#and seb still hasn't moved
andthebubbles · 2 years
ramble post bc i feel like it (mostly/only? troopy talk)
- am getting pretty used to manual now (after driving it two mondays ago for 2 hours (total trip time) so we could go look at BIOLUMINESCENCE. (it was so awesome!)). don’t think i’ll ever buy an auto car again 😂 (until i get old and stiff (😏) i suppose)
- the amount of strengthhhh needed to get into 1st and 2nd which are furthest away from me... 😂 😂 😂 my left arm is gonna be FIT (i think it’s also harder than it really is because i am pretty short and this car is kinda made for big people, i think (it’s still driveable though, don’t get me wrong))
- also learnt (finally...) to have the flat top part of the gearstick only touch my palm and never the thumb joint, lol
- my dad when he was driving it today accidentally started it from a standstill in 3rd. the gearstick shuddered but it didn’t stall (!!!) which idk i think that’s pretty amazing (???)
- since i’m getting used to manual now, i have time/the mental capacity to look down at what top speed i can get out of 1st... i change up at 20kmh, the highest it seems to go is about 30kmh lol. 2nd can go pretty far ofc, but it’s happiest below 40kmh (about 1500 rpm). 3rd is for 50kmh roads, and 4th is for 60kmh-80kmh (or 50kmh if you want the engine to be quieter lol), 5th is for 90kmh and above. 4th iirc engine brakes you at 60kmh which is pretty nifty for keeping under the speed limit downhill!
- i absolutely hate driving this car at 100kmh atm because it gets really loud 😂 (there’s some sound deadening already but we’re gonna do more (the doors clang when you slam them shut and it delights me 😂)) and the fuel goes down really fast. iirc at 100kmh it’s at 2200 rpm...? which is highhh. iirc the later (current) version of this gearbox has 100kmh at 1800 rpm (and a longer 2nd gear), so if/when i need to change my gearbox, i’ll probably try to get the newer one
- we did some cleaning of the interior today. lots of red dust. love it 😂 (it shows where it’s been!! (in the outback, crossing australia multiple times i suspect))
- something needs to be done about the left wing mirror. i think i need a wider one... i have a car-sized blind spot on my left which is not good. and i never thought i’d complain about the lack of technology, but it would be really helpful if the wing mirrors could be adjusted with the little electronic switch/joystick-ish thing because it’s really hard to do a million adjustments like you’d want to do in traffic, but instead you have to tell the person in the passenger seat what you want... (on the other hand i totally like that i don’t have those electronics because the electronics etc would definitely break on the corrugations XD 
- another thing about the whole visibility problems... the windows in the van area are too high to see the average sedan etc out of... and looking out the window is how i usually check my blind spot... i have a wing mirror in mind that i want to buy but i still don’t know what it’s called ksjnkg
- i finally made the head unit connect to my phone via bluetooth, it dropped again right after i connected it but i made it connect again and then it seemed to stay. and NOW i get why people say the speakers in this car are so bad. they are really bad 😂 the good thing though is that i don’t give a shit (yay, money saved!). yeah, for a semi-professional musician, i go through huge phases of not listening to any music and i’m in one right now. (then again i almost always have music playing in my head so it’s not like i’m ACTUALLY not listening to music... i’m listening to something right now lol) 
- i would like a CLOCK
- those people who like to wash your windscreen when the traffic light turns red... HAHAHA the guy totally ignored me and walked past. first time in my liiiiiiiife, i was all prepared to vigorously shake my head ‘no’ at him and he didn’t even look skfjgnkfg perfectttt
- sitting taller than most cars makes you really much more aware of ... well, the traffic in front of you, lol. 
anywayyy if i think of anything troopy-related i’ll add it above ^
if you made it this far (unlikely, but that’s totally cool), i have urgent work that i should finish by monday night, work that i’m currently Not Doing, but i haven’ttttt forgotten about superpowers fic, in fact the other night i just read through ch 6 and edited it again, just trying to get it into shape. i like some parts of this new version better, but i also liked some parts of the old version (still on ao3)... adjusting heikki’s reaction/dialogue is trickyyyy because i don’t want to make him too mean, he’s more like a really strict doctor (i’ve been to one like that in the past) who says things really bluntly but means well. alsoooo i really wanna hug superpowers!seb. as always.
and i still have another simi fic to post... maybe after tues? i have a fucking job interview on fri though... and i still haven’t replied to confirm the time, fuck. you see the problem is, i only remember to do work things AFTER midnight, but it looks bad if you reply after midnight, so i don’t. and then i just forget about it again the next day during normal non-witching hours 😭
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 months
History Repeats
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x Reader x Charles Leclerc
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, just some serious angst
Words: 2.4K
A/N: The last line of the ending sucks, ignore it, also love you @mariahcarreyyy
Synopsis: After the huge fight where Charles walks out leaving Sebastian, Sebastian can't help but follow Charles and you to Australia, but what happens when he sees something the reminds him of the past. Does history really repeat itself?
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If Sebastian knew one thing, history has a habit of repeating itself. He never wanted to admit that it happens, but it does, and he should accept that. But Sebastian has never really admitted to anything he didn't want to.
He especially had to start admitting his wrongs when Charles became his teammate. He thought that being the eldest driver and the number one driver in Ferrari, Charles would back down and learn his place, and he did anything but that. He challenged Sebastian but didn't care if that was his idol; he would win no matter what. It's partially why Sebastian fell in love with the young Monégasque driver. He fell in love with the fire in his eyes, the way he'd go blank and innocent looking, how he loved and touched softly; Sebastian was smitten, and he hated it.
You loved teasing your husband about it and had no shame in telling him you loved Charles. Sebastian would grumble over the young man, and you'd watch. It was like him and Mark all over again. Before you and Seb dated, you were friends first, and you remember how complex Sebastian and Mark's relationship was. You never pried into what happened between them, but it didn't take a genius to see how they still looked at one another.
Sebastian didn't like that he fell for a teammate twice. He got far too comfortable and used to having two bodies beside him when he woke. But now, he was waking up alone in his home in Switzerland. He could still hear your soft sobs from that night. Charles took off his ring, left, and flew back to Monaco. You were going after him, telling Sebastian he needed to determine what was more important: where they lived or their marriage?
To Sebastian, it was an easy choice. Their marriage was far more significant than where they lived, but why couldn't it be both? He didn't want fans constantly in their face, shoving their phones in his baby's faces; he wanted the open air and peace living in the Swiss mountains where no one could find them. Was that too much to ask for? Sebastian just finally wanted peace in his retirement. But, he'd never get that being married to Charles, and honestly, he didn't like that peace; he wanted his husband next to him, wearing his ring.
The ring that's burning a hole in Sebastian's pocket.
You and Charles had no idea that Sebastian was flying to Australia. He hasn't been able to sleep since the fights, and he wanted to have you two back finally. Sebastian was going to get his family back. He didn't care if he outed them to the world. He just wanted Charles and you to know that his selfish matters meant nothing to him. He loved you two too much to throw it away over where to live.
"Y/n," Ollie pulls out the last part of your name, pouting as you fuss over the boy's hair. "Ollie, please, just sit still. It's a bird's nest." Charles chuckles at the two of you. You move away, and he reaches over, ruffling his hair. Ollie whines and slaps Charles' hand.
"Y/n, he messed it up." You turn and glare at Charles, who shrugs his shoulders. "He's lying," You narrow your eyes, and Ollie giggles. "Oo, someone is in trouble." You turn that glare to Ollie, who stops and quiets, and Charles laughs. For his age, Ollie was rather brilliant. He noticed your relationship with Charles and said he wouldn't know anything. "Ollie, Charles, stop it." You reprimand them, and Charles goes back to his phone.
You can't help but stare at his empty ring finger and the burning on your finger and clear your throat. Since you left four weeks ago, you haven't talked to Sebastian, and you were starting to think your relationship with your husband was over. But he called you yesterday, and you two talked it over. He had asked to talk to Charles, but Charles shook his head no and refused to acknowledge that Sebastian was begging to speak to him.
"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but don't forget you two have that cricket thing." Slyvia's red hair makes you three nod and smile, and she eyes you but doesn't comment and walks away. "Here," you hand Ollie his hat, and he smiles brightly at you and places his head on your stomach. "Thanks, Mom." You blush and shove him lightly, which makes him giggle, and Charles smiles.
"Come on, we better get going." Charles groans and stands up, stretching, and you admire the toned muscle shown from his shirt lifting. "I'm just a piece of meat to you, aren't I?" You snap out of your trance as Charles mushes up his hair, smirking at you. "A very hot, intelligent, beautiful, amazing husband," Charles freezes, and Ollie blushes, feeling like he's intruding, and bolts as Charles melts. It's been hard on him since leaving Sebastian; he misses the man he fell in love with.
"You're more than that, Charles. Just being very hot is a bonus," you finish, wrapping his arm around you; he pulls you close and peeks your lips, smiling. "I love you so much." He whispers, and you steal another kiss and hear loud Italian, both of you rushing out as Sylvia stops and glares. "We're going, we're going," Charles grumbles and gently pushes you into the soft, warm Australian air. Sylvia eyes you, and you wave Charles off and stare at her.
"You're here a lot without Sebastian." You feel your gut twist, wishing you could tell the world that you, Sebastian, and Charles were married, but the world, well, the F1 world, wasn't ready to accept that fact. "Yes, because Sebastian is busy, Syliva. I've known Charles for a long time; I don't need my husband here when I visit." You bite back, and Slyvia arches an eyebrow and sighs. "I've known for a while, Y/n, whenever you three are ready, we've got the statement ready." Her red hair burns you almost as she follows after Charles, and you stand there, breath tight.
"Y/n hurry, before Charles comes, drag you out himself!" Syliva yells, and you snap out of it and rush to the area where fans are screaming and trying to get Charles's attention.
Charles groans as he waves and smiles at everyone. "You alright?" Ollie asks, noticing how Charles looks around. "You ever miss someone so much that no matter what you're doing, you can't stop thinking about them?" Charles asks. Ollie stutters and clears his throat before nodding with a blush coating his cheeks.
Charles chuckles, pulls Ollie into a hug, and rubs his shoulder comfortably. "We'll be okay, kid," Ollie nods, and fans go crazy seeing this interaction. "Charles?" Ollie whispers, and Charles turns away from signing and leans in, as does Ollie. "You and Sebastian will be okay too," Ollie pulls away, smiles slightly, and runs away, leaving Charles to give him his soft smile. "Cute," Charles mumbles and goes back to signing.
Sebastian pulls his hat down and sighs in peace when fans in the paddock just move around him, not really caring who he is. It helps that he's wearing a Ferrari shirt with the last name Leclerc. Everyone assumed he was just a fan, not a 4x WDC. Hearing the screams, he smiles, seeing the crowd around the Ferrari hospitality.
Heading over the building, he stops seeing Charles holding a cricket racket and Ollie beside him. Scanning the crowd, he doesn't see you and moves closer, wanting to see what they are doing. Sebastian notices how Ollie is standing closer to Charles than normal. He tries hard not to read into it but stops when he sees the way Charles gives him a soft smile and gently explains something to the confused F2 driver.
Ollie blushes, and Charles reaches up, ruffling his hair. Like ice was injected into his veins, it was Deja Vu. When he started to fall for Charles, Sebastian always ruffled his hair and stayed close to him, not wanting to overwhelm the boy during media duties like this. Ollie says something, and Charles laughs loudly and smiles so brightly that Sebastian feels sick.
As if he could tell he was being watched, Charles's head snapped back, scanned the crowd, and stopped, staring at Sebastian. Seb slowly raises a hand to wave, but Charles moves and turns his back to Sebastian, returning to talking to Ollie. Sebastian jumps when he feels a hand on his arm and sees you standing before him. "Y/n," He breathes, going in for a kiss, but you stop him. "Not here, come on." You pull him through the crowd and shove him into the hospitality.
"What are you doing here, Sebastian?" He flinches at your harsh tone, almost like you're upset with him being here. "For you and Charlie, I'm here for you two." Looking down at his feet, the ring burning. "Seb," Your voice breaks. You didn't mean to get angry at your husband. All you felt was worry when you saw him standing in that crowd, worried that the fans would see him and it'd turn to chaos.
"He's gotten close with Ollie," You look up, seeing how Sebastian refuses to look you in the eye; you almost want to laugh but don't. "Yes, Ollie and he became close. Ollie really looks up to Charles." Sebastian scuffs and plays with the wedding ring on his finger. "Is…are they…ughn." Sebastian makes a weird noise in the back of his throat. Your heart rate spikes as your mind whirls through anything he could ask.
"Sebastian, do you think they're……Sebastian, the kid is 18!" You hiss, Sebastian scuffs, and you see an anger in his eyes you've never seen before. "So?! And Charles and I had an appropriate age difference? Honestly, Y/n, look me in the eye and tell me that Charles and I had an appropriate relationship." He says you look away because, in the end, you know if people knew of this relationship, they would disagree.
"Right, so you can see my worries. He looked right at me and ignored me. Fuck, maybe we really are over." The door slams open, and Charles stands there. Ollie is behind him as Charles stalks down the hall; you can feel the anger pulsing off of him. "Ollie, go find Carlos. I need to talk with my husband and wife." Ollie swallows, nods, and slips through you three; he could practically be running with how fast he was trying to get out of there.
Charles isn't able to get his words put before Sebastian accuses him. "Are you cheating on me?" Charles stands there, his anger deflating faster than a punctured tire. He stares at Sebastian, his eyes filling with tears, letting out a wet laugh. "That's why you're here? To accuse me of cheating? Not to work on us, but to accuse me of this? Fuck you." Charles whispers, shaking his head. "You didn't answer me," "Sebastian," You growl, but Sebastian just waves you off.
"You can't blame me for asking because look at how we started." It's such a slap in the face to Charles that he stumbles back. You were well aware of how they started: After a hard race, they looked for comfort in each other, which led to one thing. Sebastian didn't tell you immediately that he was sleeping with his teammate, but you didn't tell him that you and Charles were falling in love. "You ignored me when you saw me, Charles, immediately you turned to Ollie. You didn't even smile." Seb hisses, his anger overwhelming him.
"I WAS PROTECTING YOU!" You flinch at Charles yelling. "I was protecting you, goddamit Sebastian. You were surrounded by 100 fans; what would've happened if they noticed you were there. You, haha." Charles laughs, pulling at his hair. You move to comfort him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he stares at Sebastian.
"I love you, you and Y/n. The only two people I've ever truly loved, and here I was thinking, you….you throw that back in my face. I love you, I love you," Charles repeats, trying not to break down. "Charlie, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry," Sebastian whispers and reaches out of him. Charles sobs and moves away from you, crumbling into Sebastian's arms. You sniffle and blink fast; they had a love you'll never understand, just the same between you, Sebastian, and Charles. You each love each other in a way you'll never understand.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those things. I'm scared of losing you. I can't lose you." Sebastian whispers, Charles whimpers and buries himself deeper into Sebastian's hold. "You won't lose me, Sebby, I promise." You wipe your eyes as Sebastian looks up at you and holds his arm out. Moving, you join them as Charles takes deep breaths; Sebastian still smells of fresh air and damp wood. It was his favorite smell.
"I don't care where we live, I don't care if we're poor or rich, they're our babies, and you'll be there with me. I don't care as long as we're together. I should've said that, who the fuck cares. I just want you two. Don't leave me." Sebastian whispers.
"Do you have my ring?" Charles pulls back, and Sebastian nods fast, fumbling as he pulls out the little gold band. Charles's empty finger itches to regain the familiar weight. "I didn't mean to take it off. I was just so angry, I couldn't…." Charles's voice falls off as Sebastian grips his face, kissing him gently. Charles blushes like he is still that 20-something-year-old being kissed for the first time.
"Promise me something?" You pull away and wipe your eyes, all 3 of you looking a mess. "Anything," They both blurt and chuckle as you giggle. "Promise me that we won't do this again; we can't. I can't handle being tugged back and forth. We need to talk to each other; it doesn't matter how hard it is or if it angers us; we can't go through this again. Because, well," You trail off, and Sebastian's mouth drops open.
"No, oh my god." His voice is airy as he tries not to cry for a different reason. Charles chuckles and shakes his head. "Explains the weird pickles, peanut butter, and ice cream snacks." You slap his chest, and Sebastian moves to scoop you up, as you laugh and Charles chuckles. "I love you, I love the both of you so much."
Everything really would be okay.
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drvscarlett · 2 months
About You Pt4
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A/N: took me a while to update but here it is! Let me know your thoughts about this
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @cristianovettel
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2010, Bahrain International Circuit
Seb: Hey, did you already leave? Can we talk? Seb: Happy holidays Y/N, I hope you are spending time with the family Seb: Its a new year, I hope you get a better year. Seb: Aren't you going to pre-season testing? Seb: Hope to see you in Bahrain
Y/N sighed as she read the messages over and over again. It's quite an asshole move to leave Sebastian on read but Y/N couldn't bring herself to reply to the messages because she was hurt by their last conversation. The heavy feeling is even more aggravated because all she ever wanted was to hear a simple sorry from Sebastian.
Unfortunately, that's the only message that Sebastian hasn't sent.
"Are you still not talking with Sebastian?"Mark enters the room.
Mark knew that Sebastian and Y/N had a fallout after Abu Dhabi. At first, he was a bit clueless about what's happening but with Y/N constantly shutting herself in her room and Mark getting a glimpse of the one-sided conversation-it was difficult to ignore it.
The whole thing became even more hard to ignore when Sebastian resulted to texting Mark over the winter break to check on Y/N. Mark tried to ask Sebastian about what happened but Sebastian said that he just said some things that can make a friend feel hurt.
Bullshit, that's what Mark said in his mind. He knew that her sister won't be moping and act like this if its something as simple as that.
"I don't wanna talk about him" she grumbled.
"You know that you have to talk to him eventually"Mark ever the rational "He is our co-worker and we have to be professional in work."
It's something that Y/N knows. She knows that she will not place her professionalism in jeopardy but as much as she could she would delay talking to Sebastian. Her fear is that if she ends up forgiving Sebastian, without him asking for it, then this situation might repeat again.
"I won't let work interfere with Seb"Y/N assured.
There was a silence between the two Webbers. It was a comfortable silence where they seem to be using their siblings communication signals to determine if they should push the topic or not.
"He got pole position today, it might give Red Bull a fight for championship don't you think" Mark offered "Maybe you can talk to him like congratulate him for a conversation starter"
"I'm well-aware Mark, I have been watching the qualifying"
She was actually debating whether she would say a simple congrats knowing how proud Sebastian is with his pole. If this was last year, she would have been there at the parc femme. However, things aren't easy like that.
"You can talk to me about anything okay?" Mark reminded. Maybe at the back of Mark's head, he feels like there are more to this than just a petty friendship fight. But he didn't want to push her sister to being annoyed with his constant questions.
"I promise I will when the time is right."
"You know maybe if Sebastian loses the race then maybe you should see it as a sign to talk to him"Mark joked a bit to lighten the mood
"That's mean"Y/N playfully punched her brother "That's never going to happen he is on pole"
"Why not if he does not get a podium finish then you will talk to him"
"Are you seriously jinxing your team Mark?"Y/N laughed
"Okay, that's a deal"
"I tell you that its never gonna happen"Y/N assured.
And its like the universe played a cruel joke on Y/N, Sebastian did not have a podium finish. He still finished 4th but knowing Sebastian, the German driver is obviously frustrated.
Mark did not finish well but he has this knowing smirk on his face as he nudged his sister's ribs. Y/N resisted the urge to slap him at the back of his head since they were in front of a lot of Red Bull sponsors.
"Go on and talk to him" Mark whispered"I promise to behave here"
Y/N took a detour to the catering and grabbed an orange. She immediately went to Sebastian's driver room where she saw Britta exiting.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" she quizzed the younger Webber "I thought you and Seb weren't in speaking terms"
"Well I think with what happened today then I have to check up on him"Y/N replies.
Britta could just hug Y/N because she knows that Sebastian was really in a terrible mood after losing out the podium. It would mean a lot for Y/N to speak to Sebastian before Britta could bring him back for media duties.
"I'll stall the media for a bit, I'm giving you 10 minutes okay?" BrItta informed
"Thanks B"
Y/N felt nervous whether how to start a conversation with Sebastian. She fiddles with the orange in her hand as she walked in the room to seek the German driver.
Sitting in the corner of the room, Sebastian looked up. His eyes were red, obviously from crying, and his hair was in complete disarray.
"Y/N?" Sebastian was confused "You're here?"
"I figure you need an orange"
In essence, Y/N didn't want to brush things off like that. She didn't want to appear out of the blue and be friends with Sebastian again. But the moment that Sebastian hugged her, it all melted away. She thought of nothing else as she missed this.
Sebastian too was thinking of the same thing. He wanted to apologize in person and he wanted to do it right now. However, he didn't want to ruin the moment. He just got her back.
Somehow its both of their fault that they brush off things like that.
2010, Albert Park
Sebastian, Mark, and Y/N arrived in Australia a couple of days before the race so as tradition goes Sebastian was once again a guest to Webber's family dinners. Sebastian feels at home with the family and even helped with the dinner preparations.
"Where's Y/N" Mr. Webber asked
"Y/N went to the market to buy some lemons that mum needs" Mark informed "She should have been here an hour ago"
"Should I give her a call?" Sebastian asked
Like a perfect cue, the door opens revealing Y/N.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I got a little bit of a car problem and its a good thing that I got someone to help me. "Y/N greeted "I hope you don't mind setting up another plate for dinner"
Of course, no one minded. The table was big enough to add guests. Sebastian was bringing the plates to the dining room when he was surprised to see Jenson Button standing there.
"What are you doing here" Sebastian was quick to ask
"Jenson is the one that helped me fix my car, thank God for drivers right?" Y/N replies
This annoyed Sebastian greatly but he knows that he cannot let his emotions get the best of him. He remembered how he acted the last time in Abu Dhabi and he surely doesn't want a repeat of that. It's just so annoying that Jenson Button is always at the scene of the crime when it comes to Y/N.
"Jenson?" Mark was also confused "You are in Australia early"
"Got an early flight, I was touring around and then I saw Y/N" Jenson smiles.
Knowing the previous history of Y/N and Jenson, Mark was also very skeptical. The seating arrangement ended up with Y/N between Mark and Sebastian while Jenson is sitting across Sebastian.
Dinner went on great, the dishes were great, but Sebastian could not shake this horrible feeling in his stomach. He hated how Jenson was mingling well and joking around with the whole family. Jenson had a way with Mrs. Webber, complimenting her food and the homey space decorations.
Still, Sebastian tried to push the green monster of envy away.
"Jenson, didn't you date my daughter Y/N before?" Mr. Webber remembered
"DAD"Y/N and Mark immediately hissed
"What, I'm just curious that's all" the eldest Webber defended
Jenson had a boyish smirk gracing his face and Sebastian wanted to punch that smirk on his face. He knew that if he didn't punch Jenson then Mark would.
"Well we went on a date for one time but that's it were good friends" Jenson explained
"But why Y/N, Jenson seems like a good lad plus he is a world champion" Mrs Webber butted in.
She seems to have grown fond of the British driver in such a short span of time. Her fondness is a stark contrast to the irritation that Sebastian has been feeling.
"Me and Jense are cool as friends, right?" Y/N cleared out
"Well if you wanna go on a date again, I wouldn't mind"Jensen jokingly stated.
Jealousy is a disease that Sebastian Vettel is inflicted with. Maybe its because Jenson already has two things that he really wanted which is a championship and a date with the girl he really liked. But whatever Sebastian was feeling, he kept it at bay for the sake of peace.
Anyways, he can run over Jenson on track.
2010, Sepang International Circuit
Y/N has to say that this is a very difficult start of the season for Red Bull. Mark and Sebastian went on winning poles yet they haven't won during the actual races. To say that she was ecstatic to see the Red Bull P1-P2 for today's race is not enough to describe how she is feeling.
Looking up at the podium and seeing the two drivers smiling at each other, Y/N took that opportunity to snap a photo of them. She prayed for more weekends like this as both drivers deserve this kind of victories.
Once the celebration ended, she went back to the motorhome to get her things and to meet up with the two drivers. However, she saw a group of Red Bull crew huddled up in a corner.
It was not her business to eavesdrop but hearing her brother's name being mentioned, she stayed hidden to hear what they have to say.
"Mark is an unfortunate case, he could have won today" one of them voiced out "He was at fault for losing his pole advantage a while ago"
"True and Vettel is obviously a better driver, look at him creating history and he just started last year"another mechanic agreed.
"I heard from Helmut that Vettel will be there championship bet"
"What happens to Mark then?"
"He will settle being a second driver and defending Sebastian obviously"
"Do you think Mark would agree?"
"If I were Mark, I would look for another team. There is no chance for a championship here if my teammate is obviously better than me"
All the highs that she has been feeling a while ago has faded into nothingness. Y/N felt herself conflicted with the situation ahead. If what they are saying is true then Y/N would be the one that will be in the middle of that battlefield.
This is Mark's dream for so long to win a championship. He have done his best to improve himself, she has seen the sleepless nights he had and how hard he tries to get a podium win every single race.
On the other hand, Y/N has also seen Sebastian's tears whenever he failed to finish or deliver. She knows that Sebastian lives and breathe racing for as long as he can remember. He wanted a championship badly as well.
It is just unfair that one of them has to compromise for the team. There shouldn't be a first driver or second driver but Y/N understands that every team had this. She felt miserable as she remembered hearing what happened to Rubens when he was the second driver to Michael Schumacher. She didn't want anyone to feel that way, ever.
"Y/N! Hello earth to Y/N"
In her deep thoughts, she haven't noticed that Mark and Sebastian was in front of her. Both were still in their race gear and the champagne smell wafts through the air.
"Oh, I didn't see you there Mark and Seb" Y/N emphasized loudly on their last name so that those gossip crew would be aware that the two are around.
"You're acting weird, we have been calling you for a long time already." Mark confusedly stated.
"Never mind about that, I just got a lot of things going on" Y/N assured
"Hey Nico invited us for dinner, let's celebrate?" Sebastian asked
"Sure, sure"
The two Red Bull drivers are laughing and joking around as they walked around with Y/N. Y/N tried to smile and join them but there was something that has been bugging her head.
In the end, she will put that conversation she heard of in the back of her head. She prays that it never happens because if she will be forced to choose sides, she didn't want to do that.
2010, Monte Carlo Circuit
Sebastian remembered how last year, Y/N has been a bit sick during Monaco so she was unable to do a yacht trip. Mark kept on sending her photos. It was meant to be a good gesture and to let her know that he misses her but it only made Y/N a lot more upset. She ended up texting Sebastian and whining about how that stupid stomach bug made her miss out this golden opportunity.
Yacht trips and the lavish life of Monaco is certainly not Sebastian's style. This is why it is common that he would be the last person to go to Monaco and the first one to leave. So just imagine everyone's surprise when he was in Monaco 3 days early for race week and he was going around looking for yacht trips.
It comes even more of a surprise when Y/N Webber has also been spotted in Monaco quite early for the race. No Mark Webber in sight though which raises everyone's eyebrows.
"So care to explain to me what are we doing?" Y/N asked.
She was dying of curiosity ever since Sebastian asked her to come early to Monaco. It was rare that Sebastian was so secretive because he will normally blabber everything to her.
"I'm not telling you until we get there" comes Sebastian's teasing comment.
"Oh c'mon I flew all over the world to see you"
"It's worth it, I promise"
Sebastian drove around Monaco and finally reaching the docks. He can feel that Y/N has the gears in her head already turning. There was an excited look on her face when she realized what they are about to do.
"Sebastian Vettel, tell me you did not!"Y/N tried to control her excitement "Are we really going on a yacht trip?"
"Well its your birthday week so I figure you might need a tour around Monaco on a yacht"Sebastian's nonchalant answer caused Y/N to scream.
It was a dream come true for Y/N. She had been dreaming of going around Monaco on a yacht for so long but her duties as Mark's assistants coupled by several unfortunate events prevented her from doing that dream.
Sebastian led her to the yacht and the two set off for an entire day of the yacht experience. Y/N wouldn't know but Sebastian specifically learned how to yacht for this purpose and this purpose only. He also called Mrs. Webber to ask for Y/N's favorite dishes so he has them prepared for lunch and dinner.
The whole day was spent floating around Monaco. They took a swim at one point and now they are lounging at the front while waiting for the sun to set.
"This is really a lot of effort Seb, thank you" Y/N began "I really appreciate this whole day"
If only Sebastian could tell her that he should be the one thanking her. Seeing her happy makes him extremely happy.
"It's nothing much" that's how Sebastian managed to answer
Y/N rolls her eyes, she sees right through that lie. Maybe for Sebastian this is nothing much but for her who doesn't earn as much as an F1 driver then this is really a lot.
"Oh before I forget, I still have one gift left" Sebastian said "Here you go"
It was a small black box with a gold ribbon. There was a scrawl on it in Sebastian's handwriting saying happy birthday Y/N. It made the girl raise her eyebrows.
"Seb I can't accept this, this seems really pricey"
Y/N got that right. Sebastian spent a long time looking for this gift since he customized it and it took a while for it to be created. But of course, Sebastian won't admit to that.
"Just take it" Seb pushed the gift back to her.
"I'm scared to open it" she whines
"Okay what if you don't open it and then I'll just hand it to you" Sebastian suggested "That way then you can't give it back"
"Got it, should I close my eyes to prepare myself"
"Go ahead"
Its so cliche for the two of them as it looks like it was taken from a movie scene. Sebastian unwrapped the gift and took the necklace out of the velvet pouch. It shimmers against the setting sun as he placed the necklace gently on her hand.
"You can open your eyes now" Sebastian said
Y/N lets out a soft gasp upon opening her eyes. It was a silver chained blue diamond necklace. There was some eerie similarities with the heart of the ocean necklace from titanic but this one is like the less flashier version. Sebastian have heard multiple stories back in the Webber household how Y/N absolutely loved Titanic as a little kid and Sebastian couldn't think of anything more iconic as gifting her a very own version of the heart of the ocean.
"Seb, you're making me cry. This is too beautiful" Y/N muttered in awe.
"I always see you fiddling with your necklace when you are nervous especially when someone crashed or its a wet race" Sebastian explained "I hope this can help assure you that everything will be alright"
Y/N felt speechless and she could feel the utter care that was placed in this gift. So what she does next is remove the necklace hanging on her neck.
"What's this?" it was now his turn to be puzzled.
"Well I can't wear this necklace and that at the same time" Y/N reasoned "So I'm giving you my necklace. Its my star sign, taurus which is represented by a bull so red bull"
Sebastian looked at the necklace in his hand. He felt very grateful and it seems like a charm for him to carry to his races.
"Thank you"
There was so much more that Sebastian wanted to say but he couldn't ruin this moment. He was happy to make her happy even if its just a friend.
Soon, he tells himself.
If he wins in Monaco then he would gather all his courage to ask her out. He will give everything for this race this weekend so he can finally stop this dilly-dallying. He gives out a silent wish to the universe that they make his wish come true.
News flash, Sebastian didn't win the Monaco GP 2010.
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blorbocedes · 3 months
i wish u would write: more lesbians!sico 🙏🏻
"Would you still like me if I was a worm?"
Seb asks stupid questions like this, lying belly flop on Nico's dorm bed.
"No. Worms are disgusting." Nico rolls her eyes, carefully cutting out Britney Spears' image from the glossy magazine cover. She's going to mail order that halter top later.
Seb turns to look at her all sad with her freakish blue eyes and floppy hair, about to launch into an explanation about why worms are very important for the ecology, actually. Nico revises her answer. Blame Lewis for insults being her love language.
"I would put you in a terrarium. Plenty of enrichment. Good soil."
"We cannot date if I'm in a terrarium." Seb pouts. Her tee shirt rode up as she moved, exposing a stripe of pale skin. Seb's always pale while Nico gets a flush golden tan in Monaco. Sebastian has gotten this strange impression that simply because they have sex and spend time together afterwards that they're 'dating.' Nico hasn't corrected her on it yet.
"It's frowned upon to date worms." Nico finishes her scrapbooking, scooching over to the squeaky twin sized dorm bed.
"Well, I would date you if you were a worm. Maybe it would be better, I could finally get you to come watch the Return Of The King with me." Seb smiles, linking one of her legs with Nico's, jeans against bare skin.
"How would you get a terrarium in the theatre, genius?" Nico hates that she's playing along this stupid thought experiment, when there's a young, hot body in her bed and she doesn't have class until the afternoon. She runs her fingers against Seb's bare stomach, feels her get goosebumps at the touch.
"I'll-- uh," Seb is momentarily distracted, blinking at Nico, licking her lips, and they really are so red and biteable. "Sneak you in my pocket. Keep you warm."
It's 2004 and none of their jeans have real pockets.
"Yeah?" Nico crawls on top, eyes dark. "Keep me here?" Nico pulls on the fake pocket of her low rise jeans, exposing her hip bone, circling her thumb over it. Seb writhes at the touch. It's very validating, she goes pink wherever Nico touches her, as if Seb isn't the one whose fucked everyone on campus while Nico's relatively new to carpet munching, but a diligent learner.
"Or here?" Nico asks, sliding her hand under Seb's shirt -- squeezing her tit, impossibly warm like a molten core.
"Damn you. Everywhere." Seb begs, promises, pulling Nico down to put her tongue in her mouth.
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effervescentdragon · 9 months
brocedes + 6:39 am
It's 6.39 AM and Lewis can't sleep.
That's not accurate. He hasn't been able to sleep throughout the whole night. He dozed off last night, a little nap around 10 PM. He was supposed to go out to some club, but when he woke up it was already past one and he didn't feel like moving. His phone showed him too many missed calls and messages, but he didn't feel like dealing with them, so he just - didn't. He got up, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and he went back to bed to go back sleep.
It didn't happen.
Nothing was bothering him and everythibg was bothering him. The contract extension, the car, the season. His team, his teammate, his boss. Everything was fine and it was all shit and Lewis couldn't sleep because all was fine and all was absolute shit. He tossed and turned. He played music. He lay in silence. He meditated.
None of it helped even a lick.
So it's 6.39 and Lewis is in the elevator in his running gear, because maybe if he goes for a run and sees the sun rising over Monaco he'll feel better and he may finally sleep. Perhaps. He has obligations today, too many messages to answer, and an agreement to go get lunch with Seb, who was also in Monaco for some reason he hasn't yet shared with Lewis.
It's 6.39 and the elevator door opens and before Lewis can take a step forward, Nico is there.
There is a smile on his face and Lewis' stomach does that twisting thing it always does when they stumble upon each other, given that they still live in the same building, no matter that Lewis usually isn't in Monaco.
(He should move. It's somehow never a priority.)
Nico's hair is mussed up and his collar is crooked. It's obvious that he was just coming home from partying. His eyes widen a little when he sees Lewis.
"Oh," he breathes more than says, and Lewis knows he's taken aback. "Lewis. Good morning."
Nico's voice is flat. He rolls his shoulders but doesn't move. Lewis blinks. There is a hickey on the side of Nico's neck, barely visible and half covered by Nico's shirt. It's a nice shirt. Lewis thinks it's Armani.
"Good morning," Lewis says. "Good party last night?"
He doesn't know why he asks. He hadn't slept and he isn't thinking.
There are lines on Nico's face when he smiles now. "Yes," he chuckles. "Very... productive."
That can mean anything. Lewis is too tired to try and figure it out. He's been to tired to try and figure Nico out for a long while.
Nico's eyes fly over Lewis' form. "Sleepless night?" he asks in return, and Lewis wants to punch him.
"Nah, just, you know," Lewis replies with a smile. "Making the most of the day."
He can't be here anymore. The door starts closing and they both reach for it at the same time from opposite sides. Their eyes briefly meet as they exchange places. Lewis can smell the alcohol and the club and sex and pine and cigarettes on Nico as he exits the elevator as Nico takes his place.
"Good night," he says.
"Good day," Nico replies, pushing the button for his floor.
Lewis doesn't look back. He starts running the moment he exits the building and doesn't stop until he's all the way above on the hill. The sun sgines down on him as he pants and teies to catch his breath. He checks his watch.
It's stuck on 6.39 AM. He must have forgotten to charge it last night.
He takes the long way home.
"It's good to see you, Lewis," Seb says, smile wide and uneven in the Monte Carlo twilight, his arms open for a hug.
"It's good to see you too," Lewis says sincerely and steps into the hug. "What are you doing here?" he asks, but before he can finish the queation fully, his stomach turns.
Seb smells of pine. He's always smelled of pine, like that deodorant he's been using his whole life.
Seb pulls back from the hug first. "Oh, you know," he says with eyes and smile full of mirth. "Checking up on some investments."
Lewis forces himself to smile.
"Come on, we'll be late for the reservation," he says, checking his watch.
It's still stuck on 6.39 AM.
He forgot to charge it.
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scuderlia · 2 months
GIRLESTAPPEN 💕💕🩷💖💖 ok. who makes the first move? are they the only girls and gays on the grid or are there more... what do they wear in the paddock? if there is girl charles is there girl chiss [gets dragged off stage]
girlestappen eventually cringefail their way into a relationship by doing what they do best: being weird about each other and ignoring the obvious tension between them until they can't anymore! i think in a traditional f1 au max is out and idgaf about her sexuality and charles is, on the cusp of realizing that she's a lesbian and DOESN'T actually fuck with men like that. she just hasn't put two-and-two together quite yet.
but basically, charles rocks up to the paddock in 2018 and is hit with the girl she grew up karting against being a terror on the track to all these men, beating them in many cases, and also looking... hot? (little dotted circle swirling in charles' brain) and she doesn't really know how to cope so she goes with what she knows: repressing the feelings and being incredibly normal (not normal) about it. for a long time.
random hcs under the cut:
when they finally get together, lando is their strange little guy friend who follows them around and is like ALLY but also half his jpg account is just. inexplicably. photos of them like, kissing at the club. everyone thinks it's weird but no one mentions it.
if max somehow wasn't out before getting to f1 she probably came out in a [waves hand] unintentionally dramatic way. like she made a gay joke, got cancelled on the internet for it, and then her statement was: I Am Actually Gay.
charles has her world turned upside down and inside out when she properly finds out max likes girls for the first time. it weighs on her so heavily she spirals and sleeps with [waves hand again] pierre or carlos or someone and it's terrible and max is completely oblivious to the fact that charles is #goingthroughit.
girlestappen are still butch4femme. they always will be to ME.
all those bizarre interviews with like, lewis and seb saying strange things about grid girls and girlfriends to max and charles in 2018/2019 still happen, but there's an added layer of what the fuck did he just say? the youtube comments are either: wow, they're so woke for asking max about liking girls on a public broadcast OR i can't believe seb actually said that about grid girls with charles sitting right there. does he hate women?
everyone should send a prayer out into the world for carlos sainz, who has had [checks notes] both of his girl teammates come out as lesbians. this begs the question: is it him? is he that bad? the italian press run articles on it weekly.
wherever charles goes, chiss will follow. obviously.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 months
Watched the Robert/Seb mention clip. Not just a mention but explaining the whole situation.
So now we've got "reminding viewers of Robert's exit story", "reminding viewers that Robert was the one for Aaron", "showing that Aaron still cares with the pause" and now "reminding viewers that Aaron and Robert were dads to Seb and that they lost access due to Rebecca leaving and how it crushed them".
I feel like all of that plus the fact that Aaron hasn't really gotten scenes to properly react to all of these little "previously on Aaron's life story" moments or show that he's moved on or learned something, that it's just the reminder with a quick reaction look or him changing the subject really feels like it's building to something.
It could technically be building to him finally processing all of these losses in an effort to move the character on, but I don't really think they'd bother if that was their aim. Frankly, I don't think they care about any of the characters that much to do so.
So, it feels more like reminding viewers of all of these things because they're going to suddenly become relevant again with a Robert return.
I don't want to get my hopes up too much but the evidence is stacking up here...
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I love love love the way you write Mick and his wife parenting. It's the way I'd like to treat my kids one day when I have them.
Also, my ovaries do somersaults whenever I read it😍😮‍💨
Would you write a little piece about Rora coming to them the next time something bother her?
Note: thank you for your words! Parenting is something I'm very very interested about so I do make some effort on knowing about it, especially through little things like this ✨️
After putting the kids to bed, you and Mick stayed in the living room, sleep not on your mind as you caught up on your favourite show to watch together while staying in eachother's embrace, his hand resting on your waist as he kissed the top of your head every now and then, until some noise caught his attention, footsteps from Angie and who he assumed was Aurora coming closer unti your oldest daughter greeted you, "Rora, is everything alright?", you asked as you saw her reach the living room entrance.
Switching from standing on one foot to the other, your daughter looked uneasy as she pushed her curls to the side, "can I sit here with you? I promise I won't make any noise", she said in a small noise and your heart squeezed as you moved to sit up properly, opening a space for her to stand between you and Mick, "of course, my love, here", Mick said as he arranged the blanket so it could cover all three of you as Angie laid by his feet.
Aurora fiddled with a loose thread on the blanket before speaking, "you know how you said I could talk to you when I didn't feel good?", she began, getting both of your attentions, "can I do it now?", she looked up, "of course you can. You don't need to ask", Mick encouraged her. "I was trying to sleep and all I could think about was that papa is going to start racing soon, and he won't be home as much", she muttered, her eyes beggining to water as you noticed your husband frown. It was true when other driver's partners had told you that once they're old enough to understand it, it gets harder when they leave for the races, "That's true, yes. I won't be home as much, but I'll do my best to be here as much as possible", Mick caressed her curly locks, "are you? And you won't forget about me? Or Seb? Or mama? You won't forget about us, right? Not even Angie!", she said, the expression now moving from sad to a somewhat bossy one, "I won't, princess. How could I ever forget about you?", he said as he kissed the top of her head, "a girl in my school said that her papa is always travelling and she doesn't know if he still remembers her, she hasn't seen him in a while", she pouted.
You had heard some of the mothers gossiping about it when you went to pick her up, the women clearly not understanding what boundaries and minding their own business was like as they spoke about it loud and clear for anyone in a 10 meter radius to hear, "has papa ever forgotten about us?", you questioned your daughter, "No, he always calls your phone so we can talk to him. Or sends us videos for us to see what he has been up to", Aurora reasoned with you, "I just don't want you to forget about us. I love you a lot. We love you a lot, right, mama?", she offered as she got up on the sofa, her arms coming to wrap themselves around Mick's neck, "I love you guys too, more than anything in the world", he replied back, kissing her cheeks while you looked at the scene, their bond so effortless and simple, but full of love.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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megmischief · 1 year
Sebastian x Eris (AFAB) - Breath of Fresh Air Chapter 2
For Yomi 💙 @lavendel081
M Rated - Explicit Sexual Content
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"You know, 'Ris...I never thought you'd like me back." Sebastian looks down with a faint smile.
Eris feels her heart ache for Sebastian. The doubt he had within himself hurt her deeply. "Hey..." She places her hands on his cheeks, moving his head to look into her eyes. "Sebastian. It's always been you. It will always be you. You are the only man I want."
Sebastian, completely dumbfounded by how forward and sincere Eris was being, pulls her into a deep and passionate kiss.
"Eris...I...I love you...and I-..." Sebastian stops himself, nervous of Eris' response.
"What's up, Seb? I love you too... You can tell me anything, you know."
"Anything?" He blushes, moving her hair away from her neck, exposing her soft porcelain skin.
"Mm...Anything." She whispers back, blushing from his lingering gaze.
Sebastian leans in close, softly whispering into her ear. "I need you, 'Ris...I...I want to make you mine..."
Looking into Eris' eyes, his own full of lust, he pulls her into a deep and passionate kiss. Hands begin to roam as they explore each other's bodies.
"Shall we get back to my place, Seb...?" Eris whimpers.
Sebastian kisses and nibbles at her neck, leaving dark marks. "Cant wait that long...'Ris..."
Eris gasps, softly moaning into his ear as she feels his lips linger over her now tender neck. "But...were in public...?"
Sebastian shrugs, picking Eris up and wrapping her legs around his waist. "We can go behind Elliott's old shack. He hasn't used it since he married Meg anyway..."
Eris' face now crimson, she gives him a small nod of approval. "If you're sure we wont get caught..."
"We won't. Promise." His lips crash into hers once more as he presses her against the creaky wooden beach shack, her legs still wrapped around his waist pulling his ever-growing bulge closer.
Sebastian lets out a low, breathy moan as he feels Eris begin grinding against him. "Ris... I can't take it when you do that...to me...Fuck..."
Unzipping his jeans, he moves Eris' panties to the side. Sebastian runs his finger from Eris' entrance to her clit, bringing his finger up to his mouth for a taste.
"This is the sweetness I've been craving for so long...I can't wait any longer, 'Ris...Can I...?" Sebastian's eyes, full of lust, look deeply into Eris'.
"Mmm...I want you too...Sebby..." Eris buries her face into Sebastian's neck. She lets out a loud gasp, feeling Sebastian's entrance stretching her out.
"Holy shit, 'Ris... You're so tight." Sebastian smirks and chuckles.
Unable to speak due to the pleasure coursing its way through her body, Eris can't help but moan. The feeling of Sebastian filling her only excites her more as she feels him thrusting into all of the right spots. Her hands snake up to his raven hair, pulling tightly as he increases the pace of his thrusts. Pleasure making waves throughout their bodies with each thrust.
Sebastian, grunting with each thrust, reaches under Eris' shirt to massage her breast softly. His other hand leaning against the shack for stability. The wooden shack creaks with each and every thrust, the air filled with sounds of pure pleasure.
"Ris... It's not gonna...take me long... I'm sorry..." Sebastian mumbles, biting onto Eris' neck.
Hearing Sebastian's low, gravelly voice of pleasure sent electricity through her core. "M-Me...too..."
Eris pulls harder onto Sebastian's hair as he picks up the pace once more, slamming himself into her as hard as possible. Cries of pleasure escape Eris' lips as she reaches her climax.
"Good girl, 'Ris...Let the pleasure take over you..." Sebastian bites his lip, grunting as he reaches his own climax, filling her up completely.
Pants and gasps fill the sudden silence as Eris slowly falls, standing on the uneven sand once more.
"Wow...Seb..." Eris giggles. "I can't believe we just...did that."
Sebastian laughs, zipping up his jeans. He pulls Eris into a gentle kiss. "Only you could let me get away with that, 'Ris..." He gently takes Eris' hand in his own. "Let's continue this back at yours." Smirking, they begin to make the long walk home.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Heart Breakers: Chapter 3A - When Seb wins
I strongly advise you read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 if you haven't already. Written from a request from @simpy-slytherin F!MC is called Leina in honour of her MC
Sebastian x Leina x Garreth
This is 1 of 2 alternate endings. In this chapter, Sebastian is end game 💚 Chapter 3B will see Garreth get the girl.
He wasn't in the Undercroft or in the clock tower. Leina avoided the spot where she had seen Trixie all over Sebastian, hurrying on in her search for him. Eventually, she found herself standing outside the Slytherin common room, students wandering about giving her curious looks.
Maybe they were hoping more drama was about to kick off. She really hoped not.
After about 15 minutes of waiting and hoping Sebastian would appear, Ominis came down the staircase, wand out flickering. He headed for the door but paused, head tilting slightly. "Leina, is that you?"
"Yes," she said, stepping forward. "How are you, Ominis? I feel like we haven't spoken in a while."
"You have had your hands rather full it seems, no time for chit chat," he said. "What are you doing here?"
"I was hoping to catch Sebastian. Do you know if he is around?"
"Hmm, yes, you two do need to sort out this new mess of yours," he sighed. "He has been an absolute monster to be around lately. I'm growing rather tired of it."
He paused in thought and then moved a little closer. "You won't find him here. He mentioned needing to catch up on some Astronomy assignment work and headed that way after dinner. I would assume he is still there in the tower."
"Thank you, Ominis, I will give it a try."
"Before you dash off, may I say something?"
"Of course."
His brow pinched and a glimmer of sadness washed over his face. "I know he has upset you terribly, but please, don't go too hard on him. He is the bane of my life sometimes, but he is also like a brother to me. I know when he is hurting, and he is definitely suffering. He still hasn't got over the events of 5th year. And as for Trixie, well, her behaviour has been disgusting to say the least. Sebastian was in a very bad place that night, and roaring drunk to boot. She took advantage of him. Had the roles been reversed, a boy would have been reprimanded within an inch of his life. I do not believe he set out to hurt you. In his own stupid way, he thinks he protects people with his wild ideas and protective nonsense. Anne being a case in point. I think what I am trying to say, is that he feels deeply for you, and that is why he tangles himself up in knots."
"Feels deeply for me?" Leina felt like her lungs had been squeezed at those words. "He has never said such a thing to me."
"He would never admit any of this to himself, or anyone else for that matter, he is far too stubborn for that. But he doesn't fool me."
Leina stood there taking this speech in with her eyes wide. She took a long, shaky breath as she tried to process all of it. She reached out a hand and placed it on Ominis' arm. He flinched a little, but didn't push her off.
"I understand," she said. "Don't worry. The last thing I want to do is hurt Sebastian. I just want to try and make things better because they can't go on as they are."
"Then we are agreed," he said with a smile. "I wish you luck."
Sebastian rolled up his parchment now that his ink was dry and put a stopper in the ink bottle. The Astronomy Tower was now deserted and quiet and he liked it that way. It was peaceful.
He sighed and moved towards a railing to look up. It was one thing to stare through the telescope and mark the detail of the stars, but when you stood and took in the whole blanket of them across the sky, it just hit you differently. It was huge, beyond comprehension, and you remembered that you were one small thing before it. Your troubles a mere wisp against the great, and therefore, should be more manageable to carry on your shoulders.
He wished that were true. He rubbed a hand across his eyes and gingerly moved them to his neck. The bruises there were less tender, the sticky salve on them seeming to do the trick. He scowled about the how and where of the salve, hating that he had to go begging to Leander Prewett, of all people, to ask for help. Wiggenweld just didn't seem to budge the dammed things and he hated the way people were staring at them, sniggering behind their hands.
Most of all he hated that Leina had seen them. His heart wrenched at the way her eyes had dimmed, losing their usual spark and fire. He hated that he hadn't been able to take her hand and try to soothe away the hurt. But, it was on him. He had nobody but himself to blame.
And now, he owed fucking Leander Prewett a favour for bailing him out with a Herbology trick for getting rid of bruises. The smugness on the idiot's face made his wand hand itch something terrible.
But he had been desperate. Desperate to hide the marks that had left him feeling dirty, stained. He shivered at the memory of her tongue violating him. It made his skin crawl. Never mind the stares of others, he needed to scrub all the evidence away that she had ever touched him in the first place.
Footsteps on the stairs signalled the end of his peace and quiet. He sighed and turned to gather his things, not really in the mood to stay for small talk. He froze when it was Leina that appeared at the top of the stairs, though. Alone, and looking right at him.
"Hello, Sebastian,' she said softly. "I've been looking for you."
Now that Sebastian was there, right in front of her, any words she had been trying to piece together on the way up here slid right out of her mind. He stood stock still, eyes wide and fixed on her like she would startle if he so much as blinked.
She stared at him in the moonlight, drinking in the sight of him, that heavy feeling in her chest shifting, feeling as though it might shrink a little. It was just him, and her, just like she was used to, and that had never been a bad thing. Not really.
She pressed her lips together, tears burning the backs of her eyes and then she was running, crossing the gap between them and throwing herself at him. Her arms wrapped about him and she buried her face deep into his neck, breathing in his scent like she had been holding her breath since the last time she had touched him.
He had stiffened at first, shocked perhaps, but then his arms circled her waist and crushed her to his chest.
"You're such an idiot, Sebastian Sallow," she said, her voice thick with emotion.
"I know," he said. "I know. And I'm sorry."
His voice cracked on the last word and she pulled back to look at him. He gulped, a hand reaching to swipe quickly at the tear that rolled from his eye. He tried to look away from her, but she wouldn't let him. "Its alright," she whispered. "It's just me. You're alright."
His lip wobbled and she pulled him in tight again, her fingers sliding into the hair at the back of his head as the dam broke and he cried into her robes.
The moment wasn't lost on her. It was the mirror of what she had done to Garreth, and Garreth had not questioned her need for comfort. She would not question Sebastion either, not if he wasn't ready. But she could hold him, she could soothe him and, maybe, it would help.
"I'm alright, honestly," he said. He pulled back and wiped his face. "I don't deserve your hugs, as lovely as they are."
"Everyone needs a hug at some point, Seb," she said. "How could I not comfort you if you need it?"
"I should be the one comforting you. I...I've been a fool, Leina." He hung his head. "There aren't enough apologies in the world to make up for it. But, I would like to try."
"Then, let us try," she said.
Her eyes drifted down to the marks on his neck and she swallowed, her nose wrinkling in distaste at the goop covering them. "Blimey, Sebastian, what on earth have you smeared on your neck?"
He groaned. "Don't ask. It's some nasty salve to get rid of bruises. I can't wait to be rid of them."
"You and me, both," she said, grimly.
An awkward silence filled the air and Leina shivered, the cold evening breeze cutting through the dampness of her clothing. Perhaps she should have changed after all.
"You're cold," he said. He rubbed at her arms.
"A little, unfortunately my clothes are a bit damp," she said. She tugged at the front of her jumper, wrinkling her nose, and he frowned in curiosity. "There was an incident during my Potions detention, I got a bit soggy."
His frown deepened. "I assume Weasley is just as damp?"
Leina stepped back out of reach of his arms. They dropped to his sides, fists clenched. She wrapped her own arms about herself, maybe because of the chill, maybe because she felt like she needed to protect the soft feelings she was harbouring in her chest for Garreth.
"I didn't come here to argue with you, Seb," she said. "But, let me make one thing very clear. I won't hear a word said against Garreth. He doesn't deserve it, not one bit."
She could see the clench in his jaw. Clearly, there were words fighting to get out, but he held his lips firmly clamped. Let them stay there. She didn't want to hear it.
"If we are going to have any chance at moving forward from this point on, then Garreth is non-negotiable. He is someone important to me and I won't give him up. Not even for you."
He processed that. He didnt like it, his eyes flashed, but he nodded. "Okay, so Garreth is off the table," he said slowly. "What did you want to talk about? Why did you seek me out?"
Her heart pounded. Yes, why did she seek him out? Did she want his confession of undying love for her? Now that she was here, she wasn't sure if she could handle it. It felt too huge, too all encompassing a thing, and she felt her chest tighten. It didn't feel heavy anymore, although she definitely hadn't forgotten the image of him wrapped up with Trixie. She wasn't sure if she ever would.
But, was that fair? He didn't owe her exclusivity. They weren't a couple. She had clearly spat the words into his face that a few kisses didn't lay a claim on each other. Also, how would he feel to see her wrapped up with Garreth? Livid, thats how, if his rage in the Undercroft was anything to go by.
Even here, in the chill wind cutting right through the tower top arches, she felt her cheeks warm. What if she had kissed Garreth on the floor of the Potions classroom? What if Sebastian had walked in on that? If Sharpe hadn't caught them, she thought it was quite likely she may have kissed him, and the thought threw her into a spin.
It was all too much. Her mind was fudge, and she didn't know what on earth her body was trying to tell her. He was there, waiting for an answer and she didn't know what to say.
She backed up a step, two, her lungs burning for air but she was gasping it in.
He frowned. "Leina, what's wrong?"
"I...I..." She threw a look towards the stairs, the exit, escape. Coward. "I accept your apology."
Inwardly, she cringed. Gods that was so formal. So cold. She didn't mean to be, and the flicker of uncertainty on his face made her want to run.
He took a careful step to the side, slowly lifting his hands. All the times they had been in a duel, fought dark wizards, trained together, it had given them a bond, an understanding of each other. He knew she was going to bolt just as much as she knew he was going to try and stop her. Their bodies were in tune, they could read each other in a split second.
She stepped back and to the side, one eye on him, the other on the exit. He stepped as well. Her heart hammered right up into her throat, her ears roaring with it and she forgot about the chill of her clothes.
Tension, electric and hot, sizzled. To her shock, she felt it in her abdomen, curling like some wild thing. Would he chase her? If she ran for those stairs, would he chase her? What if he caught her? Unbidden, a small sound came from her throat at the idea.
What the fuck was wrong with her??
He lifted an eyebrow at that sound, she was so distracted by it, and the slow curving tilt of his lips, that she had let her guard slip. He was closer than before. Damn him!
"I will catch you," he said. His voice was low, dark. Filthy.
She swallowed, her throat working double time. She shook her head in denial, but it was a pathetic shake, weak. Gods, he made her weak and she couldn't be. She had to get a grip on herself.
Her eyes darted to the exit and back to him. Where would she run to? That was a lot of fucking stairs to get down, she would no doubt end up tumbling to her death, if his smile didn't kill her first. Look at him, his smirk, that wicked, wicked mouth. Fuck!
She ran. Her feet bounded across the Astronomy deck and into the stairway, cloak and hair flying as she took the stairs in a leap. He was right behind her, feet pounding on the wooden steps, she could hear his excited breaths.
She ignored the shooting spear of fire that shot through her, if she didn't she would falter, and if she faltered then it would be too late. He'd catch her.
Oh, but what if he did?
Legs trembling, she skidded across the landings on the switch back steps, hands shoving off from walls for momentum, before hitting the next flight of stairs, curving down, and down, to her inevitable doom.
Leina was almost at the Room of Requirement. For a split second, she considered it an escape, but the door needed to form, it would take too long, and he was gaining on her. Was that the brush of finger tips on her cloak?
A cry left her lips, a cry that sounded far too excitable for her liking, and she pushed harder, feet slapping against wood as she hurtled down the corridor past her secret haven.
The corridors were getting smaller, portraits and statues whizzing past as she ran, legs beginning to burn, every breath now a fight, and still, he was right behind her.
He wasn't going to quit, it wasn't his style. He could be near death and he would keep chasing her. Now, that thought nearly made her stumble as she burst out into the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower.
She barely had time to glance at the shocked faces of the students in the seating area as she made a desperate sprint for the switch back stairs going down, down, down.
She hadn't planned on it, but her feet were carrying her closer and closer to where it all began. That Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom where she had knocked him on his arse on her first day. And, what was underneath it? The Undercroft.
She risked a glance back, he was so close, face flushed but determined. A laugh, rasping and breathless trailed behind her as she kept going, on and on until she thought her legs might just give out from under her. She was flagging as she passed the rhinoceros skeleton and she felt fingers catch hold of her flapping cloak.
He had her.
They both stumbled to a stop, his hands tugging her closer and she braced her hands against his heaving chest. They barely had the breath to laugh, but somehow, they did.
"So...now what?" He puffed. "I caught you...what's...what's my prize?"
She stared at him, fighting for every breath. This was crazy. Stupid. Reckless. How very them.
She smiled and grabbed his hand. A quick glance told her that the coast was clear, no prying eyes to see as she tugged him towards the secret entrance of The Undercroft.
He did the spell to open it, she watched him, couldn't tear her gaze from him. She remembered how she had realised how alive he made her feel, living life on a dangerous edge. It was exciting. Was it enough? What was enough?
She needed to know, her heart and soul had a choice to make. Was this love?
Leina was holding his hand. He stared down at their interlocking fingers as if to fully confirm that he had her in his grasp. All he had to do was keep her there.
He was fucking knackered. Chasing her down all those stairs had damn near killed him, but he would do it again, in a heartbeat. He would run after her until he dropped dead if he had to. She was worth every burning breath, every screaming muscle.
She led him in to the centre of the Undercroft. The last time they had been here, they had fought. How many times had he gone over it? He wished he could turn the clock back.
But they were here now. The anger was gone from her face. He looked at Leina, her cheeks flushed, eyes bright, her hair was some kind of chaotic right now, but he didn't care. She was beautiful!
He asked her again, his breaths more regular now. "What's my prize?"
He gave her his best smirk and watched her gaze drop to his lips. She was trying to pretend she wasn't looking, but she definitely was. He loved that. When she had done it up in the Astronomy Tower it had turned him on, the force of the burn overwhelming. How could he resist chasing after her?
She let go of his hand. Disappointing, but she wasn't turning away from him. "Alright," she said. "Your prize. But first, a truth for a truth."
"What?" He frowned. "Play fair now. I've already won, I caught you."
Her lips twitched. "Maybe I let you."
Dangerous smirk. "You wanted me to."
Her lips parted, little pants of breath slipping out. He wanted to make that sound come out of her with his touch, his mouth on her, her mouth on him.
"Alright, I'll play," he said. He tilted his head, thinking. She wanted a truth. He grinned. "When I was six, I stole Anne's favourite doll and tried to cast charms on it with my Father's wand. I accidently made it explode. To this day, she still doesn't know it was me."
She gaped and then frowned, folding her arms. "That's just mean, and totally not the kind of truth that I meant. And you know it."
Oh, he knew it. He just got a kick out of the little huff she did when he wound her up. He leant towards her, smirk in play. "Your turn."
She hesitated and damn if a little flush didn't colour her cheeks. He lifted a brow, waiting.
"I...I punched Trixie in the face. And I liked it.' She winced.
"I know," he said. "Have you seen her since? That was quite a punch, Leina. I'm impressed."
Impressed and so fucking turned on. Beautiful, and she could throw a mean punch. He tilted his head thoughtfully, still playing the game. "That wasn't a truth I didn't know, you're supposed to tell me something I don't know. So, spill it. What's your deepest, dirtiest secret?"
Wow, now that was a glorious blush she was sporting now. She pressed her fingers to her cheeks, her eyes darting away from him.
He hesitated. Something slippery, cold and sickening filled his gut. Gods, no. Surely not. Would she? Did something happen with her and Garreth?
His fists clenched, her warning up on the tower coming back to him. She said Garreth was important to her, that she wasn't prepared to give him up.
Suddenly, this game didn't seem so fun anymore. Not when he was terrified of what might come out of her mouth.
"I...oh, Merlin," she whispered. She touched her fingers to her lips. His stomach clenched. "I can't believe I'm going to say this..."
Don't say it, don't say it. His hands ached they were clenched so tight.
She looked him right in the eye, cheeks crimson. "I touched myself in the bath while I was thinking of you."
Her fingers clamped over her mouth and the silence that followed seemed to swallow him whole. His eyes burned because he was so frozen in shock, he didn't think he could blink. She did what, now?
Well, fucking hell, he was speechless. He asked for her deepest, dirtiest secret, and she had delivered. That was definitely dirty.
Her saw her begin to regret the words and snapped himself out of his stupor. Come on Sallow, bring the charm. Somehow, he pulled a quip out of nowhere. "Why didn't you just ask? I could have leant you a hand."
He heard her sharp intake of breath, her fingers twitched. He smiled. This was back to being fun.
"Your turn," she said, quickly. "And you need to better mine."
Oh, you clever girl. Nothing like throwing a challenge down in front of him. Although, his heart skittered at the thought of speaking these next words out loud. But she wanted the truth, and he always wanted to be able to give her what she desired. He tried and failed not to imagine her, naked and wet in the bath, her name on his lips...yep, definitely worth running after.
He nodded. His mind was made up and he was terrified. But he hid it well. "I love you."
I love you.
Three little words. One, two, three. So simple, and yet so big. Earlier, she had been too scared that he would say it. And now he had.
He looked more vulnerable than she had ever seen him, even more so than that day he had been slumped on the floor of the catacombs after taking out Solomon.
She swallowed. They had been through so much. The webs that surrounded their lives had thickened and strengthened, and how could it be anyone else?
Garreth. He flashed up behind her eyes and her heart squeezed. Oh, she loved him, she really did, but it wasn't like this.
It wasn't running so fast, waiting for him to catch her, wanting him to catch her, it wasn't knowing each other so well that when one moved, the other did, like a dance. It wasn't covering up murder so you didn't lose them. It wasn't punching a girl in the face because you couldn't stand that she had touched what was yours.
Yes, that's right. He was hers. Sebastian Sallow was hers, for better or worse.
She walked up to him, slowly, savouring every step. He watched her, lips parting, eyes darkening. Smirk for me baby, show me that wicked mouth, she thought. Better yet, let me taste it.
She stared at that bottom lip, swiping her tongue over her own as she reached up on tip toe. He didn't move an inch, watching her as she slowly kissed that bottom lip, teasing it ever so gently.
And then, there it was. His delicious smirk. She gave him one of her own. "So, you love me?"
"I do," he said. His voice was deep, silky dark, full of promise. "I love you. I always have."
She could drown in those eyes. If she wanted. And, oh she wanted to. "I love you, too," she whispered.
He looked like he was afraid to believe it. Her Seb, so smooth, so cheeky, and yet so vulnerable, so deep and dark, so passionate, if only one cared enough to take the dive and see.
"Kiss me, Seb," she whispered against his lips. "Make me burn."
His kiss stole her mouth, and this time it wasn't about making a point, this time it was making a fire, and she was ready to burn. His tongue slid over hers, dominant but sensual. Her toes curled in her shoes and she let her body melt into his hands.
Her robe slid to the floor, his hand slid under her shirt, fingers grazing the skin of her back with trails of fire. Her head fell back, a soft sigh escaping as his mouth slid to her neck, tongue swirling up under her jaw. Her hands luxuriated in his soft hair, trailing against his scalp, drawing a moan from his lips.
Impatiently, he tugged her collar loose, his mouth dipping lower. Her hand skimmed down from his hair and slid through the sticky balm on his brusies. She froze.
She winced. She couldn't help it, she could see that bitch sucking his neck and her chest twisted.
"Don't," he said. He shook his head, voice strained against her throat. "Don't say it, please."
She released him and looked at those bruises. The balm had made some effort to erase them, but they were still there, taunting her. She took a deep breath and flexed her fingers.
She had promised herself she wouldn't use it. It was too powerful, too dangerous. People died when she threw that much power around. But, she had been practising. She was getting better at controlling it.
She took another breath and placed her fingers on his bruises. He stared at her. "What are you doing?"
His lips were damp from her kiss. Nobody gets to kiss that mouth but her. Her mouth, and her mouth alone gets to taste him.
"Trust me," she said. She focused, careful, controlled, and a delicate wisp of blue curled from her fingers.
He gasped as they swirled against his skin. "That's cold."
"Hold still." He did. She traced his bruises, erasing them, wiping every last trace of her. She had to fight to focus, to keep a lid on the fury that tried to awake at the thought of her. But then, all the marks were gone. She drew her fingers back and he watched as the delicate, blue wisps were absorbed back into her skin.
"There, much better," she smiled.
He put a hand to his neck, eyes wide. "They're gone? You...you healed them?"
"You look like my Seb again," she said. Her eyes narrowed. "If she touches you again, she will live to regret it."
If she wasn't mistaken, she thought she saw a flicker of fear in his gaze. She couldn't blame him. She scared herself sometimes.
She took his hand. "Now, I don't know about you, but I could do with a bath. You coming? I might take you up on that offer of a hand."
His smirk was perfect. "I fucking love you, Leina."
"I know," she said, grinning. "Let's go."
Notes: You guys are awesome, thank you for reading! And, yes, I admit it. I went in to Hogwarts and had my MC run down from the Astronomy Tower for that scene 🤭. This got so long and I didn't get to the smut (angst came first, sorry 😏) However, I might do a bonus Smut part for Seb and Leina. For now, let's get to 3B and give Garreth some love. ❤️
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hi do you have any hcs about sebastian? or just the ass squad in general (abigail, sam, sebastian) :D
Of course, anon! Gotta love the ass squad lol. Thanks for the ask. :) Spoilers for the ass squad obviously.
Sebastian and ASS Squad Headcanons!
It was actually Sebastian that inspired Sam to start a band! Seb knows the keyboard by the time Sam is wanting to start a band, and I imagine it was him playing something for Sam that sparked the idea!
Speaking of the band, poor Abigail had to sit through hours of Sam going on and on about what it would be like when they're famous before she eventually gave in and joined (it's not like she didn't secretly like the things Sam was talking about nooo never).
I'm on the fence about Seb being a natural ginger or not, but I do think he dyes his hair a lot. Whether it be highlights or his whole head, he and Abby do it all the time together. He mostly dyes it red or blue while Abby is emptying her bottle of purple hair dye for the tenth time that week.
Seb has modded Prairie King for Abigail to make it easier for her. She repaid him by still failing the game.
Sam annoys the hell out of Seb by calling him emo - turns out he actually finds the word annoying. It's mostly due to Sam not shutting up about it, but he also dealt with a bit of bullying in school for it. He'll still use it himself though when he's making jokes.
He does really care for Maru; he just hates to show it. Demetrius is still rotting in hell, but deep down he knows it's not Maru's fault. He takes a lot of inspiration from her inventions and has made a few models of them.
Sebastian gets along with Elliott surprisingly well. it mostly started over Elliott hearing him play keyboard and asking him about it, and from there they grew kind of close! They won't really hang out, but they talk at the saloon on Fridays, catching up on how the other is going.
Thanks to his unlikely friend, Seb listens to classical every now and then. Sam found out and has not let it go. The only reason they aren't being blackmailed into doing all his bidding is because Sam is so forgetful.
Sam is banned from Abigail's kitchen. Let's just say he set the toaster on fire, because that's exactly what happened. Abby walked in like "I smell something burning. Sam?" to see their friend freaking out trying to blow her toaster out like it was a birthday candle. He got a massive talking to after and isn't allowed within two feet of the kitchen tiles.
Sebastian has had multiple pet frogs. The kicker is nobody but him knows about them. When he was a kid, he took one home and put it in a cardboard box under his bed. It lived surprisingly well for being fed leftover dinner.
Seb is 25, and Maru is 21, so he spent very little time with his father. But the memories he holds of him are very strong. When he and Maru were little, they were a ride-or-die pair of siblings. They helped each other cheat on tests all the time. It's only when Demetrius found out and only got mad at Seb did a rift begin to form between them.
If Seb could have any other job, he would want to participate in motorsport races. I mean, he has a bike and he's Sebastian. You can't tell me he hasn't broken a few laws doing tricks.
He used to have a little thing for Sam when they first moved to the valley. He got over it pretty quick though and moved onto Abigail. But it was his "Ah shit, I'm gay" moment.
He has heterochromia. I mean this HC is mostly because his eyes don't match on his different sprites, but his right eye is green! It's usually covered by his hair, so people don't tend to notice.
One reason he hates the beach is because he got stung by a jellyfish. It hurt more than normal because he's extremely sensitive to pain. It wasn't that bad, but this HC is coming from someone who got 1 cm worth of stray jellyfish bits on the webbing between their fingers and cried. God bless the ocean.
Also, he's autistic, with a special interest in programming. This is coming from an autistic person, btw.
Tada! I hope you like these headcanons, anon. I worked hard on them. :) Also, thank you for being the first person to ask for a HC post!!
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vro0m · 6 months
vro0m's rewatch - 185/332
2016 US GP
Alright we're getting so close to the end of this season it took me ages to get through. Round 18 out of 21. It's COTA, and I have a lot of content for it (including videos I'll post after this review).
Lewis is on pole. Nico is 0.2 behind, then it's Ricciardo and Verstappen, Raikkonen and Seb, Hulkenberg, Valtteri and Massa, and Sainz.
Thing is, apparently, Merc had to break curfew to change his fuel injector or something so his reliability problems aren't past him. 
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We also hear during Max's interview that they had an hour-long drivers meeting in part about his defensive driving and shenanigans. He's not bothered by it as usual. Later in the broadcast we learn that Charlie has declared that they will now investigate such moving under braking moves reported to them as potentially dangerous manœuvres to try to stop it from happening. The commentators are divided. 
We get a Lewis interview! He says he'd never had a pole in Austin before and he's worked hard for it so he's happy. He says he's always had issues with turn 1. Brundle asks what's on his mind when it comes to the championship with 4 races to go. He says right now he's not thinking too much, except for his job that Sunday. He's had another problem with his engine (the thing with the fuel injector I imagine) and that's something he's "conscious of", but his team said it wouldn't be a problem for the race although he will lose a bit of performance.
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But together they'll find a solution and move forward and hopefully it'll be fine. He has a somewhat unhinged smile after that, like he forgot to look unbothered by it and thinks "oh right I need to be more lighthearted."
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Brundle sums up where they're at with the points and how Lewis turned it around before etc. Lewis says he just has to try to do the best job. He's got his first pole in COTA, it'd be good if he could do the same thing next week. He says he's never won in Brazil before, so they're all huge targets for him. And the last race is generally a good one, a good track for him. "Your new best friend might become RedBull, you know?" Brundle says, because they can take points away from Nico. "True," he answers. "Daniel can be, Daniel and Max can definitely be very good friends of mine," he starts laughing.
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"But we shall see." Brundle says if they're wheel to wheel with Nico, if they take each other out, Nico gains because he'll still be 33 points ahead with only 75 points left for grabs instead of a hundred. Does that enter his head? "It hasn't up until you just mentioned it," he sighs and chuckles.
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"But I have to believe that… (he pauses, in his thoughts) I have to believe and trust that that's not… that's not the racer that he is. Regardless of other experiences in the past but… Yeah so I, no, I believe he's gonna put in a fair fight." (Literal chills.) Brundle asks if Nico gets the title, does Lewis think he deserves it? "I mean he's done the job with what he has so, obviously he's not had any reliability problems, so he's done the job– he's had one DNF when we crashed but otherwise he's had a great run of reliability, and he's done the job with it. So, you know. (He thinks.) In terms of who deserves and who's not, I mean he's done everything he has, he's come to do." He says fortunately for Nico, he wasn't able to fight him with equal cars reliability wise. 
Like I said in another race review : Nico will always have won against someone he sees as better than him, and Lewis will always have lost to someone he sees as not as good as he is. 
Brundle asks where he's at on a scale of it's the end of the world if I don't get this championship to I've got three already, I will win more, it'll hurt but I'll get over it. He smirks.
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"I'm already looking forward to going skiing at the end of the year. So it doesn't matter what's gonna happen in these next weeks, I'm still gonna go skiing. I'm still gonna get the best day of the year when I'll get on a slope. There will be family, there will be Christmas, so many great things to look forward to." He admits this year has been difficult but again only as far as reliability issues go. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Brundle asks how he's gonna sleep (it's the night before the race). "Well Coco snores quite a lot, so I wake up quite often." He breaks into laughter. "She's snoring louder and louder I don't know why. So in the middle of the night you have to give her a kick," he mimes, and laughs. Brundle says he must be kidding, he's fighting for a world championship and his dog is keeping him awake, but Lewis swears it’s true.
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Brundle asks if he dreams about the perfect start. "I never actually really dream about racing," Lewis says. He says the worst dream he has and it used to happen when he was younger was spiders.
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He says he recently was on a flight and everyone was asleep and he sleepwalked which hasn't happened to him in 10 years (that's pretty unusual in itself, sleepwalking is relatively rare in adults).
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"Around the airplane?" Brundle asks. "No no, I just like, I stand up on top of the bed," he raises his arms above his head, "shouting like 'holy–' there's a hu– spider the size of the table, on my pillow. And it's like jumping at me and then I literally was standing and my friend had to put me back to sleep I didn't know about it."
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"We woke everyone up, they all thought we were gonna crash." He laughs. 
Simon says he seems in great spirits. Brundle points out he's won there three times but only ever from second place on the grid. He says there's a longer version of this interview (that I won't be able to watch of course) and says he was "really good value" that night. "He's got plenty to say, he's always fascinating to listen to." He does say he sensed that he's more nervous than Rosberg (but then again that would make sense). They also say the team has said that regarding the engine issue it would cause a loss of between a half and a whole second over the course of the whole GP so I guess it's not that much of an issue and Lewis is just still anxious about reliability. 
They're worried about the start, the Mercedes have had pretty bad starts all year, and Daniel is right behind them on supersofts on top of it. 
Alright. Let's race. Formation lap. 
And they're racing! 
They both had good starts! Lewis' car looks a bit twitchy as they get to the first corner but he gets it fine and Ricciardo is getting ahead of Nico now! Two cars went wide at the back. Hulkenberg is last from 7th on the grid, he reports big damage at the front. Just as we hear him we see two cars collide in the midfield. It's Perez and Kvyat. They're back on track very quickly. Seb is relentlessly attacking Max, who overtook him. Valtteri has a puncture. Verstappen got really wide in the penultimate corner. Here's the top 10 at the end of the first lap : Lewis, Daniel, Nico, Raikkonen, Verstappen, Seb, Massa, Sainz, Alonso and Gutierrez. Hulkenberg and Bottas are both in the pits. Seb is very close to Max again, or still. Lewis sets a fastest lap and he's out of Ricciardo's DRS range. Jenson and Gutierrez are battling for P10. Hulkenberg has retired. There's racing in the midfield but nothing very interesting. Then Ricciardo is called in. Raikkonen as well. These supersofts really don't last long. Nico is told they're going for the long game "so push hard now" and he answers pushing hard is not the long game. Max is pitting as well and that's early. He started on the softs. It's a surprise. 
It's lap 10. Lewis, Nico +5.5, Seb +4.9, Massa +7.8, Sainz +2.5, Ricciardo +2.0, Alonso +0.4, Raikkonen +2.6, and Max overtakes Jenson for P9. Lewis is called in. They're responding to RedBull. And Nico is also called in. It's gonna be a double stop then. But Lewis stays out?! Ricciardo up in P4 now. Lewis pits the next lap. This might be close. Quick 2.3. Lewis stays ahead, it wasn't as close as we feared. Lots of pit stops now. Max overtakes Raikkonen for P5. Kvyat gets a 10 second time penalty for the first lap collision with Perez. Nico is told he's the only car on mediums and it's the long game. He's currently faster than Lewis. Seb pits from the lead. Quickly, Nico is under pressure from Max, but of course he's on the faster tyre. Gutierrez has a brake issue, he DNFs. Nico is also around a second behind Daniel. 
It's lap 20. Max is told to make sure he can finish his stint, he's pushing too much. "I'm not here to finish fourth," he answers. Lewis, Ricciardo +5.1, Nico +1.3, Max +0.8, Raikkonen +4.1, Seb +3.6, Massa +13.7, Sainz +8.8, Alonso +7.0, and Kvyat +5.2. Jenson overtakes Kvyat for P10. Max has locked up so he's not pressuring Nico as much now. (Oh Kvyat's contract has been signed.) Seb has caught up with Raikkonen and he's much faster so we're waiting for the team orders to drop. But Raikkonen pits which solves it. Ricciardo also pits. Then Max, but they weren't ready for him! Catastrophic! It's a 9.2 stop. "What happened Max?" – "I thought you boxed me, sorry." Did he start daydreaming or something? Midfield stops, now. Seb is called in. Ohhh. And Max is very slow… 
It's lap 30. It seems to be an engine failure, but he's still going, trying to reset his car… He says he feels something hitting the engine. Let's review the top 10 in the meantime : Lewis is 10 seconds ahead of Nico, then Daniel +15.7, Raikkonen +3.6, Seb +8.5, Sainz +19.6, Alonso +4.2, Massa +8.2, Perez +10.0, and Jenson +3.4. Ted reminds us that he indeed thought something was wrong with the car during Max's stop. He heard the knocking sound he is now reporting. He kept going this whole time staying out of everyone's way but now he's crossing the gravel trap and parking his car on the grass. Virtual safety car. There's an onboard replay. Complete silence in the commentators' cabin as always. I like the way they diagnose car problems by ear, it's fun. Max gets on the curbs, the car vibrates, and as he keeps going it's like the vibrating noise doesn't stop. You hear the hitting very clearly. "Yeah it's something with transmission," Brundle says. Lewis is called in during the VSC. It's great for him. Rosberg also pits. In the end it's not the long game, I guess. Ricciardo : "They got a free pit stop basically." He's told yes. "That's so fucked up". "We have some rear wing drop outs as you may notice," Seb is told. "Yeah, some ! Some is good, keep joking," he answers with a dry laugh. Raikkonen pits and it seems all good but he slows down right at the pit exit and stops! What is wrong! "Why were there sparks at the rear?" he roars. "There was a gun still attached as you left. Stop, stop, Kimi, stop, stop stop." He's trying to back into the pitlane. Incredible! He's really doing it! No he stopped. We see the replay but it's unclear what was wrong. 
It's lap 40. Raikkonen is still reversing into the pitlane. He's made it but the Ferrari mechanics are nowhere? He's out of the race. What a weird thing. He's walking to the garage. On the race transcript I read that they think a tyre is not bolted in properly. Ferrari is under investigation for unsafe release. Top 10 : Lewis, Nico +9.7, Ricciardo +6.1, Seb +10.4, Sainz (brace yourselves) +40.8 (!), Massa +0.9, Alonso +3.5, Perez +17.5, Jenson +8.2, Grosjean +6.9. Ted seems to recall that Charlie said he would start enforcing grid penalties for unsafe release. Weird idea. I feel like the end of this race might be boring. We're just looking at Massa trying to get that P5. Oh Alonso is closing on him as well. 
It's lap 50, I have nothing to say. Oh wait. Nico is closing on Lewis. The gap is down to 6. But like. There's 5 laps left so no worries. Alonso gets ahead of Massa by making contact with him and pushing him off track. Seb pitted? Well it's not like he was under pressure from Sainz but. They're not giving a point for the fastest lap yet, are they? He can't catch Ricciardo either. Front left puncture for Massa because of that contact with Alonso. He pits. He also has the gap to do so without losing places. Alonso is attacking Sainz. Lewis is starting his final lap. Alonso gets ahead, locks up, goes wide, still manages to stay ahead. Very aggressive. 
And it's the end of the race! 
Lewis wins. He gets the congratulations of both Bono and Paddy. If my calculations are correct the gap to Nico must be 26 points now. Seb got the fastest lap indeed. 
I don't know who the Merc rep is, but it's a woman. "Well done Lewis," she tells him.
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He smiles and she kisses his cheek as they hug. Cute. The cool down room is otherwise very silent. It's taking ages to get to the podium celebration. 
Oh. Lewis arrives and he has his arm around the Merc rep’s shoulders and while he's holding her hand. So, so, so cute.
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Ooooh it's Victoria Vowles ! James' wife. She's so pretty! I didn't know she worked for the team as well.
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She gets DROWNED in champagne by both drivers, of course. Several people in the crowd are holding up shoes for Daniel lol. 
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Gerard Butler is doing the interviews. Oh yeah, it's Lewis' 50th win! He didn't ask him a question, he just told him that basically. There's really nothing much happening in these podium interviews. 
Toto says it might have been boring for the spectators but for them it was a good one. Hill says we've all been absorbed in "this whole issue with Lewis, Lewis's attitude and his mood and the relationship between the two drivers", but that weekend they were perfect. He asks if Toto talked to them, did they have a discussion. "I think we underestimate the pressure under which these guys are." He says they both have everything to win and everything to lose as we reach the end of the season. "I think there will be things you say, that next day you regret." Hill agrees that the pressure gets to them, he reiterates that this has been a good weekend for them. He describes Lewis as "very relaxed", "very comfortable" and "very sort of magnanimous towards Nico". But he also insists it's gonna come to a crunch, "there's gonna be– we just feel it, can't you? It's coming. You've got three more races. Are you ready?" Toto smiles. "Yeah you know it's interesting because we're not having any games anymore in there. There is no psychological warfare like we've seen in the past years. (👀) It's very calm. They are both in a good mood. But I am always skeptical, you know, I kind of wait whether this is a volcano to erupt or not. So let's wait and see." (Is this the eye of the storm?) 
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In his interview, Lewis says it has been a long time coming (his 50th, and his 5th US win). He says he couldn't take his mind off the engine issue they had in quali so he was down on power compared to Nico during the race (Toto denied it).
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He says he's relaxed, he's happy to be there and it's nice to have a solid weekend. He was 100% sure of his start, he knew it was gonna go well and it's nice to be in that position after so many ups and downs. "Let the battle continue and hopefully it continues like this." She asks how did he know the start was going to be good, was something different? He says he was just confident that he was gonna get it right this time, he chuckles. They worked hard in the factory during the previous week and found a couple of small changes that he was more comfortable with. She asks if that means he goes to Mexico feeling overall more confident. Not really, he says. Reliability is– he turns around and shrugs in Nico's direction, he doesn't think ‘he’ has the same worries about that, but he himself does. That's the only thing that can get in his way, he thinks. 
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Lewis spends a long time in the garage taking photos with more or less famous people, in particular Venus Williams is there. He says he doesn't know why he does so well in the US, he's not more focused, he doesn't have more determination there than elsewhere. The track feels great, his friends are here, there's a lot of British flags out there. Johnny says he's dealing with the pressure well, as he knows he has to win these races and he puts in on pole and wins… Lewis interrupts : "Well I have this weekend," he corrects and chuckles. Johnny brushes it off, saying it's what this is all about : just Lewis doing the job on the track when he has the opportunity. Lewis says it was the longest afternoon because he didn't know if the car was gonna make it. Simon asks why, is it the fuel system change? It was and he insists again he was down on power compared to Nico, it's that and the reliability issues only they seem to have had. Simon calls him out on the power thing, saying Toto told them it wasn't the case. Lewis maintains he was. He says he could potentially lose 1 to 1.8 second in the race. That's nothing dude. Hill says in 2015 Lewis won his title there, is Austin, and then was more relaxed and Nico got the advantage in the last few races. He asks if he's gonna approach these last few races differently now. "I mean, clearly, you know, if you're not focused you can't deliver," he says finally after hesitating a bit. "It's the same for everyone right?" Lewis is not enjoying the insinuation. "Honestly I've been focused all year. I'm just gonna continue to try and do the job I'm doing." He says if he can finish the season driving like this and feeling positive like this he can go into his winter break pretty happy either way. They agree the start was great. "And you've worked on it as well haven't you?" Johnny says. "I mean I've been working on it all year," Lewis says, shaking his head. "True," Johnny says. But this was the first race he knew it was gonna be good, Lewis finishes. "And I know the next one's gonna be good. So…" He also says he doesn't have any new gloves when Johnny implies he does for some reason. Simon sums up by saying he knows what he has to do and that's getting poles, winning races, and hoping Nico gets bad luck. Lewis again says Nico is not having reliability issues. He says normally "the rule" says at some stage of the year you would. But if he has perfect reliability throughout the year then all he can do is do the best job he can. 
Lewis is taking photos with fans. Like he's in the middle of a small crowd of 20-30 people. Being pushed around. Getting touched. Trying to keep them from touching him actually. 
After Ted's notebook, Simon asks the others what they think of the fact that Lewis and Toto are saying different things about the engine issue. Brundle thinks it's Lewis putting pressure on the team, and some powerplay, and so he's exaggerating it a bit because it's yet another issue he's had with his car. Hill agrees, he thinks that's him reminding everyone that the team hasn't 100% delivered on the car. Johnny thinks it's a bit different than that. For him, Lewis basically said he doesn't think Nico is gonna have issues in the last three races and that's Lewis saying I'm gonna lose the championship and this is the reason why I'm gonna lose. At the same time he agrees that's a dig to the team so they make sure it doesn't happen again. Simon thinks you need to have that mentality if you're gonna be a champion. "You know, he's not gonna blame himself, is he?" Hill says Lewis seems to him "someone who's very clear in his own mind that he's better than everyone else" and so he expects to be given the best equipment and that was the deal when he joined Mercedes. He also thinks the mechanics switcharound they did earlier in the year has backfired. They tried to be fair and unluckily Lewis had all these mechanical issues, and it creates conspiracy theories. Brundle says your mechanics aren't the ones putting your engine together though. He also says when you join a new team you don't go "I'm not gonna do too much this first year because I don't know the mechanics", you just have to deal with it basically. Hill says Lewis is also "playing to the gallery" and he's "sending out a story about Lewis's career and himself, and his fans buy it, they love it, they love that kind of, you know, little bit of pressure– he pulls his weight, and he is a big weight in this sport." Johnny thinks that's not something he needs to do. He says we know, if he keeps winning races and loses the championship, that it's not his fault. It was the team's issues. He doesn't understand why Lewis needs to feed into it. Brundle says when you think of the other champions, Prost, Senna, Alonso, then he says Schumi didn't moan he was a team builder, he hardly ever poked the team, but "Nigel would have a moan wouldn't he? Senna– everything was unfair, he thought the whole system was against him." Brundle agrees with Simon that's just how the champions are. Simon tells Hill "you love a good moan, don't you?". Hill doesn't pick up on the joke. "I love a moan!" Simon chuckles. Hill says he did it as well but it can blow up in your face if you're not careful. 
Sensitive topic but I would say my opinion on it is that 1. He's truly had issues Nico hasn't and it's annoying and unfair and he’s frustrated with that. 2. I've said it before but Lewis tends to get a bit paranoid when things aren't under control for him so I do think he might have truly felt someone was messing with him and his engines, although he certainly didn’t mean to say it publicly. 3. He knows there's little chance of him winning and he's indeed preparing the discourse for when he loses. He has to blame it on something else than Nico being better than him. 4. Aside of all this I agree Lewis has kind of written his own legend at times, like Hill says, but first of all they all do it. As in WE all do it. We all have our own narrative for our lives and that’s probably even more the case when so many people are involved in your life and discussing it whether you want it or not. You have to make and tell your story. That’s fair game. Second of all, Lewis has had to do it himself maybe more than others because a lot of the people who were writing the story for him did it poorly and were racist and overall assholes about it. (I mean he did fight journalists about it that season didn’t he?)
Three races to go! 
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neet-elite · 3 months
hey so this is maybe an odd request but something hit me while reading a yandere seb fic. what if the main character stood up for herself? like 'i love you and i'm yours but if you can't respect me enough as a person to know i'd never cheat/do anything to hurt you we're done'. maybe gets a little bit rough and bloody? not even totally sure it's possible, just an idea that popped into my head.
ughh i love yandere content thank you so much for this ask <3 and i love that im being asked for so much dark/taboo content thank you MWAH i always love to explore darker themes with my writing, but especially with smut </3 love is violence blah blah yknow?
MDNI ♡ Warnings: yandere sebastian, toxic relationship, physical abuse, dubcon, established relationship, manipulation, a knife is mentioned, name calling (whore), there's no smut in this per se but nsfw mentions
WC: 1363
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If only you had listened to him when he said you don't understand, baby, reassuringly squeezing at your thigh with reserved disdain. If only you hadn't physically recoiled when he reached out to placate you, his touch tender to begin with; and what he'd like to have used on you throughout tonight... If only you had been good, and kept your mouth fucking shut.
"I didn't—" fuck, he hates how his voice wavers. It doesn't suit him right now, open palm stinging in the aftermath of the slap you deserved, fingers shaking in tandem with his words that almost get choked in his throat— not from upset, but from sick and twisted enjoyment. "Didn't wanna, um... Do that, y'know? But, I mean, you left me with no real choice—"
"Fuck off, Sebastian."
Oh, right. You're really pretty when you're angry, you know? The crack in your voice, choked up with tears that threaten to spill simply from the smirk he wears down at you, his heart aching with the sheer pleasure he experiences knowing, deep down understanding that he's getting under your skin just by existing next to you. You're scared, he can tell from how you try to hide from his hand that still hovers near your bright red cheek. And you wear fear so well, don't you? Cowering from his gaze as if having him just look at you was painful.
Good, you need a reminder of your current position.
"I mean it... You don't understand—"
"What, that I have friends?"
His eyes roll automatically at your interruption, adopting a far more patronizing tone as he forces the back of his hand to caress your hot to the touch cheek in a faux attempt to soothe. He knows your 'friends' far better than you ever will, having been around them for much longer than you've even been in town. So it surprises him that you think you have authority on the matter, especially when you belong to him and not any of your so called friends; which you should really refer to as ex-friends by this point. Hasn't he taught you better? Stupid little girl, he bites back.
Instead, he takes a moment to consider you, eyeing you up curiously with his head cocked to one side. You do look oh so cute when trembling, his cock twitching for attention in his tight jeans from the way you fawn. He goes to pet himself, but thinks better of it when the thought of making you cry first crosses his mind. If he can't have you willingly, then having you crying is good enough. You'll taste even sweeter submitting to him when you tire from fighting back.
"I'm only trying to do what's best for you, sweetheart." He coos so sweetly that he can see a little flicker of hope cross your eyes, a quick tender glance his way at the reflection of your once loving boyfriend showing face again. That is— until the stark reminder of his hand on your cheek resurfaces when he pokes at it, and that pretty scowl returns to your face. "Promise," he whispers, getting closer, moving with you as you back away from him until you hit the bedside wall and you have nowhere left to run. "I know Sam, baby... He doesn't have any good intentions in mind when it comes to you—"
There's no room left for you to interrupt again before another slap rings in his ears, those earlier tears now spilling from your glassy eyes so prettily that he gasps with you. "Don't— I wasn't finished speaking, babe. Don't interrupt me." He scolds you gently, lovingly almost, if not for the physical abuse he's having you sit through with hushed sobs.
You just need a little more guidance, he thinks. Some more training, enough to know not to open your fucking mouth without his permission. And also to know that when Sam invites you to the Saloon for a so called catch up, that you shouldn't have even allowed a line of dialogue with him in the first place.
Because Sebastian didn't say you were allowed to have friends, did he? Didn't you say you loved him, and not Sam? Or were you acting a lying whore this whole time, is that it? Whatever the case, punishment is in order. If only to soothe his hurting heart at the perceived betrayal— even just the thought of it alone is enough. Sure, you hadn't actually met with Sam tonight; but you were thinking about it, weren't you? How could you?
Although, he can hardly complain at your deceit. Not truly, the look of pure disbelief on your face when he kisses your bruised cheek makes up for all your misgivings tonight, a low tut escaping him when you blink dumbly up at him. "I'm only doing this because I love you."
And ah, there it is. The wobble of your bottom lip, prompting his own to stretch into a thin line of concentration, hushing your sobs with a hand gag; there's people in the house, you should know better. Even if the sounds of your muffled cries are the best thing he's ever heard, he doesn't wanna get caught. Or, well, it's more like he doesn't wanna let anyone else see you like this. All red and puffy, sniffling and drooling onto his hand, clearly uncomfortable but unwilling to truly reject him; which must mean you want him to correct your behaviour too, right? You're not as stupid as you've proven to him tonight, are you? Maybe you're just testing him, pushing his limits to see if he's serious about you or not. Yeah... That must be it, because his good little girlfriend would never think about hanging out with anyone else besides him, right? No, you wouldn't cheat on him like that, he believes it to be true deep down in his heart despite the disgusting jealousy that boils in his tummy.
In that case, he motions for you to hush. Finger pressed to his lips for a moment, enough for you to meekly nod at with wide eyes before he peels himself from your side. Quickly now, rummaging through his desk drawers to find— there.
"Look." he begs for your attention, twisting a small pocket knife in his hand to catch the light against it, shining the metal in your eyes for you to squint at.
And before you can properly react he returns to your side, trusting you enough not to scream because you know him, right? You know that he'd never hurt you without good reason to, and besides, aren't you asking for this right now?
"Maybe if I mark you up then everyone will know..." He mumbles, toying with your arm idly. "Nobody would wanna fuck a marked whore, right? I know I wouldn't." He laughs lightly, the thought of cutting his name into your flesh pooling lust in his tummy, cock pulsing at the way you try to yank your arm out of his iron grip. It's always fun when you try to fight back, like you know how much he enjoys the chase.
"Don't, Seb... There's no need to— To do that, right? I understand what you mean now, promise, so—"
He tuts down at you tenderly, laying the blade flat on your arm as a reminder. I'm in control, remember. "I know, I know. You're a smart girl, aren't you?" he emphasises his words, smiling genuinely at you, disarming your assumedly racing thoughts with nonsense platitudes. A smart girl wouldn't test him like this.
"Mhm, promise. I— I didn't really wanna hang out with Sam tonight anyway, so... Um, can you put that away?"
Of course, he thinks to himself. He'll discard of the shiny knife soon enough; after his name is permanently carved into your skin and he ruins you for anyone else. It's what you're asking for, isn't it? He can hardly contain his excitement, honestly. Positively vibrating with love at your hidden confession of devotion. When you said 'Sam invited me to hang out' tonight, what you really meant was 'Prove that you love me too'.
And he'll happily do just that.
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
13 and any ship that sparks joy but it’s funny if it’s got Alex in it
hmmmm. i have been on a galex kick lately...
13. Rich person pretends to be poor, secures a date with actual working-class person.
It's not like he planned for it to go this way.
Truthfully, he hadn't planned anything. That is what everyone will tell him afterwards, but for now, his lack of planning is either working too well, or not working at all. He can't really tell.
"You're supposed to be faster than this," his new - temporary - co-worker tells him. "You said you got the Best Barista Award three times." He scrunches his nose, and Alex thinks he looks pretty adorable. "What kind of establishments have you worked before, if you were their best?"
Alex raises his head from the espresso machine and his eyebrow in incredulity.
"Excuse me, but who uses the word 'establishment' unironically for-" he waves the thing that coffee goes into around the tiny, cramped space, "-this?"
George's cheeks redden a bit. His eyes flit around nervously. "Yes, well." He clears his throat. "It is important to - to refer to the thing in a proper way." His eyes narrow as Alex chuckles. "Please don't drop the portafilter."
Alex frowns, unsure - oh. The coffee thing. He grins back at George.
"Three BBA's, Georgie," he says. "Don't worry."
George clears his throat again. "Please don't call me Georgie. It's... immature."
Alex finishes the double espresso shot, puts the lid on, and turns to fully face George.
"Would 'sweetheart' be better?" he asks, and George's mouth opens a bit. "Or 'baby'? I don't mid either, it's all about your preference."
George just stands, stunned into silence. Alex wasn't particularly planning to flirt like this, but something about George was sort of irresistible. Maybe it was his desperate way to emulate the kind of people Alex dealt with regularly and was sick of, and the way crisp vowels were still offset by the kindness in George's eyes. Maybe it was his pretty face and long eyelashes and full lips that looked very, very kissable. Maybe it was the fact that George tried to be as helpful as possible when Alex stumbled into the "Silver War" coffee-shop while on the run from his security detail and pretended he was there for the barista job.
Maybe it's just because Alex really likes how George laughs when he isn't pretending to be posh and proper, and likes the way he blushes even more.
"I..." George starts to say, then shakes his head. "Just... take the coffee to the customer, Alex. I'll clean up here."
Alex makes sure to brush against George as he leaves foe the front. "We'll talk about it, Georgie," he yells, laughing as he makes his way behind the counter. "Okay, I have a tripple espresso here, for -"
"Me," a familiar voice says. Alex sighs, meeting very familiar, very pissed off blue eyes. "The espresso is for me, Your Highness."
Alex grins. "Hello, Sebastian. I didn't know they'd call you in."
Sebastian's smile is very like the smile Alex saw in that shark documentary his sister made him watch. "Only in matters of extreme breaches of security protocol, Your Highness." His eyes narrow. "The car is waiting for you. Move."
Alex sighs again, untying his apron. He sees Carlos by the door and hopes he hasn't gotten him in too much trouble with Sebastian. "But I just got a job, Sebastian. I don't think it will reflect well on my resume."
"You won't have a resume if you don't move," Sebastian says, then adds, very pointedly, "Your Highness."
Alex opens his mouth, about to say something very witty, when a stuttering voice says "Excuse me, but, what do you mean 'Your Highness'? Alex, I - what?"
Oh shit, Alex thinks and turns to George, who kust have just gotten out of the kitchen. His eyes are wide and surprised, flitting from Alex to Seb to Carlos, his hands balled in fists.
"Uh," Alex shrugs, "I guess - surprise, sweetheart?"
George's eyes narrow.
Should've gone with baby, I guess, Alex thinks, but the pit in his stomach doesn't go away by his attempts at humour. He's pretty sure it has something to do with the genuine hurt in Alex's eyes. Fuck. I just hope they let me fix it.
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So, part 2 of this. Faster than I imagined, but I really wanted to share this one. I honestly just love it. Enjoy 💜
And just like that, war is over.
The last monsters either turn into golden dust or run away from the Gods' fury.
At camp, Seb managed to protect the children. They are all safe, unharmed. They are alive.
Sebastian feels like he could cry for a week straight, then fall asleep for two months and wake up, just to start crying again.
But he still has duties.
Between the traitors and the fallen, they are gonna need every hand on deck.
First step: reassure the children.
They are four in total. The son of Apollo and the Hypnos kid are hugging so thigh he can't tell where one ends and the other starts. Then there is a daughter of Hephaestus that's just staring ahead, eyes wide and unseeing. The last one, the smallest one, his little sister, has a too heavy sword in her hand, and stands between her friends and Seb's back, the last line of defence if he was to fall.
When every threat is gone, he turns around to see all the kids are now crying, small bodies shaking with a weight that no one should bear, especially this young.
Sebastian falls to his knees, not caring about his wounds, and silently opens his arms.
The children rush to him, and the hug is like a balm for his battered heart.
This is why he stayed, to protect their futures.
When he disentangles himself from the hug, kids still clinging together, he looks around.
No one has returned, and he doesn't know what these old half burnt half destroyed wooden buildings could do to help even if they had.
He is about to stand up and start some sort of triage zone for the wayward wounded, when he feels his pant leg being pulled. His eyes meet the eyes of the son of Apollo, who left the arms of his friend but not their hand.
"I think we should go to the city"
He is shocked by this. The idea of bringing literal children to a battlefield horrifies him. He is about to firmly shut down the idea, when his sister speaks.
"We are useless here. There, we can help" as if it's normal, even expected, for these preteens to witness the horrors of the war.
"No, I'm not taking you. It's too dangerous" he hates the idea so much.
"We can help. We have to. We can heal them, or help them sleep" says the small child of Hypnos, and he hates that they are starting to convince him. After all, he has his own reasons for wanting to be there. Namely a pair of green eyes and two of the cutest dimples ever.
The last kid, the one that still hasn't spoken, is the final nail to the coffin.
"I know where we can find a car" she simply says, starting moving towards Hades knows where.
He'll just have to follow them and drive then. He doesn't even have a driving licence, for fuck's sake.
So he makes a plan. He is taking the children to the city. But first, he stops to prepare five bags with as many packs of ambrosia, bags of nectar and gauze as he can.
After giving one to each of the children, they start walking towards the car. There is no point in just waiting around, he tries to convince himself.
The car ride is bumpy, but nobody complains. They are all silently preparing for what they'll see, and storing all the energy they can master.
He leaves the car somewhere, and starts just going. He will find what he is looking for soon enough. It's destiny, after all, and he promised.
After two turns, they can see an improvised medic camp.
With his hands full of the smaller ones, he gets closer.
The first to notice them is Lewis. The son of Apollo looks exhausted, face pale and hands glowing. But when he is near, they just hug for the longest second ever.
"Seb, what.." starts saying Lewis, but his own brother interrupts him.
"We are here to help, Lew. I can help with small wounds so you can focus on the big ones, and Oscar can help people sleep, if we can't help them" Lando sounds so logical, and Sebastian really hates everything that led to this moment.
Lewis looks at the kids, then nods, sad.
"Ok. But I want you to never separate from each other, ok? You four stay together" the four demigods nod rapidly, only to disappear in the chaos.
Seb goes to follow them, but is soon stopped by Lewis.
He just looks at his friend in the eyes.
"Where is he?" he finally asks, needing to know what happened to Charles.
"I don't know. We saw you, well him, coming with your armour and making plans with some of the Athena's kids, then splitting his group and attacking" Lewis slowly shakes his head.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" he will not be useless as he was for the actual fight.
"Yeah, go find him. Bring him back, or carry his body back to us" with one final nod, Lewis disappears, going to heal as many people as he can.
Sebastian starts walking. He sees friends impaled and foes torn apart. A blond head without half of its body makes his heart stop. He thinks he recognises every body he sees, and he'll never be able to forget a single second of this, but none of them is the son of Aphrodite.
He keeps walking. He goes on and on and on for what feels like centuries, then a small sound makes him turn his head towards one of the lateral streets. There, sitting with a child under his right arm and another one with their head on his leg, that's where Seb sees Charles.
From this far away he can't tell if he is alive or not, so he moves as fast as his leg allows him towards the trio.
He must make some kind of noise, because the child quickly turns her head towards him and raises Charles' dagger, the black metal shiny in her shaking hands.
"Arrêtez-vous. Stop there, don't come closer" says the kid, shaking with fear but still protective of the other. Sebastian feels his heart warm just a bit. His lover has always been able to inspire absolute loyalty even after just a few minutes of people meeting him.
So he stops, and drops to his knees.
"Bonjour, je suis Sebastian. Charles est mon petit copain. Can I get closer, so I can help him?" he hopes his french is not so bad that the girl can't understand him. Charles was giving him lessons, but when he heard him speak his native language there was very little attention dedicated to learning, and a lot of focus on kissing.
The little one does a one eighty. She widens her eyes and drops the blade.
"You are Seb? He was talking about you before falling asleep. I tried to talk to him, but he said he was tired" the kid is now almost crying.
Seb walks closer and kneels in front of the girl.
"You did a wonderful job staying with him and protecting him. Now I'll take care of him" he tries to comfort the kid giving her a smile.
Then he looks at Charles, and everything stops.
His face is pale and with a bad cut from his eyebrow to his chin touching the left eye and his mouth and barely missing his nose; his chest, now free from his breastplate, is slashed open and his right leg lies at a strange angle.
And he has no idea what his internal conditions are.
When he goes to touch him, Seb sees Charles' right eye opening.
His lips mouth his name, but he emits no sound. Then his head minutely moves toward the body on his left leg.
How are they doing? I can't see, Charles seems to say. It breaks Sebastian's heart all over again.
When he looks at the body lying, he can see they are pale and not breathing.
He looks at Charles and shakes his head. Twin tears fall from his eyes, one salty water and the other bloody.
He slowly reaches towards the body, and lifts their head from Charles' leg to the pavement.
"Hey, what do you think about helping me carry him to the medical tents? There my friends will help him" he says calmly to the girl.
She starts shaking her head, and he frowns.
"I can't go back to camp. I have been bad. I followed my sister. I knew she was wrong but I still left. I can't " she starts crying, and starts to stand up and leave.
"Pierre, don't" starts Charles, trying to stop her.
Sebastian and her both stop breathing when he lets out a pained whine.
"You didn't hurt anyone and it's not your fault for your sister's choices" explains Sebastian, taking her hand and lightly squeezing.
Together, they manage to make Charles stand up, then as carefully as he can, Sebastian picks him up. He starts walking slowly towards the tents, two different hands holding his orange t-shirt, but he accelerates when he distinctly feels Charles' hand going lax.
They quickly reach the improvised hospital, and there Seb quickly finds Lewis already looking in their direction.
When he gets close enough, he deposits Charles on a makeshift operating table. He wasn't going to leave his side, but then he remembers Pierre.
Her big eyes are now watery, and he can clearly see she is holding her right arm.
After a silent conversation with Lewis, he takes her to the other kids.
Logan and Oscar are napping, while Lando seems to be rapidly falling asleep. Yuki stands guard, her face firm and fists tight.
When Lando sees Seb, he suddenly stands up.
"You're back" he says simply, half happy half surprised.
"Yes, and I brought a friend. She is Pierre, and she has a cut on her arm. Can you help her?"
"There is no need" says Pierre quickly, shaking her head. But the boy won't let go of her left hand, holding it tightly but gently, so Sebastian leaves them together.
He walks around the tent, not really seeing anything, too focused on where he needs to be.
When he reaches Lewis, his face tells him everything he needs to know. The situation is bad, and the son of Apollo doesn't know if Charles will survive.
Sebastian feels all the bones in his body shatter. After everything that has happened, he will get his happy ending.
He and Charles will go to college, studying environmental science and architecture respectively.
They will find an apartment and move together.
This is not the end. It cannot be.
So he just sits on a chair next to the table Charles is lying on, Lewis still stitching him up and muttering curses as much as prayers, and he himself starts praying to whichever divinity can help, no matter what pantheon they belong to.
He just needs this one favour, this one miracle.
Sebastian doesn't know how long he sits, but it must have been a while. So long he even falls asleep. He only wakes up because the kids arrive, looking dishevelled and tired. So he drops on the ground and just opens his arms. They are soon filled with little bodies.
After shuffling for a bit, they settle down. Skin contact is so needed and appreciated.
He spends the rest of the time watching in front of himself without seeing, and carding his hand through somebody's hair.
He only startles when Charles begins twitching.
He gently pushes the kids off his body, and goes to hold the other's hand.
He is now trembling so much he almost falls off the table.
Then, when he seems to have calmed down, Charles lets out the most animalistic scream of raw pain, back painfully arched, and collapses on the table.
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polikuro · 2 years
I don't post much, mostly because no one's following me here but I just need to get some things off my chest.
Seb has been a part of my life for the past 15 years. A very huge part to be honest. I still remember being all grumpy when we had to leave for my grandparents on race day. I said no to so many plans that were happening on sundays just because I didn't want to miss a race.
I remember his first win like it was yesterday. The biggest fucking smile on my face all day. I was talking about him all the time. My parents and friends couldn't have cared less but he brought me joy.
And then Abu Dhabi 2010 came and I cried like a baby. I don't think I've felt these emotions before him. Pure bliss and pride most of all. Then everything that followed during his red bull years. His pace was out of this world.
2014 which was hard and then the move yo Ferrari. His fucking dream team ! The hope I felt that he would be able to win a championship again. The hard times that followed. Hockenheim, then the downfall at Ferrari where I felt like he wasn't appreciated enough.
And then the past years with Aston which weren't what we hoped for but he kept fighting. And ever since he announced his retirement, 3 days after I saw him at le Castellet might I add, he's just been driving incredibly ! He's doing it for himself and for all of us. One last time.
I'm hopeful Abu Dhabi will be a great race for him because I'd be sad to see him go on a bad race after what he's done this year. But no matter what, he gave it his all.
I'll miss him. Damn, I'll miss him like crazy. I won't have to say no anymore. Won't have to wake up at 5 in the morning to watch practice or the race. Won't be so fucking damn stressed during the start. Won't have to get mad at the strategist or other drivers that ruin his race. But I also won't be able to enjoy the good times. I won't get that rush of adrenaline every time he passes a car brilliantly. I won't smile like a mad girl when he gets on a podium or wins a race.
But you know what I'll miss the most ? The man himself. The way he speaks, the way he stands up for what he believes in. The hard worker that stays with his mechanics till late in the evening. I'll miss his helmets and his damn oversized T-shirts stating the obvious. I'll miss his laugh and his goofiness. I'll miss his relationships, with Mick, with Lewis, with Charles. Even his relationship with Christian and Helmut. I'll miss his stupid jokes on the radio and his awful singing. I'll miss his eyes crinkling when he's being cheeky and his huge smile. I'll miss all of it.
Just like Michael was his hero, he is mine and I'll forever be grateful I got to see him win four titles, 53 (54!) race wins and everything he achieved.
I'm already way too emotional and the weekend hasn't even started yet. I'll probably cry a lot but I know we'll get to see him again. At the race of champions, maybe at Le Mans one day.
But for now, he gets to enjoy his family, his mountains, his chicken. I'll miss you dearly my darling Seb. Take care of yourself.
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