#and now Shez lol
blazing-emblem · 4 months
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"For the future of Aytolis!"
These are my pieces for @invinciblezine's Footsteps of Fate zine! I saw the chance to draw the sun twins, and I took it XD Ahhh my precious banana babies!!
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tiabwwtws-art · 2 years
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I love violence. Let the brain goblins beat each other to death I say
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
bleegh curse of frankenstein based thoughts!
vik growing just a touch more obsessive over his work w marly, definitely a bit further into their relationship nd him being machine herald
sometimes he may seem a bit darker in his ramblings for the glorious evolution of humanity, going on tangents as his grand arm looms above him like the tail of a scorpion, but w marly! he couldn’t be happier
if he has enemies, if she helps him deal with them, maybe he’ll show her off beforehand as he monologues about his mission, she’s his greatest achievement after all! the grandest melding of his technology and her lively soul that he fell in love with
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yeah marly helpz him w the glorious evolution!! she doesn't exactly get involved in the surgeries directly (god forbid it she would mess up so badly lmao) but rather helps out with things like creating designs and trying to get people to join the movement,,,
I RLLY WANNA PLAY INTO HER LAMB/SHEEP MOTIF A LOT MORE!!!! ive read that machine herald has some sort of cult in LoL,, ppl seeing him as some sort of savior w the glorious evolution n i wanna expand on that yeah mhm,,,
marly going up to ppl (most likely those who went too far on shimmer) calling them 'lost lambs' and saying they can be found again w glorious evolution yeah,,, talking abt how great it is to convince ppl (shez just gushing abt her husband)
ALSO SHEZ A LOT LESS INTIMIDATING LOOKING THAN MACHINE HERALD,,, while i feel like vik lookz more like a beacon of power after the glorious evolution,,, marlz is that beacon of light and hope. i take slight inspiration from Sky: Children of the Light for her design,,, w the mask and cloak SO YEAH... FUN GAME BTW,,,,,
BUT YES SHE DOES FIGHT IF NEED BE. ENEMIEZ??? erm erm glancez at jayce talis (im gonna beat his ass)
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totally-tiredddd · 1 year
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I doodled @oraclebell17 's Shez OC Aria :D
I got ohuhu markers for my birthday and doodled Aria to test them out. I don't have the right colors for her skin and tried to make them work. that's why she kinda looks like she has a 2000s spray tan
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his name is Freddy and he is my favorite birthday gift of all time!!
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
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low quality shitposting, at your service -Sparrow :3
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oraclebell17 · 1 year
just realized i impulsively put short hair on that fshez doodle...... aria broke into my brain jhbdfggf
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rorah · 7 months
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The mentally stable Dimitri Fire emblem 3 hopes.
It surprises me that there's still ppl claiming so, but then I remember we're talking about 3h interpretations and I have to make peace with it.
But that doesn't stop me from venting a little bit in this little space I have lol. Actually, it dries me and makes me feel bad to bring this up because I will have to talk bad about Dedue, and I don't want to talk Bad about Dedue. He's a genuinely good boy. But "Human" nonetheless, which means Flaws. I like Felix too but he's become some sort of a clown that doesn't make me feel too bad. I like Felix tho, In a different way.
Mostly talking about these two because the take that "Dimitri has better support system" baffles me because, technically, these two are his support system in HopesVerse. The persons who Dimitri relays on and seek solace/advice/support. The rest doesn't really tackle any of his personal struggles (aside from the Mage!Mitri frustrated dream, but that's out of the bad equation in our 'mentally unwell' set of pixels, and Shez only has a glimpse). Contrary, to Houses verse where the whole blue lions cast knew about his shit, didn't know what to do, but didn't leave either.
I tackled this topic with other person on Twitter who was (or still is) on board with this take and the phrase they used was They contained him better, which of course I agree and remarked that was exactly the problem. Contain him is gonna be contra productive. I used a water dam analogy, where the structure of such dam is damaged, and the pressure of water keeps accumulating. Causing a foreseeable damage for the dam itself and the surroundings. You don't need to be a genius to understand it, you need experience or knowledge for mental ill topics tho.
I really don't want to extend so much on here because it's mostly just, rant format more than a proper analysis so I just want to point out these two things in their support conversations.
First, Dedue. Encourage him to keep on the vengeful path. Which we know was the final goal of Azure Moon and if you payed attention to 3 houses message. The whole Vengeful argument was something Bad, to keep it simple. Despite Dimitri actively looking for answers/guidance for something that, in a rational state he can see clearly like vengeance will consume his life (also Shez and Felix called out this behavior). Dedue answer only encourage him to keep on that path, because he would do that 💔. Presenting 2 oposite views is a great formula for confusion and disorientation. Now, Dedue's role is primary SUPPORT, not guidance nor orientation. He will support his shit no matter what, and we are quite aware of that if played Houses.
Second, Felix. Felix is a special case. He is smart but also an idiot lacks A LOT of soft skills to actually be of help. He's the only one who knows in this verse about Dimitri having a mental issue. In their A support to say the least, so they don't close or solve anything. What makes it more worrisome is the fact that Felix conceals the issue as a secret.
"So try to keep that whole "removing their heads" thing in check, yeah? We can just call it our little secret."
this extract here makes me feel so unwell 😭help
The whole burden falls over him and his lack of skills and wisdom on the matter will be too much for him later on. He at least, will be able to recognize that the problem is beyond of his capabilities and will look for help. Felix himself has his own issues and journey where he needs to learn. He's forced to get pass beyond some of his angry teen behavior but hasn't completely get over it.
There is a lot more to tackle, but that requires more work and time. What are the topics some of you think is important to cover around understanding the Hopes verse resolution? Dimitri's route? something? Do you think the route without Byleth is better? With that being said, I would like to delve deeper into character analysis, and the role each played for the Lords too. That also requires to talk about the Byleth and needs a whole analysis on their own, which requires time (which i don't have much lol) To end this vent, I would like to encourage people to do a little research for the terminology they're using like "Support System". Who makes it up and how it operates successfully. The fact that ppl saying "he has better support system" only because he didn't go feral on the run alone is not entirely valid. A reminder that people can feel alone with or without people around them. And containing the issue within doesn't solve any problem. At best, it's presented later. At worse, it gets worse.
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cemeteryvalentine · 1 year
astro observations part 3 ^____^
i'm having fun doing these, so herez a part 3 🙏 a lot of these r just based off me and close friendz lol :3
i feel like people get on water signs (especially CANCER and pisces) for trauma dumping, and ngl a lot of us do (i used to b guilty of doing this 💀) but no one mentions how people do the same to us. like in my opinion, water signs are alwayz getting trauma dumped on. i think prominent pluto influence in ur chart also makes u prone 2 being trauma dumped on lol
i feel like a way to make a cancer or leo frustrated with you is not returning the love they give you. i kno a lot of cancers and leo's (or natals having both in their chart) who get very frustrated when they pour their heart onto someone and not get the same amount of love in return :P. my mom and i have cancer and leo in our chart and shez alwayz complaining abt how much love she gives out to people but doesn't get the same love in return and i totallyy get her LOL
if u have aquarius placements i'm gonna assume u have a god complex or sum 😹😹
taurus placements looove things they don't need. like im alwayz broke from buying cutesy charms, trinkets, mini plushies, makeup, cute clothes, you name it. we also love receiving gifts :3 (or atleast i do).
virgo placements care soooo much about appearance ^____^ and imo, we got the coolest style cuz of it 😼. nowadays, i'm alwayz getting compliments on my style :3 and pretty much all of my friendz with virgo in their chart.
adding to that, i also feel like virgos feel uncomfortable if something's off. like growing up with a virgo rising, i would play a lot of dress up games, or games that required it or any form of decorating, and i would spend major chunks on time making sure everything is in perfect detail and matches my vision. and if it isn't, i get upset and feel itchy LOL. like even now, i spend so much time on my phones appearance, but i currently don't like how it looks cuz it feels like itz missing something and it's bothering me so bad LOL 😭
air signs r soooo friendly. every air sign i know haz a fuck ton of friends 😭 earth signs too, cuz they're so chill.
okay thatz it pookies :3 idk if i'll do this again soon cuz i still got a lot 2 learn abt astrology and more observing to do, but i'll sure asl do this again, even if it takes a while :3. drink water, eat food, n sleep well ^____^
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Azure Gleam - Special Chapters
Spoilers for the special chapters below.
I didn't get the special chapter for SB or GW. SB, I just straight up did not care. GW, I tried, but it involved an "escort Claude" part and he just sat there and didn't move forward, and I didn't care enough to bother with the chapter a second time.
Shez sounds like Arval. Did Arval take Shez over? I'm guessing to go after Sothis?
Oh, cut scene! Shez vs Byleth again.
Byleth holding his own against Arval!Shez. Good to see. Shez is trying to hold Arval back though.
So . . . if we kick out Arval out in these chapters, does Shez loose their abilities/special class, because no :(((((
Felix, Dedue, and Dimitri are worrying about Shez and Byleth (also, awesome to see all my favs). Rodrigue has news about what happened.
Scouts report that Byleth and Shez are fighting. Felix accuses that Dimitri suspected this.
Dimitri tells how Shez worried that TWSITD would take over her. And Dimitri's promise to kill Shez to stop her from killing others.
Oh, we cut straight to the battle and have to defeat Shez. Makes sense. I'm guessing do it before Byleth dies?
My Shez is, eh, a bit stronger than Byleth, so I'm a bit worried. But Dimitri's such an overkill at this point, he's just going to blaze through this chapter like he did the last one.
It's weird not having Shez among my playable characters. I'm using Jeralt instead of Shez for my missing 8th person because he's the highest level (and I can't use Byleth either so).
Edelgard is around somewhere? Claude showed up to hunt her down.
My Byleth is like 10 levels below Shez. It's not going well.
Atrocity is one hell of a drug. Took Shez out.
Defeating Solon feels good. Got a cut scene too. He just ran away though. Wait, Arval/Shez killed Solon? Ohhh, like Solon killed Kyrona. A sacrifice is needed to open Zaharas. Karma I guess.
Claude and Dimitri talking is kinda cool. And weird Edelgard showed up. It's so amusing to me that they wrote themselves into such a corner with Edelgard they just yeeted her brain lamo.
Arval is talking to Arval.
Dark Arval created Normal Arval because Dark Arval wanted typical TWSITD nonsense, domination, restore the world to TWSITD, etc . . .
And in the most shocking twist, Normal Arval is programmed to kill Sothis, so therefore Byleth, and while Arval took over Shez.
Oh, Shez woke up! And Claude's there with Dimitri.
So they all got sent to this Zahras place.
Shez doesn't have a lot of memory of what just happened, and tells Claude and Dimitri about Arval, who's gone though.
Now they have to find a way out of this mess.
Dimitri found Edelgard. Since there's like 4 people, no one plans on fighting each other until they get out. Then it's time to kill people.
So Edelgard doesn't remember what happened and got some spell cast on her by TWSITD.
Claude cheerily tells her what a fuck up her country is lamo.
There's this mini map with the 3 lords just standing there, chilling, in this dark abyss place. It's pretty funny looking.
All my other units are gone, but I expected that. Dimitri's my most overpowered unit anyways.
Is this like some kind of support?
So AG Claude wants to get rid of the central church and kill Rhea. Like, I'm down for removing any sort of political power from a religious institution, but this fixation on Rhea is weird.
Lamo, is this game serious? Did it really just blame nobility and arrange marriage on Rhea?? OMG.
I knew Claude went completely dodo bird in this game, but he somehow became even more of an idiot?
I'm kind of impressed lol.
He drank the Edelgard koolaide.
Dimitri's like, well, as long as you just dislike the church and not Faerghus.
It's interesting for Dimitri to acknowledge that his personal beliefs and his beliefs as a king are sometimes at war.
He also lays out why Claude's plan is an awful idea. Meaning, all the death and suffering he'll cause.
It's just a classic, Claude is too rash - Dimitri is too cautious.
Claude tells Dimitri that he's too good for him. And that they could've been friends if kingly stuff didn't get in the way.
It's overall a fine support, except this absurd idea that the church is solely responsible for stuff human nature always comes up with, and I think it's more a symptom of a huge flaw in the Fodlan games as a whole than anything else.
Dimitri finds it hard to talk to Edelgard because of all the people she's caused the death of. But way more polite.
Edelgard doesn't feel that way. Which, not surprised. She doesn't really care too much about the people who've died like he does.
Lamo, she also is way less polite and is like "you don't want to talk to the tyrant who's gotten everyone killed." See, though, it's acknowledgements like this that make me like this game more. She knows that's what she looks like to everyone not in Adrestia.
Dimitri gets annoyed with her for placing words in his mouth. And good for him. That's always annoying.
Edelgard is less confident than Dimitri that he has no regrets of his actions and carefully considered all of them.
Oh, good, Dimitri asks about Patricia. But Edelgard doesn't know what happened either. So, still no answers about her.
Dimitri wants to just end the conversation. I am loving how much he really doesn't want to talk to her. It's so different from Claude who he was curious about.
She falls down because dark magic place does it's thing, then helps her stand up, and they get a picture, which is cool.
It reminds her of when she fell once and took the help without thinking about it. Now she thinks about it.
Dimitri remembers helping a girl up.
I see where this is going, but it's funny such a mundane thing will trigger important memories, lamo.
Edelgard is like, yeah, knowing you, you probably helped a lot of people get up who fell down.
I'm living for these supports acknowledging that Dimitri's a way better person than the other two lol.
He's like, naw, it was you. Edelgard keeps insisting it wasn't her.
He calls her El at the end.
Is this the same support in SB? It works for AG, but man, this asshole just killed Sylvain (and Annette, and Gilbert, and Ingrid, and Rodrigue, and tons of other people from Faerghus simply bc she wants that land back), so I'd be furious seeing it there.
In AG, though, it makes sense.
Dimitri's the only one who asks about Shez's wellbeing. Does their dialogue change in different routes?
Oh, cool, I had some access to stuff like the blacksmith, which makes no sense, but ok.
Bad Arval showed up behind Shez, but she alludes it.
Arval says none can escape. But I doubt it.
Dimitri's like, that's bullshit, bc there's no way they'd build this without a way out, and if they can get out, so can we.
And then Dimitri's proved right when Arval says he'll leave, alone.
Ok, I learned this other Arval's name, but I am not going to spell all of that.
So like, after this, do they all just go back to war? Because if they do . . . lol.
They let you use all the 3 lords, but I'll probably only use Shez and Dimitri. Neither Edelgard nor Claude impressed me much when I started this game (and at the time I started, I liked Claude a lot more than I do now).
Oh, so a dark Hubert, Hilda, and Felix showed up. A bit sad it wasn't Dedue, though. I feel like he deserved to be the BL rep even if Felix is more popular. But maybe it was for variety? Like Dedue is another axe like Hilda, but then switch Claude's people out.
At the same time, Felix makes sense, esp in Hopes. He and Dimitri are practically married lol.
Dimitri's like, that's not Felix. He wouldn't get mad at me for doing this and not avenging people. He's not wrong.
Ohhh, not they're fighting phantom versions of themselves.
They had some throwaway lines explaining why Edelgard is normal now.
Lamo, Edelgard doesn't trust herself.
Meanwhile . . . Dimitri . . . is like, really excited about this. Because he gets to kill a version of himself. :((((
Claude's line wasn't as interesting as the other two. I know. Shocking. /s
Dimitri wants to thank Arval for letting him fight and kill himself. I cannot with this man.
Evil Claude just about totaled regular Claude. Edelgard isn't scratched though.
Edelgard and Claude were way more normal about reactions to fighting themselves lol.
I had to make Claude an adjunct. He was nearly dead. It's actually surprising how much worse he is than Edelgard. (Dimitri's not fair to rate against them since he's more built out and not dropped into this map for a one-time battle).
Ok, he summoned more dudes to protect him, and one was a Shez copy the other Dedue. So Dedue got credit too. So now I'm less conflicted about Felix making an appearance.
Shez is upset at fighting herself.
Dimitri feels awful about fighting the shades this time. He's only motivated by all the people he's kept alive in real life.
I defeated Epimedes. That seemed too easy.
Cut scene fight between Shez and Epi. It's pretty badass looking in the dark magic place with falling rocks everywhere. Like, in a cheesy but just roll with it way.
Shez wins. Arval pops back up and they almost hold hands. Arval's never felt more alone :( Honestly, kinda sad things end badly for them. So not recruiting Byleth gives Arval a better ending? Will Arval not be there in the final map before the final battle?
They escaped!
Dimitri's like "it felt like a strange fever dream" and honestly, not a bad way to describe it.
They lost Edelgard and are we back to the normal stuff? Oh, no Shez asks to go back to the search for her and the others. Claude wants to get back to his people too.
Ok, so moving onto the final chapter now.
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months
Somehow I still have more ships in my list? You people are too good at this lol
I'm searching for good Shez ships now, so I'd like to know everyone's favorites!
It should go without saying but please don’t be rude just because you don’t like a ship. If you want to debate or discuss a ship, do it in the tags/comments in a polite manner. This is supposed to be fun. Let’s all be mature adults!
If your favorite ship is not here, it’s probably featured in another poll. You can see all the polls by going to my blog and choosing the tag “valentines polls”. You can also just tell me in the tags or comments.
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dpsisquared · 11 months
(About the soulmate au)
...More than Sothis contacting Dimitri directly in his mind i thought more of sothis wacking the divine pulse like a faulty tv remote until something clicked and somehow he started remembering the time loops... he somehow keep doing things differently each time w different results (executing Miklan, forgiving Miklan, fixing his relationship w Felix, getting into a bigger fight w Felix, forgiving the western lords, having Silvain and Ingrid killed, saving Silvain and Ingrid, finding out even more about Anselma, etc.) until he thought he was actually going crazy and broke down to Rodrigue and Rod told him about the old legend of loog and the maiden of the wind bc he realizes Byleth's death is the common denominator... aka Dimitri's time itself is locked into her existance... and he starts to find more abour her and becomes intrigued w her... 😃
The sothis dragging him by his ugly hair was more like, Sothis fucked up and he accidentally got dragged in the time loop, whoops... SO technically not a soulmate au but they all think it is because of the legend.
So since the legend says the only way time advanced for Loog again was to receive the love of his maiden I guess Dimitri will have to put all of his efforts into seducing the beautiful fish eyed mercenary... for ⋆🌟✪✨ Faerghus ⋆🌟✪✨...
I haven't abandoned you, nonny. The problem with actually writing this is that it would necessarily include a lot of fighting lol. But I do love the idea of him figuring it out. I changed it up a bit but I hope you like this silly little snippet I wrote 😊
Dimitri could take this torture no longer. He hurried into Rodrigue's tent, drawing the flap closed tightly.
The former Duke read his mood without a word. "What's troubling you, Your Majesty?"
"Rodrigue, this may sound mad, but I am reliving the same day over and over again."
The older man's face paled, and he put aside the documents he was studying. "Reliving what day, exactly?"
"This one. We go to battle and encounter Jeralt's Mercenaries before reaching the main imperial force. But we never get past that part. After the Ashen Demon dies, or if I die, I wake up to the same day. I've lost count of how many times it's been so far."
Rodrigue was silent for several minutes, probably considering how to keep the Kingdom afloat with a delusional king.
"You're absolutely sure it's the Ashen Demon's death that causes the events to repeat?"
"Yes. The last time, I faced her myself and felt time pulling me backward as soon as the light died from her eyes. It's hazy, but I know at other times, she has killed me. But death never comes. I simply wake up to do it all again."
"Your Majesty... Dimitri," he said with a sigh. His old friend looked like he had aged a decade in the last few minutes. "There's something your father didn't get a chance to tell you. A special circumstance of your Blaiddyd blood."
"Is it madness? Hallucinations?"
Finally, Rodrigue's pained expression softened, and he gave the king a reassuring smile.
"No, my dear boy, nothing like that. It concerns your soulmate."
He scoffed. "This is no time to think of romance!" The royal advisors would disagree, of course. They hounded him about his lack of heirs daily, and he was sick of it.
But Rodrigue held up a hand to silence his protest. "Hear me out. There is a legend about the soulmates of Faerghan kings, going all the way back to Loog and the Maiden of the Wind."
"Spit it out, man, please!" Dimitri begged. Legends and soulmates? What importance could those trivial things have at a time like this?
"The Ashen Demon is your soulmate, Your Majesty."
Dimitri gave him a flat stare, waiting for clarification. But the other man was silent. "Is that some kind of twisted joke? You think I could love a monster like that?"
In some of the timelines, he'd seen her cut down Rodrigue himself with no remorse! Though, now that he'd lived the day from several perspectives, she only did that after Shez killed Jeralt right in front of her. Not that the circumstances justified the murder, but how could he condemn her when he held the same hatred in his heart?
Which is why this soulmate talk was truly unbelievable. It was just as unlikely that anyone could love a monster like him.
He looked back to Rodrigue, who seemed to be waiting for the shock to subside before continuing.
"You're aware that Loog and his wife first met on opposite sides of the battlefield."
"Yes, of course. Everyone knows that story. When Loog saw Deichtine, he dropped Areadbhar and beseeched her to join his side, for he would rather die than harm such a beautiful and talented warrior. When she lowered her sword and took his hand, the soul bond manifested."
Ashe and Ingrid loved the story, but it had always struck Dimitri as unrealistic and unnecessarily dramatic. More likely, both sides had suffered major losses, so the two commanders arranged a political marriage to avoid further bloodshed. Count Rowe had not-so-subtly suggested the same strategy to soothe relations in the West.
"Yes," Rodrigue confirmed. "That is the version in the storybooks. But the secret legend handed down the line of Blaiddyd is that Loog killed Diechtine when they met on the battlefield. The king stooped to take her head just before she took her last breath, and the soul bond formed. He cried out to the goddess to save her, to take his own life if needed."
Dimitri had leaned in, drawn to this version of the story much more than the original.
"The goddess took pity on the soulmates, unfortunate enough to be born in a time of war. She decreed that she would save Diechtine, but the descendant of Blaiddyd must win the heart of his maiden fairly, without revealing their bond. And by doing so, end the war which caused suffering for the Goddess' beloved people. The day would repeat endlessly until he was able to accomplish the feat."
"I understand, but what does that have to do with me?"
"The problem is, the goddess wasn't exactly specific on which Blaiddyd descendant, which maiden, or which war. Situations with the same broad characteristics have presented themselves more than once throughout history."
Dimitri had always thought the goddess aloof, but this information put her in a new light. Maybe she was simply incompetent.
"So this curse has been passed down to me."
Rodrigue raised an eyebrow at him. "Most people would consider a guaranteed soulmate a blessing, Your Majesty."
"What a burden," the king replied. "It's hard to believe that more than one of my forbears have met their soulmates this way."
Rodrigue failed to completely suppress a smirk. "Ah. Well, your line appears to prefer its lovers... feisty."
"Rodrigue!" Dimitri cried, blushing furiously. "To say such a thing at a time like this!"
He'd never thought of such things, not when there was a kingdom to run and thousands of people whose lives depended on him! And he had certainly never considered his... preferences.
Although, thinking about it outside of the heat of battle, the Ashen Demon was quite lovely. And her skill was beyond compare... Gods, he sounded like Sylvain.
"My apologies, Your Majesty," Rodrigue said with a chuckle. He didn't seem terribly repentant. "Circumstances aside, I for one am happy to know you have a soulmate. All of us have tried to get you to take better care of yourself. Perhaps she will be the one you finally listen to."
The man across from Dimitri may have been like a second father, but this was no time for levity! Wasn't his misery obvious?
"There's one thing I don't understand. How did Loog convince Diechtine of their love in mere moments upon the battlefield?"
"That's the other secret. The king actually snuck into her tent before dawn broke, so he had several hours to woo her. This was after many attempts, of course, each one teaching him something new about the maiden. The conversation on the battlefield was merely a performance for their troops to see."
"He... wooed her," repeated Dimitri in disbelief. "I have to... woo the Ashen Demon? In less than a day?"
"Cheer up, Your Majesty!" said Rodrigue with a good-natured pat on the back. "We already know there's something she'll love about you. We just have to figure out what it is!"
Dimitri left the tent with a tempest swirling in his mind. He knew what he had to do. It would be difficult, painful even, but this wasn't just for him. It was for all of Faerghus-- no, all of Fodlan-- so he would do whatever it took, no matter how humiliating.
He walked into the mess hall like a man condemned and mindlessly piled something onto a plate. Bernadetta would probably be horrified by his meal, but there was no time to consider something as inconsequential as food. Scanning the dining room, he spotted his target and sat down.
"Hey, Your Majesty! Look at you, eating while the sun is up!"
He rolled his eyes. There was no point delaying the inevitable. "Sylvain, I need your help... with a girl."
(Diechtine (DECH-tin-uh with the ch like in the Scottish loch) is a mortal woman that the god Lugh had a baby with. That was the mega hero Cúchullain, who interestingly is described as going into a "blood rage" during battle. Fergus (Faerghus), Ferdia (Fhirdiad), and Derdriu are also associated with this crew!)
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aubins · 21 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
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Name: darcy, but i also go by qiu!
Pronouns: they/he
Birthday (no year): january 9th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? sea & gmt+8
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How long is your roleplay experience? god who knows HAHA not me i fear
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? .........kik..........and then amino when i really got into it a bit more lmfao
How were you introduced to TOA? through the heart & soul ad on twitter!
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Do you have any pets? unfortunately not i must live vicariously through family & friends
What is your favorite time of year and why? i do love the -ber months generally. it's nice to have cooler weather as someone who lives in a tropical country though it's not by much these days i fear
What is your IRL occupation? i'm a full-time university student atm studying psychology!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? writing of course but for less obvious answers: piano, photography, badminton, archery, history, mathematics, languages, etc etc i like learning basically haha
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? 13 sentinels, somnium files, life is strange, genshin impact, honkai: star rail, zenless zone zero, pokemon. prosekai sometimes. and i love love the ace attorney series so much miles edgeworth among us is the funniest shit i've ever seen
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: fairy type! and it's both mimikyu & ditto really i couldn't pick but i think i said ditto last year so i will say mimikyu this year haha
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! i used to do international math competitions when i was younger! haven't done since the pandemic but they were good fun i do love math & competition haha so put them together i'm bound to enjoy myself
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How did you get into Fire Emblem? my brother bought fe3h & i decided to play it too. i simply never made my way out of that rabbit hole
What Fire Emblem games have you played? fe11, fe12, fe16 (+ hopes), & fe17 + i've watched playthroughs of tellius & sov! nothing much different from last year except i've since watched a playthrough of awakening as well. still haven't finished my actual awakening playthrough but one day...
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: i said fe3h for my first last year but i think it might have actually been heroes now that i'm really thinking about it LOL not seriously in the slightest though i'm p sure i dropped it after the first few days until i properly got into fire emblem. don't have much of a favorite but i enjoy 3hopes purely because musou gameplay tickles a very specific part of my brain
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! yuri, alear, est, shez, and lucina
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! yuri. to no one's suprise least of all my own but also the whole ashen wolves house really. you could say i really like those guys in particular
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 nope
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Three Houses: claude & yuri- Engage: gave the pact ring to veyle my first playthrough then reset it after. honestly i don't know though maybe gregory or timerra
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like mage cannoneer. funny guys
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? dancer except i play you a silly tune on my keyboard. high speed & dexterity and ok magic stats then everything else is probably dogshit LMFAO
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? fear the deer!!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? - Boons: sword, reason - Banes: axes, faith, heavy armor - Budding Talent: bow
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? solm is my favorite but i'd probably want to live in firene
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How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 separate letters
Current TOA muses: just this guy right here
Past TOA muses? marianne, caeda, est, kvasir, clarisse, & timerra! if there's been anyone else i'm very sorry to have forgotten you haha
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? miss marianne von edmund :softsmile: anyway probably not & she's in good hands now besides
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? i'm sure i do but i wouldn't be able to name it myself haha but i like to think i tend to have some kind of variety in character archetypes and tropes i enjoy writing
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? if i like them enough to put in the effort i could write most anyone i think
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? anything that significantly alters the relationship between two characters. even better if it's for the worse really i do enjoy antagonistic relationships. but yeah i loooove developing relationships between muses. especially with a muse that barely trusts anyone besides themself. yuri never does what i want them anyway to do so it's great for me, really
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? i would really love to write yuri during their time as a student at the officers academy. or an au where they are a student at the officers academy in present time. i'd like to explore their role as count rowe's “son” more in depth one day as one of if not their longest lasting identity (excluding their actual one obviously LOL). less specific but i just love aus in general i would love to do more aus
Favorite TOA-related memories? est & sirius getting their attacks redirected at one another and whiffing all of them always makes me laugh. the harmony lance phalanx strats were also funny i do think fondly of that arena. happyland was really fun though one of my favorite events so far for sure :] i blow a kiss to north island yuri's home away from home & east island week 4
Present or past tense? present tense is my general go to for roleplay but i don't mind either or
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text is easier for me to parse personally but i don't have any preference from my partners
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 not so much delusions as they are old muses but i do mourn that i never quite got kvasir & timerra off the ground as much as i'd have liked to. if i ever find the time i'd love to revisit both one day. shez is also a constant plague upon my mind i just love a purple guy what can i say
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spaghetti-trash · 8 months
ashe for the character asks
ASHE!! First impression - He's gonna be my favourite Blue Lions character.
Impression now - I WAS RIGHT! He's my favourite guy...
Favourite moment - Ashe and Ingrid being nerds about knight stories in their supports. I think it's really cute!
Idea for a story - Post game non Blue Lions route where he and Ingrid are the only two surviving lions. They wanted to become knights of Faerghus but the kingdom no longer exists. So they now have to figure out what they want to do with their lives.
Unpopular opinion - uhhh idk?
Favourite relationship - Ashe and all the Blue Lions. FRIENDS!!! :D (Shez included) If I had to pick a romantic ship, Ashe and Ingrid. I just think they are neat. (could also be platonic lol)
Favourite headcanon - He has so many freckles. Also Ashe is a trans man to me.
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sharenalovemail · 28 days
Got a favorite unit in FEH gameplay wise?
I personally like working with a unit’s original kit (Askr trio excluded) and fell in love with Altina as a result. Love her gimmick. Second most used unit in the game for me. Nothing like throwing her into enemy range and hoping that she a.) kills and/or b.) gets knocked into vantage range instead of one shot. She’s not clearing the arena for me, but tactically launching her into the electric traps in aether raids is way too fucking funny.
honestly ive been having a LOT of fun with the shar&vero duo???? they've got their og kit except i gave them galeforce.
so i throw them out there into the battlefield with peony hanging in the back and it's like. bam. enemy down. i make someone else attack nearby. shar is reinvigorated. she attacks again. she may activate gale force by now. she attacks again. i deploy peony. shar gets an extra turn. she runs to the other side of the map to tackle the poor healer left on the battlefield. battle cleared
i usually send in a gully or arval with them for the extra ranged attack too lol
powercreep aside my main team since i started playing back in 2022 is base m!shez, arval, legendary f!grima, and child hector. if i need to autobattle i deploy these four and dont have to worry most of the time. grimas near save and hectors far save mean ive got my bases covered. arval is there for range. shez can scout ahead and can endure most hits so if he strays from everyone else it's okay,
but if i reduce it to one unit id probably pick shez lol. can move to a space next to a unit within two spaces so he's got a nice range :) + his base weapon giving him the chance of attacking four times is lots of fun
it's a lot of fun to have those units you can deploy like. UNIT.... KILL.
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roeldraws · 2 months
Tell me about your fankids and what ships they come from!
I never thought I’d get this ask! I’m so happy!
First off I have Noah, he is Claude and Freyja’s son.
Next we have Baldr, he’s Plumeria and Seliph’s son. Baldr was human at first but his health started declining and their last effort to save him was to turn him into a Dokkalfar. I guess he’s Noah’s nephew. (I headcanon the dokkalfar’s as Freyja’s adoptive daughters therefore making Noah their brother and so forth)
speaking of their family, next I have Marcellus who is M!Morgan and Julius’s son. He was created through magic.
Then there’s Orion who is Laegjarn and Hríd’s son.
Another one is Rei, he’s Dimitri and Ingrid’s son. I think he was my first fan kid. My brother created Edorothea (don’t laugh at the name XD) she is Edelgard and Dorothea’s daughter created through magic.
Líf and Thrasir have a daughter whose name I haven’t decided nor have a proper design for. (Suggestions are welcome for a name!)
then I have Sirius and Arvan, the twin sons of m!byleth and m!shez. They were born from Sothis’s power.
all of these kids attend a school in Askr.
now it gets ridiculous
outside of fire emblem I have a couple of fan kids my brother and I made while we were young so some of them might be silly. From persona 5 my brother made Joker Jr by having the present Joker and future Joker get married.
from beyblade burst (we were young) we got Shu and Shadow Joker (from Kaitou Joker) together to have 4 kids (all with silly names lol), Shu Jr, Joker Shu, Shu Shadow, Shadow Shu.
from Pokémon, my OC Midnight (Lycanroc) has a lot of children (too many to count) he is immortal and has had many mates. He also has many siblings.
If there were more I either forgot to include them or they’re forever lost to time.
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felikatze · 7 months
I HAVE A LIST. I explained in the other ask i answered uhhh just now (link here) these are technically xenologue by virtue of being AU. Veyle-Alear roleswap that I have insane thoughts about thank you Salem. Once again Berkut & Rinea are the most well baked from a gameplay standpoint but I have other ones....
Quick n dirty AU rundown: Veyle-Alear roleswap! Alear is with Sombron and an alternate set of Four Hounds (Lapis, Kagetsu, Pandreo, Zephia. Salem's blorbos), and Veyle was taken in by Lumera. I also took the liberty of making the younger royals the plot important ones.... teehee
My fan emblems trend antagonist and/or possessed for thematic reasons and because it's fun. HOWEVER I excluded most main antags from the pool because I don't think Emblem Medeus would be very interesting from a character standpoint.
I actually made a list!! So I'd have one from every game (this was also brainstormed with Salem lol). I don't have full knowledge of every FE ever and a lot of FEs I am significantly less insane about than The Usual Suspects (Binding Blade, Awakening, now Engage), so you do notice a lot of bias in what has the most detail, lmao.
Anyway. You get the list.
Archanea: Maria. (100% inspired by fell Maria in heroes, lol. LISTEN IT'D BE SO THEMATIC FOR VEYLE THO. Little girl who just wants her big siblings back. Maria would be Veyle's Marth - her first Emblem, and the one closest to her. I still gotta play the Archanea games but... the potential.)
Valentia: Berkut & Rinea (Firene Emblem. Elaborated on in the other post!!)
Jugdral (Fe4): I am not wise enough just yet.... probably Julius.
Jugdral (Fe5): I don't know <3 Ishtar? Reinhardt? Mareeta? I like the thought of Mareeta from what I know abt her actually.
Elibe (Fe6): IDUNN MY GIRL IDUNN. (She'd be Lumera's Emblem as Sigurd equivalent. Sleeping dragon guided by Sleeping Dragon... I love Idunn... I have Thoughts about her.... okay....)
Elibe (Fe7): Ninian (She's Elusia's Emblem!! I have thoughts about her & Hortensia...)
Magvel: Lyon (this was the one and only pick, really.)
Tellius (Fe9): Black Knight (Salem's suggestion, but it works! God I need to beat Radiant Dawn...)
Tellius (Fe10): My initial suggestion was Pelleas but Sothe is also tempting (god I need to beat Radiant Dawn.... 2!!!)
Ylisse: GRIMA. WHO ELSE. (i'd put him down where Corrin is, as the second Solm emblem. Haha Grima you got trapped in a desert temple again.) (Either that or I swap him with Lucina for funny points)
Fates: Takumi (conquest flavored! he is not doing too hot! He's Brodia's Emblem same reason as Berkut: it would remind him of Nohr and he hates being here. Has a soft spot for Alcryst, though. OF COURSE I gave him to Alcryst.)
Fodlan: Shez. For the funnies. (shez's super form is obviously the engaged look. I'd make them Solm's primary Emblem, because I feel like they and Fogado would be friends. But then Shez goes Revenge Mode and Fogado is like. dude. chill. you're scaring the hoes.)
And that's my full list!! The only ones who have gameplay ideas attached to them so far are Berkut & Rinea, Idunn, Takumi, and Shez, for a perfect gender ratio as I've non-biney'd Shez. Because of course I have.
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