#and rn i'm supposed to be studying as well bc i have one of the most difficult exams in a few days but i have an excruciating migraine 🤕
cheekblush · 2 years
it's been A WEEK
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
#ONCE AGAIN I WAIT TOO LONG TO SIGN UP FOR SOMETHING I WANT TO SIGN UP FOR AND THEN IT COMES BACK TO BITE ME LOL#actually it wouldn't have made a difference i guess bc i was already in another choreo (this is for glowstick club (as if that's not all i#talk about XD)) so i technically wasn't supposed to sign up for another one#the one i'm in rn tho is one i choreo-ed and am teaching to newbies#so it's easy 😭 and i want to do another challenging choreo bc i feel like it's been a while since i learned new moves and stuff 😭😭#but other ppl filled up the other choreo option i rly had bc the only open ones now are back to back w mine#:''') it's fine we have another set that i can sign up for challenging thigns for lmao#but i wanted to do this one ngl and i feel like it's kind of mean to think but i think i would be better than my friends who are in it now#lmao not that they won't be good but#idk i feel bad about thinking that but that's kinda what i think lmao#it's fine i was hesitating about signing up for it bc i wasn't sure if i'd have time w having to teach newbies too#rip idk lmfao i want to do more in our sets!!! but then it comes down to it and i'm in one song lol#which isn't like bad and a lot of ppl are in just one but i just like doing more lmfao anyway#mostly bc i'm not gonna learn anything from my newbie choreo ;-; i rly wanted to bond w newbies a little and help them so i'm glad im doing#it still but i want to learn some challenging choreo and new moves 😭😭😭 anyway#u know what i should do is study for my exam tomorrow 😭😭😭😭😭 i can't even teach newbies or learn choreo this week bc my exam conflicts#w practice 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ugh i just had an exam and it went pretty well yay and my exam tomorrow will Not be going that well <3#jeanne talks#hrnjghjdrhtgjdfhf i feel like im just in a complainy mood lmfao rip
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I’m kind of in a similar situation to your college indecisiveness post bc I want to shift but never have the time cuz all this studying. I’m really hating life rn. I’ve tried shifting a few times and managed to detach my awareness from this reality for a few minutes at a time, so i know what works for me, but I never have time to do it. I feel kind of drained that I could be achieving so much but I’m stuck not even having the time cuz I’m not smart enough to get done with all this HW fast enough
TLDR how do I be cool like you and too smart for school to be a big concern? Do I just say f**k it and do a shifting attempt when I’m supposed to be studying?
This was such a sweet ask 😭😭💖 I'm overwhelmed by the sweetness of your words, and I assure you, I'm far from being as cool as you think. In fact, I found myself facing the very same dilemma in the past! Now, I'm not sure if you're looking for some wisdom from Loa or valuable studying tips, so ill share a little bit of both? Also college-related questions/asks have been pouring in lately, so I've decided to address them all right here. I should probably just make it a post but I’ll use this ask as a reference.
Pre law perspective:
So my senior year, was when I really started my journey. It was during this time that I learned about shifting and manifesting (kind of law of attraction) so I naturally attempted everyday and had my focus to that. However, I basically spiraled into burnout and indifference towards school. Tbh It's still a mystery to me how I managed to do fine in school when I basically stopped attending classes mentally and barely did my work.
I've always had ADHD, anxiety, and procrastination issues throughout my high school years, But senior year took it to a whole new level. The boredom and disconnection from my studies were unbearable. I went through the motions, completing my homework, but for classes I didn't enjoy, I mindlessly attended without caring or understanding the material. It was a year filled with academic mediocrity, and certain subjects like AP Calculus and AP Biology, which I didn't even need for my future plans, were absolute torture.
And at the time I didn’t even fully understand what shifting was, But I clung to the notion that school no longer mattered in the grand scheme of things. Looking back, I realize it was a detrimental mentality to have for my well being. If there's one piece of advice I can offer, it's this - find a balance. Avoid burning yourself out completely, but don't neglect your mental well-being either. You are still here, whether you're shifting or not, whether you’re god or not, and whether you're actively manifesting or not. Diving deeper into a negative mental well will not benefit you in any way. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.
As my burnout intensified, I reached a point where I no longer wanted to be alive in this boring ass reality. It became so severe that I almost didn't apply to college. My entire focus was consumed by shifting, and I simply didn't care about anything else. It was my friends who came to my rescue, pushing me to apply and offering unwavering support. Without their guidance and nurturing, I honestly don't know where I would be today.
Eventually, I grew tired of being tired. I began diving into my subliminal journey, creating playlists that combined affirmations for school,success, and luck. I learned the importance of dividing my time wisely. During the second semester, I continued this approach, focusing on school-related practices during the day and dedicating my evenings to shifting attempts.
Affirmations and scripting became the root of my routine too. Miraculously, my grades improved, even when I skipped classes for an entire month or neglected to read the lectures.
I was able to graduate high school with honors, which in itself proves that success or whatever isn’t even just about being naturally "good at school." I worked smarter, not harder and knowing about manifesting really helped with that!
So I really advice you to find a balance in your journey. Don't pour all your energy into just school or just manifesting. Embrace the plethora of easy methods available - scripting, subliminals, binaural beats - and integrate them into your study routine. Make it work in your favor. Treat shifting like a cherished hobby, something that complements your academic pursuits rather than overshadowing them.
Also, set realistic standards for yourself. In high school, I used to obsess over achieving straight A's, disregarding any grade below perfection. Looking back, I realize how misplaced my priorities were. As long as you maintain a mix of A's, B's, and even a few C's, you'll be absolutely fine. Set a goal of achieving a GPA of 3.0 or whatever scale your institution uses, and celebrate every success along the way.
Loa perspective
Ok, now let's talk about the power of the Law of Assumption!
Now that I'm in a place where I give only about 20% of my time and effort to school and still do very well, I can help and reflect on my journey properly. Back in high school, like said I struggled with anxiety and ADHD, and I thought these challenges would hold me back.
Test-taking, deadlines, remembering information it all seemed overwhelming. But you know what helped me? Subliminals.
Listening to subliminals for intelligence and confidence made a significant difference in my life. They boosted my abilities and gave me the belief that I could excel academically. And that belief was everything.
As you probably know the Law of Assumption states that whatever we expect and assume to be true will become our reality. So, I decided to apply this principle to my studies. I assumed that I was capable of achieving great grades with ease. I assumed that school life would be manageable, and I would continuously improve my skills throughout the semester. I always visualized seeing As, revised my past grades, teacher giving me the grade I know I deserve no matter what.
And guess what? It worked! My mindset shifted towards greater productivity, and I started using my time more efficiently. As a result, my grades improved, and I had more time to focus on the things I genuinely enjoyed. It was a game-changer, and it accounted for about 70% of my success. Just imagine that - simply switching my mindset and accepting the positive results from my previous subliminal experiences.
I understand that college can be more stressful and demanding than high school. But it's still the same principle at play. You don't have to drastically change your study habits if you don't want to. Instead, use general resources during the day to aid your studying. And while you're at it, listen to subliminals that align with your goals. Instead of imagining and affirming to yourself that you're a failure and worrying about all the things that could go wrong, shift your focus. Imagine the grade you want, affirm and visualize that no matter what happens on your test, you'll still pass the class with flying colors. Remember, it's just one test, one assignment, and there are so many more opportunities ahead.
General school tips
* Stop checking your grades every day. Seriously, it's only stressing you out. Grades can fluctuate randomly, especially in college (and honestly, even in high school). Instead of obsessing over the numbers, focus on staying on top of your assignments. Keep up with your work, put in your best effort, and trust that alone will reflect in your grades.
* Say no to all-nighters. Trust me, reading the same material for 12 hours straight won't magically make you understand it. If something isn't clicking, it's probably an internal issue. There's no need to spend an entire night alone trying to grasp a single concept. Look for alternative resources like recap lessons on YouTube or seek help from a tutor or classmate. Remember, it's okay to acknowledge what doesn't come naturally to you and instead focus on your strengths.
* Realistically, doing your homework and attending class means you're probably not failing. Even if you're not getting the grade you want, it doesn't mean you're headed for failure. Those big tests that carry a significant weight in your grade may impact your GPA, but they don't define the trajectory of your life. Take a moment to reflect on all the times you thought a single grade would ruin everything, yet here you are, still alive and thriving. You've been through challenges before, and you're stronger than you think. Breathe, remind yourself that you're not alone in these thoughts and stresses, and keep pushing forward.
* Make friends and join class group chats. Trust me, these connections are gold. Joining group chats on platforms like GroupMe or Snapchat allows you to ask questions, collaborate on study guides, and realize that you're not alone in this journey. Even if they're not your closest friends, having a support system within your classes can make all the difference.
* Use EFT tapping for anxiety, especially before tests. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is not only useful for Law purposes, but it can also work wonders for managing anxiety. Check out my pinned guide on how to use EFT tapping. It has personally helped me immensely, and I hope it does the same for you.
* Work smarter, not harder. The truth is, those who seem to breeze through school while partying every night still manage to graduate and pass just like everyone else. The key is finding shortcuts, utilizing the vast resources available on the internet, and working smarter, not harder. Embrace technology, explore online study tools, and leverage the power of the internet as your greatest friend in this journey.
Here are some free recourses:
Math and Science
1. MathMagic Lite: This app lets you write any mathematical expressions and various scientific symbols easily
2. Equatio: A powerful equation editor that makes it easy to create digital, accessible maths
3. Microsoft Mathematics: Can be used to write mathematical expressions, solve equations, and plot graphs
4. Desmos Scientific Calculator & Graphing Calculator: Utility apps for students and teachers for calculations and graph plotting
5. WolframAlpha: A computational search engine that can solve a wide variety of problems, especially useful for math and science
Article/Video Summarization
6. Smmry: A website that summarizes articles for you
7. TLDR This: A browser extension for quick article summarization
8. Inshorts: An app providing news in 60 words or less
9. Listenable: Converts articles into short audio files
10. Evernote: A note-taking app where you can jot down thoughts, save things you find online, and even scan physical documents with your phone's camera
11. Microsoft OneNote: Allows for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration
12. Notion: An all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and get organized
Concept Explanation
13. Khan Academy: Offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom
14. Coursera: Provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online
15. Complexly: A YouTube channel that produces a variety of educational content, including the series Crash Course which covers many different subjects in depth
16. citation machine: you never have to make source citations by yourself. This gives your both in test and citations for your essays and research.
Lastly I’m gonna put all the free resources most colleges offer for free!
Academic Resources
* Online Study Platforms: Websites such as Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX offer free or low-cost courses on a variety of subjects that can supplement your coursework.
* Academic Advising Centers: Most colleges have an academic advising center where students can get guidance on course selection, degree requirements, and academic planning.
* Writing Centers: Writing centers provide assistance with writing assignments, including proofreading, editing, and helping with citations.
* Library Research Databases: Your college library likely subscribes to a number of research databases (like JSTOR, EBSCO, and ProQuest) that can provide access to academic journals, books, and other resources.
2. Career Resources
* Career Centers: These centers offer career counseling, resume reviews, interview preparation, and job search assistance.
* Internship and Co-op Programs: Many colleges have programs that help students find internships or co-op positions in their field of interest.
* LinkedIn Learning: This platform offers courses on a variety of career-related topics, including networking, resume writing, and job interviewing.
3. Mental Health and Wellness Resources
* Counseling Centers: Most colleges offer free or low-cost mental health services to students, including individual therapy, group sessions, and workshops.
* Fitness Centers: Regular exercise is important for both physical and mental health. Most colleges have fitness centers that offer a variety of workout options.
* Mindfulness and Meditation Apps: Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided meditations that can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
4. Financial Aid Resources
* Financial Aid Office: Your college's financial aid office can provide information on scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities, and student loans.
* FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the key to accessing federal financial aid, including grants, work-https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/712878654521262080/everything-eft-tapping?source=share funds, and loans.
* Scholarship Search Engines: Websites like Fastweb and Scholarships.com can help you find scholarships that you may be eligible for.
Other questions I got
Q: How did you manifest graduating early?
A: Graduating early was always a desire deep within me. I didn't realize it was on track to manifest until I had a meeting with my advisor. Interestingly, when I found out it was happening, I wasn't as ecstatic as I thought I would be. It made me realize that desires can change as we grow and evolve. So, if something you once desired doesn't bring you the same joy anymore, it's perfectly okay. Life is all about evolving and embracing new desires.
Q: What affirmations do you use?
A: Since I had a multitude of desires in various aspects of my life, I found it tiring to have a separate affirmation for each one. So, I opted for general affirmations that encompassed all areas of my life. For example, I would affirm statements like "I am the luckiest person alive," "Everything works out my way," and "I always get my desires." These affirmations can be applied to all aspects of life, including school. The key is to find affirmations that resonate with you and create a positive mindset.
Q: How do you manage the law/shifting and school?
A: As I mentioned earlier, integration is the key! You don't have to view manifestation or shifting as something separate from your school life. Instead, incorporate these practices seamlessly into your daily routine. The goal is to make it a part of your lifestyle without feeling like it's an extra burden or sacrifice. For example, if a certain method, like wbtb lucid dreaming, is disrupting your sleep schedule, consider switching to other methods like subliminals or reality checks. You can still set intentions before going to bed, which will be effective without compromising your sleep. Find what works best for you and strike a balance between school, manifestation, and your mental health
Q: What to do if affirmations don’t work:
A:maybe you don’t think with words. I’m more of a visual person and will always believe and like images more than words. I would just imagine my grades always being an A. No matter what, no matter if I failed a test or forgot to submit a homework even if I failed everything I still got an A! If you don’t like to visualize then change your wording to how you naturally speak. Maybe you don’t even like affirmations, it’s really different for everyone.
Q:I don’t want to go to this college but I still have to apply, is that affecting living in the end:
A: nope I don’t think taking action or not taking action affects anything If you’re living in the end. Just because you apply doesn’t mean you’ll get in simply because you took the action. Do what you have to do it doesn’t matter if you’re living your 3D life but know imagination is your true reality. If you’re a billionaire and sleep in a homeless shelter that doesn’t take away from the fact you’re a billionaire. Who knows why you’re at a homeless shelter and who knows why you’re applying for college. It doesn’t dictate anything.
Q:I needed to get into the void before college but now I’m here without my dream life and I hate it. What do I do:
A: well it’s happened so take a deep breath. You can still master the void, in fact you already have you’re just being silly and want a funny humbling story. There is no better time than now to be delulu. When you’re trying to escape something and it passes accept it and make it your bitch tbh. honestly keeping busy definitely helped me in my journey anyways, but I did provide tips above so you have free time because you shouldn’t just be immersed in school. For example when I was poor, it was because I needed a humbling back story because no one likes people born into wealth. I’m assuming you still want to be in college, and yea, it’s just cool to have started from the bottom before you become that It girl. That’s your choice and your truth but now you’re done with being humble so go tap into the void.
Q: what’s your perspective on manifesting a perfect life. like nothing bad ever happens but also having a good life with just minor challenges (nothing too big) and I don’t wanna normalize suffering bc who wants to suffer?
A: ok this had a school ask but that was just the gist of it. anyways not that my opinion matters first and foremost. But I think that’s great. Who wants to suffer… exactly. You know I like being human, but I did not like my human experience before Loa. I do like challenges, I like growth, I like not being perfect, and I like being happy and getting what I want too! you can still have all those human aspects and manifest everything you desire. Mary Sues do don’t exist because humanity exists. Don’t worry about it. Your life won’t feel stagnant or unreal or something, I promise
Ok sorry this came out longer than I expected but I had a lot to say. I hope that answers all the asks I’ve been getting ! You all got this, college, your manifesting journey, your anxiety, all of it. All of your dreams & desires are within your reach (right in front of you !!!) so go for it and still live your best life <3!
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barcaracing · 2 years
Hello!! Could you do one where pedri and his gf are invited to a grand prix (whichever one + his gf is a tifosi) and pedri gets jealous bc his gf instantly hits off with the drivers
paddock food | pg8
pairing: pedri gonzalez x reader, charles leclerc x platonic!reader, carlos sainz x platonic!reader
warning: none
a/n: i looove this idea, thank u for sending me this! it's pretty short bc i'm supposed to be studying for exams rn but i’m clearly not lol hope u like it! x
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Pedri has no reason to feel this bothered. Not really. In fact, he’d been looking forward to this weekend. But as it is, he does feel extremely bothered right now. Annoyed. Maybe a bit murderous. But that doesn't stop him from putting on an impressively charming smile to meet your expectant gaze, eyes twinkling through the gap of the racing helmet you just put on.
“What do you think?” You ask, striking a dramatic pose. Pedri takes his time to look you up and down, going so far as to twirl you around by the hand. He finds himself cracking a genuine smile before pulling you to his side.
“Not bad,” he says with a teasing tone, “but I do miss your pretty face.”
You snort. “You tried to smother this pretty face with a pillow this morning.”
Pedri grins but quickly remembers that you two aren’t alone when a laugh comes from nearby. His gaze shifts to the two Ferrari drivers standing in front of him.
"Not a morning person?" Charles asks, amusedly.
Pedri shakes his head, arm still wrapped around your waist. "Not really."
You shoot him a funny look. "I think the first degree murder attempt makes that pretty clear."
“I thought a football player like you would be used to waking up early," Charles presses on, still sounding amused. Pedri blinks. He’s not sure what he’s supposed to say to that. He isn’t even sure that statement needs a response. Maybe he’ll just laugh and punch Charles’ arm. Playfully, of course.
His teammate nods, taking a sip from his water bottle. “Right, don’t you have morning practise every day? I know Real Madrid does.” He flashes him a teasing smile. “But hey, I’d understand if Barcelona just isn’t on that level.”
Pedri smiles back, grateful for the easy out. He gives a lazy shrug. “Of course, we have morning practise, but it’s not the same.” Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees you take out your phone, opening the camera app. He turns back to Carlos. “It's easier to wake up when I know I'll be playing football in a couple of minutes.”
Carlos hums and crosses his arms, eyes glazed over like he’s lost in thought. “Yeah, I guess. Makes sense. Hey, do you think I should–” 
“Do you want me to take a picture for you?” Charles suddenly asks, prompting Pedri to turn his attention back to you. He can only see your eyes, but he knows what they look like when you’re beaming at someone and that is exactly what you’re doing right now. Except, the smile is not directed at him and Pedri has to admit he doesn’t like how that feels one bit.
“That’d be great, thank you.” You hand your phone over to Charles and step back, making sure that the race car is in the frame as well. The Monegasque driver drops to one knee and adjusts your phone, eyes fixed on the screen.
“Beautiful,” he says, grinning. Pedri nearly lets out a huff. At least Carlos has the good sense not to say anything, but Pedri has learned that the fellow Spaniard is painfully easy to read. Especially now with his mouth slightly agape and bright gaze focused on you. Pedri isn't even sure he's blinking.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Pedri turns away, keeping his attention solely on you. The effect is almost immediate as he feels the knot in his stomach dissolve. You truly are beautiful, he thinks. Pretty in ways that he could never explain. Maybe he can't really fault Charles and Carlos for thinking the same.
"Charles," the latter calls out, "maybe you should let Y/N drive tomorrow. She looks so much better in your helmet than you do." He send you a wink and Charles laughs.
Never mind, Pedri thinks grimly. He’s going to strangle them both. But before he gets to it, you let out a warm laugh, shaking your head as if you’ve just been told a hilarious joke.
"You're too kind, Sainz." You take off the helmet and hand it back to Charles, slipping your phone in your back pocket without glancing at the pictures he took. "You too, Leclerc. Thanks for the photos." You meet Pedri's eyes for just a split-second and maybe he imagined it, but he's almost certain a smirk is hiding in the corner of your mouth.
You move back to his side. “I’m starving. Let’s go find something to eat.”
“Oh, we have food here,” Charles quips, glancing at Carlos who nods and points over his shoulder.
“Ferrari food. It’s not bad.”
“Not bad,” you snort. Pedri feels something flutter in his stomach as you weave your arm through his. “Thanks, but I think we’ll hunt down a food stand. Maybe find an overpriced greasy burger.” You look at him. “What do you think?”
Pedri smiles back at you. “You know me. Fan of every trackside food truck that smuggles out paddock food.”
“You mean greasy balls of death.”
He shrugs. “As long as it’s undercooked and contaminated.”
“And made with several health code violations.” 
Pedri sighs dreamily. “I love when you talk dirty to me.”
You laugh and the sound makes him feel all gooey inside. 
“God, you two are weird,” Carlos says and Charles grins at you two, silently agreeing.
“I’d hope so.” You smile warmly at Pedri before turning back to them. “Alright, see ya later, boys.”
As they’re leaving the garage, Pedri leans over to whisper, “We’re not actually getting food from a food truck, are we?” There’s a subtle note of concern in his voice.
You glance sidelong at him and snort. “No. I just thought my jealous boyfriend might either starve to death or challenge someone to a duel if we eat at their hospitality.”
Pedri’s doesn’t think his smile can grow any larger. Looking at you a moment longer, he eventually presses a kiss to your cheek and slings an arm around your shoulder. “Good thinking. Very good thinking.” 
carlos is always drinking water in these things lol anyway, this is my first time writing in present tense and from someone else’s pov, so i’d love to know what u think (: stay hydrated. like carlos x
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domithanasia · 14 days
the problem is that I find ancient/medieval history for literally any region interesting so its like. how tf am I supposed to choose what I want to study. and I'm already thinking about getting a masters and PhD even though I'm only in my second year of undergrad bc I so badly want to be an expert in something but I literally don't know what. I'm double majoring in classical civ and archaeological studies rn and I'm happy about that but I'm also so indecisive I'm always second guessing myself and like yeah I like ancient Greece and Rome but I don't want that to be the only thing I study yk? which it doesn't have to be because you can go to grad school for something u didnt study in undergrad and if I want to do ancient/medieval/more modern history for another area having classics in undergrad should be fine especially for a European area bc its a good background. but I'm also already looking at English teacher fullbrights in Europe which I want to do so badly after my bachelors(or masters if I actually get one) bc my mom's friend applied to do one and it sounds so cool...u teach English in another country for like 9-10 months and u don't have to know the language but u do community engagement and can do research as well and literally everything interests me...I wanna go to Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia and Iceland and and and AGSOUDGYOIUGYDOYUEFWOGUYPG&*Y#(*&)R&+&+#F*)&U+(#*
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stackslip · 1 year
tell us all about mormonism
since there's way too much to talk about and i am rn in someone's dms talking about the link between mormons and multi-level-marketing i'm gonna focus on a certain aspect that i find absolutely fascinating and that's the history of the book of abraham. batshit stuff
so most people know that joseph smith published the book of mormon in 1830, claiming to have supposedly met an angel called moroni who led him to ancient golden plates that recounted the real life, absolutely true, no bullshit story about how ancient hebrews travelled to america and created their own civilization and stories there (and how indigenous people today are supposedly the descendants of jews settled in america who were punished for their sins as a people with dark skin. i wish i were joking). if you didn't now you know and it's worth reading about bc it's a fucking wild story!
the thing that MOST non mormons don't know though, is that the book of mormon wasn't his only supposed translation of an ancient text that gave religious revelations to the world. in 1835 some guy had been touring around the usa with some ancient egyptian mummies, artefacts and papyrii, exhibiting them for a pretty penny. joseph happened upon these papyrii and immediately claimed to its owners that he could translate these, and bought them and the mummies. seven years later, he published what he claimed to be a translation of these papyri, which were supposedly written by.... the prophet abraham. yes, that abraham. these papyri written by an ancient hebrew prophet just happaned to be on tour and joe smith got a miraculous hunch that they were previously-undiscovered biblical writings with all the authority that goes with it. nice! and what a coincidence that this is all happening while interest in ancient egypt is at an all time high in europe and north america, as the rosetta stone is slowly being translated for the first time!
so how did joseph smith translate these, considering he himself had little to no factual knowledge of hieroglyphs? well, he claimed that the book of abraham was written "reformed egyptian" (if you ask any modern egyptologist they will shoot you on the spot) and over the next few years, he not only published a book of grammar of "reformed egyptian". here's some parts of the notebook he used as basis
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like, you gotta give it to joseph smith. he commits to the grift 200%. he could have like, just claimed to magically translate these from a stone in a hat like he did with the golden plates, but instead he actually wrote a book of grammar to a made up language from these papyri and then published the book of abraham. he was a hell of a prolific writer and supposed translator.
he also reproduced portions of the illustrations of the papyrus, and explained them in biblical terms, such as below
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now fun fact about me, the first time i saw this i laughed so hard i started crying. my grandparents' old home have an old funerary papyrus reproduction in their corridor which looks very close to this, and as a kid i was obsessed with ancient egypt. so i took a look at the VERY obvious osiris being discussed very seriousy as abraham, and the VERY fake anubis described as........... a slave............. because he's black let's be honest.................. and i fucking cry laughed so hard i actually woke a relative.
so like, this is the kind of shit you should expect from the supposed book of abraham. the papyri themselves were sold again after joseph smith's death and were subsequently lost, but to be clear: this is an ordinary funerary papyrus. it has absolutely fuck all to do with abraham and reformed egyptian is not a thing. joseph smith's source is that he made it the fuck up. any serious ancient egypt scholar that had studied the subject--including LDS ones!!!--agree that there is absolutely NOTHING tying the og text and illustrations of the papyri to whatever the hell joseph claimed they contained. and i mean, at the time you can understand WHY it went through. knowledge of egyptian language at the time was still sparse and limited to few scholars. and again, joe committed the FUCK to the bit.
with all that said, what did the book of abraham supposedly contain? well..... by some magical coincidence, it contained a whole lot of answers to theological questions that were asked to joseph since the book of mormon had been published that he could not simply magically answer without a supposed "proof". he was prophet but there were still whole aspects of mormon theology and cosmology that he could not simply pull out of his ass claiming heavenly father had bestowed it to him. he could do that at least part of the time, but considering how much his reputation as a prophet rode upon the book of mormon he probably knew people wanted "solid" proof (aka several guys swear they saw him handle golden sheets, which means the whole angel story and translation have gotta be legit right). so the book of abraham very coincidentally contains a whole bunch of explanations about concepts such as the predestination, the eternal nature of souls (aka our souls existed before incarnation of earth and our choices in the pre-existence affect what happens to us on earth, which has dire fucking implications for victims of abuse, disabled people and especially black people), and the whole "god was originally a human who became god and you can all become gods and get your own planets" shtick that's legit the most unique aspect of mormonism and part of why evangelicals fucking hate mormons and do not call them christians.
today the mormon church has recently FINALLY quietly agreed that the book of abraham's original translation is hot garbage, but many argue that joseph smith simply used the papyri as a catalyst for writing down the original texts that were lost. which is a bullshit excuse, and the book of abraham is currently being quietly shelved and taught a lot less in seminary and byu. though tbh i think it ties with the mormon church's hope to assimilate more into christianity and quietly divest itself of its more.... unique teachings (not the racism or authoritatian structure though).
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Hii Lorkai! I hope you're doing well. What exactly are you supposed to do when you have an exam tomorrow but you're not sure if you're ready? 😃 I'm probably gonna pull an all nighter at this point cuz I need to pass 😭 I'M STRESSED.
(sorry for rambling <3)
Hiiii, darling! Yeah, I'm well, just got home from work and I'm having dinner rn 😋
Now, studying is hard but being stressed won't help, you have to focus on what you're studying. But do it in topics, separate a subject you know well and one you don't know, just so you have a north to follow, if that makes sense.
Talking with your friends or researching can also help. And idk if you're allowed but here we can email our teachers about some doubts we have, if your professors are approachable, you can also try that.
While pulling an all nighter isn't exactly healthy, I can just suggest to not drink much caffeine. I can't remember for the life of me if this is something factual or something I've heard somewhere, but I remember reading or hearing something about how coffee can make you sleepy after a while. So don't drink tons of it but don't trust this too much bcs again I don't remember if this statement is actually true or not
Aside from all of this, I believe in you, darling! You're going to do well!! Also don't worry, you can always ramble to me ;3
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excadrill · 1 year
tagged by @yj-98 ilyyy 🫶🫶🤍
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
tag as many people as their are wips.. eep.. sorry i'd put this under a cut but it's not working on mobile 😭
ankhgiveaway.sai [i held an art giveaway in february and havent finished the prizes even tho i keep looking at them and going 'i need to and Want to finish this..']
yuukigiveaway.sai [same as above but the person who requested this one deactivated so i. don't know if i'm still gonna finish it]
sonomomo.sai [my current priority 'For Me' wip.. ive shared this wip w some people but ive never done a proper piece for the 'cycle of life and death' thing for them so that's what this one is..💙❤️]
exozinewip5.sai [pokemon zine oc piece, not supposed to share zine wips so idk if i should say more but it's of my beloved gymsona.. this zine will be free + digital and i'll ofc be promoting it more when it's done but it's soooo cute keep your eyes out for this one :3c '5' not bc im contributing multiple pieces but bc this piece is big and slightly intimidating for me so i keep saving different versions when i do major merges]
pocketzine-nymble.sai [another pokemon zine piece, so i can't really say more But it's not the only thing im contributing to this zine, ive just finished all my other stuff already]
oczine-thumbs.sai [thumbs for an oc zine i signed up for that i'll probably drop out of bc im not feeling like a vibe w everyone else there >w>;;; ]
philip.sai [philip piece ive had sitting around basically since i finished W.. about a year ago now i think ? but i transferred it to my '23 wips folder bc i still wanna finish it..it was supposed to be a 'this one will be quick and easy so i'll have smthn i Finished this month outside of zine stuff' but. zine stuff took up all my time and energy oops]
mrtourism.sai [this one's a silly post-canon kirihiko art i've Also had sitting around for like a year. i chip away at this one sometimes but then keep restarting bc im unsatisfied with the lines i wish i could just sit down and finish it bc i Love Him]
platform.sai [ummm silly ryotaro thing i drew after watching the den-o final stage ^__^ not a high priority one but it's cute so like. maybe one day]
punkjackhelmet.sai [file name was bc i was originally doing helmet studies before it turned into a full sketch. punkjack with the beat buckle bc i was doing this right after his special came out 🎃🫶]
colourwheel.sai [ummm well. yeah im not good at finishing art memes when theyre still on trend. i did all the sketches for these but i probably won't finish at this point..]
poppyangel.sai [poppy ex-aid i sketched as a break between big stuff the other day that i like a lot so. maybe will finish but might just post unfinished if i cant find the energy to get to this one sooner. feel bad that i like ex-aid so much but don't have any clean art done for it..]
millirider.sai [toku oc planning :3 i was saying last night i finally figured the helmet out which ive been struggling with for ages so hopefullyyyy i get around to doing a proper ref sheet]
im not at my laptop rn so im doing this off the top of my head but i THINK that's everything.. tagging umm @ankhisms @heartvisor @madaraki @circeancity @horrorcomedies @yu3s @pleuvoire @kosukeiichi @danothan @seashrine @asticassia @eclipse-song @kirider only if you guys wanna 🤍🤍
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hiiiiiiii we havent sent you any asks for some time. mostly because kanra didnt front much
[idk if you can recognize us after all the url changes]
ereyesterday our their of pissed suggested getting into an outpatient psychward and told us to think about it. and silver[headmate] made a post on the tumbler saying that this could be a bad idea because somewhat recently i made a hole in a wall and less than a week ago Lyra messed up a cupboard. as if we're the only ones who on occasion damage stuff when angered. this is literally so mean for no reason.
also. a few months ago shinra had an accident with a knife. and we got a fun new 1 inch long scar and possibly a little bit of nerve damage or something. and we were supposed to get some reminder tetanus shot around a month after that since i had no idea when was my previous tetanus shot. and i uhhhhhhh didn't get it since i'm scared of doctors, and it would probably seem quite weird if i went to a doctor about this now
also im sorta balding but. scared of doctors so cant do anything about that
last sunday i was in some social studies class or some other shit. and the teacher said something about how lgbt people were never oppressed in this country. which is a very bold thing to say as someone living in a country in which like a quarter of the area declared itself a "lgbt free zone" and only calmed down a little when the european onion told them that that's probably illegal. and i decided to argue with the teacher a bit. one of the things she said was that sometimes there's dudes in pup masks on pride parades, which invokes disgust and thus should be banned, and. idk why but i kinda expected teachers to have a bit more common sense than 14 year old twitter users. also i came to school wearing a spiked dog collar on a regular basis. [for reasons unrelated to kink.]
well. good thing i'm failing every single one of my classes lmao. at least i won't be invoking disgust in fragile old ladies
also. i just met a doggy and he was very niceys. very soft and friendly. and polite also.
- toby
HOW COULD I NOT RECOGNIZE U MY BESTIE IN CHRIST <3 u changed ur url a binch of times but ur icon remained the same sdlfndnfkjsnsdf so i was able to keep track!
i however do not understand a single word of that first paragraph. if u want my advice, DO NOT. FUCKING GO. TO A PSYCH WARD!!!!! idfc Who it helped, it hurts a lot more than it helps, theres NO WAY to tell which psych wards are good and which are shit. no really let me go thru them all rn:
REFERRALS: most professionals that work in different offices do not know each other on a personal level and may never hear of their bad stories. a doctor that was the chillest coolest doctor id ever met referred me to a psychiatrist that sucked fucking ass shit. there is no way to know for sure
GOOGLE REVIEWS: im gonna b real i dont trust some of those mfs. you seen the guys that go into psych wards? a lot of mentally ill people r internalizers and just accept whatever happens to them, and even if they arent, society looks down on the mentally ill SO MUCH that they could b told "you deserve this bc ur crazy" and due to all this societal gaslighting, theyd agree
why is this so important? because you cannot Fucking leave a psych ward. an outpatient ward yeah you can leave, but ive been to both in and outpatient and they excert the same level of bullshit control over their patients. in outpatient, one of the therapist told me "you are not mentally ill" and made me cry lol. she MEANT to mean it in a "you're not mentally ill, you're ~suffering from a mental illness~ uwu dont let ur disorder define you" kinda way, but that concept was introduced in therapy..... two days after she told me this. like hello? and then she tried to spin it as like, it was a problem with Me i.e. My PTSD Was Triggered and not She Is Dog Shit At Timing The Explaining Of Concepts.
this place also invited my abuser into group therapy even after me incessantly telling them "this is my abuser, she will use all this against me" and yeah guess what she did immidiatley after lol
dont go to wards.
WRT THE KNIFE: damn :0 thats insane dude, hopefully the nerve damage will heal but from experience its gonna take like, a few years at minimum lmao. i had a Knife Incident involving my pinky and the nerve damage was so bad that i couldnt hold scissors w my pinky in the scissor loop thing but evenchually it got better but it took like 4 years. if the knife was clean and not rusty ur risk of tetanus is pretty low i THINK, do not quote me on this. if ur scared of doctors, look into if ur pharmacy offers tetanus shots! some pharmacies have vaccinations other than flu and covid (which i need 2 get lol rip) so u might be able to get one THERE and not see A Doctor about it!
u dont need a doctor for the balding. minoxidil my dear boy, its at walmart, its the stuff thats in rogaine. you want "minoxidil 5%" thats whats in rogaine, theres "minoxidil 3%" thats For Girls but idk ive never heard of anyone having a problem w it. IT IS TOXIC TO CATS THOUGH IT IS VERY VERY TOXIC TO CATS IF YOU HAVE A CAT DO NOT LET THEM FUCKING TOUCH YOU OR RUB ON YOU UNTIL IT DRIES ok? :) id google more if i were u but boom. problem solved. i am the doctor now
"dog masks invoke disgust and should be banned" babygirl disgust is subjective and like, someone could use that logic to ban whatever YOU like, or Are. maybe someone is really disgusted by lil old ladies bc the wrinkles look gross as fuck to them. should we quarrantine the grandmas?
also lol at the dig against 14 year old internet puritans and then surprise surprise guess what happened on This Very Blog while this ask was sitting n collecting dust!! i gotta b on my best behavior bc theres a nonzero chance that The Feds will be looking at this blog (did u know u dont report cybercrime to local police and instead theres a form on the fbi's website? Well Now You Know!) and that goes 4 all of u too. bart please be good..... for the love of GOD please be good....... please tell me yall know that simpsons scene
also also yay doggy!! was it a regular dog or a dude in a pup mask? either way very fun n cool!!!
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imjustli · 11 months
so ive been thinking a lot about God and like my christianity and everything and i've decided perhaps it'll do me good to get the perspective of someone else who's also christian ?
yeah . so there's no doubt in my mind that God exists honestly. i really do think he's up there. it's just that im not sure about a couple of stuff
like with job in the old testament. that dude was like the Ultimate follower of God. sooooo good at following all the commandments and everything. he loved God with everything he had
and then as a test God decides to allow the devil take it all away. just to see what job does. & satan takes all his money his animals his health. he even kills off his kids (all of which God authorized)
and yeah job is faithful to the very fucking end and gets everything back (twofold ? tenfold ? can't remember which)
he even gets new children. which is where my main problem is with the story tbh
what about his old children ? did God not consider the fact that job might miss them a whole fucking lot ? that he might not want new children just his old ones ? and they died all because of a test of job's unwavering faithfulness . which God only engaged in to prove the devil wrong
why'd he do that anyway ? he's God . he knows the devil was wrong he coulda just ignored him ?? instead of letting him kill some innocent children for the sake of a test he already knew job was going to pass with flying fucking colors
like with abraham and isaac the kid was never gonna die and that was a test of Abraham's faith and like obedience but with job there was no hesitation
i feel dirty even questioning this rn bc im not supposed to have questions or opinions im just supposed to take everything as it is but i don't think i can do that
& i can ask this and people go "it's the old testament it doesn't matter" but then you have ananias and sapphira who died the fucking minute they lied and that's in the new testament . and that isn't exactly rampant in like present day but it is kinda scary
plus my mother's church always brings up 2 timothy 3:15-17 so like All scripture is still useful and applicable even the fucked up parts of the old testament that say to kill people for the littlest fucking things (not that they go through with it but y'know)
im not 100% sure what im asking here . i guess job's story (plus a million more in the bible) unnerve me. if someone as god-fearing as he was still gets subjected to all the shit he did just for a fucking test then what about the rest of us ? if i follow God's word to a T and he decides to test me by taking away people that matter so fucking much to me then am i supposed to be okay with that ??
all this stuff just makes it kinda hard for me to pray the way i used to y'know ? or to pray at all. it fucking sucks
I'll give this a go, but I was raised mostly atheist, and aside from choir and confirmation, my current university bible study group is the only christian stuff I've actually been involved in. So full disclosure, I have no idea what I'm doing. But I feel God's presence and i know Him about as well as I can as of now.
So first of all, there's 4 things I try to keep in mind when reading the bible:
The bible wasn't written by God, it was written by humans about their experiences with God
That was a really fucking long time ago
As such, the way my university priest put it, each passage should be read as part of the whole, rather than each sentance as exactly, verbatim, the word of God
Also, christianity/the bible/any at some point popular faith really, has often been used by powerful people as a tool to maintain/gain power, and that has caused alteration to the bible
I don't personally think that just going along with everything that happens to you as "God's plan" and never questioning it, is sustainable. Like yeah sure the bible says not to test God, but like. As stated previously, the bible has been used to keep people submitting to authority, so from an earthly source critical perspective, it should probably be questioned how much of this actually was in there from the beginning. And just in general being completely trusting can be dangerous, and sure God would have some understanding of that. He created us after all.
Not to mention, everyone probably has a very different relationship with God (like we've had an insane amount of wars over what relationship is the right one, but the answer is probably most of them), and those are deeply personal and connected to the specific circumstances of each person's experiences and understanding of themselves.
I doubt that was the reason Job got what happened to him, but I guess being a little to easy could be an option lol.
To be honest, there also are parts of the bible I just don't agree with politically, and the way children are often seen as accessories to the "main character" of a certain part is definitely one of them. I'm not sure there is any positive interpretation of this honestly, aside that it might just be a testament of the time. Though it's often still like that now, so idk.
Another option for why all of this happened to him, is that he simply deserved it. Like yeah sure, he is To be honest, there also are parts of the bible I just don't agree with politically, and the way children are often seen as accessories to the "main character" of a certain part is definitely one of them. I'm not sure there is any positive interpretation of this honestly, aside that it might just be a testament of the time. Though it's often still like that now, so idk.
Another option for why all of this happened to him, is that he simply deserved it. Like yeah sure, he is supposedly God's most loyal follower, but we never actually see that. It is written that he sacrifices a lamb for his children, etc, does all these rituals. But it's not really written why he actually deserves to have his prayers answered (full disclosure, while I was aware of the story, I've never actually read it. So I had a lot of homework to do for this post. I'll get to some of it further down, but I might've missed some).
I'm not sure I fully believe you need to earn God's love, or even His protection, but that is definitely an option. But what that means is that it's possible that the reason Job was tested, was to see if he would still be loyal if he didn't have everything he could want.
Also (NIV) Job 11:4, Zophar says to Job: "You say to God, 'My beliefs are flawless and I am pure to your sight'" [my swedish bible (B2000) says moreso something like: "You think you bring the truth, and that you are flawless in front of God". Which is another reason why each Bible verse can't be read verbatim. Since although those two says similar things, they are not synonymous]. And NIV Job 11:6: "and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin." [B2000: "He could reveal the hidden depth of wisdom -- there is wisdom in double measurements. Then you'd understand God doesn't demand all your debt."] These are both indicative of Job not actually being as good as he is portrayed, suggesting he kinda brought all his misery on himself (or at least some of it). Elihu also says something similar in chapters 33-37.
In Job 31, he talks a lot about why he doesn't deserve everything the devil did to him, but it feels kinda... idk. Less? Considering he starts of chapter 30 by talking about the people he disregards. Like he clearly truly believes he is in the right, but there's several chapters explaining why he's not.
I'm not sure where I heard this, but I remeber being told that the devil was originally just a personification of the greed and selfishness humans experience. But if that's who the devil is, it further suggests he let his greed (or judging by Job 38-39, it was moreso his hubris and self-centerdness) control him, and that's why he lost everything.
Yeah, the ending doesn't really sit right with me either. I guess he realised his mistakes and passed the test, and therefor deserved it all back. But like you said, the thing about his kids dying and him getting new ones doesn't really feel right. Human connection can be recreated but it will not be fully the same. I really don't have an answer for why this happened, other than that it's a really old story. I also wish we'd actually find out he'd learned.
I don't know if this makes sense, or if it's even what you were asking. I'm still learning what it actually means to be christian, at the moment i just have a vague feeling of a higher presence and a barely read bible, so I have a lot left to figure out.
To my followers and mutuals that have done the entire christian-thing for longer: do you have anything you'd like to add? Feel free to disagree with me completely
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cescalr · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Aw, thanks! Pretend I responded to this in a timely manner!
I'm gonna go with the caveat of the works being complete ones, and I'll be ignoring series because that feels like cheating <3 Also; trying not to use the same five fics I always do for this question kajsdf;laksdjf GTTAU i love you <3 <3 but I've said you before <3
Tumblr media
And The Universe Decrees: First Year
This one was my first big HPAU fic I finished! I'm not good at doing that, so I'm still pretty proud of sticking with it for 55k words :D. It was sort of well received, which is good enough for me! There's some things I'd change if I wrote it now, of course, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Please ignore how long it's taken for me to update the second fic in the series </3 thank you
Echoes of the Soul.
I don't understand this one! For real. I just sat down. Wrote it. Read it back through. Went, 'what the fuck?' Posted it. Asked the audience to tell me what my own fic was about bc i could not explain it myself! But I still think it's fun. It's a bit weird and esoteric, and it's more a character study? than anything else?? i think??? but it's neat. I like it.
Grass Is Greener (Supposed To Be)
Canon-adjacent minor AU fic that's 100% a character study of Ron and his relationship to himself, his family, and his best friend, in a world where he and Harry swapped hair colours. I just think it's neat <3.
In Another Universe (Maybe We Were Happy.) 
Love claysmond <3 love aus <3 love angst and tragedy <3 love giving people a happy ending a handful of times and then reminding them that these men never catch a single break <3 Also one of my favourite chapters in this is the coffee shop assassins AU. If nothing else, give that one a gander? (each chapter can be read standalone, really, bc of the 5+1 premise.)
Love me a character study and character dynamic study and absolutely just the least normal people having tension over everything ever to have happened to them together and individually and what they've done and or not done to each other or with each other and just like. Steo are complicated, babes <3 extremely convoluted, even. Love that. So fun!
And, you know, why not? 5+1;
The Loss Of Potential
Grief a step to the left. Grief from a distance. Grief through a clouded window. Grief, in it's absence. Regret, really, for what could've been. More character studies babeyyyy <3
Mostly because I'm too nervous to tag anyone rn <3 @ my mutuals and followers who see this; if you post fic, feel free to nab it and as the ask says, do your own little list <3
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i only have an hour at most, but i've been informed the way forward is to the castle, so...gulp, yikes, jinkies, zoinks, etc
firstly i tried to be funny and start at the top bc i knew. and i was right. that they put a korok here
thirdly. the fake zelda's voice is INCREDIBLY creepy. the model would've fooled me but not her voice. yyyyyikes.
ohhhh the music is different! not just what plays near it down below...
snagged a shrine for fast travel but im NOT doing that shit rn
i would say "at least theres no guardians" but....
wait. lemme check for hands.
ok, a couple on the outskirts but none IN the castle itself thankfully......
normally i'd stop and explore the entire castle, but i'm hoping there'll be time for that later...right now i'm just picking my way over to her
ooooh the original hyrule castle theme snuck in here.....multiple times!!!
stumbled across a korok puzzle. lol.
OOPS i fell too far and left the castle...goddammit i thought i was supposed to be going down!!! i miss the 3D map tbh
FOUND HER...the library...where her dad's diary was...wah
a HINOX??? she's gonna spawn a fucking lynel next i just know it
yooooo royal guard boots! nice
I ALMOST GOT JUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god i would have preferred the lynel
her study!! waaahhh
i need to go down, but not so far down i leave the castle...i can't figure out what to do >:(
FOUND IT. wah the barracks or whatever
omg wait aaaa the MUSIC changed..............it's HER SONG!!!
oh i see. four fights for four fake zelda...just like the objectives in any other dungeon lol. cleverly hidden, i nearly missed it
oh god okay here i go!!!!!!!!
dont be a lynel dont be a lynel dont be a lynel
oh! a cutscene!
ive got my sword out mentally. knife emoji. i hate this little freak gimme back my GIRL
"does it bring back memories" IM GONNA KERMIT
GANONDORF????????????? DEHYDRATED VERSION?????????????
"did my puppet entertain you" PUPPET ZELDA PUPPET ZELDA HE SAID THE THING
PHANTOM GANON????????????????????????????????????????????
oh god oh god oh god at LEAST i didnt have to do the hands first!!!!!
god by the way i like matt mercers dehydrated ganondorf voice SO much better bc he is doing a thing to make him sound less like matt mercer. he should do that all the time
oh my god...oh my god...phase 1 was fun like me & the gang vs ganondorf...but now hes HARDER and im ALONE!!!!!!!
omg you can reduce the sludge and they wake up but then it gradually creeps up again 😭😭😭 thats so cool and also SCARY!!!! somebody come hold my hand
it keeps telling me the master sword is low on energy, but it also keeps not running out because it keeps GLOWING when the malice spreads......nice. fi is unkillable thanks to zelda. she stayed a dragon 10,000 years for this outcome specifically
GOT HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD........OH MY GOD THE GANG IN PERSON...................oh my god oh my god i thot i knew everything but i still got to be surprised!!! immediately welled up wtf
"you stand before ganondorf" YES WE DO KING
the world that WAS and WILL BE AGAIN....TIME TRAVEL?????????? TIME TRAVEL????????????????????
oh a VISION!!! it's a cool vision though i HOLY SHIT HIS HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god..................
man the way riju is the one to clock that he's not all there yet. mwah. i love gerudo girls reading him for filth
there's sooo many good weapons on the ground here after all that a true shame i can't take them all........
omg lookout landing everyone is HERE ��� i miss the cool music though...
oh man...everyone's reunions are great but harth noting the injuries on tulin and how he's been doing more than his fair share...HE IS A BABY!!!
"and the princess was an impostor" FINALLY we get there
"so she's REALLY in the distant past!!!" oh my FUCKINGGGG god
i knew it. i knew it was mineru its GONNA be mineru
you can tell muzu you did the geoglyphs but not that zelda is a dragon...CMON
well well speak of She...she's flying over the great plateau right about now!
since i have only the vaguest idea of what to do about the fifth sage im gonna farm some parts and then call it quits for now
okay, i did it. i will now be lying down for the next 6,000 business years.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
hey issy, so if i remember correctly i think you said at one point that you majored in psychology? well if not then you can ignore this if you want but I really just need to ask someone abt this who may or may not have some kind of an answer for me. so anyway just a couple of minutes ago i accidentally dropped my chromebook on the floor and i literally don't even know how to describe how it made me feel- like i dropped my chromebook once before and it was only a couple of weeks ago but it dead ass had me crying and punching shit. i didn't cry or punch anything this time but it's making me feel... like uncomfortable with myself? I genuinely don't know how to describe it but it makes my stomach feel weird and it makes me want to take my skin off or just step out of my body? anyways i just wanted to see what you had to say abt it because i have no one else to talk to. especially not anyone who has studied psychology. so if you see this and you answer, thanks<3
i'd like to preface by saying i have a bsc in psychology so therefore i'm not professionally trained to evaluate, diagnose, or treat anyone. therefore whatever i say must be taken with a pinch of salt, if you get what i mean.
its hard to say much based off of what you've stated, bc i'm unaware of your personality, life history etc. is this your typical response when things like this happen? (i.e. crying; punching) is there a lot going on in your life rn thats stressing you out for a reaction like this? we'd have to sit down and discuss things a little deeper i suppose. i don't want to make any assumptions without knowing the situation in full, but regardless, i'm sorry that you're experiencing this feeling :(
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minniepetals · 2 years
hi minnie!!💕 this may be a odd question but how do i deal w unfair & lowkey racist [not to be that person but this suspiciously only affects me & other poc] teachers LOL
i’m 18 & in my last year of school rn, i know i wont graduate any time soon bc my teachers are being so damn unfair w my grades, like not giving me important points for my grade that i would technically deserve..i do my homework, participate in class, send in essays, present presentations & my exams are also within the average but when it comes to confronting my teachers on why, they’ll just tell me that i need to participate more, that they LiKe me [so fake] & i really just need to see this as a mOtIvATiOn for the next semester but like?? how is that a motivation?? i’m literally already trying my best but it’s so discouraging to not see the results i worked my ass off for, especially when they’re doing this every. single. time., i’m not trying to be disrespectful, really, but i don’t need them to 'like' me or give me my points when they feel like it, i need the points now so that the principal can give me permission to even sit the exams for my graduation & not even giving me valid reasons or examples on how do i could do better? idek what to do atp i just feel like screaming & throwing up, my whole revolves around school and i just want to be done w it already to study something i’m actually passionate about but i obviously can’t do that if i’m not graduating so..yeah it’s just a mess idk maybe it’s just all in my head & the only thing i need is a reality check but i thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask, you honestly became my role model in a way, you’re a genius and manage to write these masterpieces along studying psych so hopefully i’ll be like you one day does that sound weird??
first of all i'm so sorry this is happening to you and second of all, i'm so proud of you for going to your teachers to ask how you can do better because that step is very important! also third, asdfghjkl the fact that you see me as a role model?? blessed and honor seriously 💗
i think the best thing you can do here is going to your counselor and let them know what's up because most times when you have these intuitions, it's correct. if anything, you can just try to get a second opinion, especially from someone else who's supposed to help and guide you (besides your teachers). if you find that they can't help you, you should definitely tell your parents and have them advocate for you because education is important and i would love to get news on you being able to graduate this year. luckily it isn't too late yet, i'm sure you've still got time to improve on whatever it is you've got to do in order to finalize your graduation.
if your parents can't get through to your teachers and if your guidance counselor is unable to help, get an appointment with your principal (along with your parents because that pressure will help them actually make a move with the authority of your parents) and ask them what's up and how you can help your own self because clearly these teachers aren't doing much.
eventually, and hopefully, the teachers will understand that you're actually serious about this because clearly they aren't taking you seriously. you shouldn't have to worry on your own about this, bub, you're still young and the adults around you should be helping you rather than being the reason to your stress (though i know that can definitely get difficult and complicated).
just try to find other options that will help you get through to your teachers. someone will have to eventually step up and take you seriously
i wish you luck and i hope that things go well 💗
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mdverse · 2 years
genuinely confuzzled at myself to why i let twenty-one days pass without asking a vbau question. md, i sincerely apologise. (/hj)
anyways. setting the scene, its early morning and outside the windows, rain is thundering against the concrete grounds and the brick walls. how do the gang spend the rainy day? - space :)
hi space welcome back i've missed u!! sorry this took so long, i was gonna treat this ask as a lil writing prompt and then i just. got busy and wasn't really able to do that bc brain is not in creative writing mode (but what else is new lmao)
i am going based off the assumption that the squad don't have any responsibilities for the day (work/practice etc)
finn would love to sleep in, but he is a dog owner and therefore ends up standing in the pouring rain outside his apartment building as his dogs do their business. after that he ends up baking and trying to brush up on his cupcake decorating skills (they are not good), most likely while on video call with either kurt or santana if they're free because he misses spending rainy days with them. he'd probably end the day messing around with the dogs, possibly gaming, or reading for a bit in bed
kurt takes his time getting up but still ends up getting out of bed pretty early bc of his urge to be productive somehow. i think he'd take the opportunity to deep clean the apartment? not that it's particularly dirty but sometimes u gotta, yknow? then he'd spend the evening watching tv with santana (i'm thinking drag race rn bc i have rpdr on the brain often these days but it could be anything)
santana sleeps in. she's probably woken up by clattering in the kitchen or in the bathroom as kurt cleans but she's able to just roll over with a lil grumble. when she does eventually get up, she helps kurt clean a bit, probably gives finn a call to chat and bully him (maybe while playing video games with him? not for long but she does miss doing that with him), and then settles in front of the tv with kurt for the rest of the evening
brittany has been saving a nasa lego set as well as some of their paper models for when she has some free time to just chill and build stuff so she dedicates part of her day to build one of them and listen to music. she also considers doing it on a livestream, actually, but decides against it this time. maybe she'd get inspired to work on her own little spacecraft/rover designs? who knows
sugar takes the opportunity to catch up on schoolwork. she ends up getting restless pretty quickly when she finishes, though so she'd probably end up binging youtube videos or wrangling britt into hanging out with her
quinn spends part of her day just reading. can't tell u what else she does tho bc it veers into spoiler territory so uhh [redacted]
tina also has schoolwork to do* so that's what most of her day gets spent on. once she gets in the zone, she's able to focus for a pretty long time. she might end up taking a break to stress-bake/cook but overall it's just a very study/research-heavy day for her. she would make sure to relax and spend some time on youtube or sth in the evening though
*i haven't actually decided whether tina would take a year off from college for vb or not, because i think it depends in part on whether she could get accommodations to do everything online or not? and also whether she would actually want to spend a year trying to balance studies with her vb schedule or not. so that's all up in the air rn. i suppose the same applies to sug but i think she'd be down to do that considering she's only a junior, as opposed to tina who is a senior and would most likely have a heavier load of schoolwork
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frusciantesque · 2 months
QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS!!! what is ur fav part of ur hometown? fav flower? best part of ur day today? dream job dream place to live dream life? i hope ur having a great day!!!!
and such good questions too!!
i'm not sure it even qualifies as a "town" bc there are like 1300 people living there lol but bc of that i can walk for 5 minutes in any direction and be on a wide field or in the woods. i have one particular spot on one of those fields where i always go on my mental health walks and sit and stare and think, it's very peaceful!
my fav flowers are forget-me-nots bc of their name and shade of blue and daintiness ✨
it's the middle of the day rn but so far the best part was that i woke up early and energised for some reason and there was a heavy rain and thunderstorm later in the morning which felt really relieving, i love love LOVE thunderstorms!!
i'm not sure i have a dream job tbh but i suppose i'd like to be a writer in some form, wether it's novels, plays or film/tv.
there's no particular place either, i would just really like to live near the sea at some point in my life bc i miss Her daily. and i think that describes my dream life pretty well already!! for now i'm happy living in the small city where i'm studying and i'd like to spend a few more years there, enjoying the city life and how lively it is on campus. honestly, i could even see myself working for the university at some point?? and i'll have to do at least one semester abroad for my bachelor so i'll get to see how i like living in a different country anyway. eventually i want a nice place of my own near the sea, ideally with a wonderful person by my side and lots of books <3 the most important part is that i get to see the people i love frequently i think.
those were such good questions, i really had to take some time to think about them!! thank youuuuuu <33333 and i hope you're having a really great day as well!!! sending love your way <3
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