#and playful and silly
avrelia · 2 years
One moment that I think is underappreciated in Mai and Zuko relationship is their playfulness with each other. We see it in the picnic scene, and in the Mai’s house scene, and in the reunion scene. They are so different from their usual state, like they enter a happy bubble when they are together, when they can finally relax and don’t think about that pesky reality and its problems, and just be carefree.
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And sure enough it doesn’t work for long, because reality is there, and its problems intrude quite rudely, often literally, personified by Azula, but their happy bubble is real, too.
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They don’t pretend being anyone else, just themselves that no one else can see. So the possibility is there, for Mai and Zuko, when they manage to integrate all the different parts of themselves and deal with the reality, and to communicate better, to keep that playfulness not as an illusion, or a throwback to their childhood, but a part of their adult relationship. So that’s how I prefer to write them.
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prettybindings · 3 years
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Sol, Playful Reading, Chicago, September 2021
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screwpinecaprice · 3 years
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So you chose war!
Local teenage boy refuses to surrender last cookie to his jambud. Circa 2021 (colorized)
Colored doodle for @azul-ocean24, thank you so much for the ko-fi!!!
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serotaejin · 3 years
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jinkook diaries (2/♡) [cr. qdeoks]
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
How would Kwazii act on catnip
i can SO vividly see shellington asking the vegimals to go out and collect some plant samples for him to study; which leads to them accidentally bringing catnip onboard the ship.
they don't notice straight away, because it went right to the lab, and was promptly sealed away in a container, or even just a cupboard.
but then kwazii starts to notice shellington smells a lil funny. nobody else notices the change, but kwazii says it smells "strangely nice", so they don't worry too much about it.
but then.
everyone awakes one morning to find kwazii on the floor of shellington's lab like
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and purring out of his mind.
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hula-zombie · 3 years
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A Boo to you and you and you and you・゜゜・.👻
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fridaybear · 3 years
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LO! FRIDAY HAS ARRIVED. You made it another week. Make your weekend special.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay kind. Wear a mask where it's appropriate/required. Get your vaccine. (We're a week past our 2nd dose and still feeling excellent.) Be rad. The end is in sight. We’re going to get through this. <3
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Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager
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tilions · 2 years
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Lothíriel · Daughter of Prince Imrahil
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*flips table over* wwx is so fucking cute
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Talking about Micky’s height the other day made me realize Micky would not be above taunting Arcade for being tall 
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However, you should be careful who you make fun of when you’re 5′4″ and weigh less than two labradoodles stacked together
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mischievoussub · 2 years
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Eat your heart out 💕
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
if your prompts are still open, i'd love to see some lee!roman :D perhaps something with him casually talking about being ticklish and only realizing his mistake when everyone around him goes >:3
if you need a specific ler, i'd appreciate ler!virgil, but i'm open to whatever you feel like doing! thank you! ~spikey 🌵
(Spikey how did you know Ler!Virgil is my weakness like 😭😭👏👏👏 aaaa!! And with Lee!Roman? It's so great! Here I put also a bit of Ler!Logan and Ler!Patton because the opportunity was just too much good. And I hope you like it as much as I liked writing! ^v^).
"Logan's dog is trying to kill me." Roman loudly announced, throwing himself on the couch with dramatic gestures, laying on Virgil's lap with a muffled 'off' from the other.
(And a friendly, protesting shoving too, but he wouldn't start their usual roughhousing right now... Not while Patton was watching them, anyway.)
"You're being ridiculous." Logan replied with a scoff, handing Patton a plate with cupcakes they bought on their way over. "Agatha was simply curious about your presence on my house. She isn't totally acclimated with you yet."
"Thank you, Lo. And she is such a sweetie!" Patton started to head to the kitchen putting the treat on the refrigerator to be consumed later. "Aw, Lo, we need to have more sleepovers in your house!! I miss her so much."
"You saw her yesterday."
"It's like my memory of her cute bark and adorable face is already fading away..."
"Roman, stop infecting Patton with your dramatics." Logan stated, staring unimpressed at the Prince when said one high fived Patton with a proud 'My man'.
"Are you picking and losing fights to a dog now?" Virgil tsked, smirking as the other turned at him with an offended expression. "Tsk. Tsk. Roman Prince, the sir of honor and fairness, what monster did you become."
"Sh-shut up! I didn't picked a fight with Agatha! I was there, simply enjoying my peaceful lunch like any other good human being, doing absolutely nothing wrong-"
"Except giving her treats when you thought I was not looking." Logan cut his sentence, fishing a snicker from Patton and a kick from Roman.
"As I was saying: doing nothing wrong when she just came to me and SHOVED her snot on my ribs out of just NOWHERE and it was like she knew how much ticklish I am! Ticklish as like: I screamed and fell from the chair. She almost made me drop my croissant!"
"Ticklish?" Virgil asked, pronouncing the word carefully, eying his friends and receiving the same delighted, evil smirk adorning his face mirrored right back at him.
Roman, too much occupied with gestures and story, failed to notice them inching closer and closer.
"Yeah. It was like she could sense my ribs were my absolute worst spot! And even after falling from the chair Logan started to lecture me and he didn't even got up to help me back to my feet what was honestly the rudest thing ever, Microsoft Nerd and- wait why are you looking at me like that?"
"No reason, honeybee!" The Prince squinted his eyes at the bright smile on Patton's face, not being able to quite place why it felt off.
Suddenly, a poke on his lowest rib made him yelp, body almost trashing out of the couch before his arm was captured by his friend, who pulled him closer to his wiggly hand.
Virgil, different from Patton, didn't try to hide the devilish glint in his eyes.
"What is he problem, Prince?" His index finger slowly - absurdly slowly - scratched from his right side to his armpit, up and down, up and down over and over again until Roman's chest were shaking with trapped giggles. "Is the strong Roman Prince hopelessly ticklish by any chance?"
That was when the other realized his mistake, head shaking from one side to another, a bigger smile starting to paint his face.
"No, you aren't?" Patton picked up, positioning himself to sit on the couch, adjusting Roman's legs so they could rest in a fake sense of comfort on his lap. He also laid an only one finger on his foot, drawing circles and senseless shapes on it, focusing a few scribbles here and there everytime he found a new sensitive spot, an innocent tune on his words. "So when I do this it doesn't tickle-tickle-tickle you? Not even a little bit? An itsy bitsy tickly bit?"
Roman just couldn't hold his laughter anymore. "Guhuhuys! Guys! No! Wahahahait, wait, plea- Virgil, stop. Plehehease. Let's- let's watch a mohohovie! The pizza is on me, no, no, no, Patton, light of my life, nOHOHOT THERE!"
"Hm." Logan hummed, and just the way his usual serious expression was taken over by a playful grin made a new shade of blush spread across the entire length of the Prince's face, burning the tip of his ears. "I see. Virgil, Patton, after some observation, it seems like our friend Roman wasn't aware of his ticklish condition until now. That being said, I believe it's our duty as his friends to help him to discover, after a throughout and careful test, not only all his tickle spots, but also all the kind of reactions he has to each of them. I will grab my notebook to write down the crucial information."
"That is a lovely idea, Lo!"
"No, it's not! Lo-bot, if you get you ass right back at here, I will- NO!" Loud, squeaky laughter quickly filled the house when the purple lover decided to take the matter on his own hands and drum his fingers on Roman's armpit, successfully cutting his protest.
"Take as long as you need, Logan." His eyes shone, fingers dancing and scribbling just the right amount to fish a couple of snorts from their friend. "We will take care of him, right, Patton?"
"Of course, Virgil! We will keep him all happy and squirmy until you come back!"
And, as laughter rang across the room and a playful feeling warmed his chest, Roman couldn't really say they were wrong.
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lilium-valley · 3 years
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“I’m glad you’re starting to warm up to the new farmer!~” “... Shush, Emily!”
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arlo-venn · 3 years
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This is Zeke fresh outta da bath 🥺🥰 He’s disabled due to an early life injury but isn’t in any pain or discomfort so he didn’t need to be culled about it. He doesn’t have full function in his back legs and isn’t able to reach his groin area to clean himself, so he gets little wipe downs twice a day and weekly baths. He’s still getting used to the water, but we might try some assisted hydrotherapy once he’s comfy with it.
He’s so frickin sweet. He spends most of his time hanging out on the shoulder of my dear friend Tyrell (who I’m living with)- they have a special bond. I haven’t posted about him before bc I don’t want to get into discourse regarding the ethics of not having culled him. So just know I talked with both my vet and my mentor when making that decision :)
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undyinglantern · 2 years
Kpop is stupid bc I’m forced to learn about terms like ‘[1st-4th] gen‘ and ‘girl crush’ and be exposed to the most bullshit asinine discourse it makes me want to bash my head with a club. So anyways, I bring this up bc my brain can’t stop comparing current artists with 2nd gen artists I listened to growing up
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berryfaerie · 2 years
joke: what do you say to a giraffe who is leaving?
punchline: so long
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