#and now they were the first and one of the very few concerts i've been to (<-- is white and has bland taste)
imnotaacat · 2 months
I Can Not Do It Without You.
husband!Anthony x fem reader wife.
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— Summary: You have been married to Anthony for a year, and you are about to give birth to your first baby. However, after overhearing a conversation between his younger brothers, Benedict and Colin, it makes you doubt whether your marriage is prosperous and honest, which leads to an early and complicated birth.
— Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, fluff at the end, no use of Y/n, mentions of deception. (I think that's all)
A/n: English is not my native language, sorry if something is written wrong, I hope everything can be understood. :)
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“It’s funny that she thinks Anthony is still in love with her.” You heard Colin’s voice behind the door, followed by Benedict’s laughter.
That was enough for you to ask the footman accompanying you to prepare the carriage, you would return home. Since a few weeks ago you suspected that Anthony was cheating on you, the last few weeks he began to go out more often with his younger brothers, and of course, there was nothing wrong with it, but it happened every night and he always returned at dawn. And you, who were about to give birth, only wanted to feel protected, cared for by him, but you felt the opposite, he simply left, leaving you completely alone.
“My dear, won’t you stay for dinner with us?” Someone asked behind you, it was your mother-in-law, Violet. “Oh, I really appreciate it, you must excuse me, but I would like to have dinner with my husband.” Violet smiled. “Don’t worry dear, it’s okay, give him my regards.” You nodded and walked to your carriage, the footman helped you get in.
Once home, you entered and began to climb the stairs, as fast as your belly allowed you.
“Honey, you're back, I was waiting for you for dinner.” Your beloved husband's voice said with his beautiful smile at the bottom of the stairs. Something inside your chest stirred. You smiled.
“Oh dear husband, I apologize, but I've already had dinner with your mother and brothers.” You said, he smiled, he loved the way you got along with his family, he couldn't have chosen a better wife. I apologize for not accompanying you, but I feel very tired. — He nodded again.
“Don't worry, rest, I'll be with you in a few moments.” You nodded. You finished climbing the stairs that led to the room you shared, you asked your maid for some help to undress. Once you were ready, you got into the sheets of your bed, but you couldn't even close your eyes. Thirty minutes later you heard your husband's footsteps coming up the stairs, you settled down with your back to the door and closed your eyes pretending to be asleep. You listened to his footsteps and movements around the room, a few minutes later you felt the mattress sink and then the warmth of his body, he placed his hand on your belly, kissed your temple, and got ready to sleep.
About an hour later, he was finally fast asleep, you got out of your bed and left the room making as little noise as possible, you went down the stairs and headed towards his study, you placed the candle you were carrying on his desk and you got ready to look for something, something that would help you, something that would give you a clue about something. And as the saying goes, “Curiosity killed the cat.” In one of the drawers of his desk, you found several newspapers. As you skimmed through them you noticed something. They all had an ad for an opera concert and all of them had one name repeated: “Sienna Rosso.” You didn’t know whether to be happy for having found what you were looking for or to cry for what you had found. The second to last ad was dated two days ago, the last time Anthony had gone out, and the last ad was dated two days from now. You put everything back the way it was, closed the door to the study, and headed back to your room. To your relief, Anthony was still fast asleep.
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“Good morning,” you said, announcing your entrance to the dining room. Anthony smiled. “Good morning, dear. Did you rest?” He asked. You nodded, at that moment the maids came in with their breakfast trays, so they began to eat, leaving a comfortable silence in between. — You know… yesterday I saw an announcement, about an opera concert— You spoke breaking the silence and lifting your face to look at him, he already did. — I heard that the girl is very good, I think her name is Sienna… yes Sienna Rosso— Anthony coughed. — And well, I would like to find out for myself, and why not with my dear husband? The concert is in two days, so, could we go? — You asked with a nice smile, Anthony quickly nodded.
“Sure, why not, I have a little work, but I will do it in these two days, so we can go out.” You nodded with a smile.
During those days when the long-awaited night arrived, Anthony, no matter how much he wanted to concentrate on his work, couldn't do it. The only thing he had in mind was your request, but rather, the way you asked for it, your look when you asked him, during their first year of marriage, he had noticed that whenever you asked him for something there was a special sparkle in your eyes, however, that morning he couldn't see it, instead there was something else, your gaze had something dark in it.
When the agreed time and day arrived, you went down the stairs while he went up, you were wearing a Bridgerton blue dress, white gloves, and a pretty pearl necklace, he praised how pretty you looked, he asked you for a moment so he could get ready and go out with you.
Once at the theater, you asked to sit up front, and he accepted without arguing anything, minutes later the concert started, and boy was the girl good, she was wonderful, out of the corner of your eye you noticed that throughout the act Anthony looked at the stage a couple of times, most of the time he saw you, the floor and the ceiling, and of course, anyone would say it was romantic, but you knew it was guilt.
Once the concert was over you told Anthony that you needed to go to the bathroom, he nodded and joined another group of men who greeted him happily.
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“Miss Sienna, someone is waiting for you in your dressing room.” A voice said behind the girl as she walked off the stage, she smiled and thanked him with a nod. Finally, Anthony had returned. However, he froze when he saw a female silhouette in his dressing room, you were with your back to her. You were looking at each of her outfits with a smile, and from time to time you touched the fabrics with your hands what caught her attention the most was your belly, you could give birth at any moment, even now.
“Were you hoping to see the Viscount?” You asked still with your back turned, you only heard a low “Excuse me?” before turning to look at her. — I asked if you were hoping to see Anthony. — You asked again, Sienna was surprised that you called him by his name, but it was logical, you were his wife. Seeing that she had no answer you sighed and spoke again. — I know he has come to see you frequently, so I wanted to meet the woman who fucks my husband. — You said with a forced smile on your lips. Sienna smiled back, she didn't expect the Viscount's wife to be like this, she imagined a silly girl, but no, you were different, you were direct. At that moment something occurred to her, something that would make Anthony come back to her again.
“Yeah well, Anthony comes here often, he even comes with his brothers.” He said with a smile. You just nodded, but anger was growing inside you, how could she call him by his first name? — You know, it's nice that he comes to see me at my concerts but to attend with his wife... it's very bold.” She said with a smile.
“Sienna... I was the one who suggested he come, he came simply because I asked him to accompany me, if he had wanted... or rather... been able to, he would have stayed in his studio.” You saw how Sienna's face fell.
Seriously Anthony had stopped loving her? Just like that? After you two got married he paid you one last visit, where he made it clear that you would never have another meeting. In exchange for various favors, she was able to arrange for several Lords and Dukes to meet Anthony at the theater or places where she would perform. She knew that once they were alone, Anthony would come back to her. Her surprise came when he didn't even look at her, or even notice her presence, and she was accompanied by her brothers. Every time she passed by his place, she heard how wonderful his wife was and how much he was in love with her.
“Listen to me-“ She began to speak, calling you by your name, but you interrupted her.
“For you, I am Lady Bridgerton,” you said. Anthony heard it and went to the place where your voice came from. He noticed that you hadn't returned from the bathroom, so he decided to make sure everything was okay. He followed your voice, down that path that he had walked so many times a few years ago. — You can fuck Anthony as many times as you want, it's fine, but listen to me, I'll be the only one that Anthony will present as his wife, I'll be the one who will have his children, his heir, my children will carry his blood, my children and I will be the ones who will wait for him at night to have dinner, I'll be the one who will see him walking arm in arm through the parks, while you... you will simply meet him at night, when everyone is already home, you will stay in the dark, hiding, making sure that no one can see you. — Sienna was definitely speechless, after hearing everything you had said, you were right, he would never leave you for her. Anthony, who had heard everything while walking towards you, was proud to hear what you had said, you didn't even raise your voice, much less attack her to leave her speechless.
“Whatever you say Anthony loves me-“ Once again she was interrupted, this time by Anthony's voice.
“For you, I am Lord Bridgerton, I will never allow you to call me by my name again, our relationship ended a long time ago, Miss Rosso, and that day I made it very clear to you that I would never return to you again.” You smiled at the look on Sienna’s face in front of your husband’s back. — If you will excuse us, the Viscountess and I must retire, good night, Miss Rosso. — He said, giving you his arm so that you could walk with him, and said goodbye to the friends who were still there.
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Anthony helped you get into the carriage and once inside silence reigned between you, you were sitting face to face, so Anthony could see how your eyes began to get brighter and tears began to appear in your eyes. He felt guilty, guilty because he was the reason for those tears.
“Honey I-” He started to speak but you interrupted him. “I don’t want to hear anything Anthony.” He nodded. Once at home he helped you get out of the carriage and both of you climbed the stairs that led to his room.
“Marie, please tidy my room, I’ll be staying there tonight.” Your maid nodded and took from both of your rooms the things she would use at that moment and the next day to get ready, you heard a sigh from Anthony, and then his footsteps moving away towards the master bedroom, so you did the same, but in the opposite direction, before reaching your room you felt a pang in your lower belly, you grabbed the wall, Anthony turned and walked towards you when he heard your moan. “I’m fine” You told him when you heard his strides towards you, he stopped and nodded, but as far as he could see after you closed the door, he noticed that you were holding on to the wall as you walked.
Anthony wanted to talk to you, he wanted to tell you that it was all a misunderstanding, his affair with Sienna had ended a long time ago, even long before the two of you got married. Unable to fall asleep, he went down to his study and made himself a drink, then sat down at his desk hoping to be able to concentrate a little and even distract himself from what was going on with his work. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep at his desk.
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“Mr. Bridgerton! Mr. Bridgerton please wake up.” When he opened his eyes he felt disoriented. “Mr. Bridgerton” The woman made a small bow. “Lady Bridgerton has gone into labor, but she is in very bad shape,” the maid said just as she heard a scream coming from the upper part of the house. — We have already sent for your mother, the Duke, and the Duchess, the young lady asked for it, and the doctor and the midwife are already with the lady. — The girl spoke as she followed Anthony up the stairs, another scream came from your room, with long strides he arrived at your room, and he saw you there, screaming and writhing in pain, and then he was nineteen again, panic began to bloom in him.
“Lord Bridgerton, the baby is not in position, I need to know what to do, save the baby, or save your wife.” Another scream from you was heard. “I told you to save my son.” You screamed with difficulty. — The decision must be made by the lord. — The doctor spoke. And one more scream was heard.
“Save them both,” Anthony spoke. “Sir, we will try, but-” Anthony interrupted him. “I told you to save my wife and my son,” Anthony screamed. — Yes sir, we will do our best.” And once again the doctor entered your room. Tears began to sting his eyes, just at that moment the doors of his house opened, it was Simon, his mother, and his brothers.
“Simon, Colin, and Benedict stay with Anthony, Daphne comes with me” Violet said as everyone went up the stairs. “Everything will be okay dear, I promise,” Violet said before entering your room with Daphne. The screams were getting louder, and his brothers didn't know what to do, or how to comfort him, Simon was already a father, of course, but none of Daphne's births had been like that, they didn't know what to do.
“Anthony, everything will be okay, your wife is a strong woman” Benedict spoke. There was silence. “It's my fault.” Anthony spoke. “She found out about Sienna, she noticed that I was leaving at night and she thinks I've cheated on her.”
“But it’s not like that, you ended your relationship with that woman, we have been with you so that you could avoid this.” Colin spoke, and Anthony nodded. “And I thank you, I should have told you what was going on” Anthony said, his head down. “I don’t know how you found out, but two days ago she asked me to go to the concert tonight, she had an argument with Sienna, and then when we got back home, she asked to have her bedroom fixed, she complained of pain, I should have insisted that she sleep in our bedroom, I should have stayed awake to take care of her.” Anthony spoke. Your screams still hadn’t stopped, they could hear the voices of the midwife, her mother, and Daphne asking you to push.
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Anthony looked at his watch, it was almost five in the morning, and the fear he felt was from another world, he didn’t know what was going on in there, he only heard your screams. The four men were desperate, they knew there were only two options. Finally, the cry of a baby, their baby was heard behind the door, the four men looked at each other, then looked at the door, Daphne came out with the baby in her arms wrapped in a blanket. “He’s a cute little boy” she said with a smile, putting the baby in Anthony’s arms, he smiled. “Daphne, how is she?” Simon asked, Daphne just lowered her head.
“Daphne, how is my wife?” Anthony asked. “She is not well Anthony, she lost a lot of blood, she has a high fever, and the doctor does not know if she will survive.” Anthony sighed, he was happy for the birth of his son of course, but at the same time the love of his life was between life and death, he could not do it without her.
“My lady, stay with me, do not close your eyes.” the voices of the maids were heard, alarming everyone who was outside. “She cannot die” Anthony said finally letting the tears come out, hugging his little son.
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It had been a week since you had given birth, and the fever and bleeding had stopped, however, you were still weak, you still had no strength, and you spent your time in your room. Violet and Daphne had asked to stay home with you, to help you and Anthony.
“Anthony dear,” Violet spoke entering her son's bedroom, Anthony was playing with Edmund, they had agreed to name him in honor of his father if they had a boy. “You should talk to your wife, I don't know what's wrong Anthony, but it's like she's rejecting her son.” Violet paused. — The only moment she is with him is when she breastfeeds her son, that's not good, you're doing an excellent job as a father, but this baby also needs his mother. — Anthony nodded, left his little one in the bassinet next to his bed, and called a maid to keep an eye on the baby. Leaving with his mother he went to your room, opened the door, and could see you, after a long time, you were looking out the window with your back to him, you had your hair down, a silk robe, you looked very beautiful.
“Love…” Anthony said. There was a pause, he expected you to say something or at least turn to look at him, but it wasn't like that, you continued looking at the window. “Since we met I noticed your desire to be a mother… But now that we have our son, you… you reject him.” Anthony doubted if he was using the right words, he didn't want to be hard on you, so you lowered your gaze to your lap. “What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything.” There was a long silence for his liking, or rather, for the moment you were in.
“I don't want him to get used to me.” You spoke and finally turning to look at him, Anthony looked at you confused. “I’m dying Anthony, just look at me.” And yes, you looked a little haggard, you had lost a little weight, but nothing that a little food couldn’t fix. “Besides…” You paused. “I’m scared Anthony, I’m scared of being just like my mother.” You finally burst into tears, Anthony was a little surprised, you had known each other for a little over a year and a half, and he had never seen you cry like this, or rather he had never seen you cry, it was a little difficult for you to show your emotions one hundred percent. Because of how you grew up, your parents never showed any kind of love between them, nor to you or your siblings, you and your siblings were raised for society, with no laughter or exaggerated emotions, just enough, if you wanted to cry or express your emotions you had to be completely alone, no one could see you like this or they would call you exaggerated. Anthony took a few steps to be closer to you and wrapped you in his arms. “You’re not dying, sweetheart… you’re not a bad mother either… Do you think I don’t notice how you play with Gregory or Hyacinth? Or how do you interact with Augui?” Anthony spoke, you smiled remembering how good it felt to play or spend time with them. Anthony pulled you away from his chest so you could look into each other’s eyes, he cupped your face in his hands, and with his thumbs, he wiped your tears away. “You’re nothing like your mother… but if you keep acting that way… rejecting your son, you’ll be just like her.” You nodded and hugged him again, he also hugged you back, and kissed the top of your head, both of you stayed in that position for a few minutes.
“I’m sorry.” You said, separating from the hug. — Not just for this… also for what happened a few days ago at the theater, I shouldn’t have acted that way. — Anthony shook his head.
“The one who should apologize is me.” He said take your hands. — I wasn’t honest with you, I should have told you what was going on because I went out every night… somehow that woman made all the business be handled in those places, I asked Colin and Benedict to accompany me, just to avoid this, but I should have told you too. — You noticed the sincerity in his words and the regret in his eyes.
“You should have told me, of course, but I acted recklessly, I should have talked to you before, can you imagine the scandal it would have been if someone else had heard? Can you imagine if it had been Wistledown?” Anthony laughed.
“But I must admit, you acted better than I would have acted if I had been in your place.” They both laughed. “But you know… I’m a little curious to know how you knew?” Anthony asked.
“Well… I heard your brothers saying it was funny that she thought you were still in love… and well, you know what happened.” Anthony laughed. “Instead of helping me, they sink my head into the mud.” There was a silence between you. “It’s nice to be with you again,” Anthony said. — But I think you should meet someone… Give me a moment. — Anthony left the room, and a few seconds later he entered the room again, but this time with the baby in his arms, you smiled when you saw him, the tender image of your husband with your baby would be an image that would stay in your mind and heart for a lifetime.
Anthony walked over to you, pulling you close and helping you carry your baby. You finally allowed yourself to see your baby's face, you knew it was too soon to say it, but he was a lot like Anthony.
“Hey baby, you look so cute today.” You said the little baby let out a small laugh. Both you and Anthony smiled at it. You definitely scolded yourself for depriving yourself of this thing you had always wanted.
Anthony guided you to the bed so you could get some rest, despite everything, he knew you were still a little weak, Anthony placed himself right next to you so you could lean on him, and you stayed like that, he held you close, while you held your little baby close.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me” — Anthony said while smiling at you.
You two definitely, unexpectedly changed each other's lives. You both knew that nothing and no one could separate you or hurt you after this day.
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I would also like you to give advice or recommendations. I hope it's not too long or boring. I would appreciate your comments. 💗
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vettelsvee · 6 months
f1 one shots masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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oscar piastri x singer!reader
requested by anon: x singer!reader, maybe Oscar and his family going to her show and she sings a song about him
word count: 2402
warnings: none of them! use of y/n and y/l/n
posible part 2 if you like it and ask for it!
you can send your one shots requests here!
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Oscar was nervous. Very, in fact.
It wasn't the first time he attended a concert of Y/N, his girlfriend, but every time he did he ended up getting more nervous than he should.
Perhaps the fact that today was his twenty-third birthday and he hadn't received any kind of congratulations from her had a lot to do with it.
The Australian took a deep breath and continued on, trying to catch up with his sisters and parents as quickly as possible, who had barely noticed that the boy had fallen behind, immersed in his thoughts.
Nicole quickly turned around, going to where her son was as calmly as she could, and above all making sure not to do or say anything she would regret, especially not something that would ruin the surprise her daughter-in-law had been keeping so well.
"What's wrong, honey?"
Oscar slightly startled as he felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, even letting out a small scream that startled the woman.
"Yes, of course!" the boy hurried to say, trying to calm down. "Just... I'm a little nervous, but that's all, really."
Despite the Australian's efforts to sound as calm as possible, it was in vain. Nicole could see his anxiety in his gaze and, above all, in his gestures. His hands were barely still, and every time she tried to walk beside him, he ended up putting a little more distance between them.
"I'm your mother, Oscar, you know I can catch any lie like I've done so many times before. Why are you so nervous?"
He sighed. He didn't want to share his concern, especially when they were heading to see the main reason of it.
"Well..." he tried to find the right words, finding it quite difficult. "It's just that I haven't received any message from Y/N today. Today, of all days, you know? On my birthday."
"Oh, what a shame..." the woman replied, feigning surprise. "She must have forgotten or had some problem. Have you talked to her?"
Was she really asking him that? He just told her he hadn't received any message from the brunette...
"Yes, but she hasn't replied."
"Don't worry! I'm sure there's a reason for it," assured the Piastri matriarch. "Don't let this ruin your day. If that girl doesn't call you as soon as it strikes twelve, I promise she'll have to deal with me."
"No mom, Oscar," she scolded him in an ironic tone, making him laugh. "Now try to enjoy her concert and have a good time with us, okay?"
The brown-haired young man nodded, grateful for his mother's support, and continued on his way to the Rod Laver Arena, now a bit happier than before.
After passing through security checks and receiving the VIP accreditations reserved for the Piastri family, and the occasional stops for the pilot to take some photos and sign autographs with fans who recognized him, which were quite a few, they made their way to their reserved spot, located in the lower side stands just a few meters from the main stage.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so famous to have so many people following you," joked his father, making his sisters laugh.
"You should take a break!" shouted his mother, hugging him and making his cheeks turn red. "You're at your girlfriend's concert, not at one of your stupid races."
"They're the ones who make me who I am, Mom. Besides, I'm a public figure," added the brown-eyed one. "I can't ignore them and act like nothing, you know? It's not that easy."
Oscar said that, but he still felt uneasy. As he looked at his family, already occupying their seats as there was still about half an hour before the concert started, the need to see his girlfriend or at least hear some news about her was taking over him more and more.
"Mom, I'm going to see if I can find out anything about Y/N," he said impulsively, interrupting himself with his own words. "I'll be right back."
Nicole looked at him with surprise, telling him no, to wait there, and they would see what to do after the concert. But the young man had already gained some momentum and was navigating through everyone in his way around the stands, seats, stairs, and multiple corridors until he reached the place where, supposedly, his girl was.
Once he reached the supposed dressing room, a perfectly uniformed black security guard, with a completely serious expression and crossed arms, stood in front of the door.
"Um... I'm Oscar," he greeted with a wave, trying to curve his lips without trembling. "I'm Y/N’s boyfriend," he timidly pointed to the door behind him with his hand. "Do you mind if I come in?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Piastri, but Y/N has agreed that there are no visitors before the concert today," the man responded firmly, still looking at Oscar seriously and shaking his head.
"It's just a moment. I want to wish her good luck before she goes on stage," he insisted, hoping the guard might make an exception.
"I'm sorry, sir. Rules are rules, and if the young lady said no, then it's no. I can't make any exceptions, even for you."
The Australian thanked the unfriendly man with a slight nod and, feeling defeated, made his way back to where his family was. As soon as he arrived, he had his sisters pestering him:
"Did you see Y/N? Did she say anything to you? Did she leave you wanting something, and that's why you look so depressed now?"
The eldest sister's insistence was making him feel even worse than he already did; having the other two join in the sudden conversation with curious faces and even more unsettling questions made him want to leave the place.
The young man simply remained silent. He sat in his seat and kept his gaze fixed on the stage, waiting for the lights to go out and the concert to begin.
It was a matter of the singer stepping onto the stage for the crowd to rise to their feet, applauding and chanting her name, shouting compliments and praises of all kinds.
"Good evening, Melbourne!" exclaimed Y/N, who was on a platform that had risen from the bottom of the stage. "I hope you all have a great time with me tonight because I assure you that today will be full of surprises!"
Nicole Piastri got up from her seat, as did the rest of the family, and told Oscar to do the same. He refused, remaining seated with his arms crossed, but unable to stop a smile from appearing on his lips.
He might be upset with his girlfriend's behavior for who knows what reason, but it was impossible for him not to look away from her while she danced, sang, and interacted with the audience.
It was too difficult for him not to feel proud of her and everything she had achieved.
The show continued as Oscar knew it would, having memorized it from the numerous times he had not only attended various concerts of his girlfriend's tour around the world but also from the countless rehearsals he had accompanied her to.
However, Piastri did not expect that suddenly the lights would go out and an orange glow would begin to emerge everywhere, especially illuminating the stage.
Y/N appeared again, now wearing an orange bodysuit with perfectly placed blue tones that accentuated her figure.
"Do you know what day’s today?" asked the brunette, looking with wide eyes at the audience.
"April 6th!"
She nodded, a playful smile forming on her lips more and more as she was about to reveal, and trying not to turn her head towards where her boyfriend was, whom she had deliberately avoided all day and who, possibly, would tell her to screw off after all the ghosting she had done to him on his birthday.
"And, by any chance... do you know what happens today?"
There were a variety of responses. A large part of them answered that it was Oscar's birthday, her partner's. Others were somewhat wild, as if she was about to reveal that the couple was expecting a baby, or that the young woman was going to announce her retirement from the stage after her very short musical career.
"No, it's none of that," the Australian ended up saying. "I am pleased to announce that today, here, right now, I am going to debut my new single, 'Throttle Hearts'!"
The stadium erupted in cheers and applause once again. No one, not even Oscar, expected this revelation from the girl, so it was completely normal for people to ask her to sing the song already.
Y/N, however, asked them for a moment with her hand.
Quickly, she ran to her cell phone and, secluded in a small corner of the stage, tried to make sure that the camera recording to broadcast her image on the large screens captured nothing.
At that very moment, Oscar's phone vibrated in his pocket with a notification from the same girl who was on stage:
"Happy birthday, my love! I'm so sorry for ghosting you all day, but I hope it was worth it. If you understand any references in the song, it's normal bc it's based on our story. I hope this is the best gift you can receive, at least for now, in your life. I can't wait to get off stage and give you the biggest hug in the world <3"
And there was Y/N, making eye contact with him, having a minimal interaction with her boyfriend for the first time all day. The girl had her arm raised, waving enthusiastically and making heart gestures with both hands that ended sooner than expected as she went to the piano to play the first chords of the song.
Oscar found himself trying to hide some tears, which were forming in his eyes not only as Y/N’s voice adjusted to the melody but throughout the rest of the concert.
The only thing the boy could reply to that message was whether she had really written a song about him, receiving as a response during a break between songs a large number of heart shaped emojis.
When the show came to an end and the singer disappeared beneath the stage, the Piastri family quickly grabbed their belongings to leave the venue and go to where the boy's girlfriend was. The same security guard who had previously denied him access to see the singer to the Formula 1 driver was now standing next to them, telling them to follow him.
Obviously, they didn't hesitate to say yes and followed his steps to the young woman's dressing room, who allowed her boyfriend's family to enter, welcoming them with a radiant smile and hugs that had been delayed all day.
The only thing the young couple did as words were exchanged was to look at each other, shy to show their love in front of others, as it had always been with them.
"I think we should leave the lovebirds alone for a while," Nicole began as she headed towards the exit of the room. "Don't take too long, the reservation for dinner at Oscar's favorite restaurant is at ten fifteen, and you know we take quite a while to get there."
Both of them thanked her shyly, unsure of what to do or say beyond being unable to stop smiling.
When they were alone, facing each other, they didn't know what they should say to each other. Oscar Piastri didn't know if he should reproach his girlfriend for not speaking to him all day despite preparing a surprise for him. Y/N Y/L/N was aware that perhaps she should apologize for not having done things quite right and for keeping the brown-haired boy on edge by maintaining some sort of no-contact for the past 24 hours.
Finally, it was the McLaren driver who broke the not-so-uncomfortable silence:
"Y/N, that song..." He was at a loss for words. He didn't know what else to say other than that he had loved it.
The girl smiled shyly, grateful not only that he had liked the composition she had kept to herself for the past seven months, but also for seeming to have understood.
"I've been wanting to sing it to you for a long time, but I didn't know if you’d like it," the young woman admitted. "It has had a couple of important modifications since the first draft, and since the record label wasn't cooperating much when I wanted to release it initially, I thought it would be a good birthday gift for you," she explained. "Hey, and I'm sorry if this whole game of ignoring you all day has offended you. I feel really bad, and the last thing I want is..."
"Shut up, silly!" Oscar interrupted her, approaching her to wrap her in his arm and give her a tender kiss on the forehead. "At first, I thought you wanted to break up with me, but then seeing how my mom was acting, that gorilla you have as a bodyguard denying me access, and above all you ignoring me all day..."
"I'm good at keeping secrets, and I'm absolutely in love with you, Oscar Piastri," Y/N declared, mock-offended. "Do you really think I would ignore you all day?"
"Not a chance. I know there's a good intention behind everything you do," agreed the Australian, earning himself a hug and a kiss on the lips from his girlfriend. "Did you know that I'm also good at keeping secrets?"
"Oh, really? And are you absolutely in love with me like I am with you, Piastri?"
Oscar grinned mischievously, an idea starting to appear in his mind like a flash that was making more and more sense.
Obviously, the driver was a tad resentful, and the girl wasn't going to get away with it no matter how good the intention was behind Throttle Hearts and its surprise presentation.
Now, Oscar had to prepare a surprise for the girl's twenty-second birthday that would match, or even surpass, the one she had prepared for him.
"I don't know," he shrugged, laughing more and more emphatically and perhaps frustrating his girlfriend, "I guess now you'll have to wait for your birthday to find out."
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bokutosmochi · 11 months
kinktober day one: size kink!
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fem!reader x metalhead!geto suguru
ingredients: geto suguru's baggy pants are more than just a fashion statement
what's it: smut
allergen warning/s: size kink, hair pulling, pleasure sub!reader, oral [m!receiving]
sugar level: 1.5k
regulars: @ventdavi154 @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub
parlor's note: you don't have to be a metalhead to be able to self insert, but it is mentioned a couple of times that you two attend metal concerts together. i love this fic, it's really just self indulgence and i hope you guys enjoy it too!
bon appetit!
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you've been friends with him since you were a student in high school, being inseparable and attached at the hip. whenever there's a metal band that's going on a world tour and is going to tokyo, he always comes knocking at your dorm's door. quite a number of nights and midnights of your teenage years were spent with him in the moshpit, and patching each other up because someone got too rowdy in said pit.
unfortunately, once you two graduated, due to a shortage of teachers in jujutsu tech tokyo's sister school located in kyoto, you had to transfer, making you and suguru drift apart for some time. of course, you always kept in touch with the man, a month wouldn't pass without either of you shooting the other a message, you'd always greet each other happy birthdays, send each other memes, and on rare occasions, you'd attend concerts together like you used to, but suffice to say, your relationship now is lackluster compared to your relationship then.
a few months ago though, you received an email from principal yaga about coming back to tokyo and being the third year's teacher. he informed you that he has already asked principal gakuganji about the matter and there was another sorcerer who could handle your students in kyoto, making the decision a no brainer.
the offer made your heart skip a beat in all right ways and in just a few more messages, you were unofficially a teacher at tokyo metropolitan jujutsu technical high school and the rest is history.
ever since reconnecting with geto, you've gotten closer and eventually started dating your best friend since high school. there were a few changes about him, but none that you minded. he was taller, broader, hair a few inches longer, and now, he wears it in a half-up hairstyle unlike back then when it was always in a bun. he's more mature now too, wiser, smarter, better at strategizing. finally, back when you were students, a hundred percent of the time, he'd opt to still hear his school uniform when going on outings, except for those concert nights where he'd wear this uniform pants and then the band's merch tee. nowadays, when you'd go on dates, he wears baggy pants, yet the chosen top is still the same -- at this point, you're sure that ninety percent of suguru's closet is just black band shirts, while the remaining one percent is composed of his uniforms.
it fit his whole aesthetic; his chosen outfits. it's all very him, and at first, you thought that was the only reason why he wore the things that he wore.
when did you change your mind? right now, as he stood before you with his pants down for the first time.
it started with him recommending you a song, the summoning by sleep token and at first, you reacted to it the way you do with any good metal music, headbanging and wondering how the band composed such wonderful sounds, but it was five minutes into the song where the mood in the room changed.
suguru's featherlight touches accompanied the sensual instrumentals and the yearning in the vocalists words and voice translated itself into the way you ran your fingers through your boyfriend's hair.
oh, and my love
did i mistake you for a sign from god?
or are you really here to cut me off?
or maybe just to turn me on
'cause these days
i would be lying if i told you that
i didn't wish that i could be your man
or maybe make a good girl bad
i've got a river running right into you
i've got a blood trail, red in the blue
something you say or something you do
the taste of the divine
you've got my body, flesh and bone
the sky above, the earth below
nothing to say and no where to go
a taste of the divine
one thing led to another, and one by one, you were both stripped of your clothing until you were nude, having nothing but the other's body heat to keep each other warm.
geto found his ego skyrocketing at the sight before him, and you found yourself salivating at the sight before you.
suguru's cock was hard, the tip - flushed red from the blood rushing downward - moist with specks of precum. it seemed to be so heavy, the muscle curved down, presumably from the weight. bulging veins decorated the shaft and it was all so pretty, as weird as it sounds to describe your boyfriend's dick with the word. perhaps using big would be more appropriate. after all, the fact that you were intimidated by the size shows in your eyes, looking like a deer in headlights.
"it's okay, baby," geto cooed, breaking you out of your how-am-i-gonna-fit-that-in-my-mouth induced trance. one of his big hands were on the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheek in comfort. "you can take it inch by inch, kay? you'll be good for me, won't you?"
under his spell, you couldn't do anything but nod. the only thought bouncing around in your head was the want, no, the need to please the adonis of a man in front of you, and as a thank you, he graces you with a soft smile before pulling your pouty lower lip down with the pad of his thumb. your eyes wander over to his other hand, jerking his cock off and pressing the head to your kiss swollen lips.
"fuuuck, there you go, pretty." he moans out as you suck it into your mouth. his precum hits your taste buds and the salt and tang of it almost makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
encouraged by his hand petting your hair, you fit more of him in your mouth.
you try to make it easier for yourself by relaxing your jaw as he pushes his hips forward slowly, but the ache slowly creeps in. the sides of your mouth starts stinging as he stretches it out and centimeters after, tears are pooling in your eyes. you don't make a sound, though, or make any indication that you wanted to stop.
you wanted to take all of suguru in your mouth, you just wished it wasn't so damn hard.
"hey, hey, baby, don't cry." suguru looked down to sneak a peek at your beautiful flustered face, only to be heartbroken when he met your teary eyed face. he was quick to wipe the falling tears as he feels his heartbeat quicken. still, he can't help but chuckle. "it's not even half way in yet." his hand unexpectedly clutched at your hair when you gasped at his statement. it took everything in him to not immediately thrust his hips into your warm mouth after that.
a shiver went up your spine when he gave you a warning glance and you hoped you were able to communicate your nonverbal apology with your eyes as effectively as he could.
"look," he started to pull away. "w-we can do just the tip first, 'til you get used to it."
he stopped thrusting then, even though it took all of his power to do so. he wanted you to set your own pace, take as much as him as you could, until like said, you get used to it, and he knows you'll get used to it, after all, you're his good girl, always eager to please. if he's being selfish, he'd say it was one of his favorite things about you.
he absolutely adores that determined sparkle in your eyes as you bob your head up and down his shaft. spit's starting to leak from the corners of your mouth and drip down your chin to your tits, but you don't pay it any mind. you have a singleminded ferocity that aims to pleasure suguru, and nothing is going to stop you, not the way the back of your throat aches from being poked roughly each and every time you go back down, not the way your cheeks and your mouth starts aching, and not the way the corners of your lips feel like they're being torn apart. after all, if they do end up getting cut, you know suguru would drive you to the hospital with a fake reason.
no one but you had to know the real reason why geto suguru wears baggy pants.
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i get: reblog
you get: a metal band shirt
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WIBTA for asking my SO to do something that they have trauma around?
I don't know when this will be posted but as of writing we are about 2 weeks post valentines day. Ages and genders irrelevant, we're in our 20s and queer.
So I have not been with Jordan long, but we knew each out for a few months as friends before we got together, and have been close pretty much all of the time we've known each other. This is to say, I know them pretty well despite us not actually having been dating that long.
Because we were already friends I knew going into the relationship, without Jordan specifically saying anything, that they had plans on Valentines day. They got tickets to a concert I wasn't interested in a decent amount of time before we got together.
Obviously, not an issue in the slightest, and neither of us brought up anything regarding Valentines day. It was a week day, so I was working all day, and then the time of the concert meant there was no possibility of meeting up after, just not meant to be this year. I thought we were in the same boat just silently agreeing that the timing wasn't right but that it wasn't a big enough deal to even be worth bringing up, especially in such a new relationship.
Some backstory on me: I'm a hopeless romantic and have a kind of cute aesthetic? I like dressing in bright colours, and some of my favourite outfits have prints of hearts, flowers, and cherries. Needless to say I really enjoy the aesthetic of Valentines day, and I've always kind of fantasised about being able to spend it with someone I have romantic feelings for. I've only had two romantic relationships before this and the first one only lasted 6 months and didn't make it to Valentines day, and in the second we both contracted the same bug and were horribly sick throughout February.
Obviously I don't think you should only do things for your SO on Valentines day, but I think it would be fun to have the chance to really get into it! In the past I've organised Valentines day events with my other single friends where we dress in pink and have heart shaped foods etc and those have been great, but haven't quite satisfied my desire to have a Romantic Valentines.
So, despite the fact that my SO was busy, I wanted to do a little something. I do digital art, so when I got home from work I drew a pun Valentines card featuring Jordan's favourite character. It took a few hours and I was pretty proud of how it came out. I knew they were at the concert still, but I texted it to them, so they could see it after.
They responded that night and their first message was just "oh." I've known Jordan long enough that i read the tone to be "oh, now I to have a conversation I didn't want to have." They went on to explain that they associate Valentines day with some past trauma. I won't give any details here, but the tone of the conversation was that they don't celebrate Valentines day because of their trauma, and this seemed like a very final stance.
Now. I don't think I'm TA for drawing the art and sending it, this had never been brought up before, so I didn't know I was crossing a boundary.
I do think Jordan is slightly TA for not saying anything about my art that I worked hard on, but only slightly bc I assume the trauma response just kind of took over.
But my question is, WIBTA if I asked my SO to celebrate Valentines day with me in future even though it's something they have trauma around?
I'm not planning to force them or anything and it doesn't even have to be in the next few years, but thinking long term it feels really gloomy to me to have to miss out on Valentines forever when my SO could be making new memories with me so that mentions of the holiday are less painful.
I don't expect them to just "get over" it magically or anything but I want to ask if it's something they'd possibly want to work up to? I swear I'm not trying to be dismissive their response is fully valid and I don't want to imply my silly fantasies are more important than their traumatic reality I just want to know if this would be an asshole move or not.
What are these acronyms?
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livingformintyoongi · 4 months
She's All I Wanna Be | Kim Seokjin
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a/n: This is the first part of the Bring On The Night series, it will be divided into two chapters and an epilogue and will be approximately 15k in total. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed it ^^. All dividers are from @saradika-graphics she's the best doing dividers 🥹. Summary: You were Jin's childhood friend, the one who always went to all his bass practices, the one who went to all his mini concerts, the one who tested the songs before he played them live, you were even the first person he ran to tell the news that his band had been dominated to his first award. The problem with this? You were always just that to Jin, the typical childhood friend he wouldn't give up for anything in the world, but would never see as anything more. A few months ago Jin started dating yet another girl, a certain Yeji, whom he had met in college. You were starting to feel how awful it was to be just another friend, and you wanted to give it your last try before giving up forever with Jin and moving on with your life. wc: 5.4k Taglist: @thunderg @minjianhyung @queenv1997 @yoongtism @lizzymizzy-blogg @superbbananananana @drpepperobsessed @themwordsblog @taekritimin123
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"What did you say?" you muttered with your eyes fixed on Jin and the blonde girl next to him. You were so surprised that you weren't even sure you heard her name when she introduced herself a few seconds ago.
"I told you she's my girlfriend, Yeji" Jin turned to look at the girl next to him, smiling in such a sweet and loving way that probably made his girlfriend feel like she was in heaven itself. You, on the other hand, felt like you were in hell itself, you could even feel the flames burning your skin at that moment. 
"Your... girlfriend" you looked 'Yeji' up and down, mostly because you still couldn't digest the news. To your bad luck, the girl was stupidly beautiful, on a level that even you didn't know it was possible to be, and you had spent more than twenty years together with Jin.
Yeji was barely one meter sixty, she was thin, but not excessively so, she had small and extremely soft hands, not to mention her face. It was round and pale, her cheeks had a light pink tone and matched her skin perfectly; her eyes were big and brown, her nose was thin and upturned, and her lips were pink and fluffy, just like Jin and Jimin's. Shit, even you would have noticed her if you liked girls, she looked like a fucking angel.
"It's a pleasure, Y/N" Yeji offered you her hand, giving you a smile just like the commercials on TV. You were curious to know if she did commercials or something like that, she had every chance of winning in that market, you had no doubt. "I was so looking forward to meeting you, Jin has told me so many things about you."
You almost cringed in place as you heard her laugh. It should be illegal to look good even laughing, this wasn't fair anymore. 
"I'd like to say the same, but I've never heard of you before, Jin seemed pretty determined to hide your relationship" you took her hand and shook it carefully. Her whole appearance looked like it was going to break just by touching it roughly. "I hope from now on that will change".
"I wish it would" she nodded smiling, taking Jin's hand on the table. Your heart stopped for a second as you watched Jin intertwine his fingers with hers. Her cheeks turned a slightly darker shade of pink than the one she already had before and, for the first time in your whole life, you wished you were in that girl's place.
In the past things weren't like that, in the past Jin never looked at his girlfriends the way he was looking at Yeji right now, damn, he didn't even bother to hide his past relationships with you, he even told you in a very detailed way how those girls had proposed to him, so why? Why is it different? Why her? What did she have that you didn't?
Well, to be honest, she was quite pretty, she had a very beautiful voice and, so far, she seemed to be a pretty sweet girl. Just Jin's type.
"Surely it will be" you tried to give them your best smile as you grabbed your cup of coffee and drank it in one gulp. You wished it was alcohol. "Jin seems to be serious this time" you said quietly, putting the cup aside and turning your gaze to Jin. His was fixed on Yeji.
"I'm trying to do that" he nodded quickly, leaving a kiss on his girlfriend's knuckles. It hurt you to think about that word, it hurt you that it wasn't you to say it to. Were you a bad friend for thinking that way? "It was for that very reason that I made the first move."
"He proposed first?" you almost lost control of your emotions when you saw them share a glance and nod with those lovesick idiot smiles you had always envied. You had to take a big breath of air to keep from bursting into tears right then and there. You felt so stupid at that moment, so selfish.
"Yup, I was so excited that I almost cried in front of him, it was so embarrassing" Yeji smiled at you, taking your hand in hers. You watched as Jin's hand fell on the table, but he didn't seem to mind. "You don't know how nervous I was to finally meet you, I know this is something special for Jin, he talks about you like you're the most amazing woman ever," you heard her laugh at Jin's complaint at her statement that he apparently didn't want you to know, "being able to meet you in person is... it's something I actually thought would never happen."
"Hey, you talk about me like I'm, I don't know, an amazing person, I'm just his friend" you looked at his hands over yours. They looked so small unlike yours.
"You're his best friend, one of the most important people to him" she looked at Jin for a second, smiling at him, "surely you must be overprotective of him, right?" she let out a shaky sigh and her hands squeezed yours gently, "I promise I will never hurt him, I... I will try to do my best in this relationship, to make Jin as happy as I can."
You couldn't even hate her.
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It's so unfair" you whined out loud, resting your head on Chaeyoung's shoulder, "She's too nice, how am I supposed to hate her if she behaves that way?"
"Don't hate her. Simple" Sooah took a drink from her glass with soju. Her eyes were fixed on her phone, she seemed to be quite busy trying to contact a photographer or director, you weren't sure, you couldn't read the name right from here.
"You don't need to hate her, just wait until Jin stops having interest in her" Chaeyoung smiled at you with her cheeks puffed out. You were almost sure she stuffed half a chicken in her mouth. It's not like you were surprised anyway, she seriously seemed to have a bottomless stomach, "You know how it is, it never lasts more than three months."
"Two" Sooah clarified almost instantly. She picked up her chopsticks and took some kimchi. "He always lasts at most two months with his girlfriends."
"You guys don't get it, this time it's... he seriously seems to want something lasting with her" you let out a sigh, looking at the bottle of soju in front of you. You loved Jin, but before being the man of your dreams (literally) he was your best friend, you were supposed to be happy for him, he looked happy with her, that should be enough for you. "Maybe I should just, I don't know, let it go."
You jumped out of your chair as you heard Chaeyoung gasp at the top of her lungs. You turned to see her only to realize that she was looking at you with the most exaggerated grimace of horror you'd ever seen in your entire life. If you hadn't been so depressed you most likely would have laughed at her face.
"Did you just say you're going to let him go? After spending over twenty years dropping hints and flirting with him in a super lame way?" she rested her hand on your shoulder, shaking her head as fast as her body would allow, "That's not the Y/N I know."
"Well, this Y/N wants to give up and-".
"I agree with Chaeyoung,'' this time it was Sooah who got all the stares. She had never, ever, agreed with Chaeyoung on anything, so it was to be expected that you were so surprised. She put her cell phone aside for the first time all night, resting her gaze on you. 
Your whole body froze in place as you felt her gaze so penetrating on you. She was seriously scary.
"You spent two decades of your life trying to convince Jin to date you, not directly, but it's still a shot," she crossed her arms on the table, leaning towards you, "Don't make those one hundred and seventy-five thousand and two hundred plus hours be in vain."
"Did you just calculate how many hours there are in twenty years?" Chaeyoung pulled out his phone, typing something on the screen. 
"Make that time worth it, you came into his life first, prove that you can make him happier than any other girl."
"Shit, she's right, how did you calculate that so fast?".
You completely ignored Chaeyoung's comment, trying to focus on what Sooah had just told you. Although a part of you felt that she was right and that you should still fight for Jin, the other part of you refused to participate in this stupidity. Jin looked so in love with this girl, how could you come and ruin his happiness? You couldn't be this selfish, not with him.
And, almost as if she was reading your mind, Sooah added, "I know you might be feeling selfish right now, but let's be honest, you've always thought of Jin's happiness over your own, it's time for you to put your feelings first."
"Think of it this way" Chaeyoung smiled at you, gently patting your back, "Whatever you do, it will have an impact on your relationship with Jin; if you let him go with this relationship you will end up walking away from him because of how painful it is to see him with another girl, if you confess to him at this point he might reject you and he be the one to walk away from you, or...".
"He might agree to be with you" Sooah finished, nodding slowly.
"I don't know" you mumbled crestfallen, looking at the thin bracelet on your wrist. Jin had bought it for you with his first paycheck.
"How about this?" clapped Chaeyoung loudly. She moved her chair until you were facing each other, all only to take your cheeks between her hands and crush them to her liking. "Why don't you try to see if what he's feeling is serious? Like, I don't know, find out if she seriously wants Yeji or, on the other hand, has feelings for you and is still in denial."
"That's a good idea." added Sooah.
"And how do I do that?" you looked at both of them, starting to feel that, maybe, their idea wasn't such a bad one.
"Let's start with the basics" Chaeyoung pulled out her phone showing you a list of titles 'places you can take your date' "Try to see how they are as a couple and, while doing that, try to see how people see the three of you."
"What do you mean?" you frowned slightly, reading the list he had just passed you.
"Yes or yes they will think that one of you three is the friend of both of you, or one in this case, if you see that many think that you and Jin are a couple, then it's because people can see something between you."
"And if most think Jin and Yeji are a couple it's because they both have chemistry" you nodded, trying to process your friend's idea.
Did it seem stupid to you? Totally, but you also knew that you didn't have much to lose, just like they said before, no matter how the situation went, you and Jin would end up drifting apart. Besides, you weren't going to do anything to Yeji either, just... you were going to act like you always did with Jin, you would try to see the outside opinion to guide you a little bit. That's just it, you thought, after all, what's the worst that could happen?
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It took you three days to convince yourself that this would be a good idea, that you weren't doing anything wrong, it would just be an outing between the three of you, you weren't going to overstep the limit of your friendship, you would just try to check how the rest of the world saw things, you wanted to prove that you weren't the only one who felt some chemistry between the two of you. 
That's how you ended up in an amusement park at eleven fucking o'clock at night, listening to Jin and Yeji talking about how they should go ride the Ferris wheel for the third time. You had given up on that idea after sharing a booth with them the first time. You didn't think you could stand another fifteen minutes in the same place with those two kissing in front of you. Was this your karma?
"Y/N? Aren't you coming?" Yeji turned around, looking at you with a big smile. You wanted to return it, but your face didn't seem to want to follow your brain's orders.
"Sorry, I'm a little dizzy, I guess the roller coaster left me a little, you know, groggy" you bowed your head a little by way of apology, "you guys go ahead, I'll wait for you on some bench around here."
And off you went, looking for some store that had something meatless. A few years ago, when you and Jin were still in your early twenties, you went to a food truck park, your goals? Eat one thing from each truck. You made it, but you both ended up sick to your stomachs, throwing up for almost a week and unable to eat anything but soup or chicken and rice. Neither has eaten food from those trucks since, it scared you too much to ever do it again. Still, for some strange reason, the memory of that moment made you smile and prompted you to buy some snacks that were light.
After you had walked around a few times, you decided on the store that sold corn dogs that were too big to be real. You almost cried with happiness when you saw that yours was the same size as the sample. You pulled out your wallet and extended the money to whoever was supposed to be acting as cashier. 
"Thank you so much for your purchase" the guy smiled sweetly at you, barely touching your hand with his fingertips as he handed you the change. You were a little surprised, but you let it go, those frictions always happened when you paid for something, didn't they?
"Thanks to you" you smiled back, giving him a slight bow as you walked towards one of the benches that were near the Ferris wheel. It was still five minutes before Jin and Yeji got off. This was a lot more boring than you thought it would be. 
You took a seat and leaned your back against the cool green wood of the bench. The stars looked pretty good tonight, you would have liked to go to a gazebo with Jin like in the old days, or just lay on his balcony next to him and try to form shapes with the glowing dots that rested above your heads. You missed spending time with Jin, even if it was just being her friend.
"Excuse me."
You straightened up in your chair, seeing the corn dog boy standing in front of you, breathing as if he had just run a marathon. Had you forgotten something? You were sure you paid the proper amount, he even gave you change, or maybe he had given it to you wrong? Yes, it definitely had to be that. You pulled out your wallet, ready to return the money you thought you owed him.
"I've been looking all over for you," he mumbled between gasps, pulling a crumpled sheet of paper out of your apron pocket, "I-I know this may not be the best way to do it, but...could I give you my number?".
You almost dropped your wallet in surprise. You looked at the crumpled paper in his hand, just noticing that it had some numbers jotted messily in half-worn blue ink. You couldn't help but smile. You could tell the boy was younger than you and, honestly, you found his way of exchanging numbers too cute. There was never a boy who asked for your number, unless it was for a job of course.
"You came running up to me on your break just to give me your number?" you laughed under your breath as you watched his ears tinge a pretty shade of pastel pink. It reminded you of the time you accidentally ended up watching Jin make out with another girl. It broke you up inside, but you'd be lying if you didn't say that Jin looked so funny trying to explain why you couldn't tell anyone about it.
"I actually ran away from my post so I could come" he cleared his throat, avoiding looking at your face. You noticed how the hand extending the paper trembled slightly in front of you. 
"Y/N?" Jin walked towards you, carrying some sort of deformed frog in one hand and a green balloon in the other. "Who is he?"
"Good question," you looked at the boy, smiling sweetly at him in an attempt to make him feel less nervous, "What's your name? You didn't tell me before."
"I'm Ingyu" he bowed rather exaggeratedly, looking back at you once he was straight, "Jung Ingyu, it's a pleasure to meet you, sorry for introducing myself so late".
"Don't apologize" you laughed, getting up from the bench so you could grab his shoulder, "I appreciate the offer, but I'm sure you're much younger than me."
"I don't think so" he quickly denied, taking your hand between his too gently to pull away. The boy himself was too sweet to refuse. Probably your younger self would have said yes right away.
"She's thirty years old, kid," Jin said for you, patting his hands to let yours go. "And just so you know, she prefers men older than her."
You frowned, turning to Jin. Was that your idea or...?
"Is he your boyfriend?" asked Ingyu, looking between the two of you with a face red with embarrassment, "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know... if I had known before that she had a partner I would never have approached, I promise."
"He and I didn't-".
"It’s okay, I get it, my girl is really cute, but, you know, she's mine, so" you watched as he waved his hand at him, indicating for him to leave. The poor guy almost tripped over a cotton candy stand trying to run away from the situation. You felt like you were nothing away from doing the same.
"Your girl?" you looked at Jin, raising your eyebrows. You weren't going to let him see how much his comment had affected your poor, sensitive heart. You couldn't do that, he wasn't alone.
"Yes, you're my friend, therefore, my girl, isn't it obvious?" he rolled his eyes, walking towards the girls' bathroom, still not releasing your shoulders from his embrace. 
"It didn't sound like that at all" you mumbled, looking at the floor beneath your feet. Could you feel this way even though you knew his girlfriend was in the bathroom in front of you?
"I didn't mean it that way" he let go of your shoulders, shoving his hands in his pockets, "You know that, don't you? We're friends, best friends, hanging out with each other would be... crazy, stupid."
Yeah, well, you didn't want him to notice the fact that he just crushed all your hopes for him either. Did he say that on purpose? Because it really felt that way.
"Yeah, crazy, right?" you sighed, looking up at the sky. You wanted it to be like in the movies, that some comet would pass through the sky above you and so you could ask it wholeheartedly to be able to own Jin's heart, that star would hear your wish and give you a k-drama story where, in the end, both of you would end up as a beautiful couple by the altar. Your rational self laughed at that stupid thought. 
"Can you imagine, you and me together?" Jin chuckled, hugging you from behind and resting his head on top of yours, "Ugh, that would be horrible, I don't think I could be with someone who knows my biggest secret."
"Which one? That in which you pee in your bed until you were ten?" you looked at Jin, trying to sound as natural as possible. You always acted this way with each other, it had to come naturally to you, you had no other choice, you weren't ready to let your best friend go yet. At least not at this moment.
"No, and don't say that in public" he pinched your waist playfully, his smile became a little softer, "How am I supposed to date the person who knows I'm actually a thousand plus year old vampire? That's ridiculous."
This time your laugh is genuine, but not because his attempt to make you laugh worked, but because you knew the context of what he said well.
When you and Jin were still in college he was with a girl. She was... special. She liked all this occult stuff, cults, horrible and fantastic creatures like werewolves, chupacabras, yetis and, of course, vampires. For some reason that neither you nor Jin understood very well, that girl came to the conclusion that Jin was an original vampire, one that was more than a thousand years old and, according to her words, the same one that would give her the bite that would finally turn her into a vampire. You don't remember very well the speech she had said, but you do remember how you had to run to Jin's apartment to help him because the girl had tried to cut her hand and give Jin some of her blood. At the time it was a lousy experience, but today it was another topic you remembered with laughter.
"You're right, we can't allow that, Jinnie, my best vampire friend of over a thousand years."
"Who's a vampire?" muttered Yeji as she approached you both with a towel in her hands. 
Jin let go of you almost instantly, walking over to his girlfriend so he could grab her by the waist and continue on his way. 
Again you felt a strong pressure in your chest, something that was starting to become very common these last days and that, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't avoid unless you got away from both of them. Obviously they would notice if you did, so you decided to endure the pain until the end. You would do it for Jin, for your friend. 
"It's a long story, it would bore you" He left a soft kiss on her forehead, caressing her waist on the pad of your thumb. 
You envied her so much.
"Oh, okay" she nodded quickly, turning to look at you, "are you feeling better? When we were on the Ferris wheel we could see a pharmacy down the street from here, do you want us to stop by there to buy something for your dizzy spells?".
Why did she have to be so nice to you?
"No, don't worry, I’m over it" you smiled at her honestly. Yes, right now that girl was making your heart nothing short of breaking, if it wasn't already, but you couldn't hate her, not when she was sweet all the way through.
On the way to the park she kept talking about the things she wanted to do with you, how excited she was to share some snacks with you, or how she seriously wished she could take some pictures with you and Jin in a photo booth. Even you got caught up in her excitement. 
Until you remembered that she was Jin's girlfriend. 
"It's okay" you noticed how she didn't seem entirely sure, and in an attempt to make it clear to her you decided to propose to her to go eat something from the food trucks, just like she had said in the car. You were surprised to see how quickly her face lit up, "Sure! I've always wanted to try food from these places" she turned to look at Jin, gently pushing him in the direction of the food court, "Go shopping, me and Y/N have something to do."
"Wait, are you kicking me out?" Jin gasped, being dragged by Yeji to the first food truck, "You're supposed to be my girlfriend! You should want to spend more time with me."
"I was with you all afternoon, I barely had time to talk to Y/N," she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and ran back to you, taking your hand and giving you a bright smile. You almost squealed internally at how cute she looked. You hated that Jin had found someone so cute.
"Shall we?" she intertwined her fingers with yours, walking towards the playground part. 
And you just let yourself go.
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"I've always wanted to do this with a friend," Yeji said as she dragged you towards the photo booth. She looked as excited as a kid when they tell you that if you do your homework right they'll give you a double-flavored ice cream as a prize.
"You've never done that before?" you both paused outside the booth, waiting for the group that had entered to come out so you could go inside. "Why?"
"I've never had a friend before" she muttered with her eyes glued to the red curtain that divided the group from you. 
You turned to look at her, surprised at her answer, what did she mean by that? Had she really never had anyone to do these things with?
"How is it possible that you've never had a friend before?" you muttered on impulse, covering your mouth almost instantly. 
"Most of the guys I knew acted like animals, and disgusting ones at that," you noticed how her hand lightly squeezed yours as her head lowered until her view was only the concrete floor, "And the girls... most of them avoided me at best, the rest took it upon themselves to make my life hell because I acted like a phony who just wanted attention from men, stupid, right?"
You nodded silently, thinking a bit about what she had just said. Admittedly, you thought a little badly of her at first, mostly because she seriously seemed to have that nasty 'pick me girl' attitude, but that was only your impression until she spoke and introduced herself. And, while it was true that you loved Jin, you would never have accused her of man-stealing or anything like that, Yeji really seems like the kind of girl that would win your heart just by the way she is. Shit, even you were starting to like her and you had barely known her for a week, and you only talked to her for two days.
"Don't listen to them, they're envious bitches" you nodded firmly, tightening your grip on her hand so you could show her that you supported her, "They know they could never even get to your feet, that's why they say those hurtful shits."
You heard her laugh softly as she covered her mouth with her hand. Your heart broke a little as you watched her eyes begin to fill with tears.
"Thank you for being so sweet to me, Y/N" she whispered as she fanned her eyes with her free hand so she could keep the tears from falling, "Ah, I don't want to appear crying in my first picture with you."
You watched as the group of friends left the booth and you took that instant to enter along with Yeji.
"Come on, you still have time to calm down" you smiled at her, taking a seat in front of the camera. 
She took a big breath of air and gently patted her cheeks, "Good, I'm better, the grief is over." She gave you a soft smile, moving a little closer to you so that you both came into the camera's view. "Ready?" she murmured, looking at the screen you were both reflected in.
"Ready" you nodded, hitting the countdown button. 
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You weren't sure how long it had been since Jin and Yeji had given you a ride home, but you easily thought it might be about three, four hours. You had taken a shower as soon as you arrived, but not before you had talked for hours with Sooah and Chaeyoung, telling them about how every time you spent more time with them you ended up getting more and more attached to Yeji and, in turn, ended up feeling more and more guilty being together with both of them.
Chaeyoung finally told you that, if things were really like that, maybe the best thing would be to let Jin and Yeji be happy and you try to find your own way with another guy; Sooah, on the other hand, kept insisting on you doing it, all with the excuse of making your time count. You didn't quite understand her reasoning, but by this point you no longer questioned it.
Both answers had been left swirling around in your mind even after you had taken a shower. You lay on your bed and stared at your ceiling for a few seconds. It was full of stars shining in the night, the same ones you had bought as a child and had pasted all over your ceiling and walls. By this point you were no longer able to live without those night lights in your room. 
You looked down at the foot of your bed, grabbing your wallet and pulling out the strip of pictures you had taken with Yeji. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw the sequence of the four photos. In the first one you both appeared making a V with your fingers; in the second one you made a heart with your arms, you one half, she the other; in the third one you both appeared looking at the curtain with surprise while half of Jin's body appeared entering the cabin; and, finally, in the fourth one Jin appeared between you both, hugging you and Yeji tightly while the three of you laughed loudly.
The constant ringing of your phone distracted you from what you were doing. You glanced at your desk clock, frowning as you noticed it was almost four in the morning. You picked up your phone and checked your inbox. The first messages were pictures Jin sent you about his departure. In some of them were the three of you, in others the two of them, in another one the two of you, and in some he was just by himself. You were not surprised at all. You wrote him a good night and left his chat.
The other messages were from an unknown number. You went into the chat and almost instantly felt the guilt come back to you.
"Hi, this is Yeji, I hope I'm not bothering you 😣"
"Jin gave me your number, he said you wouldn't mind if I talked to you."
"I just wanted to thank you for tonight, I seriously had a lot of fun, I hope it happens again in the future 😊"
The messages were followed by a series of pictures Yeji had taken from her cell phone. All of them showed both of you, and in most of them you were looking at something else, you hadn't even noticed that she had taken those pictures of you. They were just selfies of her with you behind her, but in all of them she looked so genuinely excited and happy that the guilt didn't take a second to eat you up inside.
You took a breath and opened your phone's keypad.
"You're not intruding, relax, thanks for texting me first 🙂 "
"I hope we get together again soon, I had a lot of fun too!"
You put your phone down on the bed and covered your eyes with your forearm. 
For the first time all night you let the tears you had been holding back for hours fall. It hurt too much, but you had already made a decision, one that would be best for all parties. You nodded to yourself, feeling your chest tighten more and more as it was sinking in what you had decided to do.
"I'm sorry" you whispered, "but I can't do this to them" you rested a hand on your chest, bursting into tears, "You're strong, Y/N, you'll get through this, you'll find someone for you." 
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Series Masterlist.
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redclercs · 1 year
INTERLUDE: this is why we can't have nice things.
— the one where everybody's waiting to see the fall out.
warnings: this is basically like the INTRO chapter with all media, we're going to pretend publications and broadcast timings are not mistaken or fake, okay? ok. am i myself if i don't mention taylor swift in every chapter? no. foul language.
masterlist ✢ next
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By Tom Gill // June 23rd
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Vic Presley confirms y/n hasn't reached out to her even after Vic called asked her to in a publication a few days ago.
"I think she has blocked my number by now," Presley said, "I am devastated by this. I didn't think it was like her to discard relationships so easily."
Presley and y/ln have been friends since 2020, when they met at the opening of the SENSE Club in downtown Los Angeles and quickly became inseparable.
"y/n really was— is my best friend. I miss her and I want her to come back to me."
Vic Presley also commented on y/n's split from Aidan Kim in her own way: "I hate that she hurt Aidan. I was not aware they had so many problems, that's definitely the kind of stuff you tell your best friend."
y/n was spotted just a week ago with alleged (and constantly denied) boyfriend, Charles Leclerc on a stroll around Central Park. Victoria Presley couldn't help but speak her mind on this.
"y/n has changed so much since she met that guy. I met him in Miami and Monaco, he's not one of the good ones. He's managing to isolate her from everyone who loves her."
Once again, Victoria urges y/n to contact her so they can rekindle their friendship. "I am not angry at her, disappointed maybe. But I will always have my arms open for her."
→ Victoria Presley and Mia Kim collab in new project promoting Presley Beauty.
→ y/n y/ln, a disaster waiting to happen.
→ Aidan Kim is 'almost done' with debut solo album
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By Paul Dean // June 28th
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Aidan Kim has been in the spotlight since 2012, when he debuted as a member of boyband phenomenon Star-5 with their hit single "End Of The Day". After the band's dissolution in late 2018 due to creative differences between the members and rumored jealousy disputes that included Aidan himself, the Korean-American superstar decided to pursue a career in acting, in aims of expanding his horizons.
'Supercut' in 2019 was the start of a a succesful career followed by '1922' (2021) and 'Conversations with Friends' (2022) plus the series 'Crimes of the Academy' (2022) before Netflix decided to cancel it.
While it is true that 'Supercut' was a box office hit and sent Aidan Kim and co-star—and former partner—into a whole new level of stardom, Aidan Kim might be regretting ever making that movie.
"Supercut holds a special place in my heart," Aidan commented, politely. "It was my first real movie." Of course Aidan doesn't count the "3D Concert Experience" he starred with his other four bandmates as a real movie. "But I carry the consequences of making Supercut with me to this day."
The whole world is aware of such consequences, as y/n y/ln is keen on having the last word when it comes to the breakup from Kim. It wasn't enough to leave him humiliated by turning his marriage proposal down.
"Someone was looking out for me that night, I think," Aidan has tried his best to let go of such bitter memories by turning them into something positive. "At the end of the day, I'm glad y/n said no. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with her. You're witnessing how unstable she is."
"It's quite shocking honestly," Aidan Kim didn't expect his ex-girlfriend to act like this. "I helped her however I could. Talked to producers, casting agents and journalists to give her a shot. And she says I never did anything for her."
Kim couldn't help but take the chance to refer to his ex's new lover: "But I've moved on. And I hope she does the same soon. If I were Charles Leclerc, I'd be worried my new girlfriend is thinking about her ex-boyfriend so often."
Lastly, Aidan teased his upcoming album, "I've worked very hard on it. I missed making music and I hope you'll like this new sound I'm trying after leaving Star-5's commercial music behind."
"The thing about music, is that it lets you tell your side of the story too. I hope you support a man doing this the same way you root for Taylor Swift, because double-standards are so 'in' right now."
→ Mia Kim, the talented sister of Aidan Kim, set to make big screen debut.
→ Were Mia Kim and Victoria Presley mocking y/n y/ln in new Youtube Video?
→ Mia Kim: "y/n should have kept her mouth shut, there's still shit to be exposed about her."
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[Y/N]: ❝(...) What matters to me right now, is that people now I am nothing of what they're calling me. I am not perfect, nobody is. But I have never cheated on a partner or used someone else as a 'toy' and most importantly, I built my own career.❞
[Y/N]: ❝It gets exhausting, you hear things about yourself you never even thought possible. It could be laughable if it wasn't so cruel❞
[Y/N]: ❝My relationship ended in February, but I believe it was over way before that. I acted in a way that was not fair to my ex-partner nor to myself, and I expressed my regrets about it. He had the right to not accept my apology, but not to make stuff up about the whole situation.❞
[Y/N]: ❝He's feeding his ego, he's a man, after all. But doing it at the expense of my work and my reputation is disgusting. I want one producer or casting agent to come forward and say they gave me a role thanks to my ex-boyfriend's input, just one.❞
[Y/N]: ❝I have surrounded myself with different people. They have been a great support system, always motivating me, and holding me back when I'm about to do something stupid. This also means I have left some people out of what's going on with me, and it's for the best.❞
[Y/N]: ❝Taylor Swift, bless her soul, has given me a lot of advice. She's the sweetest person ever and since the same guy that is trying to drag me has gone after her in a few interviews, she wants this to be over as much as I do. I think he made a mistake by messing with Taylor too.❞
[Y/N]: ❝Rumors will keep running, but I am finally at peace with knowing who I am and who I can trust. But those 'sources' should know my patience is running out.❞
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By Jenny Highland // July 20th
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Mia Kim and Victoria Presley are the hottest topic right now, but not for the reasons both influencers wish, as they are in trouble!
Both Los Angeles locals have received a 'Cease and Desist' letter from recovering actress y/n y/ln this week, per her team's advice. This was confirmed by both Presley and Kim on Twitter, saying they are 'flabbergasted' that y/n is accusing them of defamation.
While y/n is far from gaining her place back in the public's heart, we are not blind to what Victoria and Mia have done for the past month, riding the wave to get views and followers talking about their shared time with y/n. Who has every right to ask them to stop, as she has done in several interviews throughout the month.
For many people, this makes it more evident that it was either Presley or Kim who contacted tabloids to get their five minutes of fame and sink y/n deeper.
Actions have consequences for everyone, and if y/n decided to pick this fight at this point in her downfall/rerise/wherever it is that we are with her, it's because she knows she can win, right?
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─── team principal radio: ❝thank you for reading! please let me know your thoughts! I know I'm ending your patience with this slow burn thing but I promise you we're getting there! Charles is back next chapter and you'll see haha. again, your interactions mean the world to me and i'm sorry if sometimes i don't reply to your comments, i'm just awkward but i love you all♡❞
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1onescu · 4 months
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 - aubrey griffin
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pairing: aubrey griffin x singer!fem!reader
basically what the song's about lowkey?
The crowd at Madison Square Garden roared as you finished the final chords of your hit song, "Dress." The song had taken the world by storm, its lyrics filled with longing and secret passion, leaving fans and media alike speculating about the mysterious muse behind it. Little did they know, the inspiration was standing just off-stage, her heart pounding with pride and love.
Aubrey watched you with a mix of admiration and adoration. The two of you had been best friends for years, your bond deepening over shared secrets and stolen glances. It wasn’t until a year ago that those feelings were finally voiced, and since then, you had both been navigating the thrilling world of a secret relationship.
Backstage, you could feel the excitement and tension. The concert was a success, but now came the part you dreaded most: the post-show interview. Reporters would undoubtedly ask about the song, as they had in every other interview since its release. You took a deep breath, stealing a glance at Aubrey. She gave you a reassuring smile, the kind that made your heart flutter and your resolve strengthen.
"Y/N, your song 'Dress' has captivated millions. The lyrics are so intimate and personal. Can you tell us who it's about?" the first reporter asked as you took your seat in front of the cameras.
You chuckled, a rehearsed but genuine sound. "You know, I've been asked that a lot. I think part of the magic of music is letting people find their own stories in the songs. 'Dress' is very personal to me, and I think it resonates with so many because we've all had that person who makes us feel something deep and intense."
The reporters pressed on, but you expertly dodged their attempts to unearth the truth. You'd become a professional at keeping your love life under wraps, protecting what was most precious to you. Only a select few knew the real story, and that was exactly how you wanted it.
After the interview, you slipped away to your dressing room, longing for a moment of solitude. You found Aubrey waiting there, a proud smile on her face.
"You handled that well," she said, her voice soft and filled with admiration.
"Thanks," you replied, stepping into her embrace. "It's getting harder, though. I want to tell the world about us."
Aubrey pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. "I know, but right now, it's our secret. And there's something kind of beautiful about that, don’t you think?"
You nodded, knowing she was right. The secrecy added a layer of intensity to your relationship, every hidden touch and whispered word charged with electricity. You pressed a soft kiss to her lips, grateful for her understanding and patience.
Months passed, and the speculation about "Dress" continued to grow. Every time you performed it, you could feel the weight of the audience's curiosity. But you also felt the warmth of Aubrey's gaze, always watching, always supporting.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of interviews and rehearsals, you found yourself alone in your apartment, with phone in your hand, on call with Aubrey. Ahe had to go back to connecticut due to her basketball practices and you missed her dearly. The city buzzed outside, but within these walls, it was just the two of you.
"Do you ever wish we could just tell everyone?" you asked, voicing the question that had been on your mind all day.
Aubrey considering her answer. "Sometimes, yes. But then I remember that what we have is ours. No one else can touch it or judge it. It's pure."
You smiled, feeling the truth of her words. "You're right. But maybe one day, we won't have to hide."
"Maybe," Aubrey agreed. "But for now, I'm happy just being with you, however that looks."
You wanted to nestle into her embrace, so you could feel a sense of peace. The world could speculate all it wanted, but the truth was something only you and Aubrey shared. And for now, that was more than enough.
The end of the tour brought a bittersweet feeling. You loved performing, but you also craved the quiet moments with Aubrey. As the final concert approached, you decided to do something bold.
Standing on stage, the audience cheering wildly, you took a deep breath. "I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight," you began. "This is the last show of the tour and i couldn't be thankful for everyone who was with me through this year. This last song is very special to me. It's about someone who means the world to me." Even though, Aubrey supposed to be in Connecticut she didn't want to miss this show.
You could see Aubrey watching from the side of the stage, her eyes wide with surprise. "This is 'Dress,'" you continued, "and it's for you."
The crowd erupted in applause, but all you could see was Aubrey, tears of joy shining in her eyes. As you sang, you poured all your love and passion into the performance, knowing that finally, the world would know the truth.
When the last note faded, you walked off the stage, straight into Aubrey's arms. The cameras flashed, capturing the moment, but you didn't care. This was your story, your love, and you were finally ready to share it with the world.
From that night on, things were different. The media frenzy was intense, but you faced it together, stronger for having shared your truth. And every time you sang "Dress," you did so with a heart full of love, knowing that everyone now knew it was about the incredible woman by your side.
And in the end, that was the greatest encore of all.
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koji-haru · 3 months
Time Travel Au Part: 3
Michael did find Lucifer and Lilith. He also reminded them of their assigned roles in Eden. Unfortunately, he didn't catch them do anything that would warrant their banishment from Eden.
Maybe next time.
Adam laid on his stomach on the grass, hands folded under his chin, feet swinging in the air as he watched Lilith and Lucifer getting a lecture from Michael. Both their gazes were turned down, a sullen look painted on both of their faces. It was obvious they didn't care for Michael's sermon, and were only sorry for being noticed. Adam hoped that Michael does more than notice one day. The sooner they were gone, the sooner he can truly enjoy the paradise God had made for him.
“Lucifer, the reason you're allowed in Eden is to watch over the humans. BOTH humans.”
“Lilith, although you're the newest here, you should already know better than to stall the plan God has made for you.”
And so and so…
After a few more minutes, Michael ended his lecture, turning towards Adam. Noticing that Michael was heading his direction, Adam quickly wiped the smug grin off his face, and replaced it with a concerned look.
Michael crouched in front of Adam. “I've talked to them. You wouldn't be left alone again.”
Adam beamed at Michael. “Really? Thank you so much Michael!”
Too bad I'd actually prefer if they left me alone. Permanently.
Michael gave a final stern look at both Lucifer and Lilith, and once satisfied, took off to the skies.
Left on his own, Adam turned his attention back to both victims of Michael's scolding. He stood up, dusting himself a bit.
“Well, it's getting dark. Want to get dinner together?”
He gave a slight smile, head tilted to the side. The last rays of the day dipped lower and lower behind him, his golden eyes seemingly glowed under the shadow he casted.
A few days have passed since then. Michael's scolding had only taught both Lilith and Lucifer to be sneakier, Lilith and Adam’s relationship only broke further apart, and while Lucifer tried to be more present for Adam, Adam always seemed to be preoccupied with others things to pay any attention to him. Lucifer would ask questions about what his new inventions, and Adam would always answer politely but brief, often leaving no space for further conversation until Lucifer decided to fly away.
Today Adam was going to finish making his acoustic guitar. One of the few times he actually sought out Lucifer was to ask about instruments, hoping to get a guitar. To his disappointment, the guitar wasn't something the angels made, and they only knew of (for now) of fiddles, lutes and harps. While Adam knew how to play every instrument to have existed, the guitar was always his favourite. And so, he painstakingly carved himself a guitar, making progress day by day.
He gave the strings a test strum before deciding to play a tune. It was a song he made for Eve to comfort her after they got casted out of Eden.
He closed his eyes playing the song, trying to feel tune as it came back to him. It had been a very long time since he played the song. Sure, he played songs for other people, he had his concerts, requests from both winners and heavenborn, and of course he always played for his girls. But this song, he only played it for Eve and his children.
Memories came flooding back to him, both bitter and sweet. Tender moments with Eve under the moon, a campfire birthday celebration, Cain's banishment… He missed them all dearly, but was he willing to leave paradise just to have them again? What if history repeats itself once he leaves Eden? Cain killing Abel and his banishment, his children getting sick and dying before him, struggling everyday just to get by. No. He refused to relive that. Despite the good that came with Eve and their children, he refuses to suffer in life again. This time he will be himself first. This time he will be selfish. Even if Eve bites the forbidden fruit again. He will remain in the paradise made for him. After a lifetime of hardship he deserved it. Those moments with Eve will just have to remain as memories.
Lost in his song, Adam didn't notice the approaching presence behind him until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Adam jolted awake from his reverie, turning to see who disturbed him.
“Oh. Hi Michael. What brings you here?”
“I came to inspect the garden,” he paused, before making his way in front of Adam.
“I called out to you a few times.”
Michael scanned over Adam, checking for anything wrong. Sure, he still believed that God can not make mistakes, but he noticed that Adam sometimes didn't respond to calls of attention. In fact, that was the first thing he did since he was made. And from what he heard from Lucifer, the first man always seemed to be preoccupied, at least mentally, and muttering incomprehensible things. Then there was Lilith. So perhaps while perfect, the first humans had some ‘quirks’ he couldn't yet fully understand.
“Oh, I guess didn't hear you.”
Michael remained in front of Adam, still scrutinising him. He was sure he called out loud enough to be heard.
Fuck. Have I been too reckless?
Lucifer and Lilith, he knew how to get around them, to do as he pleased without being too suspicious. But Michael, well, he was never that close with the angel, and so he didn't know how he worked.
“I was trying out this new instrument I made. I call it the guitar,” Adam presented his newly crafted guitar to Michael, a proud look on his face.
Michael took a glance at the guitar, and then around Adam. “Lilith is not with you?”
Adam shook his head.
“And Lucifer..?
“Both of them said they had other things to do…” Adam looked down, one hand on the back of his neck, trying to look sheepish.
Michael shook his head and released a disappointed sigh, and as he was about to leave, Adam stopped him.
“Do you want to listen to me play a song?”
Adam looked up from his spot on the ground, a small, shy smile across his face. He couldn't let Michael leave just like that, now that he was here. This was his opportunity to observe the angel, to understand how his cogwheels turn, and hopefully get him on his side when the time comes.
Michael seemed to hesitate for a moment, before tucking away his six wings and taking a spot beside Adam. He turned to Adam, crystal blue eyes offering him his full sincere attention.
“I did say you wouldn't be left alone again.”
[Guitarhero is a go!!!]
Part 2
Part 4
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acesofspadess · 7 months
I definitely published this a bit out of order but bare with me
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“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
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kpop-yes · 1 year
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Ryujin x male reader: Fan Favorite
Ryujin POV
It's been a few months since a group i've been in, Itzy, Debuted.
And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't stressful, because it was very stressful.
We had a strict schedule and had to practice on a daily basis with barely any energy.
And one way people like to get rod of stress, is sex.
But it's hard being an idol and trying to have sex.
It either ends up being a creep or some lowlife cheating behind my back.
Speaking of my idol life, that reminds me that I have a fam meetup in a few hours.
I haven't really been interested in having sex with any of my fans, except for one.
He's always at every concert or fan meetup, and he's always at the front row, having a t-shirt or sign of me on it.
With all the times we've interacted, He's single and most definitely handsome~
Anyways I might take him to a hotel, to talk, and maybe a little more than that... Okay maybe sex.
After entering our venue and meeting with security and staff, It was time for my plan to take action.
I've made a little note with my hotel address and room number, Then if he does show up, I'll get to know him a bit, then if does seem to be a good guy, then this night could take lust turn.
Another day, another Itzy fan show.
I decided to buy a little plushie to give to Ryujin, I hope she likes it.
Anyways, I better get going, the venue isn't far but I wanna get to my seat first before the venue gets crowded.
Ever since Itzy debuted, I've been in love with Ryujin, and she's been my bias ever since 2019 when they debuted.
- TimeSkip -
I arrived at the venue and sat down in my seat, noticing only that a couple people were here and they were taking pictures.
I looked up at the stage to see people setting up tables and chairs and getting everything set up.
That's when everyone rushed in and started taking their seats.
After a few minutes, Itzy walked and everyone started cheering, including me.
They were bowing and as soon as they were taking seats, I swear I saw her wink at me.
- Ryujin POV -
We all walked up to the front of the stage, bowed, and introduced ourselves to the fans, add as were walking to our seats, I spotted him, and I winked at him.
I felt so proud of myself for making the first move, hopefully he noticed.
Anyways, we sat down at our seats and explained how gifts and pictures worked, and after explaining some more rules, our fans started lining one by one for a signature and picture.
I looked to see where he was and saw that he was one of the first in line.
I got more nervous the more he moved closer, but why, if anything he should be the nervous one.
After taking a couple pictures and signing, It was his turn, what was his name again? was it y/n? might as well give it a shot.
He walked up to me and handed a little plushie,
"I hope you like it", he says.
"Like it? I love it! Thanks um... Y/n right?"
"Yes, you remembered my name!"
"How could I forget one of my biggest fans names! Anyways, Do you want a picture or an autograph?"
"Just a picture please!"
He handed me his phone and I took a photo of us, he looked very cute, but now it was time to give him the note.
- Y/n POV -
After taking a photo with Ryujin, I turned around and was about to walk off stage when I felt something in my hand.
I turned around to see Ryujin handing me a note,
The note said
-Meet me at (Random hotel address and room number) At 12:00 -
Is this really happening, has THE Ryujin invited me to her hotel room?!
I looked at her to see if this was some sort of joke but after looking deep in her sincere eyes, I don't think she's joking.
I nervously walked off the stage and back in my seat.
- Timeskip -
The rest of the fan meet was very awkward for me so much. I felt very awkward just looking at ryujin and couldn't focus on the fan meet and worried more about what she wanted from me.
Did she want to give me something? Was she going to do something to me? did she give me the correct hotel number?
So many thoughts and dirty thoughts running through my head the whole time.
I left instantly
when the fan meet ended and didn't look back.
I drove home, showered, and got ready to hopefully meet Ryujin at the hotel.
- Timeskip -
I left my house and got in my car, nervously I drove to the hotel address.
Never had I thought that I'd be driving to meet Ryujin at a hotel in private, One could only dream about this happening, but not me.
I arrived at the hotel, and it wasn't that big, Not I even I would suspect that an Idol was staying here.
I got out of my car and walked into the hotel, I asked the person at the desk where the room number Ryujin told me was at.
They gave me instructions and I was now taking an elevator to the room where Ryujin is supposedly at.
I got off the elevator and I found the room.
I nervously walked up to the door and knocked.
*Knock* *Knock*
Nothing, I guess she really did give me a random room number-
The door got unlocked, the door slowly opened and,
There she was, Ryujin, In front of me.
"Hey, you came! Come inside", she said.
I walked inside the room to see a bed, bathroom, and tv.
Nothing expensive just a normal room.
I sat down on the bed and Ryujin Closed the door and sat next to me.
"So, Why did you want me to meet you here?" I asked.
"Oh because I wanted to ask you some questions!"
And for the next 20 minutes Ryujin asked me questions like what I do on my free time and My hobbies.
Nothing seemed unusual until the final question.
"Anyways, I have one final question", she said while moving closer to me.
"Un sure, ask away".
She got closer to me until her face was right in front of me. She got closer to my ear and whispered,
"Are you a virgin Y/n?"
What, How am I supposed to answer that question?!?
If I say no she'll expect me to be experienced?  But if i say yes I'll probably look like a loser to her?
What do I say?!?
"Um, Y-Yeah Im a V-Virgin" I said nervously
"Perfect~ Take off your pants"
I did as she said and started unbuckling my pants.
But I guess I was taking too long because she got on her knees and started taking off my pants.
After struggling to unzip my pants, she roughly pulled them down and admired my member bulging through my boxers, then taking them off.
One thing I won't ever forget is the second when my member slapped a crossed face and her face admiring my member.
After admiring my member for a minute, she wraps her hands around my member and starts to stroke it.
I couldn’t stop myself from moaning.
The sensation was already amazing but knowing that Ryujin was stroking my dick the sensation was even better.
Going from stroking, Ryujin Puckered her lips as she slowly started to give me a blowjob.
Her tongue twisting in the inside of her mouth while moving her head back and forward was something that you could only imagine.
My head felt lightheaded snd I felt like I was about to blow my load.
I guess Ryujin could sense my load as she suddenly stopped what she was doing and stood up.
She looked me in the eyes while slowly stripping right in front of me.
After taking off most of her clothes, all that was left were her bra and her soaked panties.
She fell on the bed back first and seemingly waited for me.
“Come on, you’re taking too long. Woman also need some stress taken care of!” She said frustrated.
I moved on top of her and started moving her panties to the side snd admired her soaked Vagina.
But I guess I took too long because she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in her grasp.
I lined ip my member to her pussy and slowly inserted my dick into her.
Her slow moans gave me more confidence to move more inside of her.
After being fully inside of her, I stroked back and forward slowly, Hearing her moans was a pleasant sound to hear.
My mind started to get foggy as I started to Stroke harder, My head felt dizzy but I kept stroking until I was about to reach my limit,
“Ah, Ryujin, I’m about to cum-“
“Do it, Do it Y/n, Fucking cum inside of me!”
After getting confirmation from Ryujin, I kept pounding until I blew my load inside of her.
I Laid beside her, Admiring her body.
Even tho I blew my load, My member was still rock hard.
Ryujin looked back at me and smirked.
And after what seemed like a looooong night, Ryujin gave me her number and told me,
“Call me if you ever fell stressed again”.
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nancy-xx · 3 months
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Nancy and Sid, Johnny Moped Concert, 1978.
The History of these Photos:
"My name is Silvia Escario... but people call me Sylvia Resorte. I was a singer in one of the first punk rock bands from Barcelona called Ultimo Resorte. We were the first punk band with a female singer in Barcelona, and since then I've been playing in other bands like Berlin 80... now I have a band called Algo Toxico. I took these photos of Sid and Nancy in London in 1978. I don't remember the name of the club I took them to, it looked like a big old dance hall, all I remember is that Johnny Moped was playing... Since I barely knew English, I used signs and looks to get to know a girl who became famous in the London punk scene only because of her hairstyle. Her name was Su Catwoman. Su and I were on the dance floor, figuring out ways NOT to dance like punks, they were playing X-Ray Spex, and suddenly Su stopped to tell me that Sid Vicious had just entered the club... I took my camera, which was given to me by my grandmother (a former journalist during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s), and ran up to Sid. I took my picture, but then I thought it wasn't very good, so I decided to take another one. I was preparing to do it, but just at that moment Nancy appeared in the lens. She hit my camera and I dropped it on the floor. I thought it was broken and picked it up, but it was fine. I turned to glare at Nancy... but she had already turned away, not caring at all about me or my camera. It really pissed me off because the camera belonged to my grandmother and she could have broken it. So I kicked her in the ass. Sid saw me doing it, turned around and kicked me in the stomach. Nancy came up to me again, came to my face and looked at me with FURY, she grabbed my hands and almost scratched me with her long pink nails (I didn't have nails to scratch her back), and we just stood there looking at each other with hatred, until another punk girl came up to us and told us not to get mad, quit it, there was nothing special about it.... A few days later I was returning to Barcelona and thinking only about two things. Firstly, I was very worried about the quarrel with Nancy and regretted that we could not become friends instead of quarrels, which now made me feel only disappointment and guilt. Secondly, I thought that I would never sell these photos or use them for profit. They didn't belong to me. They belonged to a Punk In 1979, I formed a punk band with my then boyfriend. Our name was Ultimo Resorte, our first concert took place in a psychiatric hospital. (Ultima Resorte means "Last Resort", but we had that name before the British OI band). Looking back, I believe that Nancy, in those last days before she died, really tried to help Sid deal with his demons, but her own negative emotions and longings were too hard to resist. I always say it wasn't Sid who killed Nancy. It was this world that killed both of them."
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strayrumia · 5 months
Unfamiliarity (oneshot)
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felix x fem!reader
Synopsis: After her break-up from her long-term relationship, [Y/n] is left wondering if she was deserving of love and gentleness. Fortunately for her, she has a best friend who's been supporting her since the beginning. Not only that, but he's also more than happy to show her she deserves the love she longed for. -or- [Y/n] is left touch-deprived and doubting that she's deserving of anything wholesome after having left a relationship that left her with nothing but heartbreak, trauma, and neglect. Her best friend proves her wrong.
Genre(s): fluffy ending, implied best friends to lovers (can be taken platonically), angst Other tags: non!idol au, (wholesome) physical touch Content/Trigger Warning(s): mentions of SA (s*xual ab*se) and emotional ab*se from past relationship, very heavy mentions of insecurity and feeling worth is based off s*x, mentions of food
[A/N]: This is more of a ventfic and something that I wanted to just let out. It might not be the best fic I've written as it has a VERY open ending/lacks a proper ending. I also wrote this late at night, very head-empty. I hope if you do read it, you'll feel heard or a reminder that you deserve the love you give to others! <3
Has it been weeks?
No, it's actually been a few months since the day you gained the confidence and willpower to walk out on your past and very toxic relationship. You've kept track. After all, you thought your ex would be hurting too, until you've discovered from mutual friends that he had already moved on.
That's right. At first, it was a mention from a mutual that they've heard him mention on his own socials that he was going to a concert - a concert of a group you were very confident he didn't know nor listen to very much. Then the day came when it was the supposed concert. You saw on another mutual friend's Instagram that he was seeing the group with the same girl he told you not to worry about countless times prior. The same girl who he would not hesitate to make time when she said the word, yet when you asked him for his time, he would throw a fit. Then goes the most recent news - that he was supposedly trying to get on his coworker.
This boy was the same one who told you, when you sobbed to him while trying to stand your ground, that he didn't agree to this relationship ending and he wanted to continue fighting for you two. The same one that told you that he'd rather you stay with him and heal than walk away. The same one who told you, "will we ever be together again in the future?"
It hurt.
It hurt knowing that this person you gave five long, hard years for threw you away so easily. You fought for him despite your friends and family refusing to support your relationship, despite the fact that they all mentioned how he had red flags yet your young, naive self gave him the benefit of the doubt. You fought for him, yet you got taken advantage of in more ways than you want to remember while he felt little to no remorse for his actions as his words never aligned.
It hurt knowing that while you gave a lot of love to him, you're left wondering if you're even enough for another person, if there will ever be someone in your life to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. While you were still healing, your ex, who you walked away still full of love, was ready to find the next person to fuck around with.
Though many of your friends suggested you to hop on the dating apps and just fuck your feelings away to those who had no strings attached, you knew you couldn't do that. You love with your whole heart. Sure you can sleep with others and enjoy the sex life with potential partners who shared your kinky fantasies, but how can you? Your relationship was full of one-sided lust that you felt like you were only good for sex.
You were healing a lot faster now that months had gone by since your breakup, but it didn't stop the thoughts of insecurity that would constantly come up every now and then. You've gone on many hangouts with friends who happened to be dating and seen just how wonderfully they treat each other and it makes you wonder... 'Will I ever get that kind of treatment?'
After your breakup, you made a vow to yourself that you would set aside as much time as you can to spend with your friends and family, the very people who supported you individually from the start and continued to even after that. Through each hangout, your best friend, Felix, was there every step of the way.
He was always there since the beginning. He was there when he warned you about your ex before you got into that relationship. He was there during your entire relationship, albeit being at a bit of a distance to respect your space and privacy with your partner. Lastly, he's there for you right now.
You had spent the whole day with him, letting the day be a normal hangout - one that allowed you two to enjoy board games with other friends before they had to go home, leaving you alone in your small apartment with Felix.
After the mutual friends had left, Felix had noticed your mood shift slightly towards the end of the game night and decided to bake you some chocolate chip cookies as a treat to cheer you up. He knew they were your favorite sweet treats after all. While he prepped the ingredients and put up a YouTube video in the background, you scrolled through your Instagram feed lazily, only to have the worst timing and notice the same girl you were warned to not worry about post about your ex yet again. Yes you were doing better in this healing process but the pain was still ever so present.
You let out an exasperated sigh as your head dropped into your folded arms against the counter, causing Felix to look up from the video and pause. "Are you alright?"
You only responded with an unhappy, muffled groan in your arms. Felix raised an eyebrow at you as his gaze shifted towards the phone in your hand. Your screen stayed stagnant on the post with your friend and your ex.
"You know, you could always remove this girl from your socials. Why don't you? It's not like you still talk to her." Felix suggested, taking your phone out of your hands and analyzing the post.
"She hasn't done anything directly to make me have a reason to cut her off... it wouldn't be right." You retorted. That thought often crossed your mind without him even mentioning it if you were being honest. It would lift a mental load on you to remove the last person who wanted to associate with your ex from your social media, but you still felt it was wrong to remove someone who never hurt you, at least with intention.
Felix scoffed. "Does it matter? She doesn't know him well enough to know what he did to you, or to anticipate what he might do to her. If it helps you in the long run, you might as well do it."
You ignored his reply, your thoughts were going elsewhere anyway. You stared into nothingness as the post's image burned into your brain, how happy the girl was to be beside the abuser. Your thoughts were going all over the place if you were being honest.
'Why do you want to associate with him? He's a horrible person! Ugh, but you don't know...'
'You don't even know how terrible he is, but I guess sometimes people only learn the hard way...'
'He literally told me not to worry about her and how he only saw her as a little sister figure but why was his hand so dangerously low in that photo...'
'Just how many lies did he feed me to keep me from trusting my gut feelings...'
'She is a pretty girl with a gorgeous figure... it's no wonder he kept his eyes on her.'
'She was the one worth driving an hour and more for without hesitation. She was the one he was willing to treat out to restaurants and gift flowers for. I was the inconvenience after all...'
Your thoughts were becoming sadder and darker as they went through each and every lie he told you. Tears began to well in your eyes until you suddenly felt your hand getting tugged, dragging you out of your thoughts and into the situation at hand. Felix started leading you towards your couch and maneuvered you into sitting onto his lap.
"Wh- Felix, what are you doing? I-I'm heavy!" You started to get embarrassed and immediately tried to lift yourself from his lap, only for him to keep you there with his arms. He kept you in a gentle yet firm embrace that prevented you from trying to escape.
"You're not even heavy, stop it." You stopped squirming and just continued to avoid his gaze. You knew if he saw the tears threatening to fall from your eyes you would hear it from him, but he surprisingly said nothing as he kept you in his arms.
He reached over to the side and grabbed a blanket nearby, drooping over his back before he took each end to make his way to wrap you in. He gently cradled your head into his neck, his head sitting softly atop yours. His other arm kept you in an unescapable hold while rubbing small circles on your back. Although you wanted to escape out of embarrassment, you didn't retaliate to his small, gentle gestures. You felt your muddy thoughts begin to clear out as Felix continued to cradle you in his arms.
"Felix... what are you doing?" You repeated with more naivety and less aggression.
"What does it look like, [Y/n]?"
Your face began to flush, but you tried your best to pay it no mind. "You don't need to do this to me, okay? I don't... I don't deserve it."
"Why do you think you don't deserve it?"
The post burned into your mind again. "Because... there are better people out there who deserve it more than I do." Like her. I'm not someone you should be doing these kinds of things to. I don't deserve it.
"Hmm... maybe you're right, but I know you deserve to feel secure and have affection too." Felix replied, adjusting slightly to turn your head to face his direction as he started brushing his fingers through your hair, pushing your loose strands away from your face to the best of his ability in your position. The gesture small yet soothing, an unfamiliar feeling that you definitely leaned into and enjoyed every minute of.
"I can't imagine what he put you through but what I can tell you is that you too are deserving of more than just being treated as an object. You're not an object, you're a human, okay? So don't ever treat yourself as anything less when you deserve more."
You felt the tears in your eyes rebuild from the ever growing happiness in your heart hearing his words, but you fought them from overflowing. You shook your head, wanting to retort more but as you opened your mouth, the words never left your throat. It felt that if you tried to counter Felix again, the tears would win over and you wouldn't be able to stop. 'I really don't...'
"[Y/n]," he softly pressed his lips against the crown of your head. "You deserve to feel loved too. You deserve to experience the joys of getting a wonderful surprise from your support system. You deserve to be invited and brought to cute and romantic dates with lots of effort. You deserve something even as simple as handholding!"
It's as if he felt your tears fall because he pulled you away from him to use his free hand to gently wipe away the tears from your eyes, not caring that they lightly stained his sleeve and shirt. He continued to brush your loose hairs away from your facial features as he made sure you kept your eyes on him. "You are loved and you will experience that love too. If you allow me, I will show you exactly how you should be treated - although, it might just be the same as what we already do."
"But... what would be the difference between the things we do now compared to the things we will do after this point?"
"Well, I guess I won't have to hold back how I feel about you. That would probably be the only difference." He said with a small chuckle. "But you don't have to worry about anything, I don't expect you to feel anything right away nor do I want you to feel rushed into deciding anything with me. I just want you to experience the love, respect, and happiness you're supposed to have."
You thought about it with a smile. Your current experience with Felix as of recently has been filled with nothing but joy and laughter. There would be times where you would vent about your healing thoughts and he would generously offer an ear and shoulder. Most of the time, however, it was genuine laughs and happiness that triggered your habit of hiccupping when you laughed too hard. Those memories you've made with him recently just made you enjoy his presence more and more. It was no lie that he made sure he always thought of your picky habits whenever others wanted to go to a restaurant, how he made your heart flutter with every smile he shone at you and every gentlemanly gesture he did in consideration of you.
It wasn't going to be an easy lesson to relearn but you knew exactly what he was trying to teach you. You don't know how to accept such kind and affectionate gestures because you were so used to bland, lustful touches. You didn't think you deserved to be treated so delicately when all you've known is how to be used and thrown to the side when the other was no longer satisfied.
It was hard, but you can feel your healing process become much easier and smoother with Felix by your side. After all, he knew you best, he witnessed you through your highs and lows to the point where he learned what ticked you off and what brought you the highest joy. He's someone who observed and applied what he learned to make sure you would be treated with the respect you deserved.
It won't be quick and it won't be easy, but one thing you know for sure is that you felt the most safe and loved with him than anyone you can ever imagine.
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staytinyville · 1 year
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The Thoughts of a Lover
↣ Summary: You meet your soulmates at one of their concerts. From there you guys decide to wait for their tour to finish before meeting up with each other to start the rest of your lives together. However, that didn’t stop you from doing things while overseas. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Yunho x Mingi x reader
↣ Genre: Mature/Smut (MDNI)
↣ AU/Trope info: Soulmate!au (You can see/hear your soulmate’s thoughts)
↣ Word Count: 5.8k
↣ Warnings: dom!Yunho, sub!Mingi, phone sex, mxm, oral (m receiving), threesome,
↣ A/N: BETA READER @mariana-mmtz Honestly I didn't know I had this in me. I was heckin proud. I was kicking my feet and giggling the whole time. This is my first post to the networks I've joined and I'm so happy about it!
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At a certain age–usually around puberty–people get what is known as The Thoughts of a Lover in their head. It’s a terrible name really, but it’s what philosophers from Roman time decided to call it. Those Romans were clearly very passionate people.
It was meant to signify that somewhere in the world someone was connected to your spiritual essence. It was the will of the universe, knowing exactly what it was doing when it created humans. They knew their creations needed to be procreated somehow, so what better way to do that than by making a destined person for you personally.
Times changed, of course, people didn’t feel the need to fall in love with their destined person much. They realized that while there would always be someone there who was like their other half, people knew that they had free will. It wasn’t common though, to go about without finding your destined soulmate. The universe knew what it was doing every time it pulled apart a soul to place down on Earth.
Sometimes though, the universe would pull it apart more than once.
The myth goes; the creators pull apart a soul to create two and then toss them into a bucket. Another creator then grabs one and throws it down to earth. Every few years or so, there can be a creator who forgets they had already split a soul apart and ends up doing it again. Thus creating more than one soulmate.
Multiple soulmates were rare, but not unheard of. The most a soul was considered to be pulled apart was 4 times with a total of 5 soulmates. And that was at millennia ago. Now, at most, someone had four soulmates.
You had considered yourself special when you had turned 14 and suddenly heard not one but two voices in your head. Their random thoughts often surprised you but still somehow brought a smile to your face to know they were real and out there for you to find.
You were the kind of person who believed in destiny and staying with your soulmate. It was a bit intimidating to know that you had two–worry frequently creeped into your head when you thought about how you could possibly manage the two, but if their souls were just a separation from yours, you knew they too were meant to be together.
The day you met your own soulmates was the day you went to their concert. You attended their soundcheck and tried to get them to notice you from the floor. The universe, however, only allowed certain thoughts that didn’t involve speaking to them directly to pass through the bond. So you had to speak as though you weren’t actually talking to them.
Yunho had been the one to spot you first after you had started to think about rock, paper, scissors and play it out with him. They were overjoyed at the discovery, getting you to meet them at their hotel, where you spent the night with them.
It hadn’t been that long ago, only four months having passed since then. It gave you time to get your life together for when the boys would come back. There was a lot of texting and calling over the phone, which left you happy enough. All three of you would always express how much you miss each other, but it wouldn’t be long before you saw them again.
You had been going over some assignments, Yunho on the phone telling you all about their concert of the night. You would laugh at the things he would tell you, enjoying his voice over the speakerphone. As you began to type out some response to an email, one of the boy’s thoughts drifted over to your head.
I wonder if her thighs are soft. They felt soft last time. Mingi’s voice resounded.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over at your phone. “Where’s Mingi?” You asked Yunho.
“He’s in the shower.” The man answered you.
You hummed to yourself, looking over at your computer screen.
I want to be smothered in them. Really I do. His thoughts once again penetrated your mind.
You shut your laptop closed, picking up your phone and moving from the computer. You felt a shiver go down your spine as dirty images seemed to pop up in your head. Your eyes went wide, making quick work to reach your bedroom and lay down.
“Angel, are you okay?” Yunho asked, shuffling around in the hotel room.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You told him, sitting on your bed.
“Mingi!” You heard Yunho shout. “Hurry up.”
“Don’t lie to me. I saw them too.” The man sighed over the phone.
An unbearing heat crept over your body, your muscles twitching at the revelation Yunho had just told you. Of course, he had heard Mingi too.
“It’s nothing I’m not used to.” You told him quietly.
Yunho snorted. “I’m realizing how terrible that must have been. We’re so sorry you had to witness those things.” He laughed.
“I mean, I had needs too. You weren’t the only one I would assume.” You giggled.
“You are in fact right. Choi Minho? I see.” Yunho laughed out loud.
“Yunho!” Your face turned hot.
You fell back onto your bed, phone pressed to your ear. As you heard Mingi step out of the shower and get scolded by Yunho, the only thing that was brought to your mind was the amount of times you would scold yourself for thinking filthy things, knowing your soulmates were probably seeing them as well.
Was Mingi really thinking about me that way? You asked yourself.
You subconsciously began to rub at your thighs, lightly skimming your fingers over the tops of them and up to your hips. The shirt you wore to bed raised up with your hands, allowing the air in the room to cool your skin.
They are in fact soft. Thank you for noticing. You giggled in your head.
Just as your fingers were about to slip under your panties to touch your hip bone, Yunho called out for you over the phone.
“Angel?” He spoke quietly.
“Yes?” You spoke quickly, dropping your hand from your hips and sitting up.
“Everything okay over there?” He asked breathlessly.
“Yes. I’m fine.” You moved along the bed, wanting to get comfortable.
“We beg to differ.” Mingi’s voice was heard over the phone, closer to the speaker.
“Don’t stop on our account.” He told you.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Finish what?”
“Angel, we saw everything.” Yunho laughed. He took a deep breath, speaking closer to the phone in a breathless whisper. “What else you want to think about? We want to see more.”
Your breath got caught in your throat, huffing out air, which made the boys sigh as they heard you. You sighed deeply, suddenly thinking about how the boys might be waiting for your response on the other end. Their excited wide eyes, mouth hung open at the imagines you could be sending them.
You took one glance at your phone before quickly taking off your shirt. You had always enjoyed the feeling of something brushing along your skin. So your soft fingers drifting over your torso and legs only made you think about all the things that you wanted the boys to see.
You thought about their own hands drifting along your skin. Yunho’s hands softly glide over your rib cage and past the slope of your breasts–skipping over your nipples. His nails would lightly scratch you, causing shivers to wrack through your body. His touch would burn trails as he went along, leaving your skin cold the more he traveled further down your body.
Mingi would use his entire palm, giving a message of sorts. He would allow his palm to grip over your neck, not knowing how to be light with his touches. His warm hand would allow itself to settle over one of your breasts, rolling your nipple over between his fingers. He would be mesmerized by it, mouth wide open as he thought about taking it into his mouth.
“Please let me.” You opened your eyes at Mingi’s whimper.
You gasped, having forgotten they were on the phone listening in. Your hand had drifted down to feel rub at your hips, the band snapping back as you pulled your hand out.
“Mingi?” You questioned, pulling the phone closer.
“Please. Can I suck on your tits?” He moaned out, huffing into the mic of the phone.
“Mingi.” Yunho whined, shuffling on the other side. “Come here.”
You could only think about the older boy pulling Mingi into his arms, softly rubbing at his back to calm him down.
“Please, Mingi.” You huffed.
You closed your eyes when all of a sudden the image of Mingi’s hot mouth on your breast filled your head. The boy was suckling softly, allowing his mouth to fill with your skin. One of his hands would squeeze at it, messaging. He moved it towards the valley between them, gripping onto the other one. Your back arched, blissful sighs slipping past your mouth.
Your fingers moved in between your thighs, finally slipping further down. You dug your fingers further, knees jerking when they felt the warm, wet skin. You withered on the bed, a moan slipping out and into the phone at your side.
“Angel,” Yunho breathed out. “Are you touching yourself?” He asked you quietly.
You could hear Mingi’s whimpers on the other end, wondering what it was they were doing.
“Angel, I’m speaking to you.” Yunho growled quietly.
Mingi’s cry made you flinch, but you answered Yunho anyway. “Yes.” You whispered.
“I would hope so.” He chuckled. “Keep going. Mingi wants more.”
“What about you?” You asked quietly.
“You think I’m not enjoying myself? I have to keep my pretty babies happy first.”
Your breath got caught in your throat from the way he was speaking. It was clear he was someone who took charge of things. He knew how to talk to people and get them to do what he wanted. And if you weren’t about to listen, you would force yourself to.
Your head began to come up with scenarios where you were at Yunho’s mercy, Mingi going along with it all. He would move to the end of the bed, kneeled between your legs as Mingi kept your breasts in his mouth but turned, so he could watch Yunho.
The image was wiped out as Yunho’s thoughts quickly overpowered your own. You moaned out loudly when Yunho was suddenly leaned down between your thighs, face pressed tightly to your core. His large hands held your hips down tightly, keeping you from moving too much. You could only imagine what his tongue must have felt like in real life.
Your hips bucked up as your fingers moved faster. You withered on the bed, clenching the muscles in your thighs as you panted over the image. Mingi cried out again, hearing your whimpered moan.
“Yunho.” He cried out, rutting his hips into the older man’s hand.
You whined along with him, wanting to know what it was they were up to. “Please, tell me what you’re doing.”
Instead, you only got an image. Mingi was sprawled out on top of Yunho, while the older bot moved his hand up and down on Mingi’s shaft. Mingi was a moaning mess, allowing himself to submit to Yunho’s grasps. He kept rutting his hips up and down, cheek pressed to Yunho’s chest.
You moaned out again, finally reaching where you needed the most attention. You could feel the wetness that was slowly seeping out, rubbing it around to add more slick to your clit.
You flinched, whimpering from the stimulation.
“Doll, please. I want more.” Mingi huffed.
“You heard him, Angel.” Yunho chuckled, squeezing at the man’s base.
You allowed yourself to fall prey to the thoughts of being filled by them. The moment you allowed your fingers to slip into your hole, was the moment you started to think about Yunho pounding into you.
He had taken your ankles in his hands, holding your legs up as his mouth hung open from the feeling of your walls tightening around him. Mingi was holding your face as his lips moved over yours, fingers pressing into your neck. You had your hand wrapped around him, giving him pumps every once in a while.
Mingi suddenly let out a loud moan when your thoughts came into his head. Yunho laughed, rutting his hips into Mingi’s torso that was covering him. At the man’s movements, Mingi was quick to move down and place Yunho’s tip into his mouth. This caused the man to grunt.
“Angel, you're so good.” Yunho huffed, patting Mingi’s head as he spoke to you over the phone. “You’re such a good boy.” He turned to Mingi, dragging his fingers through the boy's hair.
Yunho allowed the image to be engraved into his head, giving you a sneak peek at what was going on. Mingi had his nose pressed to Yunho’s hips, cheeks hollowed out. His head bobbed up and down, hands jerking off the parts that were out of his mouth.
You cried out, causing Yunho to laugh. “Be a good girl, keep sending us your dirty thoughts.”
With the image of Mingi over Yunho’s cock, you began to think about how they could do that with you there. Your first deduction would be you on top of Mingi, moving your hips up and down along his shaft, causing him to whine out from the pressure. He would be loud, or at least try to be.
Yunho was over him, rutting his hips into the boy’s mouth. He would have Mingi’s head hanging off the edge of the bed, enjoying the view of you swiveling your hips. As Yunho would hold back, he moans and grunts, his hand reaching over to your clit, moving his fingers quickly.
You cried out, head falling back as your nails scraped against Mingi’s chest. With Yunho’s fingers stimulating you and Mingi’s cock hitting that perfect spot every time, you found yourself quickly reaching the point of no return.
Just as the “you” in your vision reached her climax, you cried out into the phone, legs tightening up from the stimulation. Yunho let out a loud groan, shoving his hips deeper into Mingi’s mouth from hearing you climax.
“Come here, sweet boy.” He quickly pulled Mingi up to his knees, leaning down to suck Mingi off.
The boy was already overstimulated, so it didn’t take long for him to cum with a cry. You moaned loudly along with him, whining at the sound that came from his throat. Yunho swiped his tongue along his lip, licking up the mess. As he leaned back into the pillow, Mingi was quick to take Yunho again, wanting him to reach his orgasm as well.
Yunho didn’t hold back this time, using Mingi’s mouth as he pleased. He held the boy’s head down, trying to reach his high, just as you and Mingi had. His eyes rolled to the back of his head when a new image turned up.
Both you and Mingi leaned over his cock, tongues swiping over the length of it. You both looked up at him with glossy eyes, waiting for him to cum. It was when he saw you both open your mouths that his eyes closed and he shoved Mingi’s head down.
His loud moan made you twitch from over stimulation, having continued touching yourself until you knew they both had come. You clenched your legs, fingers keeping still inside yourself. You could feel the throb going through your cunt, which only made you hum at the sensation.
“Angel, are you okay?” Yunho asked you from the phone.
“Is Mingi okay?” You asked back.
Yunho looked down at the boy who had licked his lips cleaned as he had, slumped over to the side as he cuddled into Yunho. The older man laughed lightly, rubbing fingers through Mingi’s hair.
“He’s perfect.” He told you.
“Then I’m perfect, too.” You lazily smiled.
“A month until we go home.” Yunho told you.
Your eyes were drifting shut, as your body tried to come down from the high you had experienced. “I can’t wait to see you.” You softly told him.
“We can’t either.”
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@cultofdionysusnet @pirateeznet @sandsofire
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hils79 · 2 months
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4 years ago today my dear friend @kpopingenue and I were talking and she sent me the MV for Wonderland because she liked it and thought I would too.
And, thus, my Ateez journey began.
I jokingly call it a slow burn relationship. I loved their music from the first time I listened to Wonderland but it took a few months before I checked out their albums and listened to their b-sides.
Even after that I still didn't know all their names (which is nothing against them, I'm the same with a lot of kpop groups I've been listening to for ages. I've been listening to Stray Kids for almost as long as I've been listening to Ateez and I still only know half the members).
Eventually, and I remember this clearly, in December 2021 I had a very vivid dream about buying Zero Fever Part 2 and I took that as a sign and ordered it as soon as I woke up.
It was funny because I knew some of the members at this point but not all of them and I had to text a photo of my photocards to a friend because I knew one of them was San, but I had no idea who the other one was (it was Yeosang).
After that, it became a pay day treat. Every month when I got paid, I'd treat myself to an Ateez album until I had them all. I now have at least one version of every album including all the Japanese ones.
And I finally sat down and watched a guide because if I was going to start collecting albums I should probably learn who everyone was.
Even after that I still struggled telling Yunho and Jongho apart for the longest time, and I have no idea why because now that I know them well I can see that they don't look anything like each other.
So, this carried on for a couple more years. I was happily collecting my albums and watching new MVs when they came out, but I still, for whatever reason, hadn't crossed the bridge into the fandom side of things. I was just quietly enjoying them by myself.
Then Will came out, and I don't know why, but that album rewired something in my brain. Suddenly I was fully obsessed. I watched Hongjoong's behind the scenes of Matz vlog, and suddenly I wanted to make gifs, but proper gifs not just a using a screen recorder which was all I'd ever done before.
I had an ancient version of Photoshop (which I have now upgraded) so I found a gif making tutorial for beginners. The gifs I made were very basic, but I had made them, and I was proud of myself for learning a thing.
Then I decided that to practice and learn new colouring styles, it would be fun to make gifs of all the Ateez MVs. So I did! It took a good few weeks of making a new set every evening, but I did it, and I can definitely see how I've improved as I've gone along.
And there we have it. 4 years from watching an MV to collecting albums to learning how to make gifs. And along the way I've reconnected with some old friends who love Ateez, and made some amazing new friends too. I went to my first ever cupsleeve in May, and I've been to a couple more since then, with another one on the calendar for later this month (happy birthday Mingi). And next time they come to the UK I am definitely going to try and get tickets, which will also make them my first kpop concert.
It's taken me a long time to get here, but the important thing is I made it.
Happy Ateez-versary to me!
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yuseirra · 2 months
Commentary on Ai and Kamiki's character
I just can't shut up about them, can I? Since the new chapter will be dropping in just a few days from now (and I personally think there will be more reveals) this is probably going to be my last chance to discuss about them before things get clarified and set in stone once and for all (since we NEED to learn about just what HAS been going on about Ai's bf and his motives!! It's going to be shown to us in this final arc, right)
Here's how I feel about Ai/Kamiki as a character so far from all the things I've seen about them. Let's see how much of it will stand by the end of this manga(and/or the upcoming chapters)
I think they're well-written/would be well-written. I like how Ai's written for one thing, and Kamiki's past made a lot of sense to me, I think it can add on to something really interesting. I thought I got where it's going to get at.. that's why I've been drawing them so much since the latest chapter... hope I will be able to retain this interest and passion because having something to be excited and inspired about is a wonderful thing!
The following post was originally written in a different language and translated in bulk by ChatGPT! Thanks, ChatGPT..; you're a lifesaver
I wasn't meaning to translate these posts at first so that's why they weren't written in English but I feel it'd be such a waste to leave these.. I'd love to share it with everyone! 'v')9
There might be various changes when the next episode comes out... so if it's going to be uploaded, it seems right to do it now.
I'm writing a lot, like light writing (when I focus on something, I think about it a lot), and it might decrease or, depending on the situation, increase when the next episode comes out. There's nothing revealed yet, so I end up thinking a lot.
I think Ai is really a strong person. To survive in the entertainment industry, there must be so many things to think about. When I see that character, I think about those things. Although she has a soft side, she fundamentally seems like a character who lives really hard. Thinking about it, she was young herself, yet she protected her boyfriend and helped him escape from his abuser. She endured quite firmly under tremendous stress.
She's the type to bear everything alone... There are many things she endures, and in that situation, she worked hard to reach the top, and she wanted to be a good mother to her children. The most heartbreaking thing for me in this character's dialogue was when she said in her dying breath, "I wasn't a very good mother, but I still think it was good that I gave birth." That was so sad to me. I thought that was the saddest part. She had many thoughts. I noticed she thought she had to earn a lot to provide good education and conditions for her children. Middle school kids aren't necessarily shallow in thought, and while there's a range between people, I felt they were still serious and mature considering their age.
For a character like her, if she were in front of me, I would want to say that she's amazing and went through a lot of hardship. Before pointing out what she did wrong or lacked, I'd like to acknowledge that she lived with a lot of effort and loved those around her. Ai's efforts were not just for herself, but she had a rather humble character, and it seemed her motivation to strive was significantly for the happiness of those around her. Like when she wasn't sure if a dome concert was such a big deal but then thought it must be good since it was the president couple's dream, and she smiled along with them. For this character, what's important is resolving the curiosity about the lack in her heart, and achievements as an idol seemed secondary. That's why her saying she wanted to live with Kamiki and raise children together struck me, because for Ai, being an idol felt more like a means than an end. That doesn't mean she didn't try hard; she seemed like a responsible person who strives to meet expectations in her work.
Ai is a character who, through hard work, perseverance, and talent, eventually gets what she wants. Ai has a great curiosity and desire for areas she doesn't know well. She knows what she doesn't know but has the tenacity to not give up until the end. I think that's a strong aspect of her.
As for Kamiki, since it's unclear what his plans are at the current point in time (although I have a guess), if I were to describe the impression of him until just before he separated from Ai,
He's simply pitiful. He self-deprecatingly said that his relationship with Ai was one where he was unilaterally dependent on her. While he might have depended on her a lot, it seems Kamiki had to endure alone until the point they met. He grew up in such a broken situation that I don't even want to deeply think about what it must have been like... From what we see, it seems he wasn't just harmed by one person. Ai had President Ichigo at least worrying about her, and people to take care of her children when they were born, but Kamiki didn't seem to have a proper guardian at all. His exceptional looks might have made his situation even worse. He was just left alone in the world, and it wasn't just being alone, he had to endure all the malice and exploitation by himself.
You know how some adults appear in the movie arc, like Kaburagi and Kindaichi? This shows that the adults failed to protect the kids. The adults might have been busy with their own lives, but I don't think they can be entirely absolved of responsibility for the kids being in such situations.
Anyway, in that situation, Ai appeared to Kamiki, and I think Kamiki couldn't help but love Ai, who understood, accepted, and loved him more than anyone else. Ai also saved him. The fact that he sought help from someone only a year older than himself shows how vulnerable he was. It's just so heartbreaking. He must have liked Ai a lot... Fortunately, they connected emotionally, and Ai also liked him and wanted to help him. But Ai was powerless. Until just before she had her children, I think Ai tried her best in her own way. When Kamiki came to her, completely broken and crying, she took him in because she wanted to help him somehow.
But it’s sad that Ai couldn't even rely on her boyfriend... This really needs to be shown from Ai’s perspective too. She became Kamiki's emotional support, but it seems Kamiki couldn't do the same for her. However, I think Ai’s defensive nature also played a part... She absolutely didn't want to show weakness. She was a perfectionist. The others also played a part in this, as shown in the song IDOL. she was pressured by those around her to not forgive herself for not being perfect, so she couldn't let herself crumble or break down.
Still, Ai must have really liked her boyfriend. From the content of the video, it seems she was more worried about him getting better rather than feeling it was hard to help him. If she left a request to her children because she couldn't do it alone, that means she truly loved him. Asking her children for a personal favor about her boyfriend (even though he is biologically their father) shows that she was deeply concerned. (There’s a reason she left the request to her grown children; asking when they were young wouldn't have been fair, and adults are supposed to help children, not the other way around. For Ai, anything related to Kamiki was a lingering concern.)
I've drawn this couple a lot recently, not only because of Fatal being.. really obvious to me?? that it should be Kamiki's feelings and that it clicked and let EVERYTHING make sense but also because it’s confirmed that Ai loved Kamiki a lot too. Considering this, I think the storyline is not fully revealed yet. Kamiki is someone Ai desperately wanted to help, borrowing the strength of the protagonists, even. This is revealed not at the beginning but at the very end, indicating his significance. That must mean there are some things that we'll be able to find redeemable about him. Or at least, he must be a character who evokes a lot of sympathy.
Looking at this narrative, if Kamiki is willing to do anything for Ai, it makes a lot of sense. I was holding off on judging the depth of Ai's feelings until that video scene (you see how careful I'm about it in the analysis I've made about Ai), but it’s been clear that he was truly happy with her on his end. When I saw the lyrics for Fatal, I immediately knew it was from his perspective... it’s clear he has deep feelings about her. The emotions in the song matched, so I looked into the song's content, and it was quite unsettling, giving me the strong impression that he took a wrong path. His character was exactly as I thought, so I wasn’t surprised. He suits well with Ai. Isn't the younger version of him, really soft?? Ai isn’t the type to be dragged around. If she had a boyfriend who's younger than she was, she would have acted like a big sister. If he had been older, it might have had a different sort of dynamic, but at their first meeting, he was even smaller than Ai, so instead of her being swayed, I figured he'd have been the one drawn to her. Seeing Ai hide who the father of her children was, yet genuinely loving them purely, suggests that she wanted to protect him. Their relationship must have been good. The calls felt like Ai had the upper hand. However, you can't predict when someone will snap, so until his appearance, it was all speculation. But everything turned out as expected, along with the emotions they had regarding each other.
I don't know the current state of this character, but it feels like something significant has happened. Because of that, there's been a drastic change about him, but it's clear that this character really loves Ai. I keep mentioning it, but from the character's perspective, it couldn't have been any other way. So, I thought, "Wow... the writing was well done." The key point is how far Kamiki can go with such deep feelings and how it might become distorted, deviate, or turn into a mix of love and hate, depending on how it's handled.
At least, as the lyrics suggest, he loves her to the extent that he would do anything he can. I believe that has been made clear, so I think the development will inevitably go that way.
His past is just so miserable that I want to hug him and tell him he suffered a lot. Both him and Ai. And I want to arrange for them to be protected by adults who can give them lots of love and care in a clean, good environment. It’s no wonder Kamiki felt like there was no one in the world but him and Ai, which is such a sad situation... But there must be lonely kids like them out there. I hope those kids can receive the love they deserve.
I was actually a bit interested in the area of social welfare. However, it’s a very tough path, so I didn't dive so deep into it... While reading the manga, my thoughts wandered in that direction because the characters were in such vulnerable states. This sort of situation isn't 100% fiction.
I once did volunteer work in education, and honestly, the kids who have gone through tough times are much more mature and resilient than I am... They know things I don’t, and I believe that. But they are still young. It’s not about underestimating or dismissing them; at that age, they shouldn't be experiencing such things... It's an age when they should be receiving love.
In my opinion, the likelihood of major character inconsistencies or setting errors with the protagonist’s parents is quite low. The scenes they get are significant but short, so the characters are likely to come out as initially planned. And honestly, how cunning or wicked can two middle school kids be? This isn’t pure fantasy; the manga heavily borrows from reality. So, I liked how their past was revealed in this manner. The key is how things will unfold next, and it’s hard to predict completely.
When I first heard the song IDOL, I immediately thought, "Oh, this character is really struggling." (I mention this a lot but) I can't claim to understand everything since I haven't led such a turbulent life, but I still felt sorry for them. If I were in that character's position, I don't know if I could have lived as earnestly... However, when considering why the character made such choices, I can sense that it seems to come from their own efforts and concerns. Many situations arose consecutively, and I think Ai, as a character, tried her best within them.
And Kamiki is really something else. When he was breaking up with Ai, I didn’t mention much about what he heard, but Ai is really sharp. Even if she didn’t know what the consequences would be later, she said exactly what she needed to achieve her desired result (Kamiki leaving her). It wasn’t cursing, but the words were very cruel. I predicted that he wouldn’t be able to hold onto Ai when they broke up, even before the episode was revealed... LOL. But he ended up hearing such devastating words that he couldn't say anything back and was just left dumbfounded. Those words must have really hurt. I even felt emotionally wounded along with him! Ai is truly remarkable... When you watch the video, you can see that she really loved him, but to be able to say such things to someone she cared about... I don’t think I could do that because it would break my heart. As I mentioned when analyzing Ai, she just did what she thought was the best. She didn’t like herself very much, so it was more important to protect him from the burden of being with her than worrying about him hating her.
Kamiki, on the other hand, talked about those words to his son, saying, "Ai left me because she found out what I did, and it was natural and unavoidable." He has no anger. His self-esteem is very low, and he feels very sad. Although he mentioned that Ai had selfish and cruel sides, the first thing he feels is self-loathing... He believes it was natural to be abandoned, and he thinks he has never been loved by anyone. There’s a scene where he is walking hand-in-hand with Ai, looking so happy, and it’s described as if just being with her made him feel like he could overcome anything. But he accepts that she thought of him that way, which is so pitiful, isn’t it?
Would a character in such a state try to harm Ai? I don’t think so. If he were going to be angry, it would have been then. But I think both Ai and Kamiki knew that he wouldn’t retaliate even after hearing such words. This shows their personalities very well. When Ai said they should break up, he's able to suggest that they get married, this character... has no pride when it comes to Ai... It’s pitiful. He must have been like that in the payphone call too. It’s obvious that he wanted to meet again, saying he “clung on.” People say clinging isn’t attractive, but it seems he did so timidly. He probably couldn’t even speak firmly, and when Ai said no, he was likely left speechless again.
What happened to make him like how he is now? (But if you look at his lines, it doesn’t seem like he changed that much. He still says, "Because of me, because of me," in front of that dying actor. He blames himself for what's happened, and I wonder how it happened) I think this character needs to see a psychiatrist. He seems extremely depressed. It’s not a fair comparison, but his self-destructive behavior feels even worse than Aqua’s, and it’s understandable... Aqua still has people who love him, but this person!! He really has no one!!
Seeing the video of Ai and being so shocked... yeah, it's totally a natural reaction for him. He really didn't realize that Ai loved him in the SLIGHTEST. But if we consider whether it was Kamiki's fault that he didn't know, I don't think it was. Aqua showed the video as part of his revenge, but although Kamiki's heart must have been torn and he felt like dying... did he really do something deserving of revenge? I say that’s actually questionable. If he had killed Ai, then "revenge" would make sense, but it seems like he contributed less to her death than what he even told Aqua. Now that he knows he was loved all along, it will be interesting to see what kind of reaction comes out. Sigh.. so they had mutual feelings towards each other, so it's good, right? Their lives have been so unfortunate. Depending on what Kamiki did in the middle, it might determine whether he deserves such harsh words, but for now, that's my impression.
These two characters seem to be well-written (from a constructed perspective). Ai is really well-written, and Kamiki seems that way too. The chance for them to be happy together disappeared with Ai's death... who knows what will happen next...
Songs like "Mephisto" or "Fatal" really seem fitting. That's why I think those songs are related to Kamiki... the lyrics are so intriguing, so there must be something there.
I hope it all ends well.
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ateez-himari · 21 days
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[PM 10:49] The maknaes are maknae-ing harder than any maknae has ever maknae-d before
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[PM 10:50] ㅎㅎ I might possibly be on social media more than you guys think, but the caption was both of our ideas to be fair. It's maknae telepathy
[PM 10:50] No we rode on the same one (please help me), I have a racing circuit license, a driver's license but I don't have a motorcycle license yet. We've been really busy lately so I'll get it when I have time
[PM 10:51] Ah, we're ahead of you! Jungkook oppa already posted the ta ta ta challenge on his account, we knew you guys would want us to do it ㅎㅎㅎ I can't believe he's starting trends while doing his service...
[PM 10:52] Oh, Tiny! It's his birthday today, he turned 27...he's getting very close to being 30 already yet he acts the same age as me. It's a shared braincell between maknaes I think
[PM 10:52] It's hard to keep track of but it's been about 11 years now, maybe a little more since we met before their debut. Since I'm still 22 I've known him half of my life
[PM 10:52] I didn't know he used one of his rest days, he just called me in the morning after my boyfriend left for the studio and asked if I was busy. It was fun, we went to eat barbeque after the bike ride
[PM 10:53] Oh I remember that, people were speculating for so long ㅎㅎI solved the mystery now, as you can see the extra helmet in his house was mine. I think the other members use it sometimes too so it's shared property
[PM 10:53] Some protective gear he bought for me is there too, I think some army were talking about it after a live and I felt kind of bad because they thought it was a girlfriend...
[PM 10:54] Jimin oppa told you that we cried when he started his service ? Wow, what a tattler, but it's true. I guess it was just really strange, I mean we grew up together in a sense so leaving each other for so long was heavy
[PM 10:54] Ahh no you can't talk to him, we said goodbye about two hours ago so I'm back home now. Mingi asked if I wanted to do a live later so you might talk to us!
[PM 10:54] If you guys are lucky he'll turn on the camera this time ㅎㅎ I really want to give you a tour of the airbnb at some point too, since it's a hanok (a traditional house) it looks really nice, like we're back in time almost
[PM 10:55] Hyunjin oppa already posted the pictures ? It's true, we went to see Stray Kids yesterday and it was such an amazing concert ! We met a few staytinys there, then had dinner with some of the members
[PM 10:55] No, I've actually known Bangchan oppa longer since we spent some time together before I left for KQ. We slept in the same room for a bit since neither of us were in the lineup for any group so there was no set dorm
[PM 10:56] How can you do this to me ?! There's no way I can pick a favorite solo, I really hope that they release them soon though...I'll put in a good word to JYP for you guys ;p
[PM 10:57] Don't worry I have plans with other members later on! But first we're going to go see my family in a few days, mom's been very adamant on 'setting my boyfriend straight just in case' ㅎㅎ I missed them a lot
[PM 10:57] Haneul's been asking me to come non-stop every time my brother calls to check up on me so I'm sure she'll be happy too. The members and I got so many gifts while we were on tour, Seonghwa oppa even got her some baby Lego
[PM 10:57] Oh, no, not Sannie oppa's older sister ! Haneul is my niece, Hanzo nii-chan's daughter, my brother wanted to continue the legacy of 'H' names to honor our parents
[PM 10:58] Ahh Mingi's out of the shower so I have to go now, we're gonna go on a walk (really romantic right ??) ♡ Love you so much, kisses!
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