#and once i'm comfy i can talk a lot 😂
sacredflorist · 6 months
Mutuals feel free to add me on discord to plot, discuss headcanons, chat ooc, and anything else! 💕
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 7 months
just wanna make a little post because! someone left a very respectful comment on WINRN asking a bit about SQH's choices transition wise. the comment has since been deleted so im not gonna repeat it (if this was you and you were worried plz dont be! i dont mind at all!) and i dont want to embarrass or put pressure on the person, but i thought id write my thoughts on that out here 😊
putting this under a cut because it got long lol
SQH in WINRN is a trans man, and has identified that way since childhood in PIDW-verse. In the real world, he was never out and never socially or medically transition, and had a lot of internalized misogyny and transphobia (which is gonna be explored a bit later in the fic). However, PIDW is canonically a world with no homophobia, which I am taking to mean no transphobia as well!
This is a major culture shock, and one that WINRN's SQH definitely says he is totally cool with and has internalized, but I think he still has a lot of internalized fear rattling around inside, which definitely plays into his choices of how he treats his body.
That said, many trans people don't actually experience a ton of dysphoria when it comes to their secondary sexual characteristics 😊 I myself have a very complicated relationship with my physical sex, which I am pretty much just directly giving to SQH haha. It's definitely not representative of every, or even most, trans experiences, just my own that I want to explore a bit through SQH, especially how that overlaps with having biological children.
Not wanting to medically transition can have a lot of reasons outside of medical concerns or cost. It's a really permanent choice. For me, I'm always like 'okay, but what if I miss my boobs? or what if it just makes no difference for me?' I, like SQH, still spend time not passing for various reasons, and it is useful to be able to girl-code myself when needed, which I wouldn't be able to do as easily if I had medically transitioned.
Drawing from trans friends experiences, some people also just actively like their bodies the way they are! I have a close friend who likes their chest a lot, and actually feels more masc and confident when not binding. Different vibes for different folks :))
That said, unlike myself, I do think that WINRN!SQH does eventually medically transition. His choice not to is a combo of ambivalence towards his body and fear of rejection, so once he is more confident and settled he and MBJ find like. A gender change fruit lol. And because magic, he can always swap back if he wants hahaha.
It hasn't come up yet, but WINRN is also T4T Moshang! Mobei-jun is also a trans man who has made very different choices than SQH when it comes to his transition. He gets much less self-shame/dysphoria, and transitioned later but went right for medical transition. Growing up in PIDW-verse where it's not a big deal gives him a different perspective than SQH. He just like... cut his tits off and did an ice ritual and was all set 😂
ANYWAYS thats just my gender headcanons for this fic hahaha. thank you for reading if you got this far! and literally never worry about leaving comments or asks with questions on the gender stuff, im very comfy talking about it and very hard to offend ❤️
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krirebr · 5 months
Kris! I wanna be so greedy with this, but I’ll keep myself in check. Could we please get a glance at 29, 34, and 43 for IKISKB. Lub ya💕
Essie! I admire your restraint! 😂 But you know I'm always happy to talk about these two. And I think I can answer these without really spoiling what I have planned for the last two chapters. Just know that all these answers apply to their post-HEA life.
29. Describe their nighttime routine. No matter how hectic either of their days are, I think they try really hard to go to bed together. So sometimes that means that Curtis will wait up for her to get home from whatever event she had to make an appearance at. And then once she's changed into comfy PJs, they'll do their nighttime skin/hygeine/whatever routines together at their side-by-side sinks. Curtis's is, of course, much shorter than hers, so once he's done Curtis will just hang out as they debrief each other on their days. (It's during this part that Curtis will often sneak little kisses to whatever skin he can get at.) Once they're ready for bed, they both usually read a little, Reader doing it for work (scripts, a book someone wants to option, etc), which Curtis blazes through whatever fantasy or historical fiction series he's currently working his way through. Then Curtis will reach over her and turn the lamp off, whispering in her ear that he loves her. She'll mumble it back as they both fall asleep.
34. Do they have any inside jokes? They definitely do! I think once, maybe a fan got so distracted by how attractive Curtis is in person, they completely forgot about Reader, and she's never stopped giving Curtis a hard time about. Also, lots of just little things: being reminded of those weird soaps in a hotel they stayed in in Greece, or still laughing years later about how one of her mom's boyfriends tried to recruit Curtis for his mlm. All the little life stuff they've picked up along the way.
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like? Reader's going for Curtis's leather jacket, a henley, and his tightest jeans with the motorcycle boots. 😂 But! I also think the first time she saw him in a tux for some event was a real eye-opener for her, so that's probably near the top of her list too. Curtis loves her dressed down, the stuff she just wears around the house when they have nowhere else to be - worn leggings, one of his big t-shirts hanging off one shoulder. He thinks she's so, so sexy when she's just comfortable and fully herself, the version no one else gets to see.
These were so fun! I hope they're satisfying for ya, love. 💜
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
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rabbithexrt · 2 months
☝, 📝, 🔥, 👃, 💭, 👟, 🌀
hello, my beautiful friend 💕hope your day is as lovely as your radiant self 🌷
☝ - How tall are you? I'm 164cm or 5'4 ( I think ^^ one of these days I'll have to learn american measurements )
📝 - Story from your childhood. so my parents would quite regularly rescue animals and nurse them back to health - I'm talking dogs, cats, turtles, hedgehogs, etc - but the one that stuck out the most was the most gorgeous buzzard who had a broken wing iirc ( I was like 7 or 8 so I am not 100% sure what it was, but he was hurt ). His name was Tassilo and he lived in one of our garden sheds for a few months until he was strong enough to fly off on his own 💗 ( really explains where I get some parts of my personality from when I think about it haha ) I also once found a lizard and carried it home and my mom helped me take care of it over night and then we released it in the morning 😅
🔥 - Something spicy you like? I'm just gonna asssume we're talking about food here hah! I can handle hot spicy a lot better than cold spicy ( which I cannot handle at all really ), but I can only handle so much 😅 having said that I generally really enjoy curries, especially indian ones.
👃 You hate the smell of …. hate is a very strong word but I am not particularly fond of the smell of coffee or chocolate - particularly when lotion smells like it
💭 - Favorite foods? fruits - especially berries and melons, bagels with smoked salmon, potatoes, various curries, and pasta; ( there is more but rn that is what my brain can think of )
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear? I got these black boots that I wear basically constantly when the weather is cold enough for it, other than that I prefer to not wear shoes at all 😅 since life sadly tends to force me to wear shoes, I opt for comfy sandals when it's warm I'm a boots or barefoot girly 😅
🌀 - Favorite type of weather? I do enjoy pretty much any weather - there's good sides to everything - I think my absolute favourite is when it's a little cloudy, a little sunny, not too warm and windy ( sth so magical about wind, I can't explain it ). bonus points if it rains at night ♥ also special mention to thunderstorms because just ♥
thank you so much for these, I loved answering them, even tho my brain fried about half way thru 😂 love you 💕
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hummingbird-games · 1 year
Dev Diaries
October 1, 2023
My goodness, it's the first devlog post-Crushed release!! How did that happen???
And where the heck has 2023 gone?!?! 🙃
Okay, pausing--for like four seconds--on the sillies, I've got some updates for y'all, so have a seat and get comfy.
Crushed updated build is out!!!
Now with the rest of the partial voice acting!!!
It was a super fun experience with the VA and I giggled a lot to hear the words I wrote spoken into existence. I think the next project I work on with voice work will also be partial. However, I can't imagine doing a whole game with full voice work. I can feel the mental break down from that possibility making its descent....
The postmortem was longer than I anticipated it to be, so it shall be posted separately (and with a read more for your scrolling needs) sometime! I go into (more) details on my inspiration and the process from hesitant idea, to jam entry, to a full-blown game, and all the heartbreak and burnout and catharsis in between!
You can also search 'gamedev rambles' or 'crushed vn' where I've already blabbed about Development Tingz LOL.
2. The HBG Twitter account has been nuked.
Yeah. Apologies if this is how you're finding out about it. I honestly have no idea where my audience is located as y'all are a quiet (but supportive) bunch. But for me as a player, it hurts because many of my peers are only on or are most active on Twitter.
However, me and the bird app have been at odds for a while so I guess it was just a matter of time... 🥲
3. Game Jam Gemini Mode
Alright, time to get serious-serious. (HA!)
While I was Fighting The Good Fight concerning getting Crushed up before the summer ended, I started dropping hints about the next project I wanted to work on with Yuri Jam (and Once Upon A Time jam) coming up.
Well. After giving it some thought, forcing myself to pause long enough to breathe, catching up on personal reading and other things, and again, giving it more thought: nope.
I could ignore this decision which I hate and push on anyway, but the consequences are not ones I want to deal with, nor will I be physically able to handle. (Yes, this is a direct reference to my health lol).
My plan about this time was to start reaching out to people and create a team--given that I banged out a script at lighting speed just so I knew what roles I needed and was prepared. I'm still not sure where that burst of frenzied energy came from, but it's gone now.
And then in between making Crushed live and getting the first voiced update done, I started to feel really weird. Like "Hello, Anxiety My Old Friend" weird. And I kept berating myself for dragging my feet, especially as Yuri Jam (and OUAT) are so 'chill' and 'easy-going' and why was I still freaking out? What was wrong with me???
Anyway, once the last voiced update went live, it hit me how utterly exhausted I was. Still am(?) So it's insane to think I was somehow going to have enough energy to lead a whole ass team to create one more project before the year ends. Even if said project was under 5k words.
Even as I write this saying I'm done, a part of me keeping scheming up ways to make it work.
But I wouldn't be doing it for the right reasons anyway (i.e. feeling like I should participate in more jams because every other developer is and I'm a bad indie dev if I don't, and feeling this desperation to prove I can tell other kinds of stories. ahahahaha)
A L S O I am broke 😂 And money talks louder than anything else!! This was the year--and continues to be the year-- of medical expenses and emergencies so like...gotta recover from that too.
The Knight Dance (my short Yuri idea) shall return, but next year at the earliest. And who knows? It might benefit from me not working on it now. Or that's what I'm telling myself so my brain will chill.
4. Tackling Ko-fi
I keep saying I'm going to start putting content on ko-fi, or posts, or something, and I keep proving to be a liar. That ends soon!
I've been playing around with the idea of adding both content for subs and one-time donators as well as free content, these things all exclusive to ko-fi. So there's an incentive to you guys to visit and an incentive for me to keep up with it.
There's a lot to the world of HSD/Crushed that just didn't make it into the games, and probably won't for a while, and then there are drabbles and longer stories that would be fun to write and share for anyone who's curious.
In conclusion!!!
Go play Crushed!! Go support some game Kickstarters!! Go support a Pateron/Ko-fi of your fave creator!! Go replay some games!!
And watch this space for the Crushed postmortem and my yearly games & demos wrap up!!
And maaaaaaaybe catch me on the sideblog where I embody the cringe gamer girl I truly am???
~ Gemini
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hermione, Luna, Fleur 🧡
Hi there Anon! Thanks for the asks! 😄
Hermione Granger: A subject you know a lot about.
Gotta be ASTROLOGY, am I right? 🤣 That shouldn't surprise anyone here. Harry Potter, also. (Those books came out when I was 5 and I've basically been reading them since then.)
But for a little extra...astrology is, essentially, a language of symbolism and storytelling. (Also more math than I like to think about, so let's not get into that bit of it.) Well I, as a writer, am very drawn to the storytelling bit, but I'm also pretty well-versed in symbolism in general.
Color symbolism. Animal symbolism. Flower symbolism. I'm very fascinated by symbols, and history, and stories, and sort of tying it all together. The idea of there being deeper meaning, and deeper power, in all things. Seeing beauty and magic all around us.
That's what made Orange Blossoms so fun to write, just fully leaning into floriography. It's why I have a deep fondness for rhapsodizing about eye color; color and meaning and what all I can compare it to, and the meaning behind that. And in astrology, the elements, and the symbolism there; I blend the elements into my work where I can, too, using what I know of its symbolism.
There was a bit I was writing once where Severus was reflecting on his feelings for Lily and Harry, and I was aiming for a lot of airy comparisons for Lily (an Aquarius) and fiery descriptors for Harry (a Leo.) Fully self-indulgent and I never quite finished it!
Anyway, there I go babbling, per usual, LOL.
Luna Lovegood: Something about you other people find weird.
Hmmm. Probably a lot. But people don't generally tell me what they think is weird about me. 🤣 My laugh, maybe, or at least that's what I'm self-conscious of. I think it's loud and obnoxious, and I also happen to laugh way too much.
I also take great pleasure in very simple things. Which maybe sounds nice until I'm raving about how sweet Eddie is for bringing home a Midnight Milky Way and everyone else is like "wtf why are you telling me this." Cuz I'm HAPPY. I'm VERY HAPPY. I love dark chocolate and that was so nice!!! (Eddie is my partner btw for those who dk.)
I also have OCD and ADHD (bad combination that), so my brain is very weirdly particular about things. I'm 1000% sure people think many of those are weird. I also have tics which I hope to god no one notices but if they do, I'm sure they think that's weird, too.
Aaaand...Well. My level of obsessiveness and enthusiasm. I live in the South (U.S.) where everyone religiously follows football, wears merch for their favorite teams, and even play Fantasy Football, but I'm weird for wearing Hufflepuff t shirts and writing fanfiction. 🙄
Also I babble/ramble a lot, but I've gotta be feeling pretty comfy to talk at all so...🤷‍♀️
On the whole I embrace my weirdness so while I can be a bit self-conscious and overthink, I also love all of what makes me unique! And best of all...my weirdness brings in other weird people, who I'd rather hang out with anyway!
Fleur Delacour: What physical attribute do you like most about yourself?
If you know you know. 😂 I'll thank my Leo Rising for great hair (Or I could thank my dad for the genetics, but...I'd rather not. I'd rather thank my Leo Rising, which means I can thank my mother instead for giving birth to me at the optimal time for great hair.)
(Okay we're getting off track, and probably oversharing a bit.)
I don't think I'm especially pretty, and I'm a bit insecure about a lot, but one thing I have never doubted is my hair. Dark brown (I dyed it red for years, but I went back to my natural color some years ago!) LONG...as in, nearly to my butt when fully dry. And best of all: SUPER CURLY. I have 3B hair, to give people a better idea.
I love it even more since my partner likes to tell me that I have so much chaos and liveliness in me that it sprouts out of my head that way. My hair, the ultimate representation of all my...[gestures wildly]
Anyway, maintenance is a pain in the behind. I braid it every night for bed and let me TELL YOU...getting to the end of the braid is a pain, worse still if I have to redo the braid. My arms get TIRED. Also curls tangle like crazy. I could not move at all after brushing it and somehow all of my curls start making friends.
But you know what? It's soft. It's pretty. Having long curly hair makes me feel like a fairytale princess, I won't lie. Flipping it around? Charm. The wind whipping it all over? Magic.
Also fun fact, when it's shorter, it's super springy and has a lot more volume. (The length weighs down the curls a bit.) So when my hair was short it actually kinda looked like a lion's mane. Which was cool. Especially relating to my Leo Moon and my Leo Rising (which is to thank for said hair to begin with.) Leo...lion...lion's mane. Get it?
Okay, I'll see myself out.
If you've not had enough of my babbling, you can send me more HP Name Asks.
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ishikawayukis · 10 months
Yes que si hablo español JAJAJAJA I just thought it would be weird to straight up start talking in spanish but I really needed to reference that meme (and here’s the moment where I’m unsure which language I should keep using WJDIEBD) y no me molestaría que me compartieras el video<3 bc I don’t mind shipping!! I’m not hardcore either but I love the dynamics too so it’s hard not to agree with a bunch of ships lol
NO ACTUALLY FAIR tbh I did skip some flashbacks back in the first season (see: Syrup Village) and if it’s dragging too much bc of that I do skip the flashbacks
Fr no one can convince me these guys don’t curse, I love they decided to show that side of them AND how it is unique for both of their personalities (see: Zoro saying ass and Sanji saying arse) but yes a documentary about the process would be *chef’s kiss*
NADIE SE MUERE JAJAJA I just finished the Alabasta arc (thank gOD) and I lowkey cried for Pell juST FOR HIM TO COME BACK??? I’m glad but wth they’re going to make me desensitized/skeptical with future ‘deaths’ atp bc most of them seem to come back anyways
Zoro literally just said “Sorry, but…I’ve never once prayed to God” and I was like “holy sh*t that’s hot” just for him to freaking scream like Tarzan while swinging on a vine minutes later LMAO and two things: 1) is this a good lose my mind or a bad lose my mind?? and may I know if it’s during the 100s?💀😭 2) I’ve seen people saying pre time skip a lot!! Is that like a canon event that just happens and we don’t see that ‘time skip’ (kinda like the blip for the avengers) or is it like a time travel thing or something?? If the answer is too much of a spoiler I’m fine without knowing it, just sounds confusing LOL
I have my fair share of songs that I didn’t think I listened to them that much so I get it 😂😂 my #81 song is Not Fine by Day6!!! which feels kinda fitting to me rn ngl JAJAJAJA
AJAJAJ the constant struggle of wait what language do i speak in now. i tend to always go with english because i'm aware of how Chilean i am and sometimes people don't understand what i'm saying, so whatever makes you feel more comfy <3 this is the video it's SO stupid but it made me cackle and i couldn't sent it to my friend that's watching it because she hasn't reached alabasta or ace yet
the one thing i will complain about one piece (well, one of the things LMAO) is the flashbacks like yeah i do love how fleshed out all the characters are but man keep it short and sweet
i LOVE that sanji is the only one with a different accent in english from the straw hats, like it makes so much sense for his background this is all i can say without spoiling anything (y weno en español también acento canario de taz mi amado)
NO BUT SAME i was fucking sobbing over pell and then they were like teehee actually he's not dead 😋 there is a reason for that tho i think it had to do with 9/11 no i'm not joking LMAO
SKYPIEA ZORO MY FUCKING BELOVEEEEEEED everytime he says that when someone is like "omg you're gonna make god mad!" i went a little insane because yEAH MAN TELL THEM, and him doing the tarzan scream he's just a little guy he's feeling goofy and silly and we love him for it. also!! are you watching it in japanese or dubbed? because luffy sings an iconic song during this arc that everyone loves LMAO. it's a uuuh it's a mix LMAO and it's in the 300's i think. the only thing i will say about the time skip is that it's a canon event and nothing more because it's more entertaining that way teehee
ooof man now that's a song LMAO it could've been zombie which i would ask all good dear is everything ok (obviously the answer would be no)
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entomjinx · 2 years
No worries. Tumblr has its own quirks and moods. Nothing we can do about it.
Sometimes it really is just awkward.
But yeah, we talked on/off (timezones, heh, even though you were sometimes up early/late - always hard to tell xD). And, idk, I thought I had gathered some strength after the trauma and all that crap. Fun times. So I took the gamble. In a way, why am I still messaging like this? But at the same time, idk.
One Piece is one of those mangas I will complete one day. I'm still very behind even though my ship is there since the beginning. 😂 and it's just so engaging! But at the same time I feel like I wouldn't be able to write fic for it. I guess I'm easily scared lol
Oh, I'm still stuck in gratsu. OTP and all that. I get the bunnies but writing sure has gotten super difficult. And then I catch another handful of bunnies before having finished one story and it's a lot of wips. Doesn't help that I'm feeling so bummed about my writing and that RL stuff has been bad. Gotta love a writing crisis. Which, btw, better not go your way. Just time and spoons for you.
Tumblr will always be just one step to the left of fully functioning, and that's how we like it here I suppose.
Sometimes messaging and replying though anon is easier. It a way to be slightly detached and not too invested, while still going out of your comfort zone to talk to the people you want to, especially after everything that happened in that server... At least, that's how it makes sense to me. Should you ever decide to just outright message me, I'd answer the second I saw it, but for now, if this is what you're comfy with, keep doing it!
Also sorry it keeps taking me so long to respond. College is very hectic at the moment. (also this got long oops)
One Piece is super engaging! the latest chapters are absolutely wild, especially the one this week. Holy shit. I have been more anxious writing for One Piece than I was for Fairy Tail, but the fandom is genuinly a much nicer and kinder space so far. I didn't fully realize how awful the FT fandom had treated me until I posted my first OP work... The difference is staggering. And most people I've spoken to have been much less insistant on only focusing on what's "canon." It's been wonderful so far.
That doesn't mean the FT fandom didn't leave such an impact on me that I'm not anxiously awaiting the switch up and rage to be sent my way, but I'm trying to tell myself that it's a set of irrational thoughts.
I still adore Gray/Natsu and I plan to finish some of the WIPs I have for them, as well as Phenomenon eventually, but I think most of the things I make outside of that will be kept to myself and close friends.
I have! so many plot bunnies! I finally came up with the idea to make a discord server where each channel is a plotline, and once I'd reached the limit for how many channels I could have in a category (per fandom) I have to finish something before I can make another one. It keeps me in check while also letting me keep a decently high number of ideas so that I don't get stuck with writers block.
I'm sorry stuff has been hectic in real life, and I hope things start to look up soon. Your writing has always been wonderful in my opinion, but I fully understand being bummed about it too. I can never really look at my own writing without feeling like it's missing something. Every artist is their own worst critic after all, so remember that others don't see what you think is missing, they see only the wonderful things you have created and shared.
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Hiiii Tan~
I live in Kolkata, but I'm from Odisha, wbu? (you can share if you're comfy ^^)
and yes, I forget things at times as well, like sometimes I'll be talking on phone then ask where is my phone lmaooo
and, seungcheol is my bias 🥹🥹 MAN DRIVES ME INSANE YK he is just so????? like???? i have no words, fr fr, I am speechless. He is perfect definition for INSANE, HE IS THE MENACE TO THE SOCIETY but I love him so much. Aside from insanity, he is an amazing human being, the most adorable. He gives me strength when I am down, Seventeen is home. Seungcheol is comfort, looking at him, I always tell myself to be strong and to work hard so that when I see them one day, I will tell them 'thank you' and no matter how much I say about Seungcheol, it's never enough. This man taught me a lot of things, yk Tan we are so similar but one thing I don't have is leadership skills, maybe I can try it someday but other than that almost everything is same, even our zodiac. Like we have the same habits AS WELL 🤣🤣😭😭🤣 I wonder how did I find him, like istg I used to think, I'm the only one who gets sulky when someone calls me by my full name then I saw him, like choi seungcheol 😭🥹😭 you're so adorable. I melt because of him.
I almost ranted??? oh god sksksk I can't stop talking about him 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ but then, how are you doing? I was kind of busy with university work. And how's winter there? keep yourself warm and don't catch a cold, sending you warm hugs!
so, today's question: who do you think is the easiest to write (aus?)
-Anon 💌
Beautiful coups for you✨
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Wow Kolkata! That's wonderful. I hadn't met anyone from Odisha yet, so it's incredible to meet you. And i'll share my city once we talk in personal later.
By the way, SAME. I can totally understand your love for choel. I was wondering while you asked for bias, if I should write cheol and then i thought no it'd be too obvious, I talk about him all the time. So hoshi, but well, hoshi is sooo amazing. ❤️ And when's your birthday? Mine is on 5th, Cheol's on 8th and one of my friend's is on 4th. Same month.
Tell me more about how similar you both are. By the way, if you don't mind, can form a gang of courangs who are similar to cheol, share zodiac signs and would like to marry him one day? 👉🏻👈🏻 😂❤️
I believe I'm a little bit similar to cheol too but the thing you share isn't what i share with him while I do think i have leadership quality, or atleast the desire to lead but that makes me wonder how similar we both would be! 😁
I'm doing okay. Wasting time, as usual. 😂 Winters are cold, and fun. I watched a kdrama, reborn rich, yesterday, I'm obsessed and its still airing. 😭😭😭
Thank you so much ❤️ you too stay warm, if it gets too cold. By the way, what's Winters like in Kolkata?
And who do i think is the easiest to write about? As in the member? I'd say, mingyu, wonwoo and dokyeom because they fit the tropes most people want to write. Have not seen, on svt fanfic tumblr, every 5th fanfic is dk fanfic and every 4th one is mingyu fanfic and 3rd is wonwoo. I mean he's always there. He's beautiful, can you help with that? We need to write about him, don't we?
By the way, I have a lot of gifts for you. ❤️
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hi dear! I really like your blog and i have been following it since a few months now.
I always wonder about jimin's loud show of affection to jk during their early years 2013-2014. and how much he said openly that he wanted to go on date with him and all that.
I can never fully understand what was going through jimins mind at that time. lol. with jk we see a clear change and progression of his feelings over the years but i am always confused about jimin.
like was he already crushing hard on jk at that time (2013-2014) or was just fooling around and messing with him like a hyung would.
did he also stared to develop some feelings during 2015-2016 or was it much before when he kept showering jk with sooo much love.
Anyways would love to hear your thoughts on the early years dynamics between km.
Hello anon! Thank you so much for the kind words. The blog is only a few months old 👀😂 so I'll assume you've been here close to when I first started, which is always nice. 💜
I'm going to very briefly say that I will get more into this when I finally get around to doing my jikook dynamics over the years series. But we can talk about my personal opinions over Jimin these years super briefly for now!
I'm also going to super quick disagree about seeing a clear change in Jungkook's feelings towards Jimin. I think we can see a clear change in how he HANDLED himself and acknowledgment of how he felt, but... the endearment and love he has for Jimin has 100% always been there. For example, Jungkook in 2013 looking at Jimin so sweet:
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And in 2014... he has always felt safe and comfortable with Jimin and I'm pretty sure he has always been quite endeared by him.
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But this is about Jimin! Let talk about Jimin. He has always been, from the very start, very vocal about his affections for Jungkook and how much he loves him
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Now here is my thing, no I do not think this was love at first sight for Jimin. There are things we have to keep in a mind a bit here too. Jimin was the very last member to join. Everyone else had 2 years to form bonds and friendships, getting super close without any cameras. Jimin had about 7ish months to do that before the cameras started getting pushed on them for things, on top of having an extremely hard training regimen and being pushed to the extreme to get ready for debut with less time than anyone else. As well as the fact that he knew none of them, was all of a sudden living with them, getting thrown into a new school, trying to figure out and learn the groups dynamics AND was being threatened with getting kicked out of the group like once a month if he didn't work hard enough.
Keeping that in mind, we know that all the other members had time to figure each other and the group out, settle into their friendships before having to worry about how they looked on camera. Jimin had to do a lot of that ON camera.
We also know that Jimin wants to and enjoys taking care of people. Jungkook was his only dongsaeng, automatically earning him a soft spot in Jimin's heart. Even all his hyungs in the group will talk about how sometimes Jimin feels more like the hyung and someone they can go to for advice at times. So I think predebut times and 2013 was more Jimin just wanting to break JKs walls down with him more. He was teasing and touching and getting close. He loved him and he wanted to take care of him as a hyung. He thought he was super cute and wanted to be part of making him feel safe and comfy in the group. And I think it worked. And i think during all those efforts of making them closer, getting to know him, pushing boundaries, protecting him and poking fun.... Jimin somehow found himself in a bit over his head and liking Jungkookie a little too much. Lol
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I think all the "I want to go on dates with Jungkook" in 2014 were his way of testing those boundaries, what he can get away with and also trying to put feelers out for Jungkooks own feelings. I also think he just really enjoyed the time that they spent together and wanting to spend more of it together, outside of work. It doesn't always have to have romantic inclinations. Heck, in 2018 Hobi said all the members go out on dates with each other, in an interview. Lol and he didn't mean they were all boyfriends (OT7 poly shippers loved that day I bet lol) but that they all had "friend dates" which very much so is a thing. Did jimin mean it that way, we don't know. Maybe he left it purposefully ambiguous, not just for us, but for JK as well. Putting that ball in his court and seeing where it went.
I think 2014 was a year for both of them really discovering "hey, maybe this isn't just a wow, I love my best friend" type of feelings, but maybe this is a crush. And I think tjey spent that year both trying to figure out their own feelings and testing each other for the others feelings.
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And I think 2015 was them admitting their feelings to themselves finally and truly starting to flirt with intention. Lol anyone else notice that Jimin stopped asking Jungkook for kisses after 2015? Think it might be because he finally started to get them without asking? Also he never asked the other members for kisses or if they wanted kisses like that. Lol I think Jimin took great joy out of being able to fluster Jungkook. Not that JK also didn't enjoy getting him back sometimes 👀😂
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Did that make any sense?? Lol I hope it did. Anyways, those are just MY PERSONAL opinions. I'm not claiming they are correct and I'm not saying that's how anyone else should view it. Just how I personally do. I promise I'll get to my jikook dynamics posts soon! I'm sorry for taking so long!
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Can I have a (male) Tokyo revengers or twisted wonderland matchup (I'm happy with either ☺️) She/her, bi Traits and things I look for in a partners: Someone who has a good scenes of humor, is kind and friendly, who can match my level of dork also 😂 and who won't judge me ( and also give me food and cuddles) My overall de fining personality traits: I'm very empathetic and try and help people going through hard times. I tend to be pretty quiet when I first meet people (that's what a lot of people tell me anyways) but when I'm used to someone I am very talkative and goofy. It is very obvious when I don't like someone/something by my body language. I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes how I act around others: I tend to act the same way for everyone when I first meet them, but if I become close to them I tend to be more goofy and physically affectionate with them. If I'm not as close to someone I will still be kind but polite Other things: I like reading books, writing, listening to music (my favorite song is sharp objects by sorn). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh) sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense) want only my most compatible character please
Hey love!!
Your major brain system is definitely estrogen, while the secondary is serotonin (I’ve gotta say, though, you’re fairly evenly spread out between serotonin and dopamine). And as for most compatible, I think I’m going to have to go with Jamil Viper.
Besides Jamil’s serotonin/testosterone lining up with your estrogen/serotonin making you psychologically compatible, I think the two of you would be very good for each other. The both of you can tend to overwork yourselves, and put other’s needs before your own. You’re also both incredibly perceptive when it comes to emotions. Being in a relationship with him would not only help you prioritize your own health and well-being, but it would do the same for him, too!
The two of you tend to not vocalize your negative feelings all that much, but because you both are so emotionally aware of each other, there’s no way the other can ignore it. Conflicts would be short-lived and end in loving tears and a deeper sense of understanding. You always know what the other needs, and the emotional side of your relationship works like a well-oiled machine.
He’s also very caring and compassionate by nature. While he may be a bit selective with who he chooses to love, once he’s got his heart set on you, there’s no escaping the Viper’s grip. He loves taking care of you and making you feel warm and comfy and needed, very big on providing. He’s hopelessly devoted to you.
Overall, you and Jamil would be the secret power couple. You understand each other on an almost spiritual level, and nothing could come between you.
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yeonjuins · 3 years
i'm definitely a lot better, thank u so much <3 aside from being super super tired, i'm all good now and have fully healed :)) my bed has been so comfy these last two mornings, i've not wanted to move. i just want to take my bed with me while i work lmao. i think one of my problems in the morning is staying in my pjs while i work and i should probably work in my skinny jeans or smth to wake me up a little. :') i totally get you, i can fall asleep pretty quickly but if i have a nightmare or a cat stands on my face, it wakes me up and disturbs my sleep :(
that sounds like the absolute perfect pc 😍 that's basically what i want. as i play a lot of big games, a powerful pc is my goal. it's been really sad watching my games start to crash as time went on and now i can't play anything. one of my moots plays overwatch which is my favourite game and i'm excited to play it together with her <3333
WHY'S THAT SO FUNNY OH MY LORD 😂 i hate having those dreams that feel too real, like i had a dream that i broke up with my s/o over text and it felt SO REAL, i checked my phone in a panic and was so relieved that i didn't break up w him🥺😂
certain dreams mean certain things but some of mine don't make any sense sometimes. i always remember my dreams and when i tell my s/o, he looks at me like "what's wrong w you" LIKE I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAMS???? i once had a dream that i went to a creepy zoo and there was a creepy old witch in one of the cages and then she saved me from being chased by a giant pencil. like what does that even mean 😂😂😂😂😂
i do not cope sleeping in warm weather, i need the fans on to sleep <3 i always worry for my kitties in the hot weather. uk houses aren't ventilated, they're not designed that way so the only way to keep them cool is to put loads of fans on and put ice in their water bowls :(
I SOBBED SO MUCH but then again when do i not at movies. i really enjoyed it :((( i watched it with my mum bc she was having an off day and she loved it <333
(lengthy response!)
truly my bed is super comfy... i'm able to wake up in the mornings but the hardest part is literally leaving my bed imo ;; does not matter what time i went to sleep at, if i have to be somewhere i will be awake but i do not want to leave my bed <3 which results in me falling back to sleep (": taking your bed to work with you seems like such a dangerous play... i'd fall asleep at work at any given time that i am tired and mess up my sleep schedule even more </3
THATS SO CUTE pls i hope once u get your pc built you're able to play all the games your heart desires <3 i have more of a knack of watching gameplay rather than actually playing it myself... my sense of logic with this is that i do not want to think on my free time and therefore, i will just watch others do all the thinking PAHAHAH one of my favourite games of all time is the ace attorney franchise and it's a... mystery? detective? sort of game? problem solving? LOL but it requires a lot of piecing together evidence to statements which my brain goes [STATIC] too <3 i love the game overall tho... the plotline is so funny and good (":
chased from a giant pencil... so true... that sounds like a good disney movie imo LOL the pencil gets all angry and begins to sharpen itself to make it's tip sharper and suddenly it's a weapon to society LMFAO AND OMG HAVING A DREAM U BROKE UP WITH YOUR S/O ;; that's acc horrifying... i had a couple dreams like that where my main group of friends left me </3 but i've had several funny ones and i'd wake up and send my friends voice notes INSTANTLY so i can sleepily talk about it and remember it for later times since they're so insane....
whenever it's summer, the ac in my house is always on full blast for some reason so it feels like winter in a sense LOL and it's vice versa for winter... my house feels extremely hot ;; it's nice in a sense knowing i'm all cozy or cooled but really not nice to experience during the extremes of the two weathers imo PAHAHHA i hope ur cats do okay in hot weather ): giving them my hugs
i also cry very easily to like.... legit anything LOL so me crying is not a good verdict of whether or not something is actually good <- is just very emotional but ! i did enjoy turning red, it was really cute hehe (:<
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