#and ok maybe these criticism could be beneficial but idk people could still say them in a more motivational way y'know?
snallavanta · 2 years
kinda ironic how i studied communication, yet suck at doing it in real life
#idk#i read somewhere about someone else's experience & it resonated so well with me#they said how they rarely speak their mind because they like to have a full overview of the topic at hand#so they can have a full thought analysis on the topic before speaking about it#and it really related to me#except i find that i rarely come to that speaking my thoughts part because by the time it reaches that stage#i feel like i don't have anything else to offer to the conversation#if i feel like you're right then i won't bother presenting my argument#and maybe this comes off as uncommunicative a lot of the times#and idk as someone who always gets judged by what they say#i feel like it's becoming worse because the judgement & criticism just keeps piling onto one another#and ok maybe these criticism could be beneficial but idk people could still say them in a more motivational way y'know?#i don't mind being criticised if it's constructive#but sometimes it just hurts#sorry to trauma dump but i'm not having it rn#most of the time but especially now i feel like i can relate to simon so much#how simon dealt with the video then sara's betrayal is literally how i would cope with it#and idk it makes me feel less alone that other people deal with things the same way as i do#even if it may not be the best way to deal with it#i'm so tired#i wished someone would understand me in my way y'know#it would be very nice to have someone to talk to rn#why am i single & lonely#it's the worse combination fr#i am alone AND i have no friends 😐 seriously how pathetic is that
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aspd-culture · 2 years
Please delete this if this doesn’t belong here since I know this is a “culture is” page rather than answering specific questions
Is it a lack of remorse if only (or at least the strongest) reason why I don’t do or say something is because of how it could affect me?
Example; I want to say something mean to somebody but I don’t, not because I’ll feel bad if it makes them feel bad but because I don’t want to ruin my reputation and a relationship that’s still useful to me. But it’s also embarrassing whenever I have done/said something I shouldn’t have and have been criticized for it. I don’t feel bad for the person, I just feel embarrassed. I also don’t want the other person to spread it around to other people that I’m bad or tell them the bad thing I said/did.
There have been instances where I felt bad for something I did because I genuinely made the person feel bad. I accidentally hurt a young family member of mine because I lashed out physically + screamed (physical abuse trauma + ptsd and they unknowingly startled me) and the look on their face crushed me and I still feel so horrible when I look back on the memory because their joy just instantly died.
So idk if this is truly a lack of remorse, because like examples above I have felt remorse but in the vast vast vast majority of situations, I only feel bad for self centered reasons and dread the consequences that could follow. Maybe I’m just an asshole or bad person?
I am perfectly ok with answering questions here as well! aspd-culture is appreciating people that want to learn and ask questions instead of listening to the stigma pile that is google
This definitely isn’t a total lack of remorse, but it’s nuanced. The fourth paragraph tells me you absolutely do/have experienced remorse because even when I have done something so terrible I realize it in the moment, I still do not have any feeling toward the “look on their face”, since empathy issues and lack of remorse cause me to either not recognize that emotional change, or to have no guilt about it being my fault if I do recognize it. In that circumstance, what you felt was both guilt and remorse imo.
However, the example before that *could* be a low remorse problem. It depends on how emotional the reaction is, I think. When I have that happen, there is no emotion pushing me not to say the mean thing. It is a calculated, emotionless decision that “ugh I’m not gonna say that even though I want to because *insert list of practical reasons it’s beneficial for that person to be in my life*”, but not any feeling toward how it will upset them. In fact, part of ASPD is often having trouble even realizing that what you want to say has the potential to negatively affect others, or if you do realize it, failing to care. The fact that people besides me have emotions blindsides me often. My experience may not be universal though, of course.
The embarrassment thing isn’t something I’ve personally got any experience with. If I’m worried about them telling others, it’s for practical reasons (bad reputation = less likely to get away with things and less likely to get beneficial things from the people around me). Idk if that’s an ASPD thing or a me thing, but I don’t have embarrassment as much as I have anger at the loss a public “shaming” like that would cause me.
Idk if this helped much, but that’s my experience anyways. I’d appreciate additional input from others with ASPD in the replies if possible. Ty!
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
15 questions tag game
tagged by @chillingtae to do this fun game. thank you so much bright angel!! <3 i dont think ive ever seen questions like these around here so this is fun <3 
placing this under a cut because it is long !
1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
uhm...im an old bean, and ive found that over time ive stopped asking for things necessarily and request more experiences. time spent with people matters more to me than items - i can pretty much buy things on my own if i want them. if im asking for anything id ask for money to put towards bills or savings or trips. this year i asked my parents for some money to convert to yen before i went to japan, which they gave me. of my friends, i asked if we could go for dinner and drinks which was a lovely evening <3 
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
song = Kvrt in Space by Fraunhofer Diffraction
album = 1 Billion Views by EXO-SC
3. What is your go to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
depends on my energy level. usually chips and veggies with hummus because i dont have to make anything. my ultimate snack is popcorn so i have to be careful about how often i have it because i could eat an entire trucks worth and not feel the least bit guilty.
4. What is your morning routine?
check emails. text parents. catch up on group chats. roll out of bed and wash up. feed the cat. start the day!
5. What mythical/cryptic creature would you be?
god probably some bog witch or oracle on a mountain
6. How do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
i dont. if they are interacting with me i will be polite but the conversation will be curt and brief. 
7. How do you define a toxic person?
=> habits of  dishonesty, manipulation, gaslighting, deflection of blame for wrong doings  => reacting to criticism or conflict rather than responding => engaging or meddling or perpetuating drama simply for the attention, thrill/endorphins of it => someone who drains your energy in their company rather than heals it => inability to admit they were wrong or let situations go
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?
ive been to a significant amount of concerts in my life. i love love love concert going and, before quarantine, i would list this activity as one of my favorite hobbies. while not a fan meet event, ive wound up meeting and becoming acquainted with a number of musicians - either by running into them on the street, working with them in some capacity, waiting in the queue before doors, waiting after a show, etc. i once was able to attend an after party of a show with @queenoftheimpala because i knew what a tubulum was after a band member jokingly posted about it on twitter and we started talking. one of my all time favourite bands provides ticket packages which are both a ticket to the show and an earlier event in which there are panels with therapists discussing the importance of mental health etc etc. 
regarding kpop, i have not attended a fanmeet and tbh i dont think i would. the set up feels unnatural, and it is not that i want to spend hours talking with an artist but it feels very rushed and not entirely personal enough for me to express what id truly want to say. this is just my opinion. i know many fans have attended these events and have had a wonderful time. i just dont think this would suit my energy as im quite introverted and feeling rushed would make me anxious.
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
oh for sure i do. when you research charts, planets, alignments, etc etc it can be quite revealing when it comes to personality traits, needs, expectations. while i dont believe it accounts for every single thing about a person (upbringing and societal/cultural influence matter too) it can account for the fundamentals. astrology, tarot, and light work have seen me through some extremely difficult situations in my life and reading tarot/charts has helped me understand why i feel what i feel on certain days.
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), what would you want?
i rely so heavily on all my senses that i just...dont even know how to pick this. i think id go with touch. taste is a sense omg you mean i cant taste food anymore? oh god. ok uh yeah im still gonna go with touch. touch helps you feel the connection with other people - hugs, hand holding. sounds have waves which you can feel on the body. the earth has texture. touch is how the body relates spatially to other and to itself so yeah i would go with touch.
11. Who is your favourite celebrity or idol?
non kpop = prince, david bowie, chris corner, maynard james keenan....mostly its women. rihanna or sabrina claudio or rosalia. women in the root of their power and sensuality. they are unforgiving in their bodied expressions and i respect them so much. they are unforgiving in their femininity. 
kpop = chanyeol lmao like....unfailingly so
12. If you could talk to your favourite celebrity(s) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
for the non kpop celebrities = im usually just really supportive of women in the entertainment/arts industries so id love to just hear their stories. in this instance i dont think me saying anything is beneficial, more that its important we listen to their journies and their path to success. they have a lot to teach us. chris corner ive met several times and have had many amazing conversations with so in this instance, id just ask if hes doing well, how california is, how his dogs are, give him the update on my tattoo plans etc. for maynard...idk just cry because hes the celebrity ive loved since i was like 4 years old.
kpop = if i had the chance to talk to chanyeol i think like...id just like to talk about his music, thank him for having women as his video editors/videographers, ask his genre tastes, talk about the sheer amount of retro/nostalgia modes on the recent sc album. maybe talk about astronomy. thank him for his power and remind him to eat and that he doesnt need to master everything. achieving perfection is a pursuit of pain, all he has to achieve is happiness within himself. again, remind him to eat.
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
oooo lets go to an arcade and for dinner. theres some really great barcades in lower manhattan and on LES we can get some amazing dumplings for really cheap and just have a night of talking, playing games, drinking. then maybe walk along the river before we catch the trains home
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
my sweet tooth has a limit so while i do like sweet im more into savory
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favourite artists? If so, what?
i have a lot of band tees, signed posters, albums of theirs theyve signed for me. i have some drum sticks given to me by a few bands, signed set lists. one band gave me a turntable slip cover. i have a few first press or numbered records that ive framed. i have some lightsticks from when i attended some kpop shows. ive got lots of stuff!
tagging: @yehet-me-up @queenoftheimpala @kyungseokie @jenmyeons @j-pping @yoonia @jamaisjoons @ditzymax @jiminiethot @blackberrykai @hkynm @ninibears-erigom @readyplayerhobi @imdifferentshadesofpurple @red-exo and anyone else who wants to do this. as always please only do so if youre comfortable <3 
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onisiondrama · 5 years
“Onision: Proven Honest/Innocent & No One Cares” Part 1
Speaks 4/14/19
This is my reaction to his recent video about Shiloh. Idk how many parts this will be or when I’ll be able to finish it.
The first thing I want to point out is he is trying to convince his audience that every criticism he’s gotten over the years about his relationship with Shiloh is now null because he was telling the truth all along. This video disproves nothing. Everyone knows Shiloh lied about a lot of shit and did fucked up shit during their relationship. That does not mean no one is allowed to criticize him for the fucked up things he did during the relationship.
The second thing I want to point out is he acts like his relationship with Shiloh was the root cause of ALL the criticism/hate he receives online because everyone believed Shiloh’s lies. This is 100% not true. Most people (fans and antis) really, really hated Shiloh at the end of their relationship and for years after they broke up. When they broke up, not very many people took Shiloh’s side. The majority (fans mainly) took Greg’s side and the rest thought they were both shit. Her supporters were virtually non-existent as far as I remember. She ended up deleting her Youtube channels and social media. The comments on her music videos were walls of criticism and hate for years after their break up. It really wasn’t until years later the internet softened up to her, mainly for two reasons. One: Greg continued to obsessively talk about her online for years (case in point: this video), while Shiloh publicly talked about him maybe a handful of times. When she appeared in a Q&A video with her friend she refused to say anything negative about him. It seemed like Shiloh moved on and matured while Greg continued to want to destroy her reputation and maintain some control over her. Two: Billie. The parallels between Billie’s relationship with Greg and Shiloh’s are undeniable. I noticed after his final break up with Billie, many people’s perception of Shiloh changed and the comments on videos about her and her music videos drastically changed. Like before, everyone either took her stories about Greg with a grain of salt or straight up ignored them because she was caught lying so much, but since Billie had a similar story about Greg demanding she shave her head as Shiloh, people started to think maybe she wasn’t lying about everything and maybe she wasn’t as crazy as Greg made her out to be after all.
Ok so the first part of the video he talks to a woman who claims she dated Shiloh while Shiloh was simultaneously with (on and off) Greg and Shiloh’s baby daddy. Supposedly Greg and this woman talked long ago, but Greg didn’t remember who she was. They got into contact again because he mass twitter followed all of his gmail contacts in January. I think it’s weird we’ve never heard about this woman before and Greg somehow managed to keep her a secret (before he “forgot” about her) for all these years since he’s usually quick to use information like this to make people look bad in videos. He’s mentioned countless times Shiloh cheated on him with her baby daddy, but would it have not been beneficial for him to mention she cheated on him with two people?
One of the first thing this woman tells Greg is Shiloh lied about her daughter’s death. It wasn’t a lie. There were a bunch of anti-os who hated Shiloh that continued to follow her and her life after Greg. Some befriended her baby daddy to get dirt on her and they confirmed the baby passed away.
When it comes to Shiloh, I don’t know why Greg (imo) wrecks his credibility by taking the word of random people from the internet as fact to use against her. This woman supposedly was cheated on by Shiloh, broke up with Shiloh because Shiloh got pregnant, stayed close enough to Shiloh months later that Shiloh told her about her daughter’s death, then somehow confirmed Shiloh lied about the death?? Ok look, first of all, how the fuck does someone get away with faking a baby’s death? It doesn’t make any sense. Shiloh has a family, the baby daddy has a family, don’t you think someone would realize the baby was still alive? Where is her daughter now if she lied? This wasn’t an internet hoax. It was real. I remember the the baby daddy announcing the death online. They weren’t together when it happened. He had no reason to lie for her.
Greg goes through some of the stuff we’ve all heard already. Claiming Shiloh threatened to kill herself and make it look like he did it, she told him she has a split personality, blah blah blah. “But you all said I’m lying” - he’s trying to make it seem like this random woman from the internet proved all of his stories about Shiloh true. These are all still unproven claims from Greg as far as I’m concerned, just as the stories Shiloh told about Greg are also unproven claims. That’s how it works. You don’t just get to tell a potentially reputation damaging story about someone with no proof and everyone just believes you because you keep mentioning how “honest” you are. Also, I don’t see how what this woman said proves any of those stories true. I guess to him he’s proving Shiloh was a liar? But we all already knew that.
He continues with DM’s from the woman. She says she found out she was being cheated on because of one of Greg’s videos. 
He says everyone made blogs and memes about how evil he was because we all wanted to believe Shiloh. Again, this isn’t true. most antis took neither side and used their platforms to criticize Shiloh just as much as they criticized Greg. He says people wanted what Shiloh said to be true because he had opinions about people we liked and he’s not allowed to have opinions. Wow. I guess it wasn’t the uploading her mental breakdowns to Youtube, or the fact that he left his 5 year marriage to peruse a 17 year old, or that he creepily traveled to a state Shiloh just happened to be to have sex with her legally, or shitting on her for 8 years. Hm wow I guess it wasn’t his own actions that lead to people criticizing his role in the relationship. It was his gosh darn controversial opinions. Wow honesty is such a burden. Poor Greg.
He tells more stories we already know to prove being in a relationship with her was horrible. memory loss, seizures, fire department bringing her back home after she passed out on the sidewalk, calling the cops on her. “You internet folks conclude that she’s actually the rational sane one despite how obvious that is not the fact.” Lmao. Greg no one thinks Shiloh was rational or sane during your relationship. Even most of her die hard supporters admit she went crazy, they blame Greg for causing it.
“I don’t know how you could lie about a baby dying, but she did it apparently.”
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He’s so desperate for shit to use against Shiloh he’s using shit from unconfirmed sources and hiding behind “apparently”. Like if he truly believed Shiloh lied about her daughter’s death, don’t you think he could get into contact with someone that could prove her daughter is still alive? That would make a heck of a video. Even if he’s too lazy to do that does he not think it’s weird Shiloh supposedly got away with convincing the internet her child was dead for 7 years?? He won’t look into it because he knows it might not be true and he knows if he repeats it a few times in a video his fans would believe him anyway.
The woman in the DM lists stealing as one of Shiloh’s toxic traits. Greg says he never saw Shiloh steal anything and he would have mentioned it to us. I feel like I should point of a majority of his fan base mix up Shiloh and Skye. he accused Skye of stealing his belongings and his money through alimony, but you’ll see a lot of bananas who bash Shiloh say she stole from Greg.
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ok ok, sorry sorry sorry i’m back. i’m a few weeks behind and watching these episodes for the first time no spoilers.
Previously on Insecure: Living with Daniel was a lick. Daniel wants to make connections at the club. We Got Y’all needs to hire people of color. And Molly switched to a black run law firm.
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Looky looky looky. Issa and Daniel are sleeping in bed together, platonically of course. Daniel teases her and at first you think they are still playing platonic, but they soon begin kissing and Daniel goes down on her. There is totally a scene full of Issa Rae's naked pelvis and hard nipples which I have to say is an improvement over her very awkward sex scenes last season. I approve. Idk about the eating Flamin Hots while getting head, but I understand the sentiment being expressed. But then! That was a fake out too, yet another of Issa's frequent fantasies about the person she wishes she could be but is not, like yelling at her coworkers at work or going on dates with her ex who dumped her last season. She got me that time.
Why are they sleeping together platonically? Issa quickly rolls out of bed and leaves before acting on any of the things she's thinking.
Molly is taking her bulldog to the dog groomer. She hasn't started at her new job yet. Issa hasn't had the interview yet for the invitation she had in the last episode but Molly is just happy she will be getting her own place soon. Issa clearly isn't quite ready to leave the safety (not to mention financially beneficial) arrangement she has with Daniel, but isn't being totally honest about that. Her makeup looks fantastic though.
Molly doesn't see what the big deal is since Issa is sleeping on the couch, but Issa's awkward response makes it clear they she and Daniel have started sharing a bed. Like a good friend, Molly knows this isn't a good idea, but Issa defends her poor choices while eating a dog biscuit.
We Got Y'all is participating in like... a non profit fair or something? I really like Frieda in a supervisory role, and it looks like Issa is doing better from the redheaded stepchild position she had been in before.
Meanwhile, Molly is having her first day at her new law firm. Her dress has a confusing belt thing going on but a cute ribbon tie at the neck. She meets all of the staff and I enjoy just the concept of a firm staffed entirely by black people. That's a nice thing to see on TV. And the view isn't bad either.
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Can I just say that I actually love LA? I expected to hate it and for it to be full of nothing but bleach blonde fake boobed bimbos. First of all the people were totally normal - far more "normal" "American" people than I was expecting, which is to say... overweight, basically. New York was a lot worse/better - nothing but thin and fit people in really fantastic clothes. I never saw a fat person in New York until I went to Times Square with the tourists. I could totally live in LA and be completely happy with the vibe, it is honestly not that dissimilar to Chicago at all. After visiting a few times I really don't know why people hate LA so much. You know what I hated was San Francisco... a surprisingly ugly city! And before I ever went to California I used to tell people if I were to live anywhere there it would probably be SF. Oof. That's what happens when you speak in ignorance, sis.
Daniel is working on a new track which sounds like a cross between a video game soundtrack and a sad "my life was hard" rap song. He's hoping Spyder will like it, and solicits criticism from his producer friend. I don't know his name, sorry. The producer friend doesn't like basically any of the components of the song and criticizes things he thinks Spyder won't like. I'm not sure if we should trust his opinion more than Daniel's at this point. The caption says that he "strips down" the beat. They both sound like the same sad ass song to me, so idk.  But Daniel is clearly uncomfortable with the criticism.
It turns out We Got Y'all is hosting a booth at a job fair, looking for the more black employees Issa suggested. Frieda and her manager haircut are happy with the turnout. For some reason, Dias de La Muerte dancers show up complete with a band and everything and I guess job fairs in LA are more interesting than any I've ever been to... which now that I'm thinking about it is zero...
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It turns out this is part of a presentation for another employer that works with musically gifted kids in underrepresented neighborhoods. Issa goes over and talks to the staff there and seems impressed with their shtick. Or maybe impressed with the cutie manning the booth.
Uh oh. At Molly's new firm she's learning the office doesn't use standard tech that she's used to expediting her work with. Instead of DocuSign, they use Adobe and a courier. Yikes. I worked at a nonprofit that still didn't have efax and, why? This is the whole ass future. We wasted so much paper printing and faxing everything manually and they didn't even have the big blue recycling bins, which annoyed me to no end. They are also ok with CPT time on the courier deliveries, which is clearly unacceptable to Molly. Sigh. Why do we do this, you know?
Issa is meeting with the property management company and is being interviewed by an older black guy, which is a good sign. Let me reiterate that her makeup is lovely. It seems like the part time position is more the role of a super than... something Issa would really be interested in. She would also get a discounted apartment - about half off - that the interviewer is readily willing to give to her. He asks if she wants it, and at least she has a good bathroom mirror again with which to comtemplate it.
Later, Issa is tagging along with Daniel at the laundromat, who is complaining that his producer friend took out all the "musicianship" in his track - he wanted the string accompaniment, he wanted the instruments. Daniel is trying to elevate his production with Nordic influences and unique touches. Issa offers gently that when he gets to the next level he can do whatever he want, suggesting nonverbally that he should play the game for now and get creative later.
Issa tells him she picked up the second job, so now she can move out. Daniel points out that three jobs is a lot but Issa, perhaps pressured by Molly and Kelly, is really focused on getting her own place. Daniel tells her he really doesn't mind, and their chemistry is lovely as they flirt and get in each others' faces. They are doing a good job of building the tension because I really just want them to bone already.
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Back at Molly's firm, a coworker asks if she wants to take a walk for lunch because she's in a fitbit challenge with her MiL. I am sharing data from my Apple watch with my sister and my niece and biiiitch... being a child is the best. She regularly gets 500+ move points a day while I struggle to reach 400, wtf is this child doing all day? She clearly moves so much more often during a day than I do, lol. No wonder we get fat as we get older. However Molly turns down this invitation - she is used to working through lunch, in case you weren’t picking up on all the signs that the black owned firm does not run as strenuously compared to the white-run environments that Molly is used to. The emphasize the point, the storage room is just randomly inside the building instead of offsite, as Molly would have expected. She clearly is not a good fit for this environment, and honestly she should just acknowledge that.
Girls night. The four girls are at a bar listening to Molly complain about the firm. Issa points out there are Mexican law firms as well, for Molly to complain about. Of course Tiffany, the obnoxious one, agrees that black things are janky. I mean... this is not an argument I want to get into for obvious reasons.
The girls go through examples of supporting and not supporting black businesses - Tiffany loves Beyonce, so although she signed up for Tidal she never goes on it. Kelly has a white accountant even though she herself is an accountant. I feel like this all the time. I feel pressured to give clicks to black articles, lol. I feel guilty for skipping links on Twitter about "black issues." I feel a responsibility to care and show support even about things that I don't fucking actually give a fuck about. Also Issa is wearing a dress that definitely showed up in some pivotal scene last season.
Tiffany hints about the changes from pregnancy - she hates that she can't fit her clothes anymore and she's being excluded from group chats. But the overall point is Molly should give the situation some time and try to adjust. Is Amanda Diva really pregnant IRL? Her pregnancy belly is realistic.
Kelly was helping Issa find an apartment - the best she could do with Issa's credentials is something with a "half bath," which, biiiiitch. So Issa breaks the news that she is, in fact, going to stay with Daniel a little longer. They're not sleeping together and they're getting along so she doesn't see what the problem is. Her friends try to convince her there is a problem, and shit like this scene is why I don't listen to bitches when it comes to my romantic life. Don't need all that extraneous input on what choices to make that are best for ME.
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Back at We Got Y'all, Issa and Frieda are interviewing one of the people that showed up at the job fair. For some reason, Issa clearly isn't feeling it - and why is she taking part of this interview in the first place? Is it literally just because they need a black opinion on who to hire? The girl compliments Issa's sweater, perhaps perceiving the bad vibes she's kind of rudely wafting. The candidate asks sincerely what Issa thinks of the job, and Issa answers honestly that "they are how they are." When Issa says she's been there five years and the candidate concludes that Issa must really like it, she blanches with no response. But later, Issa checks out the website for the musical empowerment employer, so maybe she will find the motivation to make a change.
More of Molly's black firm, more of her disdain for the loose standards. This time they call her out, and everyone at the table laughs politely.
Check out Daniel! Despite Spyder's reluctance, apparently they have established a working relationship as Spyder shows up at the studio to meet with Daniel and the other engineer. It turns out a friend of Spyder did get shot at the club the other night. He probably died because when Daniel asks if Spyder is alright, Spyder takes a beat and responds "....nah."
Daniel plays his track for Spyder instead of the pared down version his producer recommended. The producer asks if Spyder wants to hear the other version and Daniel is clearly annoyed at this power move. He does play the producer - Khalil's - version, and Spyder thinks that version is hot as well. At first you aren't sure if Khalil is really being a snake - clearly both versions are good, just for different sensibilities - but then he takes over the session and starts playing more of his own stuff, to Daniel's chagrin.
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Issa and Daniel are having dinner... I wanna say at Gladstone's! But that's a totally uneducated guess, lol. Daniel is in a bad mood, but Issa is oblivious. "Is that Jay-Z and Beyonce?" she says; "No, it's us! We cute!" she playfully jokes. This breaks through Daniel's bad mood, and Issa explains she wanted to thank him for his generosity, but she is going to take the part time job and move out. Daniel responds petulantly, and eventually explains the snake move by Khalil in the studio. Surprisingly, Issa takes Khalil's side, saying that Khalil knows what Spyder likes, and Daniel would be squandering this opportunity to be so prideful.
Daniel says he thinks it's funny that Issa is giving *him* career advice and... while maybe that's valid, does Daniel even have a job that pays actual money? Cause I have to say I have not seen any evidence of that over the last three seasons. He throws his "saving you from some shit" actions in her face and Issa is understandably hurt. The dinner is ruined. They still sleep together in the bed that night but they are turned away from each other in terse silence.
Daniel halfway apologizes for taking out his issues with Khalil on her but Issa only dryly replies that it's fine. He turns over and starts spooning and kissing her, which she reluctantly gives into. Toxic. I mean, I get it, but fuck, toxic relationships. It seems redundant to even complain about it because, fuck it, aren't we all toxic sometimes too - it's not always just the other person. This time, he goes down on her for real.
Unfortunately, Issa isn't into it. She says it doesn't feel right, and I don't blame her. They lie next to each other awkwardly and eventually turn away from each other again.
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the soundtrack says something something something about loving each other despite their pride and yeah... I get it, lol. I would have got it without the on the nose elaboration.
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