off topic, but i find it difficult to talk about my dad to my sister, specifically in a... bad way. shes so close to him that she wont see much, if any, wrong in him, so its generally hopeless lol
like, my dad has always had favoritism towards my sister. he showed up to everything for my sister and paid full attention to it. me? nahh. he'd go *sometimes* or if he had to take me, but he wont pay attention.
it makes me sad that i never really had a parent i could go to. i guess i go to my dad, now, but its not the same. its not. i still have this uncomfortable feeling towards him. or, like, he isnt my dad. i dont know. i just see him in a different light now... idk how to explain it
how did it go from me having covid to me being anxious abt telling my boss to me having daddy issues?
i need to take my concentration medication LMAO
its 2:18am on december 2nd, 2023.
i am v much not okay! and thats okay
i just wish i get some actual sleep and i stop fucking coughing
oh, and for my boyfriend to text me back when he wakes up instead just reacting with a heart to my message
update: i got decent sleep, im not coughing as much, AND my boyfriend texted me back. didnt expect that to happen lmao
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
I have a very weird au request but this just came up to me suddenly. Okay so this is kind of like cinderella au but you have a yandere prince and a little brother.
Okay so your father dies so you are in the hands of you stepmother and sisters. They hate you but they don’t hate your little brother. In fact, they love him, they say he will bring joy in the family because he’s smart and attractive. However, your little brother only adores you. He is civil to them but bery lovely to you. You, of course, got treated like a maid, you wer supposed to be shun away however your little brother pleaded to them to make you stay. He’s well loved but he doesn’t have that power to control the family yet anyway. They treated you as a maid and even made you live in the maid/ quarter’s in the other side of the land. In here, one of the stepsisters was set to marry the prince. There was no ball or anything and they were just set to marry and have the grandest of wedding. But the prince of course was yandere to you. He knew you when you were a child. Ypu were bestfriends. He knew that you were meeting with your little brother every single night in the bushes to just havea moment with him not incest or anything. Your little brother was ordered not to interact with you anymore if he wants you to still live here. The prince knew that so he blackmails you date him or fuck him secretly. You don’t want that. You don’t even like him and you’ll be damned if you got caught. You’ll be dead. 1/2
This literally took so long, I'm so sorry! I had to split it into at least two parts, because my writer's block is killing me hardcore! Also because it's turning into a very long story! When I make part 2, I'll do it by responding to the 2nd part of your ask!
The rest of this ask can be seen as a teaser for things to come, lol!
This is such a detailed idea oh my goodness! I’ll do my best to follow the storyline, but there might be a few changes along the way for my writer’s block! This is SUCH A GOOD IDEA, thank you for blessing me with it! Mwah!!!
Note: Part two is here: https://yanderecrazysie.tumblr.com/post/667458774470148096/so-ofcourse-the-prince-doesnt-care-and-still
Part three is here: https://yanderecrazysie.tumblr.com/post/716483628755042304/hello-i-just-read-coercion-and-was-wondering-if
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Title: Coercion (PART 1)
Pairings: Iwaizumi x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, emotional/verbal abuse from family members, Iwaizumi is going to be an awful person in the next part ngl
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named (Y/n), who was treated horribly by her step-family. A prince fell in love with her but she didn’t feel the same. And only he lived happily ever after.
Note(s): Your stepmother is Madoka (Yachi’s mom). Your stepsisters are Mao (the sassiest Karasuno girl’s team member) and Hana (the manager from Johzenji). Obviously, they’ll be a bit OOC, but I felt like they were the closest I could get. Also your little brother is basically a younger version of Koganegawa Kanji, simply because of the S2 scene with him and Iwaizumi.
I’m sorry I used canon characters but I was tired, please bear with me.
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
The death of your father left you and your little brother, Kanji, in the hands of your stepmother. You had never talked much with her, but she seemed nice enough, if not a bit standoffish.
The moment your father passed, with your tears still falling on the blankets of his death bed, your stepmother stood up, smiled, and briskly walked away. Kanji cried into your shoulder, distracting you from that worrying feeling caused by your stepmother’s smile.
You should have been more worried. Within a week, your life had been turned completely upside down.
Your stepmother completely redecorated the house. It was gaudy and expensive, a costly style your father would have never allowed while alive. You knew your family was wealthy but watching your stepmother buy such pricey items still shocked you.
Originally, you had the largest bedroom, but you were forced to trade bedrooms with your eldest stepsister and move into the smallest bedroom instead. Kanji got to keep his bedroom only because it was “too masculine and boyish for my precious daughter to step foot in” according to your stepmother.
As much as you didn’t like your stepmother, you hated your stepsisters more. Hana, the eldest, was pretty enough, but the haughty and vain attitude she had ruined the image you had of her. As typical as it was for your kingdom’s culture for a mother to be proud of her firstborn daughter, your stepmother took that pride much too far.
She offered backhanded compliments and passive-aggressive comments to you on a daily basis, constantly comparing you to your older stepsister. As much as Kanji tried to stand up for you and console you, your stepmother never apologized or seemed even the slightest bit ashamed of her behavior.
Your other stepsister, Mao, just a bit younger than you, was even worse. She hurled insults at you and did her best to break down your self-esteem, bit by bit. Kanji’s consoling was more welcome than ever after these interactions, Mao’s snarky comments always hitting far too close to home and preying on your insecurities.
On the other side of the spectrum was Kanji. Your stepmother showered him with gifts and your stepsisters always fawned over him, telling him how adorable he was. It made Kanji visibly uncomfortable, as fourteen-year-old boys rarely liked being told those sorts of babying things.
He always seemed to feel so guilty, to see you hated however much you tried to please your stepfamily, while he did nothing and was drowning in their adoration. You loved your little brother, and reminded him that it wasn’t his fault he was so loveable.
But deep down, it hurt you. And you were sure Kanji could tell, no matter how much you tried to hide it.
It all came to a head on one night’s dinner, when your stepmother was talking about the future of her daughters. Not including you, of course.
“Hana, you’ll need to be married off soon, you’re more than old enough. All the village boys are throwing themselves at her, but we’ll only take the best, won’t we Hana?”
Hana made a noise of assent, her mouth stuffed so full with chicken that crumbs dropped down across the table and her lap. You couldn’t help but think it wasn’t very ladylike of her and wondered what poor man would end up with her self-absorbed ass walking down the aisle to him.
“And then you, Mao,” Your stepmother commented, looking at her other daughter, who was using a bone to pick at her teeth, “We’ll find you a handsome, rich man as well.”
“Pardon me, Stepmother?” You piped up, your voice soft and uncertain, “I’m a bit older than Mao, won’t I be married before her?”
She gave you a withering glare, “I don’t care if you get married or not. We don’t need another daughter in this house. We’d be better off if you found a street rat and left us all.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and you looked down at your hands as they fiddled in your lap. To say something like that… It wasn’t that you particularly wanted to be married, but it was tradition. To deny you of that pretty much bordered on the line of disowning you.
Kanji tried to speak up in your defense, but he was quickly cut off by your stepmother.
“It may be quite a few years, but I’m sure Kanji will bring us plenty of fortune. He’s handsome, smart, and talented so, as long as I’m raising him, I’m sure he’ll marry into a rich family as well.” She suddenly rounded on you, “And you? You offer nothing to our family. It’s about time you earned your share.”
Confused and hurt, you asked, “What do you mean?”
“I said it’s about time you earned your share.” Your stepmother talked slowly, as though you were stupid. “One of our maids quit, so you can take their spot. You have no use for this family, so make use of yourself for once.”
“But I’m your daughter!” You insisted, horrified.
“Stepdaughter,” She clarified as Hana snickered at you, “I already have two daughters, I don’t need a third one weighing them down with her stupidity.”
The words stabbed deep into your heart, causing your eyes to water and a sniffle to escape you.
Hana laughed, “Is she really surprised? What a pathetic crybaby!” That comment caused the tears to fall, only egging on Hana’s mocking laughter.
Kanji’s hand slipped into yours and squeezed tightly. As much as you appreciated his consolation, it didn’t help the situation in the least.
You knew that your stepmother would put you to work, but you never could have predicted the extent to which she did so. In a rage, she’d fired several maids, which meant you were expected to take on the jobs of five women. Cooking, cleaning, fixing things… that was just a small portion of what you were expected to do.
Kanji, your precious little angel of a brother, often joined you in your chores. He did his best to help, even if he couldn’t reach any high spots and got tired easily. The extra pair of hands and company meant the world to you, not to mention his shameless ranting about how horrible your stepfamily was made you smile.
Despite hating the obscene amount of chores dumped on you, it didn’t hold a candle to preparing meals. The manor’s chef only worked on weekdays, leaving you to handle food on weekends.
It wasn’t that you were a particularly bad cook, it was the fact that you couldn’t hope to match up to the chef’s talent and years of practice. The flawless gourmet meals weren’t something you could replicate, even if you tried your very hardest, and your stepfamily made sure to drill this into your head.
The combination of a lack of sleep and frustration led to a slipup in the kitchen. You were left staring at a charred dish, one beyond repair. The burned scent attracted your stepmother to the kitchen, and the woman shrieked in fury.
“It’s dinnertime and you’ve screwed it up! Can’t you do anything right? You’ve ruined everything!” Your stepmother raged at you, and, although you shrank away from her anger, you couldn’t help but feel she was being dramatic, “Now we’ll all starve! And it’s all your fault, you useless excuse for a daughter!”
Her words cut deeper than they should and you felt your lip begin to quiver.
“I should just throw you out now!” She screamed, “Shun you from the (L/n) family like you deserve!”
Your heart plummeted and you let out a desperate, “No!” Shunning you from your own family… not only would you be on the streets, but you’d be a disgrace to the kingdom. You’d never get married and you’d be lucky to find a job to take you.
You clasped your hands together, begging through desperate sobs, “Please don’t! I’ll remake the meal, I’ll do anything! Just please-”
“It was my fault.” Kanji stepped into the kitchen, his face serious, “I wanted to try to make a meal for everyone, and I accidentally burned it.
Your stepmother raised a dubious eyebrow, “Then why weren’t you in the kitchen?”
“I went to find you to apologize,” Kanji lied, looking down at his feet, “It was an accident.”
Immediately, your stepmother’s attitude took a 180, “Aww, it’s okay, my son! It was so sweet of you to try! We can wait a little longer for dinner!”
Still, she glared at you, “You should have helped him better. You can stay in the maids' quarters like you deserve.”
You bit your tongue, deciding it was a much better punishment than being shunned and thrown out. You sent a grateful look to Kanji, relieved tears spilling down your cheeks. Your stepmother left you both to retry the meal together.
Your sleep was miserable. Tossing and turning on the stiff mattress left behind by a fired maid. The maids had all stared at you when you entered their quarters, but no one bothered to question your presence.
They all knew how you were treated. Logically, this was just the next step in your torture.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of your punishment.
When you approached the manor in the morning, your stepmother told you the newest rule she had created for you.
“Your failures have obviously affected my son. Therefore, you are not to see him anymore. You can clean the house when he is away at school, but that is the only time you’re allowed inside.”
“What?” You stared at her in horror, searching her gaze for some sort of mercy, “But he’s my brother! You can’t just do this to-”
“Yes, I can,” your stepmother snapped, “and I will. Now head back to your new quarters and do whatever you’d like until I call for you.”
You ran back to the maids' quarters, barely able to see the path through your tears. When you arrived, you collapsed on your bed and sobbed loudly into the pillow. It seemed like the one good thing in your life, your little brother, was now no longer there for you after all.
It seemed that your stepmother’s own rule made her angry at you as well. With you hidden away from the house during the majority of the days and the entire weekends, the house wasn’t as shiny and squeaky-clean as before, when you were doing more work than all of the maids combined.
You worried that your little brother was suffering without you and found yourself wondering if he’d be better off without you. After all, he had to watch you being treated badly by your stepfamily- that couldn’t have been good for the poor boy’s mental wellbeing.
Still, you were secretly pleased when he came knocking on the maids' quarters near midnight.
“What are you doing out here?” You gasped upon seeing him, “Our stepmother will kill you!”
“I don’t care!” Kanji’s voice was filled with bravery and his eyes were steely with determination.
You attempted to whisper to him, only to be called out by one of the elderly maids, “Oh, come in dear. It’s cold out and none of us will tell that wretched woman anything about your visit.”
Kanji happily chatted away to you about his life outside the estate: school, friends, and even his crush. You teased him and he lightheartedly shoved your shoulder, the two of you talking in a carefree way you hadn’t been able to experience in months.
This started a pattern, one that you grew to love. Kanji would sneak over in the dead of night to talk. Although you worried about his lack of sleep, he assured you that he was getting sleep before and after visiting you.
Beyond just talking about each other’s days, you both brainstormed a way to escape the hellhole you once called home. You were an adult- old enough to get a job, despite women being less likely to be employed in most places. However, you were unable to leave the estate.
Kanji reassured you, talking to every place that was hiring on your behalf. He remained optimistic, despite the lack of positive responses. You were grateful to him, but you doubted any employer would take the word of a young boy trying to get his older sister a job.
And even if you were to get a job, how would you get there? How could you work there every day without your stepfamily knowing? Ideally, you would earn enough to move out and get a place of your own, but it was unlikely you could last that long on what was sure to be a meager salary.
“Wake up, you useless cow!” Hana was practically screaming in your ear, prompting you to leap to your feet in alarm.
You stared at her, wondering if you were simply imagining your stepsister standing there. You’d never imagine her to lower herself enough to step foot in the maids’ quarters, especially not in the ball gown she was currently wearing.
“Hurry up! You’re helping the other maids with the feast!”
“I’m not allowed inside. Kanji is home, isn’t he?” You questioned, “And what feast?”
As you tried to think of what holiday or birthday you must have been forgetting, Hana boasted about the special occasion, “Prince Iwaizumi has picked me out of all of the girls in the entire kingdom! We will marry in about a month!”
You weren’t sure what to say, so you settled on a simple “Congratulations.”
The kitchen was abuzz, the maids running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
“Where’s the chef?” You asked.
One of the younger maids nibbled at her nails nervously, “She’s on vacation. That’s why Mistress Madoka called for you. She doesn’t trust us to cook well enough for the prince’s visit.”
You nodded, swallowing back the lump of fear that caught in your throat. Cooking for your stepfamily was difficult enough, when they seemed so impossible to please. To cook for a prince, who probably had a dozen gourmet chefs at his beck and call for the smallest of snacks, was downright terrifying.
If he was displeased with your meal, would he want your head served on a platter instead? Suddenly, you understood why the maid was destroying her fingernails. They were probably under a similar amount of pressure when they were expected to clean every inch of the mansion until it sparkled.
What am I even supposed to cook? What is fitting for a prince? I would stick with a meal I’m best at making, but none are especially fancy. Damn it all, if he doesn’t execute me, Stepmother probably will.
You settled for a simple, yet distinguished meal of spaghetti served with a side of salad. Was it particularly fancy? No. But it was a dish surely everyone liked and it was one you knew you couldn’t mess up. At least, it’d be hard to mess up a simple salad.
You could hear the sound of a carriage pulling up outside, the regal horses snorting as footsteps made their way to the house. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look out the window to see the visitors. Seeing the prince expecting your dinner would probably kill you.
Thankfully, you weren’t expected to serve the meal, a couple maids scooping up the salads and scurrying, pale-faced and trembling, into the dining hall. You couldn’t help but press your ear to the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Your stepmother’s voice was sickeningly sweet, “It’s such an honor for our family, to have such an esteemed and honored young man take an interest in my beautiful daughter.”
“Well, of course he would choose me,” Hana’s voice was laced with vanity, “I’m the most beautiful in the land, of course.”
You heard a noncommittal noise of assent, an unfamiliar, masculine voice. You bit back a giggle as you pictured a wide-eyed prince charming looking desperate to escape the table, regretting his decision entirely. You couldn’t picture any sane prince, or any man at all, standing the very thought of being married to such an egotistical young woman.
“This will, of course, bring honor to both of our family names,” Your stepmother went on, “Our surname, (L/n), has quite an influence to it, you know.”
Nauseous, you nearly pulled yourself away from the wall entirely. It’s not your surname at all. You thought, seething. It’s my father’s. Not yours, you filthy imposter.
“And the riches, of course!” Your stepmother seemed so pleased, ranting on about the future. You couldn’t help but think it was foolish of her to talk about such things in front of the prince, who was planning to marry for “love”.
“Yeah, well…” The man, who you assumed was Prince Iwaizumi, sounded uncomfortable, “I’ve been meaning to ask, may I thank the cook? The meal was splendid.”
Your heart stopped in your chest. It was likely an excuse to get away from your stepfamily (specifically from your raving stepmother), but you weren’t sure you could handle interacting with royalty.
“Oh, I’m sure you don’t need to do that!” Your stepmother tried, but the prince cut in.
“I can do whatever I please.”
Chills rolled down your spine and you considered your options. The only door in the kitchen led to the dining hall, as the staff was meant to stay there until all dinner guests had left, in case they wanted more food prepared.
There was the window, of course, but that was two stories from the ground. If you didn’t land wrong and snap your spine, you’d be badly hurt anyways. Before you could even attempt to jump, the door to the kitchen opened.
Dreading the eye contact, you turned slowly, reluctantly.
The prince was even more handsome than you had anticipated, despite being nothing like the innocent and sweet-looking prince charming you had pictured.
Prince Iwaizumi was ruggedly handsome and looked tough as hell. His muscles rippled under his suit and you had to force yourself not to let your eyes wander across his figure. His deep olive eyes stared at you with such intensity that you felt like he was looking straight into your very soul.
Finally, he opened his mouth, and that deep rumbling voice of his addressed you for the first time.
“(Y/n), it’s nice to finally talk to you in person. I have a deal I’d like to make with you,” A dark smile spread across his lips, “One you won’t be able to refuse.”
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roscgcld · 4 years
GOJO SATORU || pain in the ass
request: gojo and reader are special grades and their parents want them to get married so they could make a strong generation for their family (she doesnt like this and she thinks it's stupid). in the first meeting, they went together to exorcise some curses in mountain (their family asked them to do it together so they can get along), she ignored him bc she thinks he is kind of asshole but gojo keeps teasing her (he thinks her reaction is cute and she looks hot and actually he likes her and thinks getting married with her doesnt sound so bad).
could you make it jsjjdks i keep imagining this in my head and i think it's cute if the reader started to catch feelings too...... btw your writings are amazing i really love them and thank you!!
note: AHAHAHA I LOVE THIS! I am so happy most of us agree that Gojo, as hot as he is, can be an asshole. But this one is v fluffy, and very cute! I tried to cut down on not making it too long cause not going to lie, I always love reading tropes like this! the “annoying-ass-to-kinda-cute’” sort of trope, and I love it cx but here you go babes! I definitely enjoyed writing something like this.
pronouns: she/her
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“Y/N, guess what?”
Y/N’s chopsticks came to a stop as she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to brace herself before slowly bringing her eyes away from the meal before them; meeting her mother’s eyes head on. “What is it, Mother?” She asks the older woman hesitantly, unsure of how to respond when she saw the familiar glint in her eyes - immediately telling her that she was not going to like where the conversation was heading. “Remember how we talked about being in the main family? How, as the oldest child, you need to set an example for your siblings?”
“..yes?” Y/N’s voice was uncertain, which made her mother frown but she didn’t comment any further on it. “Well, your father and I met up with a family recently, who has a son around your age.” The older woman said just as an annoyed sigh was heard, the woman narrowing her eyes at her daughter who sets her chopsticks down quite loudly. “Mother, how many times have I told you that I don’t like this whole arranged marriage scheme you and Father have come up with.”
Before her mother can give her a response, her husband reaches over to grab her hand in his, giving her a soft look before he clears his throat loudly. “Everyone, would you give us a moment?” He asked as he glances over at the rest of his kids, who all gave their oldest sister a concerned glance before they started to make their way out of the room; their mother closing the door after them. Not without giving her husband another look, one that Y/N caught and had her blood boil a little in annoyance.
Once the shoji doors of the dining room were slid shut the older man lets out a soft sigh before he made his way towards his oldest, taking up the zabuton that his son had left empty by her side. Quietly he reaches out to take her hand in his, his rougher hands incasing her own ones that were roughen up by years of combat training; but there was still a certain softness and feminine touch to them. “Princess - you know your mother and I just want to look out for you.” He started off with a tired sigh, to which the younger woman just gave her father a look. “I know you don’t see marriage as a viable route. But you have to remember, not only are you a Special Grade sorcerer, you also come from a strong clan like ours.”
“Yes, yes, I know - but what does my marriage status have to do with this?” Y/N stresses with a frown as she looks over at her father once more. “You and I both know that the elders can be very old schooled. I mean - who still insist on marrying every of age person of as soon as possible?” She ranted with pure annoyance lacing her voice, the older man just listening to her complains with a soft smile. He can’t get upset at her - he himself went on a rant when he was first told of his own engagement during his teen years. “I know it’s sudden and against your wish, but can you entertain your old man once? One meeting, that is all I ask of you.”
At first his words was met with silence, but he just waited for her to slowly but surely give in. Which she did after a few more moments. “...just once.” She said with a tired sigh, causing the older man to chuckle before he leans over to kiss her on the head softly. “But if I don’t like him, I am never going to let you forget about this.” She stated simply as she looks over at her elderly father, who just smiles softly in return. “I am sure you’re going to enjoy his presence. He’s of your age, and a Special Grade sorcerer too. I am sure you two are going to get along just fine.”
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“I am going to murder his dumbass.”
To say Y/N was upset would be an understatement - there were clear waves of annoyance just radiating off the sorcerer. Today was the day she was supposed to meet with her ‘fiancé’ for the first time, and he was not giving her the best first impression. Not only is he half an hour late, he didn’t send anyone to give her a heads up either. So now she was just standing there, tapping her foot impatiently as she glanced at her watch once more. 
They were supposed to meet at the gates of a mountain temple to exorcise some curses that had started to appear around the temple. Hence why she stood by a traditional torii gate, her mood souring with each passing second. She glanced over at the monks who care for the temple and bow at them apologetically, to which they just gave her reassuring smiles and bow back softly as well. “I do apologies for my companion. Seems he still lacks the ability to read a clock.”
“How rude. And here I thought that you’d be excited to meet your future fiancé.” A teasing voice came from behind her, causing her to turn her narrowed eyes back to finally get a look at her fiancé - only to have her eyes widen when she realised just how tall the man was. She gave him a once over, noting his handsome features and white haired style upwards; and how his eyes were covered by a blindfold. He sported a soft grin which he thought might have tell her how apologetic he was, but it just causes her to get more irritated. “I do apologise for making you wait. I had a run in with some pesky curses along the way.”
For some reason Y/N did not believe his words, but she just rolled her eyes before she turned and made her way towards the torii gate, walking on the side like she was taught to do. Quietly she started to climb the stone steps up to the temple, not even caring if the man was following behind her. But she can tell from the footsteps that followed behind her, and soon he opened his mouth once more. “What? No introduction?”
“L/N Y/N.” She stated simply, her hand resting on the beautifully carved katana that rest on her hip as she started to glance about the wooded area; trying to see if she can sense any Curses near by. “Nice to meet you, Y/N-chan. My name is Goto Satoru.” The white haired shaman greeted back with a grin, to which the woman just lets out a soft hum, not necessarily paying attention to what he had just said. But Goto wasn’t deterred, walking a few steps behind her as he watches her walk before him. “You’re the oldest heir of the L/N clan?” 
“Unfortunately.” The woman replied back in annoyance, to which the taller male raises an eyebrow at her response. He can tell that in that sense, they can definitely relate - they were both heirs to clans who are so backwards thinking that they think that they need to find ‘the best matches’ for all of their available heirs. 
If he was being honest, Gojo had no intention of coming to arrange meeting. He wanted to blow it off with some lame excuse, or just flip off his elders when they ask. But something told him that he should just come for the sake of seeing which miserable soul was forced into the same position he was in. And if he was being honest, he doesn’t regret coming to the meeting that much anymore. “By the way, do you consider this to be our first date?”
“If it is, I can definitely say my low standards for the day just reached the floor.” She grumbled before she paused just underneath another torii gate, looking up at the Curse that was wrapped around one of the sides like a giant snake; hissing at them loudly. “How rude.” Gojo replied back with a pout, standing back and watching the woman unsheathes her katana, how she imbed her own Cursed Energy onto the blade; raising a curious brow at just how strong her Cursed Energy was.
Weirdly enough, he finds her not only interesting, but extremely hot. Who wouldn’t find a strong woman hot?
He watches her in silence as she sliced the air before her, the Curse letting out a loud cry of main as it was sliced up into pieces by invisible blades. But the woman didn’t cast the withering Curse another glance as she pushes forward. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” She sighs as she rest her katana over her shoulder, looking back at the man with an unamused look. Gojo instead grins before he follows behind the woman now getting more interested than he was before. “You know, I think you and I are going to get along well.”
“What a pain in the ass.” Was her only answer, causing his grin to widen as he hums to himself whilst following behind the clearly fuming woman. Yeah, he definitely doesn’t regret his decision to come now.
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It wasn’t the first time the both of them were forced to cross paths with one another.
With all that said and done, both Gojo and Y/N were definitely quite the duo. Both of them are Special Grades, and both of them work together almost flawlessly. Even though Gojo is considered ‘the strongest’, Y/N is the more polished and definitely more refined sorcerer; since she had taken her early training. Because of this they balance each other out quite nicely, making them quite the formidable duo. Due to this, they are scent to many missions together, forcing them to spend a lot of time with each other.
Y/N’s first impression on Gojo is that he doesn’t necessarily care about anyone or anything. Yet Y/N can tell that he cares for all of his students with his entire being, and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that they get to experience their youth to the fullest extent. Besides that, he’s also someone who can try and make light no matter the situation. Even Y/N can admit that his snarky comments and sarcastic responses has made her let out a laugh or two.
It wasn’t just that - it was also how, even though they were forced into a union together unwillingly, he tries to make the most out of it. Not only does he show her around Tokyo, since she’s from a town in Kyoto Province - he also made it his own mission to show her all the fun restaurants and dessert cafes all over the city that he himself visits. He also goes out of his way to make sure that her elders are not bothering her too much about when the wedding is going to be. Gojo can tell that Y/N’s elders are pushing for this more than his are, so he did visit her clan’s home a few times to make sure that they weren’t pressuring her about marriage.
Along the way he has met her parents and her siblings, somehow managing to fit into her family unit in a short about of time. Whether it’s playing video games with her younger sister, or rough housing with her younger brother, even bonding with your parents over tea - there was no denying that he somehow manages to get along with everyone. It did make her heart flutter a little, since finding a man who is not only an ease to be around, but also makes the effort to get to know your parents is a rare gem to find. 
On days when they are both free, he would appear and drag her out of her home, begging for her to bring him around her hometown and to the Kyoto School for a visit. For the most part though, he just goes to the Kyoto branch so he can annoy  Utahime, who will turn to you with the most annoyed scowl on her face. “Out of all the men on this planet, you had to choose the white haired menace?” The woman would ask her junior with an unamused scowl, to which Y/N would just apologise wordlessly with a soft one of her own.
If she was being honest, she had no idea that the man she once found annoying become attractive; and was definitely not even sure when she started to fall for him. But she remembers the day when she realised that there was definitely something more she felt for him - it was family game night. Gojo, who had visited Kyoto to handle something, had dropped by with some takeout to share with your family. After a nice dinner, which was filled with laughter, Y/N sat down on the engawa of her family home; smiling softly at the sight of Gojo playing with her younger siblings.
Just the sight of the three of them bonding together, laughing and running around the courtyard that cause a warm feeling to travel through her entire person; a wider and much more sincere smile tugging against her lips. It was when a pair of crystalline blue eyes that seemed to almost glow in the night turn to face her, half hidden behind darkly tinted sunglasses as the owner grinned over at her with such child like happiness that it hit her like a truck.
“Holy shit, I’ve fallen for him.” She whispered quietly to herself as she continues to watch the oblivious trio before her, her cheeks warming the longer she watches him laugh and play with her siblings. If her past her sees her now, she might not be too proud at how they had decided to go against her number one rule - and that was not to fall for the man. 
Now she is never going to hear the end of this any time soon.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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