#and naveen made a sex joke
burningthetree · 1 year
so I’m watching princess & the frog and I can’t stop thinking about sakuatsu where atsumu gets turned into a frog and kiyoomi refuses to kiss him because it’s gross
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
The Newlyweds Game: Friends Edition
A/N: It's Zoom time! This week, the whole gang has decided to have a Zoom party to unveil the darkest secrets of Edenbrook's hottest couple. Bree tried to choose three candidates but it was impossible, everybody wanted to participate; however, as Tobias is the newest member of this group, many of these questions don't apply to him, so he'll be acting as the moderator of this session to make sure that everybody speaks.
As usual, thanks to the lovely @jamespotterthefirst for sending this weekly challenge. Girl, you have no idea how much you've helped me to have some distraction from work this week! It's been insane! I really needed it!
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Tobias: Well, are we all here?
Ethan: Why do I suddenly feel like we're under a microscope?
Casey: Because we are... well kind of.
Kyra: This is going to be so much fun, we've been reading your answers for weeks already!
Casey and Ethan: *in unison* You have?!?!
Elijah: *smirks* Yeah, we even read the spicy ones.
Jackie: *smirks* Especially the spicy ones.
*Casey and Ethan blush furiously*
Questions for the friends:
Tobias: How did you first find out about their relationship? Were you surprised?
Jackie: Duh, the kiss at the gala...
*Everybody laughs*
Jackie: *not understanding anything at all* What? We all saw them kissing that day! That's how we found it out! We teased this poor girl for days after it!
Kyra: I second Jackie, but I think that was more of a confirmation... so it wasn't a surprise because we all kind of knew it way before that...
Bryce: Jackie, I can't believe you didn't see it before! I confirmed something was going on before the softball game... I remember Ethan didn't want to play with us, but he changed his mind as soon as Casey asked him to do it...
Rafael: During one of our conversations after the attack, I remember Casey telling me that Ethan had been there with her that night after I went into a coma. It made sense with the fact that Ethan had confessed right before the attack that he wasn't single. That's when I knew it.
Sienna: No, no, no, it was way before that...
*While Elijah tries not to laugh, Casey and Ethan look at Sienna... are they scared?*
Sienna: If you were observant, you could really see the looks between them during Casey's trial... you just knew that something was going on there, that's when I found it out.
*Casey and Ethan breathe a sigh of relief*
Harper: *surprised* Really?!?! I mean, I know I told Ethan that he was biased, but I thought you had waited until Casey made it to the team to close the deal!
Casey: *smiling* What do you think, babe? Maybe it's time that we finally tell them the truth... they've been incredibly loyal to us...
Ethan: *smiling* Do you think they'll forgive us?
Casey: Yeah, they will... Naveen is definitely the one who found it out first, and he was right about us... would you do us the honor?
Naveen: Of course, my dear Casey... I'm sure that if you weren't surprised before, you'll be surprised now... I found it out after they returned from Miami, when they attended that conference during Casey's intern year...
*Everybody is in shock, and for like 5 seconds no one says a word. Naveen, Casey and Ethan just chuckle*
Aurora: Wow, you did manage to fool us after all! Have you been in a relationship since Miami?
Casey: Not really... Miami is when we knew we had feelings for each other. About a year after that we decided to give it a shot, just to see where things were going, and then we became official about a year and a half later.
Tobias: *surprised* I think none of us saw this coming. Okay, next question.
Tobias: How was the rumor mill at Edenbrook once they went public? Did you have to defend their honor?
Naveen: Maybe I'm the one to blame here because rumors started even before they had an actual relationship. Many people thought that Ethan had given Casey the spot in the team, when it was actually me. And that led to people saying things that weren't true.
Jackie: Interns and residents can be tough, I've had to deal with a couple of them in the past. They know better now.
Bryce: People will always talk, no matter what, even if they don't know you, I know from experience.
Aurora: I know what you mean, Bryce. Of course I think people are entitled to have their opinion and to believe what they want to believe, but they have no right to make up things just for fun. That hurts.
Kyra: Life in the administration can be very boring, so talking about other people's lives is like an everyday thing. But they wouldn't dare saying a negative thing about them in front of me, they knew we are friends.
Sienna: The nurses asked me a lot about them. There were mixed opinions, especially when they began dating in public, and they still say a lot of things about them, but they make sure I'm not listening to them because I may have had to stand up to some of them in the past.
Ethan: One of the reasons why it took us so long to have an actual relationship was because of that. I don't care about people talking about me, but I couldn't stand the idea of people talking about her, especially when she was an intern and she was proving to be an incredible doctor.
Casey: I honestly don't think you ever got my point when we talked about that and maybe the girls can help me here. You kept saying things were complicated, but especially when you're a woman, the chances that people say awful things about you are pretty high, no matter if they're true or not. It's sad, and unfair, and plain stupid, but it's like it comes with the package.
*All the girls nod in agreement*
Ethan: I will never understand that...
Harper: That's because you're a man and you don't gossip about anyone...
Kyra: Exactly, it's said that women are usually the worst enemy of another woman for a reason... I'm so glad that any of the people in this room follow that motto.
Tobias: What was your first impression of Ethan? Did he fit into the friend group right away?
Aurora: It was weird! My aunt's ex was dating one of my best friends, I had to process it for a while.
Harper: *laughing* But we had already broken up a long time ago!
Elijah: I think it was particularly strange for us, the roomies, basically because it was our boss dating one of us, so we didn't know how to act at first. But then we all learned to relax and you could tell it wasn't too long before he was one of us.
Kyra: He was the one who introduced me to Casey and then I worked with him when I was part of the administration, so it wasn't a big deal, we were used to have these informal interactions. He looked happier though.
Rafael: Same as Kyra. Ethan, Bryce and I go together to the gym, so it wasn't a change at all... it was an added bonus to the relationship we already had.
Tobias: We can't talk about Ethan, but I think me, Harper and Naveen could talk about Casey and we all would agree on our opinion. If someone had told us 10 years ago that Ethan would meet a person who would make him question all his morals and principles, that he would fall in love with that person and that he would end up marrying that person, we all three would have thought it was a terrible joke. She definitely turned his world upside down.
*Harper and Naveen nod in agreement*
Tobias: What’s the most adorable thing they do as a couple?
Sienna: They way they look at each other... it melts my heart.
Jackie: They're annoyingly cute... I can't believe I just said that, I need a drink now...
Rafael: They are very affectionate, maybe not with words, but with actions. Like they're always hugging, holding hands...
Harper: You could tell they are each other's best friend without even knowing they're married.
Naveen: They know how to communicate. They don't even need to talk to each other and they know exactly what the other wants to say. And it's been like that since they were friends.
Bryce: They are definitely couple goals. I think they have the type of relationship we all would like to have in our lives.
Kyra: Especially because of the big house and the money.
Tobias: Which of their dates would you have liked to crash?
Bryce and Jackie: *in unison* All of them!!
Naveen: I missed my oppotunity to crash their dates at Derry Raosters. I saw them so many times when they weren't officially together. They were so focused on each other that they never saw me and I'm sure they would have made up any excuse to try to convince me they weren't on a date. *chuckles*
Ethan: We used to go to Derry Roasters to work, those weren't dates.
Tobias: Wrong answer, Ethan! After all this time, I highly doubt that any person in this room believes that.
*Everybody nods in agreement, including Casey*
Ethan: *looking at Casey, surprised* You too?!?!
Casey: Yeah... I mean... it took me a while to realize it, but they actually looked a lot like dates, especially when we went there for no reason, just to escape from the hospital for a moment.
Elijah: I would crash their getaways... they go to the greatest places! I wouldn't mind going to a beach with them to get some vitamin D for a weekend.
Rafael: Or when they go skiing on winter... that resort looks so warm and cozy...
Sienna: Or those restaurants! The food and the drinks look so good! They definitely know how to pamper themselves!
Tobias: Did you ever witness a walk of shame (or anything else of the sort)?
*Elijah and Sienna can't hide it anymore... they cackle*
Tobias: Oooh... you did see them...
Elijah: Sorry Casey, but we've been keeping this secret for too long already... Sienna and I saw Casey sneaking Ethan out of the apartment not too long before the end of our intern year...
Casey: *furiously blushing* You traitor!
Jackie: *surprised* Wait, where was I?
Sienna: Sleeping
Jackie: Damn, Landrat was right when he said we wouldn't hear other people having sex when we moved into that place... anyway, I remember seeing Casey coming home early morning a few times, but I never asked... I assumed she had stayed at the hospital with some patient...
Aurora: You're so naïve that it hurts... anyway, I think we all have seen them leaving offices and the on-call room more times than we can count, so...
*Everybody nods in agreement*
Ethan: *visibly uncomfortable* Well, there is always paperwork that we don't have time to do during our shifts...
Harper: Well, as soon as the team office remains immaculate...
*Casey and Ethan look at each other in silence and smile*
Tobias: Oh, come on, guys! That's more than I wanted to know! I'll never look at that desk... or the couch... or those chairs... the same way now! I'm definitely asking the board to sanitize the office after this.
Tobias: What was your reaction when you found out Casey was moving out to move in with Ethan?
Jackie, Aurora, Sienna and Elijah: *in unison* FINALLY!!
Casey: *surprised* Were you seriously expecting me to leave?
Aurora: No, we didn't want you to leave, don't get us wrong. In fact, we still miss having you around.
Jackie: The thing is, after you and Ethan became official, you did a pretty decent job trying to balance your time with him and your time with us at home.
Elijah: Sure, we could tell you spent less time with us, but you never failed when we planned a roomies night or for a videogames or a John Carpenter movie marathon.
Sienna: But we also knew that you and Ethan were taking your relationship very seriously and we wanted the best for both of you because you had gone through a lot... so we were kind of excited when you told us the news, because we knew how much it meant for you both.
Casey: *pouting* you're going to make me cry, guys!
Who won the prediction pool about when Ethan would pop the question?
Casey: *surprised* You guys had a pool?!?!
Ethan: *pinching the bridge of his nose* Unbelievable.
Jackie: Of course we did!
Tobias: And I won.
Bryce: And Sienna and I were a close second.
Harper: Tobias had an unfair advantage though, he has known Ethan the longest.
Tobias: But remember they both said they weren't going to get marry.
Elijah: They were avoiding the questions on the topic like the plague!
Naveen: And you believed them? Casey unconsciously made Ethan break every single one of his rules, so it was obvious to me that they would get marry someday.
Tobias: Were you in the wedding party? What was your favorite part about the wedding?
Ethan: we kept it really small, so we didn't have a wedding party. Casey's maid of honor was Sienna and my best man was Naveen, that was it.
Casey: Yeah, we didn't have a lot of guests, so we felt we didn't need to have an "official" party, but believe it or not, you all helped us somehow, especially when we were about to give up on the idea of getting married because it was being too much for us to handle.
Ethan: I don't think we ever thanked you properly for that. We were exhausted and you were there to help us when we needed you the most. We are very grateful for that.
Jackie: *smirks* Well, we were the ones who were going to enjoy the party, it was the least we could do for you.
Sienna: You would have done the same for any of us.
Bryce: I don't know if you guys agree with me, but I'd say my favorite part were their vows. I think we all cried with them.
Everybody: *in unison* YES!!
Harper: The thing is that we all know your relationship, but at the same time we know that you both try to keep things as private as possible, so when you exchanged your vows it was like for the first time you were truly opening up your relationship and letting us in. It was beautiful.
Kyra: And then your first dance was the perfect complement to those vows... it was really touching.
Casey: Kyra, you're so right! I never made that connection until now!
Elijah: Honorable mention goes to the food and the booze... everything was delicious!
Aurora: Don't remind me... worst hangover ever... but Raf giving us free samba lessons was awesome! We have to do that more often!
Rafael: Anytime!
Sienna: The idea of smores and blankets station you set up with a bonefire to hang out was so clever and cute! It was perfect!
For everyone, including Ethan x Casey:
Tobias: Okay, this will be easy and fun. Basically, let's all play Fuck/Marry/Kill the people in this room. And before you can say anything, Ethan and Casey, you're not allowed to choose each other.
Casey: Not fair!
Tobias: I'm the moderator, I make the rules... go ahead, who wants to go first?
Jackie: Easy... I'd fuck Casey, marry Aurora and kill the meathead
Aurora: I think I'd fuck Rafael, marry Elijah, and kill aunt Harper... sorry!
Sienna: Let's see... I think I'd fuck Elijah, marry Raf and kill Naveen... but only because I have to kill someone, I wouldn't dare killing anyone in this room!
Elijah: I'd fuck Jackie, marry Aurora and kill Sienna, only because I know she'll forgive me
Bryce: I'd fuck Kyra and Harper, marry Casey and kill Jackie, of course
Rafael: I'd fuck Ethan, marry Sienna and kill Harper
Harper: *laughs* I literally saved your life, you traitor!
Rafael: *chuckles* Sorry!
Tobias: I'd fuck Aurora, marry Harper and kill Ethan or Casey, just because I want their jobs
Naveen: I think I'm too old to play these things...
Ethan: No way Naveen, if I'm in this mess, then you are too... go ahead...
Naveen: So... I would fuck Sienna, marry Harper, and kill Tobias for wanting to kill Casey or Ethan
Harper: I'd fuck Tobias, marry Naveen and kill Ethan... that was fast!
Kyra: Piece of cake... I'd fuck Jackie, marry Ethan and kill Casey, because she needs to be dead so that I can marry Ethan.
Casey: Still thinking on who to fuck... but I'd marry Sienna or Aurora and I'd kill Elijah for being a traitor today... oh! I think I'd fuck Bryce...
Bryce: So many opportunities wasted when you were single, Casey...
Ethan: *very serious* Lahela...
Ethan: This is so childish... are you sure I can't pick my wife?
Everybody: *in unison* NO!
Ethan: Okay... then... let's see... I'd fuck Tobias, marry Sienna or Rafael and kill Lahela, because of that very inappropriate comment he just made.
Tobias: And that's a wrap, people! Now we only have to set a date for Elijah and Aurora and Rafael and Sienna's wedding and we're done... Thanks for having us, Bree!
Tagging: @adiehardfan @izzyourresidentlawyer
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
1, 3, 7, 17, 33 for both E x B and E x O from the useful/fun character development questions for couples please! Thank you ❤️
> useful/fun character development questions for couples <
1. What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
Rebecca has eyes so that was the initial catalyst for her. She’d let Whoever this dark and stormy handsome giraffe was dick her down. 
Ethan won’t admit it but that evening of her first day when she bought him a drink is when he would really let himself be attracted to her, if only for 15 minutes. Then undeniably after the Dolores case he was fucked. That night he inquired about her tattoo at her wrist and she told him the story behind it. Not only was the ink hot but also her mind behind it.
Ethan was initially attracted to Odette that first day, she has all the qualities of women he normally entertain. But then she seemed really put off by him and that kind of turned him off a bit. He started getting the stirrings again after her trial towards the beginning of book 2 when they became more friendly - who else would he occasionally text on his sabbatical besides his dads? The way she just cared for him and treated him like a person and not like just a mentor or the man on the pedestal everybody believes him to be. She intellectually spars with him but in the most delightful ways and that gets him in his feels. She just seems to be always there. The whole Louise drama is when he solidified that he’s attracted and has romantic feelings for her. 
One day at impromptu brunch they’re talking and laughing and the light is hitting just right and Ethan is smiling and looking at her and something in her just kind of melts. In that moment she knew that they were much more than they were pretending to be.
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
The feeling of total adoration hmmm... 
Ode was after her trial and they were having a drink and just a good time maybe? They’ve both been through a lot the last few weeks and they’ve come out of it as friends. 
Ethan after seeing everything she did for Naveen and for him was a start to this girl being a fixture in his life. He became very fond of her then. But the big smack in the head (or to the heart) was the Louise drama. He couldn’t have come through without her, and she didn’t need to be so sweet nor did she need to be taking care of him again. But she does. Because she’s always there, and she cares. Even if she doesn’t say it, even if he’s still quite sure that she cannot stand him most of the time, she’s by his side holding him up. 
Odette really couldn’t tell you when she went from I know this guy is my friend I’ll keep him to I know I like him much more than my other friends. I’m assuming it would be at some point during all of the events they go to together and just all the time they spend together. Where she starts slowly, gradually falling for him in deep adoration. Most notably hitting her heart is when she gets the keyboard - that changed everything. Followed up by the night of the charity auction where they just walked around the local area of Boston and grabbed a bite to eat at a dive they both joked they needed to make up for in the morning, in their formal get ups and just had a lovely evening.
Rebecca fell in deep adoration with him in the moments they spend pouring over Naveen’s case. His passion and they way he talked about medicine with bright eyes and a crooked boyish smile had her heart melting. These moments were also just theirs - no one knew they were spending all this extra time together. 
Is it weird to say Ethan realized he adored her whilst in the Amazon? Distance makes the heart grow fonder and whatnot. Which is also why he’s a total asshole to her when he comes back - he needs to fight this feeling with anger. Repress repress repress! 
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Becca continually pursues Ethan even when she’s ‘seeing’ Bryce - her heart is always with Ethan. She tells him in not so many words but she refuses to say I love you. That’s one thing she will never let him have hanging over her head - she’s embarrassed herself enough by believing him again and again that saying the words out loud could break her/them. She wants it to be his choice if they’re going to be that romantic with one another. She flirts with him naturally and not artfully most times. And Ethan takes it all; he enjoys it even if he knows he can’t go any further than these little quips.
Ethan doesn’t pursue Becca’s affections (he says, he caves a few times and refuses to acknowledge them). He pretty much denies them at every chance he can throughout second year and the beginning of first. As long as he’s employed at Edenbrook they can’t be anything and he stands by that. But then the toxin happens and he can’t not pursue her. Not anymore. Not since she broke up with bryce for him and he shut her down again. Not when she nearly died in his arms. Although he doesn’t want the affections at the beginning, he seeks it out so he flirt with her. Meets every one of her attempts with a half smile and does all he can to pull laughter from her. If he can’t be with her the least he could do is bring a bit of joy.
With Odette, Ethan is the one to pursue his own affection with that kiss and all the little friendly things that become staples in their lives. He doesn’t believe he’s ever actually blatantly flirted with her, everything just came so naturally. 
Ode is completely oblivious to Ethan‘s affections until he kisses her. Well, she had an inkling only because Sienna told her that nobody buys that expensive of a keyboard for simply a friend. While Ode agrees, she doesn’t want to believe it. So she doesn’t. She doesn’t think she pursues any sort of affections for him. But she does. In the way they spend time together, in the way that they talk and subtly flirt and spend all their free time together. In the small gifts of admiration and trinkets they bring to one another just to see the smile.
17. Under what circumstances would they want to be left alone by their partner?
OxE: After an argument or a stressful situation. They’re both quite introverted and need alone time (both) or silence (ethan) to sort through their thoughts. Odette also likes to have alone time once a week - a few hours in an afternoon to just be in herself. She hates the quiet though, so there’s always music playing in the background or something on Netflix. 
BxE: Ethan wants to be left alone when he has lots of work to do, or he’s had an argument with anyone. Whenever he’s feeling heightened emotions he wants to settle it on his own like he’s so used to doing. If Becca’s pissed or on her period she likes to be left alone. If she’s reading she needs pure quiet and will do that when he’s working in another room etc. 
33. Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
Ethan has more protective jealousy. Of others treating Odette like a piece of meat/sexual object and her letting them. The amount of times she entertains random men who look at her wolfishly when they’re at events and never shuts them down (until they try to move things into ‘more’ territory). When she becomes really really busy with the app and they’re passing ships in the night he’s a little jealous of her professionally - wishes he could be part of this. but it’s hers. and he is part of it in a way. He’s also a little envious of her relationship with her parents. 
Ode isn’t a jealous person at all. She does too much into yoga and meditation for that. She just wants the best for everyone. 
Becca trusts Ethan but she doesn’t trust other women. When she and Ethan are in the early days of dating she’s insecure-ish and will playfully make comments that are meant to be a joke but rooted in jealousy - about how he’s too old for her, questions why he’s not with X, what he sees in Y or not in Z. The longer they’re together they have an unspoken game that ends up in some hot sex. But then the years go by and they’re too codependent. 
Ethan is jealous of her relationship with Bryce and a little bit of the guy she was dating in med school. He has personal doubts about them aside from his ethics and morals, like his age, how they don’t really have all that much in common, how much they fight. He’s more stuck in thinking about Becca’s potential with everyone that isn’t him - he’s afraid he’s going to fail/ruin her. 
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alwaysmychoices · 4 years
So, I wrote a HC that was pretty angsty and messy about what would have happened if Ethan and MC started dating after Miami. I still think that would have happened, but I started wondering, “what would I have written if I was writing a cute HC about that?” Next thing I knew, it was 2 am and I was writing this on my phone from my bed. 
So, here are all the cuter details about what I think would have happened if they started dating in Book 1.
Ethan & MC Dating after Miami - Cute Moments HC  💖
When Ethan and MC started a relationship in Miami, neither of them had any idea how hard those first six months would be. Between the fights and miscommunications, they were just trying to get to know each other while their personal lives went to hell.
There were breakups, makeups, passive aggressions, avoidance, and even a few rounds of silent treatments.
But there was a reason they always came back. Because, late at night, when they mulled over their loss, it wasn’t the bad things that they thought of - it was the good, the pure, and the four letter word on the tip of their tongue that brought them back to each other’s doorstep time and time again.
Because, when they were good, they were amazing.
Ethan loved to send MC flowers.
Before MC, he had never been the kind of man who sent flowers. They were messy, impermanent, and hard to enjoy when you spent all your time at work.
But one time, MC said she mentioned that she liked buying flowers because they allowed her to enjoy a piece of nature, even when she spent her whole day inside the hospital.
The first time he sent them, Ethan had made a real ass out of himself. He said something stupid at dinner, which lead to a fight. He had already worked it out with MC, and though she assured him it was alright, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to do something to prove that he wasn’t such a jerk. On impulse, he ordered 2 dozen roses to be sent to her apartment.
When she got home to her roommates crowding around the prettiest rose bouquet she had ever seen, it didn’t even cross her mind that it could be for her - not until Elijah supplied the card addressed to her from a secret admirer.
Once she was alone, MC called Ethan to make sure it was really him. She couldn’t imagine him willingly ordering such a romantic gift, but she also couldn’t picture someone else giving it to her.
When she asked him if he bought the flowers, he tensed, afraid he’d accidentally risked their secrecy by sending it to her home, but he anxiously admitted that he did and asked if she liked them.
And when she said she loved them... he felt a feeling so unfamiliar he couldn’t classify it. He was so proud to be the one who sent them and so happy that he found a way to make her smile when he so often felt like he was always messing up with her. Right then, he knew this wouldn’t be the last time he sent her flowers.
And it wasn’t. He regularly sent her bouquets and only let up a little when her roommates became suspicious. Once, when MC was alone in his apartment dog sitting Jenner, he had a massive flower arrangement delivered to her with just the message “I miss you.”
To accommodate their busy schedules, date night usually meant going back to Ethan’s apartment with takeout, but after one too many nights of Thai delivery, Ethan decided to teach MC how to cook.
He was startled to realize she had absolutely no idea how to cook. How had she gotten this far into adulthood without this basic skill? Every week, he had a new recipe for them to try, and he would walk her through all the steps.
When Ethan concentrated on cooking, he got these little lines between his eyebrows. MC thought they were cute. Sometimes, she would smooth them out with her thumb to remind him to relax. Other times, she would kiss them. When she did that, he always became distracted. Once, he almost cut his hand because he was so wrapped up in her.
Ethan pretended to find this annoying, but whenever she did it, he showed a small smile that gave him away.
Their fights were usually brutal. They were both so smart and so stubborn that the fights became unwinnable.
And probably because of that, their debates were practically a force of nature.
More than once, they spent a whole Saturday afternoon half naked in Ethan’s apartment and debating the finer points of medical ethics or treatments for patients. They usually could reach an agreement, except when they debated pineapple on pizza.
They pushed each other.
They made each other better doctors for having worked together and better people for having known each other.
Perhaps more importantly, they cared about each other. Even when they were locked in a disagreement or feigning disinterest, they cared. If the other needed them, they were there.
They needed each other more than they would admit. Very quickly, MC became Ethan's rock as they treated Naveen. She was the only one who could understand what he was going through.
MC was nervous to tell Ethan about being sabotaged at work. She didn't want him to think of her as the kind of person who blamed someone else for her mistakes, but when Landry was exposed as a traitor, she was devastated and just wanted Ethan to comfort her.
When he found out all that Landry did, Ethan was furious. Beyond hurting his girlfriend, he had endangered dozens of patients and the stability of the whole hospital.
But he was also hurt that MC hadn't told him.
Ethan realized that he wanted to be the person she shared her problems with. He wanted to be her person, just like she was his.
MC was surprised that, when it came to someone insulting or hurting her, Ethan was always on her side - even when she was equally as guilty. Once, MC complained that an attending made a sexist, offhand comment during rounds. Ethan never liked that attending again. When someone hit on MC and made her uncomfortable when they were at a bar together, Ethan told him off and forced him to leave.
Ethan was equally surprised by how jealous MC could get. He rarely noticed when women flirted with him, so it took him a few months to detect MC's jealousy. The first time he saw it, they were having a drink at a bar. A woman was very shamelessly coming onto him, though she didn't get much of Ethan's attention, but MC looked furious. Every time the woman came over to talk to them, MC moved just a little bit closer until she was almost in his lap.
When he took MC home, he commented on it, assuring her that he was only there for her, but MC grumbled that it happened all the time and that he didn't notice.
So, he started paying attention, and wow, it happened way more often than he thought. Even patients flirted with him, earning a glare from MC.
Once, when Ethan and MC were in the middle of a really big fight, Ethan caught MC staring at him at Donahue’s. To get a rise out of her, Ethan started flirting with the woman sitting a few seats down at the bar. MC was outraged. Thirty minutes later, when he got up to leave, MC followed him out, and they yelled at each other in the ally. And then they made out in the ally and had sex in the back of his car.
The next morning, they acted like nothing happened at work.
In fact, that was usually how they acted at work.
But at the beginning of their relationship, there were plenty of cute moments to be had at Edenbrook.
Like when their hands would accidentally brush when looking over a chart. Or when Ethan's breath hit her neck when he looked over her shoulder to see if she was doing something right. Or secret meetings in his office under the guise of needing to talk about a patient.
But MC thought the sweetest moments where the ones when he would see her coming down the hall, and just for a second, his face soften and warm to her. Almost immediately after, his face would harden again as he got back to work. But in that short little moment, MC knew she made him happy.
Keeping the secret was so hard, especially when MC was always under the watchful eyes of her roommates and friends. 
They were all convinced she was in love with someone and joked that she had a secret boyfriend. MC laughed along, but they never actually thought it was Dr. Ramsey.
To make it a little less obvious, she always joined in when they complained about him. 
Ethan noticed and rolled his eyes, but he didn’t stop her. 
The only person who noticed in Ethan’s life was Naveen, but Ethan skillfully dodged the question whenever he could.
However, they had almost been caught so many times, in and out of the hospital. Even at the farmer’s market, they weren’t safe from a coworker finding them and innocently approaching. 
MC always looked around before she kissed him, and Ethan had to be at least 5 miles from the hospital to show any display of affection, not that he particularly liked public displays of affection in the first place.
MC knew that she loved Ethan before she even really knew him, which was terrifying. She worried that, one day, she would learn some horrible fact or realize some unforgiveable trait. Ethan, on the other hand, never imagined that MC would become ruined in his eyes. He didn't think she could. No, he worried that he would be the one to make the mistake.
Both them harbored a lot of insecurities in their relationship - insecurities that held them back.
When they shed them, even just for the night, it was incredible.
Some of the best nights were spent wine-drunk, oversharing hundreds of little details that shaped who they were. MC liked hearing about Ethan's childhood, and she frequently needled him about his mysterious past relationship with Harper. Ethan wanted to know everything about her adult life before him, even when it included ex-boyfriends he instinctively hated.
When their relationship settled into comfortable, stable commitment, they still had nights like that.
Even when they moved in together, they sometimes picked out a bottle of wine, finished the whole thing, and spent the second bottle of wine sharing stories and experiences.
That was when it felt real. That was what reminded them that this was magic - that this was love.
@stateofgracious I think this was kinda cute, so maybe I can do some cute ones  🤞
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queenbirbs · 4 years
on this winter night with you | Ethan Ramsey x MC
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Sloane McTavish)
Summary: Ethan attempts to decorate his apartment for Christmas and worries himself into the ground about it, as per usual. 
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: alcohol mention 
Notes: Takes place during book two. Title from Gordon Lightfoot’s “Song for a Winter’s Night.” 
“This looks stupid,” he mutters to himself for what might be the fortieth time. 
Still, Ethan can’t resist reaching out and shifting the small pile of presents again. As if another inch to the right will suddenly make them fit in amongst the other decor on his mantle. They should be in their traditional place under the tree, but Jenner nearly consumed an entire bow when he turned his back. And with how much time he wasted watching wrapping tutorials on his phone -- twenty-seven minutes, according to the video length and the amount of times he replayed it -- he doesn’t have the energy to deal with that again. 
Especially when he’s spent so much of the afternoon fighting with the lights. When he pulled them from the dark tomb of his guest bedroom closet, they were wrapped neatly around a divider -- thanks to his dad, who gifted them to him years ago. Somehow, in the short trek to the living room, Ethan managed to tangle them into an incomprehensible mess. 
And there went another sixteen minutes. 
He has studies published in several dozen medical journals; he wrote his own textbook before the age of 27; he’s been the keynote speaker at the North American Diagnostics Conference for two of the past five years. But Ethan doesn’t even want to know how long he struggled with wrapping the lights around the tree, before he realized he could just pull the damn thing away from the corner. After wrestling it back into said corner, he plugged in the cord. Only to find that the lights were set on some bizarre, rapid blinking pattern that he couldn’t seem to switch off. 
There must be a joke out there about a doctor reading a wikiHow article on how to set up a Christmas tree. He sure isn’t laughing, though. Because for all his troubles, his apartment looks like the set of a low-budget holiday special. 
“This looks stupid.”
From the floor, behind the makeshift barricade around the tree, Jenner grunts in agreement. Ethan bites back the sigh that begs to form, figuring that he’s met his quota already. It’s irrational to be nervous about something so trivial -- it’s all tinsel and plastic pine needles, after all. But that’s not counting for what’s at the bottom of the box on the coffee table. Which is why he wants this to be perfect. Which is why he should stop worrying over the decor and see to dinner. 
He’s only gotten to slicing the tomatoes when Jenner races to the front door. 
“--the state with the worst drivers, I swear,” Sloane says to no one in particular as she opens the door. “I read an article about it in The Atlantic.” 
Bundled up in her coat and his scarf, she shakes the snow from her hair. Fat drops of ice plod onto the rug. She bypasses the coat rack and drapes hers across a barstool, then dumps her bag and scarf onto the island, muttering all the while about Massachusetts drivers. Her heels clatter to the floor as she kicks them off and moans in relief. It should be silly that, despite the panic he feels at her early arrival and the slight annoyance at the mess she’s made of the foyer, he’s still hit with that familiar pang of affection for this woman. He likes being on this side of the fence when it comes to their relationship. The side where it’s just the two of them, with no workplace rules or curious onlookers to spy on them. The sex is fantastic, don’t get him wrong, but there’s something thrilling about the domesticity. He certainly wasn’t ever able to say that about his other relationships. 
Now, if he could emit any sort of verbal greeting from where he’s frozen in place at the counter.
“You’re early,” he declares, wincing at the lack of subtlety. 
“Patient transfer went without a hitch. Must’ve been one of those Christmas miracles I hear so much about. So Naveen said I could head out.” 
Sloane pops open the fridge and pulls out a bottle of wine. Passing behind him, she gives his hip a quick squeeze before locating the corkscrew. She glances up through the curtain of her hair at him and grins, reading his nervous energy as easily as a book. He’s never been good at hiding much from her which, looking back, was probably for the best. “I texted you.”
“I… you did?” 
Popping the cork, she shoots him another look as she pours them each a glass. He takes his and tries not to seem too eager to have a sip. Reflections on the bottle pull her attention from him and to the odd light show playing in the living room. Ethan watches as she rounds the couch and lets out an amused chuckle.  
“What’s with the textbooks?” 
“Jenner kept trying to eat the ornaments. And the tree skirt. And the tree.”
“Most people get those weird, little fences.”
“I’ll get a ‘weird, little fence’ next year.”
“Don’t. I like it. It’s very…” she tips her head to the side, as if she’s assessing an art piece and not the Great Wall of Oxford University Press, “...you.”
“Thanks. I think.” Coming to stand beside her, he gestures to a plastic storage bin on the coffee table. “I didn’t have a chance to hang the ornaments yet.”
“Good. We can do it together.” Bumping her nose against his arm, she drops a kiss to the fabric there, and then another on his jaw. “After dinner, though, because I’m starving.” 
Leaning down, he hauls her close with his arm around her waist and captures her lips with his own. After a long, long moment, he pulls away and lets them both catch their breath. 
“Me too,” he says, grinning when she rolls her eyes at his antics. 
“Yeah, I got that. C’mon, you take care of the main course and I’ll handle dessert.” 
“Isn’t this supposed to accompany dessert?” he questions as he reads the label. 
“Hush. It’s Christmas Eve. We’re both adults with high-stress jobs working on a veritable sinking ship that we’re choosing to go down with.” Sloane ticks off the reasons with her fingers, though she only gets as far as those two before he passes the bottle of Marchese dell’Elsa to her. “And it’s Christmas Eve.”
“You already said that.” 
“Enough backtalk.” She uses her stern voice, but the effect is diminished by the sleeves of his sweater sliding back down over her hands. “It’s time for the best part.” 
Reaching into the plastic bin, she pulls an ornament free from the tissue paper. It’s a green, silk ball, shot through with a gold stitching that’s coming loose. Ethan thinks it’s old enough to be his paternal grandmother’s. A woman he has few memories of, but the ones he has -- orange parquet floors, low, throaty laughs, and the spicy scent of menthol cream -- are fond. Sloane moves over to the tree and settles it near the top.
Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album and the hiss of the gas fireplace accompany them as they make slow work of emptying out the bin. Glittery snowflakes and chipping snowmen hang amongst the cheesy doctor phrases his dad insists on gifting him.  
“Aww look at you,” Sloane drags out the word as he lifts out one of the last ornaments. Crafted from popsicle sticks glued together, the makeshift frame holds a glossy picture of Ethan clutching a first place trophy for the fourth grade science fair. “What was your project?” 
“A lemon volcano.” 
“That’s so cute. Mine was on the different decomposition rates of plastic in fresh versus saltwater.”
“Nobody likes a braggart,” he mumbles, prompting a laugh from her as she snatches the ornament from his hand and hangs it dead center on the tree. 
She turns back to rifle through the bin for any small baubles they may have missed, only for her to lift out a gold key tied with a ribbon. Confusion draws her brows together as she inspects it. Though he despises hyperbole, he can’t deny the near-feeling of his heart in his throat. He gulps down what’s left in his glass and sucks in a breath. Sloane moves to place it on the tree when he reaches out to stop her. 
“No, wait -- it’s… it’s for you,” he manages to stutter out.   
She shifts to face him.
“This year has been challenging. Probably the hardest and most grueling in a long time.” Ethan rubs his palm along his jaw, unable to suppress the smile that comes with his next words. “But you -- you made it all worth it. I can’t help but be thankful that I’m here with you, at the end of this awful year. And I know that we don’t know what’s going to happen with the hospital, or where we might be next year, but I don’t really care about any of that right now.” 
And hadn’t that been a revelation, that the career he’d spent a decade dedicating his life to cultivating had fallen to the wayside when it came to his future with Sloane. Because that’s what he wants, at the end of the day, at the end of this mess. “Having you here with me -- I’ve gotten used to it. And I’d like for you to continue being here with me. If you want to, that is.”  
Her green eyes are wide as they flicker from his face to the key and back again. The lights shimmer against the auburn waves that have come loose from her bun. She clears her throat and gives her head a little shake, as if waking herself from a daydream.  
“I -- what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I lied about needing to donate my clothes. I mean, I am still doing that, but the reason wasn’t just for a yuletide cleaning. I was making space. For you to move in with me.” 
He steps forward and settles his hands on her waist, kissing her once on the forehead. The smirk appears on his face, unbidden. “I thought I was being pretty obvious, what with leaving the top drawers empty and moving my suits to the guest closet.”
“I thought you were going to embrace the leather jacket look you picked up in Brazil and expand your wardrobe beyond grandpa sweaters and khakis,” she serves right back.
Ethan rolls his eyes at the dig. 
“Big talk for the thief currently wearing one of these so-called ‘grandpa sweaters.’” 
Sloane snuggles close, right into the space where she fits so well against his chest. Her fingers trace over the key. 
“My answer is yes, by the way.”
The confirmation warms him, right down to the center of his chest. Or maybe a little to the left. Cupping her face, he slides his lips along hers, sighing with content when she deepens the kiss.  
“I’m glad to hear it.”
Author’s notes and what-have-yous:
Another fic that’s mostly dialogue? Absolutely unheard of from me. Another fic that should’ve been posted in a timely manner? Yet here we are, day after Christmas. Oh well. 
Was the hospital talk vague enough for it to be obvious that I… haven’t exactly finished book 2? I got to chapter 14 and then work hit me like a category five hurricane for two and a half months, so I haven’t gotten a chance to actually play the last few chapters. I’ll get around to them eventually. 
Also: the Atlantic article is fake, though MA did receive the worst driver award back in 2014. As of 2020, Massachusetts was rated as the best for drivers (using data from 2017 through 2019).
Happy holidays and warm wishes to everyone still chugging through this wild, wild year. 
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.8K
Summary: Leah goes on a date with the Tobias Carrick, Ethan's ex-best friend. The jealousy and anger which unfolds within Ethan, leads him to confronting Leah. But in midst of their confrontation, feelings are uncovered.
Author's note: It's angst in the first half and towards the end it's smut... I have differentiated it if you aren't comfortable :)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl @samihatuli @loveellamae @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @zeniamiii @binny1985 (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Uncover by Zara Larsson and Missed you by The Weeknd
Forgive me if there are any mistake
Ethan was walking down the hallway of Leland Bloom's mansion. To be honest, he didn't even know where he was but his pride wouldn't let him go and ask for help.
Just keep going, you will eventually find the way.
That was his mantra in life. Whenever things became difficult, he would keep on pushing forward, never stopping. His mom left him? Study, work and get into a good college. Tobias and him had a fallout? Work harder, get into a better undergrad program than him and go on to join the best diagnostics team in the country. Naveen fell sick? Stuff all the feelings in a box, shut it and work hard till Naveen can stay alive.
He never stopped. He switched off his feelings and kept marching forward.
But when he met Leah, it felt like he came across a speed breaker, which forced him to stop. Forced him to breathe. Forced him to feel. Forced him to be human.
And the funny thing is that, he didn't know whether to be grateful or be terrified of this change.
Leah had a fiery spirit and a kind heart. They were so alike that it often took Ethan's breath away. They were the dream team, complementing each other. They worked like a well oiled engine, their dynamics so superior that they could complete each other's sentences.
Leah and Ethan.
Sunshine and E.
But being alike had its downfalls as well. Both of them were stubborn and had their head all the way up their asses.
He had still not forgotten the way she opened the door to her room in bra and panties. The way the golden rays illuminated her long tanned legs and the way the lace contrasted her flawless body, sent Ethan reeling through memories of them lying naked in that very bed.
And as if that wasn't enough, she stripped in front of him. The most incriminating thoughts ran through his head and he had to clench his fists to prevent himself from fucking her against the wall, having her scream his name, as her nails dug into his back. There would be red scars down his back but he would wear those scars as a damn medal.
But he was angry and furious as well. Going behind his back and calling that air head of an influencer made his blood boil. It went against the beliefs and the rules based on which, the diagnostics team was laid.
There are rules of the world that are meant to be followed. Monotony, no matter how boring it is, is the way of life. It's not always safe to shake things up. You never know what consequences arise.
On their way to the patient's mansion, they bickered like a married couple. June and Baz had a field trip seeing him being called out by Leah.
She called him a fucking diva.
All his life he had worked on building a reputation which commanded respect and awe but this girl just comes in like a wrecking ball.
Good lord, how can this woman make me pissed and turned on at the same time?! He grumbled internally as he turned the corner.
He heard Tobias's deep voice carry over."I must say Dr. Garcia, you are a vision and you take my breath away. Such a beauty-"
"Dr. Carrick if you want to flatter me, you are going about it wrong. Screw beauty, that's subjective." Leah said as she wrote in the chart, without sparing a second glance at him.
She walked past him and Ethan couldn't help but chuckle at Tobias's expression. Tobias just gave him a dark glare before following her. He was proud of his Sunshine.
But that momentary pride diminished as soon as it came.
Ethan walked to the exit and saw Tobias talking to her again, and this time, Leah was laughing and blushing.
Why that asshole-
"No I must say, not everyday do you see such bright minds as yourself."
"Thank you Tobias. You are too kind."
They were on first name basis?! When did that happen? Did I step into an alternate universe? Ethan thought as jealousy slowly burnt bright in his veins.
"So, can I buy you breakfast tomorrow? As an apology and a chance to get to know you better?" Tobias asked, his turquoise eyes shimmering in the sun.
"Dr. Garcia. We need to run couple of tests on Mr. Bloom. Time waits for no one." Ethan called out to her, cock-blocking them. He wasn't gonna lie, that was the most satisfying thing he had ever done.
Both of them glared but Ethan just held an impassive face, as if he didn't hear their small 'cute' exchange.
"Yes, Dr. Ramsey." She walked towards Ethan not before waving him goodbye.
They walked towards Helen, Baz's cute mini cooper. "Leah..." Ethan spoke, wondering how to frame his sentence without sounding like a jealous imbecile.
"Yup Dr. Ramsey?" She turned to look up at him.
"Tobias... He isn't a good man."
"God, Ethan! I think I can decide for myself." Leah rolled her eyes.
"No, you don't get it. He charms and lures woman to his bed and after he has sex, he leaves them high and dry. I don't want you to go through that pain."
She stopped and turned towards him, "Ethan I am no weak bitch. I'm not naive and he isn't my first date. I am just goofing around and I will do whatever I want because this is a free country. And, in a long time some guy has shown me attention so I'm not letting that slide-"
"Shh! And about pain... I think I have experienced that because of you."
"Me?" He gasped out loud, his world stopping. Doesn't she know that my feelings for her are so strong that the thought of hurting her physically pains me?
"You heard me. Your constant rejection and the 'hot and cold' moments pain me so damn much. It breaks my heart that we pretend that we are together but when I ask you, you close up."
"Leah you know there are ethics-"
"Don't give me that ethics and moral crap. You yourself said that I am not a resident, I am a PEER. A colleague. Hell, Lahela and Harper have been dating and absolutely nobody has blinked an eye." She said with a steely voice.
Leah gave a sigh and Ethan could see the dark circles under her eyes. She looked so tired. "Ethan... I- I'm so exhausted. You can't reject me and prevent me from seeing a guy." With that she turned on her heels and walked away.
What just happened? Ethan thought, feeling shaken to the core.
Leah wore a simple pencil skirt and tucked in her olive green blouse into the skirt. Her hands continued their daily chores, but her mind was so far away. When she thought about Ethan, she would get so angry that her hands would tremble.
Just who the hell does he think he is? Wasn't he the one who kept pushing her away? Wasn't he the one you said that "if I gave a damn about you, I won't be with you"?
What a damn hypocrite.
There was so much tension between them already. Ethan was giving her the cold shoulder and Leah returned it with such a punishing silent treatment that people on the entire floor could feel it.
They already had fought about the team giving more priority to rich and wealthy patients. And this entire Tobias situation made things even worse. She knew about their background, about how that his ex girlfriend, Stephanie bitch played both of them like a violin and ended up cheating on Ethan. She knew and yet she went ahead, flirting with him, repeating history.
What a hoe I am. Leah shook her head getting annoyed with herself. What has gotten over you Leah? When did you become a fucking hypocrite? Throwing yourself at other men so that you can make Ethan jealous?
Her feelings were in a flux. Sometimes, she wanted to jump his bones and other times she wanted to bash his head for being such a colossal pain in the ass. She craved him and wanted him to belong to her, but life isn't a wish granting factory.
She sighed and stared at her reflection, seeing how all the stress and workload was taking a toll on her.
I just need sleep...or some dick and then we will be golden. A girl gets tired using her own hand... Her conscience comforted her.
Picking up her bag she headed to the deli where she was supposed to meet Tobias for their so called 'breakfast' date.
Tobias was a nice guy. He was kind, brilliant and handsome. He was a true gentleman. He held the door open for her when they entered the deli. He had an amazing sense of humor and managed to make her laugh till her sides hurt. He was intelligent and they had a great discussion on the American healthcare system.
Any other woman would have thought that he was the complete deal.
But she couldn't.
She couldn't help but compare him to Ethan. His cerulean eyes were so much darker than Ethan's stormy eyes. She couldn't help but think that she found Ethan's dark humor and sarcasm way better that the light hearted jokes. She couldn't help but think that in any discussion, Ethan would push her and challenge her rather than be a simp like Tobias who just would give in.
She couldn't help but think that absolutely no one would ever compare to Ethan.
Oh. My. God.
It is Ethan. Always has been and always will be.
And she hated herself for that. She was getting tired of waiting. Wasn't her affection enough for him? Why was there a need to complicate something that is already so simple?
Leah sighed internally. Tobias and her were walking down the driveway of the hospital. There were just talking about random things but Leah was not able to focus.
How could she when she had a mind shattering revelation that her pussy is whipped for a certain hard-ass diagnostician?
They were walking through the foyer and they stopped at the reception.
"So this is me." Leah smiled.
"Well... I enjoyed myself. " He gave a grin.
"I did too..."
"I sense a 'but'." The blue perceptive eyes noticing the hesitation.
Leah chuckled, racking her brain for a good reason. " Yeah... I'm sorry it won't work because we technically are rivals and I don't want to be seen fraternizing with the enemy."
Tobias stared at her some more, trying to see through the truth but Leah didn't flinch, even if her palms were getting sweaty.
"It's okay. I get it-" Tobias began talking but he was interrupted.
He was interrupted by Ethan's fist in his face.
Tobias crumpled to the floor like a paper doll and suddenly the entire hospital's eyes were on the three.
"Motherfucker." Ethan shook his hand because of the blow. He stretched and clenched his fingers, his knuckles an angry red.
"Ethan Jonah Ramsey! You have five seconds to explain what the hell was that?" Leah said, her eyes glimmering with anger.
"What is he doing here? Mass Kenmore is all the way downtown."
"Don't you dare tell me that thi-" Leah was interrupted by Tobias's painful groans. She helped him up and threw another glare Ethan's way.
"When you have got your head out of your ass, we will have a chat." Leah spoke.
"But sunshi- Hey don't walk away from me!" Ethan pleaded. Seeing Tobias so close to her made him so angry and he didn't realize his actions before it was too late. And the fact that she had an arm around his waist and was walking away, just made his heart heavier and cold fury seep into his veins.
Leah ignored him as she dragged Tobias to the first examination room she found. She made him sit on bed and immediately reached for a pair of gloves.
She started wiping the blood up with the help of a cotton swab, analyzing the injury with cool calculated eyes. There was a cut on his cheekbone which needed stitches.
Goddammit Ethan.
"You have blood on your shirt." Tobias pointed out and surely it was visible on the dark green blouse.
She shrugged nonchalantly as she picked up another cotton swab and dipped it in antiseptic. "Eh.. won't be the first time. I have ruined my fair share of shoes and shirts, but it's worth it."
They were silent as Leah continued being thorough in cleaning the wound. Suddenly, Tobias chuckled and Leah looked at him with one eyebrow raised.
"No...it's just funny to see Ethan so worked up. I think that's the most emotion I have seen from him."
"Yup. Do you know what happened between us?"
"I know what happened between the both of you..."
"And you still went out with me?" Tobias asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Leah sighed. The cat was out of the bag and there was no point hiding it anymore. "It's just... Ethan can be a robot. I'm tired and I needed fresh perspective. That's why I went out with you."
"Did it help?"
"Yes. No. Maybe? It just left so many question marks in my head.." she picked up the needle and thread, getting ready to sew his face.
"Well... When Ethan walked in on his girlfriend cheating on him with me, he just turned around and walked out of the room. But when he saw me talking to you, I'm on the ground, groaning in pain. Does it help?"
Leah sighed "It kind of helps.. but I am still pissed with him. He is an asshole." She grumbled.
"Congratulations, you have feelings." He said in a sing song voice.
It was an awful day at work and Ethan sending withering looks her way didn't really help. She avoided him for most of the day because she needed to think.
Her feelings were all over the place. On one hand she felt angry with Ethan because that hard-ass isn't ready to confess the feelings that's written all over his face. And on the other hand, she felt like she was just being a whiny bitch on heat, complaining about everything. 
The internal war in her left her restless and irritated.
She unlocked the door to an empty apartment. All her roomates had driven down to Quincy for some music festival on their day off and were going to stay over for the night.
Leah would have gone with them, but a certain somebody had stormed into her room that morning and dragged her out of the comfort of her bed.
She stripped in the hallway and threw her clothes for a wash in the laundry basket. She slid on a long loose jersey and some fresh panties and headed to check the fridge for leftover lasagna Sienna had made the other day.
She was about to pop the tray in the oven when she heard the door bell ring. She saw through the peep hole and her eyes widened.
Maybe if I stayed quiet he would go awa-
"Sunshine, I know you are in there! I see your heels out here and your eyes through the peep hole."
Fuck Ethan and his observation skills.
Sighing she opens the door, where Ethan stood. A tense energy radiated from him and it made Leah jittery and on edge.
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently, which wasn't really a good idea because it made her bare boobs more prominent. Ethan's eyes went down at the movement.
"Eyes up here, hero. What do you want?"
Ethan blushed pink and shook his head to regain composure. "We need to talk."
"Yeah no shit."
"Will you let me in at least? Unless you want the crime scene of my murder out here." Ethan tried to joke but Leah wasn't fascinated.
She side stepped and he entered her apartment. He always liked Leah's apartment. It was homey with all the colourful pillows and the various vintage art decorating the place. From the huge glass facade you could see parts of the bay.
They stood in the kitchen, neither of them spoke. They just stood in silence. Nobody knowing what to say.
"Why did you help him?" Ethan asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"Because you punched him and he was on the floor, bleeding. I had too."
"We work in a hospital. Somebody else could have stitched him up...why did you? Do you have feelings for him?" Ethan asked as he placed his elbows on the island counter.
"Ethan.. Jealousy never suited you well." Leah said.
"Dammit sunshine! Just answer the question. Do you like him?!"
"What would you do if I liked him, huh?" Leah asked tersely.
Silence. Heavy breathing. Tension.
"Nothing right. You would just sit there, belly up and see me being whisked off by another guy."
"That's not-"
"Stop lying to yourself Ethan. You are nothing but a ball- less bastard who hides behind your so called 'beliefs' and 'rules' and what not!"
"Yes! I hide behind them because I want to see you grow and be better-"
"WHY?! Haven't I become better? Am I not growing to my potential?"
"And that's because I am not distracting you."
"Ethan, for a man who is so smart you are so dumb. Can't you see? Can't you see that you are in my thoughts?! That I am always thinking about you?! That I am always afraid that you will find someone else and leave me in the dust?!"
"Ethan it's too late because you are already a goddamn distraction."
Ethan's fists wrapped around the counter and he bent down, trying to calm his racing heart.
"God. I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come." He started heading towards the door.
"Yeah run away Ethan. Run away like you ran away when you saw Tobias having sex with your girlfriend, Stephanie. Run away like you did when Naveen was gonna die. Run away like you did to the Amazon when your feelings for me intensified. Run away like you always do." Leah was breathing heavily, angry and furious.
Ethan froze in his tracks before turned around, scoffing. "I'm not running awa-" Ethan tried reasoning.
"Oh really?! Every time I think that I am close to knowing you, you throw up your walls. Every time we have a moment, you distance yourself. The entire universe has been pushing us to be together but here you are, defying it and turning a blind eye to what we have. If that isn't running away, then I don't know what is."
"Sunshine please, don't." Ethan pleaded. He can't deal with feelings. It's too much for him.
"No. I'm tired of waiting for your affections. I'm tired of the mixed signals. I'm going to go to Tobias's house right now-"
"Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"Have you left me any choice?" She started heading to her room and Ethan followed her.
"Sunshine please don't go. I beg you. He isn't the man you deserve."
"If you can't grow a pair despite everything, then I can't help you. I'm free-"
She was interrupted when Ethan pushed her against the wall. "No. You won't be leaving this apartment. Even if it means tying you down."
"You are not my damn keepe-" Leah began but Ethan interrupted her again when he pressed his lips against hers.
They were kissing. After almost a year.
After a year of longing to touch each other.
After a year of pining over each other.
After a year of pain, heartaches and tears.
But all that pain and longing vanished when their lips collided with each other's.
Time stopped when his lips met hers, but the flutter only intensified. Leah's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how hard his body felt against her small frame. But at the same time, his lips were soft and fervent against her mouth.
Ethan kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination.
He wasn't sure if nature rooted for this moment or if his mind tricked him into a perfect present, but every breath he took, smelled like lavender, like spring time and for the first time since he'd known himself, he didn't feel scared anymore. He didn't feel like running anymore. If anything, the warm feeling of her lips was inviting and addicting.
They parted for breath. Both of them standing with their bodies pressed against each other, in the dim lighting of her room. "Ethan..." She said like it was a prayer.
"Oh how I've missed you sunshine." Ethan cupped her cheeks and pressed his forehead against hers.
"Me too.."
"Let's make up for the lost time, okay?"
Leah just went in her tip toes and kiss him, conveying her need for him. He hiked one of her legs up and she gasped when she felt his growing erection on her heat. Ethan bent down and placed hot, fiery kisses up her neck. When he reached the spot below her ear, he whispered is a husky voice. "Sunshine... I really, really like you. But, I am a man of needs... Please, can I fuck you?"
"I did not wait for a year for some gentle sex Ethan. Don't hold back." She purred.
Ethan groaned at her words and took her earlobe in his teeth, his hands roaming around her body. He pinched her nipples through the t-shirt and Leah's stomach clenched with pleasure and she threw her head against the wall, enjoying the way Ethan's hands made her feel.
Leah reached and took of his jacket and Ethan obliged. The need to feel her skin against his, fueled his moments. Taking of her t shirt, he threw it across the room.
"Hey, don't dirty my room." Leah spoke with feign anger.
Lifting her up so that her legs could wrap around his waist, he went back to kissing her lips. "I don't care, sunshine. I just want to make you feel good. I want to worship you. So let me just do my job while you focus on how to scream my name, mkay?" He whispered against her lips before going back to ravaging her mouth, not able to get enough of her taste.
How is it possible for a man to drive me mad with only words?
He lifted her and threw her unceremoniously on the bed. Leah giggled as her back hit the soft mattress. She lifted herself on to her elbows and looked at Ethan's dark stormy eyes.
"You are over dressed for this occasion, Dr. Ramsey."
Taking his shirt and jeans off, he crawled in to the bed, stalking her like a predator. He settled between her legs, bare chest pressing against each other as he kissed her hard.
Their tongues swirled and rolled against each other's, as if it was a tug of war with no clear winner. He pulled back and started placing searing hot kisses on collarbone. His hands traced her sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He took her breast in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the dusky nipple. As his tongue continued to assault her nipples, Leah grew wetter and wetter.
"Ethan.. I- please.." She moaned out.
He took off her panties and nipped at her naked hip bone, eliciting a breathless moan from her. He peppered scratchy kisses on her inner thighs and lower abdomen, his beard making her skin sensitized. It felt as if all her nerves down there were on fire.
"Don't worry sunshine. I will be here all night-" he said as he parted her pussy's lips, "-eating you-"
He blew air on her dripping slit before speaking, "-fucking you-"
He lapped her juices slowly, his blazing blue eyes making contact with her dark brown orbs "-making you scream my name all night."
That being said, he threw her legs over his shoulder and buried his face into her womanhood. Leah's back arched and she let out another moan. Her sexy moans and the way her eyes fluttered shut was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He closed his eyes enjoying the way she tasted, reminding him of how starved he had been for the last one year.
She fisted her hands through his luscious brown locks as his tongue swirled her sensitive nub. He enjoyed seeing his sunshine this way, moaning and writhing as he ate her out.
He slipped his finger into her started moving it. When he gained enough momentum he slipped a second digit and continued to finger her to oblivion. Leah was a in a daze. Her mind was only focused on the handsome man who was with her, in her bed.
She had touched herself, thinking about him. But none of those fantasies compared to the real deal.
He let out moan and it reverberated through her entire body, pushing her of the edge.
She was coming, hard and fast. Crashing and soaring at the same time. She hadn't even come down from her high when Ethan lifted her leg as far as it could go, and entered her pulsating cunt.
"Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig those nails into my back, sunshine." Ethan said as he snapped his hips and started pounding her.
The sensation was overwhelming. It was so much. There were moments like these when the pleasure and the pressure of the orgasm was so intense that she wanted him to stop.
She shouted his name and the way the tears of pleasure streamed down her face, made him make his moments rapid.
"Just like that sunshine... Scream my name." He pressed his lips against hers, greedily swallowing the moans she let out.
Burying his head in her neck, he felt his lower abdomen tighten, the need to release becoming urgent with every stroke.
"Oh go, sunshine you feel sooo good." He moaned.
His moans are now my favourite sounds... I could hear them all day. Leah thought.
"Come with me Ethan. Come with me." She said as they interlinked their fingers, holding each other's hands.
And he did. His strokes became sloppy and slower as he dumped his load into the condom he had slipped on. Leah felt his dick jerk in her and it triggered her release as well.
Both of them were falling together, holding on to each other as they rode the waves of euphoria, rushing through their veins. It was one of the best feelings they had experienced. All the pinning and sadness was all gone. There was only joy and the feeling of contentment in their hearts.
After their rapid heartbeats had calmed down, Ethan pulled out and got up from the bed, and stretched. Seeing the muscles of his back and abs stretch, Leah gave out a rumble of approval.
Ethan gave her a small smile and started heading towards the door but Leah caught his wrist. "Outside bad. Bed good." She said, her brain still a mess from the mind blowing orgasms.
Ethan bent down and kissed her forehead. "Sunshine, I'm just going to get some food and run a bubble bath."
After a couple of minutes of rummaging through cabinets, Ethan came and lifted Leah in his strong arms. Leah was smiling so much that her cheekbones hurt. She hasn't smiled like this in such a long time.
He put her down on the bathroom floor and Leah grabbed a stool where they could keep their drinks and the lasagna that he had heated.
Ethan first sunk in the hot water, the water reaching till his chest. Leah sat across him, sighing when the hot water soothed her sore muscles.
"Ethan...you are a goddamn blessing." She sighed as she picked up the plate with her food.
"I should be saying that. You changed my life."
They sat comfortably in the large bathtub, occasionally joking and eating the cheesy goodness. Leah inhaled her food, realizing just how hungry she was.
After they finished eating, Leah closed her eyes and sighed. Ethan was massaging her feet and she made it a personal mission to make him her masseur.
"Yes sunshine?"
"You won't run away from me, right?"
"No sunshine. I'm here to stay. In fact, tomorrow we both are going to go and talk to HR. Enough with the pining and the jealousy. I just want to make you mine, baby."
"Really?" Leah asked, with happiness gleaming in her chocolate brown eyes.
"Yes sunshine. I guess you are stuck with me."
Leah surged forward, water sloshing over the bathtub. She pressed her lips against Ethan's. He chuckled and kissed her back chastely and tenderly, pouring all his affections for the beautiful and intelligent woman before him.
Leah. His girlfriend. His sunshine.
And it's going to be together like that, forever and always.
aaahhhhh if only Ethan could just give in... but for now we will comfort ourselves with fan-fiction 😉
also, i want to sort out my tag list... so if you guys could dm me with which fics you want to tagged to, i would appreciate it 💗
like, comment and re-blog 
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sweetst24 · 5 years
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Inside - This is my first and fanfiction. I wrote it to process some emotions/grief. Any feedback is appreciated!!
Sam Winchester is a great man, though he doesn't think so. Constant reminders of the ones he's loved then lost cloud his vision, the pain gripping him as he falls asleep at night. Loving Sam simply was out of my hands, his soft tortured soul calling to me through the concrete walls of the bunker every night. Both being a friend and being in love brings me to our current predicament.
I got stuck in a Rye, Colorado, about 30 mins outside of Pueblo. A nest of vampires had set up shop, attacking people in Pueblo, bringing them back to the nest for a slow feeding. Cleaning out the nest was a job, but nothing I couldn't handle.
After dropping people at the hospital, my car broke down, so I thought I'd hop the bus in Pueblo to get back to Lebanon without bothering the boys. I figured I'd be home by morning, have a nice weekend. Wash day was Saturday and I was due for a deep condition because natural hair is plenty of upkeep, especially when you constantly shower in shitty motel bathrooms.
I usually don't spend my weekend in holding cells but using a fake ID to buy a bus ticket generally does that. We have contingency plans for situations like this, but I'm having doubts since the dark of night is slipping into the third day without my freedom.
"Psst. Y/n? Are you awake sweetheart?" Dean silently tries to get my attention while cracking open the door to the holding cell.
"Of course I am! Where have you been?" I whisper-yell trying my best not to wake Bess and Tess, my very cozy, very drunk cellmates.
"You can't rush perfection, sweetheart. Plus it's only been two days." Dean sassed, face crunched together, muttering something along the lines of 'spoiled brat'.
"Look, can you please tell me what the plan is before I chop you in the throat," Dean's face deadpanned while he puffed up his chest looking for a fight.
"You want to put that pretty hand on my neck so bad, don't you sweetheart, but I'm guessing Sammy won't appreciate that, will he?" Dean jabbing at that soft spot shut me up quickly, pain weighing heavily causing me to drop my head in defeat. Realization crosses Dean's face, knowing his joke reached too far, especially now when the relationship between Sammy and I is not ideal. Dean pulls me into a much needed hug.
"Look, y/n, I'm sorry. Let's get you out of here." Dean placed me in cuffs and starting pulling me from the cell.
"Come on D, can't I just pretend to be a deep cover spy or something??" I whined loudly.
"Look, deputy Doolittle thinks you ran off from a safe house to see your boy toy. So don't blow the witness protection cover or I'll leave you here."
As we stepped outside, the early morning chill erupted goosebumps across my body, forcing me to shiver.
"You should've thought of that before doing something so stupid," Dean gruffed while walking me over to Baby.
"Can you at least take the cuffs off?" I whined as Dean briefly stopped, then continued dragging me to Baby. "My body feels terrible and I don't feel like arguing about how I did the right thing," barely audible above the dragging of my feet.
"No, y/n, you did not do the right thing. The right thing would've been to call me or Sammy to come get you. Instead, you made a fool of yourself and now you have to own it."
As Dean tossed me into the back seat, I defiantly removed the cuffs, tossing them in the driver's seat. As soon as my criminal act was complete, I had the overwhelming urge to not turn to the passenger seat. But I noted that Dean was waiting outside of Baby as not to interrupt the conversation that was no doubt about to start in the car.
Closing my eyes, I turn to the right, peeking through my lashes in a failed attempt to pretend I don't see him but...There was Samuel. His syrupy-brown hair tucked neatly behind his ears. Looks of "explain yourself" and "I'm sorry it took so long" fighting for dominance on his face, ultimately the much needed explanation winning out.
"Y/n..." Sam lowly stated, voice as even as possible.
"That's me," I huff with a half-hearted wave.
"You know what I'm going to say. After everything we've been through lately why didn't you call me, or Dean, or Castiel, or Hell even Jody! Someone should know what's going on! Communication is everything for hunters and you know better."
Sam stared with so much emotion it almost broke me, but his questions were met with my silence.
"Fine. You aren't going to answer me now but you will before you walk into our home." Sam affirmed.
Sam startled me. Though I could see where he was coming from, everything being so MESSY. I should've called. But I was not wrong about riding the bus. Besides, a little time away from the bunker, and the boys, with my thoughts couldn't hurt, right?
Sam waves for Dean to get in the car so we could begin our long, tension-filled, 6 hour drive to the bunker. It was a relief to be headed home after spending a few days away to clear my head. Everything was so complicated because of the night that I called the best of my life. The night I fell into bed with Sam.
Nice and rainy. My favorite weather. Being able to be comfy cozy with a nice mug of tea and Netflix was the shit. Rewatching Princess and the Frog for the thousandth time just seemed like the best thing for a rainy day. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time alone, but time alone with Sam was a particularly rare occurrence, especially when he wants to be in the same room with me.
Sam choose to wear his regular ass hunter's 'uniform' of a plaid shirt and jeans. Although, I made note that he decided to wear my favorite of his collection, the hunter green with blue block pattern. I thought it brought out the striking beauty in his eyes, the balance of the two colors precariously placed in his irises. He sat close enough that I wasn't nervous but I was getting distracted by the way he ate his popcorn, arm flexing in his tight sleeve.
"Why are we watching this again?" Sam inquired about the apparent Tiana streak we were on.
"Because. Why, you got a problem with representation? I just, see myself in her, and plus Prince Naveen... Do I have to say more or," I laughed, head cocked back as I finished the thought while Sam shook his head next to me.
Then, it happened. Once I stopped cackling like a weirdo Sam placed his arm around me, bringing me close to his side while he watched the movie, a slight blush on his cheeks. I didn't realize I was staring at him until Tiana's alarm clock went off, prompting me to jump out of reflex. Sam suddenly turned to me with a concerned look on his face that melted away once he realized what happened.
For a split second I thought I should stop myself. But, YOLO. Before I could react, Sam kissed me passionately, grabbing my twist-out, making me moan. I climbed up on his lap, grinding his massive imprint through my sweats. Sam tasted sweet, and I knew that that tasted sweeter. I slid down onto the floor, removing my sweater and t-shirt, unbuckling his pants. Sam let out a loud growl.
"Y/n, please get up. If you do that... right now. I need you, y/n, now."
As I slowly stood, Sam picked me up, staring into my eyes, and gently placed me on my bed. Quicker than I could blink, Sam ripped off my sweats.
I moaned, "Sam."
"I need to be inside of you," Sam growled while looking deep into my eyes.
He took his time, driving me insane, driving slowly in and out of me, not yet giving me the full length of his masterpiece. As I looked into his eyes, I saw something deeper flash through, not just sex, but love. Strong, passionate, unconditional love that you only read about. It took my breath away, gasping, Sam eyes widening, fear crossing his features as he realizes what I saw. In that intense moment, Sam thrust all the way into me, both of us shouting unintelligible phrases that sounded like animals.
"I... Please.. don't... Leave... Ahh..." Sam's affirmation of love, shocking, but looking in his eyes I knew he was telling the truth.
Faster, faster, faster. Our orgasms syncing, our eyes never wavering from one another. When suddenly stars, lights filled my eyes as the feeling of euphoria washed over me, the both of us collapsing on the bed, completely exhausted.
"Sam. We have to... We have to do that again... Again." I gasped out as Sam attempted to cover us with a light blanket behind me, failing from exhaustion.
"... Please... " Sam chuckled.
Thanks for reading part one.
***Please do not share my content on any other platform without my consent.***
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zigtheeortega · 5 years
day 6: pets | ethan/bryce x mc
pairing: ethan x mc & bryce x mc
@choicesfebruarychallenge​ | @bi-cookie​ ; @cxld-play​
word count: 1,712
author’s note: this fluffy fic was inspired by the john mulaney bit where he jokes about american politics and compares it to a “horse being loose in the hospital”. i took it literally! hope you enjoy - i still think it might be a dumb idea but i’m hope it makes you laugh!
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Spencer’s phone buzzed in her scrubs pocket, taking her out of the intense reading she was doing on Ms. Martinez’s file.
EMERGENCY. MEET AT THE SIDE ENTRANCE OF THE BUILDING. BE SNEAKY. Sienna’s text in the group chat came as a shock to Spencer. She’d never seen a message quite that serious from Sienna before.
She power walked down the hallway, trying to make it to the elevator unnoticed. Just as the doors opened, Dr. Ramsey rounded the corner.
She stepped in calmly, then mashed buttons as soon as she was safe. “C’mon, c’mon close,” she muttered to herself, clicking the close door button repeatedly.
“Hold the door, rookie,” he called, and they locked eyes through the slit of the closing doors.
“Sorry,” she mouthed, tapping her watch and shrugging.
His eyes narrowed, but before he could say anything, the elevator’s numbers lowered, quickly bringing Spencer to the first floor.
She blew air out of her cheeks. Avoiding Dr. Ramsey since the night they’d nearly had sex at the convention had been hard, but worth it for Spencer’s sanity. She couldn’t take much more of the “will they, won’t they” sexual tension between them.
The doors opened, and she snuck out the side door, almost running into the back of Elijah’s wheelchair.
The whole group was assembled, talking in hushed voices.
“What’s wrong? I came as fast as I could,” Spencer panted, eyes darting between her friends’ concerned faces.
“We have a huge problem,” Sienna frowned.
“Okay, bring me up to speed. What can I do to help?” She said, already putting her game face on, ready to rack her brain to help Sienna diagnose a patient.
“There’s a dog loose in the hospital,” Sienna grimaced.
She squinted her eyes, confused. “Is this a prank? I really don’t know if I’m in the mood to joke around, guys.”
“Unfortunately, Sienna isn’t lying. I saw the dog when his owner brought him in,” Jackie said, her arms crossed firmly across her chest.
“You’re telling me a service dog is roaming around, not listening to his owner? Did they lie about him being a service dog?” Spencer wondered aloud, trying to piece the story together.
“No, he’s definitely certified,” Elijah said, shrugging. “I asked to pet him and his owner’s mom declined. She said he was working.”
“I guess she knew taking his vest off wasn’t a great idea,” Landry added, eyeing Sienna.
The door behind them opened, revealing Bryce. “Thanks for including me. This is the most action I’ve gotten all week. Appendectomies just weren’t cutting it today,” he grinned.
“Okay one, weak, and two, thanks for finally joining us,” Jackie rolled her eyes.
“I can’t help that I’m not in your roomie group message,” Bryce shrugged.
“Can we get back to the story, please?” Sienna asked quietly, worry written across her features.
“Okay, so you took the vest off the dog, he thought he clocked out, and he’s just doing what a normal dog would do?” Spencer said, rotating her wrist so that Sienna knew to speed it up.
“I’m not that careless, Spencer. His owner is here for a routine checkup for her epilepsy. He was looking kind of sad while I was going through her chart with her mom, so when they went back for an MRI I thought it’d be a good idea to let him be free for a few minutes,” she said, regret written on her features.
Spencer’s look of disapproval prompted her to continue. “I know it was so dumb of me. I didn’t see him as a service dog on duty, just a sad pet that wanted to take a break and play. I need everyone’s help to find him.”
“Where’d you lose him?” Bryce asked.
“Well, I was near the construction… you don’t suppose he managed to go back there or down the stairs?”
“Let’s hope not,” Landry said nervously, wringing his hands in front of him.
“Okay, we’ll split up in pairs to look for him. It’ll definitely be quicker that way,” Spencer said.
“Elijah and I will check the ER,” Landry volunteered, already heading towards the door, Elijah tailing him.
“Jackie? Sienna? You okay with taking the next couple of floors while Bryce and I look through the labs, the construction, and any other restricted areas?” Spencer asked.
“You got it, boss,” Jackie smirked, walking inside.
“I guess it’s just you and me,” Bryce smiled, his hand on the small of her back, coaxing her towards the door.
“Goddammit, where is that dog?” Spencer muttered, frustration creeping into her voice.
“Hey, if you look on the bright side, we’re kind of like Mystery Inc. and we’re looking for Scooby Doo,” Bryce said, as you both jogged down the hallway, peering into the labs.
“What, did you say that because you want me to say you’re Fred?” She laughed, glancing back at Bryce’s smirk.
“And you’re my Daphne,” he said before checking the largest lab on that floor.
“I’m definitely not Daphne. Sienna is more of a Daphne-type than I am,” Spencer smiled, running into the elevator. “I’m definitely Velma.”
“I guess that makes me Shaggy, huh?” He said into your ear, and you became acutely aware of the heat from his body.
“So who’s Fred now?” She said, pushing a numbered button to head towards the wing under construction.
“Elijah, hands down,” Bryce chuckled, his arm propped up on the bar on the wall of the elevator, his skin grazing her scrubs.
“What about Landry and Jackie?” She said, glancing at his face, so close to her own.
“Probably the people they unmask at the end. They’re too competitive to have everyone’s best interests in mind,” he shrugged.
“Awe, that’s no fair. I wouldn’t guess a scalpel jockey would understand our competition,” she teased, turning to place a soft kiss on his jaw.
He leaned in with his eyes closed, but Spencer put a finger on his lips. “We’re getting distracted. We gotta find this dog first.”
“What’s its name anyways?” He said, stepping out into the hallway as the doors opened.
“Huh, good question. I’ll ask,” she said, typing a quick text to Sienna.
She replied immediately. I don’t know. I know she said it, but I was so focused on the patient’s charts and the mom being so stern I forgot.
“Sienna doesn’t know the dog’s name,” she said to Bryce, and he shrugged.
They slipped into the construction side unnoticed, eyes scanning the hallway. Spencer already had a distraction ready in case he wanted to check the rooms and stumbled across Naveen.
“Here, boy,” Bryce called repeatedly, making kissing noises.
“I don’t know if that’s going to work. He should only respond to his name, right?” Spencer mused.
The golden retriever bounded around the corner before they scan the rooms, mouth open, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
Bryce eyed her up and down. “I told you so.”
He ran to meet the dog, and fell on the ground, cuddling the wiggling ball of fur as he happily lapped the side of Bryce’s face. “Hey, boy, awe, you’re so good,” he laughed, scritching behind his ears.
Spencer enjoyed the sight of the hot surgeon and cute dog playing for a few more seconds before texting the group.
“Okay, so Sienna’s going to meet us with his vest, and we’re sneaking him back into the waiting room on this floor. The mom should be showing up there soon since they’re almost done with her brain scans.” She shoved the phone back in her pocket.
Bryce laid on the ground, spooning him and completely ignoring her. He hugged the dog to his chest, kissing his head.
“This is really cute, Bryce, don’t get me wrong, but we have to bring him back right now,” she said, extending a hand to him.
He grabbed it, and pulled her down on top of him. “Bryce! We have to go –”
He pressed his lips to hers, cutting her off. She sighed contentedly against his lips.
She knew she was falling for Dr. Ramsey, but she couldn’t see him defying the rules to be with her. Even if she was just fooling around with him and didn’t plan on anything serious coming from it – regardless, Bryce made her feel good.
Things were much more simple with him than with Ethan.
She pulled back, and he gazed at her, smirking. “You have to admit that was smooth.”
“Alright, if it’ll get you to get up any faster, then yes.”
They stood up, walking with the dog towards the entrance. Sienna burst through the clear tarp, followed by the rest of the gang.
“Hi doggy! We’re gonna get you back to your owner now. Please don’t tell them about this,” she whispered to him, clasping the buckle on his side, fastening the vest to him.
“Okay, now if that’s over, I’m gonna get back to my patients,” Jackie said, and stalked off without another word.
“Me too,” Landry said nervous, scuttling away.
“I’m happy Horse is back safe. Hopefully they haven’t noticed –” Elijah said, but Spencer and Bryce were quick to cut him off.
“His name is Horse?” Bryce asked.
“You’re telling me there was a Horse loose in the hospital?” Spencer asked.
“That’s what his name was! I remembered it being weird, but I forgot it was the name of another animal,” Sienna said, smacking the side of her head with the palm of her hand.
“Is there a story behind it or something?” Spencer was dumbfounded, and Bryce couldn’t stop laughing at the situation. HIs laughter was infectious, and before she knew it, she was doubled over, and Elijah and Sienna followed soon after.
When they caught their breath, Elijah explained.
“She named him when she was young, before the seizures started. Her parents sent him off to be trained as a support animal so they wouldn’t have to get another dog.”
“On that note, I’m gonna head back to my patients.” Spencer headed off, waving at her friends.
She knew that she couldn’t avoid Dr. Ramsey for much longer, and the situation stressed her out to no end; Regardless of it all, she still had the ability to laugh, so she knew she was going to be okay.
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naveentrembley · 5 years
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oh my gosh HI HELLO, my name is alex and please be patient with me as i haven’t rp’d in like... three years, so i’m relearning everything. i’m happy to welcome my soft boy naveen! he’s baby and that’s facts! shoot me a message if you wanna plot or whatever! we can go with the flow.
avan jogia. 25. cismale. he/him. sufjan stevens. | i can’t believe i just saw NAVEEN ‘NAVI’ TREMBLEY walking out of cadence records. they’re a single INDIE artist who’s been in the industry for THREE YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their SECRETIVE nature , but they’re also pretty PASSIONATE and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of WALKING THROUGH A PUMPKIN PATCH IN THE FALL, YOUR FIRST KISS UNDER THE STARS, EARL-GREY TEA, PRESSED FLOWERS SAVED IN A BOOK.
- naveen was born in anchorage, alaska and given up for adoption when he was two. he has never met his birth parents and tries not to think about it. he loves his adoptive parents but there’s always a part of him that wonders about his birth mother. 
- lived in alaska for ten years before moving to la with his adoptive parents, around this time, his parents adopted a young girl who naveen promptly got attached too. they were peas in a pod instantly. 
- was a wild rambunctious kid so his parents got him into guitar lessons to try to channel his chaotic behavior and it WORKED. he learned to play the piano as well after throwing a fit that his sister was learning it. 
- he played and sang at family functions, at church, school talent shows, funerals, local coffee shops pretty consistently. naveen felt most like himself when he was performing, like the cliche soft boy he is.  fell into the indie scene because he appreciated their vulnerability and openness in their lyrics, which he struggled to do in his everyday life. 
- while music was his main passion, he went to college and got a degree in art history. he jokes about it being the most useless degree he could have gone for, but he loved every second of it. take him to an art museum and he’s YOURS. 
- my boy has known he’s gay for a lONG time, like since he was 12 but fully buttoned that shit up. his parents are religious and he was popular at school. he feared rejection and abandonment, being ostracized was worse than being his true self. (probably stemming from being abandoned as a kid)
- until he was signed by cadence, he usually played at coffee shops and teeny tiny venues for a small but loyal fanbase. He’s been with the label for three years and has tried keeping a low profile, but it’s his secretiveness that made him popular. he rarely does interviews, especially for blogs and magazines. besides being so MySterIOUS, he’s also notorious for being a bit of a heartbreaker. he has a string of ex-girlfriends because he tries so hard to keep up appearances but usually crumbles under guilt and just breaks things off. 
- naveen continues to keep his sexuality hidden as his reputation has curated into a sort of manic pixie dream boy for women. his albums are romantic and a touch sad. some might find his music melodramatic and whiny. 
- just a disgusting soft boy. daydreamer and introspective piece of shit. he goes to poetry readings for FUN, drinks copious amounts of tea and tends to his garden. he probably does puzzles to relax. 
- he is kind and curious, really does want to make deep connections with people. he wants to know them but struggles letting anyone know about him. he gets cold feet when asked personal questions. would rather listen to your problems than mention himself at all. 
- now he’s no prude, lil navi enjoys drinking/getting high/sex behind close doors. the sex is probably less than he wants bc he really gotta trust the dude to keep quiet. but he could use some bad influences in his life!!! 
some wanted connectons; exgirlfriends, fwb, close friends, i have a list of all my wanted connections here! 
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simptasia · 7 years
Can you please hit me with some Sayid Jarrah head canons
Oh now, that’s a character I haven’t gone all obsessive over. Tho I should, because Sayid is a wonderful character. He’s a polite gentlemen with a tragic past and it’s a big deal for a main character who’s a muslim and from Iraq to be on mainstream american TV in 2004. It’s a fucking miracle he was there at all.
LOST liked to do subversions of tropes/stereotypes. So we got Sayid, a muslim who is really well mannered and he’s the male character who treats women with the most respect. Sayid’s great with women, it’s like my fave trait of his.
Also I love his voice. It’s gentle. And he has these warm pup eyes. And curls! 
Sayid’s a fucking babe. 
There’s a line on Lostpedia that I find really poetic. On their religion page: 
“He also prayed at Shannon’s grave, leaving his prayer beads at the cross, bridging separate religions.” I think that’s really beautiful. A part of the diversity of LOST is not just people of different races, ages, and wealths coming together, but also faiths. That description is a sad but nice aspect of that.
Most of what I have to say about Sayid is, like, actual meta. But that’s okay.
So, what can I say about Sayid Jarrah?
i like how he prays on the island despite not knowing which direction mecca is. it’s the thought that counts, eh, sayid?
dudes got a case of Death Dick cuz all the ladies he bangs die
sayid and shannon were put together in hopes of pissing off the racist part of america. which it did. naveen andrews took great joy in all this
another lostpedia quote: “He drinks alcohol, murders and fornicates, all major sins in Islam.” awww somebody’s a naughty boy!
we can all assume that sayid fucks like a champion (and that the first time they made out he threw shannon’s underwear into the ocean)
Sayid Is Dead Inside jokes are common due to season 6, wherein he actually was dead inside. and on the outside until he was dunked
of our losties, sayid is the most reasonable and level headed one. on a show defined by people being emotionally unstable all the time. this isn’t to say he doesn’t have trauma, he just doesn’t randomly lose his shit
in hindsight, he tortured a cancer patient. it’s okay tho because it was ben. and i maintain that sayid ripped out one of ben’s back teeth during that
he respects jack and i don’t know why
SOME people get all fussy about sayid/shan but i love them and shut up. like, weh that they’re soulmates. some people act like people falling in love quickly isn’t something that happens in real life. also! charlie and claire knew each other 3 months, and hurley and libby knew each other 2 weeks. and they’re all soulmates. so why not sayid and shannon. could it be that SOME people are consciously or subconsciously uncomfortable when a very brown middle eastern man is paired with a young, blonde, white girl? well, then fine, just know that LOST wanted to piss you off. and to any of the people i’ve seen that think sayid was using shannon for sex and that he was taking advantage of a young woman, 1. you’re a fucking train wreck. 2. i can’t believe you still exist. and 3. YOU DON’T KNOW SAYID JARRAH’S PERSONALITY AT ALL IF YOU THINK THAT!!!
ahem, i’ve… been on that rant before. and yes, people like that exist
sayid murders people but other than that he’s a really good person!
sayid killed 17 people on screen and we love him
there ain’t a sayid friendship on lost that isn’t great content. sayid/jack, sayid/kate, sayid/hurley, sayid/desmond, sayid/charlie… (fun fact: naveen andrews was a heroin addict when he was a teenager, and thus gave dominic monaghan tips for his performance)
sayid is short but POWERFUL (he’s 5 foot 8 and LOST’s most badass male character, and that’s certified by fandom. and sayid’s ankles)
also sayid is bi. not for any particular reason. just that in my version of LOST, straight people are very rare. it’s my island now, fuckers
and that’s basically a summary of shit i’ve said about sayid over the years. admittedly none of that is headcanons like you asked, but still interesting
sayid’s a really good character and kinda underated, including by me. for me, at least, i think this is cuz he’s not as easy to make fun of as other characters. also i love sayid but i find his episodes to be a bit… slow and boring. not bad tho!
and don’t underestimate his ability to be funny. yes, he was sad, longing and thoughtful most of the time, but the dude got some good quips out there
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
For the development questions: 3,4, 12, 22
not sure which pairing so i did it for o&e 😉
> useful/fun character development questions for couples <
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
The feeling of total adoration hmmm... 
Looking back Ode had a little flutter after her trial when they were having a drink and just a good time in one another’s company without any secrets tying them together. They’ve both been through a lot the last few weeks and they’ve come out of it as decent friends. 
Ethan after seeing everything she did for Naveen and for him was a start to this girl being a fixture in his life. He became very fond of her then. But the big smack in the head (or to the heart) was the Louise drama. He couldn’t have come through without her, and she didn’t need to be so sweet nor did she need to be taking care of him again. But she does. Because she’s always there, and she cares. Even if she doesn’t say it, even if he’s still quite sure that she cannot stand him most of the time, she’s by his side holding him up. 
Odette really couldn’t tell you when she went from I know this guy is my friend I’ll keep him to I know I like him much more than my other friends. I’m assuming it would be at some point during all of the events they go to together and just all the time they spend together. Where she starts slowly, gradually falling for him in deep adoration. Most notably hitting her heart is when she gets the keyboard - that changed everything. Followed up by the night of the charity auction where they just walked around the local area of Boston and grabbed a bite to eat at a dive they both joked they needed to make up for in the morning, in their formal get ups and just had a lovely evening.
4. Does this change over time? What will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
The way the other cares will always make their heart melt. When they talk about what they’re passionate about and how their eyes sparkle and the small upturn of their mouth. It doesn’t matter what the other is saying, it’s the way they say it. 
12. How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
They both really like their professional independence. It gives them something to talk about and look forward to. They’ll share stories about work but it’s just nice having something that’s completely theirs. Especially since they have 2 different aspirations - Ode believes in the wider scale where Ethan is more community focused. 
Ode also likes to do her writing by herself. When she thinks a piece is completely finished she’ll let him in and share it. This is more of a creative space thing that he has come to learn and understand. 
22. What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Is “virginity” something they care about? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them?
Oh ho ho Sara going in for the BIG ONE! 
Sex for Odette is a very sacred thing. She isn’t all that into it with her two other partners before she starts falling for Ethan. She needs all the romance and attachment feelings to enjoy it, something she’s never had before. 
Socially she believes intimacies should be private and just between the two people involved. She doesn’t view sex with a negative outlook, it just makes her feel weird and icky to be open about it. She believes in ‘your body, your choice’ so doesn’t harbor any animosity for those brave enough to be open about their sex lives. 
Ode isn’t religious, not really. She likes the traditions and holidays that come with being Catholic. She just doesn’t carry any Catholic guilt. Chastity isn’t a thing, but modesty is. Which kinda ties into the social comment above. 
She did think about virginity and was conscious of it when she was a kid. It was the kind of thing her peers were always going on and bragging about. So she lost it with her high school boyfriend to get it over with. It was awkward and uncomfortable and they only ever did it once more after that, which wasn’t any better either. I guess she also sees sex as a social responsibility in a relationship. Growing up more in her 20s she doesn’t put much stock in it and views it as an antiquated idea forced upon women by men. 
Obviously Odette needs sex to happen at a certain stage in the relationship. She has a 6 month rule; needs to be sure about things and makes her partners work for it. She wants to make sure it means something between them and isn’t a fuck for the sake of fucking. (she sleeps with ethan just before 5 months) 
For Ethan, sex is something that happens between two people that care for one another. He’s never been one for one night stands and prefers to somewhat woo his partner. Even if their ‘relationship’ lasted only a night or two it meant something then - something he can’t really regret. 
Ethan agrees that socially sex only matters to the people involved. People can do whatever as long as they don’t preach about it. 
He was never caught up in the whole virginity aspect - being an absolute teenage heartthrob Ethan could have his pick of the lot. He preferred to wait and focus on getting out of Providence, then started adventuring in college.  
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alwaysmychoices · 5 years
Synopsis: After her time with Dr. Ramsey, Charlie goes home to find her best friends, and the only thing sweeter than brunch is wholesome, supportive friendship.
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Choices Story: Open Heart
Rating: General
Words: 3833
Part 5 of “A Weekend with Dr. Ramsey” 
part 1: drunk texts - part 2: a day with dr. ramsey - part 3: unspoken - part 4: in the morning light - part 5: brunch - part 6: the library -  part 7: the cure - part 8: the celebration - part 9: goodbye
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Charlotte Greene was wearing Ethan’s shirt. She smelled conspicuously like the warm, intoxicating cologne he wore every day. She was marred with his mark. She smiled the smile she reserved for only him. She was distinctly his.
And when she walked into her apartment, everyone knew it.
Charlie didn’t even close the front door behind her before her friends noticed the obvious change in her. She was a very different woman from the one they’d seen before her weekend with Dr. Ramsey. The woman they saw on Friday night was on the heels of devastation and in search of a distraction as her life seemingly fell apart, and they resisted the urge to shield their eyes as she sank lower and lower into despair.
When she disappeared on Friday night, they’d been terrified for her wellbeing and were only marginally comforted by her “I’m fine” text on Saturday morning – though much of that comfort dissipated when she refused to explain her absence over the course of the weekend. At one point, Jackie suggested they go on a manhunt through Boston and force her to face her problems, but Sienna and Elijah insisted on a gentler approach.
And now, she was home (perfectly safe and unharmed – Sienna was already visually examining her for any signs of injury or disease), and she had a lot of questions to answer.
Charlie jumped when she looked over to her dining room, finding all of her friends crowded around their dining room with an overwhelming amount of food and mimosas nearly falling off the limited space. And they were staring at her. Every. Single. One.
Swallowing, Charlie let out a weak wave and put her keys on the hook in an attempt to seem casual, “Oh, hey, guys.”
“Hey, guys?” Jackie was the first to pounce, hands already on her hips as she incredulously repeated the greeting, “Where the fuck have you been, Charlie?”
“With a friend,” Charlie shrugged as if the meaningless gesture could ever shake Jackie’s questions off. They’d been friends long enough for her to know better.
“You’re certainly dressed like you were with a ‘friend,’” Bryce snorted, his eyes lit up with mischief and amusement as he helped himself to the alcohol. He’d been on Jackie’s side during the discussion of a manhunt. In the last year, he’d adopted Charlie as a little sister, and the idea of something happening to her had stayed with him through most of the weekend. But now, there was something he hadn’t anticipated – that she would lie to him. He’d seen enough girls leave his apartment on a Sunday morning to know what to expect, and under the smile on his face, he was hurt she wouldn’t tell him.
“I had to borrow some clothes,” Charlie crossed her arms across the t-shirt, hiding the cartoon turkey she’d obsessed over a few hours earlier, “I don’t know what you’re implying, Bryce.”
Bryce cocked an eyebrow as if silently daring her to admit what he already knew. Despite his hurt and concern for his dear friend, there was a part of him that was enjoying himself. Firstly, it wasn’t often that he got to tease someone else for their sexual exploits, and now that he knew she was fine, he intended to enjoy putting her on the spot.
Jackie opened her mouth, ready to tell her friend just how worried they were and how irresponsible she’d been, but sensing a fight, Sienna stepped in.
“You weren’t answering your texts on Friday night, Charlie, and we were so worried,” Sienna’s voice was so soft that, for a moment, Charlie dropped her guard and suddenly felt guilty for having it up in the first place, “And then you were hardly answering us on Saturday and didn’t come home. We love you, Charlie, and we didn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
Guilt began to fill Charlie’s limps, turning them to lead as her face flushed with shame. In all of her self-pity and risky behavior, she hadn’t really thought about how her friends would feel. She could see them now, face twisted with concern as she evaded their questions.
Add being a shit friend to the list of bad things I’ve done this year, Charlie thought to herself.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make you worry,” Charlie admitted, “I just needed space after Landry-“
“You mean the lying piece of shit we no longer acknowledge,” Jackie corrected.
“No, the snake who shall not be named,” Elijah chimed in.
“Ah, the fucker we kill on sight,” Bryce added in for good measure.
“The one who looks like burnt ramen noodles?” Kyra was happy to chime in as she raised her mimosa in a toast to the tirade of insults.
Charlie nodded, trying to hide the laugh building in her throat through the motion, “That’s the one.”
“Charlie, we would have been there for you,” Sienna stepped towards her friend, squeezing a hand as she added, “I hate to think of you dealing with that on your own.”
The weekend flashed through Charlie’s mind – waking up in Ethan’s apartment, going to the river to see Naveen, fighting with Ethan, and waking up in his bed…
And without even a flash of hesitation, she said, “I wasn’t alone.”
“Does that mean she got laid?” Kyra’s whisper was aimed at Bryce but reached the whole room, earning Charlie’s glare as Bryce nodded his answer.
“100% got laid,” Bryce confirmed in the same stage whisper.
“Guys,” Charlie tried to stop them, but it was no use.
“Charlotte Greene, don’t be ashamed of sex. It’s perfectly natural, and an open conversation encourages a healthy dialogue that is the key to successful relationships,” Bryce leaned on his elbows, his wicked smirk reminding her of the last time he talked to her about her sex life.
“Yeah, we openly communicated when you had sex with Bryce!” Elijah pointed to Bryce, who shamelessly shrugged.
“We did?” Charlie asked, amazed by how extensively her friends had discussed her sex life. She was close to them, of course, and frequently filled them in on the details of her life – but she’d never really wondered how much they talked about it when she was away.
When she had sex with Bryce at their housewarming party, the group dynamic was still young and potentially fragile. Charlie still remembered when they all sat down to breakfast, nursing hangovers and awkwardly staring at Bryce with the silent question of “what the fuck is he doing here?” Terrified to keep secrets from her new friends but dreading any awkwardness, Charlie prepared precisely what she was going to say to her friends, but to her amazement, there was no need for an organized speech. If anything, the new drama to the group dynamic made them better friends.
A few weeks later, the steamy affair came to a natural end. Their strong friendship didn’t equate to a strong romance, and ultimately, the sex wasn’t worth risking their friendship over. Bryce loved Charlie, and she loved him, too – but a few weeks together taught them that platonic love can be just as powerful.
Maybe it could have worked if they’d tried. Maybe it was poised to be a grand love story, but there was always a blue-eyed ghost with a grip on Charlie’s heart that destroyed the relationship before it could start. Every time they got drunk and wallowed in their regrets, Bryce and Charlie didn’t think of each other.
It was arguably the least dramatic thing to happen during their intern year.
The night that they had their official “talk” to end things, they’d been huddled on his living room floor, sharing takeout and flipping through Netflix options. After they dissolved their relationship, they fought over the last eggroll and settled on Jurassic Park. It was as if their friendship had somehow come out unscathed.
And the group dynamic magically did the same. If anything, there was a new joke to throw around.
“You had sex with Bryce?” Kyra chimed in, “When the hell did that happen?”
“A few months ago, keep up,” Bryce shook his head as if disappointed that she hadn’t studied their drama before attending brunch.
“So, are we waging bets on who she had sex with? Because my money’s on Rafael,” Kyra suggested, to which Bryce scoffed.
“We all know it’s Dr. Ramsey.”
“My bet’s Aurora. They fight too much not to have some repressed sexual energy going on,” Jackie suggested.
“We’re not taking bets on who I had sex with!” Charlie stopped them before clumsily adding, “Not that I even had sex with anyone.”
“Charlie, you’d really lie to my face at brunch?” Bryce shook his head with an obvious distaste for the offense, pouring himself a mimosa, “Absolutely disgusting.”
Charlie lifted the glass from his grasp, bringing it to her lips as Bryce’s jaw dropped in pure shock. Several things were sacred to Bryce – himself (obviously), his crocs, and his brunch. And to be honest, Charlie felt a sense of victory as she drank his mimosa. It served him right for gossiping about her night.
“How about we have brunch without talking about sex?” Charlie suggested as she took a seat at the table with her friends, and Sienna raised her glass in concurrence as she sat next to Charlie.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Sienna echoed.
“Boooo,” Kyra pouted as she started to fill her plate with her favorite brunch foods, and still muttering about the new conversation rules, their friends followed suit.
After a few awkward moments of fumbling around for a new topic, the group found one. Elijah and Jackie were debating the merits of Sci-Fi movies – pro and anti, respectively – while Bryce took it upon himself to fill Kyra in with the juicy gossip she’d missed. Everyone was dancing around the elephant in the room – Charlie’s ethics trial. The closest that anyone got was when Bryce explained Landry’s betrayal to Kyra, but other than a few jabs thrown in from various friends, it passed by without too much debate.
Something about their silence felt wrong to Charlie. How could they not talk about it? How could Charlie walk into a career-shattering, life-altering hearing without even talking about it with her friends?
There were so many secrets and untouched topics within their group, and it all centered on Charlie. Their entire friendship with Landry was severed because he betrayed her, and once he declared his intention to move out, they were also left to shoulder the higher rent or take on the burden of finding a new roommate. Even if they weren’t on trial, they were implicated in a scandal that would likely destroy Charlie’s career because she’d been hellbent on giving her patient the options she deserved. And now she was lying to them about where she’d been and who she was with.
Facing the destruction of her life goals and years of hard work was hard enough that Charlie felt a knot in her stomach at the idea of minting the bubble they’d built around her. Several times, Charlie thought about bringing it up herself, and she almost brought the words to her lips. But every time, she fell short. As much as she wanted to live in the real world and openly face the truth with her friends, she couldn’t face it. She needed the cushion of an idyllic, safe brunch. The real world could come later…
“We’re really happy that you’re here,” Sienna looped her arm through Charlie’s as Charlie took a bite of Sienna’s famous cinnamon rolls, and Charlie leaned into her friend’s touch. As she did, Sienna was close enough to whisper, “I know the truth, by the way.”
The words were so soft that they almost faded into the chatter and clinking of glasses, but despite their impermanence, they were powerful enough to turn Charlie’s blood to ice. Swallowing, Charlie mirrored Sienna’s soft voice as she repeated, “The truth?”
“About your weekend,” Sienna was practically beaming as she spread jam across her toast, looking up to explain, “Dr. Ramsey found all the concerned messages I left on your phone on Friday night. He didn’t want me to worry about your safety, so he called to make sure that I knew that you were alright and spending the night at his apartment.”
“Ethan called you to let you know I was alright?” Charlie felt like a broken record as she repeated her friend’s words once more, but she craved the confirmation. Her sweet, wonderful Ethan…
“You call him Ethan now,” Sienna noted with a sly smile. She looked as if she’d stumbled upon an epic romance, her gaze full of hopeful excrement and adoring warmth, and it was infectious enough to touch all the hopes Charlie purposefully neglected. Her relationship with Ethan was still so fragile that Charlie feared weighing it down with expectations, but as her chest inflated with affection, she couldn’t help herself.
And right then, more than ever before, she wanted to tell the truth. She wanted to shed the lies she’d inherited at Edenbrook and share her swelling heart with the people she loved the most. But even when Ethan wasn’t Dr. Ramsey anymore, she sensed an unspoken barrier between the world they’d made in his bedroom and the one she now inhabited with her friends.
“He doesn’t work for Edenbrook anymore,’ Charlie’s pathetic deflection didn’t fool Sienna, and she knew it, “I don’t have to call him Dr. Ramsey.”
Sienna nodded her head to play along, but the joyous glint in her eyes gave her away as she imparted advice on her friend, “You know, I’ve always found titles overrated. What does it matter if you’re an intern and he’s an attending? It’s just a job, and times like this remind us that we’re all just people every day,” Sienna motioned towards the friends crowding their dining room in support of Charlie, “Look at us. A year ago, we didn’t even know each other. We were just residents who happened to be assigned to the same hospital, and now, I love you all like you’re my family.”
Sienna hadn’t realized that the room had grown silent to listen to the end of her speech. All other conversation fell to the side, and all eyes lingered on Sienna. It was only when she finished that she noted the warm smiles from her friends.
“That. Was. Beautiful.” Bryce looked like seeing such purity was a sucker punch to the gut, his eyes brimming with tears of affection, and he stood from his seat to pull her into a surprise hug.
“Oh!” Sienna gasped, patting him on his back as Bryce tightened his grip in his signature bear hug.
“Fuck it. We love you, too, Sienna,” Jackie dropped her croissant and joined Bryce in the hug.
“It’s a group hug!” Bryce’s voice was full of excitement as Jackie piled on to their hug.
“This is literally the purest thing I’ve ever seen,” Kyra snapped a photo with her phone before joining the hug.
Charlie watched as Bryce welcomed everyone into the fold, earning giggles and jokes as her best friends joined together. Charlie couldn’t stop the happy laughter that escaped her throat, not that she even wanted to. Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest at the sight of loving friendship, and she didn’t hesitate as she added, “I love you all so much.”
“Stop it, you guys, I’m gonna cry!” Sienna called out, now buried in her friend’s affection.
“What are you talking about? I’m already crying!” Elijah called out, earning laughter from the room.
Charlie was enveloped in her friend’s embrace, reserving no personal space to contain her thoughts, and she couldn’t escape the emotions she’d buried since Mrs. Martinez’s death. She’d spent so long trying to be strong that she’d neglected the network of people who loved her more than anything.
And abandoning her reserves and embracing their trust, Charlie began, “No matter what happens tomorrow, you guys have given me an incredible intern year, and I’ll always love all of you. And-“ Charlie choked back a sob, “I’m so sorry that I let you down and involved you in such a stupid, dangerous decision. I just wanted to give Mrs. Martinez the care she deserved, and I didn’t exercise enough caution-“
“Oh, fuck off with that nonsense,” Jackie interrupted her, pulling out of the hug just enough to put her hands on Charlie’s shoulders, “You never made us do anything. We were perfectly aware of the decision we were making, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we’d do it again.”
“Of course, I would, Charlie!” Sienna interjected.
“I would, too,” Bryce confirmed, his hand now on hers as he squeezed her hand with the same brotherly affection she could always count on him for.
“You did the right thing, Charlie. You always have,” Kyra reinforced, “You taught me to keep fighting, and you’re crazy if you think I’ll let you give up now.”
“We love you, Charlie. Sienna was right – we’re a family,” Elijah’s smile warmed Charlie’s heart, and as she looked around the room, she found it echoed in the faces of her best friends.
“I don’t deserve you guys,” Charlie shook her head as if still trying to process why this amazing group of people had decided to stand with her.
“Are you kidding?” Jackie shook her head as if disappointed with Charlie being so naïve, “You’re the glue that brought this ragtag family together in the first place. You’re the reason we’re here, and you deserve every bit of our support. Stop letting this ethics hearing make you doubt yourself. You’re a fucking badass, Charlie, and it’s time to start acting like one.”
“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” Charlie laughed through her tears as she unsuccessfully tried to wipe them away. The difference in her was immediately visible. Their support built her up a way nothing else could, and the sight weighed Jackie down as she thought about the strain between them for the last few months.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t always supported you. I should have. Friends first – competition second.”
“It’s okay,” Charlie squeezed her friend’s hand, “I’m sorry, too. You’re one of my best friends, and I don’t want to fight anymore.”
Jackie was amazed by how readily Charlie forgave her and was struck with how undeserving she felt, and as if sensing her thoughts, Sienna enveloped her in a hug.
“We love you, too, Jackie.”
“Even if you scare us,” Bryce conceded.
“Is anyone going to talk about how Jackie put competition second? That’s a breakthrough!” Elijah couldn’t contain his surprise to everyone’s amusement.
“Are all your brunches this supportive? Because, if so, I’m coming to every single one from now on,” Kyra wiped at her eyes, trying not to show that she was just about to cry with the rest of them.
“You’re always invited,” Charlie insisted, holding out her hand for Kyra, but to her surprise, she was enveloped in a bear hug instead.
Bryce took a step back, wiping at his eyes as he announced, “This shit’s too cute. I need champagne for this. This is the best brunch I’ve ever been to, and we all know I don’t say that lightly.”
“Come on, let’s go find you some champagne,” Sienna started to lead a blubbering Bryce to the kitchen to find the perfect – and only – bottle of sparkling wine left in their fridge to toast their brunch to.
And it was right then that Charlie suddenly knew she had to tell them.
“Guys,” Charlie called out before she could stop herself. Everyone had already started to move back to their seats, wiping at their eyes and murmuring about how sappy they felt, but they all stopped to look at her, unsure what else she could have to say.
You can do this, Charlie thought to herself.
Taking a deep breath, Charlie pulled off the Band-Aid, “I had sex with Dr. Ramsey.”
“WHAT?” Elijah choked on his coffee.
“I fucking knew it!” Bryce air pumped his fist in victory, looking as if he regretted not taking bets, “Charlotte Greene, I am so proud of you. Why the hell didn’t you tell me earlier? We would have celebrated!”
“Yeah, Charlie, why didn’t you tell us?” Sienna’s question was genuine, even if she’d known the answer all along.
“I don’t know,” Charlie admitted, shaking her head as she tried to work through the jumbled thoughts, “I was scared. I’m so scared, you guys,” her voice cracked, “I just don’t want to put too much pressure on it, and I didn’t want you to think that I’d been fucking my boss for a better ranking. I promise, it just happened. I drunk texted him on Friday, and he picked me up. And then he invited me to see Dr. Banjeri, and then I spent the night and we…” Charlie trailed off, surprised by the incoherent story flowing from her mouth.
“Charlie, we’d never think that about you,” Sienna stepped forward, pulling Charlie into another tight hug.
“Even I’m the first to admit that you worked your ass off,” Jackie admitted, “You should have told us. We would have made fun of you for hours!” Jackie’s smirk mad Charlie laugh despite herself.
“Can we go back to the fact you drunk texted him? Does he even know how to text?” Elijah asked, his eyebrow raised, “Wait, does this mean we’re friends with him? Holy shit, I should invite him to my movie marathons.”
“No, no, we’re… I don’t know what I’m with him, let alone you guys. We had sex once – well, twice, but –“
“Twice? That’s my girl,” Bryce interjected, earning a glare from Charlie.
“I could be Dr. Ramsey’s new best friends. Guys, what if he likes science fiction movies?” Elijah was now going off on his own tangent, and it was best to let him fall down the rabbit holes on his own.
“Okay, guys, pause on everything. We need champagne for this!” Bryce insisted, practically sprinting to the kitchen to retrieve the bottle.
The room had practically dissolved in chaos. Elijah was discussing movies and planning marathons and toying with the idea of Dr. Ramsey joining him. Kyra and Bryce were so overwhelmed with pride that they couldn’t focus on much else, disagreeing on how to best toast to their friend (“no, we should celebrate how brave and unapologetic her life is!” “no, we’re definitely toasting the sex, Kyra.”). Jackie was now overwhelmed with how many opportunities she now had to tease Charlie, and Sienna watched over all like a proud mother hen.
Even if it was overwhelming and even a bit frightening, Charlie loved it. She loved them.
And there was a thought in the back of her mind – just a whisper, really – that left a foreign thought to invade every corner. Maybe – just maybe – those three words belonged to Ethan all along.
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 I have mixed feelings on this chapter if I’m being honest. I didn’t expect to write a whole chapter without Ethan in a series dedicated to Ethan x MC, but as I started writing, the brunch took on a life of its own. Once I finished writing, I felt like I was cheating their friendship to delete it, but it was not part of the plan of the series. I didn’t even think Charlie would tell her friends yet, but after such an emotional outpour, how could she not trust them? Plus, @fanficnewbie‘s adaption inspired me to focus more on their friendship here. I really hope you enjoyed it, and if you’re wondering where tf Ethan is, don’t worry. He’ll be back very soon...
Part 6 coming soon.
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PS. @fanficnewbie published a series that is an adaption of this story. It diverges after “In the Morning Light,” so you should give it a read!
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planetransgender · 5 years
Bollywood to make a joke of transitioning with "Man to Man"
Bollywood to make a joke of transitioning with “Man to Man”
Actress Adah Sharma (L) is excited to play opposite Naveen Kasturia (R) in “Man to Man”.
Actress Adah Sharma, who made her Bollywood debut with Vikram Bhatt’s ‘1920’ opposite Rajneesh Duggal, will soon be seen essaying the role of a man in her upcoming comedy film ‘Man to Man’ opposite Naveen Kasturia based on sex reassignment surgery.
Cisgender actress Adah Sharma is “thrilled about playing a…
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Do We Have A Future?: August
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Part 1 | Part 2: November | Part 3: January | Part 4: April
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 2.3k Warning: Adult themes, mental health triggers, themes of depression, pregnancy complications and termination Summary: Rebecca told Ethan and now they have to live with the aftermath of their decision.
Author’s Note: Sensitive subject matter means I really suggest only reading if you are 18+ years old... I can’t believe it’s over. This story is deeply personal and I never imagined it to be this long - I wrote the first part on a whim. Thank you for reading and encouraging and inspiring me to get my feelings out under the cloak of Becca and Ethan’s love. This has been so cathartic. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you 💗
Taglist: @ohchoices​​ @dulceghernandez​​ @aylamwrites​​ @binny1985​​ @ramseysno1rookie​​ @interobanginyourmom​​ @queencarb​​ @imactuallytheceoofthecompany @rookiefromedenbrook​ @eramsey28​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @heauxplesslydevoted​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @purpledragonturtles​ @ramseyandrys​​ @ermidc​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​
She finally stopped crying at the memory of the incident and at any infants she’d come in contact with throughout her daily life. It had taken nearly a year for Rebecca Lao to get to this point. 
But how long are you really meant to grieve for the child you never had? 
As her boyfriend Ethan was wary of her every single day, just waiting for the moment that her hard coated exterior crumbled right down in front of him. Some days he noticed how her tear ducts began to swell and her back stiffened whenever they were faced with an unhappy diagnosis. 
As her boss, Ethan eventually let her work on a preeclampsia case with baited breath, watching her like a hawk every step of the way. Every time she’d visit the patient’s room he wouldn’t be more than five steps behind. Whenever she’d assess the lab results, he’d be right there with her ready to break her fall. And when she left the mother’s side Ethan kept in time with Becca, his hand caressing the small of her back as they moved through the motions and onto another case. 
She handed the whole thing better than he could have ever anticipated. Becca didn’t need him at all, not anymore - but she’s damn thankful for the support, however overbearing. In the end, the mother and premature daughter lived happily ever after. Even with all of her self-mending practices, the sight of the infant still stung deep down in Becca’s core. Ethan didn’t notice as he held her hand outside the NICU, her curated mask keeping her emotions at bay. Although she fortified the walls around her heart strong enough to carry out her daily life, still not a day goes by that Becca doesn’t think about what could have been. 
It’d be different if we weren’t together and planning a future. If we broke up maybe it’d hurt less? 
Planning a forever seemed futile when they’d thrown a family away not so long ago. Coming from a broken home, the little doe eyed and innocent girl in the back of Becca’s mind desperately wanted a functional, loving family. A family that put their collective happiness first and nobody ran away. The silver lining to the termination meant they had the option to try again. Properly, when time aligned. When would that be? Would it ever happen? We haven’t had sex since...
Months ago, Ethan finally stopped asking her if she was okay and if she wanted to speak to someone about the experience. As always Becca dutifully declined - the fantasy world she built in her head was all the solace and consoling she needed. 
When the two of them are cuddled on the couch watching a film the phantom daughter of her mind’s eye would emerge. Becca would welcome her beloved mirage by nestling it right across her unchanged chest, coddled safely between her arms and protected from the world around them. 
In the silent and lazy Sunday mornings her phantom would be cuddled close to her heart as Ethan sleepily spooned the love of his life, blissfully unaware of the dream playing out before him on her side of the bed. Happily, Becca would be caressing the thick and curly hair that mirrored her own off of her daughter’s rounded face and giving soothing rubs along her back. Letting herself trail little bits of love over the soft and unweathered skin of her child. A hollow smile forms as the illusion plays out in front of her under the blanket of dusk. But once the strong daylight of reality peered in through their large windows, the tableau vanished. These little moments kept Becca grounded in the present. She needed a happily ever ending. 
As the weeks passed by and the delusion began to solidify into a distant memory, Becca finally had some gusto in her. She didn’t need to hide anymore. Ethan and her were able to joke and chide and taunt each other in the best of ways - just like old times. They were finally opening back up to one another. They let themselves be unashamedly intimate once again. 
The hurricane between them had seemingly passed, the damage was done and swept away at a political pace. There were still some cracks in the roads, but they’d weather them together. 
Becca was making blueberry pancakes one Sunday morning. Ethan sat at the kitchen island with his expert cup of coffee, struggling to breath through his laughter. Becca had just told him the worst joke - so bad that not even the corners of his lips perked up in pity. When she tried to explain why it was funny and Ethan still wasn’t understanding, her face scrunched up with a loud Humph and a stamp of her foot. Her little outburst caused her to slip on a few now-crushed blueberries, tossing what was left of the batter into the air. 
Ethan couldn’t contain himself. The cracks and wrinkles from years worth of living came alight with his bellowing laughter. His ocean eyes shut tightly as he gripped at the center of his bare chest. Once his diaphragm settled he rose to find his girlfriend now laying spread out on the wooden floor in defeat; Becca’s hair spewn over her grumpy face, her hands still holding onto the bowl and spatula but the contents were artistically gracing the lower cabinets and surrounding area.   
He grabbed a kitchen towel from the front of the oven and began to clean up the rogue splatters of batter, utterly bemused. 
The situation caught up with her and Becca chuckled as she discarded the equipment and made a faux snow angel on the floor, letting the lighthearted breath of fresh air take control - it was a stark contrast from the uncertainty and hopelessness that surrounded their every waking moment the last few months. 
“I hope our kids have my sense of humor,” she lamented during her motions.  
Ethan gasped loudly feigning hurt, “What’s wrong with mine?” 
Becca lifted her head slightly to observe him. His blue eyes shining bright with amusement meeting her matching light brown. 
“It’s terrible! You’re such a grump!” she exclaimed, mentally noting all the times she told him a pop culture reference he didn’t understand just like moments ago. Becca placed her head back on the cool wood and said, “Your dad jokes have improved though.” 
Ethan playfully rolled his eyes. I missed this.
He stood and bounded over to her with that silly smirk still plastered on his face. “I hope they have my good looks and intelligence,” He told her, offering his hands to help her to her feet. “They can have your…” he paused for dramatic effect, looking her over - taking in the way she still looked so unbelievably stunning even with batter smeared all over her face and hair wildly pointing every which way. 
Becca’s jaw dropped at the insult. 
Squeezing his hands hard she sassed him right back, “Ethan Jonah, are you saying I have no qualities you’d like reflected in our children?” 
His eyes softened as he assessed the magnificent woman before him. He had a lopsided grin as he spoke;
“I’d like them to have your curly hair,” he pushed a few strands behind her ear. Her completely enamored brown eyes fluttered closed as she melted into his touch. “Your little button nose,” he booped her nose. “Definitely your spunk and heart,” he gave a nod in certainty as his finger lingered. “And attitude;” her eyebrow rose encouraging him to continue that thought. In complete honesty he told her, “You are a better person than I.” 
It was something he showed her again and again. 
He regretted how self serving he used to be at the start of their partnership and felt entirely undeserving of how she continuously was there for him during his darkest of times - with Naveen’s diagnosis, with his mother and father, the near decimation of his life’s work. She never left his side. He was in awe of how, on the job, she did all she could for those around her, every stranger mattered in her eyes. She found the loopholes for their patients he was too stubborn to see - to make a difference, an imprint on all lives she comes in contact with, for the better. 
Becca’s heart was always in the right place. She had a courage and impulsive intuition he fiercely admired. In these last months she made the decision to save her own life, and she seemingly held her head high. Ethan knew he could never be that strong - if they had swapped places he couldn’t even fathom what sort of mess would have become of him. Ethan remembered how he wasn’t able to be there for her in the ways she needed during the Mrs. Martinez debacle because of his pride and personal ethics. He never forgave himself for letting all those months of what could have been slip through his fingertips and spent every moment of every day of every week in these last few months making sure she knew how important and special and loved she is. Dr. Ethan Ramsey is hopelessly devoted to Dr. Rebecca Lao. Whatever incidents befall them in the future they will tackle together. They’d be strong together. 
They’ve been strong together all this time. 
“I am,” she agreed, her eyes darting open to accompany her sly smirk. 
The two held one another’s gaze, their shoulders relaxing in unison and letting the bright and carefree morning swaddle them. Their worries all seemingly distant. All that mattered was them, their love and the abandoned pancakes. 
The last few months have aged them more than they have realized. The dark circles under Becca’s eyes held a weight she will never be rid of, a lasting reminder of what she’s been through and all she has overcome. She held herself a little higher now - she was done hiding and feeling ashamed. Ethan had a few more worry lines etched into his chiseled features, and next to default indifference of his natural gaze his eyes held clarity at the forefront - as if he had finally solved the mystery of his existence - his morals and personal ethics were damned.
 Becca playfully wrinkled her nose as she said, “They’re definitely not having your big head.” She wasn’t sure if it was the idea of giving birth to a large headed baby that sent a chill up her spine or Ethan’s calloused fingertips gingerly tracing its curvature; up and down, up and down. 
They both knew they had no control over genetics but he smirked anyway as he cradled his arms tightly around her back, “I’ll do my best to keep that from happening.”  
Becca softly touched his cheek, “That’s all I ask. I like my vagina too much as it is.” 
He laughed. A genuine, wrinkle-glowing laugh that rivaled the earlier comedic-induced laughter. She moved closer to hold him in a tight hug, listening to the comforting palpitations of Ethan Ramsey’s heart and feeling of the subtle rise and fall of his chest. There was a certain kind of euphoria in feeling the warmth of his back under her manicured palms.  
I missed this, she thought, tightening her grip.  
The laughter settled and she whispered ever so softly, he wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t so entranced by her, “I think... I think I’d want a c-section.” A small part of Becca found solace over the last few months in knowing she made the right decision - childbirth is terrifying and she definitely was not ready for a baby if she can’t even wrap her head around getting it out.   
He pulled away just enough to raise an eyebrow at her.  
“I don’t think I’d be strong enough,” it came out with a breath of air she was holding in, quiet and earnest. Just as easily she joked, “And not being able to control my bladder for the rest of my life is not appealing in the slightest.” 
They laughed it off. It was a jovial statement they knew as truth. 
But it didn’t matter anymore. They could speak about these things - they could speak about the future and pregnancy and babies and cravings, genetics, birthing plans and even last rights. They didn’t need to hide anymore. No secret wishes or manifestations suffering in silence, and not wanting to disturb the grieving process of the other. Everything now out in the open to share together. Revel in together. Carry together.  
The last year was absolute hell and Becca chastised herself for letting all that time slip past. She could never get that time back. She still was not fully at peace with her lost child but accepting it for what it is - it will always be a part of her. 
Through the internal turmoil Ethan and Rebecca grew as a couple and as individuals - they became stronger. They can talk about it and dream their new nuclear dream together. A dream that could quite possibly include a picket fence and a few certificates. 
Becca will never forget her phantom child, but hopefully she can lay her to rest. It had taken months of grieving in the dark depths of her mind and now was the time to face the sunshine. It was time to look forward to her career and enjoy having Ethan to herself, the serenity uninterrupted. The ability to continue making impulsive decisions, whims without any regard, and pulling unapologetic all nighters at the hospital whenever they pleased. There’s many things Becca would like to do before they have a family. 
Me and you. Just us two… For another two years at least. 
They have their entire future ahead of them.
A/N: although my story’s a bit different from becca’s, it’s taken almost two years for me to finally be at peace with the fact and mentally move on. no matter your demons, please seek help. whether it be a friend, family or trained professional talking it out helps as i’ve just learned - even if it makes you feel small and stupid. if you need anything please drop me a line - i’m here and will support you, unconditionally. 
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drethanramslay · 5 years
Part 1: Adara
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Pairing: Aurora x MC (Iris Everette)
Author's note: Hey guys! Here is the first installment of the mini series. Hope you like it and enjoy it.
Songs: Kiwi by Harry Styles and Nervous by the Neighborhood
Tagging: @agent-breakdance @miyakokurono
Warning: PG, slight swearing and violence and some fluff
Iris rode on her motorbike, feeling the fall wind sting her through her leather jacket. It was five am and there were hardly any people on the usual busy streets of Boston.
Iris enjoyed these moments. Riding her motorcycle, feeling the wind ruffle her red hair, making her look like a tantalizing flame, easy to see, hard to catch. The sun was slowly rising, and peaking through the various buildings as if it was playing hide and seek.
In these moments she felt free. Almost liberated.
But, such moments don't last very long. She saw the hospital's great glass facade and pulled into the parking lot. She took out her helmet and shook her windswept hair. She picked up her messenger bag and walked towards the entrance of the building.
She spotted Dr. Naveen Banerji stepping out of his car. "Hey Chief! Good morning." She called out. Naveen's kind eyes stopped at the red head and he smiled. "Well, a very good morning to you too, Dr. Everette." She waited patiently for the older diagnostician, so that they could walk into the hospital together.
"So, I saw Declan Nash yesterday in the foyer. Is it true that he got his own office here?" Iris said slowly, side eyeing the chief. Dr. Banerji was the most diplomatic person she had met, and was a very good actor. Hell, he had the entire hospital fooled regarding his illness. So when she saw him grimace, she knew that it was true.
Fucking cunt. It would only be a few minutes before my fist would bury into his mouse face.
"Yes Dr. Everette. That's apparently true. And I also learned that Ethan was responsible for this entire... transaction." ."But, Chief-" Iris began before Naveen held a hand up, stopping her.
"You don't need to explain it to me. I know how it went down. I don't blame him or you at all. Sometimes, we need to bite the bullet for the greater good." He said, with years of wisdom pouring out of him. Iris rarely respected authority, but there were very few people who she respected and Dr. Banerji was one of them.
Iris mulled over the words, lost in thought. Soon she reached the locker room where she saw her roommates, changing. "Hey frriiieenndsss." Iris said with a haunting voice.
The group burst into laughter as Jackie groaned. "For the love of Lord Ram, Iris stoppp." She grumbled as she tied her shoe laces. The previous week, on their day off, they had binged watch 'It lives in the woods' against Jackie's wishes. Jackie maybe as tough as a rock, but she despised horror. So they did the exact opposite. She disliked the 'black ghost thingy' and his obsessive need to say 'frrriiieeennnndsss'. She found it creepy and spooky. Spooky because, when Iris was going to bed, she saw Jackie sleeping with the lights on.
"C'mon Jackie. You know I love you right." She said as she nudged her shoulder. "Fuck off. I'm outta here." Jackie picked up her things and headed for the door.
"Don't forget, we are watching season 2 tomorrow night." Bryce hollered after her. She just flipped him off and walked out. Iris chuckled as she hung her jacket in her locker. She was just taking her shoes out when Bryce strolled and sat next to her on the bench.
"Well, your hair looks like sex hair. Who is the lucky someone??"
Iris just rolled her eyes. "Don't talk shit, scapel jockey. It is too early and I need a coffee or four to have the strength to deal with you." Bryce just laughed and stood up. "See you later bro. Dr. Tanaka allowed me to assist on a Whipple."
Iris whistled lowly. "Oh ho, Hotshot. Remeber me when you are famous."
She just shook her hair and smiled. She was in her underwear, reaching for her scrubs, when someone cat-called her. "Nice legs. Putting a show on for me, mia cara?"
Oh god, give me strength.
"Suck a dick, Vincenzo." She didn't bother looking at him as she slid her, scrubs on. He came forward and leaned at the locker adjacent to hers. "C'mon babe... It's meant to happen anywa-" She was done with his bullshit, so she opened the locker door, letting it bang on his face.
"Why you little-"
"Leave her alone, asshole." A husky feminine voice spoke out. Both of them turned to see Aurora standing there, with her hands in her waist and her eyes narrowed.
Iris' breath caught in her throat and she felt flustered. She usually was the one who made people flustered, which she found amusing. She wasn't one for all these- feelings. But, after she met Aurora, she couldn't help but be fascinated by her. She found the quiet, observent and intelligent resident intriguing and someone who she felt drawn to, like a siren.
"What are you going to do? Run to your auntie?" Vincenzo scoffed.
"No. After I am done fucking up your case, my aunt will almost look cute." She said cooly. Vincenzo's jaw dropped and he just turned tail and ran away.
During the entire exchange Iris, almost swooned. Operative word being, 'almost'.
"Careful Rory, it almost seems like you care for me." Iris said teasingly.
Aurora rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Princess. And, how many times do I have to tell you, my name is not RORY?!!"
"Well, I am gonna pretend that I didn't hear that. C'mon Rory, it's a beautiful day to save lives." Iris said as she dragged Aurora by the hand.
Aurora was caught off guard but she would be lying if she didn't enjoy the feeling of the redhead's warm hand in hers. She squeezed it gently and followed her for rounds.
It was a crowded Friday night at Donahue's. Aurora hung her coat at the overflowing coat rack, praying to God that her coat won't become the new doormat for the pub. She then shoved her way towards her new roommates.
Roommates. That's a new term she was still getting used to. She never really had them before. She was from the hustling city of New York, before she shifted here for med school. She was a day scholar at Harvard Medical school and had stayed with her aunt.
She found herself a group of friends. She never really had friends before. She had learnt from a young age, that people always had an ulterior motive. She was basically royalty. They always wanted to impress her so that they could have a good word with her family.
Her mother was a famous actress, who had starred in various TV shows and movies. Her dad, was a nation renowned cardiac surgeon and her aunt was one of the leading neurosurgeons of the country.
Knowing her family history, it was but obvious that Aurora would get into medicine. As you expect a fish to swim in water, people expected her to nail her SATs and get into one of the best colleges in the nation.
She never really had the chance to decide her own path. She thought that she had escaped her overbearing parents when she shifted to Boston. Boy, she was wrong.
Her aunt's heart was in the right place but GOD, she was annoying. But, she was better than her parents. Anybody, would be better than her parents, who were just a bunch of robots who gave Ethan Ramsey a run for his money.
But, Iris changed that outlook. Iris really shook the walls she had spent years reinforcing. One look at her piercing green eyes, Aurora felt exposed. Usually, Aurora felt uncomfortable feeling this exposed. But with Iris....She was willing to take the leap.
But when she thought about Iris, she couldn't help but feel that she was still an enigma. She knew so very little about the young resident. She could see the fort, surrounding her. Iris maybe laid back and teased people incessantly but, there was so much more to her.
"Hey girl. Wassup?" Jackie greeted her. She shrugged and slid onto the barstool. "Same shit. Different day." Sienna spat her drink while Iris snorted. Jackie just smiled slyly. "Okay then."
"Rory, what do you want?" Iris asked, beside her.
I want to know more about you.
"The usual. Cherry vodka and soda." Iris nodded and then flagged down the barkeep.
"Hey Rory! How was your day?" Bryce asked.
Iris slapped his shoulder. "Only I can call her that. Be more creative, Lahela."
Aurora snickered and nudged Iris. "So overprotective."
"I am your knight in the shining armour. Get your facts checked, Rory." Iris exclaimed.
Everything was great, untill it wasn't.
Vincenzo was right behind Iris, trying to get to the bar table. It would have been completely normal if, he wouldn't have reached down to grab her ass.
It all happened in the blink of an eye. Iris turned around, grabbed his wrist, twisted it and pinned it to his back. He yelped but that didn't stop her. She slammed his head on the bar and kept him there. Collective gasps went around them and someone pulled the cord of the jukebox at the same time.
"Now, now Vincenzo. What have you done?" She asked, her voice so cold, that it sent a shiver down Aurora's spine.
"I-I didn't do anything!!" He sputtered.
She pulled his hand more, make him screech in pain. "Wrong answer. Try again."
He was sweating now. "I-I grabbed your ass."
"Correct. Now tell me, is it nice to molest people?" She asked sweetly.
"N-n-no." He gasped.
"Ding ding ding. That's the correct answer. Now listen to me, and listen good. Next time, if I see you anywhere near me or any girl, and try to manhandle her, I will skin your testicles. And don't feel for a moment think that I am joking. Because I am not." She said with acid dripping in her tone.
She lets him go. She straightens his tacky jacket and pats his cheek. She smiles. "Now run along, boy."
She turns around towards her drink and takes a sip of the smooth whiskey. Over the rim of her glass, she noticed the expressions of her friends and colleagues.
Sienna had her mouth open, with a lettuce hanging out.
Jackie, was stunned while, Bryce had a hand on his chest, taken aback.
Dr. Ramsey's eyes were as big as saucers, which was the most expression she had seen from him.
Aurora had a heated gaze.
And, Elijah had fainted.
"Elijah?!!" Iris rushed and shook his shoulder. He woke up disoriented. "Yeahhh I might have passed out after seeing something so scary."
"I don't know whether to be scared or be turned on." Bryce said, recovering first. "Well, I'm turned on." Aurora mumbled into her drink, so lowly that only Iris heard. Iris was as red as her hair.
"Well, remind me not to ever cross you Iris." Jackie said.
Iris laughed but her laughter was cut shot when she was pulled roughly of the chair by an angry Vincenzo. She was hurled into the table, hitting the back of her head, hard. Glass broke and cut her in the stomach.
She could see black spots in her vision and she froze. This blow reminded her of her personal hell. She was reminded of the monster, she had been running all her life from. The demons haunting her and reminding her that they are not very far away. That they would ways be there, right over her shoulder.
She stayed there, waiting for the next blow when she saw through her bleary vision, Dr. Ramsey and Bryce restraining Vincenzo.
"Hey, hey, HEY!!" Aurora said as she shook Iris' shoulders. "Stay awake for me Iris. We are taking you to the hospital to check for a concussion."
"Rory...stay..." Iris mumbled as she held onto Aurora.
"I'm here Iris. I am always here."
Aurora flashed the light into Iris' eye for her neural check up. It blinded Iris and she slowly and painfully followed the source of light.
After a few moments, Aurora nodded to herself and switched off the light. "Good thing is that you don't have a concussion. Now about the gash on your stomach, I will stitch it up and give you a tetanus shot."
"But I'm sooooo sleepy." Iris said mid yawn.
Aurora chewed her lip, to come with something that could keep her awake. "Well, let's play the question game."
"Question game?" Iris asked amusingly. "Yap. I ask a question you give an honest answer and vive versa. You can even go first."
"Hmmm... favourite colour?"
"Forest green." Just like your eyes. She added mentally.
"Do you have any tattoos?" Aurora asked as she cut the shirt which was drenched in blood.
"Yeah... Two."
"I haven't seen them." Aurora as she lifted the t-shirt to rest below Iris' breasts.
Yup it it's a mess. She sighed and reached for antiseptic
"For that you might have to get me naked."
Aurora stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned to look at Iris who was giving a shit eating grin. Without hesitation, she dabbed the antiseptic, right on the wound.
"FUCK. Fuck. Fuck. Couldn't give a warning Rory??!" Iris said as she hissed.
Aurora just smiled smugly and said, "Oops??"
"My chance. Why do you call me Princess?" Iris asked. She never really understood the reference behind that one.
"Well, you remind me of Merida, from 'Brave'. You haven't seen it?" Aurora asked as she searched the wound to make sure, there weren't any glass pieces left.
"Well, it's my personal mission to make you watch it. Don't move. I am stitching you up." Aurora said.
She picked up the needle and thread and moved closer to her stomach. "Sooo.... Tell me about your family." Iris froze and the room became so silent that you could hear a pin drop.
Way to go Aurora.
"You don't need to say if it's too invasiv-" Aurora quickly covered up but Iris just reached and squeezed her shoulder, with a soft smile on her face.
"It's okay...it's just been so long since I have spoken about them. Well, my mother was like a ray of sunshine. She was always radiant and positivity just oozed out of her like a waterfall. She had so much love for everyone and she was empathetic. She and I used to sing karaoke in the kitchen while we cooked food. We were not very well off but, she made sure that I never felt that I lacked a childhood. She was my best friend, more like a sister than a mother." Iris said with a small smile, her eyes having a faraway look.
"She died when I was sixteen. Leukemia. She had grown into a shell of a person because of the constant chemotherapy but, her spirit stayed strong. If you spoke to her over the phone, you wouldn't even realise that she was sick.
She always told me, "Adara, always keep your youth alive. Always be kind to people and don't hesitate to help your enemies. The day your curiosity and youth dies, you start wilting like a flower. Never give up and always stay strong." Iris recited from her memory.
"Iris Adara Everette. It means 'fire' in Hebrew. She used to call me 'little red' when I was younger because of my fiery spirit."
"She sounds like a lovely person. I'm sorry..." Aurora said, gently.
"Nah, it's okay I have made my peace with it."
"What about your fathe-" Aurora asked.
"Hey, are the stitches done?" Iris asked, as she looked down at her stomach.
"Yup. Now, you need bed rest for the next one week-"
"One WEEK??!!"
"-with plenty of water. Keep yourself hydrated. I am keeping you in the hospital for the next two days, for observation and then you can head home after that.
"BUT-" Iris started but Aurora shushed her.
"Doctor's order. Don't worry about your patients, Elijah and Jackie will manage them. Dr. Ramsey is already aware so he has given you the week off."
"Fiiinnneeee." Iris blew a raspberry.
Aurora turned and started disposing off the medical waste and her gloves when she heard a tiny voice saying, "Stay." Aurora turned around to see Iris giving her the cutest puppy eyes, which she could not resist.
"Pleeaaseee Rory?? What if I get a haemorrhage in the middle of the night?? Or or-"
"Calm down Adara, I will stay the night."
Iris smiled a genuine smiled which she had reserved only for Rory. She shifted and patted on the space next to her, on her hospital bed. Aurora took of shoes and settled in the covers.
"Thank you, Rory." Iris said as she nuzzled against Aurora.
"For what?" She asked as she wrapped an arm around Iris.
"For fixing me up... and calling me Adara."
"Do you mind? If I call you that??"
"Nope, infact I love it. But call me that, only if we are alone. " Those were the last words she said before they both drifted into a dreamless sleep.
Soooooo, how did you like it?? Like and reblog :))
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
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Below the cut you’ll find some five WIPs I’m planning on publishing within the week 😆
On The Subject of Love
“It was the right thing to do. If we didn’t… people would spend the rest of our lives forcing us together.” 
“So your relationship was a PR stunt…?”
“Absolutely not. I’m not a low-life, Becca.” He took pure offense that she could even entertain the thought he would do anything without a saturation of intention. “We tried because it seemed right. It seemed… inevitable... to try.”
“Huh, ok.” 
Ethan used her words against her. Inevitable was what they were. Does he feel the same way about their relationship that he felt about Harper? Surely he didn’t, but she’d have no way to ever know.
The Conference - Part 6
I was sitting at the table when he came out so I could finally pee. 
“Your coffee’s on the counter,” I said as I brushed past him. “I’m gonna order an omelette for breakfast, have a look at the menu if you want anything.” 
After freshening up a bit in the bathroom, trying very hard not to look too rough. I really didn’t expect to see him this early - at least I hoped to be somewhat dressed or showered at the very least, and not in an old tee and underwear. 
At the table across from my half full mug of coffee Ethan now sat with a shirt on. It seems we both had the idea to put ourselves together - the half dressed and graceful morning eyed versions of ourselves were a luxury saved for the most intimate of companions. I slipped into my room to throw on last night's shorts and made sure that my nipples weren’t too visible in this top. The revelation from last night that I was wrong to push him away had been eating at my brain. How much sweeter would this weekend be if there wasn’t all this tension?
Hurricane - Part 3
The rag tag team of doctor’s sat around Naveen’s large dining table in the wooden room with endless windows looking over the river. They had copious amounts of wine and Ethan’s homemade meat lasagna and garlic bread. Naveen sat at the head of the table, Sienna to his left with Elijah and Rebecca to his right with Ethan.
“How are you finding your interns, doctors?” Naveen asked with dazzling curiosity.  
“It’s…” Sienna began to say, not wanting to damper the evening with second-year struggles. 
“Challenging,” Becca finished for her. 
The Chief’s interest was piqued, “Oh?” 
“I know Dr. Ortega is brilliant but a bit impulsive.” 
“Sounds like someone I know,” Naveen joked.  
Becca continued, “She needs to think more before she acts sometimes.” 
“May I suggest taking your own advice, Dr. Lao?” 
“Oh shut up, Ethan. You know what I mean.” 
Hopeless - Part 2
“Ethan, open the door.” 
He threw his briefs and trousers on haphazardly and did up a few shirt buttons quickly. He could get away with this ungodly sight under the cover of sleeping. 
Becca was in panic mode. Harper Emery was quite possibly among the worst people who could walk in on them. Her keen knowledge of Ethan certainly made the situation worse - would she be able to derive their actions just by recalling Ethan’s faint post-sex musk? 
There was no time to panic. 
Harper was on the other side of that door impatiently waiting for it to be unlocked. How long had she been standing there? If college had taught Becca anything it’s that the brick of any large, mass produced buildings were not sound proof. 
Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Oh my god. 
TBA Prompt Request
“Hey! You didn’t even know who either of us were back then. Bryce was a shoulder to cry on in the supply closet when you made me feel like shit.” she bit back playfully, noticing his eyes darkened at the thought of her with anyone else. “What’s with that face?” 
“I don’t think he was professional at all” Neither are we, she thought to herself. If Becca did say those words out loud Ethan was sure to backtrack once again, and she didn’t want them going through another game of chicken between feelings and morals. Third year residency is only three months away and Becca has been trying her best not to scare him off before she makes attending and they can openly be together. 
“He was a friend. He’s still my friend.”
“A friend that wants to date you.”
“Ethan, that was almost two years ago. And anyway your adorable jealousy is misplaced. It should really be directed towards Rafael.” 
Without a moment of hesitation he bit out in shock, “You and the EMT!?”
A/N: Which one are you most excited for?? 
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