#and never has to worry about sleeping with it on cause eddie always turns it off once shes cozy and before she gets all hot/sweaty
vampiresinforks · 1 year
missed gift opportunity: Edward gifting Bella a heated blanket.
you're telling me in the miserable soggy small town she wouldn't have enjoyed a good big rich kid heated blanket more than that diamond or gun-proof mercedes?? ain't no way
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hotluncheddie · 27 days
how is your autistic Steve? missing him on this Sunday
hello!!! me too omg!!!! he is the best boy!!!
I've been having a couple thoughts about him here and there and I found a old snipped I wrote ages ago in my notes <3
:) ty for reminding me of him tho, my actual true love autistic Steve :)
Eddie notices Steve doing it one night, while a films on, sitting in the dark. 
He's rubbing his hands over his mouth, over his lips and cheeks. Over and over again, his fingers or palm rubbing left right, left right, over his lips.
He sees it again one morning. Steve laying on his belly, rubbing his face into the pillow, smushing his nose and turning his whole head left to right and back again. Always slow to wake up, sleepy long after the alarm. He rubs, then huffs. Sighs and relaxes. rubs again. 
Eddie can't hold it in any longer, he needs to touch him. So he rolls Steve over, into his arms. Steve hums, high and happy, twisting to be the little spoon. Tucking in close and grinding a little, the menace.
But they’re both too sleepy still, too relaxed. Steve breaths deep and snuggles into Eddie's arms. Then Eddie feels Steve's head move, so he peeks over to see Steve face. He has his eyes closed, rubbing his mouth and lips against the soft duvet. Pressing lightly on his upper lip, and below his nose. Body loose and Eddie tangles their legs together, buries his face in Steve’s neck, and breaths. 
Steve plays the same song over and over. It's new, from a band he loved then forgot about. But there’s this part in it, this new song, part of the bridge he thinks Eddie said. Steve likes it so much. Just that little part. He sings along to it, copying it. It sounds so nice. 
He plays the song over and over. Eddie helps him put it on a tape. That one song. The one song with that part on the bridge. Over and over on the same tape. It’s so good. Steve plays it on his Walkman if someone is over. Plays it over and over, until his mind starts to wander during it, he's heard it so many times. Until that best part seems stamped in his head - never to be forgotten.
It's so good, that little part, the whole song.
Steve plays it again.
Steve making packed lunches. ✨
It's so he can feel in control. So if everything went weird and wrong in his day, at least he knows that lunch will be normal. The same as every other day.
No worrying about if they have what he wants or if there will be enough protein to keep him feeling full. No stress that there won’t be anything around he wants to eat which would mean he doesn’t eat anything, the hunger manageable for a while until it’s encroaching on him slowly and he’s snapping at Robin but forgetting the cause. His tension rising and his jaw clenching, and before he knows it it’s the end of the day and his head is pounding and all he can do is go home and sleep off his tension headache. Evening gone for anything fun, ruined by pain. Steve hates that.
So Steve makes packed lunches, makes a couple at a time, sometimes enough for the whole week in one go.
Sometimes he has a craving for diner food, and that's okay, him and Robin sharing an order of fries and Steve getting his burger with extra lettuce and pickles on the side. And that's okay, some days, if it feels right. He has his lunch for dinner and enjoys.
But still, he makes packed lunches.
Just so he knows.
No matter what happens. Lunch is the same as every other day. <3
going to once again tag people who might like to see - this is very short but i just, i want as many people as possible to think about autistic Steve, he is so very special
@pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @spectrum-spectre @just-a-tiny-void @steventhusiast
@tangerinesteve @lil-gremlin-things @irethsune @scoops-aboy86 @marvel-ous-m
( sorry if this is annoying )
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Okay, hear me out!
So reader and Eddie go to a horror movie on a date right? Except Eddie thought it was a slasher, not like paranormal shit and that really scares him. Soooo, he has to call reader at like 1 am cause he keeps thinking that he sees something or hears something and can't sleep. 💋💋💋💋
I just wanna see poor baby Eddie all scared and get the cuddles he deserves.
I think we need to have some date nights where we watch paranormal movies 💋💋💋💋
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Y/N and Eddie were both freaks about Halloween. They loved it, and they loved all the dates that October would bring. They've done the haunted houses, hay rides, and pumpkin patches. They saw every horror film that hit the theaters.
And tonight, Y/N found another film for them to watch. Eddie agreed, not bothering to ask what it was. He can handle horror movies, and they always picked slasher films, so he wasn't worried.
Eddie wrapped his arm around Y/N as they settled in their seats. The popcorn was in his lap while they held their candy.
"What are we seeing anyway?' He asked, throwing a handful of popcorn in his mouth. He threw his feet on the seat in front of him.
"Some paranormal thingy," Y/N said, shrugging as they didn't give the movie much thought. But Eddie froze as he went to take a sip of his drink.
"as in demons and shit?" He asked, his voice was shaky which caused them to look up at him. They took in his nervous eyes and shaking foot.
"A little bit. I don't think it's much possession, just scary shit happening without an explanation." They tried to hide her smirk as he looked even more nervous.
The lights dimmed and Eddie gripped their shoulder.
Y/N didn't know a single thing that happened in the movie, and they were fine with that. They spent the whole time watching Eddie jump and hide at every jump scare. He even hid during parts that weren't meant to be scary. They have never seen Eddie so terrified. He'd watch murder with wide eyes and volume on a hundred. But now he had popcorn all over his lap and the floor, his eyes behind his jacket.
"So what did you think?" They teased, Eddie's hand gripping theirs. He was shuffling his feet close to them, not letting them get an inch ahead.
"It was dumb! If some demon was throwing my shit around, I'd be pissed." Eddie said, shaking his head. Y/N laughed and jumped in the van.
Eddie ranted about the film the whole way to Y/N's house. They laughed behind their hand at his lies. He declared that he'd show the demon who was in charge and that he'd never let a demon run him out of his own house.
"Sure you would, babe." They said, pecking his lips. They waved bye as they went into their house.
Y/N wasn't sure what time it was when Eddie called, they rubbed their eyes and reached for the phone.
"There's a demon in my room!" Eddie whispered, his eyes looking around every corner of his room. He could feel his heart racing as another crack landed against his window.
"Eddie, there's nothing there. Demons aren't out to get you." They sighed.
"I can hear it whispering! Then it pounds on my window.....I'm scared." Eddie whispered
"Baby, it's okay. There's nothing there. I'm sure it's just the wind." They said through a yawn.
"And you know who said that? Tracy and she died!" Eddie panicked, and he slowly crept towards his window. He stood up slowly and looked out the window.
"That was fake! You're okay, and you're safe." Y/N said softly, "You have a big tree outside your window, I'm sure the branch is hitting it."
Eddie felt relief fill him when the branch smacked against the window, the sound the same as before.
"You're right. Thank you, baby." He sighed, hanging up the phone. He shook his head and got back in bed. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, then snapped them open. He quickly turned on his lamp. The extra light gave him comfort as he closed his eyes again.
Eddie threw the covers over his head as he heard sounds everywhere. The sound of feet walking on the gravel, the footsteps creaking on the stairs leading to his trailer, and the doorknob wiggling. He swore he could hear the sound of his front door creeping open, the squeak of the hinges.
"Eddie, Eddieeeeee?" A voice called out in a whisper
"Please let me live," Eddie said out loud, still buried underneath his blankets.
Eddie let out a high-pitched scream when the blanket was pulled from his head, his eyes shut as he screamed over and over.
"BABY ITS ME!" Y/N screamed, standing right next to the lamp.
Eddie snapped open his eyes and closed his mouth as he saw Y/N standing there. His heart racing as he smacked their arm
"YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" He yelled, giving them a glare
Y/N crossed their arms and gave Eddie a look, "I'm sorry. But drop the glare or I'll go right back home and let the demon get you."
Eddie quickly softened his eyes and grabbed Y/N. Yanking them on the bed as he hid in their neck. Y/N laughed but wrapped their arms around him. They placed a soft kiss on his head and rubbed his back.
"See, you're safe," Y/N said, looking down at their adorable terrified boyfriend.
"Don't leave," Eddie muttered against their skin.
"Never would"
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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strangermoons · 26 days
ficlet #1: Out On The Street
Steve’s about halfway to the next intersection when he realizes Eddie’s not next to him anymore. He turns around.
There’s no sign of him. That in itself is not really a cause for concern — Eddie’s easily distracted at the best of times, and after a long day of sitting in endless meetings with music executives and lawyers he’s even more so. Steve rolls his eyes and starts retracing his steps.
He finds Eddie half a block back, crouched behind a dumpster. 
“There you are,” Steve says, walking up to his side. “What are you even doing?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Eddie says, a mulish set to his jaw. He’s hunched over, holding his arms close to his chest at an odd angle, like he’s worried his ribcage is going to fall out.
Steve frowns. “Doesn’t look like nothing.”
Eddie’s leather jacket meows plaintively.
“No,” Steve says immediately.
“Listen, hear me out—”
“I said no!” Steve says, putting his hands on his hips. “You’re gonna get us evicted!”
“She’s all alone!” Eddie says, getting to his feet, jacket wriggling. “You telling me we should leave her here?”
“I guarantee you that thing has fleas,” Steve says, crossing his arms.
“Nah, come on, she’s too young to have fleas,” Eddie says, putting on that little ‘who, me?’ smile he always uses when he’s trying to get his way. Steve hates how effective it is. “And we can just hide her from Frank, he’s never gonna notice.”
Eddie’s jacket meows again, more insistently this time. Eddie looks down and tugs the lapel away from his body, his whole face softening. A tiny ball of black fluff with pointy ears pops out.
“Don’t worry, kid,” he says softly, stroking the little head with a fingertip. “We’re going to take care of you.”
Steve’s half right. The kitten does have fleas. It also turns out to be a he. Shadow chews holes in all of Steve’s favorite sweaters, tracks kitty litter into every corner of the apartment and sheds enough for three cats no matter what they feed him. He also likes sleeping curled up on Steve’s chest, purring up a storm before he nods off.
“That’s my spot,” Eddie says the first time he walks into the bedroom to find them like that.
“You have to make sacrifices when you have children,” Steve says serenely.
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meowriddler · 1 year
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A/n: i need him 😔
Warning: just fluff
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅
Edward never seems to sleep well, and that was the cause before you came into his life and changed everything for the better. Of course, back then he would only take naps, afraid of the nightmares that may come with those rare times he actually slept; they always hunted him, but having you around, you were the light in his darkness just the touch of your hand alone eased that fear and anxiety he usually gets.
Sleeping with you was his favorite part of his day besides hanging out with you all day obviously, feeling the warmth of your body pressed against his while watching your peaceful face drift into dreamland he loved to admire your beauty up close his hand slowly reaches out to touch you but hesitates not wanting to disturb you but finding it hard to resist his hand gently caressing your cheek while smiling at you with adoring eyes god you have to be the most beautiful person he ever led his eye upon finally his eyes feel heavy needing nothing more to sleep he gives in feeling more at peace then ever.
Edward reaches out in his sleep looking for that source of comfort but finds a cold place instead, now awake more than ever, Edward gets up looking confused while squinting his eyes. He goes to grab his glasses and puts them on, finally being able to see. He looks around and finds the room empty.
Making his way out of the bedroom, he sees a strong source of light at the end of the hallway, squinting his eyes and trying to adjust to the light, and there you were standing in front of the window watching the sun rise. He could have sworn his heart just skipped a beat at the sight of the many colors of the sun reflecting on your stunning figure, making you out to be an angel.
His angel sent here to answer all of his prayers, and he slowly makes his way over, not wanting to disturb this moment.
Hearing soft footsteps behind you standing there is your Eddie with his messy mousey hair and his cute Batman pjs that you got him. smiling softly at his sleepy state
"Sorry luv, did I wake you up?" Frowning slightly and feeling a bit bad, you must’ve woken him up.
"Don’t worry about it Angel," giving you a tired smile "what are you doing up anyways?" He says rubbing the sleep off of his eyes.
"Oh, I went to get a glass of water, and well, I couldn’t help myself to the view." Now facing the window while sighing slightly, you always did love watching the sunrise; something about it never failed to captivate you.
Eddie on the other hand was busy captivated by your effortless beauty, so unique yet so compelling. Edward wishes he were an artist just so he could capture this moment and paint it on a canvas—not even that would be enough.
Now feeling a pair of long arms around your waist and the warmth that comes with Eddie Just sinking into his body, hoping to be one with him, you could stay like this for eternity and never get tired of it.
Slowly rocking u both, you feel Eddie plant a few butterfly kisses on your temple, each one going further down until reaching your nape. You can’t help but giggle at the feeling.
Eddie stops and chuckles lightly against your nape, choosing to stay there finding serenity within you.
"Isn’t it pretty?" you asked.
Finally, Eddie looks up at the view and has to admit it was pretty, especially by Gotham standards, but nothing could ever compare to you. "Yeah, it’s pretty I guess but it doesn’t stand a chance next to you, Angel." Eddie says Smirking slightly
You feel yourself flush from that complaint, but not wanting to give in, "Stop it, I’m being serious, don’t you think so?" u lightly tap his hand
He lets out a cute giggle at your reaction: "Ok fine, it's kind of pretty. Are you happy now?"
"Yup, I’m satisfied now." feeling smug as u made ur point, you feel his arms tightening around you. Finally, it was your turn to look.
You find Eddie starring back at you with adoring eyes suddenly, and now you remember why you could never look away from his gaze—it was so full of affection you don’t think anyone has ever looked at you the way he did.
God, he falls deeper in love with you every time he looks into your eyes. They are so full of care and love that he can’t help but blush, feeling paralyzed under your gaze alone.
Sensing his hesitation, you plant a feather-like kiss against his lips. He blinks at you, trying to process what just happened, but immediately dives in for more.
As cheesy as it sounds, if your lips were a drug, he would be considered an addict because he could never get enough of them. He could feel his knees buckle slightly. You must know the effect you have on him, right?
Gently holding your face so softly as if you were made of glass, not wanting to shatter it, you deepen the kiss, wanting to stay cradled by his soft touch, but at last you softly pull away from the lack of oxygen, smiling at each other, finding it unnecessary for words at this point only exchanging looks of adoration feeling nothing but love for one another, forgetting all about the colored sky.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅
A/n: thank u for reading!! I hope u guys enjoyed this don’t forget to drink water👹🤍
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
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YOU WERE LIGHTING FLARES CHAPTER FOUR: I'M INTERTWINED, AND RUNNING BLIND [1.2 | pining oblivious idiots] {ao3} prev. first.
Eddie was looking over his chart when Buck’s eyes crept open. And his voice barely a whisper comes out,
“Aren’t you supposed to be takin’ care of tiny babies?”
“Not when big babies get themselves crushed by fire trucks,” he says with a small smile. “I'm on break.”
“Hey, I’m not a baby,” Buck tries to gasp but it ends in a coughing fit that has Eddie rushing up to help him with the water cup.
When the cough has subsided Buck looks up at Eddie with wide wet blue eyes, he looks five years younger, as he grasps Eddie’s arm,
“I- I still have my leg right?” the tears start to bead the unasked question embedded in it the look in his eye, “I haven’t dared to look. it still feels like it’s there but-“
“Hey, baby, no” Eddie swallows past the mistake, “scarred to hell and back but your leg is right where you saw it last. Okay? Christopher is going to be so excited to draw on your cast, and be your crutch buddy.” he smiles wetly running a hand through Buck’s curls.
“When can I hold the babies again? I don't want to be away too long.”
“They'll forget me!”
“They’ll never forget you- okay? You are too important, even if they don’t remember your name, or what you look like- the love you give them? It’s integral, it changes who they grow up to be fundamentally. They can’t forget you.” Buck just stares at him, pleading, as if it’s not just about the babies. It's about him. Which Eddie supposes it is.
“I'll check with Miranda and your doctor and we’ll come up with a plan so all of you can be safe, oaky?”
Buck nods, and winces.
“It hurts.”
“I know. I'll get your nurse to get you some pain relief. and get some sleep okay? I’ll be back when my shift is over.” He runs his hand through Buck’s curls one more time and resists the urge to place a kiss on his forehead.
He leans in the doorway, watching Maddie fret over Buck who rolls his eyes every time she tries to fluff his pillow. and Buck spots him and shoots him a playful “save me” look so he lurches forward and enters the room properly.
He gives Maddie a tight hug and tells her to go get some coffee or even go home for a few minutes. She worries at her lip slightly before turning to Buck for permission. He shoos her off with a smile.
It's quiet for a minute. Eddie taps his foot.
“So, did you mean to call me baby earlier today?” Buck shatters the silence and Eddie nearly falls out of his chair.
“wh-what? I- you remember that?”
“Yeah I do? and I'm asking if you meant it.”
“I just, it just sorta slipped out cause you were so upset. It was a reflex.” Eddie swallows past the omission. It was a reflex because I care about you. because I think I might just be a little bit in love with you.
“Oh. Okay." Eddie thinks he imagines the hurt and disappointment.
Seconds tick by. Buck seems to be studying the cheap bland generic painting that hangs opposite Eddie.
“So, I talked to Miranda,” Buck turns his head towards him, finally, “she said as soon as you are cleared for a wheelchair and of any infection you can come by- as long as your doctor signs off on it.”
Buck smiles, really smiles, for the first time in what feels like days.
“How are they doing? I miss them.”
“There is only so much I can say, but they are all doing really well. Celia went home.”
Buck grins widely.
And Eddie finds that there are tears welling in the corners of his eyes.
Buck grabs his hand and squeezes it tight.
“You scared me. You’re not allowed to do that again. I can’t- I know it’s not your fault some kid wanted revenge. But you scared me. And I thought I would have to face Christopher again-“
“Hey, hey, hey- I'm right here. I can't make promises. But for right now, I'm not going anywhere.”
Buck is sitting on the couch, like he always is these days. Sometimes Chris will come over either with Eddie or Carla so he’s not alone and isolated in the apartment when he doesn’t have PT. Hearing that it would be a month or two before he could go back to holding babies in his free time had hit him hard. Especially while he was also not working. He barely felt like a person anymore without those things.
And for the first time in the two weeks since he was discharged and settled back at home- he and Eddie's schedules line up so that Eddie isn’t working and he doesn't have PT. Eddie had been telling him that he has an idea that will keep him occupied while he can't come into the hospital like usual. Buck was skeptical but curious.
Eddie walks in, sans Christopher since he has a playdate with Denny and Harry, and sets a Trader Joe’s tote on the couch next to him. Soft skeins of yarn are poking out of the bag along with a few knitting needles.
“How is it that we have slept in the same bed, and yet I am still learning new things about you?” Eddie looks at him, the glasses that Buck had found out about the first late night spent at the Diaz house unexpectedly, resting on his nose. His eyes are calm as he just shrugs lightly and sits cross legged on the couch next to Buck.
Buck no longer has any attention to pay toward the soft sitcom playing on the tv as Eddie picks up what has to be a tiny hat, placing it in his lap and clicking the needles together, he isn’t even really looking, his eyes on the tv, only looking down occasionally while he adjusts the tension of the working yarn.
“You knit!” It's a kind and exciting observation.
“I knit for babies,” Eddie deadpans, letting his hands rest.
“You say that like it makes it less endearing and heartwarming.”
“Yeah, well, it started as a coping mechanism for the PTSD induced insomnia and just spiraled from there. I mostly knit for…” he pauses as a look passes over his face, “for the ones we can’t help.”
Buck grabs Eddie's knee, grounding him back down to the present.
“It helps to know they have something cozy.”
“You really are something Eddie Diaz. I hope you know that, deep down, you are so” he pauses as he gets Eddie to look at him, “You are good.”
Eddie looks at him with shining wide honey whiskey eyes, “no one has ever told me that before? It’s been implied, and Frank has told me so much in the therapy way- But god, hearing it from you? It-” Eddie swallows, “I just, I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“You don’t have to, as long as you believe it. Believe it for me.”
Eddie bites his lips and nods, and it's quiet for a moment.
“So, you teaching me to knit or what?” Buck says brightly to pull it back into their usual rhythm of banter.
Eddie leaves the apartment, leaving a ball of yarn and a set of needles for Buck.
Buck sends him a text the second he’s out of his eyeline.
To: eddie 🩺 whenever you need a reminder. im here.
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strangerthings-01 · 1 year
Hi. How are you?
I see you are asking for requests for Eddie and reader. Could I get one where the reader is working a lot of hours at her job, including working at home as well. And she is barely eating or sleeping, and he becomes really concerned for her. She is almost at total collapse.
This is happening in my life right now. Thanks in advance. 😁❤️
Absolutely! Thank you for the request! Also I am sorry you are in that state. Make sure to take care of yourself hun. You're important. I hope this is okay!!!!
Summary: Y/N is constantly working whether it was at home cleaaning and making things tidy or being at your actual job working a bunch of extra hours because it was short staffed and you needed money. You couldn't catch a break but you couldn't stop. But eddie started noticing you not eating as much and your sleep schedule was ruined. He has tried talking to you but to no avial until you nearly collapse and he calls it.
warnings- mentions of stress, not eating or sleeping, cussing, fighting.
The alarm in your bedroom went off at 8 AM like it did every other day. You either worked in the morning or the night, never steady and never set. It had become a routine for you and you had gotten used to it although you really shouldn't have. You rubbed your eyes hoping to get rid of some of the sleepniess considering you had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep and pushed the cover back and slowly slid out bed, trying not to wake your boyfriend up.
Eddie had been understanding when you told him you would have to pick up extra shifts. His only concern was your health but you had promised it would only be for a couple of weeks but that turned into about 2 months now. You were either at work busting your ass or at home busting your ass. It wasn't like Eddie didn't help you around the house, he did. But you wanted things a certain way all the time so you would spend hours at a time fixing litte things after work, morning or night.
He had tried to talk to you once about it after it hit the one month mark and your eyes were always droopy and your mood alwasy down. But you convinced him you were okay and that it wouldn't be much longer and you really did think that was the case but work was hounding you and you couldn't risk losing the one job that paid you well enough. Eddie worked too as a mechanic but his paychecks sometimes came in low because of some seasons being more slow than others. You were a waitress and a lot of your money was calculated based in tips which was also why you started dressing more cute.
This morning you decided on tight jeans that cut off at the ankle and your work shirt was tied with a ponytail holder around you waist, hair into a messy not messy bun. You sighed as you put on some mascara and a light shade of lipgloss. You were rubbing your lips tgoether when you saw eddie walk into the bathroom from the mirrow, hair all over the place. Your eddie.
"Hey babe. Off to work?" He said gruffly, tiredness etched his voice. "Yeah. I'll be home around 4." He nodded and kissed your cheek. "You look beaitful babe. Do you want some breakfast before you go?" He asked as leaned agasint the sink, arms crossed over his chest. "Uh no I'm okay. I'll eat somehing there on my break but thank you." You didn't admit it but the work load had caused a loss of appetite and even thinking about eating before or during work disgusted you. You smiled and went to walk out but he pulled you back. "Hey. Is everything okay sweetheart? You're working a lot and you neevr eat before you go to work which isn't good for you. Do you even eat at work?" Your anxeity was going up at this whole conversation and you wated to end it quick.
"Okay what is up with the interrigation? I just want to go to work. I don't know why you get so worried about me? I'm a waitress, I work a lot. It's how it is." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm just making sure you're okay. Why do you argue with me? I'm allowed to be concenred babe." You roll your eyes and shake your head. "Jesus. I'm fine. Please stop asking every 5 minutes. I'm not gonna break so stop treating me like I'm fragile." He scoffed and pushed himself off the counter. "Well I am so sorry that I fucking care about you. You don't have to act like such a bitch."
You bit the inside of your cheek, irriation flooding through your body. "Wow so now I'm a bitch? Real classy eddie. Screw you." You went to walk away but he grabbed your wrist. "No I said you were acting like one and don't walk away from me. Stop acting like a child and just talk to me. I love you and I just want you to be okay." You yanked from his grasp and grabbed your phone off the counter. "I am okay. So leave me alone. I'm just trying to support us and it's fucking annoying that you can't see that!" You walked out but heard feet following you.
"I do see that but jesus babe you've lost weight, you're barely eating and barely sleeping. Don't think I haven't notcied because I do." You whipped around and stepped towards him. "congrats. You've notcied something. Stop worrying about it. I'm tired of you bringing it up. I'll see you when you get home." He laughed humorlessly. "Yeah. Don't think this conversation is over." You brushef him off with a wave of your hand and slammed the door on the way out.
As you made your way to the car, the stress hit your body and your entire body felt like it was shaking. You knew you blew up because he was right. You weren't eating and you weren't sleeping. You didn't understand how it had gotten so bad but you didn't want to ask for help so you never said anything. You just wanted to support your boyfriend even though he made enough to combine with your own to survive. You felt horrible as you made your way to work knowing that eddie did love you and he was concerned. You wouldn't let yourself cry though because you had to work in 10 minutes and your head needed to be cleared so you could focus on getting extra tips today.
As soon as you got there, you grabbed your apron and wrapped it around you, ready for the day to already be over. Your manager, sam, walked up to you and smiled. "good morning. um so Kayla called out for her shift tonight and I was wondering if you would work a double." You had barely clocked in and they already asking more of you. "I reallt can't tonight. I have plans with my boyfriend." You knew it was partly a lie but you needed the rest and you had worked doubles so often lately. "Well I need to know I can rely on you honey. We're super short staffed and I-" You interrupted her and sighed. "I am reliable. I worked doubles all last week and I want to go home to my boyfreind tonight so I'm sorry but no." Sam sucked at her teeth and nodded, walking away clearly upset but your mind still was wrapped around the argument just 30 minutes ago and you had to talk to him asap.
As soon as you opened, people started flooding in. Most people were nice and tipped well but others not so much. You had been yelled at and called an idiot because they ordered the wrong thing. You dealt with it every so often but it still hurt the same. Someone had also called you a pretty young thing and tried to touch you to which you stepped back but they still tipped well. It was a day full of assholes, pervs, and idiots but what's new?
Finally your shift came to an end and you hung your apron up, checking the schedule before you left. Your heart dropped when you noticed sam cut your hours. Fucking bitch. You felt tears spring to your eyes but refused to let them go at work. At that moment Sam walked into the back and you looked at her, stopping her before she could walk away. "Is there a reason you cut my hours?" Sam looked you in your eyes and faked a sad smile. "Yeah I'm sorry it's just we are really low staff and we have to have people here working as much as possible and we only want those people to have the hours."
You gaped at her. "Sam I worked doubles all last week and you're telling me the one time i decline, you cut my hours?" Sam sighed and put her hands up in defense. "It has nothing to do with you-" "Yes it does. I am not doing this with you. I've done nothing but be here, ruining my relationship with the only person who cares for me and you're tossing me aside because of one simple thing." You scoffed and walked off from her, not giving her another word.
You took a deep breath and walked out, heading to you car. Once you got in, you broke down not understanding why you're life was going to shit. You worked your ass off for them and they cut your hours because of one 'no'. After a couple of minutes, you gathered your thoughts and drove home, hopinh eddie was home which he was.
You got out of the car and felt a diziness but tried to control it as you walked into the house. A hunger pang, exhaustion, and sadness creeped its way into your body all at once and you collapsed on the floor. Eddie was in the kitchen making dinner and dropped the plate he had, glass shattering as he ran to you. "Baby. Oh my god shit. Are you okay?" You whimpered and held your stomach. "No. N-No. Eddie it hurts. everything hurts a-and you were right. I'm so sorry." You sobbed as he scooped you into his arms bridal style and laid you down in your bed after he carried you. "Hey we don't need to talk about that right now. What do you need?" You took a deep breath. "Water please."
He immediately went to grab it and brought it back to you. “What happened?” he said as he placed the back of his hand on your forehead. The coldness of his hand brought relief to your heated skin, and you close your eyes in content. “ my manager cut my hours all because I said no to working a double. She said that wasn’t the reason why but it doesn’t make sense because I’ve been working doubles for so long, so the one day I say no my hours were cut.” His breathing for a little heavier which meant he was getting angry. “ that’s it. I’m calling it. You’re gonna call and you’re gonna quit today.” you’re a shot open and you looked at him with a shocked expression. “ babe I can’t. I need a job I need money.” he shook his head. “ the video store is hiring Robin told me the other day. Look at you baby, you literally collapsed, you’re not doing OK. please quit.”
“ are you sure she’s hiring? Because I can’t risk that.” He nodded quickly. “ I promise you. I had asked her the other day because I was really worried about you. I just think it would be a better job because the hours are better and the pay is better and you would be around people who care about you, Robin and Steve. Please.” His voice cracked and you looked at him sensing the fear and sadness and him, and it broke your heart that you were making him feel this way.
“ OK. I’ll quit. But I’m gonna need help getting better because I really fucked myself over.” The sadness in your voice was hard to miss because you realized how bad it was. He sniffled and brushed some of your hair back. “ of course I will. I would do anything for you,you know that right?” it was your turn to brushed some of his hair back as you looked into his eyes. “ of course I know that and I’m so sorry for the way I treated you this morning. You didn’t deserve that.” He stroked check with his thumb. “ no I didn’t deserve that but I understand where you were coming from. You were just worried about us. About me I presume. But I promise you we can get through this.”
You looked at him with the most love in your eyes wondering how you got this lucky. “ I’m so grateful you’re in my life. I love you so much.” Your voice cracked and he leaned down to kiss your forehead. “ I love you too. We’re gonna get you better baby girl so first things first leaving that hell hole.” You chuckled and agreed with him. He placed a soft kiss your lips, but the passion was there no doubt. No doubt at all.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
I had a dream with a plot last night and now I can't stop thinking about fanfiction with Eddie and reader and the plot.
So Eddie and reader are friends with benefits but for everyone around they look like a couple. Always cuddling, never with other girl/boy.
They have a crush on each other but reader has never been in a relationship and she doesn't plan it in the future. She's usually distant to other people (not Eddie) and doesn't know how to talk about emotions. She doesn't even hug anyone beside Eddie.
One day Eddie tells her about his feeling but she chickens out because thinks that she's unable to have healthy and long relationship (maybe cause of abusive father and his bad relationship with her mother). Eddie's heartbroken and he's so distant.
After a few days she realizes that she doesn't want to be apart from him and she misses him so much it hurts. She goes to trailer and talks with Wayne while waiting for Eddie.
And happy ending, she tells him she wants to try to be a good girlfriend but only with him.
Warnings; Angst with a happy ending.
For a while now she and Eddie had been sleeping together. To most people, it seemed like they were a couple due to how close they were.
They were always hugging, cuddling into each other and were very close. Their relationship was mostly a friends with benefits situation but they were falling for each other.
That realization made her very nervous as she had never been in love before. Relationships were something she never bothered about as she had seen that they caused nothing but trouble.
Her mother and father proved that and thanks to them she feared relationships.
Though even through her hesitancy she knew that she and Eddie could never be like that the worry still stayed.
Everything was fine with Eddie despite her worries until it wasn't.
Eddie had been strange all day, quiet and not his usual self. When he said he had something to tell her she wanted to know what it was.
She's curious about what Eddie wants to say, he looks nervous, and for one second she wonders if he wants to break up.
The thought makes her heart break.
It turns out that it's something completely different.
"The truth is sweetheart, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that I've fallen in love with you"
Eddie waited for her to say something but she had completely frozen. His heart was racing and when she didn't answer back he knew she didn't feel the same.
His hopes shatter and the ache in his chest threatens to overwhelm him.
"Right, I get it" he says nodding sadly.
"No, Eddie wait" he rushes away before she can say anymore, she tries to catch up with him but she loses him in the crowd and frustrating tears run down her cheeks.
Eddie wasn't speaking to her now and she was devastated. She should have just told him that she felt the same.
Now she was miserable and Eddie was avoiding her, just being very distant and not speaking.
Her heart was aching and all she wanted to do was talk to him but how? She missed him so much and made a decision to go to his trailer and talk it out with him.
The truth was she didn't think she was capable of having a healthy or loving relationship. She had seen what her father was like with her mother and worried any relationship she had would turn out the same.
But Eddie wasn't like that. Their relationship wasn't like that and she should have known that before.
Now it was too late... Right?
Wayne saw the sad look on her face when he opened the door to her. She was desperate to talk to Eddie.
"Come in for a cup of chat honey, Eddie told me what's been going on" she bursts into tears and he pats her shoulder.
She pours her heart out to him and tells him about her worries, about her parents.
Wayne was lovely.
"Honey, I've seen you and my boy together and you ain't like that. Tell Eddie how you feel, you'll be alright, and he will listen. He adores you"
As he says this Eddie comes in and seeing her with Wayne his expression becomes unreadable.
"Can we talk Eddie?" he nods but still looks guarded. Wayne gives her a reassuring smile as he leaves for work, and she feels a bit more courageous.
Eddie looks at her expectantly, his stance softening at her tears.
"I miss you," she tells him as he kneels and takes her hand which is shaking.
"The truth is that I've been so scared to give into my feelings, to tell you because Ive never thought I could have a healthy, loving relationship, I thought I'd be like my parents, but our relationship isn't like theirs and I'm sorry that I chickened out and didn't say how I feel about you"
His eyes grow wide and he leana closer.
"How do you feel about me, sweetheart?" she squeezes his hands.
"I love you. I want to try to be a good girlfriend but only with you. I understand that you with might want to be with someone else because I broke your heart but I didn't meant to...
He kisses her.
" I want you and only you. No one else ever. I love you"
Happiness floods through her and she kisses Eddie melting into his arms and ready to try, to be the best girlfriend she possibly could be.
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
Caught in the Undertow
Chapter 1: You in the dark
TW suicidal thoughts/ideation etc.
Chapter 1: You in the dark
Eddie has always sort of wanted to die. He’s never actually planned to kill himself and he wouldn’t, probably, but he’s fantasized about it a lot. Sometimes, on the bad days, before falling asleep he has even wished and prayed to not wake up again and honestly if the opportunity to die were to ever present itself he knows he wouldn’t do anything to stop it.
The idea comes to Eddie as he helps Dustin to climb up the rope and into the safely of the right-side-up. He is overwhelmed. He’s cold, and scared, and tired. Weary in a way that feels like no nap or good night’s sleep will ever cure.
It’s not even a debate in his mind. Eddie cuts the rope, ensuring Dustin’s safety, and runs out into the dark to lead the bats away.
This is it, the chance he’s always longed for and at least this way he can make it mean something. This will keep Dustin safe. It will buy more time for Harrington and the girls to kill Vecna.
He peddles as fast as he can, wanting to get the bats as far away from the gate and Dustin as possible. He thinks to himself as he rides that he’s glad he doesn’t want to survive this. What sort of life would he be going back to anyway?
Devil worshipper, cult leader, freak, murderer. It’s too many labels to overcome. He’s too many things, too much. Too loud, too different, too broken.
When he’s not being too much he’s not enough. Not a good enough student, I mean who takes this many tries to graduate high school. Not a good enough son, if his parents dumping him on Wayne’s doorstep is any indication.
Thinking of Wayne causes a brief stab of guilt. He’ll be sad when Eddie’s gone but honestly, it’s the best thing for him too. One less thing to worry about, one less mouth to feed. He knows it hasn’t been easy on his uncle, having him. Raising a kid is never easy, let alone raising someone else’s and Eddie was a unique challenge all his own.
The bats have caught up and the swarm is directly above him now. One pulls away from the hoard and knocks Eddie from the bike. He doesn’t give up, he fights to the very end. It must have been a reflex, Eddie thinks as he lays on the ground bleeding out. Some long dormant base instinct popping up at the last second because why would he fight so hard when he wanted this. Eddie had wanted this, didn’t he?
Steve is soaring. He’s fucking ecstatic. They did it, they killed Vecna. They fucking WON. He, Nancy, and Robin smile and laugh as they exit the Creel house. During the walk back they take turns recounting each of Nancy’s expert shots and every molotov cocktail that was thrown. It’s not until they’re about halfway back to the trailer that Steve realizes something has gone terribly wrong.
He hears Dustin’s wailing long before he sees him, and Steve takes off running in the direction of the sound. He skids to a stop on his knees next to the boy, who’s crying huddled over the lifeless body of Eddie Munson.
Dustin starts babbling through tears “he said he was gonna buy more time. The bats started getting into the trailer, he made me go through the gate first and then he cut the rope and lead them away…”
It breaks something inside Steve. He can’t allow this, can’t accept it. They fucking won goddamn it, it’s not supposed to be like this. If anyone wasn’t going to make it, it should have been him, it’s supposed to be him!
He quickly bends over Eddie, leaning down to listen for any signs of breathing while using his fingers to check for a pulse. He finds neither but doesn’t let that fact stop him from starting CPR.
“Oh my god Steve, what can we do?” It’s Robin, she and Nancy finally having caught up to him.
He doesn’t stop or falter in his movements as he tells them what to do. “Take Dustin back through the gate and call an ambulance. I want them waiting on the other side before we try to move him.”
“Steve, he’s not breathing. Does he even have a pulse?” Nancy asks, tone careful.
“He will.”
“Just go. Now!”
He’s not sure how much times has passed when Robin comes back, approaching him from behind.
“The ambulance is five minutes out, how do you want to do this?”
The timing was perfect, Eddie had regained his pulse just a few minutes ago and Steve continued administering rescue breaths until those returned as well. His breathing was shallow, but it was there.
He and Robin drug over a piece of discarded metal and moved Eddie onto it as gently as they could, using the improvised stretcher to carry him back to the trailer. Getting him through the gate was a challenge but the girls had shoved a bunch of furniture under it that he used to climb up while carrying their unconscious friend on his back.
He brought Eddie all the way to the ambulance doors and the EMT’s didn’t question it when he insisted on riding along with them to the hospital. Likely due to the fact that he was covered nearly head to toe in the other man’s blood. Nancy, Robin, and Dustin followed along behind in Steve’s car.   
Things change once they arrive at the hospital, once the staff realize just who their patient is. Thankfully he’d been stabilized before that happened, Steve shudders to think about what might have happened otherwise.
Though unconscious, Eddie is handcuffed to his hospital bed and an officer is assigned at his door. The group is told they have to leave, it’s a matter for police now and since none of them are family anyway no details can be given on his condition.
They leave reluctantly and only after a kind nurse promises to contact Eddie’s Uncle. It’s a week before they hear any news. It takes Hopper returning from the dead and forcing himself back into the Hawkins PD to even have Eddie unshackled from the bed let alone start the long process of clearing his name.
Part 2
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 3,720
Warnings: None.
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: And that's the end! It's so bittersweet to finish the fic that got me back into writing, but all good things come to an end eventually. I'm so beyond thrilled that everyone stuck with it this long! Hope you guys enjoy it! Further down the line I might post an epilogue, but we'll have to see what the future holds.
Final Track
The hot summer wind was whipping against Y/N's face as she drove down the familiar roads to Hawkins High School. Her mind wandered to Eddie, a welcomed train of thought as she nervously grasped the leather steering wheel of her Buick Regal. It was graduation day; he was finally crossing the stage after six long years. Y/N was so proud of him for accomplishing what no one else thought he would. It was bittersweet to think about, Chrissy would have graduated too. She'd be buzzing with excitement about going to UCLA in the fall. They would have gotten dinner with their parents that evening, just like they did when she graduated two years prior. Y/N tried to not let her grief cloud the joyous occasion, but she couldn't help it. Especially considering one of the surprises she had in store for Eddie.
She got the idea from a couple of comments he's made in the past few months. Eddie always talked about Y/N cheering him on, whether it was for his live shows, DnD campaigns, or graduation it didn't matter. It wasn't subtle, Eddie's fascination with her cheer uniform. She didn't mind it at all, which was why she dug out her old Hawkins cheer outfit and wore it today. It needed a lot of work to be done to it, a new zippers and loosened seams. Her body had changed a lot since high school, but the thought didn't cause the overwhelming panic and guilt like it used to. It was just a fact of life. Y/N put on her uniform, saw that it didn't fit, and brought it to the tailor's to get it fixed. It was still a bit tight on her, but she didn't think Eddie would mind it. The only thing she had to worry about was the skirt riding up the back, and she knew Eddie certainly wouldn't mind that at all either.
Everything was all taken care of. Uncle Wayne, Steve, and the kids were all coming to see their friends cross the stage. Robin, Nancy, and now Jonathan Byers, were all graduating alongside Eddie. Max was out of the hospital, all of her injuries healed after months of doctor's visits and physical therapy. She had to wear thick glasses in order to see properly, but they didn't bother her in the slightest. There was hope that with time her eyesight could improve but the girl didn't care either way. She said she was happy to be alive, that it was enough. They all survived an ordeal and now it was time for celebration.
The parking lot was packed with cars of all the different family members off to see the ceremony. Y/N managed to find one at the edge of the lot and rushed out to meet the rest of the gang. She was running late due to some preparations for Eddie's graduation present. She didn't mean to wait last minute, but Eddie was a major distraction leading up to the big day. The loves bites on her chest were evidence enough of that.
One thing she didn't consider was the amount of attention she would get once she walked into the school's auditorium. Students and family members were all staring at her. Eddie had told her that after the prom, she was the talk of the Hawkins high student body for weeks. People who never spoke to him before were asking all sorts of questions about her. Was she really dating him? For how long? Did they sleep together?
Eddie always answered the same way. Yes, since March, and none of your fucking business. He wasn't used to all of the attention, people avoided him like the plague most of his high school career, and for the past few months the only attention he got was negative. After the prom, everyone wanted to know about Eddie "The Freak" Munson. Gareth, Jeff, and the rest of Hellfire did their best to keep the gossip crowd at bay, but you can only do so much in high school. That's why graduation day was such a relief, no more bullshit. Y/N and Eddie could start planning the future together. For once, everything was going right. No worries about the Upside Down or shitty parents. It was just her and him, and the rest of the gang now too. Y/N loved her new little family with all of her heart. She just hoped Chrissy could see her as well.
"Cunningham! We're over here!" Y/N turned her head to see Steve waving his arm over the crowds of people. Their whole group took up an entire row of seats.
"What's with the cheer get up?" Miked asked as Y/N made her way into the row. She knew she looked a bit ridiculous, everyone else was dressed up for the occasion while she walked around in a tiny spandex skirt and pom poms.
"It's a surprise for Eddie-" Y/N began before Max interrupted.
"Ew. I don't wanna hear about your weird sex stuff"
"It's not that!" At least not entirely. She'd be lying if that wasn't part of the reason she decided to wear the uniform.
"Alright enough. Everyone sit down the ceremony is about to start!" Steve chastised with his hands on his hips. Y/N couldn't help but giggle to herself as she took her spot next to him. She was the last seat in the row towards the center aisle, exactly where she instructed Steve to save her spot. It was all a part of her plan, something that she knew would cause a mild spectacle. It was all for Eddie though, he would love the drama.
The faculty and staff of Hawkins High made their way onto the stage, with Principal Coleman at the head of the line. He walked up to the microphone, tapping it a few times before announcing the start of the commencement. He began by offering a moment of silence to all the students who should have been graduating that day but wouldn't, a solemn reminder of all they had lost. Y/N could feel the soft touch of Joyce's hand on her shoulder when they read the list of names of students who died. Chrissy was the third.
"Are you okay sweetie?" Joyce asked in a soft whisper. She was sitting behind Y/N in the other row next to Chief Hopper and the rest of the parents.
"Yea I'm alright" when she was young, Y/N used to feel jealous of Will and Jonathan. Their mother was one of the kindest women she had ever met, a stark contrast to her own. She used to think about what could have happened if Joyce had adopted her instead. At the time she felt guilty about it, felt as if she was abandoning her sister in her mind. Deep down she knew she would never trade the time she had with Chrissy, not for anything else in the world. Despite everything that happened, Y/N's relationship with her sister was something she'd never regret.
"And now, I'd like to introduce the class Valedictorian of 1986... Miss. Nancy Wheeler"
Nancy walked on stage with the same grace and power she had during the fight against Vecna. Her chin held eye and flawless posture. Y/N didn't know she had earned the title, but it didn't surprise her. Nancy was one of the smartest people she knew, and secretly one of the toughest too.
"Principal Coleman, Trustees, Faculty members, family, friends and of course, my fellow graduates of the class of 1986, it is a pleasure to be here today with all of you honoring this occasion" Nancy began, voice clear and strong through the microphone.
"Hawkins has been through many tragedies within the past three years and it's difficult to feel celebratory knowing that. Under normal circumstances, I would have stood up in front of all of you today and gave my thanks to the school, my fellow classmates, friends, and family. I would have cracked a few lame jokes about how good it is to finally leave high school, or how excited we all are to start our lives. I would have quoted C.S. Lewis or Mark Twain, something witty and clever that would get a few nods of appreciation from Ms. O'Donnell and others..."
The room was dead quiet, everyone laser focused on the girl behind the podium. Nancy took closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them once more. A moment of altruistic reflection before she spoke again.
"Yet, I can't bring myself to do that today. I can't stand here knowing there was someone else who deserved this spot more than me. I think about how if Barbara Holland hadn't died in 1983, she would have wiped the floor with me. I think about Fred Benson, who would have complained about taking VP when he was so close to beating me for first place. I think about Patrick McKinney, who I used to tutor in Calculus, coming up to me and thanking me for getting him here today. I think about Chrissy Cunningham, who would have been thrilled that her sister was here to watch her cross the same stage she did two years ago. I think about Eddie Munson, who almost didn't make it here today. Who fought tooth and nail in the hospital and within these walls to graduate this year. I think about every person who's missing from this room and wonder why they were taken from us. Why them? Why then? Why now?"
Y/N could feel her eyes fills with tears as Nancy spoke. For the past few months everyone told her how sorry they were for her loss, or how it's not good to dwell on the grief she felt. That she needed to move on, move forward. It was like they didn't want to acknowledge it, death. It was easy to talk about, but not to fully understand. Well wishes and 'in our prayers' are nice sentiments, but that's all they are. Sentiment. This was honesty.
"You're all probably wondering why I am giving such a solemn speech. It's graduation day, we should all be in high spirits. I don't disagree. I know some of us are in denial that we made it here today, expecting the other shoe to drop at any moment. Others are angry that the supposed golden years are behind us now. We want to bargain our way out, hold on to adolescence just a bit longer, not ready to enter the world as adults. It's depressing to know that most of us will not see many of your faces again after this day. Yet, we must accept it is a fact of life.
We can allow ourselves to grieve, feel the pain that comes with loss, but still find joy within the everyday. We can celebrate today, our accomplishments, and still remember those who never got the chance too. We cannot have life without death, happiness without sorrow, peace without discord. You cannot see the light without the dark that surrounds it. I want to remind all of you today, that although this is the end of one stage in our lives, we do not have to forget everything that happened thus far. Every day we will continue to learn, grow, and develop into the people we are meant to be. We will go many places in life, and we will remember those who helped us get there. A wise man once said, your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it...
So, congratulations class of 1986, go make your future a good one"
The room erupted into applause, a full standing ovation. There wasn't a dry eye in the building after Nancy's speech. It was exactly what everyone needed to hear in that moment, even if they didn't necessarily want to. Y/N was proud of her. She didn't plaster on a smile, say a few nice words to make everyone feel good. Nancy was sincere. There had been a dark cloud over Hawkins since the gate to the Upside Down had opened and now it felt like the sky was opening up again. There was hope for a better tomorrow, a rainbow in the dark.
Principal Coleman began announcing all of the names of the class of 1986. Robin was the first of the group to cross the stage. Everyone in her row was whistling in shouting in congratulations. The sudden applause caused her to stumble a bit as she walked off stage, but she recovered quickly. Jonathan followed next, a small smile on his face as his mother and brother applauded him within the crowd.
Y/N was patiently waiting for Eddie's name to be called. With each passing student her heartbeat faster in her chest. She debated about whether it was appropriate given Nancy's speech, but she had already come this far. There was no turning back. She just hoped Eddie would like it, it would be mortifying if he didn't.
"Are you guys ready?" Y/N asked, her palms sweating as she gripped her pom poms in hand. They all nodded their heads, the time was quickly approaching.
"Eddie Munson"
As soon as his name was called Y/N stood up and moved out of her row. Eddie was about to walk on stage when he noticed her there, eyes wide with shock to see her in her old uniform. The same uniform she wore when she was a student at Hawkins High. With the biggest smile she could manage, Y/N began her yell.
"Let's go Eddie! Let's go!"
She had clapped her pom poms twice, crossed her arms before raising them up again. The same cheers she did at every basketball game.
"Let's go Eddie! Let's go!"
With every word all of her friends raised up their signs. Steve at the head with Lets, Dustin after him with Go, and Will, Mike, El, Lucas, and Max, holding up each letter of his name; spelling out the cheer she shouted in the auditorium.
"Let's go Eddie! Let's go!"
His entire face lit up as she cheered. Eddie looked at her, all of his friends, the people he loves more than anything else in the world, shouting his name with astonishment. He knew they'd all be there, but this was something he never expected. Principal Coleman had to call his name twice before he finally made his way on to the stage. Eddie rushed through the handshake with the Principal, grabbed his diploma, and immediately raced down stage again. The graduation cap on his head fell to the floor as he ran to Y/N in the center aisle. He opened his arms out wide and grabbed her by the waist, spinning around in a circle with a big toothy grin. She abandoned her pom poms, too focused on hugging the man she loves in return.
"Did you like my cheer baby?" Y/N asked in between her fits of giggles.
"Totally worth the six years I've spent here to see that, sweetheart"
After the brief reprimand from Principal Coleman for disrupting the ceremony, Eddie left her to return to his seat. The rest of graduation went smoothly, filled with cheers and applause. Y/N snuck out after all of the graduates threw their caps into the air, returning to her car to grab the present she made for Eddie.
She waited outside of Eddie's van, present in hand, for everyone to come out of the high school. Y/N could see some students and their parents walking towards the cars, but there was no sign of Eddie just yet. Knowing him, he was probably talking to everyone else inside wondering where she was. After a few moments she finally spotted that familiar mop of long brown hair, it was time.
She yelled his name from the other side of the parking lot. Just like when he got off stage, Eddie raced over to her. His graduation gown fluttering in the wind like Superman's cape.
“Congrats Grad!” Y/N shouted as he ran over to his beloved van. Eddie didn't hesitate to pick her up and sit her on the hood. He stood between her legs and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, the tip of his graduation cap pressing against her forehead.
"Why thank you my fair lady, you know I couldn't have done it without you" Eddie was playing with the seem of her skirt, the one that was much too short to be appropriate for practice.
"I'm sure that's not true" Y/N had offered to help him with his studies once he got out of the hospital, but he shot her down. All of his success was his doing and she was all the more proud of him for it.
"Of course it is sweetheart. If you weren't there to support me, be there for me, I would have never crossed that stage today" Eddie began, his hand traveling up under her skirt, "it would have been such a shame if I didn't. I would have never been graced to you in this uniform again cheering my name. Do you think I could get a repeat performance later tonight?" There was no denying what he meant, the wolfish grin and the hand on her ass was a dead give away.
"Easy there tiger, no fraternization on school property"
"But I'm not a student anymore, aren't I?" Eddie didn't give her a chance to speak before he kissed her again. His tongue slowly entering her mouth with a groan. It pained her to pull him away from her, but she knew if they continued she would never be able to hold herself together.
"No you're not, but don't you want to open the present I got you?" Y/N said as she waved the small box in front of Eddie's face. He looked at the small box in her palms, the brown paper folded neatly at the corners with a wax seal at the top. There was writing in a language he quickly recognized in the top corner in black ink, the letters swooping and interloping in a beautiful style of calligraphy.
"Baby... You didn't" Eddie said in awe as she placed the present in his waiting hands.
"I did. Now open it up, see what's inside"
Eddie gently undid the wax seal connecting the paper together, not wanting to risk ripping her hard work. Inside was a cassette tape, the cover decorated with the same art on his Hellfire Club t-shirts. Y/N had asked Will to paint it for her, she didn't want to mess up the design with her horrible art skills. Eddie flipped the other side to find a list of all the songs on the tape.
"Sweetheart..." he held the tape like it was something precious, a bar of gold rather than some cheap plastic. Eddie read over each line on the cassette over and over again as if it contained all the secrets of the universe within. A sense of déjà vu washed over them both. When Y/N thought about what to give Eddie for his graduation present, this was the only thing she wanted to do. The mixtape he made for her 2 years to the day was her most prized possession, he put his heart and soul into that tape and she wanted to do the same. This time, it was without any pretense. Every song she picked was tailored to her experience with him. It was the soundtrack of their love.
"Well? Do you like it?" Y/N asked after a moment. Eddie looked up at her, his eyes wet and glassy. She instantly knew he understood her message loud and clear.
"Like it? Y/N, shit, this is the greatest gift I've ever been given" he wrapped his arms tightly around her, pressing sweet kisses all over her face, "I love it so much sweetheart, there aren't even words in any language real or fictional to explain it. I'm gonna listen to this everyday until the ribbon inside is torn to shreds"
"I'm so glad you like it Eds, I love you" Y/N held his grinning face in her hands and pulled him in for another kiss. Eddie returned it in kind. She felt as if everything had fallen into place in that moment. Vecna was gone, Eddie had finally graduated high school, and now she was back on track at Notre Dame. After months of trials and tribulations, it was all over. It was like she could finally take a deep breathe again, fill her lungs with oxygen and swallow the gentle air Eddie let out between each touch of their lips.
"I love you too sweetheart"
"Ya know, since we're both going to be in Hawkins for awhile..." Y/N didn't get to finish the end of her sentence. The chorus of complaints from Steve's BMW interrupted their moment. They were all heading to Enzo's for dinner that evening, all to celebrate their friends' achievements. It was Y/N's idea. It was the same tradition she had with her sister after every major event. Whether if it was for dance recitals, gymnastics tournaments, or academic accomplishments, they always went to Enzo's. Sometimes their parents joined, other times it was just the two girls. Y/N wanted to carry on the tradition with her new family, the one she found for herself.
Y/N hopped off the hood of the van and hopped inside the passenger seat, Eddie following closely behind. He opened up the cassette tape and popped it into radio. The campy melodies from the Rocky Horror Picture Show filled their ears as Eddie drove out the parking lot. Y/N lowered the window down and watched as the woods behind the Hawkins High slowly disappeared from view. The rain from this morning had finally cleared away, leaving a bright sunny day in its wake. In the distance, Y/N could see a large rainbow over skies of Hawkins. She couldn't help but think it was a sign from Chrissy. That maybe somewhere her sister was looking out for her, letting her know that she was okay, that Y/N would be okay too.
Ever since she passed, Y/N thought about Chrissy finding her somewhere over the rainbow.
It wasn't until that moment Y/N realized she had found her own.
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allthings-writing · 2 years
Capital 'P' for Platonic
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Summary: After being friends with Eddie for so long, you discover you have fallen in love with him. It wasn't on purpose, and now it's hard to ignore the feelings.
tags: Eddie x Fem!reader, friends to lovers, fluff
•word count: 1.4K
You didn’t mean to fall in love with him. You swear. And that’s the problem about the whole situation if you’re finally admitting it. After being friends with him for four years, you know very well that platonic with a capital ‘P’ as Robin likes to say, is all the relationship will be. 
How could you not get attached to Eddie Munson? The guitar lovin’, metal head bangin’, Dungeon and Dragons lovin’ giggling long haired goofball. 
The winter in Hawkins this year has been extreme and it seems as if the winter chill never leaves your bones (unless you’re with Eddie). The baseball shirt that displayed the words “Hellfire Club” with a hand drawn demon like creature clung to your frigid frame as you began the walk into school. Knowing Eddie would be ‘hyped up’ (as Mike and Dustin say) today because the campaign was almost finished made you feel giddy. It was always a good day when Eddie had that one smile you particularly loved. The one that actually reached his eyes, and caused his nose to scrunch in a way that you hoped to never forget. Yea, that smile. 
You had just finished placing your books in their correct place in the locker when you heard his soft voice come from your right. 
“Are you ready for tonight Princess of Darkness” Eddie spoke in an excited tone. “Do you even know me at all, Dungeon Master? The Princess of Darkness is always ready, even for this sadistic campaign you have created” you ended the sentence with a breathy laugh, finally turning to the side to see him. His silver gothic ring set was worn on his fingers which were also tapping an unfamiliar beat, probably a song he was working on for Corroded Coffin. You were both wearing the Hellfire Club shirt, except his was a little more frayed on the edges due to time. Paired with black rip jeans and Dr.Martens that you knew he saved up for. There it is. The warmth from Eddie that always seemed to surround him, and in turn invaded your body without any fight. Seeing Eddie in the morning was seeing the sun after a week long of rain; something you could never get tired of. 
“Whoa, whoa you’re freezing, what have I told you about wearing that heavier coat and the gloves. C’mon Y/N I can’t have my best girl get sick right before we finally end this semester-long campaign!” Ed states after gently taking your hands into his and holding both near his chest. You wondered if that was the only reason he didn’t want you getting sick? Because he was afraid of having to postpone the game, or if there was more to it? 
“Don’t worry too much about me Eddie, it’s just colder today and I was running late for school after staying up way too late last night. I blame you for that too Munson, since I was listening to the mixtape you made me” you say with an evident teasing tone that makes Eddie slightly glares at you. “Fine, I’ll just stop making you mixtapes then. Your sleep is more important anyway” he says in a tone that almost seems angry, but looking into his chocolate colored eyes exposes he is also teasing. You move your hand from his, and before he gets the chance to look upset, you close your locker and grab onto his upper bicep “C’mon, we have to get to class so you can actually graduate this year, I really do want to see you give everyone the bird."
“I already told you this will be my year Y/N” 
Both of you begin to walk towards the chemistry class you share. 
It was 8:00pm at night and the campaign still wasn’t finished. You didn’t know if you were upset at Eddie or impressed by his script writing. Vecna was back and it seemed like this might take all year long to complete. Dustin and Mike had already left– not before having a ‘top secret conversation with the Dungeon Master himself– along with the others leaving behind Eddie and you. Eddie walks in front of you to grab the door before you in order to hold it open, his body blocking most of the cold air before the chill can reach you. “See sweetheart, this is why you should have brought that winter coat” he states while turning his head to see you behind him. There’s a new emotion in his eyes that you try to decipher in the short period his eyes met yours. Concern? Worry? You didn’t know. 
“It’s okay Munson, I am going straight home, and it’s really not that bad out here” your words travel through the night air, “really Eddie, I’ll be fine I promise” you add in a more reassuring tone knowing the disproving look he is now giving you. “I would just feel better if you didn’t ride that bike to school in the middle of winter, what if you freeze to death on it?!” he exclaimed. 
“Sorry Eds but that’s all I have” you laugh while reaching for your mode of transportation. 
“You could ride with me” he mumbles quietly as if saying the words would cross an imaginary line between you two. 
“What did you say” you now are focused on him and not the bike, whispering the words in a hush tone mirroring him. 
“Well I- I just don’t… don’t really see the point of you being stuck on that thing for twenty minutes when you could just get in the van” he’s now looking down at his boots and twisting the rings around his fingers, a habit you know he does when nervous “obviously you don’t have to… I- I would never force you into anything” he finishes out, now gazing up at you with apprehension. 
“I mean, I would really appreciate that Eddie, but what if someone sees me going back to your place… they would think we're dating now or something” you end with an awkward laugh looking up at him. 
He takes a deep breath and grabs both of your hands and brings them up to his chest mimicking his actions from earlier today “would that really be the worst thing sweetheart” he whispers. 
You take a step back from him, not liking how vulnerable you feel at this moment, “Eddie that’s not funny if you’re trying to make a joke” you say in a louder tone than previously used. 
“Y/N… Y/N I’m not joking. I’ve been crushing on you probably ever since that day you poured your drink on Jason. I ju- I just didn’t know how to tell you and I always thought that you and Steve would get together, but then Dustin told me tonight I should just go for it and well, I- I guess this is me trying to ‘going for it’ as Henderson said.” He has a shy smile on his face when he ends his confession ramble. He goes to takes a step towards you and opens his arms while trying to hide how absolutely scared shitless he is right now. 
“Eds” you say and take a step into his embrace “I have been sweet on you since you gave me that handmade Hellfire shirt, I didn’t- I just didn’t know how to say anything, and I would rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all” finally accepting that wherever this conversation leads you, everything will be different afterwards. Perhaps platonic with a capital ‘P’ didn’t describe you guys after all. 
“So then we’ve come to a conclusion, Princess of Darkness, you’re riding with me from now on” he laughs out while guiding you to where he parked. “And from now on, you can just listen to all the mixtapes I make you in my trailer.” 
You hop into his van without putting up any quick witted comment, and the heat begins to run as Eddie starts the car. The chill of the winter escapes your bones, and is replaced by the comforting gaze of his eyes looking at you. 
“I mean, how can I argue with the Dungeon Master” you giggle out. 
“Since you’re not in the mood to argue with me, add boyfriend to the list of nicknames you have for me” Eddie states with a smirk playing on his lips. 
You definitely don’t disagree on that.
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zephrr · 2 years
More Jason headcannons that dive deeper into my characterization of him. Jason Lore...if you will.
{ p.s. I base my Jason off of *me* and some just things I think of...but I mostly base him off me. So with that being said;}
T.W: Mention of SA
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❥ Jason cannot trust people off the bat. You have to earn that. He has *major* trust issues.
❥ Loves the feeling of soft, squishy things. (He likes to touch boobs because of this. With consent, ofc.)
❥ He actually hates being the center of attention. He pretends to enjoy it because..
"I'm supposed to enjoy it right? That's the obvious thing to do." Jason said, sounding not sure of himself.
"Jason...you don't have to enjoy it. You can tell people that you don't feel comfortable.." Steve replied, setting his cup down as he made his way over to Jason. He put his hand on Jason's shoulder.
"It's ok to say no, Jace."
❥ His trust issues started at the ripe age of 11. He trusted his older friend. He would do nothing wrong right?
"Jason...sweetie? Are you okay?" Jason's mom asked from outside his door. She had been the one to find him. Her poor baby.
He opened his door and hugged his mother, sobbing. His mom just picked him up and walked over to his bed so they could sit down.
"I'll make sure he'll never come close to you again." She said, tucking his head into her neck, cradling him. And she did make sure of it.
❥ Lover Boy. Loves to love. Despite the past, he still loves. His partner will always feel loved when he's around.
❥Always mistakingly leaves his balcony window unlocked. He always forgets. So his friends sometimes sneak into his room at night.
"He looks so peaceful. Look at him...!" Chrissy whisper-yelled. This caused Chance to silently chuckle.
"God, I hope he doesn't get kidnapped on day due to this habit." Patrick said, sitting down on a nearby chair. Lucas just looked around the room, shifting nervously.
"Don't worry Luc', this isn't the first time we snuck into his room." Andy stated, almost proudly. Lucas just nervously chuckled as he sat down.
"Yo, I brought snack..." Chance said, cut off. "...s. Morning sleeping beauty." He said, slightly laughing.
Jason sat up, looked around and laid back down. He stared at the ceiling. Before looking over at Andy.
"This was your idea, wasn't it?" Jason asked, deadpan. Andy just smiled.
❥ He treats Lucas likes a son.
"You okay?" Jason asked, worried as he walks towards Lucas.
He found Lucas outside on the field sitting alone eating lunch. He looked sad and confused.
Jason took a seat next to him and just sat there, not forcing a response out of him. Waiting patiently. He saw Lucas look up at him from the corner of his eye but he didn't look back, not wanting to scare him into saying he's fine. He wants him to take his time.
"Hey, Jason?"
"Yeah, bud?"
"How would you feel if I told you I've been playing DnD with Eddie behind your back and that's why I've been missing practice recently." Lucas asked, rushed.
Jason just stared at him before smiling. He put his hand on Lucas's shoulder and sighed.
"I wouldn't feel anything, just make sure the team doesn't find out." He said, chuckling.
❥ He used to play DnD but then he got popular and dropped it. Though he does still enjoy watching. Though, nobody knows that.
"Jason is that a...character sheet?" Lucas asked, confused. Jason looked over to see what he was talking about before quickly snatching it away.
"NO! No..it's not." ...it wasn't convincing.
"You play..?" Lucas asked, amused.
Jason sighed before sitting on his bed. No one was supposed to know. It was dumb. But it was basically his childhood, an escape from reality.
"Used to. I stopped. I still enjoy watching my younger sibling play with his friends though."
Lucas stared at him with excitement in his eye. Oh god, what was he up to.
{ p.s: I might turn the last HC into a fanfic. }
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sadclownblog · 2 years
⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️ lil bit of agnst but happy ending. [ also a lil NSFW (kissing lmao)]
[Imagine if e
Eddie saw Richie with someone else and thought that richie didn't care for him anymore 😔 ]
Eddie had been wondering why Richie has been so distant lately. Richie was his best friend,they had fought a killer clown together, went through so much trauma together. So it felt like Richie didn't need him around anymore, like Richie moved on and forgot all about him like he didn't exist.
The last bell rang for the day. Eddie looked for Richie so they could walk home together. They've been walking together since freshmen year. As Eddie walked towards the exit he sees Richie. A smile starts to form on his face but quickly disappeared when he sees a girl walking up to Richie smiling. It was kathy. That chatty cheerleader that took a liking into Richie. They started to get close during sophomore year. It got on Eddie's last nerve. Seeing Richie making her laugh instead of him. She would hold his arm as they walked down the hallway sometimes. It made eddie want to jump off a cliff. As Eddie walked towards Richie he saw her hold his arm as they stood against the lockers. Eddie quickly made his way to Richie.
"Hey Rich you ready to walk home?"Richie quickly turned around to look at Eddie. "Sorry Eds I can't today I promised kathy I would take her home today" Eddie got jealous. "Hey Eddie" kathy said in a sweet voice. Eddie didn't say anything back, he just gave her a quick smile. " Don't worry eds I will walk you home tomorrow okay?" "fine" Eddie said in a irritated voice. Richie gave him a hug and quickly walked off with kathy.
As Eddie walked by himself he thought about Richie and kathy. "Are they dating?" Eddie thought to himself, he didn't understand why things changed when she came around. What kind of power did she have on him?. It didn't make sense to Eddie at all. Later that night after dinner he tried calling Richie but his phone just kept going to voice mail so he called Mrs Tozier. "Hey honey how are you" "I'm okay Mrs. Tozier is Richie home"? Eddie's heart started to pound. "No honey he called earlier, he's staying over a girl's house I think. I don't remember her name but she's a sweet girl". "Thank you Mrs. Tozier" Eddie quickly hung up the phone. Eddie started to pace around his room in painc. Was she stealing Richie away from him? No. She didn't seem the type to do that. Or maybe she was and her personality was a cover up. Eddie eventually laid down. He couldn't sleep though. He just stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.
The next day came way too quick. As Eddie walked down the hallway he saw Richie and her hugging. It made Eddie sad and jealous at the same time. Eddie tried to walk past them as fast as he could but Richie saw him "hey eds!" "Don't call me that dingus" Richie looked at Eddie with a smile that made Eddie's heart pound faster. Kathy waved by to Richie and Eddie but only Richie waved. Richie noticed that Eddie didn't wave to her. "What's your problem Eddie?" Richie asked. "Nothing I'm fine" he lied. Richie knew better. "Stop lying to me, what's going on with you." Eddie looked at the ground. Richie used his index finger to make Eddie look back up at him. "Talk to me" Richie said in a calm voice. "Okay. I just feel like you don't care about me anymore" Eddie started to cry a little" "why would you ever think that Eddie?" Richie wiped the tears that fell from Eddie's eyes. "Cause you've been hanging out with kathy more than me lately and I feel like you don't need me anymore". Richie looked at Eddie in shock. " Eddie listen to me I will always need you okay? You're my person, your my best friend in the whole wide world. I could never replace you even if I wanted to. You are apart of me forever. Eddie looked at Richie in surprise. Richie never expressed his feelings before to anyone. Not even him. "Really"? Eddie asked as he wiped his remaining tears. "Really Eddie. I love you." the hallway went silent. "Eddie just stared at Richie in shock. "Y- You love me?" "Yes. I've always loved you. Richie moved closer to Eddie with their lips almost touching. "Kiss me please" Eddie thought to himself. "Richie grabbed Eddie's waist and pull him closer to his body. Eddie heart started pouring faster, "rich I-" Richie grabbed Eddie's face a kissed him. It was a soft kiss at first, then Richie proceeded to stick his tongue in Eddie's mouth. Eddie grabbed Richie's jacket a pulled to make the kiss deeper. After a minute they finally pulled apart out of Breath.
"So yall are not dating" Eddie asked "no me and her are just friends" Eddie smiled in relief. Richie gave Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek. "We have to get to class eds" "Don't call me ed-" Richie kissed Eddie again to shut him up." "eds" eddie said finally finishing his sentence. Richie and Eddie walked side by side while looking at each other.
"By the way..... you still wanna walk home together?" Eddie looked up at Richie to see him smiling at him.
"Of course"
The end💓
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Double sided worry.
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Eddie Munson x female reader. (She/her)
Plot: Eddie has been distant to his girlfriend and she notices. She starts to worry about why he wouldn’t even look at her or act like he used to. Eddie is worried but for different reason.
Warning: Non.
Length: Short.
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Eddie’s been acting weird all day since the moment he picked u put, from the moment school ended.
He acted nervous and he was more spacey then normal. He is usually all over you like hands around your waist, kissing you, pretty much anything he could do.
But today he just wouldn’t and the most he’s giving you was a pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek. This caused your insecure mind run with ideas.
Like what if he didn’t care for you anymore. Or what if he found someone else. Did you do something to upset him? Maybe you looked horrible today.
Your knees bounced with anxiety as you waited for him to come out the club door. You always wait for him since he was your ride, not liking to take the bus. But it gave you time to do your homework so you could have more free time at night.
The doors swung open and cheering and chatting could be heard from all the way do the hallway. You looked up from your book and saw your group of friends and boyfriend step out.
“Did you see that shit? A perfect twenty and I sang the dragon to sleep” the other group members rolled their eyes at Dustin’s bragging.
“It was so easy. I would have cut its head off and that would have been way cooler” Mike groaned. He clearly wasn’t happy about dustin having his moment.
You started to collect your things and put the back in your bag. “I think what you did was cool dustin” Eddie smiled at him and wrapped a arm around his shoulder.
“Thank you” Dustin cried out. You picked your bag up and stood up. “Hello guys” You called out and they all turned to you.
“Y/n, you’ll never believe what happened” He ran up to you and started to tell the entire story. Eddie only looked at you for a slit second and walked away while the rest of you guys followed.
You guys all road home in Eddie’s car. The guys telling you about the whole section while Eddie only popped in from time to time.
Once you finally said goodbye to the kid you nervously started to pick at your nails. It was dead silent in the car and you couldn’t take it.
“Have I done something” You asked so soft and worried. Eddie quickly jumped and looked at you.
“What? No, of course not. Why would you think that” He was so quick to deny, it almost made you feel better.
“You’ve been distant today. I haven’t even gotten a real kiss or hand holding. It’s like you don’t want me around” You averted your eyes back out the window trying not to cry.
“Baby.., it’s not like that. It’s just-” he put his other hand on the steering wheel and the other one through his hair while he was trying to find what to say.
“If you can wait until we get to my place I’ll explain everything” He sounds so nervous and serious. Like he was asking you to trust him.
“Yeah, I can wait Eddie” You looked back at him to see him staring back at you. He placed his hand over to yours and held onto it. You smiled softly at the feeling and waited till you got to his house. And it seemed like forever to get to the trailer park, more then it usually did.
“Wait there” He said while getting out his door. You watch him walk around to your car side confused but then he opens your door.
“My lady” You giggled. He hasn’t said that in a while. “Thank you, my king” you also haven’t used that nickname in a long time.
He smirked and took ahold of your hand and pulled you into the trailer. You stood in the middle of the room while he closed the door.
He stepped away from the locked door and up to you. Your breath hitched as he pulled you into a kiss like he hasn’t kissed you in days. His hands grabbed ahold of your chin and waist pulling you closer with force.
You hummed in delight while kissing him but also Confusion on why he kissed you all of a sudden.
“What’s that for?” You asked while he pulled away. And as you looked at him with those a sweet eyes of yours, he melted.
“Just wanted to do that before I probably do something stupid” you frown your brows at him. Do something stupid? What’s he talking about.
And before you could asked he puts his fingers to your lips and shh’s you. “Let me go get something, okay” and with that he leaves you alone.
You watch him walk away and disappear and your heart starts to beat. This whole situation was very confusing and it still had you convinced he was going to break up with you.
You play with your fingers while waiting for him and you could hear him talking to himself and throwing things around. You couldn’t make out what he was saying but you wished you could.
“Got it” he yelled as he can out of his room. You watch him run towards you with a hand behind his back.
“Got what?” You eyes run up and down but mostly at his arm behind his back. He just took a deep breath and swallowed.
“You’re probably going to hate it and realize you don’t want to be with me anymore. I have to say that i-” He started to stutter and the words just came out as blanks.
“Here” He pushed something into your chest. You looked down to see a cute red box, you grabbed ahold of it and looked up at him to ask permission to open it and he nodded.
You opened it and what you saw your heart turned into a million butterflies. You felt like crying. Looking back up at him but the look on your face made him worry.
“I know we’ve never said it before and now you just have it onto a necklaces. It’s probably to soon for you and you probably don’t love me back and that’s okay. But I love you with everything I have and I know it’s lot a lot but-” His sentence stops as soon as you throw yourself at him and wrap him in a hug.
“I love you too, Edie.” You said while into his shoulder holding him close. He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. His heart now filled with happiness and not worry.
“I can’t believe you thought I didn’t love you.” You pulled away. He just shrugged. “I was scared to tell you because I didn’t know where you stood” Eddie looked ashamed for a minute but you reached to pat his cheek.
“Well I guess I have to step up my game” You turned around and moved your hair out of the way. “Put it one me” He took the box from your hands and pulled the necklace out.
It was a golden heart with “I love you” written on it, and it was beautiful and simple. But you would never take it off.
“Of course my love” He put it around your neck carefully and clipped it together. He put a few kisses on your neck, sweetly. You couldn’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be.
You only wanted to be with him at the moment. And that’s where you stayed.
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pastelavender88 · 2 years
Right Person At Maybe The Wrong Time- Chapter 21
Summary: There is a shift in Y/n and Eddie’s relationship. How will that pan out?
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Y/n’s POV
I was inside the kitchen when I heard Eddie come through the front door. “Y/n?” He called out.
“I’m in the kitchen.” I said back. “Hey, how was work?” I turned my attention to him.
“Same old same old. Except for the fact that a Luxury influencer, named Sabrina, fell in a sauna and burned her face and became unresponsive. But get this, she wasn’t actually rich, she was a girl named Rebecca, who was basically trespassing.”
“Wow. You know, believe it or not, about eighty percent of those celebs and influencers don’t own half of the things they flex on the internet. The real rich people tend to hide their wealth. One time I went to another author’s house, which she described as a quaint, little house, when in reality it was a mansion. Her hallways were as big as this house. I wonder what possessed her to lie and do those things.”
“May described it as FOMO.”
“Oh... yeah that makes sense. The fear of missing out can cause a lot of people to do stupid things. I saw it a lot when I worked in the ER.”
“She said a lot of people worry about not getting the full experience or wonder if they did something different in their life how things would pan out. Do you ever do that?” He tried to make it seem like he was asking out of curiosity but it was obvious there was something behind his words.
“I did. I always wondered what life would have been like if I told Buck sooner or if my mom didn’t die. If I had told Buck sooner, who knows what would have happened. Maybe we would have been happily married or hated the fact that the other was breathing air. Who knows? There were so many different things, but every time, I realized that things happen for a reason. Every choice I made has led me here, with you, and I wouldn't change that for a second.” I said as I invaded his space and gave him a kiss.
“Yeah, but I have to ask, do you miss being a nurse? I mean when we met you were working as a nurse and now you're a writer. You don’t miss the action or the satisfaction of helping people.” He asked.
“To be honest, I thought I did. That was until I noticed that Alex ate all her food separately, or the fact that she always wears mix-match socks for good luck.”  Eddie gave me a confused look. “What I’m saying is I noticed stuff that I had never noticed when I was a nurse and a single mom at the same time. I’m here when she wakes up and I'm here when she goes to sleep. I missed a lot of that while working.” I turned my attention back to the dishes I was washing when he walked in. “I never said this but I missed a lot of Alex’s first because I was working or going to school.”
“Really?” He said, puzzled.
“Oh yeah. I missed her first steps, her first smile, her first laugh. Majority of it, but I have a chance to be here now. So, no. I don’t miss being a nurse.” 
I felt his hands wrap around my waist pulling me into his arms as he kissed the top of my head. “Don’t forget about bodily fluids.” 
I let out a big laugh. “Yeah, that too.” After I finished up, we headed to bed.
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The next day, I went over to Buck’s to drop off Alex. When we got there, Taylor opened the door. “Oh my god I almost forgot you lived here.” I remarked. (Just because Y/n doesn’t want Taylor to be cheated on doesn’t mean she likes her now.) 
“Ha! Funny.” She said leaving the door open and walking to the kitchen. “Buck, Alex is here.” Completely ignoring my presence. 
“Coming!” He called from his bathroom. He came down to greet the both of us. “Hey guys.”
“Hey dad.” Alex said as she went to put her stuff down in the back room.
“I’m leaving. Bye, honey.” She came between Buck and I and gave him a full on kiss. I’m one hundred percent sure I saw her tongue. “Y/n.” She said brushing past me.
After she left and shut the door I turned my attention back to Buck. “You okay? I thought she was going to eat your face off there.” 
“Haha. Very funny.” He said as he walked into the kitchen.
“No, I'm serious. I think that was considered attempted murder. Are you safe? You know you can tell me anything?”
“Is there something else you need or are you just here to bother me?”
“Alright, alright. I came to talk to you.”
“A few things really. Like did you tell you know who, about you know what?”
“I told her a long time ago, remember?”
“Did you tell her who yet?” Buck looked down, which told me everything I needed to know. “Buck seriously?”
“Why do you care? I’m sure she doesn’t even care.”
“Because, my child will not be in this house of lies.” I said dramatically, looking around the house as if it was possessed. Buck shot me a glare. “No, but seriously when she finds out I don’t want my child hearing the things she’s gonna call you. It isn’t good for her childhood.”
“How about this. I worry about my relationship and you worry about yours.” 
I threw my hands up. “Excuse me for caring, and what’s so wrong with my relationship. We talked and we’re okay now.”
“Well other than the fact that you argue when the other sneezes too loud. It’s always ‘Is there a meaning behind the volume of his sneeze. What if that means he doesn’t want to be with me?’” He said bitching-ly.  
I gave him a look. “Hmm. I’m gonna leave.”
“Oh don’t be like that. I’m joking.”
I turned to playfully hit Buck square in the chest. “Me too. Gotcha.” Whenever Buck and I used to argue when we were in a relationship it always ended in two ways. Sex or teasing. Sometimes both. 
“Just like old times huh?” Buck said as he had that look on his face. “Though most of the time it ended a little differently.” He said as he stepped closer towards me. He didn’t stop until I was backed up on the counter and he was a step in front of me. Then he hit me square on my arm. “Gotcha.” He said with a shit eating grin. 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and faked a laugh. “Very funny.” 
“Oh, guess what happened today at work.”
“Well we were called because a groom fainted but it was for that show Speed Wedding.”
“Oh my god! I love that show. Eddie and I just finished binge watching it. So what happened?” 
“Well the groom had this condition where every organ of his body including his heart, was on the wrong side of his body. Hen had to suck blood from the canal.”
“That’s awesome. I bet that was exciting for her.”
“More like terrifying.” Just then, Alex came around the corner, Nintendo switch in hand.
“Mom, why are you still here? Dad and I are about to play smash bros.”
“I can talk to your father, you know. Don’t mind me, I’m leaving.” I grabbed my things off the counter. “Bye guys.”
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Buck’s POV
I was hearing Hen talk about how Karen was missing her 20’s because she feels like she wasted them. Chimney asked everyone if they would do their 20’s over again. Bobby said no, Lucy said no, and then I decided to say something. “ I know I would.”
“Why’s that?” Lucy asked. 
“Well, I spent my 20’s traveling and trying new things.”
“Yeah and what’s wrong with that?”
“There's something wrong with that when you miss a chunk of your kid's childhood.” Hen added.
“Thanks for that, Hen.” 
“What? I’m just saying.”
“You have a kid?” Lucy asked again.
“Yeah, she turned 10 in November. When her mom and I were in college, I ended up getting kicked out because I used my tuition money on a bike I had. I decided to travel and explore. I asked her to come with me but she didn’t want to uproot her life. I didn’t know about Alex but if I did I would have stayed.”
“Wow. No offense to your ex but she should have told you about the kid before you left.”
“I mean we were young. She was freshly 18 and I was turning 20 soon. It was a tough decision. Knowing what I know now I definitely would have stayed. Probably become a firefighter sooner, invest in some cryptocurrency. Probably had gotten married and had more kids.” After I finished my sentence, I realized what I said and everyone was quiet and all eyes were aware on me.
“Buck, do you still like Y/n?” 
“What? No! I was just saying back then. I’m happy now! I have Taylor and she has Eddie.”
“Wait as in Eddie you’re best friend I’ve heard about? He’s dating your ex? Isn’t that like against bro code or something? Especially since she is the mother or your child?”
“What am I, fifteen? There is no such thing as bro code and I hadn’t seen her in years. I had already started dating Taylor when she came into my life.”
“So if you weren’t dating Taylor would you have tried to date her?” Bobby asked from the front.
“From what Athena and I heard, it wasn’t for a lack of trying.” I gave Hen a glare. “What? That’s for calling me middle-aged.”
“Hold on. You tried to date Y/n while just starting your relationship with Taylor?”
“No! I don’t know. Maybe? It’s a bit of a gray area.”
“I mean is it?” Hen said. She knew what really happened and she was about to blab. “Telling someone you still love them is pretty clear.”
“What is up with you today, blabbermouth?” Chimney asked. “I love it but like wow.”
“I’ve been holding it in for so long. It’s coming out of me like a volcano.”
“You told her you love her, buddy?” Bobby said.
“Can we just drop it. We’ve moved on.” I said hoping to end the discussion.
“Does Eddie or Taylor know about this?” Chimney asked.
“It happened before Eddie and her were together so it doesn’t matter.” Hen chimed in.
“Thanks for that Hen. Again. Can we please just move on?” Everyone just went silent. After a few moments of silence the Chimney spoke up again. 
“So was it like a regular ‘I love you’ or was it a ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ kind of I love you? If so, nice going Meredith Grey.” Everyone on the engine cracked up. I knew I wasn't living this down.
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Eddie’s POV
I decided to talk to Y/n about our relationship, after I got home from work. Things have been rocky lately but I wanted her to know that I was in. I wanted to make this work. When I pulled into my driveway, I knew Y/n wasn’t here. Her car was nowhere to be found. As I walked in the house I was greeted by Carla's face instead. “Well hello there stranger.”
“Hey Carla.”
“That’s all I get, ‘hey Carla’.” She said as she mocked my tone. “I know you all boo'd up and everything but damn.”
“I’m sorry, Carla. Come here.” I said as I wrapped her in a hug.
“That’s more like it.”
“Where’s Y/n?”
“Really, boy? Can you pretend to care about what I’m saying?”
“Again, Sorry Carla. I needed to talk to her.”
“Well she’s home.”
“Why is she there?”
“Maybe that’s because she lives there. Also, I could use a check as of lately seeing as you never need me to watch Christopher anymore. She’s always here with him and Alex.”
“Yeah. I know and I’m sorry it’s just been a lot of change lately.”
“Yeah. I’ve heard.” Someone told her about the breakdown and the fights, I guess. My money’s on Buck. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.” Since she was still here I decided to go for it. “Since you’re still here, could you watch Chris while I run to her house?”
“So you barely say a word to me and you want me to babysit? Boy bye.” She started to gather her things.
“I’ll pay you for the extra time. Please? It’ll be quick I swear.”
“Well. Since you put it like that. Of course.” I quickly ran out the door muttering a thank you. I drove to her house on the next block. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed another car in the driveway. It was a Mercedes Benz. Newer model and it was nice. I had never seen it  here before. I got out of the car and used my key and unlocked the door. I heard laughing and talking. 
“Oh… hey baby.” She said as I entered the living room. Across from her was some guy. “This is John Holmes. My editor recommended him to be my ghost writer. I’ve been having a bit of trouble with my book.”
“Hey man. John, like she said.” He extended his hand for me to take it. 
“Yeah, Eddie.” I said as I ignored his hand. “It’s getting kind of late don't you think?” 
“It’s getting late?” She checked the time. “Oh my god. It is late. We got so caught up in our conversation we didn’t even notice. John let me walk you out.”
“No it’s okay. It’s still a little light out. Plus I wanted to talk to you.” She looked at me like I grew three heads.
“I’m gonna see myself out, don’t worry about it Y/n. It was good talking to you.” He said in this totally cringy suave voice. “Nice meeting you Eddie.”
“Yeah same.” I waited until I heard the door open and shut before I went to talk. “So that’s why you weren’t at the house when I got home?”
“I’m sorry? I was home, at my house.” 
“You know what I meant.” I said back.
“Yeah I know what you meant but let’s be honest it was a stupid thing to say. I had a meeting and I didn't want to disturb you at work to see if it was okay to do it at your house.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want ‘John’ over anyways.” I made sure to mock the way he said his name.
“Why are you saying his name like that?” She started to walk to her room. I followed behind her and when we reached the bedroom, she sat on the bed. I sat beside her. She stopped for a moment and looked like she was deep in thought. Then, a huge smile crossed her face. “You're jealous!” She shouted.
“What? No! Of John? Please.” 
“Oh my god! You’re so jealous you’re about to turn green.” She teased.
“No I'm not.” She continued to look at me with that shit-eating grin. “Okay maybe a little but…”
“Aha! I knew it.” She turned and straddled my lap. “I can assure you have nothing to worry about.” She gave me a passionate kiss. “Now what do you want to talk about?”
I had forgotten why I came over here. “Oh I wanted to talk to you about us.”
“Uh oh. Last time you wanted to talk about us I stormed out of the place. Can we not do that because I need to sleep here?”
“Well lucky for you it’s good news.” I said kissing her again. 
“Okay. I’m listening.” 
“So I know things between us have been a little rocky. Between the job changes, the scheduling, and the therapy. I want to thank you for being there every step of the way for me. It’s been exactly what I needed and even though I’m not there one hundred percent yet, it’s nice to know that you’re sticking around.”
“Like I told you, Diaz. You’re stuck with me.” She put her lips back on mine. The kiss started to prolong before I broke away.
“There’s something else I wanted to say. Because of that I wanted to ask you something. Christopher and I love and enjoy you and Alex’s company so much and this back and forth thing is getting a little old so… I was wondering if you wanted to move in together?” She went completely still. 
“Would you want to move in together?” I repeated. She quickly got off my lap.
“Eddie. That’s a big step, not scratch that, it’s a huge step. I mean we’ve only been dating since December.”
“And it has felt way longer than that to me. The way I feel about you is something that has never changed through everything.”
“Eddie I get that but it’s still something to think about.”
“Okay? That’s it.”
“Yeah. This isn’t the 50’s where you have no choice. Take all the time you need and if you decide you don’t want to move in together I understand.”
“Seriously.” I stated.
“You have no idea how turned on I am by you right now.” She went back to her spot on my lap. Quickly claiming my lips. The kiss started to heat up and my shirt was off when I remembered that Carla was waiting on me. 
I quickly broke the kiss, making her pout. “I forgot Carla’s at the house waiting for me. I gotta go.” 
“Oh come on. Wouldn’t you rather stay here a little longer?” 
“Well, if we lived together this wouldn’t be a problem.” I said, teasing her. 
“Ugh. You are hereby banished. Leave.” She playfully shouted. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I said as I put my shirt back on and headed home.
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Note: It seems like Eddie is ready for more but is Y/n? I mean we’ve been so focused on Eddie’s commitment issues we never focused on Y/n’s. No one stays single for nearly 10 years without having an issue with that. Also have you guys noticed a pattern in these chapters? Like a phrase or a topic? If so, comment on it. 
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Some post-4x13 Buddie because ummmm no to everything that just went down and whatever the hell they're doing with that promo. Pre-relationship Eddie introspection, guest-starring sleepy Buck and Chris (how often can I have these two idiots—Buck and Eddie, not Chris—wake each other up too goddamn early in the morning; the answer is infinite).
Eddie wakes up.
The world is a quiet, washed-out hum of static and dim light. He listens to his breath, in and out, in and out, as the room comes into focus. The rhythmic beeping monitor. The rough sheets over his chest. The hollowed-out numb of his shoulder where—
fuck. Where he’d been shot.
Eddie blinks open his eyes and grimaces. He’s probably doped to hell but his shoulder aches like forest fire, like a pain that will consume him and the whole world too, if he lets it. His head feels like someone pumped it full of air right up until the point before it bursts. He grits his teeth and gathers saliva on his tongue, carefully distributes it so that when he swallows, it will feel less like he’s ingesting a quart of sand. He knows this song and dance. He wiggles his fingers and toes and notes that remarkably, everything’s in working order. He wonders how often you can cheat death before that karma comes to get you.
Although he thinks Buck would probably go to bat for him, even against death himself. The heart monitor spikes as Eddie remembers with a vicious and cruel clarity Buck’s eyes on his as Eddie shuddered and collapsed. Buck’s wide, deer-in-headlights eyes, all that Eddie could see, just two pinprick pupils until there was nothing else, just the black, blank darkness.
Eddie tips his head to the side and opens his eyes, unclenching his fists, and nearly reels back when he sees Ana. She’s crumpled in the seat beside him, her chin resting on her collarbone, her long, dark eyelashes twitching against her cheek as she sleeps.
He closes his eyes and turns his head away.
But Ana’s a light sleeper. She was already waking up when he looked at her, roused from the shallow depths of unconsciousness by the change in Eddie’s breathing pattern, or something. His eyes are still closed when she croaks out, “Eddie?”
He looks at her.
“Eddie!” She says, raising her hands to flutter them over his chest, his face, his un-wounded shoulder. “You’re awake! You’re alive! Thank God,” she says, fervent. Like a prayer.
“Guess I’m just… lucky,” Eddie wheezes out. She smiles at him, eyes watering, and he gave the PG-version of his Silver Star story in her classroom but there’s no hint of recognition in her eyes.
“Either the luckiest man alive, or the unluckiest,” she says. “I’m pretty sure a lucky man wouldn’t be shot at quite so much.” She presses a kiss to his temple and Eddie has the horrible impulse to bat her away from him like she’s an overbearing aunt.
God, he’s an idiot. And it would take getting shot for him to realize it.
“What… happened?” Eddie asks, relieved when she leans back and settles into her chair.
“I’m not sure… I heard there was a sniper on the scene. The police think he might be targeting first responders, because how could this year get any worse?” When she shakes her head, her curls bounce in a way Eddie found appealing, once. It feels like a million years ago.
“Chris?” He asks, heart racing once more. She glances at the monitor and then back to him, offering a reassuring smile that does little to soothe his nerves.
“He’s OK. Buck’s with him.” Those three words calm Eddie instantly, like someone turning off an electric kettle, the worry bubbling up inside him simmering to a still. Because it means Chris is OK, and so is Buck. “I’m really grateful to Buck,” Ana is saying, taking his hand in hers, drawing his attention back to her. “It means I get to be here, with you.” She smiles at him like he’s fragile.
Eddie looks at her and doesn’t know how to tell her. How to tell her that the right thing would be for her to be at Chris’s side. That Chris always came first. Chris was the first and only priority. Chris was Eddie’s heart, raw and exposed, just like Bobby had said.
He looks at her and thinks about Chris’s smile, how he lights up the minute Ana walks in the room. He thinks about Chris confessing to him, quiet and anxious, that he’d asked Santa to find Mommy. He thinks about his parents telling him that the proper thing to do was to marry the girl carrying his child, even if he wasn’t sure he loved her.
Chris has been and will always be the most important thing in Eddie’s life. But Eddie’s starting to realize that even with a Northstar as good and perfect as Chris, Eddie didn’t always make the best choices. For himself, for Chris, or for their family.
“Can you call Buck, for me?” Eddie asks, brushing his thumb over Ana’s delicate knuckles. “If it’s not too late. I want to see my boys.”
She hastily bends down to pick up her purse and fumble her phone out, tell him it was fine, Buck had wanted her to call him as soon as Eddie woke up, anyway. He catches a glimpse of a “5” as she unlocks the phone and opens her contact list.
In the early morning, hospital quiet, Eddie can hear the phone ring on the other end of the line. Once, twice. Click.
“Hello?’ Buck asks, voice scratchy with sleep.
“Let me talk to him,” Eddie says, before Ana can get a word in. She hesitates, opens her mouth, but he holds her gaze until she extends the phone to him. Eddie’s hand is steady when he takes it from her.
“Hey,” Eddie says. Buck’s bleary-eyed, curls smashed to one side of his head, half his face obscured by a dark shape.
“Eddie,” Buck says, a ragged, relieved sound. He shifts, and Eddie hears him say, “Chris, Chris wake up, it’s your dad, Chris, he’s OK!”
And then there’s another face, pressing too close to the camera, so that Eddie mostly sees a nostril and some chin.
“Daddy!” Chris whoops, and Eddie smiles, and Buck pulls Chris back from the phone screen so Eddie can see him.
“Hey there, buddy,” Eddie says, “sorry I scared you.”
“W-wasn’t scared,” Chris insists, blinking rapidly because without his glasses, the world was mostly a multi-colored smudge. “I had Buck.”
Buck—who settles Chris’s glasses over his face with heartbreaking tenderness. Buck—who wraps an arm around Chris and scoots them back against the headboard so they can both see Eddie. Buck—who had clearly been sleeping in Chris’s bed, keeping him safe while Eddie was getting several pints of blood pumped into his body and shrapnel extricated from his shoulder.
“That’s good,” Eddie says. “Really good.”
“We knew you’d be OK,” Buck says. “Right, Superman?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause of your lucky charm.”
Eddie has to close his eyes against that. Chris is still so young, still Disney-innocent and honey-sweet, and Buck knew exactly what to say to calm Chris down. He knew Chris’s favorite bedtime story and the playlist Eddie made for him to help Chris fall asleep.
“That’s right,” Eddie chokes out. “My St. Christopher medal.”
“No.” Eddie blinks at that, at the stubborn line of Chris’s mouth. “Me. And Buck.”
Buck looks just about as surprised as Eddie feels.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“What?” Buck asks.
“What?” Chris asks, confused at their confusion. He addresses Buck. “Daddy said that I was his good l-l-luck charm. Because he loves me. A-and he loves you, so you’re his good luck charm too.”
Eddie isn’t sure if his kid is perceptive or just putting together ideas in the way only kids can. But it doesn’t really matter, because he isn’t wrong.
“Got me there,” Eddie agrees. “I must be pretty lucky, since I’ve got the both of you watching my back.”
Buck’s smiling a pleased, sunshine grin. The room is too dark and the connection is too poor, but Eddie would bet money that Buck’s blushing.
Eddie very deliberately doesn’t look at Ana.
“We’ll come visit as soon as the hospital opens,” Buck promises. “It’s good you called, because we should probably get going.”
To his right, Chris gives a huge yawn.
“You sure? I’m not going anywhere.”
“You think we’re gonna be able to sleep now that you’re awake? No way.”
“No way!’ Chris agrees.
“We’ll be there in fifteen. Twenty. Ten?” Buck looks down at Chris.
“Five!” Chris shouts. “The f-firetruck could make it in five minutes!”
“But we only have Buck’s jeep,” Buck says, pouting at Chris. “Definitely not a firetruck.”
“Fifteen,” Chris amends.
“OK,” Eddie says with a laugh that barely hurts. “I’ll see you soon. Thanks, Buck.”
“For what?” Buck asks, ruffling Chris’s hair with the hand that had been draped over Chris’s shoulders. “Be there soon.”
The call disconnects with the finality of a book snapping shut. He squares his shoulders (as much as he can while lying in an inclined hospital bed with a bullet injury) and turns his head to face Ana.
Her eyes are narrowed and hard, like ice over a troubled stream.
“So,” she says, slow and calm, “Buck?”
“Yeah” Eddie says. It’s all he can say. He can’t tell her how to be what he needs, what Chris needs. He can’t tell her to put Chris first like a reflex, like an instinct.
He doesn’t blame her. He isn’t mad at her. He isn’t even disappointed. He’s as shocked as anyone that he met someone who understood, immediately and profoundly, that Chris was Eddie’s world. Eddie had never counted on someone like Buck. And it was time he stopped running from that and accepted it for the undeserved, unparallelled gift that it was.
“I’m sorry,” he adds.
“Me too.” Ana takes her phone back with a snap of her wrist and drops it in her purse. “I’m going to go home.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, feeling a little guilty. He knows what it’s like to feel left behind, waking up with nothing but a note and the realization that you could never be good enough.
Ana gets to her feet and smooths the wrinkles of her blouse, and for a moment she reminds him so much of Shannon that he’s dizzy. The straight back, the self-posession, the tumble of curls swept over her shoulder.
He hopes Ana finds a love worthy of her, someone who will treasure her and believe her when she says, “sometimes our limitations let us know who we are.”
Because Eddie looked at the world like a challenge. He threw himself into it like the world might burn up tomorrow, but he would fight to the last breath anyway. He peeled away honorable discharge and may experience lifelong mobility dilemmas and we know what’s best for him and don’t you know how hard it is to be a single father like strips of old paint.
And Buck was the same way. Buck was I had to do it and didn’t you know Jim Abbot played baseball with only one hand and I’m in. You wanted us to bond, Cap. We might end up real close.
Eddie watches Ana leave, her heels clicking sharp against the tiled floor. At the door, she turns her head.
“I am glad you’re OK, Edmundo.”
“Thank you.”
And then she’s gone.
And then Eddie waits, anticipation mounting, for his boys to bring him home.
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