#and no the answer isn't “space sperm”
worktheraft · 1 year
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This is my freighter in No Man's Sky. Guys. You know what it looks like. YOU KNOW. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Right.
(also I dressed my character as Dave and took random pictures with portals because it kind of looked like the monolith. what a great game. also you can plummet yourself to death by jumping off a space ship and exposing yourself to cosmic radiation when going EVA to fix a ship compartment... oh wait.
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just-elena · 8 months
I'm sorry if this has already been shared to Tumblrverse previously, I scrolled through #threshold day but didn't see it.
The vagina museum has a say to this sacred occurrence, so there.
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A very happy #ThresholdDay to all who celebrate. If you haven't yet read our analysis of whether Janeway and Tom Paris fucked when they were lizards, today is the perfect day!
On 29th January 1996, "Threshold", the Star Trek: Voyager episode where Captain Janeway and Tom Paris turned into giant space newts and had babies first aired. Since it's #ThresholdDay we aim to answer a burning question: did Paris and Janeway fuck? If so, how did they fuck?
In attempting to answer the question as to whether Janeway and Paris fucked, and how they did it, we're going to mostly focus on salamanders, because the weird space amphibians they become are often described as "salamanders" and they look kinda like salamanders.
The first thing you need to know about amphibians is that they don't have genitals per se. As amphibians, Janeway and Paris had cloacas: a multipurpose hole for pee, poo and reproduction.
Salamanders are interesting because different species employ different strategies for fertilisation. Some use external fertilisation: Janeway plops her eggs out, Paris fertilises them. Some practice internal fertilisation, which we'll get onto later.
If Janeway and Paris engaged in external fertilisation, they would have undertaken a manoeuvre called amplexus. Tom Paris would have come up behind Captain Janeway and embraced her with his forelimbs. They would position their cloacas close together.
When Janeway released her eggs, Paris would have released sperm over them. Amplexus can last for hours.
Essentially, Janeway and Paris went tantric.
However, most salamanders don't do amplexus. Fertilisation would happen inside Janeway's body before she laid her eggs. This isn't achieved by penetration. It's much weirder.
If the fertilisation was internal, Tom Paris would have deposited a parcel of sperm called a spermatophore, and then Captain Janeway would pick the package up with the lips of her cloaca to take it into herself.
That sounds reasonably contact free, right? So why are Janeway and Paris so embarrassed about what happened at the end of the episode?
Welp, there's a lot of courtship rituals which would have happened before Janeway picked up Paris's cum parcel with her pee-poo hole lips.
Salamanders court: it's in Tom Paris's interests to make sure Janeway chooses to pick up his package of sperm. Salamander courtship typically involves seduction and dancing.
Tom Paris would have wafted pheromones at Janeway, and then the two of them would have engaged in some dance moves, first with Paris turning round to deposit his sperm package, then Janeway turning to pick it up.
In some salamanders, the pheromone exchange is as simple as Tom Paris fanning his tail at Captain Janeway so she can get a whiff and get in the mood for collecting his sperm package. Sometimes it's a bit kinkier.
If they took a lead from Desmognathus, Paris would drag his teeth down Janeway's neck and back while releasing pheromones, getting his horny chemicals straight into her bloodstream.
If they took a lead from Plethodon shermani, Paris would slap Janeway's snout.
Ultimately, there would have been seduction, close contact dancing, tail straddling and possibly a bit of kink. So that's presumably why Janeway, Paris and pretty much the entire Voyager crew are absolutely mortified and the entire sorry interlude is absolutely never mentioned again.
At the end of the episode, human again, Paris apologises for the salamander sex but Janeway points out that in many species, the female initiates the intercourse. Is that true?
In general, the way salamander sex is talked about, the male is doing everything he can to persuade the female to pick up his spermatophore. He's the active one and the female is passive. A 2020 literature review suggests this is not the case: the female is an active participant.
Ultimately, Janeway was probably quite right in admitting her responsibility in having salamander sex with her pilot, and that she *chose* to pick up his little parcel of jizz and have his space abomination babies.
Thank you for reading. We're sorry.
/end text
Source: the Vagina Museum official Mastodon account. Original thread here.
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itsevanffs · 1 year
How do you feel the environment your character(s) grew up in shaped them as a human? How does the environment they’re in now shape them currently?
The quiet moments in a relationship are sometimes just as important are the verbal ones; describe an important moment where the characters in your story shared a quiet moment (like sitting together while reading, watching tv with one another, bumping elbows in the kitchen in the morning as they make coffee, etc), and tell us why you consider it so important.
If you had to direct a scene from your fic, what would you choose? Why? What would it look like? What techniques would you use to convey certain emotions? What would the set look like?
What are your main character(s)’ motivations? What do you consider their main drivers?
could you please answer with tom riddle and harry potter in mind? thank you!! since i'm aware i flooded you with 4 questions in one ask lollplease take your time answering. or like answer one question at a time or something. hope youre well :)
;v; it's been years. I am so sorry. I really had to gather my thoughts for this one but I think I have it now! I'm just gonna work off canon for the first one since you didn't specify a certain fic, though I think you meant ITD.
1 & 2) I'm just gonna answer for Blorbo #1 here to keep it brief: I think Tom/Vee's childhood circumstances were SO formative for him. I think his hatred of muggles really came from living through being on the other end of human greed for basically his entire life pre-adulthood. Orphanages aren't fun places to stay, and definitely not in post WW1 Britain - you often had to do manual labour even as a young child, and the giant global economic recession (thanks, America) right around his birth was... something indeed. He was probably very used to fighting for his basic needs day in and day out, and was deeply dependent on the goodwill of random strangers. I think this also formed his desire to have everything, to have power over everything: growing up so poor and helpless, literally, does something to you. There was no space for empathy in a place like that.
And I think through canon the rush of being on the other side, of having made it - I think that really got to his head, and he became reckless, stopped thinking things through. I get it, tbh: getting out of survival mode is one of the most beautiful and liberating things to experience, but it's hard not to go ham with it. Eventually this caused his own downfall. Which is a shame. I think they should have kissed
(I am ignoring the whole love potion thing so hard rn you have no idea. Girl (dumbledore) idk where you came up with that but you are so wrong. You can't even get high via dick unless you try super hard, why would love potions affect sperm. Anyway, cough)
3) ITD doesn't really have any quiet moments? Like, not truly quiet. Harry is pretty much always on edge around Tom, and if he isn't, he's well and truly distracted by something else. Tom doesn't quite experience those moments as quiet, either - he's very focused on Harry pretty much all the time. This lack of quietness in itself is very important to show their dynamic, which is one of constant vigilance both ways. The abuser, always trying to find fault with their victim, and the victim, always trying to avoid fault.
4) From ITD, definitely the coronation scene. The lighting would come from the giant windows behind the throne, casting Tom into near-darkness except for the glittering, larger-than-life crown on his head. The chandeliers would provide only a vague sense of depth and form to his face and features, leaving his eyes shadowed for the red of his irises to jump out. The lighting would not be warm or inviting, but stark and harsh, leaving cold shadows instead of warm ones, contrary to what you'd expect with candlelight. It would feel wrong, to see that man sitting there like that. He would be out of place - an intruder. Next to him, pushed into the background and practically fading away into the light with their near-white outfits, would be Harry and Lily; insignificant in the face of this new, budding darkness.
I think that'd be pretty neat ^^
5) Tom in ITD wants to have everything; especially the things he can't have. Harry, of course, is at the top of that list.
Harry's a teen. He's 16 - he doesn't quite know what he wants. He has an idea; he wants to get married, maybe, have a big and loving family, and be to his spouse and kids what James was to him and Lily. He wants to live a long, healthy life, take care of those who need his care, and have the least stressful time he can manage while doing all that.
Again, I apologise deeply for the delay. My brain was just... yeah. I hope this answer is somewhat satisfactory!
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 31: The Sincerest Form of Flattery Season 1, Episode 32: A Transplant For Blue Lion
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Episode 31: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Lotor made the mistake of trying to boss Zarkon around and immediately was greeted with robeasts to "escort" him away from Zarkon's presence I'd ask if you even understood what you were doing, but the answer is a resounding no
The fight seemed so weird until I realized dotu cut out a handful of scenes because they were gory, Lotor definitely stabbed one robeast through the chest and maybe beheaded another
Oh shit! Zarkon v Lotor but for real this time! Lotor obviously is going to lose, but this should be fun to watch him fail at
I'm so mad that the main antagonist for the team got switched to Lotor instead of being kept as Zarkon, he feels like a better villain than his overgrown pet sperm
Haggar to save Lotor's life, though she should've let Lotor get turned into a robeast like he himself suggested lol instead we get an ACTUAL mech for Voltron to fight this time, the rest have usually been cyborg type deals
Back on Arus, the team formed Voltron to help out with reconstruction after the last attack on the city that happened We really should see that more often tbh, nice to see the team doing humanitarian (Arusianarian?) work
Ooh new defense system, Ad EAS i think Coran said, stands for Advanced Early Alarm System which isn't a bad acronym Apparently the regular defense system detects when an enemy gets within 50 tyketes(?) of Arus but the new one detects and attacks enemies that enter 200 tyketes this definitely won't go wrong
And it immediately gets destroyed LMAO Lotor showed up and decided to mess with it before getting pissed and shooting one of the command ship's lasers right through the satellite maybe the castle should've deployed more than 4 of those things
Actually though, Ad EAS is a good early detection system to help stall for time while the teams gets up to space, Arus IS rebuilding after all so even if it doesn't do much time is precious
The team is NOT having a good time up there, again I know it's for the drama but c'mon guys if you were already freaked out by the legitimate giant robot you have to fight why not even it up with your own giant robot
It's cool to know that voltron has more than one weapon at their disposal, but I wish they were used more sparingly just because I want Voltron to start throwing hands LMAO
OH SHIT THE ROBEAST ACTUALLY MANAGED TO KNOCK VOLTRON BACK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE It pierced through blue lion, getting real close to Allura, so she freaked out and lost control of blue's thruster so Voltron isn't doing so hot
aaand all that hard work for the city has gone to shit, Arus can't catch a fucking break huh, maybe the people should just move further away from the castle, so they don't get hit, assuming this is the nearest town
I'm sorry the joint above blue lion is where most of Voltron's energy is stored?? Absolute bullshit reasoning, the writers could've done better by literally reminding Lotor that blue's already weakened
Voltron just became a cripple omg, blue lion still as a foot btw just DROPPED so confused as to how voltron still existed after that, but the boys disbanded anyway to protect Allura who's out cold after a crash-land
They're still fighting holy shit, usually the episode ends after the robeast gets fucked and the lions are getting beat up too, castle defenses had to chase away Lotors command ship what a wild turn of events
Into the hospital Allura goes, she had an injury on her shoulder, she's fine though as always
/episode end
Episode 32: A Transplant For Blue Lion
WOAH CONTINUITY?? They're picking up this episode with a bit of a time skip to remind viewers that Lotor actually did something right for once
Allura's still hurt, but that hasn't stopped her yet, what a good princess
I always liked the idea that the boys didn't see Alfor as often as Allura did so they just think she's still grieving for him but every time this show uses Alfor as a crutch it hurts ME
Keith being a poetry nerd is such an on brand thing, I'm so sad they removed all this personality he had in preference for making him emo and solitary This man is goofy as hell! He's optimistic and happy-go-lucky, where did it all go
Keith getting angry out of nowhere is wild, he's never done that before especially towards Lance and yes it's out of nowhere because it's not like Lance was being a dick he was just being lazy AND THAT'S HIS NORMAL
Allurance moment though not super convincing to me because other Allurance versions have insane chemistry, dotu lance is for my mutual thank you
A militia! Good on the nearby townsfolk for choosing to fight against Lotor on their own grounds, I mean they will probably get DECIMATED, but they've got the spirit
Training time, the blue lion has been repaired fairly quick actually and Allura is having a tough time with keeping up I do like that this show shows her struggling and actively working to do better but like a little more continuity please? I say as it's a show aimed for children
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Animation error? Is that Keith the blue pilot uniform
Some Hunk focus! I wonder if he has some kind of rejection sensitivity because he just started bawling when as the left leg of voltron got hit and fell off like allura's did last episode, very much doesn't like making mistakes
And the attack begins! As I thought the town is burnt to hell though the people did fight for a while so good for them EXCEPT HUNK IS STILL THINKING HE'S EXPENDABLE LIKE SIR THOSE ARE NOT GOOD THOUGHTS SUICIDE IS NOT THE WAY
Looks like the training actually helped! They blew up the robeast's head without forming Voltron, though they still formed up because they have to double tap the thing to make sure it isn't still kicking
Robeast defeated and a pregnant woman from earlier in the episode gave birth by the end! How cute, though using Voltron or Voltrisha as a name for an actual child is literally setting them up for bullying OSIDN
/episode end
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cinemacentral666 · 1 year
Hiruko the Goblin (1991)
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Some strange synergy happening here on WATCHLIST WEDNESDAY folks. W.W., for those 'not in the know', is when I hit shuffle on my Letterboxd watchlist* and pick the first two flicks at random to watch. Well, today offered up this wacky Japanese horror movie about a baby-sized spider goblin with an adult human head, as well as a 1960s black-and-white "horror" film called Spider Baby. Ain't that something? (You don't have to answer that. I know it isn't.)
Hiruko the Goblin was the much more enjoyable watch. The follow-up to Shinya Tsukamoto's beloved classic Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) had me wishing I had started there, as I still haven't seen that movie (or any of his other work). I plan to correct this with a full-on Director Focus of Tsukamoto's filmography, hopefully in 2024.
There's not much going on plot-wise. This is pretty much strictly a vehicle for this...
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and the movie ends with the human spirits being freed and turning into giant sperm comets that float into outer space...
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and that's plenty good enough for me.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½
*speaking of Litterboxd. I am not gonna be posting any info alongside what I watch on there any longer. It's just too much of a chore. I love the concept and design of the site but I don't get much out of it at the moment.
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georges-chambers · 4 months
1, 3, 4, 5, 14, 21, 22, 23, 40 and 50 for the ask game, please? <3 (i'm obsessed with the fact that we ask each other the biggest amount of questions in these ask games lol)
Thank you, these are all good questions ! Also same. I often worry about seeming odd for doing that to some, so I am very glad to have it be shared🤝 this time
1. "Who is/are your comfort character(s)?"
This is always a bit of hard question but really just because there are just so many characters I take a lot of absolute delight and various different forms of comfort in, but thankfully a lot of characters in the Terror, I don't take Immediate comfort in. They're absolutely fascinating and delightful but more engaging than comforting. So its really hard to pick any that immediately do give me a sense of actual warmth and comfort quickly, but I'd say probably either Jopson because I Love Him So Much or Collins. Probably Collins, actually. Horrifying shit happens to both in different ways, but Collins is like a large soft creature I need to gently hold and there Is so much more to him than many seem to understand.
3. "Do you leave the window open at night?"
Almost never, both because Bugs Scary, and because the window to my bedroom is so large it takes up most of my wall and is very heavy for me to open (partially because it's also never often opened so it ends up getting harder to move). And large bugs often land on that large of a flat space for them, so I'm not Planning To anytime soon.
4. "Which cryptyd being do you believe in?"
All those legendary whales in Moby Dick. Including of course the blue whale. We still don't know much about so many whales, can't rule anything out. (Moby Dick himself? Sperm whale life expectancy isn't that long. You know how it is with whalefalls.)
I also like to contemplate the Mothman a lot.
5. "What color are your eyes?"
Thomas Jopson blue of course. Like a haunted doll.
14. "Do you love the smell of the Earth after it rains?"
Yes, so much. And right before it rains. It's very different in the summer versus winter, and depending on the distance from the sea, which of course makes logical sense, but there's just. So many variations.
21. "Something you've kept since childhood"
A fair amount of things, but one thing I value most is probably a blanket I've had since I was. Probably a very young toddler or younger. With these circular patterns of different coloured animal silhouettes.
22. "What type of person are you?"
A very interesting question, and one I find hard to answer. I'll go with 'Ishmaelean' (Ambiguously neurodivergent in a way that makes me Go Off Entirely, Probably Often, but whether that's solely to blame on whatever that neurodivergence is remains ambiguous of course, probably annoying, only to be maybe a bit pleasant after that, only to probably be annoying in a worse way after that. Probably also fairly dramatic and sensitive about very little things.)
23. "How do you feel about chilly weather?"
I'd say I prefer it. It's familiar and comfortable to me. I definitely have clothes best for it.
40. "Did you have any snacks today?"
Technically yes. I had a single cookie for breakfast but that's fine it was homemade and kind of large.
50. "Can I tag you in random stuff?"
Absolutely, I'd love that (though if it is a tag game thing I may take a while getting back, sometimes)
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"You know I can't lie to you Itto....you know I'm a terrible liar....i wanted to reach out and ask for help...l really wanted to so bad..but I also can't blame you for how you must be feeling right now... know a simple apology isn't enough...i owe you a lot more than that..." At least he's admitting what he did was wrong, it's clear on his wet and teary face...he wanted to reach out...but he's also very remorseful...he regrets giving into his fear and paranoia..
But with the relatives Kyokai was born into...
Can one blame him?
After staring deep into Itto’s eyes, he can see the hurt and anger….he can feel it and while he didn’t mean to cause this much anger and hurt….he knows that he fucked up royally..he clearly wants to make it up to him…but he’s afraid Itto might want space or..might not want that at all…either way he understands he hurt him bad
He remains silent with guilt
The Oni listened as Kyokai spoke, he heard every single word the other said. Did it matter? Maybe it would when he calmed down a bit more. He was more hurt than he was angry but he was also still, at least, somewhat angry. It wasn't like the situation didn't call for him being upset, angry, and hurt. The person he thought loved him, had abandoned him for MONTHS. He'd been led to believe the albino had died.
"Yeah, ya do fuckin' SUCK at lyin' and you're right. A simple apology ain't gonna be enough. Ya hurt me, Kyokai, ya hurt me bad."
He didn't know anything about Kyokai's family, or the person who was his biological father. All he knew that was the albino had been through a lot. He'd not ever asked for a full explanation because he knew the other would eventually tell him. Or, well, he THOUGHT the other would tell him at some point, but no. The other ran as soon as something unforeseen happened.
Or, perhaps, Kyokai had run not just to try protecting him, but the child too. He'd pinch the bridge of his nose and take a few more deep breaths, his voice returning to its normal level of volume. At least they were in the office in the tattoo parlor so they were in private as they spoke.
"I don't have the whole picture and I KNOW that. Pretty sure when I got shot ya mentioned that whoever shot me had somethin' to do with your... sperm donor."
He'd never really asked for anything back then either. He understood the need for secrecy and he didn't really blame Kyokai, but now? Now he needed fucking answers.
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"I need answers, Kyokai."
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
He’s Got Me, I Can’t Break It
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chapter one | masterlist | chapter three
Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader | Megumi Fushiguro x f!Reader
Genre: Smut & Angst with horror/thriller elements Notes: Toji is a total weirdo in this series but I relate to the reader bc she is like 🥰 but that's daddy I love him 🥰 Warnings: 18+, dubcon, age gap, alcohol consumption, fingering, pussy job, unprotected sex, manipulation, gaslighting, orgasm denial, blowjob, implied cunnilingus, smoking.Words: 4.9k
Synopsis: You meet a handsome older man while partying in Paris with your best friend. Going home with a man you've just met isn't usually your style, but looking at him is more than enough to dispel any doubts. But maybe you should have listened to your intuition.
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The man in your bed didn’t stop you as you tugged the blanket away from him and wrapped it around your body. It didn’t bother him that you retreated to the balcony attached to your room to finish your cigarette in solitude.
You had laughed, sure, but there was nothing funny about this. The whole incident had scared you sober. In fact, it was humiliating. It was mortifying to think you had gone against your better judgement and brought a stranger home to fuck from the club. And it was even worse as you felt your lover’s sperm trickle down your inner thighs as you sat comfortably outside, allowing the chilled Parisian air to consume you.
You feel tears well in your lash lines and your eyes become damp and glossy the more you think about it. It feels like a betrayal that you let him talk you into bed. Or speak you into bed more like, since you hadn’t understood a word of French the entire time. The foreign language and the seductive tonality practically spread your legs for you. You tuck a hair behind your ear and wipe the singular droplet that spills from your eye speedily, refusing to allow yourself to be a damsel in a hopeless situation. You take a drag of your cigarette and begin to feel anger over upset.
He spoke English the entire fucking time.
“Do you want me to go?” he wonders.
You almost jump into space as the shock of his presence rattles through you. The way he knocked casually on the glass window and stood confidently waiting to force your attention to him. He snickered when he saw terror take over your body in multiple forms once he had startled you. It wasn’t his intention, but it was amusing, nonetheless.
“It’s up to you,” you begin, “you paid to stay the night.” you finish, taking a drag of your cigarette and looking out to the twinkling night sky above you.
A smile adorns his handsome features as he huffs a sigh of amusement. He hadn’t bothered to cover or clothe himself, clearly confident in his appearance and nude status. He sits on the seat opposite to you, unfazed by the cold furniture as it bites at his skin. The man slams the pack of cigarettes on the table between you as well as the lighter. He feels better knowing they’re there, it won’t be long until he finishes the one he has already and he’s sure he’ll be desperate for another.
“Are you pissed at me?” he queried. Your eyebrows scrunched as you scoffed at the pathetically woeful sentence.
“Oh, do you want a fucking well done sticker?” you questioned rhetorically. Before he could answer, he allowed you to stub out your cigarette and use your trembling fingers to light another. They’re usually helpful for when you’re stressed; but while he’s nearby you doubt you’ll ever know the feeling of calm again. “Do you know how violated I feel? I feel sick, too, because I bet this isn’t the first time you’ve pulled this shit.”
“No, don’t be like that.” he commands. You look at him with disdain, unable to comprehend how he can possibly think he’s in any position to be giving orders right now. “I don’t give a shit if you believe me princess, but I don’t do one-night stands. ‘m more of the settling down type.” he tells you, following your lead and lighting a new cigarette for himself.
“I don’t care. Don’t want your life fucking story you bastard.” you berate as you puff out a plume of smoke, tapping the ash over the balcony.
He doesn’t speak anymore, the two of you instead sit in silence indulging in your cigarettes. The sound of traffic and thousands of blurred conversations traverse into the atmosphere and into your hearing. It’s hard to lose yourself when there’s so much going on. You’d like to focus on one thing, one simple thing to forget that he’s still here with you. But you can’t. Everything sounds like nothing. But your eyes flit around hoping a sight will distract you rather than a sound. It was beyond your control when your vision landed on him. He’s right there, legs spread wide like he owns the fucking world. If you were sitting bare like he is you’re sure he’d take great pleasure in telling you what a slut you are.
Even soft his cock was a sight to behold. It was so very lewd, too, since neither of you had cleansed your body of the deceitful union you’d shared moments ago. The light from inside your hotel room reflected on his sticky, sinful member and you couldn’t help the way your cunt fluttered as you recalled the way he bullied his cock inside of your walls.
Your eyes shot up to his as he snapped his fingers at you.
“My eyes are up here darlin’. I know it’s pretty but it’s rude t’stare.” he teases.
You snarl and stand to your feet, you’ve had enough, taking yourself indoors to finish your cigarette off alone. And then you’ll sleep soundly, you hope, knowing that when you wake up he’ll likely be gone. This entire ordeal will begin to feel like nothing but a distant memory. A disapproving growl erupts from the depths of your lungs when you see him stub his cigarette out against the glass window and throw the butt over the balcony railing, hurrying indoors to follow you.
“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.” he tells you, casually, leaning against the door as you burrow underneath the bedsheets. The words go in one ear and out of the other as you find the sentence too idiotic to even process. It’s the understatement of the century, you think. Unable to understand how one man can be so so foolish.
“Just be quiet, I want to sleep.”
“Tell me to go and I will.”
“Fine, go. Go away, please. I’m tired and I’ve had enough and I’m sick of looking at you.”
He stands stoically for a moment as he rationalises what you’ve just told him in his still drunken mind. Instead of heading towards the exit and retrieving his clothes, he gets closer to you. Closer… and closer… and closer.
And then he’s forcing your body into the centre of the bed while he hovers above, caging you beneath him. You try to push him away, but you both know it’s futile. He’s probably the biggest man you’ve ever seen in real life – in more ways than one. Pretty green eyes vibrate as he stares fixedly into yours. They dart to your throat as he can’t help but admire the spit glob slowly slithering down your windpipe. You’re unsure of him, terrified of him. It’s hard to figure out whether he wants you to be scared of him or not.
“I don’t want to go.” he admits. The way your chest rises and falls beneath him doesn’t go unnoticed. He runs the back of his knuckles over your forehead, your cheek and then down to your clavicle. And you wince at that, eyes scrunching tightly as you hope he won’t force himself upon you. “I won’t hurt you.”
“Then get off me.” you phrase the demand as a suggestion, hoping he’ll obey.
“I just want you to listen to me sweetheart, understand me.” he speaks so softly it’s almost a whisper. It was pissing you off, honestly, that everything he said seemed like it had a greater purpose when you knew it was far from the truth. “Tell me that wasn’t the best sex of your life.”
“Excuse me?”
“It was, wasn’t it? The way we fucked, it was the best you’ve ever had.” he speaks assumedly, acting as if he knows exactly what thoughts are swirling around your overwhelmed brain. Your mouth falls open and closes a few times, unable to find a suitable response.
“It was the best fuck of my life,” he confesses. You feel like he’s talking so fast your head is spinning. “And you know why it was so good, right? Because it was exciting. The anonymity. It was a rush, you get that. Don’t you?”
“No!” you lie, you understand completely. Because the first thought you had after you finished fucking and laid comfortably in bed by each other’s side was sheer amazement that despite a language barrier you managed to get him into bed. Regardless of the fact you couldn’t understand each other you have never felt so perfectly taken care of and filled.
“I don’t believe you; you know exactly what I’m talking about.” he responds, hissing as he rolls away from you. Freeing your body out from under him and granting you permission to do whatever you want. “Lie to yourself all you want but you’re playing yourself out of a good thing.” he finishes, heading over to his clothes to pick up the discarded material at the entrance. Is he finally readying himself to leave?
“W-Wait.” you mumble. He turns to you, unable to believe that you’re not hastily rushing him out of your room. “You… paid to be here. I suppose you can stay the night.”
You don’t need to tell him twice. His clothes are thrown down onto the ground once again as he ambles towards you. He doesn’t need to rush to your side. Not now, not now that he knows he’s got you. The duvet is pulled up, the sudden gust of wind forces goosebumps to ripple throughout your body. The chill soon subsides when the black-haired stranger gets in beside you, he pulls your body against his once more. You manage to reach over to turn out the light on your beside table, plunging the room into darkness.
The chilling situation you’ve found yourself in doesn’t seem to register in your messed up mind. Although you feel sober you’re still under the influence. Under his influence, too. It’s not even given a second thought as you begin to drift off in his arms after everything he’s done. You should feel foolish, angry, terrified. And yet, you’re allowing yourself to shift into unconsciousness.
That is, until you feel him practically growl in your ear. You’re too hazy minded to be appalled, but the sensation of his naked hips rolling against the fat of your ass isn’t lost on you. The arm that had been wrapped around your torso travels upwards to your breasts, forcing your body even closer to his and giving you no chance of wriggling away.
He manoeuvres his cock so that it can be sandwiched between your folds. You’re too tired to object, but little huffs escape your exhausted lips and he knows what you’re trying to say.
“Just let me,” he moans, “you’ll feel good too.”
He doesn’t insert himself inside of you, he just fucks himself between your slick and sperm covered lips. It can’t be denied that his cock head nudging against your clit doesn’t feel heavenly. And you know as soon as you cum you’ll slide into a comfortable sleep. So, you let him. His free hand slithers to your front, added stimulation to your throbbing clit. He basks in the sounds of your breathy pants as he brings you closer to your peak. He’s moaning, loudly, just as he had a little while ago while he was brought closer and closer to his own pleasure. You spasm on him, the alert that you’ve orgasmed is enough to topple him over the edge of his own. He kisses into the crook of your neck as his cum spurts out of him in heavy, thick bursts.
You feel warm, and disgusting.
And so very tired.
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You wake up a measly four hours later. Your head is pounding and you can barely bring yourself to move. The room is spinning and you already know it’s going to be a long, difficult day. You found yourself waking up whilst lying on your back, the man next to you is sleeping on his stomach with one arm over you. His hand settled comfortably on the fat of your breast.
A boisterous, singular snore pulls from the man’s throat before he wakes to the sight of you smiling at him. He smiles before raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
“Were you watching me sleep?” he asks.
“I just woke up too, I swear.” you grin, knowing he was teasing by the soft yet gruff tone he spoke with. You gasp as he pinches and pulls the nipple on the breast his hand had been resting on. He rolls onto his back, rubbing the terrible nights sleep out of his eyes.
“Suppose I should get out of your hair soon, huh?” he questions.
You sigh, knowing he’s right. You’ve had your fun sure, but it’s a one-time thing. Hooking up with strangers in Paris everyday definitely isn’t the plan, and you’re sure Nobara would have something to say about it if it was. You knew you’d miss how incredible the man’s cock made you feel, but you valued your friendship with Nobara more. He leans over to pull another cigarette from his carton and realises it’s surprisingly light.
There’s only two left.
“Want one?”
You debate it, ultimately shaking your head. He’s surprised to see how eager you are to jump out of bed as you grab something from your side table as well as taking the box from him. When he asks what you’re doing, it takes a while for you to respond, but eventually you alert him that you’ve tucked his final cigarette into his jeans for him.
He thinks you look a vision, right now. His beautiful eyes comb over your body as he admires every inch of you. A necessary cough clears his airways as he tries to mask the way his cock jumped at the sight of your thighs. More specifically, the way he could see his kids on your inner thighs with each step you took back towards him.
You couldn’t deny that you were still ravenous. It doesn’t feel like you can possibly have enough of him. One more time, just once more and you’re sure you’ll be able to kick this newly found addiction to the curb.
He settles his cigarette between his lips as you get comfortable on the bed, lowering yourself to be eye level with his semi-hard cock. You feel it spring to life more as you begin sinking your mouth onto him. Your throat becomes his plaything as a heady grunt leaves him, cigarette smoke pouring from his nostrils like a cartoon bull.
Don’t look at him, his eyes warn you. Your ruined eye makeup and glistening eyes looking at him like that is enough to make him erupt. So you mustn’t look at him. But he doesn’t want you to stop. How could he when you look like this? He doesn’t know what he wants. He doesn’t know what he needs. Just you, that’s all he knows. All he wants, needs and desires is you. God, how dare you be like this for him. How fucking dare you be such a good little cock whore for him after what he did. His hips roll gently into your mouth, each thrust closes off access to your airways. You feel him twitch in your mouth, he’s close. His balls are tightening, and his eyes are scrunched so tight. He wants to cum. He needs to cum. But not like this.
“Sit on it, fucking sit on it now.” He orders, yanking you up by your hair and helping you position yourself above his shaft. “Put your pussy on me – fuck – just like that, that’s a good fucking girl f’me.”
He praises you as you sink onto his length. What a pretty girl you are, biting your lip like that for him. Because of him. His thumbs rub soft circles into your thighs. They’re shaking. You’re tired, still, so very very tired. Is it because of him? Has he put you through too much in such a short space of time? Or is it all of the dancing you did last night? Maybe the alcohol didn’t help either. Honestly, it’s all three. He considers it all, and he considers you. Should he stop this? You initiated it, he rationalises, so why would he put a stop to this? You must want him real bad. Just like he wants you.
You start off slow, rising and falling as best you can in your weary state. He appreciates it, but he wants better. He expects better. But not today. He’ll do the work for now, just for you. To remember him by. He gets comfortable, angling his body beneath you so he can fuck up into you properly. He pistons his hips, reaching depths within you that you never knew existed. Your eyes are practically white from the angle he has. And are you really drooling for him? How cute, you are! Even your tongue lolls out as he carries on battering your insides.
“P-Please, fuck, fuck! I’m, ‘m gonna, ‘m so close! Gonna—!”
“Cum, fucking cum on my cock. Gonna stuff your cunt full again, squeeze me baby. Fucking cum.”
He keeps slamming up into you and your heart is beating so heavily you worry it’s going to thud right out of your chest. Your lover is almost hypnotised by the way your breasts bounce while he drills himself into you repeatedly, every inch of you is sheer perfection to him. The telling way you grit your teeth tells him you’re almost there. A couple more thrusts and he’s sure you’ll be crying out for him to fill you to the brim. And he will. He fucking will. He’s gonna… he’s gonna… he’s gonna.
“Are you awake yet, bitch?” Nobara speaks, knocking on the door that connects your rooms together. Your building pleasure has been broken – for both of you. You try to climb off the man beneath you and hide yourself under the covers; but he doesn’t let you. His fingers grip firmly into your hips and you’re sure there will be bruises signing his name on your body once he lets go. He raises a finger to his lips, telling you to shush as he carries on fucking you.
“Y-Yes.” you stutter, doing your best to remain composed. He smirks devilishly beneath you, the excitement you had previously felt begins to rise back up through your body. His tongue sticks out evilly before bringing it back as he hisses through his pleasure.
“Get in here, now. I want to talk to you about last night.”
“Give me a-a minute, I’ll be right—”
He objects, not wanting to let you go. Don’t fucking tease him, he’ll lose his mind if you don’t let him cum right now. But you can’t keep her waiting. You can already hear how furious she sounds. Clambering off of him seems a gargantuan task when his grip can’t seem to bear to let you go.
“Hurry up or I’m coming in.” Nobara threatens.
“I’m naked—!”
“Seen it all before, get in here now.”
What more can you do?
You wriggle free from him, much to his dismay, and walk towards Nobara's room. He sighs and it almost scares you to hear the level of fury rising in his purposeful grunts.
The man you left high and dry hid against the wall as you prepared to open the door, as per your instruction. He grabbed your wrist before you could go and see your friend. A hand laced through your hair, bringing your face to his so your lips could settle against each other’s comfortably. He pulled away, a skinny spit string connecting you to him momentarily.
“What’s your name?” he wonders.
“What’s yours?” you flip back to him.
“Toji, tell me yours.” he demands. You’re both distracted by the sound of Nobara getting increasingly more annoyed in the room next door. You take the opportunity to land your lips against his once more and grab the door handle.
“I have to go, enjoy your cigarette.” you tell him. And with that, you leave him only to be greeted by less than impressed company.
He huffs, utterly defeated and irritated that he missed out on one final orgasm with you. Toji contemplates beating himself off to get rid of his erection, but decides against it. It’s just a little sad, isn’t it? And weird, too. Jacking off in your room while you aren’t here. Although pretending to be French to get you into bed wasn’t any less weird than masturbating in your personal space. It’s clear he has an unusual moral compass.
He decides on a quick shower, washing the whole experience off his body before leaving. Once dressed, he pulls his carton of cigarettes from his pocket. He realises what you were doing over here for so long when he asked about it earlier. Once he opened the top of his cigarettes, he sees girly handwriting on the inside.
It’s your name. And more importantly – your phone number.
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“I’m actually being pretty calm right now.” Nobara tells you. Your eyes bulge at that considering she almost tore your head off with her teeth.
“Coulda fooled me.”
“Don’t be a fucking bitch because I’m seriously pissed. You fucked me over so bad last night.” she bites back at your murmured comment.
You listen to her intently as she rakes through her luggage for a dressing gown for you to wear as she tears into you. About how stupid she felt and how uncomfortable you made her feel. How embarrassing it was for her to wait by herself in the club while you got dry fucked on the dance floor. How violating it was to have you both burst into her room while you had your tongues down each other’s throats. And how inconsiderate you were to not only her, but the entire floor of the hotel as you wailed whilst you got fucked stupid by Toji.
You broke down. You didn’t want her sympathy but you made sure to tell her you couldn’t be more apologetic if you tried. You were sorry, and you were just as embarrassed. You’ve made such a stupid fool of yourself and you’re so ashamed. Your life, your mind, it’s all in tatters. Thoughts and feelings are not things you can bring yourself to understand at the moment. And you debate whether you should tell Nobara about last night, about Toji. About what he did. She brought a roll of toilet paper from her bathroom to act as tissue paper and invited you to sit with her under the pearlescent morning sky on the balcony.
“He was lying,” you began whilst wiping your tears with the toilet paper. She raised an eyebrow, urging you to continue. “He was lying about being French. He started speaking English after we had sex.” you admitted. She audibly gasped, unable to believe what she was hearing. She got up, preparing to go and give him a piece of her mind. But you informed her that he’s already gone.
“Bastard. I’ll kill him if I see him again. How fucked up can you be?”
“It was the best sex of my life, Nobara.” you confess.
“I… Yeah. It was the best I’ve ever had, and he explained it to me… It was the rush of not understanding each other. It made it exciting.” you reiterated the points that Toji had made to you hours earlier in an attempt to explain your embarrassment away. But she wasn’t buying it, her mouth hung open in disapproval, awaiting her turn to speak.
“Do you hear yourself?”
“No I know, but it was really good sex.”
“There’s more to life than sex.”
“No, I don’t think there is for me,” you breathe. It’s like you’re finally accepting you are destined for nothing. You’re just floating. Coasting, even. And maybe now, that’s okay. “I think I… I like him.”
“I’m not doing this,” she tells you as she rises from her seat again. She heads back inside, unable to tolerate this conversation for a second longer. “Just so we’re clear, you understand that he’s manipulated the fuck out of you. Yeah? D’ya get that?”
“You’re making it sound worse than it is—”
“No, I’m not. It’s just that bad.” she carries on. “And if you like him so much. And you get married, and have some kids. Ignore the fact he’s twice your age, if your kids ask how you met you’re going to have to tell them that he gaslit you into bed. How fucking romantic.” she finishes, slamming the balcony door shut behind her and gathering her things. You see through the glass that she gets herself ready and leaves the hotel room.
Leaving you alone to dwell on her words.
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You end up going back to your own room eventually, showering and cleansing yourself of your dalliance with Toji. It’s not like you don’t get where Nobara was coming from, you just wish that she gave you more of a chance to speak. What Toji did was fucked, you aren’t entirely stupid. You just can’t ignore that the way he fucked you was otherworldly. But if it comes to him or your best friend, you’re going to choose her every single time. So once you’re clean, you make a vow to yourself to get ready and find her so that you can apologise and hopefully make up. It would be a shame to spend the remainder of your vacation on bad terms with one another.
Just as you pressed the down arrow on the elevator, the doors opened and Nobara was alone inside. She tried to barge passed you, but you grabbed the flesh of her upper arm and begged her to listen to you. She yanked her arm away from you, and carried on walking to her room.
“I’m really not in the mood to talk to you right now.” she told you, and you could understand. But couldn’t she at least hear what you had to say?
“Okay, fine, Nobara. You think I’m an idiot, who doesn’t?” you tell her. She stops her movements from that. Are you really going to keep using your insecurities as an excuse for your shitty behaviour? “I know I’m wrong, and you’re more important to me than anything. So, how about we go for a meal later and try and forget the whole thing? I’d hate to lose you over this, you come first.” you grovel. She swivels to face you and sizes you up. She can see you’re being genuine, but she’s still unsure. She can’t resist, however, when you don your signature smile at her. She nods, accepting your invite.
Another hurdle down.
There’s no hand holding this time as you walk through the lobby together. It’s awkward, actually, being with her after your argument. You’ve told her about a restaurant that you and your father always go to while you’re here. It’s the best food you’ve ever had, you assure her.
She isn’t disappointed, and you suspect it’s the reason for her sudden change in mood. It’s like nothing ever happened. You’re back to laughing and joking. Calling each other names, endearingly, not as actual insults. She does apologise to you too, telling you that maybe she was a little harsh. She just wants what is best for you, that’s all. You feel the same about her, and you promise you understand. If it’ll save your friendship, you have no use for Toji.
But if that’s true… why are you swiping your phone off the dinner table so quickly when a text comes through?
Why are your cheeks filling with blood as you read what the message says?
You don’t care about your friendship, clearly.
Otherwise you wouldn’t have invited Toji to come to your hotel room again later tonight.
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You kiss Nobara goodnight when you return to your hotel. She enters her room, full bellied and ready for a good nights rest. You’d feel the same if you hadn’t skimped on eating. You’re deplorable, really, because the minute he texted you there was no doubt in your mind that you were going to invite him over to see you again. You didn’t want to be bloated while he finished what he started with you earlier.
He heeds your warning, making sure to be quiet when he knocks on your door. You let him in, eagerly, not giving him the chance to say hello before you jump him. He slams the door behind himself; you chastise him for immediately forgetting that you told him to be quiet. He grins, biting your lower lip between his teeth and kissing you to shut that pretty little mouth of yours up.
You assume she didn’t hear, maybe she has those ridiculous headphones of hers on.
Toji settles you down onto the bed below, slowly undressing you as he kisses whatever skin on your body becomes exposed as he pulls your clothing off. You can’t help but mewl, you’ve missed him. You’ve missed those pretty, scarred lips that send your mind spiralling.
He gets on his knees, pulling your body to the edge of the bed and hooking your legs over his shoulders. He looks up at you with a dangerous glimmer in his jade green eyes, licking a stripe over your panty clad mound.
“Couldn’t keep me away, could ya?”
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© 2022 fuwushiguro
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nostxlgia18 · 3 years
Hi. If you accept request what about an angst fluff chris and reader that he fell in love at first sight marry her less than a year and really wants kids with her but finds out he can't have children. She is much younger and can have children but chris can't let her go but he feels he have to .(she didn't want that eighter)leads to happy ending please...
Stuck With U
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Pairing: Chris Evans × Wife! Reader
Summary: Chris finds out that he can't have kids and realizes that he has to let you go
Warning: Angstyy leads to fluff
Love this song!! 🤩
"Chris will never be able to have children of his own."
"Wha-what!" Chris said
"Apparently your sperms have low motility," the doctor explained. "Can we solve this?" Chris was baffled. "No, I'm sorry, there aren't any ways to change that," the doctor cut him off. He scraped his chair on the floor and exited the room before you could say anything else. 
"Babe?" you shouted out. 
"I'm going to --" you said, motioning to depart while giving the doctor a sad smile.
"Sure. Please accept my apologies Y/n! I would have offered anything to assist, but there isn't anything—"
"I understand; I'm gonna leave, Thank you," you said as you made your way to your husband's location. You discover him at the end of the corridor, hands on his hips.
"Huh! Let's go, y/n?" he stated without glancing at you. The ride back home was quiet, both of you processing what the doctor said.
As soon as you reached home, you made an effort to brighten the atmosphere "babe? What do you think about watching a movie while cuddling? ", Chris didn't respond to you, so you joined him on the couch.
"Chris? We'll work it out later, don't think about it?" You put your hand on his shoulder
When he didn't answer, you decided to give him some space and made your way to your room.
"I think we should get divorced."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "What?" you muttered as you turned to face him. He had now stood up and was staring right at you.
"Are you serious?" You gave a nervous chuckle. He simply looked at you and sighed deeply "Yes, I am. It's time for us to get divorced"
"WHY?" you exclaimed, your eyes welling up with tears.
"Didn't you hear? I can't have children!" he said, closing his eyes.
"So? Did I say I have a problem with that? ...No! Christopher, just because we don't have children doesn't imply your marriage or relationship is ended." You yelled a point.
He didn't respond to you once again.
"Tell me, am I in your life solely to have children?" Now that we are unable to produce children of our own, do you no longer love me?" tears streamed down your face, and you were a mess.
"No, no, no! I fucking love you so much, no matter what! "he admitted it as he drew nearer to you, his warm hands caressing your face.
"Then why are you so adamant about getting a divorce?" you murmured quietly.
"YOU CAN HAVE KIDS Y/N, I CAN'T! You are young and deserve to have children of your own, something I am unable to provide. I have to let you go, no matter how much I hate it. It's for your own good "his voice boomed.
"Chris, that doesn't matter to me. I vowed to always be there for you, no matter what. It's not the end of the world if we don't have children of our own. We are in the twenty-first century, and we have a plethora of choices. We can adopt Chris; there are millions of children yearning for a loving family like ours! As I already stated, don't worry about it; we'll sort it out." You mention hugging him tightly.
Chris nuzzled his cheek against your neck, relishing your intoxicating scent.
"I love you so much Bubba, you're stuck with me forever," you confess chuckling as you feel him line kisses to the crook of your neck.
Taglist: @shyconversationalbookworm @cevansrogerss @justreadingthatsit
Reblogs are appreciated 🌈
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nablah · 3 years
Happy Threshold Day
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learned some biology today
[ID: A series of tweets by Vagina Museum (@vagina_museum), posted January 28, 2022:
On 29th January 1996, "Threshold", the Star Trek: Voyager episode where Captain Janeway and Tom Paris turned into giant space newts and had babies first aired. In advance of #ThresholdDay we aim to answer a burning question: did Paris and Janeway fuck? If so, how did they fuck?
The first thing you need to know about amphibians is that they don't have genitals per se. As amphibians, Janeway and Paris had cloacas: a multipurpose hole for pee, poo and reproduction.
In attempting to answer the question as to whether Janeway and Paris fucked, and how they did it, we're going to mostly focus on salamanders, because the weird space amphibians they become are often described as "salamanders" and they look kinda like salamanders.
Salamanders are interesting because different species employ different strategies for fertilisation. Some use external fertilisation: Janeway plops her eggs out, Paris fertilises them. Some practice internal fertilisation, which we'll get onto later.
If Janeway and Paris engaged in external fertilisation, they would have undertaken a manoeuvre called amplexus. Tom Paris would have come up behind Captain Janeway and embraced her with his forelimbs. They would position their cloacas close together.
When Janeway released her eggs, Paris would have released sperm over them. Amplexus can last for hours. Essentially, Janeway and Paris went tantric.
However, most salamanders don't do this. Fertilisation would happen inside Janeway's body before she laid her eggs. This isn't achieved by penetration. It's much weirder.
If the fertilisation was internal, Tom Paris would have deposited a parcel of sperm called a spermatophore, and then Captain Janeway would pick the package up with the lips of her cloaca to take it into herself.
That sounds reasonably contact free, right? So why are Janeway and Paris so embarrassed about what happened at the end of the episode? Welp, there's a lot of courtship rituals which would have happened before Janeway picked up Paris's cum parcel with her pee-poo hole lips.
Salamanders court: it's in Tom Paris's interests to make sure Janeway chooses to pick up his package of sperm. Salamander courtship typically involves seduction and dancing.
Tom Paris would have wafted pheromones at Janeway, and then the two of them would have engaged in some dance moves, first with Paris turning round to deposit his sperm package, then Janeway turning to pick it up.
In some salamanders, the pheromone exchange is as simple as Tom Paris fanning his tail at Captain Janeway so she can get a whiff and get in the mood for collecting his sperm package. Sometimes it's a bit kinkier.
If they took a lead from Desmognathus, Paris would drag his teeth down Janeway's neck and back while releasing pheromones, getting his horny chemicals straight into her bloodstream.
If they took a lead from Plethodon shermani, Paris would slap Janeway's snout.
Ultimately, there would have been seduction, close contact dancing, tail straddling and possibly a bit of kink. So that's presumably why Janeway, Paris and pretty much the entire Voyager crew are absolutely mortified.
At the end of the episode, human again, Paris apologises for the salamander sex but Janeway points out that in many species, the female initiates the intercourse. This is the last it is ever spoke of again, but is it true?
In general, the way salamander sex is talked about, the male is doing everything he can to persuade the female to pick up his spermatophore. He's the active one and the female is passive. A 2020 literature review suggests this is not the case: the female is an active participant.
Ultimately, Janeway was probably quite right in admitting her responsibility in having salamander sex with her pilot, and that she *chose* to pick up his little parcel of jizz and have his space abomination babies.
Thank you for reading. We're sorry. /end]
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
OPM Manga Chapter 153(?) Review: Forfeit
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
We may talk about being super fans but all of us have to know our place and take a back seat to Murata. We may spend too much time and money on One-Punch Man, but who among us has allowed it to shape the very arc of their career? As the No. 1 OPM fan, his work with ONE hasn't just about beautifying, filling out and further exploring the world that the webcomic did, but also bringing through the key aspects that made the webcomic so compelling when appropriate.
There's plenty of both the old and the brand new on show this chapter. You'll need a cup of tea or some other beverage for this one. Much more under the cut!
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Something New
New to the manga is our burgeoning understanding of Bang, his relationship with Bomb and just why he's been so keen to save Garou at all cost.
This chapter we reach the apotheosis of conflict between master and erstwhile disciple. Beautifully shaded in dark and light, the two clash, Garou aggressively looking to land the most damaging blows and Bang looking to deflect it all to make the point his brother made to him all those decades ago.
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Even in the midst of battle, even as the cost of deflecting the terrifying blows Garou deals out mounts, we see Bang still looking to correct Garou's stance and style.
Things heat up even more as Garou unleashes the brothers' joint technique all by himself. The resulting shockwaves literally pulverise the debris around them. The slightest mistake would do the same to Bang's insides, but Bang is not backing down. If reaching his disciple means putting his life on the line, so be it!
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Finally, Bang lands one solid punch on Garou's face, cracking its covering even further. Alas, Garou landed a glancing blow on Bang. That glancing blow is sufficient to stop Bang, and he collapses, regretting that he only came close.
Is it close enough?
That's a question that needs an urgent answer because the commotion has attracted Vomited Fuhrer Ugly's attention and the monster arrives on scene just as Bang collapses into the dirt. With Bomb unable to come to his brother's aid owing to a badly broken leg and Garou reeling from the last punch he ate, it's not looking good for the old hero.
C'mon Garou! Get it together and save your master!
Something Old
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We cut to where we left off last chapter, with Zombieman holding onto Homeless Emperor. He has relaxed his death grip and is no longer straddling the man, but he's made it clear that this isn't out of the kindness of his heart; he has questions he wants answering. For his part, Homeless Emperor is regaining some of his cockiness as he's confident that whatever Black Sperm merges into is going to come rescue him.
Unbeknownst to anyone on the field, the manner of Orochi's death now means that 'God' no longer needs to peek and talk to the denizens of the world through His special boxes o' doom. Homeless Emperor watches with horror as, on the Moon, an impossibly huge apparition reaches a hand out of... NOTHING... and comes to stand on the Moon as if the satellite is a slightly oversized beachball.
And then, Homeless Emperor is in a space, a place full of flowers and hills and clouds all arranged and warped in an impossible perspective and he is being addressed by this Being. Only this time it's not a shadowy swirl in the dirt, but solid and crystal clear and yet indistinct at the same time. Just as it'd promised when it was just a voice in a box, everything that it'd given, it took back... with interest.
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We leave off with Zombieman perplexed at what he has just witnessed and wondering what Homeless Emperor meant by 'God'. He doesn't look up at the Moon, but even if he had, he would have gained nothing by it.
For the Moon is conspicuously empty and unperturbed. Creepy...
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Something Borrowed
I don't wonder at Bang wondering if it's Garou monsterising that's behind the young man's grasp of the dual technique. No man, Garou got it on his own. When you borrow, your lender can take it back.
Incidentally, in the composition and in the desperation of the fighters within each, I couldn't help noticing the parallel construction between Bang and Glasses when they abandoned defense to face Garou for a decisive show down:
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It's desperately sad to see Bang brought down by his disciple. It's made even sadder by his words: he wanted so badly to show his brother that he'd made good on the grace Bomb had extended him by paying it forward. And here he is stretched out on the dirt, not quite able to reach Garou, while his brother stretches out in vain over the dirt, not able to move well enough to reach Bang.
I'm really praying that Bang has done enough. If the next update doesn't bring Garou coming to his senses, marvelling at what he's done before stepping up to do right by the old men then we're about to witness a truly senseless tragedy in an arc already full of them.
Something Blue
Madame Shiwababwa didn't have the words for it, but I guess what she was trying to say about the Earth being in Trouble has finally come to view.
I am in awe about the systematic way that Murata and ONE have drawn linkages between the earliest part of the story and the situation we have now. Developing the Subterraneans from what had been a throwaway gag into fully-fledged beings who sit at the very nexus of what's going on has been brilliant.
It's done marvels for us in understanding the difference between transformed monsters, which are perversions of people and creatures, and natural monsters who do exist and share the Earth every inch as legitimately as human beings. Despite Dr Genus expounding on the taxonomy of Mysterious Beings, we readers haven't had to make the distinction between them as even natural monsters only show up when they're furious with human beings and intend to do some freestyle culling of their own.
The Subterraneans change that understanding. They've lived with people for centuries, if the richly layered architecture of their city is anything to go by. The fact that engineers were able to lay down an underground rail tunnel between Subterranean City towers and not have it disturbed by either its denizens or any of the enormous bugs that associate with it speaks of tolerance and co-existence that goes back a long way.
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Reinforcing that legitimacy is that the Subterraneans had spirituality, religion and a relationship with at least one God, a relationship whose terms are being honoured. Just as an ancient seer of theirs predicted, a time would come when their God would return in response to the right sacrifice being made. I hope the seer didn't foresee the circumstances in which the prediction would come to pass, what with their civilization destroyed, their people slaughtered, and their city turned into a wasteland full of the foulest most unnatural monsters.
Their demise was instigated by Psykos, who looked into the future and set in train a series of events that look to be bringing on the very trouble she was looking to avert to pass. Shitty human beings seem to keep on turning up as the source of all evil.
Anyway, God. Is. Back. And He is not going to be impressed. What could possibly stand against this being? But wait, what's this? Right under His feet? Is it not the giant crater left on the Moon by Saitama, the person who broke out of his allotted place in life? Well, I do believe it is!
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Even at a time when it looks hopeless, it looks like humanity has one unforeseeable trick up its sleeve.
I have no idea how this is all going to shake out but bring it on.
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baileysbooks · 3 years
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Station 19 05.11 - The Little Things You Do Together
Vic is having her abortion and Theo is committed to being with her throughout the process. The unexpectedly difficult experience gives them a chance to figure out where they stand. Travis answers a Crisis One call with a man whose wife left him and is forced to face some uncomfortable truths about his own relationships. While Carina and Maya try to find compromise on a sperm donor, Andy and Jack decide to help each other work on making better choices in love.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - One of the best episodes of Station 19 to date. A quiet moment was taken in this episode to allow characters to express their emotions, feel their feelings, and move their emotional arcs forwards. Also a poignant approach to an abortion story line and a lovely continuation of Diane's impact on this show. As Jack says "See, therapy works!"
This is not a show I typically watch week to week; rather, I'll often let 3 or 4 episodes pile up and watch them all at once. This episode, however, I knew I was going to watch pretty quickly (at least for me). I was very invested in Vic's abortion story line and I was very interested to see where this arc was going to take her, and Theo, and I was not disappointed. This episode was so heartfelt, quiet, and intimate. In a show where episodes sometimes move at a blazing pace and character beats can be left by the wayside for a few episodes, it's nice to be reminded that Station 19 really shines when it gives its characters the opportunity to sit down and just say what needs to be said.
Vic and Theo's story in this episode was easily one of my favorite stories in all of Station 19. Abortion story lines can be tricky, and I find they are always better when they allow a character to feel what feels natural to them. Vic has a line about how she never wanted the baby, but her body is grieving anyway, and that is such a perfectly in character response for Vic. She isn't questioning her choice, she isn't uncertain about what she's doing, but she feels and she feels deeply, and on a subconscious level, she cared about what she was about to do much more than she realized. Her snark and her tears and her desperate attempts to shove Theo away while really wanting him to be with her was wonderfully acted and beautifully portrayed, and a beautiful approach to how Vic would act in this situation. I loved watching her slowly accept that she hadn't shoved Theo away and that he really did want to be there, and I LOVED how the episode truly centered Vic and her feelings and her experience within this specific arc.
Theo also truly shined this episode. He remained sweet, respectful, and supportive while still demanding the space to experience this event that also impacted him, and it was a nice shift forward for him. Throughout Vic's grief over Miller, Theo has felt abandoned and pushed aside, and for him to stand up to her in this way, this gentle but firm way, was really something. He knows Vic, he knows how she is going to react to this, and he sits quietly, refuses to let her give him an out, and is with her every second of the process. I think this gave Theo a ton of character growth, helped to solidify his and Vic's relationship, and also just made me love him so. much. more. I mean... guys... he read so many books... he was so prepared... he sang so badly for her... I'm melting. A really beautiful depiction of a couple having an abortion and the way it brings out feelings and how it will impact them both, a lovely depiction of a man and his hands on approach to being there for her, and a lovely step forward for them as a couple. 10/10, honestly.
Andy and Jack was a fun dynamic to get back into! I've kind of been of the mind that they've cycled Andy through every man she could be with, so they're going to give her some time alone (hopefully!!!) and then either introduce a brand new love interest (open to it) or bring somebody back from her past (as long as it's not Sullivan, why not?). And let me just say, if it happens to be Jack... I wont be angry at it. They have such fun chemistry, the actors play off of each other beautifully, and I really love watching them together. No matter what direction this dynamic goes, I really hope we see them become close again, and continue to see them have solo scenes together. But... lets see how long they can keep up this whole Abstinence Buddies story line.
Warren's small arc was also really great this episode. I love Ben Warren, I think he's such a unique character, and I love that he had to kind of find his place in this episode. His belief that because he had checked off x number of therapy sessions, that was it, while still refusing to truly see the issues he was facing, was really well done. Interested to see how things progress now that he's been faced with a realization about what his actions meant for his team and seems to want to work on his issues. Also.. let that family keep Pru, I'm begging you.
Travis's arc has been frustrating for me. He was hooking up with Emmett, but he didn't want to be with him. Then they were a couple, and it was great, but now, he's falling out of love with him? I love Travis, him and Vic are my favorite two characters on the show, but I just wish this arc was... better? It feels repetitive, especially because it's with someone he had broken up with and gotten back together with in the past, and the show finds ways to constantly compare him to Michael as a way to remind us that this love isn't the same, and, so far, doesn't seem to live up. I'm hoping for Travis to truly decide what he wants for himself and then take it. Poor Emmett though!
Maya and Carina was also a nice touch this episode. Another emotional beat that was given a little space to breath, which I think was needed. This arc in a dramatic, faster episode would have landed very differently. Even with a much smaller arc, I loved that Maya was clearly upset about something and nobody else seemed to actually grasp what it was she was upset about. They kept trying to insinuate she wanted to carry or be the egg donor, even when she had repeatedly said that wasn't it, and I love that Maya always stands her ground. Even if she can't quiet find a way to express what she wants at a given moment, she always stands her ground, and it's part of what makes her such an interesting character. I love the compromise at the end, and I'm interested to see who they chose!! And, of course, they're a couple that I feel like would normally bug me but instead they manage to be effortless and so full of charm and such lightness, I can't help but love them.
In all honesty, I have no idea what happened with Sullivan... I don't care about him or Beckett, so this pair up, while an interesting step for Sullivan to try to help another addict, in his own sobriety journey... I'm just not interested.
All in all, easily one of my top 5 episodes of this show. I was thoroughly impressed with the portrayal of a solidification of a love story through an abortion story line. It was a pretty unique take on an abortion arc, but it was so beautifully done, and it gave so much respect to the truth about abortion, from the mental to the physical to the emotional, while still feeling honest and true to the characters. Theo x Vic 5ever you guys. Interested to see where the arcs go from here, for everyone, and I thoroughly loved this quiet, intimate episode that showed love in so many forms, in so many stages, and made no apologies about showing characters in their rawest forms.
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Trust - Yvette Short Story
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(a continuation of Empathy)
"The largest cell in the human body is the female egg while the smallest is the male sperm. Now, I..."
I sigh boredly, my ears automatically tuning out the professor's blabbering. I have decided to return back to medical school after the whole assassin versus demon thing. It was an interesting experience to go through and a definite wake-up call for me. Seeing Wrath and her troupe protecting people from demons reminded me of the reason why I had joined medical school; which is to save lives.
Oh please MC, the last push to go back is because of Yvette's interest in biology too.
Speaking of her, it has been more than two weeks since that fight between Wrath and her happened. Things eventually go back to the way they used to be; with no more demons to chase after me, no more powerful assassins to protect my weak ass; no more chaos. I should be happy that I don't have to live in fear anymore.
But somehow, that feeling just never comes.
Instead, I'm stuck with a longingness in my chest, for a certain green-haired girl that has probably forgotten about me. Her gorgeous features ingrained in my memory, there is never a time when her face doesn't pop up in my head.
I doubt Yvette's gonna bother you anymore after getting what she wants. You can go back to your normal life now. Wrath's previous words sink in my head, and I release another breath of defeat.
"You okay?" Serena, my classmate, asks. "You've sighed like fifty times today."
I sigh again. "I'm just...tired. The class is so dry."
"I know, but what do you expect from studying in a medical school?" Serena offers an apologetic smile. "Just hang on for a few more hours."
"Ugh, I can't wait to graduate."
"Feeling's mutual."
When the bell rings to signal the end of school, I mutter a quiet 'yes' before packing my stuff into my bag. Saying a quick 'bye' to Serena, I head back to my dorm.
Being in medical school means there's a need to understand rich content from a heap of thick textbooks, so I'm required to lock myself up in my room and revise daily. Tedious, but it will be worth it in the end.
As I inch closer to my dormitory, a dark trail of green catches my attention. Out of curiosity, I follow the path.
It leads me through a narrow and dimmed alley, taking me further and further away from the sunlit pavement. I take a right turn, stopping in my tracks when I reach a dead end. The strange trail discontinues too, with no other traces in sight.
I decide to examine the green goo, racking my brain for answers as to what has caused this. A faint memory resurfaces, causing the blood in my veins to run cold.
Could it be...?
My stomach churns sickly at the first thought that comes to my mind.
Demon's blood.
"But how?" I mumble to myself, so deep in consideration that I don't realise that I'm not alone anymore.
Heavy footsteps can be heard behind me, and I turn to be met with two strangers. They block the only pathway, leaving no available space to escape.
"Uh, can I help the both of you?" I ask, apparently talking to the walls since they refuse to reply.
A smile spread across their faces; too wide for me to feel comfortable in their presence.
They start to approach me.
"Stop right there!"
They do as I say, still wearing that abnormally large smile. Their eyelids begin to stretch out, revealing huge eyeballs that threaten to pop out. Thin, green veins emerge into sight, spreading far and wide on every inch of skin. Saliva dripping down their mouths, they let out a loud, aggressive growl.
Ah shit, here we go again.
I yell for help when one of them dashes towards me, shoving me hard. Tumbling backwards, my head hits the wall.
Pain penetrates my head like a bullet; darkness engulfs my vision.
I wake up to the feeling of a soft mattress underneath me. Lifting my hand to my forehead, I feel the material of gauze bandage.
Wha-what happened? Where am I?
"I told you to bring her here, not break her fucking head!" a female voice booms, the familiarity of it igniting every muscle in me.
It's her.
My body snaps up, the quick motion causing a spike of pain to pierce through my head. I gasp, my hand instinctively flying to the back of my head.
The mattress sinks as two warm, gloved hands hold my shoulders to guide me back to the bed. "You need to rest MC."
Obliging, my head rests on the soft pillow again. The tension between my brows leaves and I slowly open my eyes. Air leaves my lungs as my vision clears.
It's none other than the girl that has been running through my mind for the past two weeks.
Seeing her in real life sure relieves the yearning feeling in my heart, and the pain in my head slowly dissipates. I don't hold back a wide grin.
"I...thought I'd never see you again," I speak, a little out of breath.
She smiles endearingly, shrugging. "I thought so too. But here we are."
I stay silent, taking the moment to admire the view before me. The girl's healing from her encounter with Wrath, which is a good sign. A cut on her lip and a square bandage on the right side of her head are still visible, but other than that, Yvette is beautiful as ever.
A cough breaks me out of my trance, and the green-haired girl's not looking at me anymore. A hint of pink colours her tanned cheeks.
Oh my god, she's so cute. Wait, stop it MC, you're making things awkward!
"Sorry, um, It's great that you're healing well."
"Yeah. Now it's your turn." Yvette offers a sympathetic smile. "Sorry about your head. I couldn't contact you or find you at the bike shop. So I sent them to search for you."
"Well, my phone broke after the whole incident, and I've decided to go back to medical school," I explain, sputtering the next sentence unintentionally. "I thought you wouldn't need me after you got the charm."
Yvette blinks at me. "You'd think so lowly of me?"
"No! As in...I thought you would forget about me eventually."
"I would never. Especially when you've helped me immensely."
It's my turn to blink blankly. "I didn't do much though. I was like a damsel in distress."
Yvette strokes my hair out of the way, offering a lingering look that makes my heart do somersaults. "You defended me when no one else would."
"I had to! You looked close to death when you were on the gr-"
"You helped drag the time while I was catching my breath!" the girl defends her ego, in which I roll my eyes amusedly.
"Sure Yvette, whatever you say."
She lets out a laugh, one that sounds so melodic and lovely that it makes the temperature in the room warmer. It is surely a tune that I would love to hear everyday.
"Do you want anything? Water or some snacks?"
"A glass of water sounds nice."
Yvette turns her attention to the regretful-looking demon who pushed me previously. "You heard her. Get me a glass of water. Now."
The demon straightens his posture and nods his head, quickly leaving the room.
"Do demons actually have feelings?"
"Of course. Remember? I'm a demon too," Yvette reminds, a sad smile settling on her face.
Way to go MC. You just made your crush sad.
"Right, I should just keep my mouth shut. Or you could just throw me out now."
A teasing smile returns on Yvette. "I could never get rid of a cutie like you," she teases, pinching my cheek lightly.
I fluster.
"Wa-err," the demon utters, his quiet entrance startling me.
Indifferent, Yvette takes the glass and shoos him. She then aids me in sitting up as I drink my water. The domestic gesture warms my heart.
She's not that horrible person Wrath have described to me. In fact, Yvette's caring nature reminds me of a kind doctor who takes care of her patients dutifully.
"Thanks doc," I playfully comment. "I could get used to this."
"Taking advantage are we?"
I smile innocently. "Just a little."
The woman reciprocates the smile and puts away the glass once I'm done. I shift myself so that I can lean on the bedframe, and Yvette does the same as well, our shoulders brushing against each other.
"How's school so far?"
I update Yvette on the modules I'm currently taking and the upcoming tests I have, not failing to mention that much memory power is needed to survive medical school.
"If you like, I can tutor you," the girl offers.
"Really? That'll help a lot."
I hand my new phone to Yvette for her to enter her number. This reminds me of the first time I successfully asked a girl for her number; the experience both nerve-racking and exhilarating.
We then move on to more serious topics; of the reason why she needed my charm.
"That...I can't tell you. I've agreed to keep this deal with the demons strictly confidential," Yvette explains with a frown. "But I can assure you that your charm will help me greatly."
Hopefully my charm isn't some key to demon domination, or the troupe will come for my head. But Yvette said that it will benefit her, so maybe...it will get rid of the demon essence in her?
Yvette's deepening frown brings me back to reality. Her eyes are studying me, wary of any change of emotions. "Look MC, I'd love to give you an explanation, but-"
"I understand," I cut off the girl, offering a reassuring smile and daring to hold her gloved hand. "I trust you."
Silence fills the air. The girl gazes at me, her eyes a mixture of wonder and vulnerability.
At times like these, where the girl is just silent, I wish I could know what she's thinking about. What she thinks of me. Her impression of me.
"You do?" she asks, tone full of uncertainty.
I ponder.
Do I? Yvette's an intelligent person, and I trust that everything she does, is for a logical reason.
The only concern I have is the intensity of it; of how easily I let myself to trust someone I don't know well; someone with intentions that I have no clue about. It might be to my demise, or benefit; whichever rules out the other.
Returning the gaze, I see myself in Yvette's emerald eyes. The sight of white bandage around my head reminds me that the girl has been nothing but kind to me.
...I'll take my chances.
"I do."
Yvette releases a breath, as if she has been holding it for a while. She interlocks our fingers together, sparking a connection between us. A smile tugs on her lips and her eyes are bright with gratitude and hope.
"I'll make sure that it won't die down."
We spend the rest of the day bantering happily.
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