#and my spanish final also isn’t in so idk what that grade was
theghoulboysblog · 4 months
y’all i just finished finals and all my stress and studying totally payed off!!! 😭🫶 i got a 98 on my english final, a 96 on my psychology final, an 88 on my engineering final, and a 72 on my math final 😭🫶
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purplesurveys · 3 years
surveys by emptyliketheocean
Brand of cigarettes you smoke? I don’t smoke cigarettes, or at least I never buy my own packs.
Should you be trusted with a person's life? Idk, that’s for them to decide.
How's your life in general? I lost two relatives from Covid this week alone. So, not very dandy. Still in shock. Waiting for it to all finally crash down so I can grieve and mourn properly. Scared of more losses and hoping there aren’t any more to come.
Have you ever put lipstick on anything besides lips? I don’t wear makeup, but when my friends have put some on me in the past there were a couple of times they dabbed lipsticks on my cheeks.
Have you ever picked a fight you knew you would lose? Metaphorically speaking, yeah. I don’t get into physical fights.
What's something you think is crazy about the world? The concept of centibillionaires and the fact that there are multiple ones who exist.
What do you think about religion? I think the only upside to it is how it has helped save lives for some and how it serves as a guide for others to spread good in the world. Like if your religion has given you purpose and strength, that’s great. But ultimately, I’m not a fan and I most definitely don’t think religion is necessary to be a kind person. In fact, I think it works the opposite...most of the homophobes, misogynists, pro-lifers, and sexists I know are from the Christian faith. Cringe.
What about when religion causes violence? Well I definitely have a bone to pick with this lol. The only reason the Philippines is predominantly Catholic today is precisely that when the Spanish arrived, they used violence to forcingly convert Filipinos - who were then living in peace with their own culture, government, and religion system - to Christianity. And now we’re ‘celebrating’ 500 years of Christianity in the country this year, which was always so off to me because why are we celebrating colonization lol????????????? But anyway, yeah, that is another issue I have with religion. I want nothing to do with it.
What color is one of your hats? I have an off-white summer hat but I have literally never used it in public because it’s huge and it’s 100% going to draw attention.
How do you feel? My shoulders are sore and I’m feeling slightly irritated because of them. I’m also starting to get a bit hungry.
Have you ever gotten in trouble for laughing? A few times.
Something that makes you smile: Free food.
What do you think about surveys with lyrics as the title? Surveys with random lyrics usually end up being the ones with interesting questions, so I actually am more likely to check it out.
Do you have any clothes with small holes in them? Maybe one or two.
Do you think the way you live is really okay? I think I am already quite fortunate with what I have considering what others don’t, so it’s definitely been a while since I have complained about anything during this whole Covid situation, living-situation-wise. Even though we’ve lost a few things, like having to sell one of our cars and with my mom being retrenched, we still get by and have a roof over our heads with working water and electricity and a stocked pantry; and I make enough money to hand a portion of it to my parents twice a month and still treat myself with things I want. There is nothing to bitch about.
Do you know anyone other than a cop who has ever owned a cop car? No.
Have you ever felt fire? No, but electricity, yes. I’ve been shocked before but that was also my own fault lol.
Have you ever seen a person light themselves on fire? Jesus no.
Have you ever used crutches when you didn't need them? Yes. I used to horse around with Katreen’s crutches when she injured her legs in 3rd grade, when she wasn’t using them.
If you had 15 beers you would be: Dead.
Are you as bored as I am? No, I’m good.
Why are you taking this survey? I feel like it.
What would you say if a person asked you why your face was so messed up? “How do you want me to react?” Easiest way to shut a person up and passive aggressively tell them to watch what they say.
What would you do if your first love asked you back out? Be very confused and ask why the sudden decision.
What's your home life like? It’s very routine, due to having to stay at home. I work a 9–6 on weekdays, follow that up with dinner, and use a few hours to scroll through social media until it’s time to sleep. Then on weekends I use the free time to recharge by taking surveys and watch videos of whoever and whatever I’m interested in at the moment. Just waiting for all of this to blow over so I can finally do the things I’m meant to be doing.
Do you have a talent that you don't do anything with? I don’t write a lot for myself these days. I do write frequently for work, which is great - press releases, event scripts, all your PR essentials - but I don’t get stimulated enough since everything is written in the same tone. I really should pick up a notebook and pen soon...
Do you know anyone that is a lesbian? Yes. Not that she’s in my life anymore.
What do you think about your mom? I think she tries her best. But I wish she were more emotionally in touch. And that she starts being politically correct.
What do you think about your dad? He’s worked hard and continues to, and I appreciate all his efforts; and I can’t wait to be able to buy him all the things he wants.
Which parent do you respect the most? Who do you think? Hahahaha.
Is there anything someone could lie to you about that you couldn't forgive? I suppose, like cheating.
Who do you love unconditionally? My two best friends.
Pick an element. Oooookay? Zirconium.
Have you ever wasted a great amount of time and felt horrible about it? It always feels that way on weekends these days because there’s only so much that can be done while stuck at home because of Covid. But I do try to justify it by telling myself I already work too hard during weekdays so it’s ok to bum around at home and do nothing, because using the time to recharge is still productive. 
What is something that's been said about you that isn't true? My mom has said a lot of hurtful things directed towards me that I internalized for a very long time, but I’ve since gained the strength to no longer let those words get to me.
Who do you want with you when you're scared? Anyone who can be calm while I’m not.
Know any bands that not many people have heard of? Many of the punk bands I listen to are virtually unknown on this side of the planet.
Do you have any advice for people in general? Don’t be racist.
What's something you like to do in the summer? Complain about the heat.
What's something you like to do in the winter? We don’t get winter here, but I’ve always thought I would love snow if I ever saw it, and that I would probably make a lot of snow angels and play snowball fights.
What do you think about marijuana? I don’t have a strong opinion on it as it’s still a very taboo topic where I’m from and I’ve also been lacking on research. I do know people who use it for recreational purposes and I’ve never been against that.
Do you wish anyone death? Just politicians.
Have you ever felt like you weren't getting anywhere with a person? Yes, it felt that way for a long time. I just was too afraid of confrontation to do anything about it.
What do you feel for the person you first fell in love with? Resentment and a whole lot of nothing.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom.
Are you waiting for something? Hmm, not necessarily.
Who is someone you just think has a hole in their brain? People who still think Covid is a hoax.
A candy you like? Gummy anything.
Does any part of your body hurt at the moment? My shoulders and neck, hence the neck pillow I’ve since put on while taking this.
Explain how you got the last bruise you had. I honestly have no clue. I currently have a big black circle on my right thigh that just suddenly showed up, and I can’t recall a time I must’ve hit it somewhere.
Are you tired? A little bit because I got up as soon as I woke up, but I wanted to maximize my free time this Sunday before another work week starts. Last Friday would be our last non-working holiday in a while and we’re not getting another one until August. :(
Explain how you got a scar you have. A distant cousin hurled a glass jar towards me when I was 3, during a family reunion. He initially went for my eye because I guess he wanted to blind me, but he missed and ended up hitting my eyebrow instead. My mom has since banned him from talking to me ever since, and I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him since the incident.
Have you ever owned anything illegal? Illegal copies of movies I’ve torrented, sure.
What do you dream about? The most random scenarios. I’ll get the occasional nightmare, but those only happen when I’m going through a period of depression.
Do you ever daydream? Not anymore these days.
How do you feel about vegetarians? I don’t really think anything of them. There are days I’ll particularly feel for them because there aren’t a lot of restaurants with good vegetarian options where I live, though.
A fruit you like: Avocado, in very limited options.
Have you ever seen a person eat a bug? Only bugs that were already prepared a certain way and meant to be eaten; but I’ve never seen a person that just picked up a bug off the ground and went straight to chewing. I imagine I would freak out and gag.
Something you worry about too much: How much is in my bank account.
How do you feel about smoking? I hate how the smell clings to your clothes and all your things when you’ve been smoking or when you’ve been around people who smoke. I also wince when people pose with their cigarettes just to look badass and cool; but as someone who’s since picked up vaping as a habit, my once-intense hatred for smoking and smokers has since changed lol.
If you had to move out of state, where would you go? I would move to a big city. Somewhere noisier and with a lot of lights and foot traffic and general activity.
What is your favorite vampire-related movie? The Twilight Saga hahahahahaha
Is there a person you keep coming back to? My best friends, I guess?
If you're listening to music...Give me a lyric from the song you're listening to. I’m not listening to anything.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Hajar just went on ig live with @turistaentupelo and I translated some of the stuff I could remember off the top of my head, here it is:
It was a general interview that TuristaEnTuPelo has been doing with people who are quarantining, so it wasn't all necessarily about Skam España.
This is some of the stuff that jumped at me, but it was an hour long.
She said as a kid she identified with characters that people saw one way but weren't the same way in the inside. She mentioned specifically Piccolo from Dragon Ball, Shrek and Beast from Belle and the Beast. She said she would sing the Spanish translation of Beauty and the Beast at the top of her lungs, which talks specifically about being beautiful in the inside.
She said her parents have been living in Spain for 27 years, and she was asked whether her parents have felt "embraced" in Spain. She said her parents don't really talk about that sort of thing all that much, but they weren't looking to feel embraced, they just wanted to get jobs and provide for their future kids, make sure they got a college education etc. And that it's now that the children are most of the way grown that her parents have started to seek that acceptance from work colleagues, neighbors, etc.
Her first memory was playing on the beach (on the sand) in Casablanca.
If she could fuck and kill anyone without them knowing, she'd kill Trump and fuck Harry Styles.
If she could bring anyone back to life, she'd choose her grandmother.
She was asked what was the first time she was othered. She said in first grade, all the kids from her kindergarten went to the same elementary school. The first day, the teacher looked at her and asked her why she wasn't in the group with the people who were still learning Spanish. And she was confused because she asked her and not any of the kids who came from the same kindergarten.
She kind of explained that she knew her family was different but when she was out of the house she felt the same as the other kids, but that's when she realized people didn't see her as the same, they saw her as different.
She also mentioned it was hard to explain this to her relatives in Morocco because they came at the issue from two very different languages Both languages are different in syntax/emotions/etc. and so they couldn’t really get each other. So she’s mostly talked about it with her siblings.
They talked about whether faith is compatible with feminism, and they both agreed faith is compatible with feminism, but religious institutions themselves aren’t really, because men have access to the most powerful roles. She said the patriarchy is a pox!
She said she expects her acting career to be short, but intense. And she seeks jobs with a bit of substance to them, and one of her red flags is when she's asked about her hair (length, color) in auditions, because she has noticed that people who ask about her hair don't tend to want to listen. She said that she has a different perspective to offer (as an actress), so if people don't want to listen, then there isn't much point.
She talked a bit about the criticism Amira Naybet initially got from the Muslim community, specifically that she'd attend street drinking parties even if she herself didn't participate. And how the Muslim community in general has been hurt by media portrayals, so sometimes people want the rep to be 100% model minority and she thinks playing a perfect character wouldn't be relatable.
She mentioned she was nervous at first about how she presented herself on social media/interviews since she's the first hijabi actress in Spain, but she's learned to manage it. TuristaEnTuPelo said she should just be herself and she was like, "Yeah but I'm the first one. If there were others like me I wouldn't give a fuck, but there's no one else like me right now."
There was a confusing part where TuristaEnTuPelo said he wouldn't find it incoherent of her if she was a hijabi irl and she took roles where she didn't wear hijab and she sort of said there are options? Like she could play a robot and wear a robot head, or... idk. (Ways not to show her hair.) But that overall Islam is a 24/7 thing for her, not something she takes on and off. She adjusts her life to Islam rather than the other way around.
They talked about Elite and she said characters like Nadia aren't wrong per se, in that they exist, but they're the only story that gets told. The girl who falls for a white guy and he asks her to run away to Norway (lol), and she's like, "finally I can take off my hijab!" And because this is the only story that gets told it creates an expectation that she herself is waiting for a white guy to ask her to run away together so she can take off her hijab.
She said it actually is a lot of mental/emotional work to wear hijab because everyone has an opinion about it, and so after all that work she's not going to take off her hijab for any guy.
Re: Skam specifically. They had to stop shooting because of coronavirus, but she is really happy with everything they shot, she said the season starts intense (like it hits the ground running I'd guess?) and that she's particularly excited about Amira's family and what they're like and how Amira acts around them.
She also mentioned that Amira is very organized and responsible and that Hajar at her age was more about diving in head first with everything.
She was first contacted by the casting people because they'd noticed she wore hijab and she had 10K followers, so she kind of seemed like she must know what she was talking about but was also trendy and cool. She was contacted to be a consultant for the Amira character, and she was asked if she knew anyone in the 16-20 age range to apply. And she was like, ".......... how about me? :D?" She was 21 (almost 22 but she didn't mention that lmao) at the time. And she was asked to come in to see if she didn't look too old next to the youngest actors in the cast. So she made herself up like her teenie sister and wore her teenie sister's clothes, and it worked! (The casting people thought she was 27-28 based off her ig.)
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concertcs · 4 years
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hey guys 🥰💌✨🥺💘🌈 it’s me again !! ur old pal hannah !  n this is my angel child tito <3 welcome to loving tito hours <3 
okay so before i jump into this, as a disclaimer i just finished finals week for a 17 credit semester so my brain is just like. tv static and evermore on loop. so if ur looking for an actually well-written, cohesive bio n stats n other fun stuff u can find that in my app which i did in fact write Prior to finals week !  okay on with the show !
okay so tito is the second child born to luis n angela rosario n the younger sibling of sebastián n tbh i know im biased but i love the rosarios sm 🥺 luis was an aspiring musician n angela worked 3 jobs to support them n they had a rly happy life together for a little while :/
tito first got into music when they were in first grade n their music teacher señora coco stayed after school to teach him how to play the piano n they loved it !!  luis was Thrilled bc he swore from the day tito was born tht they were destined to be a musician with him n thus began the dream of the two of them would be a successful father-son duo one day <3
spoiler alert: it did not happen 💔
(death tw) luis was killed in a drive by shooting when tito was 15 😔 n it was rly hard on them 😔 they stopped playing music altogether n definitely went through this moment where they likely pushed away Everyone bc so much of their grief manifested as anger 😔 (end tw)
it didn’t last forever !  but !  the minute that he started to kind of regain his footing, angel was like hey we’re leaving the city !! let’s go !! n tito was like no 💖 bc they wanted to stay in la and salvage what they could of their dad’s dream... so they did
they also went to community college !!  which was when he started to rly start to feel like himself again 🥺 but once they graduated they started working at this radio station to get their foot in the door n it backfired bc they’ve been stuck there for 3 years now... so sorry to them
the day that tito found the killer conclusions cd was actually their 3 yr anniversary exactly which was exactly as depressing as u think it is :/  so to cheer himself up they went to the thrift store for a blind date with a cd which was this tradition that his dad created for them when tito was little (ngl it makes me emotional i wrote a longer thing abt it in my app) n basically told tito that if you picked the most nondescript cd you can find then you’re not being biased n youre just letting the music find you 
and ofc !  as we all know tito’s fate is to get haunted by our fave ghost band !  and here we are !
so that’s the sparknotes version of his bio sdfkdjs here are the hcs i wrote in my app bc i think they say a lot abt him <3
so tito grew up listening to a lot of his father’s favorite latine artists, n luis’s favorite is .. ofc… ricky martin bc he’s from puerto rico and livin la vida loca is a bop !  but tito’s own personal favorite artist is selena. the first Real Song that they ever learned (as in not hot cross buns or twinkle, twinkle little star) to play on the piano was dreaming of you, which is one of his two favorite selena songs to this day. it’s tied with amor prohibido <3
tito loves to dance n they are absolutely shameless about it. they grew up watching their parents samba in the kitchen n he was immediately like Okay Me Too. are they a particularly great dancer? no ❤️ but that does not deter them n what they lack in technical skill they make up for in enthusiasm
very, very, very much a Disaster Gay with the emphasis on disaster. like he Does Not know how to talk to boys at all n gets very flustered n nervous when he does . especially bc i think this is a pretty recent development for them. as in like .. within the last 5 years n it probably took him a long ass time to work their way through bc like. they were a little busy trying to figure out their relationship with gender
which! speaking of! they always knew that they didn’t 100% connect with being a Boy, like… the same way that he could say that he liked green beans sometimes, or they only wanted pepperoni on their pizza sometimes, he only felt like a boy sometimes. it wasn’t that they felt like a girl the rest of the time, though. they just didn’t have the words to describe what they felt like the rest of the time — not until they took their first gender studies class at community college. finding out that there was a community of people who were like him was a huge weight off of their shoulder n also kind of marked the point where they could start figuring out their sexuality
i think tito has a very Cozy home but like .. they just embody a lot of coziness to me in general. he definitely has a lot of plants, n 100% of their furniture n decor are thrifted but he’s a cancer so we know tht means their home n making sure they’re comfy there is very important
tito is very very Very fiercely protective of his people n you have to definitely prove yourself in order for them to let you anywhere near his people. like when the ghosts first showed up they absolutely had to earn their trust before they would let anyone go near like.. allegro mainly. perhaps nocturne also had to win his trust before tito was like Okay with them being around the ghosts bc ksdjfds he’s a cancer at heart n has an unbearable amount of love to give
king of emojis tbh djfksdj i genuinely don’t think he knows how to send a text without an emoji unless they’re like.. actually rly upset.. but Usually big on emojis. every time that he gets the chance to say “no ❤️'' their soul leaves their body a little bit in excitement
tito’s favorite season is winter and every single year when it rolls around they’re devastated that it’s too warm in california for it to snow 😔 he’s never seen snow in his life but he loves it n is very determined to see it one day 
he’s a Can’t Drive gay 😔 but they grew up in the city so what do we rly expect from him? if we’re being honest with ourselves? nothing! instead they skateboard wherever they can n take the subway wherever they can’t <3 n is very jealous that ghosts don’t need subway cards
when they do happen to go on drives However they are the world’s greatest passenger seat dj .. n Yes it is a very elaborate radio show setup complete with regularly pausing for radio host talk show segments, calling in requests, and made-up giveaway games
they play the piano n the guitar n that’s all right now but i think he would Love to learn a new instrument they just never had the resources or the time 
speaking of music… it is definitely kind of on hold right now as far as actually performing But i think they definitely try to do little open mic night things when they can… perhaps he tried to push for the bar he works at to have an open mic night? idk <3 but even when playing music in public isn’t an option they’re always writing songs (or trying to) at home, usually in the late hours of the night after an evening shift at the bar 
i think tht he definitely still Does speak spanish but like. not as much with other people anymore after their dad passed away. partially bc luis was the primary person who spoke spanish w tito.. angela only spoke english.. so like once he was gone they didn’t really have a reason to speak it.. but Also even when he Does have a chance to i think it feels a little too much like it’s reopening the wound in a way tht tito just tries to Avoid
fictional characters tht inspired tito? julie molina kdsjfdsk <3 also miguel from coco n Honestly both julian And yadriel from cemetery boys
okay im so sorry for all the words <3 if ur still reading this thank u pls message me on discord let’s plot <3
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excorcismic · 4 years
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you ever have that one muse that’s just like . . . no matter how many characters you play , not matter how much time goes by , you will never get sick of writing that muse & they’re such a huge comfort character and mean the world to you ?? YES , that’s me with miss zelda here . i . . . love zelda ( the character and the series ) with every fiber of my being and after a lot of debate i finally decided i’d bring her here !! i’m doing leon’s intro next and will try to get to replies ( want to get down zel’s intro soon but i’d like to plot things first ) afterwards but pls pls pls here’s a detailed plotting call for my princess !! pls like / react if you’re interested - or let me know if we’re already plotting !!
IN A CANON NUTSHELL : so this zelda is the princess from the masterpiece known as breath of the wild - one hundred years before the events of the game , she was kind of the ‘leader’ of the champions , a group of people who were tasked to aid in protecting hyrule once calamity ganon rose again . link , who was also a champion , was assigned as her personal knight - in the beginning . . . she did not like him for the fact that he seemed to have everything under control and she didn’t . why ?? well , zelda , from birth , was told she had to unlock a power in herself that would potentially save hyrule from the calamity , and for some reason , no matter how hard she tried , she couldn’t do it . and she was mad at herself for feeling like a failure when she was put under an intense amount of pressure from her father & the prophecy - even called the heir to a throne of nothing because of how no results came from her ceaseless prayers . EVENTUALLY , her powers would reveal themselves . . . but only after the calamity arrived , all of the champions had been downed ( save for link , on the verge of death ) , and all seemed lost . but she would use her power to protect hyrule & keep the calamity contained inside hyrule castle until link would awaken and finish him off .
IN AN ALUCARD NUTSHELL : so zelda . daughter of a preacher ( father ) & a lawyer ( mother , now deceased ) , always expected to be the picture perfect child hence why she never got much of a chance to have a break from endless studying & extra things . she’s always been a straight-a student , has done fencing since she was a child , trilingual in english spanish & mandarin chinese , now a star college student majoring in biology ( her own choice , because she loves science ) and minoring in law ( because her father wants her to be a lawyer like her mother & she uhh hates it ! ) she’s seen as ‘little miss perfect’ because she can do so much and never seems to do any wrong but zelda is uhhh sick of that and is actually now trying to rebel against her father and throw herself into trouble . since lowkey all of this shit is killing her and she wants to breathe freely . she’s trying to do what she wants to do hence why she’s majoring in bio instead of law , working at the local florist instead of taking a law internship , actually trying to pursue a social life outside of the people her dad approves of . that stuff . she’s basically a genius who wants to say ‘fuck u’ to the people telling her what to do and go on her own path and i think that’s sexy .
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so zelda . given her situation ?? there is so much to work with . lemme spout off these ideas bc i’m so fucking excited .
firstly - people who know about her little miss perfect reputation and either dislike her or are intimidated by her for it . zelda isn’t a snob in the slightest but with someone who does as much as she does it’s only natural to assume she is . but she isn’t , i promise ; she hates that being her epithet .
kind of building off the idea of people knowing abt her whole ‘lmp’ thing - i’d love some folks who actually entertain zelda’s desires to break away from that and take her out to do rebellious shit or something like that !! because zelda wants to get the fuck out she hates it here .
some who encourage her and some who do the opposite - ‘you can do it, don’t be scared’ vs. ‘you really don’t belong here so go back to your books and pencils’
maybe ppl who hold zelda to some sort of pedestal bc of her reputation ?? which is equally as bad to her - she’s lowkey crumbling under all these expectations and she’s amazing but to be seen as someone . . . above other people , she doesn’t like that at all .
also those folks who in any grade of school rly have tried to exploit her need to get good grades & genius to their advantage aka if i pair up with the smart kid we’ll get an a guaranteed . can be anywhere - could’ve been in the past or could be now . 
CLASSMATES in general . from elementary , middle school , high school for the past , and now college classmates .
study buddies !! study buddies that zelda either vibes with immensely in terms of how she works or butts heads with them . her way of thinking is both incredibly organized but also all over the place . she can be either very easy or difficult to work with .
gimme some school rivals or equals aka ppl that zelda’s on par with in terms of intellect/grades and either they fucking hate each other or make a pretty good team . maybe both ! put the smart ppl in a room together and see what happens .
also want to clarify this can be on both the bio or law side for any of these college-based connections bc zelda is taking both she’s just . way more passionate about biology than she is law .
OLD FENCING TEAMMATES OR RIVALS PLEASE yes she is still fencing to this day and she’s awesome at it . she’s got a shitton of medals and she actually likes it but it’s another thing that was forced upon her since she was young .
her dad is a local preacher so by nature she’s always expected to be at church so ppl who know her as the preacher’s daughter/from church bc imma keep it real zelda ain’t that enthused abt that religion either but again . once again have to fill father’s expectations . one day tho she’s just gonna stop showing up .
i’d like maybe a social circle who zelda’s father approves of ?? like , friends who zelda has but they’re more so just bc that’s what mr. king wanted . i’d also like a partner/ex-partner to fit this description aka zelda’s not rly that into it or was into it bc it was again . kinda just ‘i’m just dating you bc my dad approves of you’ kinda deal and maybe she tried but overall . didn’t/doesn’t work .
i also , though , like the idea of a social circle who zelda’s father would never approve of and she hangs w/ them bc maybe she likes them or maybe she also just wants to prove a point . maybe she dated someone for this reason too - just the whole spectrum of ‘what dad wants vs. what dad wasn’t’ bc pissing off her dad is kind of a major goal at this point .
so maybe regular customers of the flower shop she works at - she just . zelda rly loves flowers & nature ( and again science as a whole , especially life science hence biology ) and she can go off on so many tangent about flowers please talk to her about flowers . maybe even bring her some flowers too jk unless
i’d rly find it awesome if zelda had some ppl who maybe liked her enough to follow her when she goes out just studying things and listen to her bc she loves to talk about her passions - she likes taking hikes and trips out into nature or the botanical gardens and stuff like that to do studies / experiments of her own . she likes museums , gardens , the outdoors - zelda loves knowledge and learning about things and if someone just kept her company while she did so that’d be awesome .
i’m a sucker for canon parallels with non-canon characters so . maybe a relationship that doesn’t rly have any specificity in what portion of zelda’s life ( school , father approved social circle , father disapproved social circle , night life etc etc ) but mirrors her relationship with link in breath of the wild - for whatever reason , zelda and this other character are around each other very frequently and the beginning for some reason she is very put off by it but then comes around and eventually this muse , they become extremely closer with her and important to her . in any way !! idk if it’s platonic or romantic but , in rps like this that’s lowkey my jam but it works the best with miss zelda
AS ALWAYS - friends ! enemies !  former crushes ! exes ! gimme anything and all !! the princess of hyrule is AT YOUR SERVICE and i’m so excited to write her . i love her .
and now . . . onto leon’s intro i hopefully go .
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lyssismagical · 5 years
For the request thingy, Peter failed a test (somehow) and he feels shitty but Tony comforts him. Idk I just need IronDad fluff Also you're an amazing writer, and all your stories are so good like every time you update I stop whatever I'm doing and read it
Thank you so much!! Hope this suffices! 
The red ink glared back at him like it was going to jump out of the page and murder him on the spot. 42% on their Calculus test. 
Granted, it wasn’t technically his fault. When they did the test, he’d been sleep-deprived after four days of never-ending patrols on top of homework, training with the Avengers, and Lab nights with Tony. Plus, he hadn’t had the time to eat breakfast, so he was struggling to keep his rumbling stomach under control. 
It wasn’t really his fault he failed the test, but if he had just studied a little longer or he had ignored the bank robbery and left it to the police. If he had just tried harder, he would’ve passed. He knows calculus. He’s good at calculus. But after this test, his grade will drop to an 80, dropping his average down from 96 to 89. He’d be a failure. 
How could Tony Stark’s personal intern have an average of less than 90? 
“You’re overreacting, man,” Ned says, hiding his perfect test score inside his binder as they walk out of class. 
“Says you. I failed a math test, Ned. May and Tony are going to kill me for this,” Peter groans. He knows he’s overreacting. He knows Ned’s right. But he doesn’t care. It’s been a long week, even longer than the week before his calculus test, and his grades are suffering for it. 
Juggling a STEM school, Academic Decathlon, Lab Nights with Tony, Spider-Man, and helping May around the house, isn’t as easy as it used to be now that they’re nearing the end of the semester. Only one more month and teacher’s are getting strict. Plus, the crime rate escalates every year around the holidays. 
“You’re acting like a drama queen, Parker,” MJ says, walking a few paces behind them like she still doesn’t want to be seen by them. “You have the highest GPA in the school. One test grade isn’t going to kill you.”
Peter’s thinking it might. 
He finds himself sitting on a rooftop in the city after Karen stops reporting crimes to him. For once, Queens is quiet. 
Peter isn’t as lucky. 
His head won’t stop screaming about how much of a failure he is. He can’t get the number out of his head. 42%. 
“Incoming call from Tony Stark,” Karen informs sweetly. 
“Accept it,” Peter sighs, kicking his feet childishly over the edge of the rooftop. “Hey, Mister Stark.”
“I’ve just gotten back from my long week of meetings in the UK and went to check your suit usage from the week. Turns out, the Spider-Baby has been out until four in the morning almost every night. I say almost because two nights ago, you stayed out will six.”
Failure, echoes in his head. Mister Stark knows it. 
“I’m sorry,” Peter murmurs, pushing down the bubble of anger that swells in his chest. He’s tired of feeling so overwhelmed. He’s tired of feeling tired. 
“Don’t be sorry, kiddo,” Tony’s quick to say. He sounds tired too. “You wanna swing by the tower? Haven’t seen you in a week and I never thought I’d say this, but I’m starting to miss Disney movies.” 
Peter can’t help the smile, but it’s gone almost as quick as it came. 
“I have to tell you something first,” he blurts. He doesn’t want to go all the way to the tower just to have Tony find out about his failure and have to come all the way back out. 
Peter knows Tony’s wearing his signature sad smile just by his tone of voice. 
“You can tell me anything, kiddie.”
“I failed my calculus test.” Even saying it out loud is enough for the tears to well up in Peter’s eyes. Tony’s going to take the suit and yell at him and tell him never to go back to the tower again. Because he’s a failure. He’s stupid and a failure. Why would anyone want to spend time with him? 
There’s a long stretch of silence, filled with the sounds of crickets and distance traffic.
Before Tony goes, “Oh, kid.�� In the most sympathetic voice Peter’s ever heard. 
“I’m sorry,” Peter cries, breaking underneath the sympathy. “I’m- I’m a failure. I’m so sorry. You can- You can take my suit, I understand. I should’ve- I should’ve tried harder.”
“Come to the tower, Underoos. We’ll talk when I can actually see you in person. I don’t like listening to you cry over the phone when I can’t comfort you,” Tony says. “But be careful. I don’t want you slipping and falling.”
Peter doesn’t understand. Is it a cruel joke? Make him go to the tower just to Tony can humiliate him further in person? 
But he does as told. 
He swings his way to the tower and slides through the specially made Spider-Man entrance into the lab. 
Tony’s sitting on the couch, head in his hands. There’s a cardboard box of papers in front of him. 
“Mister Stark?” Peter calls anxiously. His tears have dried up, but his voice is still hoarse and thick with emotion. 
“Come sit, Pete.” Tony lifts his head and pats the spot next to him on the old dark blue couch. “Obviously, we have to talk.”
“I’m so sorry, Mister Stark! I just- I’m as disappointed in me as you are. I understand if you don’t want to have Lab Nights anymore or if you’re going to take the suit or-”
Tony pulls Peter into his side, effectively cutting off Peter’s rambling. 
“Everyone has bad days, kid. Everyone fails a test at least once,” the billionaire explains, patting the edge of the cardboard box. “I found my high school tests my father kept. The ones on top are the ones I failed the worst.”
There’s everything from Physics to Spanish to Trigonometry in the box. And there’s everything from near passes like Peter’s 42 to one’s where he managed to get every question wrong. 
“Nobody’s perfect, Pete. Not even me. Most of the time, these were after strings of bad days where I was tired and unwell both mentally and physically. Sometimes I tried to do them while totally wasted. Everyone makes mistakes, but, and this is the important part, I’m not going to kick you out or take your suit. And I’m certainly not going to be disappointed in you.”
“But my average is dropping to-” Peter tries to argue, pulling away from where he’d been buried in Tony’s sweatshirt. 
“I don’t care,” Tony says, shaking his head. His eyes are shining with pride, something Peter worried he’d never get to see again. “In my Junior year, first semester, I had a 23 average because I didn’t show up to my classes and didn’t do my work. I can one-up you on failures any day, Pete. You’re trying your best and that’s all I could ask of you.”
The teenager’s shoulders finally slump in acceptance and he falls heavier against Tony’s chest, sniffling into the fabric of his old sweatshirt. One of Tony’s arms wrap around his shoulders in response, the other shifting to run a steady path through his messy curls. 
“You need to remember to take breaks, okay?” Tony continues. “You’re juggling a lot and I want you to remember that Queens can take care of itself without Spider-Man, okay?” 
“Shh,” Peter slurs in response. “’M sleeping.” 
Tony laughs quietly, shifting to make sure Peter’s secure and comfortable against his side. “Okay, Spider-Baby. Get some sleep. I’ll let May know you’re here.” 
“Night, Mis’r S’rk,” Peter murmurs, curling a hand into the fabric of Tony’s sweatshirt like a child would. 
“Night, kiddo. I’m so proud of you. No matter what.”
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dancerstudying · 6 years
first semester: grades + some thoughts
hi friends! so, I just finished my first semester of college (aka university to those of you not in the US). after a week of finals and lots of stress, I’m now at home, safely ensconced in the couch doing as little as possible. however, final grades were due today, so I thought I’d take a moment to run through what my grades were and kind of reflect on them. I wanted to do this both bc I thought it could give people a better idea of the transition b/t high school and college grades-wise, and also as a record for myself.
a note/disclaimer:
if you don’t want to know what my grades were, you don’t have to read this! I’m not trying to brag and I don’t want this to be something to compare yourself to! everyone is on their own path and has their own definition of success -- a bad grade for me might be a great one for you, and vise versa.
also, this will probably get pretty long. grab a snack.
some background about grades in the US
grades are given on a scale from A to F, with A being the best and F being a fail (we skip E tho idk why). grades are based on a combo of exams, quizzes, assignments, and essays, with the specific percentage/which of these counts determined by the professor. this varies from school to school or even from class to class but generally the scale is
A: >93.3%
A-: 90-93.3%
B+: 86.7-89.9%
B: 83.4-86.6%
B-: 80-83.3%
ok I’m tired of typing things out but you get the point. this pattern continues in the 70s for C and the 60s for D. usually anything below a 60 is an F (fail) but again this can depend. some classes are graded on a curve, where the grade boundaries are moved either up or down so that the majority of students get a B-/C+, which is supposed to be the average. this prevents grade inflation and also helps you out if the class is very difficult and test averages are in the 50s or 60s (pretty common for classes like organic chemistry).
some background about my grades in high school
I feel like this info is important for context and also to give an idea of the academic level I generally operate at (okay that sounds v pretentious). anyway, it’s pretty generally expected that you can expect to see a drop in your grades from high school to college. this differs based on a ton of things, but almost everyone experiences it so it’s totally normal and to be expected! anyway, I went to a fairly competitive and well-ranked public (government funded) high school, and I grew up in a well-educated university town, so I felt I was pretty prepared for college. I took mostly AP/honors courses and ended with a 3.95 GPA (unweighted) when I graduated. basically, I was almost a straight A student with a few Bs in there (thanks to pre-calc and AP Spanish). 
I’m now at a fairly selective school, though not anything close to the Ivy League -- I think the acceptance rate for my class was 17-18%. of course, selectivity is not a great indicator of how difficult classes are, as many selective schools (particularly Ivy Leagues) have rampant grade inflation.
my majors are neuroscience and dance and I’m on a pre-med track.
anyway, let’s get down to the nitty gritty: my grades this semester.
early modern England (3 credit hours): A- 
I took this course because I placed out of introductory writing but still needed a writing-intensive course and it seemed interesting enough. honestly, it was much more difficult than I expected. I consider myself a fairly good writer, but the professor I had for this course was a tough grader for papers. I did manage to get an A on my final paper which was a victory. after easily getting all As in writing and history classes in high school, an A- is a little hard to accept. however, I worked really hard in this class and am honestly satisfied with my grade as I know most people do not do as well in this class. it was also a 2000 (sophomore level) class, so I was definitely being challenged.
intensive ballet IV (3 credit hours): B+
so, this is my lowest grade. at first, I was really disappointed by it, but it is a 4000 level course (mostly juniors and seniors) and we’re graded based partially on skill, so I have to accept it and move on and just hope to do better next semester as I’m taking ballet IV again. I know I could have worked harder in this class so I’m not going to complain about it, just learn from it and try to improve.
intro to cell & molecular biology (3 credit hours): A
this is probably what I’m proudest of. this class is known for being a true weed-out course for pre-meds and most people just hope to pass, but I got an A! it feels especially good because I know I worked hard for it and didn’t just skate by on natural intelligence. I also hadn’t taken biology since freshman year of high school so there was a steep learning curve. I didn’t just do well, I honestly learned so much and doing well in this class confirmed for me that pre-med is the right choice.
general chemistry I - lecture (3 credit hours): A-
I have such a complicated relationship with chemistry, and honestly, I’m really glad I’m done with this class. I hate to blame professors but sometimes you just get a really bad one and this was one of those cases. his lectures were extremely disorganized and he didn’t explain things clearly at all. it’s partially my fault that I didn’t get an A, though, as I definitely could have put more time and thought into studying, especially for the final. it was just so hard to stay motivated when I could barely follow lectures. I have to take gen chem II next semester but thank god I have a different professor.
general chemistry I - lab (1 credit hour): A
not much to say about this one. I’m happy to have gotten an A since it really intimidated me at first -- lab in college is way more serious than in high school. I learned how to write a proper lab report which is an important skill as a science major.
honors colloquium (1.5 credit hours): A
I loved this class soooo freaking much. everyone in the honors program has to take a first year seminar and I chose one about modernism and if it’s still relevant to the contemporary world. it was also a discussion based class which I love and I got to write my final paper on literally any topic I wanted and how it was related to modernism (mine was about the modernist search for identity in The Handmaid’s Tale, and I’m so proud of that paper, especially considering I wrote it the day it was due). anyway, not a super hard class, but still proud of that A.
urban sociology (3 credit hours): A
another class which I loved. I found it kind of easy as it was mostly memorization of concepts and theorists and I have a good memory, but I did put more effort in than I would have to an “easy” class in high school, and was rewarded by getting 100% on the final! would highly recommend sociology to literally anyone -- I’m taking another sociology class next semester and am considering a minor in it.
dance company (1 credit hour): A
this is like, not a real grade because dance company isn’t even a real class -- it’s just on my schedule so I can get credit for performing in the fall dance show. I’m pretty sure everyone who shows up to rehearsals and performances gets an A. regardless, I’m happy for the boost to my GPA.
so that’s it! overall, I ended with a 3.7925 GPA. I have to confess that it is slightly lower than I would have liked, but I’m overall happy with my efforts considering this was my first semester of college. my class load next semester is a little bit lighter, both in terms of credits and in terms of difficulty of classes, so that will hopefully make things a little more manageable. I have to have a 3.6 by the end of this year and a 3.8 by the end of sophomore year to stay in the honors program, and considering I’m almost at a 3.8 now I think it’s completely doable. 
I hope this was useful to those of you who are starting college soon. obviously this differs from school to school and especially if you’re not in the US, but in general you can expect a slight dip in your grades. it shouldn’t be anything dramatic if you can keep organized and on top of things, but there are a lot of transitions associated with starting college so don’t feel badly if things don’t go according to plan! you have time to make up for it, and med schools/law schools/grad schools know that grades your first semester of freshman year are not necessarily fully reflective of your abilities and will likely pay more attention to your grades later on.
thanks for reading this whole rambling thing! also, I might make a separate post about differences in grades between high school and college (how things are weighted, harshness of grading, etc.) so let me know if you’d find that helpful!
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paradox-oflife · 7 years
so my dear friend @lememecollector memecollectorhas asked me to do this but I’m 99% sure I’ve already done this tag before. But, I’ll do it for you, my friend
5 Basics about me:
Name: Esther
Gender: Female
Height: 5’1” or 2 (I’m so short ;-;)
Orientation: Straight
Race: Taiwanese
5 Things on my blog:
Memes/shitposts/funfacts - The average tumblr blog. Nothing too bad.
Important news and crap around the world - And occasionally politics. But I try not to dwell too much in it.
Gaming - Overwatch, Fire Emblem, Assassin’s Creed, idk whatever I’m interested in
Animals - especially cats and dogs and birbs
Nature - I’m a sucker for sunsets
5 things you can find in my room
Papers - Papers about what? Who knows. Even I don’t know. Drawings, old homework, trash, you name it.
Books - A whole shelf full of books, would you look at that! I’ve read almost everything in middle school
Laptop/phone - tumblr, Reddit, instagram, Snapchat, YouTube (and this weird app that produces aesthetic sounds and images). You know. And everything else that comes with the phone.
Stuffed animals - A part of me that will never grow up. I refuse to let them go.
Textbooks - Spanish, two math textbooks, history, science, and more.
5 things I always wanted to do
Learn more about other countries and cultures - Isn’t it just weird to think about how there’s other people living on the other side of the world, that have their own lives? And they’re just like you, living their life? Idk it might only be me or smth but its mind blowing for me.
Learn to drive - I am learning it right now but, the actual skill to drive seems so distant. And I’m not a really attentive person sometimes.
You know those scenes in movies and whatever where a protagonist or smth is with their friends and they drive to like the middle of nowhere and just look at the stars with food and music? And they have no stress about school or the future? Yeah it looks really nice.
I’m not really sure how to explain this but, I just want to be done. With school, and the future. Like you know back in middle/elementary school when it was summer you literally had nothing to worry about? Sometimes I wish I could still have that moment, and freeze time.
Make a really close online friend. I’m currently getting there but I’m awkward when it comes to talking to new people. On the other hand if you asked any of my friends if I’m a quiet person they’d probably laugh
5 things that make me happy
Rediscovering music I listened to years ago. Just soakin in the nostalgia. Such a weird melancholy feeling.
My friends - They never stop making me laugh. I always feel so blessed to have them by my side everyday.
My dog - I love him so much. When I go home and I’m having a bad day, i just hug him. And I envy him too. He doesn’t have to worry about anything except me coming home safe.
WheN yOU FIniSH a ProJeCt AnD YoU CAN FInAlLY CloSE alL thE taBS on yoUr winDow and JusT LAy IN BEd ANd RelEase a ScREAM INTo yOUr PIlloW Of ReLIef
You ever find a post on tumblr that makes you laugh and genuinely smile? Like one time I found a post during school and I just sat there with a really goofy smile on my face every time I thought of it.
5 things on my to do list
So me and my friends have penny boards and we’ve all really wanted to go cruising around the neighborhood. There’s a really nice place called Santana Row, filled with chill vibes and aesthetic lighting during the night. It’s going to happen one day.
Be decently fluent in another language besides English and Chinese. Like I learned Spanish (I think most people did in middle school) in middle school, and like I can read it? But wouldn’t it be so cool to learn something random like Italian? Just randomly walk into a place like Italy, and a random Asian busts out in fluent Italian. That’d be nice.
Graduate with a GPA above 3.4. I’m someone who gets mainly As and Bs, so it’s not too bad right now. But second semester just started and I’m still trying hard, so there’s hope for the future.
Find time to draw more. It used to be a something to do in my free time to relax but now it’s more like “Free time? What’s free time? The only free time is sleeping and going on your phone”
5 things you might not know about me
I can play piano, cello, and the ukulele. I can play drums but I don’t have a drum set at home and like, I haven’t played in two years.
I have this scar on my right cheek that’s kind of visible. It’s more of a white line that just runs down from the bottom of my eyelid to a little more than the center of my cheek. Now that is a long story that I’ve gotten bored of explaining because at least 50 people have asked me, “Is that a scar? How’d you get it?” In a nutshell, don’t think you know how to ride a bike when you haven’t rode one in 8 years
I have ADHD. ADD specifically, cause I’m not really hyperactive. And I fidget a lot. And bounce my leg a lot. And if we were in a really interesting conversation I can talk For a really really long time. And later in 8th grade I developed some mild form of anxiety. Like when you eat a food that’s spicy, but it’s not spicy enough to burn your tongue, if you get that analogy?
People say I have sharp canine teeth. But I really don’t think it’s that sharp? I mean, like i can say that it’s slightly sharper than normal, but not like fangs. I don’t know what this fact about me is really, people say it a lot and I just wanted to throw it out there and say it’s not that sharp! I’m looking at you especially @paradoxxnutellaa. AND YOU TOO @lememecollector
Um, I wish I had another mildly interesting fact. But I’m really determined to just squeeze one more fact. I’ve never broken a single bone, or sprained a muscle before. It’s not even a special fact about me because I’m sure at least somebody that reads this has also never broken a bone or sprained a muscle.
Anyone I wanna tag?: I mean I would tag @1xile but I’m sure you’ve already done it before? Like I don’t know how I know, but I’m pretty sure you’ve already done it. I ALSO WANNA TAG EVERYONE THAT FOLLOWS ME BUT WE DON’T TALK BUT THAT”S A WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE. (TuMBLR THINKS SOME OF Y’ALL HAVE SENSITIVE MEDIA SO SRRY IF I DONT FOLLOW BACK) (except if ur a porn blog, then you can screw off m8)
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dystovian · 7 years
Ok so, can I has meh a HC of how the boys would react to their female crush having a three legged mutt named Chicken? She just found the dog rummaging through trash in an alley way so she took him in and instantly fell in love. Now Chicken is super protective of her.
I totally went off track but that happens all the time but,,,here u go! Pidges one is rlly short and idk I just couldn’t think of what else to put
•have you ever wondered what hunk looks like when he’s crying? happy tears?•ok so basically you guys met at school and he would take u places every once in a while•and after a bit of going to his (I hc him as having 2 mamas) moms café, you said •"hey! you’ve never been to my place! Wanna come over?“•he’s like yeah sure why not•he’s crying because he’s going to his crush’s house•so you’re waiting up or him, jus chilling and he knocks on the door •you open it and your dog is like oh my gosh!!! someone’s here!!!! boof! •let the struggle….ensue•you have to use your knee to hold your dog back so he doesn’t jump all over Hunk•Hunk literally comes in, shuts the door behind him, and just GASPS•and he’s standing there and his excitement is boiling over the top and his lid is about to POP•and you just grin in embarrassment and scratch the back of your head, thinking, wow maybe he’s scared or allergic and I never asked•he goes "hiiiiii!!!” And puts his arms out and your dog runs through your legs and just flops into his arms and he’s literally crying•but,,,Chicken,,, doesn’t know how your relationship is with Hunk•currently Chicken is just excited to see someone new because he’s always been very kind and welcoming to others•so after you explain to Hunk how you found him and such, he immediately fell in love with Chicken and fell in love with you even more•so you guys go on the couch and he goes to put his arm around you while you’re watching a movie•and Hunk just hears growling and he gulps and turns and oh what do u kno•your 3-legged, Pitbull-Rottweiler, 10 month old puppy is baring his huge teeth and growling•ur not close with people like you are with Hunk so yr pretty surprised, and you pat hunks lap and the dog just gleefully goes over and lays across you two•Hunk PISSED himself I kid u not•he excused himself and texted Lance and Pidge•they laughed•when Hunk goes missing, you were at his mothers café, when they broke the news to you and you ended up breaking down into tears and just crying while his mothers comforted you and offered for you to stay with them for a while. Maybe until Hunk came home or when you felt better
•HA•alright, here’s the thing, your dog is GIGANTIC•despite your puppy being quite young, their growth rate is crazy•you only know one part of your dogs mix unfortunately, but it sure does explain why they’re so large•a giant, 3 pawed Bernese Mountain Dog, mixed with something unknown•the dog at this point is taller than you while on back legs•anyway•you’re taking Chicken for a walk, getting him used to the whole,,, 3 legs thing. •you aren’t dating Lance at the time but you weren’t expecting to see him. a happy surprise.•you let your dog run around the park for a while, doing some homework on a picnic bench•"y/n? is that my favorite person ever!?“ And he runs over and sits beside you•he’s helping you with homework when he feels a light tug at his pant leg•and he’s like,,,haha *wink* you’re so crazy Y/n. In public? hmm I guess•and you’re like ????wat•YOUR DOG TUGS SO HARD LANCE GETS DRAGGED UNDER THE TABLE AND YOURE BOTH SCREAMING•you grab your dogs collar and you’re like omg let go stop it•your dog does and ho boi he is mortified•you also like Lance, so now you think, oh wow. he hates me now •and he says, after some silence and heavy breathing•"man, I love your dog”•he’s a sucker for big dogs and the fact your PUPPY is gigantic and soft and only has 3 paws? just even better•you tell him the story of how you found him, 4 months old, abandoned and eating raw chicken that was no doubt moldy, in a dark and unsanitary alleyway in New York (you were visiting friends)•he fell in love, with the dog and you•ended up asking you on a date while kissing your dogs face and you said YES•when he went missing, you saw it on the news. and immediately grabbed your dog and ran to his house•knocked on the door and one of his siblings answered, very obviously visible that they were just crying. and this is where YOUR, the reader, tears come in•Lance never shut up about you and told his entire family about you and they could easily recognize you because he’s so detailed about your features . Even told them about the dog•they immediately dragged you in and hugged you and you ended up spending a lot of time with them while they also fell in love with u, and Chicken.
•totally a dog man•like, he’s had many pets, mostly dogs of course and he loves them•your dog: a labrador-husky mix. bright blue eyes and golden fur. 8 years old•3 legs, a white prosthetic •you found him on the side of the road, he was abandoned at the age of 5•anyway, to begin•Shiro goes up to you in the library after a couple friends finally convince him to•and he’s like, hey, since yr my partner for the project and all, where should we meet?•and you’re like, hm, how about my place?•OKGKKF he nods a bit too excitedly but you exchange numbers and you text him the address •"the doors unlocked so you can just come right in" you text him•he goes aight,,,,, and he walks in and leaves his rained on sneakers at the door•and you’re in the kitchen making some grilled cheese w ham•and your tossin Ham at your dog, who’s jumping up to catch it•he chuckles because your standing there in pajamas and tossing your dog Ham like you’re scoring 3-pointers in basketball•and your dog just stood and books it over to Shiro and when you turn and your dog isn’t there you’re like ???? WHATDH•you look over the island and there’s your dog standing his ground against Shiro and Shiro’s like uh…hehheh•"omg chicken get over here" chicken goes back to normal and prances over to your •"little shit I swear to god"•Shiro’s like, I never thought I’d be scared of a dog before•you smile and go hug him and just hear more growling from over the counter and he’s like ohnyktidjd•you end up going to put the dog in your room because he’s not allowed in the living room and Shiro offers to just watch movies in your room while you guys work on the project•"I don’t wanna have him feel left out cos of me, yknow?“•"yeah you’re right”•you all fell asleep together no lie and if anyone was around they honestly thought it was the cutest thing (shiro drools and has lil light snores and he just looks adorable)•when he went missing, you were heartbroken and didn’t know who his family was because you never got to visit them•you ended up visiting Pidge because you became friends with Matt as well•you hugged Pidge and always took her out to but things and you also helped her sneak into the garrison•when he came back for like,a day, you were in Keith’s shack when they all got there because you wanted to know if he could get in contact with Pidge for you because you were sick from school•Shiro came in and when he woke up you were sitting beside him on the floor, head against his shoulder and your dog was on his thighs
•American Bulldog puppy mix, that HE actually gave to you•he was setting up posters around the garrison because his neighbors dog was pregnant•you were one of 3 people to approach him, after like a month of it being up•he’s always liked you and he just like, sndjjsjsk, I can give it to you today•and he does, you walk with him to said neighbors and you take home the puppy •this was freshman year so the puppy is 1 year old now•and after you guys became decently close, he asked you to tutor him in Spanish•because compared to him your grades were a bit better and he refused to ask Lance because Lance wouldn’t even say yes?•but he ends up going to your house and knocking because he didn’t get the chance to ask at school, and you just let him in like it’s normal and you don’t even think it’s weird•and he comes in and as soon as he sits down here comes your dog, now 3 legged and slaps into Keith’s face•and he’s like WHAT•one, he forgot you had the dog•two, since when did the dog have 3 legs•turns out, one night the dog escaped and you couldn’t find him for hours•the dog ended up getting hurt and you had no choice but to take him to the vet, where they also had no choice but to remove his log•the dogs name was Wudley, but since the incident you tend to call him Chicken as his nickname•Keith hears about it nd is like, “I’m surprised you kept him, lots of people usually put disabled dogs up for adoption” •"I’d never do that. If it means he has a higher chance of getting put down then that’s just purposely putting him in a slaughter house"•Keith hugs you and his heart swells because you’re so sweet and kind and wow he likes you more than he thought•he hears Wudley growing and nip at his elbow and he just chuckles and plays with him and let’s just say he came over more often to “study Spanish”•by “study Spanish” I mean “play with Wudley for like,,,4 hours straight all the while getting to know you”•when he went missing you knew damn well that this classified info was aliens and ended up living in his shack and doing research while you’re dog stayed with u
•this one is a lot different •yr dog is half beagle half terrier•Pidge was walking their dog, and you were walking yours•you shout “omg! Hi Pidge!” •yes this is during the garrison, you were the same age but you went to a different school. you visited the garrison as a sort of field trip with your class and that’s how you two met•"hi Y/n! Is this your dog?“ •your dog stops and just stares and you guys are literally 10 feet apart and you’re like ????•you didn’t notice Pidges dog yet bcos u also have a crush on Pidge and were currently paying more attention to them•Chicken goes full speed at Pidges dog, and they end up fooling around•the two of you end up talking for at least an hour, while sitting on a bench•you play games on your phones and ask each other questions to get to know each other even better than before•next thing you know you both here growling and each dog is growling at one of you. Pidges dog at you, Chicken at Pidge•you panic and apologize and pick up your dog and Pidge says "oh no it’s okay my dog usually doesn’t do this either so I should apologize”•you guys literally apologize to each other for 4 minutes before you just laugh•when Pidge goes missing you end up visiting their mother, sometimes watching their dog as well and doing chores while Mrs.Holt recovers•she lost her whole family, man
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sassytimemachine · 7 years
LES MIS ASKS HECK YEAH :D okay so!!! Gavroche, Combeferre, Feuilly? :D
Gavroche: What was the coolest thing you did as a child?
Haha idk if was the coolest thing, but following the Les Mis themes let me tell you about the day I lead a protest in my high school. The director, Mr. John, was a dickhead, he only spoke english cause “that was his language” and ignored the kids that spoke spanish (dude did spoke spanish, he had been in Costa Rica for like twenty years he was just pretentious). 
One day he changed our schedules. They were ridiculous, like three lessons in the morning without a break, sometimes three blocks of math, or that kind of subjects. Nobody could concentrate that much and grades were lowering. Apparently this was some sort of punishment towards professors and he was trying to get some of the good ones to quick. So we started to complain for something more reasonable.
 And he made this huge assamble with all the highschool students and said(in english) “How many titles you have? I have three. So who knows here? Who’s the adult here?” with almost those words. A kid says “I’m gonna speak in spanish cause that is my language, and you need to respect that.” and he talked about how the new schedules made no sense. And oh boy everything escalated from there. 
So I look to my classmates right? We were on the back. I whisper “You got my back?” and some of them give me this serious look and they just nod. So I stood and said (in spanish) something like:
“Mr. John, with all the respect you and your titles deserve, you should know better than to justify your desicions behind your titles. How smart or capable someone is, isn’t  measured by a paper. And after all, you might have your papers but we’re the one suffering the adjustments. And to prove my point I’ll like to ask you all something,” at this point I look to the crowd and everyone just sorts of nods. 
So  I keep going “Everyone who agrees with the new schedules please stand up.” Of course no one does, and two of my professors have this little smirk and nod at me encouraginly,“The ones who are NOT please stand up.” AND THE WHOLE HALL STANDS UP. AND THEY START TO CLAP. 
Of course Mr. Dickhead storms out of the room. And well long story short, we protested for like what was left of that day and the other. He finally gave in and didn’t show up for like two months, then the rest of my highschool years he was passive agressive, but could never do anything to me cause i was a pretty good student and also president of the school, and also because he was lowkey scared of my parents who both openly declared they hated him ( AND my stepmom AND my stepdad). Plus there was this rumor that my dad was a mafioso.
lol it was pretty stupid but it seemeds a big deal back then hahaha, 
Combeferre: What is the name of the last book that you read?
Something boring about public policies i’m afraid, also trying to read Rayuela (is so cool, like you read it, and then you follow the instructions reading only some chapters and it’s a whole different book)
Feuilly: Have you ever taught yourself how to do something?
Oh yeah: Make up, Paiting children’s faces, Paiting nails with nice designs, doing notebooks, some minor electric repairments, how to fix old phones, how to sew and make mini clothes, how to make rice, how to cook caribbean sauce, how to do an egg, how to draw, how to fix doors and windows. Origami mini starts. Dye my hair. idk what else.
Thanks for asking Sun, you’re the sweetest!
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palebluelovepages · 7 years
updates about school and g
i’m just gonna update you guys on what’s goin on..i’m just having such a week and tbh i can’t wait for this week to end so i can start fresh
so this week has been filled with so much anxiety because i had to do a job shadow yesterday, aka the same day as my spanish test, new unit in math, the day where i had to turn in my art project, anndd finish an assignment for choir about the last concert we had. today i think is the last day we can do work we missed because i guess grades are final today or something?? idk how that works really. (my job shadow went well tho, btw. i shadowed my old middle school art teacher for the whole day yesterday)
today i have to stay after school and redo a math test that i am not ready for with one of my least favorite teachers and i just...ahhh this isn’t going well. one of my favorite teachers is also out today sooooo...that’s just grand. 
o yeaa and on tuesday i really wanted to talk to g, so i told her i was goin to do my job shadow the next day and i said pray for me. she didn’t really say a lot :’’) she was like “neat!” which was cute but like?? not much else?? i told her i was job shadowing an art teacher and she said i’d be good at that...so that’s good ig...:’) sometimes i feel like i just shouldn’t bother talking to her because honestly i feel like i’m being creepy??? i’m probably not but ??!?! aH
and lately my friend and i have been going down the same hall where g’s room is in and “secretly” filming on her phone because we think it’s funny and we got some good memories goin. but this morning i was like “hah what if i went in g’s room and you filmed me talking to her?” (which we’ve done like 3 times before and omg i hate myselffghjgbjhv) but she was like “you should! right now?!?!” and i said “weLL I MEAN alrigHT” and after preparing myself for 2 minutes we went in there. i didn’t really know what to say but she was like hello and whatnot then she complemented my cOAT?!!!!! and that coat always reminds me of her and i love it so much so i’m glad she did!!! :’’))))) but things just went downhill from there on, folks. i was like “o i just came in here cus ya know, i was bored” and she was like “fair enough”. i mean what am i supposed to say?? “i came in because i missed you so mUCH”??  just the whole conversation wassss sooo.........jeez. why. i was like “how’s your life” and she was like “good, yours?” and it was just..So Formal™ and we talked about other things (i think i honestly can’t remember i was just so out of it) and then my friend just looked at me after a while cus i was just standing there and she’s like “you ready to go??” and i was kinda humiliated and i looked at g then back at her and i said “i guess :’’)))!!?!?!” and g laughed then i waved and said bye and so did she. i mean, to a normal person that might be a good conversation but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i’m just so lame and it could have been great. i’m hoping that next week when i give my teachers halloween candy n stuff that i’ll have a better time. AND i ammm giving g some chocolate probably so!!!!! maybe that will make up for this cursed day. if anyone has some magical advise they can give me to make me stop being so awkward around her i’d love it
also, i was walking in the halls on my way to class and g was in front of me and my friend’s brother came walking down the hall in the opposite direction and he looked at g, then at me, and he said “t h i c c” and i probably almost cried.
i can’t wait to go home but unfortunately that probably won’t be till after 3 :’’)) i really hope i remember what to do on the math test becauseee............yaa...
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever gotten a surprisingly good grade on a school assignment that was worth a lot of points? Why was it a surprise to you that you got a good grade? (ex. you did put much effort into) I guess, but it’s rare. I usually have an idea if I’ve flunked, did alright, or excelled in a test once I turn it over.
Do you tend to get sick more often in the wintertime? If not, is there a certain season that you get sick more often in besides winter? I never get sick. My fevers, whenever they do come, happen at random and unpredictable times of the year and it’s always just once a year or less too.
Do you find yourself being more of a germaphobe when you’re in public? Only with things that would come into contact with my mouth, like I hate sharing my utensils or drinks with anyone who isn’t either of my two best friends. Oh and I also don’t like having to borrow other people’s clothes, the idea of the germs and sweat and other stuff that’s been in there always makes me cringe, even if washing machines exist :(
What is the worst thing you’ve seen in a public restroom? Anything nasty that wasn’t flushed or poorly-wrapped napkins in the trash bin.
Nerdy question time. If you were in a more medieval time period, would you prefer to excel in might, magic, or finesse? Finesse, I guess. It’s the only one that sounds appealing.
Do you have any friends from foreign countries? Are they online friends or foreign exchange students? Or perhaps you have some from both? I used to but we all grew apart at some point. I’m actually a little stressed right now because Carley’s reaching out to me again on Twitter...she went on and off the radar from 2014-2016 and eventually I got tired of it and cut off contact with her except on Facebook. I just hate that it’s happening all over again because her on-and-off-ness affected me a lot before and I worked so hard to finally stop feeling bothered by her unpredictability and now we’re here again, ugh. I recently set my account to private so at least I don’t have to accept her request, but still.
Have you ever studied how your last name originated? It’s Portuguese and Spanish. And derived from French, I learned on Google just now.
What is one recipe that you would like to learn how to make? (Can be anything from breakfast to dessert.) Pad thai. That’s one dish I can see myself having no problem living on for every meal for the rest of my life, so it’s gonna be a super practical thing to learn how to make it haha.
When you are around people for too long, do you find yourself wanting some “me time?” Or do you prefer to be around people frequently? Definitely, especially after an entire day of socializing like when my org would hold all-day events that I often end up managing; and my orgmates usually asked to go out for drinks in the evening too, so that used to really drain my social battery. That’s why I never liked going out on the weekends – those two days are my precious recharging days. I do love being around people though and will always prefer that, it’s just that I value my me time too.
Is there any specific reason why you prefer to take a shower in the morning or night? (ex. I prefer to shower at night because I don’t want to get up early. Silly reason, but oh well) I don’t have a preference anymore. I used to take showers in the evening because I liked feeling fresh when I start trying to fall asleep, but now I just shower whenever I no longer feel clean.
Are there bands/artists out there that make you feel like they are singing about your life? If so, which bands/artists are they? Yes. It’s always different artists, though. The most recent one who’s gotten pretty accurate about my life is Niki.
Even if you are not into sandwiches, what would be your perfect lunch sandwich? Whatever goes on a banh mi. I don’t make sandwiches myself, but I do order them a lot and I just let servers do their thing with my banh mis haha.
How many hours can you go after a meal before you are hungry again? Does the time vary off how big of a meal it was? 24, apparently. That’s what happens these days.
How do you feel about holiday shoppers? Idk, nothing? I’m a late shopper too but I enjoy the pressure that comes with it tbh. Makes me end up getting great finds for my loved ones.
Do you have anything significant planned for your winter break? Assuming you are in school. If not, sorry. We only have a Christmas break, but no I don’t have any plans. Just make it out alive I guess, since I don’t really do well in Decembers.
[found at scyphozoansurveys]
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
DRUCK reactions - s4 ep1
Ages ago I said I wanted to write meta about Cris’ and Matteo’s seasons, so of course, when I finally sit down to write reactions to a Skam remake, it’s about Amira instead.
A few weeks back I was composing tumblr posts in bed before falling asleep (my number 1 hobby lol) when it struck me that the writing for Amira’s season was really… indefensibly bad. So let’s stroll down through memory lane and revisit Druck s4, or how to throw away your potential because you have to put out this season before summer is over!
CLIP 1: Dark clouds over Winterberg
Obviously I’m writing these with the benefit of hindsight, but I will try and incorporate what my initial reaction to a clip was whenever I can remember.
Sometime between the Abiball episode and episode 32, I argued (on twitter) that the Abiball special was the Abiball episode instead, the first episode of Amira’s season. It would thus introduce us to the conflicts and characters that would take place during Amira’s season. I thought that in addition to the obvious Amira/Mohammed, Carlos/Kiki/Essam would be important, Kiki’s family life would be important, Stefan would be important, and David/Matteo would probably not be important as they seemed to be doing just fine in their scenes.
I didn’t think Mia/Alex would be important because I didn’t actually watch their clip lol. The Winterberg stans on my twitter orbit thought the clip was cute and nothing to worry about. That should’ve been my first clue that the (twitter) stan habit of repeating the “we never lose” mantra doesn’t make for great viewing comprehension, because watching the clip, it’s so obvious that shit is gonna go down lol.
Mia moves from one of the flat share’s bathrooms to the other because they never really recreated Mia’s room in the s3 flat share.
I still haven’t watched Mia’s episode, so I don’t know how all this stuff is going to get resolved, but it seems like Mia doesn’t think they can handle a LDR, and Alex is picking up on those vibes hard. I guess I don’t really get why Mia is so pessimistic about it because at that age I kinda thought a few months break weren’t really an obstacle. (Not sure if it would help me to watch Mia’s season, because this seems like a wholly new conflict.)
Anyway, Alex acts sweet/reassuring (I really like how soft spoken everyone is in this episode), so Mia puts it out of her mind for now. But Idk, they haven’t really spoken about the elephant in the room.
CLIP 2: Don’t call them the chastest evak ever again
Tbh this clip comes across as a direct rebuttal to all the s3 commentary about David and Matteo seeming like they’re not into each other, or like they aren’t ~passionate~ like the other evaks.
It’s like, “these gremlins are horny on main, now shut up.”
But I like that they’re fully dressed, like yes, you can show physical intimacy without undressing your teen actors (shade fully intended).
I love Lukas von Horbatschewsky’s hair and I’m very jealous of Matteo in this sequence, lmao.
Luis Sepúlveda died of coronavirus this year, in Spain. You’re welcome for that bit of 2020 misery dripping onto this cute clip.
I do think David feels guilty that he may have caused Matteo to fail his Spanish exam because of David’s own issues, which I think is very on brand for David. Obviously it wasn’t his fault.
I really like how soft spoken everyone is in this episode, 2X.
And this has been said a million times by now, but David and Matteo are the one evak version where they’re the same age (Joana is in the same year as Cris, but is a year older, so she must’ve gotten held back at some point). So it’s funny, and possibly a reference to Isak and Even, to see David talking about what it’d be like if they had that age difference. Like, maybe David would be more like Even in behavior! And, going by Matteo’s reaction, he wouldn’t be into that.
This clip really feels like the ending to Matteo and David. They’ll go on a road trip, they’ll work on David’s movie, they’ll be around, but this clip is their conclusion. They both feel secure and content in their relationship, and ready for everything that’s to come.
Like I said on the post about Cris and Joana, I like that David and Matteo don’t have further issues. And while I have tons of issues with Druck s4, which I will be talking about forever in the following posts, I never had an issue with how they deployed Matteo or David. (Okay, self. Now say that again without crying about David’s season that should have been.)
Fucking David cutting their make out short only to then say such a highkey flirty, romantic thing to Matteo though. No wonder Matteo’s like, “STOP, I’M SUPPOSED TO STUDY.”
CLIP 3: A challenger appears!
I like the fanon that David is a healthy eater (or at least in comparison to Matteo), because all we ever see David eat of his own volition (i.e. not food that was made for him) is candy.
God, I love Kiki snatching David’s fruity gummies out of his hands. It makes me laugh every time, particularly how she demands to know if the candy is vegan.  
Hanna looks beautiful. ;_;
There’s a split second when Jonas is about to give Hanna that box where David looks alarmed in the background. In my mind he’s all, “Bro, no. Not a public proposal. Reel it back in, bro!”
And then, to the surprise of Jonas and all the viewers, we find out that not only are Jonas and Hanna not together, but Hanna is dating German Arthur. Again, in “fandom refuses to acknowledge storyline conflict until it’s staring right at them” news, Stefan had actually been introduced via an audio to Hanna the day before, but people were convinced it was Hanna’s dad. Whose actor they called just to record an audio. Clearly.
My belief at this point was that Stefan would be relevant to Amira’s storyline, but instead it was just a way to give Hanna her own episode. 🤡
Matteo’s transformation into Michi is complete by donning his grandpa hat.
He also makes to trip David for no real reason. Throwback to Unter Wasser.
Matteo saying Inshallalalah in a sing song voice is cute, but so annoying.
Matteo Florenzi: He’s a pain in the ass, but we love him.
CLIP 4: I guess Abdi and Axel picked up his grades at another point
I love the way Matteo grabs David’s head to pull him along. They’re so cute and I’m gonna enjoy every second.
Jonas also grabs Hanna along, because fans needed to be further confused as to what was happening with Hanna and Stefan and Jonas.
Thank you, Druck, for telling me Kiki’s and Amira’s grades, but as you can understand, that’s nowhere near enough to satisfy my curiosity and I will be needing to know everyone’s GPA because that is the kind of thing that’s important to me. What about it!!!
I think, going by how impressed Mia is, that Mia’s grade isn’t as good as Amira’s. Which I think is a neat detail, since the Nooras are kind of supposed to be the perfect girls. I like that Amira is even better than Mia at school.
I thought the concept of Carlos failing his final exam and maybe realizing school wasn’t his thing would’ve been an interesting storyline to explore, but I’m not mad that it didn’t happen. Hopefully Druck will touch on it with the next kids.
And we’re now treated to three reveals about Kiki. Kiki has a sister (now she has two), she likes the idea of moving out and living with Carlos, and her mom isn’t doing well.
The remakes trying to develop their Vildes past s4 make sense to me. By the end of Skam, Vilde clearly was the character who’d been the most robbed of a season, there were several potential storylines to do with her. Financial instability, alcoholic mom, eating disorders, plus it seemed obvious that any season taking place during the girls’ russetide should go to her. And that’s without getting into Vilde’s strong denial that she was a lesbian.
So the remakes are sitting on all these potential storylines, but as we now know, they can’t make their own Vilde season.
And from a European TV exec’s point of view, Vilde (who in every version is a white, skinny, ostensibly straight girl) is a very safe main after the gay and Muslim seasons.
I get why people are fed up with the Vildes’ prominence in the remakes that are in their latter stages, but at the same time we got 8 versions of Noora’s season, most of which are a limpdicked enemies to lovers story with a misguided sexual assault storyline tacked at the end. (And I say misguided because after a strong start, it’s mostly about what William will think, how William will react, I can’t tell William about this, etc.) So in my case, I’ve had quite enough Noora to last me a lifetime, but my Vilde thirst has only begun to be quenched.
Tangent over, Kiki lies that she’s not going to the lake because she’s going to check on Carlos. Bad form, Kiki.
CLIP 5: Graduation (Friends Forever).mp3
In clown news, I predicted there’d be a clip between the Kiki stuff and the actual dance (maybe a Sam clip), as it seemed to me there wasn’t much of a connection between Kiki looking sad on that ping pong table and PARTY TIME. Lol at me.
And speaking of clowning, while I thought the Abiball episode was part of s4, I also thought that was fine because it was just doing the multi POV episode in the beginning of the season rather than at the end, right? Wrong.
As much as it would’ve been great if Sam and Abdi had storylines pertaining to racism and islamophobia (whether Abdi is or isn’t a Muslim, people would probably assume he is), I also have to admit… This conversation is hilarious.
“I want to have intercourse with you.” [glass breaks in the background]
Abdi closing his speech with a wide smile gvvhvh.
The first hundred times I watched this scene, I thought Alex seemed a bit alarmed at the conversation taking place, but really… We’re back to stone-faced Alex lol.
Don’t kill me, but I feel a little bad for Abdi in this moment. He really put himself out there and Sam just leaves without giving him an answer, yikes. I actually got tired of Abdi’s sad sackiness during the season, but right now I feel for him. L
There’s this smile Jonas sometimes directs at dudes (like Alex here) that makes me think… Bi. He also directs it at Matteo in s3.
There’s a parallel universe where Stefan was the villain of Amira’s season, and it would’ve been a much more interesting season than the one we got.
Because Stefan is a bit of a Darth Jonas. He works for Greenpeace, but, at least in this scene, seems a bit full of himself, and like… twisting the knife in a way that feels like it has to be intentional. And it would’ve been so interesting if Druck had tackled the white dudes who seem like they’re not going to be assholes about Muslims, but then turn around and say some shocking garbage. I’m sure we’ve all met a guy like that before.
In my mind, Stefan would’ve driven a wedge between Hanna and Amira, which would’ve been way more compelling than what we got, but on the other hand, it probably would’ve made fandom people hate Hanna, and people outside of fandom hate Amira.
Anyway, tag teaming gays! I love how David and Matteo share a look and immediately take care of both Jonas and Stefan.
I also love it when David looks murderous. It looks good on him.
But I feel like this didn’t go anywhere? Like, Matteo always hated Stefan and continued hating Stefan until the finale. In this scene, David seems to dislike Stefan just as much, but it’s not a thread they bother following. It’s too bad because I think Matteo and David together sabotaging Stefan is a lot funnier than just Matteo doing it.
I love how soft spoken Amira is when telling Essam not to show up at her graduation party. I would’ve been a lot less polite lmao.
You know, I actually thought Kiki was genuine here when she said she wasn’t a fan of competitions. Obviously that’s not the Kiki we’ve known until this point, but like, I thought it was meant to show character development on her part, But we’ll talk about THAT more in the following episodes.
Matteo fully blames their win on David being so hot, mysterious and new, and it’s hilarious because that’s also what initially drew him to David. Like, “fuck you for being so hot!”
I thought it was such a nice detail that they brought back the girl from the refugee classes in s1. We’re saying goodbye to all these school people who are going on their own post high school journeys without us!
In my mind, Abdi and Alex are talking about something completely serious, like, I don’t know, Abdi’s dad wanting him to study business and Alex advising Abdi on the best business schools in Berlin or something.
I feel like Hanna is the one girl in the squad who really doesn’t feel ready for post high school life and I HATE the writers so much for how they wrapped her character up, but we’ll save that for later.
I could watch Matteo passing the tiara (=the main) to Amira forever. The way he tips his hat and looks like even he’s a little surprised that he (a character like him!) was ever the lead on a teen show, David’s voice asking Matteo if he’s coming, Matteo leaving with David to live happily ever after, the initial notes of Just Got Paid as Amira looks at nighttime Berlin. This meme is overdone by now, but THE POETIC CINEMA.
Jonas glaring at romantic rivals at end of year dances is iconic at this point.
Amira being tagteamed by an annoying little brother AND a well-meaning, embarrasing older brother. Choose your own nightmare.
I really love the set up for the Essam/Kiki/Carlos conflict. The emotional potential is SO good because on one hand you have Kiki, who wants to have a good time for once instead of parenting her own parent, then Carlos whose self-esteem is on the floor after having failed his final exam, and Essam, whose own sense of self-worth hinges upon whether white German girls find him attractive. Like, obviously Essam is never going to come between Kiki and Carlos who have been through some shit together, but with Carlos out of commission and Essam eager to please, you can see how the situation could so easily turn into a mess.
Amira and Mohammed have the most sexual tension out of any Yousana pair, period. They literally just said hi to each other and I already feel like I’m intruding gvhvhv.      
Social media
David saying of Matteo: “Er bekommt Auslauf.” (Something like, “he gets walkies” because he’s been good with revising) is the cutest shit ever.
Remember when Stefan sent Jonas a whole ass message and signed it “with sunny greetings”? Stefan was much more fun when we were supposed to find him unbearable.
Kiki creating a new Whatsapp group for every single thing is so true to life.
I’d forgotten that Amira also hated Stefan almost right away. The season that could’ve been, I tell you.
All the Abi Chaker Clan content reminds me of how I thought Jonas looked like, well, such a child, compared to Stefan, and I thought that was intentional. Like, here is Stefan with a Greenpeace job whereas Jonas doesn’t know what to do with his life, and he’s like, spray-painting abi chaker clan onto walls and posting pics to the abi chaker clan account. It’s not that I thought Jonas should’ve acted like a whole ass adult, of course he’s having fun with his high school friends, but I thought Jonas might feel inadequate in comparison to where Stefan is at this point of his life.
I can’t remember who revealed it, but Sara was supposed to end up with Toilet Sam and that was supposed to come out during the s3 finale (on that week, Sara posted a story with a guy whose face was obscured iirc). Since that was part of the clip where Hanna and Jonas also got back together, which they cut to make way for Hanna/Jonas/Stefan drama, Sara takes some other dude to the Abiball. And I think we’re supposed to think that’s the same dude she went on that date with.
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troublish-blog · 8 years
what are the top ten things you want to do before you die?
1. finish this ancient history assignment
wow idk fam!! i’ve never rlly thought about it before but i will now
ok this is in no particular order
live in a diff country for a bit - idk i think that would be really cool but i have no idea which one to pick (america is kinda scary so probably somewhere in europe (germany or switzerland!! if i learnt the language) and it’d be hard anyway to move and stuff but i’d still like to do it!! tbh i don’t think i’ll end up staying in australia forever but who knows?? if i did i’d probably move to melbourne or something
go overseas as a part of foreign aid - i have no idea how to do it but i really would like to some day and i know it would be heartbreaking but i also think it would be really rewarding and i like to help people and hearing about everything that happens in third world countries is really sad so i’d like to do as much as i can to help
break a world record - i have no idea what but it would be so so so cool,, at first i thought maybe a collection? but i’ve been trying to like be minimalistic lately and i don’t rlly want to collect just to beat someone else’s hard earned record yknow but i’m not really good at anything so i’ll really have to think abt it but yeah it’s a cool goal???
be in a movie - like even if it’s an extra or a super super minor character i think it would be really cool, like i’d just want to be in one for the experience n to see what it’s like yknow?? and cast members seem to have so much fun behind the scenes and stuff idk lmaoo i’m not rlly confident or good at acting but hey maybe one day!!
learn a language - i’d want to do either like an asian language like mandarin or vietnamese maybe because idk they’re really pretty?? i really like listening to them,, or a european language like italian/brazilian/spanish they’re SO NICE!! i have this brazilian song i listen to all the time and idk his voice is so beautiful the words are so beautiful but i can’t understand any of them so yeah it would b niceee (or sign languageeee)
get better - i k this one is kinda dumb but really i hate the place i am in life rn like it rlly isn’t great and yaaa everyone says it gonna get better but idk how it can lol so yeah !!! maybe one day i can not hate myself n i can be a better person!! defs trying and defs dont want to die like this so there u go :^)
go to a lot of places - like yellowstone national park??? machu picchu??? grand canyon??? that island with a lot of cats??? himilayas??? great wall??? sacred mountains of china??? galapagos islands??? colosseum??? stonehenge??? mount everest??? times square??? pompeii??? i’d like to go to so so so many places (i’ve already been to great barrier reef so that’s 1 off the list!!! so amazing but i wanna go again) yeah it would be sosososo coool
write something good - i used to write all the time when i was younger and i really thought i was gonna be a writer i’d stay up so late writing stuff i thought was gonna make me rich in like grade 5 but like lately due to health i havent been doing anything and i am also suffer from huge writers block (the last thing i wrote was a 70 page story and at 1 point i pumped out 10k words in 1 day i was so exhausted!!!!!) so yeah it’s been really hard to tap into my creativity n write something im actually happy with and i hope to do it one day again
see someone live - idk what band tho!! most realistic would probs be jungle giants or last dinosaurs since they’re close 2 where i live but i’d love to see the strokes or vampire weekend or cage the elephant or aaaaah idk??? ball park music?? or the black keys or hayley kiyoko but if i saw her id probs cry n i dont rlly wanna do that in public so…. yeah one day!! i mean i’m sure i will but i hate like busy crowds n waiting and stuff but i totally would
learn to dance!!! - i never ever will but idk it’s been a dream of mine for a few yrs (but the kinda dream that’s like dam it’d be so cool if i could do that but not anything i actually try to do) but i really really love watching people dance if u dance cool im basically in love with u already idk it sure would be something i’d like to do before i die but this was kinda grasping at straws bc i can’t really think of any other major things i’d like to do before i die
wow anon this was so soso hard but thanks for the q so muchhh even tho i thought about it for 4 hours and i have a final due tomorrow that is gonna need like another 5 hours of work :^) seriously tho thank youuuu
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by nadine07
General Stuff To Start With
What name do you go by most often? Just Robyn. It’s short enough that it’s never really needed a nickname.
Is that your real name or a nickname? It’s my real name. I do have nickname, but it’s used just by family.
Has your birthday come yet this year? Yes, it has. And what a great one it was :)
Where is your mom right now? She’s in the kitchen cleaning up since she just finished cooking a couple of afternoon snacks.
What were you doing at 4pm? Yesterday? I think I was just watching BTS music videos. Can’t really answer this now as it won’t be 4 PM here til after 25ish minutes.
Are you a good speller? Yeah, I’m confident in my spelling skills.
Who was the last person to give you a 'high-five'? I think my sister; the only person I give high-fives to at home, anyway.
Would you consider yourself a shy person? I’m definitely shy at first, but over the years I’ve gotten considerably better at warming up more quickly to new people and situations.
Can you play the guitar? No, I can’t play any instruments.
Three things you ate today? Omelette, a pancake with peanut butter, and fish tacos.
What did you do last Sunday? Well, it’s Sunday today... but to stick with the question, last Sunday was pretty unremarkable. I remember watching a few episodes of Bon Voyage, then in the evening I watched 1 1/2 episodes of Hwarang.
How many orange shirts do you own? Continued from Sunday. I believe I don’t own any. Orange isn’t really my color.
Are you currently taking any prescription medications? Nope.
Do you like skim milk? I don’t think I’ve even tried it yet. I’m not sure I know what it is, either.
How did you bring in the New Year? I remember watching Mr. Bean and Kitchen Nightmares with my cousins while waiting for January 1. I also drank a little bit of soju and ate some fried chicken.
Are you missing anyone right now? I miss my friends. I talk to Angela everyday, but I wish I can see her.
If you could relive one moment in the past week what would it be? Last week was a little boring.
If you could spend 30 minutes with someone who is gone, who would you pick? Idk if I’d want to take up that offer; 30 minutes is too short a time to be with someone I’ve lost.
Biggest mistake to date? Giving too many chances to the wrong people.
Where did you go to grade school at? A local school you wouldn’t know about.
Have you ever lived in Tennessee? I’ve never lived in the US.
Does anyone in your family smoke? Yeah, I can think of a couple of relatives.
How many of the people you live with are over 21? Just two, my parents. Nina is turning 21 this September.
Who do you wish you could talk to right this moment? No one. It’s my alone time right now, and I’ve put away my phone for the meantime since I’ve already done a fair amount of socializing today.
How many clocks are in the room you are in? Just the digital ones on my phone and laptop.
Do you use MSN messenger? Nope.
What time will it be in 6 hours? 3:45 AM.
Have you kissed anyone in the last week? No.
Do you enjoy classic rock? Not really.
Have you ever been told you looked like someone famous? Every now and then. It’s not a common comment.
Are you anemic? I’m not.
At Christmas, do you have a fake or a real tree? We use fake ones where I’m from.
Do you usually go watch fireworks on the 4th of July? I don’t celebrate that.
Do you remember when the game Oregon Trail was really popular? I can remember the time, yeah, but I never played the game and I don’t even know what it’s about.
Does anyone have your heart? In my real life, no. In my head, absolutely lmao.
What did you do last Valentine's Day? I don’t even remember. I think I went out to eat that weekend? but I think I just stayed at home for the actual Valentine’s Day. I would guess that I spent the time watching 2 Days 1 Night.
Can you count to 20 in any other language? Filipino and Spanish.
How old were you in 2001? I was 3.
In 1973, how many years was it until you were born - or were you born? That’s 25 years before I was born.
Have you ever had a crush on someone, and found out they liked your friend? That’s never happened. I’ve had a small crush on someone before but they weren’t interested in me, which was fine since I knew nothing was possibly going to happen between us anyway.
Have you ever been liked by someone you didn't expect would like you? Yup.
Who ended your last relationship? She did.
How do you feel about that? I’m over it.
Do Mondays get you down? It’s really only hard and anxiety-inducing in the morning when I have to accept that there’s another week’s worth of work to do, but once I get into the groove of my shift it’s easy to deal with again.
How long have you been at your current job? 7 months this June.
Have you ever been fired? Nope.
How many times have you been pulled over by the cops? I’ve never been pulled over by an actual policeman, but I’ve been stopped by traffic enforcers...I’d say maybe around 4-5 times? usually for violations I didn’t know were violations in the area I had been driving in.
What is your mood like right now? I feel quite peaceful and happy, actually. It's been raining all day and the weather is nice and chilly, so I got in the mood to take a survey and put on lo-fi music to wind down :) All I need is sushi and this night would’ve been perfect, but I’m not really complaining.
Where did you go today? I just stayed at home.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now? Not that I know of, no. Then again most people my age - at least in my circle - usually keep it a secret until they’ve already given birth.
Do you cut the crusts off your sandwiches? Noooooooooooo I love the crust.
Do you prefer sweet or unsweetened tea? Sweet.
Who did you last embarrass yourself in front of? My sister, who was reminding me of how much I disliked BTS before :(
Would you rather meet the president or win $500 dollars from the lottery? I have absolutely no desire to meet the president.
What was the reason you last smiled? Someone on my timeline brought back an old BTS tweet from 2013 that finally revealed V as the secret member of the group shortly before they debuted.
A Little About Your Friends
List 8 Good Friends
1. Angela
2. Jo
3. Reena
4. Lui
5. Andi
6. Blanch
7. Kate
8. Macy
Are you related to this person? No, but she’s felt like a sister to me for as long as we’ve known each other.
What did you do the last time you hung out? We had some drinks at Perfy’s before it closed down.
Would you trust this person to keep a secret? I’d trust her with absolutely anything.
Who is this person dating? Hans.
Do you live in the same town? No, she lives in a different city but cities here are small lol so I can easily drive to her place whenever I want to.
Are you dating this person? I am not, and I’m not dating anyone on the list either.
Would you consider this person attractive? Yes.
What is this person's full name? It’s not my place to share that.
Is this person taller than you? Much much taller than literally everyone. I believe she’s 5′10″.
Do you go to the same school? We went to the same university. We technically went to the same high school, but in a different chapter.
Is this person engaged? None of the people on the list are.
What color is this person's hair? Black.
Where does this person work? She’s still a student; she’s actually Angela’s coursemate in architecture.
When did you last call this person? I’ve never called her. Never had a reason to.
Have you ever been drunk together? Hahahahaha yes when we go out for drinks we are notoriously the two people in the group with low tolerance.
What is this person likely doing right now? Probably asleep or cramming an article.
Does this person have any children? Nah.
How did you meet this person? I met them in college since they were in the execomm when I started applying for our mutural org.
Have you ever had a crush on this person? No, it was the other way around.
Where was the last place you went together? ...I don’t even remember the last time we were together? If they were at our org’s Christmas party in 2019, then the last time we were together was at Rita’s house.
What is this person's middle name? Daniel.
Does this person like rap music? Yes, I believe so. Then again I know they listen to all types of music anyway.
Has this person ever been arrested? I don’t think so, at least not to my knowledge. They would’ve already shared that with me if it had ever happened.
Is this person older than you? No, they’re younger by only a few months.
When did you last see this person? January.
Have you ever met this person's parents? Nope.
When is this person's birthday? OMG I don’t remember. I think it’s September 8? Sometime that month, anyway.
Is this person still in high school? No, we graduated college together.
What color are this person's eyes? Dark brown/black.
Do you work with this person? Nah, she’s sticking to the journalism field as far as I know and currently works for a media non-profit org that does fact-checking and investigative reporting.
Do you and this person share an ex? No, our dating spheres are veeeery different haha.
Where was the last place you went to eat with this person? I have no idea :( Marugame Udon, if I had to guess.
What color is this person's car? She doesn’t drive.
Can this person play the piano? I’m pretty sure she can’t.
Does this person like scary movies? I have no clue, actually. I feel like she’d be a scaredy cat though.
How long have you known this person? Since the 2nd grade.
Does this person have hair past their shoulders? Not at the moment.
Does this person have any tattoos? Nope.
Have you ever kissed? Never; she’s more like a sister to me.
Did you go to grade school with this person? Yes.
Finish the Sentence
My hair is: In need of a big-ass trim. I also need to get rid of my bangs because I can’t stand them anymore.
I wish I was: Vacationing in a different country.
The only thing I can't stand: I can’t stand a lot of things, but right now I am hating the feeling of being hungry. I’m making a peanut butter sandwich right after this.
There is no way: You can leave me in a room with a cockroach.
Someday I am going to: Complete an embroidery template. Bake a cake. Go bungee jumping. I can’t really choose; I want to do a lot of things.
I couldn't live without: My phone.
I hate when: It’s sunny.
I love it when: It’s raining.
Sometimes I can be: Moody.
I am not interested: In Bitcoin.
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