#and now it's cold and raining nonstop
mimimarilynart · 2 years
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Day 23 - William & Anthony
@toastedbuckwheat new scarf in the making, they won't ever be cold <33333
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elsafromcabinsix · 3 months
that kind of love never dies | chapter two
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summary: the one where jake realizes the complexity of a supposedly simple plan.
pairing: jake x mc
word count: 1.4K
warnings: tkolnd takes place after the events of episode 10; cover images found on pinterest; english is not my first language.
author’s note: i love this chapter. it was so much fun to write jake's first meeting with mc. the game left many unresolved questions and i will try to answer them based on the information we already have and a little imagination.
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Without any hesitation, he nodded. There was no point in lying now, not after everything they had done to get Hannah back. And, even if it bothered him a little, Barbara had won his trust.
“A penny for your thoughts.” The hacker asked, seeing the confusion in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
“It's a long story.”
“I have time.” She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting.
Jake took a deep breath to calm himself. They definitely didn't have time. However, he knew he would need to do his best to make her trust him again.
“Long story short, an old alert from Nym-0s showed results yesterday saying that you bought a plane ticket to Switzerland. Since the airport was close to Duskwood, I thought I'd better investigate.”
“Have you been following me since New York?”
“Not exactly, I bought a nonstop flight from Tokyo to Zurich.”
“Why didn't you tell me who you were when we bumped into each other at the airport?”
He hated the fact that his tone was more hurt than angry. Jake opened his mouth to apologize, then closed it. Looking over her shoulder, he noticed the presence of a hooded figure standing in front of the open door of the chinese restaurant, hunching his shoulders against the pouring rain.
Barbara's cell phone immediately started ringing with a call. Frowning, she reached for the device inside her bag, and Jake didn't need to understand portuguese to know what was written on the screen.
“Unknown number?”
“Yes.” She lifted her head, meeting Jake's eyes.
“Great.” He said ironically, taking the cell phone from her hand and sliding his finger to the left to reject the call. “Come on, I'll explain everything to you on the road.”
“All right.” Barbara answered, allowing Jake to lead the way. “But if you're lying about who you are, I'll break your nose.”
“It's fair.”
The hacker kept walking , and she ran to keep up with him, dodging a puddle of water. Two minutes later, they stopped in front of a gray Mercedes-Benz crowned with a red convertible roof parked behind the Gates Hotel.
“Please tell me it’s not stolen.”
“It's not stolen!” Jake looked at her offended, opening the passenger door.
“Sorry! It's just that in my mind you were poor. Which, when you think about it, doesn't make sense, right? How would you do everything you do without money?”
“You are impossible, Barbara.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“I can't be impossible, Jake, I exist.” She replied, rolling her eyes theatrically. “I think you meant that I'm unbelievable.”
“Get in the car straight away.” He ordered, but he was smiling, his eyes filled with something like pleasure.
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“I have some questions.” Barbara announced when they stopped at a red light.
“Of course you have.” Jake smiled amusedly, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Earlier, at the airport, was our meeting on purpose?”
“Yes. I couldn't risk my position by tracking you via cell phone so I had to be creative.”
“Something tells me you're the type to put trackers in people's favorite coat pockets.” She was surprised when he didn't deny it. “Seriously?” Barbara scoffed, rubbing her hands down her arms.
“That worked, didn't it?” He said, undoing his seat belt. “Here, you must be cold.”
Before Barbara could object, Jake took off the leather jacket he was wearing and handed it towards her.
“Thank you, Jake.” She accepted the offer, her cheeks blushing beautifully as she quickly looked away from the defined muscles that were marked by the white t-shirt.
“You're welcome.” He looked straight ahead again, covering his mouth with the back of his left hand to hide a smile of pure satisfaction.
He looked straight ahead again, covering his mouth with the back of his left hand to hide a smile of pure satisfaction.
“Were you in Tokyo this whole time?” Barbara questioned, placing the jacket over her shoulders.
“Tokyo, New Delhi, Manila... I needed to keep myself busy so I didn't think about you too much.”
“I'm unforgettable, aren't I?”
“Too unforgettable for your own good.” He agreed, replacing his belt and accelerating the car to get them moving again.
She sighed loudly.
“Yeah, I guess that explains why the FBI won't leave me alone.”
“You have no idea why I'm here, do you?”
“Considering who I saw at the chinese restaurant, I think I might have an idea.”
“They sent some messages yesterday, inviting me to that same restaurant we talked about last time. The writing was very similar to yours, but it wasn't the same.”
“You knew it wasn't me and you came anyway?”
“We had an agreement, and as a future lawyer, I couldn't let them get away with this so easily.”
“What was your plan?” He waited for an answer, but Barbara just shrugged. “What? Didn't you have one?”
“We brazilians work better under pressure.”
Jake had to stop himself from giving her an irritated look.
“Well, at least this time the FBI is innocent.”
“What do you mean?”
“Old habits never die, right? I figured something was wrong when you didn't go directly to Duskwood, so I accessed the security cameras around the hotel and watched the footage from the past two days.”
“Did you find anything?”
“Nothing too out of the ordinary, but there was one guy who caught my attention. I think I've seen him before. Anyway, I've run his face through facial recognition software and will have confirmation by the end of the night.” He met her eyes, his expression becoming serious. “Barbara, do you understand how…”
“Stupid to come here alone without knowing what I would face? Yes, the reality is starting to knock. In my defense, I would never imagine that someone from the outside could have access to our conversations.”
“Breaking into the FBI database is complicated, but not impossible. This guy was supposed to be looking for information about me and ended up finding you along the way. I'm sorry for bringing you into this.”
She made a nonchalant gesture, dismissing his apologies.
“You're only here because I was impulsive and played my role as a decoy very well, so I think we can say we're even.”
“I will always be in your debt.” Jake declared softly, weaving through traffic with ease.
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The rest of the trip flew by, and the next thing he knew, he was parking near the Aurora's curb.
“What are we doing here?” Barbara looked at him uneasily, her voice sounding louder.
“I need to drop you off somewhere safe before I go back to get my gear from the hotel I'm staying at.”
“A bar is the last place I would think of, I have to admit.”
Jake snorted.
“As much as you approve, we only came here to get Jessica's address.”
“I thought you gathered information on all of us when Hannah was kidnapped.”
“I did, but Jessica moved out a few months after Richy got arrested. And since the FBI is monitoring activity around your friends' digital data, I'm forced to do this the hard way.”
“You mean... Talking?”
“Talking to Phil.”
She stifled a laugh.
“You can wait in the car if you want.”
“I'm not leaving you alone with this guy.” He rolled his eyes, stepping out into the drizzle that was decreasing with each second.
“In that case, why not go to Lilly or Dan?” Barbara commented, carefully slamming the car door. “I'm sure it would be less unpleasant for you.”
“I don't want others to know I'm in town.” Jake said, stopping beside her under the bar's canopy. “Not yet.”
“You're avoiding your sisters, aren't you?”
“It is complicated.”
“I know it's none of my business, but they'd be happy to hear from you. Especially Lilly.”
“Since when have you been Lilly's defender?”
“Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are.” Barbara laughed, brushing an invisible speck of dust off her dress. “How do I look?”
Jake analyzed her from head to toe for a few moments, seeing the way Barbara's hair fell over her arm in messy locks, how her smudged mascara highlighted the beauty of her light brown eyes, and how her dress, almost completely dry, outlined each centimeter of her body.
“I'm serious, Jake!”
“Me too.” He smiled adoringly, intertwining his fingers with hers. “Come on, I don't want to prolong this any longer than necessary.”
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taglist: @daniiiworlds; @labemquarts; @deinily
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foreverlittlesoshi · 6 days
the center of my day
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noah sebastian x reader
word count: 370
the sound of rain hitting the window woke you, gloomy clouds making the sky and outside appear gray. the air felt cold but your body was warm due to noah holding onto you with a death grip. you wiggled a bit so you could turn over but stopped when you heard him let out a groan.
“what are you doing?” “just wanted to turn so i can look at you.”
facing him you were met with his slightly puffy face still drenched with fatigue, you couldn’t help but to start tracing his features while admiring him and feel your heart start pounding. he let out a sigh of content at the feeling of your thumb rubbing his cheek and started to fall back into his slumber. a little bit of guilt washed over you for waking him since he was trying to catch up on sleep after months of nonstop grueling touring and he deserved the rest.
not to mention, pushing himself more by already going right back into the studio to make the next album. even with pure exhaustion and stress on him, he still looked so beautiful and peaceful while sleeping.
“you’re so beautiful.” you whisper to him.
“don’t lie to me.”
his response startled you a bit but you gave him a light smack on the shoulder. “i would never lie to you.”
noah shook his head as he let out a weak chuckle. “i guess not.”
“so don’t ever accuse me of lying to you because you are so beautiful.” you say louder as you push his dark hair off his face.
“fine. fine.” he murmured as he rolled his eyes.
“don’t get all sassy with me!” laughing at him, “i thought you fell back asleep.”
he hugged you tighter as he let out another sigh. “i almost did till you spoke. i won’t lie, i loved the compliment.”
“well, it’s true.” you gave him a soft kiss and he kissed you back.
“alright, can we go back to sleep now?” his eyes already closed again before finishing the question.
“of course.” settling back down then focusing on the sound of his heartbeat lulling you back to sleep as he fell back into a deep slumber again.
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AN ~ i tried so hard to take a chance of writing fluff after actual years
title comes from dare4distance by nevershoutnever
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808len808 · 11 months
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!Leon S. Kennedy x Male Reader!
summery: You always flirt with Leon, getting him all worked up for nothing, so when Leon finally got the chance to get you back he took it immediately.
Authers note: I've officially read every single Leon x Male reader fic, so I decided to tribute too like the good samaritan I am.
!Warnings!: nsfw themes, amab terms used for both Leon and Reader, Hypothermia.
(Words: 6,070)
The rain poured down like a thousand waterfalls, fog filling the air as you tried to find your way through the old abandoned village, Leon leaning on you, his hand clamped to his side as the rain and his blood drenched your black shirt in a mean color. You had to find shelter, to tend Leon’s wounds, to warm up in the cold winter storm. You were lucky there wasn’t snow involved yet, lucky that the mission was a success and that you were safe, sort of. 
You looked beside you, Leon’s feet slumped on the ground his boots brown and covered in mud his socks were already soaked and probably very uncomfortable. You praised yourself for getting water-resistant boots before the mission. Leon held his wound covering it the best he could after you told him to keep pressure on it. His face contorted into a painful look his eyes closing every once and a while as he breathed out shacky breaths. 
“Just hold on a bit longer”, you whispered although it was barely audible above the pounding sound of the rain.
Leon had been your partner for over a year now, working together on missions nonstop. 
The first time he got to work with you on a mission he was flustered non-stop, trying to shrug off your comments, and flirtations because you did and said it to everyone…right?
Well technically true, but you did like Leon, maybe not that much at first, but he kind of grew on you, and so did his blush.
Besides the flirty comments from you, you guys were a pretty great team, greater them most, hence why you were sent on missions together so much.
This brings us to where you and he are today, on a mission to retrieve some stolen virus, you didn’t have much details, just what it looked like, and you were supposed to bring it back in one piece for research. You had worked for the D.S.O. long enough now that you knew not to ask too many questions. 
The mission was supposed to be short and easy, you did the first part without any setbacks and finally, you were happy to wrap this up and go back to your apartment and relax. Maybe go to the bar if you are in the mood, maybe invite Leon to the bar? yeah, why not? You had formed a plan in your head already, it wouldn’t be out of character for you to ask him, your flirtations were honestly just part of your and Leon’s routine by now.  But your whole plan was destroyed when a storm came up making it impossible for the chopper to even get close to you and Leon. You were stuck.
Your relationship with your work partner was honestly fun, you were always happy to work with Leon, not only was Leon brave and sweet (and can kick like a mf). He was also funny, and ever since you started working with Leon you actually started to enjoy your job. 
Leon joined your team very early on at the age of 24, making you a bit more protective of him sometimes. "He’s just a kid", you’d say to your superiors every time Leon got dispatched on another life-threatening mission even though you weren’t even 3 years older than him. 
It started off as just harmless comments about Leon’s looks or just cheesy one-liners, eventually, Leon even started to form a few of his oneliners making you grin every time because yes they were bad, so bad that it was funny. But the more you were around Leon the more you started to care about him, even when you didn’t want to admit it, even when you thought you weren’t capable of ever falling in love, even when you didn’t want to, you’ve fallen for the guy, literally and figuratively.
The sun that had previously been shining was completely gone, you squinted your eyes trying to figure your the environment. The village that once was beautiful and would be a beautiful one to live in was now cold and decayed. The old cabins were barely holding up, especially with this weather. The wood creaked threatening to fall apart, even with centuries on its back the storm seemed to penetrate. 
Suddenly you spotted a house in the distance. It was bigger, the roof painted with green tiles instead of the straw roofing of the rest of the houses. The house is made of brick instead of wood standing steady in the rain. 
Your eyes darted back to Leon who still had a look of pain on his face.  “You’re gonna be okay”, you reassured yourself more than Leon, you weren’t even sure if he could even hear you, you’d be surprised if he did. 
You quickly made your way over to the house. You opened the door in a swift motion, your footsteps hard on the wooden floor as the water fell down on the ground with every step you took. The door slammed closed immediately the strong wind pulling it back with a hard smack. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding once the dry atmosphere of the house surrounded you. It was almost as if you had put headphones on that damped the environment, inside the house it was quiet, with no sign of danger. It was dark inside, you struggled to see anything. Your body was working faster than your head. You turned a corner leading up to the stairs, Leon was groaning in your ear as you almost dragged him up the steps. A slim hallway led to one door upstairs, you grasped the walls trying to stabilize yourself as you held on to Leon. 
The room at the end of the hall was as you suspected a bedroom. The sheets were a nice green the same color as the roof, this house seemed clean and new like the people had just left a few days ago. The sheets seemed brand new the wooden bed frame carved. You sat Leon down on the bed gently laying him down, not caring that his blood stained the sheets. “You’re gonna be okay”, you reassured again to which Leon responded with a grunt. 
The side of his abdomen did not look good. You got a few test tubes filled with herbs out and lit a candle on the bedside table giving off just enough light to see Leon’s wound.
You went to work immediately giving Leon a few sorry’s as you slowly lifted up his shirt. He was apparently horrible at staying quiet because with everything you did, he groaned or let out whimpers even after you numbed the wound he just couldn’t keep quiet. It was certainly something you would have to remember in the future.
“There ya go, all better”, you said as you wrapped up the wound nice and clean. Proudly looking back at your work, you were certainly no medic but it was less worse than you expected mostly because it was a fairly small cut and not that deep. 
“Thanks, doc”, Leon joked back to which you gave a wink. “I’m going to double check the house,” you said already standing up to walk away, grabbing your flashlight and toying with it in your hand. “You’ll be all right here?” 
“Yeah I’m fine”, Leon responded his voice slightly hoarse. “You’re always fine”, you quipped back with a grin and quickly left the room, missing Leon’s eye roll.
You thoroughly checked the house and even booted up the windows that were threatening to break with the gushing wind. Going back upstairs you tried to contact Hunnigan again but there seemed to be no signal. 
Leon was sitting up on the bed his radio in his hands as well. “Got signal?” You leaned back against the wall observing as Leon fiddled with the buttons. “Nope,” he sighed. Upon looking down at your watch you were shocked to find out it was already around midnight. The storm had combined day and night in one big tornado. 
“It’s getting late,” You ran a hand through your hair as you spoke. “You should get some sleep, let your body heal.” You walked around to the large fireplace placed in front of the bed, shoving some wood in and catching Leon’s eyes as you glanced back. “What about you?” 
“Don’t worry about me, get your beauty sleep”, you replied with a cheeky grin as you got your lighter out. 
“We can take shifts-“
“Not necessary, just sleep Leon”, you shot a look back cutting Leon’s sentence off. Leon let out a small scoff. But the bed shifted, and the small clang of a radio being placed on the nightstand was heard. You smiled to yourself as you sat down knowing Leon wasn’t fighting back anymore, leaning against the bed frame as you sat on the wooden floor. The fire illuminated the room in a warm color but left the corners dark and unpredictable.
The fire crackled over the sound of the rain against the one window in the room as a loud thunder erupted from the clouds. The fire was hot against your skin even when you weren’t even sitting close to it, it left a tingling feeling on your cheek as you felt your damp hair already dry together with your clothes. 
It was only then that you realized you were still wearing your cold wet clothes. It stuck to your skin as you tried to remove your tactical harness clipping it and letting it sit by the fire, you took off your belt, shoes, and socks as well as your shirt.
Even when your pants felt like hell right now you didn’t want to take them off, not with Leon in the same room. So there you were laying your clothes by the fire leaving you in only your cargo pants. 
“What are you doing” a voice croaked from the bed making you chuckle, you didn’t bother to look back instead staring into the flames. “Drying my clothes”, you responded. “Are you naked right now?!” Leon’s voice was high pitched which made you laugh. 
“Yep, I’m totally naked, dick out and everything”. 
“Are you being serious right now?!” 
You looked over your shoulder and could barely see Leon his face flush and turned away from you. Leon took the silence as an answer. “You weren’t serious were you?”, Leon sighed.
“You can check”, you invited keeping a strict eye on Leon to see if he would actually turn around. And slowly but surely you saw Leon’s head move just to take a quick glance. He immediately retracted his steps once he was watching. “You pervert!” You dramatically said taking a fake look of disbelief on your face. 
Leon covered his face with his hands hiding away from you. “How dare you!”, you placed your hand on your chest acting like you were deeply disturbed.
“You’re the one undressing next to me!” Leon said anxiously making you erupt out in laughter which he automatically mirrored.
“Go to sleep!” you laughed back. 
That night you didn’t sleep not that it mattered anyway because it seemed you and Leon were stuck. That’s right, you had watched the entire night with an aw-struck face as you watched the snow fall down. The ground was already covered with multiple inches of perfect white snow when morning came. And still, the storm went on and rain and snow came together with mud making the beautiful clear ice turn a dirty brown. 
By the time Leon woke up you had already gotten to explore the whole house finding enough food to last for at least a week, and by the looks of it, you would be stuck here for a while.
Leon and you kept tight in the bedroom since the fire was the only thing keeping you warm right now. You and Leon sat by the fireplace as you handed him some random can of soup you found and warmed up above the fireplace while holding one for yourself as well. 
“How long do you think we’re stuck here?”
You shrugged looking outside the window again the blizzard had covered the houses making the scenery seem nicer somehow. Specs of snow and ice slashed across the sky riding the heavy wind.
“For however long that storm is”, you lifted the spoon to your mouth softly blowing it before letting it touch your lips.
“And then just hope that we can get some sort of signal.” You sighed as you spoke the situation was really not looking good.
“We’ll figure something out”, Leon replied back hopeful making you smile. He was always more optimistic kind of funny how he can still be even now.
You sat in silence, sipping your soup while the fire brought warmth to both of you, sitting on the ground in front of the fireplace. It kind of reminded you of Christmas as a kid you’d sit in front of the fireplace waiting for Santa and playing in the snow outside later. 
Your eyes trailed back to Leon who was looking out the window, lost in thought as well. You decided it was time to strike up some conversation again before the silence became too much.
“How’s your wound?”
Leon’s head turned back to you and down to his side as if he initially didn’t know what you were talking about. “Yeah it’s fine”, Leon nodded as he spoke. “At least not infected so that’s good” he spoke with slight cheerfulness in his tone his hair moving with his head as he spoke. 
“You got lucky,” you grinned. “My very professional medical skills saved you.”, you said proudly. 
“Ah, yes, of course, where would I be without you?” Leon questioned back raising an eyebrow. “Probably Dead. So you should thank me honestly for saving you” You took another spoon of soup holding eye contact with Leon as you did. “Oh how will I ever repay you my brave hero”, he said putting his hand on his forehead as he dramatically spoke.
“Oh I certainly have some ideas”, you mumbled to yourself stirring your soup. Leon became quiet and you could quite literally see the redness slowly creeping on his face. 
After the wonderful breakfast soup, you and Leon decided to talk about a plan.
“I want to go outside and see if we can find any help” Leon announced putting down his knife on the downstairs table. 
You raised an eyebrow “You can’t be serious, do you see that blizzard?”
"Yeah well I want to check it out, maybe it’s not that bad, and maybe I can get a signal or something.”, Leon replied back sternly looking directly into your eyes with his blue orbs. 
“There’s no point, Leon, it’s best to just wait it out.”, you argued back, and your argument was true but to be honest you just didn’t want Leon to get hurt. 
“But what if they already sent help and they’re already here,” Leon placed his hands on the table leaning slightly as he looked up at you.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing, already tired of Leon’s stubbornness. “You’re still injured,” you pointed down to his side. 
“It’s nothing, why won’t you just let me go?”, Leon was slightly raising his voice. You leaned back against the kitchen wall your eyes piercing Leon’s in a silent battle of who would look away first. “You could get hypothermia.” Leon just scoffed at that, leaning back as well, standing up straight as if to look more intimidating which he definitely didn’t, well maybe if you were shorter but you’re taller than him so it just looked kind of silly. (I can’t take short people seriously) 
“I’ll be back in less than an hour I promise,” You opened your mouth to speak but he interrupted you again holding up a hand to silence you. “And-, and I won’t go too far.”, he put on his puppy eyes which made you break away. 
“Fine,” you gritted through your teeth, ignoring how Leon smiled as he won the argument. “But if you die on me I’m gonna be real mad.”
“Yeah, yeah” Leon nodded putting on his jacket and backpack as well as all his tackle gear. “Be careful.” Leon gave you a firm nod before closing the door behind him with a loud slam.
The house felt even more quiet now. 
After an hour passed you started to get nervous he was supposed to be back already. It was stupid how much you were stressing out, walking circles in the bedroom profusely looking outside the window for any sign of Leon in the blizzard. You kept checking your watch over and over. When two hours had passed you started to freak out, contemplating if you should go out in the snow to try and find it.
Just as you were going downstairs to get your equipment and go after Leon the door opened.  Leon was standing in the doorway cold wind grasped your hair to stand up in your skin. Leon was absolutely trembling, not looking at you. 
“Jezus Leon”, you quickly ran over swiftly closing the door and looking at Leon to check for injuries. “Are you okay? You had me worried”, you patted down his arms checking to see if he was fine, he was he just seemed very cold, shivering. “Help” he breathed out, you quickly realized what was going on, you had even warned him about it. “Shit.” You quickly picked him up into your arm heading upstairs in a record of time, the fire was still going. “How bad is it?” You asked sitting Leon down on the bed and taking off his soaked coat that was covered in snow and ice by now. 
“I don’t know, one moment I was fine, and then suddenly-“ Leon groaned as your warm fingers touched his now naked arm. “Sorry,” you mumbled back. You got down on one knee and roughly got off Leon’s boots and set them aside. His socks were absolutely soaked you were impressed that he still had all his toes. “Can you move?” You stood up straight noticing how Leon was already staring at you when you made eye contact. Leon gave you a small nod. “It just hurts when I do.”
You held out your arm, signaling for Leon to balance himself with it if needed. “Stand up.” Leon leaned on you as you helped him get up. Your hands went down trying not to think of what you were doing, you were trained for this, it was protocol. But still, you couldn’t help but look away as you fiddled with the button of Leon’s pants, and then the zipper. You were trying to act as nonchalant as possible keeping up a stern face when in reality you were getting sweaty.
“You’re real stupid you know that?”, you asked going down in a swift motion to peel Leon’s wet cargo pants off. “I told you this would happen,” you continued guiding Leon to sit back down again so that you could remove his pants completely. “But you just had to check,” your eyes met his again he was blushing profusely hugging himself with his shivering arms.
“Lay down,” it was more of a command now because you were getting pissed off. Leon obediently did as you said laying down on the bed leaving enough room for you. After wrapping Leon under the warm covers and getting every blanket you could find you finally scooted up behind him trying to warm him as your clothes chest pressed against his exposed back. You couldn’t see Leon’s face but you already knew what he was looking like. You wrapped your arms around him, just like you learned in training, well maybe not totally but hey, this was life or death, right?
“What?”, Leon questioned back confused as you kept spooning him. 
“Was it worth it? Did you find anything? Anyone?”
He stayed quiet for a while before finally responding. “No”
You scoffed and Leon could feel your hot breath on his neck as you did. “Then what was even the point”, you said disappointed.
Leon was getting fed up al this backlash from you only made him in an even worse mood, even when he was flustered with your arms around him he still found a way to be annoyed, or rather you found a way to be annoying. “You just got hurt for nothing”
Finally, Leon snapped he turned around. “Why do you care?!” His face was almost fuming but his eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion. You suddenly felt bad, and mostly embarrassed by the fact that his face was mere inches away from you. “Because-“ You couldn’t find the right reason even when there were a thousand you just couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
And the way Leon was looking at you right now definitely didn’t help, it stayed quiet Leon keeping strict eye contact with you while you kept finding other places to look at. apparently, Leon wasn’t faced at all by the fact you were so close and by the fact that you could just lean in and-
You noticed a change in Leon’s face his eyes averted down to your lips, and your heart raced in your chest. “I think we both know why”, you whispered making Leon look back into your eyes again while a faint blush painted his cheeks. He leaned in and immediately you did too, meeting him halfway into a heated kiss, even when his lips were cold you brought him all the warmth he needed.
You kept your lips connected with Leon as you propped yourself up on one elbow your head hovering over Leon as you penetrated Leon’s mouth, your hot tongue warming the inside of Leon’s mouth pulling out soft noises from Leon that went straight to your dick.
You tried to pull away to catch your breath or say something but Leon’s lips were on you before you could even process what was happening both his hands in your messy hair. You groaned as Leon pushed you as close as he could his body bare body pressed against yours under the sheets.
You pulled away again this time going straight for Leon’s neck, Leon’s head fell back into the pillow, and finally, you could hear all the noises he was making in his small pants and that soft whimper when you sucked too hard on his sensitive skin. 
It felt like a dream, because you had dreamt about it very many times maybe that’s why your brain had trouble processing the situation. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time”
“Oh yeah how long?”, Leon breathed back, you looked back up, one of your legs between Leon’s legs, your senses were heightened as your lips trailed further down leaving wet open kisses on Leon’s now warm skin, keeping eye contact with the younger man. “You don’t want to know,” you replied with a grumble as you sat up on your knees your eyes averting to admire the view in front of you.
Leon’s muscles tensed his face red his semi-hard erection pulsing through his boxers. “How far do you want to take this?” You asked your knees between Leon’s legs. 
Leon rested his body on his elbows the bed shifting in weight as he did. “I want to take this however far it can go”
You grinned leaning back down to meet Leon’s lips again making Leon tilt his head further back to deepen the kiss. Your hand traveled down Leon’s abs going over his abdomen and touching every bit of skin that you could get your grubby hands on. You toyed a bit with the edge of Leon’s waistband just to test Leon’s patience for a bit. “Please-” and there you had your answer so you complied your hand slid under the fabric making a whine escape from Leon’s mouth.
You started panting yourself your heart beating loudly in your chest as your head dipped down to Leon’s collarbone nipping at the skin there as your hand started stroking his length. Leon closed his eyes his hot breath on your neck. Everything turned out hot and sweaty, you didn’t know how it was possible in this condition but it did.
“Ah, shit” Leon’s voice was raspy and much higher than normal his face had a pathetic look on it like he was just asking to be fucked with his eyes, which he probably did on purpose. You kept a firm rith knowing better than to rush yourself. 
The fire made small cozy noises in the background, and all of a sudden you were happy to be stranded with Leon because now no one could interrupt you, nobody could come and ruin your fun.
You smirked at the thought. “Fuck, please!” Leon mewled out.
“What is it, baby? What do you want?” You again leaned backward admiring Leon’s erotic expression, his lips slightly parted, he wasn’t looking at you almost as if he was ashamed. “Use your words come on Leon”, you grinned as your hand sped up making Leon sputter our more choked moans. 
“You’re usually so talkative..” you teased leaning closer to his face. “Spit it out baby” As much as you encouraged Leon still seemed like he wasn’t obliging. You raised an eyebrow as Leon stayed quiet. So you decided to take matters into your own hands or rather out of your hand. 
You redirected your hand out Leon’s underwear finally grabbing Leon’s attention.
“No, no wait” Leon tried to get your hand back, reaching out for your wrist but you dodged his grabs and clicked your tongue in disapproval. You sat back with a slight smirk sitting on the bed your eyes piercing through Leon as he hesitantly looked at you. “Please-“ “What?” Again you raised an eyebrow seating your hands behind you on the bed. “You’ll have to tell me if you want me to continue” Leon looked at you stubbornly his eyes following the messy sheets of the bed before they met yours again. His dignity was fading by the second and Leon couldn’t figure out whether he liked it or not.
Leon’s puppy eyes met yours as he sat in shame “Touch me,” he mumbled out your lips perked up. You could press him on for more but you felt satisfied with the small response Leon had given you. “Good boy”, you praised signing him over to you as you patted the space between your legs. “C’mere,” Leon happily obliged, he sat down his back pressed against your chest as your hands immediately went down his body again.
Your chin rested on his shoulder watching everything you were doing to that poor boy. “That wasn’t so hard now was it?”, Leon shook his head biting his lips as your hands caressed down again. “Words Leon,” you said gripping his shaft. “Ah! Yes, it-“Leon let out another choked moan his head falling back onto your shoulder his hair tickling the side of your face. 
Leon was trembling in your grip his legs shaking as you embraced him, your free hand found one of Leon’s tits squeezing the muscle, massaging slowly as your fingers crept closer to his sensitive nubs, your rough fingers teasingly rubbing circles around the red ring making Leon’s heart pound loudly. 
The house creaked slightly the stone walls keeping you safe from the cold and whatever the fuck else was out there. 
“Fuck-, please fuck me”, Leon said his words reaching your ears but going straight down. You wanted to fuck his tight little asshole so fucking bad, to make Leon feel you for at least a few days, to truly penetrate him. But atlas you were hesitant, you knew Leon had experience so did you, but maybe this was just not the right setting, you were still in a workspace, and above all that Leon had just recovered from hypothermia. 
“Lee, I’m not sure”, You said your mouth stuck to his neck like glue. “We don’t got any lube or anything, I don’t wanna hurt you,” you replied genuinely concerned. “I don't care just- please,” the corner of his eyes caught yours in an utter most desperate look. And how could you say no to that?
“So stubborn”, you mumbled with amusement. You let out a small sigh your hand slowing down and reaching up. You kissed Leon’s cheek and Leon turned his head back slightly so you could properly kiss him.  “Okay, we’ll start slow yeah? See where it goes”, you said making sure Leon heard every word. Leon nodded and you looked at him for a second waiting for him to catch on. “Right, yeah, words”, Leon nodded his head hanging. “yeah, no that sounds good” he answered with a boyish smile.
“Great, now open up.” Leon was opening his mouth to protest but before he could get a word out of his throat you shoved your middle finger and pointer in his mouth without any warning, well technically you did give him a warning.
Leon moaned around your fingers his eyes closing as his tongue swirled around your fingers, his mouth adjusting to the taste and shape. You looked at him with a face of pride as you let him suck off your fingers. Once you got bored with it and the top of your fingers were starting to form water wrinkles, you removed your fingers releasing with a small plop a string of saliva that connected your skin to Leon’s lips before you broke it and moved them down. 
You went with patients at least you tried to, it was hard when there was a get moaning and whimpering in your ear with every move you made. One finger slid in easily, Leon tensed and shook everyone and a while shivers rolled up his spine as your finger moved to stretch him out. “Relax” you mumbled soothingly in Leon’s ear. Leon was already panting his chest standing proud as he arched his back into your touch. “I’m trying” You believed him on that front. “I got you all right? So just…relax”
Leon’s head nodded as he agreed in a slur of yes and apologies to which you chuckled. Leon wasn’t used to this, it was slow and passionate, you were actually caring for him caring for his pleasure not just toying with him for your own gain. 
With two fingers you got Leon squirming on top of them he was getting impatient and you could tell he wanted more. “Please-, I’m ready”, he complained, you slowly removed your fingers your lips sucking on the skin below Leon’s ear. “I don’t know”, you started trying to think this through, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, fucking your co-worker on a mission. You started to doubt this whole hookup in a whole. “Maybe it’s best if we just stop here, no hard feelings-“ Leon shook his head almost violently. “No”, 
Leon turned around sitting on his knees across from you on the bed. You looked at him questioning. His hair was messy his lips swollen with many marks on his neck that would soon become bruises. “No?” You returned Leon’s words tilting your head.
“We’re still on a mission Leon”, you reminded him to which he rolled his eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said under his breath. “You’re only thinking about that now?” 
“Yeah,” you admitted with a small smile. Again Leon scoffed. He looked straight into your eyes as he moved closer. “You’ve been flirting with me since the moment we met” Leon crawled closer his hand beside your hip on the bed his face dangerously close to yours. “I know you like me” Leon continued full confidence. You gulped as you leaned back trying to create some space between the two of you. 
Leon ignored it, his hands going down to unbuckle your belt while you sat there totally in shock at Leon’s attitude.
“Leon I don’t-“ 
“Oh come all that big dick talk has to come from somewhere right?” With that sentence all your thoughts and doubts were thrown out the window you tried to fight it but Leon was quick to go down and shut you up, grabbing your length and pulling it out of its restraints. “Ah- shit-”
His next few moves were quick time blurted together in pleasure his hole aligned with your dick his hand at the base of your cock guiding you while your eyes followed his every move. Slowly Leon lowered down sinking on you as his thighs straddled your lap. Leon’s eyes rolled back his face going from concentration to pure pleasure in a blink of an eye. 
All you could do was dig your nails deep into the flesh of Leon’s ass as your mind became fogged with a big cloud of pure erotic pleasure. “Ah- fuck baby slow down”, you pleaded with grasps feeling how Leon’s walls hugged you tight squeezing you. “Shit!” Leon moaned as he finally bottomed out his head falling on your shoulder. “Fuck” He let out a small choked sob. His hips slowly roll down on you making you groan. 
His dick was squeezed between your body his angry red tip leaking into your skin, rubbing against the fabric of your shirt with Leon’s movements. 
Leon’s pace was sloppy his face concentrated, trying his best it was adorable honestly, but just not pleasurable enough for you. You decided to just take a tiny bit of control, beginning to guide Leon’s hips at a much steadier and faster pace. “Ah- fuck!” Leon’s head fell back his eyes going up in ecstasy as you fucked him back making sure to delicately grasp his sweet spot with every thrust. 
You could tell Leon was trying hard not to cum, his hands anchored on your shoulders sweat dripping down his hairline. His whimpers became more apparent the longer you went on. 
“You wanted this didn’t you?” You panted. Leon’s mouth was agape as he closed his eyes. “Mhm mhm” he nodded frantically. “Wanted me to fuck you like this” you continued beneath your breath. Leon let out a loud moan as you started to rut against his sweet spot, drool was at the corners of his mouth soft sobs leaving his mouth. “shit-shit-shit!” Leon panted his words slurring. “I’m coming- ah- shit coming!” Leon mumbled incoherent things as webs of white landed on both your abdomen, and your movements became frantic trying to race to your own release desperately. 
Leon’s forehead landed on your sweaty shoulder his hot breath on your chest as you finally released inside him. Holding his hips as you slammed your chock deep into Leon not caring that Leon was practically crying on your shoulder as you did. He let out high mewls as your movements slowly came to a hold. 
The both of you sat there in silence panting as you came down from your high. You wrapped your arms around him. “You okay?” You asked genuinely worried that you may have gone too far. Leon let out a small huff of a laugh which made you instantly feel better realizing you hadn’t totally ruined the relationship you had with him. “Yeah…that was amazing” 
You smiled at that sighing with relief. “Oh thank god”, your thumb rubbed small circles on Leon’s back. Leon let out a small giggle. 
After another while of silence and your dick becoming uncomfortable in the wetness of your own cum, you pulled out making Leon whence. You muttered a small apology just as you had done when you treated his injury a day ago. How times change huh?
You gave Leon a kiss on the cheek, you found some towels after rummaging the house, you cleaned off Leon and after that yourself. 
“I’m sorry that I can’t give you proper aftercare, you definitely deserve it after that”, you grinned covering the both of you under the blanket spooning him once again. “It’s okay, you can make it up to me when we get home” 
“Is that so?” You playfully squeezed him. To which he giggled cutely.
“I didn’t hurt you too much did I?” You asked your worries over taking you once again. “Not really and besides I like a bit of pain.” 
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pfctipper · 1 month
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Martin Taylor, ed. Lads: Love Poetry of the Trenches (1989) on the relationship between officers and their men during the First World War (+ HBO war extracts that I can't stop thinking about in relation under the cut)
Letter from Floyd Talbert, dated 1945: 'Dick that is the reason you are loved and will never be forgotten by any soldier that ever served under you, or I might say with you; because that is the way I felt ... you are the best friend I ever had and I only wish we could have been on a different basis. You were my ideal, and motor in combat ... Well you know now why I would follow you into hell.'
Bill Sloan, Brotherhood of Heroes: The Marines at Peleliu (2005): ‘[Dick] Higgins got back to the command post and saw Haldane’s gear piled where he’d hurriedly dumped it before going up on the ridge. Then, without warning, Higgins went to pieces. He fell to the ground, screaming, swearing, and sobbing uncontrollably. “All at once, it hit me, and I totally lost it. They sent me to sick bay for four days, and the doctors advised me not to go back on duty even then, but I insisted. It was better to be doing something than just sitting there.”
Eugene Sledge, With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa (1981): 'As I struggled along feeling chilled and forlorn and trying to keep my balance in the mud, a big man came striding from the rear of the column. He walked with the ease of a pedestrian on a city sidewalk. As he pulled abreast of me, the man looked at me and said, “Lovely weather, isn’t it, son?” I grinned at Haldane and said, “Not exactly, sir" ... He wanted to know all about my family, home, and education. As we talked the gloom seemed to disappear, and I felt warm inside. Finally he told me it wouldn’t rain forever, and we could get dry soon. He moved along the column talking to other men as he had to me. His sincere interest in each of us as a human being helped to dispel the feeling that we were just animals training to fight.'
Larry Alexander, Biggest Brother: The Life Of Major Dick Winters (2005): Winters' philosophy of dealing with his men and keeping up morale and fighting spirit was to move among them. One damp, dreary morning he noticed Private Clarence S. Howell manning a machine gun outpost and looking thoroughly miserable. The men had been marching and fighting mock battles for twenty-four hours nonstop. Howell, like the rest, was tired, wet, cold and hungry. As Winters watched, Howell fished a photograph from a pocket and stared down at it. "How's it going, Shep?" Winters asked, kneeling next to the young soldier. "Fine, sir," he replied, still looking at the photo. "What's that?" Winters asked. "A picture from home?" "Yes, sir," Howell said, showing it to Winters. It was a young woman. "My girl," he added, as if he felt he had to explain. "She's very pretty, Shep," Winters said, examining the smiling young face. "You must miss her. Are you two planning to tie the knot?" "Yes, sir," he answered, studying the photo again. "I was just wondering how long it'll be until I can get back to her, or even if I'll ever see her again." "You will," Winters said, patting the man's shoulder. "Just keep your mind focused on your job. You're a good man, Shep. Hang tough."
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talesofesther · 2 years
find the beauty
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: Wednesday is infatuated with you; in a snowy walk, she might just do something about it.
Requested by multiple anons for my Christmas Special event.
A/N: Soft Wednesday because I said so. Changed the requests just a tiny bit but hope y'all like it. Prompts used: 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19. So if you requested any of these together, this is for you. <3
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You were different than most people. When Wednesday said she liked thunderstorms, she would mostly receive weird looks and questions about why she'd like something so gloomy; but you saw beauty in the way the lightning painted the skies and the rain fell heavily against the windows. You told Wednesday you enjoyed the cold weather on your skin, and how there was poetry to wearing black in someone's honor.
Wednesday didn't do feelings. But she felt a lot for you.
Her infatuation with you was something undeniable, it made her think of her father making heart eyes for her mother, and sometimes it made her sick to her stomach. But the thought of living without this feeling was simply unappealing.
Maybe that's why, when the day started with snow falling nonstop from the sky, she asked you out. She didn't use the word date, but it had been on her mind when she put on her trenchcoat and walked to your dorm.
The school already had a thin layer of snow on its grounds; the trees were bare of leaves and the once stone path now created footprints over a white blanket as you walked by the garden.
"The snow is so pretty isn't it?" You asked mindlessly, turning your palm up and watching as snowflakes slowly collected on top of your glove.
"It's pleasant, yes," Wednesday answered, her gaze moving from you to the looming trees around her that had grown enough to form an archway for you to walk under.
"Oh hey, look," you jogged a little ways further, stopping under a lower branch that had something attached to it. Standing on your tiptoes, you shook off the snow that covered the little green leaves; "it's a small mistletoe."
Wednesday knew of the silly tradition, though it didn't stop her from walking the rest of the way to you. She came to a stop in front of you, her personal space mingling with yours.
"I wonder who put this here." You hummed, only then glancing down from the mistletoe hanging above you to notice Wednesday standing before you.
There was something about seeing her with an immensity of white around her that was enchanting; with her dark eyes and raven hair, she looked like a painting, like something out of a dream of yours.
And yet here she was, her eyes traveling up to yours in a tender blink, features as soft as you've ever seen them; her hair loose for once, falling in waves over her shoulders as her hands rested on the pockets of her coat; her lips with the ghost of a tilt to them that if you didn't know better, you'd say you were her dream as much as she's yours.
You glanced away from Wednesday then, eyes downcast as your cheeks turned pink under her gaze.
"Your cheeks are flushed, why?" There was a soft furrow to Wednesday's eyebrows as she asked, she could see tiny snowflakes clinging to your hair and even smaller ones settling on your eyelashes; they touched you with delicacy, all intimate and tender as some of the flakes melted on you. For some reason, Wednesday was envious of their privilege.
"It's uh- just the wind," you uttered the first little lie that came to your mind, because saying that she was the reason for the color on your cheeks seemed too much.
Wednesday closed her gloved hands into fists as she took in a breath. The air came out past her lips in a white puff, and she waited until it faded completely before taking a bold step closer.
There was a snowflake resting on your bottom lip, so small you didn't even feel it, but it was taunting Wednesday. If she tilted her head forward just a bit, her nose would be brushing yours. And why was that the only thing she could think about?
Your eyes finally found Wednesday's again when she stepped closer to you, so close you could see every speck of color on her lips, every little freckle over her nose and cheeks. Would she be mad if you leaned in just a tad further?
There was no telling who kissed who first, you just ended up meeting in the middle.
Wednesday kissed the snowflake away from your lips, claiming them as her own for good. One of her hands came up to your cheek, feeling your warmth underneath her palm as her lips moved against yours.
If a machine was to check your heartbeat right now, it would go crazy as the lines came in shambles. There was something addictive about Wednesday, about the way her hair touched your eyelashes when she turned or how she pulled away oh so slowly and opened her eyes even slower; that got you all warm and fuzzy even on the coldest day of the year.
You decided it was a privilege, to see her in this new light.
Wednesday's gaze was darting all over your face after she pulled away, casting over every little emotion on you.
She smiled something shy, all soft and intimate, taking a shot at vulnerability; a small tilt of her lips that barely showed her dimples.
You leaned in to touch your forehead with hers for a moment. It felt a lot like a promise.
And maybe that's why she took your hand on the way back to school.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest
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marsbutterfly · 1 year
The Boy Who Cried Your Name
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a/n: HI!!!! I'M BACK AFTER SUCH A LONG HIATUS!!!! I MISSED YOU GUYS! This story was based on this postI hope you all enjoy!
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none, just fluff <3
2:07am > manjiro: ok this movie genuinely seems really stupid 2:08am > manjiro: i think i'll watch it and tell you all about it during our date tomorrow. 2:11am > manjiro: oh shit, i've seen this actor somewhere 2:13am > manjiro: i know you're asleep but like 2:13am > manjiro: when you wake up can you help me find out this dude's name? 2:13am > manjiro: *image*
It's a Tuesday night, or at least it was when you first went to sleep. The nonstop vibration of your phone combined with the light that comes from it is enough to disturb your deep slumber.
You grunt, eyes squinting as you try to adjust to the brightness. Your warm hand comes out from its place underneath your pillow, only to be received by a rush of cold air that comes from the AC. Your fingers tremble gently while trying your best to type in your passcode, though your brain isn't fully awake.
Ultimately you decide to simply shine the phone on your face in the hopes that it will recognize your features even in the dark of your room.
Before it can even unlock, another notification.
2:16am > manjiro: i am learning so much from this movie already 2:17am > manjiro: did you fucking know that you can make your own butter if you shake milk for long enough?
You can't help but giggle at the sight, 17+ messages from Mikey. Before the two of you became a real couple, he would hardly ever text first, maybe because he could never remember where he put his phone in the first place or maybe it was because he was actually afraid of getting his feelings hurt, after all, a girl like you was hard to come by.
When the two of you decided to become official, his texts became more and more frequent. Most nights, you were forced to put your phone on Do Not Disturb because you desperately needed a good night's rest and lord knows you wouldn't be able to achieve that goal as long as Mikey was awake.
Your thumbs aren't moving at the speed you would like them to, your vision is still partially blurry and your throat is so dry that it feels like you are swallowing nails. Nevertheless, you open the messages to encounter a great variety of content.
Tired eyes skim through the various paragraphs, some quite lengthy as he declares his endless love for you and everything you have done / do for him on a daily basis, describing how you are the most beautiful person you have ever met and how the light that radiates from you reminds him of a sunset lit inside of your chest. How the color of your hair is his favorite because, whenever he sees it anywhere else, he feels like the universe is sending him a small reminder of how lucky he is. You smile at the sight of his gentle words.
However, you can no longer ignore the rain of incoming texts now that he has noticed the "seen at 2:14am" at the bottom of the page. He feels awful for waking you up but he cannot help himself. Every new thing he learns, every new detail of the movie he thinks you will enjoy knowing, he must share with you.
2:15am > manjiro: THIS DUDE JUST ATE HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW WHOLE? 2:16am > manjiro: IS THAT A FUCKING THING THAT SNAKES DO? EAT PEOPLE WHOLE? 2:16am > manjiro: I HAVE TO GOOGLE THIS HOLD ON 2:17am > manjiro: I have learned that, in fact, they can. I'm actually going to jump, I cannot do this 2:18am > manjiro: oh shit, i didn't mean to wake you up, but now that you are here! 2:19am > manjiro: did you know that drinking too much water can kill you? I read it somewhere, let me find the link. 2:19am > manjiro: Oh and also that when the dinosaurs walked the Earth, days were 23 hours long instead of 24?
You take a deep breath, knowing that he is coming from a place of love and care but you can't help but be a bit annoyed. Not wanting to snap at him, you use your full mental capacity at the moment to type a response to one of his many, many texts.
2:19am > manjiro: typing... 2:19am > you: Mikey, I love you, so so much and I wish for nothing more than for you to be here cuddling with me, than to feel the warmth of your body against mine, but you know I have an exam early in the morning. 2:20am > you: but baby, I am begging you, STOP THIS MADNESS.
His texting ceases and it feels like an eternity, certainly long enough for you to regret the way you spoke to him, even if it wasn't malicious or even purposefully mean. You understand that, other than Draken, Mikey doesn't usually confide in anyone else, especially not in a way that makes him seem weak or "stupid."
A sigh escapes your lips and you blink intensely for a few seconds in the hopes of stopping your eyeballs from burning. Time seems to slip by you and the next time your eyes open, twenty minutes have passed.
You bolt awake for a few seconds, heart beating faster than a race car, an irrational fear that you might have missed a message from him taking over you so the natural course of action is to check your texts. It would be a lie to say you weren't a little disappointed that there were no new messages from Mikey in that short period of time and your heart sinks just slightly.
2:41am > you: Mikey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I'm just nervous about my exam and super tired. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I hope you can forgive me.
Not even thirty seconds go by before the three dots inside of the blue bubble appear at the edge of the page. The full sensation of relief doesn't wash over you until you hear back from him, a simple message, spelled completely wrong because you knew he was keeping an eye out on whatever he was watching on the television.
2:42am > mikey: all gpod bsby, u luv u. (all good baby, i love you)
With a smile on your face, you finally allow yourself to relax and place the phone down underneath your pillow, giving Mikey time for himself as he enjoys his tv time. Now, you are finally going to be able to have a good night's rest before your big exam tomorrow. Eyelids become heavy and your breathing finds its own perfect pattern, your pillow is cold and underneath your covers is warm, everything is simply falling into place.
When you are within seconds of falling asleep, your phone buzzes from beneath your head. You refuse to open your eyes and simply roll over, pushing your body away from the device.
Some time passes and you find yourself in the same peaceful vibe as before, a gentle smile on your face as you fully allow yourself to be submerged in the cold feeling of the ac against your face while the rest of your body is nicely tucked away. The feeling doesn't last long for Mikey, once again, decides to start texting you every few minutes, if not seconds.
You grunt loudly, reaching for the edge of your pillow to pull it over your ear. In moments like these, you truly had to remind yourself of how much you loved him and why because he does, in fact, test what little sanity you have left in you. But you didn't know that all he was doing in that moment was being his usual self: the guy who is deeply and madly in love with you.
3:14am > manjiro: oh yeah 3:14am > manjiro: i forgot to tell you 3:15am > manjiro: good luck on your exam tomorrow, you got this! 3:15am > manjiro: i love you so much <3 3:15am > manjiro: have a great night <3
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M6 and MC during a storm or other bad weather event? Can be as fluffy or as angsty as you please.
(Bonus: What kind of umbrella would each LI have, if any?)
The Arcana HCs: M6 during thunderstorms
~ the way my mind gets flooded with serotonin just thinking about thunderstorms XD I've added some pics of the kinds of umbrellas I think they'd use too ^.^ thanks for the prompt anon! - brainrot ~
TW for mentions of panic attacks in Julian's and Portia's sections and tooth rotting fluff in general
HATES thunderstorms
They take him right back to the night he lost his family, until he's a scared little boy holding his baby sister and waiting for his parents to come save them all over again
Just the sound of rain alone used to send him into panic attacks as a kid and young teen, but he's been an adult on his own for a long time at this point and it's rare for him to have that reaction now
That doesn't stop him from getting anxious though
He'll alternate between uncharacteristic silence and feverish chattering, making overly casual comments on the weather
He will also be laser focused on you. He knows it's irrational, but he's got a deap-seated fear that the storm will take you from him too and he will follow you like a shadow
He doesn't want to become a nuisance though, so he'll be fussing over you nonstop - layering you with blankets, insisting you eat or drink every thirty minutes, dosing you with vitamins, etc
Of course, you love him, so you find a way to make things bearable
The sound of thunder and sensation of cold rain bother him the most, so cuddling in bed where it's warm and dry and the blankets can muffle the sounds is ideal
The best is when you ask him to read out loud to you. He gets to be close to you, make himself useful, and stay distracted all at once. Just don't let him have coffee, the jitters will send his anxiety through the roof
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(He rarely uses his umbrella, but it's as gothic as he is and has a raven head carved in the handle)
LOVES the rain
Their magic is water-affiliated as it is, and you're telling them that everything's being splashed with it? Well what are you waiting for, MC, it's clearly time to go outside!
Constant smiling and giggling
The streets are almost completely empty because everyone sane is staying inside, and he takes full advantage of that. It's the most childlike, playful, and hyper you'll ever see him
Tag, you're it!
They'll run and give chase for as long as you can manage it, and as soon as one of you slows down they're pulling you into their arms to dance. Don't worry about the music, they'll make it happen somehow
Kisses in the rain with his hair plastered to his face will never not be delightful. He won't hold still for very long though, if you hold him too close he'll take it as his invitation to tickle you and run
Puddle-jumping competitions for the biggest splash
If you're not in the city, oh boy, they're hunting for the biggest mud pit they can find and pulling you into a match
Does not have the healthy fear of lightning that he should. Will stand in the middle of a field or try to climb a tree for a better view, and you have heard him at his loudest when he shouts back at it
The foamiest hot bath when you get home, they'll spend the rest of the evening curled up with you in front of the fire with hot chocolate
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(They don't like using their umbrella anyways, so it turned into a magical art project)
Rain holds unusually fond family memories for her
For starters, it usually signaled a drop in temperature, which was a welcome break in the tropical Prakran climate
But back home in Prakra with six busy older siblings and royalty for parents, thunderstorms were when everybody took a break and spent the day together in the palace with games and tea
She doesn't have to think twice about continuing that tradition with you
She'll usually give everyone the afternoon off once basic Palace upkeep tasks are finished and spend it with you
She loves sitting on the veranda with you in the afternoon, commenting on the lightning and listening to the thunder and rain, drinking tea with you and telling you stories of her childhood
As soon as it starts to get dark she's taking you inside and putting together a dinner in the kitchens. You and the palace chefs know she doesn't really cook, so they'll leave some "ingredients" to find
"Ingredients" often being a cold roast bird of some kind, a freshly baked loaf of bread "hidden" in the cupboard, a bowl of greens with the dressing on a different table, and two "forgotten" plates of dessert
You don't know if she knows that kitchens aren't usually like that, and you have no intention of telling her otherwise
She'll retire with you to her chambers early, so she can lie in bed with the windows open and listen to your voice and the rain
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(She has a collection of umbrellas for different outfits, mostly used for garden events)
You didn't expect it, but Muriel feels supremely at peace when it rains
As a kid, it was one of the only times when the city would get quiet. He could go out in the rain, and just for once, walk as far as he wanted to without bumping into anyone or being looked at
He could stand in the middle of the widest street and hold as still and breathe as deeply as he wanted to without a single person yelling at him to move
And nobody wanted to attend the roofless Coliseum when it was raining
Out in the woods? It's even better
He takes a quiet pride in knowing that for once the forest is louder than the people are
And the cold doesn't bother him in the slightest
There's a part of the hut roof that juts out by several feet and he keeps a stool there. He'll lean back into the tree roots and stone wall, watching the curtain of rain an arm's length away with a contented smile
To him, rain sounds and smells like freedom and new beginnings
He'll never pressure you to join him, but he'll be so happy if you do
It's an atmosphere where he's the most at home in his own body, so you can expect him to initiate a lot more physical touch
He'll be comfortable enough to pull you into his lap and wrap a cloak around the two of you to keep you warm and dry
Gentle kisses against the cold stone, wrapped up in his warmth and a thick blanket while the earth smells fresh and the rain tap dances on the leaves all around you
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(Asra got it for him as a gag gift and he unironically adores it and uses it all the time)
She gets super irritable when it rains
Do you know? What hair like hers likes to do? When it gets this humid? Do you know? How much time it takes? To clean up the bucketloads of mud? That Pepi tracks all over the floor?
Yeah, she didn't think so
She doesn't talk about it (and frankly, she's not the introspective type, so she might not even be aware of it) but the trauma of that shipwreck stays with her even if she can't remember it completely
So no, she doesn't get flashbacks or nightmares, but as soon as it starts thundering she's plagued with a sense of unease and danger that she just can't shake
She also associates it with watching her teenaged older brother panic and meltdown, which isn't the most positive memory
And of course, it doesn't help that rainy days mean keeping a very active person cooped up inside with nothing to do but keep house
She'll spend the first few hours obsessively getting her space in order - meal prepping, cleaning, organizing, list-writing
It's better not to get involved until there's nothing left for her to do
That's your cue to help her tie back her hair, brew some soothing tea (or something stronger, if she's really fidgety) and sit with her on the couch while she talks a mile a minute all about her week
It will take a few years, but eventually she'll come to associate rain with you so strongly that she might even come to love it
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(She likes having the brightest, most distracting umbrella possible for such miserable weather)
He doesn't like thunderstorms. At all
He's generally tougher than he acts - he grew up with Morga as a parent, after all - but his brand of bad weather as a kid was snowstorms and blizzards and fierce winds
Not all this business with metal-attracted bolts of sky electricity and sudden, loud noises and water that makes everything muddy and gets everywhere (especially on the dogs!)
Unless it's impossible, he's spending thunderstorms inside, no matter how tight your budget is
As soon as it becomes anything more than a light drizzle, he's cancelling all of today's plans and going off in search of affordable, effective shelter
If he had it his way, he'd do his best to sleep through the whole weather event hunkered down beneath a pile of quilts and blankets
The problem is with Mercedes and Melchior. They love the rain
There's mud! There's exciting new smells! Let them out, let them out to play!
And Lucio, of course, will let them out like the doting dog dad he is, and then they'll come back inside with their white fur drenched and matted with mud and shake it all over everything
The only thing all three of them agree on is that lightning and thunder = bad
The dogs of course have sensitive ears, and no matter how many times he hears it, it always makes Lucio jump (too unexpected)
Your cuddles will be desperately sought after and much appreciated
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(The first umbrella is the one Lucio wanted to buy. The second is what he got, because it needs to fit in his traveling pack)
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smizzy · 2 years
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everybody n they mommas coughin up a storm this month including me..
The day before it had been raining with impossible cold air blowing nonstop
You forgot to double up your sweater when you went out to take a walk with Wednesday
You woke up the next morning feeling like shit with a stuffy nose feeling like you were dying on your bed
You knew taking 2 Tylenol pills would've made you feel less chilly and turned down the ache you had in your muscles
But you hadn't been sick since for several months so you had to go into Jericho just to pick up a bottle
You said fuck that and stayed in your room being absent to your classes hoping sleep would do you justice
Wednesday hadn't seen you in botany class which was weird because you'd come to that class just to be with her almost everyday
So she decided to check up on you after the class ended but oh how she felt her heart shatter (just a little)
You were breathing through your mouth and could hear the wheezy inhales and exhales and she knew you caught a fever
She knew you didn't like syrup cough medicine no matter what brand or flavor so she woke you and made a family 'secret' elixir
Very suspicious about it but you (gaslighted yourself) liked it even though it didn't do much
Knowing how your body is if it has a fever; she almost felt needed to hold you while you went back to sleep
That was cut short when remembering how cold her body is compared to yours now
She was thinking on what to do to make her feel less chilly, from basically rug burning her skin wondering if it'd heat up, to rubbing her hands together, wearing a sweater and a pair of winter gloves
She just wanted to hold you while you're sick she dgaf
Since Enid was out with Ajax in town she asked/forced her to pick up some Tylenol knowing you were gonna get tired of her mother's mother elixir in a couple of days
Surprise! there's arsenic in it
me personally.. I wouldn't take that type of disrespect
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Garden of Secrets [2] - Nightshade
A.N: Thank you so much for your amazing feedback and support to the first chapter my loves!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter! 
Summary: It’s a bad idea to tempt fate.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, slow burn.
Word Count: 4100
Series Masterlist
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It wasn’t that you were someone who didn’t like to be out of their comfort zone.
Correction; you were definitely someone who didn’t like to be out of their comfort zone but that was hardly your fault, now that stepping out of your comfort zone meant being thrown into a battlefield with merely a knife in hand, or the social equivalent of it.
Also known as London’s marriage mart.
At least the weather seemed to share your feelings. It had been raining nonstop since the morning, so instead of being out in the park to –God forbid- socialize or receiving suitors, you were confined to your room with a book in your hands, enjoying the crackling wood in the fireplace. You were resting your back on the pillows, with soft and warm covers over your legs, the pitter patter of raindrops against the window filling the room. You heard the door crack open and slipped a little into the covers.
“Paula please don’t tell me I—” you started but as soon as you turned your head, you gasped. Your little brother was standing by the doorstep with a happy grin on his face, as if he wasn’t covered in mud from head to toe.
“Teddy!” you exclaimed, covering your mouth before you got off the bed to rush to him. “What happened?”
“I made you something!”
You gawked at him. “What?”
“Look!” he held up what seemed to be a clump of mud with two sticks coming out of each side. “It’s a mud snowman!”
You blinked a couple of times and took a look at the clump again, a small smile warming your lips. It was obvious on the second glance that he had in fact put a lot of effort into it, because the snowman’s eyes and its smiling mouth consisted of tiny pebbles, along with what you assumed to be its coat buttons. A giggle escaped from your lips and you took a deep breath.
“Oh it’s lovely!” you said and took it from him carefully. “Come, let’s pick a place for him.”
Teddy bounced on his feet before looking around the room, and you approached the shelves above the fireplace.
“How about here?” you asked and he nodded.
“What should we call him?” you asked. “He needs a name.”
He looked to be in a deep thought before he held his breath. “Howard!”
You grinned at him. “Like uncle?”
He nodded again and you placed the small mud statue on the shelf, then put your hands on your hips and turned to him.
“Now that Howard has found his place,” you said and walked to ring the bell to call your maid there. “You need a bath and change of clothes. Has Auntie seen you like this?”
“No,” he said as you crouched down to look him in the eye.
“Teddy, you shouldn’t be outside when it’s raining. We talked about this.”
“It wasn’t even cold!”
“Wet clothes make you cold,” you said and someone knocked on the door, then opened it.
“My lady- oh my goodness!” your maid Paula gasped upon seeing Teddy and you repressed a smile, then fixed Teddy’s wet hair before turning to Paula.
“Would you please make sure he’s cleaned up? My aunt will have a heart attack if she sees him like this.”
“Of course my lady—and your aunt has requested your presence.”
“Thank you,” you said and smiled at Teddy. “Go on then.”
Teddy followed her out of the room and you straightened your back, then left your room. You made your way down the hall and stepped into the drawing room to find your aunt there, reading Whistledown’s new issue with such attention that one would have thought it held the secrets of the universe.
Then again, it did hold the secrets of the ton, so you guessed that was still something.
“You asked for me, auntie?”
Her head snapped up and she gave you a warm smile.
“Hello dearest,” she said as you sat down on the sofa. “Tea?”
“Yes thank you,” you said and your aunt poured you a cup of tea before placing the porcelain teapot on the tray again.
“So I was thinking we could go to the modiste today,” she said and took a sip of her tea, “Most of your gowns are finished, but no harm in taking a look at some new designs in case anything catches your interest. You will be interacting with a lot of suitors after all, we cannot let anyone see you in the same gown twice.”  
You grimaced at the thought of it, then heaved a sigh.
“Must I interact with them?”
“Well, it is expected to actually talk to your suitor if you wish to be married to them.”
“I disagree,” you said. “I happen to think the minimum interaction the better.”
“Minimum interaction?” she repeated. “Clover, you do know that when you marry someone you spend a lot of time together, do you not?”
“Depends on the marriage,” you pointed out. “I intend mine to be a bit different.”
“And what happens if you do fall in love?”
You scoffed a laugh. “I would never, auntie.”
“You keep tempting fate, my dear,” she smiled. “Sooner or later it will answer.”
You hummed, taking a sip of the tea and nodded at Whistledown’s paper on the coffee table.
“Anything interesting?”  
“Just many expectations,” she said. “And some news about Bridgertons.”
Your eyes snapped up and you cleared your throat before throwing your shoulders back.
“What about them?”
“Everyone always watched them even before, and now with Daphne being the diamond, more eyes will be on them,” she said. “So now the whole ton knows Benedict Bridgerton was seen arriving home at dawn, looking quite…disheveled.”
Your heart skipping a beat was absolutely coincidental.
“Oh?” you asked after a beat. “Disheveled?”
“God knows what his actions were the night before,” your aunt said. “But I suppose it’s not so surprising.”
You didn’t even notice leaning in slightly. “Wh—why?”
“He’s the second son of a very wealthy and respectable family and an artist,” she said. “You know what they say about the second sons; all the fun and none of the responsibilities. That being added to him being an artist… I doubt he keeps very respectable company, if you catch my hint.”
Dear God, he was an artist?
Great. That would surely serve as the disincentive to make the smallest idea about him stop from getting to your head. Artists were annoyingly in touch with their emotions, not to mention pursued the stupid notion of love relentlessly, so regardless of your first impression about his looks—
Not that you were thinking about his looks. Your aunt had brought him up, that was all.
You would never even entertain such an idea, you had different plans for a husband.
“I’ve heard he’s quite…” you made yourself busy with your cup. “The competition was high for his attention.”
“Well, he’s a Bridgerton, and he’s quite easy on the eyes,” your aunt said. “Have you seen him before?”
You blinked a couple of times, then scoffed and shook your head fervently.
“No,” you managed to say, your voice slightly high-pitched before you cleared your throat and tried again. “No, not at all.”
“Well, I’ll show him to you at the next outing.”
“I’ve also heard he—” you waved a hand in the air. “His attention was claimed already?”
“A lot of people say that,” your aunt said. “About Charlotte Harlowe. That girl must have been waiting for a proposal from him for over two years now. She debuted two years ago and they had been friends even before, people say. Poor thing, she has no other suitors and if Benedict Bridgerton’s reluctance is anything to go by… Perhaps he will end up not proposing to her, who knows?”
“Huh,” you said. “Yeah, who knows?” 
“They both claim to be friends but you know how it is,” she said. “And to think he’s going off to these escapades while courting Charlotte...”
Well that was quite interesting.
Not that you cared.
“Right,” you said. “Sounds terrible.”
“Poor girl,” your aunt commented and shook her head, then took a deep breath. “Anyway, the modiste then?”
When your aunt had said you would be paying a visit to the modiste, you had for some reason assumed it meant you would in fact be going to the modiste, but you should have known better. On your way to the modiste, you had stopped at the ribbon shop first, then the jeweler, then a shoe shop, and finally the carriage pulled over in front of the modiste’s shop, making you let out a breath.
“Before we walk in there, I need you to promise me something,” you told your aunt as you both stepped out of the carriage and she turned to you.
“Of course dear, what is it?”
“We will keep this visit short,” you said. “Under an hour.”
“Oh come on now—”
“Auntie you get out of control when it comes to buying me new things.”
“It’s your debut year!” she defended herself, making you repress a laugh.
“Is it mine or yours?” you asked. “You’re much more interested in this than me.”
“Fine, perhaps your debut brought back memories,” she said, waving a hand in the air and you tilted your head.
“Mm hm, I could tell.”
“But I met your uncle in my debut year!” she said. “I can still remember the first time I saw him. He was surrounded by these other lords in the ballroom, but as soon as I laid my eyes on him…”
You raised your brows.
“He was the first one to ask me for a dance that night,” she said. “And I could swear that dance was the shortest dance in the world, it felt like it lasted a mere second.”
You were quite certain it was the nostalgia speaking but you weren’t going to argue, so you smiled and heaved a dramatic sigh.
“Fine,” you said. “I suppose we can spend more than an hour.”
“And I’m buying you everything!”
“Auntie no—” you started but she had already walked into the shop. You shook your head fondly and got into the shop as well. Your aunt was already ahead of you, on the other side of the shop with the modiste and you took a deep breath, looking around.
Even you had to admit, this was quite fun. The gowns were very beautiful, and since your aunt was more than willing to buy you new ones, you figured you could just try to enjoy it rather than worrying about whether it was too much or not.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice the shuffling noise coming from behind the shelves, but as soon as the figure stepped out, you snapped out of your thoughts, your heart skipping a beat for some reason before you gritted your teeth, already annoyed at yourself.
Benedict Bridgerton seemed as surprised as you were and he froze in his tracks, blinking a couple of times. His momentary distraction gave you the opportunity to actually notice why he looked to be in such a hurry to leave, after all it was a shop so of course he could be there, but—
But judging by the disheveled state he was in, it was obvious a different type of action was taking place, before you had walked in at least. There was no other lady in your sight, and you and your aunt seemed to be the only customers so it meant...
Ah. The modiste.
Well that made sense, she was very beautiful after all.
“Hello,” Benedict said after a beat. “We meet again.”
You bit inside your cheek, trying to make sense of why a small surge of excitement had shoot through your system upon his voice.
“I um...” he stammered. “My sister placed some orders earlier and she—she asked me to ask about them.”
An amused smile curled your lips, your eyes drifting down to his undone cravat around his neck and he followed your gaze to look down, then his hands shot up to fix it.
“I know how it looks but contrary to what you might think—”
“Do you always assume people think about you?” you cut him off and he tilted his head like a confused puppy.
“No?” he said like a question. “No but—if you told anyone, people would misunderstand the uh…situation.”
You raised your brows and shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t talk about you,” you stated. “And I can assure you, you overestimate my interest in your life, Mr. Bridgerton. Good day.”
With that, you walked away from him to the other side of the shop where your aunt and modiste were.
“There you are Y/N!” your aunt said. “Where were you?”
You stole a glance at the modiste and willed a smile on your face.
“Nowhere,” you said. “I got distracted for a moment, that’s all. What did I miss?”
In all honesty, you attending a museum exhibition whose team was ‘love’ was the same as expecting a person who hated singing to attend opera.
It was bound to be torture for you and you were going to enjoy approximately zero seconds of it.
Yet, your aunt had insisted so here you were. So far, you had managed to avoid a couple of suitors but if they were like this during a simple exhibition, you did not want to think about how you would be spending the balls.
Dear God, even the thought of it was enough to make you grimace.
Your aunt had started a conversation with Lady Danbury by the corner with a couple of other ladies, and you grabbed a glass of lemonade from the tray, then started walking to the other side of the room but you were distracted when you heard your name.
“I’d love to hear more about it Lord Berbrooke but I’ve just seen my friend—Y/N, here you are!” Daphne rushed to you, clasping your arm. “Excuse us for a moment, we have so much to chat about.”
“What—” you started but she quickly dragged you out of the painting room to what seemed to be the statue room.
“My apologies,” Daphne said in a hurry. “I just could not bear that, not even a minute longer.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I can’t blame you,” you said. “He looks like a rather unpleasant company.”
“You don’t know the half of it,” she whispered. “I have no idea what Anthony is thinking—never mind me, how are you? Are you enjoying the exhibition?”
“I would be enjoying it much more if it weren’t for the threat of having conversations with possible suitors hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles,” you grumbled, sipping your drink and Daphne tilted her head.
“I’ve heard people say you have quite a lot already,” she said. “Some ladies swear it’s because you barely talk or smile at the suitors, they say it’s the mysterious air you have.”
“Or my uncle’s money,” you pointed out. “Either or.”
Daphne grinned and her eyes stopped on someone in the room.
“Alright, a possible suitor is coming and I doubt he’s one of mine.”
You looked over your shoulder at the man approaching you, and narrowed your eyes to glare at him. He stopped dead in his tracks, then looked elsewhere and changed his direction as if he had intended to go somewhere else all along. Daphne’s jaw dropped and you suppressed a smug smile.
“How did you do that?” she whispered and you sipped your drink.
“It’s not that difficult to intimidate them,” you pointed out and Daphne let out an impressed breath.
“You must teach me that sometime.”
“You’re too nice for it,” you said and she smiled.
“So are you.”
“That was the worst thing you’ve ever said to me so far,” you deadpanned and she opened her mouth to argue, then rolled her eyes.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she said and walked away from you to her oldest brother. You took another sip of your drink and stepped closer to another statue, then took a look at the tiny golden plate and scoffed.
Of course it was expected to find his statue in an exhibition that revolved around love, and you had to admit it was a very impressive statue. You threw your shoulders back, still holding your glass in your hand, your eyes focused on the face of the statue almost in a daze, but you quickly snapped out of it when someone said your name.
“Miss Y/N.”
You looked over your shoulder as Benedict gave you a proud grin and stepped to stand beside you.
“I’ve learned your name,” he said and you tried to ignore the excited flip your stomach did, then scowled.
“Good for you,” you said. “From Madame Delacroix or someone else?”
A guilty look crossed his face and he cleared his throat.
“My mother actually,” he said. “I asked her what the name of the lady who kept looking at people as if she was planning their death was, and funnily enough she knew exactly who I was talking about.”
You raised your brows.
“I’m not going to tell anyone,” you stated. “Not that people don’t already know about your escapades, thanks to what Lady Whistledown wrote about you. But as I said, I’m not interested in your life, so you can just go away now.”
“You read Whistledown?”
“My aunt does,” you said and he nodded slowly.
“I see,” he said. “But actually, I’m not here to ask you not to tell anyone.”
You tried not to roll your eyes. “Then pray tell, why are you here?”
“To talk to you.”
You frowned. “About what?”
“Anything,” he said, hope shining in his blue eyes and your heart beat sped up before you pursed your lips, your frown deepening.
Contrary to other people, he didn’t seem discouraged by that at all.
“How do you find the exhibition?”
“It’s alright,” you said drily. “For the theme of delusion.”
“The theme is love.”
“Yeah it’s the same thing,” you said and he pulled back slightly.
“You don’t believe in love?” he asked and you took a deep breath, but then a small crowd caught your attention by the corner of the room, making you turn your gaze there. To your absolute horror, your eyes fell on your aunt, Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury all watching you and Benedict. Your aunt looked quite surprised just like Lady Bridgerton, Lady Danbury on the other hand had a small smile on her lips and you swallowed thickly.
“Oh God no,” you muttered and walked past Benedict without so much as an explanation to get away from him, leaving him there quite confused. Your heart was still beating in your ears but you managed to walk pass the hall to get to another room and downed your drink.
No way.
Even though you didn’t really know Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton, you knew your aunt and you knew exactly what she would think, or hope for.
A love match for you.
Absolutely out of question.
You took a deep breath and walked to put your glass on the tray a maid was carrying before grabbing another glass, and cleared your throat.
It was fine. You were just going to stay away from Benedict Bridgerton and his stupid grin and his bright blue eyes. The man was nothing if not annoying, and considering his nightly –and as you had witnessed the aftermath today, afternoon— activities, there was no need for you to even talk to him.
It wasn’t going to be difficult at all.
You sipped your lemonade and decided to pass the hallway that led to another room of sculptures, but as soon as you entered, so did Benedict from the other side of the room.
Jesus Christ—
This was a damn nightmare.
At least no one you happened to know was in the room, and it was surely away from your aunt’s line of sight. You stopped in front of another statue you didn’t even bother to read about and glared at Benedict who took a step towards you.
“Hello again.”
“Are you following for me in the shadows or something?” you growled and he shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s a public space,” he said and you clenched your jaw, turning to look at the statue before your eyes fell on the small information plate.
Of course you were standing in front of Aphrodite’s statue, because much like the man next to you, this silly idea of love also seemed to be everywhere you looked nowadays.
“Why did you walk away?”
“We had an audience with a very creative imagination,” you stated. “In case it has escaped your notice.”
“It hasn’t.”
You hummed. “But let me guess, you do not care.”
“Do you?” he asked back. “ I didn’t think you were the type of person who cared about what other people thought.”
“I’m not,” you said almost too fast. “It tends to be a bit different when I live with one of the said people though. One of the many entertaining things about being a debutante.”
He nodded slowly, then turned his head to look around.
“Well we don’t have the same audience now,” he said. “Thanks to you I suppose.”
“My pleasure, don’t feel obliged to stay,” you mumbled but that seemed to make him smile slightly.
“Do you really not believe in love?”
“Is that why you followed me here?” you asked back, glaring at him. “To bother me with your questions?”
He had the audacity to feign innocence. “It was purely coincidental. There are many artworks to see here, how was I to know we’d pick the same room to admire them?”
“Right,” you murmured. “Purely coincidental, of course.”
“So?” he asked. “Do you really not believe in love?”
You paused for a moment, then swirled the drink in your glass before taking a sip.
“I couldn’t believe in it if I tried, it’s not real,” you said. “It’s made up.”
“…Love is made up?” he repeated and you nodded.
“Yeah. Artists made it up.”
He stared at you. “Surely you’re not serious?”
You shook your head. “Do I look to be jesting?” you asked. “Artists made it up, and then other people started using it as a trap. I tend not to fall for lies or traps, so I simply don’t believe it.”
He looked almost at a loss for words for a moment before he spoke again;
“What else do you think artists made up then?”
You suppressed a mocking smirk. “Love is not enough for you, Mr. Bridgerton?”
“Oh love is more than enough for me,” he answered, that playful light glimmering in his eyes and you heaved a deep sigh.
“Well, everyone says you’re an artist,” you pointed out. “It’s no surprise that you believe in it, or that you chase it. How sad.”
“Sad?” he asked with an amused chuckle. “Oh I see. And let me guess, you would never fall in love?”
“I’m just too smart,” you stated. “Anyone who falls in love is a fool, nothing more.”
A mischievous smile curled the corners of his mouth and he stole a look at the sculpture in front of you.
“You know,” he said. “People in earlier times would tell you it’s not wise to provoke the goddess of love right in front of her statue like this.”
You raised your brows and scoffed before taking a look at the statue in front of you.
“I defy her then,” you said. “Love has no hold over me, nor will it ever.”
Even if you weren’t looking at him, you were painfully aware of his gaze on you and you felt your whole face grow hotter before you frowned at yourself, and downed your drink.
“Miss Y/N, would you—”
He blinked a couple of times, “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”
“It doesn’t matter, I doubt it’s something I’d say yes to,” you pointed out. “I should take my leave, I have more lords whose delusions I should break and I’m sure you have some plans for looking for uh…” you trailed off and eyed him up and down. “Love tonight.”
He looked quite surprised and he tilted his head, his mouth slightly agape.
“Make it a bit entertaining for Whistledown, will you?” you asked in a nonchalant manner. “I’m sure the ton would appreciate it. Have a good evening, Mr. Bridgerton.”
He let out a breath, that smile playing on his lips again before he bowed his head and you turned around, then walked out of the room, your heart still beating in your ears.
Chapter 3
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prettygirl-gabi · 3 days
Breaking Free
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Rating:General Audiences
Warning: Fluff, slight (very light) angst, happy ending
Fandom:Seventeen (SVT)  (boyband)
Relationships: !non-idol Seungkwan x !Runaway bride f reader
Summary: When the reader flees her wedding, Seungkwan steps in as her unexpected ally, guiding her through a whirlwind escape that sparks new possibilities and unexpected feelings.
Trope : Runaway bride
Hiiiii everyone who is reading! Welcome to the eleventh installment of my new mini series called "Oi! Not this again!" They do not have to be read together or in order! I hope you all enjoy!
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I sat in the backseat of a speeding cab, the city lights blurring through the rain-streaked windows. My phone vibrated nonstop, but I couldn’t bring myself to look. I already knew what the messages would say. They would be from my parents, angry and disappointed. From my fiancé, demanding answers, his words cutting even through a screen. From everyone I left behind, wondering why the perfect bride-to-be had suddenly disappeared.
I hadn’t planned for it to be this way. The wedding was in two days, and I had been walking around in a daze, going through the motions. The dress was ready, the flowers picked, the venue a beautiful testament to a future I never asked for.
And then I ran.
The car jolted to a stop outside a small apartment building on the quieter side of town. I hurriedly paid the driver and stepped out into the cool night, my breath catching in my throat as I stood in front of the familiar door. I knocked, my knuckles barely grazing the wood, but within seconds, the door flew open.
There he was. Seungkwan.
He stood there in sweatpants, his hair disheveled, clearly not expecting anyone at this hour. His eyes widened as he saw me, drenched from the rain, my wedding ring still gleaming on my finger.
"Y/N?" His voice was a mix of shock and concern. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"
I couldn’t speak. The words were stuck in my throat, and I felt the overwhelming weight of everything I had done. I thought I’d feel liberated, but all I felt was fear. Seungkwan stepped forward, taking my hand and gently pulling me inside.
"Hey, hey, it’s okay," he said softly, closing the door behind us. "Come on, sit down."
I collapsed onto his couch, my body shaking from the cold, the adrenaline, and the uncertainty of it all. He quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me before sitting beside me, his eyes searching my face.
"What happened?" he asked again, his voice softer this time. "Did something happen with the wedding?"
I nodded, unable to meet his gaze. My voice barely a whisper, I said, "I couldn’t do it, Seungkwan. I couldn’t marry him."
He didn’t say anything for a moment. He simply waited, giving me the space I needed to explain, to let it all out.
"I never wanted this," I continued, the words spilling out of me in a rush. "It wasn’t my choice. My parents… they’ve been pushing this on me for months. They think it’s the right thing, that it’s what I’m supposed to do. But I don’t love him. I don’t even know him, not really. And tonight… I just… I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t go through with it."
Seungkwan’s hand found mine, his thumb gently brushing over my knuckles. "You’re safe now," he said, his voice filled with a warmth that immediately made me feel grounded. "You did the right thing. If you didn’t want to marry him, you had every right to walk away."
"But what if I made a mistake?" I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. "What if I ruined everything? My parents will never forgive me. They’ll hate me for this."
"They won’t hate you," Seungkwan said firmly, squeezing my hand. "They might be upset right now, but you can’t live your life for them. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to make your own choices."
I looked at him, his face so full of sincerity that for the first time in days, I felt a flicker of hope. He had always been there, quietly supporting me in ways I didn’t fully understand until now. Whenever things got too hard or overwhelming, it was Seungkwan I called. He was the one person who never pressured me, never tried to control me.
"I don’t know what to do now," I admitted, my voice trembling. "I don’t even know where to go."
Seungkwan smiled, a soft, understanding smile that made my heart ache in a way I couldn’t describe. "You don’t have to figure it all out tonight. For now, just stay here. We’ll figure it out together, okay?"
I nodded, my shoulders finally relaxing a little. "Thank you," I murmured. "I didn’t know where else to go."
"You don’t have to thank me," he replied, his hand still holding mine. "I’m just glad you came here. I’m glad you trusted me."
We sat there in silence for a while, the storm outside fading into the background. Seungkwan didn’t push me to talk more, didn’t try to fix everything in that moment. He simply let me be, offering his quiet support.
Eventually, he stood up, giving me a small, reassuring smile. "I’ll make us some tea," he said. "You should change out of those wet clothes. I’ll get you something comfortable."
As I watched him move around the apartment, I felt a strange sense of calm settle over me. It was the first time in a long time that I didn’t feel the crushing weight of expectation. Here, in this small, cluttered apartment, with Seungkwan’s quiet, unwavering presence, I felt… safe. I felt like I could breathe.
When he returned, he handed me a pair of his oversized sweatpants and a hoodie. "It’s not much, but it’s comfortable," he said with a sheepish smile. "The bathroom’s down the hall."
I changed quickly, the warmth of the clothes enveloping me like a much-needed hug. When I returned to the living room, Seungkwan had set two steaming mugs of tea on the table. He sat cross-legged on the couch, patting the spot beside him.
I sat down, wrapping my hands around the mug and savoring the warmth. We sipped in comfortable silence for a while, the tension between us easing with every passing minute.
"Seungkwan," I said after a while, my voice soft. "I don’t think I ever told you how much you mean to me. You’ve always been there, and I… I don’t know what I would’ve done without you tonight."
He looked at me, his eyes reflecting something I hadn’t noticed before. There was something deeper there, something unspoken between us that I had been too afraid to acknowledge.
"You don’t have to say anything," he said quietly, setting his mug down and turning to face me. "I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. Whether it’s as your friend or…"
He trailed off, his gaze dropping to the floor. My heart skipped a beat, and suddenly, everything felt different. The air between us crackled with something new, something that had been there all along but had only just come into focus.
I swallowed, my voice barely above a whisper. "Or?"
Seungkwan hesitated for a moment, then looked up at me, his eyes full of vulnerability. "Or something more," he finished softly.
My breath caught in my throat. There it was, the thing I had been running from just as much as the wedding. The truth of it all. The real reason I had come here, the real reason I had trusted Seungkwan with everything.
"I think…" I started, my voice trembling, "I think I’ve always felt that way too."
His eyes widened, and for a moment, neither of us moved. But then, slowly, Seungkwan reached out and took my hand in his again, his fingers lacing through mine.
"You don’t have to decide anything tonight," he said softly. "But just know, I’m here. No matter what happens next."
I smiled, feeling the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. For the first time in what felt like forever, I wasn’t afraid of what came next.
Because I wasn’t alone. I had Seungkwan. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough to start again.
            ‐Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
Stretched Tight
(Read on AO3)
It was entirely Wild’s fault that he’d been caught unawares. He should have been paying more attention. If he had, then maybe he could have avoided being laid low in front of his guests.
And not just any guests, oh no. This wasn’t Zelda or Bolson, or even any of the other inhabitants of Hateno village. The heroes of the ancient past had come to call and were currently sitting around his dining table.
His mind was still reeling from it. The heroes of legend were here, in his house. It was nearly unbelievable, if not for the fact that Link could see them with his own two eyes.
Nearly unbelievable, if not for the fact that when he’d looked at them for the first time, something had sparked deep inside of him and he could see that spark clearly resonating in their eyes. 
Their forms- tense and weary after traveling for days nonstop to find him- had relaxed ever so slightly at the feeling. That spark of instinctual recognition had been a new feeling to Wild, and strange. But to the men and boys clustered around his door, it had only confirmed what they’d hoped for when they’d seen the sign out front, proclaiming the house’s owner to be named Link. 
When the man at the front of the group- dressed in full plate armor and with a wicked scar stretching over his eye, but his gaze impossibly kind anyways- had asked if the group could enter his home, Wild had allowed it without a second thought. 
Usually, Wild would be more cautious. The Yiga were still a constant threat, after all, and people who didn’t want to kill him could be just as dangerous.
But somehow, when he had seen these men, he’d known that they intended no harm to him. Though the group had shown up to his door armed to the teeth, Wild felt deep in his gut that these people didn’t want to hurt him, and Wild always trusted his gut. His instincts had saved him countless times, and they were rarely wrong.
It had been hours since the group arrived, and the long shadows of the evening had crept over the land without the house’s inhabitants noticing or caring. (But the night had grown dark unusually fast, and the air had gotten cold, and slightly damp. Wild had even gotten up to start a fire at one point as the chill crept in. Why hadn’t he paid attention to the warning signs of rain?)
Wild had needed minimal proof to believe what they had told him. The sword that the hero of the skies carried had been enough, especially once he’d held it and heard a faint voice echoing through his mind, naming him the hero of the wilds. 
He remembered- as rare as that was- a time when Zelda had asked him if he heard the voice inside the sword. He hadn’t been able to speak in order to answer her then, but Wild knew his answer would’ve been no. He hadn’t been able to hear the spirit inside the sword before he died and certainly hadn’t heard her after. But he could hear her now. It was every bit as wonderful as he’d thought it would be to have that last confirmation that he was indeed worthy of being called a hero.
But now it was dark outside. The conversion had turned away from what they knew of the shadow’s plans and Wild being asked to join them. (He’d said yes with only a moment’s thought. He could not deny them. Not about this.) Now they dwelled on lighter topics.
The two members of the group- the Hero of the Wind and the Hero of Legend- were arguing over what they should do for dinner. Wind seemed adamant that someone should go up to the pond Wild had mentioned was at the top of the hill behind his house and try to fish. Legend, who Wild could already tell was a bit of a grouch, said that they should head into town and see if anyone was selling a hot dinner. The argument was light-hearted, and Wild could tell there were no hard feelings between the two, even when it got heated. 
The Hero of Twilight had returned outside to put his horse in Wild’s small stable, the Hero of Hyrule joining him. The Hero of the Four Sword was carefully inspecting the weapons on the wall, thankfully being cautious and not touching, which eased Wild’s anxieties. 
“It could take ages for you to catch something up at that pond. We don’t even know if there are fish there! We can get food in town quicker.” Legend sounded agitated, but the rest of the heroes seemed unfazed by how red he was getting in his anger, so Wild figured it must be a common occurrence.
All Wind could muster in response to that was petulant “Fish tastes better,”  while defiantly sticking out his tongue in Legend's direction, prompting an offended noise from the veteran.
Wild thought it strange that they hadn’t asked him, their host, if he would be willing to cook for them, but perhaps it was sweet that they didn’t want to impose on him. He stood, opening his mouth to tell them he was willing to cook dinner for them, even cook up some of the fish he had stocked away in his slate. He was stopped as he felt the blood rush from his head as he stood.
He staggered slightly. Unfortunately, Wild was more familiar with this lightheaded feeling than he would’ve liked. His arms automatically came up to catch himself on the table and stop his head from slamming into it. A wheezy breath escaped him as everything he’d been putting off slammed into him all at once.
Standing up had made everything worse all at once, yes, but he should’ve realized what was happening a while ago. The slight tugging sensation at the corner of his mouth when he talked and the stiffness in his arm had been telltale warning signs. He should have paused the conversation the second his jaw had felt stiff and excused himself to go take some painkillers. 
They would have taken time to kick in, and by the time he would have had to excuse himself to bed, it would have been a more reasonable hour to sleep
But he hadn’t. Instead, he’d allowed himself to get distracted by the conversation he’d been in. He'd allowed himself to dismiss the warning signs, telling himself that it wasn’t that bad yet. He’d even dismissed the signs that it would rain soon, which he knew would make him feel even worse. 
To be fair, their conversation had been riveting. He doubted anyone would have been able to tear themselves away from the heroes’ explanation of the journey they were on. He couldn’t really blame himself. (Except he could, and he did.)
But now he was slumped over, bracing his forearms on the table and keeping himself from collapsing through sheer will alone. His skin felt as if it was being stretched out over a tanning rack, continuously tugged tight, and he felt like he could feel each beat of his heart as it pushed blood through his head.
His scars had been tight today to begin with. Not horribly. Not enough to be painful. But still enough to be concerning. He’d planned to do his daily stretches before dinner instead of before he went to bed like he usually did. But then he’d been interrupted, and he’d forgotten. 
And then the rain came, and Wild had ignored the warning signs, and it had compounded the issue. 
He could feel more than see the other heroes perk up when he slumped against the table. The Hero of Time- who seemed to be the group's de facto leader, despite the fact that he was rather quiet, and had left the explaining to the other heroes- was sitting to Wild’s right. Wild could feel him sit forward, feel his gaze burn into Wild’s skin. 
When he spoke, Wild would hear no anger in his tone, only slight confusion and more worry than Wild thought was called for, seeing as the man had only known him for a few hours. “You’re hurt,” He observed. “Are you injured?” 
Time’s question put a stop to the confused muttering that had been going around the table at Wild’s strange actions. He could feel even more eyes burning into his skin, and suddenly Wild wanted to draw his cloak around his shoulders and hide his face away from the world. 
Unfortunately, his cloak was hanging over by the door, and he didn’t think he’d be able to make it over there by himself. He took a moment to reply, drawing in a breath against the pain and slight nausea. “Not injured,” he reassured in short, clipped syllables. “It’s the rain. I just-” 
He just forgot to do his daily stretches. He just hadn’t paid attention when the rain started to come. He just forgot to keep moving and had let himself sit down for too long. He just hadn’t bothered to get up to get his pain reliever. 
He just, he just, he just. 
He can’t bring himself to say anything further. Partly because speaking tugged on the skin around his mouth too much and partly because he can't bring himself to explain to the heroes his failure, his scarring, the pain, and the painkillers he often had to take to keep anything close to his full range of motion.
He’d been fine just seconds ago. But now that he was reminded of the pain, it was all that he could think about. 
When Time stood up next to him and laid his hands on Wild’s shoulders, Wild couldn't bring himself to shrug the other hero off. For one, he didn’t think he was capable of moving that much, and two, he thought Time’s studying hands were the only things keeping him from slumping over onto the floor.
Time spoke, and his voice carries a low authority with it that showed exactly why he was respected as the leader of the group. “Legend, do you still have some of your tea left? The one you use for pain?” After he presumably received an answer, he ordered, “Make some of that, please.” 
Time turned his attention back to Wild. Wild was still too out of it to focus too hard on what was going on around him, but he felt movement around him. Time shifted his grip from Wild’s shoulders to his sides, gently guiding him away from the table. 
Wild stumbled, confused on where Time was leading him before he realized he was being steered toward the sleeping cot that Wild kept set up near the fireplace for situations exactly like this, where he wouldn’t have made it up the stairs even with help.
Wild felt relief as he was laid down. At least while he lay down, he could relax all his muscles and not have to strain to keep himself upright. And he could twist his body into a position that would relieve the tightness on most of his scars, if not all of them.
Had it been anyone else except perhaps Zelda, Wild would have felt embarrassed and ashamed to be seen like this. But this group…
Maybe it wasn’t so bad for them to see him like this.
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starrzhao · 1 year
downpour | s.qr
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pairing ricky x gn!reader ( platonic )
genre hurt/comfort
word count 1009
warnings reader struggles with anxiety
a/n wrote this drabble awhile ago because I haven’t been feeling good lately so I try to cope by writing 😍 also this wasn’t proofread so there are bound to be some errors whoops
It felt like the weight of the world fell upon your shoulders. You had been crying and crying for days continuously on end, not being able to catch sleep for a whole week. You had felt so lonely and you felt so cold on your own. And things wouldn’t get any better as it had been raining nonstop for the past few days.
After another long school day, you retreat to sit by the football field to find some peace and alone time. It was raining heavily outside and you figured nobody would bother to be out there in the field at this time.
You sat on the bleachers, swinging your feet, back and forth. Thoughts about just everything flooding your mind. You had been going through a rough time for the past few days and your brain couldn’t do anything else but overthink about everything all at once.
You sighed as you stare into the sky. It was a melancholic view to take in. The rain continued to fall heavily as the clouds filled the sky, painting the sky gray. For once, you wished that you could live without having to be buried in constant worries or fears about the future. Hoping one day, the constant rain and thunder could come to a stop and turn into serene weather.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
You recognized that voice. You turn to your left it was your best friend, ricky standing right next to you, with an umbrella in his hand as well.
“Oh, I just wanted to be somewhere alone.”
“Can I join you?” You nod and he takes a seat right next to you.
Well, you truly wanted to spend this time alone but you wouldn’t mind your best friend’s presence, it would probably put you at ease more, knowing he’d be here so you wouldn’t have to overthink all alone.
You both sit there for awhile, letting only the sound of the rain accompany you. You didn’t tell ricky about the blues you’ve felt the past few days but he did notice a change in your demeanor. He was your best friend, of course he’d know, he knew you long enough to notice that you’re not okay You didn’t smile or laugh much all week and you had been unusually quiet.
He could tell you weren’t feeling so well but he didn’t want to raise it, knowing that you weren’t the type to easily open up and he thought you wanted to be alone, giving some distance, not knowing how to comfort you.
“Wow the weather really hasn’t been getting any better these past few days.” He mentions. He wondered when he could see the sun again.
“Yeah it seems like it’s not getting better any time soon.” You say.
The rain continued to pour and you both turn quiet for awhile. You sat there overthinking as ricky thought of how he could make you feel better or what to do next. stands up suddenly and you think that he’s probably going home right now, seeing how the rain was not getting any better anyways.
Instead, he turns to you and lets out his hand to you. You tilt your head and furrow one of your eyebrows, confused at his gesture.
“Let’s play in the rain.” He suggests and flashes a cheeky smile at you.
“Let’s go run in the field! It’ll be fun.”
“What the hell, no way.”
“Come on!” He lets go of his umbrella and starts running down the bleachers, running through the wet grass like a bird in the wind.
“Ricky! Are you crazy!” You walk down, still gripping onto your umbrella tightly.
“Get in here idiot! You’re going to get sick!”
“Y/N come on join me! It’s so fun I swear, it’s just for one time!” He stands and waves his hands in the air at you.
He runs his fingers through his hair and shakes a little, gesturing you to come while smiling sheepishly. He looked so carefree at the moment. Looking at him, you felt a little bit of envy. You wished you could be like that.
You wanted to stop being chained by your own worries and doubts. Wanting to be in that same exact state of freedom, joy and carefreeness ricky was in.
“Y/N!” He shouts and lets his hand out, inviting you to join him. His eyes wrinkled up and you felt a weight come of your chest as you see his smile. It somehow felt so comforting and welcoming.
So you gave in and threw your umbrella, running to ricky. He takes your hand in his and you both run across the field together.
And you felt like you could finally breathe. Everything felt like it was in slow-motion. All the negative feelings you’ve felt being washed away by the downpour. All you could think of at the moment was about having fun and ricky. It was as if everything you’ve felt awhile ago had just disappeared into thin air. You both were running around the field, laughing like you’ve both gone insane.
At some point, you both stop running and start dancing. With imaginary music playing in the background, you two dance like you’ve never danced before. Just doing about anything, enjoying the company of the rain.
“If I get a flu and my mom gets mad at me I’m telling her it’s all your fault, by the way.”
“Well technically, it’s still yours you made the decision to get here, I just gave you a choice. do not hold me responsible for your bad decisions!” You smack his arm and you break into laughter.
Your eyes finally lit up again. He watched as you giggled and moved so freely and he felt relieved seeing your new state.
The rain slowly stopped and you see the grey clouds begin to clear out. The radiant sun came out once again, beaming over once again as the sky turned to blue once again.
You and ricky, return to the bleachers once again, tired from all that running and dancing, all that shenanigans in the rain.
You sit down side by side, your arms linked. You lean your head onto his shoulder.Finding peace with him simply being by your side.
“No matter what I’ll always be your best friend. I just want you to know that you’re not alone. Do not be afraid to tell me when you need someone by your side, especially when it rains.”
“I love you, I hope you know that.” He says as he leans onto your head. He takes your hand in his and despite running around the cold rainy weather just an hour ago, his hand felt warm.
“I love you too, ricky.”
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immadatdisney2 · 16 days
I Already Know
“What the hell were you thinking Hugo!!!” 
He had royally fucked up. Earlier today he had suggested (read: forced) their group to take a different route than the one Nuru had mapped out the day before. It'll be faster, he said . You'll thank me later he said. Well it just so happened that when Hugo was charting out their new route he had been holding the map upside down. 
The road had been rocky and rough and full of thieves and bandits. This resulted in the group having half their supplies stolen, a wheel of the caravan damaged and they would be three days late to the next trial. 
Oh did he mention it was raining? Because it was raining
Now Nuru was yelling and cursing at him (and you know she was really pissed if she cursed in front of Yong) while Varian and Yong were giving him dirty glares as they set up camp. 
¨I told you to just follow the plan oh but nooooooo you had to be the stubborn bitch you always are and insist we go your way!!!¨ 
He rolled his eyes and with a snarky tone said ¨Look, I said I was sorry, what more do ya want from me Sparkles?!¨
¨You still messed things up for everyone today Hugo!!! You're always just so arrogant and selfish”
He flinched back the words striking his heart like sharp arrows, Nuru teased him all the time and he teased her but, not like this…this time her words cut deep into older wounds. 
“Nuru, I-i'm sorry…”
Sorry isn't good enough!!!¨
Sorry isn't good enough…
You're not good enough...
His face fell and his gaze darkened. A tear slipped down his cheek but he wiped it away as quickly as it came as he turned away and shaky walked back to his tent. 
Sorry isn't good enough…
You're not good enough…
The words repeated nonstop in his mind, just as fresh as the day they first were placed there.
He’d been twelve years old and just recently started working for Donella. He was on a mission to steal some jewels and scrolls from the castle but had gotten caught… he’d abandoned the goods in favor of making it out alive. But looking back the wrath of the castles guards were nothing compared to Donella’s 
“You failed” 
“I-i know Don, i'm sorry I-” 
A harsh slap across the face caught him off guard, making him fall to the ground clutching his cheek before Donella grabbed him by the collar forcing him to look at her again. 
Another harsh slap knocking his glasses off his face and him letting out a cry of pain. 
“You aren't good enough” 
She kicked his stomach (and ribs) sending him kneeling on the ground again before her coughing up a little blood. 
“I went easy on you this time…fail me again an d you don't want to find out what happens then” 
He nodded slightly before she dragged him to his room by the ear and threw him on the floor and locked the door, leaving him to crawl up into a ball and cry himself to sleep yet again. 
This was the first time Donella spoke those words to him, but it definitely wasn't the last. 
He sobbed as the memory played in his head along with the words for what seemed the billionth time. He pulled at his hair and dug his nails into his arms but it wasn't good enough. 
You aren't good enough…
He tore into and dug through his bag looking for… There
A small carry-on lighter that he used for fixing his glasses or other thin wire and for…
He sighed, tears still streaming down his flushed cheeks and pulled up his sleeve. 
Small burn and cut marks lined his pale skinny wrists from the years of life on the streets and all the other bullshit he’d been through. 
He lit the old device and brought it down to his arm, wincing as the heat hit his cold skin. 
He pulled the flame away from that spot and put it back, holding it for another five seconds again and again and again. His breath hitched with each mark and he sobbed silently throughout the whole process, just like he always did. 
No matter how many times Hugo would burn or cut himself it never seemed to hurt any less. He felt a crawling sensation on his other arm and up to his shoulder and looked over to see his beloved robotic mouse, Olivia. 
“H-hi Liv…” 
She squeaked with concern and looked down to the lighter in Hugos hand, the burns were red and some of them were bleeding slightly (Hugo held the lighter there too long) and she quickly scurried down and snatched the lighter from his fingers. 
“Hey!!! Give that back I'm not done with it!!!” He tried to grab the lighter from Oliva with his bad hand and cried out in pain doing so. He clutched his arm as the burns throbbed in pain bringing fresh tears to his eyes. Olivia saw her owner's distress and crawled up his (good) arm again nuzzling against his cheek trying to give him some comfort. He reluctantly leaned into her touch, softly hugging her with his hand.  
“E-everything just hurts so much Liv…I-i don't know what to do anymore…”
He sobbed harder and hugged his knees up to his chest as Olivia did her best to try and comfort her hurting owner, she scurried over to his bag and grabbed some water which she poured over his burns making flinch in surprise and pain. 
“O-oh, um thanks girl” 
He grabbed some bandages and started wrapping his wrist, wincing slightly at the process, Oliva looked at him worry in her small, glowing eyes and Hugo gave her a weak, reassuring smile. 
“I'm fine Liv, don't worry about ok” 
She gave him a knowing look, pointing at his arms as if saying really dude. Hugo smiled and pulled his sleeves back down over the fresh marks. 
“Just drop it ok, you know how it goes…I’ll be fine” 
With that Hugo set his glasses down lying on his side with the good arm and softly cried to himself for the millionth time in his life. 
Olivia looked at her creator's tear streaked cheeks, messed up hair and bandaged wrists. This had been going on for far too long and she had to do something about it.
Every time Hugo hurt himself he would go a little father, cut a little deeper and soon…he would go off the deep end. 
She had to do something. 
Hugo sighed and wiped his eyes, smiling slightly. 
“Nurus right, I'm just a selfish, arrogant little brat. But she dosn’t have to tell me twice how fucking worthless I am…” 
A pained sob cut his sentence in half and Oliva crawled up next to him trying to provide comfort. 
“I already know..”
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simpdewvalley · 2 years
The Mines (Sam x Reader SMUT)
Rain pelted on the windows of my boyfriend's house. It was a chilly spring day and it had been raining nonstop throughout the night carrying into the morning.  My shirt was still a little damp from the trek over from the farm. I was chilled to the bone from the walk and had snuggled myself up in my boyfriend's bed while he made me hot chocolate in the kitchen. I found myself looking at the several band posters that littered his wall. Most were of bands that I didn't know but he and I still shared a similar taste in music. It wasn't long before he knocked me out of my trance.
"I've got your hot chocolate, love," He said sweetly, appearing in sight. It was early, he hadn't slicked his hair up for the day yet so short locks of blond hair dangled in his face. I thought it was cute, he didn't think so. He set two cups on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Thank you," I told him.
"It's nothing," He replied, grabbing his hot cocoa and taking a small sip. "I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you, you know that."
"But you know I'd do the same!" I countered.
"I know, I know," He chuckled. I grabbed my hot cocoa and started sipping on it.  It tasted heavenly.  I savored the sweet, hot liquid in my mouth before swallowing it.
"So what do you want to do today?" I asked. He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. I squirm under his gaze.
"I don't know, it's raining and I don't want my love to get too cold," He said sweetly. "We could go to the mines." I fill with dread. The mines have been a topic I've been avoiding with Sam for weeks. He's always wanted to go but never had the courage to go alone, but now that he's with me, he wants both of us to venture into the unknown together. I'm not sure he can handle it.
"We've talked about this. Sam. It's just too dangerous. You don't even have a sword," I sighed.
"I may not have a sword but I have a frying pan! Mom won't even know it's gone," Sam said with a straight face. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Sam fighting a slime with one of his mother's frying pans. Today was not a good day for this argument. Sam was just being cute, and I just couldn't say no to him.
I let out another sigh, "Promise me you'll stick close to my side and I suppose we can go."  He cheered and immediately started getting ready. I got up from the bed and put my damp coat back on and shortly we ventured out into the cold rain. The hike to the mine was long and both of us were shivering by the time we arrived at the cave's entrance.
"Here we are," I say as we head inside and out of the rain. I pat my sword on its holster, making sure it can be accessed at any moment.
"Here we are, I'm so excited!" Sam beams. He pulls a cast-iron skillet out of the bag he was carrying. My jaw drops.
"You were serious about taking a frying pan from your mom? And don't you know cast iron rusts easily! She'll kill you if she finds out you brought one of her best pans out in the rain!" I lecture.
"Relax, relax, I think it'll be okay, I've gotta protect you somehow," He reassures me. I move on. He walked over to the elevator and looks back at me, waiting for me to follow.
"No," I tell him, "We're starting off at level one."
"Fine, you win I just wanted to protect you from some monsters is all."
"You will, just not very many," I told him as I walked to the nearby ladder. He climbed down first and I followed. As we approached level one, I could sense Sam getting nervous. We both stepped down from the ladder to a dimly lit room filled with rocks and various types of ores. It seemed to be a promising day for mining.
"Wow, that's a lot of rocks," Sam stated, "I guess now we start mining."
"Well, that's the whole point of this trip, after all," I tease. I headed to one side of the room and Sam took the other. We both began breaking rocks until we found the ladder to the next level. On the second level, a slime appeared from behind a rock and Sam jumped ten feet in the air.
"(Y-Y/N)!" He shrieked. I laughed and pulled out my sword. Within a couple of seconds, the slime was no more.
"It's just slime, Sam. No need to worry," I told him.
"Yeah, but it surprised me. If you weren't with me I don't know what would have happened," he said, looking at me with eyes laced with love. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This was what I was worried about. It took me a second to realize how close Sam was getting to me and how we were backing up slowly until I felt my back touch the wall. He rested one arm on the chilled rocky wall while staring me in the eyes. His blue orbs gazed into mine lustfully.  "You saved me back there, y'know that?"
"I-I..." I stammer, "I suppose I did." Sam had such an effect on me at times. His stare brought butterflies into my stomach and a pulsing sensation between my legs.
"You deserve to be rewarded for that..." He murmurs, his face getting flushed. Sam was close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I trembled under his touch.  I knew where he wanted to take this and was growing warmer by the second. He moved his free hand to cup my cheek, bringing me in for a passionate kiss.
I leaned into his touch and pressed my body against his. No one can find us here, right? The kiss deepened and I quickly found his tongue in my mouth, pressing against mine. I moaned into the kiss before he pulled away for air, leaving a small trail of saliva between us. Both of our faces are blood red as we quickly start kissing again, this time Sam reaches his hands up my shirt, gently squeezing my breasts before reaching behind my back and undoing my bra. Tossing the garment to the side, Sam breaks the kiss again to slide my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side too. After a few seconds of lustful gazes, his lips were on mine again.
We made out for a few seconds before he began rubbing where I wanted him most. The friction of his hand and my jeans was enough to drive me wild. I moaned softly and grabbed his spikey hair before sliding his jacket off of him. It hit the floor with a soft thud. I reached up his shirt and ran my hands across his chest. It was soft yet toned at the same time. Sam's moans were soft and sweet as I slid his shirt over his head, only breaking the kiss briefly. I sighed softly as he pulled away.
"How bad do you want this?" He asked, breathing heavy.
"S-so bad!" I plead.
"Take your pants off and lay down."
I obediently follow his instructions and find myself laying on the cold, dirt floor of the room. He undid his jeans and slid them down, exposing a tent poking through his boxers. It didn't take long for him to climb on top of me and start kissing me again. His fingers trailed slowly down my stomach towards my throbbing heat. He brushed them against my clit, causing me to moan hard into the kiss.
"You're so wet," Sam breathed heavily.
"Only for you," I replied. He quickly positioned his head between my legs and teasingly pressed his tongue against my clit. I squirmed under his touch.
"You've been such a good girl," He murmured against my heat.
Sam started lapping at my heat hungrily, taking in the taste as his tongue repeatedly flicked my clit. My hips squirmed back and forth, desperately trying to grind against him. Soft moans escaped my lips as he continued for the next several minutes, eventually inserting a finger into me and pumping it in and out as he devoured my pussy. It doesn't take long for a knot to build in my abdomen. As it does, my moans got louder and louder. A couple of seconds later, that knot came undone and I come against Sam's tongue. Breathing heavily, we both make eye contact. His blue orbs now overtaken completely by lust. Sam stripped down completely and positions his length at my entrance. Gently, he pushed inside me, making sure that he wasn't hurting me at all.
"Fuck, you're tighter than usual," Sam grunted.
"You feel so good."  I moaned and pulled him down for a kiss. He started thrusting sloppily and kissed me passionately. Both of us moan into the kiss, each thrust slowly building that knot in my stomach again. He pulls away from the kiss and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.
"I love watching the look on your face while I fuck you senseless," He muttered. I had no response other than to let out another moan.  At this point, I was certain that every monster in the mine could hear us but I didn't care. Sam's length soon hit my g-spot, causing me to nearly scream. Realizing what he was doing to me, Sam continued to abuse the spot with his length, hitting it over and over again. He drove me wild. The knot in my stomach kept getting bigger and bigger and I knew that I would release soon.
"S-Sam, I'm gonna come!" I moaned.
He thrusted a couple more times before shoving himself deeply inside of me and coming hard. I felt his release against my walls and I came shortly after as well, tightening around him.
"Fuck, (y/n). The things you do to me." He whispered in my ear before pulling out. I felt our juices drip out of me and onto the dirt beneath me. He grabbed his pants and reached into his pocket, pulling out some tissues and wiping me clean. I smiled and thanked him and we both got dressed. By this point, it was getting late and we decided to call it quits for the day with the mining. Sam rested the frying pan over his shoulder as we walked out of the mines, leaving nothing but the scent of sex in the air behind us.
A few days later, after a restful night's sleep, I found myself sifting through mail when I came across a letter with sloppy handwriting from Marlon, the leader of the local adventurer's guild. Inside I found a piece of paper and on that paper read:
Everyone in the guild heard you and Sam a few nights ago. The mines are a dangerous place, don't do it again.
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umadosedepascal · 9 months
PURPLE IS THE HOTTEST COLOR | Pedro Pascal x f!reader | One shot
Written by Santa Trindade
Banner: @ithedevilsbaby
Made in Brazil
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: After having a difficult day, Pedro meets you, no patience, no time for conversations.Pedro only has one desire in mind: you here and now, no matter if anyone will see you.
wc: 2.6k
rating/warnings: [no minors][sex in the car][unprotected PIV][spanking][Pedro is tattooed][rain/sex in the rain][smut][m domination][semi public sex][first person][oral sex][f receiving] [m receiving]
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It’s 12:35am, I send you a message saying that in 15 minutes I'll be at your door.
Today is not even close to a good day, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. To end the night, I just need a hot pussy.
I let out a long sigh as soon as I park across the street from your house, I turn off the car and honk once and you doesn't show up, honk again and nothing, I lose my patience and sink my hand honking nonstop without caring that the sound of the horn will bother the neighbors in the middle of the night.
_Damn, I really need to fuck_
The door finally opens, your short dress going up with every step you take, this makes your legs look so inviting.
"Why did it take so long?" I ask as I watch you get in the car, your perfume is so good.
"I was getting ready, what’s going on? You seem so piss off…"
I look into your eyes and move towards you, my right hand curling in your hair I pull you by the back of your neck and hit my lips on yours, a quick kiss, biting your lower lip. I don't want to talk or annoy you with my problems, so I smile with my lips glued to yours and say softly…
"Nothing important babe, I just wanted to see you asap"
I look straight and turn on the car, the sound of the engine roaring down the dark street, a fine drizzle rain starts, I’m taking you to a special place, we need privacy.
I might know where Pedro is taking me, it was the place we first met. A photoshoot for a clothing brand, the location was behind the Hollywood sign.
I look at Pedro he is all eyes on the road so I slide my left hand down his right thigh and say…
"Are you taking me there, papi?"
Without taking his eyes off the road, going up the Hills, Pedro whisper with a smile in the corner of his lips…
I watch Pedro driving, one hand on the steering wheel and the other one touching lightly my left thigh, he looks so sexy, wearing a leather jacket and his thick neck tattoo that drives me crazy.
I turn on the radio, tune in to KLOS FM, it's at the beginning of one of the 10cc classics, I quickly hum the music. Pedro looks and wink at me, he smiles when I lean over him, my lips close to his ear I say…
"Hey, you look so handsome tonite... What's your name, hottie?"
My hand slips to the inner part on his thigh, I squeeze gently, Pedro slows down, and pulls over the car, look me in the eye and unbuckles his belt and say in a low voice full of lust…
"You know what's my full name is?…
Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal" he laughs loudly and kisses you.a
I love the way he says his full name, that sexy accent. I laugh and lean more over him, my hand caressing his thigh, squeezing, as if I knew exactly what my next steps will be.
"You are so funny, but I dig the stressed out man from minutes ago...”
I slide my fingers over his bulge, I can feel that he is rocking hard already, I look up and he is half-open lips releasing his breath. The windows fog up, for a second I realize that the drizzle now turns into a stronger rain, noises of the water drops mix with the music, becoming a unique melody.
My only thought now is on Pedro's cock pulsing through his pants, I bring his zipper down and see that he’s not wearing his boxers I lose my mind.
I gently caress his cock, he lets out a low whine as he feels my cold fingers on his skin.
"Do you enjoy see me stressed out? Why?- He speaks so low that I almost don't understand and ignoring his question I pull his cock out of his jeans and through those low lights from the empty street I see the head of his cock glistening pre cum, I look at him, open mouth, panting breath and he says…
"Why? So I can slam you hard and take out on you? Is that what you want, babe?" - He looks so deep into my eyes that I feel my blood boiling, the lust screaming in his eyes. I grab his cock feeling him pulsating on my fingers, suddenly he changes behavior, holds my wrist tightly, interrupting my movements and say deeply low…
"Answer me, do you want me stress out?"
The way he talks makes me horny, I feel my panties getting so wet that I just shake my head agreeing, not a single word.
He holds my neck pulling my hair back to look at him closer.
"All right babe, all right... You asked for that...suck me very, very slowly.. enjoy you breathing now, because later you'll beg me to stop, and I won't!”
I just leave a shy smile and take his cock by the base licking all the pre cum, feeling his bittersweet taste, I put him my mouth and I go down running my tongue through everything.
He's so hard, I can feel the veins of his dick pulsating on my tongue, it makes me whine on him.
I know he likes it, I look up and his face bitting his bottom lips, eyes fixed on me.
Without breaking the eye contact I go faster trying as far as I can down him until I choke and spit on the head of his cock.
Pedro grabs my hair from both sides and pull me closer, fucking my mouth with slow but precise movements, I'm so horny that I’m able to cum just by listening to his grunts.
"Stop" he murmurs, I look at him and there is the bad moody man from before, he whispers in a threatening tone
"Get out of the car! I’m piss off and you will pay for it"
Pedro pulls me out, I go out from the driver's side literally rubbing my pussy against him, he slam the door so hard making a loud sound. Then pushes me making my back hit against the car window, I feel the raindrops come into contact with my hot skin, it makes me shiver like Pedro leaning over me right after with both hands holding my head, the rain wetting his face, his perfume mixing with the smell of rain.
"Do you want it hardcore? Are you going to handle it?"
"Yes Pedro, please..."- Pedro holds my neck, turning my face sideways and say on my ear..
"What did you call me? Repeat after me: daddy, yes daddy I'll take it all"
I swallow dry feeling my pussy screaming inside, I say
"Yes daddy I'll take it all... Please"
Pedro turns my back to him, my tits crushed on the window, he walks his right hand along my thigh, going up until he reaches the waistband of my panties, he sticks his hand through the fabric and circles his middle finger through my swollen clitoris, making me moan, he says
"So fucking wet are you ready for daddy, huh?"
I'm not able to answer, all that comes out of my mouth are supplications and broken moans.
He holds the back of my neck, pulling my hair, he removes his hand from my pussy and pushes me to the front of the car, leaning me through the hood, he kicks my feet slightly, making me spread my legs
Pedro caresses my back, lowering his fingers scratching me until he reaches the bottom edge of my dress, he lifts the fabric and spank my ass making a loud sound against my skin wet from the rain.
He bends down and pulls my panties aside, I feel his tongue go all over my pussy, his hawk shape nose poking my entrance while his tongue circles my clit makes me cum in seconds.
It’s not a surprise for him anymore, he knows the drill and can make me do it more than once.
He looks up and say
"I wanted so bad to eat you..but now all I can think about is shoving my cock so fucking deep inside you, you'll scream so loud everyone can hear you"
"Yes daddy! Rip me apart.."
The rain is back to drizzles from before, Pedro goes up and lay on top of me with his hands on my nipples, nibbling so hard, he turns me and stares at me, when I least expect it I feel a slap burn my right thigh, Pedro pulls his hard cock out and press his body against mine, pushing more and more licking my neck, drying all the drops of water, then down my chin, provoking me a lot then I say
"I like the way you tease me daddy and I want more"
Then two more strong slaps on my thigh, the contact of his heavy hand on my slippery skin makes me grunt. He laughs sarcastically and says
"Hey my little slut, have you ever fucked inside a car? Cause I want to shove deep into you right now "
Over his shoulder I see some light approaching so I say
"Yeah, we better get inside, you inside me.. daddy"
He takes me to the side of the car, opens the back door and pushes me to the seat, my legs slide on the leather of the car, he slams the door hard and despite the blurry windows I can see him going around the car and opening the other door.
"Suck me! Now!" He speaks in a hurry, almost despair, he rests one arm on the roof of the car and the other pulls my neck against his cock, oozing precum, first I clean him up then suck it slow and tight and I realize that Fletwood Mac is playing on the radio, Pedro begins to hum the song while I suck him non-stop.
"wait a minute baby, stay whit me a while.. said you'd give me light.. but you never told me about the fire..."
He fucks my mouth hard, making me choke every time he puts it deep in my throat, but I don't ask him to stop, and I can't, because he won't stop. While I suck him I touch my clit feeling like I can cum just by feeling him in my mouth, fuck, how tasty he is, but I want more, I want him inside me. I take my mouth off his cock and he moves away from the car to look at me
“ I didn't tell you to stop, but since you stopped...”looking at me mad, raising one eyebrow.
Pedro talks with a naughty smile and bends over to get closer to my face. He gives me a nice kiss grabbing my neck pulling my head back.
“...stay on all fours for me babe, I want to fuck you looking at your beautiful ass.”
I turn my back immediately, getting on all fours for him who is still outside the car. He pulls my panties to the side, I hear the sound of him sucking his own fingers, sliding inside my pussy and each thrust I say his name begging for more.
“You are so tight, my little slut, so tight...” he talks fucking me nicely with those huge fingers inside me.
“come closer, I want to feel that pussy squeezing my dick.”
Then he grabs my hips and tease rubbing the tip of his hardon over my wet pussy, without notice he slides in letting a loud moan filling all my pussy. Pedro gives some long and slow strokes, but as I start to moan and say his name, he speeds up and every time I asked for more, he would put it harder.
“that's what you wanted wasn't it? Fucking you hard..” he talks in the middle of moans feeling my pussy squeeze his cock more and more.
“ ...you little bitch, I'm fucking you without caring that someone might show up anytime hah”
Every single word he says makes me even horny, I really didn't care if someone showed up, I just thought about how hot it was to feel his cock inside me, I knew I could cum at any time and nothing else mattered. He then bends into the car, grabs my hair with one hand, and with his free hand he takes his cock out of my pussy and starts rubbing on my clit and says
“you were a bad girl today, stubborn, stopped when I didn't tell you to stop, but still... I want to see you cum, I want to see you cum for me...”
"Turn around baby girl and open those legs for daddy" Pedro asks in an almost suffocated tone of voice.
I turn around and put a leg on the front seat, he pulls me closer to the door and kneels on the car floor.
"you are oozing is it all my fault?"
He barely gives me the opportunity to answer and sticks his tongue in my pussy, his lips around my clit, sucking as if it were a french kiss, rubbing his face through my pussy, he looks at me and moans when he sees me play with my nipples, his left hand rises and squeezes my nipple hard making me cry. With the other hand, he rubs two fingers through my entrance, wetting and then slide in, making me on the edge he touchs my g-spot..
"Oh fuck,daddy...please"
He moves his mouth away from my clit and grunt
"Cum on my face cum in my mouth..."
He fucks me with two fingers harder and sucks my clit hard, I run my hands trought and pull his gray hair as I cum warm feeling his tongue lick me not letting any drop of my pleasure to be wasted.
Pedro keeps giving slow and lazy licks in my pussy, my legs close by themselves and he bites my thigh punishing me, raises his head and looks at me, by the dim light I can see my excitement run down his chin and stache, he removes his fingers from my pussy and sucks one by one looking at me
"You're fucking delicious, my turn little girl, daddy want explode inside you"
He runs his hand through my back and guides me to the corner of the car, one hand keeps pinching and pulling my nipple, making me whine, his right hand smoothes and distributes slaps through my left thigh.
He raises his fingers to my mouth and makes me taste my own taste, then moving far enough to take off his jacket and T-shirt, with a little difficulty he throws them in the front seat, his wet hair get messy.
-Fuck, so sexy-
Pedro pulls my left leg and puts it on his shoulder, so wide that I look tiny, he holds his cock by the base and rub his head against my clit and whispers
"Beg to me, beg to me"
I'm soaked, I feel my excitement dripping down, forcing my brain to act I try to answer, but he shove his cock into me no mercy, my head slams against the car door, he murmurs an apology but he doesn't stop pumping, with one hand he protects my head from continuing to knock on the door, my pussy is pulsating on his cock, he moans and growls
"Im close...on top of your pussy hmmm..."
He takes off his cock and holds it and I feel his hot cum on me, he soon puts it again and finishes filling me with his hot cum.
He lies on me, our breaths panting, our bodies sticking with sweat, he says panting
"What's the next character you want me to play, babe?"
He laughs and kisses me.
Thanks for being here and read our delusional fics, likes are appreciate, comments even more. If you want to ask anything, blast it!
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