#and only at my own discrestion
thugginmagazine · 1 year
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Welcome to 'Tha Gardnn" ! I go by nae, and I'm nothing but a smart-mouthed Leo that always says what she wants to say wherever, whenever. I'm just here to plant my stories in the Gardnn and be a music enthusiast in the process. black. she|her. big mfn leo.
Just to name a few artists that I adore in the Gardnn: Beyonce, Rihanna, 2pac, Aaliyah, Tinashe, Frank Ocean, and a lot more that I would love to name, but that's a lot of fckin work.
I generally write a lot of romance stories, although I am in the process of looking into different genres (ex. thriller). I mainly write with black people in my stories, but every once in a while I branch out to other races and ethnicities.
I have somewhat of a writing experience; I started off on Wattpad, but I haven't been as active on there, especially because of work and school, I need the education and the coin chile!
No but seriously, now that I have the motivation, I'm going to eventually have all of my works moved over here so those of you that only have Wattpad or only tumblr (or both) can have a resource to read my work!
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Be careful! Most plants in the Gardnn will contain mature themes, adult language, mentions of abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, substance abuse, etc.), violence, and possibly sexual themes. VIEWER DISCRESTION IS ADVISED, UNLESS SAID OTHERWISE. In the future, chapters with said warnings above will have warnings, giving you a final chance to click off and find something safer for you to pick in the Gardnn.
This doesn't mean that all flowers in the Gardnn have mature themes, some flowers are and will be without mature themes.
Aurelian's favorite (and growing) plants !
-You Won't See Me Tonight: A series in which a young woman named Rahnaysha navigates through her 'new beginning' after receiving full custody of her younger sister.
-Intermission: an Anthology: In which I write smaller stories that I don't want to make an entire book about, into one book.
-James Joint: In which a sophomore in college feels that she still hasn't found herself, and goes on a journey to find herself and her true potential while overcoming the struggles of being a black woman.
-Passion in the streets (Coming Soon): In which two souls from different areas collide in an unexpected, yet passionate, romance that's undeniable; based on the song 'Thug Passion' by 2pac.
-Never Ending: Based on Rihanna's song 'Never Ending", this shows a young woman reeling the effects of a recent breakup
-Rhythm of Love (Coming Soon): In which an independent R&B singer and a soulful artist bond together over their shared passion of music.
-City Serenade (Coming Soon, I am lowkey excited for this story): In which two souls from different aspects of life encounter a 'wrong place at the wrong time' encounter and sparks a deep connection.
-Solo Symphony (Coming Soon) - Based on Beyonce's 'Me, Myself, and I', a young author on the rise thrives in her own world of writing, music, books, self-discovery, and independence.
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I am very excited to start writing a lot again! I can't wait to expand my horizons with my stories and learn along the way. I hope you all enjoy the plants in my Gardnn.
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Here are some links so that you guys can reach me (Note: This will be updated occasionally):
Wattpad Instagram
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nonhumen · 1 year
my headcanons about dazai's childhood leading up to being found by mori at fourteen (contains mentions of self-harm and suicide. read at your own discrestion) :
**note that i have not read no longer human and so will be deriving most of these hcs from irl dazai's life and my own personal interpretation of him. this is purely self-indulgent with very little canon examples to back any of it up. but this is how i portray my dazai and some things in here will be mentioned going forward.
born as tsushima shuuji on june 19 to tsushima gen'emon and tsushima tane. he is an only child.
the tsushima family was actually quite wealthy and held a lot of power. yes, dazai was a rich kid. gen'emon is also a diet member and so it was a very strict and feudal household.
dazai got next to no parental love as a child for two reasons: 1.) his mother had a chronic illness since dazai was three and was bedridden for the rest of her life. he was basically told not to disturb his mother at all. 2.) gen'emon worked long hours as a politician and when he did come home he was either too tired to take care of dazai or would focus on taking care of his wife instead. this is the first step towards dazai's alienation from humanity.
this also means that he was basically taken care of by the family servants. taken care of, not raised, for they did not know how to handle a child like dazai.
dazai has undiagnosed schizoid personality disorder. this means he has a very limited range of emotional expression and has trouble forming personal connections. so even when the servants did try to reach out to him, dazai did not know how to reciprocate. it was easier to just clothe and feed him instead of trying to actually interact with him. by age five he already had a reputation for being and odd / strange child.
his high intellect and observation skills manifested at a very young age. as soon as he began to understand language, he was observing and understanding the world. he was great at puzzles, riddles, and mathematics. he was called a child genius to offset his strange demeanor. at age six he was placed in a school for (intellectually) gifted children.
now in a social situation with peers and not just in his family home, dazai's alienation became even worse. he was different from kids his age as well. he didn't get happy or excited like they did. it was impossible to reach out to them, to make any sort of meaningful connection. he started getting nicknames at school: the doll, the robot, the machine -- all things not human. not even organic.
dazai was under a lot of pressure to succeed. he was the only heir to the tsushima name. his personality disorder was passed off as an eccentricity of a genius mind. he was told he was going to do great things in the future. that he was going to run the country some day. this is where his perfectionism developed as well as his need to lie as a defense mechanism. he simply could not disappoint anyone.
this was when his depression started to manifest which only made him retreat further into himself. by age nine he was cutting himself just to see if he could bleed.
dazai's first suicide attempt was not actually meant to kill him but to bring him close to death. it was a desperate attempt to seek his father's love. his father always cared about tending to his sick wife more than parenting dazai and so he believed that if he were to also be on death's door then he would finally win his father's attention. he tries to drown himself in the river when the water level is relatively low.
but his plan backfires completely. instead of love, dazai was met with cold anger. his attempted suicide brought shame to the family name and gave his father unwanted publicity. dazai was disowned that night and cut off from any support. he had just turned fourteen.
he's on the streets for a week, trying to get away from his hometown because he still doesn't want to disappoint his father. in this time, dazai becomes disillusioned with life and his own existence. he no longer sees the point of trying after he gave and gave and gave his whole life only to be turned away. seeing his father fight to keep his mother alive though she was suffering from an illness also instilled his values of death in him. that death is just another part of life, that the two coexist to make up the entire experience of being alive. he does not understand why his father would keep his mother suffering by making her live.
dazai tries to take his life in earnest by hanging. an ability user finds him and tries to saving him using his ability. no longer human activates for the first time, stopping the gifted from rescuing him. dazai wakes up in mori's clinic, dehydrated and malnourished from his time on the streets. he's bound under suicide watch and mori offers him a deal: do exactly what he says and he will mix a cocktail that will peacefully kill him. dazai agrees. the rest is history.
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mellifiedfemme · 11 months
Are u a proshipper
look, i think anti/proshipper stuff is just fandom drama for the most part and the only parts of fandom that interest me are memes and fanfic, so i dont rlly care. that being said im more or less constant with my stance on anti harassment (specially when talking about fandom) and anti censureship, i think everyone has the rigth to write and draw and whatever what they want bc art is personal, and harmless and its our job as an individual to curate our own expiriences with art online and off line. so idk block at your discrestion bc i mean it when i say curate your expiriences.
if im being honest i thougth id get this ask when i made that post about how calling ethel cain an incest apologist for shipping winchercest is braindead even tho i neither listen to ethel cain (i should) or care at all about supernatural lol
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mallowstep · 2 years
k i'm deleting the actual comment but let's look at this (from itcos):
Okay- so if you find bramble/squirrel wrong than wouldn't that have made fern/dust wrong? And fire/sand? Because before Dustpelt and Fern got together as warriors Dustpelt clearly liked Ferncloud. Fireheart liked Sandstorm when she was an apprentice. Also I should mention cloud/bright because when Cloudtail became a warrior brightheart was still an apprentice. (Yes I do know that brightpaw should have been made a warrior moons ago in that book). Also leaf/moth? Because at this point it's cannon. Leafpool was an apprentice when mothwing probably took a liking in her. Crow/feather? Feathertail was a warrior and Crowpaw was an apprentice. Feathertail was born in Forest of secrets and Crowpaw was born in the middle of darkest hour and midnight. Also im pretty sure that Squirrelfight was 8-9 moons old when that book was taking place.
i am allowing myself this much to say about ferndust: fireheart makes one comment about it, jfc. (i'm not responding to ANY other discussions of ferndust.)
sandstorm is literally older than fireheart
squirrel&bramble arguably get together when squirrel is still an apprentice. not really, but it's way too close to comfort, and way closer than both previous examples.
like way to demonstrate ZERO critical thinking. the problem is pretty fucking obviously the way bramble is ACTIVELY trying to get with an APPRENTICE who's MUCH YOUNGER than him and doing it in a SUPER MANIPULATIVE way while also being a DICK to her.
leafmoth is regrettably not canon. also, wait, this is pissing me off. LEAFPAW expresses interesting in mothwing, and she literally feels like mothwing doesn't reciprocate. there's a huge amount of angst about how leafpaw is just an apprentice and mothwing doesn't care about her. jsfdlkjs;afkjl;.dasfj dl;kjfdsljk;.dsalfkj;dslk;sfdj. i can't believe this shit. between "there's no mothpool age gap" (there definitely is, it's fucking huge?) and now this i'm so done. i need to write some mothpool god fucking damn. my mothpool is excellent please ignore all mothpool i've written before now because none of it is very true to how i think abt them or how i want to write them. i mean the mothpool i'm working on now is a deliberate inversion (even if i'm getting REALLY into passerine...yes mothwing be so gay that leafpool brushing her tail against you keeps you up at night.) look i'm saying everyone fucking sucks about mothpool jfc.
actually yeah there IS a large age gap with feathercrow and i'm still pissed because someone called it fucking. nope. i'm not even going to repeat it because that's how angry i was about it. but. deep breath, matthew. keep it together. anyway, crowpaw's age is completely incoherent, there's no logical way for him to be BOTH deadfoot's son AND still an apprentice. pick or choose. what we do know is that he was very, very nearly a warrior, which means (since the journey took a VERY long time), he was definitely an adult when he got w feathertail. is there a large age gap? yes. do i have a problem with it? no, because feathertail wasn't fucking manipulating a young apprentice jfc. ig you get a point for having a comparison that's actually almost relevant.
NO. NO SHE WAS NOT. i proved this for mothpool age gap purposes but she's CONFIRMED to be a NEW APPRENTICE when she leaves. you. fuck. once again, you are FUCKING LYING to make a point that i jusdfljdaslf;jk
anyway i'm going to go delete the comment now
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
I Still Want You, I Still Need You- I. Civil War
Word Count: 2576
About: You are on Steve’s side of things and that upsets your brother,Tony. Showing that you and Tony are two different versions of your guys father, Howard. 
Characters: Reader, Bucky, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Clint, Wanda, Zemo, and T’Challa
Pairing: None
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Blood, Injury, Mention of past death
A/N: This has been in my head forever. So while I write both this mini series and Winter’s Doll, please bare with me. 
*This contains content made for the 18 and up crowd. Read at your own discrestion
**Please do not copy and paste this work anywhere. I work too hard on all of my stuff and would hate for it to stolen. You may, of course, reblog and copy the link to share other places.
***This work is posted on other sights. Links can be found on the pinned post in my profile
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Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Marvel Tags: OPEN
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: OPEN
Story Tags: @mysticalfestivalkoala @cspr-2 @tanyaherondale @lilithknight1111 @lpzallana @snlsamantha
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The two sides were lined up like the soldiers in during war time way back in the day. You couldn’t see it, but you knew that your brothers face was upset and disappointed in you. He knew that the two of you were similar but, yet, so much more different than each other. There was nothing he could say or do to make you change your mind. He was wrong and you knew it. He was just too blind to see it.
“Really, Y/N, you too? You’re on the wrong side of the line, dear.” Your brother said shaking his head. “I thought you were smarter than this? Dad would be so disappointed in you.”
You couldn’t help but let out a fake laugh. “You’re right, Tony,” You gave him the look that you knew pierced through his mask. The look that many people have said to have been a look that Howard Stark gave, to make himself so intimidating. “I’m smart. I’m smart enough to make decisions for myself and darling, this one is the right one. And bringing Dad into this isn’t going to change anything. You Know that.”
“Is that what Cap told you?” Tony pressed. “That his way is right and mine wrong?”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Steve shift his feet around. “He didn’t have to,” your voice grew cold. The way it always did when you and Tony bickered. “I came to that conclusion myself.”
“Well, then, that’s make you a criminal like the rest of them,” Tony stepped back with both his hands up. “It’s not too late to change your mind, Y/N/N.”
You could hear it in his voice when Tony called you by the nickname he gave you when you were little. He was trying everything he could to get you to step out of this and join his side. He didn’t want to fight his little sister. You didn’t want to fight your brother. 
But yet, here the two of you are.
“I’m sorry, Tony,” you pulled out your retractable bow staff and opened it.
“I’m sorry too,” Tony said.
“What do we do?” Scott asked Steve.
“We fight,” Steve answered starting to lead the way. “Y/N, make sure you guard Bucky. Everyone knows that if they hurt you too bad, Tony will not hesitate to return the favor. Doesn’t matter what side you’re on.”
“Got it Cap,” you said. You knew that Steve was right. Didn’t matter what side you were on, if someone on Tony’s side hurt you to the point that you were hospitalized or near death, he would not hesitate and return the favor. He was still your big brother after all. You had your differences and disagreements. The two of you wouldn’t let the other get seriously injured.
You guessed the new kid didn’t get that memo.
While both teams were fighting, you and Bucky were weaving in and out of the fighting. The new kid, who shot out webs and talked way too much, threw something very large at you. But Bucky tackled you out of the way. The kid came at you again but when you swung your bow staff at him, he caught it and tossed you off it a good ten feet away. You were sure that you were going to wake up sore in the morning. You stood up and then saw red surrounding the new kid who as tossed into a giant pile of boxes. Your bow staff breaking in half.
You nodded your head towards Wanda who nodded back. She ran back towards the fighting.
“You okay?” Bucky asked.
“I’m fine, let’s keep moving.”
The two of you weaved in and out of the fighting again until Steve caught up with you. The three of you crunched out of the line of fire. You looked back to see your friends fighting. One side to be regulated by the government despite what happened to SHEILD a few years back and to bring Bucky in for something he didn’t even do. The other side, to help you and Steve get Bucky to safety, because you, too, believed he was innocent.
“We’re not going to be able to get everyone to that jet,” You told Steve. “It’s going to be impossible with everything thing going on.”
“Some of us are going to have to loose this for us to win it,” Clint’s voice is heard in your coms.
You knew he was right. You hated it too. The three of you ran towards the hanger. A few tiny missiles whizzed passed you guys from above and hit the hanger. That didn’t stop you guys from running, Wanda managed to stop the debris from the building long enough for the three of you to slide right under it.
“He’s innocent, Nat,” Steve said.
You turned around to see Natasha, your best friend, who was almost like a sister to you, standing there. A firm and disappointed look in her face. Natasha rose up her arm and you knew what was coming. You were prepared to tackle the female Russian assassin. “I’m going to regret this,” she said and slightly moved her arm to the side and shot out a taser. It whizzed passed your head.
You looked to see that Natasha’s taser hit T’Challa. “Go,” she yelled and shot another at the Wankadan king. Making him hit the ground once again.
You guys board the quinjet. You strapped into the pilot seat and started to press all the buttons you need. Even disabling the tracker. Steve and Bucky strapped in and soon, you had the aircraft in the air and flew through whatever you could. Looking down at the airport below, you saw law enforcement showing up. You still knew that you made the right choice in taking Steve’s side.
While you flew to Serbia, Steve and Bucky talked. You drowned them out and thought about your brother. A brother you knew all to well. You’d be on his radar until he found you. Until he had Bucky in his clutches. Until you and Steve were behind bars. Unless something there was something that gave him a reason to stop looking. You just hoped that you can get the information you needed before that ever happened.
Bucky needed his name cleared.
“We should be coming up on the base here soon,” Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality.
You looked a head and saw a snow covered mountain. At first you didn’t see anything but after the fog lifted you saw what looked like a bunker. As you landed the aircraft, from the corner of your eye you saw Bucky’s body stiffen up. You could only imagine what was going through the super soldiers head.
“You got this, Bucky,” You turned to him once the quinjet was landed and secured.
Bucky gave a small smile before he and Steve left the aircraft.
Then you were alone.
With your thoughts.
Time passed slowly as you literally twirled around in the pilot chair. You thought about your only memories of your father, Howard. You were really young when he took you in after your mothers death. Gave you the Stark name and all but that didn’t stop people from calling you his bastard child from one of his flings. Even after his and Maria’s death. But Tony had put a stop to that when he was asked what he thought about having a bastard sister. Let’s just say that night, Tony almost ended the night in handcuffs.
Some movement made you stop turning in your chair. You squinted your eyes to getting a better look through the snow being blown around the wind. The movement seemed to be black and upon a clearer look you saw that it was the King of Wakanda himself.
You gathered whatever weapons you could find in the quinjet and ran outside. The cool brisk air hit your face and tingled your nose. You didn’t let that stop you, you slowly followed T’challa to the door.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Your Highness,” you snapped open one of Clint’s bows.
The Wakandan king turned around slowly. “And why is that?” The thick accent came out slow and firm. You didn’t want to go up against this man at all but you would if you had to.
“Barnes isn’t who you want,” You noticed your voice started to shake. “All the answers we are looking for, it’s in that building.”
“I’m sorry, but I have to do what I must do,” T’challa started to open the door.
You reached behind you and pulled out a random arrow. You loaded it on the bow string and shot it. Luckily, for you, it had been one of those electric arrows. It shocked the Wakandan king and he fell to the ground. “I’m sorry too,” you ran passed him and into the building.
You wandered around looking for Steve and Bucky. Abandoned or not, the place gave you the creeps. You didn’t want to think about what this place did to Bucky. Then you turned a corner and saw a huge contraption that looked like the thing that Steve and Bucky talked about.
That thing that shocked the shit out of Bucky when he was under Hydra control. Suddenly your heart fell a million feet when you thought about the constant pain Bucky had been put through.
“Poor Bucky,” you whispered as your hand touched the torture device. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
You moved on and began to hear voices. You slowly followed the voices until you found them. The voice that spoke had an accent. He talked about the Battle of Sokovia, a battle which almost took your life. Then he spoke about the Vienna bombing and how that was all his doing.
“I told you it wasn’t him,” you spoke as you approached the group. “But you didn’t believe me or trust me.”
Tony turned to you. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“Oh good, the whole family is here,” the strange voice said. “Now the show can really begin.”
There was soft click and hum somewhere in the room. Everyone looked around and spotted an old television set. You guys approached it and when the screen popped up of an old road, you heard Tony suck in his breath.
“I know that street,” he said.
You watch the events unfold on the screen before. Your father dying at the hand of Bucky. You shot a look at Bucky whose entire face had fallen. Your eyes shifted to Tony who looked like he was about to either snap or pass out. You turned to the tv and stopped the video.
“Tony,” you turned back him.
“Don’t you dare say anything,” Tony snapped at you.
“Tony,” Steve cut in.
“Give him to me, Rogers,” Tony’s mask flew back on and turned toward Bucky. You knew he meant business.
You jumped in front of your brother. Bow loaded with an arrow.  “Tony, no,” you rose your voice. “It wasn’t really him. He was brainwashed.”
“Stand aside, Y/N,” Tony started to fire up his suit.
“It wasn’t him,” you yelled as you rose the bow up and aim it at him.
“I don’t fucking care,” Tony yelled back. “He killed our parents. No move or so help me.”
You let the arrow go and it hit Tony’s armor and stuck to it. Before he even had time to grab it and toss it, the arrow exploded, sending Tony back into the television set.
“Go,” you told Bucky and Steve. “I’ll be able to hold him off.” You loaded another arrow and pointed it at your brother who slowly got up.
“Are you sure about that?’ Steve asked.
“He won’t hurt me too much,” you stayed focused on Tony who stood and stared at you. You could only imagine that thoughts of anger and surprise he had. “Just go!”
“You don’t want to do this, Y/N/N,” Tony held up his hand again. “You’re giving me absolutely no fucking choice.”
“Then don’t fucking make one,” you kept your weapon in place. “Drop all of this and let us go. No one has to get hurt anymore.”
Without warning or any other word said, Tony hit you. With what, you weren’t sure since he upgrades his suits whenever he’s bored. You flew back into something hard and smacked your head hard enough to put you out.
When you came to, your sight was fuzzy and your side was killing you. You were still in the old Hydra base so that was good, Tony hadn’t thought about taking you back. You looked down and as you saw a piece of metal poking out of your side. Biting your lip as hard as you could until you tasted blood, you pulled the metal out of your side.
You placed your hand over the wound to clot the small blood flow. You stood up and swayed some. It felt like your brain was rolling around in your head. Tony must have used some force and it pissed you off.
In the distance you heard the clanging around and yelling. You knew that Tony cornered Steve and Bucky. You followed the the sound and when you found them you saw Bucky on the ground. His metal arm blown off. Blood flood from his head and nose.
“Bucky,” you ran and slide over to him. You checked his pulse and pressed an ear to his chest. “Thank God,” you breathed when the soft sound of his heart reached your ear. “We’ll get you fixed you up.” You swore you saw a small smile on his face when you said that.
Then you looked up.
Steve had Tony in the air and threw him into a wall. You gasped and stood up only to fall to your knees when the pain in your side ran sharp through your body. Steve straddled Tony and grabbed his shield and started to hit his mask with the edge of it. The shield managed to break the mask. You saw fear in Tony’s face as Steve rose the shield once again.
“Steve, no!” You screamed as Steve brought the shield down. But it didn’t hit Tony’s face. It his the arc reactor in the suit. Making the suit shut down.
Steve looked back at you and got up. Pulling the shield out of Tony’s suit. Steve walked over to where you and Bucky were. He pulled Bucky up and looked at you. “Are you okay?” He asked softly.
You nodded as you stared at Tony. Tony stared back at you. His eyes on your bloodied hand that covered your wound. His shifted to Steve who started to walk away. “He gave you that shield,” he yelled. “You don’t deserve it.”
You turned to Steve, who stopped and drop the shield where he stood. You slowly and painfully got up and began to follow Steve you.
“Y/N!” Tony yelled after you. You turned to him. “You leave with them, you won’t have a home to come back to. You’d be forced to be on the run. A criminal. Dad would be embarrassed by your actions.”
You stared Tony in the eyes. “No, Tony,” your voice firm and full of anger. “Dad would be embarrassed by you.”
You turned on your heel and walked away with tears threatening your eyes.
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apowersodivine · 2 years
#FFXIVWrite2022 Day 21//Look What You Made Me Do
Note: The character talked about is... not a good person. Take that into consideration. Also, there is talk of murder. Reader discrestion is advised.
The elezen found herself at a lavish party in a lavish mansion in The Goblet, resplendent in white. A form fitting, shoulder-baring, gauzy white dress. Long white silk gloves. A pearl necklace that was white until the light hit it just so, and then became iridescent. She even had twinkling silver and diamond stars adorning her long, dark chocolate brown hair.
The house was owned by a monetarist, whose name she couldn’t remember or didn’t care to. She only needed to know the name of the one who had invited her. A kindly lalafell who had promised to help her get her... tits-up shipping business right-side up.
Or so he thought. In reality, she was using this party to hunt. To watch. To prey. Everyone else here was rich. Except the help, of course. And that could be her, if she wasn’t smarter than all of them, both poor and rich. She had spent some time conversing with a good handful of candidates but then needed a break to rest. To assess.
She let out a small sigh, sipping champagne as she eyed her would-be benefactor. Too bad he didn’t seem to be interested in someone so tall. So elezen. Perhaps so female? So... adult? She couldn’t put a finger on it, but he wasn’t interested in her, so there must be something wrong with him.
So she’d have to use the opportunity to find someone who had some sense and found her attractive. The mark being handsome would be preferable, but she’d settle if she had to. Just as long as they were rich and easy to put firmly beneath her thumb.
Her deep garnet eyes glazed over, a finger tapping against the fragile glass clasped in her hand. She nearly dropped it when a hulking figure approached her, standing there silently. Expectantly. Waiting.
She raised her eyes to the roegadyn, one brown perking as she asked, “Can I help you?”
He grunted. “You’re the shipping magnate, right? Sharlayan?”
“Yes, that is me.” She eyed him. “And you are a guard. I didn’t know guards were allowed to flit around and socialize. How quaint.”
His eye twitched. “How long have you had this business. Couldn’t be long. Wasn’t the city all.. closed off? For a long time?”
She clenched her jaw. “It feels as if you’re interrogating me. What could I have ever done wrong?”
He stared at her with dark, dumb dog eyes. “I know a liar when I see one. You’re going to have to answer for all the contradictions I’ve heard come out of your pretty mouth.”
She couldn’t help but grin. “I have no idea what you mean, but I don’t appreciate you eavesdropping on my conversations. I’d be grateful if you could... not do that.” She batted her long eyelashes, mockingly. 
This only made him scowl and lean toward her to grumble, “I’m watching you.” And then he was off.
Ah. The poor oaf. She could watch him too. And she did.
And only a week later, the man was found face down in one of the rivers in Middle La Noscea. He had been stabbed multiple times in the torso and his face had nearly been beaten in. Of course, there were pirates nearby. He must have been engaged in some shady business.
Yes. he must have.
(Written for my character Sidonie or @insidonie )
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