#and now he's the main baddie?! I'm hyped
konakoro · 10 months
I'm only in ep 2 of the Scott Pilgrim show (I sleepy I'll watch the rest tomorrow) but Matthew Patel, the first ex and easily the least developed but had a lot of potential and was a fan favorite, is the main bad guy? And not Gideon??! OK ok I'm on board, excited to see where this goes
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genericnam · 8 months
I haven't made a character study in ages, so I think I'm gonna do that and more, by discussing every single villain from my favorite piece of Anime/TV show in general: Digimon Adventure (01)
This is going to be pretty long, so look under the cut.
Digimon Adventure is a flawed show with relatively choppy, repetitive animation, too short fight scenes, and a generally poor soundtrack inn the Dub (looking at you, Hey Digimon!), but I adore it for the characters and story. Digimon tells a tale of trauma, hope, the effects of loss and grief on children, and what it means to be brave, and the villains that push the plot forward and reflect all of this are some of my favorite villains and characters of all time. So I'm going to break them down now, in mostly chronological order (I'll be using Dub names and info since that what I grew up on and have always used, sorry if that offends you for some reason)
Villain number 1: Ogremon
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Ogremon appears pretty early in the first arc as a recurring enemy and baddy. He serves as the rival and foil to the character of Leomon. Leomon gets hyped up by the main characters as the strongest active good guy on File Island, and if Ogremon is his equal, that makes Ogremon automatically intimidating.
However, Ogremon is dumb. He's easy to trick, and not too strategic, but he is full of willpower and fighting spirit, allowing him to tail the Digidestined across the entire island pretty ceaselessly. But that isn't for no reason, as Ogremon begins to work for someone pretty quick into his introduction... Devimon.
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What makes Devimon intimidating is his sheer presence, the respect he demands. The entire arc up until his introduction, every foe they battled (other than Ogremon), had been animalistic, or a good person at heart. Devimon himself is pure evil, he has no redeeming qualities, no light in his soul or kindness in his heart.
Devimon uses his Black Gears and Hand of Evil to brainwash and torture countless digimon across File Island, and his gears are so spread through the island that he can control the very land itself.
Unlike Ogremon, who is gullible and somewhat cowardly, Devimon is a cunning monster. Devimon tricks and manipulates the Digitdestined, brainwashes Leomon twice, and easily beats all of their Digimon when they finally fight him.
The only reason Devimon lost is because of the way Angemon fights. As revealed in 02, the Hand of Fate's power increases the more evil your opponent is, and Devimon is just so pure evil that it was a oneshot.
While Ogremon was there as a brute force enemy, Devimon is the first of many insurmountable terrors that really shows the Digidestined how small they really are in the grand scheme of things...
Moving on to one of my favorite characters of all time, and the second arc villain: Etemon!
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Etemon is goofy, that much is never hidden. He's a monkey that does an Elvis impression and rides around in a trailer performing music for his bumbling minions, but Etemon serves as a lesson that not every dangerous foe is so obviously dangerous. Etemon has a monopoly of the Desert of Server thanks to his Dark Network.
The Digital World uses a lot of crossovers from the real internet, and the Dark Network seems to be an embodiment of THE Dark Web. And Etemon controls it. The Dark Network allows Etemon to see just about anywhere and to take away the power that the Digidestined rely upon to survive: their digivolution.
Etemon is seemingly average on his own, but his true power comes in his coordination. Etemon's army is spread out, but it is powerful, and he can arrive just about anywhere with great speed thanks to how he sees everything there is to see. Piximon's hidden forest is the only place Etemon doesn't really have eyes.
Etemon serves as the mirror foil to Tai. While Tai is the Digidestined of Courage, Etemon represents hubris and arrogance. This leads Etemon to push a lot of Tai's character arc into place.
Now, once the Digidestined infiltrate Etemon's pyramid and get tricked by Datamon, Etemon shows up, and all seems lost. Datamon was the only digimon who was even close to Etemon's level, and he goes down pretty quick, but it's what Datamon does that really gives Etemon all of his best clout. Datamon fills the Dark Network with viruses that will make it destroy and consume everything they touch, before dropping himself and Etemon into it.
This seems to beat him, but NO. Etemon is too AMAZING to go out like a chump (or at least, that's what he thinks). Etemon bends the Dark Network to his will and instead fuses with it, becoming Etemon Chaos Mode
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When Etemon is finally defeated, his sheer power rips a whole in reality that sends Tai and Agumon back to Earth, leading to the whole reason DemiDevimon is able to sew chaos amongst the others. But at least Etemon's gone for good, right?
Anyways, Etemon looks and acts goofy, but that's because he's strong enough that he has nothing to fear in the slightest!
Next up is DemiDevimon!
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DemiDevimon isn't strong, or intimidating in the slightest. In fact, he's rather bumbling, but what DemiDevimon is good at is making other people better. Out of all the characters in the Digidestined, DemiDevimon is a major player in the arcs of Sora, T.K., Izzy, and to a lesser extent, Mimi and Matt. DemiDevimon doesn't have a whole lot going for himself, but he excells at making others look good, such as his boss...
Say hello to Myotismon...
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Myotismon is THE strongest Digimon in the world at the time of his introdction. Other characters eventually become stronger, but before Megas get involved, no one was better than Myotismon. He was part of the exclusive club of characters who got TWO signature moves, which include his Crimson Lightning and Grizzly Wing.
Myotismon is unique from other villains in just how well put together his plan and army is. Devimon had Ogremon and mind control, and Etemon has a good group of lackeys, Myotismon has a veritable army with enough firepower to conquer the entire city and kidnap 99.9% of its inhabitants within days.
What makes him even more fearsome is his personal feats. Myotismon is the character who really steps up the tone, killing several of his own minions on screen when they begin to turn on him or fail. But perhaps his greatest feat is that he got Gatomon to work for him.
Gatomon is a Digidestined Digimon, and the embodiement of LIGHT itself. Throughout the series, Light has regularly been shown to be the second strongest of all the elements, only behind Hope. Myotismon was powerful enough, EVIL enough that he sucessfully tortured the embodiement of all Light into being his right hand woman.
And when every member of the Digidestined team up to beat him, Myotismon reveals that he's done all of this in a weaker host, and he reveals his TRUE form: Venommyotismon.
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Venommyotismon is a Kaiju, and the first Mega level digimon in the series. He can very reasonably be argued to be the 3rd or 4th strongest Digimon in the entire show, depending on how you think he'd do against characters like MagnaAngemon and Piedmon. To beat him, the Digidestined had to activate the prophecy in order to unlock their own Megas, and it took a 2 on 1 for Venommyotismon to finally go down. This undead vampire king really just was That Guy.
And yet, he's not the strongest villain in the series...
Moving on, we have the Dark Masters!
The Dark Masters consist of four Digimon:
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and their leader, Piedmon.
The Dark Masters took over the entire digital world while the Digidestined were off fighting Myotismon, and they tore reality to pieces, reshaping the entire world into Spiral Mountain, a giant mountain of four zones, each ruled by one Dark Master, with their castle sitting on the peak.
The Dark Masters are the first digimon to use the power of teamwork in battle, and it really shows. They mop the floor with the Digidestined, and if not for Piximon's sacrifice, that would have been the end of the series. The Dark Masters arc is brutal, and with every member the heroes beat, it costs the lives of more and more of their friends. Sukamon, ShogunGekomon, Chuumon, Piximon, Whamon, the Numemon, they and many others were all victims of the Dark Masters.
The digidestined are only capable of beating individual members one at a time. MetalSeadramon gets beat, then Puppetmon, and then Machinedramon, until only Piedmon remains.
And yet, Piedmon still wins. He defeats every single Digimon the heroes have, including their Megas. And he turns them into keychains that he wears on his belt.
What finally puts down Piedmon is the power of the strongest crest unlocking its true potential. Hope. The embodiement of Hope itself, MagnaAngemon appears, and sends Piedmon through the Gate of Destiny, a portal to oblivion itself. NOTHING goes through that gate and survives. That is the only way that he could be defeated.
And yet, he is still not the strongest...
But we'll get to the final villain later, first... IT'S ETEMON'S COMEBACK TOUR, BABY!
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Oh, you thought he was gone!? NO! During the mini-arc where the Digidestined are battling Puppetmon, it is revealed that within the afterlife, Etemon has been putting himself back together molecule by molecule. Etemon is so willful, and so confidant, that he reversed his own death.
Etemon fuses with his Dark Network fully, becoming MetalEtemon, a being capable of rivaling Puppetmon in power. MetalEtemon doesn't stay alive for too long, but in his short few episodes, he kills SaberLeomon with relative ease and sends Ogremon into his entire character arc. Etemon decided that dying twice still wasn't good enough, and he cheated death for the sole petty purpose of traumatizing his enemies more.
But now, let's get to the final boss...
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This is Apocalymon. Apocalymon is the anit-thesis to EVERYTHING the digidestined are. While the heroes represent Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Reliability, Sincerity, Light and Hope; Apocalymon is Fear, Paranoia, Hate, Misinformation, Betrayal, Lies, Darkness and Apathy incarnate. He is made of the souls of every Digimon who died in the process of Digivolution, which means he is made of everything that the Digidestined relied upon to win.
Apocalymon created the big bads of every single arc on his own. Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, the Dark Masters, they are all his creations. He is the ultimate darkness, so hateful and full of so much pure misery that he can do nothing except wish for the end of all life.
And he wins. Not in the Piedmon way where he beats almost everyone, no. Apocalymon KILLS every one of the digidestined and their digimon. He rends them apart, splits their molecules and data into nothing.
The only reason he didn't win right then and there is because of MetalEtemon. MetalEtemon's creation was foreshadowing, a sign that with enough willpower, you can cheat death. And that's just what the Digidestined do. With the power of friendship, they put themselves back together and reform their bodies, starting the fight against Apocalymon anew.
But they still don't beat him.
They can only fight Apocalymon to a draw, and he will not let that stand. Apocalymon unleashes his true ultimate ability: his self destruct sequence. Apocalymon possesses enough power that when he self destructs, the explosion will destroy TWO DIMENSIONS in the process, both Earth and the Digital World. If not for the Digivices containing the explosion, he would have gotten the last laugh.
Digimon Adventure is unique in that, out of every Digimon in the series, the VILLAIN is the strongest. Even MagnaAngemon in second place is nowhere even close to Apocalymon's level.
Apocalymon is the death of hope, the end of light, he is everything that has suffered brought to life, and he could only be defeated when he allowed himself to die.
Every villain represented something. Ogremon was the first showing of a threat that cannot be reasoned with. Devimon is the first brush with the harsh reality of the real world. Etemon shows that overconfidence will kill you. DemiDevimon shows that even people who seem like no threat can still sew the seeds of your downfall. Myotismon is the all too real chance that no matter what you do, some people will always seem to be stronger. The Dark Masters are a corruption of what can be achieved by working together. And Apocalymon? Apocalymon is the END. No matter how strong you are or how hard you work, there are foes who you cannot beat, and that you can only hope to cause their downfall. Apocalymon is the hopelessness that has condemed billions of souls, the misery and rage that will kill billions more. Apocalymon is nothing but the embodiement of everything that has ever caused sorrow... And that is something that cannot be beaten.
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thefloatingstone · 7 months
Started playing Mass Effect 1 today. Didn't get very far, but I'm pretty invested now. I've known Saren for about 5 minutes and I already figure he's one of the main baddies in this game.
Also, I know what you mean with Ashley now. I can tell we're not going to get along with her attitude about the other aliens from what little I've seen. And from all your posts about her.
All in all, excited to continue exploring this story. Also saw Garrus, didn't know what his voice sounded like, pleasantly surprised by his voice. I think I'm getting the hype around this guy.
Aaaaah YAY!!! I'm so glad!! it is my goal to drag as many people into this franchise as possible so all of you can suffer with me!!
Garrus is such an uptight baby twink in the first game 😭 Just give him a smack any time his government funded schooling rears its head and he says something out of left field. He'll learn.
Also just a note; he only becomes romanceable in ME2 and ONLY in ME2. You can't skip his romance in 2 and activate it in 3. So don't stress if you don't et any romantic prompts in the first game. This is a slow burn.
Also his voice XDDDD Trust me, he is PERFECTLY aware people find his voice attractive.
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sinbrook · 1 year
Who is the muscluar big guy from trigun that I keep seeing?
BLESS BLESS BLESS thank you for asking me about Trigun!!
So I think you probably mean Livio?
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Livio and Razlo are my BOYS man, they're my guys. OUGH.
Usually I am Not A Fan of characters being added to the main cast super late in the game, but I think him being introduced a little earlier as a villain superrrr helped me accept him as Part of The Gang. Ya know? He's one of my favourite characters and I just adore him. That being said, it's really hard to talk about him without spoilers. Like, really hard. Actually Trigun is hard to talk about without spoilers! So I'm gonna shove this long ramble nobody is gonna read, under a read more. I'm a kind soul, I'm protecting your dash.
Also total warning, this isn't like... legible, this is the worse way to learn about the character cos im just going "wow it was cool when he did this thing... and also this thing... hes so cool i love him" for too many words.
So I'll address his main sort of... thing, first off. So Livio has dissociative identity disorder, and like, for a lot of it, it's quite clear that Nightow didn't exactly go in with a heap of research on the subject. However, I wouldn't call it a negative portrayal at all. Ofc its not really up to me, but like, he wasn't really portrayed as dangerous because of his disorder. He and Wolfwood have the same backstory, they're dangerous because of The Eye of Michael and those dudes have always been explicitly condemned in-narrative as, y'know, the baddies. It's less "he's bad because he's bad" and more "he does these things because he's been conditioned by a cult from a young age to do these things". His disorder is like... not even a factor. The Eye just likes stealing kids and training them for bad stuff, man. And like, you do feel sorry for them. Both Livio and Razlo have been hugely manipulated by Chapel in particular, who positioned himself almost as a father figure, and certainly led them to believe he cares about them. So like, it's not really surprising he does everything he's asked to, he hasn't really had anywhere else he's felt cared for. Anyway I LOVE Livio's intro in the manga. We're told two guys are coming, Livio the Double Fang, and The Tri-p of Death.
Then these two dudes show up:
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And like... you make the obvious assumption that those are the guys, ya know? Sure looks double-fangy to me. They're then shown tearing through a bunch of intimidating looking dudes to sort of, hype up how strong they are, right? But nuh cos see.
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Livio just comes in and wrecks their shit, picks them both off as though they were nothing.
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and to be fair, they are! He's a very high-level eye of Michael dude ya know?
So yeah, that's our introduction to Livio, fantastic way to show that he's just, like, strong as hell. We learn he's joining the Gung-ho Guns, so y'know, oof, he's now in direct opposition to our heroes, supposed to make you nervous and all. Anyway he and Chapel show up every now and then to just be... y'know... annoying. Try and kill him a lil y'know... that sort of thing.
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It's these fucked up family reunions that we love ya know. This is totally me at Christmas.
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Anyway this time was rlly funny because Elendira rlly said "you three are so annoying pls leave your drama at the door"
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And they DID hahaha. I don't blame them, she's scawy.
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Anyway what I think I like most about Livio is how like... y'know, sweet he is. He's kinda like Wolfwood in that he's a total sweetheart at his core but life just hasn't let him be sweet, ya know?
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When Jasmine was in trouble, baby Wolfwood didn't even hesitate to run out and save her.
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And Livio was the same, you know? And after The Couch, Livio even says, he wants to live his life like Wolfwood so like, we've got these two dudes with near identical journeys.
From orphans, to initiates, to assassins, to good guy with a gun lmfao. Despite what Livio does, it's really hard to ever hate him, and Razlo, too is extremely sympathetic...
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Like he's got his own motivations and shit he's working through, man.
Anyway I really love during the Elendira fight when hes like, struggling to beat her, how Razlo gives Livio his own sort of hype man experience like the manga flashes back to how hard Livio worked to keep up with Razlo and the Eye, and Razlo is like hyping him up the whole time. It's really nice and wholesome :)
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Anyway his journey from emo cult man to himbo cowboy was fantastic and I love Livio so much, he's a sweetheart.
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And I loved his appearance at the end of the manga, like, showing he was looking after the orphanage and stuff.
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And also this whole scene where he and Vash ate together made me cry.
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xoxardnekoxo · 1 year
Movie Review: TMNT Mutant Mayhem
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Ah, Ninja Turtles. My childhood superheroes... oh who am I kidding, my eternal superheroes. :D This fabsome foursome debuted in 1987, the same year I was born, so I literally grew up watching the franchise. The series has gotten several reboots over the last three decades, and it's still going strong. The hype now is around the latest installment, Mutant Mayhem, created by Seth Rogen.
So, confession - when I first heard details about this movie and saw promo images, I was NOT on board. The art style is amateur at best, and yet another one of my beloved childhood redheaded characters has been black washed. First Ariel, now April? If we could stop doing that, that would be great... I'm totally okay with her being heavyset and more realistic in terms of body. We could all use THAT type of PC upgrade for beloved classic characters. But at least keep them the same race we've always known them to be.
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But enough about that. It wasn't just the art style that made me stick my nose up in disgust at yet another remake of my ultimate childhood series. I'm literally a mega fan - my TMNT collection dates back 30+ years and is still growing, and it features some sort of item from every series thus far (with the exception of Rise... because even I can't get on board with that one). I'm talking figures, plushes, clothes, jewelry, hats, backpacks, bookmarks, magnets, buttons, piggy banks, etc. You name it, I've got it in TMNT form. So I'm very passionate about the show and can be quite critical of changes to it.
Which is why when I was starting to get past the art style, I was appalled to learn that not only would Shredder not be the main antagonist this time around, he wouldn't even be referenced at all.
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Uh... yeah, we all know - we've known since 1984, when the comics came out - that Shredder is THE villain of the turtles. That's the one thing that's been consistent with every franchise (except The Next Mutation, but he at least made an appearance in that, albeit for a brief time). Instead, the bad guy is a hideous creature called Superfly. Kind of a double play on words considering he's literally a giant mutant fly with fancy/classy/fast cars and an entire mutant army and crime baddies at his disposal.
And Splinter? OMG, what did they DO to him? His face looks like someone splattered vegetables on the sidewalk. I see a squashed tomato/potato where his nose should be, and his "beard" is like the top of broccoli or a garlic clove. (shudder) And let's not get into the fact that, when the turtles were kids, he had a freaking Afro and a mustache. The turtles are meant to be 15 in this time, which would make the year roughly 2008 when they were kids, so the 70s look was way dated at that time.
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Then we get more great news... not only are we now race-swapping characters; we're also gender-swapping them. Leatherhead and Wingnut, while minor characters throughout every iteration, are now girls instead of guys.
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Leatherhead has always been an ally to the turtles, except in the original series, and considering the direction this movie took, I have to wonder if the writers thought it would be inappropriate to make them enemies because it would show teen guys beating up a girl. I mean, "beating up" may be a stretch, but you get what I mean. And Wingnut has always been super annoying to me, so I would have been okay had she not been in the movie at all. But I digress.
Okay, so, plot. Since Shredder isn't the main villain, the plot isn't the usual "stop Shredder from conquering Earth" thing. The movie starts with Baxter Stockman raising a giant mutant baby fly - in a crib and all - in a lab surrounded by test tubes of animals. Yeah, I didn't make that up. Animals of all different species and sizes are somehow shrunken down to conveniently fit inside a test tube.
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Some heavy-duty suit guys break in and grab Stockman to take all his research at the behest of a mysterious woman named Cynthia Utrom. We know from prior series and lore that the Utroms are the alien race that created the ooze that caused the mutations of, well, all mutants. Utrom looks like a woman here, but she could be wearing a human suit like in the 2003 series. We don't know, and we don't find out.
Anyway, the baby fly escapes and takes out all the suits because, well, he's super strong and inhuman. And he has wings. He manages to grab all Stockman's test tubes and book it out of there, and then we fast forward to 15 years later where we meet our protagonists. Their current mission? To acquire necessities for the lair from a list given to them by Splinter. So they do this and they're like, "Hey, we've only been gone for a little bit. Let's go check out the outdoor movie playing in the park." So then we get to see them watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Yep, a live action movie in a CGI movie with art that's literally meant to resemble sketches like kids would draw.
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So then they get back to the lair but Leo guiltily confesses that they all went to watch a movie in close proximity to humans. We're then introduced to the origin story of the turtles and Splinter, and while we're all familiar with it, it's slightly different this time. Splinter was a normal rat before, but he wasn't anyone's pet. He was a typical NYC rat, hated by humans (and raccoons... and dogs...) and one day he finds himself in the sewers and comes upon four baby turtles crawling around in green ooze. This ooze had come from a canister kicked into a sewer grate from Stockman's lab earlier. Splinter was shocked that the turtles took right to him, and they were the first and only things to not instantly hate him or want to kill him. So of course he touches the ooze and mutates, as do the turtles. He raises them as his sons, and honestly, I don't recall ever hearing him being called Splinter. All the turtles called him Dad. I don't think we ever knew his name... so if you didn't know of any other TMNT series before this, you'd have no idea what his name was.
Anyway, the turtles, as kids, wanted to go above ground one day, and Splinter thought he'd give it a try. Bad idea, because, of course, everyone freaked out and chased them away. So Splinter vowed to keep his sons safe and refused to let them leave the lair except to get supplies. We're also treated to a montage of cheesy old footage of actual martial arts movies/shows depicting how Splinter trained the turtles in ninjitsu as a means of self defense. He now loathes humans and wants nothing to do with them, and wants the same for his sons.
So after the confession of watching a movie, the turtles get grounded and are all talking in their room about what they'd do if they could be normal. Meanwhile, a crime spree has broken out with mega villain Superfly (yep, that's his name) stealing all kinds of high-tech scientific items... and if anyone sees his face, he kills them.
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We're soon introduced to April, who, this time, is not an adult reporter. She's an aspiring reporter in high school, and she's collecting information on the Superfly case because, due to the crime spree, the school's prom has been cancelled and she thinks she can get it back if she solves the mystery of Superfly.
Well, the guys are throwing ninja starts at watermelons (because why not) on the rooftop one night, and one lands in April's helmet. As she's chewing out the shadows on the roof that she can't see, someone steals her scooter. And Leo decides this would be a great time to play hero and get the scooter back for the "beautiful human girl." Yeah, in the 2012 version, Donnie had a crush on April. This time around, apparently it's Leo.
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The guys then partake in their first actual fight with bad guys - I'd love to say that I went YES in the theater when a car radio turns on and "Ninja Rap" from the original second movie is playing - and shortly thereafter, April sees them. But she doesn't freak out even when she realizes they're not wearing costumes. She's more interested in getting a story about them for the school newspaper. But of course, considering they aren't supposed to be seen or known about, that won't do. April then tells the guys that, had they not helped her beforehand by getting her scooter back, she probably would have had a much different and more negative reaction to seeing them. This gives the turtles an idea: Become heroes by finding Superfly and bringing him to justice, allow April to get it all on film to showcase them as heroes, and then she can write and submit her story.
April accepts the terms, and the turtles go to her high school with her and are all "ooohh, ahh, we want to go here." They find April's locker, which has been graffitied with things like "puke girl." We're then treated to the ever delightful scene of our female protagonist spewing what looks like green ooze all over a desk because of nerves while giving the morning announcements. Look, I know this is CGI and not real, but that was completely unnecessary. More on that later.
So to get to Superfly, the guys have to interrupt a transfer of goods, i.e. the final piece of some machine Superfly is building for his nefarious plot (which we don't know what it is yet). The guys are waiting in the truck and he shows up... with Bebop and Rocksteady. You remember them. The mutant warthog and rhino, respectively, from 1987 and 2012? Shredder's mutant allies? The ones Shredder created? Yeah, those two. Well, this time, since there is no Shredder, they were created in Stockman's lab. Remember all the animals in test tubes? Yeah, they're all grown now as well, raised by Superfly since he was the oldest. Stockman's plan was to create a family of mutants because he was never liked or understood by people. Superfly's plan is to pick up where his "father" left off... by turning all animals into mutants and killing all humans.
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So of course, eventually the turtles manage to turn the tables and attempt to escape with the last piece of the machine Superfly needs to spread the mutagen. But of course, that falls apart and a bunch of Utrom's suits find and capture them. April races back to the lair to tell Splinter that his sons are in trouble... yeah, that's an awkward first meeting. Splinter shows up and takes out all the suits (Utrom has been taken away to safety), saves his sons, and they all start to head back home to come up with a plan to stop Superfly. It results in them basically appealing to all the other mutants, telling them that they don't have to listen to Superfly and that they have a choice. Surprise, surprise, they all turn against the big bad. Even Rocksteady and Bebop, and they're supposed to be villains... I realize their origin is different here, but come on.
Well, everyone takes out the giant mutagen machine... sort of. It lands in the river below, where there are dozens of species of sea life. Yep, you guessed it. Superfly merges with all the animals in the river. He gets a whale body, crab pinchers, some sort of tail, etc. And, for some reason, random horses on his legs. Wha... Oh, and he's now taller than the Empire State Building. Awesome.
Yeah, as if he wasn't ugly enough before LOL. Well, the suits in Utrom's lab had been working on an anti-mutagen, and April managed to swipe one of these canisters... somehow. It didn't really show how, she just did it. Times Square has a huge news report going on about mutants attacking, so April manages to get inside the Channel 6 (yep, the right station!) building to take over the report and explain that she knows the truth - that the only bad mutant is the giant fly/whale hybrid thing. And then she pukes again. Seriously, STOP THAT.
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Splinter is trying to get to his sons, but Superfly manages to knock him back hard enough to break his leg. Humans approach, and he's terrified... but they're reaching for him to help him. So then we have humans and mutants working together to get the anti-mutagen to the turtles, who manage to throw it into Superfly's weak spot - the whale blow hole. Yep, that takes care of it. So then the turtles are revered as heroes, and the other mutants are all now living in the sewers with them... and the turtles wind up going to high school. They're got human clothes on, ditch their masks, etc. And all the kids welcome them and think they're super cool. April's locker has been re-graffitied with things like "cool girl" instead of "puke girl," and then the movie just... ends.
Then we get a post-credits scene, showing how the turtles are getting along in high school. Each one seems to have found his niche, and they're even all at the prom together. However, Utrom is watching them, and she says that capturing them will be difficult. So she asks her assistant to bring her... The Shredder! Then we see an outline of Shredder before the scene cuts away. So yeah, totally open for a sequel, as is the norm with movies these days. In fact, a sequel (and TV series) has actually already been confirmed! I mean, honestly, how could Seth Rogen, a self-admitted TMNT addict, create a TMNT movie without at least planning for Shredder to be in it?
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So, all in all, it wasn't a bad movie. I appreciate the throwbacks to the original series, and I'm glad to see my favorite heroes getting so much recognition again.
However, there are definitely some things in this movie that weren't necessary. The top of that list is April's barfing scene. She was nervous doing the morning announcements at school and wound up throwing up as a result. Then later, during her news broadcast telling everyone that the only bad mutant is Superfly, she does it again... honestly, I get that we may need a reason for her to rather be behind the camera instead of in front of it, and she needs an obstacle to jump over to tell the people who tease her to suck it, but did it have to be that??? We're showing puke in kids' movies now? Please, just, don't... I don't care that it's a cartoon and looked like the ooze that mutated our beloved heroes. That doesn't mean I want to see it spewing out of someone's mouth. What is it with Seth Rogen and vomit movies? Is it like some unwritten rule that someone has to upchuck in everything he's in? UGH.
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Also, this movie is rated PG, but... were all the nipple references necessary? Splinter is legit concerned that, if his sons are found by humans, they'll be put in a lab and milked...and they're like, "But we don't even have nipples!" Then the turtles say the same thing to April when she talks about writing a story about them, and she asks how that could be done for the same reason. Then later, in Utrom's lab, they are getting milked... but, I mean, how... way too much emphasis on that.
And did Splinter seriously need a love interest? With an unintelligible giant bug? Just... why? That's wrong on so many levels.
It was said from the start that this movie would focus mostly on the "teenager" aspect, and it absolutely did that. The guys weren't all serious about ninja training and mastering new techniques; they were more interested in what it would be like to be a normal kid, go to school, go to the prom, etc. And since it's 2023, and because it's Seth Rogen, we have to have some swearing and such, even in a cartoon. Mostly it's by Superfly (aka Ice Cube), so not surprising. But even the original 1990 live action movie had cursing LOL.
You know, I'm almost positive that the turtles never officially introduced themselves to April upon meeting her. She introduced herself, but I don't think they ever identified themselves. The closest we came was in they were in the school and Michelangelo was signing himself up for a talent show. We all know who they are, but a human meeting them for the first time more than likely wouldn't. Hmmm... I think some details got overlooked. Just like how I swear Splinter's name wasn't mentioned once in the entire hour and 49 minutes of the movie's runtime.
Anyway, as a hard-core TMNT fan, I did enjoy the movie. Definitely some things that I would have changed, and others that should have stayed true to the original, but all in all it wasn't bad. I think I can give it 8/10 and be satisfied. :)
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call-me-jennn · 1 month
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We're now on day 17 of this and...? Is this supposed to hype me up? Whoo me? Make me feel special?
It does not.
It's just not me. And I keep saying so but it seems to only strengthen his resolve to convince me. This is not coming from a place of lack of confidence. It's really just not me. I'm like a very fun, basic girly. That's not a bad thing. I like it. I'm cute and quirky. I'm NOT a baddie. I tried to explain it. Have you seen How I Met Your Mother? Ted, the main character. He's charming and a dreamy guy. He loves love. He's sweet, but a total geek. They make fun of him, because he's absolutely uncool. But he's a character. THAT'S ME.
I'm a romantic. I'm a lover of love. I have my quirks and I can be charming. But a baddie? NO. I'm not saying I'm unattractive. I just don't have that kind of baddie energy, and him trying to force it on me everyday doesn't make me more confident in myself. It just makes me more sure that he doesn't know me at all.
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 3 months
So i just started OUAT and i binged seasons 1 through 6 in like a month. Now i am at season 7 and it feels like it doesn’t belong with the rest. Please tell me i am not the only person in this fandom that feels this way. Lucy & Alice are gonna be my favourites in season 7, i can tell, but like- I'm so angry 😭😭😭 season 7 is like if someone tried to complete jigsaw puzzle with a lego piece. Its like when you are collecting books in a series but the publisher decides to change cover designs and scrap the old covers while you’re in the middle of collecting and now the bloody books on your shelf don't even match. 😭😭😭 Im sorry i know I'm being dramatic but- 🫠 Also season 6, why did they hype up the black fairy to be this GREAT evil, but i feel like they rushed that plot-line, and she was super easy to defeat. I mean, peter pan was more of a challenge, he made rumple and the hero gang go THROUGH IT, but black fairy couldn’t even top that and she's played out to be stronger. The writers basically gave it their all seasons 1 through half of season 6, (until black fairy's plot) and then they went "f**k it." Another issue i have is the hyping of some characters to be these great forces, and they go down faster than an asthmatic with a flu. (Mother superior, Jafar, Ursula, Cruella, The Author.) Especially blue fairy, they hype her like she’s the big boss of the faeries and they go to her with all their problems but she either says “this magic is too powerful for me to counter it.” Or something along those lines or she keeps getting cooked. Girl…. How do you still have your job? Someone needs to fire her blue ass. Granny could take her in a fight and Im willing to put money on it. 😭 Anyway, rant over, if you answer thank you because i really need to be validated and not feel crazy right now, but if you don't answer and my rant gave you a chuckle thats all well and good too. 💗💗💗
Hey Nonnie!!
You are not alone. I know a lot of the fandom has only watched the seventh season once and that was their first watch-through. A lot of people could not even make it through that season since it was so jarringly disconnected. If you are looking for a bit of history about it - a lot of the contracts expired after season six and with Jennifer Morrison not renewing, the focus shifted from Emma’s story to whatever the main story behind season seven is and it... well...
“It’s like when you are collecting books in a series but the publisher decides to change cover designs and scrap the old covers while you’re in the middle of collecting and now the bloody books on your shelf don't even match.
It is exactly like that.
I, personally, have mixed emotions about the sixth season. We get some very, very good Captain Swan moments that I am a sucker for because I really enjoy established couples having good moments and OUAT did not give screentime to peaceful, calm moments for any pairing. But, we also get that Hook murdered David’s father while he was meant to be in Neverland, but he was actually being a land pirate (notably not a highwayman) in Misthaven. And we get the entire saviour’s curse thing, the evil part of Regina being something that can be and was separated from her rather than a real redemption story for Regina, and the plastic pin villains that you could knock down with a breeze - no bowling ball required!
BUT... having written a few stories with some thrilling baddies and such of my own, I must admit that it is so, so difficult to straddle the line between a good villain that is properly scary and defeating them in a way that doesn’t feel cheap afterwards. I always feel like I let people down once I’ve revealed how the villain is defeated, so I guess I cannot complain too much without being something of a hypocrite.
Granny was such an underutilised hero. She absolutely could have knocked the fairy down a few notches had anyone given her the chance. Maybe someone should tackle a fix-it fic for season six and give us that scene.
Thank you so, so, so much for the ask/rant/thoughts. I adore them so much and hope that you know you are not alone and brought up some very valid thoughts with your very valid emotions.
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pepsi-maxwell · 2 years
thots from dynamite
"solo jones out here"...i love taz on commentary so fucking much
do not love all of ATT coming out when wardlow has nobody in his corner
holy SHIT that swanton holy shit fucking marry me wardlow god he's fucking gorgeous
AND NEW!!!!!!!
really digging the new luchasaurus entrance music
christian is half filling the void in my heart for well dressed heel but wardlow winning the TNT title and the name drop is making me miss my burberry boy
"it's the team of the guy whose bag you carry" fucking get him claudio lmao
i'm keen for this one but I'm getting fatigued by all the 3 way tag title matches (and stop ducking ftr u cowards!!! jk)
did nick just. indirectly reference-
mox and malakai really hyping me up for the main event
anna coming out with the dark order <3
i see danhausen studied at the charlie kelly school of bird law
cool so colten gunn has the long hair and austin has short hair NOW I'LL REMEMBER WHICH ONE'S WHICH
worse heels than christian cage rn ✌️💔✂️
toni's hip attack like genuinely lethal holy shit
jade's progression is so fucking good i love the baddies segments
okay i was kinda eh about death before dishonor but now i'm hyped
brody king choking out darby allin is an iconic image
it's dickens not dickings JR please 😭😭😭
almost thought for a moment brody was gonna win!
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magnificent-nerd · 3 years
Why Naqib in The Boys sucked
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Image description: fictional character Naqib in Amazon Prime’s show The Boys.
(Is the fire in the background an excuse to use racist Yellow Filter to show how exotic he is? Hmm.)
I first posted this on my blog in Dec 2020, and since nothing in superhero media has changed for the better at this time (September 5th, 2021), I’m going to keep talking about it.
Because nobody else does. So, without further ado:
I was a big fan of The Boys season 1; I love superheroes, I love deconstructing a genre. Sure, it has its problems, but overall I enjoyed season 1 and thought the show had potential.
(That’ll learn me for being hopeful!)
When season 1 ended with this big build up of mostly nameless brown and background characters as Muslim terrorists (deep sigh) we the audience are left thinking this one Muslim character (Naqib) whose superpower is to blow himself up repeatedly (insert another long deep sigh here) is going to be The Big Bad of season 2.
I had my misgivings about that direction. Firstly, as you can see from the image of Naqib, he is highly exoticised and is walking around bare chested with Arabic writing on his chest. He looks more like a generic western media depiction of a genie than he does a supervillain. 
And yet he's the first prominent Muslim character in superhero media I've seen in YEARS.
(See my post about MENA and Muslim character good guys, including Joe played by Marwan Kenzari in The Old Guard, which is technically a comic book movie but it’s not what I’d call ‘caped and costumed’ superheroes so it’s more... superhero adjacent.)
I follow superhero content closely and as far as I'm aware the last time we saw any named Muslim characters in superhero movies WITH SPEAKING LINES was:
Instance 1) Iron Man 1 back in 2008 with The Ten Rings in Afghanistan, showing multiple Muslim characters as baddies/terrorists, but only two of them as a named character and with any meaningful lines to say. And despite one of them, Yinsen (actor Shaun Toub), being a good guy he still dies! Which is common in western media for Muslim and MENA characters.
Note: Fellow Iron Man 1 castmate, actor Sayed Badreya, makes an important point in this GQ article: "I die in Iron Man, I die in Executive Decision. I get shot by everyone. George Clooney kills me in Three Kings. Arnold blows me up in True Lies…" (x)
Instance 2) A more recent instalment in Batman V. Superman in 2016, with some unnamed 'General' character and mercenaries/terrorists in Nairomi, Africa, referred to only as "the desert" throughout the movie. All reference to the General's actual name are available in an extended/deleted scene only, so a very poor and vague depiction in the final cut.
Instance 3) The generic and badly written ‘bad guys’ in Wonder Woman 1984 (2020 movie), which was honestly such a racist depiction of Arabs and Muslims that many critics pointed out we hadn’t seen a depiction this terrible since 1994′s True Lies. (At least most critics were in agreement that WW84 movie was generally terrible, so there’s that.)
And that's it, those are the only major instances showing any Muslim actors or characters in a caped and costumed superhero movie. 
Some other fleeting glimpses of Muslims onscreen:
Glimpse 1) I spotted a girl wearing a hijab among the nameless and unspeaking background characters of Peter Parker's class in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019). A first for Marvel movies, apparently.
Glimpse 2) Disney Plus show Falcon and Winter Soldier (2021) had two nameless Muslim characters walk by in a scene that’s supposed to be Tunisia (using Yellow Filter), and ‘thank’ the present American Air Force (eye-roll).
Glimpse 3) Netflix show Jupiter’s Legacy (2021) had a nameless Muslim sailor conversing with one of the main characters in a scene, with meaningful dialogue about racism. (WOW. Really good.) Bonus: no yellow filter. It’s a pity he’s a nameless background character because this brief instance is the least problematic MENA rep I’ve seen in ages, but it is very brief.
I just wrote about Glimpses 2 and 3, and how the Netflix show outdid Disney when it comes to these nameless walk-on Muslim characters.
This is pretty pathetic overall, these small crumbs, especially compared to better rep and probably the only instance of legit MENA superheroes in a ‘costumes and capes’ style superhero show, the Tarazi siblings on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Anyway, now I’ve listed what crumbs are available across the live action superhero genre, back to The Boys.
I was intrigued about how season 2 would handle Naqib and any characters relating to him, and what storyline they'd use. 
Was I excited at the possibility of seeing Muslim supers onscreen? Damn straight I was. Did I mind that they were baddies? Well, yes and no. When you only ever get crumbs or no crumbs at all, you tend to get excited over one stale old crumb.
After the build up for season 2, I eagerly sat down to watch the first episode, only to have the first five minutes of episode 1 Trigon him.
Note: who's Trigon, you ask? Well if you didn't watch the DCEU's Titans show, Trigon was The Big Bad who was hyped up throughout season 1, introduced in the season 1 cliff-hanger episode as this big 'oh shit!' moment for the cast of heroes, only for him to fizzle out like a wet fart in the first episode of season 2 while the show pivots wildly in another direction. 
Exactly what happened to Naqib in the first five minutes of The Boys season 2.
Erm, so, Naqib. Farewell, I guess? As a character you briefly appeared in 2 episodes, portrayed by a different actor in each (Krishan Dutt, and Samer Salem). It seems the writers used you as a plot device when they needed a cheap cliff-hanger for a direction that ultimately went nowhere.
Am I disappointed? Yeah, I am. Overall I thought season 2 of The Boys was weaker than season 1, but I'm not here to talk about the whole season: I want to talk about Naqib and this missed opportunity.
The Boys and its showrunners sell the show as being a satire of recent and well known superhero content, of all the big movies and TV shows. There's been a lot of patting themselves on the back for calling out overused tropes in superhero media (and sometimes they've done this satire well: see the LGBT marketing scene with Queen Maeve in season 2), but my issue with the show on their Muslim rep, or should I say lack thereof, is if your show has even less Muslim character rep than the content you're trying to parody, how is this a win for satire?
Naqib and that whole angle came across as a lazy, half-assed swing from the writer's room. Sure, perhaps a lot of the non-Muslim and non-MENA audience won't even notice, as we've been ignored by western media or made into nameless, generic, vacuous baddies for decades now. Non-Muslims and non-MENA just accept that we're always the baddies for no particular reason at all (which feeds into Islamophobia, by the way) and The Boys' writers could say they are simply satirising the tropes already present in media...
But, and this is a big but, the media that The Boys is satirising has already made a step toward better inclusion and representation: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Marvel comics' first Muslim superhero, is entering the MCU as a lead character in her own Disney Plus show, debuting in 2022. 
Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan is also cited to appear in upcoming Captain Marvel sequel, The Marvels (2022), which will be a major movie.
The MCU has also cast a Muslim actor (Mahershala Ali) as the lead in a reboot of Blade. That's going to be big news when it starts filming.
So to the showrunners on The Boys, I say this: now you've done this small angle of 'all Muslim characters are terrorists, yuckity-yuck!' like we've seen in major superhero movies thus far, and you've brushed that aside in favor of focusing on other whiter villains, my question is will you come back to Muslim and MENA characters again? Or is that all you got?
Because if that was ALL, then the current score is Disney/MCU:02, Netflix:02, DCEU:02, and The Boys: a big ZERO as far as Muslim and MENA rep goes.
Originally posted on my blog, magnificently nerdy.
If you, like me, are always on the lookout for onscreen Muslim and MENA characters in superhero media, and have spotted any characters in superhero TV shows I haven’t watched yet, let me know about them!
Here is my post on good guys, featuring Old Guard’s Joe, and Blindspot’s Rich Dotcom.
Here’s my post about the Tarazi siblings on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow TV show.
And, if Marvels’ Eternals gets released on schedule for 2021, we will have a MENA actor portraying a supporting character. I just hope Marvel gives him a name.
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polar-stars · 5 years
I'm curious about the past of but I know you won't say anything and I'm kind AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gooooooooooooood *I'm really a curious person xd*
(I got your second answer btw, but don’t worry I knew who you meant anyway ^^)
But omg, my secretiveness about Shigeo’s past really hyped people up for it, huh? I am a little nervous that the wait won’t be worth it in the end and that I made this thing out better than it actually is and that everyone will end up disappointed ahhhhh
The reason on why I keep my mouth shut about it is really mainly about the fact that I feel his character will be a lot less fun to read if the reader already knows from beginning on what’s going on within Shigeo and what ultimately lead to him acting the way he does know. 
My main goal with Shigeo’s past is actually not to invoke large pity in the readership. I don’t want him to be instantly forgiven for everything he’s done. I mainly designed his past to be the way it is to offer an explanation rather than an excuse. For example, back when I read Erina’s past the first time it really had me go “Aha” because I could understand where the behavior she had showcased earlier had been coming from. I kind off want to achieve to give such a little “Aha-Moment” as well. But for that to truly work, the reader has to see Shigeo’s behavior in a lot more detail beforehand ;v;
Honestly I think a large part of why I love Shigeo so much is just that he’s hands down probably the most interesting and fun antagonist I’ve ever had. Most of the stories I had before SnKimiko either had no antagonist yet or it were stories with much higher stakes than SnKimiko has. Ultimately many of my antagonists beforehand were just plain evil murderer-people; some hyperactive psychopaths and the others emotionless killer-machines. But like…There was not much more to them being honest, now that I look back on it. If I did give them tragic childhoods, most of them were just sad but not that much connected to their future actions actually. 
Shigeo is an antagonist in a slice-of-life story, which ultimately means that he’s not an antagonist who will murder or something since such a thing is just not part of the genre. When developing him, it was my first time to truly flesh and develop an antagonist who had to be “evil” without letting him kill someone, you know? And when I developed his backstory I didn’t focus on making it as tragic as possible, but I put focus on putting in elements that influenced his way of thinking and eventually lead to him behaving the way he does now. Honestly I am proud on how he turned out. He’s the character where I truly discovered a joy to write the bad guys. Not just is he more complex than the bad guys I had beforehand but he’s also pretty hammy and just fun to me in his performance as the baddie and I’m really enjoying writing him ;v;. 
Another point is that Shigeo actually does leave room for redemption, believe it or not, since he does have some good qualities hidden deep inside somewhere behind insults, jeers and coldness. Which is also a bit more never to me with an antagonist. 
But then again, I am really worried his backstory will turn out to be disappointing after I basically “hyped it up”. 
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specialability · 3 years
I've always felt like TYK finishes somewhat abruptly character development wise. Although the main plot and themes are wrapped up, it feels very much like when I can't think of any more to write and just need to finish it off (lol). Obviously I write a lot of post-canon WenZhou fic so I'm heavily invested in that, but I also think about Zhang Chengling. ZZS might be the protagonist and the perspective character most of the time, but Chengling is more of a "hero" in the shounen manga sense.
He loses his family and is suddenly thrust into a plot while having no idea what's going on and zero skills to cope. He gets a grumpy tsundere teacher and decides he wants to get stronger! He collects a found family. He learns about his dad's generation's fucked up past, which his generation is now paying for. He learns about how people are not as clearly good or bad as society makes them out to be. He actually gets to fight on his own initiative with Gu Xiang's plot to free Gao Xiaolan. He gets given a magic-or-maybe-cursed sword by a beautiful prince! He gets to make his own decisions about what kind of revenge he wants, and what kind of life. And, finally, he gives the biggest baddie the final killing blow (completely off-screen). This is like the opposite of a YA novel revolving entirely around the kids.
So TYK is only the opening act to Chengling's story. He's got two OP dads, has a lot of potential, is probably way stronger than he should be for his age, he's got his special legendary sword... what kind of adult is he going to grow into? He really should get his own novel because I can't pin it down on my own. (There is a similar silly kid disciple in Guardian who is a bit older but also doesn't really get much further in his development. The best idea I can get is Lu's students from Can Ci Pin, none of whom individually are the same character type as ZCL. They all become high achievers who really value their found family above everything else and don't have much patience for black and white morality.)
He's certainly not going to be like the heroes of the past, blindly following their predecessors and repeating platitudes. It's not like WKX and ZZS are going on a murder spree as soon as the plot is over, but ZZS did admit right at the beginning of the novel that while travelling he was stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (including himself) and breaking into wine cellars to drink all the wine. But he draws the line at dining and dashing, even when it was YBY who ate all the food. So there is definitely some moral flexibility there. It also should be mentioned that ZZS is a lord who knows jack shit about actually working for a living and while WKX seems like he has more domestic experience he also spent most of his life stuck on a mountain surrounded by cannibals and serial rapists. Basically, I think Chengling is also going to have a very idiosycratic sense of morality and questionable life skills.
I've hit Ep 24 in SHL when they get to Shiji Manor. There are things they do in SHL that I just don't prefer, but one thing I actively think is incorrect is how Chengling is first told he needs to take revenge for his family, then that he needs to carry on the name of Shiji Manor, and then he's also supposed to learn all of the mechanical stuff from Longyuan Cabinet? And learn all of WKX's family's techniques?? Like, are you trying to give the child a mental breakdown before he's twenty?? Sure, ZZS and WKX end up immortal but the assumption is always that ZZS is going to die and WKX doesn't want to acknowledge his role as shishu so all this history is on Chengling now.
In the novel, we see early on that the adults are pressuring Chengling to avenge his family and hype up this attack on the ghosts, which he doesn't want to do. He's also having some major survivor's guilt. But ZZS never tells him what he should or shouldn't do. He repeatedly asks Chengling whether he wants to follow ZZS or do something else – and ZZS isn't always super great at seeking consent when he doesn't feel like it so its especially obvious when he does. He repeatedly implies that Chengling should think about who is really at fault for what happened to him, whether fault even matters, and what he really wants to do without trying to influence him in any direction. And ZZS will support him in whatever decision he makes (because he has nothing better to do, not because he cares or something, baka).
I think this comes directly from both ZZS and WKX's experiences of being forced to grow up too soon and take on too many responsibilities at an early age. Like most parents, they want to give Chengling what they didn't have after their own respective parental deaths. I just really have a hard time seeing ZZS thinking "Turns out becoming the leader of a sect as a teen really sucked and kinda fucked me up! Now I am going to do this to another child." It just violates all the central themes I really liked related to cycles of trauma, blindly going along with societal expectations, and breaking with unhealthy tradition.
(I also don't really like turning Ye Baiyi into Grandpa Cop even though it gives us that great SHL scene, but that is a different essay)
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