#and now they like to spend their weekends going out to brunch with their oldest grandson
thebettergoop · 11 months
god I fucking love old couples who've just Been Through It with their relationships, they get something about it I don't yet
like at work, the regulars who the husband always says he married the most amazing woman he ever met, then turns to look at her and asks if he did it right- when I've talked to them about their relationship, they told me how when they dated the first time, they actually broke up right before they were considering marriage, then a few months passed and the woman called up the man and was like, "I think I made a mistake" and he went "you sure did" and hung up
they got back together cause she invited him to her home during a blizzard "and the rest is history"
these two have told me they went through rehab together, before they had kids, they've fucking Been Through It like, that shit is hard okay I just
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atanearerdistance · 5 months
Hours later, after he spends most of his night at the station, answering questions, giving his statement, and trying to burn the memory out of his skin with the world’s hottest shower, Tim lays in bed and misses Lucy.
He wishes he could’ve seen her face when she opened the door and saw Kojo. She’d been asking about him, just before their break-up. Had been missing him, he knew, even though they both knew Kojo was probably happier spending all that time with his sister and nephews then he would’ve been in Lucy’s small apartment. He wonders, absently, what she’ll do with the card – if she will put it up on the fridge next to the photo booth pictures of her and Jackson, or maybe stack it on her dresser where she always left his oldest, coziest sweatshirts to slip on in the cold mornings. He knows she won’t throw it away, not with Kojo’s paw print on it, and maybe that was selfish of him to do. He just misses her.
He won’t see her tomorrow. She’d taken the day off, they both had, had made plans to go for a hike at Laurel Canyon, then stop at her favorite brunch place, where she would get adorably tipsy and red and beautiful. It had seemed like such a simple plan for a birthday, when she had suggested it, nothing out of the ordinary for a weekend day off, but then, every day he had spent alone with her had felt like a celebration. Instead, Celina, Angela, and Nyla have promised that they are going to wake her up with breakfast and find a way to make her birthday special, and he will work after all, and he will keep missing her.
He rolls over and almost ends up on top of Kojo. He had trained Kojo to stay on his bed on the floor, but that had all gone out the window once Kojo had had his pick of three different beds to choose from at his sister’s house. But Tim can’t find it in himself to mind, not now, not when his bed feels so vast and empty and cold. Kojo’s soft snores are comforting, and when he tugs him closer, he could swear he gets just a hint of Lucy‘s perfume on his furry head.
He tries to convince himself that he’s doing the right thing. And he misses her.
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It's ILI! If it isn't hard for you to write it... "Can I buy you a coffee?" Kelso to Brooke!
For context: Eric, Kelso, Fez, and Hyde were sitting in a smokeless circle. It's Kelso's first visit since the New Year over 6 months before, he's holding Betsy in his arms and he looks miserable.
"Can you believe that?!" Kelso said indignantly "Just when I was about to ask her to try again, I see her going out for lunch with this doctor guy! That is so unfair!"
"Kelso, you dumped Brooke to be with my sister" Hyde said, annoyed "I don't think you get a saying on her dating life anymore"
"But... I love her, and I really want to be with her" Kelso replied "I never felt this way about a chick before, man. Not with Angie, not with Laurie, not even with Jackie. It's like... she makes me forget about all the awful things in the world, and I want to be around her all the time"
"Yep, he's in love alright" Eric said
"Yeah, you’re screwed” Hyde said
“Do you think I should fight for her?” Kelso asked, his hands absentmindedly stroking Betsy’s hair 
"Kelso, I love you, but if I hear you talking about Brooke again, I am going to leave" Fez said seriously
"Well, I'm sorry Fez, but you never had your heart broken before, so I'm gonna keep on talking!"
Fez glared at him "I see. So you think Fez never had his heart broken before? Well, Fez was dumped by Jackie after dating her for two, glorious days. Then Fez saw Nina at the salon, and she was getting ready for her wedding day. And then, Fez saw Rhonda at the Hub, looking glorious. Fez asked her out, and she said no. Fez’s heart was broken so many times, that it’s barely a heart anymore! It’s just dust in between Fez’s lungs!”
Eric, Hyde, and Kelso stared at him like he went nuts.
"Fez, man, if you want to make people feel bad for you, then you have to quit with this third person crap" Hyde said after a few minutes of silence "It makes me wanna punch you in the face"
“You...” Fez said, glaring at Hyde “This is all your fault! I’m leaving, good day!”
“But Fez...” Kelso said, wondering what caused his outburst. But before he could ask, Fez walked out of the basement, slamming the door on his way out.
“What the hell was that? He didn’t even say ‘I said good day’ like he normally does. He only does that when he’s extra pissed”
“Fez thinks Jackie broke up with him because of Hyde” Eric said
“Which makes no sense, because Jackie made pretty fucking clear that we’re ‘just friends’ now” Hyde muttered dejectedly
“Wait, since when are you and Jackie friends?” Kelso asked, looking confused “When I left, she hated your guts!”
“Hyde apologized to her for being the world’s biggest jackass and asked her for another chance,” Eric explained “She said no, because y’know, Jackie’s smart, and...”
“You’re supposed to be on my side!” Hyde hissed at him, punching his arm
“Dude, you married a stripper!” Eric said, rubbing his now sore arm
“And I’m paying for it, Forman! I already apologize to Jackie every damn day, I’m not going to apologize to you too!”
“Wait, you and Jackie are actually friends?” Kelso asked curiously, and Hyde nodded "Aw man, I feel so left out! I haven’t seen you guys for like, 6 months! Did I miss a lot? What else happened when I was gone?"
“Well...” Eric started, clearing his throat “Jackie rejected Hyde’s multiple attempts to get her back and she’s now making him pay for all the crappy things he did by letting him be around her, without actually being with her; Donna and I are currently trying to learn how to do our own laundry so we won’t have to come here every weekend; a new candy shop opened right next to the salon, but Fez got kicked out of there after hitting on the owner’s wife; my mom’s trying to force my dad to go jogging with her, and Jackie got a few modeling gigs so she’s been unbearable to be around”
“That’s it?” Kelso asked, looking at both os his friends, who nodded at him “I haven’t seen you guys in six months, and that’s all you got?! Wow, I really am the glue that holds this group together”
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Kelso” Hyde said, rolling his eyes
“Well...” Kelso started, but Eric interrupted him
"Good talk guys, now I'll go see if Donna's up for some nookie time" Eric said with a small smile
"But we... We're in a circle!" Kelso argued
"Kelso, it's not a real circle if we can't... you know. Use the thing that makes the circle fun!"
“Nuh-uh! We’re still sitting on a circle, and you haven’t told me what to do about my whole thing with Brooke!”
“Yeah...” Eric said, standing up and moving to grab his coat on top of the record player “Good luck with that, pal”
Kelso stared increduosly at the door Eric just slammed closed. How dare him abandon his oldest friend during one of the hardest times of his life for sex?!
"You know what? You're a good friend, Hyde" Kelso said "Thanks for not abandoning me while I'm going through a crisis, now...”
"Actually..." Hyde said, tapping his thighs as he stood up from his chair "I'm off to meet Jackie. See ya, Kelso. Betsy"
Hyde ruffled the toddler’s hair before walking towards the basement door, and Betsy giggled, clapping her little hands.
“Ackie!” She said, and Hyde smiled at her.
"Wait, you're meeting with Jackie?!" Kelso asked "But you said she just wanted to be your friend!"
"I don’t know man, I think she’s opening up to me," Hyde said, grinning from ear to ear, "I’m just waiting for the right moment to ask her out again, and something tells me that’s going to be soon”
“But Hyde...” Kelso said, but Hyde left before he could finish his sentence.
Kelso sighed and looked at the toddler sitting on his lap, she was laughing, and he had a feeling that maybe, she was laughing at his misfortune.
“Dada, burn!” Betsy said
Yup, she was definitely laughing at him.
Kelso adjusted the baby carrier on his chest, trying to make sure Betsy wouldn’t fall off. When he was sure his girl was safe, he walked up the stairs of Point Place’s library.
Brooke asked him to drive both her and Betsy to Point Place earlier today, claiming she wanted to meet with a few of her old girlfriends, and Kelso said yes right away. He’s been dying to spend more time with her, and the commute from Chicago to Point Place was three hours long.
She said that after she finished brunch with her friends, she’d be at the library, and that’s where Kelso hoped she was right now.
After a long talk with Mrs. Forman (since his friends couldn’t care less about his problem), he decided he’s just going to confess his feelings to Brooke. At this point, he didn’t care if she was dating this doctor guy, he just needs her to know because he feels like he’s going to burst every time he’s near her.
He found her sitting in the more isolated corner of the library, reading a thick book.
He took a deep breath, but before he could say anything, Betsy announced their presence.
“Mama!” The toddler said, squirming as she tried to escape the baby carrier.
Brooke immediately looked up and smiled, making Kelso weak on his knees, She has a beautiful smile.
“Hey baby!” She said, putting her book down and unclasping the baby carrier, taking the toddler in her arms and kissing the top of her head “How was your day with your dad?”
“Dada sad” Betsy said, and Kelso’s eyes widened in shock.
“Why’s your dad sad, Betsy?”
“He wuvs mama” The toddler answered as she played with the collar of her mother’s coat. Brooke’s eyes immediately met with his, and he felt like he was about to have a heart attack.
“What?” Brooke said
“Dada wuvs mama” Betsy repeated, and Kelso licked his extremely dry lips, trying to think of something to say.
“Michael, what is she talking about?” Brooke asked, and Kelso sighed. This is not how he was planning on telling her.
“Uhh... Nothing?”
“Fine! She may have overheard my conversation with the guys, where I told them... I told them I loved you and I that was sad because you’re dating that doctor”
Brooke’s mouth hang open in shock “What?!”
“I’m sorry, okay?” Kelso said “No, actually, I’m not sorry, Brooke. It’s how I feel and you should know”
Brooke took a deep breath “What makes you think I’m dating Christopher, Michael?”
“I saw you two talking, and hanging out, and...”
“He’s my friend, and he’s gay, you moron!” Brooke said “In fact, he has a crush on Fez since he came to visit the last time”
“He has a crush on Fez?” Kelso laughed “Oh, burn!”
“Okay, okay, sorry!” Kelso said “I really thought you two were going out, I mean, you went out for lunch, and...”
“Two friends can have lunch together” Brooke argued, sending a pointed look at Kelso, and dammit, she looks pissed. Kelso just hoped she was pissed about him making assumptions, not about him loving her.
"So, since you’re not actually seeing anyone... Can I buy you a coffee?" Kelso asked, smiling softly at her. She kept glaring at him for a few seconds, before smiling back.
“Well...” Brooke said, bouncing the toddler in her arms “I just had brunch with the girls, so... Maybe some ice cream?”
Kelso’s smile widened.
“Awesome!” He yelled enthusiascally, and some people shushed him in response. 
Brooke laughed and took his hand “Let’s go”
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obxfics · 4 years
Birthday Surprise
summary: it’s John B’s birthday, and you and the Pogues have something up your sleeves.
pairing: john b x reader
word count: 2,342
requested by @libby-rose-2016​
a/n: i hope this is okay! you didn’t have anything specific and this is actually the second idea i tried out lmao. hope you enjoy it!
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“Does everyone understand their missions?”
You, Kie, and Pope all nodded in response to JJ’s question as the four of you huddled together in the van. JJ was taking his job as mission leader very seriously, and had surprised everyone by printing out agendas from the computers at his job at the Country Club. You all had snuck out and met up in front of the Chateau earlier in the morning to brainstorm, and every minute of it you were afraid John B would wake up and catch on to what y’all were planning.
“y/n,” JJ whispered, catching your attention again from where it had been drifting. “Stick to the agenda, okay? We’re on a tight schedule which means no macking unless I specifically wrote it in, got it?”
You stifled a laugh and saluted him, your game face unwavering. Today was important, and you couldn’t afford to fuck things up. You all had a job to do.
“We’ll be waiting here for your signal,” Pope said as he gave you an encouraging pat on the back. “You’ve got this.”
You and Kie clasped arms for a second, communicating good luck with your eyes, before you stood up and quietly rolled the door open. You offered the other three on last salute and set off towards John B’s porch. You carefully hopped around on the creaky ass wood, having done this enough times during your late night rendezvous with John B when JJ had been passed out on the couch and you had to sneak past him. Finally you slipped through the screen door and you were inside. You gave yourself a quick victory fist bump before getting back to business and tip-toeing to John B’s room. As you opened the door, you felt your gaze soften at the sigh of your boyfriend’s sleeping form. He looked so cute and peaceful, so you felt a little bad about what you were about to do.
A yell left John B’s throat when you leapt onto him and screamed, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
There were a couple seconds when he flailed around thinking he was being attacked, but he quickly calmed down when he realized it was just you peppering his face with kisses.
“What the hell was that?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around you to prevent you from pulling back.
“A birthday surprise, duh.”
“Hell of a surprise, sweetheart. I thought someone was trying to murder me.”
“Nope, just my cute ass!”
He grinned at you and gently smacked your ass, causing you to roll your eyes.“I love your cute ass.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he dragged you down into a kiss, the sweet, lazy sort you loved to receive when the two of you had just woken up. Had it been any other time, you would not have hesitated to deepen it and spend the next hour in bed with him, but you forced yourself to remember you were on a mission. John B let out a cute whine when you managed to pull away and slip out of his arms.
“Why’d you stop? It’s my birthday,” he whined, crossing his arms and giving you a little pout. “Don’t I get a birthday present?”
“Oh, sweetpea, you get to spend the whole day with me. We’ve got plenty of time for your present later,” you promised with a wink. “As for right now, we gotta get you ready for brunch!”
“What do you mean?”
You grabbed his hands and started pulling him up, happy that he decided to help you instead of being difficult. You smiled up at him once he was on his feet, wrapping your arms around his waist and preening under his soft gaze.
“My dad’s making you a birthday brunch, and even managed to rope in my brothers to help.” You reached down to pat his butt and said, “Get your ass dressed so we can eat some food!”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and moved back to get to his dresser. You sat on his bed, doing your best to somewhat make it while not getting up.
“What about the others?”
“JJ’s got work until six, Kie is under lockdown until tonight when she can sneak out, and Heyward has Pope delivering shit all over the island. We’ll hopefully meet up tonight, but the boys will be exhausted so who knows.”
You bit your lip to hide a smile when you saw John B grumpily pull a shirt over his head.
“But it’s my birthday.”
You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist to press a kiss against his clothed back.
“I know, JB, and they would all be here if they could, but JJ could lose his job if he missed, Kie’s parents would probably kill us if she tried to leave right now, and you know how Pope gets when he disappoints his dad.”
John B sighed, but you saw him nod. He understood what you were saying. At least you could be here, and damn did your dad know how to cook.
Your parents ran a restaurant that was especially popular with the Kooks for their weekend brunches, and although your mother had been raised in the Figure Eight as a Kook, she didn’t marry rich. Your dad had a humble upbringing down on the Florida Gulf Coast, but had moved here once he was married to your mom. Your mother, and surprisingly your grandparents, had long ago given up the whole Kook vs Pogue mentality, and your whole family loved the boys. There had even been a few times when JJ had gone to sleep at your grandparents’ place instead of the Chateau; the allure of a soft bed, warm shower, and home-cooked meal was too strong for him to resist.
Your two older brothers had both graduated and were off in college doing their own thing—the oldest studying hard and the middle enjoying the party scene—but y’all were still close, and when they were in town they both on occasion would take the time to surf or fish with the Pogues. Your family had all but adopted your friends, and it showed in the effort they put into celebrating each of their birthdays.
“What’s on the menu?” John B asked as he let you lead him out of the house by his hand. “Is Papa y/l/n making those bomb ass waffles and pancakes he made for Pope’s birthday?”
“Would you just be patient and wait until we get there?”
“You have no idea do you.”
John B laughs and squeezes your hand. As the two of you pass by the Volkswagen, you whistle, signally for your other friends to sneak into the house and get started on their mission. You quickly dragged John B down for a kiss when you thought you heard the van door slide open and grass rustle as your friends ran for the house. You knew from experience that your boyfriend had a habit of drowning out the world around him when you kissed. He tried to follow when you pulled back, causing you to laugh and push him towards the driver’s side of the van.
“I don’t think it’s fair that you keep teasing me on my birthday,” he grumbled after starting up the Volkswagen. “You should be nicer to me.”
“I’m sorry baby,” you cooed. “I promise that I’ll stop teasing you. I just don’t want to be late for brunch, and have my brothers tease you on your birthday more than I’m teasing you right now.”
“They’ll still tease us. They always do.”
“Well you are dating the baby of the family.”
“Are your grandparents going to be there?”
“Of course! I think they might be gifting you a weekend at their vacation home down in the Keys.”
You laughed at the look on John B’s face. “I keep telling y’all that they love you more than they love their actual grandkids.”
“Fuck, I love your grandparents.”
“What about me?”
Now it was his time to laugh at you. He chanced a quick kiss to your lips before focusing completely on the road.
“You know you’re still my favorite, sweetheart.”
John B let out a low whistle when he pulled up to your family’s restaurant. Your dad couldn’t afford to close the place down for the day no matter how much he wanted to, so the balcony was filled with Kooks in their Sunday best. Your boyfriend felt immensely underdressed for his own birthday celebration. Sensing his discomfort, you slipped your hand into his and laced your fingers together.
“Come on, love, let’s go eat so much we explode.”
He couldn’t help the huge smile that grew on his face or the tears that formed in his eyes when he walked into the restaurant and saw your family waiting for him. They popped a few confetti poppers and rushed to hug him. You took a step back to allow your family to completely surround John B in their love. Your mother and grandmother kissed him on his cheeks, and your dad wished his “son-in-law” a very happy birthday. John B received firm pat on the back from your grandfather who couldn’t keep the fondness from his eyes as he grinned at your boyfriend. And then of course your brothers teased him for the look on his face when he walked in.
You walked up to him after your family had dispersed, feeling your heart melt at the watery smile you received. You cradled his face in your hands, kissing away any tear that managed to escape.
“Are you happy?” you asked.
He brushed his nose along the bridge of yours and let out a soft sigh. “I am so happy. Thank you for all this.”
“I mean, my parents did most of it.”
“No, thank you for bringing me into your family.”
His eyes closed as you ran your fingers through his thick locks and tugged lightly. “Of course, honey. I love you so much.”
“Believe me, not as much as I love you,” he whispered, bringing his lips closer to yours.
“Hey, lovebirds!” your oldest brother yelled. “You gonna eat or what?”
“I’ll kill him,” you promised, causing John B to laugh.
“Come on, sweetheart, let’s get some food.”
You spent most of the afternoon with your family. Like you had predicted, your grandparents had gifted John B with a weekend getaway at their place in the Keys, and he had met your eyes, the promise of a romantic trip hidden in the hazel depths. You had left him with your brothers and mother as you went to go help your father wash the dishes.
“He looks happy,” your dad observed. “He deserves it, all the shit that boy has gone through.”
“He likes the family, thank god. I think he’s still surprised Kooks like him.”
“What’s there not to like? He’s smart, polite, and he treats my baby well.”
“Dad, thank you. For, you know, accepting the Pogues.”
“God only knows the shit they get from everyone else,” your dad sighed. “They’re good kids, and I’m glad I can offer them a safe place to eat and stay when things get tough.” He reached out to touch your cheek. “And they make you happy.”
Your phone buzzed on the counter. You dried off your hands to check and saw a text from Kie. It was time. You rejoined the rest of your family and bent down to whisper in John B’s ear.
“I think it’s time for your birthday present, don’t you think?”
Suddenly he was sitting up straighter, causing you to laugh. You knew that would work to get him to leave without him getting suspicious.
“We have to go meet up with the others,” you explained to your family.
Your family were quick to say their goodbyes and send the both of you off with hugs and kisses. You almost felt bad seeing how eager John B was to get home, but you knew he would still like the surprise waiting for him.
The sun was low on the horizon when the van finally pulled up to the Chateau, and you hurried to cover John B’s eyes, causing him to let out a scoff.
“What’s this?”
“Just keep walking, will you?”
“I can’t see anything, honey,” he drawled.
“Don’t get sassy with me, John B. You’ve made this walk plenty of times drunk off your ass, so I think you can manage it now.”
Finally you managed to get him to move forward until he was standing right where you wanted him. A giddy feeling rose in you when you removed your hands from his eyes and hurried to join JJ, Kie, and Pope under the large tree in the yard. You watched as John B took in his surroundings.The other three had spent the whole afternoon covering the branches of the tree and lining the roof of the house with string lights, but the main point of the whole surprise was the picnic all set up beside JJ’s jacuzzi. A whole feast (prepared by your family) was spread out, and you were impressed with how the “Happy Birthday, John B” sign had turned out. It wasn’t anything fancy, but John B could see how much effort was put behind it.
“You guys are insane,” he breathed out. “You assholes actually planned something like this? What are we, Kooks?”
You could hear him start crying as the four of you embraced him. He loved you guys; you all were his family, and his family had done all this for him. He realized that it took the whole afternoon for them to do this, and that’s why you had dragged him out with your family the whole time.
“I love you guys,” he whispered.
“Aw, shit, we love you too, John B,” JJ said.
“We’re family,” Pope added.
“And this is just what family does,” Kie laughed.
“Happy Birthday, John B,” you finished.
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Weekend in Orange County, CA
After living in Orange County for several years, I know firsthand that there are endless ways to spend your time. Below, you will find a weekend itinerary I put together to give you the experience of truly living like one of the locals. Especially now during the coronavirus pandemic, I know how important it is to remain safe. That is why all the places I’ve suggested offer outside eating and dining and involve several outdoor activities, all of which follow the CDC guidelines. Feel free to let me know what your experience has been in OC or which place in California you’d like me to blog about next!
A weekend guide to enjoying OC
Friday - Laguna Beach, CA
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First, head down the scenic Pacific Coast Highway to beautiful Laguna Beach. I would suggest checking out the hiking trails at Top of the World, but make sure you have a water bottle and comfortable shoes. If you’re not much into hiking, you can keep driving along the 133 and find your way to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, where you'll be able to see and learn about some recovering seals. While both attractions are free, the Pacific Marine Mammal Center is ran by volunteers and donations are greatly appreciated.
Afterwards, you can enjoy a beautiful view and dinner at the Crystal Cove "Beachcomber" restaurant at sunset. While this experience may be a little pricey, the panoramic views of Laguna at sunset will be worth it.
If you're driving in from out of town, I'd suggest finding an Airbnb or hotel somewhere in the Anaheim or City of Orange area. With many options for every budget, you'll be right in the center of O.C., having an easy drive to any and all of your destinations.
Saturday - Huntington Beach, CA
For Saturday morning's breakfast or brunch, I'd recommend Mama’s on 39 in Huntington Beach. Mama's is laid back and delicious, what a great way to start your Saturday in OC. Their newspaper menus and homestyle cooking give it such a chill vibe. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but ordering one of their “Thrifty” brand ice cream milk shakes is an absolute must!
An entertaining way to enjoy your day in Huntington Beach is a nice bike ride. Right up the street from Mama's on 39 is EV Rideables, a bike shop that offers rentals by the hour and by the day. They have many bike rental options to choose from depending on your comfort level. Their offers range from the classic, one gear beach cruiser, an electric pedal bike, all the way to a super sweet, electric tricycle. No matter which you decide on, you'll be getting around in style and sight-seeing like one of the locals.
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During (or after) your bike ride, what could be more "so-cal" than enjoying Huntington State Beach and pier for the afternoon? Swim in the ocean, or watch the surfers as you take in the sun and ocean breeze. Make sure to stop at Northside Market down the street on your way in. There you can buy firewood and supplies to make s'mores once the sun sets. Make sure you're early getting to the bon fires, as many others enjoy the night-time memories made at Huntington Beach.
Since Huntington Beach is not one of the California beaches where you're legally allowed to consume alcohol, you'll have to cross the street to one of the many bars when you're looking for a night-cap. If you’re over 21 and your throat is feeling dry, stop into Treehouse at Tanner’s and enjoy the night-time ambiance with an intimate patio, filled with string lights and fire pits to keep you warm.
Sunday - Santa Ana / Orange, CA
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For your last breakfast for the weekend in O.C., I'd suggest checking out Santa Ana’s Black Market Bakery where you can enjoy their fresh brewed coffees and espressos along with an in-house and made from scratch pastry or breakfast “Eggywiches” – the Farmhouse is my go-to!
Then, make your way over to Irvine Regional Park (which is actually in the city of Orange). There, you can drive around the scenic, paved roads and check out the Irvine Park Railroad. You can choose from horseback riding, paddleboat rentals, train rides, or go to the Orange County Zoo. If you’re looking for a more relaxing wrap up to the weekend, you can find your way to the snack bar and concessions they have there. You can then head over to a picnic table to play some cards or a game of dominos. With the miles of walking and hiking trails, you can exercise a bit to ease the guilt of all the indulging you’ve enjoyed this weekend. It can be a nice relaxing stroll along the walking and low impact trails to one of the more vigorous hiking paths this historic park – the oldest regional park in all of California – has to offer.
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Feel free to head home when you’ve had your fill of OC, just make sure to be out of Irvine Regional Park by 6:00pm, or the park rangers will politely remind you that your memorable experience here must come to an end, but keep in mind: you'll always be welcomed back.
As I mentioned, there are countless ways to enjoy your time visiting Orange County, California. Here is a general link to find how others have spent their time in OC.
(While I have been to and enjoyed all of these places, I do not claim any of these images as my own)
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Who was the last person or object you shared beds with? Justin. What was your last fight about and with who? I have no idea. Where was your default picture taken? My room. Do you consider yourself a neat freak? No. Do you have anyone’s clothes? Yes, I have a few things of Justin's. What’s your relationship with the person you last texted? He's my boyfriend. Do you have a fish tank? I do not. Last place you took a plane to? Back home from NY. Would you tell a stranger if they had spinach in their teeth? Depends on the situation. If you found out you couldn’t have kids, would you adopt? I already have the kids I want. Have you ever lied about your age? Probably when I was a kid. Ever had an encounter with the police? Yes. Last time you went out of town? Tuesday. Whose car were you in last? My dad's. Who do you most look like in your family? My mother. Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Yes. Do you like to travel by plane? I do. Did you get enough sleep last night? Eh. Have you ever made out in a bathroom? Yes. Has anyone ever hung up on you? Yes. Looking forward to something this weekend? The wedding I'm going to with Justin, although I am a little nervous. And my mom's birthday brunch. Has anyone smoked in your car? Yes, including myself. Do you have any bruises? No. Do you find piercings attractive? Yes. Who was the last person you sat next to? My kiddos are both on the couch with me. If you had 100 dollars to spend on clothes, where would you go to shop? Target. Do long distance relationships work? I wouldn't know. How do you earn money? Odd jobs. Where were you raised? Texas. What is on your bed right now? Blanket, pillows, an Amazon box, a jacket. Do you name your stuffed animals? Yes. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Superbowl. Ever collected unemployment? No. Your parents tell you they’re moving to Mexico: Together?! Do you think you are an argumentative person? I can be, but not overly. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Poodle. What jewelry do you wear all the time? My nose ring. Have you ever had a difficult relationship? Oh yeah. Ever driven into the ghetto to buy drugs? lmao No. Are your ears gauged? No. How did you feel when you woke up today? Panicked because I thought I woke up too late. Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now? ThinkGeek. Ever kissed someone who smokes? Yes. What do you usually do first in the morning? Check the time. What are you doing tonight? Going to my mom's, then the T. Explain what triggered your last kiss? Saying goodbye. When’s the last time you screamed really loud? No idea. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? I better be lol What were you doing right before you logged into Tumblr? Pulling up surveys. What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I'd rather not. Could you go a month without talking to your best friend? Not happily. When was the last time you were sick? In January. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I think Justin. Who was the last person you hugged? My oldest. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Yes, there are several. Name something you disliked about the day you had? It was a little dull. How long was your last phone conversation? Like, two minutes. Do you know anyone with the last name Smith? Yes. You got laid last night didn’t you? No. Why did you last laugh really hard? Idk. Are you close to your siblings? Yes. Have you had your birthday this year yet? No. Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped? Yes. Have you ever made out in a park? Yes. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Yes. Have you ever wished you could’ve had someone but you messed that up? I'm sure. Is it possible that you could be pregnant right now? It's possible, but no thanks.
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trethepoet · 4 years
Contrary to unpopularity Kanye West is still my favorite rapper. No one asked me, but I am writing the story sooo I’m just giving you a little intro before I get into it…
Now...anyone that knows me well (about 18 people) knows that my favorite quote is from a rapper that is NOT Kanye West. “You can do it put your back into it” is my absolute favorite lyric/quote/mantra what have you. YeahEYeaheeee (is that how you spell that?). Anyway I repeat that Ice cube quote literally everyday. I have another favorite quote. I don’t know how many favorites you can actually have but Spellman University’s (an HBCU not as great as NCCU, but I’m biased) motto- “Find a way or make a way”- have been so inspirational to me daily.
Light the sage and tell Alexa to que Jazmine Sullivan - any song because they’re all my mood right now- and listen to this shit...
Have you ever? Hypothetically of course...
Have you ever been served a civil suit for temporary and full custody of your infant breastfeeding daughter by your fiancé with whom you share a residence?
Have you ever been told repeatedly that “nobody likes you”, “you’re mean”, “you’re unkind”, “you don’t answer the phone pleasant enough”, “you’re a horrible mother because you allowed your four-year-old child to call another man (that’s living under the same roof) dad?
Have you ever been told “I wish you would die” as you hold your beautiful one-month old baby daughter by the man with whom you thought you grow old?
Have you ever been accused of “trapping” someone with a baby and only wanting their money even though you went through the entire IVF process to create a child together by the person who paid for the treatment?
Have you ever been sitting in a room and overheard your boyfriend at the time tell his best friend that you were harassing him about a baby? ...He can’t be talking about the same baby that he just paid $12,000 of his own money to have his ish placed in a Petri dish with my eggs because his count was drastically low.
Have you ever been cheated on so many times that you can’t even gather the tears to cry?
Have you ever been told that you should expect cheating from a man that pays all the bills?
Have you ever been told you should allow disrespect from a man because he’s not a “regular nigga”…he’s wealthy?
Have you ever come home from grabbing a milkshake to find your friend disheveled and flustered, rushing to her car barefoot saying she has to get out of your house?
Have you ever left your drunken friend in your daughter’s bed to keep her safe only to have her accuse your boyfriend of pulling off her panties and giving her a vagina a kiss without her consent?
Has one of your closest friends ever accused your boyfriend of sexual assault/ pretty much rape?
Have you ever had proof that someone was cheating on you and you show that person their own dick pics and they say they didn’t do it?
Have you ever read text messages to another woman from your fiancé and the other woman mentions your name, your daughters name annnnnd knows that your pregnant?
Have you ever heard a rumor that someone from your fiancé’s church was having sex with your fiancé while you were pregnant and find out that it was true?
Have you ever uprooted your small child’s comfortable life to move to a state that you don’t wish to live for a man who picks apart everything you do?
Have you ever been told not to work and then work part time during a global pandemic while you’re pregnant and homeschooling two kids in two different grades and then told months later that you “only came down here and got pregnant for the money”?
Have you ever had your boyfriend curse you out in front of your friends?
Has your boyfriend ever cursed out one of your friends?
Have you ever had lies told on you by your own fiancé in order for him to make himself look good to others who don’t ever care about him?
Have you ever decided to leave and start over with virtually nothing and have a millionaire who is also your child’s father accuse you of stealing lamps al while calling you several “broke bitches”, a monster thot and telling you he doesn’t care if you sleep on the floor but then wants to be friends?
Have you ever had to take your infant daughter and six-year-old to the damn Doubletree hotels and suites to live for 13 nights because the verbal and emotional torture was turning into minor shoving and more intense arguments over nothingness?
Have you ever been accused of not allowing a person to let them see their child when you sleep under the same roof?
Have you ever been accused of using your child as a pawn by someone who was using your child as a pawn?
Have you ever been sent photos of about 20 onesies in a closet telling you that you’ve taken all of the baby shower gifts when you also have the baby?
Have you ever feared for your child’s safety?
Has anyone ever tried so badly to make everyone the introduced you too hate your guts?
Have you ever lost 20lbs of weight in three weeks due to stress?
Have you ever had to move three times with an infant child and a six-year-old in a two-month span of time?
Have you ever been so tired you forget to eat?
Have you ever just been so freaking tired?
Have you ever given up everything and trusted someone and then left with virtually nothing but your clothes and your daughters clothes and toys and still get accused of taking a fucking $79.99 dollar throw rug from Homegoods?
Have you ever felt inadequate?
Has someone ever made you feel like you don’t deserve love?
Has someone ever made you feel like a nutcase for feeling hurt?
Has anyone ever tried to tell everyone that you’re crazy in order to discredit everything you say?
Has someone ever offered to buy you a purse when a random girl found your private Instagram account to tell you the person you love was sucking her pussy in Miami?
Has anyone offered to buy you a bag in order to shut you up about a realtor with very split ends?
Has anyone ever made up lies and woke you up out of your sleep to tell them to you?
Have you ever felt so low you can’t do anything but cry your grown ass to sleep at night?
Has it ever taken you two years to realize it’s not you?
Have you ever been imperfect?
Have you ever just needed to breath and think? …You can do it, put your back into it (lol corny AF, but seriously).
Have you ever had to spend nearly 40K cash (every penny you fucking had) in the span of two months to make sure you and your daughters have a roof over your head and some forks and furniture?
Have you ever been thankful that you were able to do so?
Have you ever had to accept every helping hand extended to you?
Have you ever been postpartum and delirious?
Have you ever wanted to scream fuuuuuckkkkk?
Have you ever just wanted to call/hug your mom or dad and can’t?
Have you ever cried Pink Himalayan Sea Salt tears to one of your best friends over French toast?
Have you ever felt like why is this happening to me?
Hopefully you haven’t…but if you had I would hug you. I would scream the ICE Cube quote obnoxiously over an imaginary mic. I would encourage you to have the strength to leave. I would tell you to seek therapy. I would tell you that you aren’t crazy. I would drive all the way from Philly to help you build the crib for your daughter, I would babysit your oldest daughter while you pulled extra shifts, I would watch your oldest daughter for an entire weekend so she just walked into her new home, I would keep your daughter for two weeks while she was in virtual school so she didn’t have to see her mom in such a low spot, I would buy you groceries, I would come and wipe down your hotel bathroom and all the other surfaces b/c duh coronavirus, I would tell you that just because you aren’t getting physically hit doesn’t mean you aren’t experiencing abuse, I would have a bonfire and give you a candle and some flowers and some very tight hugs, I would make you three fire ass playlists, I would encourage you and tell you that you are valuable and loved. I would check on you weekly, I would go to brunch with you, I would pay your phone bill, I would let you and your daughters spend the week at my house and make you watch that horrible meek mill movie on volume 100, I would book you a hotel room and invite all of your closest friends to have a spa day, I would take a half day off to let the movers into your storage unit, I would let you ship furniture to my house, I would make you share your location with me so I knew you were safe, I would help you literally unpack your entire house, I would help you find an attorney, I would give you free legal advice, I would order you wallpaper, I would just listen, I would help you wash all of your new dishes and sheets, I would walk through ikea with you for hours, I would love you…I would do anything I could, I would be the friend all of my friends were to me.
How could I even question my self worth, my energy, my spirit, my personality when I am obviously getting back all of this positive energy and love. Who were you to think that you couldn’t find a way or make a way?
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onewhoturns · 5 years
six sentence sunday 9/1
(I lied, it’s not six sentences, it’s my excuse to post the beginning of the bartender au so FUCK IT HERE WE GO)
It’s half past 1 on a Saturday night. Technically, Alex should still be on shift at The Island. Instead, she’s waiting outside a dive called the Kanaloa, phone in hand, combat-booted foot propped against the brick wall behind her. Somehow she gets away with not wearing heels to work. The waitresses have to wear them, but Alex is behind the bar and, therefore, no one sees her feet. Ergo, no heels required.
(Or so she argued to her employers, and they accepted because no one really wants to face repercussions for a sexist dress code, and technically there may have also been some legal issues around appropriate footwear for dealing with breakable glass. Either way, she won.) 
Blue hair is blown out of her face with a little puff as she slips her cell into her pocket, grinning at the approaching duo before Ren already has his arms around her. 
“Thought you were gonna go pink?” Her oldest friend tugs at a loose strand of hair, sharing her grin. 
“Thought you were gonna go vegan?” She smirks, smacking him upside the head. 
“Ow! And yeah, I did. Briefly.”
Alex laughs and hugs his companion. “Hey, Nona.”
“Hey Alex.”
“So, Miss Night Owl finally managed to make some time for us, huh?” Ren is giving her a hard time again. Par for the course. She doesn’t mind it. 
“Look, when you guys are only free on the weekend and I’m working 8-4… Or if I’m picking up an extra half-day? I mean, no offense, but I’m not gonna wake up at 11 just so we can grab brunch,” she scoffs. 
“Oh, like you’re so much better than brunch.” 
“Keep your avocado toast, hipster. If I ever get roped into brunching, it’ll only be for bottomless Bloody Marys.” 
“Or mimosas,” Nona pipes up, helpfully. 
“Yes, exactly Nona. Mimosas will also do, thank you.” Alex gestures to Ren’s girlfriend, giving him a see, I told you, kind of look. He just snorts. 
“So, why aren’t we meeting at your place?” Ren is actually holding the door for her. Obviously, Nona has gradually trained him into manners. Good for her. Only took, what, eight, ten years of on-again off-again highschool sweetheartdom to get him there?
Nona goes in first, and as Alex passes she makes a gesture at Ren, mouthing ‘whipped.’ It’s good for him, though. Nona’s the calm anchor to his frenetic hyperactivity. And beneath all her jibes and smirking, she’s really happy for him. They finally seem to be taking things seriously. Years of starting and stopping for school, of phone calls at 2am because there’s a guy on her Instagram, are they dating? Is she dating someone? (You’re not actually together right now, Ren. YEAH but I LOVE her!, etc) -- finally, they’re living in the same city again. And have actually moved in together. Or-- well, that was actually probably a year ago, now. They’d settled in Seattle and she… had yet to make the trip. Whoops. But luckily they came here!
“It’s called the Kanaloa! Like the thing on Edwards Island, right? A throwback to Camena! Besides, I wanted to spare you the herpes,” she tosses the comment over her shoulder, overtaking Nona to lead the way to a booth in the corner. The place is a classic dive: dart boards, pool tables, smoke somehow always hanging in the air even though no one has smoked in a bar in… years. An actual honest-to-god jukebox. It’s a shame the place is kinda dying out. Ah well, shit happens. Gotta keep with the times. 
Nona snorts a laugh (ah yes, the training has gone both ways), and Ren smirks. “What a way to talk about your workplace, Al-”
“Oh shut up,” she punches him in the arm. “I meant this.” She gestures to the glitter clinging to her skin -- her shoulders, her cheeks, her cleavage (because of course there’s cleavage, she’s a bartender at a club for god’s sake, how else would she get tips? People like some skin and being given just enough of a hard time. She’s not gonna deny them that if it pays her rent). “It’s go-go night for the month, and they just love the stuff.” She’d have it in her hair for at least three more days. 
There’s half a second’s pause before she turns narrowed eyes on Ren again. “Wait, are you saying you think I wear this on a regular basis?” Admittedly, yes, the shirt is one of her favorites, but the pink and white PVC skirt? Yeah no. Never. It is reserved specifically for go-go night and only go-go night. She bought it as a joke at a thrift store and ended up using it in a Slutty Power Rangers Halloween costume (college, don’t ask) and it sat in her closet for months before the Island became a gig, and go-go night became a thing, and… Well. The rest is history?
“I never see you,” Ren whines. “And all your photos are of, like, cocktails and puns. How am I supposed to know?”
Alex rolls her eyes but - fair. “Well. You’re here now. So let’s have a drink and catch up, mkay? I’m technically supposed to be back on shift in like an hour, but Mick said she’d cover me and-- well, if you want, I can probably sneak you guys in if you wanna crash some poor fuck’s party on the floor. There’s enough noise and flashing lights that you can just commando right in there.” She already knows the answer. Ren, of course, is intrigued because he might have had that phase in college of going to raves and taking too much Molly and… yikes. Nona - ever reasonable - is already grimacing at the idea of a club at 2am. 
Ren turns his bright-eyed hopeful look to Nona, then smiles ruefully. “We’re probably gonna pass.”
“Should you be drinking mid-shift?”
Alex scoffs. “I drink on shift. I’m running at like BAC .02 most of the night,” she jokes. 
Nona looks troubled, and Alex quickly walks it back. “Kidding. I don’t drink much outside of work, okay? It’s not-- I’m not just spending all day drinking. It’s just part of the job.” And daytime is for sleeping, anyway. And laundry. And running Postmates. And checking Craigslist. You do things to make ends meet, right?
She doesn’t like the look Ren and Nona are exchanging. It’s that we need to talk about Alex look. She got that a lot at the end of senior year, when she was spending more time tagging along with anyone else than talking with her own family. She got that the first time she dropped out (for like one semester! One measly semester! She made up for it in a summer term, God, calm down). It makes her mouth sour, and she immediately tries to smooth it over. 
“Look, I’m sorry you guys came all the way down here just for a couple hours. We can…” She grits her teeth and tries not to grimace. “We can get together tomorrow before my shift.” 
“For…” Ren has cast aside the worried look in favor of one more amused, watching her jaw tic.
“For…” It takes everything in her not to scoff. “...brunch,” she grumbles. As soon as it’s out of her, Ren is laughing out loud and she sticks out her tongue like it’s covered in something disgusting. “Ugh, God, can’t I just get you guys some drinks instead?”
Nona shoots another look at Ren, and it’s another one she’s seen too often. The do you make enough to be treating us, two full-time Adult Employed People, to drinks? look. 
She huffs out a laugh. “Oh my God, calm down. I got this.”
(Oh hey look, here’s an aesthetic board for this that gives some more story) (And look at that, we’re posting it on AO3)
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njdating116 · 3 years
Hook Up Spots Adams Morgan Dc
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Gay Dating Service for Gay singles. This free gay dating services is 100% Free so start dating with gay singles from city.
Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States is one of the best cities to live in. It’s known as a cultural center that is brimming with embassies, monuments, museums, and bustling restaurants, cafes, and musical hot spots. Not only are there an abundance of activities in Washington D.C. but there some really great neighborhoods for families, couples, and singles. Some of the best D.C. neighborhoods are known to have low crime rates, access to excellent public schools, great job opportunities, and great local amenities. If you’re thinking about moving or simply want to explore some of the best spots in America’s capital, check out our guide to the best neighborhoods in Washington D.C.
Adams Morgan - 2000 18th St NW (Dinner: Mon-Sun 5PM-11AM / Brunch: Sat & Sun 11AM-3PM) Union Market - 1309 5th ST NE (12P -8PM MON-THUR 11A -9P FRIDAY-SUN). Adams Morgan is much more than a neighborhood with a crowded nightlife scene. You’ll find historic row houses around 18th Street, including the Adam's Inn B&B, as well as a variety of independently owned stores. Adams Morgan, Washington, DC 20009 Adams Morgan is a magnet for Washingtonians of all personalities. Stroll through the historic beer-soaked sidewalks on any given night.
Logan Circle
The legendary leader of the jazz orchestra, Duke Ellington, grew up in the Logan Circle area of D.C., and it’s not hard to imagine how the place might have influenced his music. It’s one of the more laid back neighborhoods in the city.
Some of the local’s favorite weekend activities include picnics and lounging out by the circle-named after Civil War general John Logan. Many rows of beautiful Victorian condos surround the circle and the nearby streets, and if you still have the itch to shop, there are some trendy establishments to check out on 14th Street or P Street. Logan Circle is low-key, a perfect place for a refuge from the hectic pace of much of the rest of D.C.
DuPont Circle
Relative to other neighborhoods in the capital, with their distinct landmarks and cultural identities, DuPont Circle is fairly unremarkable. But it’s that same quality that makes it an attractive place to spend some time. It’s much quieter, more relaxed than the others. The circle itself is a patch of grass with a bust of Samuel DuPont of the famed DuPont family. It’s a nice place for a picnic lunch from one of the nearby eateries, either on Massachusetts or Connecticut Avenue or P Street.
Aside from the shops and restaurants that line those streets, DuPont’s best feature is Embassy Row. Tucked away on the quiet side of Mass. Ave, Embassy Row is home to a majority of D.C.’s embassies. It’s fun to walk around and stop into whichever embassies suit your diplomatic tastes, or simply snap some photos of the placards and flags that decorate their front gates.
Foggy Bottom
Just south of DuPont Circle, on the west bank of the Potomac River and in the middle of the George Washington University campus is the beautiful neighborhood called Foggy Bottom. This is a lovely place for a day outdoors, perusing the natural gifts of the region or the numerous retail and food attractions.
Other notable qualities of Foggy Bottom: the IMF building, the World Bank building, and for a more cultural experience, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which puts on theatre, dance, and live music performances.
It is believed that Foggy Bottom earned its name because of the fog that rises from the nearby Potomac River. It’s also one of D.C.’s oldest neighborhoods, yet it still has a youthful atmosphere due to the GW campus. It’s also worth noting that The neighborhood is home to one of the best public high schools in the District of Columbia called, The School Without Walls High School.
Adams Morgan
The Adams Morgan neighborhood was named after two segregated elementary schools from the 1950s — the all-white John Quincy Adams and the all-black Thomas P. Morgan. This Northwest neighborhood is now the cultural center of the capital’s Hispanic community. Adams Morgan is an area dense with live music venues, bars, cafes, a collection of ethnic food spots, and houses. If you’re single or simply looking for a neighborhood with the best nightlight, Adams Morgan is the place to be.
Live music, from jazz to dance, blast from small, chic clubs, and bars on the weekend. Although weekdays can be spent just as well within the five blocks surrounding 18th street and Columbia. You can grab lunch from one of the local Thai, Middle Eastern or Ethiopian restaurants and then spend the rest of the day at a nearby park or café. Adams Morgan is D.C.’s most colorful district, most energetic and probably the loudest corner of the city as well.
U Street
Much like Adams Morgan, the U Street neighborhood is in the Northwest of the city. It’s a world away from the National Mall and the capital’s main draws but it certainly worth checking out. Like the Adams Morgan neighborhood, U Street has long served locals with nighttime entertainment, vibrant restaurants, and a place where a local art scene can flourish. The street is also home to the 1922 Lincoln Theatre Duke Ellington once performed.
The U Street area is home to Ben’s Chili Bowl, one of the oldest restaurants in the city and the inventor of the half-smoke (a half beef, half pork sausage). Founded by a Trinidadian immigrant in the late 1950s, Ben’s is indicative of the neighborhood’s African-American roots that extend to today. There is a rich music culture along the U Street corridor, with a number of live jazz venues and theaters. In between monuments and the main tourist draws, a detour up to U Street is more than worth your attention.
Georgetown is one of the most charming neighborhoods in Washington D.C. The cobblestone streets are lined with Federal-style architecture, wonderful restaurants, and many boutiques and cafes. The town is also full of natural beauty too as the city is nestled along the Potomac River. If you’re the active type you’ll enjoy that the town boasts steeply hilled streets and jogging trails that will certainly satisfy your needs.
One thing worth noting is that this town can be quite the bustling tourist destination which can make the streets feel quite crowded at times. But if you enjoy a bustling atmosphere, live music, waterfront seafood spots, and more then Georgetown is definitely the neighborhood for you.
Capitol Hill
Hook Up Spots Adams Morgan Dc Office
One of the oldest and most residential dense neighborhoods of D.C. is the Capitol Hill area. It is home to the Capitol building, the Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court. The section of Pennsylvania Avenue that runs through Capitol Hill is stocked with restaurants and bars, and a few blocks down is Eastern Market, a public market that runs a fantastic flea market that sells fresh vegetables, fruits, handmade soaps, and various artisan goods on weekends.
D.C. is a leafy town, and Capitol Hill is far-off from the totally built-up downtown area, giving it an open feel with room to breathe. As is expected, there is a lot of history in this neighborhood, so make sure to check out the Navy Yard, which was established in 1799, as well as the Marine Barracks, one of Thomas Jefferson’s building projects when he was in office in the early years of the 19th century.
Woodley Park/Cleveland Park
This part of the city truly is a natural beauty, a fact that can be lost among the columns and domes of D.C. historical landmarks. Like a few of the other neighborhoods on this list, Woodley Park and Cleveland Park are located in the Northwest of the city, where Rock Creek Park dominates the scenery and landscape.
This is where the National Zoological Park is located, and where a majority of Rock Creek Park’s 1,752 acres are found. The only thing you may not enjoy about the Northwest neighborhoods is they feature many steep hills. So don’t expect to bike much ground up here, it’s best to walk or drive or use public transportation. On the plus side, you’ll be immersed in nature here. There are also ample dining opportunities as the neighborhood boasts plenty of trendy restaurants and bars. And make sure you check out some of the city’s best brunch spots like Open City which is conveniently located in this lovely neighborhood
The downtown section of D.C. is what one might call the most “touristy”. In a city as historically rich as D.C., that is hardly a bad thing. The list of things to do and see is endless. There’s Chinatown, one of the country’s best, also where the Verizon Center can be found, home to the NBA Wizards and the NHL Capitals. And then there are the Smithsonian museums, all of which are free to the public. You can explore the International Spy Museum, the Newseum and Ford’s Theatre, the scene of President Lincoln’s assassination, and more.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, better known as the White House, is another must-see attraction, along with the National Mall, a nearly two-mile lawn that stretches from the Capitol steps to the 19-foot marble statue of Abraham Lincoln. Along the mall are a number of war memorials, a reflection pool, and hot food and ice cream vendors. Yes, this is the expected area to visit in D.C., but tourists flock here for a reason. Come see what it’s all about!
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Before we get to the details on how to buy weed in DC, we wanted to let you know our favorite spots in town.
Gifted Curators – Adams Morgan’s #1 storefront. A Street Art Gallery with a diverse selection of boutique exotic flower, edibles, and pre-rolls along with some amazing digital art along with your purchase. Go check out the awesome art in their gallery and their selection in their safe 2nd-floor gallery.
Peace in the Air – Set inside Adams Morgan clothing staple Grindstone Universal, you’ll get some amazing flower, edibles, and pre-rolls along with some digital music with your purchase.
Street Lawyer Services – If you’re looking for a spot on H street, this is your place. Fast, fun, and a great selection of all your favorites.
VIP Clientele – One of the OG’s in I-71, they bring to you some of the better products you’ll get in DC
Are you a fellow weed connoisseur living in DC or just passing through?
If so, you may find scoring weed isn’t as straightforward as you thought. You’ll need to learn how to find weed in D.C. safely, then you need to know how to buy it legally.
Washington DC legalized recreational marijuana in 2015, and nearly five later people are still confused about just how this law really works. Even though you’ll understand what you need to know by the time you finish here, you may still end up asking yourself the question again – Is weed legal in D.C. with so many hoops to jump through?
Hook Up Spots Adams Morgan Dc Restaurants
If you’re in the nation’s capital and you want to blaze while you’re here, consider this article a guide to navigate the grey market gift system of buying pot in DC. It’s actually easy to do once you know the ropes.
How To Buy Weed In DC
The passing of Initiative 71 made it legal under DC for persons 21 or older to possess 2 ounces or less of marijuana.
Initiative 71 also allows adults who are at least 21 to give — as in, for free—up to an ounce of cannabis to another adult who is at least 21. Consumption may take place only in private at your home – no your car does not count. No one may use, possess, exchange, or cultivate marijuana on federal property, of which there is quite a bit in DC.
One of the first major issues is that while it’s legal to have marijuana in DC, it’s not legal to buy it anywhere in DC. So how does one acquire weed if no one can legally sell it to you?
The key is that while DC residents cannot sell marijuana, they can sell other items for roughly the same price they would charge for weed in DC. For example, if you purchase a sticker, art canvas, or a t-shirt, you are then offered marijuana as a free gift.
Growing your own weed is another brilliant option I71 grants you.
Obviously, growing takes skill, patience, time, and energy. Not to mention expensive equipment. But it allows people to get around restrictions on the sale of marijuana.
So if you looked in the mirror today and realized you are not a horticulturist expert and you don’t want to grow your own weed, then we have three other I71 compliant methods for you to buy weed in DC.
DC Weed Shops
One option for how to buy weed legally in DC is to take the direct route. There are plenty of weed stores in DC that sell a variety of regular items.
Of course, you’ll end up paying a higher amount of money for a hat or t-shirt. However, as far as the law is concerned, you did not purchase weed, and this is staying compliant with I71.
Urban Aroma is DC’s #1 trusted directory, listing only the safest, most trustworthy, I71 compliant DC weed stores. Check out our DC weed dispensary directory to find your daily high.
How Does DC Weed Delivery Work?
Not big on getting out to buy your pot?
Another option is to order weed directly to your door or location of your choice!
To do this, simply find a DC weed delivery service online. Not every delivery service is up to par so we did the leg work for you and found the best D.C. weed delivery services. Pick your product and wait for the friendly staff to show up with your item and cannabis gift.
Keep in mind, DC weed delivery is a relatively new concept so delivery times may vary, but your patience will pay off in the end.
What Are Pop-Up Events in DC?
Hook Up Spots Adams Morgan Dc Area
What does buying marijuana from a DC pop-up event look like? Picture a farmer’s market or trade show…minus the fruits and veggies, substituted with cannabis!
This option for buying pot in DC is certainly an experience but may lead to a run-in with the law if you don’t wisely select the DC pop-up events. Many have been caught distributing weed to minors which is not compliant with I71 and leads us to our next topic…
How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy Weed In DC?
It may come as no surprise that you have to be 21 or older to buy weed in DC. Just as it is with buying alcohol. You will be asked to present a valid form of government-issued identification with any of the above options for buying weed in DC.
Hook Up Spots Adams Morgan Dc Comics
Now you know the answer to, “Is weed legal in DC?” is yes – but with a lot of nuances. If you’re looking for delivery, pop-up events, or a dispensary, search our trusted DC weed directory. We have all the information you need to find your new favorite vendor.
The DC community is adjusting beautifully with the Initiative 71 law and blossoming new ways for residents and tourists to purchase their pot in DC. Let us know all about your experience in the comment section and if you have another method to purchase weed legally in DC that we have not mentioned please share below!
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Apr 20, 2020
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Must Read
Best article out there. Read this and was able to buy some weed with no issues in less than an hour. Short and sweet. Thanks whoever wrote this!
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isaiah-lee · 3 years
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FLASHBACK: Jakarta, Indonesia
ISAIAH: This is not his first time that Graham invited him to join the oldest children's annual meeting in every family. A nurturing environment made by Hiram resulted to makes him conscientious every time he turned up to Jakarta to fulfilled his grandfather's every expectation. During the trip, Isaiah never stops thinking about his performance to show up throughout his studies at MIT. He has to fortify his position in the family but has nothing to eager the blood.
A few hours later, Isaiah's plane touches down at the airport then makes his way to the car. In the car, on the way to the mansion, his private servant gives out an idea.
"Should I talk about that? Pointless."
KIANA: “Miss Kiana, I’m afraid you’ll hurt your cheekbones if you keep grinning like that.” The young lady emitted a clear laugh upon hearing the butler's words. The kind of laughter that will brighten up your mood even on the worst of a day.
“I couldn’t help it, Alfred. I’m so happy to know that I get into my dream university, ” her voice a fraction softer. Kiana has been anxious about her college submission. She was confident at first, but then she found out that the University of Southern California decrease its acceptance rate, which means an international student like her have a lower chance to get in. It was so hard to convince Graham that studying communication instead of business is a better selection for her. There’s no way Graham will continue to let Kiana make her own education choices if she fails the only chance he gave her.
But today, that fat acceptance letter finally came. The moment she lay her eyes on it, Kiana could felt her heart skipped a beat and her head got lighter. Her name is written boldly and proudly on the paper.
Not long after she got her hand on the acceptance letter, Graham Lee summoned her for a meeting. Alfred, the head of butler who delivered the news, aided Kiana to the room her grandfather chose to hold the meeting.
”It’s the annual meeting for the first-born, Miss Kiana,” Alfred added. She nodded as their enter the main hallway of The Lees Mansion. Kiana never felt this kind of excitement when her grandfather requests a family meeting. Aside from special occasions like Christmas Dinner or weekend cruising in Bahamas, just like all of her cousins, she tried to keep the encounter minimum.
But today is different. She. Got. Into. Her. Dream. Universe.
Kiana bit her bottom lip and refrain herself from screaming out of excitement. She doesn’t remember exactly how many times she glanced at the letter. Kiana sure it’s already more than ten times, but she does it again anyhow. That was when Alfred faltered in his steps. ”Oh, I forgot to tell you something, Miss,” he remarked. They were only a few steps away from the room when Alfred suddenly stops walking. It annoyed Kiana that the man is slowing her down. Doesn’t he notice that telling Graham the acceptance news is an important agenda for her?
”Tell me, Alfred!” she chimed rather impatient.
”Isaiah is coming home.” His lips curled into a thin smile, and as if on cue, Kiana squealed like a little girl.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!!”
”My apology for—” Alfred couldn't finish his words because the young lady left her to strode the hallway.
Alfred saw Kiana looking so happy. Well, maybe today is about feeling and witnessing all the things one never had before.
Acceptance letter. And Isaiah.
She already arranged numerous plans for how they’re going to spend the weekend. Brunch at Isaiah’s favorite restaurant, horse riding, movie date, and so on. A perfect weekend for the two of them.
Kiana and her favorite man in the family.
It’s unusual for Kiana not to knock before opening a door at The Lees Mansion. Especially when she knows Graham is the man behind the door. When she successfully swings open the heavy wooden door, Kiana called out a name that lit up her every nerve on fire.
ISAIAH: Isaiah arrives on the terrace with a lot of thought in his mind. The idea of his private servant to talk about his participation in volunteering. But, it does not support the central vision of Graham to excel in business. After all, after him being accepted in MIT Sloan. He not sure about what else to brag about in the meeting.
Another idea of his private servant gave is about his current closeness with a friend, Anastasia, which he supposes is another pointless mark to be served. Even though their closeness is worth brag since her family was all known in the United States and academically, she is a top honor in Harvard. But, talking about this might end up raising Graham's expectation about him having a partner anytime soon. So, he wouldn't talk about this at all.
He spends a few minutes moving along the lines before he ends up at the huge mansion that he supposes to call home, but as always, it feels like a throne of judgment. A maid serves him a cup of coffee in a tray as he takes a few minutes to rest after the long exhausting thought. A while later, the sound of Kiana echoes through the room, calling his first name. The sign of weariness that appears a moment later swiped away through her arrival as his eyes glanced immediately toward Kiana and flashed a smile.
"You come? Any good news?"
KIANA: Kiana knows that she looks silly right now, but being under the same roof with Isaiah completely overwhelmed. She couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off her face. Being part of The Lee means you must always be the best amongst your peers. The expectations the elders set for the kids are unbelievably high, and people from outside their family don’t understand the struggle Lee’s heir is going through. No. Sometimes not even her cousin could understand what kind of burden their grandfather put upon the firstborn of the family. But just like any other bad things in life, one could always find the good thing from an unfortunate fate. Isaiah and Kiana bonded through their struggle.
That’s the reason why Isaiah's presence brings so much joy to her.
“Guess what comes to the mailbox today!” she chimed full of glee. Kiana plopped to the sofa next to Isaiah before handing him the heavy, brown envelope. She darted her gaze between Isaiah and the envelope. “I give you a clue. I’m going to Cali.”
“You’ll be so proud of me once you read this,” she declared confidently with her gaze fixed on his... -and their eyes met. And her big hazel eyes stared at him adoringly.
No matter how hard Graham tried to create a competition between his two eldest grandchildren, Isaiah always managed to find a way to let Kiana know that he is her friend rather than her opponent. As far as Kiana could remember, Isaiah had always been someone she looked up to. The way he never showed fear no matter how hard the challenge he had to face as the oldest grandson and hire of The Lee is the fuel that keeps Kiana going. He is her reason never to give up.
That’s Isaiah to her.
ISAIAH: The silences upon his empty chamber suddenly filled with an indescribable feeling. But one thing he was so sure of, it was a fine one. Kiana, as expected, successfully to bring down all the tense expectancy that his grandfather demand among the firstborns for a while.
People don't have to remind him how these forbidden feelings are slowly growing within him. He knew and always knew about this better than anyone.
Just for a moment, let him relish the presence of Kiana, just, for now, Kiana as a whole to him.
Isaiah adjusts his position to move upfront to face Kiana before received the letter. He doesn't have to tear open the letter, easily his finger could take up the letter while putting the paper away but nearby.
"Congratulation! I am pleased to offer you admission to the University of Southern California." He slowly recites everything in the letter. "Damn, that's where you're going? Cali?" He exclaimed. Eyes widen. Hearts open. "Congratulation." Isaiah's hands fondle her hair. Other than being discouraged with his situation by now, he feels so proud.
"God, you will—" Before he finishing the sentences, the arrival of Graham successfully shut him down in a blink of an eye.
KIANA: ”Am I interrupting something?”
The younger turned her ahead to the direction of a low baritone voice that interrupted Isaiah. On the contrary to her cousin’s worried expression, the corners of her lips are curled heavenward and her eyes filled with joy. She usually gets nervous at every first-born meeting for Graham always demand an achievement announcement or at least report progress of their current project.
But tonight might be one of the night she’d earn praises from her grandpapa.
“Isaiah..” she softly uttered while she took the brown envelope from his hands. Anyone in the room could tell that she couldn’t wait any longer to tell her grandfather about the acceptance.
“No!” She chimed full of glee, “you didn’t interrupt anything, grandpapa.”
That’s HOW MUCH of a self-centered person she is. Deep down, she knew that Isaiah has a lot going on inside his head, yet she refused to adjust and go for what she wanted. Without a second glance, she strode across the room and sat on the arm of the couch where Graham sit.
He probably had heard about the news from his team that is keeping track of each family member. But Kiana knows better than anyone that she’s a good storyteller and Graham is the biggest fan of her accomplishment tales. He’d love to be reminded about his overachiever granddaughter day and night, over and over again.
Her heart pounds against her rib cage. Excitement went through her veins.
”I hope you’re not bad at a long-distance relationship because I’m going to California.” She declared in a cocky-cute voice.
Letting out a breath, she settled her back on the couch and looked down at her hands. A smile formed on her cherry-colored lips as she admires the ring on her right index finger.
Her mom gave it to her on the day of the entrance exam. She said the crystal would bring good luck to her life. And her mother wasn’t wrong at all.
”They even offered a full-ride scholarship?” She drifted her attention back to Graham. ”Yes. And I’ll be giving the speech at the faculty party as an outstanding freshman.” Just when Graham thought his golden child couldn’t impress him further, Kiana proves him wrong.
”But are you okay with staying at the dorm for one semester?” ”Do you want me to talk to the faculty and arranged the condition?” Oh, how easy her life is.
Her lips were pressed into a thin line for a moment. She was hesitant about sharing a room with a stranger she never met before.
”Well...” she’s unsure about whether she should say the next words or not. ”It’s okay. I’ll manage. It’d be an interesting experience to know how middle-class kids live.” But she said it anyway. Kiana's description of how living in a dorm room is equal to a social experiment elicits a laugh from her grandfather.
”You never cease to bring joy into my life, sweet child.”
He said with a wide smile on his wrinkle face.
ISAIAH: The moment his grandfather presents a wide smile on his wrinkled face, it irritated him, somehow, but he never angry because it is Kiana, the reason why his grandfather made his lips drawn smiles. However, he later regretted being irritated for her achievement because he has nothing to be shown off to his grandfather.
"I believe you didn't sit there without having anything to tell me, right?" He was gazing at Isaiah with those wistful and sharp eyes.
"I have nothing to say, Father." He said. Willful enough to make declarations which his grandfather loath to listen to it. However, it didn't make Graham stop digging into his situation.
"How about university life?"
"Everything went well. I excels in everything."
"That boring."
"I know."
He found the situation preposterous. All his life has been devoted to the family, never lack for a single bit to make them proud. He knew that this wasn't right for asking praises in this family. But maybe a thank you won't hurt. He has been in Kiana's place, but he didn't get the commend still. As if getting into MIT Sloan was easy.
And now, he has nothing to say because everything went perfectly. But, for Graham, perfect doesn't mean enough.
"Then you shouldn't be here." Graham said. A small part of him felt relieved somehow; yes, perhaps he should leave.
KIANA: She once read about what favoritism is.
The term is pretty self-explanatory, but the article said that the correct definition would be "favoring someone not because they're doing a great job but for reasons outside of their achievement." But it doesn't explain the treatment Isaiah received from their grandfather just now.
If anything, the man who's sitting across the table, is an absolute overachiever. Isaiah aced in so many things and got into MIT Sloan without the family's help.
He's more than capable than Graham believes.
Or perhaps, the bias occurs because Graham and Kiana have developed a friendship through their similar interests. Party, spotlight, luxury, they both valued those things which Isaiah has zero interest in.
Amongst her cousins, Kiana is seemingly the only one looking forward to showing up at parties and business gatherings their grandfather forced them to attend.
“It’s in my blood. I got it from you, grandpapa,” that’s what she always said. But that still doesn't justify how Graham treated Isaiah.
The man dedicated his spare time to fly back home, and (supposedly) the least his family can do is not to treat him like shit.
"Grandpapa, I planned to take Isaiah to our new country house and-" Graham cut her off, and she couldn't do anything but stare at Isaiah with a tearful gaze.
"Don't even bother. He doesn't deserve leisure time." He said it so calmly while sitting stoically on the couch. "But grandpapa!" Kiana mustered up her last courage and got off for her seat. "He is visiting us! His family," her voice is shaking when she tried to stress the word 'family.' The fact that they have to beg for decency from their grandfather is far from the concept of family Kiana knows. Does the word 'family' she just said cringed Isaiah the way it did to Kiana?
"Isa deserves to get some rest.” ”I’m taking him to our clubhouse.”
ISAIAH: 'As the future heir of the Lee, you shouldn't let yourself loosen up even for a minute.' That's what's his father always said to him, with a high tone, right at the exact moment he went it right now. The apple doesn't fall far, but he will never get used to it. The indignity after all the hard work to shape himself better than anyone around him. He deserves the praise above all. His tearful eyes turned into a furious stare, and his eyes redden with hands holding a fistful of outrage toward his grandfather as if he was ready to beat his aged face in second.
"You mad? Really? Isaiah?"
His breath getting heavier, heavier.
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
8 Essential Bottles to Stock Your Home Bar for Fall
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For those who didn’t join this summer’s class of newly minted home bartenders, there’s still plenty of time to hone your craft. In fact, fall is arguably the best time of year to start mixing and sipping cocktails. Spirit-forward drinks warm from the inside out, and their high alcohol content guarantees bang for buck — perfect with the holiday season and all its gifting fast approaching.
Assembling a well-stocked, versatile home bar needn’t break the bank, either. Armed with some fresh citrus, ingredients to make basic syrups, and a bottle of all-important Angostura bitters, this list of eight bottles yields more than 25 different cocktails. That’s enough to try two new drinks every week between now and year’s end. So what are you waiting for?
Here are eight essential bottles to build your home bar this fall.
Gin crops up in countless classic cocktail recipes and has been a focal point for bartenders for years — specifically the London Dry style. G&Ts are perhaps the most well-known gin cocktail but the Martini is the spirit’s true calling. It’s also a surprisingly natural fit for fall. Unlike a Margarita, the Martini is not a cocktail you batch in advance and take to the park — nor can it be fully appreciated sipped from a plastic cup. This drink demands to be savored over time from some fine, well-chilled glassware.
Play around with the proportions of gin and dry vermouth (its other component) and watch the drink’s profile shift significantly. Introduce orange bitters for a citrus-spiced seasoning, and select a garnish fitting your mood: Go for a lemon twist if you’re feeling fresh; an olive or three if you’re salty; or add a cocktail onion (perhaps homemade?) for a miniature meal in a glass when hunger strikes.
All this talk of Martinis should not distract from another great gin-based fall cocktail, the Negroni. Like fall itself, the mix of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth has one foot each in summer and winter. Sweet citrus notes recall those warmer months, while decadent baking spices cry out for a roaring fire (or a night in front of Netflix, at the very least).
Martini, Negroni
Recommended Bottles:
Beefeater, Tanqueray, Sipsmith, Highclere Castle
Not all Scotch is smoky. Only the country’s peated whiskies, which often come from the Scottish island of Islay, carry the distinctive notes of earth and fire. If you don’t know and love that flavor profile, cocktails are an ideal way to become acquainted. Opting for a bottle that’s not overly peated only makes that journey of discovery more accessible (see the suggestions below).
Start with classic cocktails that already contain Scotch. A lightly smoked Hot Toddy will keep you warm and may help fend off pesky colds. For a path less trodden, try the Penicillin, a “modern classic” cocktail made from blended whiskey, ginger syrup, and lemon juice, which is topped with a peated Scotch float. Using a lightly peated Scotch in place of blended whisky keeps things simple, and gets rid of the added float step.
For low-ABV long drinks, turn to the Whisky Highball. Mix Scotch and soda (with a lemon wedge), Scotch and ginger beer (with lime), or even Scotch and cola. The latter’s sweet vanilla and caramel notes help tame the wild whisky. Plus, you’re drinking this at home, so no one will judge.
Last but certainly not least, the Smoky Martini. Once you’ve settled upon your preferred ratio of gin and vermouth, rinse a splash of whisky in an ice-cold coupe, then discard before adding the stirred cocktail. Finish with a plump Castelvetrano olive and enjoy a Martini like no other.
Hot Toddy, Penicillin, Whisky Highball, Smoky Martini
Recommended Bottles:
Talisker 10, BenRiach 10 Year Old Curiositas, Amrut Fusion
Bourbon’s majority-corn mash bill and new-oak aging create a sweet, mellow profile, which is easy-sipping and ideal for mixing cocktails.
Channel your inner Don Draper (or Ryan Gosling) via one of America’s oldest cocktails, the aptly named Old Fashioned. Or, put the shaker tin to good use by whipping up a Whiskey Sour, another timeless classic. Fix up a Gold Rush for a contemporary twist, by shaking 2 ounces bourbon, ¾ ounce fresh lemon juice, and ¾ ounce honey syrup (2 parts honey, 1 part water). The honey syrup boosts the spirit’s richness, while the lemon juice keeps things lively.
While traditionalists opt only for rye, don’t be afraid to use bourbon in a Manhattan. A bottle with a high-rye mashbill (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded or Four Roses Small Batch) allows you to enjoy the best of both whiskey worlds.
Old Fashioned, Whiskey Sour, Gold Rush, Manhattan
Recommended Bottles:
Old Grand-Dad Bonded, Four Roses Small Batch, Evan Williams Single Barrel, Woodford Reserve
White rum is as refreshing as any liquor during spring and summer, especially mixed in drinks like the Mojito and Daiquiri. But when the leaves start to fall, it’s the warming richness of dark spirits we crave. Swapping in a fine aged rum as the base spirit in these and almost all classic rum cocktails brings sweet baking spices to the party and toasted oak from the spirit’s time in barrel. Honestly, Piña Coladas have never tasted so good.
Aged rum also takes us on our first steps of Tiki exploration, via the effortless Grog. Shake 2 ounces aged rum with ½ ounce each fresh lime juice and simple syrup (2 parts white sugar, 1 part water), and a few drops of spicy Angostura bitters.
For a weekend cocktail project, prepare a simple oleo saccharum with fresh citrus peel and sugar. The citrusy syrup is the perfect sweetener for an aged rum Old Fashioned, and a few dashes of Angostura bitters will once again liven things up. For a twist on a contemporary classic, fix up an aged rum Gold Rush, swapping in fresh lime juice for the original’s lemon. This riff builds on the richness of the traditional version with added zest and spice.
Daiquiri, Mojito, Piña Colada, Grog, Old Fashioned, Gold Rush
Recommended Bottles:
Cruzan Estate Single Barrel Rum, Don Pancho Origenes Reserva 8-Year-Old, Ten to One Caribbean Dark Rum
With a healthy selection of aged spirits now lining the bar cart, let’s add another white liquor. Even if it is below freezing outside, some occasions call for a lighter, more refreshing cocktail, and tequila is a timeless option. What’s more, the spirit’s vegetal spice will be sure to keep you warm inside.
The most famous tequila cocktail, the Margarita, is evergreen with endless riffs. While the classic recipe requires the additional purchase of orange liqueur, opt instead for agave syrup and a Tommy’s Margarita. Mix instead with grapefruit soda for an even lighter cocktail, the Paloma, or liven up brunch with a Bloody Maria. For an evening sip, and something with a little more body, swap tequila for gin in a Negroni. This only adds to the cocktail’s complexity.
Tommy’s Margarita, Paloma, Bloody Maria, Negroni
Recommended Bottles:
Arette Blanco, Elvelo Blanco, El Tesoro Blanco, Código 1530 Blanco, Fortaleza Blanco
While there are alternatives out there, Campari is essentially a one-brand category of its own. The bitter red liqueur is synonymous with classic cocktail cousins, the Negroni and Boulevardier, both of which make good use of those newly acquired bottles of gin and bourbon whiskey.
The Old Pal, another well-worn riff on the equal parts formula, mixes bourbon (traditionally rye), Campari, and dry vermouth. Unlike the Negroni and Boulevardier, this cocktail should be served “up” (no ice) with a lemon twist. To dial down the ABV content of Campari cocktails, omit the base spirit altogether. Stir equal parts Campari and sweet vermouth for a classic Milano-Torino, and add a glug of soda for the lighter Americano.
Negroni, Boulevardier, Old Pal, Milano-Torino, Americano
Recommended Bottles:
Vermouth is an aromatic fortified wine. infused with herbs, roots, bark, and flowers, and strengthened by a neutral grape spirit (think: unaged brandy). Dry, or white, vermouth is traditionally associated with France, while sweet (red) vermouth originally hails from Italy.
Essential to many of the cocktails listed above, there are a few points of note on dry and sweet vermouth. The first is that one can’t be substituted for the other because their flavor profiles are so drastically different — though some cocktail recipes may call for both, including the Bronx, a citrusy, stirred Martini riff that mixes 2 ounces gin, ½ ounce each sweet and dry vermouth, and 1 ounce freshly squeezed orange juice.
Secondly, the quality of vermouth cannot be overstated. The aromatized wine is supposed to play the supporting actor to the spirit’s starring role. There’s no point buying a fancy gin or bourbon, therefore, and pairing it with bottom-shelf vermouth. This doesn’t even require spending a fortune — a few extra dollars make a lot of difference in the vermouth department.
Finally, freshness is key. Unlike spirits, vermouth must be stored in the fridge after opening and, ideally, they should be consumed within two months. The good thing is, many liquor stores sell 375-milliliter half-bottles. With keen cocktail exploration, the vermouth bottle will be empty long before its contents deteriorate.
Martini, Negroni, Manhattan, Bronx
Recommended Brands:
Dolin (dry and sweet), Carpano Antica (sweet), Cocchi (sweet)
The article 8 Essential Bottles to Stock Your Home Bar for Fall appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/8-best-bottles-home-bar-2020/
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carseygentry-blog · 5 years
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The thing that they don’t tell you about getting married is that aside from the obvious benefit of uniting you with your soulmate for eternity, it also brings you closer to the women in your life. From texts and emails about the wedding to the special events dedicated to celebrating with your girlfriends, the process of getting married can be a celebration of female friendships as well as romantic love, with fun events like bridal showers and bachelorette parties helping you stay in touch with your girlfriends on a deeper level.
Like a lot of modern women, many of my closest girlfriends do not live in the same city as me. I’ve been working my way up the East Coast for the last decade and leaving close friends in my wake, from my oldest friends who I’ve known since grade school to my college girlfriends who I’m still close with almost ten years after our graduation (eek!). And now that I live in New York, life is just an exercise in watching friends move away. People leave the city all the time and in-person friendships become long distance in an instant. Which is to say that many of the relationships that matter most to me are long distance, and keeping up with them takes work. And I’d be lying if I said we all didn’t look forward to our next friend getting engaged as an excuse to see each other. YES, now we can plan a totally fun girls getaway weekend! Oh yeah, and we’re so happy for you too… But more importantly, bachelorette!
But what happens after everyone gets hitched? As I enter my early 30s, I’ve seen the last of my single friends start to get engaged and many of my friends start families. And I’d be sad to see those girls trips disappear in the process. So what’s a girl to do? Here’s how to stay in touch with your girlfriends by throwing a yearly girls getaway. It’s just like a bachelorette—just with a different name!
Keep Throwing Bachelorette Parties (You Can Call Them Girls Getaways If You Want)
Call it whatever you want—the intent is the same. You’re getting together to spend time with your best girlfriends. No bride is necessary, but you’re still allowed to have matching tank tops, themed parties and a weekend hashtag. Whatever you think is fun, do it—fancy brunches, gift bags, pool floats, wacky tours, whatever! The schedules you’ve dreamed up for bachelorette parties in the past work just as well for a girls getaway and you don’t need a life event like a wedding to justify them. Tell your girlfriends you want to throw a TK party once a year.
Make It a Yearly Tradition 
If you’re like me (aka a crazy person), you plan out like all your vacation time at the beginning of the year. If I have a spare day, I will plan a trip. So planning to host your yearly girls trip around the same time each year will help ensure that more people are able to go. Weigh the pros and cons of holiday weekends (you don’t have to take time off of work and can always reserve that day so more people will be conflict-free, but prices may be higher, destinations more crowded, and some people may have family traditions that take precedence). Pick a month or holiday (spring break, Labor Day, the second week of June) and try to make your trip happen around that week each year. Developing routines helps make things a reality.
You Don’t Have to Go Big
If you’re able to spend a weekend in Paris or book a Fijian getaway with your favorite ladies, congratulations! I envy you! But you don’t have to travel internationally or break the bank. Thinking big can be intimidating, so sometimes doing something familiar makes it easier to actually make it happen. Suggest an area you’ve visited before and loved. Take turns visiting each other’s home city to save on costs. Rent a cabin in the woods, visit an area known for its wineries or pick a quiet local beach town and discover its charms. Make a shortlist of cities you’ve wanted to visit and work your way through them. If friends live on opposite coasts, institute an alternating coast rule—one year pick an East Coast destination and the next go west, which will help mitigate flight costs over time. Doing something is better than doing nothing, so don’t put up roadblocks.
Be a Leader
Chances are a lot of your girlfriends feel the same way you do—they want to see you more often but someone has to take the first step. Sometimes vocalizing something is all you need to do to get the ball rolling. Even if you know you won’t have the time to spearhead the entire weekend, taking a concrete action, like emailing out a cool AirBnb listing that’s caught your eye or floating a free weekend as the perfect time to meet up, may be all that’s needed to make this trip happen.
Just Go…Even If Some People Say No 
Life is busy and not everyone is going to be able to commit to a yearly girls trip. Everyone has different priorities, and going on girls trips may not be in the cards for all your friends—maybe they’ve just had a baby, are on a tight budget after purchasing a home, or just don’t have enough vacation days to spend that year—and that’s OK. Don’t let a few no’s from the group keep you from saying yes. Go with the girls who want to and are able. Not having the whole group may seem like a bummer, but an even bigger bummer would be not doing anything at all.
Photo by Tara Libbey Photography. 
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mylinlondon · 7 years
Finding New Selves in Budapest, Vienna and Prague
When I left New York 8 months ago, I did so with a satisfaction that my relationship with the city had expired.  I was still enamoured with the energy, the diversity, the setting sun on the West Side Highway, the spontaneous and fleeting subway kinships, the snare-like drum beat that pushes the city forward, but along with it came the constant thrum of aggression, the spiky skin I’d developed to protect myself against the self-doubt, the lurking male figure on the street corner, the indifference and anonymity necessary to survive in a city with 8.5 million people in half the space of London.
It makes my discovery and relationship with these girls that much more special.
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I have a deep belief that those who have like-minded Souls have a way of gravitating to each other. Our apparent backgrounds could not be more different, our passions only tangentially overlapping, but our aspirations, our values, our curiosity were magnetic. Somehow, in one of the most densely populated cities in the world, a rare friendship emerged.  
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Where we stayed: Stare Mesto, on the way up to Prague Castle
Why we came:
To climb the oldest Astronomical Clock in the world and take in the dusty orange rooftops
To hike up to the Strahov Monastery and sample local beer, cheaper than water, tastier than your supermarket spread, carefully crafted and prized in a region where beer is God
To take in a Vivaldi’s Four Seasons at the Klementinum, touristy but also the original site of many historical performances, including the working organ Mozart first played on his visits to Prague
To sample amazing cocktails at Cash Only, explore local bookstores and cafes in the Praha 7 neighbourhood and chat existential questions with locals (do you believe in Aliens?)
 A year ago on a murky spring evening, we were sullenly sipping margaritas and chomping down free chips and salsa at Hotel Tortuga in Gramercy.  We were all on a cusp, reeling from recent emotional and mental trauma – about to jump, looking at the vast unknown ahead, half unsure whether we were skirting back from the edge out of fear or to take a running start. It was that night we decided we liked being labelled a Pistol.
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Fast forward, and we crackled into a dusty courtyard halfway up the cobbled hill to the Prague Castle. A salesman peddling painted canvases of the Charles Bridge eyed us eagerly as we passed his stand, and then curiously as we, giant weekender bags made awkward, found keys and swung the enormous door to the Airbnb open. Ceilings high, vaulted and faded yellow, identifiably Ikea adorned.  We were in Eastern Europe, and we were sleepy. 
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“We can swing by the Lennon Wall, and then check out the bridge,” my thumbs are trying to place us on google maps, the Czech network patchy on my British service.
Mishearing me, Sam whispers reverently to herself, “The lemon wall…”
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I can only imagine what she thought it was when she misheard me. The Lennon Wall is the source of inspiration for the young Czech Velvet revolution after the USSR occupation in then Czechoslovakia, and today it continues to be covered in resistance art, as well as the occasional obscene scribble. When we arrived, the majority of young people promptly turned their back on the art, posing, friends designated as the photographer of the photoshoot, the graffiti nothing more than a colourful edgy backdrop to the subject of Me. The sad irony was not lost. 
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My opinion of Prague is cemented further my second time visiting – this is a city optimized to experience gritty East Europe. Most of the city’s features are backwards looking, celebrating its colourful and fluctuating past.  The setting is firmly Czech, with its uniformly gritty orange roofs and sooty stucco walls, a beautiful, dusty maze of cobblestone and unexpected corners. All modern architecture looks ill-fitted and distasteful. It was the perfect first stop to get us emotionally and mentally detached for our journey.
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Where we stayed: Just outside the center ring, five minutes between the Naschmarkt and the Karlskirche
Why we came:
To spend lazy afternoons reading in a café, the official national pastime of the Austrians. Notable places include:
Ulrich, for local vibes, charcuterie, ice cold Viennese wine for afternoon lazing
Vollpension, for Austrian brunch in the chicest assembly of your grandparents’ furniture
Naschmarkt, for Italian, Turkish, East Asian, and Austrian spices, deli stands, 
Wurstelstandes for local street sausages, especially one that oozes cheese in the middle
To sample Wiener Schnitzel and the famous Sacher Torte, both institutions in their own right
To see an Opera at the heart of European culture
Wander between an endless beauty of castles, gardens, museums, and libraries, all flowing into each other seamlessly
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Pristine, cultured, a bit snobby, Vienna has reason to be proud. Arguably the capital of artistic and intellectual Europe for centuries, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, and Freud all called Vienna home and produced their best works as residents. Compared to Prague and Budapest, Vienna was spacious, white-washed, impeccably clean, and thoughtfully designed from the architecture to the colour of tulips in the local park, nary a loose stone or chipped street in sight.
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We would spend Vienna wandering bookshops and vintage clothing stores, commenting on how airy and intentional the city felt.  “It would be an easy place to live,” we commented, but also felt more firmly Outside here than we did in any other place.  We couldn’t get into the library without a citizen’s card, nor did we know how to pick Opera box seats when time came to purchase tickets.  A waiter teased us for our American inflections, and others politely indifferent to us altogether. And so we moved on, to a city that could not be more different.
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Where we stayed: District 7 on the Pest side
Why we came:
To immerse ourselves into Ruin Bars and Restaurants – you cannot miss this. Must go places include:
Mazel Tov – Israeli restaurant, a favorite of Hollywood visitors and this particular crew, who went twice, conveniently located across the street from our Airbnb
Szimpla Kert – one of the best Ruin bars in the city, it’s a cross between if 1) all the junk in Budapest was whisked away and then carefully/carelessly curated inside a hidden-in-clear-sight ruin and if 2) the Weasely’s The Burrow was converted into a garden bar
Bar Pharma for custom cocktails in a single bartop establishment tucked between two large restaurant “villages”
Soak in enormous Turkish baths pumped with natural water with hundreds of other people 
Take in the city by boat, or take the furnicular up to Buda castle, or simply stroll along the Pest waterline up to the Parliament
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If Vienna was homogeneously pristine, Buda and Pest were a mosaic of socio-economic and cultural history stitched loosely together by proud and distinctive local people. Just two hours away from and sharing a central river Danube with Vienna upstream, Buda and Pest were originally two cities with its own governing bodies and historical relics. As Sam noted, it felt “like going down a rabbit hole; you never knew what you would stumble upon next”. Here, you could find a bit of everything: a polished high street with brand names sandwiched along million dollar homes with sleek heeled women strolling through; a few blocks away, a crumbling, narrow maze of markets and cafes, tucked behind chipped and sooted facades; a bit further along, Europe’s largest synagogue and a series of local designer shops. 
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At night the city came alive with young people from all over - we didn’t know it then, but this city is known for Hen and Stag Do’s (bachelor/bachelorette parties), and there are plenty of clubs, lounges, bars, and outdoor gardens for everyone, and we certainly ran into every type. A group of costumed guys from Brighton, two students from Amsterdam, a chic French couple, plenty of Americans, and on our way home, conversation with two locals - one a true-blooded Hungarian, and the other a Transylvanian. I’d read about the sad yet confident history of Budapest on the train over from VIenna, and these two young men were eager to share more - how Hungary has never been fully recovered by Hungarians, particularly in recent centuries.  You could see it too - the shoes left on the Danube in remembrance of the massacre of Hungarian Jews during the Occupation; the house of TERROR, a museum that shares both sides of the WWII story, and even in the buildings, still pockmarked by bullet holes and shrapnel from the war. This was a city that had lived, and continued living - unlike Prague, it looked forward and celebrated the gritty present, and unlike Vienna, it was a veritable quilt of scarred history and people and architecture, made tangible in the tastes and sights and experiences of the city. 
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We spent our last night at Szimpla Kert, the best Ruin bar we’d come upon. I straddled a beat up gymnastics pommel horse, balancing a $2 beer in hand, and on top of our heads a projector screen cranked a film reel of Hungary from the 50′s in faded technicolor.  All around us, an eclectic collection of seemingly junk, though each served purpose and style, given new life in this strange space. We leaned against an upstairs window, a cool Spring breeze flowing through, sharing ideas and stories about our lives - how much credit our mothers deserve and often don’t get, who we aspired to be, past loves for better or worse, and what we actually do now in our lives that gives us energy. 
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Leaving was somber - even though we were returning to London, which for them was technically the last leg of their journey, there was a foreboding that the escape we’d felt for the last week was a temporary effect, that we’d return and find our lives unchanged.
That, of course, is untrue. We travel and may take home a souvenir or two - a coaster, a mug - but the places we go have a permanent effect on the way we view life, and of course on the way we view each other.  I know, for instance, that it’s rare to have compatriots who you can travel with for weeks and have heartfelt conversations every day, who listen and empathize and build and disagree thoughtfully. Who can watch Disney movies and feminist comedy or aspire to a lifestyle of wellness and also great cocktails and savour them all without reserve or judgement. 
We all enjoyed Budapest most, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. We view our lives through the same lens - in full flavor, in all its pockmarked glory, in all the people who come through who are wonderfully different and yet part of the fabric of what makes us so strange and colorful. And like the city, though we may become weary, or life takes its momentary blows, we move forward with energy and focus, building treasure out of what’s left over. 
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gonewithawhimm · 7 years
Postcards from San Francisco
This is possibly my 5th or 6th visit to San Francisco, I have stopped counting. I never grow tired of visiting this fast-paced city. Some of my best friends live here and no matter how many times I visit, there is always something to do and the energy and vibe of the city is infectious. Last time, I visited the city with my mom and we spent an afternoon with two alpacas at the Golden Gate Park. This time we discovered a nudist beach with a great view of the golden gate, dispensaries that sell marijuana legally {sort of like an Apple store for weed lol and also weed is legal to sell in SF; people were locked up for decades for selling weed a few years ago and now this}, and delicious Burmese fermented tea salad amongst other things. There is always something new, weird, and happening here. SF feels like a smaller and newer NYC and it’s proximity to the Silicon Valley and its status as a tech hub is super exciting, to say the least, especially since I’m in software too. Going to a coffee shop means you never who’s going to be sitting next to you and I always catch tidbits of people’s conversations and the plans for future and I love it. {eavesdropper alert :P} I always dream of what’d be like to live here. The city is built on seven hills, there are many wonderful and diverse neighborhoods scattered around to explore; the restaurant/coffee/bar scene is popping, there are plenty of tech companies and startups on the verge of the changing the world as we know it today, there is an ocean around the corner {I grew up next to a beach and I miss seeing the ocean on a daily basis. No need to remind me that despite that I can’t swim, the water is cold that’s not really an option :P} and there are green parks and oasis in the middle of the urban jungle to enjoy some peace and calm, should I need it, the undulating city landscape means that a walk could double up as a great workout and rest of the Californian/Mexican/West coast is a hop, skip and drive away. So much to explore and so much to do. Like I said before, some of my favorite people live here and I even have some family around so if my parents visit, they can catch up with them too. The only deal breaker is the weather; it’s perpetually windy and cool in SF. I have four “I heart SF” hoodies of different pastel colors for each time that I visited and underestimated how cold it would be. I think I’d rather take four seasons with a hot summer and a cold winter for a few months than a cool climate around the year. I mean it’s not like someone’s waiting with a “welcome here” platter, a six-figure job, and a million dollar house and begging me to move to the Bay but a girl can muse, right? 😀
We go way back
Sukanya and Chinnappa moved to SF from the Bay area to live the high-roller city life for a year and this was the last weekend in the city. They have been ushering us to visit and we decided to make a dash before they moved to the burbs. 😛 Make no mistake, the city life is not for everyone. It costs a pretty penny to live here, you gotta learn how to hustle and you spend a kidney’s worth ever time you step out of the house, so it’s been an interesting year for them. Regardless of whether I move there or not, here are a few photos of the super fun long weekend with them and Vivek and Lakshmi. Vivek, Chinnapa, Sukanya, Gree and I went to GT together and Lakshmi is Vivek’s dancing-diva wife who grew up in the Bay area. It’s always a blast when we get together. I haven’t laughed like this in a long time, my sides still hurt and I’m already plotting a reunion. *glee*.
The Chinatown in SF is the largest Chinatown outside of Asia as well as the oldest Chinatown in North America. It feels is like stepping into a time machine and entering a different world. The typical buildings of SF give away to the pagodas and temple architecture, the grocery stores are teeming with Chinese vegetables and other specialties, signposts and street names are in English and Mandarin; you can hear various dialects as you walk. I love walking the streets. We bought some Chinese eggplants seeds to give our friends lol.
The busy streets of Chinatown
Teracotta warriors of Chinatown
Dragons everywhere, including the fruits
City Lights Booksellers & Publishers
I make sure to visit a library or a bookstore everytime I’m in a new city. City Lights dates back to the 1950s and is oozing with charm. Brick and mortar bookstores are sadly diminishing and I make it a point to buy a book to support their existence. I hope to come back someday, ensconce myself in a corner and finish a book, cover to cover and discover more about the history of this store.
A magical bookstore, City Lights
Baker’s Beach
We went to Baker’s beach shortly before sunset and I must say the setting of this beach is simply stunning. The beach is flanked by the Golden Gate Bridge flanks the beach on its right and craggy cliffs on its left. The sky was engulfed in swirls of blue and pink as the sun set and a few puppies sauntered up to us for cuddles.
Canine cuddles
Palace of the fine arts
Vivek suggested that we visit this place in the night after Baker’s bridge and I wasn’t too excited tbh. We had been walking all day and I was a little groggy with the time difference. But walking into this palace took my breath away. This monumental structure was built in 1915 during the Panama-Pacific exposition to display some work of arts and while we didn’t get time to see any of the art, the architecture itself was marvelous and regal. The palace was lit up, there were a few people scattered about and there was a street artist performing classical music. So serene and peaceful. *goose bumps*.
Sinfully good chocolate souffle cake at Tartine
I had a near-religious chocolate experience at Tartine. The chocolate-souffle cake is dense, rich and exquisite. It elevates you to a different plane with each bite. My only regret was that I didn’t eat a whole cake.
Working remote from Reveille Cafe
Monday morning, Gree and I woke up early and headed to Reveille Cafe near the Embarcardero to get our caffeine fix and work. The beautiful cafe with its tall ceilings and a tiled counter was dappled in sunlight and adorned with the perfect smattering of plants. We ordered cappuccinos, shakshuka, and an acai bowl. The coffee was excellent and sadly the shakshouka was just alright, tbh I can make a better one. Shakshouka is relatively simple to make and it’s one of my favorite weekend brunch recipes. Nonetheless, it was a productive morning and I highly recommend this place if you want to get good coffee or work remote in SF for a few hours.
Pinsas at Montesacro (a slice of Roma in SF)
I had never heard of pinsas until I went to Montesacro. Turns out Pinsas date back to the Roman empire and are the predecessors of pizza; their crust is thin, crisp and airy and the dough is made from a blend of rice, soy, and wheat flour. It is also claimed to be low-fat, low-calorie and easy to digest. I don’t know if that holds true when you wolf an entire oblong pinsa, a glass (or two) of red wine and follow it up with a cup of espresso, but I like to believe that. 😛
We ordered two Margherita pinsas, and they arrived with perfectly charred sour crusts, juicy tomato sauce topped with clouds of creamy mozzarella, a smattering of basil leaves and spicy Calabrian peppers. Perfection in every bite.
Distressed walls, mismatched metal chairs, vintage photos of Roma, old school weighing scales, the restaurant has a rustic and charming vibe. 10/10 would go back for the food, décor and the vibes.
Walking the SF golden gate bridge
It takes about an hour to walk the SF gate but honestly, it was a bad idea. When we walked, it was extremely windy and the gate was reverberating with the ongoing traffic and by the time we were done, Gree and I had a terrible headache when we reached the finish line. lol. If you plan to walk or bike the gate, go when it’s less windy or not windy at all, if that’s possible. 😛 Nonetheless, the views were phenomenal.
Dreamy flaky Kouign Amann at B Patisserie
A good Kouign Amann can cure any problem. This obscure pastry is the French croissant’s distant cousin from the region of Brittany. Flakier and denser in form, it is caramelized with a little sugar to add the perfect crunch. Oh so good. I have never had one before, but to me it seems like th pastry chefs at B Patisserie nailed it lol. Please go if you are in SF!
These are few of my favorite SF things. Have you been to SF? Would you want to live there?
    Postcards from San Francisco  Postcards from San Francisco This is possibly my 5th or 6th visit to San Francisco, I have stopped counting.
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
3 Days in New Orleans: The Perfect Itinerary
Planning a trip and wondering what to do with 3 days in New Orleans? Read on for a jam-packed itinerary for the Big Easy and plan the perfect weekend getaway.
With three days in New Orleans, you can indulge in the city’s fantastic culinary, music, and nightlife scenes. If all you do is eat, drink, and dance that’s totally fine here. In fact, it’s to be expected.
Along the way, you’ll get to enjoy strolling around the picturesque French Quarter, preferably with a to-go cup in hand — this is one of the few places where you can actually drink in public in the United States.
The motto of New Orleans is “let the good times roll,” and that’s precisely what you should do on a trip there. 
Apart from eating, drinking, and enjoying the music scene, New Orleans is a wonderful melting pot of cultures and people and there are numerous museums, events and neighbourhoods to visit that reflect the city’s diversity.
In this New Orleans 3 day itinerary, I’ll share my best tips for where to stay, things to do, and where to eat and drink.
Day 1 in New Orleans
The first of your 3 days in New Orleans is dedicated to exploring the city’s historic French Quarter. You’ll get to admire the architecture, dig into mouthwatering local cuisine, and start the party off right.
Let’s just go ahead and get one of the most touristy things to do in New Orleans out of the way. Start your day off at Cafe du Monde near Jackson Square.
This is a quintessential stop on any New Orleans itinerary.
Join the line (there will certainly be one) to sample the famous beignets. Never heard of them? It’s a fancy French name for balls of fried dough that are doused in powdered sugar.
As you might expect, they are absolutely delicious! They’re especially good with a cup of coffee. That sugar and caffeine high will definitely get you moving to kick off your 3 days in New Orleans.
Spend the rest of your morning wandering around the French Quarter. I find aimless wandering of the area to be a really good time, but if you prefer a bit more direction you can join the free walking tour. 
Free Tours By Foot offers tours daily at 10AM starting at the statue of Andrew Jackson. Tours last about two hours and are donation-based, so be sure to tip your guide if you enjoy it! Click here to let them know you’re coming.
Whether you join a tour or make your own you’re in for a treat. New Orleans is one of the most photogenic American cities out there, so make sure you bring your camera for this one!
Walking around the French Quarter all morning will surely work up an appetite. It’s time to start checking items off your to-eat list, which should be a long one for a weekend in New Orleans.
The cuisine of New Orleans is primarily composed of the holy trinity of Cajun, Creole, and soul food. From jambalaya to po’ boys to crawfish, there are lots of classic New Orleans dishes you’ll need to sample.
With so many restaurants to choose from, there are always deals to be had in the French Quarter.
It’s worth it to check out Groupon just before your trip to see what promotions places are running. We had an excellent lunch for a very reasonable price at the New Orleans Creole Cookery on one visit.
It can be a bit intimidating deciding where to eat with so many options. Let someone else figure it out by going on this afternoon food tour. Over the course of three hours, you’ll get to try ten tasty dishes as you learn about the history of food in New Orleans.
After all that food, you’ll probably be feeling like you need a nap. You’ve only got 3 days in New Orleans, though, so I suggest grabbing a coffee instead.
Rejuvenated by the magic of caffeine, head down to the riverfront for a leisurely stroll. The Moonwalk Riverfront Park is the perfect place to start. Enjoy the views of the Mighty Mississippi and public art along this scenic promenade. 
At the end of the park, you have a few choices for how to proceed.
The Audobon Aquarium of the Americas is a popular place to visit in New Orleans. There’s also the Butterfly Garden and Insectarium nearby. Click here to check out ticket options for both.
While you’re over here, you might want to jump on the ferry at the Canal Street Terminal. It’s well worth the $2 to head over to Algiers for an amazing view of the cityscape. 
Stick around for a bit to check out the Jazz Walk of Fame. If you feel like it’s time for a drink (and it is), drop into Crown & Anchor — an English-style pub and a nice warmup before the madness of Bourbon Street.
Those who want a slightly classier experience than the local ferry can opt for a river cruise. Steamboat Natchez is the top choice, offering 2-hour dinner cruises with live music. Click here to check out all their options and prices.
If you don’t go with the river cruise, you have plenty of options for where to eat and drink in New Orleans. For a classic Big Easy experience, head over to the Hotel Monteleone. 
Here you’ll find the excellent Criollo, which always has a creative seasonal menu. The hotel is also home to the famous Carousel, a legendary New Orleans bar. It’s not just a clever name — the bar is an actual carousel!
Their signature drink is the Vieux Carré, a potent yet smooth cocktail with cognac, vermouth, whiskey, and bitters. It was actually invented here, so you’re drinking in a bit of history! It’s definitely one of the top New Orleans cocktails to try.
After a nice dinner and a couple of drinks, you’re ready to check out the infamous Bourbon Street. Go ahead and grab a frozen cocktail in a comically large cup or one of the “big ass beers” they advertise and join the party.
I’ll be honest with you — Bourbon Street isn’t really my thing.
It’s super touristy, obnoxiously loud, and rather sloppy. That being said, it’s definitely still a must-see for a weekend in New Orleans. If anything, the people-watching alone is worth the trip!
One of Bourbon Street’s only redeeming qualities is that it’s home to Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar & Shop. This historic watering hole is one of the top New Orleans bars to grab a drink in.
This place is 300 years old and is named after a French pirate. It’s also a candle-lit piano bar. It doesn’t get much cooler than that.
Day 2 in New Orleans
Did you get a little carried away last night? It’s OK, so did everyone else. No rest for the weary, though! You’ve got to make the most of New Orleans in 3 days.
I’m not usually a fan of brunch (it’s overrated and overpriced), but I’ll make an exception in New Orleans. For some reason eating a huge meal accompanied by a few drinks with sunglasses on just seems right.
On my last visit to the Big Easy, we had a fantastic brunch at the Ruby Slipper Cafe. Eggs Benedict, a Bloody Mary, and coffee provide the perfect fuel for another day in New Orleans.
While you’re down here in the Mississippi Delta, why not head out to the swamp? It only takes half an hour from the French Quarter to be out in the bayou surrounded by gators. 
There are tons of options — swamp boat, airboat, canoe, kayak, and hiking are all possible. Read all about the 7 best swamp tours in New Orleans to find which one is best for you. 
The only downside to taking a swamp tour is that it takes up most of the afternoon. But, it’s definitely a unique experience to have.
If you skip the swamp tour, I suggest heading up to City Park instead. It may not be as famous, but it’s actually bigger than New York’s Central Park.
There’s enough to see and do in the park to keep you busy for several hours. You can check out the New Orleans Botanical Garden (tickets are $8) to see more than 2,000 plants from around the world.
Another option is the impressive New Orleans Museum of Art ($15) and the sculpture garden ($5). There are also boats and bikes for rent and a trifecta of golf courses (normal, mini, and disc). 
It’s a bit out of the way, but it’s worth the detour to head to Parkway Bakery & Tavern. This is one of the most popular places among locals for a New Orleans classic — a po’ boy.
Pro tip: order it “dressed” if you want lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and mayo.
For your 2nd evening in New Orleans, I recommend sticking to Frenchmen Street. This is the place to dive headfirst into the rich musical heritage of the Big Easy.
New Orleans is known as the “birthplace of jazz,” which originated from pre-Civil War drumming and voodoo rituals. While jazz is still a big part of the local culture (including the annual Jazz Fest), you can hear a wide variety of live music on Frenchmen Street.
There are dozens of music venues packed onto this 3-block section of the city’s Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. Some have a cover charge but many don’t, allowing you to bounce around to hear several bands in one night.
The music isn’t just in the bars here, though. You’ll also hear roaming bands jamming out in the streets. There really is music on every corner in New Orleans!
When you inevitably need some late-night food to soak up the booze, Dat Dog is the place to be. It doesn’t get much more NoLa than an alligator sausage topped with crawfish etouffee.
Day 3 in New Orleans
By the last morning of a big weekend in New Orleans, you’re probably a bit exhausted from all the fun you’ve been having.
Don’t worry — I’ll take it easy on you for the final of 3 days in New Orleans.
I use the term “morning” loosely here, as chances are you might not get moving until noon. If you manage to get going earlier than that on a Sunday in the Big Easy, I applaud you.
Whenever you roll out of bed, head just north of the French Quarter to Treme. This is one of the city’s oldest neighborhoods and a center of African-American and Creole culture. 
I’m sure you could use some caffeine right about now, so drop into either Treme Coffeehouse or Fatma’s Cozy Corner. Fuel up with a coffee and a light breakfast then head out to explore the area. 
You have a few options for things to do over here, including the New Orleans African American Museum. You can take a self-guided tour for $20 or sign up for one of their guided tours.
The half-day “Treme Experience” is a popular comprehensive tour that also includes lunch. Click here to see all the options. 
Another must-see in the area is Louis Armstrong Park. Here you can visit the historic Congo Square as well as the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park. That’s right – there’s a national park dedicated to jazz here! 
The National Park Service has put together a nice self-guided walking tour of the area. Just click here to download the map. There’s a phone number on it you can call for a free audio tour.
One stop on that walking tour is the legendary Preservation Hall. Their mission since they opened in 1961 has been to “protect, preserve, and perpetuate traditional New Orleans jazz.” 
Far more than just a venue, Preservation Hall is also a non-profit organization, band, and record label.
You can catch shows on a nightly basis with the first performance at 5 PM. General admission tickets are just $20 (cash only) but you should show up early if you hope to grab one.
They also sell seated tickets online for $35-40, so it’s not a bad idea to pick some up well in advance if you know your dates.
It’s a classic New Orleans experience and it’s also for a good cause, so it’s a win-win! Head to their website to check out your options.
Whether you have tickets or not, it’s time to grab one last dinner in the Big Easy. There are endless options within a short walk of the hall as it’s in the heart of the French Quarter. 
If you haven’t had it yet, you can finally try a classic New Orleans dish at the Gumbo Shop. For Creole cuisine in a scenic courtyard, you can head to The Court of Two Sisters.
You can’t leave New Orleans without experiencing a bit of voodoo. If you can make it there before 6, the Historic Voodoo Museum is worth a quick stop (tickets are $7). Otherwise, the nearby Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo stays open late.
At this point, you might very well be running on fumes. You may also catch a 3rd wind and crank it up for one last night in New Orleans.
If you can summon the energy, I say go for it and wander the streets of the French Quarter. Grab one last to-go cocktail, enjoy the world-class people watching, and pop into any place that sounds good. 
It’s been a wild ride, but you’ve successfully completed a weekend in New Orleans! Congratulations, you just earned your party stripes. 
Insider’s Tips for 3 Days in New Orleans
If you really want to “let the good times roll” in NoLa, then be sure to follow these tips:
Hydration is happiness – There are more bars per capita in New Orleans than any other city in the US. You can get to-go cups and some of them stay open all night. As you might imagine, it’s a bit easy to go overboard when partying here. Be sure to get a glass of water every now and then, and maybe some food while you’re at it! 
Listen to the locals – Every time we go to New Orleans, we just let our friends who live there tell us what to do. I’ve incorporated a lot of their advice in this guide, but you should also definitely talk to locals and get their recommendations.
Book early for festivals – I can’t believe I made it this far in a New Orleans guide without mentioning Mardi Gras. It’s the biggest party of the year here and a bucket-list item for many. 
If you’re headed to the Big Easy for Mardi Gras or any other New Orleans festival, I can’t stress this enough. Book your accommodation as early as you can! 
Do your research – In a city like New Orleans, there are endless options for places to eat and drink. They are not all created equal, though. Avoid disappointing meals and cocktails by sticking to reputable places. There are lots of tourist traps here, after all.
Getting to New Orleans
Chances are you’ll arrive in the Big Easy via the Louis Armstrong International Airport (MSY). It’s about 11 miles (18 km) west of downtown. 
By Bus
You have a few options for getting to your accommodation from the airport. There’s the Airport Express Bus, which costs just $1.50. The problem is that it doesn’t run very frequently. Click here for all the info and the timetable. 
There are also airport shuttles available for $24 one-way or $44 round-trip. They partner with many of the big hotels downtown so you can likely get door-to-door transportation. Click here to book your spot.
Taxis from the airport offer a flat rate of $36 for two passengers for trips to the CBD or French Quarter. For three or more, it’s just $15 per person. 
Both Lyft and Uber operate in New Orleans. The airport has put together a useful guide for using rideshare apps, so click here to check it out.
Rent a Car
I don’t know about you, but I want nothing to do with a motor vehicle during a weekend in New Orleans. It’s best to leave the driving to someone else and enjoy yourself here!
The only reason I could see renting a car would be to take trips out of the city. You can just as easily hop on a tour to the swamp or a plantation, though. That being said, there are plenty of rental car companies at the airport if you choose to go that route.
Best Places to Stay for 3 Days in New Orleans
Most visitors to the Big Easy want to stay in the French Quarter, and understandably so. This is definitely the heart of the city and the most happening part of town. 
Staying in the French Quarter gives you easy access to most of the top things to do in New Orleans. You also have seemingly endless options for places to stay, eat, shop, and party. 
Here are a few recommendations for places to stay in the French Quarter:
Budget: City House Hostel
Mid-Range: French Market Inn
Luxury: Royal Sonesta
For a more detailed look at where to stay in the area, check out this post with the best hotels on Bourbon Street.
  While the French Quarter is great, it’s definitely a bit of a tourist bubble.
Very few locals actually live there these days. For a more local vibe, you can look for places in neighborhoods like the Bywater or Mid-City. 
On our first trip to NoLa, we found a good spot on Airbnb in the Bywater. This is a cool, artsy neighborhood with a lot to offer. It’s also just a quick trip to the French Quarter. 
Click here to get your Airbnb discount coupon, and click here to search for Airbnbs in New Orleans.
Now You’re Ready for New Orleans
I hope this guide has you excited for a big weekend in New Orleans. There are few cities out there that can compare to the Big Easy. It’s such a fun place to visit that you’ll be planning your return before the weekend is up!
There are so many amazing things to do here and such a wide variety of fantastic restaurants and bars that you’ll just have to come back. 
With festivals going on all throughout the year, there’s never really a bad time to visit New Orleans! I know I’m planning my next trip there to coincide with the city’s famous Jazz Fest, or maybe I’ll finally celebrate Mardi Gras there.
If you’ve been to New Orleans and have some recommendations, drop a comment below and let us know!
Images in this article are provided by Shutterstock, a top website for sourcing royalty-free videos and images. 
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  The post 3 Days in New Orleans: The Perfect Itinerary appeared first on Goats On The Road.
3 Days in New Orleans: The Perfect Itinerary published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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johnboothus · 5 years
Why Drinks Industry Insiders Are Spending Their Weekends in Lancaster Pa.
Having lived in New York City for nearly two decades, my family has taken just about every weekend road trip possible. Out to Long Island’s North Fork to crawl the wineries and enjoy oysters straight from Greenport’s waters. Up to the Hudson Valley to visit farm stands and orchards, breweries, and quaint little window-shopping towns. We’ve taken longer drives to Boston and Washington, D.C., all the way up to burgeoning places like Portsmouth, Kittery, Portland, and Burlington. All of these are great trips to great places with plenty of great things to drink, but this time, my wife and I were thinking we both wanted to try something new.
“What about Lancaster, Pennsylvania?” I offered. “I heard it’s pretty cool.”
“Pennsylvania?!” my wife responded. “I’m not vacationing in Pennsylvania.”
Forgive my wife’s slander, Ben Franklin.
A day later she texted me. She’d done a little research and had taken the liberty of booking us an Airbnb.
Nestled in a remarkably accessible location some 75 miles from Baltimore, 80 from Philadelphia, and 165 from where we live in Brooklyn, the south-central Pennsylvania city has deep roots; it was founded nearly 50 years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. These days, Lancaster is a small town that’s hardly small, with a metro area of about half a million residents. To casual observers, it is still seen as the cradle of horse-and-buggy living, and, indeed, a large Amish and Mennonite community still dominates the farmlands around the city.
But in the last five years or so, the city has experienced a food and drink renaissance that’s thanks, in several cases, to skilled chefs from bigger cities moving home. As the culinary scene has evolved, so too has its drinking scene.
If you’re coming from the New York area, like we did, you’ll pass quite a few excellent Pennsylvania breweries, including Forest & Main in Ambler, and Bonn Place Brewing in Bethlehem. (Sadly, the locally beloved Stoudts Brewing, with its epic German-style beer hall in Adamstown, is soon closing as matriarch Carol Stoudt has decided to step down.)
If you want to arrive in town sober, however, stick with a stop at the Dutch Haven Shoo-Fly Pie Bakery for a slice of this knick-knack shop’s namesake dessert and a glass of Amish-made root beer, which offers a funky, yeasty aroma. As a sign on the faux-wooden barrel it pours from reads, “Some like it, some don’t.” Personally, I liked it. And, most everyone will find something to like during a weekend drinking their way through Lancaster.
Assuming that you arrive on a Friday afternoon, here’s where to go after dropping your bags and settling into your accommodations.
The Fridge Head out to happy hour at The Fridge. It looks like your typical suburban pizzeria, with counter-service pies behind glass, wobbly square tables and a few high-tops. But take note of one far wall, where eight convenience store-style fridges are located. These are absolutely packed with perhaps the widest-spanning and most diverse selection of beer you’ll ever see, from longtime bottled international favorites to cult cans from East Coast hot spots like Lawson’s Finest and Bissell Brothers to countless pounders of local Pennsylvania offerings. Grab some beer to go or get a few for your table to drink while noshing on a pre-dinner snack of a flatbread topped with bacon, smoked cheddar, and sweet potato mash.
The Fridge
LUCA My intrigue in Lancaster actually started due to friend and fellow drinks writer Brad Thomas Parsons — a year or two ago I started noticing, via Instagram, that he sure seemed to be in Lancaster a lot. What the heck was going on there? I wondered. As author of the seminal books “Bitters” and “Amaro,” Parsons does a yearly residency at LUCA, a wood-burning Italian restaurant that has a killer amaro program as well (try a flight of lesser-known bottles like Amaro Dente di Leone). Though the multi-level venue is large, weekend reservations can be tough to come by; when the doors open at 5 p.m. on Friday, there will already be folks lined up, ready to sprint to the first-come seats available at the lengthy bar. There are adventurous small plates like beef tongue, pasta dishes like braised rabbit pappardelle, and entrees like bone-in lamb cooked in a hearth, but you’ll want to grab some Neapolitan-style pizza as well. Chef-owner Taylor Mason spent his early cooking years in Napa Valley and he still has a passion for introducing offbeat wines like Vending Machine’s Horror Show to customers who may be more accustomed to drinking fizzy yellow beer with their pies. The amaro-centric cocktails like the Phroaigian Slip — featuring Laphroaig, Pasubio, and Chartreuse — are excellent as well.
Valentino’s Cafe Now Lancaster doesn’t exactly offer the latest late night, but that’s fine. Valentino’s Cafe keeps the lights on until 2 a.m. A barber shop that was turned into a bar room in 1937, the spot “Where good friends meet” is still run by third- and fourth-generation Valentinos. This is dive-bar drinking at its finest — pitchers of Yuengling and half-liter carafes of house wine. The cocktails on the menu are stuck at least a generation back (think Fuzzy Navels and Amaretto Sours), but at least they’re cheap, too. And, if you’re still hungry, Valentino’s is famous for its spaghetti, which can be ordered until 10 p.m. After that, as the night deepens, more and more industry folks getting off their shifts will begin filing in.
Start the day at the Lancaster Central Market, the oldest farmers’ market in the country. There’s nothing boozy among the 60 often-Amish-run stands, but there are plenty of things you can grab to aid in your future imbibing. Long’s horseradish, freshly made on site, would be perfect for a Bloody Mary, for example. Grab some citrus for cocktails. And the fresh-pressed sugar cane juice at Havana Juice would work wonders in a Daiquiri.
Cabalar Meat Co. (with Voodoo Brewery) Think of this spot as a hybrid butcher shop, sandwich shop, and brewery; it’s the place to go in downtown Lancaster for a base-laying brunch. Opt for the beef and cheese sandwich made with braised beef neck and jalapeño cream cheese (and plate of beef gravy poutine wouldn’t hurt either). Last year, Calabar also began a unique collaboration with Voodoo Brewery. One of the state’s best breweries, Voodoo now has a small satellite location in the back corner of the shop, where it serves draughts of geek-beloved beers like the Slimer-green Lacto-Cooler and Big Black Voodoo Daddy, an imperial stout.
Decades You could certainly find worse places to day drink the day away than Decades, a boutique bowling alley (only six lanes!) and retro arcade attached to a full-service restaurant and bar. The food surpasses “bowling alley” fare with offerings like crawdad hushpuppies, duck and bacon corndogs, and pulled pork sandwiches. The drinks are equally well considered, with hazy IPAs, Jungle Birds, and house cocktails like the color-changing Tesseract, made with Bluecoat gin and St. Germain served atop a butterfly pea flower tea ice cube. If you need even more fun and games (and beer), head to Spring House Brewing with its Hell’s Attic Arcade.
Horse Inn The whiskey list at Horse Inn, a former horse stable and Prohibition-era speakeasy is ample, featuring not just “unicorn” bottles but several private house single barrels, including an Old Weller Antique at 14 years old that is remarkable. The cocktails are incredible as well, often focusing on seasonal ingredients like in The Squashbuckler, made with a honeynut squash-infused rum and pumpkin-seed orgeat. “Living so close to the amazing farms that Lancaster has to offer is a unique benefit,” says co-owner Starla Russell. “Whether it is on our food menu or our drink menu, we try to follow the seasons and only use ingredients that naturally grow at that time.” Her husband and chef, Matt Russell, came up under the renowned Sean Brock in Charleston and he brings an ethos of elevated comfort food to the establishment. Tips ‘n’ Toast — tenderloin tips on French bread with red wine demi glace — is the signature dish, but their buffalo wings and fried green tomato BLT are also great. There are no reservations, so once the dinner crowd has died down, it’ll be easier to get into the door to play foosball or other bar games. By then, you’ll probably just want to grab a $2 “mystery” beer (“You get what you get!” says the menu) from the bathtub at the front bar.
Conway Social Club The recently opened Conway Social Club is an elegant space, outfitted with vintage chandeliers and gallery walls. Owner Benjamin Hash serves classic cocktails with a modern twist, often using (say it again with me) fresh, local ingredients. A drink like Jansen to Kyushu features Irish gin, matcha tea, Chartreuse, coconut cream, and pandan leaf. Another favorite, Shapes of the Carousel, is a fascinating melange of rye, mezcal, marshmallow-infused rum, pineapple soda, and popcorn foam. This is the perfect spot for a relaxed — and seated — Saturday nightcap, given that no one is admitted into the establishment after midnight.
Conway Social Club
Sunday mornings are admittedly quiet in Amish Country, so its probably best to sleep off last night’s late night. Once you’re ready to face the world, you’ll learn that Lancaster has a pretty killer coffee scene as well with places like Passenger Coffee, Square One, and Mean Cup. But before heading home, consider stopping in the even smaller town of Lititz, six miles north of Lancaster, for a fun afternoon.
Bulls Head Public House There’s a reason that many drinks professionals call Bulls Head Public House the best British pub in America, or the best overall beer bar in America; it’s a perfect slice of Liverpool in Lititz. Like a pub across the pond, there’s no waiter service, so immediately head to one of the two bars to order a hand-pumped pint of cask ale and perhaps some fish ‘n’ chips, too. With no televisions or blaring music, and cozy seating, this is a place to while the afternoon away in friendly conversation and session drinking.
Stoll & Wolfe Distillery Located a couple blocks from Bulls Head, the new Stoll & Wolfe Distillery hearkens back to the now-shuttered Michter’s Distillery, which was established nearby in 1753 and at one time was the nation’s oldest distillery. Thus, the Wolfe family tapped Dick Stoll — the last master distiller at Michter’s — to make its whiskey. According to the Wolfes, rye whiskey was actually born in Lancaster as the farmlands around the area were then full of rye grain. Fittingly, this craft distillery produces a rye (as well as bourbon) that can be enjoyed in the tasting room neat or in a number of craft cocktails.
Stoll & Wolfe
The article Why Drinks Industry Insiders Are Spending Their Weekends in Lancaster, Pa. appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/lancaster-amish-country-travel-guide/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/why-drinks-industry-insiders-are-spending-their-weekends-in-lancaster-pa
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