#and now that I'm going for Indy I'm like hmm maybe I will go to see the other ones coming out this summer
imwritesometimes · 1 year
only like 27 hours to go. dawn of the final day.
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britt-kageryuu · 27 days
Donnie is working on some little bipedal turtle 3D models. He explained it was for a new game idea he had. The audience was kinda confused, because Donnie was already still working on his other games project. So they asked.
"Hmm? I see a good portion of the chat today are not part of that Discord. In short, the game is basically done. We're just going through a rigorous bug hunt, and one other issue before release." Donnie switches the screen to show a menu screen.
On the menu screen is three 3D anime style girls in typical poses, but then it glitches slightly so the girls eyes are now purple with some symbols in them, before going back. Also on the screen is a little dragon like stuffed animal that moves between the girls. The game title is 'Stream Restore!' in changing font so that it matches each girls aesthetic.
"For those you don't know this is Stream Restore, the game in question. I won't go into detail because I might spoil something. The main reason, other than bugs, that we haven't released it yet is mainly distribution. And maybe some localization issues. But most how do we distribute the game to others."
Donnie switches to a screen with a spreadsheet of pros and cons of different places that indie developers can sell their games from.
"Clears Throat. As you can see, we're going over the different, would the word be publishers?, sites that you buy the game from, you can see we even have a note of just distributing it ourselves from our store, but it's still a bit of a holdup." Donnie stops to take a drink from a cup that reads 'Spare Battery Juice'.
"Anywho, that is for a different day. What I want to focus on is seeing how well I can put together this new game. It's going to just be a little 'Cozy Game' thing. Though it's going to be based on our backstory. Let me bring up the-" Donnie pauses and turns to look slightly down at something.
"Hello. How may I help you, little lost one?" Donnie quickly mutes his mic before anything else can be heard.
The audience can see that Donnie is talking to someone, and even grabbing his phone to call someone. But they're going a bit nuts with wondering what is going on.
Then Donnie, without un muting, switches the screen to show a game environment that resembles a defunct underground train station with fairt lights strung all over. He then starts to add and move around little pieces of furniture. Then adding one of the little turtle models and had it walking around the environment.
For the next few minutes Donnie is moving things around and changing colors, and switch out the turtle with a salamander, and then started to dress up the model.
He pauses again, and looks up towards someone likely Raph and talks with them shortly before they left, and Donnie un mutes his mic.
"Sorry about that. Red is watching Stars sibling again, and they keep wandering off during games. And apparently they like the studio because of the random stuff we leave sitting around here." Donnie pauses to look behind himself at the studio, "We should clean up a bit in here, some of this stuff is a potential tripping hazard... but that is for later. Now let me actually explain what I was just doing while entertaining my potential younger brother-in-law."
The next bit of the stream is just that. Going over various ideas for this little game, and possible plans. All while purposefully ignoring those who want to know more about the 'brother-in-law' comment.
I feel like I'm just gonna start having Donnie talk about game ideas I have, but no idea how to make them, or if they're possible.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
B!!!!!! congrats on 5k omg that's amazing and so well deserved!!! 🎉💕 for your fabulous celebration event, i am pitching a fluffy number 6 please and thank you!! 🥰
Mack! tyyyyyy <3 enjoy ya fluff
6. "Sorry, it's just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving."
Steve hadn't truly thought things through when he agreed to drive Eddie to Indianapolis to pick up his replacement guitar that weekend. If he was honest with himself he'd gotten distracted making goo-goo eyes at Eddie when he had started talking, only really picking up "drive" "me" and "weekend" and Steve wasn't going to pass up an opportunity for more time with the metalhead.
Originally when he'd realised what he had agreed to it didn't seem that bad, he'd taken trips to Indy before, maybe he and Eddie could get lunch at a diner somewhere in the city together, maybe Steve could pretend it was a date. Steve had even looked forward to their adventure into the city as they started their journey. What Steve hadn't counted on was the owner of the music store going on lunch break right before they arrived and not returned for three hours, at least Steve got his little diner lunch.
The problem now was that Steve was exhausted, having planned on being back at Hawkins by nightfall they now weren't leaving the city until the sun had started to set. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue but Steve had pulled two doubles in the last couple of days knowing he couldn't work this weekend. They were barely out of the city when he started to yawn.
"You alright Stevie?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, Eds I'm fine just a bit tired don't worry."
"Do you want me to drive? I don't mind."
Steve didn't want to say yes but his eyes were heavy and the two hour journey ahead of him seemed like an eternity.
"Ok, but just for a little bit, really I'm not that tired."
"Whatever you say, sweetheart," Eddie said as they pulled over to swap seats.
Steve bit his lip as they began driving again, depite his exhaustion his anxiety was now making him side awake. It didn't take Eddie long to notice.
"Are you ok there, Stevie? You're gripping that door pretty hard."
Steve glanced down to see how white his knuckles hard turned on the edge of the door.
"Sorry, it's just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving."
Eddie smiled softly, "Ever the babysitter, how about you hold my hand, angel, I'll make sure nothing bad happens."
If Steve had been of sane mind maybe he'd have thought about how Eddie only having one hand on the wheel was decidedly less safe, but Eddie's fingers were wrapping themselves around his and Steve could feel how worn and warm they were. With a deep sigh he relaxed back into his chair.
Steve hadn't even noticed he had fallen asleep until they were home, comforted by the steady weight of Eddie's hand, the slight glide of Eddie's thumb along his knuckles, and the soft tunes on the radio.
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o-kye · 3 months
Today is ALLE’S BIRTHDAY!!! So happy birthday to them and have a microfic (please tell them happy birthday i beg you)
We went back to the room after the party. Avery and Kaime were already reasonably drunk, dancing to an alternative indie song I really liked. They were yelling over it at each other, but I was tuning it out. Thames decided we weren't drunk enough - even though we're both lightweights - so he broke out a bottle of bourbon and poured us glasses.
"You know, I've never drank before. Not before tonight. We never had alcohol around."
"You - hmm, I don't want to get language's tonight."
"No, you do not." I take the first sip easily. He watches me, irked.
"Is that just, like, water to you?"
"Well, it tastes better than the blood cake Avery and Kaime served us a few weeks ago."
"Oh, spirits, that." He grimaces with his sip, which makes me laugh. As stony as he tries to look, he's more of a prince than he likes to be. "You know, I'm surprised Avery hasn't already made a move on Boo. When he was high in my place he tried to take me clothes off."
"You sure he just didn't want to wear them?"
"Him? Wear brown?"
"Good point." He and Kaime are in each others faces, but there's no notation of any tension between them. Just joy. "Honestly, Thames, I think that was just for you."
"I mean, he hits on Kaime a lot, but that's mostly joking. Not with you."
"Thames, it's fairly obvious." The corners of my lips tug up. His brows furrow, looking back out at Avery.
"Yeah, I guess so, isn't it. Spirits - how can you drink this?"
"Tired of pretending, are you? Just bring out the champagne."
"I'm not - shut up."
"Be nice to your elders."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess you are older than me, aren't you? When's your birthday?"
"June twenty-fifth. I'm seventeen."
He frowns at me. "That's not fair."
"I'm plenty more mature than you."
"Uh, biologically, you're wrong."
"How so?"
"...Don't worry about it."
"You really think Avery's into me?"
"Didn't he willingly make out with you?"
"Well, yes, but...he said he wasn't into me."
"Hm. I think he likes you. Maybe not into you."
"Those are the exact same thing."
"No, they're not." I realize that my glass is empty and grab the bottle to fill it up again. "He likes you a lot. You're...something to him. He's not into you."
"Well, you're something to me, Alle."
My mind immediately goes to Cadet. That's something I would say to them, isn't it? But I'm right here, right now, so I bump my shoulder against his. "Thames."
"Are you okay, Alle?"
The entire room looks wrong, but the only light is coming through the window from automated street lights and I've had four drinks already, so I expected it. And, truthfully, I feel peaceful right now. "Yeah. I am."
"You know, Avery would be a horny drunk. I think he has a bit more respect for Kaime."
"Avery? Have respect?"
"I know he and Kaime flirt a lot, but I don't think he ever means it around Kaime."
"...Yeah. They really love each other, though."
"They do. Do we love each other?" He slings his legs over my lap and lays back, taking up the whole couch.
"I think that's a question you have to ask yourself."
"Why should I? Do you love me?"
I stare right through him. Why is he asking me? "Of course I do."
"Good. I think I would kill myself if you didn't."
Yeah, that sounds familiar.
"Hey, fuck me!" Avery shouts, seemingly in response to what Kaime's said.
"Horny drunk!" Thames shouts back at him.
"Oh, fuckoff! No, fuck me, babygirl!" He stumbles over and puts his face right to Thames, noses touching. I'm sure he can smell the twelve margaritas on his breath.
(The real number was three. Yes, I was counting.)
Thames goes red, pushing Avery's chest back. "Go back to dancing with your boyfriend."
"What? Me, his boyfriend?" Kaime stumbles over - not in an intoxicated way. A drunk - on - happiness sort of way. "I think he has the bar a little higher."
"Yeah, the bar's set at women. Sorry, Boo." He kisses him on the cheek.
I think this may be my happiest moment. Right here, now, the three of them around me. Warm liquid peace runs through my veins at a high rate, singing the same song as the speakers. You got everybody calling, but I know that you're calling after me.
Yes, here. I can only hope this isn't the peak before I fall back into things with Cadet.
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skibasyndrome · 5 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
thank you so much to @lollygirlpops, @themarsbar & @hergrandplan for tagging me in this <3<3<3
do you make your bed?
nope, not unless I'm feeling veeeery motivated (which hasn't happened in a while)
what's your favourite number?
Hmmm, I don't really have one I think, but I do really like 2 and 4 and 8. Those just "feel" right, you know?
what is your job?
I’m a university student :) Aaaaaand since Monday I'm working part-time as a (and I hope this is the correct English translation) teaching and research assistant
if you could go back to school, would you?
Hmm, if we're talking about school-school, no I don't think so. I used to say that, but I think with having experienced uni now I wouldn't like to be put back into that rigid system. If we're talking about uni though: I never ever eeeever wanna leave, so I guess that's a yes, haha
can you parallel park?
I can't even drive to begin with, whoops
a job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm, I don't think I've had too many unusual jobs. I used to work in hospitality every summer and then one summer I had a reeeeally cool job where I worked as a stage technician but since I'm kinda doing stuff with theater now in uni as well maybe that's not so surprising?
do you think aliens are real?
I think the universe is too big for us to be the only life form out there, but I don't think aliens are out here trying to abduct people or something like that
can you drive a manual car?
Again 😅 No driving for me (and I never even tried once)
what's your guilty pleasure?
Honestly I ~technically~ don't think that you should feel guilty about anything that brings you joy if it's not harming anyone buuuuuut, in the sense that I need to be very careful not to neglect all other parts of my life over it: maybe fic writing 😅
Yes! I have a very tiny one that I got myself for my recent birthday :)
it's the tiny heart that Simon drew on Wille's hand <3
favorite color?
I don't think I have one! But because I have pavlov-ed myself into always thinking of yr when I see it I've been loving purple a lot recently
favorite type of music?
My taste in music is aaaaall over the place tbh. I wanna say something like indie or alternative rock or something like that? But I just listen to anything that feels kinda catchy and/or is lyrically strong
do you like puzzles?
Meh, I'm never in the mood to do them tbh
any phobias?
Not severely, but I generally don't do all too well in tightly packed crowds when I don't have my escape plan ready. Oh and certain social situations that could lead to me being judged for being inept. I always like to say that my biggest fear is being an embarrassment and while that sounds ridiculous it's also very, very true
favorite childhood sport?
I never really did much of anything sports-wise, but I used to love swimming before I discovered that swimming means Being Perceived (TM) and then I started hating it lmao
do you talk to yourself?
definitely inside my head, but occasionally also out loud when I'm alone. especially when I need to get a grip and follow a plan I made
what movies do you adore?
I generally don't watch a lot of movies, but I enjoyed Hereditary enough to watch it twice with my friends
coffee or tea?
I like both, but I loooove coffeeeeeeeee
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
the first "thing" I wanted to be was probably a mermaid lmao. job-wise I think I cycled through eeeeverything, but I think some of the early ideas were painter or author or zookeeper
Onward tagging: I kinda lost track of who did this and who didn't, but I'm just gonna go ahead and (no pressure) tag @toffeelemon, @mintycurry, @pagegirlintraining, @irenes-diary, @royalwilmon, @goldenwilmon & anyone who feels like doing it :)
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.
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What’s the most worthwhile thing you’ve done in the last year? It's difficult to pinpoint just one thing. It was more like an accumulation of worthwhile things that eventually built up to where I am today (and will hopefully continue to build up to greater accomplishments in the future). Also, this didn't all take place within the last year, but I feel like going back to the "beginning" is important for setting the foundation. It kind of started back in March of 2023. I started making art again, and I actually managed to keep up with it. Not only did it activate my creative mind, but it gave me this sense that I really could stick with something if I just put my mind to it.
Then, around the end of May 2023, I took a chance and went back to volunteering at the animal shelter again. I used to have a really hard time managing my emotions/reactions in social situations, so I was terrified that something was going to set me off and I was going to ruin it. There were things that I found upsetting or hurtful, that struck at my core fears; however, I was determined to push past them and refused to let them get the best of me. At first, I was there 3-4 days a week from about 8am-10am, but around Oct/Nov, I started showing up even earlier, staying until morning cleaning was finished (so 11am give/take), and going 4-5 days a week.
Also, it was in Oct that I started learning how to drive again. I progressed pretty quickly and began driving to the shelter. Prior to that, my dad used to take me. He'd do their laundry or write while I worked back in cattery. Anyway, some days I would go alone; other days I would drive with or get a ride with him. Then, around the end of May of this year, he had some procedures done which took him out of shelter work for a while. I continued to drive alone. By then, I was at the point where I was there from around 7am-11am/5 days a week.
I maintained that for a while quite comfortably, but just recently, I started trying out full days. Basically, I'd get there between 7am-8am and stay until closing, which tends to be sometime between 5pm-6pm. Currently, I'm doing 3 full days and 2 half days a week. I'm still adjusting, as it was a huge jump and it is pretty exhausting, especially the last push before closing, but I feel like it's something I can sustain. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can manage 4 full days and 1 half day, which would put me at approximately 40-45 hrs.
In between all that, I continued to work hard in therapy, cultivate my daily routines, carve out restful moments just for me, etc. Oh, and I almost forgot - I got back in touch with my mom in June/July 2023. I think it's mainly due to the work I've done on myself that our relationship is working out in a positive way. I don't think things would have lasted if I was still in my pre…hmm. I'm not even sure what to call it. My pre-SOMETHING mindset. Idk, but there was just this huge shift in my thinking somewhere along the way that made it possible. And even after typing all of this out, I still don't think I've even scratched the surface of the changes that have been taking place within me. It's like…for the first time in a long, long time…I have hope that I'm not broken, that I really can have a relatively normal, functional, adult life.
What foods make you want to gag? Anything overly fishy. Or seaweed. I've tried it a few times now, thinking that I'll finally like it, but nope - I never do.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Maybe in a chaotic way. I try to be neat and organized, but I am such a forgetful scatterbrain.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm almost always sleepy, especially these days.
What music do you listen to? I like classical, classic rock, grunge, metal, some country and indie/folk…the occasional pop song… My tastes are all over the place. If I like it, then I like it; it doesn't really matter what genre it is.
How old were you when you started to walk? I have no idea. I guess the usual/expected age.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My dad.
What cheers you up when you’re sad? Chatting with my dad, cuddling with my cats, making art, listening to my favorite YouTubers, trips to the Mountain Park, being at the animal shelter…and honestly, sometimes it just takes time. It's not any one thing specifically; it's just getting on with life and trusting that whatever is bothering me in the moment probably won't be bothering me in a few days, a few weeks, or whatever. I'll be bothered by something brand new by then. ;D
What do you sleep in? Sweats, a t-shirt, and a hoodie if it's cool enough.
Have you ever tanned topless? No.
Wear jewelry? I have lip piercings and I will sometimes wear several rings.
What’s something you’ve been told you’re good at? Cat whispering~*~~**~
How much can you eat? I can eat a whole lot, especially when I go out to eat, but it's not really in my best interest. I prefer to eat several small meals spaced throughout the day. It keeps my energy levels up, keeps my migraines at bay, etc.
What’s the furthest away you’ve ever traveled? East and west coasts of the USA.
Are you a cat or dog person? Definitely more of a cat person.
Have you ever done drugs? Eh.
What does your room look like? Spacious, somewhat minimal and whimsical, white/peach walls, teal carpets, lots of natural morning light… Really gives me vibes of safety, coziness, comfort…
Recommend a really amazing book. As far as relatively recent reads go, House of Suns. It's not "timelessly amazing" like some books, but I did greatly enjoy it.
Recommend a really amazing song. Idk.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Idk.
Who’s your favorite actor/actress? I don't have one.
Have you ever run away from home? Not seriously.
Do you exercise ever? Not specifically/intentionally, but I get a lot of exercise working at the shelter.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the color? I'm fine with it. Sometimes I think I might like to get it actually styled, but…I'm lazy.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? No.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I wouldn't classify myself as a fan, but I do like a handful of Disney movies.
Do you eat seafood? Not often.
When was the last time you cried? Oops, I had to redo this answer because I realized I was mistaken. The last time I cried was actually last Friday. I kind of already went over it in a previous survey, but it was just this defeated sense of doing my best and pushing myself so hard - really getting out of my comfort zone on a regular basis - but still feeling like a constant outsider. I don't want to get into the exact situation because it was probably just me overthinking things, but yeah.
Do you have good working habits? I mean, they're still developing, but I guess they're alright.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? At this point, all I'm asking for is a stable, quiet, and generally content existence. Nothing fancy, nothing flashy. Just the ability to provide for myself and survive.
What are your boundaries? That's…actually a really good question. Even though I'm very guarded and emotionally distant, I feel like I have pretty poor boundaries. I don't stick up for myself or speak my mind very well. I just let everything pass through me, feign ignorance or obliviousness, smile and nod, etc. I am a person without a form.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? Idk.
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't knoOoW. I'm just weird in general. Everything about me is quirky.
Are you claustrophobic? Not seriously.
Do you like getting wasted? Ooh, that's complicated. The thinking part of my brain knows better, but the drinking part feels an almost irresistible drive to continue until I'm incapacitated. I did manage to have a few sample beers at the fundraising event last Friday without issue (and was comfortably verging on tipsy), but afterward, I was like…oh man. This is why I don't really drink anymore…because I could feel that siren song to drink to oblivion.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Compassionate, good sense of humor, similar interests.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rihanna? Neither.
What religion are you, if any? N/a.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? Do my cats count as family? If not, I would save them; if yes, then I guess I would save…idk, maybe some clothes, my phone, and a few precious items.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc. Dark gray sweats, black t-shirt, and a dark blue hoodie.
Does caffeine make you hyper? No. It can help wake me up a bit, but it doesn't make me hyper.
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according2thelore · 14 days
tag game!
thank you for the tag, @pookeenpie!
Do you make your bed? absolutely not—I always run out of time in the morning 💔
What's your favorite number? 8! it’s very round and symmetrical so it’s a vibe
What is your job? I’m in sales ✊
If you could go back to school, would you? no—I’m finally free 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Can you parallel park? nope! I learned how but promptly forgot that wizardry—idk how lizzy does it 😭
A job you had that would surprise people? I worked at a luxury spa for a hot second 🧎‍♀️
Do you think aliens are real? yes, but not in a flying saucer way—maybe microorganisms?
Can you drive a manual car? no (dean would be ashamed)
What's your guilty pleasure? I love the apple snail egg crushing tiktoks….too niche?
Tattoos? only one really fresh one—I got it with lizzy a few weeks ago!
Favorite color? pink!
Favorite type of music? gay girl pop 🤩
Do you like puzzles? after wresting with a 1000+ piece one this week…no 💅 (yes)
Any phobias? any of the creepy crawlies, being in the middle of nowhere, sleep paralysis, home invasion, carbon monoxide poisoning…I could go on lol, I’m an anxious gal
Favorite childhood sport? gymnastics (I was awful at tumbling but loved burrowing into the foam pit)
Do you talk to yourself? yes, but only if I’m upset ☹️
What movies do you adore? the eras tour movie is on at all times now that I don’t share a living space with lizzy 🤭
Coffee or tea? coffee runs through my veins 🧎‍♀️
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? a fairy or a mermaid 🧜‍♀️
Do you make your bed? yes! i try to everyday.
What's your favorite number? 18 or 54. long story.
What is your job? pestering charlotte
If you could go back to school, would you? i am in school now! i'm getting a degree that rhymes with schecoming a schmocter
Can you parallel park? yes! charlotte has been in the car with me while parallel parking, so she can attest to my deftness and skill. my old car was pretty damn long and i had to park that puppy everywhere.
A job you had that would surprise people? hmm...TA? my students said i was pretty great!
Do you think aliens are real? yes but mostly just like amoebas and things...if we got something bigger then it's not in this solar system.
Can you drive a manual car? ...naur... :(
What's your guilty pleasure? none of my pleasures are guilty? i don't think? i play the ukulele and that has a lot of Cringe Culture pointed at it right now so maybe that?
Tattoos? i got my first one with charlotte like two weeks ago! :) no, they're not matching ones.
Favorite color? red or yellow! they are happy colours :)
Favorite type of music? i gotta go indie or folk? but i can pretty much listen to anything and like it except extreme metal, jazz, or most post-2001 country
Do you like puzzles? yes!!!!! i LOVE puzzles!!! i listen to audiobooks and use a puzzle app on my phone. but my favourite types of puzzles are word puzzles--i tear up a crossword.
Any phobias? spiders and the unknown void of death. wahoo!
Favorite childhood sport? i only ever hated the sports i played as a youth. so i'm going with dodgeball? or volleyball?
Do you talk to yourself? yeah sometimes i'm writing a scene in my head and i say dialogue out loud on accident. but if i'm alone sometimes i'll narrate what i'm doing.
What movies do you adore? It's A Wonderful Life (1946), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Your Name (2016), Pride and Prejudice (2005) [i know i just alienated some people there], Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013) [but really all of AOS], and Notting Hill (1999) [i could go on forever i love movies]
Coffee or tea? tea! mostly black tea--green tea makes my tummy hort
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? probably a princess or astronaut? or pop star? the classics.
tagging: @animangalover15 @pregnancykink @majordemonblockparty @samisadeangirl @incesthemes
as always, this is completely optional! <3 just for fun!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
You asked for this
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.
1 : sleeping in or getting an early start?
for weekends, sleeping in
2 : coffee or tea?
i don't really drink either but probably tea
3 : favorite breakfast food?
everything bagels with way too much butter
4 : opinion on brunch?
too fancy for me
5 : how many houseplants do you have?
personally speaking i own none (why take take of a plant if i can't take care of myself?) but my grandparents house has a lot of them that i don't know the count of,,,,
6 : favorite flower?
calendulas (did i spell that right?)
7 : things that always make you smile
interactions between ccs idk why i like them sm but like seeing crimebois orrr alliumduo interact brings such a smile to my face :D maybe it's just the ccs in general? okay people hanging out with tommy is what always makes me smile. okay tommy often makes me smile. but wil does too, and quackity. okay all the ccs make me smile :)
8 : tv show you're currently obsessed with?
unbreakable kimmy schmidt!! binging it atm and am obsessed with ittt 💕
9 : favorite smell and why
gas & those chemical induced markers. if you like them too then you know why :)
10 : your hopes/wishes for the coming week
actually i started like trying to lose weight so i'm hoping i can actually follow through with that instead of fantasizing about it like i do with everything
11 : have you ever been to any pride (activities)?
no i have not, but i'd absolutely love to!!
12 : tattoos or piercings on your wish list
for piercings i want one on my upper ear and MAYBE in my nose but i'm on the fence about that one,,,, and for tattoos i might get like a flower tattoo of a calendula or maybe a brick? lol that sounds dumb but idk. i also want another one but i'm embarrassed to say pff
13 : what helps you fall asleep?
ycgma :D i fall asleep to it every night
14 : any cleaning or organizing life hacks?
15 : tell a joke
why did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side!!!!!!
16 : i already answered this one!
17 : a book you're currently reading
guided evolution on ao3 💪
18 : what video games do you play?
uhh i don't play video games that often. if i do it's minecraft or roblox or any free games i can find on steam & that one indie website i forget the name of. i also play 2480 or whatever it's called a lot OH OH OH and i love the oregon trail i play that a looot
19 : the last thing that made you laugh out loud
a family member of mine was ordering at a fast food place and they didn't have what the drink he wanted so he said really loudly "WATER PLEASE"
20 : a skill you would like to learn
i would like to develop my writing skills a bit more and learn how to cook better cuz it seems fun
21 : what color would you like to die your hair?
hmm i like my natural color but that's basic so if i HAD to pick one it'd probably be like pink tips? think my pfp's pink,,,
22 : what was the best food you had this week?
oh my god i was on vacation this week so everything was absolutely amazing!! literally everthing i ate would be on this list
23 : a song that makes you feel poweful
idk if it makes me feel powerful but i like am i ready (to be loved) by lizzo like that's a really cool soon the tempo is rlly good and he beat drop is just 😍
24 : how was your day today?
uhh not the best tbh
lots of tears today
25 : are there any big or small decisions you have to make?
at the moment no but if choosing to commit to the weight loss thing counts then yep
26 : if you could be doing anything you like right now, what would you do?
hmm that's kinda hard. there's one thing on the top of my mind rn but that's embarrassing to say so i'll go with continuing my binge of kimmy schmidt :D
27 : what characteristics make a person wonderful?
i've answered smth like this before but honestly it's the aura they give off. if i am alone in a car with them i don't want it to be awkward and completely silent. i want to be able to talk wit the person and yk make memories? i mean it's a given considering my love language is quality time lol
like taking walks with people and enjoying it is just >>>> the best feeling i'll automatically bond with that person even if they don't feel the same way
28 : what characteristics do you like about yourself?
next question
29 : do you play an instrument?
nope but i'm tempted to learn either guitar or piano
30 : how do you feel about this weekend?
uhh saturday was pretty good but today honestly was really hard
it was a fast weekend too so i rate it like a 5.8/10
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livikattt · 2 years
daily fun but useless ppau fact #10
I'm putting it under a read more because it's long af (because... my dumbass.... makes a lot of jokes. if u didn't notice.)
chapter one: wish (soraka r)
“Not a single sign that the Rift’s champions, those gods amongst men, had ever been there at all.”
This was a vague reference to Damwon’s championship skins where they had wanted to appear as gods coming down from the heavens, if I remember correctly.
“And Faker would never be enough of a fool to trust someone who once lived in his shadow.”
Faker is (kind of) Zed in this au, so this is secretly a joke. ha ha.
chapter two: you and me (yuumi w) (get it? because meiko's skin is yuumi? i'm not funny ahahahah)
“Hmm,” Jiejie begins, his eyes wandering as he thinks. “I think Meiko would have wished for something to make him an even better support than he already is. Viper probably wished that he’d never miss a shot, and Flandre definitely wished for some magic that’s better than that smoke thing he does. That, or to be able to do this his entire life. Who knows?”
Two out of three isn't bad :)
“But Jiejie,” Scout says, intentionally mispronouncing his name. “How can you even be tired?”
I explained this in the end notes already, but Scout pronounces Jiejie’s name like 姐姐, which means older sister. Credit to my friend that only referred to Jiejie as “big sister” all throughout Worlds 2021. Bro is gonna fail Chinese III.
“Breathe, Yechan. Breathe.”
I’m pretty sure Scout is the only one to be referred to by his real name by his teammates, if you don’t count the introductions in the first EG fic. Generally, I try to avoid their real names, since it starts to feel a bit awkward once I’m writing about Ryu Minseok and not Keria or something. It’s too personal for me.
(Edit a few days later: I forgot about Miky but c’mon, I was not about to refer to him as “Mikyx” the entire fic)
(Edit a few more days later: Gumayusi got full name’d, shit is going down)
(Edit a few more more days later: everyone getting full name'd now this is not a drill)
quick tw for death but when my mom was crying to me about her dad's last wishes i. i kind of. i kind of went "AYO WHAT DID I HAVE MEIKO DO IN ODYWYH TO COMFORT SCOUT I NEED TO KNOW" and just tried to channel whatever he did
im that emotionally constipated kill me
chapter three: end of the line (graves q)
“He plays Teamfight Tactics until he sees stars when he blinks.”
Perhaps in this universe Riot Games is truly a small indie company…
“Scout tries to scream, but without the room to expand his chest, all that comes out is the faintest whine.”
This was tested to make sure it was an accurate depiction. I got sleep paralysis once when my sister was audibly on a call in the room over. I tried to scream. Didn’t work. The sound I made was actually very embarrassing. (it is ok to laugh at me for my sleep paralysis experiences. they are funny in hindsight. for more tips on how to handle sleep paralysis just hmu)
“We’ll go to Europe, then. I’ve heard there’s a retired Summoner that can suppress someone’s abilities. Maybe he’ll be able to suppress the Rift’s blessing as well.”
Some of you (by which i mean aryasage) caught it already, but this is a reference to Caedrel. In a different version, Scout’s response is, “No, he’ll just cancel it.”
chapter four: moonlight vigil (aphelios r)
“He’s not stupid—he knows what sleep deprivation does to people. (He’s read the Russian sleep experiment creepypasta, after all.)”
Somehow I doubt he would have been able to get his hands on that one, but whatever. Either way it’s kind of terrifying, and if it was true, this fic would go in a very different direction. Would not recommend it if you're scared easily or if you spend too much time thinking about everything that could go wrong.
“Telling the whole story to the rest of his team is quite possibly the hardest thing Scout’s ever done, if he ignores the past week or so.”
“You look like shit.”
In a different version, Scout absolutely snaps at Jiejie and then proceeds to verbally and emotionally obliterate him. I kind of wish I had been able to keep it in, since I thought it was kind of fun in a “haha angst goes brrr” kind of way, but it didn’t really fit in with the rest of the chapter.
“Scout sniffs, gratefully accepting the tissue someone hands him. He’s been going through a lot of those lately, despite it being November.”
Is there even a no-nut November equivalent in China??? Either way I thought I was hilarious in the moment.
“Forcibly inducing sleep (aka punching Scout in the head) is out too once Viper mentions brain damage, even if Meiko insists he can fix it.”
They don’t test this theory, but Meiko is 100% confident that his magic can repair brain damage. In the end, they decide it’s not worth finding out.
ppau leak: this comes up later
I spent thirty minutes googling how to meditate just to write this chapter. Worth.
“Scout tries to respond. His body doesn’t move an inch. Somewhat deliriously, he imagines himself as a meme. Aw, shit. Here we go again.”
‘“You need to relax.” Jiejie leans forward, holding two fingers to Scout’s head. “And trust me. Do you trust me?”’
Jiejie quotes Evelynn here for no other reason than He Can.
chapter five: harrowed path (viego e)
“Forgiveness is a bitch, and so am I.”
My English teacher wouldn’t let me use this line in my personal essay, so I put it here instead.
“It’s then that Scout realizes they’ve been moved from the couch to someone’s room, where two twin beds have been haphazardly shoved close to each other.”
no homo [lolrpf shippers I'm looking at u.]
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statementlou · 2 years
I know you're just vibing but is it okay to ask what's your fav and worst Louis Tomlinson photoshoot (that happened this year) ?? Also love your hot takes btw uwu 💖
OFC!! the fun kind of vibing! Unfortunately this question does not play to my strengths which barely include knowing what year it currently is let alone what happened when and also photoshoot analysis SO I'm just gonna pick something that maybe definitely is not what you meant....
I really like how they went to that half torn up house* to shoot the OOMS video** and were like we're gonna make a DAY of this and knock out SO MANY THINGS AT ONCE and then did that. I found it very entertaining to watch the endless trickle of various different things filmed and photographed on that day appear (if they've stopped it was VERY recently, the last track by track only came out a day or two ago.) Best part ofc being seeing how many different tops they packed for Louis to change into, I picture him in a weird empty room with a clothing rack pulling shirts on and off between 20 minute sessions all day (and then having to have his hair fixed each time.) They did at least two full photoshoots in there off the top of my head (the apple music photoshoot for which you can see a mysterious wire Louis is holding as if he were using a wired remote shutter, I still want to understand, and some basic 'FITF out now' ones that were used for interview backdrops and spotify and stuff), all the promo video spots for different platforms and countries and stuff, the music video obviously, the footage that played on video screens behind him in album release interviews, the track by track interview.... I can't remember what else. Maybe some other stuff too. Anyway I really did like those apple music pics maybe that would have been my pick anyway!
*this is apparently just a house people rent to shoot videos in or smth??? IDK I have questions, but I saw that one of the indie bands defending Louis on twitter in the most recent dust up (Crawlers, if anyone wants to go thank them or whatever, they're a girl band even) were like funny story we shot our video in that same house. Someone should go find out info about the place for me us all from them!
**the director of that video also shot the Silver Tongues video and wrt to that one he talked about how surprised and skeptical Louis was when he said he'd only have to be on set for a few hours, rather than like 16: on the one hand, given how much they did other than the vid that day assuming this was the same, otoh guessing this was one of those 16 hour days
Least favorite photoshoot hmm I pick the X Ray cause you know ouch... although tbh I kind of liked getting to see it 🙈
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deartouya · 2 years
we're recently made mutuals and i have no idea why you followed my chump blog so here we go 🫧!!
hehe sorry for taking soso long :(( but i hope it was kinda worth it !!
you’re my __ moot: you're a bakugou moot™
why i follow you: i saw you everywhere !! and you were always really funny and genuine in your interactions and so i looked at your blog a lil more and it just !! i haven't read much of your writing yet (which i need to fix >:3) but i loved the way you wrote bkg in what i did read !!
an au i think fits you: hmm i think!! maybe an everyday au!! like maybe working in the same lil restaurant or tea house together and slowly realizing how well you work together and then :3 love happens !!
something you remind me of: you remind me of the smell of linens,, a fresh and warm scent that makes you feel all sleepy and content!! really comforting and lulling!
song/book/movie that reminds me of you: this could be,, very off,, but i think you remind me of indie music!! like the sorta guitar heavy love songs!! like darling by christian leave
your blog is: your blog feels like a friend group,, really familiar and friendly when i see people interacting or you interacting with others!! it's fun to be on and look at !(you also have a really really cool theme right now)
your url is: i love it dearly !! it always makes me picture a lil mini katsuki dressed like one of those cliche ghosts!! like a lil sheet with eyes drawn on <3 very sweet hehe
your icon is: bakugou <3 my lil guy <3 he's very pretty even if he's a pain <3
overall opinion: you seem really fun !! i'm soso bad at interacting ;-; but the times we have!! you're so sweet and easy to talk to and your blog is veryvery cute!!
a random thought: you kinda make me think of those cartoon plant sprigs ?? like 🌱. i have no reasoning but,, you just make me think of the spring time and plants and really soft green colors!
character i ship you with the most: hmm i don't want to only revert to bakugou so,, i think i'd ship you with shouto if i was picking another character. so,, yeah--mostly bkg <33
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musekicker · 1 year
Basically I wanted a reason to write Ella during a fight and explore one of Ella's past jobs.
Buster Moon was heading back to the theater one night. Tonight was one of those nights where it was hard to turn off from work. Maybe because it was so closely linked to his passion in life. He had at least realized he needed a break and tried to spend some time at the local coffee place without his laptop to make himself take a break. 
It hadn't lasted long, the coffee place closing soon after he had gotten there. Maybe a sign he should keep writing he thought.
That was when he saw Ella. 
Ella was clearly out for a fun time, given how she was dressed. Tonight Ella was wearing a pair of purple, lens less glasses in the shape of stars. She had on a denim jacket. On the back there were rainbow colored safety pins pinned in the jacket, in the shape of a heart. Instead of overalls she was wearing black pants. There were more of those colorful safety pins on the legs of the pants in rows.
The only clothes that Buster had seen Ella in before were her boots with the yellow laces.
Dressed like this and in the line for a club, Buster could guess Ella's night plans. Ella had not seen him yet. So Buster called out.
"Ella? What are you doing here?" Buster asked.
Ella looked in the direction of Buster's voice and grinned at the sight of him.
"Oh hey there! I'm just going to hang out here tonight. I like to show up on indie band night when I get the chance." Ella said.
"I didn't know you had a interest in indie music." Buster said.
Ella shrugged.
"Not as much as I'm into puppetry of course. But once in awhile I like to hear what the local bands around here come up with." Ella said. "What about you? What brings you out here?"
Buster sighed.
"Well, I was trying to see if I could make myself take a break from script work by hanging out at the coffee place for a bit. But since it's closing hours for them, just heading back to the theater, do some more writing." Buster said.
"You need a break? Why don't you come in with me?" Ella asked. 
"I don't know if they'll just let me in..." Buster said, glancing over towards the bouncer at the door.
Ella laughed and took Buster by the arm, steering him towards the line.
"You're with me. Trust me, you'll get in." Ella said.
Buster had not had plans for the night before. Now it seemed he did.
Ella was right. The Doberman club front door bouncer just took one look at Ella and smiled.
"Ella! Here for indie band night?" asked the bouncer.
"As always. Oh, this is Buster. He's with me." Ella said.
The doberman looked down at Buster. Instead of questions or some sort of denial of entrance (which, if Buster really wanted to get in somewhere, from previous incidents he was not above sneaking into a place.) he only nodded and moved aside to let both of the koalas in.
The club was a busy place. So many animals and the sound of the band currently on stage talking up the crowd before starting in on a new song were strong sensations. Buster had expected more rave music and neon lights for some reason.
"Drink?" Ella asked, gesturing with her head towards the bar.
"Hmm.. okay, but only one." Buster said.
Ella nodded.
"Yeah. I only get one alcoholic drink myself. I'm small, and as tough as I am when it comes to alcohol well... I'm a lightweight." Ella admitted.
"I am the same." Buster said. "There are stories I could tell... but I don't think I will."
Ella smirked.
"Ah, lore I have not unlocked yet. Understood." Ella said.
The pig at the bar also knew Ella on sight. 
"Ella! How are you?" the pig asked.
"Doing pretty good I would say. I would like you to meet my friend, Buster." Ella said.
"Nice to meet you." Buster said with a nod.
The pig nodded back, already reaching for a bottle of some alcohol.
"Good to meet you too sir. Oh, of course I know your order Ella. What would you like Buster?" the pig asked.
Buster took a bit to choose what he wanted, deciding on something sweet. Ella seemed to have the same taste, though her drink was a bright pink via methods only the bar tender knew. 
"Thank Everett." Ella said to the bar tender, slipping the money on the counter to pay for the drinks.
"No problem. Have a good night."
With the drinks served, Ella and Buster were left with the task of finding open seats. Once that, conversation began.
"Everyone here seems fond of you." Buster said. "Here often?"
"Not as often as one would think." Ella said. "It's more like they like me because I use to work here."
This did not seem at all out of the realm of possibility for Ella. She had talked about how before she tried out for the theater scene, that she was building up savings to fall back on in case things didn't work out quick enough.
"Oh, were you a bar tender or-" Buster asked.
"Nope. I was a bouncer." Ella said.
Buster didn't know why he kept getting surprised by all the varied elements of Ella's life that she would talk about as if these things were exactly normal. He really should have gotten use to this by now. So the surprise on his face was only momentary. He knew what to say in response after that.
"You know what.. I can see that for you." Buster said.
Ella grinned and then looked into the distance, a wistful smile on her face.
"I've made animal's many times bigger then me cry." Ella said.
"I can see that for you too." Buster said.
Ella finally snapped out of her moment of being lost in her memories and took a sip of her drink.
They continued to talk, both trying to avoid talking about work. Though occasionally it would slip in. Neither of them could help it. It would had gone like this for most of the night, talking about other things then work and then work things if not for the tiger.
He wasn't at their table. In fact, he was closer to the wall end of the club. But Ella's trouble senses were up, and she was staring now in that direction.
"Ella?" Buster asked, concerned.
Yes, there was trouble. It made sense that Ella had a good sense of when trouble was happening given how much trouble she could make herself. Buster looked at what Ella was staring at and saw it.
It was a tiger. Now the tiger itself was not so much the issue as was the fact he was clearly hitting on two rabbits that were not at all into it. Ella had seen those moves so often from her time as a bouncer. And it made her as mad now as it did then.
 The tiger was being more then rude. Now he was being downright mean to the two rabbits who were clearly upset by the tigers antics. In fact, they seemed a little scared.
Buster and Ella could not hear what was being said, but when the tiger loomed in close to one of the rabbits, fangs bared, Ella stood up. Her glass nearly fell over from the force of her sudden standing.
"Oh. Okay. Not letting that slide." Ella said.
Ella placed her glass onto the counter and before Buster could try to stop her started to storm over towards the tiger.
Buster knew that tone from Ella. It was her someone's going to get hurt one. And it wasn't going to be her who was going to get hurt.
"Ella, Ella wait!" Buster cried.
Ella did not wait. She only stormed straight up towards the tiger. Buster could do nothing but follow her.
"Hey, stripes." Ella cried once she was behind the tiger.
The tiger was either ignoring or did not hear Ella. Buster wasn't sure which was the case. Ella did not give up at that.
"Hey!" she snapped, louder and with a tone of authority Buster had never heard from Elle. "I'm talking to you."
The tiger finally he looked down.
"What the hell do you want?" the tiger snapped, not looking at all impressed with what he saw.
"What I want is for you to leave those two alone. Clearly they aren't that into you." Ella said.
"Seriously? You are trying to tell me what to do?" the tiger huffed.
Ella sighed. The two rabbits the tiger had been disturbing looked unsure about what was unfolding. Ella looked their way.
"Don't worry you two. I got this. Why don't you go to the bar and get yourself some drinks? Tell Everett that Ella sent you." Ella said.
The two rabbits took this chance to leave the table, giving Ella a grateful glance. And when the tiger made a move to follow, Ella stepped in front of him, her expression hard
"I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not about to have my night ruined by some little freak like you." the tiger snarled.
"I have a feeling you ruin your own night often the moment you open your mouth." Ella said.
Out of the corner of his eye Buster saw the current bouncer employed by the club heading their way. They knew a fight was so close to breaking out.
Ella held up a hand in the direction of the bouncer.
Clearly the bouncer knew Ella. And knew what was about to unfold. They stopped, staying a good distance away and still watching.
"I've kicked out better then you." Ella told the tiger.
The tiger snarled at this small koala that dared to speak to him in such a way. The looming he had done over the rabbits earlier was repeated, this time over Ella. Ella did not even flinch.
Buster knew this was going to be trouble. Not for them but for the tiger.
"Sir, please. I don't think you want to push her anymore then you've already have-" Buster said.
Buster's attempts to save the tiger from Ella were not appreciated by the tiger. In fact he snarled and stepped forward, hand pulled back to slap Buster. That was the thing that made Ella's patience snap. She lunged at the tiger.
The tiger was too surprised by the sudden movement to react in time to stop what was unfolding. Climbing up the tiger's leg was a easy feat for a koala. She was soon up on the tiger's shoulder and she bit the tiger's ear. 
A cry of pain from the tiger. He reached towards Ella to try and swat her off. That turned out to be a mistake on the tigers part. Ella instantly clamped onto the wrist and bit one of the tiger's fingers.
Buster on his end of things just could only watch. He wasn't the only one watching. Other animals in the club were fixated on the fight, some filming it with their phones. There were even some animals chanting "fight! fight!" as if this was some school yard fight.
Ella got a few more bites in before jumping off the of the tiger. She landed just right on the end of one of the nearby tables as the tiger tried to reach for her. The table tipped over. Just right to hit the tiger square in the chin.
The tiger stumbled back, holding his chin. Ella took this chance to grab a alcohol bottle off someone's abandoned table and smash it. Ella was standing there, breathing deep from and holding the broken bottle, sharp end pointed in the tigers direction. A warning that she would use it.
The tiger was rethinking everything now. Blood from the bite wound on his ear was starting to ooze down his face. Ella wasn't even wounded. And from the look in her eyes she was no where near done.
Finally, the tiger backed away, hands up in surrender. Some of the club goers were cheering now. And the bouncer that Ella had stopped from getting involved in the fight earlier was now leading the tiger out of the club.
"We should go." Ella said, breath slowly returning to a calmer tempo and throwing away the broken glass.
"To avoid getting in trouble?" Buster asked.
Ella laughed.
"Nah. More like a lot of people are most likely going to offer to buy drinks after that and as we've established, we're light weights." Ella said.
With that knowledge, Buster and Ella left the club. 
"Heard you had some fun in there." the doberman bouncer said.
Ella just grinned and fist bumped with him.
As Ella and Buster walked away from the club, Buster spoke up.
"So um.. remind me to not piss you off ever." Buster said.
Ella's only answer to that was a laugh.
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olivelearnsart · 2 years
Tumblr media
...Hmm? Oh, right, I have an art tumblr. Should... probably try doing more art huh. Look, in my defense, uh, art is difficult and I have a very hard time keeping motivated in general, much less to keep up a routine with something I'm so unpracticed at. (See that? Instead of calling myself bad, I call myself something that basically means bad, but less self-critical. Mental health!) On the brightside, I got a bunch of my friends to start watching one of them play through Omori, so I have that going for me. Honestly, that game is one a list of like, six games total that permanently destroyed me mentally (among such gems as Undertale and One Shot.) It's so good, and I really hope I can keep them all focused long enough to actually finish it. I really want them to feel as Emotion as the game made me feel. (:
Oh right anyways the art this time is that I traced over the art for Omori. Since the last post, I've given that desk over to my little brother (so he can be loud up in our room instead of the office) and so my tablet is now back to sitting at my main computer. Consider this a warmup of sorts, because if you do that then it implies more art coming next, and I really do want to get good at drawing, I promise. Also, maybe some other stuff, too. Music is a form of art, and so is writing, both of which really interest me too. And if I can become good enough at all three of those, then I'm already good at coding, so I'll have all the skills needed to make a video game solo! Some sort of full-stack game designer. ...Or just, an indie dev really.
Wow, this was supposed to be, like, half a paragraph. Not three. Guess I just had a lot to say since last time, huh. Who would have guessed? I only had 4 months to build up. With luck, and a bit of determination too, my next post will come much sooner, and with actual original art! I'll write to you then!
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radiant-reid · 2 years
hi cate! this question is kinda weird but what names do you think spencer would give his kids? i always thought he would name after a book character or a someone important to him
~ 🍰
oo i have been thinking about this for way too long and this made me feel like that one tiktok-er who predicts baby names for famous people so we're going to do it her way because i literally love her videos so much
here are the criteria:
most important here is the fact his last name is Reid which is one syllable. now, my last name is also one syllable and i can't think of anyone who hasn't married into the family that has a one-syllable first name. but why is this important? because one-syllable first names sound strange (imo) with one-syllable last names so i think spencer's kids would all have to have two or more syllable first names. the last name factor is also why i'm ruling out names that end in an 'ed' sound so the kid's names don't end in the same sound
not super super popular names. since we're going off the vibe of spencer's name which is at 315 for boys in the USA last year but it's still a name that's not odd to hear. i think preferably in the range of #100-1000
the out-there factor is a big one. spencer's not going to be calling his kids anything like mackinsleigh, anything southern like sally-kate or anything that's a noun like 'brown couch'
boys names as girls names and last names as first names. i don't really have a reason for this but i think both are just his vibe.
old money/preppy because that's kind of the vibe he gives off and it's also the vibe his name gives off. although, i'm not going to rule out a nature/indie name
book character names !! great minds think alike and i agree with you completely on this
names with nicknames, but not names that are nicknames. because i think way back when JJ started calling him Spence he felt like he fit in but i think he would want his children to have names that suit them when they're adults
Another thing we have to address is the BAU naming and god-parenting rules. i personally think his kid sharing a nickname with one of the team members is better than just straight up sharing a first name
girls names: (because he's a girl dad™)
Matilda this is the front runner for sure and it ticks lots of boxes. obviously, it's a very famous book character name who loves reading and could visually be spencer's child. it's got enough syllables, it ranks at 466 in the US, it's preppy and Tillie or Mattie are such cute nicknames
Beatrice off the top of my head, there's the Shakespeare and asoue character. common but not too common and Bea or Trixie are cute nicknames
Eleanor edging into too-popular territory but the advantage it has is that her nickname could be Elle like former BAU team member Elle
Maisie maybe it's too nickname-y since most of the other names are fuller, but it's a very cute name, it's popular enough and it's in lots of literature so it makes the list
Madeline popular enough, literature references, a very 'full' adult name with lots of nicknames
Attie hmm, so it sounds too nickname-y but Scout is only one syllable and attie would be short from atticus who's also from tkamb. it's on the rare side but it's not too obscure
Tatum a surname as a first name which is also traditionally a boy's name and it's got the right popularity and it's old money
Payton/Peyton old money but still preppy, unisex and popular-ish
Sawyer not my personal favorite but it's a traditional boy's name with the right popularity ranking and it's preppy so it makes the list
Elliotte differing spelling from the boy's version on purpose and its preppy
Aspen I've been saying this for so long but Aspen has Pen or Penny as a middle name which would be an ode to Penelope
Darcy it's both bookish, a surname as a first name and a boy's name as a girl's name
Sloane mostly because it's a personal fave but i think it would be cute
Violet another name matching a literary character's that I think would be a good fit
Poppy or Pippa grouped together because I've got the same thing to say about them. they're kind of nickname-y as first names but I could still see him calling his daughter either one
Eden oddly biblical but it's a really pretty name and I think it sounds good with Reid as a last name
Zara or Zoe same vibe, both sort of popular and both cute
Morgan points because it's both a unisex name and a surname that would also repay Derek Morgan for naming his son after Spencer without actually calling his kid Derek
Mabel it's just got the same vibe as Spencer
boys names (which are so much harder)
Atticus maybe a little too directly related to the character but it's got the preppy and literature vibe
Ethan both for his friend and for the son Alex Blake lost and i think it's something Spencer would use to honor them
Hugo it's got the literature references and it literally means 'intellect' like what could be more fitting?
Louis pronounced the correct way (loo-ee not loo-is)
Milo it's in lots of books and i think it's a really sweet name
Lennon here's my out-of-left-field pick but it's a last name (obviously) as a first name and i don't think it's too weird but i could be wrong
Aaron i'm here to break the rules I created... but i think Aaron rather than Dave, Luke, Matt, or Derek because Spencer very rarely calls Hotch by his first name and imo it's a much nicer name
Bennett/Beckham they're other preppy baby names that are surnames as well and they have nicknames as well
Mason i think it's a surname? but it fits the vibe
if you have any ideas, lmk and I'll add them to the list !!
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ryttu3k · 3 years
Time for Sins of the Sires! Going to liveblog my first run here. The writer's last game emotionally ruined me so this should be interesting.
My character will be Elias Katsaros, or, essentially, AU Pyre XD Fixed computers, went dancing in clubs. Let's go with Julian as an ex! Disciplines... not seeing Blood Sorcery there. Going with Obfuscate for the first one, then Celerity, which should hopefully lead to it. Third discipline... hmm, Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude, or Potence... fuck it, Auspex. Then Animalism. Damn this is one tanky neonate. 9 dots in disciplines already!
Oh yeah this definitely has similar vibes to Rent-a-Vice so far, writing-wise.
"No. I believe in justice, not authority." Hashtag just little Banu Haqim things.
Vole didn't laugh at, "Your pizza's here!" :(
Interesting that he came back from the Beckoning.
I love the aesthetic choices tbh. Soft goth, death metal, quirky librarian, hipster dude, indie pop rock, boho, corporate sleek, "...just, normal?". Let's go with... hipster vibes for Elias!
"But right now, you're a Hipster sipping from a blood bag like it's a goddamn artisanal coffee drink."
Persa please be nice :(
This whole situation is sad. Poor Selim and Andre.
I do like Gor. He seems to be a romance option (along with Persa and Markos, so far), although I'll just keep it relatively platonic for now.
Fuck it no matter what version Pyre's a softie. That's a Masquerade breach, probably XD;;
omg bat. Bat bat bat bat bat friend. Your name shall be Batty Koda and I shall love you <3
lmao whoops wrong choice of name XD 'Martha motions you in. "This is Elias, a friend." The stumble of hesitation before the word "friend" is almost imperceptible. "Elias, this is Elias."' Other Elias seems sweet, at least.
Elias just deathstaring the murderous seneschel godspeed bby. Oh hey, Dio looks funky but the words, "It was me, Dio!" just slammed into the side of my head.
Re: Kapriel, the Banu Haqim primogen and Gor's sire:
'Why do you have the feeling he knows you? And even more than that, that he dislikes you?
And that, maybe, you know him, too?'
I mean I am gunning for Banu Haqim. Maybe he's our sire?
Neoptolemos sounds like the kind that may turn on the Prince. Hmmm!
Oh the casual misogyny and cover-ups. FUCK HIM UP GOR.
'"I don't need you to defend me to a bunch of monsters," he spits.
The only thing that saves your relationship is how bad you actually are at diplomacy, which he finds almost endearing.'
An attempt was made XD;;
Oh boy. If the BH Primogen is our sire, I already dislike him XD;;
'Savvas smiles, showing off his bloodless gums. "First of all, I'm vegan, so cows are safe with me," he says. "But, more importantly, a cow cannot consent," he continues. "I can, and I did."'
Savvas said animal rights. Probably not so much human rights, but animal rights, at least XD;;
Poor guy :(
Ooh man. I wonder if the greyed-out options after Markos marks a blood sigil means I ended up with Banu Haqim and Elias' bane is about to kick in? Oh never mind it was a vision.
Bat baby survived <3
Usurper? :( Not the result I wanted, oh boy XD;;
Well this is fucked up! Aristovoros' cult, maybe? This is a hell of a Masquerade breach if it is.
'Quickly, you unfold the piece of paper. "Amphitryon is dead," the message reads. "Gor is wanted for murder."
> Good for Gor, if he got that asshole.'
Fuck him up bby <3
Oof. Was that a frenzy? Kicked in very... gently, hm.
Oh, hmm! Maybe siding with hunters for this ending? Elias invoked his humanity and said there were worse than him around, and offered to help work with the woman to find them. That could be interesting, actually!
Persa where the fuck are we going :|
Oh goodie they want me to kill Gor. Preeeeetty much already decided I'm Not Doing That XD;;
I s2g every time Batty Koda shows up I get anxious he's gonna get hurt ;_;
Hell yeah made it out. Kinda wonder how this'd go on a romance route, too.
'Gor hesitates, but then you see something settle inside him. He's made up his mind, and he's going to see this through. "I know who your sire is," he says. "You're not going to like it."
"Because I know him well. Because he's mine, too, and I know first-hand the burden of heredity."'
OH. CALLED IT. I guess each clan has a different sire option? Along with Banu Haqim, there's also Tremere, Ventrue, Malkavian, or Thinblood; not sure about Thinblood, but the other options may be Markos actually being your sire for Tremere, the Prince for Malkavian, or Sophia for Ventrue? "Unmask your true sire. Is it the Prince Peisistratos? One of the city's Primogen? Is it Aristovoros himself?" Hm, do we know what clan Aristovoros is?
Sibling found <3 Kinda glad didn't romance him, haha. I'm liking the familial vibe, honestly. On our way out of Greece, with our sibling and bat friend!
Aaand it's our sire. Time to run away!
Interesting, seems like we're officially going to affiliate with the Anarchs?
Mm. Not great circumstances. I'm noting some interesting themes along the same lines of Rent-a-Vice, here - agency and having the ability to choose your own bad choices. There, it's the Feeders; here, the ghouls.
Hey this guy is a dick :( (Also, Gor? Definitely the MVP, and I totally want him to meet Raul.)
...augh :( Gor dies defending Elias. Elias escorted back to Athens to be sacrificed. Okay this isn't good.
Hm! Okay, so that sire option is definitely. Not an option lmao
Okay that plan didn't go so well. Got chills at the Beast speaking.
Persa's letter ;_;
That was a ride! Lots more achievements and endings and paths to do, but that's the first playthrough done!
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pixuou · 2 years
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It's summertime and it's time to move on to the households of the downtown area of SimCity! We're starting with Guy Wrightley and Brittany Upsnott, the couple who are both determined to make it as actors and gain some well deserved recognition finally.
[If, for any odd reason, you would like to know more about Guy or Brittany or any other Sim in my Ultimatehood gameplay, for example learn about their interests, personality or the 3t2 traits I gave them, you can now do so by checking out the official Ultimatehood spreadsheet! (Which I'm kind of proud of tbh). I'm probably going to make a separate post about that soon, but yeah, there it is for now. Oh, and I also wrote a little bit about how I play in general. OH AND the spreadsheet has individual links (in the form of clickable names) to each playable Sim's story so far (read: you can sort my Tumblr posts by Sims tagged so you can catch up on a particular Sim's life without having to go through all the stuff about the other 254. I don't know who would want to use this but if you would – there you go. I just love organising stuff mainly for myself tbh. Speaking of sorting stories – I'm also working on more practical ways rn, such as the concept of story arcs... I already have a few linked that you can find here).]
But anyway, back to Brit and Guy...
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While Guy was willing to take any acting role his agency offered him...
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...Brittany was convinced she could climb the latter with dignity simply by staying true to her glamorous self and trusting her talent.
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She was wrong.
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But to cheer herself up after getting fired and to reaffirm herself in her belief in the life she deserves, she took herself out for dinner to a fancy place.
Mrs. Crumplebottom: I came here to lecture overly affectionate couples, but you're all alone and that's somehow even more pathetic.
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She also went to see a film and discuss it with fellow cinephiles at Tom Freshe's indie cinema.
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Brittany: I don't understand how this film got so many awards. It's not all that amazing. The actors for sure are wacky in it.
Bianca: Are you kidding?! This film is the best thing to come out of the last two years or so. It's definitely so much better than anything on TV nowadays!
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Guy: Brit, I know it's not a dream job, but commercials pay very well and you can't keep sitting here waiting for a miracle to be cast for the role of your life without an agency. My agency is currently recruiting and I could refer you, I'm sure they'd love to work with you. Especially since I'll no longer be doing commercials...
Brittany: Alright, alright... I guess the bills need to be paid. I'll apply.
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That's right, his days as Fry Guy were officially over.
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Brittany: Hi Mickey, it's Brittany. (...) So, Heather told me you're directing a movie... I'm wondering, do you maybe need some actors? (...) I mean, I do kinda have a job right now, but I can fit it in. (...) Oh, no budget? At all? Hmm...
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