#and once he did gain weight he realized he didn't need any help reaching his other goals
softpine · 9 months
he's on steroids???
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amunisence · 2 years
Nevada isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us
Rogue Player AU: Prologue Finale
Madness: Project Nexus Self Aware AU belongs to saltymongoose
I was also inspired by Purgatory Mode - New Player AU by dallyfae
Check them both out they're phenomenal! Story is on an indefinite hiatus.
CW: Violence, obsessive behavior(?)/toxicity(?)
POV has officially switched to the New Player now. This is the last part of the prologue, so check out Parts 1 & 2 if you missed them! :)
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Christoff braces himself to look up at the figure standing before him. His eyes flash with realization, "New...Player..." he reaches up and grasps his halo offering it to the figure, "Nevada needs...a savior."
Player 2 has joined the game.
The corrupted Player had stirred up some turmoil between the Auditor's fellow Employers and himself. He had it coming though; it was his idea to bring the Player to Nevada in the first place.
Collectively, the other Employers agreed on a "fix it or else" approach to the Auditor's mess, a bucket of water poured onto the grease fire that is Nevada. While it would be easier to confront the Player himself, his own convenience didn't outweigh the risk of them gaining access to the improbability drive.
Before the Player's corruption, this wasn't a concern. Only the intended vessels could go under the influence of the strings. Now, however, the strings have virtually unlimited targets for this power—which includes the Auditor himself. He has taken note of a subtle weakness: it has an awfully limited range compared to before.
The Auditor had long contemplated the corrupted Player's role in Nevada. He determined that the Player is an invasive species—they are far from native and now cause harm to what little an "ecosystem" Nevada has. Since the grunts can hardly leave a scratch on them, the Player's power remains unchallenged.
While ruminating on Nevada's ecosystem, a wild idea popped into his head. With haste, he broke from his deliberation to investigate his console; he had to find out the logistics of bringing another player to Nevada.
You start up Project Nexus only to be prompted by an unusual message:
"Player, we need your help. A new enemy threatens to take over and destroy Nevada as we know it. Will you help us?"
Admittedly, the message was weird. It held a different weight and was oddly serious. It was almost "out of character" for the game. Despite the red flags, you agree to help. There must have been an update you missed, right? Suddenly, ones and zeros dot your vision as it fades to black.
You regain consciousness in front of...the Auditor?
"I don't have time to explain how you got here. There's another player here in Nevada like you. This player is incredibly hostile and can't be stopped with normal means. Only you can stop them."
The Auditor goes on to explain your powers and your newly imposed mission to stop Player 1's rampage for power. He has a hunch that PVP could be a viable option to deal with the other player since it was unlikely any grunt could stand toe to toe with them.
With another frustrating "there's no time to explain", the Auditor spawns you inside the MERC building Player 1 was last seen in. You are submerged in the darkness of a hallway with few windows. Did the power go out? Faintly down the hall, you hear some voices and blindly follow them. Eventually, you make out some figures by one of the windows. You're able to recognize Christoff and Sheriff by their halo and cowboy hat respectively. Hank takes a bit longer to pick out; you only notice his red goggles once he turns around. Wait...is he staring right at you?
You had managed to close the distance between you and them much sooner than you expected. So soon, it only just hit you how nervous you are—suddenly finding yourself wishing this meeting had happened under better circumstances. You raise a trembling hand towards Hank whose stare only added to your anxiety. Iridescent strings materialize over Hank just as the Auditor said. You attempt to guide him closer to you with shocking success. Once he's close enough you whisper, "I'm here to help."
"Who are you?" Hank rasps reflexively holding his knife to your neck as he towers over you. The height difference is certainly astonishing, but hearing him speak for the first time ever left you stunned. Unsurprisingly, he had a voice raw and coarse from lack of use.
"I'm Player 2. I- I mean the new player," you stumble, "The Auditor brought me here to um…stop the other player." As you spoke, Sheriff's cowboy hat poked out from behind Hank. "Sheriff?"
"I heard everything darlin', and I'd be more than happy to lend a hand!" Sheriff pipes up with hushed enthusiasm. Hank (who's internally cringing from Sheriff's eagerness) reluctantly grunts in agreement.
With your influence, the grunts were able to make a stand against Player 1.
First, Sheriff was able to land a bullet on the player. This allowed Hank to shatter the ebony strings wound around Christoff. Unfortunately, there were enough strings still attached for Player 1 to fling him into the ceiling. Now, an injured Christoff is offering his halo to you—implying you're Nevada's "savior".
Player 2 has joined the game.
That must be the Auditor. You take it as a sign and graciously take the keystone fragment from Christoff.
"N̶͉̦̓̚O̸͈͆̋̓!̸͈͐̾͐" the other player cries out.
You ignore them and hold it above your head. An intense light radiates from the halo before a white iridescent version is left in its place. Now, you sense the aura of the keystone fragment within your being.
"Leave," you demand.
The other player only looks you in the eye with resentment, refusing you the satisfaction of a verbal response. They shuffle back onto their feet and dissolve into the shadows.
The others crowd around you in awe of your incredible feat. From behind a grainy screen, the Auditor watches you celebrate.
"This better work," he groans, rubbing his face in anguish as he walks away from his console.
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A/N: Now we have Audi's perspective in the AU! There was quite a bit of exposition this time around. I wanted to show that the characters have different names for Rogue Player based on their perspective. It was a fun detail that I loved adding in hehe
I do plan on writing more for the AU in the present now that the prologue is finished :)
Hope you enjoyed!
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Makeup [S.B]
Sirius Black x plus size!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: a toxic relationship history and a bit of insecurity because of it.
A/N: I did a questionnaire a few days ago to see what kind of reader you would like me to do. This is the first one I do base on that questionnaire and I want to say the following:
The only reason the reader is specified as "plus size!reader" is that if there is someone who fits this description, feel comfortable.
You will never see something like "her FAT body" NO, NEVER
Much less that the One shot revolves around their weight (neither nationality, nor gender identity, nor sexuality nor all the things that they put in that questionnaire). I only write about NORMAL people in normal situations. All bodies are beautiful, we are all beautiful.
So, if you are a plus size person, welcome. If you are not, you can also read it without feeling left out in any way.
I really hope that you feel comfortable with everything I write and that you know that I seek to be as inclusive as possible. Without more to say, thanks for taking the time to read my stuff. Tell me your opinion, if you want!💕
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You looked in the mirror one last time.
Sirius, the boy of your dreams, had asked you out on a date and you wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
You had met him because you both lived on the same floor of the condo block and it was inevitable to bump into him from time to time. It wasn't the best place to live, it was small and a little dirty, but it was the only thing you could afford and the fastest you could find after that happened.
You liked the way Sirius smelled because when he crossed the corridors, you could perceive a mixture of leather (you supposed it was due to all the clothes he used of this material) and an elegant cologne that drove you crazy.
At first, it scared you a little to see him with that piercing in his eyebrow and his multiple tattoos, but later you realized that he was really nobody to be afraid of, on the contrary, he turned out to be a very tender and sweet boy.
The first time you spoke to him it was because you were struggling to open your door while carrying boxes and bags that you had brought from the supermarket. The boy noticed you were having trouble and walked up to you to offer his help, so (still a bit wary) you said yes.
Once he held your purchases, you could open the lock, but when you turned around, you noticed that Sirius was secretly looking at the contents of your bags and when he realized that you had caught him, he blushed.
"Sorry I'm a little gossipy," he said shyly "I'm Sirius"
"I thought you were a gossip"
"No, my name is Sirius" he laughed and it was your turn to blush.
"Oh, sorry"
"Okay, anyone can get confused" he murmured with his charming smile, handing you what he was holding in his hands "I live in the 512" he informed you. Of course, you knew he lived in that apartment; you had seen him come into its thousands of times "In case you need anything. You know, some plumbing or things that have to do with tools and that shit of men" he murmured kindly. You frowned a little and then he quickly added "I mean, it's not that girls can't do that and it's okay if you know how to do those things, you seem like a smart and capable person. It's just that sometimes it's tedious and requires strength... and it's not that you don't have strength, I mean...” Sirius couldn't continue because he heard you giggle and then realized he was looking like an idiot “Just call me if you need anything and if you want to do it, yes?” he explained to you and you nodded with a smile.
"Thanks for offering your help Sirius" you replied, looking at him over your bags.
"You’re welcome, miss..."
"Y/N" you completed. He smiled and wrapped a dark curl around his finger that fell unruly from his ponytail.
"I'll see you later then, Y/N. It was nice to greet you" he said by way of farewell and you nodded to respond.
You haven't felt like this with any guy since you met your dear (sarcasm) ex-boyfriend. The insecurities that he had created in you kept you from thinking about having something else later and you honestly didn't feel ready to have your heart broken again.
But Sirius continued to be kind to you. Whenever he looked at you, he made an effort to have a topic of conversation, even if you were not so eloquent, and little by little, he was gaining your trust and your affection. As the weeks went by, you became good friends who chatted in the elevator or occasionally (when you weren't late for work) went downstairs just to share a little more time.
Until one day Sirius showed up at your door with his clothes stained with something that looked like paint, his hair tied up in a messy way and smelling of burned food. He was so beautiful in his own way and you were so afraid of falling in love with him because you knew beforehand that having something else would be impossible.
After all, no boy would ever love you. It was something that your ex-boyfriend had commissioned to get very well into your head.
"Go out?" you asked a little confused after he asked you. You didn't want to misunderstand things.
"Yes! We could go wherever you want. For ice cream, to dinner, to a park, to the cinema... I don't know, wherever you can think of”
"Why?" was the first thing that occurred to you to ask. Now it was Sirius' turn to look confused.
"Well, I thought it would be an opportunity to meet and... spend more time together" he explained and although you had understood the idea it seemed impossible to think that the boy had any kind of interest in you "But it's fine if you don't want to, I don't pretend be upset"
"I'd love to," you rushed to say, fearful that the opportunity would slip through your grasp. You saw him smile and after exchanging a few more words he left with a smile that you couldn't see, but that was pure joy.
Finally, the day of "go out" arrived and you were about to tell him that you could not go. You were nervous, more than nervous you were anxious about what could happen or what he could say about you.
You had searched your entire wardrobe for something decent to wear and after pulling and removing and taking out the clothes and trying them on, none of them convinced you. You looked in the mirror and didn't feel like it was enough of an outfit to date a man as handsome as him. In the first place, you did not even know why he had chosen to go out with you, because, although you considered yourself a nice person, you could not boast of being the most interesting.
Don't think about it, don't think about it, you kept repeating yourself as you continued to get ready and looked at the wall clock waiting for the time for Sirius to knock on your apartment.
Once you were with your outfit ready, you looked yourself up and down and although he did not completely convince you, you decided to tell yourself that you looked beautiful. Still a little nervous you looked at the makeup bag that was under some things on your dressing table. You hadn't put on makeup for years, because you were still scared to hear the comments in your head with that horrible voice.
You look like a whore.
You shook your head to ward off all the negativity and taking a breath you plucked up the courage to open the zippers and remove the beautiful makeup that you had abandoned. When you were finishing and without giving a chance to regret there was a knock on the door that took you by surprise. You went out and found Sirius wearing a striped t-shirt and ripped jeans that reminded you of that blond singer... Kurt was his name?
"Wow" you heard him say and he caught you staring at him adoringly. But you noticed that he looked at you the same "You are beautiful" he said with a smile. You frowned, again a little afraid that he was lying, but you tried again to push away those ideas of self-sabotage and smiled widely.
"I'm glad you like it. You look very handsome, you look like...”
"A rock star? I know” he said winking at you and managing to make you laugh “It's a joke, thanks for the compliment, sweetie” he replied, with his pretty smile of sealed lips. Just when you were smiling at him you watched him pay special attention to your makeup and put on a face that completely terrified you, taking all your confidence.
"Something wrong?"
"Your makeup" he pronounced. You felt your heart squeeze a little.
"You do not like? I can go take it off if you find it ugly or something like that…”
"Ugly?" he asked offended "No! It’s beautiful, but I feel like it lacks a touch. You know, the cherry on the cake that stands out in your eyes” he explained. You looked at him confused for the third time and he snapped his fingers as if the answer had suddenly come to his head "Eyeliner"
"Of course! Don't you like to use it? " he said kindly, turning his head to the side. You denied.
"I never learned how to do it" you lied. There was a bit of truth to it, but it also had a lot to do with the fact that he kept repeating that you looked vulgar with the eyeliner.
“I'm good at it! Come with me,” he murmured. He took your hand carefully and dragged you gently through the hall until they reached his apartment. You were a nervous wreck when he invited you to join him. "Sorry about the mess, I'm really the most distracted person on the planet and I forget to arrange things," he said with an embarrassed smile. You looked at some vinyl lying around, clothes, food packages, paintings, a guitar. There was a certain peace and beauty within all that mess, completely reflecting the boy who was desperately searching for his favorite eyeliner.
"Come," he asked once he left his room. You sat in a red leather chair he had and he leaned in your direction, very close to your face "Raise your head and look slightly down" he asked you and you listened. He took you by the chin with one hand and you saw him stick his tongue out just a little bit (as a sign of his concentration) while drawing on your eyelids. When he indicated that he had finished you saw him smile from ear to ear, which you imitated when he saw yourself in a mirror.
"Wow..." you whispered. Years ago, you loved putting on makeup and especially eyeliner, so seeing you again like that you were surprised. Besides, he was right, his hand was excellent at it.
"Now it's perfect, right?" he said excitedly. Perfect, that's how Sirius described what was in front of his eyes.
"Yeah... it looks much better" you admitted shyly. You couldn't believe that Sirius could make you feel so comfortable and calm, as well as help you maintain your confidence in yourself.
"I just hope I don't meet jealous guys for not having someone so pretty accompanying them," he said flirtatiously, making you laugh because of your nerves and making you blush "Shall we go?" he asked smiling and extending a hand to help you up.
You looked at him, still amazed to have found someone like that in your life, and took his hand with a smile.
Who would say that sometimes love stories begin like this?
TAG LIST: @aleksanderblack @voidamy @blackst0nes7077 @bruxa0007 @fictionalcharactersworld @falcvns @iwritesiriusly @navs-bhat @aleksanderwh0r3 @myalupinblack @bohologyc @ itzzzcookie @sexysirius
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Streets (Shalnark x Reader)
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This is a commission piece from @pastelbear12. It is a part 2 to Pretty Little Psycho. If you would like to commission me, here's a link to my commission page. I hope this kills you Sophie.
Pairing: Teasing!Shalnark x female reader
Warning: Teasing Shalnark, bondage, public sex, choking, daddy calling, very dom Shalnark, this is pure smut.
Word Count: 2610
You let your head duck under the red rope as you held tightly to the blonde in front of you. His face lit up with a wild, untamed excitement. You felt a tight squeeze on your wrist which matched the same tight lipped grin. Shivers ran down your body at the choice you made.
“Hey Shal,” called one of the men still stuck in line. The taunt left his face as Shanark faced his peer. The taller and muscular blonde who’s name was Phink motioned towards the entrance of the club. “You know the boss’s mission.”
Shanark waved away the notion. “You have enough people. Tell the boss I’ll be back later.” His gaze flickers to your own. “I have a more important mission to attend to.”
The music bumped through the speakers as Shalnark dragged you across the floor towards the bar. Not much was different between the two places beyond the line to enter was much shorter and there was a lack of a friend by your side. If you’d not been caught up in his hazel eyes, the terror may have set in by now.
Heavy bass swam between dancing bodies, flirty conversations, and frat boys chugging beers. You could almost hear it over the steady beat of your own heart. Your breath was shaky from the walk over and getting caught looking too long at the blonde man.
“What do you want? He asks while leaning his back against the bar. His arms planted across the empty space of the bar. “Or would you rather I pick for you?”
“I would-” You didn't have a chance to respond as Shal caught you off guard. Although you were going to respond, you didn’t know what you were going to say. Would you allow him to choose for you or would you rather choose something for yourself.
“Or are you worried I’ll spike your drink?” His eyes flicked up and down your body as if he was taking in a beautiful view. “Don’t worry. I’d like you to remember who will leave bruises all over your body tomorrow.”
An involuntary whimper forced from deep within your core. His words made your choice for you. “You can choose.” You almost couldn’t recognize your own voice. It was hoarse as if your throat was starving for water and squeasy as if you needed to gasp for air.
Shalnark reaches over to bush his thumb over your burning cheek before lightly gripping your chin to look up at him. “Seems like you may need water more than anything else. Wouldn’t want you to be too dehydrated for me.” You squirm away from his touch only to have him hold your jaw tighter. “I didn’t say you can look away, did I?”
“No,” you whisper. Shal’s thumb moved to your lips. They part when his finger presses lightly on the bottom lip to wetten them with your own saliva.
He chuckles: “Good girl.”
The blonde stranger’s words catch the breath in your chest which causes you to inadvertently cough and squirm away. “I’m sorry,” you mumble as you try to find a safe hiding place for your eyes that’s not the burrowing gaze of the man in front of you.
“No need to be sorry, princess,” he says while motioning to the bartender. He orders two waters. Shalnark ignored the rolling eyes of the worker,
“You didn’t order anything for yourself?” you question.
“No. I want to be coherent too. Any drinks and you may squirm away from me too much.” Your weight shifted between your feet. Before the bartender could return, Shalnark leaned in right next to your ear and mumbled “not that you aren’t already squirming for me.”
Your lips part to respond as the bartender sets down two bottles of water. Shalnark picks up both and hands you the other one.
“Anything else for you two?”
“Not now. But keep an open tab. I’ll be back for more.” The bartender takes this as his cue to find other patrons who will pay more. Your partner uncapped the lid and drank the full bottle down with almost no stops.
“Trying to impress me?” you tease while upcapping your own bottle. You take a few sips to try and cool your heat-filled cheeks.
“No,” he says while looking disinterestedly at the plastic in his hand. “I’ll need an excuse to use the restroom later. It’ll look suspicious if I take you to the bathroom the moment we walk in.”
Your nose scrunches while putting the bottle back onto the counter. “Why would you..?”
“Don’t tell me you’re that oblivious, princess,” Shalnark says. His tongue reaches out to wet his lips. The blonde’s pupils were blown as he leaned over the bar and into your space; making sure there are no gaps between you. Fear sends a chill down your spine. “I’ll want to take that pretty dress off and do unspeakable things to you.” Your grip tightens on the plastic as some of the water splashes onto your dress. “Ah now you have to come with me. We have to dry off.”
Shanark’s hand rested once again in your trembling hand as the bottle was left on the bar. Part of you hoped you’d never see that bottle again.
The swinging door finally closing was the last barrier between the two of you. Shalnark roughly gripped the clothing that guarded your hips and pulled you into a rough kiss. His force knocked the wind out of your chest. His body cages you against the door; although, that’s not what you would call it. Your arms were wrapped tightly around his neck
For his stature, you weren’t expecting his hands to be forceful enough to pull you against his own. You could have sworn you heard a tear of fabric as Shalnark looked for the skin of your back or hips. You wouldn’t be one to look at it until much later. Instead, you focused on the warmth pressing on his lips and warm breath against your own.
“Shal,” you groan while hiking your legs higher. He took the cue and pushed his full weight into your to lift your body so that you can wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress shifts up to around your waist.
You whimper while feeling his cock pressing into your thigh. Thick enough to feel it was semi hard. Your hips inadvertently grinded against the man. Shalnark pulled away from your lips with only a string of saliva and a whine to replace the once filthy noises.
“Did I tell you to grind against my dick?” he asks. His grip tightens against the small of your back.
“No?” you question. Your mind is a little hazy and lustful.
“No…” Shalnark’s voice trails off with a commanding expectation.
“No, master?”
“Better. But I’m looking for a word that starts with d.”
You could feel yourself absentmindedly closing your legs to gain any friction on your already wet pussy. “No daddy. You didn’t say I can grind against you.”
“Good girl,” he whispers against the shell of your ear. He peppers soft kisses against your lobe before ripping the little piece of fabric against your cunt. You squirm to try and close as the cold air hits your unclothed pussy. “Now. Hands up.”
You cock your head but comply. Shalnark shifts to hold you up by pressing your weight into the door. Your hands dangle above only for him to use your ripped underwear to tie your hands together. He ties them tightly while crossed. “Better,” he grunts before letting you down from his waist.
Shalnark strips the thin shirt and places it on the door knob. Your body trembles from the cool of the room mixed with fear of what could happen. He places a chaste kiss on your lips which leaves your head spinning and wanting more.“Knees, kitten,” the blonde commands and you follow.
When your knees hit the floor, you felt the force of the inability to use your hands. No matter how hard you tug, you cannot get released. You realized how under control you were of this strange man. The realization made your thighs slicker with your own wetness.
“Good little slut. I’ll treat you so nice if you suck my cock well.” Shalnark reaches a hand into your hair and tug it enough to look up at him. He chuckles at your open lips and doe-eyed look. The spider uses his other hand to pull out his throbbing cock. His tip was angry, red and leaking.
You wet your lips before kitten licking his tip. Shalnark hissed at the sudden touch. Curses escaped his lips and the grip on your hair tightened. You take this as a cue to keep doing a few test licks.
The salty taste edged you on to do broad stokes at the underside of his head. Without warning, the man shoves his cock into your mouth. “I’m done with your teasing kitten,” he grunts. “Treat me right.”
Your cheeks hollow as he pulls out of your warm mouth. Your tongue keeps flat against your jaw as Shal sets the pace. At first he’s kind by not shoving his full length in your mouth; however, this kindness doesn’t last.
One push is a little too far and causes you to gag around his length. This pushes the spider to go a little deeper. Your gag reflex would be your betrayal. Shalnark grips the back of your head to guide you at the pace he wants while your hands dig into his thighs. You could feel the trembling of his cock before he pulled away from your lips. Saliva runs down your chin and neck. Soon enough you kept your mouth open and let him use you.
“Fuck you got me too close princess,” Shalnark grunts while helping you to your feet. “Let me treat you to the same.”
At first, you were excited. Then you realized he didn’t cum. You got him close but not enough. Your eyes widen as he kisses your burning lips. “No daddy. I want to cum.”
“Good use of your word kitten,” he mumbles while dragging you to the sink. “I’ll let you cum if you do good. I promise.” His eyes twinkle with some miscivious thoughts.
He uses the sink as a way to prop up your body. You pray that it will continue holding your weight as Shalnark lifts your right leg over his sanding shoulder. This position creates a throbbing pull on your muscles.
A single finger dips into your dripping cunt. He’s teasing the outside as you quake against his touch. You pull at your restraints in hopes of helping him give you something to clench your walls around. “P-please,” you whine.
“Please what, princess?” Shalnark questions.
“Please touch me, daddy,” you cry. Your hips buckle against his touch. Shal hums but compiles. He moves a finger inside your warm cunt which causes you to gasp. Your back arches before hitting the glass of the mirror behind you with your exposed back.
Shalnark curls his finger and touches the spot that sends stars around your eyes. His finger picks up speed while moving in and out of your pussy. Whimpers and whines fall from your lips with little regard for who could hear.
Another finger is added to the one. His pace picks up. “Princess, you’re not ready for me yet. You have to take three of my fingers before being able to handle my cock.”
You whine again. Two felt like enough. You were spread and drowning in your own pleasure; yet, he refused to touch the bundle of nerves. You clenched down on his fingers. “You do that princess and I’ll make it four,” Shalnark whispers. Your pussy made slapping noises with each thrust of his hand.
For all you new, you could be covering his hand with your juices. You wanted to complain but Shal spread you more with a third finger. You clench at the small pain even though he slowed down.
“Doing so well, kitten.” Tears pricked your eyes. Soon Shal could move his fingers without you tightening around them. He took this opportunity to pull out his fingers and lick off any of the remaining juice.
He tears the underwear that holds your wrists. You had no objections as the binding was starting to hurt your arms and wrists. An acceptable pain that would leave bruises for days to come.
Before you could gain composure, Shalnark flips you over to look at yourself in the mirror. Mascara ran down your face from the tears of pleasure and slight pain. Your pupils were blown and lips plump from the barrage of his thick cock. The once beautiful dress was pushed away so that your tits were hanging out. You looked like a sweaty whore; however, your partner only looked hotter. Sweat dripped down his face and wetted his hair. He was filled with determination.
Your once bound wrists were tied by one of his hands behind your back. He uses the other one to line up his cock at your entrance. He traces your lips with the tip of his cock before pushing in. “Fuck,” you grunt while pushing your face more into the mirror. Shalnark uses the momentum of pulling your wrists to bounce you further on his dick.
“Oh princess, you feel better than I imagined,” your partner grunted as he slid out only to push back in. The hand not bound to your wrist slaps your ass at the same time his cock slammed into you.
He did this a few more times until the stinging pain was replaced by Shalnark fucking into you faster. Your whimpers turn into soft screams. Lewd slapping of skin and a few of the spider’s grunts echoed in the small bathroom.
Shal reached up to twist your head to look at yourself in the mirror. “Look at you princess.” He sticks a finger into your open mouth. Drool pools on the end of the sink. “Look at how much of a whore my pretty princess is. Drooling for my cock.”
His hand slid from your mouth to your neck. Lifting you up so that your back is flush against his chest. The hand that was on your wrists was repositioned to your clit. He rubbed rough circles in hopes that the growing tension in your stomach would break.
“Fuck ‘m close,” Shalnark grunts. His hand at your neck tightens around your airway while making it hard to breathe. It was all too much. Your clit, Shalnark’s hand, his thick cock fucking into you.
For the moment after you came, you swore you saw stars. Shalnark pumped a few more times into your cunt until he squirts his cum inside. He bites down on your neck to keep him from moaning. It wasn’t until he was coming down that he finally allowed you to take in the precious oxygen you desperately needed.
Shalnark’s teeth were replaced with soft kisses to your sweat covered skin. He pulled out of you once he and you had come down from your collective highs. Your shaking legs were covered in a mixture of your own cum and his. You shiver from the loss of him filling you up.
“Can you walk, darling?” the blonde questions.
“Good because we’re going to a hotel. I’m not letting you go.”
“What about our bar tab?” Your question felt hoarse and tired. You had no more fight in you.
“Fuck the bar tab,” Shalnark says while handing you his shirt. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk tomorrow.”
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hanjizung · 3 years
♡ Dreamy Welcome. ♡
Lee Minho x Reader.
Word count:  4.4K
♡ Warnings ♡: SMUT; (mentions of) orgasm control, fingering, masturbation, (a bit of) exhibitionism, creampie, breeding kink, basically just love making, pet names.
Hello! im back with another request from when i reblogged this promp list ! [8) “If you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.”] hope you enjoy!
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You had been missing Minho a lot since he went on tour, missed everything about him; his voice, his laugh, his smile, the way he called your name, how he hugged you and kissed you on the forehead after teasing you… His whole absence felt weird, it wasn’t killing you but you missed him a lot, you needed him back as soon as possible.
There was an unwritten list of things you wanted to do with him once he was back; first you had to hug him, tell him how much you had missed him while kissing his face and making him feel a little shy from all the affection you were giving him in front of his members, then you would steal him and take him to your house for a movie night where the only thing you would actually focus on is going to be take care of him, massage him if he wants, play with his hair and cuddle with him on your couch until he fell asleep, and the last thing on your list was to make him fuck you senseless.
Of course the two of you had the occasional phone sex, it was mostly him hiding in the bathroom between practices and telling you to touch yourself for him, moaning his name but never cumming, because he said that he wanted you to cum on his cock, he wanted to be the one to give you an orgasm that would have you seeing stars.
That was the promise he made during one of those calls late at night that had you feeling needy and in not a very good mood for the next day, it made you feel frustrated that you stayed always at the edge, but you were equally proud that you hadn’t broken his one rule.
The day he called you and told you with a happy voice that his last concert was in 3 more nights and that in two days after that you would be able to see him, you exploded. When you went to work you got asked multiple times what had happened that you couldn't stop smiling, making you laugh and lie to them that you were just excited for something that happened to one of your cousins or something like that.
It was a more contrastive mood than how you behaved last week, bags under your eyes, eyes semi closed from how tired you were and not so happy because your beautiful boyfriend required a session of self love where he got to edge you multiple times. Twice, to be more precise, the sudden change surprised everyone at your workplace. You seemed more energetic and focused, you did all your work with a smile on your face and you sang during your break when you ate.
You asked your boss if you could leave earlier one day, and seeing how competent you were behaving he accepted, wishing you good luck and telling you that he expected you to stay working as efficiently as possible and that he was happy with your work pace. You simply nodded, not hearing much of his speech because everything that was in your mind was your beautiful boyfriend.
Days passed quickly and you found yourself showering at 4 am to be able to go and receive your boyfriend and the rest of your friends in time. You would be done getting ready at 5, then had to get a taxi to the airport and then you would be able to spend the day with all of them, just like you wanted.
The early morning was cold, and you were thankful that you decided to wear an appropriate coat to protect yourself from the weather. You placed your hands together out of nervousness, anticipating the moment that all of them would arrive, walking through their fans and following the staff to where their vans were parked.
True… you couldn't run to Minho and wrap your arms around him. You had to keep the black mask above your nose and the dark glasses to avoid raising suspicion and pretend to be another staff member. Your relationship was a secret…
Sighing, a plane finally landed and the giant bodyguards that you sometimes brought candies to started walking towards it, you running not too far from them and breathing in to try and control your excitement, failing momentarily when you saw a group of men walk out followed by some other people close behind them. You recognized each one of your friends as soon as they walked out, they wore comfortable clothes and they seemed to be needing some more rest.
The real staff instructed them to go to the previously prepared cars, and you rushed to find your dance machine boyfriend.
You waited for Changbin, Jisung and Seungmin to get inside the car, Minho noticed you and he got in, waiting for you to close the door after you hopped in to hug you and pull you close to him in a loving manner. In the front seats, there was one of the bodyguards and the designated driver. You snuggled closer to Minho, he whispered "I missed you a lot" for you to hear only and he kissed your forehead gently, making you feel incredibly happy.
Not even 10 minutes inside the car, and soft snores could be heard, Minho's weight felt heavy in your side, but you didn't care, you were happy knowing that from that day he would get to rest for a long period of time, and you expected to spend a lot of time with him.
The stillness of the car made you open your eyes, rubbing them to get accustomed to the sun rays filters through the clear front window and you realized that you had finally arrived at the dorms. The bodyguard opened the door for you, giving you his hand to help you out. You shook Minho gently to help him wake up, yawning when he looked at you with disoriented eyes, and then you took the waiting hand to wait for them outside.
When all of them were outside the car, you helped them walk to their corresponding dorm, helping Minho walk with closed eyes because he wasn't fully awake, and when you finally got to your destination, the door was unlocked and there was a mountain of baggage and bags ready to unpack, but that would be a problem for later. In the kitchen, sitting with his laptop in front of him was Chan, he gave a low "good mornin" when he saw who had arrived, continuing to do whatever it was that he had on display in the screen in front of him. You nodded, silently greeting him and then walked to Minho's shared room. He plopped down on his bed, moving and patting the side next to him for you to lay down next to him, and you did.
"I missed you" you whispered, burying your face in his chest and hugging him tightly, making him chuckle quietly.
"I missed you too, hot stuff" he whispered back, looking down at you and patting your back gently.
The two of you stayed like that, there was no need to speak any more words, you were finally holding him, you were finally in his arms and you felt so loved. This was your safe place.
With those thoughts in your head, you dozed off again, your breathing almost syncing with Minho's steady one.
You had a beautiful dream with him, it started with you sitting on the porch of your childhood home observing the street until a younger looking Minho appeared and took your hand. He guided you to the insides of the place that used to be your home. He kissed you playfully at first, then he took your face with his hand and held you in place as the heat of the kiss increased and moments later he was eating you out in the kitchen aisle.
You were enjoying the dream probably a little too much, because you were woken up suddenly by your boyfriend's hands on your shoulder, moving you gently to bring you back to the real world.
"Seems like you had an interesting dream, didn't you?" he said. You blushed, hitting him gently on his chest and groaning.
"Maybe I wouldn't dream such things if someone," you shoot him a glare "didn't get me all worked up and then didn't allow me to cum" you complained, making him laugh. You were daring him, and you knew that, but you needed to know how much he would wait until he finally gave you what you wanted and fucked you hard like he'd done before he left.
"Oh, really, baby? It's my fault, then?" he asked. You pouted and nodded, looking at him with needy eyes. "Then I must do something to reward you for being so good, right?" his hand snaked on your tummy, getting to the edge of your shirt and going under it until it reached your breast.
His hand squeezed you, gaining a sigh from you. Two of his fingers played with your nub moment later, he shifted so he would be on his side and able to play with you, his lips finding a home in your neck and kissing you lazily, the caress of his lips against your skin and the sensation of him teasing your nipoles felt amazing, it was enough for you to start getting wet and your breathing to turn irregular, but all that ended when Jisung shamelessly opened the door.
"Hey guys, who's awake already? Does anyone wanna watch a movie?" he asked no one in particular, Minho's movement stopped and his arm quickly moved to wrap around your waist, his head fell against his pillow and you closed your eyes again to pretend to still be asleep. It was almost as if nothing between the two of you had happened, which would actually seem like it were true if both your hearts weren't racing from almost being caught.
You heard movement from the other side of the room, you recognized Hyunjin's steps passing through the door accompanied with a humm and later Seungmin's voice was heard, answering Jisung who was still standing by the entrance.
"I'm kinda hungry. I'll join if we order something to eat" he said, the sound of feet against the floor letting you know he was ready to leave the room.
"Sure, let's try to convince Chan to pay," Jisung responded, waiting for Seungmin to walk with him to the living room, but when Seungmin reached him, Jisung didn't move. "Shouldn't we wake Minho and ask him if he wants something as well?"
"Nah, he stayed up the whole flight I think, and besides, he's with Y/N. Let's order something for them and let them sleep," Seungmin said, his tired voice making it clear that he didn't want to deal with trying to wake Minho up.
The answer seemed to be enough for Jisung, and the two of them left, closing the door behind them. Just then, you allowed yourself to sigh in relief.
Next to you, Minho rolled on his side, his back now at you making you confused. "What are you doing?" you asked.
"You heard them, they think we're asleep, so we might go back to sleep again, don't you think?" he responded, his tone still low. You whined, hugging his whole body as best as you could, your mouth reaching his ear to whisper to him:
"But I'm so wet… are you really going back to sleep and leave me like this?" you cried to him, you knew he could feel you putting on the tone of voice you decided to use, but he didn't say anything, so you tried your luck again.
"Please, if you're not going to fuck me at least finger me, I've missed you so much… I've been waiting for you to use me for so long" you continued, begging with a low voice and pressing your lips against the shell of his ear, starting a trail of kisses down all the uncovered skin you could see, high diving yourself in your mind when you felt him shiver under your touch.
Minho finally sighed, giving in and turning so now he would be facing you, your eyes almost shone when his right hand went to your hip and his face got closer to yours to steal a passionate kiss that you now would end up making you feel like the world was spinning.
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips when both of you tried to recuperate your normal breathing, drawing a raised eyebrow from your boyfriend. You simply took his face with both of your hands and started kissing him again, suddenly one of your hands leaving his cheek to guide the hand resting on your hip to where you needed him most. If he noticed, he had been nice enough to not say anything.
Or that's what you thought, because then he broke the kiss and growled quietly, his fingers playing with the button of your jeans until he was able to open them and he wasted no more time, his slender digit slipping past your underwear and feeling all the wetness between your legs.
"Oh, Y/N, you're so fucking wet, kitten" he muttered. His hand moved away from where you wanted it to be, making you complain and furrow your eyebrows while he showed you his glistening finger before guiding it to your lips for you to lick it clean yourself. Minho rolled his eyes when you grabbed his hand and made it touch you again, you didn't care how needy you seemed, everything you could think of was how much you'd love for him to rail you.
His fingers started working on you, slowly caressing your clit and gathering your essence before he entered you, making you sigh. He was staring at you, silently admiring your features that showed just how good he was making you feel. You weren't looking at him, your eyes closed as you tried to focus on the way he was making you feel, but you didn't need to see him to know how much he was grinning, proud to have you biting your lip to not moan too loud. At some point your breathing got heavier and your legs started to tremble, the last signal meaning that you were close was when your walls embraced his fingers, your mouth opened as you found home in the ecstasy-like sensation, Minho tried to prolong it by over stimulating you.
After a moment, he finally removed his fingers from your inside and licked it clean from your juices while you recovered.
"Was that better?" he asked, gaining a humming from you as an answer.
"It was good, but I still want you to fuck me" you finally said, pouting. He opened his eyes wide, as if he was actually surprised, and said:
"You're so greedy, my needy baby wants something else besides my fingers, huh? Go clean yourself and let's go to your house then. I'll give you the best welcome back fuck of your life" he kissed your forehead, waiting for you to stand up after you heard what he said.
"Really?" you asked, full of hope. He nodded, and you almost jumped from the bed to run to the bathroom, standing in front of the door fixing your jeans before walking out the room, remembering that you weren't alone.
You made your way silently to the bathroom, saving your hand at Jeongin who apparently had gone to his room for something and happened to find you on his journey to go back to the living room. He seemed tired, as if he hadn't fully tested, but his memory worked just fine because before you entered the bathroom he told you that they were going to watch a movie and had called for some takeout food for everyone. You thanked him and got inside to do what you had to do.
An hour later, you found yourself cuddling Mingo on the only individual couch after eating and watching a comedy with the rest of the members. Some were on their phone, some still eating and others were cuddling just like you were. It was a relaxed night, and you were having a good time, but the words Minho had told you earlier resonated in your head and your pussy was louder than your heart, screaming at you to act out and make Minho take you home to complete his promise.
Covered with a blanket, your hand snaked down his form and entered his joggers, feeling up his cock. You weren't looking at him to know his reaction, but he quickly squeezed you as a warning to not continue your devilish plans.
You didn't care, continuing to tease him until he got hard enough and that's when you pressed yourself against him. He sighed, but pushed himself against you almost as if encouraging you to keep going.
"Stop, Y/N. We'll leave after the movie is over" he whispered, trying to get you to reason with him.
The answer he got was you pulling his joggers and boxers down with one hand carefully, freeing his hardened cock from its prison and wrapping your hand around him, making him hiss. One of his hands went to your neck, pulling your head back to tell you one last thing.
“Kitten, if you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat when we get to your house" he murmured, quiet enough for you to listen to his words only.
If you were going to be punished, you might as well continue what you started.
Minho's hold on you tightened when he realized that you had set your mind on torturing him, you knew the risk of possibly getting caught was high and that it made everything way more exciting, but all your tries at being subtle and not drag any attention to the both of you were affecting him horribly. He hated how you ceased all movement when someone shifted or how you tensed when everyone stopped talking was like pure hell for Minho.
His cock twitched, and he faked a yawn to hide the noise that came out of him. You took advantage of it, and played along with it.
"Oh, you're still tired? We should go back to your room so you can sleep, don't you think?" you whispered, long enough for the rest of the members to hear.
Minho caught up with what you were doing, faking another yawn and hugging your body as if you were a plushie. He nodded, and you fixed his clothes quickly so the two of you could stand up.
Minho had other plans, and stood up with you in his arms, the blanket covering his boner. Everyone's eyes were on you two, so you said goodnight and entered the shared room again. Once inside, he didn't even turn the light on, walking straight to the bed after closing the door and dropping you there.
"I can't believe you're making me break Chan's 'no fucking in the dorms' rule" he said, taking his shirt off. You laughed, starting to undress as well.
"As if you really cared about rules" you said, opening your arms for him when you and him were finally fully naked.
"You're right, I only care about you and fucking you. You'll get your punishment later" he replied, hovering over you and positioning his member at your entrance, pressing your foreheads together as he slowly entered you. He kissed you before he started slamming into you, trying to maintain your moans to a minimum so the whole 'going to sleep' act could still be believable to your friends.
With your arms thrown around his neck and your legs hugging his waist, you felt the happiest, like you were in heaven. Finally, Minho was filling you with his cock, making you feel like he was the missing piece in your life that left a hole in your constant day to day with his sole absence, but now he was back, fucking you, kissing you; loving you, and it made your head and your heart swim with happiness, because he was back and you would have him like before he left.
He was thrusting you carefully, slowly but not too much to make you feel bored or annoy you, it was almost the right speed to make the moment last longer, a try to be more passionate with you. Minho's grunts and your heavy breathing were all you cared about, you forgot about everything outside the door, but the way your reasonable side made you moan quietly still brought a sense of reality to you, you whimpered and opened your mouth to exhale, his own breathing on your face making you open your eyes to look at him while he kept working, rocking his hips against yours and trying to make you cum for the second time of the day.
"I love you" you told him quietly, looking up at his sweaty face and pulling him in by his neck to kiss him lovingly like you meant to do when you saw him coming out of the plane.
Minho smiled against your lips, allowing his weight to fall on you and support himself on his left elbow, using his right hand to caress your cheek and move a strand of your hair that had gotten on your face so he could admire you better. When he finished the kiss, you thought he would return to the old position, supporting himself with both arms, but he didn't and instead he started kissing your whole face, making you giggle and close your eyes, with each kiss he left on your face you could say he tried to speed up to finally make you reach your well deserved orgasm, everything in that moment felt so intimate, and the addition of the kisses on your face and him gently cupping your cheek let you know this wasn't simple fucking anymore.
You would make a disgusted face at how cheesy it sounded, but in that very moment you couldn't describe the intimate activity as anything else than love making.
It wouldn't be the first time that Minho treats you as gentle as this, but something… felt different. You couldn't quite tell what it was, maybe because it had been months since you were with him, or because you missed him so much, but the ambient felt more mature in the aspect that you knew that his sweet whispers praising you and reminding you that he loved you as well and that you meant so much to him were not just words.
You wanted to cry, but you knew this wasn't the moment, your quiet moans mixed with giggles and adoring smiles disappeared when the new hard thrusting made your walls tighten around Minho's cock, and without any advice you came. You knew that there was a high percentage that the boys already knew what the two of you were up to thanks to the cracking of the bed and the specific noise of skin slapping sounds, but you still wanted to try and drown your moans to simulate that you were sleeping.
"Ah, baby…" Minho grunted, his face hiding in the crook of your neck to then whisper to you "I'm gonna cum…" followed by the twitching of his cock inside you.
"C-cum inside me, fill me up" you said back, your broken voice and tucked out features when he moved to see you being all he needed to release his seed inside you.
The warm sensation of his semen flowing in you made you smile, and your panting boyfriend pulled out of you to take the tissues box he hid under his bed for all occasions.
You looked at him when he kneeled in front of you to clean you, knowing how tired he actually was by the way his eyes were closing, and you appreciated how he still worried to clean you and not let you all sticky, very sweet of him.
The two of you dressed up lazily, this time laying in bed to sleep like you had said that you would do some time ago.
"I'm so happy you're back, I really missed you" you whispered, your hand resting flat on his chest as you listened to his heart beating under you.
"I'm glad to be back as well, kitten. I thought I would go crazy if I spent more days without seeing you" he joked, patting your head with his hand.
"Let's not think about it now, I had a hard time without cumming when you weren't here" he laughed at your words responding by squeezing you a bit.
"Well, if you're going to be this needy every time I come back, I don't mind leaving you as much" he said back, tone so serious that it scared you.
"You're not being serious, right?" you moved, looking at his face. He had his eyes closed, but the faint shadow of a smile creeping on his lips. He opened them to look at you before he answered you.
"Of course not, kitten. The last thing I want is to be away from you, it's so hard to be far from you when I love you this much" he finally said, making you sigh in relief and your heart throb inside your chest.
"It's not my fault that you love me so much, you're only guilty for making me love you so bad" you smiled, going back to resting on his chest.
"Shhh, you know, that I'm the best that's happened in your life, but we can talk about how awesome I am later, now sleep. I promise I'll be here when you wake up" he moved, shifting to press a kiss on your forehead.
"I hope so, you promised me the fuck of my life when we go to my house and I can't wait for that" you laughed, poking his side.
"We'll see when tomorrow comes, but sleep first. Good night, baby, I love you."
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afictionalwhore · 4 years
Oh Baby!
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A/N: this was something sweet inspired by some of my babies at the daycare but then at 1 am, it turned into something completely different. I’ll try to make a part two out of the original idea. I struggled hard with a title. Titles are the worst
TW: mentions of kidnapping, soft yandere, smut, pregnancy
2.4K words
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Ever since Keigo kidnapped married you, he had kept you tucked away in your new home, a cozy cabin up the side of a secluded, lesser known mountain. You lived so high up in such a densely forested area that only Hawks could find you, completely cut off from the outside world. He never had to worry about you leaving, one woman with a common healing quirk that would do nothing to help in navigating down the mountain. The locals, inhabitants of a small village at the foot of your mountain, believed the woods to be enchanted, so Keigo had to worry less about a villager managing to stumble their way into your backyard.  
It wasn't so bad. Keigo made sure you were never bored. For when he wasn't home for you to tend to his needs, Keigo kept your home well stocked with books. It was the first thing he had shown you in your new home: your personal library. A whole room of the quaint house, your favorites, a whole shelf dedicated to just literary classics, as well as everything on your "to read" list. There was never a shortage of cookbooks. He was so excited that his large wings were flapping as though he were a young puppy wagging their tail, the giant scarlet curtain nearly knocking a shelf down on you.
"I hope you like it." Keigo looked at you, his eyes shining like an innocent puppy. "As much as I love you, I can't be with you all day. Someone has to keep food on the table." He chuckled while keeping a tight grip on your waist, and looking down at you expectantly.
"Oh. Thank you," you replied, your voice small, but loud enough for Keigo to hear. The hold on your waist loosened, and Keigo resumed his tour of your new home.
Of course, there was no TV, lest you stumble upon the news. While he's at it, no newspaper either. You didn't need those to know what was going on outside. It was a scary world out there, full of villains who wouldn't hesitate to snatch you up and use your healing quirk for their own. You were perfectly safe here with him. 
It took some time, but eventually you had come around and loved Keigo back. You were always curled up on the couch, book in hand, waiting for him to come home. As soon as he was in the doorway, you'd make your way to him, like clockwork, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek while helping him shrug off his heavy coat. Your voice was still small and hesitant around him, as though you were afraid of him. This irritated him, as Keigo didn't understand what could make you so jumpy still. He had never raised a hand against you. The two of you would have dinner, usually having to reheat whatever you had made because Keigo often worked overtime. Keigo was so happy you were making use of the cookbooks he gave you. 
You were turning out to be the perfect wife. Keigo was certain you loved him just as much as he loved you, or as close as someone could come to that level of love. He didn't believe anyone could match the way he felt about you. You were even going to have a kid together, a testament of your love. 
When you first announced your pregnancy to him, Keigo was ecstatic. He had come home that day, exhausted and overworked, excited to be welcomed home by his little wife. His stomach growled as he landed in your front yard, and he wondered what you decided to cook up for him. He noticed you'd gotten experimental in your cooking, always asking how things tasted. You were so cute when you had him guess whatever secret ingredient you added. 
When you weren’t at the door to greet him with open arms and a kiss, Keigo was disappointed in you. You were doing so well. He shook off his coat and stretched his wings, taking up the better half of your living room. You weren't nestled in the couch, engrossed in a book, as you sometimes were too distracted in your literary world to realize he had come home.
"Baby," Keigo called out, his voice echoing against the wooden walls of your homely cabin. "I'm home. I know it's a lot later than usual."
 Keigo figured you must have gone to bed already. He could forgive you for not staying up for him, he thought it was rather cute, though next time, he wished you'd fall asleep on the couch. 
When he entered your shared bedroom, Keigo saw you curled up on the bed, your back facing the doorway. You trembled—or was it a shiver? You must be cold without his body heat beside you. Keigo was his own heating unit.  
“Baby bird,” Keigo took a step into the room. “I’m home."
No response from you.
Another step.
"Can I get a kiss?”
You shivered again.
Keigo had taken off his uniform as he was making his way towards you and the bed. Now in just his boxers, Keigo heaved himself on the bed, his weight causing the mattress to sink slightly. He laid on his side to spoon you, wrapping a large, warm arm around your center. At this distance, Keigo heard it: your small sniffles. You weren't asleep; you were crying.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Keigo asked, worry sickening him. "Did ya miss me that much?" He tried to joke, more for his sake than yours.
After no response from you, save for a few more sniffles, Keigo asked once again what was wrong, a little more urgently. His racing thoughts of you leaving, of you not loving him, were sending him into a panic.
You mumbled incoherently.
"What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you." Keigo struggled to hang on to his cool.
You mumbled yet again, causing Keigo's growing panic and frustration with you to snap. He clamored over you, swinging his legs so that you were caged underneath him, his hands at either side of your head. Golden eyes locked onto your watery ones, staring you down.
“(y/n),” Keigo said firmly. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
"I'm pregnant" you spat at him, frustrated at the fact itself and having to repeat it three times. The more you said it felt like the final pat of a shovel packing the dirt above your grave. You wiped away a tear before turning and shoving your face in your pillow. 
“Oh baby.” Keigo was almost at loss for words. He had been anticipating this moment—stocking the bathroom cabinet with pregnancy tests the moment you arrived—yet in it, he didn’t know what exactly he wanted to say. He took your face in his hands and turned your head to look at him.
“Are you for real?”
“What would I gain from lying?” You attempted to make your words hit him like poisonous darts, but your quaking voice only managed to soften him.
“I love you so much,” Keigo dipped his head down to give you a chaste kiss, softer than his usual greedy ones, as though he were afraid of breaking you. Your eyes shut instinctively.
“This is so exciting, (y/n). You have no idea how happy I am."
A kiss to your cheek. 
 "I love you."
A kiss to your other cheek.
"I love you."
Keigo rose up on his hands and knees again.
"I promise to be the best father to our child."
You felt something splash on your cheek. You slowly opened your eyes again to see Keigo crying above you. 
"I love you, too," your voice small and shaky as you looked up at Keigo, knowing he would just continue to stare at you and cry until you said it back.
Keigo beamed down at you before dipping down for another kiss, this one a little rougher, more passionate is how Keigo would describe it.  His warm mouth worked against yours, his lips chapped slightly from the harsh wind on his rushed flight home. 
You thought Keigo would deepen the kiss, expecting to feel his impatient tongue poking between your lips and licking your bottom lip. Instead Keigo pulled away and sat back on your legs, the bottom half of his own legs tucking your legs under him. He studied your body, eyes trailing down your form, stopping briefly at your stomach. 
Keigo bent down again, lips now hungrily, but gently, pecking at your neck. He pulled your shirt off, delighted by your lack of bra underneath, before making his way down your chest to pepper your body with kisses. Between each small kiss, Keigo whispered "I love you" against your body.
His large hands came up to cup your breasts, careful not to squeeze too hard lest he hurt you. Usually Keigo would give them more attention, but that wasn't his main focus for tonight. He hummed as he kissed between them, flicking your nipples lightly. You couldn't suppress a small moan.
Spurred by your shy noises of pleasure, Keigo continued to move down your body. When he reached your lower abdomen, right below your belly button, Keigo's whispers of "I love you" grew more frantic, as though he was trying to tell the baby that was forming in you that he loved them.
When Keigo finally reached between your legs, he planted sweet kisses on the insides of your thighs while dragging your panties down. He tossed them to the side and lifted your legs onto his shoulders before nestling down. Keigo's face between your legs was hit with your heat. He inhaled your sweet scent, and his honeyed eyes looked up to meet yours.
"I love you, (y/n)," he stated before dipping down to lap at your puffy folds.
Keigo was excited, as any man in his position would be. As much as he wanted to pound into your until your voice hoarse from your cries and screams of his name, his main goal tonight was to make you feel good while being as gentle with you as possible. He was terrified of hurting his child in you because of his lack of self-control.
His tongue flicked at your clit, continuing to hold your gaze until your head rolled back with a low groan. Your hands found themselves tangling into his tousled golden hair, your back arching in attempt to push yourself into his mouth. Keigo chuckled against your swollen clit, the vibrations causing you to cry out and tug on his golden locks.
This spurred him on more. Keigo pushed a rough finger into you before hooking it and dragging slowly out of you, drawing a sweet moan of his name to fall out of your lips. This repeated motion combined with his sucking and lapping at your clit caused you to climb higher to your orgasm.
“Keigo, please,” you begged, seeking relief from the coiling in your gut.
Keigo hummed again against your clit, eliciting the same sweet moan and tug from you as before. He took his chance to slip another finger into you, curling both fingers against your spongy spot before dragging them down your walls.
"Keigo, I'm so close," you whined.
"Then come, baby bird." That was all you needed for the band to snap. Moans of his name and incoherent phrases tumbling out of your pretty lips.
While you were climbing down from your orgasm, Keigo found the time to remove his boxers.
Keigo sat down back down on the mattress, settling beside your shaking form with his back to the headboard. His own need was now too painful to ignore. Not wanting to put any unnecessary pressure on your stomach, Keigo pulled you up and into his lap, your entrance, slick with your own cum and his spit, hovered over his weeping cock, close enough for the heat radiating out of you to tease him. 
“I love you.” Keigo held eye contact with you as he sank you down on his cock, his large hands holding your hips. Once you were fully seated on him, Keigo leaned back against the headboard. He gave a few shallow thrusts to test what you (and the baby) could handle.
Keigo settled on a steady, but gentle rhythm. You splayed your hands on his broad chest as he bounced you on his cock. Despite the gentleness and the shallowness of Keigo's thrusts and your bouncing, you were quickly climbing your way to a second orgasm. Already sensitive from your first, Keigo's cockhead managed to nudge against your sweet spot with every roll of his hips.
"Keigo, I'm close." you cried, hiding your face in his neck. One of his hands left your hip to allow his thumb to roll your sensitive bud, causing your walls to tighten and convulse around him.
"Me too, baby." Keigo said, breathless. "I'm so close. So close. Come with me, baby."
With a strained groan, Keigo's thumb on your clit sped up, causing the heat that had once again built up within you to break. You scratched desperately at Keigo's back, hiding your face into the crook of his neck. Your hot walls clamped down on him, the final push Keigo needed to fall off the edge himself.
With chants of "I love you", Keigo began to hump his cum into you before stilling, his hips flush against yours, head tilted back and back arching off the headboard.
Once you had both come back to earth, Keigo laid you onto your back before pulling out his softening dick from you and rolling off you onto his side, white cum leaking out of you. 
"Not that this really matters anymore now," Keigo couldn't help the chuckle that left him. With the pad of his index finger, he pushed his now cooled cum into you. 
At that statement, the fog of your two orgasms lifted, and the realization of your situation set in; you could never leave now. You let out a choked sob as Keigo rested a hand on your stomach before pulling you into him and wrapping a large, red wing over the two of you like a personal cocoon. Nuzzling his face into your neck, facial hair tickling the crook, Keigo gave you soft kisses and gentle words of praise, chalking up your soft sobs to the hormones adjusting your body to his child.
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eggluttony · 3 years
You know now that you mention it from your last post how did all three eggs react to the first time they were having a hard time squeezing through a doorway
Modern was the most surprised and in disbelief when he first stepped through a door to find himself coming to an abrupt halt, feeling the pudgy sides of his big belly get squished between the frame. He was visibly flustered and frustrated as he tried his hardest to push through quickly and on the inside he was panicking over how humiliating it was. The judgement he was surely getting from anyone around that saw his struggling had him blushing like mad.
He frantically wriggled and his robots had to give a quick shove to finally get him through because once his belly was through, his fat ass was still stuck, as if it couldn't get any more embarrassing heheheh. He was at a loss for words because there wasn't an excuse for it, unlike most other situations his weight gets him into. Everyone knows very well that he could fit through it just fine before and it can't get smaller, so he's only gotten bigger.
His robots took the opportunity to tease and bring up how it looks like he needs to lose some weight because he can get mad at them but he can't argue with the fact that he's getting too big for the door. He gets very touchy because that was obvious, they didn't need to rub it in! It's one of those moments where it really hits him, he was oblivious towards just how fat he'd been getting before but then he could no longer be blissfully unaware.
He never thought he'd get big enough to struggle to squeeze through a door as wide as the one he got stuck in, it's what he's always tried to avoid by setting a limit and working to lose too much excess weight but it clearly hasn't been going to plan much at all as of late. He feels like a total fatass and everyone can see, if any of them tease him, express amusement, or bring even more attention to it then he feels a little ashamed.
Every time it's happened since has been a moment of panic and embarrassment, usually expressed through grumpiness and frustration but occasionally nervous laughter when he has to admit he needs a little help. When people judge or find it funny, it makes him want to rush out there as soon as possible and hope people will forget but sometimes he can't until he does some comfort eating after to help him feel better.
But when he gets older, gains more weight far past his limit and keeps it when he stops trying to work to lose it and really lets himself go, this will become his constant reality with no going back. So he'll have to get used to it, get better at pushing through by himself, and realize that it just makes him even hotter 💜
Of course with Casino Eggman being the big pervert he is, he was delighted when he first got stuck in one of his casino's doors that were supposed to be made to be big enough for him. He couldn't believe it when his thick squishy love handles and big round butt finally got him stuck. He felt so huge and wide and he loved the looks of surprise, judgement, and amusement on people's faces, how much attention he was drawing with his big fat body more than ever.
The first time for everything in the process of getting huge gives him a rush of pleasure. He was so giddy with glee for reaching this milestone in his weight gain goals that he giggled and blushed as he asked for help, without no attempt of being discreet because he wanted people to see how pathetic it was, that he needed someone to help squeeze his fat ass through the door. He had to step aside for a moment to try to hide his intense throbbing boner after.
He'd imagined getting this fat for a while, he'd have wet dreams and fantasies he'd share with his boyfriends during dirty talk, saying he'd love to get so fat he can hardly fit through his big doors but he didn't think it would really happen. He's so proud and elated and it just gives him motivation to get even bigger. He also praises his bfs for helping but they say it wouldn't have been possible if he wasn't such a greedy fatass and he was asking for it. He's very happy about it!
He carries all that weight with pride and wants to show it off, it's his favorite part when he's panting for breath after walking too quickly to his casino or office, walks through a big door and gets stuck. He blushes and acts surprised but in a much more excited way than modern. Even better if he then sits in a chair in there that struggles to hold his weight and gets stuck, so anyone around him can see how being so fat gives him constant trouble that he's all too happy about.
The humiliation brings him way too much gratification every time, especially when he gets to see people's honest reactions with their shock and concern, teasing and amusement. He later rewards himself with a big meal and lots of treats to make sure he keeps it up and only gains more. Knowing his getting fatter, heavier, and wider only works up his appetite even more as he wants his fat to keep bringing him that addictive pleasure! 💕
For Shahryar, it happened when he hadn't left the palace for a while and finally went down to the village for a visit. People were already surprised by how much bigger he was looking since the last time they saw him and of course even more so when he tried to waddle through a door and got stuck. It takes multiple of his strongest men to force him through because he's so heavy and hard to push and his big fat belly and ass and his thick squishy rolls of fat that spill everywhere lodged him firmly between the doorway.
He's confused and frustrated by it because he's the most shockingly oblivious towards how huge he is and even this doesn't make him finally realize. He doesn't understand how the door seems to have gotten smaller but he's convinced that it has. His palace is wide and spacious with huge doors that he'll never be too big for, so he never has this problem there and he blames the people in the village for making the door too small because he never has this problem with the doors at his palace.
He was very angry about it causing such embarrassment and the moment of brief panic of if he's trapped for good, his chubby cheeks were blushing madly. He had his usual spoiled royalty attitude as he said they should've made it bigger, as if it's their fault when really he really needs to lose weight but they wouldn't dare say it. Getting too worked up makes him overheat easily and he was huffing for breath after his rant winded him. They calmed him effectively with a drink and something to eat.
He eventually has to get used to it as he only gets bigger. It eventually becomes impossible for him to enter some of the doors of the smaller buildings in the village entirely, so his men have to go inside to get whatever he wants for him. Everyone is appalled by that, the way he can hardly sit anywhere without his ass being too wide or him being too heavy for the seat, how he can hardly walk on his own, and the way his men struggle to carry and help move him around.
But as usual, they fear what will happen if they let their amusement, judgement, or concern show no matter how they try to word it, so they don't dare. They just have to watch him continue to embarrassingly squeeze through doorways and get way too fat for some as he becomes so massively obese. He stops complaining eventually as he gets to used to it, as he does with everything that comes with his weight as it's never going away when he's totally consumed by his sloth and gluttony 💖
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fulcrum-agent · 3 years
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012. Promises [FFXIVwrite2021]
She seems to be packing up some things into a small pack, many different articles of light clothing.
The Bozjan enters the bedroom by passing through the curtain threshold. Upon seeing her packing something into a small pack, he'd speak up and ask, "What.. are you doing?"
"The Outlaw's got a contract from Dalmasca," she explains as she looks over her shoulder. "We're going into Golmore to rescue a bunch of Rava the Empire's been using as...living incubation chambers."
He crosses his arms over his chest and cants his head curiously. "Living.. incubation chambers..?"
There's a slight nod as she finishes packing.
"Yeah...for clones of a hypertuned sharpshooter named Novinius," she clarifies for him. "The guy we killed in Velciff. They were apparently manufacturing more of him."
"Hmph... If he is.. someone that you've killed before," he considers aloud, "then making sure that.. he doesn't come back in a sense would be.. a priority."
He's given another slight nod in response.
"He broke an oath made to the Creed, a group that some of the crew trained with," she continues as she ties the satchel closed. "Everyone was relieved when he was killed, but now..."
Frowning, the Bozjan notes as he uncrosses his arms, "Now.. you will all need to just.. prevent him from returning."
"Yeah, and kill of the bastard who's doing all this," she adds as she turns to face him. "Who also was thought to be dead. Guy called the Butcher. Friend of my Father's. That should tell you enough."
This gives her lover pause before he quietly asks, "... You have a sense of.. responsibility to this, don't you? Because of this Butcher's connection to your father."
She nods a little.
"So does Lio. The...woman who came to ask for our help was..." her voice trails off as she shivers a little, "...she was more bits and pieces than a whole. I dunno how they got her back into the shape she's in now, short of a Padjali hiding somewhere in the crew."
"I see," he intones before asking, "Will your brother.. be joining you on this mission?"
"This is a whole crew effort, yeah," she explains to him as she nods. "We're...going so far as to take the Arcadia instead of the Outlaw," she confirms for him. "It's...possibly a suicide mission if any of us fuck up."
She sets the pack down on the ground. "If this Butcher's anything like Father...the place is more well-guarded than most castrums are."
He frowns a lot when she says that this is possibly a suicide mission. "Are you... serious?"
"I am. Novinius could shoot a man down from malms away, perfect headshots," she answers quietly with a nod. "His clones may or may not be capable of the same. Variants could be even more dangerous than the original - just look at Merrick."
The Bozjan takes a few steps closer to her, staring directly into her blue eyes with his almost-luminescent green eyes.
"I did not.. ask about a dead man's clones. I asked you... if you are serious about this mission," he gently corrects before asking more questions. "A suicide mission? And Liocyon is going as well..?"
She reflexively reaches down to grasp both of his hands, nodding a little.
"Yeah, I am. So's Lio," she answers, now that he's clarified the question. "It's dangerous, but as long as everyone plays their part...we'll make it back alive...I think."
In a tone that reveals his disappointment, he asks, "... And you were not.. thinking of asking me.. to join you, were you?"
"I...don't have a choice, Leth. Locke's not against you joining the crew, but this isn't just some slaver run," she quietly explains to him. "We got the request last night, not long after getting back from Coerthas. If there were more time, he might agree to it...but..."
"You have just returned from Coerthas.. after spending a lot of your still-growing aetherpool, and now.. you are being sent on a mission.. that is highly dangerous," he shakes his head, and not realizing that his hands had been grabbed yet. "This is.. ridiculous."
She fidgets a little at that.
"I've gained most of it back, and the rest was made up for with aetherwine," she assures him softly, gently squeezing his hands. "We don't always get the luxury of a full recovery."
Sighing, the man relents a little, "No... No, we are not. Not on a battlefield and not even... at home."
Letting go of one of his hands, she reaches up to touch his cheek as she speaks, "You went off to Zadnor alone and came back. I'm sure I'll be fine in Golmore with an entire crew beside me."
He narrows his gaze and opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out besides air. She's got him there. The Hyur closes his eyes and lowers his head, slightly leaning into the touch of her hand.
"... Promise me that.. you will return." He murmurs.
"I-- at best, I can promise I'll do everything in my power to," she replies to the request, frowning, "but there's no way I can promise I will, not with how many unknown factors there are, on top of the known risks."
"... That is.. a fair point," he admits before falling silent for a long moment.
A very long moment.
"If you do come back to me..." he softly states, almost shyly, "then... then..."
Her head cants as she murmurs, "Then...what?"
The Bozjan raises his head and opens his eyes to look her directly in the eyes as he states, with conviction, "...I will promise...that we will...marry."
His declaration causes her to blink a lot. Then, her mouth falls open, and for a moment, the troubadour is quite speechless. The best she can do, at first, is nod faintly. Then, her mouth closes, and she leans her forehead against his, biting her lower lip to keep her emotions in check.
"...I'll fight like hell to come back to you, Leth. Promise."
He took one step forward before leaning in to press his forehead against hers. When they are met, Byleth closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath.
"That...is what I wanted to hear. And I promise you...as well, Quil," he states with a soft smile.
She enjoys the moment briefly, shifting to embrace him as she sighs softly.
"...that aside...why were you upset yesterday?" she asks quietly.
The Bozjan embraces her also but would hesitantly answer her question.
"...I was...upset yesterday because...you were claiming to be...a Bozjan Blade." He keeps her in his arm, but he pulls back enough to look at her. "The title of Blade is...not so easily or freely given, Quil."
"Blades are...given a badge of...honour to show that...they are indeed Blades. You...are not a Blade. You do not...have a badge. If the knight had...called you on your bluff and...you could not prove yourself, then we...might not have been able to enter the castle," he explains quietly. "Carrying Talekeeper...isn't enough to persuade others that are...not knowing of Bozjan traditions. No one but us...would understand the weight of both Talekeeper and... Crownsblade."
She blinks several times, frowning a little as she gazes at him.
"It was just a bluff, though I've always been willing to help continue Jeralt's legacy," she explains to him. "But...we really didn't have many options, and I could have glamoured something to look like the badge they carry."
"It's quite possible, with how far out Lucine was, that he doesn't have any idea what all a Blade would have," she adds as she reaches up to gently brush some of his hair out of his face. "I'm sorry if doing such upset you, but I couldn't think of another way they'd let a Garlean commanding a squad in."
"T'was...a bluff that did work in our favour in the end, but 'twas also dangerous if they did not...believe us and instead...attacked us," the Hyur sighs as the Garlean brushes some of his hair out of his face. "I know...that you wish to...honour and continue my father's legacy. I would not have...given you Talekeeper if...I thought otherwise."
"I did not...understand why I was...upset at first, but...I later realized that...I may have...developed...hm, developed...Ah, a sense of.. pride. As a... Bozjan, I suppose. The title that I now carry.. like the one that.. my father also carried..." he states, nodding here and there before adding, "I'm sorry, Quil."
"You...were made a Blade? Officially?" she asks as she blinks, confused. "When?"
He nods in confirmation before answering with, "Before the campaign in Zadnor...there were other Blades of Gunnhildr before we...had arrived to meet my father. In my father's passing...in the betrayal of a resistance member, the remaining Blades were tempered and transformed...into monsters. Or so...I have read in reports. The ranks of the Blades of Gunnhildr...were incredibly low to empty. New Blades...like myself, had to be...recruited during the...Zadnor campaign."
She just stares at him for a long moment.
"Do...they have any idea that I have Talekeeper?" she asks, rather plainly as she starts to get fidgety again. "Are they going to be okay with that?"
"They...do not know that you are in possession of Talekeeper. Talekeeper and Crownsblade were...entrusted to me after...Bozja was liberated, and...I do not know how they will react...to you having it. But...that is not for them to decide," he says with a shake of his head.
Again, she goes quiet and stares at the Bozjan for a long moment.
"...but it's a Blade's weapon...I'd think they'd have some say over it?" she asks, concerned. "I mean, if they get upset, I'm okay with giving it back. If they don't and still need help, I'm willing to do that too. I just don't want you to have this stripped from you over me."
"...Aquila, you...do make some fine points. I find it hard...to protest against what...you are saying, but...It is okay...that you keep using Talekeeper," he insists to her. "If we ever return to Bozja...and meet with the Blades, then we can discuss it with them...about this."
"When I get back from Dalmasca," she suggests to him, smiling softly. "So that no one loses their shit when I'm carrying Talekeeper down the aisle instead of flowers."
He blinks once at that last bit before canting his head slightly. "You'd carry Talekeeper.. because of Jeralt?"
In response, she nods a little. "It's not like my Father's gonna be walking me down the aisle, so Lio and your father should."
"Hmph...Not that we...would allow him to be there.. in the first place," he comments before smiling softly down at her.
There's a nod of agreement to that.
"Yeah. I doubt he'd show up anyways, even if he was invited," she agrees before deprecating, "I am the 'disappointment' after all."
He frowns for a brief moment when she self-deprecates. Then, he would raise one of his hands up to cup the side of her face, and he tells her, "That...is what he may call you... But it is not.. what I see you as. You.. are more valuable and.. precious than you could ever know, Quil."
"I know, Leth," she murmurs in reply, smiling just a little. "Just...in case...always remember that I love you..."
And with that, she gives the Bozjan the most passionate kiss she's ever given him.
"And I love you-" he started to say before he's rudely interrupted with the most passionate kiss he's received yet from the Garlean. A kiss so from out of left-field that it leaves him stunned afterwards.
She lingers in the kiss for a very long time, though there's not much time left before she needs to go - not enough to do more than kiss him. So when she finally withdraws, it's slowly and with hesitance.
He is hesitant to let go of her as well, though he has faith, trust, and her promise that she will return to him...he cannot help but feel, huh.
She's now making him feel again, as she constantly has since introducing him to the concept. Finally, after they both withdraw from the kiss, he says the signature phrase of the Bozjan Blades he's been citing lately.
"For the Queen... Return."
"For the Queen," she echoes, having cited the phrase frequently since receiving Talekeeper, "I shall."
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (*^_^*)
Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to do these. I’d love to get an ikesen match-up please? I’m a 5’8 female (INTJ, scorpio), who’s body type is athletic and curvy. I tend to describe myself as sturdy. I have long brown hair that reaches my tailbone, with several ear piercings. I am currently a Master’s student studying marine biology, but my aspirations go far beyond this. My goal for a career is to be a research and field leader at a research institute studying marine life. I want to spend all my time in the field first hand leading the expeditions. I’m especially drawn to the ocean, coral reefs and killer whales, I most of all want to work in the Antarctic one day. Aside from my love of animals, my interests include learning about science and biology, building and engineering new things, outdoor activities (off-roading, fishing, hiking, camping), sports, and my one creative skill is writing fiction. I’ve been active my whole life and if things had gone a little differently I would have wanted to be a professional athlete. My favorite sports are alpine skiing, scuba diving, ice hockey, running, and underwater hockey. It takes me a long while to open up to people, which means I tend to only have a few close friends. However in the workplace setting I am very confident and I’m not afraid to speak up. I’ve had people tell me that I’m intimidating, and that my presence can have a great influence on the mood of a room/small group. But I’ve also had friends tell me I’m extremely chill, and never make anything a big deal. I see myself as very highly ambitious and the type of person that knows what she wants and how she’s going to get it. I know what I like and dislike, and I’ve grown past the fear of having people dislike me. I’m a pretty independent person. However, when I’m with my friends I am very much a joker, I love to make people laugh, and act silly. With only the closest of friends the chaotic energy comes out lol. My humor can range from immature to pretty dark. But I really need to know the people I’m around first; otherwise I tend to just go back into my shell. I can read people pretty well, which means I’ll usually try to make them feel more comfortable than myself in situations. This has led me to sometimes feel a little put out. I tend to go wherever, whenever I please. If I plan a trip, I’m going for a good time and don’t really need any schedules. I guess to end it all I’d say I’m very much the type of person that sees all the potential the world has, and all the potential I have to make a difference. Yes this can be hard and painstakingly difficult, but I won’t ever stop striving to meet the expectations and standards I place on myself. I will only keep going, learning more skills, going on more adventures, and seeking new horizons. Thanks again for taking the time to do these!! :) Sorry this turned out so long lmaoo - From Admit Terra (The second one running the blog)
Hi, hi, dear! ❤🌻Thank you so much for the request love! 🦊Hehe, you sound like a super cool person, lol master students unite!🙌🌻 Sorry for taking so long with this! Hope you enjoy this, dear, and I hope you have the best day❤😊! @sengoku-revolution​ admin Terra! lol tomorrow i’ll post admin Maru’s matchup!❤🌻
So I match you with…………… Yukimura
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You were on campus attending a conference on marine biology that could greatly help you with your masters. The conference was incredibly interesting and ran late, only finishing around 10pm. As you and the other students and professionals in the field of marine biology, exited the giant lecture hall, you looked up at the sky and saw a flash of lightning blazing across the sky. You regretted walking to campus at that the moment, wishing you had rather driven, as you could tell by the heavy sky that soon it was going to rain cats and dogs. You quickly made your way back to the main campus gate, luckily you didn't live to far away. A drop of rain hit your nose and then another. You debated taking shelter from the storm in your department’s computer room, at least then you could chart down all the new knowledge you had gained from the conference. 
That’s when you spotted a fellow post-grad student. You looked up at the sky once more and noticed that the lighting was going to strike the exact spot that the student was standing in. You ran and pushed him out the way. You braced yourself for impact but it never came, instead you started feeling dizzy and disoriented. Reality around you warped in a cloud of smoke. 
When things came back into focus again, you noticed the man in the lab coat was gone, and you were now standing on the balcony of a burning building. You peered through the smoke to see a man peacefully sleeping on the floor. Unaware of the imminent doom of his downfall. You thought you might have been trapped in a dream, but the heat radiating from the flames brought your straight back to reality. Thank goodness for your physical strength, as you easily managed to wake up and carry the man out of the burning building. The man you had saved was incredibly intimidating and had the same look in his eyes that a shark would have right before it attacks, so you decided to bolt. 
You ran and ran and ran through the forest, and soon your feet lost contact with the ground. You looked down and saw that you had almost run yourself off the edge of a cliff. Thanks to Yukimura’s quick reflexes, he managed to grab hold of your waist and save you from running yourself off the mountainside. He still holding onto you, as he took a few steps back to ensure both you were safe before letting go. You stared up at the man in disbelief, just where the hell were you. That’s when a familiar figure caught your attention. The man you had just saved from being hit by lighting! Sasuke took you aside and started to explain the situation to you, you honestly needed to sit down as it was a lot to take in.
Sasuke looked over at a beautiful blond man that reminded you of a snow prince and asked if you could stay with them. The man narrowed his icy eyes at you and gave a quick nod, before climbing on his horse and signaling to the rest of the men that it was time to go. Sasuke helped you up onto the horse, and that is how your new life in Kasugayama started.
You were someone who couldn’t sit still and always need to be doing something, so you opted to help out around the castle to earn your keep. Even though you were a little shy and reserved, you managed to fit right in with the people of Kasugayama. You were a little surprised at the mixed bag of men that you landed up with, as usual, it would take you quite a while to open up and come out of your shell, especially when meeting new people. But for some reason, they seemed to make you feel comfortable, and you found your self coming out of your shell and befriending them pretty quickly. You especially took a liking to Sasuke. 
Sasuke was the one who formally introduced you to his Bff and your rescuer, Yukimura. This boy was definitely rough around the edges and did not have a way with words, unlike his flirty lord.
You were low key thankful for your ability to quickly read and sum up people as you quickly came to realize that Yuki wasn't such a bad guy. Although he seemed to think it funny to call you a wild boar woman. Even though he was slightly awkward with his words, you found yourself strangely attracted to him. He was down to earth and easy to talk to, and you found yourself relaxing around him.
“Hey dummy how many times do I have to tell you I ain’t no wild boar, call me that again and i’ll smack you,” you playfully quipped. Since arriving in the past, you had grown closer and closer to the aloof man. The two of you would banter every time you were together. “Awww common, you are definitely a wild boar, I mean you are just as strong, sturdy and athletic as one.” He would say with that mischievous boyish smile. At that you simply put Yuki in a headlock and started giving him a nuggie. He then started tickling you, which usually ended in a tickling/wrestling match between the two of you. Yuki’s wolf pup would usually get in on these playful fights that the two of you often engage in, and start licking the two of you mercilessly until both, you and Yuki are left laying on the floor breathless from laughter.
You loved that Yuki like you, loved staying active and going on adventures. And TBH Yuki was thrilled that he finally had a friend that he could go on fun adventures with. Sasuke would usually be too busy looking after Kenshin or doing research, to join in on these adventures. Not that either of you minded as you loved hanging out with each other. The second you found out that Yuki would run to stay fit every morning, you were ecstatic and joined him on his morning runs. This boy was shook! He legit has never met a woman that could keep up with him, yet here you were almost outrunning him. After your morning runs the two of you would always get breakfast together before starting your duties for the day! This is something the two of you did and looked forward to, almost every single day.
When the two of you were together, the banter and jokes were real. You loved to be a bit of a joker around Yuki. You honestly adored the way he would laugh with his whole body and go super red all the way to the tips of his ears, whenever you cracked a joke. 
Speaking of laughing, you also had this crazy ability to instantly lift the mood in any room you walked into. Especially when it came to cheering Yuki up. As you see, Yuki has a tendency to take on more responsibility than he can handle and sometimes he gets crushed under the weight of it. But since you arrived, Yuki felt like he could do anything and take on the world cause you were right there by his side making some silly jokes and teaching him not to take things so seriously. You were the one that taught him to take occasional breaks and to relax, and that the world wouldn't fall apart if he wasn't working. 
Lately Yuki had noticed that you were low on energy and not as bright and chaotic as usual. He also noticed that your jokes were a bit more, morbid as of late. He was determined to cheer up his dearest friend, after all, if you were happy then so was he. He stomped his way into your room and saw you sketching something. “Oi, boar woman what’s wrong, and don’t try and lie to me dummy, cause everyone has noticed that you have been down lately.” You looked up at the clumsy man and smiled, telling him it was a long story. He then narrowed his eyes and left it at that, although the picture you were sketching of the ocean certainly didn’t go unnoticed. 
The next morning at the crack of down, Yuki dragged you out of bed to go on an adventure with him. You were super excited, these little adventures weren’t uncommon.  
If the two of you weren’t off hiking up some crazy mountain, or fishing, you were camping with him in enemy territory as he spied on the Oda forces. Of course, it wasn’t all work as the two of you would go wherever the wind took you. Once Yuki was done with his spy work, he would send off his report back to Shingen, leaving the two of you without a strict schedule to follow, with all the time in the world to explore and experience your surroundings.
You noticed that the two of you were heading closer and closer to the ocean. Your eyes glimmered in delight when you realized that the two of you were going to spend the day on the beach. You wasted no time at all, climbing off the horse and running into your beloved ocean. The two of you played in the waves for hours on end. At some point, Yuki even fished out and handed you a pair of makeshift scuba diving gear. After a long day of playing in the waves and observing the ocean life in the crystal clear water, you and Yuki sat on the beach and watched the sunset. “Hey dummy sit in front of me, I’ll dry your hair for you. Can’t have you getting sick,” you wouldn’t usually let someone dry your hair for you. Still, he looked so cute with that blush spreading across his face, that you couldn’t help but comply. As Yuki dried your long beautiful hair, the two of you started talking. 
You thanked Yuki for taking you on this fun breach adventure and told him all about your dream of becoming a field leader at a research institute studying marine life, as well as wanting to be the one leading the field expeditions. To say Yuki didn’t know anything about marine life would be an understatement, but the way you passionately talked about your dreams and ambitions had him straight up inspired. You told him all about how you were drawn to the ocean and coral reefs and that you wanted to work in Antarctica one day. He never told you this, but as you talked about your dreams of travel and research, he couldn’t help but make a silent vow in his heart to do whatever it takes to support and make your dreams come true.
In the weeks to follow you and Yuki spent more and more time together. Yuki was falling deeper and deeper in love with you, every moment the two of you spent together, and he was determined to tell you how he felt. 
The weather started getting colder and colder, and soon it started snowing. He remembered from previous conversations that you loved ice hockey and alpine skiing (not that he knew what any of that meant). Hence, he decided to ask Sasuke for help in gathering everything he needed so that the two of you could play your favourite sports together. He had all his friends dress up and had Sasuke teach them all the rules of ice hockey. When all his friends were in position, he went to your room and said he had a surprise for you. He then put a blindfold over your eyes and led you downstairs. When he removed the blindfold all your Kasugayama friends stood before you, each holding up a letter that combined spelled out, “I Love you.” You were so happy and touched by the gesture that you couldn’t help but grab Yuki and plant a kiss on his lips right in front of all your friends. Cheers erupted as Yuki grabbed your hand, as you parted and led you onto the makeshift ice hockey-field. 
The next day Yuki surprised you with alpine skiing down a mountainside. You honestly loved this goofball so much, and you couldn’t help but smile and shower his face with kisses whenever he would surprise you with your favourite activities.
Yuki honestly loved and adored everything about you from your chilled personality to your ability to brighten any-room you walk in. In between the war and battles, Yuki was always sure to make time to go on fun, crazy adventures with you, to explore new horizons. After he and Shingen finally managed to win back their homeland, ultimately achieving Yuki’s childhood dream. Yuki had one more surprise for you, and that was a trip back to the future so you could pursue your dreams. 
The two of you travelled around the modern world, and you achieved your dream of leading research and travelling to Antarctica. And Yuki was right by your side through it all, supporting you the best he could. 
Often the two of you cuties could be found on some crazy adventure, cuddled in each other’s arms and enjoying making new memories and living through new experiences together.
If the two of you aren’t being active and playing sports, you are spending a quiet evening at home watching tv and resting in each other’s arms. 
Yuki loves holding you tight in his arms as he pulls his finger through those long beautiful locks. He loves to nuzzle his nose into your neck and leave sweet little kisses on your neck and cheeks as you read your newest piece of fiction to him. 
Together the two of you continue to learn and grow while making the world a better place.
Other potential matches……………. Masamune 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you have the best day! ❤🌻🙌
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a-prekliatyvlk · 3 years
Velkan just popping his nose into the Pack's yard, stare gentle but curious upon the happenings. Though above them all, he didn't shame away from baring his neck whenever eyes locked with pack members, he wasn't here to start shit. They've never see that coming if he was, though he was here to witness the Blonde's recovery - he wondered how she was doing. Oh, there's the lil'godling. Though he didn't stare for too long, returning his faze to the adults. "How joyous." Happy Velkan.
The time in which Vavrinac had died in front of the blonde had changed her. There was so many night’s she had spent high on whatever she could get her hand’s on. No matter what Artem had tried to tell her, no matter how many times Dacian had gone to pick up Katia from bloody knuckle fight’s that left her crawling towards her next fix she couldn’t hear that what was done was GOOD FOR HER.
It had taken a while, it seemed like years to the blonde to detox. She had screamed until her throat was raw and her nails had dug into the walls. Fingers broken and her body lay tangled in a heaping mess. Artem had to pick her up and clean her while she mumbled. There was so much going on, so much hurt and pain.
Still 5 months clean was a long time for someone who had spent centuries hooked on a type of drug that was slowly killing her. She was shortening her life by so many centuries if she didn’t flip it around. So that’s what she was trying to do. Sitting on a chair (so much weight has been lost she looked better than before less frail) Bon playing with the hair that was regrowing. It was cut against her jaw now, following the sharp lines of the skin that was blinding back. They had to shave it, she had tried to strangle herself with the locks once during detox.
She had a far away look in her eyes, though a gentle smile spread across her lips that yet didn’t reach her eyes. She was trying though. Bon was a weight against her back, having not been able to see her for a long time during the detox, he was attempting to gain back those lost moments. It was a quick moment and a blink later she was present again, some memory having clouded the world around her it was now bright again with the love of another pressed against her.
She giggled grabbing Bon and pressing the preteen against her as she hugged him. His back to her chest as she stretched out in the afternoon sun. The laugh Bon let out had people glancing over ignoring the presence that was baring it’s neck to everyone. But Bon had glanced over and made eye contact. Katias eyes closed a half little braid in her hair as her chin rested against Bons head. A vow that Bon would protect her, not that there was any worry he wouldn’t.
Artem was the worrying brother as always, glancing over every couple of seconds to make sure she was alive. Loni at his side watching Katia as well. The sisterly worry in her features making Artem reach for her hand. They had yet to make things public nor that they needed too. Realistically everyone knew their smells had mingled long before they had decided to be together.
Though the moment was cut off by Artems booming laughter as he turned back to cooking the burgers on the grill for everyone. People coming up and speaking to him, gentle in some of the ways and loud and playful in others. It took a moment for Artem to glance over to the side, looking at Velkan. Liam having sat besides Katia on the ground (much to Tucker’s dismay who was still attempting to win the blonde over and worrying about her. He still had a camera in his hand too taking a photo of the quiet moment between Bon and Katia) Dacian having leaned in and whispered to Artem who was here.
Thank you.
The quiet word being spoken between Artem and Velkan. There was a bow of the head and bearing of the neck. Artem was thankful for the death even if it brought almost a full 3 years of hardships. Of bullshit and fighting for his sisters life. But now spring had come and summer was close in its heels. A rebirth was due and this was what it seemed like for Katia. A rebirth. Artem was thankful for it, he was doing through one of his own.
Being the full pack alpha without Vavrinac around was taking some time. Sometimes didn’t change right away but it seemed everything was going to plan. Even the little shrine out by the lake they the pack had made for Velkan for good favor on katias healing had worked. That would always be for him, gifts and food for the god that saved both their pack leaders.
He would always be welcome in their house. In their peaceful little pack if he so wished. Moments like this made everyone realize that their lives wouldn’t end in her death any more. No one was worried she would end up dead thanks to a god killing the one stain on the pack.
So every day they went out and send a soft and silent thank you at the alter to him. Even Katia would go, sometimes she would sit there in silence and in others she’d scream. Scream for the loss of her father who she assumed loved her. Screamed for the loss of herself she didn’t realize had gotten so bad. Others once rare now more so, she thanked him for saving her, though she knows she did the work he of course helped by taking the first step for her.
Even as the party winded down, Katia asleep on the chair, Bon running around with a couple of the pack members and Tucker throwing a blanket over her to keep her warm. Artem curled up on the couch with Loni next to him speaking softly for a moment a soft sound vibrated over the pack. A tune humming and soft as a thank you to the one that got rid of their problem and saved the lives of the pack.
It was what they wanted to give back to the god.
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Twelve
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Six months. It took six long months for us to finally reach the place Vince had told us about. We immediately made the place our base. Vince and some others made the decision to see if they could get one of the old docked ships fixed up enough to use. We needed a way to the safe haven after all. If we had a ship we could get far away from WCKD but we had other things to get done first.
I was currently sitting next to Fry watching Jorge and Brenda argue over what was needed to fix one of the jeeps. Over the past six months, I had spent most of my free time with Fry. He’d been there for me on all my bad days and nights. He comforted me and made me laugh. I could feel the two of us growing closer but I was careful to keep the line drawn. As much as I adored Fry I couldn’t give him more than my friendship. Not yet anyway. He knew that and was incredibly good-hearted about it. He had his arm over the back of my chair as I leaned against him.
"We got it!" Thomas and Newt both shouted as they ran out of one of the old buildings.
I jumped at their sudden outburst. The two boys sat down in front of us looking excited and out of breath.
"We found them!" Thomas said excitedly.
The four of us shared a surprised look as we starred at Thomas. We'd completely lost WCKD for months. The trail was completely cold and now they suddenly knew where to find them?
"What did you find?" Jorge asked.
"We got a transmission. There's a train coming threw about an hour or two from here. It's hauling a bunch of the immunes to a new location." Newt said quickly.
"How do we find this train?" I asked them.
"We passed the track on our way here." Thomas smiled.
"So what's the plan?" Brenda asked.
"We'll need a few more hands. I'm thinking Harriet and Vince. Maybe a few more." Thomas said.
"I'll get Harriet," I told him.
He nodded.
"I'll get Vince. Fry and Newt see if you can get us a few more hands." Thomas ordered.
We each nodded then hopped up to do as he said. I found Harriet in one of the buildings going threw supplies.
"Hey H," I said to get her attention.
She looked up at me and smiled.
"Emi, what can I do for you?" She asked setting down the supplies in her hand.
"We found them," I told her simply.
Her smile grew even wider as she laughed.
"Where?" She asked quickly.
"On a train that's gonna pass close by," I informed her.
"What do you need?" She asked walking around the table she was standing at.
"Thomas has a plan but he said he needed a few extra hands. Thought we'd see if you were interested." I explained.
"Hell yea! Let's do it!" She cheered.
Harriet followed me out of the building then back up to where Jorge and Brenda were working on some of the trucks. Fry and Newt were there with about four others. Thomas hadn't made it back with Vince yet.
"Who are they?" I asked pointing at the newcomers.
"I'm Alex," one boy said with a charming smile as he extended his hand to me.
"I'm Emi," I told him as I shook his hand.
"You're Thomas' sister right?" He asked.
I nodded.
"It's amazing none of us realized it immediately. You two look like the same bloody person." Newt chuckled.
“That’s Ashley, Drake, and Eric,” Fry said pointing to the other three.
"Good you're all here," Thomas said from behind me.
I turned to see him and Vince with two other boys. They joined the group.
"Here's the plan. Jorge and Brenda will take one jeep. Vince and I will take another. Brenda and Jorge will be our distraction as Vince and I get on the train. Newt, you and Emi will be close by with torches to get the compartment loose. These two, Daniel and Greg, will be with Newt and Emi for added protection. Harriet, Fry, and the rest of you will be our hidden backup to jack the aircraft they will most likely send in for help. Brenda, you and Jorge will need to lead that aircraft to them. Once you take it you need to come back to the train to get the compartment and us." Thomas explained.
"When is this going down?" I asked him.
"In two days around midday. We will discuss more details once we have all the equipment we need." Thomas said.
We all nodded then went our separate ways to gather what was needed. Over the next day, we went over every small detail of the plan. It seemed we had every possible outcome thought up and dealt with. When the day finally arrived Brenda and Jorge took Fry, Alex, Ashley, Drake, Eric, and Harriet to where they needed to be while Thomas and Vince dropped me, Newt, Daniel, and Greg off to hide close to the tracks.
"Be careful out there," I told both Vince and Thomas as they climbed back in their jeep.
As they drove off Newt and I took cover behind a larger boulder. Daniel and Greg each hid behind their own boulder. Thomas would signal us when he needed us.
"How are things going with you two?" I asked Newt as we sat in the dirt.
He chuckled.
"Pretty great actually." He smiled.
"I'm glad things worked out for you two," I told him happily.
"Thanks Em" he chuckled.
"Are things getting better for you?" He asked.
I thought about it for a second. Things did seem better. I was sleeping threw the night and didn't feel like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I felt like I'd finally made my peace.
"Yea, I'm good. It's been rough dealing with losing him but I've finally come to grips with it. I have enough memories of him to keep me going." I smiled at him.
"Maybe one of these days you can completely move on and give all that love you have to someone else. Maybe Fry.” Newt said softly.
I chuckled at that.
"I doubt it. I may have come to terms with Gally's death but I don't think any other guy, even Fry, will ever be able to make me feel like he did. If I happened to meet a guy who did then maybe but I don't think that will happen." I shrugged.
“What is going on with you and Fry then?” Newt asked.
“We are friends,” I said simply.
“Looks like a bit more than friends to me and Tommy.” Next chuckled softly.
“No, just friends. He’s been there for me while everyone else has been so busy. He did confess to me that he’d like to be more than a friend to me one day but he knows that’s a while down the road.” I explained.
“So he is your friend for now until you’re ready to completely move on?” Next asked with a smirk.
“Yea, sure” I chuckled softly.
A train whistled in the distance instantly gaining mine and Newt's attention. We righted ourselves to wait for the action to begin. We could hear the train getting closer and closer. It was traveling pretty fast from the sound of it. I barely peeked around the boulder to see the engine not far from us.
"Brenda and Jorge should already be close to it," I said aloud.
It didn't take long for the engine to reach us. I couldn't see the end of the train but I knew that was where Thomas and Vince were.
"They're on top," Newt said.
I could see two shadows running across the top of the train.
"They have company," Newt said worriedly.
On the opposite side of the train, coming from the engine, was four or five people running towards Thomas and Vince.
"What do we do?" I asked him trying not to panic.
"Nothing, we wait for Tommy's signal," Newt said slowly.
I watched as Thomas and Vince's figures dropped between the compartments. I could hear shots being fired in the distance then a loud explosion. The back half of the train came to a screeching halt. We stayed hidden until Thomas called for us.
A loud whistle rang out. Newt popped up to check it out.
"Newt!" Vince shouted.
"Let's go! Move!" Newt said gesturing for me and the other two boys to follow him.
We ran over to the train as fast as we could. I could hear Thomas on the other side shouting for Minho. The kids inside the compartment we're shouting back. Newt went to the side Thomas was on while I dropped down on the other side.
I pulled my goggles on over my eyes as I pulled out my torch. I got to work as quickly as I could to cut through the thick metal. Thomas and Vince climbed on top of the compartment to start hooking the ropes together. Daniel and Greg were standing on the ground trying to hold off the WCKD guards.
"Newt, how you doing?" Thomas asked loudly.
"Don't rush me!" I heard Newt shout.
"Emi" Thomas said coming to my side of the train.
"Working on it!" I shouted up to him.
Shots rang out in our directions making me jump. I kept my eyes on the torch but I could hear the bullets hitting the metal all around me.
"Newt! Emi! Get up here!" Thomas shouted.
Daniel and Greg were already climbing on top of the compartment.
"Almost done!" Newt shouted back at him.
"Newt! Go!" I heard Vince shout from the other side of the train.
"Emi get your ass up here now!" Thomas shouted down at me.
I finished cutting threw the metal then shoved the torch back in my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulder as I started to climb up the ladder. The boys were lying down and I was quick to join them as a bullet zipped right past me.
"Where the hell are they?" Newt questioned loudly.
"I don't know!" Thomas shouted back as he tried to shoot down some of our attackers.
The sound of a large aircraft had me and Newt rolling onto our backs as Thomas, Daniel, and Greg kept shooting. The aircraft hovered right above us then the bay door opened. I could see Brenda and Fry smiling down at us as they released the large hook. Thomas, Newt, and I jumped to our feet to grab it.
"Come on!" Thomas shouted as he tried to jump for the hook.
"Lower!" Newt shouted.
Thomas grabbed the hook. He and Newt tried to pull it down faster. When we could we quickly hooked all the ropes onto it.
"Go! Go!" Thomas shouted up to our friends inside the craft.
Slowly the ropes started to lift.
"Vince! Get up here!" Newt shouted.
The compartment started to lift off its frame.
"Now Vince!" Thomas shouted.
Vince jumped grabbing the bottom of the ladder. He climbed up quickly as we rose higher into the air.
"Yea!" Thomas shouted excitedly.
We did it. We actually did it. We just stole a whole damn train compartment full of immunes from WCKD. Damn this felt good.
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arissayoo · 5 years
Neverland -> Ateez AU 
Chapter 4
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, cursing, dark/horror themes, fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: Sorry for the late update, I had to split this since it was way longer than I thought 😅 
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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I turned around swiftly, trying to locate the source of the desperate call but unable to see anything. I couldn’t place where I was, everything cloaked in a dark thick fog.
“Hello?” I called out, feeling through the darkness. The fog around me cleared, showing me the courtyard outside my university. There, lying on the grass was a boy I had seen a couple times before, his body limp amongst the green. I wanted to call out for him, however, his name slipped from my mind and all that came out was inaudible sounds.
“Y/N....” He voiced out weakly, struggling to raise his arm towards me. Loud footsteps echoed around us, the boy’s eyes widening as he glanced behind him. “RUN!” He screamed, unable to hear my questions.
“Why? No, I need to help you!” I yelled, my voice not reaching him. I started to run forward but hit something hard. It was like a glass wall was placed between us, masking all of my words.
Out of the fog behind him, a figure in all black crept closer, flicking a sharp blade between their fingers. I couldn’t see their identity, a black mask covering almost the entirety of their face paired with a black wide-brim hat that covered the rest. My eyes widened in fear as I felt a sickening chill run down my spine.
“No! Get away from him!” I cried out, watching the masked figure stalk closer to the boy. They grabbed him by the hair, pulling him up so his blood-stained face was visible. The blade was brought to his throat, my voice growing louder as I pounded against the glass. The masked person looked up, their head tilting at my clamor.
“Why did you do this?” The boy coughed out, tears rolling down his face, “I trusted you, Wendy.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about!” I pleaded, trying to get his attention. I didn’t know if my words ever reached him.
The figure covered the boy’s mouth, their other gloved hand wrapped tight around the blade, pressing down sharply on his neck. The sounds of ripping flesh tore through the air, blood squirting out from his veins.
“You did this to me!” The boy’s voice was distorted as it came out from the masked person, “YOU CAUSED THIS, WENDY!”
I shot up rapidly, groaning at the pain coursing through my body. The sounds of someone sharpening metal rang in my ears.
“You look like you dreamt about hell,” Yunho remarked bluntly from the corner of the room, shocking me.
“What are you doing in here?” I demanded, scooting away from him and the sword he was sharpening.
“Your nightmare, want to tell me about it?” He ignored my question completely, raising the blade up to eye level. I stared at him, feeling the color drain from my face.
A nightmare, that’s all it was, and yet everything had felt so real. I shook my head, attempting to rid the lingering thoughts. “It was nothing, just events from yesterday,” I lied. Even though it probably was nothing, I didn’t want any more attention being drawn to me or the name Wendy.
Yunho peered at me from his seat, before standing, accepting my lie. “Lunch is almost ready, you’re probably starving.”
Now that he mentioned it, my stomach did hurt from the lack of food. I got up, following him out the door and to the kitchen.
“Well well well, look who’s finally awake.” Seonghwa joked, placing a plate of meat down on the table. I looked around at all eight lost boys, before shuffling to an empty seat next to Mingi.
“Man, you slept for two days but you still look like shit.” I refused to turn around, flipping San off over my shoulder.
A plate of food was placed in front of me, the contents foreign to me. I stared at it, unsure of the food despite my growling stomach. Mingi’s stare was caught out of the corner of my eye, a stoic expression on his face.
“It’s Khanin meat,” He spoke, watching my face contort into disgust. “It’s not bad.”
“Aren’t they shapeshifters, and I don’t know venomous?” I leaned back against my chair.
“Khanins remain in whatever form they die in, and it’s not poisonous if you know how to cure the meat.” Mingi signaled to Seonghwa, who nodded. I grimaced, accepting that the worst-case scenario was death, something I seemed to face daily now.
Ugh, I thought as I got up from my seat at the table, my stomach at ease after the meal. It was surprisingly filling and I didn’t feel sick so far. The boys ate with me before splitting into groups for training. I had watched, realizing that I needed to start pulling my weight around here, especially after listening to Seonghwa’s story.
Seonghwa said that the lost boys were brought here in order to defeat Pan. If they were successful in defeating him, would they have returned back to their normal lives? It seemed like the only possible answer, which meant it was my only shot at returning home.
“You okay?” I looked up to see Hongjoong, who was wrapping a cloth around his wrist most likely to start training. I sucked in a breath, figuring it was now or never.
“Please let me train with you. I don’t have any skills or talents, but I know I can’t just sit by.” I pleaded to him. I wasn’t sure if mentioning that this might be my only way home way was the best idea.
There was a pause, Hongjoong thinking over something before agreeing, “Although you need more appropriate clothes.”
He grabbed a clean pair of clothes from his room, waiting for me to change before leading me to the group. We entered the training room which was decorated with targets, weapons, a pile of rope and other supplies lying in the corner. It looked like a gym that assassins would go to, unsurprisingly fitting for the lost boys.
The boys were spread around the room, their targets in front of them. The mixture of mannequin and paper targets were either having blades chucked at them, or being assaulted by punches and kicks. It was not a sight I was used to, and pretty scary at that.
Seonghwa, who was furiously kicking a mannequin, noticed us and finished his practice, kicking the head off before coming over. Hongjoong talked to him in a hushed whisper, while I leaned away from them. There was deadly energy rolling off of Seonghwa in waves, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in fear. Seonghwa whispered something back before making a loud clap, gaining everyone’s attention.
“Listen up, there will be a change of plans today. Instead of training here, we can train outside and complete some things that need to be done. Yeosang, Mingi and I will go look for more herbs and medical supplies. Yunho, San and Hongjoong will go up towards the mountains to add to the map. Jongho and Wooyoung will place traps from the Northside of the lagoon around the perimeter with Y/N.” The rest of the boys nodded, splitting into their respective groups.
“You can train with them and hopefully pick up on something.” Hongjoong pushed me towards the two boys, their faces expressed the reluctance of training with me. They gathered supplies, shoving them into a small bag and talking amongst themselves.
Well, it could be worse. I could have been paired with that devil. 
“Here,” A knife was thrust at me, “we will start with basic blade combat.” Wooyoung ushered me out of the room, following behind Jongho. 
The path to the lagoon was shorter than I remembered, the trees and surrounding vegetation not appearing any different than the rest of the forest. Jongho and Wooyoung were silent along the way, making the walk uncomfortable. The aura surrounding them was as dangerous as when they were in the training room throwing knives. 
“Stop,” Jongho called out, halting his steps as he analyzed at the ground. “We can lay the first trap here.” He gestured for me to come forward, barely giving me directions before I was attempting to set up the trap. Once I started to struggle with the rope, he directed me towards Wooyoung and stepped in to finish my mess. 
“Y/N come here. We are going to start with throwing practice.” Wooyoung didn't spare me a glance as he chucked a throwing star at in front of him, his gaze focused. He indicated that it was my turn, fear and anxiety coursing through my veins. I knew I would be nowhere near their skill level, hoping I at least made it near my target.
I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath and throwing my knife with all my strength. It grazed the tree but landed further away.
“Okay, that’s a start. Keep practicing. I’m going to help Jongho with the traps.” Wooyoung didn’t look disappointed which was a win for me. I nodded, walking off to find my weapon so I could continue practicing.
The trees rustled around me with the onset of wind, carrying a breathy voice. I snapped my head around to survey the area. There was no one that I could see but I felt a wave of curiosity flow through me.
No. I needed to find my blade and get back to the boys. Besides, I was starting to get annoyed by this ‘Wendy’ alias I was given.
“Come play with us, Wendy.”
I looked into the distance, my mind yelling at me to run away, yet my legs started walking forward towards the sound. Deeper into the trees, I could hear a soft, soothing voice singing quietly in the distance. It was beautiful and calming, beckoning me to come to bask in its warmth.
The trees opened up to reveal the lagoon, the blue water sparkling in the sunlight. I let out a gasp of shock, my thoughts consumed by the singing.
“Wendy,” The voice called, echoing through my ears. “Come here.”
No matter how much I tried to resist, I found myself walking closer. It was as if I was being controlled, my movements dictated by this voice. My legs reached the water’s edge, the cool liquid soaking my shoes.
“Closer.” The voice begged, sending me waist-deep into the water. I continued into the water, my head barely staying above. The singing became louder, chant-like with the addition of new voices.
Something moved in the water next to me, brushing up against my leg. The voice in the back of my head was screaming, cursing at me to do something, anything but I remained there still and motionless.
“Wendy.” I watched as a woman emerged from the water, her hair framing her face perfectly like a crown. She was stunning and immediately I found myself swimming towards her, enchanted by her beauty.
Her hands ran down the sides of my face, the sharp edges of her nails brushing my cheek. “My, my aren’t you a beauty. I think you’ll do just fine here. I know he claimed you, but I might end up taking you for myself. You’ll join us won’t you, Wendy?”
My head felt heavy as it moved up and down in agreement, none of her words made sense to me. I could feel a tail wrap around my lower body, dragging me further into the depths of the lagoon. The water felt warmer with every movement, and as I gasped for air, a calm sensation embraced me.
“Y/N snap out of it, that's a siren!” I faintly heard the echoing voice in my head. “Let go of her you wench!”
I shook my head, the enchantment spell breaking as I pushed away from my seducer. What was I doing?
The woman in front of me hissed at the interruption, her angelic face morphing into a frightening piranha-like form. She lunged towards me, her nails digging into my arms to lock me in place. I struggled in her grasp, trying to avoid her thrashing tail. 
“Y/N, the blade!” Wooyoung directed. Right, my knife! I reached around, scraping my hands against the spikes now present on the siren's tail. It was useless as I remembered having left my knife in the forest somewhere. While I was trying to search for anything that I could use to get away, the siren pulled me by my hair, facing her terrifying face. 
“Sorry, Wendy but I can't let you go that easily. He struck a convincing deal for you.” She latched her slimy mouth onto mine, her razor-sharp teeth cutting my tongue. I pounded against her chest, the loss of oxygen causing the growing burn in my lungs. 
The siren recoiled from me with an agonized screech, blood gushing out of her hand that was latched onto my hair. I took this chance to swim away until the water was shallow enough to then start running.
A series of wooden spears were thrown towards the water, creating a cacophony of wails from other sirens around. I couldn’t hear anything other than the blood pounding in my ears as my legs splashed through the water.
My leg lifted towards the shore, a hand jutting out of the water, wrapping its claws around my ankle.
“Get off me!” I kicked violently against her hand, picking up a nearby spear that had fallen before plunging into deep into the flesh. I could feel a pair of arms tug me onto the shore, managing most of my weight as they continued to run.
The sight of trees skimming by as we ran gave me deja vu, eventually ending when we reached our original location. It seemed like I was always running for my life.
“Hey, you’re okay, right? They didn’t do anything to you?” Jongho looked over me, noticing the small gashes from their claws littered on my skin.
“I’m fine, thank you for coming for me.” I smiled shyly at both of them. “I always seem to be causing trouble.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’ve already had more fighting experience and training than we did when we first got here.” Wooyoung tried to ease the tension, patting me on the shoulder. “Just try not to get caught next time.”
We ended up packing up and heading back to the den for the day. Walking back, I kept feeling dizzy, a throbbing pain settling into my head. I was probably dehydrated and still in shock from the events earlier, choosing to rest once I visited Seonghwa. 
Lying down, my headache seemed to disappear, the exhaustion dragging me into a deep slumber.
“Wendy. Wake my child.” The words flowed through my head, light and airy as the voice before. My eyes opened, my body feeling light as it raised out of bed.
“Good. Now I need you to bring me something. Can you do that?” I involuntarily nodded, waiting for her response. 
“Bring me Hongjoong’s head.”
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Fucking told him its a huge red flag if someone doesn't get rid of their apps. Multiple apps. Smh 😠 "oh yea i don't use them anymore" proceeds to use fb dating app" for real come on bro!
Some comments of the post:
"If you have to be checking up on your Partner then you shouldn't be with that person.. Idk how people have time for all this .. love yourself and know your worth.."
"If you're in a serious committed exclusive relationship you should not be on tinder. That's how I met my fiance and as soon as we said we are gf and bf and exclusive we both deleted it. Honestly if I was her I would have broken up with him too"
"a person also has a right to trust their gut feeling and check things out if something's not feeling right. Knowledge is power"
I've already discussed this but this news clip further validates my point of the topic, nothing more. I could call him out on hs bs further with detail, but I won't....yet, out of respect even though he probably doesn't deserve it. Til he reaches me & apologizes for everything he's done, i can say whatever tf I want & i could make a whole damn list.
Its the events of this what happened that started our downfall to begin with cuz i didn't trust him & he didn't even try to gain it back just left it as is when I could've turned my back right then & there, no apology either. Didnt apologize much actually, not even when i last saw him. But from then we spiraled & he got bored of me. I wasn't giving him what he wanted in whatever way & he wanted to find more. Closed himself off from the beginning & that created his boredom 😒
Would've had a blast together like a normal fucking couple if he was less closed off, & wouldn't have felt the need to do shit behind my back.
I'll stop talking about it for now, I have the anger & urge to keep going but I wont...actually no Screw it im pissed 😡 but ill keep it light. Its just not fair, I did so much for him but I was disrespected in different aspects of the whole relationship. Fuck! I've talked about the positives alot cuz i do love him..but the negatives are such bs too.
I want a good ass sincere apology for all of it so I can forgive him & move on, ive already apologized myself even though I dont think I should have to 😒. Didnt even give me a straight answer for the breakup, it was always a different excuse when I know he just wanted to pursue other women without me around im not fucking stupid. His own toxicity was too much even for himself & I was in the line of fire, to where i was the toxic one? No fuck that its unacceptable, he always lied when it came to covering his own ass.
For all i know he's watching me squirm & taking pleasure in all the pain I'm going through over him cuz he likes the attention. But no I actually don't think so on that one he's still good & ill give him credit where its due. But I gave him all the attention he wanted/needed & still wanted more from someone else. Really dude fucking really!?
Man up & own up to your mistakes, speak to me where I can actually hear ur voice speaking back to me with sincerity. We'll apologize together. Yea ull be pissed about this, but after u get over it & calm down. Give in & call me, granted when ur ready, & open up for once in your damn reserved life. Itll help us both with more closure & may even take a weight off our shoulders if we just talk it out, no arguing...since we're done there's no point anyway..a friendly non judgment zone cuz idc, i won't think of u any less.
U confused me during & especially after the relationship cuz i didnt know who u really were, i know the good cuz that's what u allowed me to see, ive accepted the bad that I knew already & from what ive learned...i accepted u regardless.
I always forgave u & not cuz im passive, cuz forgiveness is what the Bible teaches.. ive forgiven u & myself the best i could especially with the last things ive showed u, (accept this part cuz im pissed rn & standing up for myself, ill delete eventually maybe if u ask cuz nobody wants to be seen any less of a person. but I can make it alot worse, calling me the mistake was the worst thing u ever said to me & pointing out your faults so u can be better throughout the relationship was my only toxicity to u) we actually never really fought except the 1 time, just argued a tiny bit rarely about little things.
Ive tried using every ounce of my courage to show u how much im sorry for any wrong ive done. but its up to u now to make things right. U know me, ive always said that u can talk to me about anything. I want to be able to trust again & move on whilst staying friends. What else do u have to lose, might even have a great heart to heart convo dude to dudet
Everything ive ever said up to this point lies all my Questions. But here's most of the list, we both were equally in control of the relationship. Maybe u didn't want me to? But doing everything I had to for myself & the household, what u & ur parents wanted of me & just me being me cuz i had to, u had your own part to play & did provide...but did u actually not want me to cater to u if it were a sign u were lazy or something? Like did u not feel worthy of me? What is it u think is my "addicting personality" that isn't fixable on the surface? What is it really that u didnt like about me? This is why i don't have closure, u left me like this, confused as well as wanting more since u held back so much. Was that on purpose to give me even more false hope & want me to pine over u? Did u ever or do u still, love me at all? What did u want from me & out of the relationship, what was the purpose of it from ur perspective & why do u think i couldn't give that to u? What did i lack that u felt compelled to not tell me so I could improve & vise versa so we both could improve? Why wouldn't u allow me to help u become a better man when (I shouldnt have to btw), its exactly what u wanted but maybe didnt see it? Do u realize your own faults even as u do them? Lol. Like i genuinely want to know as much as the good ive seen, cuz to be better the more open of a person u are the more u understand yourself too.
Unless claiming u want to be a better man is part of ur alluring charm in love bombing process to land a caring girl on purpose lol...god I hope not, that would just mean u rinse & repeat like a for real narcissist 🤔 seriously tho look into that im not even kidding, im asking cuz i care. Im pissed now but 1 thing is that im trying to not put ur behavior against u cuz maybe u can't help it, its just the way u are, all ive seen & experienced points to maybe 50% of u lol. Ive always suspected narcissism, a real psych problem that might be worth looking into. But yea 1 of the reasons especially why im so forgiving & trying not to put it against u, why i still care despite u being a dick lol. I chose to look past it, all the time & up to now cuz I understand what its like to have psychological ailments. The worst part about it is most dont realize it, so i encourage u to do some research & self reflection & admitting it to urself are the 1st steps. Okay? There's different kinds & levels to being 1 too, i found that fascinating. bryan is definitely a different type, ur more lighter than that...definitely not the worst which is the physical harm type. Trust me its worth finding out more about yourself, just dont use it to ur advantage in a bad way but i trust u to do right & grow. Not sure a discarded supply (ie me) has ever tried telling a narcy what they might be for the benefit of their own self awareness 🤔,idk if its ever been done, but theres a 1st for everything? U can find alot on it in quora digest alone but Google is also ur friend.
You always were worth every effort of mine to help u in any way to be happy, & i was most happy when u were. U mean alot to me still, its the effect u had on me, I was under ur spell lol its hard to rid myself of it still, not sure when it'll pass. I chose to see it as a gift rather than a curse, that ur effect on me is still so strong when I shouldn't give a damn. If u really are a narcy, then I understand & don't put alot against u cuz its just the way u are & i need to accept it, but if it somehow helps u to help yourself cuz of it, then whats the harm? But, even in doing this or having my socials public for u...maybe just feeds into what u want...i still dont care, I want u to see how bad or good im doing without u in my life, so u know im okay at least. U promised friendship, least I can do is allow u to keep tabs on me too we spoke of, on my end of things.
The 18th of June was the last time i saw u. It'll soon be a month ago in about a week & a 1/2 & your birthday would mark 2 months. Cant believe we couldn't even last through to that 😔
Mark my words playa I will be contacting u on that day lol. Can't ghost your homie forever sweetie
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nickygrows · 5 years
My Journey
By Nicky Jones
We have arrived once again at 4/20. Today we celebrate all things Cannabis. As we contemplate a more laid back manner of doing things, allow me to tell you my story of how Cannabis saved my life. It gets a bit heavy, but sometimes that's just the way it is. Here goes...
Six years ago, at the age of 34, a nuclear warhead was detonated in my life. After a lifetime of wondering if I had back problems, an acute disc herniation at L4-L5 painfully confirmed this suspicion. Prior to this incident I was an active father who enjoyed running quite a bit and had a decent job working in a mill. After the incident, I quickly lost touch with who I was completely.
When I first met the neurosurgeon that went on to operate on my spine, he thought he was in the wrong room. He stared down at the chart in his hands and then back up at me with a puzzled look on his face. The MRI looked bad. At the time, I didn't so much. Just before my injury, I was in good shape clocking in at a fairly lean 180 pounds. He explained that my spine looked like the spine of a much older, much heavier man. He didn't expect to see this young, fit guy on his examining table when he walked into that room, but there I was. Pain and fear had crashed into my life like an 80 mile per hour head on collision. I rushed to the operating table.
My postoperative recovery went pretty much as bad as it could go. The company I worked for decided I needed to hurry back to work to keep my job. So I skipped much of the healing process and went chasing a little bit of money. My employer soon realized I was no longer the strong and capable worker that they had hired. It didn't take long at all for them to find a reason to push me out the door after nearly five years with the company. I had surgery in January and was jobless by April. I quickly found another job working for the city. I worked 3 days and they also fired me when they got the results of my pre-employment health screening. They said I was too high risk and therefore unemployable. I didn't know it yet, but I was down for the count. I gained 100 pounds the first year after surgery putting me around 280 pounds. I was in constant, immobilizing pain which was compounded by the added weight. The weight kept me from being active and being inactive caused more weight gain. To make matters much worse, my pain was horribly managed with a myriad of drugs including dangerous opioids, which would be given and taken away seemingly at random. I felt like I was being tormented by a mean bully. I now know this bully’s name is pain management. Round and round you go, where do you stop? Look at the statistics and you will see. Years of destructive drug addiction and pain ensued. All the while I gained weight.
Three hard years had passed since my spinal surgery and I was almost at rock bottom. Not far to go now. I was around 320 pounds. I had gained approximately 140 pounds since my injury. To mask the pain, I was on a fentanyl patch that would kill me if I were to put it on right now. I had to lose weight. I joined a weight loss program that offered a pathway to gastric sleeve surgery. This was a last ditch effort to be rid of the extra person I was carrying around. I am honestly not sure how I made it to surgery in the weight loss program. The program was great, but by this time I was in a very bad place. The psychologist that evaluated my emotional ability to have the surgery and move forward postoperatively did not want to clear me. I was a mess. With tears running down my face, I explained to the doctor that this was my last hope to get any semblance of my life back. Although I really didn’t believe it would work, I somehow convinced them that I did. I was cleared. I had to give it a shot. I was literally dying.
In preparation for my surgery, the pain management doctor decided to cut my pain meds in half. They explained that if they didn’t decrease my tolerance, then there would be no option to treat my postsurgical pain. This sent me into a tailspin of opioid withdrawals much akin to coming off of Heroin. I felt like I had some nightmarish version of the flu. In addition to all of the typical flu symptoms, I was also experiencing mind-melting depression and anxiety among other things and was having to change clothes and sheets several times a night due to the fact that I literally sweating it out. After a few days of this I made a monumental, life-altering decision. I decided that if it was gonna be this bad to reduce this poison coursing through my veins by half, then how much worse could it get to just do the whole enchilada. The answer was: much worse, It could get much worse. I had my wife hide my firearms. I had to phone friends and family I hadn't reached out to in years in the middle of the night just to avoid losing my grip on my sanity. It felt like I was sick right down to the center of my soul. This went on for weeks that seemed more like years. I decided to try medical cannabis to help with the withdrawals and the pain. I came out on the other side completely done with opioids and ready to move forward with the surgery and the next chapter of my life.
I had gastric sleeve surgery on April 10, 2017. There was nothing easy about this process. However, once I made the decision that I wanted to live my life rather that allow it to continue to be stolen from me by circumstances, I took the surgery and everything that it involved very seriously. I stuck to the program’s month long liquid diet to the letter before the surgery and left the rest in the capable hands of my surgeon. Everything went well with my operation and recovery. I continued to follow the program instructions which set me on a path which led me out of darkness and into the light.
Since my surgery I have continued to educate myself on how to live healthier. I am now very careful about not only the quantity, but the quality of the things i put into my body. I was able to go back to work, but I gave up the mill life. I now earn my living as a gardener, which is a passion I have had most of my life. I have developed a yoga practice that helps me deal not only with my pain, but allows me to condition my mind, body, and soul to remain focused on a positive, healthy lifestyle. I continue to use cannabis as an alternative to opioids and it handles my pain and occasional anxiety much more effectively than anything I have previously been prescribed. And all without the horrible life-ending side effects that come with opioid pain medications. It didn’t happen overnight, but I made it back down to 180 pounds which is where I was before my life-altering spinal injury six years ago.
I am very specific with which Cannabis strains that I use. I stick with Sativas during the day to stay focused, creative, and energetic. They help tremendously with inflammation and take the edge off my pain. Some of my favorite Sativas are Jack Herer and Green Crack. In the evening I switch over to a heavy hitting Indica such as Yoda OG or 9 Pound Hammer . These make the pain drift away and my sleep quality is top notch.
In January of this year, I experienced another acute disc herniation. This time at L5-S1. I was taken to the ER by ambulance and spent nearly a week in the hospital learning to walk again with the new level of pain. This was nearly the same injury with nearly identical symptoms and pain as my original spinal injury. But this time it went much differently. In the hospital, the entire staff were very interested in what was different about me. It really caught their attention when instead of asking for more IV pain medication, I said “No thanks, I am weaning myself off of that, so I won’t need my dose for another 6 hours”. Before I left the hospital, I was completely off the IV pain meds and up walking the halls. According to my nurses, I was a continued hot topic during daily staff meetings. The thing is, I wasn’t seeking any attention or special treatment. I used the spotlight to show anyone who was willing to look that there was a better way to swing when life throws curves. They sent me home with a few pain pills which I was done with 3 days later, about the same time that I ditched the walker I came home with. I now have the most heartwarming support system in the form of family, friends, and healthcare providers. With the help of my beautiful RN wife, amazing physical therapist, and a brand new perspective on life I am healing my current injury without surgery or opioid pain medications. Therapy and Cannabis. Although my right heel remains completely numb as a reminder that I did in fact experience some serious nerve agitation due to the herniation, the rest of me is wide awake and present for every moment of my life.
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Happy 4/20 💚
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
Nosy neighborhood
(or a reflection on the bittersweet nature of nostalgia)
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What about a one shot about a tv show I never watched? It sounds fun doesn't it? Well it contains spoilers for the third Webisode of the walking dead called "The Oath" released in 2013. It can be easily found on Vimeo. Trigger warnings include grief and pessimism. Also I wrote this one on first person because I just think first person writing is neat😄
Everyone was gathered in the building that used to be a church. Except from the obvious architecture though you couldn't even tell. Even the beautiful stained glass was mostly gone. And there was no giant wooden cross in sight. Only tables full of food, drinks, and of course the band composed of four singing voices, an acoustic guitar, two saxophones, half a set of drums, a fucking button accordion, a xylophone and a def. Basically every instrument the scavengers could find over the years. Since the world has ended our neighborhood united to form a urban fortress.
I was in a corner with some friends not really interested in the conversation. My eyes scanned the whole place looking for the handsome, tall man with his long blonde straight hair. When I finally spotted Paul grabbing some food I whispered without actually intending to.
"There you are!"
"What?" One of my friends followed my eyes, "Oh my god are you really going after the man?"
"Dude is just introvert!" Another friend rolled his eyes, "That's why he is always in his basement."
"That is simply not true!" I said, "Y'all know how much I hate people, alive or otherwise, and yet I'm always here for our sunday gatherings."
"You know what?" my friend finished her beer before continuing, "Fucking go after him. If it turns out he's just lonely you will get my cleaning shifts for the whole month. And if you find a big secret of his or whatever I'll get yours. How about that?"
"It sounds like a deal!" Me and my friend shook hands with smiles on our faces.
"I can't believe you're going to bother the poor man just because he likes to eat by himself." My other friend shook his head in disapproval before smiling too, "But anyways if you find anything please spill the beans to us!"
"Gotcha!" I winked at them before making my move.
Paul put a lot of food inside an old Tupperware and walked towards the door like he usually did. I moved between the people trying to avoid being seen by him. Paul briefly talked to one or two people before leaving. I left the church a little after, making sure to give him time to step further from the door.
Most of the people were at the church so the streets were empty. I sneaked around corners and alleys and cars like I did so many times outside the walls. I still remember before the outbreak when not everyone needed to be a soldier in order to survive. It's been almost seven years but I still caught myself getting nostalgic sometimes.
I followed Paul for a few blocks. Housing was an issue in our community. Over the years more people started to come and babies started to be born once we reached a certain stability. Paul was one of those people who duo to his efforts towards the community gained the privilege to live on his own instead of in one of the communal houses like I did. He was one of the scavenging teachers after all. And my favorite one, I might add.
Besides being handsome he was also super quiet about anything that didn't concerned the classes. And to become a survivor as good as him you gotta have a past. We asked about it before but he always avoided the topic. This made me even more curious. I've always felt like he was hiding something and tonight I would finally figure out what!
It took a couple minutes for him to reach the big house with two floors and a front yard. Instead of entering the front door though he bypassed the house to enter through the basement door in the back. Paul lives in a basement just like a character from a book I read before the outbreak. Something about a woman watching her neighbours or something. I don't remember the details but I do remember one of the characters lived in a basement like Paul does.
I leaned on the wall and listened carefully as Paul opened the metal doors. After listening to his steps gradually fading as he went downstairs I sneaked into the entrance feeling glad he didn't lock it. I waited there for a while until I was confident Paul was distracted enough not to realize the sounds the doors would make. I opened just one door super slowly and checked every few seconds to see if there was any abrupt movements inside. When I closed the door behind me everything was in darkness expect for the light coming from one of the rooms. My hand instinctively reached for my gun but it wasn't there. I didn't carry my gun inside the walls.
I cursed myself in silence and started to walk downstairs. I wish I could see all the furniture Paul had but I couldn't announce my presence so my only option was to follow the light, which I did swiftly. I could hear a voice but it took me a while to make any sense of it.
"I know you would love those parties they make every Sunday." Paul's voice came from the only room with light, "We even had those back in the day, you remember?" He let out a deep sigh, "I still miss those days. We didn't have much like we do here, but we were happy, weren't we? I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but I miss that, you know? I miss you, Karina."
There was not a sound to be heard expect for Paul's voice. The easiest explanation was that Paul was probably talking to a portrait ou painting like so many of us do. Death is such a common experience among the survivors. With this conclusion I could leave the house, but I wouldn't be satisfied. I wanted to know more about this Karina woman he was talking to. And about those old days.
I reached the entrance of the room but didn't dare to look inside. Instead I stayed there in silence, all my muscles stiffed. Quietly listening to Paul eating his dinner.
"Dominic talked to me again. You know, about the shifts and all that." Paul chuckled, "I'm not sure if we are just talking or flirting at this point. I know you are as terrible at this as I am but a little help would be good."
Paul chuckled again and a moan was heard. I felt my spine freeze as I obviously recognized the sound. A guttural and tired moan only a walker could make. I finally peeked into the room. There was no bed or beside table or any fortnite whatsoever. Paul was sat on a wooden chair eating his dinner with a fork. The most shocking thing though was the walker. The undead had it's arms tied tightly in a straightjacket. Saliva was falling from her mouth in the most grotesque waterfall I've ever seen. Paying special attention I realized her mouth was toothless. There was almost nothing left of hair in her head and the skin was this unnatural tone of grey. That walker was old. A thick chain kept it near the wall.
"What the fuck?" I whispered in terror.
Faster than I could even register Paul got up and pointed his revolver at me. I put my hands up and froze still.
"It's me! It's me! Please don't shoot."
It didn't seem like Paul would shoot me but he didn't put the gun down either. Instead he looked deep into my eyes. I tried to read him but as usual it was impossible to know what he was thinking.
"What are you doing here?" He asked finally with a deep voice.
"I... I was just-" the truth is that there was nothing to be said. I was there because I wanted to know what was up with him. And now I did.
"You shouldn't be here." He said firmly.
"I k-know!" I stuttered, "But you know what I'm already leaving, actually!"
I stayed still. Paul took a deep sigh and finally put his gun down. The silence was only broken by the walker's unnerving sounds. Paul walked across the living room and brought a chair with him. Without saying anything he invited me to the room with the walker. I sat with them. Looking at it made me so uncomfortable all I wanted was to runway from there as fast as I could. Still, I stayed.
"This is Karina." Paul started, "We met in a settlement right after the outbreak."
"She died." I said, "And you couldn't let go of her."
"It's a little more complex than that."
I tried to look into Paul's eyes, but he was facing the ground. Once he was ready, Paul looked up at me.
"We made and oath. We wouldn't abandon each other no matter what. And when would fight for each other. One lives, all live."
Paul lifted hir shirt a little to show a huge scar on his belly. It looked well healed, "Our camp got raided by walkers. Me and Karina were the only survivors. I got this scar as a souvenir. But it looked bad, and I went unconscious for a couple hours."
At this point I kind of realized where this was going. I read Romeo and Juliet back at school. I hate tragedies. Paul lowered his shirt and shifted on his chair a little.
"Karina couldn't face the world on her own. She wanted to end all this pain and suffering."
"Oh no..." I covered my mouth slightly.
Paul tilted his head, "She killed herself. Once I got there it was already too late."
He stayed in silence for a while and I realized there were actual tears dropping from his eyes.
"But we made an oath!" He cried out. "We vowed never to leave each other and that's what I did!" He said even louder. The tears cleaning his face. "That's what I did-!!"
He choked on his own tears and couldn't say anything else. Paul just buried his face on his hands and cried while the walker (or should I say Karina?) moaned quietly in it's never ending hunger.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, no knowing what to say.
Paul got up still facing the ground. I quickly got up too and hugged him. He was taller than me so he had to bend a little to hug me back. That made his weight fall upon me. I had to stiff my legs in order not to simply fall down. But I carried him. He kept crying louder and louder. The walker got agitated but it didn't left it's place due to the restrains. I closed my eyes shut wishing with all of me for this to be over. Not Paul or the walker. Just everything else.
Pain and suffering left a scar on everyone. And I couldn't help but think, clouded by my own nostalgia, how much better things were before.
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