#and obviously anti magnus/malec people
kinkymagnus · 3 years
please don’t send me super salty asks about the latest shitty fandom things. they get me a little upset. i can deal with a little, but some of the just super fucking racist/homophobic/whatever stuff just gets me so angry it’s exhausting.
please DO send asks in general tho!!! i’d love to hear from you
fic prompts are closed, but asks are open! and i mean, you can try and send a fic prompt, maybe it’ll spark something and i’ll at least answer it as an ask, i’m just not promising i’ll write something for it. 
basic dni (dont interact) in tags, but like, really looking at you, book stans and inc*st shippers. get the fuck out
this blog is fairly inactive but i still answer asks if you wanna talk about any spicy magnus/malec content! <3 
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Shadowhunters Pride Bingo 2022 Masterpost
Series on AO3 | all fics are created for the Shadowhunters Pride Bingo presented by the Malec Discord Server. @malecdiscordserver
of love & names Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw transphobia | The best thing that Asmodeus ever did for him, Magnus sometimes thought, was letting him choose his own name. Or: Magnus is trans, has friends, and (finally) feels accepted. | Prompt: AFAB | AO3 | Tumblr
U — Understanding [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Alec-centric, Malec | G, tw internalised & institutionalised homophobia | Isabelle realised that her brother was not straight when she was fifteen and he was sixteen. Or: Izzy loves her brother, but some wounds go deeper than she can fix. (Ft. gratuitous light/dark metaphors, sibling antics, and angst with a happy ending.) | Prompt: “Love is Never Wrong” | AO3 | Tumblr
of colourful nails & the defeat of homophobes Malec | G, tw homophobia | Magnus’ nails glowed with every colour of the rainbow. Or, Alec paints his nails and is politically savvy. | Prompt: Painted Nails | AO3 | Tumblr
N — Natural [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Malec | G, tw internalized & external homophobia & aphobia | Alec is ace and gay, Maryse is evil, Alec meets a certain Magnus Bane, and the road to self-acceptance is long and hard — but it's a bit easier when you have friends and family to support you. (Ft. pining idiots and Alec writing books.) | Prompt: Forehead Kiss | AO3 | Tumblr
sweeter than sugar Malec | G, tw minor mention of homophobia | Pretty boy. Darling. Alexander. Sayang. Husband. Five times Magnus called Alec something that wasn't his name, and one time Alec returned the favour. | Prompt: Pet Names | AO3 | Tumblr
cum non bellantis Malec | G, no warnings | Alec and Magnus enjoy the benefits of a telepathetic bond and Alicante has its first pride. (Takes place in my libertate bellantis ’verse.) | Prompt: First Pride | AO3 | Tumblr
G — Gaze [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw aphobia | Magnus sometimes found the gazes of strangers unnerving. Or, Magnus is demisexual and sex-positive, people are not always understanding, Camille is a bitch, and Alec loves Magnus. | Prompt: Free Space | AO3 | Tumblr
pull me closer Jimon | G, tw mention of Jace's abusive childhood, panic attacks | For most of Jace’s life, his assumption that he was straight went unchallenged. Jace is definitely not straight and in love with Clary. That doesn't change just because Simon's cute and funny and brave and— well, Jace is straight, so obviously he doesn't like Simon that way. (Right?) | Prompt: Pansexual | AO3 | Tumblr
(beyond) this place of wrath and tears Malec | T, tw for mention (not graphic) of the following: biphobia, racism (anti-Downworlder and anti-POC), whatever it's called when people want men not to wear makeup, suicidal thoughts, and depression | People tend to hate what they do not understand, and while Magnus can ignore most cruel words, he sometimes fears there might be a fragment of truth in them. Fortunately, he has Alec. | Prompt: “There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world you live in.” | AO3 | Tumblr
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I'd like to start off this post by saying that I am in no way an avid Cassandra Clare supporter. My views on her are pretty neutral. That being said, I'd like to talk about a post that crossed my dash today which is just... no.
The post was something along the lines of "cc is including LGBT rep in her books for brownie points so she can sell more books and earn more money blah blah blah" which felt so wrong to me on so many levels and I'm just gonna try to articulate all of that in this post.
Ok so first of all, the post insinuates that cc included little lgbt rep in her first series (TMI), and as the lgbt characters became more ‘popular’ began to include more of them for ‘brownie points’. Like... the way it’s worded somehow makes it sound like cc is doing a bad thing by including more lgbt rep when it’s... literally the opposite?? Like, obviously cc’s poc rep is clumsy (there are several posts out there regarding this so I won’t elaborate much) but her lgbt rep is pretty good, atleast in my opinion (though it’s a bit lacking in wlw, but I hope that will change in the future). It’s helped me and a lot of other people out there. I really don’t understand why people think she has ulterior motives for including lgbt rep, when the truth, I believe, is closer to this - back when TMI was written, people weren’t really accepting of lgbt groups, and yet cc included Alec and Magnus in her novels, because she wanted to, and despite TMI’s popularity received a lot of backlash for it. As time passed and more awareness was spread and people became more accepting, she gradually started including more lgbt characters. Maybe her including more lgbt characters has nothing to do with popularity and everything with acceptance. (Even now, I’ve seen people in my school/college curl their nose at the topic of same sex couples and whenever they overhear me talking about Malec to my friends. I think some people are forgetting that real world isn’t like tumblr.)
And, more importantly, the very notion that a Jewish woman is doing something simply to earn more money is very, very anti-semitic. I’ve seen posts of this kind in the past, too - that cc is writing tec to gain more money, that she’s making use of tsc’s popularity by writing more books in that verse to sell more books, and therefore more money, etc. Somehow, money seems to be the centerpoint of many hateful posts against her (keep in mind that hate is NOT the same as criticism), whereas I don’t think I’ve ever seen the ‘money-grubbing rich author’ line used against any other authors. I’ve never seen someone criticise RR, a gentile man, by saying that he’s writing HoO simply to sell more books to PJO fans and earn more money, or that he’s . You get the idea. If you ever catch yourself thinking that cc is a greedy woman who only wants to gain money through her novels, then please check yourself, since that is an anti-semitic way of thinking. It doesn’t matter how much of a bad person she may be, you must never use anti-semitic language against a Jewish woman.
I’m not trying to attack anyone here. Criticise cc all you want, in fact I encourage these criticisms, but please be reasonable and respectful in your criticisms. Thanks for reading until the end.
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ladyhindsight · 3 years
First, to anon calling what I said "bs": Looks like someone misunderstood what I said 🙄 Why don't come after me instead if you mean to be respectful? Obviously Robert can't help is he's physically scary and obviously he can't help being wrecked over his parabatai bond! Oh my god. Of course none of this means Alec didn't deserve a better father. Robert should have done better and he is very aware of that, just as I am. We already agreed Robert wasn't a good father to Alec, but Alec himself recognizes Robert DIDN'T MEAN to make him feel like that while growing up. I don't know what is your idea of parenthood, but is not everyone who is able to get over their emotional problems enough to be a great parent, and if you think that getting over his emotional problems was actually under Robert's control when Alec also recognizes Michael's absence as a shadow that hung over Robert, I can't do much about it. Nobody here is saying Robert is just a helpless victim of the world, he just should be understood the way other characters always are.
Now for you!: About whatever else Robert may have done to Alec: Robert does aknowledge he said things to Alec he shoudn't have and that he judges unforgivable off page,
“Alec.” Something about Robert’s voice made Alec turn; he didn’t sound angry, just … broken. “I did, I said—unforgivable things. I know that,” he said. “But I have always been proud of you, and I am no less proud now.”  (City of Heavenly Fire, epilogue)
The worst practical things we have from Robert against Alec is the dialogue from TRSoM (I can't send you the entire scene if you want) and from CoLS, when we find out Robert is allegedly not supportive of Alec
“My mother seems to have accepted it,” Alec said. “But my father—no, not really. Once he asked me what I thought had turned me gay.”
Simon felt Isabelle tense next to him. “Turned you gay?” She sounded incredulous. “Alec, you didn’t tell me that.” 
“I hope you told him you were bitten by a gay spider,” said Simon. Magnus snorted; Isabelle looked confused. “I’ve read Magnus’s stash of comics,” said Alec, “so I actually know what you’re talking about.” A small smile played around his mouth. “So would that give me the proportional gayness of a spider?” 
“Only if it was a really gay spider,” said Magnus, and he yelled as Alec punched him in the arm. “Ow, okay, never mind.”
“Well, whatever,” said Isabelle, obviously annoyed not to get the joke. “It’s not like Dad’s ever coming back from Idris, anyway.” 
Alec sighed. “Sorry to wreck your vision of our happy family. I know you want to think Dad’s fine with me being gay, but he’s not.”  (City of Lost Souls, chapter 17)
We have something from BtEN:
“I did do that,” Alec said. “I did give her keys. Forgive me, Magnus, I love you, I did not know she was going to be like this.”
Usually Robert looked slightly uneasy whenever Alec expressed affection to Magnus. This time, however, he was staring fixedly at the warlock baby and did not even seem to hear.
Magnus was starting to feel ever more disturbed by the turns this night was taking. (Born to Endless Night)
That's it, plus what we get from TRSoM (the only actual scene of Robert being anti-Malec, and that was the last Robert's appearence)
I'll let this for this ask! ;)
Misunderstandings, especially in tone, are fairly common when speaking through plain text. But we should be able to have these conversations and have empathy for flawed characters without it being interpreted as accepting or excusing poor or bad behavior. People have a wide set of feelings and ways they approach these characters and circumstances surrounding them, and I understand that not everyone likes the same character for the same reasons others do and are able to empathize with them. Here Robert for example, or why Jace was still much loved in The Mortal Instruments despite all the things I dislike him for.
Children of course aren’t responsible for their parents’ emotional lives. That responsibility to not let it affect your kids are solely on parents themselves, and for which I think Robert was a flawed parent to Alec. He wasn’t able to control his own emotional issues enough to be the father Alec needed and deserved. But I also think it is a tad too polarizing to call it a choice made by Robert, as if Robert’s character is choosing to be a bad father or that he is motivated by hatred, disgust, or anything malicious when that is not the case in any sense that we’ve seen his character acting.
Robert asking Alec what he thought “had turned him gay” speaks to me more about great ignorance rather than about malicious intent. It is also troubling to have Alec’s interpretation of his father’s attitude when his father isn’t very emotional or forthcoming person either. And when Robert speaks on it, it always comes down to how much he loves Alec and is proud of him. How he can’t believe Alec is his son the same way he could not believe Maryse was the one to choose him in The Evil We Love. It’s a pretty multifaceted topic that wasn’t delved too deep into or given enough room and time and development in any text.
When I wrote my review about The Red Scrolls of Magic I did note that
“I do appreciate the complicated nature of Alec and Robert’s relationship, that Alec still misses his father and wants Robert to be proud of him. I also appreciated that the narrative doesn’t treat Robert or his difficulties overcoming his bigotry and his character expressing these thoughts as wholly evil and cartoonish-ly bad but rather shows that in spite of it he still does love his son and wants what he thinks is best for him. No matter whether it would in actuality make Alec happy at all or even be the truly best for him.”
That’s what I was personally left with after reading the book. I went to read the scene again (because I had completely forgotten it existed…), and after having read The Evil We Love I see it more as Robert’s own fear and cowardice he projects onto Alec, Michael having loved him and Robert not being able to accept it or compute it on any level. Also there’s the very essential fact that Robert is afraid of Magnus telling something about him and the Circle days to Alec when Robert isn’t there to explain or defend himself, potentially alienating Alec further. Very interesting. Of course, others might interpret this very differently!
And I’m sorry, but Robert being so in awe of and fixated on M&M is just too cute. 🥰
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
Malec in late 2B
It's been *checks watch* three years and I've finally calmed down enough to try and untangle my feelings about the end of 2B in a coherent way.
1) Alec's decision not to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword. I've worked through my thoughts regarding that in this fic already where I go into Alec's reasoning for it. The tldr of which is that a) Alec consciously made the decision not to tell Magnus instead of running out of time to decide, b) he actually had good reasons for that and made that decision with Magnus's and the Downworld's best interests at heart and c) ultimately his love for Magnus was the very reason he didn't tell him because if he had cared about sparing Magnus's feelings a little less he would have told Magnus about the Soul Sword on condition that Magnus can't tell his people, damn the guilt Magnus will feel when warlocks die because they weren't forewarned.
2) Magnus's reaction to finding out. Magnus flips his shit, basically, lashes out, is deliberately hurtful and doesn't really listen to Alec's reasons for his decision. This is both an understandable and an ic reaction because Magnus is a very emotion-driven character and what he just learned is drastic. Could there have been a more graceful way to handle this revelation? Certainly. But it's nothing I would just expect from any given character. You'd have to be exceptionally level-headed to keep your cool in such a situation and I don't fault Magnus for not being that. His reaction was very human.
Alec gets points deduction for his line “Let's not make this personal” because dude, do you know your boyfriend at all? Have you realized that emotional compartmentalization isn't his strong forte? This line just angers Magnus more. (Alec also gets points deduction, with extreme prejudice, for trying to shush Magnus because what is wrong with you, man. I mean, this might just be a personal hang-up of mine but isn't that gesture patronizing as hell? Anyway.) On the other hand Alec gets some points for not going after Magnus. When I first watched that I thought it was very strange and kinda weird but in hindsight it is obviously the right choice. Magnus needed time and space to deal and Alec realized that trying to go after him and talk it out then was pointless and would have only angered Magnus more.
3) Magnus's reaction to Alec seeking him out because of Max. Admirable. Magnus puts all his (very understandable) anger aside to rush to the Lighwood family's aid. It doesn't matter that he can't help in the end, he is there as emotional support despite the frosty atmosphere between him and Alec. It is the decent thing to do but not everybody would have shown such kindness in his shoes. 10/10.
4) Magnus contemplating if he should take the Seelie Queen's offer aka sappy Malec flashbacks. I'm gonna place half the blame on show writers and half the blame on Magnus himself because, bro, this is not how you make a strategical decision for your people. Not even once is Magnus shown contemplating the repercussions of his decision for the warlocks or Valentine or the future of the Downworld. He only mopes about his boyfriend betraying his trust, basically. And I mean! I understand he's hurting a lot! And I understand people can't just turn off their emotions! But a good leader should be able to put his own emotions aside at least for a short time when an integral decision about his people has to be made, and quickly! And in that regard Magnus, uh, fails, apparently.
Again, I think half the blame lies with the show writers who wanted cute Malec flashbacks and generally fail at portraying inner Downworlder affairs if they don't serve the shadowhunter-centric plot. But I can't just yell “ooc behavior!!” and shrug it off because this isn't exactly ooc behavior for Magnus. Magnus is a very emotion-driven character who fails at separating personal and political matters. That's a theme. I point no further than the whole Camille-thing where he turned a blind eye to her bleeder dens because he felt personally indebted to her, and only stopped her when Raphael's life was at stake. So yeah... 0/10.
Full disclosure, I think there is a different way to read these scenes. Maybe Magnus wasn't just nursing his broken heart and missing the point. Maybe what he was actually contemplating was what he'd been fighting about with Luke before, namely if Alec can even be trusted as a person or if he's too much a shadowhunter to ever deserve their faith and cooperation because he will always treat Downworlders as lesser, because he's as racist as the Clave. In that case it would make sense for him to remember their private 1:1 interactions, to reassess Alec's character as a whole. But it would also mean that the conclusion he reached is that Alec is as corrupt as the rest of the Clave, and that would make them getting back together without ever talking about this... even more messed up than it already is! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, needless to say that I don't interpret it this way.
5) Magnus breaking up with Alec. To me personally (and to Alec) the breakup makes no sense. Magnus and Alec have different stances on, like, the implications of their relationship (and I'm emotionally wired like Alec is, at least in that regard). What I mean is this: Why does Magnus feel the need to break up with Alec? He's not an idiot, he knows that just because he breaks up with Alec his feelings for Alec will not miraculously evaporate as well. He'll be as emotionally compromised as he was before. And yet he says, “The only thing holding me back from [making difficult decisions to ensure the survival of my people] is you.”
Here's the thing. When Alec decides not to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword he does so in his capacity as the Head of the Institute, taking (almost) no account of his role as Magnus's lover. He is able to do that because he can compartmentalize between these two roles in an extreme way and therefor his relationship status has no influence on his decision. (Sure, not being with Magnus wouldn't have provided extra incentive to tell him, but work with me here. What I mean is that if Alec had rationally decided to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword, he would have made that same decision whether he was with Magnus at that point or not.) What did influence his decision making process were his feelings for Magnus, and these remain unchanged regardless of their relationship status.
Magnus has an entirely different stance. To him being in a relationship implies a certain kind of loyalty that must be maintained at all times. If their roles had been reversed I don't doubt that Magnus would have told Alec about the Soul Sword immediately because of said loyalty, and he would have thought it through for exactly zero seconds beforehand. He expected the same thing from Alec and that's why he feels so betrayed when he realizes that Alec kept it from him. This is why Magnus feels the need to break up with Alec: to disengage from this loyalty that keeps him from making decisions with only the warlocks in mind. Magnus's decision making hinges on their relationship status and the loyalty it demands, not his feelings for Alec.
Alec doesn't understand this. That's why he tells Magnus that he can have both: Alec, and the freedom to make the best choices for the warlocks, to act like the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Alec wouldn't hold it against him if he made the best decisions for his people while they are together because Alec, too, did have Magnus and made decisions as the Head of the Institute. But Magnus works differently. He'd feel like he's betraying Alec if he makes High Warlock of Brooklyn decisions while still being with Alec. And that's why he breaks up with Alec, and that's why it makes sense for Magnus to break up with him.
6) Magnus's behavior afterwards. Oh my god where do I even start.
--- Magnus being a petty bitch? Hell yeah.
--- Magnus hiding behind the Seelie Queen and running after her like he's her lap dog? Hell no. Wtf did I just watch!! Even better, he leaves Raphael behind? And Raphael then tells Izzy that Magnus was his ride and he's effectively trapped at the Institute because the sun is shining brightly outside?? I'm sorry, what. The Downworld just divorced the shadowhunters with a side of “hmm maybe we'll stop caring about the Accords as well in the near future” and Magnus leaves his Raphael behind? This is unacceptable!! I don't even know what to say to that!!
--- This has surely been discussed before but it needs to be said. Magnus implementing an anti-portal ward around New York that incinerates any angel-blooded creature that tries to pass it and not telling Alec about it. They hear about it from Luke instead and since Jace's reaction is immediately telling the shadowhunter extra next to him to stop shadowhunter movement in and out of the city immediately it is heavily implied that some shadowhunters already died thanks to this ward – since there are apparently troop movements in and out of the city that need to be stopped. (Which was to be expected! Sure, they know Valentine won't leave the city before he's got his hands on what he believes to be the mortal mirror locked away at the Institute, but he could surely be regrouping outside the city. Sending patrols into the near vicinity is the sensible thing to do.) Shadowhunter casualties due to the ward are further implied by Jace then leaning heavily on the desk and half-whispering to himself “No more shadowhunters die today.” Which makes sense. The patrols in question would have just vanished with no chance to report back what happened to them so they were probably assumed dead by Valentine's hand.
The point: Wtf Magnus. He must have been aware this could and would happen. The way I see it there are only two possible explanations: Magnus deliberately did not tell the NY Institute shadowhunters a) because he thought word might get around to Valentine or b) out of pettiness. And considering that knowing about the ward doesn't magically un-trap you and only means you will not cross it and therefore remain alive but contained, a) doesn't really make sense. The ward wasn't designed to lure Valentine to his death. It was designed to keep Valentine in the city so the other Downworld factions could hunt him down, and the ward will continue to do so even after Valentine learns of its existence. There s no harm in him knowing about it while there is a lot of harm in the NY shadowhunters not knowing about it because they will just die, for nothing, while trying to find Valentine. Magnus willingly risking that on the off-chance that Valentine walks into the ward at random is not his style at all. This leaves pettiness as motivation and sure, Magnus is petty, but not at the cost of so many casualties. This is so painfully ooc that I just can't!!
7) Their “reconciliation.” As you might have already guessed from those quotation marks: Thanks, I hate it. That adequately sums up my feelings on the matter. Don't get me wrong, the scene itself is lovely, I guess. But, content! They have this huge issue and they just don't talk about it! Magnus never learns of Alec's (legit) reasons for not telling him about the Soul Sword. Alec apologizes for.. what exactly? Doing something he was convinced was the right thing? And they never realize their differences in decision making which is even worse! This whole drama stemmed from the fact that they view the obligations that come with being in a relationship differently where their responsibilities as leaders are concerned. This is bound to become a problem again in the future!! And they just! dont! talk about it! aaaahhhhhhhh!!!! how!!!!!! are you adults or what!!!!!!! *sigh* just... –ꝏ /10
8) Aftermath. Oh right, this will of course not become a problem again in the future because Magnus loses his job. How neat.
Leaving the salt aside though I have to admit that I.. actually think the warlocks weren't entirely in the wrong in sacking Magnus. And before you kill me, hear me out. The first thing to note is that neither Raphael nor Luke get sacked for their decision to side with the Seelie Queen. Why is that? Because vampires and werewolves are fundamentally differently organized than warlocks. Warlocks have an international infrastructure. There's the Council, the Spiral Labyrinth, and stuff. Vampires and werewolves have their local clans and packs, and nothing more. Magnus has superiors. Raphael and Luke do not. After the Seelie Queen makes that deal with Valentine she condemns every Downworlder, except those located in New York, to death. Raziel's wish will kill every Downworlder on earth and only those in the Seelie Realm are safe. And as Magnus says in early 2x19
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If Valentine had succeeded then literally all the other warlocks in the world would have died! Yes, the fact that the Seelie Queen threw them all under the bus isn't Magnus's fault, but
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it was to be expected. Luke and Raphael both warn Magnus not to trust the Seelie Queen, that she has her own agenda and it's to rule over the Downworld, and that's why both Luke and Raphael were hesitant to accept her deal.
So I think it's pretty understandable why the other warlocks kicked Magnus out on his ass. In their eyes he would have been semi-complicit in their collective demise if Valentine had succeeded, having sided with the one who betrayed the Downworld. It doesn't matter that Magnus's choice means the warlocks at least wouldn't have gone entirely extinct if Valentine had won. It doesn't matter that the Seelie Queen would have made that deal with Valentine whether the other Downworlder factions had sided with her or not. (She had Simon in her Realm who could create new vampires, she probably would have kept Maia for new werewolves, and warlocks can be made by uuhh unethical means. What better Downworld than one that's never known anything but the Seelie Queen's uncontested reign? Yes, she absolutely would have let them all die.) None of that matters to the warlocks. They feel like Magnus betrayed them as a community and that's why they sack him.
Okay, so now we know why it made (in-universe) sense for the warlocks to fire Magnus. Make no mistake though – I don't approve of this reasoning. It's short-sighted and not very practical, and also unfair. Better save some of your species than none, right? Fine, Magnus should have informed the Council and stuff about what was going on so they could make their own deals with the Seelie Queen if they want to.. but then, do we even know if he did or didn't inform them? No. Any further discussion on this point is just poking in the dark so let's move on.
I did say that I think the warlocks weren't entirely in the wrong in dismissing Magnus from his job, though. Let me explain.
a) Magnus's decision to side with the Seelie Queen or remain sided with the Institute would have not made a difference regarding the whole Valentine-thing, right? Things would have played out exactly the same: Warlocks create anti-portal ward, Val makes a deal with the Seelie Queen and gets to Alicante anyway. The survival of the Downworld depended on Clary stabbing Valentine to death before he made the wish, and that remains unchanged no matter Magnus's decision. What Magnus's decision would have influenced (if this goddamn show knew what continuity is, lol) is what came after. Where does siding with the trigger-happy Seelie Queen, who made no secret of gunning for war with the Clave, leave the warlocks? On the Clave's bad side, that's for sure. Especially if things had escalated between the seelies and the shadowhunters (which they do in the books!!). In the show.. things just go back to how they were before the Downworld's little fail-rebellion. Either because the Downworld and the Clave mutually decide to just pretend none of it ever happened (since the Consul was exposed as a Circle Member, which, awkward) or, which I believe is more likely, because 3A focuses on The Owl Mystery and not on foreign policy and this show just sucks when it comes to including anything not strictly-plot-relevant. In any case!! Magnus's decision to side with the Seelie Queen should have had severe repercussions for the warlocks and their standing with the Clave aka dramatically worsened it, and for nothing (since nothing came of the “rebellion” and it's honestly doubtful how many warlocks would have wanted a full-on war with the shadowhunters anyway. They seem pretty good at laying low and doing their own thing). So in the long term siding with the Seelie Queen wasn't / wouldn't have been a strategically good decision (if it wasn’t followed up by a war of independence, which it wasn’t) and a legit reason to get fired.
b) More importantly, in 3x09 Lorenzo says to Magnus, “I took this position because you couldn't handle it. You let your heart dictate your actions and that will be your downfall,” which I always took to mean – since Lorenzo was god knows where when all of 2B happened – that the gossip in the warlock community is strong, and has it that Magnus only sided with the Seelie Queen as revenge for Alec not telling him about the Soul Sword / something relating to their breakup. No matter how this opinion formed in the community... *glances at 4)* they're not wrong? And this is definitely a legit reason to get fired.
So where does this leave us? I don't approve of the Council firing Magnus for the reason they did because it was a dumb reason. When I look at Lorenzo – lazy, self-centered, unwilling to actually do anything when push comes to shove – I don't think Magnus should be fired because he's obviously the much better choice as High Warlock. And I don't even think that siding with the Seelie Queen was, per se, a wrong choice. But the way Magnus made that choice left much to be desired and was a clear lapse in leadership, one where a dismissal would have been justified. And this should have been addressed in a constructive way so he can learn from his mistake.
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J@lecs and Cl@lecs keep whining in tags (often Magnus and Harry’s tags) how “toxic”, “unhealthy” and “problematic” the Shadowhunters fandom is (especially the Malec shippers). How j@lecs and cl@lecs are being “harassed” and “bullied” for their “opinions” and how people spoil the “fun” they are trying to have in the fandom.  
Obviously, sending people death threats is never okay. But let’s be real, by “bullying” and “harassment” most of the time these people mean “being called out on their implicit racism and homophobia”, whenever they post a racist and homophobic meta discrediting Malec, villainizing / dehumanizing Magnus, and insulting Harry in Malec, Magnus, Harry’s tags. The hate and negativity that they display towards Malec, Magnus and Harry is always racialized. Always.
Their version of “fun” in the fandom is erasing one of the few representations Asian LGBT fans have, framing an iconic bisexual Asian male character into one of those dated anti-Asian stereotypes that Western Media has perpetuated for years and generations, their “fun” is insulting professionalism of an Asian actor, and displaying implicit / explicit racism and racialized homophobia on general basis.
As a rule, people praise Malec mostly from the side of Alec – because of Alec’s coming out arc. Undeniably, Alec is an important and iconic representation for LGBTQA kids, a character that inspires, a character that gives strength to come out to one’s friends and family. Erasing Alec’s sexuality is an act of vile homophobia. J@lecs love to argue that they are not the homophobes, like Cl@lec’s are, because they love Alec and don’t erase his sexuality. They only erase his canon bisexual Asian boyfriend, because he doesn’t fit their white aesthetics.
But the thing is that Magnus is an equally important and iconic representation for Asian LGBT kids. Sure, Magnus, when we meet him, is already confident in his sexuality, he doesn’t need to overcome the homophobic family and society… but an average Asian LGBTQA kid does.
Not to perpetuate the stereotype, but a lot of us do come from so called “traditional” families and communities, where your sexuality, or your mental health, for that matter, is not something you can openly talk about. Magnus being confident in his sexuality, his looks, not worrying about the toxic masculinity, having a loving and caring boyfriend… Magnus, who can be strong and fragile at the same time, Magnus, whose romantic storyline is as important to the story, as is his own growth and development, Magnus, who is not a token background character, is an important representation that gives hope and strength to the Asian LGBTQA kids. Magnus is self-sufficient character, but Malec, whether people like it or not, is an important part of his character growth and development.
Erasing Magnus from his own canon narrative is as homophobic as is erasing Alec’s sexuality.
Ships lilke J@lec and Cl@lec not having an easy day in fandom spaces is not a problem. The problem starts, when they do get support and validation for their racist and homophobic “views”.
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thegeminisage · 6 years
Jace, Magnus, Raph :D
favorite thing about them: everyone likes to sort of categorize jace as this mostly douchey guy but he’s actually kind of Softe if you dig a little and like not to be basic but i like that about him
least favorite thing about them: WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIIIN
favorite line: “dazzle me” @cathy not one word
brOTP: JACE AND ALEC…give me more of that good parabatai shit…….my other favorite thing about jace is it’s implied he knew alec was in love with him for a long timeor at the very LEAST since alec’s bad reaction in 1.04 and he played dumb (partially because he hates talking about feelings yes but also) for alec’s benefit. just not to make things weird. it would have been easy to make him be weird about it. straight guys are assholes. but he wasnt and thats real nice.
OTP: he’d be miserable without clary to the point where he still wanted to smash even when he thought they were related, so
nOTP: jace and alec. STRICTLY platonic on jace’s end! it’s not necessarily that i think it’s ~problematic~ god knows you couldnt pay me to touch that discourse i just think the dynamic is much richer and deeper when it’s a one-sided romance and jace was still cool about it. idk i find that totally refreshing and fascinating and like a pretty new take, at least to me personally. why ruin it by turning it into run-of-the-mill slash? (i say this as someone who writes a lot of run-of-the-mill slash, don’t send me mean messages) 
random headcanon: he likes [REDACTED], which technically was cathy’s headcanon first
unpopular opinion: he’s never done anything wrong in his life ever…look i know he has but like leave him alone?? idek why i feel so strongly about this he isn’t my favorite character i don’t stan him i’m not super invested in him…i just don’t think he’s done anything wrong, aside from the fact that he lies a lot. i was totally siding with him over alec during their season 1 tiffs.
song i associate with them: natalia kills - kill my boyfriend :)
favorite picture of them: sorry but i dont really have one
favorite thing about them: his body language! he’s like always on the go, all his lil flourishes, how expressive he is–expression-wise and with his body language. he uses his hands to talk and since warlocks use their hands for magic that’s like an awesome character detail. my second favorite thing is how fucking cool he is. i love when he does magic. he’s so cool oh my god he’s like the HEIGHT of cool
least favorite thing about them: not to be problematic but he’s a little TOO perfect. let him fuck up once in awhile! so far all we’ve gotten was the seelie queen thing and that was half alec’s fault
favorite line: “i’m the high warlock of brooklyn” YOU TELL EM MAGNUS
OTP: well obviously magnus and alec
nOTP: i dont really?? see him shipped with anyone else??? i guess my notp is imm*rtal h*bands…alec would absolutely hate being immortal, whether by magic or being turned. he would HATE it. i have a series of fanfictions outlines to explain my feelings on this matter more thoroughly someday
random headcanon: i made a gifset about it on my other blog (you can see it at /post/172404479554/ if you know the url) but i think maybe he doesn’t always like being a warlock. like, the magic is great! he loves his people! he loves being able to do cool stuff! but his parents basically died because of it (trying not to be too spoilery, sorry coralie), and being immortal when you have to watch people die is hard. he’s pretty sensitive about his cat eyes, maybe in a way that’s more worried about what other people will think than someone who dislikes himself? i feel like maybe he used to dislike himself a lot more intensely and sort of had a long time to unlearn it and now most of the time it’s fine but he just still has his bad days and tender spots. i feel strongly anough this, clearly
unpopular opinion: again im gonna have to go with being anti imm*rtal h*bands…i mean obviously people can write what they want & no skin off my nose but i wish it wasnt QUITE so popular bc its hard to find fic i like w/o it
song i associate with them: man i have a really great one for alec like that could kinda be malec but not a magnus-only one sorry
favorite picture of them: literally any picture with cat eyes i love his cat eyes so much
favorite thing about them: CANONICAL ASEXUAL!!!!!! i can’t tell you how much that means to me. it’s a first for me! i watched this whole show for raphael. second favorite thing: he’s still religious. that’s real brave imo
least favorite thing about them: WHY DID HE DO THAT…i cant say what he did on coralie’s post i already said a magnus spoiler but i cant believe he DID THAT im heartbroken for him and so angry at him what an idiot why didn’t he ask for help
favorite line: number one winner is the entire scene about the stars with rosa but close runner up is whenever he speaks spanish. not because it’s sexy or whatever but because he almost exclusively does it when he’s trying to be intimidating. literally i have a gif of him going “adios >:)” when he’s about to commit murder
brOTP: if i had an entire show about magnus and raphael i would be happy. alec who? but raphael and rosa kills me too
OTP: raphael and izzy, come on, come on, show, i’m begging you! simon who? this is where it’s at! i can’t believe she talked about his asexuality like it was a perk rather than a hurdle. i get weepy when i think about it for too long
nOTP: please for the love of god stop shipping with him with simon
random headcanon: dislikes kissing. i may be projecting a bit here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least i finally have a character i can project on!
unpopular opinion: rizzy isn’t predatory on either side they both did that and they both owned up to it and got better stop trying to paint one of them like a creeper and the other like some precious innocent victim
song i associate with them: every single song i put on the ace playlist i made the other night
favorite picture of them: i made a gifset of him with the ace colors and that’s my favorite one. it’s at /post/172511018559/ on my other blog if you know the url
(send me characters!!)
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cassandraclare · 7 years
on the rights of women to own their own work. crummy crabapple speaks!
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Yes, this stuff is still going on. I was hoping it would have ended after this, but it hasn’t, and being called a bitch whore murderer gets wearing fast when it’s based on nothing.
Look, frank talk about this stuff on Tumblr is often discouraged — when you have a small but pretty active group of “haters,” as happens nowadays to most successful creators, especially women, the general rule of thumb is not to talk to or about them. Blocking them on twitter excites them: it’s attention. Replying is pointless, explaining is deliberately misinterpreted, the truth is a lie, lies are truth, up is down, winning is losing. You can’t win in this situation, anyway: nobody can or does, everyone loses. The creators, the fandom, those caught in the middle (actors, etc.) Everyone.
This business about me killing Alec isn’t a rumor. It’s a lie. A purposeful lie told to make a point: that I am a bad person unworthy of my creations and that if I am a bad enough person, it’s okay to say they don’t belong to me, that I didn’t create them, that there is essentially no value in the act of creation, especially when it is done by a woman.
As we all know but mostly don’t talk about because If You Speak It They Will Come, there is a small group of anti-TMI-book fans who believe the books and the show are at war.  (They are not the show’s fans. They are something else entirely. I talk to perfectly nice show fans all the time: these are less people who love Shadowhunters than people dedicated to the idea that if they scream about it long enough, the show will cease being based on this particular book series: an ultimately doomed goal that nevertheless leaves them plenty of opportunities to annoy the rest of us.) Instead of being able to accept that art is partly subjective, they are in a constant battle for an imaginary moral high ground in which they are the keepers of a version of the Mortal Instruments that has been objectively purified of all problematic elements. 
The problem there being, of course, that there is no such thing as perfect, unproblematic media. Art comes from humans and humans are flawed. If you expect perfection you will be bitterly disappointed every single time: I’ve watched it happen over and over, as the this showrunner is a gift tag turns into the This showrunner is not a gift tag,  and many of those who last year spoke glowingly of wrapping Ed Decter, their unproblematic hero (who once said to me in wonder, “You really worked a miracle with Malec, you know, people care about them as if they were a normal couple”), in cotton wool and fuzzy socks, now refer to Todd Slavkin as “Toad.”* Plenty of articles about the problematic elements of Shadowhunters have now been written and plenty of posts posted. (If Ed hadn’t been fired, he might have stuck around long enough to get called Ediot; these things are, after all, just a matter of time. (i get called “Casserole”, seriously, I am not kidding you, you cannot make this shit up.) ) 
To clarify: I am definitely NOT saying that a (potentially problematic) work should remain uncriticized to spare the feelings of the creators because they are flawed humans like everyone else. Criticism is valid; criticism is useful; criticism is important. What I am talking about in this post is not criticism. Telling a creator that her creations should be taken away from her because she “doesn’t deserve them”: not criticism. Making up funny names and mean hashtags for creators you don’t like: obviously hilarious for some, but definitely not criticism. And to some extent everyone knows this – so if it’s important to you that a creator be denied the right to claim ownership of, and pride in, her own work, it has to be because she is not just problematic but corrupt, evil, and cruel. She has to be morally bankrupt such that removing her from the narrative of her own creation is a moral good.
And so the lie that I’m planning to kill Alec (framed within the true narrative that killing off LGBT+ characters is a serious fucking problem in media) is a natural development: because wouldn’t that be awful and mean the books were morally very bad and wrong and shouldn’t creators who create bad wrong things have their creations taken away from them? Which would be just another Misogyny Tuesday on the internet except for the fact that it’s exploiting the fears of a vulnerable group of people (LGBT+ fans for whom Alec means a lot, in whatever format -- fans who have seen over and over LGBT characters die for nothing, for shitty reasons, for straight people, on TV and in movies and in comics and in books and are therefore in a place to be incredibly hurt by it happening again), to score a point in what is basically a ship war. And that is really shitty.
And yes, it’s a ship war.
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There was really a “salty casserole” joke in there begging to be made. Missed opportunity!
So, why am I salty, you might ask? There is this belief that I must be Upset With The Show because people care about Malec on it more than Clace: my friends, the field where I grow my fucks is barren on this topic. I made up both couples. I don’t care which one you ship more, especially in a format where their story is not being told by me and for all I know, the showrunners don’t even want you shipping Clace at the moment. They seem into Climon and oh God, I have bored myself with this tangent.
I invented Clace and Malec. I’m writing a trilogy about Malec because I love Malec and have a story in my head about them, despite being offered three times the money to write one about Clace, as they’re “more marketable.” I do not have a favorite. Maybe writing works that way for some people but I doubt it. I’ve always said I don’t ship in my own books, and that is precisely what I meant. 
Moving on: Are there things that have upset me about the show and the way it was developed? Yes — being told my mostly-female audience wasn’t a desirable one because they’re female; the fact that the female artist of color who created the runes has never been paid or credited for their use; being told Isabelle was “tits and ass”, being told Alec being gay was “a strike against his likeability”, contractual shit you will never know about because that stuff isn’t public — but for some reason I’m supposed to give a flying fuck about who ships what canon couple on the show? For viewers, as it should be, this is a TV show: for me this is part of my brand and has real-world consequences for my life. Unsurprisingly I care about those, not some imaginary ship war.
I was thrilled Shadowhunters won a GLAAD award for Magnus and Alec.  (I was thrilled when the movie of Mortal Instruments got a GLAAD award nomination for Magnus and Alec though there was so little of them in the movie, it served to really underline the paucity of LGBT+ storylines in major film and tv.) I congratulated Matt and Harry on twitter; the comments below mine are something of a primer in why female creators are fleeing the internet in greater and greater numbers.
The message is overwhelmingly: “Shut up, bitch, how dare you open your mouth and remind us that this show exists because your books do, even though you didn’t actually say that but you see, we like to pretend you’re dead and it’s inconvenient when you speak.” I’d imagine every one of those commenters would tell you they were a feminist, too. The idea that nothing is gained by shutting up women or denying that their intellectual property has worth or value is apparently one that seems good in the abstract, but falls at the first hurdle of but I don’t like her.
The abstract often does fail when it comes into conflict with the concrete. Being a feminist ally means being an ally even to women you don’t like, because being an ally only to people you like requires no effort and less thought. That doesn’t mean never criticizing women or their work. But it does require interrogating what’s going on in your own head. One of the most unpleasant haters I see on twitter, who viciously loathes me though we have never met, has read all my books; she has Malec in her username, and a quote from the books in her bio. She has Cassandra Jean’s art on her twitter page, and Valerie Freire’s rune designs in her text and background. That’s a lot of mental and artistic real estate devoted to the work of three women she refers to as 
“garbage trash.” (Though I think Cassandra Jean and Val are mostly garbage trash because they associate with me and should instead have waited ten years for the TV show to come along so they could draw pictures of it or something. I don’t really understand it: the cognitive dissonance that allows to you dedicate your life to “Malec” while crapping on the person who created both characters and their relationship is so enormous that I can only follow it so far and no farther. I understand thinking that the show version is better, but not whatever warped fantasy tells you that if the books had never been written the show (now called “Evilchasers” perhaps) would have heroically found a way to invent the  story of a gay demon-fighting warrior and his biracial warlock boyfriend anyway because that very specific story was floating around the ethereal planes waiting to be discovered by the psychic powers of Disney and it is only by great misfortune that I got to it first.) Point being: if your username is “Bubbles loves Malec” yet your twitter is dedicated to spewing venom at the person without whom the thing you love would not exist, it might be time to ask yourself some questions about cause and effect, and also, what that hate of yours is doing for you, psychologically speaking.
Look, I am going to get a lot of shit for this post, but whatever — the upside of being constantly screamed at for things you have not done (slut-shamed Isabelle, planned to murder Alec, thus contributing to the fucking awful homophobic trope of killing off gay characters, "stabbed the actors in the back”, promoted incest, poisoned the earth’s water supply) is that you no longer bother worrying about being screamed at for things you did do. I won’t do set visits or conventions since coming back from NY Comicon to stuff like this:  
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I’m not going to comment on the specifics, save to say they represent a massive and almost hilarious (though probably deliberate) misinterpretation of literally everything that happened on that panel. (If the network didn’t want book fans there, asking me questions, they wouldn’t have brought me there. I was there to do promotion for the show by talking about the show and the books — I am the author, and what the literal fuck else do you think they brought me there to talk about? The history of Belgian cabinet-making? They don’t think attention paid to the books takes away from the show: only a small group of asshats think that, and it’s weird that the OP never paused to think that if they didn’t want me there talking about the books, they could simply NOT HAVE INVITED ME. Also did it seriously never occur to them that panelists are asked to speak at certain junctures or in reference to certain questions, or gestured at to do so, we don’t just randomly interject? Lord.
I will admit it was extreme of Harry not to leave me lying there on the floor or maybe drop a chair on my head while no one was looking. He should reconsider his choices.)
But that’s the thing: posts like this one are the reason I haven’t gone back to set, or gone to another convention, or promoted the show. Would you go to a convention if you knew people like this were going to be feet away from you in the audience? I’m a grown-up, I can take being called Crummy Crabapple (did the whole kindergarten class vote on that one or was it a decision by fiat…?) but the sheer hate that underpins the silliness of the post makes the idea of being near people who think like that fairly shuddery. 
I gathered a few such posts together to show to FF, and the network’s never blamed me for not wanting to go out and physically promote again. The sad part of all this is that mostly I pretend the show doesn’t exist because the downside of mentioning it is being screamed at for days by asshats (Let me be very specific what I mean by “asshats” = people who send threats, who use insulting gendered language, make anti-Semitic slurs, and repeatedly tell me I should not be allowed to own my own work — if this is not stuff you do, I’m not talking about you. Criticism of the books is fine and irrelevant.) 
We all know these asshats exist — and we are all sad about it: me, the network, the actors, the showrunners, because the net result of them existing is that I don’t talk about or promote the show, and that’s a loss for a show that could really use that outreach. Losing me, my online audience, my worldwide publishers, as potential promotional partners is bad, not good, for a show that these people theoretically love. Losing the book fans the show depended on as viewers, but who can’t stand the toxic atmosphere, is bad, not good, for the actors and writers they claim to support. Screaming “INCEST FREAK!” at every twelve year old who comes online and timidly asks when they will see Chairman Meow is not going to raise the show’s ratings. If someone is more interested in driving away the show’s potential audience because they regard them as moral degenerates than they are in getting it renewed, that’s their bliss to follow, but the reason I’m mentioning these people at all is 1) I’m disturbed by the narrative women shouldn’t be allowed to own their own work and 2) many many posts have now been made about what an awful place the Shadowhunters/TMI fandom is, and that sucks for everyone. Sadly, it doesn’t take that many people to ruin an online space.
The idea that the books and the show are at war for kibbles is a fannish one (most people, including my publisher, regard TV shows based on books as advertising for those books because from a book perspective that’s what they are) seems to come out of the fact that fans argue about which they like better, something that has happened since the dawn of adaptations. I remember it from when I was in the Harry Potter fandom: Alan Rickman understood Snape better than JKR, the movies gave Draco more depth, etc and so on. Looking back now I can see the irony of people with usernames like Lupinfan talking about how Lupin was sidelined in the books but not the movies, but distance gives infinite perspective, I suppose. If you like Malec better on the show: awesome. They still exist on the show because they were invented in the books. That statement will be interpreted as the height of arrogance, but it’s just flat fact. They matter in both formats to a lot of people. There will never be a hand of God that reaches down from the sky and declares either one better. It will always be a matter of taste and opinion. The fact that art is subjective is something we all have to live with.
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This is what I mean about the “killing Alec” lie: it has become part of the justification for my unworthiness to claim to have anything to do with my own characters. Killing Alec would be a bad thing to do to Alec (and Magnus); thus I would be terribly maltreating Alec (and Magnus); thus I don’t deserve to have anything to do with Alec (or Magnus). Thus it is okay to tell me to get the fuck out – how dare I even open my bitch mouth to congratulate the actors playing my characters if I would do something so terrible to them, after all? And who cares if it’s a lie and no one can source it? (Come on now, be real — no one tried.)
Whether I deserve Alec and Magnus is somewhat beside the point: I invented them regardless, and there was a large and profoundly intense Malec fandom before the show ever aired, whose existence is in fact directly responsible for the fact that Malec are a thing on the show at all. (Initially, neither of them appeared or were even referred to in the pilot.) Reality doesn’t really intrude into the fantasy that Magnus and Alec and Isabelle and Jace descended, pre-created, from a sky cloud, though: the fan/creator ownership dichotomy has existed since before Arthur Conan Doyle was bullied into bringing Sherlock back from the dead. Fans and creators don’t always agree and creators aren’t always right. What they are, however, always, is creators.
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(In case I had forgotten that I am not, in fact, a hot dude actor. ASTONISHING INFORMATION.) It is mysterious to interpret congratulating actors as taking “credit for Matt and Harry’s hard work”;  I neither need or want that anyway because I am not an actor; I am already credited on the show as the author of the source material, which is what I am. (I’ve won plenty of book awards but would be very puzzled to win, say, a Nobel prize for chemistry.) I congratulated the actors knowing I’d get a raft of shit for either doing so or not doing so: I chose to do so despite the inevitable annoyance factor because I like Matt and Harry; I wanted them hired; I like how much they love the characters, and I’ve always found them to be kind people who would loathe and despise the kind of tweets these folks are sending on their behalf.
Ironic, that.
But yeah, I also sent it because I’m proud of Malec. Deal with that. Women need to be allowed to be proud of their work sometimes without that being considered a deep evil. I don’t think the Magnus and Alec I created are perfect (by which I mean my writing of them, not their endearing flaws ;) but they represent years of work and love, and like any author would be, I’m thrilled to see the screen version of them acknowledged twice as something special. That’s very normal: for the GLAAD win, I got flowers from my publisher, congrats from the network and from my agents at CAA, because why wouldn’t you congratulate an author on something good happening to an adaptation of their books? The idea that when discussing an adaptation of their work, an author should reel back in terror screaming “I AM UNWORTHY TO BE MENTIONED IN THE SAME SENTENCES AS THE CHARACTERS I CREATED!” is so bizarre to most people that if you tried to explain to them that some women, not all women hahaha of course, but SOME WOMEN JUST DONT DESERVE TO BE ALLOWED TO TALK OR CLAIM THEY CAN “OWN” THINGS AMIRITE, they would back quietly away muttering that they had an important appointment to get their hedgehog dyed blue because they would literally think you were probably a serial killer.
This situation is not unique to these books, to me, or to this show: however, there is a special angle to this particular situation. Many commenters on all this have noted that the books are a female creation, the show a male one. Ed, Todd, Michael, Matt, McG, and Darren are all men, and in many ways, people find it much more comfortable, much easier, and much simpler to give uncritical admiration to men. They’re men, and therefore they have authority I don’t, and my continued existence as the author of the source material of Shadowhunters is seen as even more horrible because it makes it a girl thing, and “girl things” are less serious and less worthy. One of the things I often see the haters say is that the show is “older”; in fact the audience of the show is statistically younger than the book’s audience (I’ve seen the numbers) but I think it’s hard not to want to dismiss something so imbued with lady germs as being inherently inferior (and what’s more inferior than young women? It’s trendy to bash YA, which is seen as the province the young and the female – surely preferring men’s work makes you, you know, a more serious person? And surely if I had the sense God gave a weasel, I’d stop writing, give the book rights to some guy, and retire in shame? GO FORTH HARLOT AND WRITE YA NO MORE.)
Feminism does not mean you cannot criticize works by women. I’ve said that before, but I’m saying it again because it’s so easy to dismiss essays like this by saying “She’s hiding behind feminism and claiming we can’t criticize her because she’s a woman!” Nope. (Though it does mean you look for patterns. It’s kind of interesting there’s this small group of people who believe these characters/storylines really came alive when control of them was handed over to a series of ever-changing white middle-aged men. I mean, coincidence perhaps, but…?) I haven’t addressed criticism here really because it’s not the point: there is a huge gap between writing a bad review of a woman’s book and crusading for the idea that she shouldn’t be allowed to own her own intellectual property. Men taking away, literally taking away the money made from and authorship of women’s work is an ugly part of history (“Colette and [her husband] separated in 1906, although it was not until 1910 that the divorce became final. She had no access to the sizable earnings of the Claudine books [she had written]—the copyright belonged to him”) and it’s disturbing to see a group of primarily women argue that it should be repeated.
If the idea that a woman created Magnus and Alec, or any characters or world, is so horribly, terribly bothersome that you have to make up lies that, in your mind, render her unworthy of her own creation so that it’s all right to “take it from her” by discounting her role as a writer, her ownership of her own intellectual property, her right to exist as a person and to stand on the same stage at a convention as the “gem-like saint” male actors playing her characters —  maybe think about why?* What does screaming that I’d better not think Alec and Magnus have anything to do with me get you, really? Except the knowledge that if, one day, you write or create or draw something people love, you’ve helped create an environment in which it’s a veritable certainty you’ll get treated like you’re a piece of shit for doing it?
*And “bitch” is “bitch”, friends. It doesn’t matter what letters you take out, it’s still misogynist and still shitty. You know what you’re saying, and so does everyone else. Try asshat, really. I recommend it.
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angel-gidget · 7 years
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I didn’t. I did not deny that Alec is canonically gay. I did not not put my art in the Malec tag or any other m/m tag. I did not make posts to disparage Alec’s gayness or try to stretch canon interaction to try to argue for Alec being anything other than gay in canon since he is clearly, obviously, openly gay.
But I did make crackship AU art for my friend because I liked her story about an Alec who had pined for Jace all his youth and wasn’t lucky enough to meet Magnus at the right place and time. I liked her take on a disabled Clary, and how being blind just changed the nature of her creativity rather than removing it. And when I like the way two characters are being portrayed, I often like seeing them smooch.
My friend’s story was on her personal low-traffic blog. My art was on my low-traffic blog. Meaning, we both only ever blogged about things we personally liked. We did not try to garner extra followers to promote any public message. We kept our tags specific bc we knew it was rude to put it in malec spaces. We do not use our fandom for representation of any kind. We used it for recreation. Period.
While there is something admirable about using fandom as a means of representation, and I can understand and applaud other people doing it, I am not obligated to use my personal spaces as representation of anything. I do not owe strangers that when I am making no effort to be a public figure. Not even for a good cause.
The anti blogs that have been blowing up my inbox could have only accessed my art one way: by actually digging into five years worth of the Alec/Clary tag to resurrect my art and literally SHOVING it into current Gay Alec spaces so they could gather people to participate in their witch hunt.
That is not the behavior of any well-meaning person. That is not Gay Representation. That is bullying.
It has been successful bullying. I have received multiple messages telling me to go kill myself. I have had my day wrecked and held my breath whenever I refreshed my inbox.
While I’m hardly in the fandom anymore, I still follow people who blog about TMI and the new (not new anymore?) Shadowhunters show. 70% of the shadowhunter gifs on my dashboard are Alec or Malec and I am now unable to look at them without thinking about the people who did all THIS is the name of those characters.
But even if I became so afraid that I decided to give the anons and the anti blogs what they SEEM to want–took my art down and made submissive apologies about how they’ve successfully “educated” me–I’m not naive enough to think it would really end there.
Because they put a spotlight me, and opened up the gates to set strangers on me with negative reblogs so that the nightmare will continue even when they have grown tired of personally putting in the time.
So I’m not going to bother with submitting out of fear. I will do OTHER things out of fear instead. Like research the details of how the Tumblr block function works. And devote more time to work and other hobbies.
And try really, really hard not to pay my shitty weekend forward to the innocent people around me by ending my say on the matter here.
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
I came to the anti tmi tag to see people scream at ccs terrible books and to feel joy and I'm so so glad I found you and your better version of malec (I know nothing about the show). Thank you for creating superior content, all the book stans are big yikes
sldkfjgdfg thank you im glad to hear a reasonable cc hating person has found and liked my blog 
my malec? healthy, in love, and alec is regularly dicking down his trans bf what can i say
yeah i mean honestly i love the show (....sort of) but like its valid not to have seen it tbh its definitely far far better than the books and it gave us The True magnus bane (and malec...and meliorn...and maia... and so on. basically the characters of color. i’d say the queer characters but sam and ollie were kinda not really a Thing, aline and helen slightly bored me im sorry i wanted to like them but at that point i was so done with the show with non malec things--not that they weren’t valid i’m just not about to be reading fanfic about them, and then obviously lorenzo and underhill were..... bad. mostly lorenzo but still.) but like... it has issues! 
but show malec is such a good fucking shup and it’s so valid 
Book Stans Need To Shut Their Mouths and also stay the fuck away from my posts tbh
anyways thank u this is such a sweet ask <3 
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athenagrantt · 7 years
ok, continuing with ships. thoughts on malec? (btw you're cool)
oh boi! malec is even grosser than jimon!! like c’mon people how could you ship alec with magnus when he’s obviously in love with clary??????? MALEC IS NOT REAL!! alec loves craly! or even jace! but not magnus! alec and magnus don’t love each other can’t you see that???? 👀
and yea i know right? i’m like the coolest person on this website, you’re welcome!! 😎👑((okay, for real now! thank you so muuuch!! this is so sweet! 💞🙈) 
anti-honesty hour. ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
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No I'm not the same anon but I found the account through your last ask not gonna lie 🙈🤣🤣🤣 and the blog wasn't anti malec so 👀👀👀
Ok but about the warlock mark, what I meant was other people, specially Shadowhunters see their marks as sth that shows they're inhuman, it was sth Magnus said when Jocelyn was checking out Tessa for her warlock mark 👀
Also, yes I know fallen angel blood can do special things to the child, but as you said you study biology, you surely know that EVERY parent gives some of their qualities to their child. Like, obviously, a fallen angel has different abilities than a normal demon (probably they can use the witch light too) and it's just normal to pass them through their child. BUT what is not normal is to have "a living child capable of bearing children" as a the offspring of two different species. It doesn't matter how much alike those species are. Cause the child of two different species, is either unable to live (like the child of a normal Shadowhunter and a demon) or is a living being unable to bear children (like warlocks) so it really doesn't make scene 😅😂
But I agree this was important to the plot of her story *sighs* I just mean it isn't that hard to break the rules in TSC universe, is it 😭 so why can't we have the same for malec asfgnjhjkkkkll
And as for Simon, I didn't really get what that post meant by saying "straight white Jewish boy" 😬 I was just saying that when you think about it:
Vampire Simon= a 19 y/o corpse+ immortality
Warlock Magnus= ≈400 y/o man + immortality
So if we took immortality from either of them, what would actually remain is "something dead". Simon was a corpse without immortality, and Magnus would die immediately due to his age. So what was the difference 👀 if Asmodeus could make Simon's corps alive, he could've done the same for Magnus couldn't he?
*Sighhhs* anyways, what matters at last is that we don't have immortal malec now :( or mortal malec :(
But preferably immortal malec asfgghjk
Yeah, you’re right about the warlock marks :/ smh shadowhunters
At this point nothing about Tessa makes sense 😭 like if the reason she was born is because her shadowhunter mother didn’t bear runes then… shouldn’t there be more shadowhunter/demon hybrids? Cause there are plenty of people with shadowhunter ancestry who live separately from the clave and with no runes. And the reason she can have children doesn’t make much sense either. It wasn’t even explained in canon, so we’re all left to speculate like I did in the last post. Idek man I’m giving up
Yeah I was criticising that post, not you, so don’t worry about it 😅
And hmmm yeah maybe Asmo could make him alive 🤔… but I feel like it would come with a catch, just like it did with Simon, and knowing Asmo it wouldn’t be anything good 😭 that demon hates to see his son happy kksksks
*pat pat* issokay anon :(
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parabatailost · 8 years
(3/3) I haven't had the impression the actors are crazy about that storyline either. They seem very invested in the parabatai angle but not Alec's lingering feelings. Matthew has expressed that Alec was confused and never knew what love really felt like until Magnus and the story going forward backs up those statements so I think the show is going with that angle toward Jalec and will never bring up what they consider Alec's crush. Just adding a different take on why it hasn't been revisited.
About your comments about the show never resolving Alec’s feelings for Jace, I think a lot of that has to do with behind the scenes too. The new show runners inherited the show and seem to have little interest in that storyline so if the old show runners were going to do more with it in s2 that has pretty obviously been dropped. Also at the end of the day the show is a business and Malec is a big draw for them with both viewers and social media engagement. (1/3)
(2/3) Jalec isn’t popular with Malec fans. Add that to the show having trouble with Jace’s popularity overall. (that unlock the Jace deleted scene had shades of being a popularity test for Jace and it didn’t go well) It isn’t the smartest business move to have any lingering feelings from Alec toward Jace or put Jace in a position to be disliked by a large part of the Malec fan base they count on. Hence why they have called each other brothers twenty times an episode.
I agree with a lot of what you said re: the new showrunners’ (and writers’) agenda changing when the actual people changed, MaIec being a big draw card (for a young female audience, primarily, but I won’t go into this issue except to say it feels to me as though shows including SH use LGBT+ to draw in young female viewers instead of having LGBT+ characters because it’s the right thing to do; they pander to this young female audience in a sense), and also re: why they call each other brothers a lot now, and why the showrunners won’t bring up the feelings again, because it’s inconvenient.
In fairness regarding what Matt has said about being confused, I’ve seen that (those?) interview and that’s not what it seems like he’s saying to me. Yes, he says Alec was confused but like I said in one of my anons last night, he’s not “confused about being Jace is his brother,” he’s “confused because Jace is his male parabatai,” and he’s been taught his whole life that both being in gay-love and being in love with your parabatai is forbidden and shameful.
In this sense, Magnus is the easier option. I always see people saying “Jace was the easy option!@!” but was he really? Alec’s up against Jace being a guy, being his parabatai, being the person his family raised, and now Valentine’s son* (* for obvious reasons). Magnus is a downworlder and a male, yes, but in the scope of things now, he actually reciprocates, unlike Jace… (and I’m not trying to start shit here, but he’s arguably giving Alec what he wanted from Jace, which makes him the easier of the two choices.)
Dom, on the other hand, has been very interested in the parabatai angle, and Matt seems interested in what Dom wants and the two speak about that a lot in their interviews, but of course everyone in the cast seems interested in MaIec’s plot (fair enough; it gets them viewers and attention when they talk about it). This is totally cool, but I think JaIec is more important to Dom than people seem to like to let on, and this whole issue shows that shows shouldn’t really be writing for the audience. Not everybody will like every plot point, but it’s not up to them. Conflict is good and it’s not as though it would take a huge amount of time to bring in JaIec moments.
Alec’s romantic interest can most definitely be a fading interest, but the occasional line or conflicted decision between Jace and Magnus would not go astray. Of course, if every time Alec chose Magnus, that’s just ammo for anti-JaIecs to further abuse us and not fair to the issue of Alec’s feelings, really, and is a completely inaccurate scenario anyway… Don’t forget that even without the romantic feelings angle, Jace and Alec are parabatai and people really seem to underestimate that bond’s importance (again, in my opinion, I think this is because it’d be inconvenient to MaIec to realise that both Jace and Magnus should be of equal important to Alec); Alec and Jace don’t have to always agree but Alec most definitely will always consider Jace in the decisions he makes.
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