#and not for a second do i believe it's bc she wanted olivia to be saved
rahleeyah · 1 year
Thanks to that set I am also thinking now about how bad Olivia is at going undercover. Oregon? She might as well have been running around with her badge in her hand she could not stop acting/thinking like a cop for five fucking seconds. She wasn't even a tiny bit believable. Local pd spotted her in a second and the hippies were side eyeing her the whole time. In sealview?? Oh my God. Terrible. She couldn't put her righteous indignation down for one minute; she knew she didn't belong there, that the guards didn't have any real power over her, and she never submitted to the harsh reality of the circumstances bc it wasn't her harsh reality.
And to be clear this is not a criticism, I actually think it's a really interesting piece of character work. Elliot loves going undercover (established in 1.0 and then explored in 3.0) he loves trying on different lives he loves a bit of theater he loves running away from his responsibilities, from himself. And Liv, who is a little lonely and maybe a little unhappy and whose background is so fraught with grief, who maybe has just as much reason to want to run away from herself as Elliot does, can't. She is so completely herself she doesn't know how to be anything else. She doesn't even seem to want to be anything else, even when given the opportunity. And that was established in s1, wasn't it, when she sits down with the shrink and can't answer the question of what she'd do if it wasn't this. She doesn't know how to be anything other than what she is. She is afraid of not being what she is.
And isn't that in part why she's so afraid of loving Elliot? She doesn't know how to be someone he loves.
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
Amsonia's team as of now( before olivia's trial)
Artemis/ Arty: Careful, scatters things a lot( actually loves to eat, but i think i've been getting that with other protag ocs recently so gonna change it): Currently a Dartrix, Arty is a bit of a high strung nerd who wishes to prove his worth to those around him. Ever the strategist, but tends to....overthink. A lot.
Zeke: Calm, mischievous: The first pokemon Ames caught, if you don't count Arty, a now charjabug. His main job is to make sure Arty doesn't explode. Very level headed, a good second in command to Arty, and is generally very easy to talk too. I still need to think on him more, but i think it would be funny if he was a fan of making very bad puns. A funny dissonance from his generally very cool, calm and collected outward appearance.
Tiny: Bold, likes to relax: A ribombee that doesn't seem to bat an eye at danger, no matter how much bigger it is. Doesn't see the point in hiding more often than not, and prefers to be more direct. The more direct he is, the quicker the solution presents itself, the faster he gets back to relaxing with his friends.
Daisy: Docile, quick to flee: A young mudbray that grew up in the peaceful Paniola Ranch. Despite her sturdiness and strength, she is not adept in fighting, perferring to run away from conflict than actually do anything about it. She's a sweet, quiet gal that's learning what it means to stand up more for what she believes in.
Ocean: Modest, quick tempered: Fished from route 7, it became clear that Ocean was a force to be reckon with, though in their eyes, they still have a lot to learn. Despite this humility, their temper can get the better of them, especially towards those who don't immediately get what they are saying ( which tends to be a lot of people). Ironically, they tend to get frustatred when they themself don't fully understand something.
Keahi: Hardy, good endurance: ( fun fact. i caught. several salandit to find a decent one): Deciding that she wishes to be as powerful and illustrate as her lead salazzle, Keahi has worked hard to stand above the other salandit of her pack. The result is her developing tough skin, both mentally and physically, and doesn't take bullshit from anyone. Bc of this, she's not used to working in a team, but her goal is still the same, so if it means working with a human and stranger pokemon, so be it.
There's other pokemon that Ames have and will have, but i just wanted to focus on her main team currently.
Some relationship stuff i thought about:
Tiny n Daisy: Is genrally very blunt, speaking his mind, so he definitely told Daisy that he thinks she's a coward. To her face. It's almost funny bc he says this as a fact, and doesn't exactly have any malice when he says it. He just think she's a coward and doesn't understand why she's on the team. Which. Okay man. Obviously this has caused tension ( albiet kinda one sided) between the two: Tiny doesn't realize what he said hurts, and Daisy now has the motivation to prove Tiny wrong.
Daisy - Keahi: I dunno man, i just like the idea of a a cowgirl and a ( future) high femme having yuri. Blame applejack and rarity. But outside of that, Keahi's hard work and determination is something that Daisy deeply admire, and wishes to be just as cool as she is one day. Keahi is slightly erked by Daisy's pacifism - she grew up with competition all around her, no time for hanging back and not wanting to fight. But in way, it shows her that she doesn't have to always be fighting. She can simply be. It's still very early in their relationship, but I think right now, they're kind to each other.
Tiny - Ocean: Surprisingly, they get along well. If you think "well" is them throwing insults at each other casually. Ocean appreciates Tiny's bluntness and Tiny thinks Ocean is Fancy. They're friends :)
Arty - Zeke: Like I said, Zeke makes sure Arty doesn't explode, Both have known each other the longest, and thus usually confide in each other in a way that the others simply can't do. While Arty isn't always a fan of Zeke's puns, he still appreciates them, and Zeke would gladly listen to Arty's rambles from his observations pre-Amsonia about Alola and it's history. If there's feeling attached, neither has realized it.
Everyone at Arty - " man you are weird" they all respect him though.
Everyone at Zeke - " such a reliable pokemon :) Please stop making puns"
I'm getting tired so that's it for now <3
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 7 months
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hello, hello all. it is my true honor to gather you here today & give you some Lore about the above pictured dog/creature: Mr. Buddy Vergle.
Buddy is like. Really Fucking Smart (but ONLY when he Wants to be). like. he has a bigger vocabulary than some toddlers that ive met! he can even spell some of those words!! he even knows my dad's made up sign language of some of THOSE words!!! if he wants something (anything) he will get my moms attention by a) barking at her b) pawing his claws on the metal leg of the bar stool to make noise or c) staring at her until she notices. she will then start asking him what he wants. 'do you want food?' 'do you want to go outside?' if the answer is No, he keeps staring at her. if the answer is Yes, he will look in the direction of said Object Of Desire, aka the back door for 'outside' or his bowl for 'food'.
he knows a lot of tricks, & he is also a Master Manipulator™️. this is who that one Olivia Rodrigo song was about i stg. he can literally get ANYTHING he wants from my mom. and he KNOWS IT. literally--she made the mistake of giving him a rawhide stick several years ago. fell into a habit of it. he began to expect it Every Day. as of Now, he has Rituals around The Stick™️. he gets one immediately after waking up (which my mom chops up with pliers so he wont choke from eating it too goddamn fast), followed by half a milk bone (sometimes a whole one), & Now i believe he even gets like. some whipped cream with it. this sounds like a lot, yes, but it gets better (worse??): this happens TWICE A DAY. first, right after my mom gets up. second, at 4pm. my mom even has a fucking Alarm on her phone.
let's back track to why i say he is smart 'only when he Wants to be'. you see. Mr. Buddy is plagued by the unfortunate predicament of being an animal. and sometimes, the animal brain takes over. my parent's neighbors have a crab apple tree which hangs over into my parent's back yard. and. buddy likes to eat these apples (as well as anything birds and squirrels happen to drop & he happens to notice). but it does Not go well for him. Ever. he will eat Things in the back yard. Substances, if you will. then come back inside. and. throw it up. 'oh, but animals have an instinct to avoid things that make then throw up once it happens!' you might say. yes!! i reply. i know this!! i know this, & you know this, and all the laws of science & nature know this!! but Mr. Buddy Vergle? either he Does Not Know this, or, he simply Does Not Care. because, day after day, he will return. and he will devour. and, though the sacred morsels enter his stomach, they never stay. this does not deter him, however. not in the slightest. he is nothing if not determined.
(i also say he's stupid bc he likes to roll on dead worms and cat shit lol)
and this isnt even the fucking half of it. this fucker is 8 years old & has the soul of a crotchety, old, (repressed) gay, war criminal shoved into the deranged body of a 15 pound chihuaha-something mix. if he were Not a semi-dog like creature, he would be in prison. or a minor god.
---if you would like to know more about Mr. Buddy Vergle, please comment below. there is much lore and nothing but time---
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rkrispyt · 2 years
I was curious if you still have hope for Portwell? I saw that some portwells still have hope. I personally lost all hope mainly bc r*na is so popular and I don't think that Tim won't make them endgame... It's sad that, nowadays, many ships happen bc of fanservice... You don't even have to look from a storytelling perspective to see where things are going, you just have to check what the fandom says and that's prob gonna happen... One thing that I don't get tho... If Tim really wanted for r*na to be canon since ep 1x5, why did he spend all s2 to make us not ship them? In the second half they didn't have any interactions. Gina was still annoyed with him in ep 2x11. Why didn't Tim plant some seeds for them in the second half of s2? Why is Gina most of the time the one who does sth in that relationship and when Ricky does sth, it's bc Gina asked? And the only time when he has initiative they ruin that (taking his role seriously for her (ep 3x4) and later they reveal that he didn't even read the whole script on the opening night day). I personally could never ship them. I saw potential in s1 but after that they were ruined. S3 just tried to hide the s2 mess under the carpet instead of cleaning it (Ricky still does the bare minimum for Gina and he wasn't held accountable for how he hurt her in s2, he should've apologised!!!). Idk but Gina deserves so much better... They'll prob make Ricky the best bf to her in the next seasons, but that won't change the way they got together (with Gina putting in most of the effort)... That means she is ok with the bare minimum as long as she is with Ricky which is really sad... She deserves so much more... Portwell deserved so much more... s2 Portwell would've def survived that summer... I hate fan service for ruining them...
I’m shocked to hear anyone still has hope for canon Portwell, ngl. I do not and can’t imagine ever having any ever again tbh. They not only effed them up pretty bad but the writers have lost me entirely. At this point I’d dread seeing what this team would do with them if they tried again.
To answer the rest of this ask, I will die on the hill that Gicky was not actually the plan or endgame or any of this nonsense backtracking Tim’s been doing. I can believe that when he put them together in season one it ended up intriguing him more than he had thought, but considering what they did with season two clearly it wasn’t enough for him to switch up the plan at that point to put them together or set up something in the future - quite the opposite soooooo tell me again how this was always the plan? Sure, Jan.
It’s so obvious to anyone paying the tiniest bit of attention that Olivia left, so they shifted everything to give Ricky another love interest that they thought could compete in any way with Rini and lose the least amount of viewers upon her departure. Gina was the only real option. They didn’t even do it WELL cause they cared more about doing it as quickly as possible.
I admit that during season three I don’t know if I would have claimed it was fan service, but after seeing that Tim had a version of that final scene where he jumped on that entirely unfounded and random Gicky theory about the chocolates, unfortunately, I have to agree with you.
I will never not be disappointed that this show that brought me such joy, was written so well, didn’t do all the garbage you would expect from this kind of show, and boasted about being proud that they were telling stories of good people being good to each other, has turned into such trash.
S2 Portwell will forever be one of my favorite ships, winning me over completely (as an anti and Gicky fan going into that season) because of how well they wrote it . Alas, another casualty of outside factors switching up the plan and terrible choices being made by those in charge as a result.
The Summer of Portwell was one for the books, but now, for that HEA fanfiction is where it’s at, friends!
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tylerjeauxburreaux9 · 3 months
Ik anon .. it bc I’m the only with very little proof that they broke up and that he cheated on her.. but it what ever they believe and if they choose to not to believe me and call me a liar and say my screen shot is fake then that’s on them .(it’s bc they’re in denial) … and your right its no body business
I genuinely just wanna know why in the world you thought people were going to believe you? Again it’s nobody’s business if they’re together or if they’re not or if he cheated or if he didn’t. Why do you feel the need to tell us business that has nothing to do with us and has nothing to do with you? And why did you think that people were going to believe some random Joe Burrow fan account on Tumblr That had “proof”? People are in denial because I think they’re together. People are in denial because we have no reason to trust you because you were just a random weirdo who claims that they have “proof” that isn’t credible or reliable. It’s very clear that they’re not together, but most people aren’t saying anything because it hasn’t come out of Joe and Olivia’s mouth so people are just waiting to see what happens.
I’m only going answer the first half first anon .. u asked why would I share my proof right… well it because people kept asking and telling me to dm them my proof..and I did but when I did people started to get mad at me for posting my proof and calling me a liar (which I never did) and say my proof is fake (which it’s not)… but I’m not only proof with proof and source of evidence.. but when Deauxmoi posted this on her story(Deauxmoi is not the only source with this proof)the same thing I did… I didn’t believe her until weeks later… the msg someone (not saying who) sent saying the same thing as Deauxmoi (not the exactly same thing but part where it say Olivia was going around telling people that they broke up)then I realized it started to make sense everything started to make sense.. but refuse to believe me or say I’m lying or say my proof fake.. but it’s right in our faces.. end of discussion.. I don’t wanna hear it anymore..
Here’s my proof and Deauxmoi proof… keep in mind I the msg that was sent me was sent weeks after Deauxmoi posted her proof
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Now second half ofc the people not going believe a Joe Burrow fan but be quick to those Olivia Stans and blogs of whatever they say with no proof literally no proof…but I’m the one who is a liar oh ok then ..I have actual proof 👀💀🤷🏽‍♀️…but also yet it still non of our business ( which is true it not our business) but when people where get worried about why Olivia never posted or being ghost the passed few months people started making rumors or asking this or that about Olivia and Joe and wanting answers or proof.. then what the hell ..bc it was kinda weird at first that she hasn’t posted in while but now it starting to make sense.. it’s clear they are not together and
Now for the 3 half duh it clear they are not together anymore and people will wait until Joe or Olivia say something.. but it obvious that they aren’t going post anything about them breaking up…..💀😭
And also Ik this doesn’t have nothing to do with what you said.. but people don’t have to unfollow their ex just because they broke up.. it their choice and decision if they choose to bc not everybody unfollows their ex’s if they are broken up 💀 and this also has nothing to do with… why should I stop supporting joe just because something he wrong doesn’t mean I have to stop supporting him and posting TikTok or ect .. ngl I was disappointed about what he did and it not right what he did or a good thing of what he did bc if yk you’re in a relationship and you’re following OF girls on your ig .. ect because that very disrespectful of what he did..💀 but that doesn’t mean I should stop supporting bc it a strong reason why I should stop supporting.. if going take a whole lot worse for me to stop supporting him…. 💀😭 but other than that I won’t stop supporting him…
and also this has nothing to do with what you asked.. but if you knew your bf was cheating on you then why waste 7 years with him and staying with him for 7 years after he treated you like dog water and wasn’t really into you and you were the only one showing affection to him more than he was ..why stay with him 😭🤔(and don’t say he was showing affection.. they’re clearly other photos where he was uncomfortable with her) anyways
Now thx for wasting my time … 💀😭 and have a good and blessed day and enjoy the rest of your day or night or evening.. good day respectfully…
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
you talk a lot about how tom and z have that glow with each other (or idk how you specifically put it into words, but just that you can really tell that they are meant to be together).
now that the topic is brought up with olivia and austin, ik you right them off as a fling and just costars. it could just be me, but the way they both just lit up with each other. some of their interviews will always be in my mind, like the way olivia was always so breathless near him or the way austins face would turn beat red after she would compliment him. they were always joking around taking the joke farther then it needed to be bc they wanted to see each other laugh.
ik he's with kaia now and they are so adorable, but i do miss whatever olivia and austin had! (hopefully this doesn't sound too weird or crazy haha)
Tomdaya definitely have a certain special SOMETHING that I don't see with most celebrity couples today (just being honest!).
Call it a je ne sais quoi if you will. 🥰
I don't even believe in "soul mates" (I think that individuals can have a wonderful, loving, and connected relationship with a VARIETY of multiple people on this earth), but Tom and Zendaya just seem like they "fit" with each other. Like, it would be harrrrrd for them to find others out here who they really click with and have the same fulfilling, "madly-in-love-with-each-other" relationship that they have with each other. I'm not saying it would be impossible, I'm just saying that I feel like it would be incredibly difficult. 🥴
Their type of love seems like it's the type that only comes about once in a lifetime tbh lol. 😅 They seem more connected and deeply friends with each other more than some MARRIED couples out here lol. 😅
Re: Austin/Olivia.... Auslivia?
I know some fans were really shipping them hard during the Elvis era when the film first came out and they were doing press with one another. But to me they have always just seemed more like friends? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'll be honest, I never got any deep, strong chemistry btwn them. I didn't even really sense THAT much chemistry btwn them in the "Elvis" movie tbh. 🫣
Maybe it's just me? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm pretty sure they probably had some type of short-lived filming fling going on during "Elvis" (it WAS covid after all.... and we WERE in lock down for months going stir crazy rofl 🤣), but I never got the impression that they were anything serious or that Olivia was anything more than a rebound/ fling. We never even saw them hanging out with each other outside of filming/work reasons.
BTW, Austin's face turns beet red anytime anyone compliments him rofl 🤣 (he's more of a "Shy Guy"), so I'm not sure that's just due to Olivia lol. 😅
But it's not surprising if fans (like yourself) still ship them.... I think that's just par for the course when it comes to costars who play love interests sometimes. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I personally don't ship actors together if they're in serious rlshps with other ppl. I may say that two actors look "cute" together, or think that two actors have awesome "chemistry" with each other, but I'm not claiming that two actors are cheating on their SOs with each other, or getting busy combing the internet looking for "signs" ("Omg did you see the way they looked at each other for 2.5 seconds?!!?!??") that two costars are secretly madly in love with each other and their significant others are none the wiser lol. That's just weird to me. 🥴
I'm not much of a big "shipper" of relationships just in general though. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Tomdaya is a huge exception lol. 😅
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rocinantescoffeestop · 9 months
[pjo series thoughts - spoilers ep. 1]
• Bobofit? just makes me think of Boba Fett and now I'm picturing Nancy fanart as a star wars clone XD
• Eddie the Super is a bro in this adaptation. I agree with what I've heard some other folks saying around these fandom parts, I like this change from Eddie being one of the poker buddies to being at odds with Gabe, too.
• Sally Jackson listening to 'logical' by Olivia Rodrigo. Sally Jackson being an Olivia fan!!!!
• Gabe and Sally's relationship here... it's not good sure, but in this adaptation, I can see sort of how they could have started, maybe at first it not being about 'protecting Percy', as they sort of have a banter here that doesn't just seem like a watered-down/kid-friendly version of a dysfunctional marriage but also like the remnants of some sort of clicking. Of course, I want to believe that Gabe is still an awful human being, and yeah, the show portrays that he's a slum, a verbal dick towards everyone in his life, has abusive habits like checking Sally's phone without permission, so I still don't like him here. But, there's a difference between series!Gabe and book!Gabe in which book!Gabe was just painted as cut and dry, black and white awful, like the worlds slimiest, grimiest old fool. Maybe it's the act of seeing it instead of reading about it since in the book we ARE the narrator – a twelve-year-old boy with a limited worldview and seeing things more as cut-dry/black-white – and here we're more on the outside looking in, so we can approach the world with a more objective viewpoint, and see details not as 'good' or 'bad' but as just details. Just something like 'life just be like that sometimes' kind of way.
• 'Like a puzzle with have the wrong pieces' hit home for me. Also, describing Percy's attention slips through the mist as 'daydreaming' is such a good way to relate ADHD to his demigodness. I like how the series described Percy's mind and disabilities better so far than the books.
• 'Something that felt real to you that no one else can see?' The way Sally delivers this line... UGH so good at being very subtle in suggesting that she can relate to Percy personally here, hinting at her ability to see through the mist as well despite being 100% mortal. Or maybe that's just me knowing things revealed later in the series and subplanting that onto the now.
• It's hard explaining greek gods being real to your son. LOL undercut perfectly with Walker's comedy ("like– like Jesus?"). Also, Walker's acting? 10/10
• putting Percy and Grover at odds in the series just like in the books but each do it differently – in the books, Percy ditches Grover bc he's acting weird and it's stressing Percy out. In the series, Grover is the one that does the dirty deed and makes sure Percy gets expelled from Yancy. Either case, they both put tension in the relationship (to be repaired later in the narrative). So, before you say anything bad about the differences between book and series, think about the emotional part of it. The series speaks to the HEART of the scene, of the story, even if it's not a word-for-word retelling with visuals.
• "He is brutal, he is relentless, he–" "He is still wearing underpants." Classic Percy comedy akdjfhgklsjdfg I'm in love
• Sally setting Grover up for his emotional journey on the quest by making him swear to protect Percy against all monsters/threats that come his way.
• Oh god, it's even more heartwrenching the second time watching Percy watch his mom "die" – the silence that encompasses the moment, all sounds drowning away, the rain so crystal clear on his face, and his eyes... god. so good.
• I love the last scene. The campers' voices coming out of the blackness, the blackness fading into a hazy purple sunset as Percy's vision come to. Annabeth's voice saying "he must be the one,' as she so wants him to be the one that will bring her along on a quest. just the way the framing lands at the end, with the subtle movement of camper silhouettes shifting away and Chiron front and centre, welcoming Percy (and thus the audience) into the world (into the series). Such a good introduction. So, so good.
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futuregws · 10 months
I find it annoying when these instamodels want to play coy and dumb when they know they want to continue to stir the pot and have people speculating. I’m not even going to name the instamodel that I’m referring to, but saw what some people have been referring to and she says out loud about “how do people even know…” when clearly you keep hinting so that’s how people know or at least speculating.
I hate being that person trying to analyze a stranger but I have this feeling that Lando generally likes and wants to keep things quiet. When the girls start the hinting game I have a feeling he probably continues the relationship but deep down I wouldn’t be surprised if he has already decided this is just the “woman for now” and not “forever”. I have a feeling when he finally meets someone that doesn’t play the hinty games it might make for a genuine long term connection for him and essentially “passes his test”. He does seem like someone who cares about who is genuine and not just being used as he made a point about it during the red flag green flag game with Oscar.
I mean I could be completely wrong and off base. Maybe he has no issues with these hinting clout chasers. I lean Lui was no saint. She definitely played the hinty game before he announced her as his sunshine lol.
It’s a dangerous game to be dating an instamodel when their whole thing is they need to continue to stay relevant by any means necessary to maintain that cash-flow. There is competition cropping up every second for them and I am starting to see why Charles never stays single for long and picks from a small pool of women. Imagine if he did what Lando did it would be exhausting the amount of women who would try to link themselves to him and try to profit off of speculation and rumors.
Lui and a some of the other ex-wags have shown that even after a breakup they can still continue their rise to success.
I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure who you are talking about, bc there's just way too many people that have been mentioned to me so could be any of them or maybe someone new, honestly I don't even know if I wanna find out lmao, but I'm gonna be honest I agree with some of the stuff you said but not with other stuff, let's say that this models do use the hinting thing to get attention, with what I've seen with all the girls mentioned to me, none or at least most of them haven't even met him or barely hang out so the fans are to blame to a certain extent bc they are the ones grabbing said hints and making it more than it is, I feel like most of the times it started as something innocent but that coincidentally fans saw some ridiculous connection to Lando so they went with it and then did it on purpose 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I also do believe that some people do take that "hinting game" a little too far bc sometimes all they need to do is have Lando follow them and then make a TikTok mentioning an experience with a random guy and all of a sudden it's the girl hinting at him, for example with that olivia girl and lily when it could be anyone at all but fans will only focus on Lando
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
These chapter was just *SCREAMING TO THE VOID*
It was so, so, so, so good, and it made me so emotional I teared up on some parts (and just straight up cried with others)
I will just make a list bc it was A LOT!!!
I am loving Camilla's proposal already. I had thought about that too but in all this clusterfuck I forgot how there are other people like Marcus with a wrong diagnosis
Gigi is so smart I might cry😭 My girl is the only one asking the right questions!! If someone can figure the answers to all this questions is her!!!
Roman did make her a dress!!! He remembered🥺 LOVEHOLLOW IS THE SUPERIOR SHIP DON'T @ ME
I needed Maryse to say all that beautiful things!!!
Damnit, Achilles is already dating someone! I mean I'm glad for him but I am also in love with him lol
Every interaction Alec has with David or Anjali>>>
God the wedding scene was fucking perfect 😭 THEY GOT MARRIED!! FINALLY!!! I feel like a proud parent🥺🥺 and a bi mess
“Maybe if you were a few centuries old,” Rafael chuckled. Alec touched his head. He felt dizzy for a second there. AHHHHHH
Rafael worshipping Anjali's feet just made my heart stop a little bit ok??!!! Where do I find a Rafael here???
MALEC OMFG I AM EXPERIENCING INEXPLICABLE LOVE TOWARDS THEM💙💙 I wanted to know his name but at the same time it makes me so happy we don't know bc Magnus is his name and I just-
It seemed that Mexico had more entrances to faeries than most places. idk why this makes me kinda proud😌 and it actually fits with a lot of believes and cultures here!!
“But the prince will fall when the king shall rise,” Achilles’s voice was feather soft. “The Crimson King will be his demise.” I knew it!! The Crimson King is suppose to kill the Dark Prince!!! I am worried but I can't help but be proud!!
How the fuck do people know about the Crimson King????
Don't get me started on David's POV bc I don't have words. It was so many feeling in so little and so many info and I might pass out
Dear Max, he wrote on the piece of paper with trembling fingers. I will never forget- WHEN I TELL YOU MY HEART STOPPED!!!
I am so confused about the whole time travel thing (and I did watch back to the future, mind you)
The dots are connecting!! David is smarter than me bc I would have been confused af
If someone would have told me a year ago I would be crying right now on my room in the middle of the night bc Other Max took David to see Little Max and Little David, I would have found that impossible, but here we are
When David called him mong ange, and when he said I love you, and when he kissed him- I hope you know you have me crying in my bed at 3 am!!!
He found a way to spend infinity with David. In a way to keep David mortality and his powers. This man is something from another world 🥺
“He is a demon. Not a cheesecake.” Cheesecakes are so delicious tho...
Mavid can't just say I love you, they take it to the next level "If you want infinity with me, then take it.” ??? Fucking iconic “I just want this one life. The one I have with you. Over and over again. For infinity.”??? perfection itself “I want every version of you that I can have.” ??? breathtaking,never seen before-
They are so obsessed with each other and I honestly same. THEIR LOVE IS JUST ON A WHOLE NEW DIMENSION 🥺💙💙💙
Ok, this turned into a long ass list, but it's your fault for writing such wonder!!
Thank you 🥺💙🥺💙🥺💙🥺
This is malec with Rafe and max
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sweetscenes · 2 years
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 So... the three new muses I was talking about earlier was these three from Fire Emblem Awakening! Henry, Ricken, and Olivia! I’ll write a little blurb for each! FE:A has kinda taken over and with Ricken now in heroes I have to put these three in. 
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 My first boy is this dude! His name is Henry, and he’s a bit... yeah. So Henry was born to parents who dropped him off orphanage that doubled as a wizard school. However, since this place was in Plegia, it wasn’t the best. In fact, it was downright awful. Henry was incredibly gifted, but that still didn’t save him. In fact, the type of magic he was best at, Dark Magic, made him even more of a target. Henry was physically and mentally abused awfully. His only friend was a wolf, that was killed. It got to the point that he now has an incredibly high pain tolerance. 
 Seriously I am not even gonna say how fucked up his childhood is bc what the fuck-
 Anyways Henry is recruited to join the plegian army, who he betrays after they get their asses kicked even though he had fond memories of all of them. Not out of cowardiance, but because he wants to go where things are the most exciting. 
 So Henry’s personality~
 Henry is someone, who while has a dark aesthetic, is quite different than he appears. He’s cheerful, and almost always bright. He typically is in a rather passionate mood, bouncing around or engaging in one of his hobbies. He’s rather enthusiastic, making it easy for someone to talk to him. He’s rather social, liking to talk to people and make new friends. He’s also eccentric, having an atypical attitude towards many things which will be talked about later. 
 He also is a secret romantic, enjoying flirting or otherwise being a suave and smooth operator. He’s delightfully macabre, cracking morbid jokes and showing interests in things that are creepy and ghastly, such as torture methods or poisonous snakes. He’s so cheerful about it though, you almost forget he can recite deadly statistics at the drop of a hat to make himself feel better. Sadistic and Masochist lil bitch. 
 Henry, however, is not all wilted flowers. He has a skewed view of morality, finding himself rooting for the wrong side most of the time. His reason for spending his dark magic talent for the Shepherd’s cause isn’t because of some moral champion or perceived higher ground, but rather because he likes to be where the fun is. He has next to no loyalty to any concept or idea. Henry will swap sides the second he feels things are boring. Henry tends to follow people or a person rather than an idea, his loyalty once earned by someone is never failing. He also loves crows, which is great.
 He believes that she shouldn’t judge others based on whether they are good or bad. He’s got morbid interests. And can be creepy and off putting if someone talks to him long enough. He also can be quite mercurial, switching between moods fairly regularly. Either from overwhelming happiness to gloominess. It’s hard to tell what mood he enjoys more. For he has a philosophy, one shouldn’t avoid darkness and despair, but rather embrace it for it shows who people really are, and it’s better to feel raw emotions rather than hiding them away.
 Despite being gloomy and melancholy sometimes, he’ll keep his bright smile! Because it’s easier to laugh at the pain than cry at it.  I do have icons for him. I also can place in him different verses.
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 My second boy, Ricken! He’s not nearly as dark as Henry, so there’s that! Basically he is from a noble house who’s fell into dishonor and poverty. He ran away to join Chrom’s army at a young age to become a brilliant mage AND become a war hero so that his family name can be restored. 
 Ricken is someone who insists he’s so mature, but he’s not tbh. He tries his hardest, but he still gets insulted easily, and he is always trying to prove himself. Ricken is brave, curious, and is said to be the best with animals in the army. He is gentle and extremely kind. 
 Ricken has a sensitive heart and demeanor, he hates killing and despises hurting others, having empathy for those that even tried to kill him. Empathy is just a common theme with him tbh. He is easily frustrated, and can say some really mean things when he is mad. He doesn’t follow orders very easily, and will do something for the greater good even if it goes against his own health. 
 He has a hero worship crush on Chrom. It’s really adorable. Ricken is on a journey of self reflection and maturity. I do not have icons for him. I can also place him in different verses! 
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 Last and not certainly least is my dancer girly, Olivia! She is deathly shy, and she doesn’t like talking to strangers and even gets tongue tied talking to friends. However, it all goes away whenever she dances, of which she is gifted. 
 I don’t have much to say about her because I’m still figuring her out, but there’s that! I do not have icons for her. I can also place him in different verses! 
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
💕💖I have to give my input regarding the photos of wax and max bc im getting very annoyed with some people;
In relation to why this seem like someone called the paps:
No paps takes more than 2-3 photos of a “celebrity” that its not so well known or that they don’t know who they are, they don’t want to waste space in their storage especially if in this event are going to be present more important people. One of the arguments ive been reading its that “Leo DiCaprio its there and tons of others ofc they’re going to be taking tons of photos of everyone thinking they are celebrities” (this lead to my second argument); so if Leo its going to be there, with more reason paps are going to be saving storage so they can film & take photos in case they see him with another girl, they don’t care who Max is, bc he doesn’t sell in terms of paparazzi industry when you have french Montana, rita Ora, Leo, naomi watts (this are the ones i know the most). And here i want to give the example of Olivia Rodrigo in the 2021 Met Gala, were the paps in one section took some photos and move on to JLo, ofc the 2022 gala its dif for Olivia.
When i saw the pictures, like someone said “they look natural” in terms of a simple and normal family, so if there are many A-listers in the island why bother in taking more than +6 photos and a video of a normal family who are spending time together, this will look creepy if its not an ad.
Btw i haven’t seen one single photo of the people who attend the event apart from the arrival to the event per se. So, are you telling me that (in this moment) no single paps (who are always on the island) hadn’t being able to take 1 or 2 photos of more well known people partying or spending time on the beach with their friends but they have of a family.
A part of me was thinking that maybe, in fact was not stage and honestly got pap, until someone mentioned miami (personally didn’t give it alot of importance), and that was also 50/50, but then i remembered the nanny, in miami we saw the nanny, in videos this summer we saw her, in the event k attended she was in the background, hell even in the airport; so why we haven’t seen the nanny in this trip, when this summer max, k, vic, tom, sophie and sylvia were there, more adults were present who could watch out the little ones but the nanny was still there. and here in a celebration were most adults get drunk (it will have more sense for the nanny to be present) there’s no nanny. maybe she’s somewhere there, we know how much k depends on her, and told her to hide, why? Remember the vogue article, and how she got called out for lying saying she didn’t have a nanny and took care of P by herself or with Sophie’s help, so it’ll make sense that she will hide the nanny to stick with this narrative. I can believe that sophie took care of lio and luka bc i hadn’t seen photos of them (feel free to correct me) with victoria or tom in st barths.
And lastly, my final thought that maybe the paps weren’t called got crumbled when i thought more about what the anon said about k would want to have control in how she looks in the photos. And honestly this part is sad, through this year we have see her doing questionable things for fame, so it wouldn’t surprise me that she “won’t care” how she looks in this photos bc they would look natural. If she has to look like a 34 yo woman (bc in her mind she has to look younger) so she gets recognition so be it. Also if people start judging her about how she looks, it would be the perfect narrative of social media hate and to said to max about this, and like someone said stick together “bc is us against the world” fairytale
So yeah 💀 we’ll see how this year works out, and what new excuses k will tell to everything. Happy new year! 🎉
Happy new year!
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I don't know if I'm overly optimistic. But I still see good things on the horizon for EO. Like I don't see this woman's presence as a negative. I'm hopeful that she's there to give us information.
I want Elliot and Olivia to eventually talk. Hell like just be in each others space. But I want to know more about Elliot. What happened after the shooting? What was his mental state? When did he leave NYC. Why Italy? How did he convince Kathy to go? What kind of work was he doing? What changed in his relationship with Kathy after moving away from NYC and Liv?
I'm very curious about the true status of their marriage. Kathy said that she didn't believe him when he said that he hadn't talked to Liv in 10 years. Elliot says they were happy. Later we get the contents of the letter. All of these are like contradictions. And I know that was because of Warren not wanting to work with Ilene so the shows didn't come together. But all we have now are theories and guesses. My theory is the letter wasn't written maliciously or in jealousy. I believe Elliot when he said he felt the letter was a a way to start. I think the contents of the letter was how he felt and Kathy dictated to help him put his feelings on paper. (Now why would she do that for him? That's my missing piece?) To add on I believe he truly feels that "alternate universe" line and he put it in later so he wouldn't hurt Kathy's feelings. But once again, I'm guessing.
So HOPEFULLY please, please, please this woman showing up will finally give us more insight so we can see what Elliot is bringing to the table when he and Liv finally talk. Fingers and toes crossed because I need this!! lol
I am also hopeful - y'all know I am an eternal optimist - but good lord nonnie I am tired. we have been burned so many times with eo since Chris came back, and it was starting to feel like getting rid of the walrus really was gonna make all the difference, bc svu has been so much better without him stinking up the place, but now oc appears to have swung downward, and I am. I won't say I'm having a hard time keeping the faith, bc I do keep the faith, I always have and I always will, and even if eo never happens I will still be rabidly in love with them and I will still be telling their stories, but I suppose I'll say I have come to expect the worst, bc they keep giving us the worst. there's only so many times somebody can shit in my hand before I'll start reaching for gloves every time they bend over, you know?
BUT. I am with you in the first half! I also have all these questions! and I also think that introducing this lady could be SUCH a good way to answer them. it could be so, so interesting to learn more about what Italy was really like for Elliot. I said this ages ago, but I've always wondered about "we were happy"; were they, really? or was that Elliot's grief speaking, the immediate devastation of Kathy's death momentarily erasing every negative thing about her and their relationship? someone dying suddenly, traumatically like that is easy to beatify.
as for the second - I don't believe the contents of the letter are actually Elliot's sentiments. I believe they're maybe what he told Kathy to keep the peace, but I can't, for one second, believe that what we were to each other was never real is actually a sentiment Elliot carries. good god, if it is, there is no eo, is there? if Elliot genuinely believes that what they had in 1.0 wasn't real there is no eo. it is too dismissive of Olivia and what they went through together, and it is so callous, and so cruel, for him to want to say that to liv. I also don't think Kathy was being malicious, though. I do think she thought that drawing a line under that relationship, placing it in the past and saying it wasn't as profound as it felt at the time, doing that ten years later, could be a gentle way to allow them both to proceed as friends, and no more. but those are not the words of a man who believes that in a parallel universe it will always be you and i. those two things we got in the way of each other being who and where we needed to be and it will always be you and I cannot, imo, coexist.
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
Just want a winter soldier x reader fic. Not in a dark way. Like the reader may be anything. ( a civilian, a widow, a hydra experiment as well, another super soldier, etc) as long as she forms a healthy and loving bond with the winter soldier. She’s there when his memory is wiped, she is also there when winter is agonized, May it be from the physical torture or the emotional nightmare. She’s just there for Bucky even if he was still winter. And some odd reasons? Winter never touched her wrongly bc there’s this love somewhere in his heart, telling him to protect instead of harm. Is it really winter? Or bucky? Or is it both? No matter. Because when the civil war happens and Bucky was freed, she was forgotten. Left behind. (I’d like to imagine maybe she is anyone who works within stark companies, better if she was also like a person whom has lived 50+ years but don’t age)
Now as Bucky was freed, she gets to see Bucky live a new life. Broken and beaten still, but new, nonetheless. It was like her times and years with winter was all in her head. Ay some point, she almost believed it was all just some lousy dream. But it is true. There life together, though filled with pain and sorrow for the majority of winter’s existence, was very much real.
She wanted and tried telling Bucky privately. But she has no proof. How can she prove herself to Bucky? But what it just did was to cause a big rift between them. Bucky, the ever trust issues and broken guy, knows of her feelings for him. He thinks that it’s absurd that they had those moments together. He thinks she’s doing it to ruin his current healthy and happy relationship. He thinks that she’s just jealous of his girl that she created a massive detailed story of a fairytale life. And to be honest, she also almost believed it. Nevertheless, Bucky disliked her then on. And So she had to watch Bucky find his girl and settle. Not settle as in marry. But just, look at the girl as if she hung the stars and the moon for him whipped.
Until. One line. He heard specific line that had him reeling, had him have flashes of memories. (Idk what specific line, your choice!) it was something that she says to reassure and comfort winter.
Instead of nightmares, it was their memories together when he was still winter. But no. He doesn’t want it. First it reminds him of winter, and second, he doesn’t like her. At all. Third, why would he want her when he has his girl.
What he doesn’t know tho, that she was the reason why he was freed from the shackles of hydra (kinda want her to sacrifice something for Bucky, only to be bitches slapped by Bucky later on for being “jealous”)
Bucky tried to ignore it. But the more he ignored, the more memories come. And he gets angrier?
No. Bucky being newly freed, his emotions are all mixed and fucked. He’s feeling this intense emotion, passion. But he mistakes it for anger.
Then, idk how to continue the story 😭
I just want the reader and Bucky to end up together, Bucky being so so so whipped, happy, and in love to finally be with his safe space, his home. I want Bucky to grovel before that, ofc. Then he becomes this somewhat possessive, jealous, and needy boyfriend (but ofc with healthy boundaries) or maybe with the intensity of his love, he doesn’t want to wait around. Maybe he might think that the majority of his life as winter, he was with you. And the next step is marriage, since he was already your partner and boyfriend before.
(Some ideas for ending:
Reader dates new guy. Bucky gets various flashbacks Bc everyone reader is doing, was also done onto him before. It makes him utterly jealous. (Cue Deja vu by Olivia rodrigo) then shit happens, they get their happy ending. OR IT COULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND he unconsciously relives their relationship but with his new girl. He’s confused cause it doesn’t feel right wit her. Then again, flashbacks. Then he realizes something, then happy ending!
Ik this is details do feel free to reject or change it! Thank you so much!! (But pls do let me know if u won’t write it hehe)
Hi! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a request to write something, so I feel honor that you sent me this.
I actually have a Winter Soldier x OFC fic I’ve written……and will some day get back to hit because it was a bit darker, would have some twists here and there, and a relationship that may have started out a bit rocky/edgy only because they didn’t know how to truly communicate (and I mean literally) right off the bat. And over time things get revealed about the OFC and her past and having a connection with Hydra she doesn’t truly know about. It’s still a WIP, but I swear I will finish it one day.
I also don’t feel like I could do this request justice because it’s not typically up my alley of writing with some of the aspects :/
With that said, I can barely find the willpower and energy to even finish the current fic I’m working on, Delicate Stages of Life (that’s two chapters away from being done), that I don’t currently have the time or mental capacity to write anything new :(
I’m so sorry! I hope you can find someone to write it for you! Or you can even try writing it yourself and you’ll never know how awesome it’ll turn out!
Thank you again though 💗
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midnightsslut · 1 month
okay finding a swiftie and scandal/olitz blog just made me super happy and now i need your season rankings and scandal hot takes
omgggggggg I am very excited to answer this. I am obsessed with this show rn. disclaimer: I am a huge fitz stan and will defend him in almost every situation but I try to be rational I promise. that man is crack for me. I feel like shonda studied my brain before writing him.
rankings first:
season 3 > season 2 > season 1 > season 5 > season 4 (would’ve been top three without the fuckass kidnapping plot > season 7 > ninth circle of hell > season 6
now my hot takes. I typed this up after I finished the show for the first time about a month ago (I’m rewatching rn). I’ll put a cut bc I don’t wanna bother y’all
- this goes without saying but I love fitz. I enjoyed his character thoroughly throughout the show and he never really did anything to annoy me. he gets a LOT of shit but does the least egregious things out of all the characters except mellie. I will defend every single one of his actions and he gets a lot more interesting when he grows a backbone instead of acting like a human ping pong ball that his wife, mistress, and chief of staff use (so after his son dies and his mistress leaves him to go be on an island because idk. reasons). he needs to get up though. post-rewatch update: he’s not a ping pong ball at all. he is manipulative as hell and idk how I couldn’t see it during first watch. however, he’s also a great president and generally i do believe that he’s a sincere, warm romantic who gets gradually corrupted by his time in office especially during his second term. he is super warm and supportive towards the end though. the scene in season 7 where he tells olivia that he sees the old her again even though she doesn’t made me cry.
- this brings me to mellie. I adore her until she’s president. she is one of the best developed characters in the series (even though I think the rape plot could’ve been done better bc it was clearly not planned/later shoehorned in). her presidency was built up for six seasons only for her to whine about girl power, deserving a presidency she was never elected for, and wanting to get laid. at least fitz was actually in love with olivia. meanwhile Mellie is now a doormat bc ??? this is really Shonda’s fault bc you can tell trump being elected threw a wrench in her plans. also the feminist speeches are so bad. ‘shattering glass ceilings’ okay cut your hair into a hillary clinton bob while you’re at it. the modern day political commentary is a bit much during the latter half of the show as a whole but I digress.
- this brings me to olivia. I always root for her even when she annoys the shit out of me. Kerry Washington is an incredible actress with boatloads of charisma (same as Tony). sometimes she’s entirely irrational but everyone worships the ground she walks on anyway until season 7, where she does one bad thing and gets crucified for it. unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the dark olivia arc and her ultimate redemption. she’s kinda horrible a lot post-kidnapping but no one gives a shit because everyone loves her which can be frustrating until they all do too much to ice her out in s7 (except fitz bc he’s fitz).
- everyone on this show has daddy issues. every single person. olivia’s daddy issues are interesting but they’re never resolved
- papa pope is incredibly inconsistent. sometimes he will send a man to his daughter’s bed. other times he will kill her boyfriend’s son because he took his child from her (????). really he ruins her psychologically for multiple seasons but gets away with it because she kills one innocent person and he crawls to fitz to save her (??????)
- jake was my third favorite character until season 7. they butchered him at that point. shonda makes it exceedingly clear that Olivia will never choose him but it’s a bit much sometimes. his ending is also horrible and undeserved
- the ending in general is ????? we deserved a little more than a damn hi. why did David die. why did Cyrus get away with everything. also ik that portrait scene is supposed to be powerful but it doesn’t make a ton of sense. also papa pope gets away with everything because the senators are worried about the optics of being controlled by a black man. also the whole ‘papa pope was the mastermind behind everyone and everything because he could manipulate people’ thing was very tired
- Shonda does not understand her own characters because wdym Cyrus Beene isn’t a villain? Maybe in the first few seasons when he’s loyal to fitz but after? he’s the worst person in season 7
- I love Quinn and Charlie. I mostly enjoy huck but we needed closure about his damn family. I love abby too but her ending was also meh.
- overall I very much enjoyed the show even when it annoyed me and made no sense
- the scandal subreddit watches an entirely different show based on the conclusions they draw. one thing we agree on is that the ending sucks.
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bisluthq · 3 months
I know maybe harry and olivia were naive to how dirty the custody battle was going to be with jason (although after his reaction with the bat and car stuff not sure how they thought he wouldn’t fight them on it tbh) but it’s so obvious harry is never going to settle anywhere permanently but london and if he had to move then it wasn’t going to work out. the dm found the planning permissions for this huge restoration he’s doing on the second house in london next to the main one and by the looks of it he’s making a new wing for future children’s rooms and guests living spaces. they said if it gets approved by the council then it’ll take two years to complete. we know from the custody documents that olivia was planning on permanently moving to london with the kids after lot was over and he had renovations done on the main house last year when he stayed in that hotel with taylor. I guess if he stayed with olivia they would’ve split time between the main house and that other house he’s turning into the nursery while this was being done? but these new plans with all the new rooms kinda indicate he probably would’ve started having kids with olivia pretty soon after lot ended bc of her fertility. crazy.
Olivia certainly seems to have been saying they’re planning kids very soon, which I believe. I do think a lot of it was related to her fertility though as you say because if they’d wanted bio kids together they sorta needed to get a move on - they didn’t/she doesn’t have like 5 years to think about it and start trying then. Just realistically. I’m not sure Harry is in as much of a rush with someone his own age/our age though. I don’t think he has any sort of reservations in waiting till mid to late 30s tbh.
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septembersghost · 2 years
Do you think taylor believes(this could be a strong word. Not believes but a wishful thinking or a mindless dreaming) that her serious exes pines for her while she has moved on and happy? Like in ATW 10 she is a successful writer who has moved on and is telling her story while he is still holding onto that scarf and watching her in secret. In reality jake has a gf for 4-5 years and he talked about how much he loves her in Graham norton or some other shows.
Same with harry. Harry fell in love atleast twice after her and hasn't given any indication that he still pines for her. He dedicated entire FL for camille. His relationship with Olivia was of 2 years and he talked about how happy he was back then. But Taylor seemed to imply that she is 'second best' and 'comfortable' compared to her. Like while that relationship had a lot of red flags I am certain that he loved her enough to live with her and her kids.
So do you think is this a wishful thinking or a lowkey pettiness from her? Do you think she believes they want her back?
no, i don't think she believes that at all, nor do i think she'd *want* that. she said she doesn't think much about her exes' feelings and i doubt she expects them to think about her either. (plus thinking now about being with anyone but joe makes her feel physically ill lmao.) you have to keep in mind the short film of ATW10 is to some degree fictionalized, and had to have a storyline, and seeing him realize he messed up and stand outside that window and then leave is a dramatic flourish that gives more to the story. i think she'd probably passively think it's nice he seems to have found a real love at this point? (maybe projection, since that's how i'd feel.) like of course lingering hurt is simply there at times, but as heartbroken as she was, it doesn't feel like she would wish ill on jake. and definitely not harry (john...is likely a different story :/ ). i am not convinced question, a song set in the past, has anything to do with olivia, the timing was just accidentally funny and fans ran with it (including me bc it made me laugh and i couldn't help it 🙈). she does have her little petty streak, but in songwriting that exists in the presence of those feelings, from that point in time, not from her perspective now. i don't think she'd want anything to do with any of them romantically and would be mortified at the idea of them "wanting her back" at all - and tbf none of them do, regardless. it's just a potent poetic device to write hypotheticals and wonder about those longings and frame those middle of the night thoughts (very similar to, "he never thinks of me, except when i'm on tv." she doesn't want that life she gave up, but moreover he doesn't want *her*, he has his happiness too. sometimes you still reminisce though, that's human nature).
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