#and people like c!niki are starting to grow on me
dsmp-lainey · 2 months
guys how do we feel about my personal dsmp ending rewrites:
-c!wilbur doesn’t just get to fuck back off to where he came from after doing all that damage (also it never made sense to me because how tf is he the child of death and an angel and living in UTAH?) instead he actually goes and finally kills dream (and probably dies in the process) so tommy can finally start to heal
-c!techno after rescuing micheal starts trying to convince phil to let him talk to kristin to make a deal. philza initially outright refuses but is worn down over time as techno pleads. through possession of phils body kristin is able to meet with techno, and at this time techno proposes a deal. techno will trade his life for ranboo to come back. Kristin agrees to this with some reluctance (knowing that philza will be heartbroken) and brings Ranboo back to life while taking Technos soul. Ranboo comes back and him, tubbo and micheal live happily ever after. Luckily kristin is able to pull some strings and combined with the magic already tied to technos soul, she is able to elevate him into becoming one of the non corporal gods of the world (like her, XD and drista are)
-like i said c!Beeduo gets their happily ever after, they move back into the snowchester mansion with micheal, tubbo apologizes to aimsey and asks her to move in with their little family, tommy lives with them at times but will never fully abandon his little embassy that survived everything. they all begin to heal.
-with the dissolution of the syndicate niki decides to move back to nearby lmanburg, they never try to repair the crater as it serves as a needed reminder of what has occurred. niki is firmly in favor of anarchy at this point but decides that she must also work to build community outside of country’s and sides. her and puffy get back together and build a nice cottage, niki builds a new bakery. many other members of the smp, most notably eret, join and live in the peaceful community
-fundys story ends the same, he finally leaves and finds a place free of his fathers mistakes and influence. he feels like he truly belongs for the first time in his life.
-for quackitys ending, i don’t hate the canon ending as i think it would make sense for the toxic lessons he taught slime to ultimately be his undoing (also bc that speech is amazing) but i think him and schlatt should get to be happy/at least at peace in the afterlife
-c!phil continues to live in technos house for several generations, watching the people he knew grow old and stories be lost to time. eventually he will move on to a new journey but ofc techno and kristin will be watching over him. this is the life of an eternal angel
anywayssss there’s some of my ideas feel free to ask if you have questions or want to add on :)
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bbobpul · 8 months
my youth is yours — jeno
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NOTE. hey 😮‍💨 sorry for ghosting
PAIRING. jeno x reader
GENRE. hurt/comfort, angst
SYNOPSIS. entering adulthood with you long-term boyfriend, jeno
WARNINGS. dis might hurt bc iz lil realistic 😫
W/C. 3.1k
masterlist ⟵⁠(⁠o⁠_⁠O⁠)
Is love something you can learn, or is it engraved in your bones the moment you open your eyes to the world? Is it something you master, or something you feel on a random Thursday night after spending the day with someone who made your heart skip a beat? Is this something you develop after years of spending every moment of your life with the same person?
Because, to you, love means only one thing. Love can only come from one person. Love can only be felt with Jeno.
No, you didn't grow up together or meet in a special way. He was merely there, but it suddenly felt like more.
The two of you met in high school. It was nothing special. High school brings you into contact with a large number of people. You create a lot of friendships in high school. But it was Jeno, and one day you were paired up with him on a minor project set by your teacher because she would be gone for a short while.
Before long, a bond formed between you, blossoming into a friendship that extended beyond school hours. You'd hang out after classes, help each other with homework, and share late-night thoughts, and the absence of each other during the day would leave the day incomplete.
Everything proceeded at exactly an appropriate pace—it wasn't rushed or fast, nor was it painfully slow. It was just right with Jeno.
Looking back at your first few years with him, it seemed so natural and carefree. Seeing him was like having a ton of weight lifted off your shoulders—of course, the same is true for him. You appear as though you wince at his corny antics, but deep down, you both know that you feel the same way. He kept telling you, "Your love fills me up with so much happiness," at every opportunity he gets, and you love it every single time.
He radiates joy and warmth, and despite his kindness to everyone, he always makes you feel uniquely cherished. In his eyes, you're not just anyone; you're everything.
And it hasn't changed from high school to this point in college. As you approach adulthood, the love that accompanied your growth as an adolescent lingers.
Jeno's voice stops your thoughts with, "Bub, what do you want for dinner?" Glancing to your side, you notice him fixated on the road. After a long day at the university, you are currently headed home to your shared flat. Because you both decided to attend the same college and because it is obviously less expensive to stay in the exact same place, you both saved money for the apartment you are currently residing in. You both agreed that returning home under the same roof is the best choice for the two of you because you will both become busy over time.
When the red light came on, he looked at you and said, "Should we drive by your favorite restaurant and just order so we could go to sleep early?" after noticing that you were spacing out for the nth time.
"Huh? Oh, okay, bub. I'd love that," you replied upon hearing his voice, feeling as though you were suddenly snapped back to reality, anchored by the sound of his presence.
"You must be so tired, hmm? Is it Mr. Chua again?" he asked, his tone filled with understanding.
You chuckled at the mention of the infamous professor you often vented about. "No, he wasn't around today, actually. I was just really tired from all the lab work I did earlier," you replied, appreciating his attentiveness to your daily struggles.
He acknowledged your reply with a hum, and he skillfully threaded the steering wheel through the drive-thru. He ordered you your usual and gave you an affectionate smile. The vehicle filled with the soothing sounds of the radio and the faint hum of the air conditioning as the sun started to set. You felt warm and cozy even if the temperature inside the car was very cold because you knew that you were heading home with the love of your life.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, he reached out for your hand, and in a tender whisper, he said, "I love you," as he began parking at your apartment's parking lot. The simplicity woven into every second spent with each other, filled with love and care, is the kind of love that is true and right.
Your evening flew by, and your early bedtime goal was quickly abandoned as you spent the entire night watching movies with Jeno. However, when spending time with him replenishes you more than a peaceful slumber, what good is sleep?
Sleep is what your body needs, and you just ate your own words when you fell asleep on Jeno’s shoulder.
He noticed that and chuckled lowly. He reached for the remote and quickly turned off the television before positioning himself to properly carry you back to your shared room. He knew that waking you up would be of no use because you are a very heavy sleeper, and you hate it when your sleep gets disturbed, so he tried his best to be as gentle as possible so you would stay in your peaceful slumber.
He laid down on his side of the bed after tucking you in and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
A lot of your evenings went by like that. Spending a quarter of your day in college and going home with him. It has become your perfect daily routine. Although there are times where Jeno fails to drive you home because of how demanding his course is, you end up going home alone, and commuting is an extreme sport. Sometimes, it will be too hard to hail a taxi because of the rush hour and all the other students going home at the same time who are also desperate to rest. Sometimes, even if it was Jeno who said he would come home late, you end up arriving home later than he did. But what is adulthood without a bit of suffering?
‘Love won't make you rich,' that's what you heard from your mother when you said you were dating Jeno. Of course, your love hasn't always been a pleasant sight for everyone. You began dating in high school; of course, people would think you're foolish to enter into such a commitment at such a young age.
There are times when you wonder if your mother was right, especially when you and Jeno fail to pay rent on time, struggle to find part-time jobs to feed the both of you, and add your stressful college work to the mix.
But all your worries will soon disappear in the wind because it's Jeno you are facing those problems with, and eight years of sustaining yourself doesn't seem so hard because there is Jeno, who is your lifeline, your anchor, and your foundation. And even if the world turns its back on you, there is Jeno ready to face all of your worries, your fears, and your doubts because it's Jeno, the one who loves all of you.
"Good morning." You heard Jeno talk from the hallway.
You furrowed your brow in confusion. 'Why is he still here? ' you thought to yourself. It's Saturday, and you both have work, but your shift is at noon, so you didn't bother getting up early, unlike Jeno, who has a 9 a.m. shift.
Jeno has been waking up late several times since last month. If he is not absent, he will be late. It's always been like that. You haven't spoken to him about it yet. You have developed an unspoken rule in your relationship that there are situations that you can tackle on your own because you are both adults.
"Why aren't you at work?" You tried to sound as considerate as possible, but it's his life at stake and your apartment. If he doesn't come to work on time or at all, they will deduct his pay and, in the worst scenario possible, fire him.
"I don't feel well." He simply answered.
"You haven't been feeling well for a month. Wanna go to the hospital?" you suggested.
"It's not really that serious for a hospital, bub," he reasoned out.
"But it's serious enough for you to miss work for a month?" You said without looking at him, not being able to contain it anymore.
You heard him sigh before he headed to the bathroom, and you shook your head. Jeno, on the other hand, thought it would be best not to say anything.
You took your last sip of the coffee before heading to the sink, and you saw the overwhelming tower of unwashed dishes. It's 11 p.m., and your work is 20 minutes away from home if you are lucky enough to hail a cab the instant you come out of the building. Washing these plates will take a lot of your time, but if Jeno doesn't have the energy to wash them today because he is not feeling well, then that leaves you no choice. Good thing you already took a bath and wore your work clothes; you wouldn't have to rush later on.
It's times like these when you realize that you two are no longer the teenagers you once thought you'd remain forever. Those teenagers have now grown, with bigger responsibilities and greater disappointments to confront.
You finished the dishes and gathered your belongings before preparing to leave. However, as you reached for the doorknob, you noticed Jeno standing in the hallway, simply gazing at you.
"I will make it up to you," he said, and all you could do was smile at him before heading out.
All day at work, your thoughts were consumed by him—wondering if he had enough food at home and if he was resting well. This wasn't the first time you'd encountered issues between the two. Despite the absence of major fights and screaming matches, deep down, you knew that things were not okay between you.
After long, tiring hours at work, you received a text message from Jeno that said, 'I'll pick you up from work, bub. I love you.'
You smiled at the notification. He really was making it up to you, and you couldn't even be mad at him anymore.
And he's really there. As you closed the shop, not very far from where you stood, you saw him immediately. Suddenly, you are ready to face everything again because he is there.
You walked up to him with a huge smile, as if you hadn't worked for hours without a break. It was worth it when you're coming home with him.
The drive home was eerily quiet, with only the sound of your breathing audible amidst the corny jokes from the radio DJ. Despite the windows being open and the air conditioning turned off, the chill of the night air seeping in was enough to send shivers down your spine.
As the red light halted the car, you turned to gaze at him, only to find that he was already looking at you with the same love and contentment that had been evident in his eyes since your first year of high school. Now, after eight years together, you were both getting older yet still together, sharing each moment with him by your side.
You had hoped the problems were behind you, believing that your love and understanding would be enough to overcome any challenges that came your way. However, a week after your minor argument, Jeno attempted to return to work, only to find that his employer no longer wanted him back after a month of slacking. This turn of events took a significant toll on both of you, adding to the weight of your existing concerns.
"I'm sorry, bub. I'll look for another job next week, I promise."
The rent was due on Monday, and luckily you saved up enough money for three months after working extra hours since the start of the year.
"I told you to tell me if you have problems, didn't I? For a month, I didn't hear anything from you, and look where it got us? Jeno, it's our finals! We also have expenses for school, not just here at home! If you were too exhausted to work, then you could have just told me." All your pent-up frustrations spilled in an instant.
"I didn't want to burden you, love."
"Jeno, since when have you ever been a burden to me?"
He walked over to you and enveloped you in a hug, and that was when your tears began to flow. Both of you were graduating students, each with your own set of responsibilities and numerous financial challenges to navigate. In the face of it all, you couldn't help but wonder: Is love enough?
"Jeno, it's like I don't know you anymore." You began
"Bub, don't say that."
"I just want you to talk to me. Tell me your problems. I know there are things you can handle by yourself, but at least include me. You have me. I am here for a reason."
Both of you became even busier after that, balancing the demands of studying for final exams with juggling part-time jobs. Jeno faced the added challenge of finding work amidst his other commitments.
Your schedules became so hectic that you no longer went home together, and there were nights when Jeno arrived home so late that you would already be asleep, only to wake up to his departure in the morning.
Your entangled nights became two parallel lines. Quiet and comforting evenings grew even quieter without the presence of others. Every night, you realized that you and Jeno were both growing older and, simultaneously, growing apart. It's something inevitable, something you never wished for, yet something you are currently witnessing with your own eyes.
But growing apart is not contextually synonymous with loving each other less. The love is still there, and the care is still present. That is the reason why both of you are working so hard—because you love each other.
Both of you became so busy to the point where your only connection was coming home to the same house. Suddenly, home felt like nothing more than four walls and a mini fridge, lacking the warmth of four limbs and lips to kiss.
But surprisingly enough, after many weeks, he offered to pick you up from work.
"Keep your eyes on the road," you told him when you noticed him stealing glances at you.
"I love you, bub," he said, prompting you to look at him.
You smiled and replied, "I love you more."
"When is your oath-taking ceremony?" he asked, trying to make conversation amidst the silent drive home.
"I don't know yet. Maybe a few months after graduation."
And then it died down again. But does the silence matter to you when, after so many weeks, he is here beside you again?
He is here.
And that's all that matters right now.
"Should we take the long way home?"
But even a single beautiful night couldn't alter the looming storm heading your way. It's a heart-wrenching inevitability—the painful reality of growing apart.
With each "sorry, I can't pick you up" message and every missed call accompanied by a new excuse, the weight of disappointment settles deeper into your heart. Gradually, you find yourself numb to the ache, accepting it as the new normal.
"Bub, please respond," you pleaded, your voice trembling with emotion, as you left yet another voicemail after he missed your calls for the nth time. It's Saturday, and the rain outside matches the heaviness in your heart. You figured he must have finished work earlier than you, so you were counting on him to pick you up. But his cell phone remains unattended, and it's been 20 agonizing minutes of waiting in the pouring rain.
You hated the rain, and he knew that all too well. After a few more minutes of waiting in vain, you were left with no choice but to reluctantly take the train home alone since there are no cabs at this hour. The frustration and disappointment welled up inside you, reaching a breaking point.
"I'll sleep at my mom's house just for tonight. To cool off," you murmured to yourself.
At the train station, your phone buzzed incessantly, and when you finally answered, it was Jeno calling you countless times.
"I'm here; where are you?" his voice came through, accompanied by the sound of the rain.
"I took the train," you replied simply.
"You could've waited," he said, frustration evident in his tone. "I drove all the way here from work; it's almost an hour drive."
"I did wait, Jeno. What are you trying to imply?" you countered, feeling a mix of irritation and hurt.
You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line, and you pursed your lips in frustration.
"I'm tired, Jeno," you said wearily.
"So am I."
"Is that so? Okay, I'm sorry for making you drive in the rain. It won't happen again. And just so you know, I won't be coming home tonight."
Through days, weeks, and months of hardly seeing or talking to each other, you both somehow made it through college. Despite everything that happened, there's this overwhelming sense of pride you feel for each other. Maybe, just maybe, it was all worth it in the end.
The high school love you both shared has now transformed into something more significant. The youthful days you once had together are now just memories as you step into this new chapter of your lives.
It feels right with Jeno, but amidst the familiarity, there's a subtle shift, a tinge of bittersweet realization that things have changed.
Both of you have accomplished your dreams, reaching the destinations you once only dreamed of. You've arrived at where you wanted to be.
"Hey!" Jeno called for your attention. You turned and saw him adorned in his gown and cap, and a profound sense of pride washed over you.
You embraced him, exchanging whispers of 'I'm so proud of you' and 'You did well'. Yet it wasn't the same; it was different.
Both of you have grown, realizing that your teenage dreams have come true, and here you are, all grown up.
The love you once held so dearly in your youth has gracefully reached its final chapter. Staring into each other's eyes, there's an overwhelming sense of emotion, an unspoken acknowledgment that what once was no longer is—it's over.
"Thank you for loving me," he said. "Your love brought me here, bub."
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
please do ramble, whats your sbi and sleeping at last association? i really need to know now, that you mentioned it
Okokokok it follows the same directions as the anemoi ones
I'll start with Phil again, and West by sleeping at last, and this time it's more c!Phil than h!Phil
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Can you hear me screaming
Can you hear the sandduo fan in me breaking down
The first verse also feels very reminiscent of before he joined the server, back when they would just send letters to each other. And god these verses
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I've talked about cphil before, and I've talked about his grief before, and Wilbur Does Not Leave his mind, from November 16th till his revival he hasn't stopped thinking about it. He's thought about it so much that the dude, who's never usually vulnerable, even asks ranboo if what he did was right, one of the times he was emotionally vulnerable in character. I also think it's really neat that Techno built a home in the north and gave Phil a compass that points to it, it's a really neat coincidence. His character also feels very lost in a way? I made a playlist once where I ordered the songs to follow a story, but I left it unfinished because he felt unfinished, forever stuck in some sort of grief (sidenote I need to finish that playlist now that the finale happened) and I think the line about true north fading is pretty neat
So like the oh hellos post, Techno is East, and you can probably see for yourself why I picked it haha
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"now I bear little resemblance to the king I once was" is definitely the line that feels very c!techno I think, and "the years wore on and changed my heart, the leading role for a smaller part"
There is the intentional change, with him trying to stay away from violence and retiring, albeit later on going back to violence. But there's also the unintentional part, the one that came more naturally when he found friends. I mean Phil has always been his friend, but now there's Niki and Ranboo, and I mean there was even a hint of a reconciliation with Tommy. Something about having started out trying to go at it alone, and in the end having surrounded yourself with people that care.
So for Wilbur, he gets South.
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Wilbur is very associated with lies I think, as a wordsmith. He lies to others and he lies to himself, and I don't think all of it he didn't believe. But also both Phil and Wilbur having lines about losing true north? Oughh. What I really like though is the last few verses
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Because these ones are gentler, these ones are kinder. And Wilbur ultimately does try in a way to heal, in the end.
Soo that leaves Tommy with North.
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Which I think works really well! A line Tommy has repeated over and over again was that L'manburg was the people, not the government or the land. It was the community.
C!Tommy, I think, is hope. He is kindness, and second chances. Because with everything that's happened to him, he hasn't stopped being kind. He hasn't grown hard with the times, he's remained as open and as vulnerable as he was, even as he grows more scarred. He hasn't stopped caring for the people he loves, because if you stop letting yourself love, what will you have left
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chuffycharles · 3 months
Twin Size Mattress C!Tommy Addition
I need someone to make a ctommy animatic/fanfic with the song 'Twin Size Mattress', here me out on this, the song fits him SO well!! Like heres some random lines from said song and how it could work:
EX 1;
"Make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face"-Pandoras Vault, aka him getting beaten with a potato
"There are lessons to be learned, consequences for all the stupid things I say"- Before he was beaten to y'know death he was yelling profanities and purposefully trying to make Dream mad, that is not to say he deserved it, but that Dream was quote-on-quote "trying to teach him a lesson"
EX 2;
"For the friends I've made, for the sleepless nights"- exile. Thinking about his friends(?) whilst trying to sleep in an uncomfortable, cold, cramped, and borderline crappy tent.
"For the warning signs I've completely ignored"- This line has potential for multiple things like maybe pre-exile with Tubbo and how Tubbo seemed more distant to Tommy, or maybe in exile when being told to throw his stuff in a hole he ignores the warning signs that are basically telling him if he doesn't listen he will regret it some way or another and eventually he immediately complies to the request so as to not get hurt.
EX 3;
"I wanna contribute to the chaos I don't wanna watch and then complain"- Post-exile with Technoblade, he starts to heal a bit, and his chaotic personality slowly begins coming back with Technoblade complaining about it which causes Tommy to visibly deflate as he's still in a vulnerable state where everything he is told, everything that happens, every way he's treated has an effect on him. (I live for the angst tbfr)
"Cause I am through finding blame That is the decision that I have made"-Post-Pandoras Vault, after his revival in the prison he feels lifeless in a way. After what was 2 months for Tommy in Limbo he finds it unreal to be back and alive, but he wants to stay like that, so he grows incredibly cautious and self-isolated, staying out of big events just trying to stay more on the down low, never letting his health go down, always wearing armor and staying inside and away from mobs as much as he could. Of course there are exceptions to this, like with the hotel and such.
EX 4;
"It's no big surprise you turned out this way When they close their eyes and prayed you would change"- Tommys just a traumatized child soldier whose seen and experienced way more than he should've, at this point he's just trying his hardest to get by and fly under the radar. Unfortunately for him very few people realize he's still a child, everything he has done was influenced by someone who he could trust or who he thought he could trust. People, mostly adults blame him for things he has no control over, multiple people blame him for wars that aren't his fault, blaming him for small and big problems he was forced into. And then when he's traumatized and has multiple mental health issues (PTSD, Psychosis, Eating Disorders, Minor Schizophrenia etc..) they're surprised, even though its 100% their fault. Leaving him under the care of mentally unstable people (Wilbur, Technoblade, Dream) then praying he would get over this "phase"?? (This made me so mad to type oh my lord)
"And they cut your hair, and sent you away You stopped by my house the night you escaped"-Being exiled from L'manberg, and eventually 6-9 months later escaping to Technoblades house malnourished and frostbitten.
EX 5;
"She hopes I'm cursed forever"- Niki trying to kill him with Jack not realizing (or perhaps knowing but in denial) that its misdirected anger towards Tommy. "And my nightmares will have nightmares every night"-After dreams escape, he becomes more paranoid his every thought on where Dream is when he'll come hurt him. Until eventually Dream haunted his Dreams as well.
Alright I'm done with my rant now!!:D
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echolocati0n-art · 1 year
More c!puffychu headcanons (theyre called headcanons because i need my head examined)
puffy sometimes grows a beard because sheep genetics and niki thinks its very cute albiet a bit scratchy
puffy bleets when shes surprised and niki will switch to german when shes angry or tired, they find eachother extremely adorable
nikis love language is words of affirmation and puffys love language is quality time
in my head, the dsmp ended with clingyduo successfully killing drm forever, and niki finds puffy before all the egg stuff and everything gets resolved yayy happy ending anyway
puffychu pirate adventures
niki gets seasick sometimes but she has a hell of a voice for shanties and loves the view (her girlfriend working on the deck in just a t shirt because its hot out)
puffy has a very high alcohol tolerance because shes a pirate whilst niki has a very low tolerance because she hasnt built it up yet
niki will drunkenly switch to german sometimes and puffy only knows a few words (shes learning) and gets very confused
(im not bilingual idk how this works please dont make fun of me)
also it would be cool,,. pirate smp puffys eyes are red and she got defensive when it was brought up... imagine c puffys eyes are stuck red after all of the egg stuff and theyre the same character except a few years apart
i dont want to associate the pirates smp with the dsmp but can you imagine
ANYWAY im rambling now
nikis birthday is today (august 6th and no not the ccs) and she didnt expect anyone to show up except puffy and maybe jack but puffy made SURE many people showed up (quackity and wilbur are banned from her birthday party this year after the 2020 fiasco)
the syndicate came, all with different presents, some of phils crows have picked up shiny things for niki and put those things on the presents table
clingyduo, jack, fundy, and hbomb show up as well
they all play games like jackbox and amongus and then niki opens her gifts and everyone has an amazing time
puffy gifts niki some weighted blankets to make sleeping easier, but the biggest gift comes in the form of a new cottage right above her city in the flower fields, so she can always retreat to the cave and work on the city, but she always has a home aboveground as well, niki absolutely adores it and when she feels ready, theres a huge kitchen space for her to start baking
puffy moves in later :)
it also came insured (aka if anyone fucked with it they would take all 3 canon lives, they gave a side eye to tommy who just whistled and acted like he didnt notice it)
puffy constantly gives forehead kisses because niki is small, niki will sometimes grab a horn, pull her down, and get her back with a kiss on the cheek in return
they are both huge blushers they will turn tomato red at any affection ever
niki stays up sometimes to make sure puffy gets to sleep okay (paranoia makes it hard) but when puffy wakes up she will stay up for a few mins to make sure niki is sleeping okay (night terror having gfs <\3)
niki snores very loud and talks in her sleep and puffy thinks is so silly
i am tired and thats all i have for now but i hope you enjoyed <3
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bistaxx · 8 months
JINX !! tell me why you ship Quackity x Luzu and why you dont ship Quackity x Wilbur I need to know the Lore
Hiiiiiiiii Vin! oh gosh- I'll try to condense this as much as I can OKAY SO...
yeah I don't vibe with tntduo 😭- I already talked about q!tnt so I'll just explain about c!tnt instead:
Why don’t you ship it: The Fandom. Listen I hate saying it but it really is 90% of the reason why- I always try not to let annoying fandom stuff sour my opinions but like... MAN- Because like I actually did really use to enjoy /r tntduo fuck man I was shipping it back in October 17th 2020 after the moment in the button room and especially after the famous Niki's birthday stream like- idk I just liked the dynamic and the chemistry it was fun! I was even still shipping it when I first started getting really into the c!fiances and was hyped when Wilbur and Quackity met up again... but then. IDK- something about the fandom take on their dynamic just didn't click with me it didn't feel like the same characters I enjoyed ESPECIALLY IN REGARDS TO THE WAY C!QUACKITY WOULD GET TREATED- like GIRL- Quackity would not cave and be visibly annoyed or flustered by the first jab Wilbur makes hello-??? or the fanart that would portray Wil as like completely disregarding Q's personal space as this 'teehee funny flirty' thing like I HATED that shit- I also just hated how when I tried to look up c!fiances content I had to filter like 5 million tags to actually find what I was looking for because there'd be so many c!tnt fics that had the fiances tagged in them and 50% of the time it was just so Quackity could break-up with them for Wilbur 😭 I also just like got sick of seeing it everywhere when I wanted to find c!Q content it felt like it was inescapable and that people only cared for my favorite character solely to mischaracterize him in a ship I was quickly growing tired of... yeha I think that sums it up-
What would have made you like it? Um.. All of the above not happening LMAO-
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Like I said earlier I DID really like it and I have tnt shipping mutuals who do the dynamic justice even if I got super burnt out on it (shoutout to Thes)
... So anyway uh- SO LUCKITY-
(this will be a lot shorter despite how much I have to say about Luckity I'm just really tired rn SORRY 😭)
This will be about k!Luckity specifically cuz I rly don;t have much of anything to say about q!Luckity outside of finding Arinckity cute
What made you ship it? Started for the fluff and stayed for the toxic ship 😈- GOD Quackity and Luzu fucking outdid themselves with Luckity in Karmaland V like dude it's just so good- like looking back on it the writing was already on the walls that they were so doomed from the very start- like they somehow manage to be both "it's tragic because it didn't have to end this way" and "it's tragic because it was always gonna end this way." if that makes sense. But god at the start it was just so easy to overlook the blaring the red flags because they'd give us just enough hope that it'd end well only for the rug to get pulled during the elections and the whole dynamic get's flopped on it's head but now instead of cute fluff or funny flirting it's this Angry passion and resentment- from start to end they were devoted to each other whether in hatred or in love. The build-up and payoff were both just amazing even if I felt miffed about the ending of the arc at first I've since come to love it because really it's just the cherry on top of their tragedy leaving the possibility they could just end up doing it all over again yeah <3 They were The Moment yeah!
What are your favorite things about the ship? A lot of things but like- I love that they're sun and moon coded <33333 I remember associating them with sun/moon imagery before they took those iconic photos with the sun and moon and like I was so hyped when that happened <3 my toxic sun/moon boys yeah <3
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Not really no- but HEY check out this web weave I made about Luckity that I'm still super proud of and debate remaking one day: X :3
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stuck-in-hypna · 1 year
First of Summer
Niki x OC | Oneshot | Highschool AU | Oneshot
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The first day of summer, the first day of our story...
-Niki's POV-
Today marks the last day of junior year and I’m all set for summer, nothing specific is planned though, just enrolled in some review classes for the upcoming college ability test this November.
For tonight though, it’s the dreaded junior-senior prom. As per the school’s tradition, this is like a send-off for the seniors while welcoming the juniors into semi-adulthood.
I, myself, don’t like these social functions—even my friends are all going with their respective dates. I didn’t ask anyone though; it wasn’t deemed necessary. I’m just going since this is the last time I’ll see my favorite seniors, especially Heeseung hyung.
Heeseung hyung took care of me since freshman year—when I first joined the dance club. He also introduced me to his friends who were part of it, and that made it easier for me. Although, I think, being part of that caused a rift between me and his sister, Lee Serin.
Serin has been my best friend growing up—we were basically friends since kindergarten. I didn’t know what happened, but I’m guessing that it’s because we had different interests, we just drifted apart.
The chats in the hallway were reduced to nods until it came to a point that we were completely ignoring each other.
She became popular, and probably her head ballooned with it. She’s untouchable, especially when her brother is the ever-so-famous Lee Heeseung.
Her friends are also the worst; everyone feared their little group, even the club knew how Heeseung hyung’s sister is problematic—how she’s such a spoiled brat, how she has a bigger allowance than him and an even better car which was gifted to her by their parents on her 16th birthday.
Speaking of, there she is now at one of the Science labs. Classes have been dismissed early today due to the event this evening, I wonder why she’s still here when everyone must be in their respective homes, getting ready or doing some last-minute touch-ups.
Unfortunately, I was assigned cleaning duties today, which explains why I’m still here. She, on the other hand looked glum, and she sat on one of the stools just outside the lab.
Now the problem is, how can I make her leave?
"Excuse me..." I approached her in the nicest way possible, "Lee Serin-ssi, I would need the stool so I can lock up the lab."
"I'm sorry?" she said with an automatic high-pitched voice. It's more or less 3 years since I last called her by her name, or rather talked to her.
"I said-" I was ready to repeat what I said, but she cut me off.
"I heard you.” she said icily. "Do I look like I’m deaf?" she gave me a disgusted look that says nobody shoos her away.
"Of course not, I wasn’t implying anything!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing to say. Maybe she still made me speechless, maybe because I still think she looks like a goddess. Okay, so nobody knew I liked her before.
Without another word, she stood up and kicked the stool away from the both of us, the loud clang sounded through the empty corridors.
"Thanks." I said in a non-sarcastic voice, but somehow it still annoyed her since she gave me a piercing look. "Did you need something else?" I asked as I looked at her in the same manner.
She just shook her head as response.
"Good. The place is empty, let me walk you to the parking lot. It's not safe here." I offered, and to my surprise, she agreed.
We walked silently for the first few steps, but I had the urge to start a conversation, "are you excited about the prom later?"
"I'm not..." she was too quick to reply accompanied by a frown.
"Why? You're probably going to be the prom queen..."
She became quiet for a minute as she sat on one of the benches that were near the school’s parking lot. "How can you be excited when the people voting for you don't even respect you?"
"What do you mean?" I sat beside her. It somehow reminded me of those times when all we did was kill time in each other’s backyard. "Of course, they respect you..."
"More like scared of me!” She scoffs, “That's why they're voting. This may sound too narcissistic but I know I'm the most envied girl in school, but at the same time, I know I'm the most hated." A sigh escaped her lips. "What about you? Were you planning to root for me at all?"
"Of course..." it wasn't a lie per se. I was indeed going to vote for her, and I think she's the prettiest of all the nominees.
"For what reason? A prom queen should be someone to represent the school in a good way, not because she's popular or the most envied one, or maybe just because she's rich. She should affect the people's lives in a positive manner, not bully them..."
"You affect them... but only, they get terrified!" I couldn't help but laugh at my lame joke, she did too.
“I know how my brother’s life is a living hell because of me and I know how excited he is so he can stay away from me when he goes to University—he must’ve ratted out how much of a bitch I am..”
She was right, Heeseung hyung had non-stop complained about her since she had this new set of friends. Telling us how they were all a bunch of useless brats that can’t do anything. I’m just surprised that she wasn’t affected.
"Nishimura Riki... Do you even want to go to the stupid prom?" she asked when I didn’t say anything. Serin mentioning my name again, after so long, made me feel giddy. It was the only thing that I needed to realize that I missed her, a lot. I shrugged as I glanced at her.
"Let's play hooky!" she said with a big grin. “Uhm, you don’t have a date, right?”
"I don’t have a date. But for real?"
"Yes! But I'm going to be dead for sure if Heeseung oppa finds out I didn't attend."
"I have an idea..." I offered, as she was all ears. "What if we don't skip the prom, just be late? What do you say?"
"Sounds like a plan. We're going to be fashionably late!" she giggled. "Come on, let’s head home first so you can change into your tux, and I can wear my ridiculous dress.”
We each rushed home, to prep for the evening. Both agreeing to see each other at 6:30, an hour and a half from now.
Mom thought I was excited about the prom as she took thousands of pictures. I was already frowning big time, but she still finds it adorable. Kept asking who my date was and didn't believe a single thing I said when I said I didn't have a date.
Oh great! There's one thing I forgot to ask, her number! Of all the things that I had to forget, it was this one essential thing.
I’m arguing with myself internally on whether to call Heeseung hyung or not. To call him and risk getting interrogated, or to wait for some miracle to happen and waste time?
My phone then rang, showing an unknown number.
"Niki... it's me, Serin." the voice on the other line replied.
"I was about to call Heeseung hyung to get your number." I laughed.
"I stole your number from his phone..." she said proudly. "So where are we going to meet?"
"Shall I pick you up?" I offered. "But I have to tell you, the car I’m driving is an older model, you may not want to be seen in something old and beat up!” I teased.
"It doesn’t matter, to be honest. I actually don’t care. I just asked my parents for my car so I can piss off Heeseungie oppa!" That surprised me, as I expected another reason. This made me grin unknowingly, my mom looking at me weirdly.
I faced the opposite side just so she wouldn’t see my face, "Great, I'll be there in 20 minutes."
We both hung up as I made my way to the car, trying to avoid any more conversation with my mother.
This is not a date, this is not a date, this is not a date. I kept repeating this to myself as I didn’t want to assume. It’s even more surprising that she didn’t have a date for the prom. 
It took me less than 20 minutes to reach their place, have I driven too fast?
Serin was wearing a light blue dress, the hem of the skirt flowed just above her knee, paired with a strappy high-heeled sandals which looked uncomfortable. The whole outfit she put together was not on the conservative side, but on her, it looked elegant. Breathtaking, in fact. She really is.
As a courtesy of course, I got off my car after I parked it, and I can tell that Heeseung hyung was surprised to see me.
"I didn't believe that you’re her date... I thought she was lying!"
"I told you oppa, I'm going with Niki..." she whined like a little kid. Cute.
"It's better that you go out with him since he's a close junior, just don't give him a headache, please. It’s already embarrassing enough to be your brother!" he scolded her. "Niki, take care of my sister, and I'm hoping that you’ll be patient enough with her. " He both pushed us lightly to my car, and we waved our goodbyes before leaving.
"Where are we going?" She was pretty excited when she asked.
"I have no idea..." I confessed. I didn't plan the whole thing, since I wasn't really good at stuff like this. She must've sensed my hesitation when she spoke.
"It's okay, lets grab some takeout first and then I know this place..."
We chatted like old friends as we drove, she was nothing like the Park Serin that everyone knew from school, tonight, she was just the fun-loving, silly girl that I used to be friends with.
After we got the food, she instructed me to drive until we reached a secluded place, which was overlooking the city. The air was fresh, far from the city's pollution.
"I often go here when I feel like my life is useless..." she stated. We were both sitting in my car's hood, looking at the city lights, "this place is like my sanctuary..."
She continued to speak without inhibitions, "When we were in our last year of middle school, I felt the pressure. I started to change without even knowing it until it came to the point that I got lost, and I didn't even know who I was... and after talking to you today, I was reminded of how happy I was back then... so thank you."
Dumbstruck was the perfect word to describe me at this moment, I didn't know what to say. This was the person that I fell in love with before. She was the Serin that I knew... the one I’ve always admired.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she tilted her head, her clueless expression was so inviting.
And this made me realize that I never really stopped liking her. I just became contented with looking at her from afar.
"Oh come on!"
"It's just that..." I didn't finish my sentence, instead, I touched her cheeks, then slowly lowered my face to hers and kissed her. I can tell that she was shocked at first, but she slowly reciprocated.
"I've always wanted to do that..." I admitted, "but I never had the chance."
She rested her head on my shoulder, "you should've done that before... I needed a wakeup call.”
"Are you kidding? You were so high and mighty in school, I even thought you forgot about me.
"Well... not really, but the people around me made me feel like I had no life back then. I hate the idea that I had to give in with peer pressure. And I had this tiny crush on you, I thought you should know." She lowered her voice into a whisper.
“What? Can you speak a bit louder please?”
She hit my arm softly, and I knew she was shy about it, but still it was fun to tease her this way.
"It's okay babe, at least we're good now... and if you must know, I like you before too, and I still do.” That confession made her smile, “I wish we can just stay here…”
"Idiot, we can't. We still must go to the prom..."
I frowned, "Why?"
"Because I want to show you off!"
Time passed by so quickly that when we got to the prom, it was just in time for the announcement of the prom king and queen. The school principal was the one who announced it, but it wasn't Serin.
We were standing in the middle of the crowd, giving applause along with the rest of the students, I initially thought that Serin would be disappointed, but I was wrong--she was smiling from ear to ear with a look of contentment plastered on her pretty face
"Serin! I thought you wouldn’t make it!" one of her friends approached us, "What are you doing with him?" The said friend looked at me from head to foot, repulse evident in her eyes.
"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" Serin snapped, "and Niki is my date. Now if you'll excuse us."
“Was that okay?” I probed as she dragged me to the dance floor, “I mean she’s still your friend…”
“Ah, the friend that spreads baseless rumors about me.” She then wrapped her arms around my neck as we found our spot and started slow dancing as Butterfly by The Boyz started playing.
She tiptoed a little and gave me a kiss on my right cheek and smiled. I panicked internally when I realized that we were in front of the whole senior class, and I was right when I saw Heeseung hyung and the others looking at me, equally astounded but quietly cheering me on.
“Heeseung hyung is going to kill me!” I muttered and when she heard she looked around, instantly finding her brother staring at the both of us, arms crossed, as if waiting for an explanation.
“Oh he’ll live with it!” she rolled her eyes and gave me another kiss, this time on the lips. “I want to see him try though!”
This is going to be the most interesting summer of my life!
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
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😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them. with channah and cniki
sorry for taking a bit to answer!!!
okay well i'm gonna say pretty mundane things about these because i think we all know how fucked up their lores are.
the worst (or, i mean, not the worst, but a bad thing (kinda??????? it was deserved tbh)) thing c!niki's done is she poisoned a fuckton of pastries during the manburg arc. the poison was quick to make sick, but slow & painful to kill, and virtually undetectable. she gave them to schlatt. unfortunately, he only ate a couple, which made him violently ill but did not kill him. it did weaken his heart tho
and the worst thing that happened to c!niki is post canon ig? kinda. when c!puffy & c!niki were dating, they made a vow like. till death do us part type thing. uhm. c!puffy still remembers that (and so does the egg !!!) i think u can see where I'm going with this
for c!hannah!!!! the worst things shes done is ecoterrorism but in the poison ivy way not the oil company way. specifically i think that she really likes to encourage seeds to grow. in particular, ones that people have eaten <3. she just does this sometimes. the egg really liked that trick. she doesn't necessarily understand how painful it is, so she'll just start to do it whenever she gets annoyed. (don't get me wrong, she totally does it severely specifically to cause intense pain sometimes. she just doesn't totally understand that's its still intensely painful when she just barely starts the process.) she has totally given people hanahaki before.
the worst thing that happened to c!hannah !! (this will be besides the obvious) when she was little, she was gifted a rose seed from a supposed relative (she had never met them, and it was not given to her in person.) she was given it with a locket. she wore it everywhere, to remind herself that her family cared and loved her. this seed was the first that she grew with her magic. she cared for the rose quite a bit, and brought it with her everywhere. she kept it alive with her magic, and this rose was her only support in several trying times. when she got possessed by the egg, the egg tried to make her kill it, but she loved it so much that she wouldn't do it. so, the egg kept her far away from it, where it suffered from neglect. once c!hannah was released from the egg, she went to go see her rose, as it had been her longest confidant and only stable comforting presence. she was so relieved to see the rose, only to find it wilted and dying. weak as she was from being possessed, she couldn't muster up enough magic to keep it alive, and held it in her arms as it finally died.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Oh ho ho so much to analyze. You weren't lying when you said the analyzers were going to be fed.
I like going chronologically through the chapter, so starting with Jack: The two of them have been close for a while now. With each moment they spend together, they grow closer, the bond strengthens. So it makes sense why they would be having this conversation now. Why it would be up on the roof with Jack that Wilbur decides to admit that his mindset is changing.
The parallel between Jack and Niki is insanely interesting to me. It's just that, a parallel. They're two separate people, and Jack cannot replace Niki. That's not what he's doing at all. Wilbur has so much history with Niki, and a lot of unresolved guilt over having to leave her behind. The narrative doesn't focus on the guilt itself very much, just his memories of Niki, and I think that makes a lot of sense. He's already got so many things going on in his life, especially after that fight with Tommy. He can't really afford to let himself feel guilty about Niki - but his thoughts wander to her all the same
Which leads me to Jack, who serves as a distraction (amongst other things). Not just a distraction from Niki, but a distraction from everything that's going on. Wilbur's constantly in a sort of mental fog. His thoughts are so loud, he's always so anxious, he's thinking too much at once and it overwhelms him. But not with Jack. Jack is the distraction - he clears away all of the anxiety, and lets Wilbur speak clearly and rationally. In the rest of the fic, stars!Wilbur resembles c!Wilbur from Pogtopia. He's paranoid, snappy, and his logical thinking gets twisted into something sinister. When he's around Jack, he starts to resemble President Wilbur. The man who spoke clearly and commanded respect. That's how he comes off to me
All because Jack isn't an asshole to him. There's a lot that goes into Jack's character and how he's earned Wilbur's trust. But ultimately it's a mutual respect where they both understand and appreciate each other. Something similar to what Wilbur had with Niki
I love Jack so much
(1/?) 🔥
aaa yes you get it! jack is in no way a replacement for niki, but he's a parallel to her! they're two separate people. wilbur has so much history with niki, and so much guilt like you said. but wilbur literally can't focus on his guilt right now because he's dealing with so much other stuff, so that's why we get more emphasis on the memories and missing her.
jack is a distraction exactly like you said. he can't solve wilbur's problems, but he can give him some space to breathe. if niki was around, she could help wilbur figure out where he's supposed to go and what he's supposed to do. jack isn't a politician, so he can't do that. but he serves an equally important role by distracting wilbur enough to let him get some of the fog out of his head. it's so interesting to me that you compare wilbur with jack to president c!wilbur, because while the similarities to pogtopia!wilbur and stars!wilbur were entirely intentional on my end, I didn't intend to shift stars!wilbur's behavior to l'manberg!wilbur's when he's with jack at all. it just sort of happened, and I actually really like that
yeah that's exactly it. it's mutual respect. jack was never an asshole to wilbur just for the sake of being an asshole. he's not a doormat and he'll get pissed at wilbur if wilbur is a bitch to him, but he treats him with respect. very similar to how he and niki worked.
ty i love jack too I find it so funny how he unintentionally became one of my fav characters in stars
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willowsandwonders · 2 years
hi hello, I am handing you a c!wilbur character study following him from the founding of l’manberg to the end of the manberg war + the letters he sends to phil along the way:
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here is a tumblr exclusive excerpt under the cut for your viewing pleasure:
"The other members of the nation are doing pretty well for themselves. Tommy and Tubbo are always off getting into mischief, and half the time Jack gets dragged into it too. And I swear Fundy gets taller every time I look at him. He's made it his goal to be taller than me one day. It's sweet, but between me and you, I'd be stunned if he ever makes it past my shoulder. Maybe he inherited your height, the poor fucker. 
They took one of the scraps from the ruined van一a piece of the door frame that had been blown loose but wasn't too splintery, and measured themselves against it, drawing little lines to mark it. Then Tommy made Wilbur redo them all, because people didn't take their shoes off first and he was threatening bloody murder if Wilbur didn't fix it, so he could prove to everyone he was the tallest and biggest L'manbergian. 
Wilbur's still taller, and Tommy's still pissed, but at least his misery has a bit of company in Fundy. He's been growing like a weed, but he also was so tiny to start with that he's barely clearing Niki's shoulders. He says he'll be taller than Tubbo by winter, but Wilbur thinks even that is a little too optimistic. 
He'd rolled his eyes when they first marked their heights down. Wilbur had figured it was just a silly little indulgence to pass a lazy hour. But the little scrap of wood is resting in a proud place in the middle of the nation, all the little lines of ink slowly rising higher and higher. 
All of them are going to take on the world someday, I just know it."
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percy-ils · 2 years
Percy you have any headcanons for childhood friends c!Rivals because I'm always thinking about them -Beloved
Finally answering. Alright. I have lots so.
I know so many people have headcanons of them meeting in an arena and being the best child fighters there and fight for money and yeah that's cool and all but I have so many other headcanons that intervene with this one so I'm not gonna talk about that.
First, let me say that I have a long long list of headcanons of cNiki and cTechno being twins but it's for another post just know that.
Techno and Niki survive on their own, fleeing from one place to another and camping on forests and sometimes villages if people are kind enough. Then, one day while taking a walk at night just close to their camp place, Techno stumbles across someone else. Another kid, seemingly the same age as them, with a small torn backpack and a blanket by his side on top of a tree, looks like he made home on one of the branches.
They're pretty young and curious, and despite knowing not to trust people - it's hard to survive on your own out in the world when you're not even ten - Dream jumps down the tree, and in front of Techno.
They're wary at first, but slowly let their guards down, and start talking. They're both surviving on their own, no one to turn to, no adults and no parents and no home, and Techno takes him back to their camp, where Niki is. They decide to stick together, the more they are the better chance of protecting themselves.
So it's the three of them, out in the wild, stealing weapons and food and clothes from villages and hunting themselves, moving from place to place for years. They grow up together, the trust and their bond unbreakable at that point, having survived so many things and the only constant being each other.
During all their travels, they meet new people - Dream meets George and Sapnap who he quickly becomes close to, Alyssa and Callahan, Sam and Bad who are all lovely people. Techno meets Wilbur who is slightly older, then Philza who is an Angel of Death and Techno feels a strange closeness to, and this little annoying kid called Tommy. The small family they made grows, slowly but surely, but despite it all, Dream and Techno are just different in themselves, they shared too much and know everything there is to know about the other.
this ask has been sitting just this way in my drafts for MONTHS and it’s kinda killing me with guilt. i will add on later probably.
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hopalongfairywren · 2 years
Returning to my origins being on my c!bad hating arc... I don't trust that man.
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faebriel · 3 years
i am committing to cloakduo as the brand now btw that’s the name
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wasflypaw · 3 years
Eret, Niki and Fundy's underrated Lore during the Election and Manberg vs Pogtopia arc
When people talk about the Manberg arc, they tend to focus on Tommy, Tubbo, Schlatt, Wilbur, Techno, etc
So I'm here to talk about some POVs that are equally exciting to me (well. As someone who watched the L'Manberg squad and Eret religiously back then)
It's a common misconception that Coconut2020 appeared out of nowhere, but it didnt. Coconut2020 was created during the Pet War, c!Niki and c!Fundy's relationship was growing strong and they were consistently helping eachother and teaming together. Fundy had a whole duel to bring justice for Niki and the pets that were killed, the two were quite close. The election arc started late September as the Pet War was still ongoing, so nearing the end of the Pet War Fundy asked Niki to be VP alongside him if he ran for president. Fundy had been increasingly more doubting of Wilbur and the debate between Pog and Swag was what made him finally decide L'Manberg was corrupt, and when he finally made a decision to start his own party. He didnt believe Pog2020 or Swag2020 would be good for L'Manberg
Coconut2020 was created when Tommy and Sapnap made fun of Fundy. Sapnap had been Fundy's enemy for weeks during the Pet War, so this made Fundy suspicious of Tommy. Fundy told Niki this and this is when Niki decided to run for VP with him, creating the name Coconut2020 from their shared love of Coconut Oil
We get the Election. Neither Fundy nor Niki were streaming this but they had their moments. Fundy and Niki lost, but guess who cheered for them anyway? Eret!
I wanna talk about Eret. Eret is known for his betrayal but nothing that came after. He was a character that was always like "I dont regret doing this" "it was the best option" and was proud of his position as king, poking fun at the L'Manbergians a lot. Despite this he did stay friends with them, kinda. Tommy would mess around with him in lighthearted ways, along w Tubbo. Fundy and Eret's relationship stayed the same, always pranking and messing with eachother. Niki would hang out w Eret a lot. Eret, Niki and Fundy were friends. Eret was supportive of Coconut2020. Eret's mindset of "I dont regret betraying L'Manberg >:)" was flipped on its head when Schlatt was elected
When Wilbur and Tommy were exiled, Eret realized that he cant just do nothing, he had to make it up to them, he had to have a redemption of some sort. Wilbur was NOT happy with Eret of all people attempting to help them, so Eret had to help from the shadows. Eret tells Schlatt he could start a Second War, refused to let him take down the L'Manberg walls, protested against anything he said, and nearly stabbed him once I think. He says as King of the SMP, it's his responsibility to help everyone, he wont stand for tyranny and he has to help Tommy and Wilbur. He burns down the Podium that Schlatt was elected on to show he wont stand for what he does.
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Meanwhile Fundy cheered for Schlatt, Fundy helped take down the walls without hesitation, even when Niki was protesting and asking him what he's doing. The thing is, we didnt get to see what Fundy was thinking here as he wasnt streaming, but he reveals his thoughts to Eret, who he trusts.
Fundy tells Eret he's going to be a spy, he's going to act like he's on Schlatt's side and he's going to gather information to take Schlatt down from the inside. He's going to do things that arent pretty.
And he burns the L'Manberg flag as Niki screams "NO!" and Why, Fundy?"
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Niki was the one who built that flag, and she had no clue of Fundy's plans. She's hurt, she believes Fundy betrayed her and L'Manberg, after all theyve been through.
Niki during the election day is iconic. Verbally protesting against Schlatt, telling him and Quackity "I hope you starve", being locked up on Jack Manifold's balcony. She was NOT having what Schlatt was doing. She may not have been a founder but she joined days after L'Manberg gained its independence, she cared for everyone there, it was her home, she built the flag and wore the uniform proudly.
Eret's POV of the election is here.
So we got Fundy on Schlatt's side, Niki not knowing what to do bc Wilbur wont come for her, and Eret also not knowing what to do but attempting to be on Pogtopia's side (and failing).
Niki genuinely believes Fundy betrayed her. Niki is upset about Tommy and Wilbur being exiled, saying she misses both of them and they have to get them back. Fundy and Niki argue a lot.
Fundy starts a book, A Spy's Diary. Yall know the book revealed to Wilbur before Fundy joined Pogtopia? That had been being written during every Fundy stream from after the election to that time.
Fundy builds a Manberg flag because Schlatt ordered him to. Tommy burns down the flag. Fundy builds the flag again. Niki burns down the flag
Schlatt continues to tax Niki and not treat her nicely and she continues to hate his guts. She ends up escaping and living in Tommy's summer house. While she's there she promises Henry that she will take him back to Tommy. She vents to Henry that she has no idea who's on her side and she doesnt know what to do.
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Funny thing is, Eret had promised the same thing about Henry. Unfortunately nobody saved his VODs. Eret and Niki also made a plan at one point to blow up the White House. This didnt happen for obvious reasons (glances at Wilbur)
Fundy is being constantly promoted by Schlatt, who appears to trust him and not realize he's a spy. He builds a huge Manberg flag out of obsidian and Magma Blocks.
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Then the Festival is announced. Wilbur does his whole let's be the bad guys thing n stuff. Schlatt asks Fundy what his relation to Wilbur is and he says he was born inside the walls, and Wilbur is a founder and nothing else.
Wilbur n Fundy's relationship had been strained since the election arc. With Fundy creating Coconut2020 and Wilbur gradually becoming less happy with him, saying to Tommy at one point "he's dead to me". While Fundy had been becoming more disappointed in Wilbur and how corrupt L'Manberg seemed to be. Fundy saying this to Schlatt, whether he meant it or not, was the last straw for Wilbur who was already spiralling.
Fundy helps with the Festival decorations. He makes the Podium for Schlatt, and has a speech about how Schlatt made the country better, how he's done more for it than Wilbur and Tommy. In his Spy's Diary he writes that he's questioning his own stand and if he's on the right side. He seems to genuinely start believing in Schlatt. Schlatt would praise him a lot and seemed proud of him. All he wants is someone to he proud of him
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The Festival is a shitfest, we all know this. After the Festival, Fundy runs to Pogtopia, saying "I was wrong." He realizes that Schlatt wasnt good at all, he was just a tyrant, writing "Schlatt needs to go down." In his diary.
Meanwhile Niki was with Tubbo and Tommy. She had been horrified at the festival, she had been in the crowd begging for Techno to stop. She had been one of the people shot when Techno had shot at the crowd. She was horrified upon finding out Wilbur's plans to blow up L'Manberg, and she has a moment where she sits with Tommy and Tubbo and tells them "we need L'Manberg back."
During all of this Eret was pretty much just vibing, he was attempting to help with not much success, he even tried making a big potato farm for Techno that went unnoticed. He started his Museum during this time
10 days before the war, Fundy joins Pogtopia. He shows Wilbur his diary, everything he's been working on, and is told "I despise you."
November 16th. Dream threatens Eret's kingship, warning him not to help Pogtopia and stay neutral. Eret is conflicted, his Kingship is what gives him power, power he can use to help the people he cares about. But on the other hand, he wants to help Pogtopia. Eret is dethroned and cast out of his own castle, to which Pogtopia welcomes him with open arms.
Schlatt has an argument with Fundy, Fundy is hurt and upset, Schlatt had a dream and he followed it, but he ruined the dream. Schlatt thought Fundy was the last person on his side, he was not. Fundy watches Schlatt die before his eyes, and later watches Wilbur die before his eyes.
Niki, Fundy and Eret. All 3 hadnt been in Pogtopia for long at all, didnt know much about the plans or what was happening, werent involved in the government making process, and were part of Techno's wrath anyway. Eret had said "you hate governments, Techno?" as he literally just didnt know lol
They watched as L'Manberg was blown up in front of them, the place Fundy and Eret had helped found, the place Niki had loved and cared for. They were fighting to take down Schlatt and reclaim L'Manberg that day. Fundy POV, Niki POV, Eret POV (2nd part here his stream crashed)
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forever-rogue · 3 years
If you're looking for Bucky requests, may I perhaps request something to do with Dad!Bucky? Like maybe he's surprised on how much his kid (I always see him with a daughter but that's just me) grabs onto his metal hand when they're walking or just gravitates towards it more than his flesh hand and he's always throwing major heart eyes whenever the child does this. 🥺
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A/N: Dad!Bucky? Please I’m so heckin’ soft right now - no one touch me 🥺
Pairing: n/a
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Daddy!" Bucky was pulled back into reality as he looked up from the ground. A small flock of pigeons had gathered around him as he fed them some seed. They were cooing and chirping happily at him and in some ways had become steadfast friends over the years. But when he looked up and found his daughter grinning and waving at him, his entire heart melted, "daddy! Come and catch me!"
Sofia displayed a gap-toothed grin,  her dark curls windswept and blue eyes wide and excited. She was his little clone in almost every single way. You'd told him that since the day she was born and, almost as if you had a sixth sense, you'd insisted that she would cling to him like glue. You'd been right. Very right.
He couldn’t help but grin as he watched her running around, attempting to catch some butterflies as Falcon, the beloved family dog, followed closely behind. You’d had him since before she was born and they were thick as thieves.  Quickly pulling out his phone, he made sure to snap a few photos of them to send to you before getting up and chasing after her. He was on solo-father duties today as you had a few things for work you had to attend to that day.
Of all the things in the world Bucky thought he would ever have, a family of his own was never one of them.
But as he ran after his daughter, making quick work of catching up to her little legs, and swooped her up in his arms, a wave of peace and calm washed over him. She squealed in delight as she tried to squirm out of his arms, Falcon barking happily at the two of them.
“I’ve got you, little monster,” he peppered gentle kisses over her face as she giggled and attempted to wrap her small arms around his neck, “so easily defeated, little one. One day you’ll be strong enough to fight me off.”
“I don’t want to, daddy,” she insisted as she snuggled against his chest, “I like when you hold me. Besides, my legs are getting tired.”
A lump welled up in his throat at her little declaration; in some ways he wished that Sofia would stay this young and carefree forever. But in others, he couldn’t wait for her to grow up and reach different milestones that he could help her grow through. He still struggled, here and there, with the idea that he was actually good and hoped in some ways that raising her would give him the chance to prove to the world he could do good. Perhaps it would prove it more to himself than anyone else, but that was beside the point. He just wanted to be a good father, just as he worked to be a good husband.
He already was - the best ever - you had consistently told him such. Nothing you’d ever done that had shown him otherwise. It was something he still found to be a miracle at times.
“That’s what happens when you’re a shrimp,” he laughed softly as he kissed the top of her head, “one day, you’ll be tall and running over me. But that’s a long time from now - want to get ice cream before we go home?”
���Yes,” she grinned and looked at him with wide, ocean blue eyes, “mommy said no ice cream though...she said I had too much when I went to Uncle Sam’s the other day.”
“Mommy isn’t here right now,” he put a finger up to his lips and whispered softly, “it’ll be our little secret, okay?”
“I thought secrets were bad, daddy!”
“Only when they hurt other people,” he slowly set her back down and smoothed out her wild curls, “we don’t keep important secrets to ourselves and we don’t do anything to hurt others, yes?”
“Exactly - and us getting ice cream doesn’t hurt anyone,” he reminded her as the little girl nodded eagerly, “we’ll make sure to brush your teeth extra well and then we’ll bring some home for mommy too. She can’t be mad then, right?”
“She loves ice cream too,” Sofia insisted as Bucky laughed, “we can all get ice cream! Falcon too!”
“Maybe not Falcon,” Bucky into his jacket pocket and fished out Falcon’s leash before clipping it onto his collar, “he can’t eat the same food as us, baby. But we can stop and get him a special treat too at the pet store. We can do that first, get our ice cream, and walk home. Mommy should be back by then too.”
“Okay daddy,” as soon as he straightened back up, he held out his hand to her, expecting that she’d gravitate towards the warmth and gentleness his normal hand offered her. Instead, she reached for the black and gold vibranium of his left side and clung onto it without reservation. She held onto him as tightly as possible, giving him an expectant look with a happy smile.
In some ways, he shouldn’t have been surprised at all. She’d never, even as a baby or toddler, had shown any fear or hesitation when it came to his vibranium arm. When she was tiny, even smaller than she was now, she didn’t understand the difference. She just knew that daddy has a different arm, but she’s never questioned it or made any sort of situation out of it. Even when people would stare, whether they knew of his past or not, Sofia was never phased. In turn, it gave Bucky the confidence not to care either.
You’d started the process of slowly helping to get him comfortable with being who he was, not hiding from the world, and the small girl had aided as well. These days he was able to go out without fear or worry about how he looked. He wasn’t anyone or anything he was just...Bucky. Bucky the husband, Bucky the father, occasionally Bucky the sidekick to Capitan America. And it felt good. For once in his long life, he was just a normal man.
And frankly, that was all he had ever wanted. What a thought - the man that had been through hell and back, several times, and all he wanted was a quiet and peaceful life. It had been a long time coming, but now that he had it, he didn’t plan on ever letting it go.
“Daddy?” Sofia asked softly as she started walking and noticed he wasn’t coming, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he promised softly. Bucky squeezed her hand gently before taking a step forward with her and Falcon quickly matching his stride, “Sofia?”
“How come you never ask about my arm?” if he didn’t ask, curiosity would kill the cat. Typical Bucky Barnes, he knew you would say, asking a mere child for an explanation of something much more complex than anyone of her age would understand.
“Your arm?” her little brows knitted together as she looked up and gave him a confused look.
“You have to have noticed it’s different,” he shrugged as they walked out of the park, “it’s metal - vibranium - no one else has one like it.”
“That’s okay, daddy,” she stopped and quickly turned his hand over in hers, tracing over the palm gently, “it’s pretty. And it’s okay to be different! Mommy always says that and you do too. It doesn’t matter what anyone looks like, as long as they have good hearts. Right? If you’re kind and nice, nothing else matters!”
“Yes,” he felt himself getting choked up again as she started to race along the sidewalk, attempting to pull him with her. Sage wisdom from a five-year-old, “you’re absolutely right. I love you, little monster.”
“I know! I love you too, daddy,” she grinned, “now hurry up before they run out of all the good ice cream!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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@qhbr2013  @greeneyedblondie44  @april-showers-and-flowers  @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish  @patzammit  @niki-xie  @xxlovingfandomsxx  @startrekkingaroundasgard  @welcometothepedroverse  @actual-spawn-of-satan  @punkerthanpascal  @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday  @neptunesglow  @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr  @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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