#and refuses to confess to you even with a push from Kiri
kingkatsuki · 2 years
Like literally imagine glaring at Bakugou so much that he thinks you hate him, but really it’s because he’s so fucking pretty it makes you mad.
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openpandorabox · 1 year
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end of the beginning - part 2
neteyam x omaticaya! reader part one here!
requested! *this was requested, i just accidentally deleted the request from my submission box!*
summary: it's been months since you last saw the sully's, but in a time of need, you somehow find your way back to each other and back to neteyam, possibly finding your forever in the process.
warnings: violence, mentions of guns, injury, a character almost dying
notes: fluff, angst, hurt boy neteyam
word count: 4.1k (holy damn)
!reader is the same age as neteyam!
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The days blurred into months.
Following the departure of the Sully’s, everything just seemed empty. You felt like you had been running on auto-pilot, pretending that there wasn’t a chunk of you missing since they left without even the utterance of a goodbye.
You felt betrayed, how could you not? The family who had taken you in had left you so easily, just based off one persons request. Someone should have fought for you, the same way you always did for them.
Above everything though, you just missed them.
You missed Tuk’s excessive nagging at you to play with her, you missed being dragged around by Lo’ak for whatever trouble he was up to, you missed Kiri’s advice and her hugs, and you missed Net-
It hurt to even think about him. Every time his name popped into your head, you’d push it out with all your might. If you sat and let it linger, you knew you’d fall into a bottomless pit of grief.
So, you did whatever you could to distract yourself. You invested more time into hunting. You had become the best hunter of your age group. You explored your creative side. You made neckpieces, arm bracelets and ionar’s for other Omaticaya people. You even made one of Mo’at’s Tsahìk statement pieces. But every night, you would go home to your lonely hut, and you’d reminisce and desperately ask Eywa why they had left you.
Eventually, you realised being in the place that reminded you of everything you lost was detrimental to your mental health. You couldn’t heal if you were surrounded by the memories of what your life once was.
So, one day, you readied your ikran, and you left with what little personal items you had to seek a new home, somewhere that wasn’t like the forest. Where the trees couldn’t remind you of Lo’ak climbing them to scare people as they walked past. Where the long grass couldn’t remind you of Kiri hibernating in it, atokirina swarming her body. Where the dirt and mud couldn’t remind you of making mud pies with Tuk. Where the empty Sully hut couldn’t remind you of your fight with Neteyam, where he confessed his love for you and flew off into the sun only an hour later.
You found yourself with the Metkayina clan and your new home became the Ta’unui village. Unbeknownst to you, you were so close to the Sully��s.
You were trained as a Metkayina, and you were a natural with the ocean. You could already hold your breath for long periods of time underwater, and you were a strong swimmer despite your skinny arms and tail. You fit right in, and you were at peace with where you were.
Then one day, the sky people arrived, they looked like Na’vi, but they wore soldier uniforms, had guns and knives strapped to their waist. They burnt your marui’s and pushed your Tsahìk’s face into the sand, all in search of Jake Sully.
You were out at the time. Every now and then you’d take your ikran for a fly around the reef because honestly, you missed it. Thank God you were gone, you weren’t sure what could’ve happened to the people if you were there and Spider saw you.
That’s when you realised how close to them you were. But you wouldn’t look for them, refused to. If they could let you go so easily, you would too.
More time passed, it got to the point where you could go a whole day without thinking about the two families you had lost.
You loved exploring the ocean, almost as much as you loved flying.
The smile on your face was hard to miss as you rode your ilu through the water, eyes catching onto every colourful piece of coral, every sign of life, the bioluminescence that shined so brightly, even under water.
All of a sudden, the water vibrated. It was minimal. Barely noticeable, you almost missed it. But you definitely felt it. You travelled the waters long enough to know it wasn’t normal. You bring yourself to the surface, curiously looking around at your surroundings, and then you see it. In the far distance, flames and smoke.
Your heart sinks. Is that another village being torched? You look back in the direction of your home, pondering whether you should just turn around and go back like you saw nothing, but you knew the guilt would eat you alive.
“Damnit.” You whisper, clicking your tongue at your ilu until it dives back into the water, taking you in the direction of the fire.
Once you got closer to the scene, you realised it wasn’t a village on fire. It was a ship inhabited by sky people. You knew what it was for. The Metkayina had told you stories about these demon ships.
You look around at the sinking ship from a distance. You can barely make out the colonel that torched your village on an ikran, shooting at something in the water. You see another ikran, but you can’t make out the rider.
You ride as close as you can, enough that you can’t be seen, but enough where you don’t have to swim for twenty minutes to get to the ship. You dismount your ilu under the water and it swims away. Slowly and carefully, you rise to the surface, covering your mouth in shock. It’s an all out war. Na’vi fighting sky people. You see demon boats, exo suits, guns and arrows. And so much fire.
You swim underwater (which was a bit of a struggle since you had your bow) to the ship and you sneak on.
You immediately have to take out a solider who spotted you, shooting an arrow straight through his chest and watching his lifeless body drop to the ground. It has been a long time since you killed somebody.
You stay crouched, navigating your way through the sinking ship, steering clear of other soldiers. All of a sudden, you hear a voice. A very familiar voice. You duck behind a pole, regaining your breath before you poke your head out, and the sight pulls a sob from deep within your body.
Lo’ak and Neteyam.
“They’ve got spider. We’ve gotta get him. Come on!” You hear Lo’ak say to his brother, who begins to shake his head. “Come on, bro. We can’t leave him!”
Neteyam lets out a frustrated growl, but then he chases after his brother, right in your direction. You quickly squat down, staying close against the pole as they pass you and head further down into the ship without seeing you.
You sit with your back against the pole, feeling months worth of suppressed emotions coming up. Your face scrunches up as you cry, head dropping into your hands.
You’re only allowed to feel for a few seconds, because the sound of footsteps heading towards you becomes more apparent, so you push yourself onto your knees, readying your bow.
When you see another sky person, you don’t hesitate to shoot them before crawling over to their body to retrieve your arrow. You look in the direction Neteyam and Lo’ak went in. You knew they could be in trouble, but was it your place to rescue them?
With a growl, you rip your arrow from the lifeless body and follow them. Sometimes you were too loyal.
You struggle to navigate your way through the sinking ships many aisles, so instead, you rely on your hearing. Your ears twitch as you listen in for any slight sounds, but you jump out of your body when gunshots come from nearby. You immediately fear for their lives and jump into action, running to the source of the sound to see Lo’ak and Spider jumping into a pool of water, barely missing multiple gun shots. You angle your body closer to the rail of the deck, spotting Neteyam hiding behind a wall, gun in his hand as he ponders the best moment to flee. You hiss quietly. He was always the brother to stay back to protect Lo’ak.
You take a deep breath in, drawing your bow at your side, waiting for any danger to cover him from.
He pokes his gun from behind the wall and shoots at nothing in particular before sprinting towards the water, narrowly missing gunshots.
Everything slows down. You see a solider stand, gun aimed straight at Neteyam’s back. You breathe out, firing your arrow at the solider. It lands in his chest just as he shoots his gun, which distorts the soldiers angle of fire. The bullet hits Neteyam‘s shoulder, and he jumps into the pool of water with a grunt.
You gasp, ears turning down instantly at the sound of his body hitting the water. “Please be okay.” You whisper to yourself, hand over your heart as you attempt to regain your breath. The sound of Neteyam hitting the water replays over and over in your head, and in a fit of rage, you rise to your feet, bow drawn, and you kill the remaining three soldiers in the area.
Once you clear the area, you jump into the same pool of water Neteyam had jumped into minutes before, swimming in search of him or Lo’ak or Spider. You click your tongue, waiting only moments for your ilu to appear next to you, stroking your head with its own.
In a hurry, you pull yourself onto the saddle, sitting up straight and looking around you. So much fire, so many machines, and so much death. But you manage to spot the familiar blue bodies a little further out on some rocks.
“Under,” you speak aloud to your ilu, and it obediently listens, diving into the water and swimming at a speed you didn’t think was possible, but it just showed this creature could feel your bond with Neteyam through you.
Once you’re at the rocks, you disconnect from your ilu, climbing the rocks without anyone noticing because they’re all arguing.
“Lo’ak, you put your brothers life at risk again! If that bullet hit a few more inches over, he’d be dead!” Jake yells at his youngest son, who simply drops his head in guilt. Neytiri is on her knees, presumably beside Neteyam but you can’t see him because Jake and Lo’ak are in the way.
“Dad, we had to save spider. We could not leave him there.” Neteyam speaks up, and you wince at the sound of pain in his voice.
Lo’ak is the first to see you. His eyes widen, having forgotten his lecture from his father, but he doesn’t move.
“Y/N?” He questions, cheeks stained with tears, yet a hopeful look in his eyes.
You didn’t blame his questioning stare. You had changed a lot while leaving with the Metkayina. Your hair that was usually just in tight braids was now only braided at the roots, falling into curls at your ribs. Your skin had turned slightly aqua from the sun and water exposure, and you were wearing a traditional Metkayina loin cloth and neckpiece, decorated by sea shells.
Suddenly, all of the Sully’s were looking at you, plus a Metkayina na’vi, but you don’t have time to say anything, because you’re almost knocked over by Lo’ak who tackles you in a hug, shortly joined by Spider.
“Neteyam… Is he okay?” You whisper, your voice slightly broken, and Lo’ak steps out of the way just as Jake moves aside, and there he was, staring right at you.
From his spot on the ground, he lifts his fingers to his head, the gesture of ‘i see you’ and you approach him with shaky knees before dropping to them next to him.
“You’re okay? You’re going to be okay?” You question him, eyes scanning over his body, looking for any other wounds. He’s scratched and grazed, but that’s nothing compared to his shoulder. Neytiri is applying pressure to the wound, but blood is still sleeping through her fingers.
“He’s gonna be okay. Bullet went through his shoulder. But we need to get him help, or he could bleed out.” Jake finally speaks, and Neytiri nods with him:
“I can take him to my vi-“
Jake cuts you off when he suddenly lifts his head, ears back in alert as he listens to his earpiece.
“He has Tuk and Kiri. Neytiri, he has our daughters.” Jake immediately stands, beginning to ask Spider for directions. Neytiri grabs your hand, placing it on Neteyam’s shoulder. She caresses Neteyam’s cheek for a moment, before mounting her ikran, heading back in the direction of the ship.
“I need you to take Neteyam back to the village to get him help. Please.” He looks at you with pleading eyes, and of course, you can’t say no. Neteyam needed you right now.
“Dad, I want to go with you.” Lo’ak steps towards him, eyes like an endless pool of sadness, and Jake barely spares him a glance before he’s turning around.
“You’ve done enough.” He mumbles, following Spider to the edge of the rocks and leaving you all behind.
“No, Dad.” Lo’ak whispers sadly, but he’s already gone. You frown, wishing you could comfort him, but Neteyam needed help right now.
Neteyam who is on the ground, grunting in pain as his body makes involuntary movements, and your heart aches to take all of his hurt away, shelter him so he never had to feel an ounce of it again.
“Okay, we’re going to get you on an ilu. Are you ready?” You ask Neteyam, but you don’t really wait for him to answer. Instead you look to the water, tongue clicking for your ilu.
“It hurts, so-so much.” Neteyam grunts, and your attention is immediately back on him. “I need to tell you. I’m sorry for what I di-“
“Shh,” you shake your head, tears pooling in your eyes as your free hand meets his cheek, stopping him from finishing his sentence. “Come on, we can talk about this later. We need to get you back.”
He looks up at you, the fear in his eyes almost knocking you over. Gone was the fierce warrior. The warrior who always protected his people, who showed no fear. Left in his place was just a scared, little boy whose eyes were welling up with tears, staring up at you as if you could fix the hole in him. “What if I don’t ma-make it back?”
A tear falls from your eye, but you swat it away. “Hey,” you say to him, lightly tapping his cheek. “You are going to make it. You are strong, Neteyam — Lo’ak! Help me with your brother, quickly!” You yell behind you, and Lo’ak and the Metkayina girl appear right behind you, already helping Neteyam up.
You keep your grasp on his shoulder, now using both your hands to put pressure on the entry and exit wound as Lo’ak and Tsireya guide him over to your ilu. They sit him at the front, and you sit behind him, guiding Neteyam’s hand to hold onto the saddle, while guiding his other hand to press on his entry wound. You keep one of your hands on the back of his shoulder, the other wrapping around his waist, before you connect to your ilu.
“Tsireya, go back with them. I need to help.” Lo’ak turns to Tsireya and cups her cheek, ignoring our pleas for him to stop and he’s gone only seconds later.
The girl, Tsireya, sighs, and you shoot her a sad smile. “Boys, huh?” You squeeze Neteyam’s waist the tiniest bit, and you knew if he wasn’t in so much pain, he’d be teasing you back.
You wait for Tsireya to mount her on ilu, and then the both of you are racing towards the village, with you constantly checking in on Neteyam to make sure he's still with you.
“Mother!” Tsireya calls once you land on the sand, and you struggle, but you manage to get Neteyam off the ilu and onto the sand, his body was weakening due to the loss of blood.
“Come on Neteyam,” you grunt, pulling him along with you, but his body begins to fall limp. “Neteyam!” You yell as he drops to the ground, lifeless.
You immediately drop next to him, grabbing his face in your hands and trying to shake him awake. “Neteyam!” You cry, lightly slapping his face, as if that would make a difference. His body remains unresponsive, unmoving, and you were too panicked to even check his breathing.
It’s all a blur, but the Tsahìk appears and two other men pick him up and rush him into a shack that you are not allowed to enter, all while you sit frozen in the sand, thinking you’d just lost the love of your life before you could even love him properly.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
An hour went by, maybe two, while you just sat in the sand, waiting for any word from Ronal. Not only were you anxiously anticipating news about Neteyam, but the other Sully’s were yet to be seen.
They all showed up after some time, all with their own grazes and cuts. Neytiri’s bow was broken, but the bond between Jake and Lo’ak had seemed to mend, at least a little.
Tuk and Kiri just pulled you into a hug, and you all cried together. You had all been in danger that day, everybody was scared, tired, and anxious at the absence of Neteyam. Spider and Lo’ak joined you soon after, the five of you sitting in the sand, staring out at the ocean.
“We wanted to say goodbye, you know.” Lo’ak speaks up, his gaze turning towards you. Tuk was between the two of you, nestled under your arm. “Dad wouldn’t let us. Said it’d hurt you too much.”
You breathe out, glancing at him for a second before looking back at the water. “Yeah, he was probably right.” You smile sadly, remembering the words Neteyam said to you that day.
“He is going to be okay, my friend.” Kiri loops her arm around your shoulder, nuzzling her head into yours.
You do your best to distract yourself from the anxiety you were feeling, and instead caught up with the Sully siblings, how their life had been since they left, how yours had been, and how this war even came to be.
“-and Payakan landed right on the sky pe-“ Lo’ak’s animated story is cut short by Jake’s voice behind you.
“Neteyam’s awake. He’s okay. He’s asking for you.” Jake’s gaze levels on you, a small smile on his face.
The relief that floods your system is unexplainable. Like all was okay again, there was nothing that could ever hurt you because Neteyam was alive and well.
You stand up, brushing the sand from your legs, and you make your way towards the shack, letting Jake pull you into a dad-hug on the way there.
You push the curtain aside, eyes automatically finding Neteyam who was lying on a blanket on the floor, head elevated by a makeshift pillow.
Neteyam smiles when he sees you, as best as he can through the weakness of losing so much blood, bags under his eyes. “Hi,” his voice is gruff and crackly, like he’d been in a coma for days.
“Hello.” You answer back, wrapping your arms around yourself for comfort, rocking back and forth on your heels as you struggle to decide what to do next.
Neteyam decides for you when he sits up just enough to reach your hand, and he pulls you over towards him, making you sit with him. You help him readjust his position so he can sit as well, back against the wall and injured arm wrapped in a sling. You sit next to him, back against the wall as well, heads tilted back as you search for the words to say.
“I thought I lost you for the second time today,” Your voice is shaky, like you were on the verge of admitting your feelings for him, just as he had vulnerably done so many months before. “When you fell to the ground, I was sure you were dead.”
He sighs, wrapping his good arm around your shoulders to pull you into him, your face nuzzling into his neck.
It felt so strange to be this close to him. After pretty much hating each other and being as separated as possible, to being joined at the hip gave you whiplash, but in a really cheesy way, it still felt so right. Like Neteyam was literally put on this planet to be your soulmate.
“I cannot die yet. I haven’t tortured you enough with my presence.” Neteyam attempts at a joke, and for a moment, you smile, but it quickly diminishes when he grunts in pain.
The two of you let the silence take over for some time, just wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the slightly unsteady sound of his heartbeat.
“You know, you broke my heart.” You speak after some time, voice hoarse as you look up at him, seeing a wave of emotion pass over him. Guilt, shame, regret.
“I know. I had to.” He whispers, looking straight back at you, teary eyes glistening in the light.
You feel your own eyes well up, but you pull your gaze away from him, looking down at your hands in your lap. “Why?” You ask, voice shaky as you try to hold back the sobs.
He pulls away from you and you feel your heart beat faster, thinking you had said something wrong. But then he’s cupping your cheek with the hand he could actually use and lifting your head until you’re looking at him again. “Because, it was the only way to stop you from coming after us. I had to break you to keep you safe.”
A sob leaves your body, you feel the tears running down your cheeks, gathering at Neteyam’s fingertips. Your eyes flicker between his. “Well, I still found you.”
Neteyam smiles, eyes full of adoration. “Yes, you did. You never listened to me, anyway.”
You laugh sadly, leaning your face into his hand, eyes closing as more tears fall from them. You’re close enough to feel his breath on your lips, and suddenly, you’re nervous to open your eyes again. You’d never been in such an intimate moment with someone before. Despite your best efforts, your eyes flicker open, immediately dropping to his lips, watching as they widen into a smirk.
“Neteyam…” You trail off, eyes roaming over his face, greedily taking him all in. “I see you.” You whisper, voice only breaking the tiniest bit as you place your hand over his one on your cheek, tangling your fingers together. You move your other hand to his chest, fingers splaying across his blue skin.
He doesn’t hesitate, just touches his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut. “I see you, my love.” Your eyes shut in relief at his words, and he takes the moment to press your lips together, conveying every word he ever wanted to say to you with his mouth as it moves against yours.
“She’s been in here for ages, bro — Oh.” You immediately tear away from each other, stuck like deers in headlights as every Sully offspring enters the room, all wearing similar expressions of shock.
Lo’ak raises his eyebrows, awkwardly clearing his throat. “Oh.” He finishes, chewing his lip to stop himself from laughing.
Kiri is the first to burst out into laughter, immediately joined by Lo’ak, and shortly followed by Tuk, who probably doesn’t even understand what she’s laughing about, but she does anyway.
You can’t help it, you smile the biggest you have in months, covering your face with your hands as you lean your back into Neteyam’s chest, knowing full well he was smiling and blushing too.
“You skxawng’s!” Neteyam yells through a fit of laughter.
Jake and Neytiri decide to join at this moment, and you wish the floor would swallow you whole.
“Who’s a skxawng and why?” Jake asks, looking around at you all, trying to find the answer.
Neytiri has a knowing look on her face. Just smirks as she makes her way over to you, taking the spot on the other side of you and pulling you into a hug, resting her chin on the top of your head.
The rest of the Sully’s follow, surrounding you and Neteyam, all connecting to you in some way, whether it was holding hands, heads on shoulders or legs touching, you were all connected, and finally, you felt whole again.
Sully’s stick together.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tags: @sopiasleeps @navs-bhat @cedeni-beanie
if you would like to be tagged in future posts, please let me know and i will make a tag list!
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aizawasnumberonefan · 11 months
here have this garbage brain rot i wrote because i’m lonely
not proofread, not really thought through, just bakugo cuddle hours
“What.” you reply, clearly annoyed. You sit up in bed and yawn, squinting at your phone to see who called you. “Denks, you know it’s like four in the morning and I have a midterm tomorrow right? What could possibly be so important that you’re risking my A in economics?”
Kaminari giggles over the line and you can practically see his flushed face, swaying and drunk at whatever party he’s at. “Well fuck you too.” He giggles and ends the call.
For a brief moment, you consider laying back down and going back to sleep before groaning and calling him back.
“Yeeeees?” Denki replies and you can hear the amused grin on his face as well as the booming music in the background.
“What, what do you need? A ride? Some food? Spit it out.” Normally you wouldn’t cop an attitude with him but considering the circumstances, you feel perfectly justified to as you slide out of bed to put on shoes.
“Kacchan got too drunk and Ei wanted me to call you cuz he said I’m a-“ you hear grappling before Kirishima’s voice speaks. “Sorry, he got away from me for a second. I was about to call you: Bakubro is drunk and needs a ride home. I would be able to give him one but I think Sparky is going to be a handful tonight.” He states, after which you hear an offended “heyyy!” from Denki in the back.
“Yeah of course, just send me the address and I’ll be there in five. But you owe me a coffee in the morning as a thank you before my midterm.”
You pull up in front of the house, hearing the music and the people from a block away. You spot Kirishima, Denki, and Bakugo standing on the lawn, the two latter using Kiri as support to stand. With Kirishima waving, Katsuki walks (stumbles) over to your car, leaning down to peer through the passenger side window.
“Hey princess.” He slurs with that signature smirk of his.
“Get in, dumbass.” You reach across the seat to push open the door and he stumbles before clumsily getting in.
The two of you had been in the same friend group for years, even before college, so you didn’t mind seeing him at his least inhibited and vice versa. The person you were a few years ago would be humiliated to be seen in pajamas with messy hair, literally fresh out of bed, but she had long since disappeared. The fact that you had a crush on Katsuki is old news. You’d told him your feelings and were rejected. It was rough for a while but you found your way back together as friends.
“Give me the aux.” Bakugo snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Absolutely not. Last time I let you pick music while you were drunk we listened to We Are The Champions by Queen on repeat for the rest of the night.”
“You suck.”
“You swallow.” You quip back with a smile.
Your friendship had become much closer than it had been before your confession, and part of you is grateful for that, but some deeply repressed part of your mind still dreams about life with him. All broad shoulders, tan skin, freckles along his pretty face and shoulders. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he was mistakenly sent to Earth instead of heaven. Fortunately, you know all the nuances that make him, him. How he gets smiley and cocky most while drunk, how he still gets the steps to the macarena mixed up, how he refuses to admit that he likes his hair messed with but gets goosebumps every time you play with it, and how he sprawls out while spending time with those he cares about so that he can be touching his friends as much as possible. His tall, muscular frame and semi-permanent scowl implies that he is a different person than who he is while with you and the group.
“Are we going home?” He asks, words slurring together.
“We aren’t going to the North Pole.”
“Can I stay at yours tonight? You always take good care of meee.” He says, playing with the air conditioning.
“You can if you don’t play with the AC.” You reply, smiling as you grab his hand to put it back in his lap.
After a battle to drag Katsuki up the stairs, he’s finally face down on your sofa. You grab your hangover kit for him for when he wakes up, but as you go to set it down on the coffee table, he grips your wrist.
“Wanna stay with you tonight. Pleeeeeeeease?” He asks, vermillion eyes peering up at you from under the mop of blond hair.
“With me?”
He rolls over onto his back, his cheeks still flushed and appearance still a little rumpled after the party. “Your bed is cozier.”
“Only if you promise not to puke.”
A drunken “mhm” is murmured as he gets up, swaying slightly as he makes his way to your bedroom.
You make sure he’s cleaned up and has taken the appropriate medicine to ease his pain in the morning before letting him climb into the other side of your bed.
“Comfy?” You ask from the bathroom, brushing your teeth in the mirror.
“Mmmmmm.” Katsuki utters, his face buried in your pillow. He moves his head to the side to see you as you make your way to the bed. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” You reply, sliding into bed, instinctually scooting into his arms as you had during shared naps so many times before.
“You’re pretty.” He mumbles into your hair.
You let out an abrupt laugh, caught off guard. “You’re drunk.” You know that you weren’t dolled up, that you’d rolled out of bed, literally, before seeing him.
“Nuh uh,” Katsuki insists, leaning up over you on one arm. “You’re pretty.”
“Kats, you’re drunk. Lay back down and let’s sleep off that hangover of yours, okay?”
Pouting, he lets himself back down and pulls you tight to him. He gets a flush to his cheeks when drunk, but thankfully that means that you can’t tell when he’s blushing from being around you as well.
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forzacharlie16 · 1 year
The Less I Know The Better
Tumblr media
pairing: Kiri Sully x fem!reader🌟🪷🫧
summary: Kiri can’t help but think of her best friend in ways she shouldn’t. She’s shouldered the burden long enough, but when she tries to confess, disaster strikes. Her plan fails horribly and now her life is ruined… all because of some stupid boy!
warnings: gay people😈 kiri being a simp but also so oblivious to reader, the sully family supporting their lesbian daughter!!! as they should, no homophobia this is a safe space, lo’ak being a meanie (not genuine), tuk being the no. 1 matchmaker in pandora, fluff, some angst that gets resolved almost immediately bc i’m impatient
word count: 4.9k (damn)
author’s note: don’t flame me if this is bad, this is my first tumblr fic😪 ALSO i named her alu but only bc i refuse to use y/n, so it’s still kiri x reader and not kiri x oc! [i know my first fic was supposed to be neteyam x fem oc but… kiri <3🤭🫀😍🫂👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻]
Kiri started the day by being kicked in the face by Tuk, they younger girl slamming her heel straight into her sister’s nose in an attempt to outrun the yerik (hexapede) chasing her in her dream. Of course, it bled- badly- meaning Tuk was left staring at Kiri’s hunched over spine in floods of tears as the older girl diligently mopped the red from her face, smothering the wound with a damp rag. Jake had sat by Tuk in an attempt to calm her tears, but even after Kiri had pronounced several times that she was genuinely fine, Tuk was still overcome by a tearful sequence of hiccups, ones that shook her small body entirely.
Lo’ak had teased Kiri for the blossoming bruise in the centre of her face, once beautiful blue skin now a discoloured and uneven purplish colour, calling her all sorts of names, mostly just variations of narvä’ (ugly). She had ignored him, instead making it her mission to trip him over so he would hit his face just as bad (which he did, but he blamed it on Kiri pushing him into a tree root rather than his painful lack of spatial awareness). Now with somewhat matching marks, both na’vi made their way towards Mo’at’s hut in order to get some salve for the bruising, something Kiri had unfortunately run out of a few days before, using the last of her stash to apply to a small mark on Tuk’s shin to stop the girl’s frown drooping right off her face.
The tsahik sensed the disturbance to her calm aura immediately, beads clicking together as she turned her head to observe the way they hovered by the entrance to the healer’s tent. She clicked her tongue, “Ack! Why is it always you two?”
Lo’ak just shrugged, moving to sit opposite the woman  with a sheepish smile, pointing to the thin cut on the bridge of his nose from the tree root. “Kiri’s fault. She almost killed me.”
“I did not!” Kiri refuted, smacking his shoulder as she folded her legs beneath her to sit beside him, tugging the woven shawl hanging over her shoulders closer. “He fell because he’s a skxawng (moron/idiot).”
“Liar,” Lo’ak hissed in English, sending her a fierce glare, to which she only responded by sticking out her tongue and humming childishly as Tuk would.  
Mo’at clucked her tongue again and they stopped, turning to face her. “And you,” she gestured to Kiri, “what happened?”
“Tuk was running from yerik in her dream, and I fell victim to her foot.”
Her grandmother smiled fondly, “She should be able to sleep by herself now.”
“She can,” Kiri grumbled, “she just likes to sleep near me. Which is fine but... I’m not a fan of her kicking habit.”
“She’s never kicked me,” Lo’ak shrugged boastfully.
“She has bit you though.”
His smug look dropped immediately, ears falling flat against his skull as he remembered the vicious bitemark on his bicep from his little sister. “Oh yeah.”
“Come closer, and don’t flinch,” Mo’at ordered, slathering a thick layer of a grey paste to her grandchildren’s noses, tail swishing in frustration as they flinched away from the smell and coldness.
“Bleugh, that’s worse than ikran shit,” Lo’ak cursed, shrieking lightly when Mo’at smacked the back of his head. “Ngaytxoa, ngaytxoa (sorry, sorry)! But it’s true!”
Kiri just shuddered, focusing intently on counting the beads in her hair instead of the godawful stench on the middle of her face. Sometimes knowing what was in the pastes was better, but this one was worse.
“Okay,” Mo’at stood quickly, shooing them towards the entrance, “leave now. I’m busy healing people who actually need help.” She gave them each a small pat on the cheek before shooing them out again more aggressively, the bangles and adornments on her arms rattling as she did.
“Irayo si (thank you),” Lo’ak shouted behind him, Kiri bowing her head, before they disappeared further into the village.  
“Eywa this shit is so gross,” Lo’ak mumbled quietly, leaning closer to Kiri’s ear as they navigated through the growing crowd of early morning hustle and bustle.
“It’ll fade away in a minute,” Kiri muttered, scratching at her upper lip with a slight grimace. It was like she could taste it!
“Yip! Kiri! Lo’ak! Matu (hey)!”
The two na’vi stopped still, turning round to follow the direction of the voice to see Alu rushing over, eyes still hazy with sleep.
“Kxi (hello),” Kiri smiled softly, feeling her face warm as her friend came closer.
It was obvious she was preparing to draw them into a hug, but both Sully’s stepped back awkwardly, shaking their heads. “Um… we have Mo’at’s bruise salve on,” Lo’ak explained quickly upon seeing her face fall slightly.
Immediately she wrinkled her nose, dropping her hands to her side. “Oh ew. What happened?”
Lo’ak shrugged, “I tripped into a root and Tuk kicked Kiri in her sleep, both smashed our noses though.”
“Wiya (damn)… ’ak (ouch). You should be more careful,” they started to continue walking and Kiri couldn’t help feeling upset by the way that Alu was solely addressing Lo’ak. “I swear Lo, it’s always you getting hurt from doing something dumb,” she laughed, her hand brushing his arm quickly. Kiri’s heart lurched. Lo? Gross.
Lo’ak just held his hands up, turning the attention to his sister who had started to sulk a few steps behind them. “It was her fault,” he huffed, “she tripped me!”
Kiri just rolled her eyes, watching a dazzling smile appear on Alu’s face. “You deserved it, you were making fun of me for my nose saying I looked gross, so I thought it was only just.”
Alu gasped, laughing as Lo’ak spluttered out insults, falling into step with Kiri and linking arms. She leaned closer, close enough for Kiri to feel the tickle of her hair against her cheek as she whispered, “Don’t tell him, but you should’ve broken his nose for that.”
Kiri’s ears twitched and Alu let out a quiet chuckle that she muffled beneath her palm. “You’re right,” Kiri mused, “next time.”
Lo’ak checked over his shoulder to see if the girls were even following him only to see Kiri’s bioluminescent freckles glowing more and more as Alu continued whispering to her in a faux hushed voice, occasionally giggling and dropping her forehead to rest against the woven shawl she wore. He grinned evilly at her and winked, ignoring the look of sheer panic on his sister’s face, and continued walking ahead, whistling as he went.
Eventually, Alu tore herself away from Kiri’s side with a small frown, dismissing herself from their company to go aid her siblings in their chores- chores that she had initially abandoned to run over to talk to them before getting distracted and following them on their walk. As soon as she was out of earshot, Lo’ak started making loud and obnoxious kissy noises, to which Kiri lunged at him, raising her fist to slam it against his chest. “Fnu (be quiet)!” she hissed, nose twitching as Lo’ak continued to tease her, the laughter bubbling out of him in a way that she found incredibly frustrating. “Lo’ak,” she groaned, tugging at her hair in desperation, yellow eyes big and wide like Tuk’s when she'd try to convince people to be nice to her when she’d been a menace. Lo’ak stopped teasing, coughing loudly in hopes it’d smother his remaining laughter and sent Kiri a shy half smile.
“Ngaytxoa (sorry),” he said, nudging her shoulder with his as they circled back to their family’s hut. “I was just joking.”
“I know,” Kiri muttered, taking a deep breath in, “it’s just… I really try not to make it obvious.”
Lo’ak pulled a face of sheer disbelief (one that he’d seen his father pull frequently as if forgetting people could see him) but immediately shook it off, knowing it’d only piss Kiri off. “In the nicest way possible… you’re shit at subtlety.”
“Kalweyaveng (son of a bitch),” she laughed, pushing one of her braids behind her ear.
“I’m being honest! Serious, swear it, on Eywa!”
“On Eywa?”
Lo’ak nodded, face as solemn as he could muster.
“Shit,” she breathed, scratching at her chin awkwardly.
“Shit indeed,” he echoed, “but don’t worry, ‘m fairly sure the family’s subtlety ran out after Neteyam.”
“True, sa’nok is only subtle half the time.”
“Yeah, and dad? Cannot keep it together for one moment, he’s an… what’s the phrase? A readable-“
“An open book?”
“Yeah! Yeah, he’s an open book.”
“Who’s an open book?” A deep voice questioned, causing both Lo’ak and Kiri to glance at each other nervously. They seemed to forget about their father’s ability to sneak up on people. Shit.
“Spider,” Lo’ak blurted. “He’s all like, blah blah blah, and all that shi… y’know?”
Jake tilted his head to the left, brows furrowing ever so slightly and Lo’ak winced. Shit, again.
“You’re up to something,” Jake concluded, folding his arms across his chest.
“Whaaat?” Kiri laughed, voice cracking slightly. She coughed. “No, I mean, no we’re not.”
“No sir, Kiri speaks nothing but the truth, Devil Dog sir. Umm Alpha Bravo Charl…” He lifted his hand to his brow in mock salute, elbow raised high.
Jake just rolled his eyes, tweaking Lo’ak’s twitching ear gently with a smug smile playing on his face- Kiri couldn’t help but marvel how similar Lo’ak looked to him when he pulled that face. “Get back inside, skxawngs,” he laughed, watching them practically run back to their hut, tails tucked between their legs.
Perhaps the Sully’s were notorious for their lack of subtlety, but everyone knew Kiri and Lo’ak were the worst at it.
By the time he got back to the hut, Kiri and Lo’ak were already squabbling again, this time over a piece of fruit, an argument Neytiri was refusing to acknowledge given her very obvious eye rolls and the fact that she was faced away from them with Tuk tugging at her hair.
Jake whistled sharply, watching Kiri and Lo’ak’s face fall blank, eyes wide and mouths agape. He grinned again, laughing at their dumbstruck faces, and Neteyam chuckled into his own fruit.
“Skxawngs,” he hummed fondly, stroking his wife’s cheek absentmindedly before attacking Tuk with tickles. “Rutxe (please) Tuk, ‘ak (ouch),” he cried dramatically once she had gotten a fierce hold on the roots of hishair and started tugging relentlessly, small legs kicking wildly.
“Ngaytxoa sempul (sorry dad),” she giggled, letting go only for him to sweep her up in his arms again, swinging her round. “Ahhh! Ftang, ftang (stop, stop)!”
Jake grinned, slowly yielding, and placing her back on the ground, where she immediately ran to curl up in Neytiri’s arms for safety. “Alright, ‘evi (kid), go hide like always. I’ll getcha again.”
“Ma’Jake,” Neytiri hummed, smoothing her palm over Tuk’s kuru gently, watching her mate hold his hands up in surrender before sitting down nearer to his teenagers.
“Kiri… Lo’ak, what happened to your face, ‘evan (boy)?”
Lo’ak looked up from the thread he was messing with, eyes wide and panicked, quickly swallowing his mouthful before prearing to launch into a great tale of dramatics. Kiri noticed this and beat him to it: “He fell into a tree root.”
Lo’ak kicked her. “Nuh uh! She,” he pointed at Kiri, the tip of his finger poking her cheek, “pushed me over and I fell. I was violently attacked!”
“That’s not true!” She squawked, staring up at Jake as innocently as she could.
“Does sound like you Kiri,” Neteyam added, wincing at the death glare she sent his way.
Lo’ak laughed slightly at the way Neteyam balked and Kiri’s glare flicked over to him, somehow more furious than when she looked at Neteyam. It was an uncomfortable heat swirling in her eyes, and it was making him itch, even when she cast her eyes to the floor. “She did push me,” he started again, more desperately than before, anxious to escape Kiri’s rage. “She told Alu she did!”
That did it.
Kiri slowly turned to face Lo’ak again, face frozen in pure shock. He recovered quickly and grinned cheekily whilst meeting his dad’s eye.
“Lo’ak…” she whispered painfully, almost choking on the word.
“You told Alu, hey? Hmm. She’s nice,” Jake smiled knowingly, looking just like Lo’ak once again. Kiri visibly deflated.
“I was kidding,” Kiri spat, crossing her arms, and sulking.
“Ah, ah, ah, don’t close up babygirl,” Jake sang, tapping her cheek playfully, watching in delight as she yelped and then glared at him.
“Bah!” She exclaimed, smacking his hand away and snarling quietly. “Ftang (stop)! It’s not funny.”
“Ma’Kiri,” Neytiri started, her voice as smooth as the stones adorning her braids, “tell us what’s wrong.”
“I’m fine.”
Neytiri clucked her tongue, lifting Tuk from her lap to move closer to the others, her youngest now wrapping herself around her sister’s slouched figure.
“No Tuk,” Kiri whined, pushing her away.
Tuk pouted- all big eyed and sad- moving to cuddle up to Lo’ak instead, close enough to be able to rest her feet in Kiri’s lap.
Jake reached out tentatively to stroke her cheek, leaning closer to try and meet her watery gaze. “Ma’itetsyìp (little daughter)… I- we were…”
“Plltxe (speak),” Kiri snapped, hesitantly meeting his eye.
“Why are you embarrassed about us talking about Alu?”
Her face crumpled and she began to sob, burying her face in her hands as she wailed. Lo’ak patted Tuk’s hair comfortingly to keep her from crying, meeting Jake’s eye and nodding in confirmation of what the man already assumed. Neytiri had moved quicker than anyone could comprehend to pull her daughter into a hug, smoothing down her hair and shushing her tears. “Mawey ma’ite (be calm, my daughter). You’re okay, you’re okay.”
��How’d’ya feel now?” Jake asked once her sobs had ceased, tapping unintelligible rhythms against her ankle bone.
“Nawm (great),” Kiri sniffed, wiping at her eyes aggressively. “Ngaytxoa, I didn’t mean to…”
“Do not apologise,” Neytiri interrupted fiercely, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Now, rutxe (please), tell us what’s wrong.”
She froze, unblinking. She didn’t want to. Unconsciously, her eyes drifted over to Lo’ak, all teary and panicked, and he smiled at her gently, as if encouraging the words to roll off her tongue. She went to shake her head but was still, paralysed with fear.
“Kiri,” Lo’ak whispered softly, as gentle as the breeze, “it’s okay.” He nodded once more, this time more confidently than before. Tell them. Tell them. Tell them.  Kem astìtewnga’ si tute astew (a brave person does brave deeds).
She nodded back- barely visible, but Lo’ak knew, a bright smile tugging at his mouth as he watched his sister shuffle in place awkwardly before rolling her shoulders back and straightening up to face her parents properly.
“I like Alu.”
Jake nodded. “Yeahhh…”
Kiri’s dark brows furrowed, looking as perplexed as Jake had when he first started learning na’vi traditions. “That- that’s it. I like Alu.”
“So do I,” Neytiri smiled, “she’s lovely-”
“No.” Kiri shook her head, her hands trembling in her lap. “No, I like her, like like like her.”
“Yes, we- uh- we thought you might’ve felt like that,” Jake spluttered nervously, scratching his head. “Sorry. I know that’s probably not what you wanted us to say.”
Kiri teared up.
“You’re not the most subtle at the best of times, ma’ite,” Neytiri hummed, stroking Kiri’s hair, “especially not when you’re in love.”
Unsubtle. Was it really that obvious? She glanced over to Lo’ak and he shrugged as if reading her mind and she thought back to earlier that day where he had said the exact same thing. Oh Eywa…
“Kiri’s in love?” Tuk questioned Lo’ak, intending to be quieter but still unable to monitor her volume properly.
“Yes, tsmuketsyìp (little sister),” Neteyam laughed softly, sending Kiri a huge grin.
“Kezemplltxe (of course),” Lo’ak whispered in her ear, pinching her waist playfully, dodging her wriggling limbs.
Unable to fight it, Kiri’s face split in half with the biggest and brightest smile they’d seen on her, practically glowing as they all huddled together to smother her in hugs and kisses, Tuk weaselling her way closer to chew at her shawl affectionately.
“Bah, Tuk stop wriggling! ‘Ak (ouch)! She bit me!” Lo’ak screeched.
“Tuktiery,” Jake said in a low voice.
“Ngaytxoa, sempul,” she responded immediately, kicking Lo’ak purposefully one more time before settling down.
“Sooo…” Neteyam started, “when are you going to tell her?”
Kiri froze. Shit. “Umm, I’m- I’m not.”
Neytiri drew back, a frown marring her pretty face. “No, you have to say something.”
“Fiiinneee,” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut to avoid her mother’s expecting stare.
“Yay!” Tuk cheered. “Ooooh! Do it now, do it now, do it now! If you don’t, I’ll bite you.”
“Yeah, do it now or you’ll never say anything, and we’ll have to suffer through you complaining about it all day,” Lo’ak jibed, sending her a genuine smile to show he was just kidding.
“Okay, okay, okay!” She cried, standing up on shaky legs.
“Go!” Jake laughed, ushering her away. “Quickly!”
Kiri sent them a big smile, nodding reassuringly before turning on her heel and rushing off, the twine shawl flying out behind her. Jake grinned as he watched her go, heart aching at how grown up she was now, turning to sit next to Neytiri who was beaming equally as bright with her hand on her mouth.
Kiri’s head span as she raced through the village. She was never one for physical activity, much preferring to limit it to chasing after Tuk and Lo’ak when going on adventures, finding it more enjoyable to stay hunched over in Mo’at’s company in the healing tent, mashing leaves and making salves. Now she realised just how unfit she’d become from that habitual behaviour, and Eywa, she regretted it. But soon enough, she reached an extremely familiar tent: Alu’s.
But before she could even think of something to say, a lilting voice caught her attention a few meters away.
Kiri knows eavesdropping is bad, it’s something that her parents had constantly chided them all on (given how nosy they were and also due to the sensitivity of the information discussed between the Olo’eyktan and Tsakarem), and she was very nearly about to turn her attention back to the hut until she heard a laugh. A very girly laugh. The same one echoing in her brain from earlier that morning- Alu’s. Her feet betrayed her, and she found herself sneaking closer and closer until she could understand all of the words that were being shared in hushed whispers.
“Not here!” Alu had said lightly, although Kiri knew she was probably smiling whilst saying it, the words whispering past her fangs.
“You said the forest was too far away,” the other voice- a male voice- responded teasingly. Kiri’s brow furrowed deeply. Alu never really talked to boys… did she?
“Ma’Rasi, I said that because you are too impatient to wait all that way. It has nothing to do with me, nor my restraint.”
Oh. Kiri’s heart sank. Her feet stumbled backwards, and she ran away quicker than she had ran there. But she was so desperate to escape the situation she failed to stay quiet, the sound of her rushing away disrupting the quiet atmosphere Alu and Rasi stood in. Alu poked her head out from behind the cloth her sa’nok had hung out to dry over a branch that she and Rasi hid behind.
“Rasi,” she whispered, voice strained, “I think someone heard us.”
The boy inhaled deeply and ran after the person who’d been eavesdropping, hearing Alu race after him a few seconds later, panic ebbing through his veins.
Minutes later, Kiri appeared near her home and collapsed in exhaustion several meters outside the hut on the nearest patch of grass and soil, curled up on the floor and sobbing deeply. Shit. Of course, this happened. Of fucking course! She should’ve just stayed home and let Tuk chew away at her flesh until all that was left was a pile of bones and her twine shawl (but knowing Tuk, she’d gnaw her way through that too, she had already developed a bad habit of eating hair beads). She didn’t know why she’d never considered the possibility that her extremely beautiful best friend was involved in a courtship, she never even considered if Alu even liked girls in the same way!
All the running had knocked the breath from her lungs, leaving her lying on the ground dizzy and struggling to breath. She prayed silently to Eywa, mostly unintelligible strands of sentences that made no sense but seemed to be the only words she could muster. Oel ngati kameie Great Mother, she thought somewhat bitterly as she felt her heart thump heard enough against her rib cage she was confident it would burst straight through the brittle bone. Her tears had ceased, mainly because of her exhaustion, and were now drying on her face over her still glowing freckles. She could feel the soil against her cheek but couldn’t find it within herself to go anywhere else, so stayed on the soft soil of the forest near her home.
Kiri was so tired that she couldn’t hear the thundering of footfalls against the ground, sending vibrations through the soil she lay in. Didn’t hear the distinct shout of Alu’s gentle voice. Didn't hear either of these things getting closer and closer and-
“Wiya (damn),” a masculine voice huffed sharply from above her. Rasi. He sucked in a deep breath, staring down at Kiri’s unmoving frame and laughed painfully. “You’re a great runner, Kiri te Suli Kìreysì’ite. Could outrun anything out there if I could run that fast.”
“Kä (go),” Kiri groaned lowly, still facing the soil. She didn’t want to hear him gloat about how he successfully wooed Alu’s heart or whatever else he wanted to say to kick her when she was down.
“Ma’paysyul (waterlily), what are you doing down there?”
Her hands clenched at Alu’s lovely voice. This was going to hurt.
“We heard you.”
“Heard me when? I'm afraid I don’t know what you mean.” She answered coldly.
“Pxiswawam (just a moment ago),” Rasi said dryly.
“Hmm, must’ve been someone else-” Kiri started, pushing herself up with the intention of rushing back to her hut and hiding away forever.
“You think me a skxawng, Kiri?” Alu teased, moving to sit next to her friend, playing with a half-braided red and green bracelet.
“No…” she whispered, drawing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin atop them, ignoring the soil that clung to her blue limbs.
“Then don’t treat me like one. You ran, why?”
Kiri shrugged. “I heard something that was not meant for me to hear.” She couldn’t help how bitter the words sounded. “So, I left.”
“You ran,” Rasi corrected, nose twitching as she met his eyes with a fearsome stare.
“Call it what you’d like, Rasi,” she said cruelly, “running, leaving, whatever.”
Alu blinked slowly, looking up at Rasi who nodded to her quickly.
“Kiri… what did you hear?”
“You and Rasi… Why didn’t you tell me?”
Alu’s face fell quickly. “Tell you what?” Her voice was squeaky now, shaking.
“That you and Rasi…” Kiri grit her teeth and gestured around with her hand, “y’know, that you’re courting or whatever it is that yo-”
She was interrupted by a bellowing laugh from Rasi, the na’vi doubling over at her obvious jealousy. “Courting? Me? With her? Oh, for Eywa’s sake, you’re both as kakrel (blind) as each other!”
At his outburst, Alu’s face flushed darker, her ears twitching as her tail anxiously began to swish behind her.
(Unbeknownst to the trio, the Sully’s were able to hear every word and were currently breaking the Olo’eytkan’s most sacred rule: no eavesdropping. They hunched together by the opening to their hut with their ears pressed against the canvas, whispering to each other in shock.
“Oh no,” Neteyam sighed, “Alu’s with Rasi? I could’ve sworn he was with-”
“Foai? Yeah, he is,” Jake finished, “I gave him the Olo’eyktan’s blessing a few weeks ago. He’s not courting Alu.”
Lo’ak gasped, “Which means Kiri’s just a jealous freak!”
Tuk giggled quietly, hand over her mouth like Neytiri had told her once Rasi and Alu had stopped just a few metres away.
“She calls me a skxawng but she manages to cock this up,” Lo’ak murmured to Neteyam, causing the older boy to snort loudly, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth to muffle the noise.)
 Kiri trailed her gaze over to her hut quickly, tail swishing as she fought the urge to run away again. Alu noticed this and stopped her by grabbing her wrist tightly, tugging her closer. Unfortunately, her strength was misjudged, and she sent Kiri sprawling into her lap.
“Eek!” She squeaked anxiously. “Ngaytxoa! Ngaytxoa, I only meant to…”
“It’s okay,” Kiri breathed, blinking quickly, "it's okay."
Of course it is, Rasi thought to himself, rolling his eyes and flexing his hands. His lip quirked upwards as he slowly started to slink away, dropping a second threaded bracelet by their feet before moving away quicker, occupying himself by drawing shapes into the grass.
Kiri smiled softly, unsure of how to act. Neither girl had gone to put more distance between them, but neither knew how to function with this little distance between them, instead they both sat staring at each other nervously.
Alu acted first, moving her right hand to cup Kiri’s cheek, careful to avoid the bruise on her nose. Kiri’s tail swished wildly. Alu always knew that Kiri had more ‘demon-like’ features but had never found any issue with them. In fact, right now she thought they were the most beautiful thing Eywa could’ve gifted to any na’vi: they were so enchanting and unique, not even Jake and Lo'ak had the same feautures as Kiri. “Nalor (beautiful),” she whispered, mouth barely moving.
Kiri found herself leaning closer, eyes focused on the specific umber yellow shade of Alu’s irises, noticing all the golden flecks that were dotted throughout. She stared at the smattering of glowing freckles across her face- far more than anyone in Kiri’s family had- and the small scar across her cheekbone from where her brother had accidentally sliced her with a knife when practicing his hunting techniques with her. Her mouth was slightly open, purple lips offset by her glistening white fangs and once Kiri looked down at them, she couldn’t move her gaze from them.
“I’m not courting Rasi, Kiri,” Alu said sweetly, nose twitching as Kiri’s tail brushed against her leg accidentally. “I wouldn’t do that to Foai, his actual mate.”
Kiri’s eyes widened and her ears pinned to her skull. “Oh-”
“Skxawng.” Alu lifted her hands to brush against Kiri’s forearms, fingers trailing over the twine adorning her shoulders. She tilted her head to the left ever so slightly, gazing at Kiri out of more narrowed eyes. “I wouldn’t you that to you either.”
“Um… what- what do you mean?” Kiri spluttered, eyes darting anywhere by Alu’s pretty face.
The other na’vi grinned, mouth widening into a smirk as she huffed out a gentle laugh at Kiri’s obliviousness. Her hand moved to her neck, thumbs brushing against her jaw to move her head to face her again. “Don’t act all shy now, you were so eager to eavesdrop earlier and now when I’m trying to tell you to your face, you’re searching for an escape route!”
“I- I’m not-” Kiri said quickly.
If possible, Alu’s smile brightened even more at Kiri’s words. “I know, I know. I’m just teasing, ma’yawnetu (beloved).”
(“Alu’s got moves!” Lo’ak beamed, “this is amazing.”
“Ma’yawnetu? Oh Eywa, Kiri’s all grown up. Ma’Jake, ma’ite’s all grown up.”
“Shhh mama, I can’t hear over your crying!”)
“Ma’yawnetu?” Kiri stuttered, blinking dumbly.
“Kiri… how many times did Toruk Makto drop you as a babe?”
Kiri’s face screwed up in confusion- “Uhm, he didn’t.”
“Are you sure? You seem a bit slower up there than usual,” she grinned, tapping her index finger against the girl’s temple lovingly, biting her lip to smother her laughter at Kiri’s offended stare.
“You’re being mean,” Kiri laughed quietly, finally looping her arms around Alu’s shoulders.
Alu grinned wickedly, left eye dropping into a wink. “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, ma’tìyawne (my love). I can kiss you better if that’d help. After all, can’t have the Olo’eyktan after my head for upsetting his 'babygirl', can I?”
Kiri’s face flushed warmer than it’d ever been, and she just stared silently, mouth agape in pure shock. She couldn’t even function when Alu whispered to her earlier that day, how was she supposed to function when she said stuff like that to her?
“Kiri, can I-”
“You didn’t know what I was going to say,” Alu rolled her eyes with a slight chuckle.
Alu pinched her waist quickly. “Let me do this properly, ma’Kiri. So impatient,” she teased amusedly.
“Please just say what you need to, I might faint otherwise.”
“Oh well we can’t have that can we?” Alu moved her face even closer, her nose barely bumping into Kiri’s- which no longer smelt like Mo’at’s bruise salve (thankfully). “Nga yawne lu oer (you are beloved to me/I love you). Can I kiss you, ma’Kiri? Rutxe (please).”
Kiri nodded, letting Alu press her lips against hers.
Sometimes being related to such skxawngs like Lo’ak and evil critters like Tuk isn’t the worst fate Eywa has bestowed upon her. And now, now that she knows how much Alu loves her and knows how fucking obvious they’ve been for the past however long whilst trying to hide the signs of teenage love, Kiri is glad she was convinced to confess by her family, glad that she was possibly the most unsubtle person in the clan, and glad that she eavesdropped.
“You know,” Alu whispered, “Rasi was helping me prepare courting gifts for you.”
Kiri beamed, “Really?”
“Yes, that’s why I didn’t want you to know I’ve been hanging out with him. The less you knew the better.”  
“I’m glad I know now,” Kiri admitted, trailing her middle finger along the length of Alu’s nose.
“I’m glad you know now too, oer oare (my moon). I guess it’s for the best, hmm?”
hope u enjoyed <3 lmk in the comments :)
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can you do something with deku, baku, and kiri in a situation where they’re trapped under rubble with their crush, but they’re in kinda an close, awkward position, so the guys have to lay on the reader’s chest until help arrives?? idk i just thought this could be cute, maybe you could make the reader slightly injured, but again it’s a confined space, so neither of them can actually move to properly treat the injury, so the guys really feel bad about just laying on their chest being useless while their crush is in pain 👀
(A/n: *long, loving scream* sorry this took so long)
 Need Some Help?
anime: My hero Academia
Style: Headcannons 
genre: fluff
Warnings: Natural Disasters, mentions of blood, being trapped, injuries
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All Mights secret love child (Deku)
AHAh I think you broke him... 
You and him were fighting a villain and one thing led to another and here you were 
This was such a weird position for him
He didn’t want to seem like a perv but your chest was so soft- like a pillow 
I swear he was on cloud9 
he nuzzled into your chest like a puppy 
When he noticed you were injured he was so scared 
Even though you assured him it was nothing he was scared you were going to bleed to death in the time it would take for help to get to you
he was a full blushing mess when the teachers finally got you both out of there 
he refused to let anyone carry you to the infirmary and instead took you himself 
there when you woke up he confessed his feelings to you
“Hang in there y/n I’m sure All Might or another pro will be here soon,” (deku)
“Deku it’s just a cut-” (you)
“YoU’lL Be FiNe!! I wOnT lEt yOu DiE,”  (deku)
“O-ok whatever you say” you said ruffling his hair (you
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RIP toothbrush (Kirishima) 
Oh no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening 
Laying on somebody’s chest when there injured AND without their permission 
This wasn’t manly at all. 
there was a large boulder on his back pushing him into you 
he activated his quirk only on his backside so as not to hurt you 
He tried to get up, the rock was so heavy he could barely lift it off two feet from the ground
When he did he looked down at you and when he did he saw a huge cut on your stomach 
He realized he was stopping the bleeding by laying on you- putting pressure on the wound 
he CAREFULLY activated his quirk again, lied down and let the bolder rest on his back because there was no way he could pick it up fully by himself
He kept telling you that it was going to be ok and whispering sweet and kind words to you 
In between these soft praises, he yelled for help   
When the Pros got there he wasn’t concerned about his injuries at all- he only cared that you were safe 
He spent all weekend with you in the infirmary either laying on your chest or just talking to you 
“It’s ok beautiful -sniffle- you’re so strong! so pretty. They’ll be here soon, I promise,” (Kirishima)
“T-thank you kiri-” (you)
“Don’t talk, you need to keep as much air in your lungs as possible. HELP SOMEBODY!! PLEASE!!” (Kirishima)
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Regina George​ (Bakugo) 
he’d be ranting 
probably be ranting about how much he didn’t want to be here
But he’d have this realization halfway through his rant 
 Holy shit- im laying on their chest
After that he’d start bragging about how many fights he’s won and how he’s so much stronger then Deku 
Then he saw it
You had cuts around your arms and bruises all over 
He’d make it his mission to get you both out of there 
Thankfully he had gotten so nervous just by laying on your chest he was sweating ten times more then normal 
He blew up the rocks and shit around you both and rushed you to Recovery Girl
He didn’t need to wait around for the Pros, tch. he was better then all of them anyways. Besides you were hurt- nothing else mattered to him 
“I roasted that damn nerd, like an overgrown broccoli and I-” (bakugo)
He looks at your arms. “Are you hurt?” (Bakugo) 
“Yeah, but it’s fine. What were you saying I wanna hear the rest,” (you)
“N-NO we have to get you to Recovery Girl. I can tell you the rest of it later,” (Bakugo)
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getouswh0re · 3 years
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pairing: kirishima eijirou x reader
genre: yandere, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, peer pressure, blackmailing, mentions of school bullying, power play
synopsis: all you want is a peaceful languid life free of trouble, yet everything spirals downhill when a certain redhead wanders into your life out of nowhere. Worst of all, he isn’t planning to leave you for good.
“What is it that you want to ask me, Kirishima?” The spiky redhead sucks in a deep breath, feeling the rhythmic thrumming of his heart rising to a crescendo as he shoots a nervous glance at a nearby bush where his squad is hiding. It is going to be alright, he reminds himself. You have practiced the confession with Sero and Kaminari over and over again, all that’s left is for you to say the exact words in front of y/n again!
“I ... I know we have only been friends for a short while y/n, but I really like you! And I was thinking if there would be a chance for the two of us to try things out. Please ... please be my girlfriend! I promise I’ll make you the happiest person on the entire planet!”
For a while, silence dominates the air, leaving you shell-shocked and an extremely flustered Kirishima who turns his head away, refusing to stare at you in the eye. He cognises that this confession must’ve given you quite a bit of shock, yet he is willing to wait for you to reciprocate his feelings no matter how long it takes. Squeezing his eyes shut as he clasps his palms together, the redhead feels like he is waiting for your reply — akin to an answer from the heavens. Not until you open your mouth and what seems like an iridescent future for him has reduced to dust.
“I’m sorry Kiri ... I like you too, but I don’t think of you romantically.”
It takes you forever to muster up the courage you need to politely reject the bubbly redhead; and in all honesty, you can already feel your conscience berating you for doing so. Admittedly, Kirishima is a wonderful guy — with a bright personality, amazing quirk that would guarantee him a promising future in the hero industry. You, on the other hand, have a somewhat decent quirk as well; yet despite everyone around gushing about how great it would be for you to become a hero, your resolve towards being one isn’t as strong as your fellow classmates in UA. And you don’t want your thoughts to affect the other students in striving towards their ultimate goal. 
Including Kirishima Eijirou.
“... why?” Pangs of guilt shoot through your heart when you hears the redhead choking back sobs. “Why can’t we give one another a chance to work things out? Am ... am I not good enough? Did I annoy you? Or do you hate my hair? I — I can dye it whatever colour you want! Just to make you happy ...” 
“It’s not like that Kiri.” You place a hand on his hunched shoulders, attempting to cheer up his dejected spirit. 
“You are not annoying, nor did your behaviour put me off. You are a really nice guy to be honest, and you deserve a lot more. I’m not like you or the others ... I just want to live a normal life, and I don’t want my mentality of not being a hero to affect the rest of you who work so hard to reach for the stars. Plus, I’m sure you’ll meet a lot more amazing people like you out there once you become a professional hero ... and perhaps, you’ll find someone more deserving of your kindness and love. I wish for your happiness Kiri ... may you have the best of things coming your way in life.” 
With that, you spill out apologies one after the other, leaving the heartbroken hero-in-training behind. 
Never would you have imagined that the act of turning down Kirishima’s confession eventually bites back at you like karma. 
Soon after the incident happens, words about how you reject the redhead has spread its way around the school like wildfire. Within the span of a day, you’ve become the number one gossip of the campus; wherever you go, dozens of eyes would trail after you as if they are lurking predators and you being the prey.
Many shoot you harsh dirty looks, raising their voices every time you saunter through the corridor about what an ungrateful, insolent bitch you are to break poor Kirishima’s heart into shambles. 
Insults are thrown your way, slips of paper filled with harsh messages flood your locker; and once in a while, some students would purposely stand in your way, intentionally bumping their shoulders into yours and shoving you out of the way. Even your own classmates from class A whom you’ve gone through thick and thin with side with the disconsolate male, muttering about how all of this would’ve been avoidable if you’d simply said ‘yes’. 
School has become an absolute nightmare for you for the next couple of weeks; and to make matters worse, the school authority doesn’t do much to alleviate the situation, merely giving verbal warnings about how bullying on school grounds is unacceptable before moving on with settling their own matters. You’ve tried to ignore everything that happens in school, you really did. Yet with the weight of it all come crushing down upon your shoulders, you eventually find yourself teetering on the brink of suffering from a mental breakdown. 
For countless nights you would cry yourself to sleep, burying yourself beneath layers of blankets in order to forget about the pain. Still, it does nothing to alleviate your suffering and you wake up to find the dark circles under your eyes growing bigger with each passing day. The vicious cycle continues, with you trapped in the centre of it. Perhaps this is your punishment after all — your consequence for hurting a fellow classmate who is loved by everyone. 
And maybe it’s about time you fix your mistakes before it is too late. 
“Kiri ...” You bow deeply as an apology at the surprised redhead when you manage to drag him out of the classroom during break time under the prying eyes of everyone poking their heads out from the corridor, brushing aside the mean comments reverberating in the air. 
“I’ve been thinking about it ... and I realise I’m wrong. Maybe I was too quick to jump to conclusions, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give things a try. I’m ... I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, and yes. Let’s give this relationship a try, shall we?” 
Oddly enough, the bullying vanishes into thin air once words are spread around the school that the two of you are dating. 
Being in a relationship with the boisterous redhead isn’t as bad as you had imagined, but you wish there is something you could do to get yourself out of this mess. Kirishima isn’t a terrible lover at all; he has been nothing but loving, kind and openly affectionate with you at all times. You would’ve regarded him as the perfect partner for life — if not the fact that he pries a bit too much about your personal space and social circle, making you utterly uncomfortable. 
You totally understand his intentions, albeit thinking that it would’ve been better if he knows not to cross certain boundaries. Regardless, every time you try to bring the subject up, Kirishima would invariably find a way to divert the topic of discussion. Still, you need to make sure he understands the message; and so comes a certain night, when you decide to sit down and settle matters with your boyfriend. 
“Eijirou, we ... we need to talk.” 
“What do you want to talk about babe?” 
“I ... I think I need a break — for this relationship I mean.” Hearing that, the redhead’s smile falters. 
“Why? I ... I thought everything was going perfectly! You’re happy, I’m happy. Isn’t that good enough for you?” 
With tears squeezed forth from the pro hero’s waterline, he lunges forth to grab at your arms, nails digging a bit deeper into your skin than a normal lover should. Despite wincing at the pain, you shift your gaze away from your crying boyfriend, reminding yourself of the inordinate number of occurrences that Kirishima has guilt-tripped you into pushing your boundaries. Seeing the unfazed expression on your face only makes chagrin seethe in the redhead’s chest even more. You love him just as much as he loves you, right? Why would you go to such lengths to destroy everything? Why would you risk all that there is to tear yourself away from his life? 
“Tell me babe ...” The rawness laced in his voice is more than evident to drive your frozen heart on the verge of breaking, his unanswered pleas coming out as a broken record. “Do you hate me that much ... that you want to leave?” 
Taking your silent nodding as a yes, Kirishima’s chest aches more than ever. Being a professional hero is never easy; the weight upon his shoulders increases excruciatingly as he steadily climbs up the ranks. Together with shouldering the guilt of the lives he once failed to save, the suffocation is immense. You are his elixir, his solace every time he returns home battered and utterly drained day after day of repetitive villain fighting. Your presence is all that it takes to save him, and he has become a hero — your hero. He has dedicated his all to protect the city.
So why couldn’t you just do the same for the sake of his sanity? 
“... I understand.” Pulling himself out of his pensive mindset, the redhead finally compromises. “But I have one last request: there would be a hero gala this Friday, and all I want is for the two of us to go as a couple for one last time before this relationship ends. Would ... would that be fine with you?” 
You agree without hesitation, relief surging through you as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Your wishes have finally been answered, and freedom is just within arm’s reach. 
Or so you thought. 
You hate him for putting you in the limelight. 
Still, you are to blame as well. Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so gullible in the first place, believing that Kirishima Eijirou is a man of his world. 
Staring at yourself in the mirror, a wry grin adorns your face as a team of makeup artists and hair stylists prepares you for the grand wedding, gushing about how lucky you are to charm your way into the chivalrous redhead’s heart and the privilege for you to be his one and only blushing bride (except that all of this is out of your own will — more like enforced onto you). Despite being dressed in the most elegant wedding gown you’ve ever seen and having your features accentuated with powdery makeup, you don’t feel elated to the slightest. Most girls would be thrilled on their wedding days, yet you couldn’t even bring yourself to smile. 
If you had unveiled Kirishima’s lies, would all of these happen in the first place? 
“Everyone ... there is something I would like to announce.” Having said that, the hero gives your hand a gentle squeeze whilst the two of you walk onto the podium situated at the centre of the banquet hall where the gala is held. Thinking that the redhead is about to reveal the breakup to the others, you don’t have much on your mind at that particular moment — that is. 
Not until the entire outcome of the jamboree changes completely when Kirishima gets to his knees without warning and pulls out a shimmering diamond ring before you even get to scream at him about what the fuck is going on. 
“y/n ...” Deceptively adoring eyes that make your stomach churn bore into the depths of your betrayed ones as the redhead shamelessly plays his trickster part well, ignoring your hushed protests while he pulls off an elaborate performance in front of the party guests, his sinister intentions masked beneath the innocent smile and corny confession of love. 
“For as long as I could remember, we have been with each other through highs and lows. You are everything to me and I wish I could cherish this bond for a lifetime ... would you make me the happiest man on earth — and marry me?” 
That son of a bitch —
Following that, claps and cheers resonate in the expanse of the arena, overshadowing the choked sobs ripped from none other than your throat. You should’ve expected this, for a lovesick bastard like Kirishima to resort to such abject measures when he runs out of options to make you stay by his side, forcing you to accept his proposal under the pressure of the gathering crowd. 
You hate him.
You despise him more than anyone else. That said, it isn’t like you have a choice to get yourself out of this predicament; and with a heavy heart, you could only follow along the scripted play, feigning tears of joy as you reluctantly mumble your response. A cheeky smile stretches across your fiancé’s face as he does what every engaged couple would do: slipping the ring onto your finger and showering you with kisses whilst surrounded by incessant blessings of fellow pro heroes and friends alike. 
“You look stunning today, love.” Catching a glimpse of slicked vermilion hair, you cannot think of an alternative response other than flashing the grinning groom a prominent scowl. “Now don’t give me a face like that. It’s our wedding day, we should be happy right —”
“Cut the bullshit.” You spit with raging fury, tears rolling down your face as you back away from your husband-to-be. “You’ve ruined my happiness and my future, yet you have the audacity to act like this? To be all smiles in front of me? I never want to be with you in the first place Kirishima Eijirou! Hell — I never want to date you!” 
Your words pierce his throbbing heart, but the redhead can’t care less. Taking a step closer at a time, he easily towers over you; tenderly caressing your stained cheeks, Kirishima gives his final warning. 
“Love, it’s my word over yours. Who do you think people would believe? An up-and-rising pro hero, or a civilian like you? Also, even if you manage to leave me, how long do you think you can sustain your own living out there? I wonder if anyone would hire you ... if I told them every bit of info I have on you —“
Pupil-blown and legs shaking, you fall limply beneath his intense stare. 
“You ... you wouldn’t dare!” 
“Oh yes I would.” Pressing a kiss to your forehead, Kirishima saunters out of the door. “Now ask your stylists to touch up on your makeup, wouldn’t want to look like a crying mess on your special day. Would you?” 
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Heartless (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) vs (Kirishima x Fem!Reader)
A/n: If you have any ideas for me, please dont be shy and message me! I will gladly write for you. Please make sure to check it out Spices and Love HERE!
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You were sitting in your room, with red puffy eyes and messy hair. Your clean and cute room was now a mess. When you were about to wash your face you got a notification, sighing you made your way towards the phone, it was a message from Kirishima. Kirishima tried to reach you for hours but you left him on read, you didnt wanted to see anyone at the moment. Then you heard a knock on your door and sighed “I wanna be alone.” Your voice cracked at the end and your face turned into a scowl. *Ugh, i feel sick.* then you heard the knock again and slapped your forehead “What do you-” Your words died in your throat and you saw a familiar brunette. It was her, the one who ruined everything, the one who told you that she was your best friend then stabbed you on the back. You tried to slam the door shut but she immediately pushed it back “Y/n, please listen!” You felt the anger rising, when you were angry you were way too scary, sometimes even Bakugou looked soft compared to you. “Leave, now!” You screamed and tried to close the door then you heard a 3rd voice “Uraraka-san, stop it!” It was Momo, she was your everything. You gave a sigh of relief and continued to push the door, then Momo grabbed Uraraka’s arm and tried to yank her back without hurting her. “Wait, i need to talk to her!” She tried to reach towards the door but Momo tightened her hold on Uraraka’s arm and replied “She needs some time right now, dont push things.” Uraraka sighed and left. Momo’s room was next to yours so it made her hear every single thing that happened around you. When Uraraka’s figure dissapeared she immediately knocked on your door “Y/n-chan, its me.” She waited and the door slowly opened “Momo-chan...” Your eyes started to water and she pulled you into a hug. “Lets go inside” she smiled and holded your hand. When she saw your room her mouth was on the floor, you were a clean and organised person but now the tissues, and the glass of the broken lamp was everywhere. “Y/n-chan you cant walk around, you can cut your toes!” She called Mina and Jirou for help and five minutes later they were in front of your door. Mina pulled you into a tight hug and Jirou patted your head with a small smile, Mina tried to lift your spirits so she tried to give her biggest smile “Let’s clean!” You tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. When you bent down to pick up the tissues Jirou crouched down beside you and grabbed your hand “No, you go sit on the bed!” the other two nodded and you sighed “But, i cant let you clean my room, i wanna help.” Momo cupped your cheek and smiled “You are tired Y/n-chan, please go sit.” You gave a defeated sigh and plopped down on your bed. When you started to wiggle your toes Mina turned to look at you and gasped in shock “Y/n-chan, your feet?!” When Momo and Jirou turned to look at you their face turned pale and you raised a brow “What about my fe-” You saw the cuts under them caused by the glass of your nightstand lamp. “I-i didnt noticed.” Mina frowned and putted her hands on her hips “Thats it! Im calling Kirishima!” You tried to get up but after looking under your feet, you realised the pain. Kirishima was one of your best friends so you knew that he was going to get more worried than he needed to “N-no!” But you were too late, Mina dialed his number and told your situation and after 3 minutes you heard loud bangs and slapped your forehead, when Mina turned the doorknob Kirishima barged in and ran towards you “Y/n!” He grabbed your shoulders and started to examine you “K-kiri, im fine!” He looked at you with worry and sadness. You sighed and pulled him into a hug “Why were you ignoring my texts?!” He raised his voice but regretted it, he was just trying to understand what happened. “Im sorry, Kiri...” He sighed and flicked your forehead “Y/n, i should be the one who’s apologising.” You immediately understood where he was getting at so you pinched his cheeks “Dont you dare blame yourself Kirishima Eijiro!” He felt guilty and it wasnt even his fault it was his best friend’s. “Owieee!” He grabbed your wrists and tried to stop you then you started to giggle and his eyes softened. You were finally laughing...
After Kirishima got a call from Mina, Bakugou saw the worry in his eyes and immediately understood that it was about you, shitty hair was trying to reach your for hours. Kaminari sighed loudly and looked at Sero “I wonder what happened.” Sero shrugged and looked at Bakugou “What are you looking at?” He barked and Sero frowned. Kaminari sighed and looked at Bakugou “Dude, chill.” Bakugou scoffed and got up from his seat “Im going to my room, i dont wanna deal with anyone.” He walked towards the elevator and left.
“Y/n, can you tell us what happened?” Jirou asked, you were sitting on your bed with Momo and Jirou, Mina and Kirishima were sitting on the floor. Everyone was looking at you with curious but sad eyes, you didnt told them what happened but they knew that your heart was broken. You took a deep breath and started to explain as calm as possible “This morning, when i was walking towards the classroom... I saw Bakugou and Uraraka.” Jirou raised a brow “They were making out.” Kirishima’s eyes widened and Mina shouted “But you guys are dating?!” Your nails were leaving marks on your thigs “No Mina... I walked towards them and pushed him, i tried to confront him but i learned that...” You squeezed your eyes shut and Momo patted your back “Learned what?” Jirou whispered “I learned that he was using me to make Uraraka jelaous.” Kirishima gritted his teeth “This is unacceptable.” He growled and Mina stood up “Y/n!” She pulled you in a tight hug and you started to cry. Everyone in the classroom knew that you were in love with Bakugou for 3 years, at first everyone was shocked because you were strong and intelligent some of the guys from other classes gave you a nickname, “Unapproachable” some of them tried to ask you out but you always refused, your heart was screaming ‘Katsuki’. So when he asked you out you felt like the happiest girl in the world. “He tossed me out because Uraraka feels the same about him.” You started to shake and Kirishima couldnt watch you suffer so he got up and rushed towards the common room.
“Where is Bakugou?” Kaminari panicked bc of the harsh tone, it was Kirishima. He had never seen him so angry, he gulped and answered “In his room, everything ok ?” Kirishima gave a firm nod and walked towards the elevator, Kaminari looked at Sero and they both stood up “You guys stay here.” Kirishima said with a firm tone. Kaminari shook his head “Dude, we are in this together i dont know what happened but you are my best friend.” Sero nodded and tried to smile, Kirishima relaxed and thanked them.
Bakugou was laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, he knew what he did was wrong bc you always cared about him even when he was a jerk but his pride was too important so instead of apologising he avoided you like nothing happened. When he saw the broken expression on your face he regretted his actions but he had a crush on Uraraka. At first his plan didnt seemed so cruel to him, he was going to flirt with you, make Uraraka jelaous then make her confess to him. Things got out of hand and he found himself asking you out. He knew about your feelings and he hated himself for playing with them but when he saw the looks Uraraka was giving you both, he forgot about you and continued. He started to get touchy with you whenever she was around. There was jelaousy in her eyes but something else was there too... Fear, sadness and regret. She didnt wanted to stab her best friend on the back and Bakugou knew that, he couldnt help it, he wanted her. So today, when Uraraka wanted to talk with him, he got excited and forgot about you. She came with a serious expression on her face “Bakugou we need to talk.” He tried to hide his smirk but failed “What do you want pink cheeks?” She crossed her arms “Stop playing with my friend’s feelings.” He chuckled and answered “Are you worried about her or is it about your own feelings?” Her eyes widened and she blushed “This is not about us, Bakugou! You are playing with her, you know that she has a crush on you.” Bakugou’s smirk dropped and he sighed “Tch, i know that. Then why are you watching and not helping her?” She froze “I-i want her to be happy.” Bakugou wanted to laugh but controlled himself “I cant make her happy and you know that.” she sighed “We are both selfish...” Bakugou grabbed her wrist and looked at her in the eyes “So... what about it? Lets be selfish.” He pulled her into a heated kiss and thats when they both heard a gasp. Your eyes were wide, brows were furrowed and legs were trembling. Bakugou’s heart stopped, he didnt thought seeing the expression on your face would make him so sad. “W-what are you doing?” your voice cracked and you started to walk towards him “Y/n-chan please listen!” Uraraka immediately pushed him and tried to grab your hand but you avoided contact and grabbed Bakugou by his collar. “Why...?” Your pupils were trembling, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. You started to shake him “Give me a reason!” Uraraka grabbed your arm “Y/n im so sorry!” You pushed her and shouted “You are sorry because you got caught!” Bakugou crouched next to her and helped her up “Y/n!” He warned you with a harsh tone and your blood started to boil. “You asshole, you owe me an explanation, i loved you and thats what im getting for return?!” Uraraka’s eyes were glued to the floor, Bakugou looked at you in the eyes and opened his mouth “I never had a crush on you, i asked you out because... I wanted her.” Your vision become blurry with tears and you gave them a disgusted look “Y/n please!” Uraraka shouted but you turned around and left. When class started, he sat down he looked at your desk and it was empty, Aizawa came and told that you werent feeling well. Everyone in the classroom got worried especially Momo and Kirishima. They were clueless, he decided to stay quiet. *BAM BAM BAM* The loud bang on the door woke him up from his thoughts, he groaned and opened the door “What do you-” When he was about to scold the one who interrupted him, he saw his best friend standing in front of the door with bloody red eyes, Kaminari and Sero were grabbing his shoulders but when he saw Bakugou’s face he yanked them off and punched him in the face “You were my biggest role model, you were my best friend... How could you do something so wrong?!” He shouted and Bakugou groaned “Leave me alone.” He demanded but Kirishima continued to look at him with anger, Kaminari and Sero ran towards him and tried to calm him down but it didnt worked “Bro calm down!” Kaminari shouted but when he received a glare from Kiri, he stopped trying. “How can you play with Y/n’s feelings?! You knew that she liked you, how can you play with someone like they dont have any emotions?!” Sero and Kaminari was even more confused, Sero decided to step in “What do you mean Kirishima?” Kirishima turned around and glared “He dated Y/n because he liked Uraraka. He used Y/n.” Kaminari let out a gasp and Sero’s eyes widened “What...?” Sero’s question was more like a whisper. Kirishima only got angrier and he kicked Bakugou in the stomach, Bakugou lost his patience and screamed back “I cant deal with you right now!” He punched Kiri back and now they were wrestling on the floor. When they got too intense the other guys in the floor informed Aizawa and he separated them. 
Mina’s phone was ringing, she looked at the contact info and saw Kaminari’s ID. “”Whats up?” Her face dropped and she looked at you, Momo and Jirou gave questioning looks. “Y/n, Kiri and Bakugou... They got into a fight.” You immediately stood up and rushed towards the common room “Y/n wait for us!” Jirou shouted but you were too deaf to hear it. When you arrived Kirishima was sitting on the couch with an icepack in his hands “Kiri!” You ran towards him and some of the guys turned to look at you “Y/n-chan... What happened to your feet?” Midoriya pointed at your bandaged feet and you shook your head “Nothing important Midoriya, dont worry.” Todoroki frowned but you paid no mind and crouched in front of Kirishima. “Idiot, what did you do?” You grabbed the icepack and pushed it on his cheek.” He hissed but gave you a small smile “I didnt do anything.” You sighed “Kirishima, dont get into trouble because of me.” He frowned and flicked your forehead “Owie! What was that for?!” He pouted “You are my best friend! I would gladly get into trouble for you!” Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to burn. He closed his eyes and gave you the biggest smile he could manage “You are important Y/n!” The mood was better and the other guys started to smile. Bakugou watched the interaction from afar and he realised that... He just made the biggest mistake.
A/N: If you want a part 2 just reblog and let me know! Also if you have suggestiongs dont be shy and message me!
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Shigaraki x Reader Request
So I love your writing and I'm not sure if you've already done it before but I just wanted to ask if you could maybe do a shig x F! Reader scenario where she is on an important call, but Shiggy's all horny and starts feeling her up, maybe even goes as far as actually stuffing her, but she can't put the phone down cause it's a very important call with a very important client or smth like that heh I'm sorry the thirst for the crusty boy is so real rn 😩
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Shigaraki Tomura, one of the greatest known villains of all time. It wasn’t that he was extremely powerful, or intelligent, but he had enough common sense to assemble some of the more... interesting people to join his League and make it as powerful as it was today. You though, you were the best out of all of them. 
Your quirk was simple, you simply couldn’t get hurt. Like your classmate Kirishima Eijiro, your skin was your weapon. But unlike him, the effects of your quirk never went away. Simply, you couldn’t be cut, scratched, or punched. You felt no pain in the areas where you focused your quirk, and your skin couldn’t be destroyed. 
Sure, you were a lot like Kirishima, including your bubbly personality and need to always improve your strength, but you had a big secret. You were the fiancé to Tomura Shigaraki, or Tenko Shigaraki he had eventually told you. You remembered the day he had proposed to you. It was when he got back from fighting UA at the Summer Camp. 
He had “kidnapped you” just so he could get you alone for a few days, and ended up having you run away and act like you had “escaped”. During those days, he was more romantic, sweet, and loving than usual. Tenko loved pda, and refused to let you get up from the couch for days at a time. 
When the heroes were close, he gave you the ring, which you put a string on and put it on your neck to be hidden by your shirt, and then ran out into the road, pretending to be passed out for the heroes to find you. 
Lucky for you, it was Summer Break, and you were allowed to spend all the time with Shiggy that you wanted without the hassle of trying to keep such a secret. You also spent that time doing hero work, hanging out with your friendly classmates, and of course arranging things with your mentor Fat Gum, and your two best friends/ partners Tamaki and Kiri.
At the moment, it was noon on a Saturday, and you were sitting in the League’s living room watching tv, waiting for a call from Fat Gum to talk about starting working with Kiri and Tamaki during the week. Even though Fat Gum thought of you like his daughter, he was a big deal to you still, and this phone call meant a lot to you even though a lot wasn’t on the line.
Plus it was perfect for the call, with the League out on a mission, and you alone with the entire place quiet. Shiggy would be back tonight for a dinner date, and today would go smoothly. As you thought about your sweet boyfriend and hoped that he was okay, your phone began to ring. Picking it up, you heard the friendly voice of your mentor.
“Ahh, Y/n! Great being able to talk to you! We have Kirishima and Tamaki on the call as well!” Fat gum exclaimed joyfully as you heard greetings from your two guy besties. “Hey Y/n!” They called out in sync, Tamaki’s voice barely hearable. “Hey guys, I-” You stopped, hearing the sounds of the door becoming unlocked. What? They weren’t supposed to be home for another few hours!!
You got off the couch and ran upstairs to the room that you and Shiggy shared, closing it and sitting against it angrily. “Y/n, you good?” Fat gum asked as you responded with a happy hum, doing your best to be discreet as you heard your name being murmured around the League’s apartment. What that Shigaraki??? Oh no no no...
“Good, now here’s what I’m thinking...” As Fat Gum began trailing on and on, you opened the door to see a tired, worn-out Shigaraki. Feeling your heart be filled with pity, you signaled that you were on the phone, opened the door, and let him in. He walked towards you, pressed himself against your small frame, and kissed your forehead. “Aww, rough day baby?” 
You asked, cupping his face in your soft hands as he nodded, pulling you close to hug. He began to rest his chin on your head as you continued the call. “I’m free all day, but on Wednesday I won’t be able to go to Sakura Street because I need to take my sister to her swim practice.” Kirishima explained as you piped in, trying to catch up in the conversation. 
“I can do it for you!” You exclaimed, before Shigaraki began kissing your neck tenderly, letting his hands grip your ass and waist tightly like he usually did. “What t-time do you need?” You tried not to stutter as he pushed your body against him, letting his knee rub against your entrance like he did when he was horny for you. Oh god... not now Shiggy baby.
“Awesome! I just need you to cover Sakura street between three and four pm. Could you do that? You just need to walk down, and check that one alleyway that we were talking about because...” As Kirishima rambled on, Shigaraki kissed your lips passionately, beginning to push you up against the bed and bend you over slowly.
Biting your lip and mumbling any sounds you could make, you brought the phone back to your ear and listened as the boys talked. “Well I’m not busy then so I can take your shift Y/n. What are you doing 3 to 4?” Tamaki asked, as Shigaraki began to remove your pants. Shaking, you felt his hot breath on your body as you tried to carry on a conversation.
“Um, yea Tamaki...” Both of your shirts were now off, “Three to four?” Shigaraki slipped down his pants, revealing his boxer and large erection poking through, “I’m going to be... um...” Shigaraki slipped your panties down, and began fingering you, causing you to lose all control of your legs as you wrapped your legs around his torso to hold you up. 
“I’m going to be patrolling the Green Bridge area, n-near the baseball stadium. Just on those three streets, and then I was planning on stopping by Deku’s mom’s place to move some of her furniture. Shigaraki smirked at you, rolling his eyes and beginning to move his boxers down to reveal his large cock, throbbing for you.
Swallowing nervously, you tried so hard to focus on the call as your fiancé moved you, positioning you and getting ready to stuff you full of him. “Okay! Sounds good kiddos!” You sighed happily at Fat Gum’s comment, hoping that this call would end so you could focus on Shiggy who was seconds away from fucking you senseless.
“So Tamaki, tell me about your weekend.” Kirishima exclaimed as Tamaki began speaking, endlessly mumbling about his plans and how excited he was to see you and Kiri. Before you could mentally prepare, Shiggy shoved his cock into you, letting you scream out in pain and such amazing pleasure. It was amazing, feeling your walls wrap around him and throb with him.
“Y/n?! Are you okay?!” Kirishima asked, letting you know that you had probably frightened the three guys on the other ends. “Oh! Yea! I just... saw a... bug!” Between breaths, Shigaraki pumped himself into you, one hand around your neck tightly, and the other around your waist. 
“Oh, what did it look like?” Tamaki asked, and at that moment, you wanted to kill your best friend for making conversation. “It’s... big... and fuzzy. I’m going to go... kill it!” You squeezed the sheets beneath you, silently gasping as Shigaraki pounded into you, overstimulating you to the ends of the Earth, which you both loved.
“Love you guys! I’ll text you guys tonight in the group chat... when I’m... done! Bye!” Without hearing their responses, you hung up the call and threw your phone to the other side of the wall angrily. Shigaraki smashed his lips to yours as he pulled out, laying you on the bed, and climbing over you. “Good girl... such a good girl. You’re able to be a good hero, and still please the worst villain.” He bent down and kissed your forehead again, before beginning to just lay on you.
You ran your fingers through his curly hair as he rested his head against your plump chest, breathing slowly and trying to calm him down. “So... what happened?” You asked sweetly, almost swearing that he began purring. “Dabi had to save me from almost getting shot in the face.” You looked down at your boyfriend, your eyes wide and fearful.
The guy was behind me, and was about to shoot before Dabi burned him and made him miss. If Dabi wouldn’t have been there, he would have hit me right in the skull.” Shigaraki explained as you began giving him a scalp massage, causing him to move his head and close his eyes peacefully. Your touch always made him feel better, if not 100% happy again. 
“I just... needed to feel your touch. If I die, I know my last thought is going to be of you.” Shigaraki confessed, sitting up and looking at you, his lips parted. Here he was, pouring his feelings out, something that he never did. “I... I love you so much Y/n.” Shigaraki leaned in, sitting you on his lap and beginning to kiss you, intertwining four of his fingers with yours. “I love you too Baby.” 
Hun, I totally understand your thirst. Shiggy makes all my daddy issues come true in one microsecond. For a good month he was all that I could think about!! <333
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Just A WingMan
Denki Kaminari and Katsuki Bakugou unknowingly in love with each other. Eijiro Kirishima, Denki’s wing man, also in love with Denki, makes a plan to get Denki’s to like him back, backfires and leaves him heartbroken, and he is the only one he can blame. 
This is a one-shot ( Unless I'm encouraged to do more)
TW: None, possible cursing
Let me know if I missed a trigger or you find spelling mistakes
Feedback is encouraged 
Click here If you like this and want to see more of my work 
Kirishima’s POV
Denki had been begging me to help him with his crush for a week and I was reluctant to help because I love him as more than a friend and it will be hard to watch him be in a relationship, especially if I was the one who got the two together. I know it’s not manly but the best I can wish for is that Denki's crush doesn't like him back, then Denki can get over them and fall for me. 
I thought I had done a good job avoiding Denki but somehow I ended up in Denkis room listening to him beg for me to be his wingman. I told him that I would help if he told me who it was he liked, I thought that he had too much to prove to tell me but then he shouted.
"I'm in love with Bakugou!"
I thought it was a joke 
" Oh you mean Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mom?"
" No, I mean Katsuki Bakugou, boom boom boy, the angry Pomeranian. I love Katsuki Bakugou!"
I freeze, it's shocking, Katsuki, the guy who acts like he's above everyone else, the one who calls Denki stupid and dunce face. If I was being honest I was hoping that it was me that Denki had a crush on, it would make sense, he refused to tell me the name of his crush, and he used ‘strong’ to describe them multiple times, and I believe I’m strong. I took the time to process Denkis confession, this wasn't that bad. Like I thought earlier but bakugou is a jerk to Denki and everyone else, there’s no way that he likes Denki back, they would be a terrible couple. All I have to do is agree to be Denkis wingman, tel bakugou, he'll tell me that he doesn’t like Denki back, I tell Denki and he comes to me for comfort, and over time he’ll get over bakugou and fall for me. I’m brilliant
“ I’ll do it, I can do it right now.”
“ Wait really, I mean right now what if he’s busy?“
I watched Denki become more worried and anxious, I mean I would be too if I was going to confess to Katsuki Bakugou
“ It will be fine, and I know his schedule. he should have been done with his workout and shower about 15 minutes ago, and the only thing he does for the rest of the day is eat and sleep, and if something goes wrong, I’ll be there for you.”
“I know it’s just, it’s nerve-racking, and I'm so glad that you’re here for me, you are the best wingman anyone could ask for.”
Denki hugs me and I almost forget my plan, I just want to skip to the part where we are together and these hugs will last forever. He lets go too soon and shoves me toward the door
“ Now go before I stop you.”
He didn’t have to tell me twice, I make my way to Bakugou's dorm, I rehearse how it will go. Knowing Bakugou he'll want me gone as soon as possible, he probably won’t even let me in, I don’t have a problem with that cause the sooner this part is over the sooner Denki will fall for me. I’ve got this, I breathe in and out and then knock on Bakugou's dorm
No One’s POV
It takes a while for Bakugou to get to the door, he was tired from his workout and was currently in a state of self-loathing. He read and watched romance but felt that it would never be something he could have. He wasn’t about to let any of those extras see him like this so he had to collect himself. Opening and leaning on the door he “politely” greets Kirishima
“ What do you want Shittyhair?”
“ Well, it’s actually about Denki.”
Bakugou perks up at the mention of his crush’s name. He knows it’s strange but he couldn’t stop it, as much as he tried, he learned that all those books were right about love, it’s not a choice and it wasn’t easy. Kirishima continues when he notices that Bakugou isn’t gonna talk or anything. 
“ He asked me to be his wingman and I agreed but the problem is, there’s no way his crush likes him back.”
Bakugou tsk’s at that statement, he thought it was absurd, a person who doesn’t like Denki. Now that Bakugou knew what this conversation was about, he no longer wanted to be a part of it, well he didn’t have much interest in it beforehand either. He didn’t want to discuss the love life of his crush, if it didn’t involve him, he was also worried about exposing his crush on Denkis, cause he didn’t have great control of his emotions, especially jealousy, which this conversation was bound to make him.
“I don’t care, go tell the fucker about Denki’s love, so then he can get over them.”
“And fall for me’” Both men thought. Kiri moves on to the next step of the plan
“ Ok, um, Denki likes you Bakugou, but I think it’s best if I reject him for you. You can be kind of insensitive when it comes to love.”
This was true, although Kirishima wanted Bakugou to reject Denki, he also didn’t want Denki to feel worse, just cause Bakugou doesn’t know how to politely reject someone. While Kirishima turns to leave, Bakugou grabs his arm, he’s still trying to process what Shittyhair just said. 
“Denki like’s me but I’m mean to him? I call him Dunceface, and he likes me?” 
Not realizing he said that out loud until Kirishima replies
“ Yeah I think it’s weird too, that’s why I’ll reject him for you!”
“NO, I mean you can’t do that.”
Bakugou pulls Kirishima into his room and shuts the door, even behind the door Bakugou still feels weird admitting his feelings so he pulls Kirishima closer and whispers
“I like Denki back.”
Kirishima’s brain stops working, he pulls away and mumbles out 
“ But you’re mean to him, actually you’re a dick to him!”
Kirishima can't deal, this one detail ruins his plans. he starts to feel a break down coming so he sits down on Bakugou's bed
“I was just protecting myself, and I guess I show my affection that way.” Kirishima looked for every excuse he could to make this not true
“ But your’re mean to me, you call me Shittyhair, that means you like me, not Denki!”
Kirishima had fooled himself with his own hypothesis, getting excited that  Bakugou doesn’t like Denki
“ No I like Denki, you just have Shitty hair. I’ve got to go tell Denki, you did a good job, your one manly wingman.” 
Bakugou rushed out of the room and to Denki’s room. Leaving Kirishima in his room, Kirishima breaks down, his perfect plan comes crashing down, he would never be with Denki and he wonders why. He imagines himself running to Denki, pushing Bakugou out of the way, grabbing Denki and yelling, begging for an answer.
“Why him? Why not me? Was I too nice? Do you want to be treated like trash? cause I can do that. Was I not manly enough? my quirk to basic for you isn’t it? Is it my hair, the color, the shape, do you agree with Bakugou, do I have shittyhair? Is it my fashion sense? What made you fall for Katsuki Bakugou the guy who calls you stupid every sentence he can? Why couldn’t he be the wingman,  and I be the boy you pinned for, I’m tired of just being the wingman!"
But he didn’t move an inch. He sat in Bakugou room hoping that something would go wrong. It seemed impossible, an hour later and no return, just Kirishima hyperventilating in his crush’s probably boyfriend’s room. Another hour and a text, it was a video, from Denki. He talks in a hushed voice.
" Thanks, bro, I know I said it earlier but this time it was because you actually got me a man, you're the best wingman a guy could ask for. My new boyfriend and I are going to cuddle and wat--"
In the back, Kirishima hears Bakugou yell for Denki. 
" Get over here lightning bolt." 
Denki moves and soon both blondes are in the frame
" Don't you think the lightning bolt is too long for a cutesy nickname?"
"Tsk Maybe for you." 
Bakugou leaned in and kissed Denki, it was short, sweet, a peck of sorts.
" Now put the phone down"
Bakugou hand grows closer and then the video ends and Kirishima now knows that his prayers didn't work. He’s left wishing in Bakugou's room that he was the one cuddling with Denki, he wanted to come up with nicknames, oh and to feel Denki’s lips on his own was something he could only dream of. But he wasn’t Denki’s boyfriend, he was just a wingman, the wingman who set his crush up.
And at that moment he realized that even if he feels for someone else in the future, that no matter who or when his position in a love story was the wingman. He was doomed to be just a wingman.
All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia
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tobswrites · 4 years
Demon Au
Part 1 Part 2!! 
One day, at the shrine, Bakugou asks Kirishima another question he’s been curious about for a long time. 
“Why do you act like a regular dog?” Kirishima answers truthfully, telling Bakugou he’s never met a regular dog before, he grew up in the mountains far from human civilization. Bakugou doesn’t believe him, so Kirishima reverses the question back at him, which Bakugou answers that he has yet met an actual fox before. 
Kirishima thinks it’s hilarious that they never met the animal of the shape they take. Bakugou listens to the dogs laugh, and he feels an unexplainable feeling of warmth wash over him. For the first time, Bakugou calls him by his first name, “Eijirou.”
Kirishima sits up alert, looking at Bakugou what seemed like fear in his eyes. He looked ready to bolt. Ready to run off as if he knew what Bakugou was going to ask, or was actually afraid of what Bakugou might say. 
Because of that Bakugou was afraid to say what he had in mind, afraid that the red-head was going to run off and he’ll never see him again. He spent years with Kirishima, not even a full 1% of his life that he’s lived. 
But something inside him is telling him to not let him go, to ask and for once, be happy with someone by his side. “Do you want to say here? With me?” Forever goes unsaid. 
Kirishima’s body immediately relaxes, but Bakugou is still tensed. “For as long as I can.” he agrees and smiles up at Bakugou, but the fox frowns, for as long as he can? What was that supposed to mean? 
A human is heard coming up to the torii, quickly Kirishima changes back to a dog, if a human knew that a demon was up here with their deity they would riot and try to kill or hire someone to kill Kirishima until their deity is free from it’s grip. 
If Kirishima were still human in front of the other humans, they would notice that he won’t age, not like them, and it would be the first sign that the red head isn’t human. 
Another years passes, and Kirishima looks back on it, he remembers the kappa that took a home in the sacred lake, and refused to leave and the time where Bakugou ate a really bad peach.
“That’s all you remember? The two least impressionable things that happened in that year.” 
“Yeah, those were the only two times I ever saw you look embarrassed!” 
The Kappa made a fool of Bakugou, the deity thought he could just remove the demon but was quickly proved wrong when he slipped into the pond, and when he threw up all that nasty acid all over himself. But it wasn’t because that happened that it embarrassed him, it was that Kirishima saw that happen to him, that made him embarrassed. Kirishima, out of everyone, was the one to see him like that. 
Kirishima stops laughing, leaning towards Bakugou’s space before the dog snaps his head back to the torii. He looks attentive, eyes scanning around, looking for some sort of...anything. But Bakugou doesn’t hear a thing nor does he see anything. 
Kirishima abruptly stands before Bakugou could grab on to him. “I’ll be back.” Kirishima says, jumping down to the ground, outside the shrine and running in all fours as a dog back out into the forest. 
Their hearing was on par, almost equal so Bakugou wonders what the demon heard that he couldn’t. He spends the rest of the day without Kirishima, he spends the rest of his time thinking that maybe Kirishima and him should climb up the mountain since it’s been a while since Bakugou has surveyed the mountains behind him. Maybe show Kirishima sight he enjoyed. 
Maybe he would even tell more about his life to Kirishima, telling him abou this and that, about what he saw on these mountains when he was just a kit. Check the old trees, pay a visit to an old shrine, a dead deity. Maybe he would see the tree guardians, have Kirishima chase those little leaf spirits around. Kirishima would love to meet them. 
And then maybe in the next decade he could introduce Kirishima to the nymphs who live near a river that was close to the sea it came from. they’ll love Kirishima, he could see it now. 
How the girls would flaunt for him, tease him, play with his hair. Maybe they’ll love the idiots smile more, play with him, and give him some scratches behind his year, the idiot would probably never leave with the amount of attention those ladies would give him. 
So it’s decided, Bakugou thinks, he’ll never take Kirishima there. At least not for another few decades. He can’t take the chance that Kirishima will leave him for a few extra pets. 
Years? Decades? Centuries? Why was Bakugou planning his entire future with the demon? He did let Kirishima stay, but the idiot said...he said...
Fuck. “Fuck.” He curses again. He didn’t realize, he didn’t realize that Kirishima will, could, stay forever, didn’t realize that it meant that every waking minute of Bakugou’s remaining life will have red in them. 
He would die if he couldn’t see the red Kirishima brought into his life. 
Kirishima comes back home in his dog form, fur matted with mud, sticks and leaves attached and piece by piece fall. He looks happy though, but when he tries to take a step into the shrine Bakugou denies him. 
If Kirishima were to turn human, his clothes would get dirty too, the mud on his skin would stain it all and it would make such a bigger mess. 
Bakugou grabs by the scruff at the back of his neck and dumps into a warm, steaming bath. Of course Kirishima hates it, and tries to run out of the wooden tub, but Bakugou snatches his tail and drags him back in, pushing and pulling at his fur, diving his fingers into the fur to separate the mud from his fur. 
When Kirishima calms down from pretending not like being bathed, he turns into his human form while ripping away his clothing. He starts making up the stupidest jokes and telling the most ridiculous stories while Bakugou lathers up his hair with oils and shampoo. 
Bakugou doesn’t find humor in the small things like Kirishima does, but hearing the dog speak makes him smile. Listening to his deep, yet carefree voice, how it vibrates when he laughs, or how his shoulders moves under Bakugou’s touch. 
Its overwhelming him. Drowning him completely into something thick and warm, something that causes him to want, to want and want and want. He’s not afraid of what’s pulling him in, he wants to be drowned in it, and so he lays his head on Kirishima’s shoulder and he confesses. 
“I love you.” he tells him again and again. He wants to hold him for as long as he can, forever, he wants him forever. Until Bakugou can’t go on, until he has all nine tails, all 900 years of his life. 
He wants to show him the beauty, every inch of the forest, and brag about Kirishima to every demon they see along the way. He wants to do things, unimaginable things, things he never thought of until Kirishima came into his world. 
He dips his hand into the water, holding him by the waist and pulling him tighter to his body, only the wall of the bath is what separates them. Bakugou nuzzles into the crook of Kirishima’s neck, muttering the phrase over and over again. 
One day Kirishima doesn’t come home, and at first Bakugou isn’t worried. But as the morning bleeds into the afternoon, then into the night, Bakugou whistles loud and worryingly, hoping for Kirishima to come back. 
He starts to stress panic, and his villagers decide that tonight is perfect to say hi, so Bakugou can’t spare a minute to do a quick trip around his territory to just check for the demon dog. 
He waits for Kirishima as the moon and stars replace the song, he waits as the fireflies start to appear, he stations himself at the edge of engawa, arms crossed, and in a slouch position, waiting for Kirishima. Because what if, in just a minute or two, Kirishima comes home and Bakugou isn’t there to greet him? What if the dog comes home, just as excited as Bakugou is to see him, only to be disappointed when Bakugou is in a deep sleep?
But when Kirishima does come home its early in the morning, just a minute before the sun starts to rise, and Bakugou hasn’t had a wink of sleep. He feels Kirishima now, and stands up to greet him with frustration, anger, annoyance, impatient and mad beyond belief. 
But his demon dog returns home in his human form, limping and looking defeated. He clutches his arm that is stretched farther than it should, and there’s bruises and blood covering his body. 
His anger is gone, and he runs towards Kirishima, afraid and frantic, angry at the world for not keeping him save. He uses his own deity spiritual powers to heal Kirishima, he uses all his medicinal herbs to touch what hasn’t been healed. 
“What happened Ei?” Kirishima winces but doesn’t speak, falling to Bakugou’s arms and not waking up until the next day. 
Then I wrote this in Kiri POV: Kirishima doesn’t wake up until that day’s evening. He’s wrapped up in bandages he asked the villagers for, and some herbal medicines he used to make. He’s also alone in the shrine. Even as a demon he can feel the spiritual power surrounding him, he could even feel it healing all his wounds. And speaking of his wounds, he looks towards the heavy door set, knowing fully that Bakugou was in the other side, probably sweeping with a scowl on his head. Before he came back, there was a thought, something he had thought long and hard before even entering the boundaries of Bakugou’s terrain, that maybe he shouldn’t come back. Coming back meant telling Bakugou the truth, meaning that Bakugou will hate him and would want him out of his shrine, out of his home forever.
And that’s all I had. So...I wonder what happened in my head after that. 
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andimlonely · 4 years
You Shine
BNHA; Denki Kaminari x f!reader | With finals approaching, your diligence is cranked up to the highest setting, but after rarely seeing you outside of class for a few days, Denki has to step in before you run yourself into the ground.
✿♦ Fluff and angst 
A/N: I was struggling with this one for awhile but I think I like how it turned out in the end. Listening to this: https://youtu.be/AGtKpeY6UqI really helped to inspire me, because it captures the feeling of the angsty moments well. Really, a lot of the angst I write will probably pair well with that song if it’s not super heavy. I hope you enjoy this one, and maybe even find some comfort in it if you can relate! 
“Heya, (y/n),” greets Kaminari as he strolls into your room casually, as he always does, clad in a black tank and grey track pants.
You lift your head and glance over your shoulder at him from your desk, noticing the dampness of his forehead and hair, “Hey, Denki. What’s up?”
“Nothin’ much. Kiri and I just got back from the gym. Can ya tell?”
It takes one glance at your blond friend’s silly pose, an attempt to flex all the muscle he purported to have, for you to chuckle, “Yeah, I can tell.”
He chuckles along with you, retorting that maybe he isn’t all muscular yet but he’ll get there, and dropping down onto your baby blue beanbag chair - and probably widening the small but worrisome ripped seam that you have yet to sew back up. 
While he makes himself comfortable, you continue to tap at your keyboard, then pause to read, then tap away again, a monotonous cycle that threatens to lull him into a boredom-induced nap. By now Denki is used to the sight, having learned of your diligence before he even got to know you personally. In fact, it was due to Aizawa’s praise towards the students with perfect scores on the first exam that he reached out to you in the first place. With Yaoyorozu overbooked for studying sessions, it was between you and Midoriya, and while he had nothing against his freckled classmate, he wasn’t going to choose him as a tutor when there was someone cute and just as capable available. 
But despite how accustomed he is to seeing you hunched over your desk, he’s no less dismayed. 
“Don’t tell me you’re still studying,” he groans, his head tossed back against the beanbag. 
The rhetorical nature of the question has you playfully rolling your eyes. “Should I even answer that? Besides, have you even started studying? Finals are next week.”
“It’s Monday! This week just started and you’re already worrying about the next one?”
He really won’t let this go. Exasperated, you drop your pen and swivel around so you can plead him to let you study.
“Denki,” you whine, “We’ve been over this. Cramming at the last minute isn’t a good idea, didn’t you learn that after the last math test?”
He cringes at the mention, raising his hands defensively, “Alright, alright. I’ll let you study, but you’re still playing games with us later. I’m not gonna let you ditch me for some homework.”
“Fine,” you sigh with exaggerated reluctance. Secretly, as exhausted by Denki’s refusal to let you work in peace you are, you’re endeared by how persistently he tries to give you a break. Taking a little time to go get food with your best friend, or watch a movie, or anything really, sounds especially fun right now. Almost fun enough to loosen your tight study schedule, almost.
It’s not as if you want to study, or that it’s some kind of recreational activity for you. Flicking endlessly through pages, straining your eyes scanning line upon line of text, and scrawling numbers and letters that become progressively less neat in your notebook are all pretty dreadful to you. But the prospect of being handed back an assignment marked with anything less than 90% possesses your body to keep at it. The weight of maintaining such a strict regimen might strain your shoulders, but the weight of failing or underperforming threatens to crush you. And as much as you want to let it every now and then, you sweep the idea aside by burying your nose into your work. 
With a reminder that you have a few hours until you have to report to Jirou’s room for some gaming, Kaminari dismisses his still mildly sweaty self for a much needed shower. 
You spent that night huddled between Jirou and Denki for a couple hours, immersed in the almost evenly matched brawling of Smash Ultimate and the tumultuous rollercoaster of a game that is Mario Kart, among other games. It felt nice to indulge in something fun for awhile, even more so surrounded by your friends, but before it went on for too long you excused yourself back to your room for the night. 
That was the last time Denki and Jirou had seen you outside of class not hunched over a book or your computer, or training furiously at the gym. Needless to say, your absence from the group activities, and spaces outside your room in general - besides meals - quickly grew worrisome. 
“Dude, I haven’t seen (y/n) out here like all week,” Kaminari frowns, “I get it’s finals almost, but she’s kinda pushing it, don’t you think?”
Jirou, after taking a drink from her water bottle, sits on the adjacent sofa. “Definitely. I tried dragging her out earlier but she was asleep at her desk.” 
“Damn, dude. All she does is homework and study. I’m getting kinda worried about her.”
You might be what Denki considers an overachiever, but he’s never seen you this determined, except maybe during practical exams and of course during the many villain encounters the class has endured. But as for school work, you’re never this obsessed.
“We should try talking to her or something,” Jirou suggests, sharing in the blond’s concern for you.
“She’s so stubborn though. I tell her to take it easy all the time, she just won’t have it.”
“That’s not what I meant. Of course she’s not gonna listen if you tell her to take a break. I meant ask her why she’s so stressed in the first place. Maybe something else is bothering her.”
For some reason, the idea that something besides compulsion and maybe a little masochism is fueling your tireless work hadn’t occurred to him before. 
Denki crosses his arms, “Ya think?”
It makes sense as he considers the idea. But what could be so compelling to keep you chained to your desk everyday? He isn’t sure, but he aims to find out.
You barely hear the knocking over the audio playing in your earbuds, the explanation of a scientific concept you find too abstract put on hold as you answer the door.
“Denki. You knocked,” you say, eyebrows hovering far above your eyes.
Your eyes. You look so tired. Denki is struck by the darkness encircling your usually bright (e/c) irises, now swimming with tired determination.
“I know,” he replies, his hand stroking the back of his head as he steps into your room, “I dunno why.”
The curtains are loose, completely shielding your room from any light that could spill in from the night sky, though it could surely use some; your table lamp is the only source of light in the dimly lit room. In the dark he can still make out the clothes and few other items littering the floor around you, probably accumulating from all the time you sank into your studies this week.
“I assume you’re here to tell me I need a break, but I already took one. I watched youtube for an hour or so,” you inform him, a tired smile on your lips.
His smile is weak, and you notice it. “Not bad.”
He’s too quiet. 
“What’s wrong?”
A nervous chuckle falls from his lips, “Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Then.. Why are you so quiet?”
The only times Denki ever acted this strange were after brushes with villains, and that time he was feeling insecure about his critical thinking on the field, so you know better than to believe nothing is bothering him. 
“Ah.. guess I’m just tired. Aren’t you?”
“A little,” you confess, your fingers tugging at the hem of your t-shirt. “But I can’t stop now. I’ve gotten a lot done, but I still have lots to finish.”
“Dude,” your friend whines, and you sigh, already ready to protest his insistence that you’re pushing yourself too far. “I know you don’t wanna hear this, (y/n), but you really need to take a break. We haven’t even seen you out of your room since the other day, except for dinner.” 
“Denki, I don’t have time for this..”
“I’m serious, (y/n). We’re getting worried about you. Not even just me and Jirou, but the others too.”
“Worried? I’m fine.” 
Even you don’t sound so sure, your stare locked on anything that isn’t Denki. 
He drags a hand down his face, groaning once again. Maybe his pestering is annoying, but enough is enough. He would rather risk you hating him for a little while than let you run yourself into the ground like you’ve been. 
“(y/n), look. I get you’re driven and all, but it’s okay to take a break, you know?,”
“No, Denki, it’s not okay! It’s not chill, or cool, or fine! I have to pass - no, I have to ace these tests!” 
Your outburst has him taken aback, and he places a hand on your shoulder, eyes like honey saturated with sincerity.
“Hey, hey. (y/n). They’re just tests, relax.” 
“Relax”..? The word alone has you flying into a fit of rage. How could he possibly expect you to just relax, as if it’s easy, as if you can erase the glaring red numbers that flash through your mind any time your hands aren’t busy. As if the imaginary anvil hanging over your head will just disappear if you pretend it isn’t there. As if you can even dig yourself out of the mounds of paper you’re swimming in in the first place. 
“They’re not, though! Why aren’t you getting that?! Maybe you don’t feel an urgency to do well, but I do, why is that wrong?”
Denki has never seen you this distressed before, and he only grows more alarmed by the way your eyes grow glassier every time you speak. 
“It’s not wrong, (y/n).. But obsessing about it like this is. It’s not like you’re anywhere close to failing your classes, so why is this freaking you out so much?”
“Because it’s the only thing I have! If I don’t do well academically then --” 
Before the rest can escape, you cut yourself off, halting the flood of words that threaten to break through your lips. Your wrap your arms around yourself, your fingers pressing firmly into your arms.
But Denki can’t forget what you’ve said. He has to know. Why are you so desperate to prepare for these finals?
Rather than try to make you look him in the eye, he steps into your line of sight again, urging you to finish your thought. 
“Then what..?” 
Half of your face is illuminated by the glow of your lamp and computer, a gleaming droplet rolling down the slope of your cheek. Your breaths stutter faintly. The silence feels thick, so gripping in the absence of your raised voice from just moments ago. The room’s energy might have diminished but the weight of your emotion clings to the air.
“T-then I.. don’t stand out at all,” you murmur, all the defensiveness from before drained from your voice.
His hand is raised as if reaching weakly out to you, but you turn your back to him.
“What are you talking about?..” 
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
“My quirk isn’t really exciting, and my field work is fine but it’s not outstanding.. If I can’t ace every test, then there’s nothing exceptional about me at all. I’m just.. mediocre without my academics.” 
And you struggle to even stand out then. Yaoyorozu, Iida, Deku.. even Bakugou. All of them are just as, maybe even more, focused on their grades and just as often share in your tendency to receive high marks. It’s not as if you want them to fail; you even admire their intelligence and diligence, but sometimes, sometimes it seems so unfair. They already have such amazing quirks, make such an impression whether they’re participating in something controlled like the Sports Festival or finding creative ways to elude villains. They already seem like heroes. Why can’t you have just one moment to feel that capable, even if your moment is confined to the classroom?
“(y/n).. Hey, that’s not true. You’ve got it all wrong. There’s tons of stuff about you that stands out.”
By now your shoulders are shaking, every drop of frustration and exhaustion you locked away to be able to focus on your studies over the week seeping out of you at once. 
“Like what, that I’m the least interesting student in the class?” 
Denki’s chest stirs with a guilt-like feeling. How could you think this way? How could all this fear and insecurity you’ve been carrying have slipped past him? Quirk aside, he isn’t the brightest, but he thought he at least knew you well enough to notice when something is wrong.
He moves in front of you, and seeing you have your head lowered, he crouches before you so his face is in sight.
“No. Like how great you are at thinking on your feet. And how much you trust other people, instead of just taking the reigns every time you’re working with them. And all the creative ways you use your quirk. I’d never be able to think up stuff like that if I were you. Hell, I couldn’t even think of a way around the obstacles of my quirk without some help.”
“But.. what if my quirk just isn’t special enough?..”
“Hey. I get it. Sometimes it can feel like the rest of us fade into the background when you look at people like Bakugou or Todoroki. They seem like they’re lightyears away from us sometimes, and it can be kind of a downer. But just look at all the times relying on their quirk wasn’t even enough.”
“Yeah.. I guess so.”
He continues.
“I mean, yeah, quirks are pretty important, and powerful ones get all the attention. But if the only thing you have going for you is your quirk, I dunno, I doubt you’re gonna get very far. Don’t you think? I mean maybe if I was as smart as you I’d have a lot more brain cells left after using my quirk for a long period of time,” he jokes, tender smile deepening when you crack a laugh of your own.
“I guess I’m trying to say.. Your quirk is just as cool as anyone else’s, but it only is because you made it that way. You don’t have to ace every test to stand out, because you already shine without that. But it’s not like you even have to try that hard to do well, right? So just.. Keep being you.”
“I.. shine?”
“Even without your quirk, or your good grades,” he nods, rising to his feet, “You’re already awesome without all that.”
Without warning, your arms are wrapped tightly around him, your face buried into his shoulder, dampening his shirt somewhat as the tears you were suppressing flow free - not that he cares. You could blow your nose with this shirt and he wouldn’t mind if it meant he got to feel you like this. With the arm not trapped in your embrace, he squeezes you closer.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” you mumble into his shoulder.
“It’s okay. You’re kinda cute when you’re mad anyway,” he grins, half expecting you to shoot him a playful glare, but you stay nestled in the fabric of his t-shirt instead. “So you promise you’re gonna slow down?”
You can’t remember the last time you felt this calm. You don’t want to let him go, not any time soon. Despite how close you’ve become, you had never hugged Denki for this long, but now, as he sways you lightly right to left, you can’t imagine going long without it. 
“I’ll try,” you nod, face flushed as you come down from your emotional high, “Could we maybe.. watch a movie together? I’m tired of studying for tonight.”
“‘Course. I’ll get my laptop, it’s bigger.”
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bnhabadass · 5 years
could I request a Kirishima x reader where reader is Hawk's little sister with the same quirk and meeting Kiri his first instinct: "Ship name: Rock Solid Chicken!" and used to his shit they're like "Yeah yeah Hot Wings" (I ship hawksdabi I cannot lie)
Pairing: Kirishima x ReaderWarnings: Kinda angsty
A/N: I was not expecting this to turn out the way it did. Sorry, anon, if you just wanted some cute fluff (I promise there’s a happy ending). I’ve never written angst before it just sort of came out this way. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!
“Are you sure you have everything?” your brother asked. “You’ve got your costume and all of your textbooks?”
“For the last time, Takami, I’m all set,” you laughed. “Stop being a worrisome little bitch and just let me go to school.”
The pro hero laughed and pulled you into a tight hug, giving you a nuggie in the process. You tried flapping your wings in an attempt to get away, but his grip was too strong. “Knock ‘em dead, tiger,” he said, finally letting you go.
You smiled and waved him off as you ran to UA campus. This is it, you thought. This is where I will become one of the greatest heros.
“Class 1-a,” you said to yourself. “Where are you where are you where– Ouch!” You didn’t realize but had run into another student, one with a hardening quirk it seemed. When you ran into him it seemed to have startled him and he activated his quirk in self defense.
The boy turned around from the conversation he was having and looked down at you. “Oh crap I’m so sorry,” he said. He watched as you slowly brought your hand down from your nose, revealing it to be bruised and bloody.
“It’s fine,” you said, not realizing how bad the situation actually was. “Does it look bad?” You looked up at the boy, whose eyes sunk back at the sight in front of him.
“Looks...fine,” he said, although you could tell he was lying by the look on the person’s face he was talking to earlier. The blonde boy was shaking his head vigorously signifying that no, it did not look fine. “Why don’t I walk you to recovery girl’s office.”
You nodded and walked with the red head. “I’m Kirishima by the way,” he said.
“(L/n).” Your hand was cupped under your nose in order to catch any blood. Your wings started to twitch as the pain from your nose finally began to sink in.
“Sorry for asking this, I mean you probably get it a lot, but are you related to the number three pro hero Hawks?” Kirishima had the look of ebullience spread across his face.
You laughed a little, but pulled back as that made the pain worse. “Yeah I do get that a lot,” you said. “He’s actually my older brother.”
“No way!” The excitement in Kirishima’s voice was unprecedented, cute almost. “What’s he like?”
You smiled. You knew you would be bombarded with questions about the hero which you were not looking forward to. But this was not what you expected. You supposed you could handle one-on-one questions about your brother. “Well I’m a little biased because he can be super annoying,” you said. “He’s like a worrying mother when it comes to me,” you said. “But he’s really determined when it comes to his hero work.”
“Awesome,” Kirishima said. His eyes were wide, like those of a puppy being shown a delicious treat. “So manly!”
From there on out, you and Kirishima became best friends. You ate lunch together, trained together, and he even convinced Bakugo to let you study with them. Kirishima was your partner in crime. The two of you were invincible if you stuck together.
You were at home, sprawled across the couch, texting Kirishima when Takami came into the living room. “Hey,” he said, making his way to the fridge for the leftover takeout from the night before. “How was school?”
But you didn’t hear him. You were smiling at your phone as you watched the typing symbol pop up, the three dots moving up and down.
Your brother frowned at you when you gave no response. He walked up to you and swiped the phone out of your hands.
“Hey!” You tried grabbing it back, but he was pushing your face away as he read the texts.
“Who is Kiri heart emoji?” he asked, showing you that cheesy grin he would give you whenever he knew he’d be able to embarrass you.
“H-he’s no one.” You pulled off two of your feathers and point them directly at him.
Your brother widened his eyes, impressed and a little flattered that you had been practicing one of his ultimate moves. “Alright alright,” he said, cautiously handing your phone back to you. But the smirk never left his face. “I won’t pry.”
You took the phone back, but found yourself disappointed when you saw the three dots in the typing bubble were still bouncing up and down. You continued staring until they stopped and your eyes widened, only to receive a laughing crying emoji seconds later.
Your disappointment didn’t go unnoticed by your brother. “You know,” he said. “I’m not telling you that you can’t date anyone.”
“Stop,” you said, not looking up.
“There’s nothing wrong with liking someone.”
“I don’t like him so stop, please.”
Your brother nodded at you but he knew you were lying. Not only to him but to yourself. And that lying to yourself went on for a while. It got to the point where you began actively avoiding Kirishima, just to prove a point.
“Did I do something wrong?” Kiri asked you one day.
“Not at all.” You refused to look up from the book you were pretending to read.
“Because I feel like we were becoming really close friends and now you’re ignoring me all of a sudden.” He went to scratch the back of his neck. “Did I say something?”
You felt your face get hot. You didn’t want to have this conversation. Not here, not now, not ever. “You didn’t do anything.” Then you stood up and left, not realizing how heartbroken you had left your best friend.
A month went by and you continued to avoid Kirishima like the plague, and by doing that, you ended up convincing yourself that you hated him. You wouldn’t speak to him or even look in his direction. After school you went straight over to your brother’s agency where you would continue training your quirk. You got strong. You trained outside of class almost as much as Midoriya did. And people could tell you had gotten stronger.
“(L/n) that was awesome!” You looked over and smiled at Uraraka, who was watching you train in Gym Gamma.
“Heh. Thanks.”
She handed you a towel and you wiped your face and under your arms with it. You hadn’t tried anything that rigorous in a while, so you were panting like a dog. You turned around after hearing the all too familiar voice of Bakugo yelling. “Hey shitty hair! Pay attention or I’m gonna blast you so far up in the air you’re not gonna remember your own name.”
You turned your head to face Kirishima, or “shitty hair” as Bakugo liked to call him. He was staring at you, watching you train.
“You know,” Uraraka said. You snapped your head to look at her. “He really misses you. You should talk to him about what happened.”
“Nothing happened,” you said. Your eyes averted to the ground and you fidgeted with the towel. You were still panting heavily.
“You can’t lie to me, (L/n),” Uraraka said. “I know that you have a huge crush on him and just refuse to admit it.”
“I don’t like him,” you snapped. “I hate him.” Your face began turning red. You truly despise him. At least you’d like to believe you do.
“Okay,” Uraraka said. “Let’s pretend you really hate him.”
“I do,” you snapped at her.
“Okay okay.” She shot her hands up defensively. “Why do you hate him?”
You were at a loss for words. Why do I hate him? “I just do.”
“But you two were best friends at the beginning of the school year. What happened to make you hate him like this?”
You paused, thinking about your words before speaking up. “I don’t know. He just...aggravates me so much. Like every time I look at him this pit forms in my stomach and I can’t stand it.” You clench your stomach with your hand and hunched over to sit on the gym floor. “It’s like he’s messing with my brain and I get all hot around him, and I can’t stand him for it.”
Uraraka looked at you, expecting you to continue. When you didn’t, she just laughed. “(L/n),” she said. “The way you feel around Kirishima is the way I feel around Deku.”
Your angry expression dropped. “Huh? But Midoriya is one of your best friends. Besides, I thought you had the hots for him.”
“Exactly!” She threw her arms up in the air for emphasis. “(L/n), have you ever had a crush on someone?”
You thought for a moment. Surely there was someone you’d liked in the past. But looking back, you couldn’t think of anyone. “I’m not sure I’ve ever liked anyone like that.”
“But you like Kirishima like that.” She gave you a cheeky smirk.
“No I don’t!” you all but shrieked. A couple people training looked over at you, but you paid them no mind. “Besides isn’t falling for someone supposed to be, i dunno, magical? I feel like absolute crap around him.”
“That’s the thing, though.” Uraraka looked down and smiled to herself, getting caught up in her own thoughts. “When you care about someone that much it can do weird things to you, and when you see them having fun with another person, that can make you feel crappy. That crappy feeling is jealousy.”
You turned back to look at Kirishima, who was laughing at something Bakugo said. You felt that pit form in your stomach again. “But I also feel this pit when he’s alone or even when he’s trying to talk or text me.”
Uraraka giggled again. “It’s not just jealousy. It’s a longing to be with them. It’s your mind telling you to go to them in a bizaar sort of way. Love is kind of stupid that way, but when you finally confess it’ll be like a weight off your chest.”
You thought about it for a second. “Does this mean you’re in love with Midoriya,” you asked. The same cheeky grin she gave your earlier spread across your own face as she turned even pinker than before.
“Love? No no love isn’t how I’d put it,” she said in a frantic manner. “Did I say love? I meant above like ahh look above. Haha yeah that!”
You laughed. She was so calm before and now she was a flustered mess. “It’s okay,” you said. “I promise I won’t tell.”
That got her to relax a little, but her face was still bright red.
You sighed and looked over at Kirishima, who was dodging Bakugo’s attacks. “If this is what love feels like I never want to be in love again.” Telling Uraraka made your stomach feel a bit lighter, but looking back at Kiri it was still there.
Uraraka stood up. “You should talk to him,” she said. “I guarantee it’ll make you feel better.”
It took a lot of convincing to get you to talk to him. After class you stayed in the bathroom for thirty minutes feeling like you were going to puke. When you finally convinced yourself to approach him you noticed it was raining; lightly, but it was still raining.
Your umbrella was large since you hated the feeling of having wet wings. But when you saw Kirishima sitting on a bench outside of campus you couldn’t care less about them. His legs were spread and he resting his elbows on his knees, head in hands as if he were contemplating something.
You walked over to him and stuck your umbrella out over his head, making him look up at you. There the two of you were, making intense eye contact that couldn’t be broken. You were the first one to speak. “I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole lately.” You looked down as that pit in your stomach came back. You tried to ignore it. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me since we started school here. I even thought of you as my best friend.”
The breath in Kirishima’s lungs hitched, but he didn’t interrupt you.
You continued looking down at your shoes, not having the courage to look back up at him. “I don’t deserve your friendship, but if we could start over and if you could give me a second chance I promise that I will do better.”
Kirishima let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He waited a few seconds before speaking up. “Why did you ignore me, though? It just feels like out of nowhere you started hating me and I don’t know why.”
You finally looked up at him. The soft tears flowing steadily from your eyes and down your cheeks made took him by surprise. “I never hated you,” you said. “I think I’m in love with you.”
His mouth was agape. He slowly stood up as you started to crumble down before him into a sobbing mess. He held you in his strong arms as you wept, apologizing over and over again. And he kept saying it’s alright even though you knew it wasn’t. The two of you stayed like that for a long time; too long to count. Your umbrella was long gone by now, having been blown away by the wind. The rain had picked up to a heavier pitter-patter on the sidewalk.
“(Y/n),” he said, looking down at you. You looked up at him with pleading eyes, as he had yet to answer your question. “I’ve thought about it for a while. And, I think I might be in love with you too.”
At that moment you let out the biggest sob you could imagine. It was more of a scream than anything. You thought you had let out all of the tears in your body, as for the last few minutes you were only letting out dry tears while making constipated looking faces in an attempt to cry. But in that moment you never felt so gross.
Kirishima held you closer and shifted his position so he was sitting on the bench and you were being cradled in his lap. When you had finally calmed down you never wanted to leave that position. Kiri’s lap was so comfortable. It made you feel so secure.
“Can you forgive me?” You asked. The back of your throat felt like it was on fire as it swelled with old tears and mucus. Your senses were logged with the overpowering smell of rain water.
“That depends,” Kirishima said, a smirk gracing his face. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You looked like you were about to cry again, but you didn’t. Instead you nodded your head vigorously, and Kirishima laughed. Neither of you had felt this happy in a very long time.
Everyone was surprised the next day when you and Kirishima were talking with each other just like old times. It was almost like the last month never happened. All of your friends, except Uraraka of course, asked question after question. “Are you guys friends again?” and “What's up with you and Kirishima?” kept ringing through your ears. But everyone caught on to what was happening when the entire class walked in on you guys making out in the classroom when you thought they’d all be gone for a while.
You two were the power couple of your class. I mean, it helped that you were the only couple of your class, but the two of you were practically inseparable. You continued going strong throughout the rest of your first semester, and you got even stronger second semester.
That brings us to where you are today, lounging on the floor or Kirishima’s dorm room, flipping through a textbook you were barely skimming.
“Can I say something?” he said.
Your ears perked up. “What’s up?” You closed the textbook with a loud thud.
“The first day we met, you know when you told me Hawks is your brother...”
“You mean the day you accidentally broke my nose?” You laughed.
“Well I had this idea,” he said, purposely avoiding the fact that your first interaction was a particularly bloody one. “For a ship name.”
Your eyes widened and the smile on his face grew bigger. “Well don’t leave me hanging!” you said, and he laughed.
“Alright alright alright. Rock Solid Chicken.”
You blinked a few times, trying your hardest to ignore the fact that your brother eats chicken and other birds on a day to day basis. You burst out laughing. Not only because it was kind of ridiculous, but because you actually kind of liked it.
“What do you think?” Kiri looked like puppy.
“Yeah yeah, hot wings,” you said. “Alright, I’ll admit it’s pretty good.”
“Hot wings?” Kirishima asked.
Your face was already flushed from laughing so hard, but as he looked at you with a devilish smirk you could feel your cheeks grow hotter. “Hey,” you said. “I see it how it is.”
“In that case,” Kirishima stood up and hardened his skin. He flexed even harder, showing off his muscles. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
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bnha-hcs · 7 years
scenario for the fantasy AU in which Kacchan happens to catch feelings for a girl he encountered a while back ( kiri forced him to take her with them) and she herself reciprocates his feelings. Yet they're both really Tsu-Tsun and won't admit it since they're always arguing. Kiri is tired of it btw. So one day while they're arguing, he "accidently" pushes Katsuki into the girl, telling them to confess? Whooo really long. *sweatdrop*
kiri is me tbh
It was fucking HOT™,and you were stuck trying to weakly fan yourself from under the shade of a pretty sad looking tree. It was so hot that not even the birds were singing. Only the dead silence of the heat was in the air and you were tempted to hire a bard to follow you around just to break the monotony. Of course you were only tempted and would never be able to put up with that shit. You sighed loudly and out of irritation, the heat waves in the distance making you sleepy eyed. Looking over to your companions you could clearly see that they were in the same sorry state that you were. Kirishima was face first on the ground and trying to hide himself in the small shade of a bush. It wasn’t really working. And Bakugou… You knew looking at him would be your first mistake.
You looked over at him anyways and your gaze was caught looking at his bare chest. He was drinking sloppily from a gourd of water, the water falling and trailing down the front of his neck, going to leak over his exposed self. You watched a few droplets slide down his chest and then wet the hem of his pants and you wished you could see where the rest of the water would go. But you had to quickly yank yourself out of your wandering thoughts. Gods… You were in this deep weren’t you? He hadn’t noticed you staring yet and wet the palm of his hand before pushing it onto his forehead and then into his hair, trying to cool himself off more than his sweat could. His face was flush from the heat and with the new water dripping from his form he was practically making your heart want to explode.
With a quick movement you went to slap both of your cheeks with your hands and squeeze your eyes shut. Stop looking at him you idiot! There was no way you could show him that you liked him and he made no move to treat you any differently after he smashed his lips onto yours over a fortnight ago when he was heavily drunk. You chalked this up to him obviously not remembering his drunk adventures, especially after the three of you got paid due to another successful bounty hunt.
Right now you were waiting for a tip to get here of a certain rich thief lord the three of you had been after since forever. You had tried locating him about a million times before and now the three of you were finally on his trail again. As soon as you heard the sound of your messenger hawk you scrambled to your feet and held your protected arm out to it. It landed and you fished a few hardy slices of meat out for it to tear into while you unclipped the message from your lead. Within a few moments you felt someone at your side and attempted to ignore the breath fanning down your neck.
“So what the fuck does it say.” Bakugou huffed from next to you.
“I’m still reading.” You mumbled, scanning your eyes on the crinkled parchment.
“Then hurry up.” He barked.
“Shut up!” You hissed making your hawk get a little restless.
As soon as you got to the last part of the message you groaned before shoving in towards Bakugou who was being pestered by Kirishima. They both read over the message, and after a while, understood why you had groaned. The three of you never drew straws for who got the crap chute of the job because Bakugou and Kirishima were obviously the muscle of the three of you.This left you to get the craps and this next one was one hell of a doozy.
Your target was someone of a very high taste in aesthetic, so he often kept a number of dancers to perform for him on the go. Your job was to disguise yourself as one of said dancers and be the one to help the other two get in. Uncomfortable was not the word to completely describe how you felt about dressing in these clothes but… You weren’t about to fuck up a bounty the three of you had been after for the past two years. After let your hawk roam free into the skies you retreated back to your shared tent to grab your coin purse so you could head into town and purchase the appropriate dancer garb. When you went to head out you gave both of them a mean case of side eye.
“I’ll be back.”
It was nighttime, and the huge gathering at the banquet hall was in full swing. Bakugou and Kirishima were waiting for you on the roof as you got everything ready. It took a while to get yourself to look the way you did but you were a little proud of yourself for being able to pull off the look. You were still self conscious about it though, and as you came up you refused to make eye contact with either of them.
“Not a word.” You warned before throwing Bakugou a guard outfit.
You bashfully turned away as he started to change and heard Kirishima whistle appreciatively at you. You shot him a look before turning away and trying to cover yourself up a bit. The amount of gold bells, bracelets, and other such gold trinkets that were on your form glistened in the moonlight and the transparent, shimmery cloth that covered your arms and legs were draped deliciously over your form to show off a lot of skin. The converings that were solid and actually covered your more… private parts, were very small and you had what would be considered as a side skirt to cover the knife strapped to your thigh. Your face was veiled from the nose down so people could see your eyes clearly. You hated it with a burning passion.
Speaking of, when Bakugou called to you so the two of you could enter the gathering, you saw that same sort of burning passion that you saw a fortnight ago. It sent absolute shivers down your spine and you were so glad the transparent cloth on your face didn’t show your reddened cheeks.
The second you entered into the back room you gave him instructions to come in a bit afterwards as to not attract attention. It wouldn’t do well to have a guard and dancer enter at the same time. It would have everyone thinking just a little too hard. You couldn’t help but notice the lingering touch of his as you pulled away from him though. So you entered and went back into the harem of dancers quickly, all of them laying and sitting lavishly while only a few of them danced. One of the things you were glad you forced yourself to learn a while back for this job was to dance, so as to not attract attention, you went to the middle where a few girl dancers were. They smiled at you and let you join in on a classic dance, the music starting back up.
It wasn’t much long after you had started dancing did Bakugou enter in, looking like every other grunt that was here. Kirishima was on the roof for backup just in case you needed the strength of a dragon. Thankfully none of the guards seemed to be brandishing wyrmslayer swords like last time. You made eye contact with Bakugou and he gave you a little nod as a signal, so you started to dance towards the thief leader. You spun gracefully and started to distract him with the long fluid movements of your body, the long cloth strapped to both of your wrists gliding in the air. As soon as you saw Bakugou close enough, you went to sneak in you knife from under the side skirt. You took your opportunity in stride as the thief went to grab you and tug you towards him, his breath reeking of alcohol. You smiled sweetly at him and went to brush your hand against the side of his face before you plunged the knife into his neck and twisted it.
Bakugou was at your side in an instant as the plethora of screams from the thief’s harem rang out. You’re being pushed out by him as fast as possible, a few cries of protest coming from you as you’re pushed into the back room and out into the cool night. The two of you scrambled to the roof and to the waiting Kirishima who was looking very unamused as the two of you had gotten onto the rooftop arguing.
“Oh so you’re going to argue with me about how I should distract? Right now, really?!” You yelled shoving the bloodied knife back into your thigh pocket.
“You fucking dragged it out too long you dumbass! You could’ve blown your cover and then I’d have to come save your ass!” He yelled back.
“Uh, who’s the one who can actually have more than two seconds of patience to even disguise themselves?!” You shot back. “Oh wait, that would be me!”
“I should’ve just killed him as soon as I came in. Then I wouldn’t have had to watch you dance for that scumbag!!”
“Oh so are you suddenly jealous now? Sorry I didn’t have time to dance over and give you a lapdance first!” You turned away and huffed. “Gods, I can’t believe you’re arguing with me over this!”
“I wouldn’t have to argue with you if you had just done it how I wanted in the first place!” He growled grabbing your shoulder and spinning you around to face him. He glared at you with those piercing red eyes of his.
Bakugou opened his mouth the yell  even more when he suddenly felt himself be shoved forward and his lips collided with yours for a heated second. It didn't take long for the two of you two separate almost immediately.
“For the love of gods will you two just confess already?” Kirishima sighed irritably. “I’m tired of this, Bakugou just tell her!”
“Eh??” You almost shrieked. “Tell me what?!”
You looked helplessly between the seething Bakugou and then to the exasperated Kirishima who was turning to leave. You were about to call out to the redhead when you felt strong, calloused hands grab your shoulders and then lips press against yours. It took you a good moment before you were able to try and kiss back, your hands flying up and holding the sides of his face gently. It was firm, and a little similar to the last kiss you shared from such a long time ago and under very different circumstances. And after you had returned the kiss, Bakugou decided to tilt his head a little more and deepened it just a bit more. That was more than enough to send you to cloud nine and get your head feeling fuzzy. You swore he was trying to kill you.
The two of you parted and it was only a second of breathing room before he’s dragging you off somewhere secluded and you’re sputtering out curses and other jumbled phrases. You’re shut into a dimly lit room and are quickly being pressed against the wall, one of Bakugou’s hands going to grip your thigh.
“There’s something I want to do before you change out of that outfit.” He said hungrily. You swallowed hard.
“O-Oh.” You managed to squeak out.
And suddenly the heat from earlier today was nothing compared to the heat between your legs.
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