#and sewing [properly like i can... kinda do it but not well]
be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
getting a bigger room soon yay!!
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its-my-whump · 1 month
Medwhump may - Day 1
Under anasthesia
Tw: kinda emotional whump, angst, medical whump
Part 1 (all others here)
"Not a fan." She heard herself mumble. This tiny dimly lighted room was like purgatory and that she could actually see the busy routine of the OR in the periphery of her vision was all the more frightening. Just an open door seperated her from one of her biggest fears. Being helpless and vulnerable, all alone depending on someone else.
"It's all right. We're all here to take care of you. But you need to calm down, please."
The nurse was sweet talking, but it didn't help. Her heartbeat was a hectic jumble on the monitor. At least it wasn't like in the movies and there was no sound, displaying her angst even audible. Her breath was already doing that. It came in stiffled puffs. She was trying everything not to slip into a panic attack.
The tiny sheet was doing nothing to make her comfortable in anyway, laying under it in her birthday suit. She was actually thrembling, yet trying to hide it. Unsucessfully.
The nurse and the doctor were exchanging some kind of non verbal arrangement. She had skipped them talking to her. "What?" Her voice trembling as her hands and feet were.
"We gonna give you some I-don't-care-meds to help you calm down a bit, okay." The voice of the nurse was even more sympathic.
Honestly, she wasn't actually okay with any of this, but she wouldn't say no to some I-don't-care-stuff now, either. Her nod got lost in the thrembling of her body.
Gloved fingers gently pressed down her outstreched arm to keep it from moving, while the syringe was emptied into her IV port.
The nurse put her hand on her shoulder. It was warm and made her feel even more ashamed about her fright all of a sudden.
Even though, it felt like an hour had passed, she definitely still cared. In reality, it was probably not more than 7 minutes. Not much of what the nurse was talking about or asking, reached her attention.
Unfortunately, it didn't feel like the meds had anything to do with it, but only her fear.
Fear of being naked inside a dimly lighted windowless room, depending on the attention and helpfulness of others, while a tube was done her throat and someone was cutting her open. Depending, that someone would really open the oxygen tank and far enough. Depending, that someone would take a look, if her heart was still beating. Depending on someone to use clean material to cut into her skin. Depending, that the scalpel wouldn't seperate any vital parts or poke into some organs. Depending, that the surgeon was sober and well rested. Depending, that they didn't forget any instruments inside her body. Depending, that they would sew her up properly afterwards. Depending, that they would let her wake up again. She definitely still cared a lot.
Because, that was a whole lot of depending on other people, for a girl, that never could depend on anyone but herself.
Apparently nurse and doc were satisfied, with the results of the I-don't-care-stuff, she still wasn't. A quick glaze to the monitor said, her heartbeat had slowed, but was still above 100bpm. She was still thrembling, but she wouldn't mind to be put to sleep, just to get it over with as soon as possible, or even more, just to clock out as soon as possible.
The nurse had said something. Whatever. Another syringe was pushed into the IV. More undeceiferable words. She could hear them, understand, that it were actual words, but her brain was muffed, she still put it on her angst. Cause, she didn't feel any kind of not-caring, still.
"Count backwards from 100, please."
The hell? 100? How long, does that stuff need, till she was finally asleep.
"100." Oh, her tongue was heavy already.
"99." Oh brain's not working.
"98." But a row of numbers can practically count itself, right.
"97." If it will be like falling asleep? Do you know, when you get unconscious?
And she was out like a light.
My masterlist
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doppel-doodles · 2 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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heliosismyname · 1 year
Headcanons for @nixnephili 's atsu-fyo!au (BSD)
This is kinda long so prepare yourself for a wall of text..hah
Heads up!
Fukuchi hasn't been established properly (+ I don't like him :D) so I'm not gonna add him in the headcanons!
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The doa taught Atsushi in academics
Sigma - economics bc he works at the casino and math bc he would probably have to do right off the bat timing and cost/payment calculations
Nikolai - general science topics bc I feel like he would be into that for it's unpredictability and sewing/life skills bc he seems like he would know how to sew (for disguises) and cook basic meals 😌
Fyodor - Literature/language(s) bc Fyodor totally reads to Atsushi and vice versa and music bc the Cello and all
Bram - history bc dude is so fucking old omg and geography/culture bc I feel like he's travelled quite a bit
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Nikolai - stays up all night and hates waking up/has a hard time doing so
Fyodor - sleeps a LOT bc of his anemia
Sigma - goes to bed early and wakes up early, he seems well-scheduled enough to do so
Bram - is almost completely nocturnal bc he's a bat ✨
Atsushi - has an unofficial bedtime of 12:30-1:00am and wakes up no later than 11:00am (they usually don't follow up with this but if it comes to mind and nothing is happening they will set this)
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Music genres/artists!
Nikolai - he gives off Jack Stauber and IC3PEAK vibes... no? Who agrees w me?
Sigma - I feel like he would enjoy lofi and soft rock, I can see him maybe listening to Bohemian Rhapsody?
Bram - he would listen to classical music, since he shows his love for it in the manga and all
Fyodor - classical and would listen to IC3PEAK as well, maybe. I feel like he would try to get into other types of music and not entirely like them but like small bits of different songs
Atsushi - pop, lofi and classical. He likes stuff in that sort of area. Je te Laisserai Des Mots? Yeah he would love that a lot (also because I love it sm he would like Merry go 'round of Life from Howls Moving Castle)
Anddd that's all I have for now!! ^^
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thousand-winters · 4 months
So you have any hcs about how hunter's scars affect him and how he and Darius deal with them? Scar tissue in general can cause a lot of pain, and that much across your whole body would absolutely put Hunter in chronic pain
Oh, yeah, it's most definitely going to affect Hunter, and it won't even be something easy to ignore either considering that it's like half his face, his neck, his arms, his legs... probably part of his head as well, since the horns during the possession had to pierce through the skin there.
I imagine that there had to be already a certain amount of pain he felt on the scar on his cheek, because it was big and deep, and everything about Hunter's life at the castle points to the fact that he wasn't exactly receiving the top notch healing attention, especially if one considers the healing kit in his room, and the very alarming way in which he tried to sew the Golden Guard patch on his cloak as if he were instead stitching a wound.
Obviously he wouldn't have had enough care back then to do anything other than just ignore the pain, and that probably would be his go-to strategy after everything is over, except that with so many scarred tissue (including a significant amount over his face that would inevitably show because Hunter is SO bad at keeping his expression neutral with feelings alone, so I feel like any sudden twitching or spams because of his scars would show so fast) and with people actually caring about him and his wellbeing, he wouldn't be able to pretend that everything's alright for too long, even if his pain threshold is worryingly high for someone his age.
Now, once they actually have a conversation about it, and probably about Hunter's tendency to hide his discomfort, Darius is definitely going to spare no effort in trying to get Hunter some good care, especially if some of the long term pain can be avoided with the righ treatments. There will probably be lingering pain regardless, but even a little bit less of it is better than doing nothing and just having Hunter in a lot of pain in a regular basis if they can help it.
The advantage they have is Darius is lowkey exactly the kind of person who will be able to help with the day to day care.
Any moisturizer, gels, or creams that Hunter needs to apply on his scars? Not only Darius would probably move sky and earth to get the best quality products for Hunter, he would help him apply them too, in part because Hunter might kinda forget to do that or just feel like he has to use as little of the products as possible to not inconvenience Darius if they're expensive and that just won't do. That would make for a good opportunity too for Darius to help him massage the scar tissue, he feels like someone who would know about those things and if he doesn't? Well, it's Darius, he's so terribly committed to everything he does that he would probably insist on learning so he could help his kid.
Since Hunter has significant scarring on arms and quite possibly legs as well, he might need some sort of physical therapy, especially because he wanted to play Flyer Derby and the stiffness he's going to have because of the scars won't be much help for that. Even if he feels like he can do it, I think he would give in eventually because alright, he does not like his limbs feeling like that and besides, he really wants to continue being part of the team and for that he needs to be mindful of what his body needs.
Because it probably won't be too easy for Hunter to trust strangers for a while, I can see Darius and him going first to a healer for that and learning how to do the exercises properly so Darius too can help with that in a far more comfortable environment. I can't imagine it would be pleasant for Hunter to have someone he doesn't know nor trust close to him and touching him on a regular basis during the therapy even if logically he knows they're trying to help.
With Darius' papa wolf tendencies, it feels like it doesn't matter what it takes, he's going to put it his all to help because Hunter deserves to be a life in as little pain as possible. You know he's also absolutely not having Hunter going to school if he's having a bad pain day. Nope. Who gives a damn about perfect attendance, he's not having his kid forcing himself through a day of suffering just for something as inconsequential as that, schoolwork is always something he can catch up on later, and Darius would never berate him even if he had bad grades anyway.
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s1l4s-l1k3s-t0m4t03s · 2 months
a question (kinda) about theriotypes, furries, judgement and tr4uma responses (as somebody who is not a therian, furry or otherkin)/pos
crows fav place to run around and jump :)
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ok so, my boyfriend mikhail had a younger brother. ive mentioned him before on my old account, ill call him crow. crow is 9 years old, aut¡stic and couldnt speak until he was 8. rabbits have forever been his special interest. he has ARFID as well, and most of his safe foods are foods rabbits stereotypically eat because he said he doesnt want to eat foods rabbits dont eat (with very few exceptions such as pretzels and caramel chocolate). mikhail said within the last year, hes slowly stopped fully walking. he watches quadrobic videos on my nintendo (i have to watch every video before he watches it (long story he saw the cat bl3nder video once and now needs somebody to safety check all videos)). hes really good at it, hes about 3'3 (malnourished due to ARFID) and can jump over 2 feet, runs very very fast, and basically has adopted all behaviours of, well, a rabbit. he says he wants to be part rabbit, but still human, in his words "rabbit boy". we all respect this obviously (i would like to add, this kid means the WORLD to me. hes my favourite kid, hes so sweet i luv him <3). hes in counselling and occasionally sees a pysch1atr1st (him and mike where victim to xtreme abvs3 for years, both of them suff3r from pt$d). the counsellor has said this could be a tr4uma response, because if he can say he isnt truly human, people wont hurt him. the py$ch has said hes just a kid, or on an interent phenomenon. to clarify, he only watches the quadrobic videos because his mum wanted him to learn 'properly' as he was giving himself back problems. crow has no idea what thereotypes or otherkin is. hes homeschooled, and when we are out unfortunately OLDER CHILDREN (14+ usually) yell and call him a furry (he is tiny, looks about 4. he wears hoodies with rabbit ears he asked me to sew on, and we got him gloves so he doesnt hurt his hands on pavements, and shoes that bend properly. he keeps out of the way, never disturbs people. he just wants to be rabbit boy. i would never judge him, i luv when he asks to have rabbit ears, or talk constantly about rabbits. his mum is doing research and is worried he might think hes otherkin or therian. she has no negative opinions on this (she has 7 kids. all of them are wildly dif, and shes a bi nurse.) should she really be worried? is it a bad idea for her to talk with him properly about how he feels this way? im 4nx1ous about him getting upset, or any other negative feeling.
whats your thoughts???/gen
i have no judgement to anyone, at all. im just curious :)
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fantomette22 · 9 months
Sleepover time part two, tell me your headcanons about Gehrman and Maria
Alright so like we talk about, I will mostly concentrate on a list of headcanons about their relationships. Because if I try to talk about the entirety of *check notes* the 15y? they know each other in my main headcanon/interpretation it’s never going to be over. (ok this is really long help)
So that we're clear their relationship is kinda mostly platonic especially when Maria is a student at Byrgenwerth. Gehrman’s view & feelings on her as well as maybe her view on him, began to change some times after she graduate and become a hunter so they already knew each other for a few years already. After well they were kinda too oblivious to figure things out 😅 (their poor friends were becoming crazy). But they did talk and well if the huge problems around hamlet & afterwards didn't happen… they could have built and planned seriously something together eventually…
So basically, he saw Maria at first and was like omg she’s just like me fr. She really reminded him of himself a few years back when he was kinda lost in his life and mostly alone so yeah must protect.
Maria didn’t get many friends at Byrgenwerth at first. She couldn’t stand most of the rich/noble kids and the ones who were not were not very kind to her + she didn’t really know the others. Laurence noticed it and asked Gehrman to check on his students sometimes (on Caryll & Rom too). SO yeah, they ended up talking. A LOT
They can talk about so many subjects for hours! History, culture, art, weapons, fighting technique, literature, freaking flowers, sewing etc and they both like to be able to talk with someone who will listen and engage in those convos as well. But sometimes just being in other other silence & presence is really great as well.
During springtime and planting plants season he asked her opinion on which flowers to plant where. And by knowing when each variety bloom & their colors it really helped him to organize beautiful flower beds.
Speaking of flowers & plants: Gehrman helped her cultivated the first lumen flowers in Yharnam, (that I headcanon they bring back from Loran). + they planted together most of the flowers and trees at the workshop. The trees seem to have a few decades, I guess? Well they planted little / young trees that grow up ;-; (sorry that wasn't supposed to be sad).
Gehrman teach her how to cook several basic meals and make tea. She did teach him how to make Asian noodles too. But yeah, trust only Gehrman to cook in the old Byrgenwerth squad. Also, he taught her a few homemade remedies! (you except him to go to the pharmacy and bring you back medicine? No, he just takes a few dry plants (like raspberry branches or smt!) from a drawer and make the most useful infusion against chronic/stomach or period pain boom! What a gentleman!)
They like to go on walk in the forest together. Either just walk or for training or to found cool rocks I mean iron ore & meteorite
They love stargazing and looking at the moon ^^
He made her an old hunter badge out of siderite of course! (haven't figure out exactly when but hm not too important)
While at Byrgenwerth he made her a lil white wolf figure out of wood for one of her birthdays 🥺 (yeah he made those types of figures for all his friends XD)
He taught her many hunting techniques then fighting/ fencing techniques etc it did really help her and she made him learn a few things as well! (Like proper fencing and Cainhurst semi fencing/dance choreography they have). They trained together a lot.
One of the reasons, he made the mercy blade (beside to have a smaller secondary weapon) was to be able to train properly with her when she got the Rakuyo, so they could both dual wield.
He made her learned how to sew basic things and in exchange she taught him how to do refined embroidery.
I'm still unsure but either she made his red scarf alone or with the help of others, but anyway they gave it to him as a present. He might have done her red neckerchief and a few of her clothes as well (basically a beta of the doll clothes). 
He also sews back her clothes when she damaged them (he did that for many people too XD). They also sew back each other skins when needed…
Gehrman realized he was in love with her at quite a weird timing. You see he was kinda in denied since a few months of his feelings already (poor guy is not sure he had that intense crush before in his life so he was quite confused) and then they went on a dangerous mission. They're both covered in blood at the end, she just overcome a big trauma and "oh ok I think I love her for real actually 😳. Ok I accepted and acknowledge to myself the fact! I'm going to try to be sure she's happy and safe! But I'm not gonna do anything else about it because I value our friendship first!" jkdjùldjnjknnndq bro! JUST TALK TOGETHER!!! I swear it would have go well you guys are dumbasses! 
Also poor Laurence who had to support Gehrman ranting to him about how his dreams are sinful because "oh no I I held her hand 😭" yeah that was just that, at first. And Laurence was already tired of it: « bro that's just a dream🙄calm down it's 8am what are you talking about?! »
Ok so maria maybe was a bit too oblivious to his feelings like "nah that can't be that I'm dumb" but it wasn't oblivious for lots of other people 😅 their friends tried to do smt about it but oh boy…
I mean they did dance with each other a few times! :3 but everyone danced with each other too so.. ok maybe they did once or twice while completely alone..
Ah yeah Gehrman got vibe check by a part of Maria's family too XD at the Queen's wedding 🤣 poor guy. But well he did pass the vibe check!!! (Maria didn't knew. Laurence, Caryll & maybe Ludwig knew "omg he's getting vibe check?" " he's getting vibe check…"
Actually, they did talk a bit about their relationship (finally it just took what 5-10 years!) just before the fishing hamlet 💀 But it was mostly like "hey after our next big mission could we perhaps hm talk about or future life projects? Maybe we could hm… perhaps think of smt to envision together? If that's alright of course…👉👈" "Oh ok sure 😳 yeah we'll talk about it later!" WELL i let guess how that ended up! ( ;-; the mood was kinda ruined yeah).
Anyway, Maria only trusts Ludwig and Gehrman with her horses + Maria's crows like him enough.
Ok there's maybe ONCE when they passed time together that could be consider as a "date". They were supposed to go to the theater. Just the two of them. Day ruined when some old hunters show up by pure coincidence and didn't leave them alone XD
They practice violin & cello together a bit! They learned a few lullabies from each others as well.
They are both quite good with kids normally (more Maria too) but one day they both had to babysit 1 kid and they panicked because they lost the toddler for like 2 mins💀worst babysitter together pffff (that was baby crow lmao)
They are either the biggest idiots together, balance each other perfectly or are super serious (in mission/fight). Yeah i know x)
Also, if they could, this 2 would be the kind of idiots to go visits far cities, museum, famous places, and all sorts of locations. Like the top 10 of the most haunted castles, frightening forests & weird creepy places! oh you can be sure they would go XD (old hunters vlog when?? Yes of course they would take a daguerreotype with them to take pictures!)
If the 2 are send on mission together at the exterior of Yharnam (for exemple). You know it's really serious a really big deal. Usually, they go alone or with a few hunters but separated. In Yharnam+ labyrinth they either hunt together/ alone or with others. But this two are super powerful and really complementary together.
They fight well alone and they can very well fenced against each other, even better fighting side by side but against a common foe? They are at their best!
They already save each other's life a few times.
The day they did arm wrestling together in front of the old hunters was quite the event! Match of the decade ladies and gentlemen! Sadly, someone interrupt because "euh guys beasts are attacking people…😓" "O_O" so they stop and got ready. So, no one won 😅 they were like 5mins in…
You know tv don’t exist so sometimes they read books together at the workshop. Like the how to pick up fair maiden book (still not sure what type of book it's… could be just a series of super action oriented & dramatic novels who knows lol)
Those two are also the champions to have nap at the workshop. On mission they either don’t sleep a lot or have light sleep and always have a 6th sense (they often sleep next to each other too in those case) but at the workshop on day off? Oh dear good luck if you need smt and the 2 are asleep at the SAME TIME! (you can have Maria having a lil nap at the exterior and Gehrman in the interior)
One of them either found/buy or repaired the chairs they have. You know Maria's chair and before it turned into a wheelchair, I imagined it was really Gehrman's chair too. (So yeah, they have both their own fancy chair XD)
He completely trusts Maria to take back the workshop & trained hunters if smt was to happen to him.
She helped him with his chronic/phantom pains in his right leg/foot 😢 (yes besides giving him a few meds holding his hand kinda help a bit)
Even if they tried to be strong and without weakness to show each other and to others, they did share their insecurities and cheer the other up at times. Just a couple of months/years into their friendship they were comfortable enough to share their story, past, fears, "trauma" and insecurities with each other. Especially recent ones… so yeah that was really emotional…. But it's what create such a strong and powerful bound between them for the years to come. And explain how they become so close too.
Ok many books at the workshop belongs to Gehrman but the majority are from Laurence & Maria.
I imagined the picture Maria have (found in the astral clocktower) is well this one I drew. They took It after coming back to the church expedition at Loran. (Alternatively it had Laurence too). For the pics at the workshop Maria is still in a couple of them.
Years after the fishing hamlet, Gehrman gifted her the small hair ornament to cheer her when she wasn't feeling well. (Even if originally, it was supposed to be a proposal gift but hm… things got complicate… he also was looking at designs to do it just before going to the hamlet). She did gift him a pocket watch in return who look like the astral clocktower.
During those hm complicated and gray times (when they were both a mess and didn't tell each other everything!) they were still a source of comfort to each other. Just seeing, talking, and passed time together when they could did help a bit… before well…you know…
He made a mini doll before well... the Doll.
Few years after Maria passed away, he adopted one of the first irish/wolfhound of Yharnam. (Yeah he helped a young Paarl trained them and he got the opportunity to adopted a young pup.) He took the lighter fur one of the litter. Maria would have love her ;-;
(in one of my AU they got a little dog with their cottage house before the wolf hound hehe)
In the end they just both wanted a companion to stick out with and live their life and go on adventures! Similar to some couple of birds like well crows or other animals like wolves… etc
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Ok I think that's a good list I will stop here 😅 I probably forgot a few things and there's a few things I didn't talk about but I tried to stay focus on just the most positive part. Thanks for the asks I hope you like it! (I really like it! Even if iit was longer than expected).
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Okay so there's this offer for younger kids at my school that they're being watched the afternoon too and can do their homework and stuff, and the three women running that are actual gems and also you bet your ass they know you whether you're way too old for that or not, right?
Well, one of them approached me today randomly, like completely out of the blue. She just. had a favourite jacket that doesn't fit her anymore and since it's a favourite, she wanted someone she knows to have it and apparently thought of me. Now, the jacket is a tiny bit too big and it's ver, sturdy and kiiiinda military style and looks sick as fuck and that's amazing and in conclusion i love that woman.
But also, my brain apparently saw the jacket and went "that's soooo marquis de carabas", and you know what, my brain's right, it does look a bit similar to how i always picture his coat. Therefore I'll be adding a shitton of pockets inside :D
in conclusion, i got a fantastic jacket today, kinda-but-not-really? teachers are the most amazing people on earth and i need to learn how to properly sew with a machine and all RIGHT THIS SECOND
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fluffy-ami · 7 months
Profile Tag Game🌱
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Hello - “Ah, hi there! You can call me Ami, but I actually use a lot of different names when talking to people on the internet. Thanks to @lovelynim for tagging me, this tag game is actually really fun~✨”
Chat: Tickling - “Um, uh... Well, it's a very... strange interest of mine? It has been with me since I was a little kid, and I still have no idea how exactly all of this had started. This little thing is really fun and cute, but the fact that I like it so much is embarrassing as hell for me”.
When It Rains - “I like staying at home when it rains, makes me want to get all cozy in my bed and just do nothing. I also usually get very sleepy, and it may prevent me from studying properly”.
When the Sun Is Out - “Huh. A rare sight at this time of year. I missed it”.
When It Snows - “Snow? I mean, it's cool, yeah. For the first few weeks, at least. After a while your eyes will probably start hurting a little though, because, well, too much white everywhere”.
Good Morning - “Five more minutes...”
Good Night - “Oh hell nah, I'm not going to bed. What do you mean it's 3am? I don't care, I'm still not done with my silly doodles, now go back to sleep, buddy”.
Chat: Sensitivity - “Hm? Am I ti-? Ahem. Well, not really. In reality, I'm not sure. But what I do know for sure is that I'm not that sensitive in some of those 'most popular' spots, perhaps certain techniques are required to get me to crack. No-one had ever gotten to try though, my irl buddies value their lives over trying to get a reaction out of me~”
My Hobbies - “Writing, reading, crocheting and sewing toys, cross stitching, making pins and silly jewelry, gaming, journaling, making ocs and, most importantly, drawing - these are the things I enjoy doing in my free time (when I'm not procrastinating, of course)”.
About Me: Cooking - “Heh, no. Just... no.”
My Troubles - “Ehhh... Touch starvation? Or just overall loneliness? Maybe I should call it that. I feel constantly burnt out from talking to people, but at the same time I want to connect, and don't know how to do it. And sometimes it feels like people remember about my existence only when they need something from me. It's complicated, really. I feel emotionally isolated, but I also know that it's basically my fault, so I just kinda got used to this feeling. I'm sure I can do better though”.
Favourite Food - “Hmm, let me think... I like seafood. And salty things. Not too salty, though”.
Least Favourite Food - “I'm not a picky eater. Me liking or not really liking food depends on me liking or not liking its texture mostly. But I think I don't like things that are overly sweet”.
About @anzynai - “Ahhh, thinking about her brings me back. Jai was the person who gave me motivation (and courage) to post my very first drabble, and to just start writing in general ever since. And I'm still very grateful for that ★”
About @nataliewritez - “My little sis! I adore her writing and her art. She's a very friendly and funny person, also really pretty! Even annoying her can be kind of fun <3. Nat is just nice to be around, you know?”
About @stopiteatpopcorn - “Rando? He's a good kid! He's very adorable and energetic, it's a big part of his charm. And I'm proud to have such a talented lil' bro like him (he's also very easy to tease, you should try it sometime)”.
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Tagging: Anyone who hasn't been tagged and wants to join in!~🌱✨
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
*grabs you by the shoulders forcibly* tell me your Nerris hcs RIGHT NYEOW
AAAAA OK SO she's hinted to be Nonbinary I believe when juggling balls colored the same as the nb flag. So, that's like, cannon actually. (Even if this next part was for a joke they still decided to add in them saying "Well technically human female I prefer elfkin" and even if you jokingly make a character queer it still happened no take backsies! lmao.)
and Yes non-binary people can use she/her pronouns but I think she'd probably use she/they/elf (as in neopronouns) too!
•Nerris is definitely the type of kid that when you're playing pretend they'll bitch that you're not playing it right. It's just when it comes to what SHE'S into it has to be done "accurately" "properly" ect (aka the way elf wants it done) on "Nikki's last day on earth" she's all like nu uh you can't be the knight I am. now the princess runs and gives me a hug for saving her! Which was kinda
(🫵🤨 🏳️‍🌈⁉️)/hj
And she's friends with Nikki, too. She does a slightly similar thing telling Harrison he can't be a mage bc they are. Nerris the type to battle you over the player one controller fr.
Hot take all of her bad behavior is just from being an unchecked child and she'll grow out of most of it. I actually don't like the concept elf bullies Harrison bc she has a crush on him- (don't get me wrong this is 0 Nerrison hate I just don't like when they start from that.) I think she's actually jealous? Threatened of him maybe? Hear me out, before David had all their names remembered he was pulling a Cameron and grouping some together. Specifically only Nerris and Harrison. Nerris reacted childishly like children do and didn't take kindly to that and saw Harrison as immediate competition. (They even argue at one point about who's the most magical.) So that's why she targets him and treats him like a loser to keep him down and make herself feel higher.
It gives me the same vibe kids competing with each other academically rather than in sports bc once something is labeled as a team Nerris actually seems to do okay in it. So I think this is a behavior she learned way more in school, and why I HC her to be one of those honor student types who likes being recognized as the teacher's favorite.
I don't believe Nerris is even that deeply aware of the whys and how's of why they act like this. They just do things, man. Then do silly little flossing dances after.
They probably played movie star planet and all the other child website roleplaying games and started fantasy roleplaying groups on there which was probably difficult with all the family roleplays and wolf clans being a way more popular choice to pretend as. Elf needed something to do in the winter when it got too cold to larp outside !!!! They probably switch over to more writing based forms of roleplay as they got older.
In the show we actually see her playing a game called "Pixies and Pythons" or something instead of DND and there's like hot pixie women on the cover and I'm choosing to believe she DIDN'T bring that from home camp campbell just has offbrand EVERYTHING.
Both of her parents sew and they make all of their costumes for her and I like to think Nerris is very "navy blue starry wizard" aesthetic so they mostly stick to that. Her mom's supportive and will add anything she wants to it but her dad gets excited with hisown ideas and opinions too.
I think Nerris' gender exspression being neutral might've got them certain comments in school and why she specifically decided to make her character's title "Nerris the cute" and why often the first thing she aims against Harrison is his looks. (That, or, the "Nerris the cute" is a title her dad came up with for her before she could. Yes I'm saying this man brought the baby to larp in a carrier.)
Has a whooole collection of dice and she gives some to her friends when they come over but has to specifically pick out the ones she DOESN'T want anymore first.
Them and Harrison are Lord of the Rings VS Harry Potter. (It's possible to like things without supporting, liking, or agreeing with the creator of it. Nerris knows this...) Still calls him a transphobe whenever he brings the franchise up. Can't even defend himself bro they just go "is it bc I'm trans/j"
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bobwess · 1 year
Cas was slicked with blood by the time they reached the run down house they had been staying in. Out in the middle of nowhere, hadn't been occupied in probably a decade- Home, shitty home. "Dean, come on." Cas coaxed, guiding Dean to step over the broken floor board and awkwardly half falling to set Dean down on the couch.
Dean scrunched his eyes shut, hands moving out to grip the cushions to try to ride out the spinning room. "You're gonna... you're gonna have to help me get my shirt off." He tried to move very slowly.
Cas reached out, grabbing the fabric and using his strength to simply rip it in half. He laid the two pieces to the side.
"Or you could do that..." Dean grunted in pain, his back feeling like it was properly on fire. "Cas… the… there's a case. Red- it's in my bag."
Cas quickly grabbed Dean's duffel bag, promptly opening it and dumping the contents on the ground.
"Hey, easy." Dean managed to half snap.
Cas ignored him, picking up the red case and hastily unzipping it. "What do I need?"
"There's uh, there's some fishing line and uh a bent sewing needle and… you're gonna need almost everything in the kit."
"Why do you have a bent sewing needle and not a needle and thread actually meant for this?" Cas asked, voice tense with concern.
"That uh…" Dean frowned, blinking a few times to focus his eyes. "That is a good question."
Cas sighed. "Dean, I've never done this before."
"You've watched me before, right?"
"A long time ago, and I wasn't paying particular attention." At the time he could heal, a skill he wished was at his disposal now. "It did not interest me."
"Well uh… it's easy. Uh… here, I can thread the needle." He weakly overturned his hands, deciding pointedly to not see them shaking. Cas leaned forward handing him everything and getting back what he needed to work. To accompany the fishing line through the somewhat awkwardly curved needle, Cas was working with what Dean figured had to be the world's smallest swiss army scissors. Though, he wasn't complaining about there not being a knife at his back.
"So I pull it through?"
"Okay… first the water bottle. Just sort of rinse it out... Only where you expose it." Dean struggled to envision the process. Doing sutures was muscle memory now, he didn't really think about it.
Cas unscrewed the cap, pouring the water somewhat forcefully through the wound.
Dean hissed, instantly aware of just how large the gashes were, feeling them sharply from end to end.
"Sorry." Cas said softly.
"Yeah." Dean felt a wave of vertigo wash over him, and he had to close his eyes for a moment.
"Dean? What do I do next?" Cas frowned, not receiving an answer. He reached out, brushing his shoulder. "Dean?"
"Oh." At least with the water he couldn't feel how much it was still bleeding. "You gotta face the needle towards the wound. Push the needle in… uh a centimeter to the side of it." Dean swallowed. "Just don't go too far… or uh… too deep."
"How deep?"
"Man, I don't know. Just follow your heart." He winced, feeling Cas push the needle into his skin. "Yeah, that feels right." Dean said, having no idea if it was true. "When you're far enough on the other side, push it up and out."
"Now what?"
"Uh, pull it until there's only like an inch or two at the end."
"At the end of the line?"
"Yeah. You're using the forceps right? The uh, scissor looking things…"
"You're going to make a knot."
"Take the needle side of the line. Wrap it around the end of the forceps twice, kinda loose."
"What do I do with the needle?"
"Just let it fall to the side." Dean swallowed, another wave of dizziness hitting him hard.
"Right. You're going to wrap it around the end of the forceps… twice." He mumbled again.
Cas frowned. "What then?"
"Use them to grab the thread from the other side and pull it through all the way down to my back. And uh, make sure it's tight."
"Okay, I've done that."
"Do it twice more, but uh, the last one tie it the other direction." It was harder than he wanted to admit to keep his words from slurring together.
This would be easier if he could actually show Cas… and if he wasn't also half unconscious with blood loss...
...And maybe if they actually had real supplies.
"Is that it?"
"Yeah, cut it off. And then…"
"Do another?"
"Yeah." Dean said weakly. "A quarter inch lower."
"Dean, the wound is very large."
Dean blinked, forcing his head to focus again. "It's wrapped. Just pull it back as you need to. You're doing fine, don't rush."
"You shouldn't have jumped in the way. The werewolf couldn't kill me."
"Cas, you're sitting here with a needle and thread stitching me up because your mojo is out. You don't know that it wouldn't have just killed you." It came out harsher than he intended. "I just mean… you weren't at full strength back there. I don't know what that wolf could have done to you."
"I imagine it may look incredibly close to what I am seeing now, except you'd be the one with the needle in your hands, going three times as fast and undoubtedly far better than me."
Dean gave a weak smile. "Well, I'll try to keep that in mind next time I see a wolf barreling down on you."
"Thank you." Cas said, sighing in relief, not picking up on the sarcasm.
Dean rolled his eyes. After a moment he sighed. "It isn't your fault… you know that, right?"
"I am at least partly to blame. You got hurt protecting me, and I can't even heal you."
"Once that situation went sideways, you had one job."
"To survive." Dean said firmly. "Congratulations. You succeeded. And so did I."
"We also killed the wolf."
"Secondary goals."
Cas relaxed a bit, sinking slightly further down onto the bed. "So you are not worried about this at all?"
"Not one bit. You're taking care of it. I've been through enough of this to know when it's gonna be okay."
Cas grunted an affirmation, concentrating on finishing off another stitch. "This is time consuming." He lamented.
Dean wheezed a small laugh. "It is." His mind wandered. "It reminds me of the first time I stuffed you in baby and drove you to Maine." He said. "It was the first time you didn't fly somewhere."
"That is also time consuming." He tied off another, glad to see his speed improving. "I didn't understand at the time."
Dean tried to look back over his shoulder and was rewarded with a blinding reminder of exactly why he shouldn't attempt it again. "You understand it now?"
"I think so." He mused absently. "It is the closest you could come to flying… you were sharing it with me."
"It…" Dean paused, wrapping his head around that sentence.
"Is that not accurate?"
Dean thought about it for a moment. "I think it is."
"I didn't fully appreciate it then, but I still was happy to accompany you. I… It wasn't a bad way to spend what I expected to be my last day on earth."
Dean grinned. "Even the strip club?"
"In spite of the strip club."
"Lame." Dean teased. He tensed as a particularly sensitive part of his back was moved.
"You're good." Dean assured him again. "And I'm glad I didn't ruin your final night."
"I appreciate you not dying tonight." Cas said, giving the back of his head a pointed stare.
"Yeah, yeah." Dean rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't want to spoil the evening."
"Dean, I couldn't live knowing you sacrificed yourself for me."
The sincerity stopped Dean in his tracks. "Sorry."
"You have to be more careful." Cas sighed. "With my grace… I can't always heal you."
"I never expect you to heal me." Dean defended.
"I always expect to heal you." Cas dropped his voice a bit. "I want to heal you." he corrected.
Dean sighed. "You are healing me… it's just the slow way."
"It's not enough."
"You are enough."
It hung in the air, and for a minute neither of them said anything.
"Dean I-"
"Cas, I'm sorry." Dean ignored his earlier lesson, trying to look back at Cas, only to find the exact same result as last time. He just managed to breathe through the darkness tunneling in from the corners of the room. "I thought you were going to die."
"I wouldn't-"
"I can't watch you die again." Dean tightened his grip on the cushion. "I wasn't going to just sit by and-"
"Dean." A strong hand landed on his shoulder, fingers spread to wrap gently around his upper arm.
Dean shook his head. "Aren't we a pair?" He could practically hear Cas tilt his head. "So worried about each other that we can barely save ourselves."
"I suppose we'll have to work on that."
"Probably a good plan." He hissed, jerking away from Cas involuntarily when his other hand brushed down a different part of his back.
"The first wound is done. There are two more."
"Cas, I-" Dean cut himself off, not really sure what he wanted to say. He finally settled on "I need you." He closed his eyes. "I mean… I want… will you stay this time?"
"In the bunker, with us… with me."
Cas fell silent.
Dean shifted in place, feeling his pulse pick up the longer without a response. "If you want, I mean." he covered.
"I do want to." Cas said quietly. "I never thought I should."
"I want you to stay." Dean stressed.
Cas concentrated particularly close to his next suture.
"Come on, man. Say something."
"I am not particularly useful as of late."
"Shut up." Dean warned, his voice suddenly just barely on the edge of anger. "That's not why I want you around, and I think you know it. So don't bullshit me."
"I want more." He said before he could talk himself out of it. "With you, I mean. I… I didn't know how… I'm trying to get a read on you, man."
"Yeah, dumbass. More." He tried for hostility but fell short.
Cas tied off another stitch. "I finished the second wound."
"I want more."
Dean let his breath out, unaware he had been holding it. "Good… I mean… that's good."
Cas hummed in agreement.
Dean felt his face get hot. "Jesus, what's wrong with us?"
"I imagine a great many things." He replied.
Dean leaned more heavily onto the chair. "Yeah… probably right."
Cas paused for a minute, his hand returning to Dean's arm. This time Dean managed to pull his hand up and rest it over Cas'. "I'm glad you're alright."
Dean gave a weak smile. "Never better."
"I'm glad I didn't ruin your could-have-been last night."
Dean let his hand drop. "You didn't."
Cas pulled away, returning to the needle and thread, continuing as quickly as possible to get it done.
"Hey Cas?" He waited until Cas acknowledged him. "I don't want you to worry, because you're doing great and all that… uh… but I think I'm going to pass out." He leaned his head forward onto the cushion. "It's me, not you, okay?"
"You're really going to be okay?" Cas sought comfort one last time before Dean went under.
"Yeah." Dean whispered. " 'm great."
This is one story of my (so far) 10 single chapter SPN stories based on my prompts. Ao3 Link here.
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abbinurmel · 8 months
Young liberals, Jews, PoC and the LGBTQ community especially all need to learn to be as passionate (but logical and practical with it not in a fanaticist way) about things like prepping, business investing, properly farm animal raising and game slaughtering and meat safekeeping, fishing, local politics, keeping currency in hard format, hunting, trapping, survivalism, community and self defense as all the old white conservative people are. Being able to survive is a goal we need even more than they do during a crisis be it political or natural. We don't have to fill our brains with junk about the Rapture or the latest racism and conspiracy theories in order to realize it is important to be self sufficient. When they see us not as just pure subhumans they see us as a naturally weak group who should be punished for that, and that is not the reality but culturally it often feels so because in areas where these pockets of homesteading culture and rural self sufficiency are common, it can be more I know dangerous to be yourself.
But even in an ideal world with no hostility in ideological or political divides whatsoever- lets just say everyone already in your area magically gets along, and won't have any qualm what your background is... are you gonna wanna be stuck without knowledge what to do, if there is a wildfire consuming the area, or a tornado, or a war?
My anxiety stems from the fact so little prepper companies are not just straight Trump supportive money dumpers into conservative interests.
And don't me wrong I think its awesome we packed our stats full on the compassion, sex health education, mental health community, cultural exploration, arts and music and theater and literary side of things.
But having the ability to sew clothes or build a shelter or preserve food or shoot a rabid skunk so it doesn't bite your dog kinda is a big deal tool also.
And in reality these never should be "separate demographics/types of worlds" anyway. Whether you are urban, suburban or rural in lifestyle, I think these are vital skills and knowledge we should all be imparted with, at very young age regardless.
We can and should have both our love of the abstract creative and digital culture planes, AND a love for the hardnosed "blue collar" material plane as well.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 28 days
Day 5- To Make A Promise
Pair: Malleus x Idia x Azul
Prompt: Handcrafted, perfectionist
Notes: Malleus is silly in this one. Trust U-Ub
Warnings: Book 7 Spoilers! :v
It was a very pretty day. So pretty, in fact, that most students were hanging outside, enjoying this fine day in between classes.
Malleus, for a change, just finished his PE lesson. As such, he had to give his brom to the lockers. Most people were changing in their uniforms, but it was nothing a small spell couldn't fix.
"You heard it? In a week is the culture festival... I heard Tim from 2-E is giving his girl a handmade vase from the pottery club." Malleus perked at that. He didn't know who this 'Tim' was, but by the tones of the students, they seemed to praise his dedication to make a vase.
"Really? That Scarabia first year, Maau, is rumored to make a poem for the Ramshackle prefect. Imagine that!" "Kinda lame, dude... Frederick from 3-A is said to be sewing for his lover a whole outfit! From scratch, dude!" "There's also Eugen... That lonely ass is sending something over to his brother overseas." "I think he's looking pretty happy as a single Pringle..."
Malleus tuned out of it for a hot second. How lovely! So many students put effort in a gift for their loved ones.
"And you? What did you get for your girl?" "Dude... I got some chocolate and maybe get some flowers too, you know, to be fresh..." "That's kinda lame..." "When you put those try-harders next to it, yeah... But she likes when I get her favorite flowers."
Malleus thought about it. He didn't consider the culture festival as a romantic event. But he figured that those with lovers not apart of the school would want to have a beautiful moment alongside their dear ones.
Maybe his lovers will also enjoy this?
But it had to be memorable! Worthwhile! It was the very first culture festival since they were together properly. He should step up his game! He should get a gift that will have the 2 thank him and praise him to others for his caring nature. Something that would show that he's a caring spouse, an attentive lover and, definitely, make others want to strive to his kindness.
But then, the conversation of the 2 students gawned at his attention. Others were crafting items or writing poems. They did so without magic, only putting their raw talent and passion in such gifts.
What would his lovers like? He could do anything if he put some effort in it. And effort seems to be necessary in making a gift memorable.
Well, Azul likes shiny things. The coin collection in his room speaks for itself. And Idia seems to dwelve into fictional likes, such as the ever so elusive video-games or 'anime' as Malleus learned to address the said genre. Azul always restricts himself on food and Idia was a picky eater, so cooking would be an option, but a very unsatisfactory one. He couldn't yet fight against an unpredictable foe such as personal tastes.
Both sides needed to be fulfilled. Malleus wanted to make something that satisfied both of his lovers. But he also wanted to do something by himself. Without magic, without monetary exchanges, without help from outside at all!
"Malleus? Honey, are you alright?" The Fae blinked as he looked at Azul. He ended up at evening, in Idia's room. The firehead was setting up some movie they were going to watch as Azul was setting their snack: a big bowl of pop-corn in between them. Finishing up, Idia snuggled next to Malleus's side as Azul hugged both of them, head rested on Malleus's chest. "You seem out of it... Did something upset you?" He asked with concern laced on his melodious voice. Idia grumbled, resting his head on a pillow next to Malleus's arm. "Did something happen? You can tell us..." He asked.
NO! He couldn't tell! He needs to keep it a surprise!
A surprise that Malleus himself wasn't yet aware of what it could be.
"Nothing." he breathed out. The 2 seemed yo exchange glances, before snuggling closer. They knew Malleus liked to snuggle. And so they catered to this desire when the fae felt it needed.
Now he felt like it needs to be a special gift! He has to make it worth it!
Azul was the first one who fell asleep, his soft snores drowned by the movie noises. Idia smiled weakly as he put a blanked over the 3 of them, the movie rolling its end credits at this point. Setting the bowl on the nightstand, Idia's flame hair already showed signs of dimming down, a sign which Malleus learned it meant the latter was sleepy. "Good night, Malleus..." He mumbled, closing the screen and his eyes as well, snuggling a bit more comfortably in the hold of the fae. It felt right. The 2 by his sides, sleeping peacefully in a quiet room, only worry being of some trivial things tomorrow has to bring.
Yes, Malleus needs to step up on his game. He had now around a week to make something truly amazing and worth it.
So first 2 days of his master plan were all boiled down to 1 thing: researching. He researched costumes of mers and humans, he looked at the peers of his 2 boyfriends, at their habits and at what they seemed to enjoy more than other things.
Lilia told him that this was stalking and that it wasn't a nice thing to do, but it was for research purposes!
"Malleus... I know you are there... Please get out... People are looking..." Azul breathed as he bearly entered the lounge that he saw the fae trying to hide behind a lamp and failing miserably. "I know no Malleus... I am a lamp..." Came the response. "Lamps here don't talk, Malleus..." The mer replied with a groan as he passed by him. "What do you want?" "I am doing research..." "Research?" "Research." "on what?"
Here came the hard part. Malleus had to be smart and craft a good enough answer to steer away Azul's suspicions.
"On human mating calls!" good enough. Malleus internally praised himself for the answer.
Azul looked at him with a tilted head, clearly confused. "Dates? You are spying on dates?" came a nod. "Malleus, that's highly inappropriate... Go home!" The latter gestured with a puff. Malleus pouted in response, which got a tug by the back of the collar and him being dragged like this to Azul's office.
That was his first day. He got grounded on his first day.
On the 2nd day, he was following Idia's tablet around, making sure that the device didn't catch him in its aera of sight. Ortho was also there, but the fae was able to bribe the latter into compliance with the excuse that 'he's researching'. This time he wasn't asked what exactly he was researching.
But, it all came downhill when Ortho abandoned Malleus with the tablet and the thing seemingly died at the end of the class. Malleus was afraid of Idia accusing him of killing the tablet. He didn't even think of homicide, let alone of a technological device, but he felt guilty and so he had to cater to that guilt.
When Idia tried to sneak in the empty classroom, he was met with Malleus, seemingly trying to give a burial ceremony to his tablet. It took a wild back and forth until the fae was explained that the device's battery just died and as such there was no murder implied and Malleus shouldn't burry his tablet in the classroom floorboards.
He still got nagged for his 'research methods'.
After these 2 days of research, Malleus could finally take a paper and draw his conclusions:
Blinking in surprise at his own notes, Malleus frowned. There had to be something! Something that both would enjoy. Something that could be craftable by his hands alone and that they could keep with them forever.
His gaze turned towards the window, but his mind tried to remember every little detail he could about his boyfriends. From their laughs, to how Idia got so fired up with topics of interest, how Azul liked to present himself as clean and organised, how all 3 of them would close the door before fully cuddling in the bed. How there were little to no marks to say 'this is my boyfriend', yet the loyalty remained.
Marks... That's it!
Springing from his place, Malleus almost smashed the door to pieces as he ran out of diasomnia. At this display, the other dorm members assumed it was dinner time, so they followed their leader's action and ran out of the dorm as fast as they could.
"Malleus... For the love of 7... What are you doing?" Azul asked as Malleus happened to find him first, taking his hand and measuring it at all the angles. "Research!" he promptly said. "Your 'research' could also be made anywhere else, but the main hall." The mer exhaled. Really, it seemed like the fae was set on pulling his nerves out.
Azul was at least compliant without much explanation. On the other hand...
"EEEK!" the second Malleus appeared without announcement and touched Idia's hand, the unsuspecting firehead yelped and accidentally punched Malleus's jaw. "ACK! M-Malleus!?! What in the world are you on?!" Idia breathed in and out, trying to calm his woshing flames. "The floor... I am currently standing on the floor if you wonder." he responded promptly, before finally managing to grab the hand in question. Idia didn't protest anymore, rather it seemed like he complied as he now knew who took his hand.
"What are you doing?" "research." "Azul told me about it... But is it really necessary?" "knowing your hand measurements is vital!" the latter declared as he finished. "Thank you." He mused, kissing the back of the palm before disappearing.
Idia surely was wierded out by that interaction.
On his 4th day of the plan, Malleus had to gather materials. Azul almost lost his mind when he saw the fae scouting for something on the sea floor in his dorm. Idia surely was on the verge of a heart attack when Malleus almost got shot by the security system, for trespassing in his search.
"I tell you, he lost his marbles!" Idia whispered to Azul. "You are jumping to conclusions... He's focused on something... You know how he is..." The Octavinelle Dormhead exhaled. "But I wish he would tell us... I'm worried he'll just fall into a ditch at this point and stay there." he grumbled.
"Dears!" Speaking of the devil, Malleus passed by the 2, not without giving each a small kiss on the cheek. He then left, with a smile and a skip in the step as he carried a big cardboard box. Looking in between them, the other 2 didn't even know what their boyfriend intended to do. They wanted to question him, but already Malleus was out of their sight, probably very hurried to do something.
As the culture festival approached, Malleus was even more unavailable. Usually he was retreated, but it was a first when the fae refused an invitation to the lounge or to see some new cliché, sappy movie. Even studying together or maintenance on Gao Gao were postponed by Malleus.
It was concerning at best.
"Where is Malleus?" Azul asked as he looked around. "Well... He did say to wait here..." Idia mumbled, checking the said letter both of them received. Malleus's neat writing was played elegantly in black ink. He told them to wait by the coliseum back, where no people were. Many rushed to see Neige perform at another stage, so the back of the building was deserted.
Malleus also didn't specify the time of meeting, hence why the 2 were nearing the 1 hour mark already.
"My dears!" Finally, the 2 perked at the new voice. Malleus came, hurried, which wasn't in his person at all. He would've simply teleported. But he was holding something in his hands, careful as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. "Malleus! There you were!" "We waited for you..." Idia grumbled, but seeing the excited face of the latter, he couldn't stay mad for long.
"I apologise... But I had to make the last touches." "Touches? Malleus... What are you even talking about?" Azul tilted his head. The Fae smiled as he showed what he was carrying, 2 jewelry boxes. Opening them, both Azul and Idia looked in between them, then at Malleus.
2 braceles made of strings, decorated with colorful beads. They were juvenile at best, but one was predominantly purple, while the other blue. Looking at Malleus's right wrist, he also had a similar bracelet, but more green. "I made these for you! It seems a common costume of courting is having matching jewellery as a form of marking. I made them myself! Without magic!" The Fae proudly puffed.
"It's... Uhhh... It's very pretty, Malleus..." Idia mused as he slipped his on his left hand, looking at it. 5 beads were more eye-catching than the rest. 2 were white, framing the other 3, who were green, blue and lavender respectively. Azul and Malleus both had on their bracelets the same 5 beads, in the same order. "So thoughtful to make this yourself, Malleus..." Azul mused, with a small blush. Malleus tho, puffed proudly as he received 2 pecks on his cheeks.
His hard work was repayed! He won the satisfaction of his dear lovers!
"And! Since the child of man invited me to the VDC performance, I asked Lilia to aid me in this... 'online shopping' activity, so I could purchase these!" The Fae presented the 2 VIP tickets, the 3rd still in his pocket. "Oh, Malleus... You shouldn't have." Azul put a hand on his chest, touched by the gesture, as Idia's hair was gradually becoming pink.
A few weeks later, Azul was closing up the lounge, the twins helping him with a few more formalities.
"Oi! Azul! What's with the silly thing on ya hand?" Floyd asked, pointing at the said bracelet on Azul's right hand. Immediately, he received a smack behind his head. "How dare you. It's not silly... It's a gift... I cherish it a lot..." He nagged the latter. "Fufufu... It is perhaps... Of romantic importance?" Jade asked with a sly smile on his face. Azul simply scoffed, preffering to continue his work. "I... Promised I'll keep it on my hand..." he mumbled.
And that was a promise for sure.
As the overBlot of Malleus walked through the diasomnia lounge, his eyes casted over everyone. They were all asleep. Lilia set on a chair, Sebek and Silver on couches.
And his dears, they fell asleep on the carpet. Poor them... Malleus hummed for himself. Idia made an effort today, to come and support him at the party. So did Azul try to make this day hurt less. The truth was, Malleus wanted it to not hurt. He will make it not hurt anymore. As such, he gently grabbed the 2.
Perking at the sound, Malleus looked at the ground, where a blue bracelet, with colorful beads, fell off. Idia's hands were limp, probably shaken off when he picked them up. Azul had his head rested on his chest, snuggled close for the warmth. Idia was more easy to move around, like a doll one could pose as they wanted. Both were in his arms, safe, peaceful, warm. And he found it enough for him.
So Malleus stretched his hand, where his own beady bracelet was, picking the blue one and setting it on the firehead's wrist. They promised him they'll keep his gift.
And in exchange Malleus will make it last forever.
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tHE blush centered pirate fic that has yet to have a name PART 4
-So they all get back on the ship and everyone is treated to the best Buttons can do because as much as he's a doctor he can really only do so much on a ship
-Mush was sewed up and bandaged, he now sleeps for most of the trip back
-Katherine and Blink wait for him as does everyone but despite Buttons telling Kid Blink to go and lay down, Blink doesn't listen and really only leaves unless Katherine says something
-Buttons makes his rounds with the help of Romeo who is his little nurse (fight me, I dare you), most of them have cuts or bruises, and people like Sarah, Finch, and Snitch got deeper cuts so they had to get stitches
-Race, Spot, and the rest of the crew were treated for the rope burns and Spot was told not to speak for a few days, he shot a glare to Buttons and Race laughed harder than necessarily
-Katherine was getting doctored by Sarah seeing as Buttons had so much on his plate and she didn't have too much just a few cuts and some bruises on her wrists when she was dragged away from Mush
-there might also be a little kiss but ill never tell
-Jack comes in one day with some breakfast for Blink when he sees Mush is awake
-He smiles upon seeing Blink smile so brightly with his boy wrapped around him
-Jack calls for Buttons who immediately shoves Blink out the door so he could examine Mush, Blink does not like this but Jack stops him from doing anything stupid
-David then comes to them and points out that they are almost to Ivory and Blink has never been so glad to be home
-That's why he set sail in the first place, to get away from this island and try to live a new life, and he kinda did, besides almost getting killed he got to live a new life
-Buttons let Katherine and Blink see Mush after an hour and they all cry, then Blink introduces Mush and Katherine along with Spot and his gang properly to everyone
-Everyone smiles and they have a big dinner that night, Blink helping Mush to the dining area,they watch the sunset and kiss
-And by the next sunrise there at Ivory
-Once home Medda and the rest of the council rush out to see that there all alive and well
-While Blink is helping Mush down the ramp, Medda rushes over
-She quiets down seeing a shaking boy next to Blink "Oh Blink who is this?"..."My boyfriend Miss Medda"
-A few whistles can be heard as well as cheers for the two, both blush and Medda smiles and introduces herself
-They unload everything and Blink takes Mush to his room in the big house they all live in, Mush is amazed at his room and loves everything in it
-Blink lets Mush barrow his clothes and now Mush never wants to take them off
-A celebration is thrown and everyone is happy and dancing and Mush feels so alive its killing him
-When they go to Blink's room to finally sleep, Mush hugs Blink tight and whispers he's scared
-Blink tells him he'll protect him again if anything happens but Mush cuts him off with a kiss and tells Blink he will be the one to save Blink
THE END- *cries*
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I’ve kinda been on a snake binge so here are some more ideas for snake/naga whumpees.
-stuck shed can be caused by improper humidity. Said stuck shed can constrict parts of the body and even lead to amputation of the tail.
- rodents are fierce, man. Sometimes even killing snakes when given live and left unattended. Even if a snake isn’t killed, many will get bitten and receive other wounds that can be difficult to sew up.
- snakes hibernate or brumate. If a meal is left in their stomachs during this, it will rot as the body is too cold to properly digest it.
- reptiles, like some other animals, hide their injuries and diseases really well. Perhaps a caretaker doesn’t realize something is wrong until it’s pretty far along.
- caring for snakes in general is pretty hard. One thing many snake owners use is vitamin or calcium powders. Snakes with vitamin deficiencies can often have many problems including, weakness, tremors, neurological issues, inability to “stand”, etc.
That's the good stuff, both educational and very fun to think about in a whump context.
Inadequate heating could be something even Caretaker fails to provide, believing our whumpee to be endothermic thanks to the human half in nagas. Considering how they hide weakness, they might not even know until one of these other symptoms sets in.
And even if Whumpee is human-sized, I've seen what rats can do. Maybe Whumper threw live rats into a poorly heated cage, or unheated, and Whumpee sustained serious injury, but they refuse to acknowledge what happened out of shame for being hurt by "just prey"? Pride could easily go very well with a creature like this~!
Also, as I own reptiles myself and know how some of them are, Caretaker helping Whumpee by soaking them in aloe-water (main component in Shed-Ease, a product that helps my geckos shed), but Whumpee's instincts going wild, and tagging* them in fear of drowning?
(*Tagging is the word for a quick, defensive bite some snakes will use. Snakes can control if a bite is envenomed, so I imagine a naga/snake Whumpee would choose consciously not to use venom, but then again, that's fun in of itself, isn't it?)
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presidentroarie · 1 year
saw your post asking about autistic kotlc headcanons but it won't let me reblog and i can't find it now so i'm assuming you deleted it but. i would love to answer your question (as an autsitic kotlc fan) with: yes! you can totally headcanon technopaths and telepaths as autistic! dex is a character that i've read for a long time as having undiagnosed autism, and autistic!sophie headcanons are near and dear to my heart (they involve sophitz, if you wanna hear me scream about it just shoot me an ask), as well as other autistic character headcanons. just off the top of my head ik i headcanon elwin as autistic and keefe as having adhd and autism (even though i originally read him as just having adhd, but there's reasoning that i could ramble about for a long time and i doubt you want that unsolicited). autism is a spectrum and there's a lot of characters i can see as having different places on said spectrum that would be cool to explore through headcanons. so by all means, share away, friendo :)
Hey Izzy! I was legit thinking about you and about to send an ask about the Sophitz fic I finally started (though it's only the prologue where Sophie and Amy move in with Edaline, Grady, Jolie, and Keefe. There is a lot of really good sibling dynamics I adore, and Keefe is so full of life and energy that it kinda makes me want to cry about how happy he could have been in cannon if he'd grown up with Elwin or Grady and Edaline where he would've been shown unconditional love and support.) Anyways, yeah, I deleted that post because I was scared that I was being appropriating or something because I don't have autism so I shouldn't write characters with autism because I don't understand it as well as someone who has autism or is on the spectrum. I'm not sure how to write it properly to be authentic and yet, but I'm going to do it exactly how I write other things I'm not an expert on like sewing and watch a whole bunch of videos and read articles and talk to people I know who would be good resources (ex: could sew or are on the autism spectrum) so I can figure out how to portray it accurately. Also, I would love some autistic!sophie ideas, especially if Sophitz is involved and I'd love ADHD autistic Keefe ideas because I've also always thought of Keefe as ADHD and somewhere on the spectrum. And I have OCD and I see a lot of my own tendencies in Fitz (my dad has OCD too, but he reminds me more of Alden or Cassius.) I'd love to hear all of it and I'm totally going to be sending asks as soon as I finish typing this ask. Also, while we're talking, I wanted to take the time to tell you that you're amazing and I love you <3
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