#lovestruck imagines
evilkaeya · 7 months
Do you guys ever think about how Dazai physically can't stop himself from caressing Chuuya's cheeks post corruption. How he takes time to hold Chuuya's face in his hands every damn time like he can't bear to walk away without inspecting Chuuya up close at least once. Even after the Lovecraft fight he wiped blood off Chuuya's cheeks like bro is nothing if not down bad. He's addicted to holding Chuuya's face and I respect him for it.
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syraxnyra · 1 year
Imagine Sanji looking at you like this:
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
The Only One I Want
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Part 1
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina knew she was pretty. She knew she had a chance with everyone, however, she was forever against any romantic relationships ever since she became an idol. Why would she want anyone when all they ever do is love her for her fame and looks? She knew she could never find anyone perfect for her, so she gave up on romance... until she met you
Word Count- 2.8k
Warnings- Mention of men 
Week after week Karina was cursed with yet another blind date set up by her company. She would urgently burst into her managers room, promptly falling down onto her knees, hands speedily racing against each other as if she was bound to make a fire, begging to go at least a month without any blind dates. 
To her dismay, however, not surprise, her manager would always shake her head firmly. “We need you to do this for us Karina. Do you have any idea how much attention would follow us if Yu Jimin was to find the perfect man?” She would say, and all Karina could do was sigh, walking out of the room with her head hung to her feet. 
It was another day in which her company had set up a date once again, this time, they informed her it would be at one of Seoul’s most popular art museums, where she would be meeting the man in about an hour from now. 
Karina couldn’t help but dread the upcoming event, knowing that her members got to stay back at the company and practice whatever they wished with their dance instructor, as there was no schedule for them this day. 
Karina wished she could be apart of that. She wished she could be in the dance practice room, and she reminisced with the feeling of laughter and sweat filling the air of the unreasonably hot place. It was all she wanted... to spend time with her members doing stupid “idol shit" on her days off. 
Yes, she was an idol, not a dating show contestant. Why couldn’t her company see this? 
And on top of everything, she had never been fond of dating, as every possible boy she’s met was only ever after her looks, or how much money was in her pockets. “Why don’t I take you home tonight”, she heard almost constantly after every date. It was upsetting to say the least, and as a result, Karina turned down any possible instance in which a boy could waltz their way into her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted her members. She wanted to be on stage. She wanted to be in the studio. 
Instead, Karina found herself in the back of her managers car, mask almost suffocating her face as her hat floated just above her line of vision. Although she went on many dates, she was always forced to cover her identity, as her manager elucidated how bad it would be if the public was to see their sweetheart being accompanied by a new man every week. They wanted her to find the right one, then she could freely express herself to the public (though she knew it would never happen). 
“We’ve almost arrived, make sure you put your glasses on before you step out.” Her manger expressed from the passenger seat, where she responded with a small nod. If her mask was clipped on any tighter, she swore her manger would be able to see her frown seeping through. 
Only a minute later, the car pulled to a stop, just beside an almost identical car in the parking lot. Karina stepped out, her glasses now shielding her eyes as the door to the adjacent car rolled open just in front of her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Jimin”, a voice could be heard in front of her. 
Karina raised her head, gaze connecting with the man in front of her. 
Lee Jae Wook, I never thought I would meet him, Karina thought to herself.
Despite the immense amount of meetings her company would assemble, they never would tell Karina which man she would be seeing, and she hated it. 
She remembers the time when she had shown up at an excessively fancy restaurant, only to be met with Mark Tuan seated comfortably in the chair ahead of her. Or when Kris Wu sat adequately on the most ugly patterned blanket, with a messy endeavor of a picnic by its side, bottles of alcohol spilling onto the grass, Kris’s attempt at getting Karina drunk and taking her home... god what a terrible date that was. 
“Call me Karina”, she said, ignoring the evident hand reaching out, awaiting to be shaken. Karina didn’t like when anyone other then her members, or family, was to call her by her birth name. She believed that only those who knew her personally were given the ability to call her by something so precious, not some random actor practically drooling as he soaked in her presence. 
“Yes of course, my apologies”, Jae Wook nodded and extended his arm for the girl to take, and if it wasn’t for Karina’s manager lightly pushing her into the man, she would have smacked his arm down instantly. 
With that, the two began into the museum, her arm loosely wrapped around his, and Jae Wook’s excessive amount of cologne being the only thing Karina could smell. 
God this is terrible. I need to get home.
“Welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you two joining us today!” An abnormally tall woman greeted them at the entrance. “Call me Ha-Eun! I’ll be your tour guide for today’s visit”, Karina shook her hand with a fake smile plastered onto her face. 
“Thank you”, Karina expressed, and followed the woman as she took them through security and into the main hall of the museum. The place was exceptionally beautiful, and Karina was sure that if she were to be accompanied by her members instead of this man, her experience would be one to remember. 
But she wasn’t. She was stuck clinging onto the man as they followed the tour guide into the first exhibit, knowingly peering at him as his eyes were trained on the woman’s ass while she walked ahead of them. 
In all honestly, Karina couldn’t care less. She could turn the corner and see Jae Wook kissing another woman and she wouldn’t even bat an eye. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t bother her. Nevertheless, she knew that was impossible, because as soon as Karina thought he would leave her alone and take in his surroundings instead, he intertwined his fingers with her, and as she tried to pull away, he gave her hand a tug, almost as if he was warning her to not even try. 
To say Karina was uncomfortable was an understatement. The two of them followed the tour guide throughout the museum, and all Karina could think about was how sweaty and nasty the man’s hand felt in the grasp of hers. 
It has been a half an hour since they began to look around, and as they were stopped in front of a beautiful piece Karina couldn’t help but admire, Jae Wook spoke up. 
“I need to use the bathroom, would you mind staying here?” He directs his attention towards Karina. 
God yes. I'd be more than happy to. Please leave and never come back, Karina thought. 
The tour guide stepped in front of Jae Wook before he could make his way out. 
“I can show you the way! There isn’t one very close to here, it’s a bit of a walk.” She happily spoke, eyes almost unseen as a result of her never-resting smile. It must be tiring having that job, Karina thought, with having to keep a smile on your face without the slightest falter, even in the case of an inconvenience. She could never do that. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it”, Jae Wook spoke formally. “I’ll be right back”, he spoke once more, leaning down and planting a dry kiss atop of Karina’s forehead, and she almost gagged. 
The two made their way to the nearest bathroom, and there Karina stood, still at the fore of the painting. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, it was truly beautiful. The way the colors complimented each line, as though the picture could truly come to live. It was remarkable. 
Being lost in her own thoughts, Karina failed to notice the woman that walked towards her and stood just about three feet away. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t.”
Karina’s ears chirped at the sound of the feminine voice, and she turned her head to glare at whoever had made the comment, however she was immediately met with the side profile of what seemed to be an angel. 
Karina had never seen anyone so captivating. The way your gaze was held beautifully on the artwork, where the piece couldn’t even compare to how prepossessing your visuals were. It was like she was at a loss of air, and she had never felt this feeling before. Karina has never been so lost for words, as it was usually the other way around, where the man was to look at Karina like they had never seen anyone as stunning as her.
Now, eyes still trained on your profile, she can understand how these men felt when they claimed to be awestruck. 
“...y- yeah”, Karina was still in a trance, making it hard for her to complete a full sentence. 
“I always come back to this piece whenever I visit, its magnificent”, you glanced over to her, and before you could meet her gaze, her eyes flashed back to the wall in an instant. 
“Um...”, she needed to keep talking to you, so she tried to start up a conversation, where she again was never the one to do so. 
“How often do you come here?” Karina asked, this time her eyes on you, and when you turned around to respond, her cheeks began to match the color of your beautifully pink lips. 
How could someone be so engaging? 
“Usually once a month, its like my happy place”, you allow a small chuckle to escape past your lips, as does Karina. 
“That’s really cool”, Karina smiles, her voice wavering as she tried to keep calm, and she continued.
“Do you have any other works that you like?”
Karina watched as your eyes scanned the wall full of beautiful artwork, deciding if there was another that met up to the standard of the one you stood ahead of, however you shake your head. 
“I love them all, but this one is my favorite”, you smile and Karina could practically hear her heart skip a beat. 
Karina has never felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach until now. She has never been so captivated by someone’s presence until now. She has never wanted to hold a conversation with a stranger until now. You made her want to do everything at this very moment. Karina wanted to grab your hand and walk you outside just to continue to talk about your love for art. She could listen to you all day.
Could a woman feel this way for a woman? Karina never thought of woman in that type of sense, as she was only ever set up with men her entire live, so it was inevitable that her heart was trained to find attraction towards the gender. Maybe meeting you thirty seconds ago was a sign that her heart could possibly open up to someone. And not just anyone... a woman. 
“Want to know why I like this painting so much?” You asked, and began to move a bit closer to her body, still keeping a comfortable distance. 
Come closer, Karina thought. 
You smiled and leaned in, "because I made it”, you uttered faintly. 
And there it was. The exact moment that Karina determined she could truly find romance in somebody. Nobody had ever made Karina feel such a thing, and she thought she might as well die alone, since nobody had ever held her attention. But she was wrong. Here you were, in the flesh, completely ripping the heart of Yu Jimin out of her entire body, unbeknownst to you. 
“Are you serious?” That was all Karina could muster out, otherwise she might as well shout to the world that she found the one for her. 
“Yeah. It was accepted into the gallery about six months ago. Cool right?” 
God you had no idea how many butterflies were roaming the district of Karina insides. 
“Y- yeah... that’s amazing”, she smiled and went on. “What’s your name?” 
You gave her a warm-hearted smile and pointed over to the painting, where Karina was now faced with sign just bellow the piece. 
Y/n Yl/n
How beautiful, was as Karina could think. 
“How about you? What’s your name?” 
It was natural that you didn’t recognize the woman, as she was dressed in the least revealing clothes there ever was to be, a mask on her face accompanied by the hat she had on in the car, and lastly a pair of circular glasses. She didn’t expect you to know who she was with such a disguise, but she hoped you were to realize once she took her mask and glasses off. 
Maybe if Karina showed you who she really was, you would end up being a huge fan, and immediately want to continue talking to her. Nobody could ever pass up on the chance of becoming close with an idol, so it should be the same regarding you, right? 
Karina allowed her thoughts to race ahead of herself, and she pulled her mask down, her glasses following. 
She saw when it clicked in your mind, that you were being faced with the Karina of Aespa, one of the most famous fourth generation idols there is to be. She felt pride, and for the first time, she was happy someone was to recognize who she was. 
Nonetheless, exactly opposite of what Karina had thought would happen, your lips turned upwards into a fair smile, and you nodded your deliberately. 
“Ah”, you stated, “Yu Jimin. I’ve seen your face all over.” 
Is that it? Is that all you had to say? You’re not going to ask for a picture? Or even bow? Karina was beyond confused, she had never met anyone who would react with such ease.
In addition, Karina noticed that her brain, usually trained to correct anyone that was to call her by her birth name, refused to tell you the name in which she preferred for others to call her. In fact, she found herself preferring you to call her Jimin apposed to Karina. You were already special enough to her.   
“So you know who I am?” Karina spoke. 
“Doesn’t everybody?” You laughed. “You are even more beautiful in person, it’s surprising.” 
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Karina couldn’t help but bring her mask back up to her face. She couldn’t let you see how flustered you made her. It was dehumanizing. 
“Oh... thank you.” She looked anywhere but to you. “You’re beautiful as well.” 
You chuckled and looked down just as she did, and if anyone was to take a look over at your interaction, it’s possible they would think the two of you were to not even be associating with each other. 
But, before you could thank the girl, your eyes glanced over at a man who was making his way towards Karina, and you recognized him to be the one you had seen her with preceding your approach. 
“I think it’s time for me to go now, I believe your boyfriend is here for you.” 
Karina’s eyebrows furrowed, her lips frowning at the thought of you leaving so soon, but she turned around to see what you had been referring to, and was met with Jae Wook and the tour guide side by side, making their way towards her.
“No! He’s not my b-” Karina turned around to reassure you, however, her breath hitched, eyes almost even watering as she found that you were instantly gone. 
She felt like a child that had lost their parents at a crowded event, searching aimlessly throughout the area, double... triple looking around to see where you might have gone. But it was too late. 
Jae Wook had then came up by her side and took her hand, and Karina couldn’t even protest, she was too upset. Her mind was somewhere else at the moment. 
She followed Jae Wook, eyes trained on the wooden floor as she thought of you. 
She thought about how heavenly your voice was, like music played softly in her ears, and how magnificent your side profile was to look at. She could stare at it all day if she could. She needed to see your face again. She needed to find you. 
You were the one for her, she determined it. And she will not leave this museum unless it was hand and hand with you 
Hi everyone!! I’m backkk!!! I’m not sure exactly how many parts this will have, but I’ll just keep going until I feel the story is complete haha. Stay tuned for part two my loves!! 💕💕
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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p — PARK SUNGHOON x gn! reader. g — fluff, lovestruck! sunghoon just being Very In Love. w — kissing. 403 words.
note — i have So Much feelings for this man and i just had to let it out somehow or else i'd die. hope u enjoy.
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sunghoon, who has only ever daydreamed of holding you in his arms, feels dizzy when the citrus of your perfume hits his senses and the intoxication of your skin against his leaves his head in a blur and heart beat in a frenzy. he feels clouds over his head. he thinks he’s still dreaming.
“you look silly.”
but he’s not. it’s made apparent that you’re very real when your soft giggles hisses fireworks into his ears, when the warmth from your palms seep into his cheeks in tangerine shades, overripe from the love and adoration that swells in his chest every time he looks at you, at your eyes— what more when you’re making his midsummer daydreams come true? one word from you, and he’d melt himself into oblivion.
“is...is this okay?” he asks as if he’s committing a crime, as if holding his lover (he still isn’t used to calling you that) in his arms is a blasphemous act of treason. it’s evident in the nervous tremors of his knuckles on your hips as you’re sitting cross legged on his lap, smiling so sweetly.  it’s evident in his shaky breaths and the quiver of his throat. it’s evident when his grip suddenly becomes tighter.
the heavens should punish him for being blessed with the sight of an angel’s smile.
“it’s okay,” you hum and press a quiet kiss on jaw. he could die in your arms right now and be reborn in the earth’s soil all in the same breath just so you can slaughter him over and over again— with your warmth, with your embrace, with clementine kisses you’re peppering on his face, spritzing douses of saccharine pulses onto his cheeks. “tell me what you want. i’ll make your dreams come true, sunghoon.”
you already have, but he can’t say that out loud. he’s been granted the privilege of the dream that is you. 
“kiss me more.”
yet sunghoon surprises himself with his own greed. the sweetness of your lips all over his fevered skin must have lulled him to the senseless temptation of wanting to taste them with his own. but you’re so kind, so obliging to entertain his treacherous greed, and within a second’s notice, the electric citrus of your mouth on his bursts like a million pulps of tart and honey, and sunghoon is breathless, helpless, and smitten with the sound, sight, scent, and taste of you.
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CITRUS IN THE MORNING. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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bastart13 · 3 months
The generals reincarnate into better people like the Witch Queen and teleport back to the fantasy world. How do you see it going?
Pfft oh my god, that's a wild image
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Ralph voice: "Ha ha, I'm in danger..."
Oof they would not have a fun time. Even less power and authority than the Witch Queen and they're not seducing their way out of the dungeon like MC
Lennox and Jinhai would have fun grappling with suddenly being a new species. Jinhai would be half-dissociating, half-accepting of the new ears and hair. Lennox would be openly freaking out that he's sparkling and his irises have gone. Magnus, on the other hand, has to deal with being isekaied as a middle aged man
Jinhai would... probably have the easiest time? He made enemies, but he doesn't have to manage a cult or armies and he's not known for his deception. Probably still not the most tactful, but maybe some brutal honesty will get it across that he has no idea what the fuck is going on, why is he an elf??? His story would probably be learning to commune with his animals and repair their relationship to nature while helping Reiner's retainers
Lennox's cult is the big issue. They'd probably find him wherever he ends up, forcing him to act as their leader without a clue to what he's doing. He'd be lucky if Saerys doesn't kill him on the spot, and every attempt to smooth over misunderstandings with charisma would be seen as him manipulating his enemies. Once things cool down though, he'd probably have fun learning to fly and using magic
Magnus... Magnus, buddy... He'd be lucky to get out of the dungeon without being executed. Magnus is known to lie, cheat, and take advantage of any opportunity, no matter how immoral. It would not be out of character for him to trick Reiner and his only saving grace would be his pride and desperation to get back to the normal world. I think he'd have to find a way to disband or redirect his army against the Witch Queen to earn any kind of trust
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
How many AUs have you made? Any and all fandoms, if you had to count them. And also, what was the first AU you ever made?
If I went down the list of AUs for EVERY fandom I have ever been in it's going to turn into this:
I have WAY too many, I have ADHD, and if I invent an au for one fandom it's been reused in EVERY fandom I've been in....
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latinfeline · 2 months
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merakiui · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot how Jade would become fascinated by the human body. His darling can just be minding their business (or napping :0) and he takes their hand and studies it intently. Humans are so weird and so… interesting?? Soft noncon with Jade orz ^^
Also your tags on pregnancy with Floyd oml — imagine being his assistant as he’s a crime lord who has been with him through thick and thin. You’re essentially a glorified secretary and maid for him but the pay and security is good so you can’t complain too much. Being with him for years has allowed him to develop an unhealthy obsession with you. Even more so when he starts viewing your body as something enticing. And he’s a greedy, spoiled eel who always gets what he wants :)))
:0 omg Little Mermaid concept where you’re caught in a terrible storm and Jade saves you and brings you to shore, but you’re just such an interesting sight. He’s never seen a human this closely before (at least a human who’s alive and breathing and isn’t decaying deep within the sea…), so naturally he’s overwhelmed with curiosity. Your hands are so small and soft, and they don’t have any webbing or claws! Your teeth are far more blunt than his sharpened, needle-pointed ones.
And of course the strangest part of all is your legs. He pokes and prods at them while you’re unconscious, his head tilted the entire time he tries to work out what these things are used for. Your feet don’t seem as strong as his tail fin, but then maybe they aren’t used for swimming? Maybe, since you’re a terrestrial creature, it’s for walking. That sounds reasonable! He couldn’t ever imagine walking himself! That feels impossible, but if he ever got the chance he’d try with sheer determination. >:) in the end, Jade’s so curious he ends up sticking a few fingers in your hole, spreading it wide to look inside. Curiosity is a nasty vise, but the way you squeeze his cock when he pushes in so gently is even tighter. He’s gone before you can wake up, hiding amongst rock formations, invigorated with a feeling he’s never felt before. He’s fallen in love.
And crime boss Floyd with his cute, powerless assistant!!!! He adores you, even if you’re so focused on finishing your work as quickly as possible so he won’t find fault and get upset with you. But Floyd could never be angry at his favorite secretary. He loves teasing you. After you’ve cleaned up the blood from a previous…disagreement he’s had, he makes you service him. Give him a kiss or give him head. >:) your technique may be sloppy or inexperienced, but Floyd loves it. He’ll give Shrimpy lots of praise and compliments—and the occasional teasing, degrading remark—but he means well. And since you’re so obedient for him, bound to him via a contract Floyd could care less about, you’ll spread your legs like a good secretary and let him cum inside, right? You’ll come to his room every night so he can fuck you until you’re finally pregnant, right? You don’t have much say either way, and if a loaded gun or a knife is pointed at you… Obviously the only answer is to listen to what he tells you. <3
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crowbury · 1 month
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This girl just can't seem to catch a break.
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stuckinapril · 9 months
genuinely so excited for when i have at least 5 poems memorized. like an actual childlike giddiness????? the last time i felt this i was like 5
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lieutenantselnia · 4 months
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Just a romantic moment with some lazy relaxing cuddles💞💞
There's a lot going on for me at university right now so I don't have a lot of time for drawing, but I needed something chill and comforting in between my semester project and my thesis🥲 The last time I've drawn some proper romantic self ship art of Selina and Heinz was for our anniversary in January(!), so a new one was long overdue. I haven't drawn them together in their cartoon looks in forever (mainly because I wasn't happy with Selina's old design), but I'm actually so happy with how this came out😭 It actually felt so good to draw something more simple again, although trying new drawing techniques can be funny, sometimes all you need is cel-shading and single colour background😌
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
Finding You
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Part 2
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina does wonders in order to find the girl who has made her heart flutter for the first ever time
Part 2 to The Only One I Want
Word count- 2.7k i think
Warnings- Honestly nothing just Karina being lovesick
It was unfortunate, to say the least. 
Unlike Karina’s wishes of walking out of the museum hand and hand with you, the girl she had recently labeled as the first ever person she romantically fell for, she ended up in the grasp of her fake date instead. 
It was a terrible date, aside from meeting you, because before she met you, she had only been looking to go home and see her members once again, and after meeting you, she had only been looking for your figure.
You were haunting her.
While Karina walked throughout the museum, she pictured every person in her line of vision to have the same outfit and hair as you, and when she made eye contact, she swore she could see your eyes, half closed in a cheesy smile that she could die on the spot by just looking at it. 
She hunted for you, thinking it as a mission, in which if she did not find you by the end of the date, then she would fail and be eliminated from whatever imaginary scheme she created in her conceptual mind. 
But, she failed, because now she was back at her dorm, slumped on the couch as her members surrounded her, a response to Karina's sudden emergency meeting called abruptly as soon as she got back. 
“Ok so... how do you expect to find her?” Karina’s fellow member, Aeri, questioned to her. 
Karina had told everyone about the meeting the two of you had, and how it completely changed her perception of romance. She described the feeling of butterflies roaming her stomach, and how her heart sank to her feet each time your voice made an appearance. 
The members were utterly surprised, as they did not expect their leader to find somebody so promising so quickly, especially since they knew her feelings regarding her love life, and on top of that, the person she was head over heels for was a girl. It was definitely not what the members expected, but they were happy for her in the end. 
“I don’t know!” Karina shouted wistfully, evidently upset at the lack of knowledge she had as a response to the question. 
“I know her name, and I already tried looking it up on Instagram but I couldn’t find anything. I even downloaded Tiktok to see if she was on it but I found nothing.” 
If it was even possible, Karina sunk lower into the couch she sat atop, her hand gripping the sides of her head as she sighed in annoyance. 
“Well you said that she said she goes to the museum at least once a month, maybe you could go a couple times starting next mo-”
“I can’t wait that long! I need to see her as soon as possible!” Karina exclaimed, cutting another one of her friends, Winter, off as she stood up precipitously. 
“Well that is going to be hard Jimin”, another member, Ningning, informed the leader. “She’s not going to just pop up out of nowhere. You need to find her yourself.” 
Karina knew this was true. She knew that she couldn’t just rub her hands together and pray that God would bring you to her as soon as she was to step out of the company building. She had to find you herself.
“So what do you guys suggest I do?”  
At that, the three other members stopped to think over their leader’s questions, attempting to come up with a plan that would ultimately bring you to her, but all their minds went blank. That is until Winter spoke up. 
“Why don’t you go back to the museum and talk to a staff member about her. They probably have some type of background on her since her art is displayed there, don’t you think?” 
Winter couldn’t resist the smile when she realized that this idea was actually a good one, seeing that her three friends turned their heads to her immediately, an aghast expression painted across their faces as a result of the one good idea Winter was to come up with in the past three years. 
Winter was never the one to speak out her ideas, as she wasn’t very good with them, but this time, she was prideful, because when Aeri tackled her onto the floor and shouted how great of an idea it was, Winter could tell the others thought so as well. 
“Winter I’m proud of you, but very surprised nobody else thought of that”, Ninging chuckled. 
“It is a good idea, and exactly what I am going to do!” 
Karina fell asleep that night with her heart beating out of her chest, her anticipation eating her insides up as she imagined another meeting with you. 
Karina thought about how pretty you would look for the second time, and how perfect your smile was going to be when she finally saw it again. Her mind wandered with all the possibilities in which your second interaction could lead too. The girl thought about how life would be with you accompanying her right arm as you both walked through the doors into yet another art museum, because she knew you loved them so much. 
The leader only ended up getting a few hours of rest, and once the light of the sun began to seep through the confines of her dorm room, she instantly bounced out of her bed, antithetical to her members as they groaned to her newfound liveliness in the morning. 
Karina was never a morning person, but thinking of meeting you once again was exactly what woke her right up, no hesitation as she ripped the blankets off of her body and quickly dressed in comfy clothing. 
She had a schedule later on with her group members, with a few meetings to accompany their vocal training today, so it was crucial that she went first thing in the morning to the museum as soon as it opened, giving her enough time to race back to her company building. 
Karina called up one of her drivers to bring her back to the previous destination he had taken her to yesterday, and once he finally got here in the most agonizingly slow manner (he was going as fast as he could, but to Karina, no time can be wasted), Karina suddenly threw her body into the back seat, informing her driver to drive as fast as he could.
It hadn’t taken long for them to get there, the consequence of her driver speeding through yellow lights and going twenty miles over the required limit. Nevertheless, to Karina it was as if the ride was a twelve hour flight from Korea to the states. 
“Perfect just park right here please”, Karina ordered her driver, the leader’s hands glued to her seatbelt, ready at any moment to press down and free herself. Once the car finally came to a stop, the girl raced to open the door, stumbling onto her feet as she swiftly made her way inside. 
She searched for a worker that was close by, noticing the lack of them, until she finally found a middle-aged man wearing the same suit she had recognized from yesterday. 
“Excuse me!” Karina shouted, speedily walking towards him, although it might have been hard for him to hear as her mask was tight around her face, similar to her situation yesterday, an attempt to cover her identity. 
The man turned his head once Karina’s voice registered in his mind, and he gave the girl a toothy grin before allowing her to speak whatever was bothering her. 
“I um”, Karina paused for a second, breathing in and out as she tried to catch her breath, a repercussion of how fast she ran over to his figure. 
“I am wondering if you have any information regarding the artist the created that painting”, Karina pointed over to the piece she admired with you yesterday, her cheeks already warming at the thought of it.
The man followed her gaze onto the artwork, noticing what the girl was mentioning. 
“Y/n Yl/n?” 
“Yes!” Karina cried, almost instantly after the announcement of your beautiful name. God your name was perfect to her. 
“Um...”, he paused, “I don’t exactly know much about her, but my boss does I’m pretty sure. Would you like me to take you to him?” 
Karina smiled politely, trying her best not to allow her excitement to showcase itself in front of the man. 
“That would be amazing, thank you.” 
And with that, the man made his way towards the back of the building, Karina trailing him as if she were a lost puppy following its owner. He stopped in front of a duel set of door, extending his arms out to push himself through, holding it open with a nod as Karina nearly slipped by him. 
“Good morning Mr. Choi”, Karina heard the worker speak from behind her, bowing as he did. 
“Good morning”, he greeted nonchalantly, a coffee in his right hand as the man’s eyes stayed trained on his phone below him.
How rude, Karina thought. 
“We have a guest visitor who requests time to speak with you. I suggest you accept.” 
At that, the boss raised his head just before Karina removed her glasses and rid her face mask. His eyes met the leader’s, and almost immediately sat up straight and brushed the crumbs off of his hideous attire 
“Ah, Yu Jimin, so you’ve come back”, the man nods his head as an indication for her to sit, however Karina stays where she is, not wanting the man to think she would stay for long. She did not want small talk, all she wanted was to get your information and find you as soon as she could. 
“I was wondering if you have any information on the artist who created this piece?” Karina skips over friendly introductions and immediately demands what she is looking for, opening up her phone and displaying the picture of the painting in front of the mans face. 
“Ah”, he pushes his glasses from the tip of his nose, clearing his throat, “yes we do have a document from her. Unfortunately, by law, I cannot disclose any personal information. Is there anything specific about her you wish to know?” 
“Where can I find her?” Karina asks sternly. It is clear to those in the room that she had not come to play around, and expects to leave with the utmost beneficial information. If there was one word to describe the leader at this very moment, it would be determined. 
“Well, I don’t have much on that”, the boss flips through the documents and licks a thin line across his lips, “but, I do know that she is supposedly an art teacher. I don’t believe she is a professor, but rather does it for a company somewhere nearby. It might be her own company, I’m not sure I would have to look more into it.” 
Karina leans closer to the man in attempt to see the papers that were held firmly in his hand, however her attempt failed instantly as he closed the folder back up. 
“Could you possibly find the name of the company she teaches for? It would be a great help for me.” Karina stared into the mans eyes, bending down just a bit as a way to persuade him even further. He was visually discomforted as he restrained his neck from even taking the slightest glance at the girls bust. The boss opened the folder back up, sweat shining overhead his hairline as he flipped through the documents once again. 
“Um... I guess this must be it”, the man spun the papers he held towards Karina and pointed to a specific line printed under your portfolio. 
“Yl/n Studio’s”, he reads aloud, “it’s her own class I believe.” 
Karina gives the boss a sincere smile as she writes the name of your studio down into her phone. 
“You were such a help, thank you Mr. Choi”, she bows in respect before abruptly turning on her heals and out the door before he could respond. 
The leader wasted no time in racing out of the building and hopping into the front seat of her driver’s car, giving him the name of the studio she had recently discovered and requesting he take her there as soon as he could. The driver nodded and began to type the address, all the while Karina looked up the name of your studio on her phone. Much to her dismay, Karina noticed that there were only pictures of the exterior and interior on the internet, and unfortunately no pictures of you. You were too perfect for Safari anyway, Karina thought. 
“We’ve arrived miss.” Karina’s gaze suddenly shot from her phone screen to the outside of the window, forthwith she recognized the design of the building to be the exact one she had seen on the internet. 
“Perfect thank you”, Karina opened the door and began inside, taking in her surroundings to the beautiful, aesthetic arrangement constructed around her. The building was small yet elegant, and as she walked through the glass doors, Karina couldn’t help but allow her feelings to once again get ahead of her. 
She thought about it once more, she was finally going to see you again. After experiencing such a feeling as yesterday whilst she was around you, it was inevitable that she needed to see you once again, and finally it has come. 
Karina made her way into the lobby, taking note of the multiple doors adjacent to each other. 
“Is there something I can help you with?” A voice was heard beside Karina, and she turned her head to be met with the woman who operated the front desk. 
“Ah”, Karina waltzed over to her, a smile never departing the girls mannerisms, “I as wondering if Y/n Yl/n is working at the moment.”
The lady gave Karins a bright smile, “yes of course. You can find her just down that hall, the first door on the right.” 
And so Karina began, following the kind lady’s directions, leading her to the very door ahead of her. A sign that read your name could be seen in her line of vision, and before Karina raised her knuckles to knock on the door, she hesitated. 
She was so nervous when you had first approached her, how could she not be nervous now? You were the ideal definition of perfection, your demeanor sweet and your idiosyncrasy addicting. Karina was sure that the moment she was to see you again, she would instantly fall head over heels, unable to pick herself back up. 
But whatever. It was time Karina faced herself and introduce herself properly to you, so, with the shakiness of her knuckles, Karina raised her hand and knocked thrice on the wooden door, earning a response only a second later. 
“Come in.”
Part 2 yahhh!!! Thank you all for the endless support, i hope you all enjoy this mini series :)
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thegoatsongs · 1 year
Lucy (May 24): "I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me."
Mina (August 10): "Lucy is asleep and breathing softly. She has more colour in her cheeks than usual, and looks, oh, so sweet. If Mr. Holmwood fell in love with her seeing her only in the drawing-room, I wonder what he would say if he saw her now."
125 notes · View notes
ourdadai · 1 year
☆ : bahiyyih ( kep1er ) lockscreens
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fbfh · 2 years
ok ok that last loud simp eddie piece you did literally killed me and resurrected me at the same time i love a good angsty fic gahhh
Apology video coming soon. Until then fluffy dad!Eddie mom/parent!reader content
He insists the entire time you're pregnant that it's a girl. You tell him it's a 50/50 chance, that no one knows.
"I do." He says it definitively, the way he used to tell you back in high school that you're going to end up together someday, end up exactly where you are now. Even after being together for so long, you still wake up to him touching your face, gazing at you like he wants to kiss you, the way he always has. Now in between smothering your face with the most loving adoring kisses, more than you knew a person was capable of, he kisses your belly, caressing each new stretch mark as it appears and talking to your baby.
"hi princess," he smiles. his confidence is unwavering. you start to think you might be having a girl too. three trimesters later your baby, a healthy little girl you name Rose, is welcomed into the world. watching Eddie hold her, it hits you that he was right again. he's an amazing dad, easily the best you've ever seen. uncle Gareth and uncle Jeff - among your other close friends and family - come to visit often, and there's usually someone over to help with the baby and the housework and spend a little quality time with. once his paternity leave is up and he starts going to the studio again to write corroded coffin's next album with the guys, and he's just overflowing with ideas. He's never been more inspired, felt more right than he did holding your baby. much later when their next tour rolls around, he surprises the crowd with an unreleased song, only played in the nursery in your home together; the lullaby he wrote your daughter. he sings more tenderly, more heartfelt than you've ever seen him, and Rose becomes a fan favorite encore at their shows. during one of those shows, you wait for him in the wings, your daughter now walking and hugging your leg. at the end of the song she slips away, running on stage and crying out for her dad. he greets her with a smile, scooping her up and hugging her close.
"hi dad!" she babbles.
"hi Rosie," he coos. she smiles up at him just like you do, her rainbow brite sweater shining under the stage lights.
"do you want to say hi?" he asks, holding up a mic. she leans in and babbles out a hi, waving to the crowd. he finishes the last verse of the song with the angel he wrote it for in his arms. you wave at him from the wings, and his chest sqeezes, realizing his dreams really have come true. none of them have ever seen a crowd full of metal heads cry and fawn as much as they did that night.
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Real quick, Meg. I heard this lyric from the song, “Cupid,” by Jack Stauber.
“How can…Cupid…How could you be so cruel?”
I’ve been thinking of the Ares disapproving Eros relationship with MC if they romanced, and I’m still working on that fic BUT!! This lyric caught my attention. I just have a small idea of Ares practically ruining their relationship. MC always gets hurt somehow because of him, and both MC and Eros know the solution, but refuse to do it. They stick together, because they love each other deeply.
But Eros’s love is deep and passionate, it’s what he’s known for. He loves her, probably more than she can ever love him (not her fault, it’s just how his heart is), but he knows being with her is causing her pain and straining their relationship. I imagine that because of how deep his love is Eros…leaves. He says his goodbyes and says he’ll love her forever and that maybe one day they can be together, but for now he has to leave. She’ll never be safe at his side anymore since his father (and maybe Ares dragged the twins into this) is hell bent on destroying their relationship.
MC sees him as cruel at first, hence the lyric I mentioned, and can’t believe he’s leaving after everything they’d been through. But something something Eros deals with Ares and Aphrodite stops Ares and his bullshit and something something. MC and Eros get back together, stronger than ever, and make up and get to be happy and domestic together again so Cupid can never be cruel again :).
Just a very quick thought that entered my mind and I want to get it out before I forget. I hope you’ve had a good day or night Meg💙💙💙💙!!
It’s almost 1 AM so forgive the short post and how silly the idea is, but it struck me and I wanted to share an Eros idea with you lol.
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