#and since this is turning in a life update I will go ahead and let you know that my cats are doing fine. not paying bills.
legionofpotatoes · 1 year
I have indirectly returned to PC gaming after a decade of self-imposed exile cause my lifestyle meant keeping work mobile so I got myself an extremely mildly cool laptop. Add me on steam to see me do midnight hades runs and literally nothing else!
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cleolinda · 4 months
AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy?
There’s a famous Reddit post from 2020 where a pregnant woman wrote that her husband and father-in-law were a little too comfortable with their certainty that she was absolutely going to die in childbirth just like her husband’s late mother. It was to the point where her FIL was insisting that she go ahead and put all her clothes into storage, because she was obviously going to die in the hospital and it would save them the grief of packing up her things afterwards. Like. It was WILD.
When I tell my husband [that she feels suspicious of her FIL], he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural…. My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me.
The commenters (and me, honestly) were convinced that the husband and FIL were either going to kill her outright to fulfill this expectation, or just make decisions about her care that might conveniently let her die.
And then she never posted again.
Over the last four years, people have frequently mentioned that post, always leading to a thread of people saying, “Oh god, I still worry about that woman.” I did too. It became one of those famous unresolved posts that people always wondered about.
Until yesterday, when someone on r/BestOfRedditorUpdates dug up a 2022 update she had posted on a different account:
TLDR; I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl, and I divorced my ex-husband. I lived, obviously.
She writes that she put her foot down about having her own mother in the delivery room rather than her FIL (!), and she WOULD be getting an epidural. Her husband lost his shit. And in his outburst, he let slip--
I admittedly lost my temper, and told him that I wasn’t going to die- it wasn’t my fault his father’s trauma wormed it’s way into his head, and that he needed to fix it without taking it out on me. He yelled at me that he didn’t need therapy. That caught me a little off guard; I asked him why he went to his therapist and was given advice about my death if he felt he didn’t need it. His expression gave it away, and he caved not long after. It turns out there was no therapist. It was just his dad. During the times he was supposed to be at therapy, he was with his dad. I’m still fuming.
And that was when she got the fuck out.
I’ll wrap this up- I’ve got an adorable little toddler tugging at my leg atm. I’m alive, I’m happy, and I’ve got my baby in my arms. Life is good.
I truly never thought we'd see a resolution to this, and I feel like there's probably a good number of people who remember it, so I thought you might want to know.
ETA: Brilliantly, I put the link in at the top; here it is again for convenience.
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bamgyw · 4 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ c.bg; six nights ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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summary: six nights of emo boy gyu sneaking into your room without your daddy knowing. aberrational catholic guilt ridden catcher in the rye wannabe porn document. afab reader x softdom!beomgyu. warnings: everything, unfortunately. minors dni. heavy smut ahead. lots of pretentious writing, too. catholic guilt and imagery. abusive behaviour, parental neglect. drug use. violence. everyone is sad. i’ll keep on updating part-specific tags. index: prologue: the house of god, first night, second night, third night, fourth night, fifth night, sixth night, dawn of the seventh.
prologue: the house of god
when daddy wanted to hide something from you, he would turn to his beloved bible. and ever since you turned fourteen, he had been holding on to a passage that he would repeat to you every night before going to sleep: 
"let no one say when tempted, "i am being tempted by god," for god tempts no one. but each person is tempted when lured by his own desire. then desire gives birth to sin, and sin brings forth death."
that is the only sex talk your daddy ever gave you. it was more of a sex mantra than a talk, or a warning, or even a prohibition. just a rule of nature that he wanted you to have engraved in your mind: desire is sin, and sin is death.
when daddy didn't want you to do something, he'd blame the rule on god. and there's little you could say against that. 
as you grew up, you realised that god might not be real, but daddy most certainly was. a punitive, disciplinary god. and one feels much more compelled to obey divine rule when god lives under your roof. when you can touch him, and he can touch you.
when god lives in your house and his wrath can tear your flesh apart not in hell, not in heaven, but in this life; you become more cautious than the most devoted of christians. so even when everyone in your grade started drinking, dating, having sex; you had it very clear that the priority was to protect yourself. not from the dangers of drinking, dating, or sex; but from daddy, that is to say, from god.
none of your friends from school understood it, that the fear of god was not irrational. you had scars and bruises that god had given you which you could perfectly show them. but then daddy would get in trouble. besides, he wouldn't like you showing your body around. 
none of them could ever understand what living with god was like, so they were the kind of people who would ask that stupid question; if god loves us, why does he hurt us? 
the first person to understand god was a boy called choi soobin. 
daddy had remarried choi soobin’s mom the year before you started college. she was a beautiful woman, lively and hopeful to start a second life after becoming a widow. it must be thrilling to get a chance at a second life when your first one has gone wrong. soobin’s mom could have been very happy in another universe. you felt sorry that she had stepped into daddy‘s trap. 
you had always wondered how daddy had managed to get a woman like her. bright, cultured and affectionate. but then you figured that maybe, as he was god, he didn't necessarily need to be yahweh, or elohim. he could also be zeus and disguise himself as a swan to kidnap and rape leda. 
you found out later that soobin‘s mom had never fully recovered from the passing of her first husband, and she often suffered from major depressive episodes. daddy saw that void in her, and her urgency to fill it. he forced himself into the hollowness of the void, and obstructed her veins, bones, and heart with the word of god.
soon enough, soobin’s mom had no limb or internal organ she controlled herself. she had once had colours, you remembered; rosy cheeks, a hazel head of hair, lips tinted with vibrant red. but daddy had turned her grey. 
soobin’s mom had been kind enough to see the good sides of daddy, you had liked her for that. but you regretted that she hadn't learned to hide her colors so that daddy couldn't steal them away, like you did. 
she became a shadow of herself, an almost non-verbal phantom trapped between the real world –that is, the confines of daddy's house– and the world of hopeful prayers and the salvation of soul.
the boy called choi soobin would never forgive daddy for that. but it was alright. you understood. in a sense, he had killed his mom. you had to love daddy because he had created you, but you didn't think choi soobin was obliged to. 
people said choi soobin had changed, too. that he used to be a gentle kid, polite and sweet, but he had turned hostile. that, like most teens, he had become self-absorbed and belligerent without a cause or that he had gotten those adolescent mood changes so late in his life because he was an attention seeker. people say things like that when they don't understand what living with god is like.
you were the only one who didn't believe daddy when he said that soobin had a demon inside. you knew better than that, you knew that daddy saw demons everywhere. but soobin’s own mom believed it. when daddy tried to exorcise the demon away from soobin with fist and blood, she looked away.
all that soobin had wanted by acting up against daddy was to save his mom. to bring her back from the dead. but after that betrayal, he stopped trying. 
soobin had never been violent towards you, though. not once. not even mean. you were the only one who understood him, the only one who told him he wasn't evil. you knew that god's tyrannical rule could break a person, fill them with hate. and so soobin and you became close, often talking against god. every whispered defamation, every blasphemy, the danger of it felt so exciting. not because of the mischievous sin, or because of the disobedience, but because you felt like you could speak your mind at last.
your first kiss was soobin. you felt loved when it happened, something you realised you weren't used to. the feeling bloomed throughout the following week as you hid from god's watchful eye to be together.
soobin told you a hundred times that you were the most beautiful girl in the world, kissing all over your face, clasping you as close to him as he humanly could. he would sneak his hand under your skirt and whisper, "don't think about him right now. it's just you and me." and though his touch never went very far in the magnitude scale of sin and punishment, it was enough to breathe a new life into you.
you sensed that a big part of why soobin wanted you so bad was because he got turned on at the idea of defying daddy, and groping his holy daughter was the greatest offence he could commit. but that was alright. you felt the same way. and you hoped that that hate-induced lust would turn into love, in time. you could then be happier, even in the house of god. 
or you could have been happier. because god is omnipresent. and he would soon act to see you separated. the blossoming flower was brutally ripped from the soil.
when daddy found out, he locked himself into the master bedroom with soobin one morning and didn't let him go until the sun began to hide. soobin left that room broken and dead in life, just like his mom, but he didn't have one single bruise. maybe daddy really was god, after all.
soobin never talked to you again. spoken, yes, but it was hollow. you never felt loved again. you learned a lesson that day: your pleasure brings pain to everyone around. the mantra became true. desire is sin, and sin is death.
so if there was any need left in your body to touch, to kiss, to lick, to possess or be possessed; you confined it to the darkest pit of your ribcage, way past your heart, never to be accessed again. 
until choi beomgyu came around.
he was the second person to understand god. but he had brought his lesson learned from home. he knew god’s ways even before he met daddy. he had a god of his own. you called yours daddy, he called his ‘that narcissistic sadist’. but strangely enough, you felt like they meant the same thing. 
choi beomgyu was sort of soobin's friend, if you could even call it that. they never labeled each other as such, never sought out each other's company for the sake of friendship. they just wanted to live through their loneliness while sitting in the same room.
beomgyu’s dad was a dealer. he made a living out of ruining people's lives, as beomgyu saw it. growing up, he had promised himself that he would never be like that, the kind of person who doesn't care about poisoning someone's body if that meant keeping the cash flowing. but as he grew up, he learned that it wasn't all black or white. that all of those fools kept showing at his father’s doorstep, like they had no other choice. like they enjoyed hurting themselves. 
beomgyu, like soobin, had become hateful. one of the things that bothered him the most was the "why me?" question. how unlucky he could have been to be born of such a father. but then again, he could run away. he could sort his shit out, get a job, never see his father again. but he kept going back. like he had no choice. like he, too, enjoyed hurting himself.
his dad barely knew he existed, and if beomgyu ever tried to make himself heard, he would silence him in cold blood. so any semblance of love or validation beomgyu could aspire to, he sought out with mathematically strategised plans. he craved the drug of attention and knew exactly where to get it.
he'd linger around fancy schools and church events, scoping out a certain type of girl. there was always a few of them going through a rebellious phase, desperate to go out with a bad boy and piss off their high-official dad. 
it didn't take much effort for him to get what he wanted. he was handsome enough to make it easy, and even though he was a spiteful nihilist, he could be charming on command. just a smirk, a tousle of the hair, and some cheesy lines like, "i'm messed up, but with you, i feel like maybe i could be better," or "you're too beautiful for a screw-up like me." and he would have them wrapped around his finger. 
he would bring them over to his place and fuck them rough on his drug-money-bought mattress. if there was shouting, or a gunshot coming from another part of the house, he'd fuck into them harder, muffling their fear with a rough kiss, using their panic to fuel his own twisted thrill. you fucking scared? i've gone through this crap every day since i was a kid. 
if he could crack the shell of a privileged princess, dragging someone along with him down to his mud, his pain would slightly numb out.
for just a little, but never enough.
that pattern of behavior didn't lead to happiness. not even to satisfaction. it was a vindictive way of muffling his pain with the aching moans of someone who had it easier. but in reality, it only pierced what was left of his soul, making him even more hollow. it was soobin who made him realize that.
until that day, beomgyu saw soobin as almost a kid—pitifully weak and too sheltered. but when he told him about his exploits of going after posh girls, soobin didn't applaud in shared bitterness as he often did.
beomgyu explained to him how hard he got seeing the fear in their eyes as they realised that the life he led, that freedom of the rebel, wasn't as cute and bohemian as they had romanticised.
soobin responded curtly. "and then what? you cum, the spell wears off and you stare at the ceiling in silence, thinking of how miserable you are." he said. "and then you feel guilty for being a piece of shit and using that girl as a blow-up doll. and because of that you feel even worse about yourself, which means becoming more hateful and ruining more people. its not a you thing, you're not that special. that loop has been said and done. probably how your dad feels after beating on you."
beomgyu was taken aback. he didn’t even find it in himself to get offended. he remained pensive for a while before saying, "hyung. do you think i'm a bad person?"
soobin replied; "i think you can choose not to be."
and beomgyu took the advice. he put an end to the hunter-gathering of rich girls. he respected soobin from then on, too. soobin had therefore been a good influence, one could say. or at least an influence beomgyu was willing to accept. he started hanging around your house more, to the point of almost never leaving.
you learned about him as if he were a mythological figure—someone everyone talked about but whose existence you couldn't confirm. as a friend of soobin, beomgyu was bound from the start by an unspoken rule to maintain the least possible contact with you.
beomgyu was made aware of that rule very early on. what he didn't know, because he had been misled, was your age. that's why he didn't think much of it at first; he thought you were a kid. so, whatever—he couldn't talk to soobin’s annoying little stepsister. big deal. he didn't care about kids anyway.
this, combined with the prison-like structure of daily life in that house—minimal time in common areas and endless hours rotting in your own cell—fulfilled daddy's command to keep your life and soobin's, and therefore boemgyu’s, completely separate.
but even though you hadn't seen choi beomgyu in person, you had been able to construct a fairly accurate forensic portrait of him, pieced together from your father's warnings about people like him.
about the piercings, daddy believed that the body is holy, and anyone capable of mutilating within sin. about the music they played when locked up for whole afternoons in soobin’s room, he believed that god is serene, and disturbing that peace is a sign of the devil. he considered long hair on a man an abomination, and much like the eccentric clothes, a mark of a sodomite.
daddy didn't approve of him, and saw him as no more than a threat to the sanctity of his home. but beomgyu was quick to remedy the situation.
beomgyu was most acquainted to the ways of gods. he knew they were capricious, proud and pathologically narcissistic. so he made sure daddy could see he was a troubled young man and played the role of the lamb seeking guidance. he convinced daddy that he could abduct him, like he had done with soobin and his mother.
when soobin recounted the scene to you, his voice had sounded more hopeful, more full of admiration than you had ever heard. "he went to your dad and talked to him as if he was the buddha. said that he was lost and needed someone to guide him on the right path." soobin said. "he had some quotes from the prodigal son parabole learned, and he just delivered so naturally. not a trace of shame because when he lied to his face like that. it was like watching a play. your dad bought everything."
from then on, beomgyu became an unsung hero in your eyes. the boy who had outmanipulated daddy into having it his way. the boy who had defeated god.
around halloween that year, beomgyu and his dad had a terminal fight. it ended on a threat so destructive that beomgyu thought it was for the better if he stayed away from his father's place for a couple days. maybe a week. soobin, knower of the impotence and humiliation of having to sleep under the roof of the one who lacerated you and torn you to pieces, offered him shelter.
daddy's eyes lit up with greed. he saw the definitive chance to welcome a prodigal son into the fold. for beomgyu it was almost a joke. he was amused at how fast daddy allowed him in. so clueless and hasty, like one of the girls he used to charm into his bed.
in truth, beomgyu wasn't even to blame when he inevitably bumped into you. it had been daddy's mistake, he had let him in himself. you thought maybe that made daddy more human, somehow. that he forgot to close the back door to the prison and the devil strolled in.
but it wasn't really a matter of having let his guard down. daddy was still as stern, still as disciplinary, still as paranoid as he had always been. choi beomgyu was just much smarter than daddy.
he was a demigod, he was a promise. he was soon to make you his.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ next part
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ please let me know if you think reading about booty sex is gross (i'm doing market research)
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
I Can't Say Part 3 (Finale)
Summary: Everyone is waiting for Reader to wake up after surgery. Eddie finds out what has been causing her behavior and as soon as she wakes up he apologizes for doubting her. She knows she'll never lose him again after what he does next.
TW/CW: Eddie Diaz x Reader, Make Up, Injured Reader, Hospital Setting
Requested?: No   
Word Count: 3,194
A/N: Our grand total of words for this trilogy is 11,325… I’m ngl was kinda stuck on how I’d get from break up to make up but then I was rewatching season 2 the other night and well… Earthquake it is. Anyways, hope you enjoy the read! Love to all! Requests are Open!
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Part 1
Part 2
--- Third Person POV --- 
Hours later, the team has been given the go ahead to go home but every one of them is heading to the hospital in hopes of seeing (Y/N). Hen cleared it with Bobby first but decided it was best if she stayed with Eddie who has been pacing the waiting room the entire time since they sent (Y/N) back. She had sent messages to everyone she could think of, letting them know which hospital they’re at and keeping them updated. Unfortunately, the phones have only just now been able to start working again. Her phone begins exploding with notifications. Carla is bringing Chris as well as a change of clothes for Eddie. Athena says she and the kids are on the way but stopping for coffee and snacks. Karen confirms she’s getting Denny and Mara in the car now with a change of clothes for Hen. Maddie and Jee are on their way too. Every single person that Hen texted, responds except for the 118 members, Talia, and Tommy who all changed out of their gear as soon as they got to the station and piled into Bobby’s truck and Buck’s Jeep. 
Those who responded all trickle in with Athena, May, and Harry bringing up the rear as they drop several bags of snacks and a couple gallons of cold brew on the coffee table that everyone has gathered around. Carla and Chris have convinced Eddie, who is now nursing a cup of cold brew, to sit down and are posted on either side of him, Carla rubbing his back and Chris holding his hand tightly. Karen and Hen are playing patty cake with Jee while Maddie begs the nursing staff for an update. Harry, Denny, and Mara are quietly discussing some video game while they snack. Athena and May share a look before they make their way over to Maddie and gently tug her back to the group. It seems everyone lets out a breath they had been holding when the group of firefighters step through the glass doors. The waiting room is brought to life as everyone greets each other. Eddie on the other hand is rooted to his seat and staring at the floor. 
Just as Bobby is about to place his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, the doctor enters the waiting room. Everyone waits with bated breath as he approaches them, Talia and Eddie both rushing to meet him. He looks around at the rather large group before chuckling, “You’re all here for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” Several in the group nod so he continues, “Good. She’s out of surgery. It was a little touch and go but she’s stable. The anesthesia will wear off soon but, due to the amount of blood she lost, it may take her some time to wake up. Once we get her settled into a room, I’ll let you all know.” Everyone nods in understanding and releases the breath they were holding. A few of them thank the doctor as he walks away. Eddie drops back into a chair, laying his head back against the wall, and grabs hold of Christopher’s hand again. Talia is pulls Tommy away from the group to ask him what’s going on between (Y/N) and Eddie, soon finding herself in tears upon hearing the news. Tommy pulls her into a tight hug, hating that he had to break it to her. The others strike up conversations to pass the time. 
A short while later, the doctor returns to the group, “She’s in a room. Anesthesia should be worn off but as I explained earlier, she’s not awake yet. That being said, you can see her now but you’ll have to take turns. I don’t want more than two or three in there at a time. You can find her in room A204.” As he departs, Eddie kisses the top of Christopher’s head and heads to her room.  
Everyone else has their eyes on Talia who hasn’t moved a muscle. Tommy places his hand on her shoulder, “Go.” She looks up at him and around the group with uncertainty but with a nod from Bobby she’s off toward the room as well. 
When Talia enters the room, Eddie is sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from the door. He is holding (Y/N)’s hand tightly, tears streaming down his face, and mumbling under his breath, “(Y/N) please, you gotta wake up for me.” She takes a seat on the other side of the bed and the room falls silent aside from the steady beep of the heart monitor. 
A few moments pass before he clears his throat, “If it weren’t for you, she- she wouldn’t be alive right now.” 
Fresh tears paint her cheeks as she looks down at her lap, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.” 
He looks at her, head titled, “What do you mean?” 
“If it weren’t for me, the love of her life wouldn’t have broken up with her, she wouldn’t have been in that therapy office, and she wouldn’t have been run through with rebar,” she admits, struggling to get the words out through her tears. He is immensely confused at first but she clarifies before he can ask, “A few weeks ago I called her because I needed someone to keep me from hurting myself. She came no questions asked. She’s been stopping by to check on me a lot. She always answers the phone when I need her. Selfishly, I made her promise not to tell anyone because I didn’t want my team finding out.” Eddie’s heart breaks as he realizes but she continues, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess.” 
He reaches his hand across the bed for Talia’s who hesitantly takes it. He looks her dead in the eyes, “You cannot blame yourself for any of this. You did the best thing you could which was ask for help when you needed it. You don’t know where she would’ve been if not in that office with you. It could- it could’ve been much worse.” He pauses for a moment, looking back at (Y/N), “I wish I would’ve just believed and trusted her when she said she had a good reason.” 
Talia wipes her tears away; she still feels terrible about everything but knows (Y/N) would’ve told her the same exact thing that Eddie did. She squeezes his hand gently, “I know I’m not around you and the rest of her new family that much but I’ve heard a lot about everyone.” He looks up at her and she continues, “I’ve heard more about you and Chris than anyone else. She always has a blindingly bright smile on her face when she tells me about you two and I know without a shadow of a doubt that she loves you more than life itself.” Eddie nods as Talia squeezes his hand once more before dropping it and standing up to leave. Before she opens the door, she stops and looks back at him, “She still does. She wouldn’t hesitate for a second to take you back. Hell, I don’t even think she even let you go.”  
Eddie kisses (Y/N) knuckles as Talia leaves, “I don’t deserve it but I hope to god you can forgive me for being so stupid...” 
It’s not long before the door opens again, this time by Buck and Tommy. Eddie does his best to slap on a smile when he sees Chris right behind them. He watches his son take the seat Talia had been in previously and grab hold of (Y/N)’s hand, “Is she gonna be okay?” he asks hopefully looking up at his father.  
Eddie nods reassuringly, “Yeah, she’s just sleeping so her body can recover.” 
Chris nods and looks down at where his hand meets hers, “Where’s her bracelet?” 
“They had to take it off so it wouldn’t get messed up during the surgery and recovery,” Eddie responds. In his peripheral, he sees Buck and Tommy patiently waiting their turn. 
Chris seems deep in thought for a few seconds before stating, “She’s gonna kick their asses when she finds out. I gotta fix it.” With this, he gets up and exits the room on a mission. Buck goes after him, motioning for Eddie to stay put. 
It’s quiet again as Eddie and Tommy listen to the steady beep of her heart. Finally, Tommy takes a seat. Eddie makes eye contact with him, “I’m sorry. Talia told me everything. I know I fucked up and I know she means the world to you.” 
Tommy looks over at (Y/N) face and reaches up to brush her hair out of her eyes as he thinks. Taking a deep breath, he responds, “Just promise me that the next time you think about doing something stupid, we hit the mat first so I can knock some sense into you.” 
Eddie chuckles, nodding, “I will.” It’s quiet again while Eddie debates with himself before finally pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to Tommy, “Does this count as something stupid?” 
Tommy looks down at the ring box in his hand as his smile grows. After opening it, he answers, “Never in a million years.” He closes the box and hands it back to Eddie, “But you should know that Buck was looking forward to helping you pick it out. He’s gonna be heart broken.” 
Eddie puts the box back in his pocket, “Technically, he did help me pick it out. Whether he remembers that or not is a different story.” 
Tommy knits his brows together in confusion, “What?” 
Eddie smiles, “I went with him when he bought you that bracelet a while back. He was looking through the cases while we waited on them to bag it up. I was zoned out thinking about (Y/N) when he slapped me on the shoulder and very excitedly pointed at a specific ring saying, ‘(Y/N) would love this one!’” 
Tommy shakes his head chuckling, “So, you bought it?” 
Eddie shrugs, “Not right then but after a few days of constantly thinking about it, I had to.” Tommy laughs but Eddie’s face drops. At the tilt of Tommy’s head, Eddie adds, “I held onto it, trying to find the right time to ask her but then she started acting weird and...” 
Tommy sighs, “You still have it though. You didn’t let her go.” 
Eddie shakes his head, “I couldn’t. I broke up with her because I was scared of getting hurt but it hurt so much more to do so. I thought maybe if I just distanced myself from her for a while that it would stop but if anything, it got worse.” He takes a deep breath, “I just hope she’ll forgive me because I don’t know how much longer I can take this ring burning a hole in my pocket.” 
Tommy nods, “She will. She’ll do it in a heartbeat but then you gotta nut up and give her that ring.” 
Eddie smiles, “Would it be too much to ask her to forgive me and marry me in the same conversation?” 
Tommy shakes his head violently, “Absolutely not.” 
Eddie laughs, “Good.” 
Over the next few hours, people come and go. Everyone gets their own turn of checking on her and reassuring Eddie that she’ll be okay. Finally, with only Eddie in the room, she stirs. She squints up at the ceiling as she tries to process where she is. The sound of her moving her head to look around alerts Eddie who jerks up from where he lays on her arm, “Hey, you’re okay. You’re in the hospital.” 
She nods, trying to speak but her mouth is dry. Eddie hands her the bottle of water, Carla had brought him earlier, from the side table that and helps her take a few sips. When she pulls away, he sets the bottle back down on the table and brushes her hair from her face, “How are you feeling?” 
She stares at him for a few seconds before whispering, “I’m just glad you’re here.” 
He kisses her knuckles, “Of course I am, baby. I love you so much and I’m so sorry I doubted you.” The confusion on her face prompts him to add, “Talia told me what happened. I can’t believe I ever thought you’d do something like that. I should’ve known you had a good reason.” She smiles softly but he still feels the need to ask, “Will you forgive me?”  
She nods immediately, “Of course.” Out of habit she reaches to fidget with her bracelet but finds it missing, “I’m gonna kick someone’s ass.” 
Eddie laughs heartily, “Chris said you would.”  
She reaches up to cup his cheek, “I love you.” 
He leans into her touch, “I love you too.” 
The moment is interrupted when the door opens again but both are immediately delighted to see Carla opening the door for Chris who is overjoyed to see (Y/N) awake. He takes a seat as Carla waves with a smile before closing the door to give the small family a moment. With one hand, Chris reaches over and takes (Y/N)’s left wrist and wraps her bracelet back where it belongs with the other. She smiles brightly but Eddie is suspicious, “Chris, did you pester the nursing staff for that.” 
He grins proudly, “Yup, I told them my step mom would kick their butts if they didn’t give it to me.” 
Eddie and (Y/N) share an amused look before she ruffles Christopher’s hair, “Thanks, buddy.” He grins and reaches up to take her hand in his. 
Eddie’s eyes flick between the two before he stands and joins Chris on the other side of the bed.  (Y/N) is slightly confused when he places his hands on Christopher’s shoulder and whispers something in his ear. Chris listens intently before nodding incessantly, “Yes! Do it. Do it now.” 
Eddie grins and ruffles his son’s hair, “Alright, alright calm down. I will.” He places himself between Chris and (Y/N). She is utterly bumfuzzled but Chris is dancing in his seat excitedly. Eddie removes something from his pocket and drops to one knee causing her to slap her hand over her mouth. The man smiles up at her, “I know this isn’t at all the ideal time or place to ask you this but,” he looks around the room and then back at her, “I was very recently reminded that we aren’t promised tomorrow, especially in our line of work.” He opens the ring box and holds it up to her, “(Y/N), will you marry me?” 
Chris cheers happily upon hearing her answer, “Yes!” Tears of joy fill both Eddie and (Y/N)’s eyes as he slips the ring on her finger, stands, and kisses her with every ounce of love that he can. 
The couple parts when the door opens again as Buck and Tommy poke their heads in. Tommy grins, immediately noticing the ring on her finger. Slightly confused having missed the small but important detail, Buck stutters, “Sorry, Carla told us she’s awake. Are-are we interrupting something? We can come back later.” 
Tommy pushes past his boyfriend and makes his way to (Y/N)’s right side, making eye contact with Eddie, “I told you she would. Does your leg feel better without that hole burning in your pocket?” 
Eddie nods, laughing as identical looks of confusion settle on (Y/N) and Buck’s faces as Buck paces over to Tommy’s side. Eddie looks down at her, “I showed it to him earlier.”  
Understanding replaces her confusion but Buck is still lost, “What hole? Showed who what? I’m so confused.” (Y/N) holds her hand up to Buck showing off her ring. He gasps for words as excitement floods his entire body and he takes her hand in his to inspect it. None of them notice as the doctor stops in the open doorway, observes what is happening, and then immediately makes his way to the waiting room. After a minute or so, Buck’s face drops to disappointment as he looks up at Eddie and Tommy, letting go of her hand, “I kinda wanted to help pick it out...” Tommy pats his head before wrapping his arm around his waist.  
Eddie shakes his head chuckling, “Do you not recognize it? You were so damn sure she’d like it that you bruised my arm to get my attention.”  
It takes a few seconds but realization finally smacks across his face as he gasps, “This is that ring?”  
Eddie nods as (Y/N) who is admiring the ring confirms, “He wasn’t wrong. I love it.” Everyone smiles as Eddie kisses the top of her head. Before anyone can say anything else, the door opens and their friends and family flood in. Everyone gushes over the ring, offers the couple their congratulations, and states how glad they are that (Y/N) is okay.
Talia takes a seat on the edge of the bed to (Y/N)’s right, “The doctor had to step out of the way of the stampede after he told us you had a ring on that you weren’t admitted with.” (Y/N) laughs, barely able to spot the doctor in the doorway through the crowd of friends and family. She gives him a thumbs up and he nods with a smile as he returns to his rounds.  
She looks to Talia and takes her hand in her own but before she can say it, Talia assures, “I know what you’re gonna say. Eddie already did.” (Y/N) looks to Eddie who is locked in a tight hug from Bobby with a smile on his face that is bigger than she’s ever seen. Talia leans over to whisper in her ear, “You weren’t kidding when you said Tommy is wrapped around Buck’s finger.” As (Y/N) turns back to look at Talia, she spots Tommy who is wrapped around Buck from behind. Both are smiling brightly as Buck and Maddie are already discussing bachelor party plans.  
“They’re next, I’m calling it now,” (Y/N) tells Talia who laughs loudly. Their hands stay locked together as (Y/N) looks back to Eddie who now has an arm around Christopher’s shoulders as they chat excitedly with Carla. Carla notices her looking and nods in her direction as she shoves the two toward her. Eddie takes the hand she offers him and Chris climbs up to sit beside her. An hour or so passes before a nurse squeezes through the crowded hospital room. She smiles at (Y/N) before proceeding to check her vitals and give her fresh bandages. Only when (Y/N) is nodding off and very obviously struggling to stay awake does everyone wish her well, promise they’ll visit again later, and head home. Soon, the only ones left are her boys. She kisses the top of Christopher’s head as she notices he has fallen asleep carefully tucked into her side. She pats the right side of the bed for Eddie to join her. The three of them have to scoot in real close to fit on the hospital bed but after the week she’s had, she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
where the fun begins, 2 * ls2 (ms47)
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it’s friday: logan throws the party he’s claims he’s having just for you to come around, not even knowing if you’ll be attending
pairings: frat!logan x reader, college!mick x reader
notes: um im on my phone in school i dont have a word count and neither did i plan on making this this long… sry guys uwu hope u like it (i’m desperately running out of logan gifs pls help me)
biggest thanks to @angsthology for helping me out with the white man fight and smug logan because i couldnt, for the life of me, figure that scene out so thank yew baby :*
(f1 masterlist)
| one | two | three | four |
friday rolls around, two days since logan had seen you in the bowling alley with another guy. he also spent the last two days organising a party, completely last minute, sending the entire house into a frenzy to set it in stone.
typically, parties are structured and planned at least two weeks ahead of time. but this time is different.
he can't ignore the frustration that clouds his thoughts when he thinks of that night. or you, in general. all he sees is you wrapped around someone else's arms.
he's been watching the door for the past hour, curious if you had taken him up on his invitation. it's been two hours since the start of the party, and logan knows damn well that word has gotten around about their open house party.
it should have been invitational only, as they usually host their parties. but it's way too last minute to make it an exclusive party. so, they made sure word got around.
he knows that you know what time the party starts. because mick's friends have already made their way into the frat house, drowning in alcohol and pressed up against girls on the dance floor. he only wonders if you would ever come by.
logan folds his arms over his chest, smiling smugly as he watches the crowd pour into the dimly lit home. he turns to oscar. "see? i told you i could pull it off."
oscar stops next to him, hands in his pockets. "i got to say – this is the most effort i've seen you put in a girl," oscar teases, glancing at his friend from the corners of his eyes. "you must really like her."
"i just don't like losing," logan scoffs with an eye roll. "especially not to some loser like the guy she's with."
losing? no, he is jealous. but he would rather abolish this entire party as a whole than admit that to anybody.
"schumacher?" oscar laughs, throwing his head back. "he's not even a loser, mate. have you even talked to him?"
"whose side are you on, dude?" logan frowns, throwing his arms in the air. "there is a wrong answer to this question."
oscar rolls his eyes and punches logan. objectively speaking, he is on mick's side; for your sake. but in a friend perspective, he’ll always be on logan’s side. but even he can admit logan’s a bit of a dick sometimes.
"whatever, dude." he smiles to himself, watching liam open the door to let another crowd in. "it's a very well-put-together party. i'm surprised. where did you get the keg on such short notice?"
logan has this shit-eating grin on his face, one that oscar desperately wants to wipe off. but he can only step back and watch the downfall of all his antics. it's funnier that way.
"frederik knows a guy."
oscar raises an eyebrow. "alright, mate." he pats logan on the back. "liam’s hosting the beer pong. let’s go?”
logan shakes his head, staring at the door with his arms folded over his chest. “later.”
“staring at the door won’t increase the chances of her coming,” oscar hums proudly, patting him on the back. he pushes him through the crowd of college students and massages his shoulder as he tries to find where liam had set up the table. "and anyway, they're coming after pre-drinks."
logan stops in his tracks. "how do you know that?"
oscar steps back with a smirk. "lily told me. did i not update you on that?" he sighs dramatically and rolls his eyes. "must have slipped my mind."
he knew, since the night logan plotted this party, that you and your friends would be pre-drinking before coming here. another reason you're apparently dragging your feet here is for lily – not wanting her to be alone in a frat house.
as honest of a guy oscar tries to keep himself, it doesn't remove suspicion from him trying to take advantage of her. understandable and respectable. so he told you to take your time.
"dude!" logan scowls, shoving oscar back. "that's vital information you should have told me ages ago! i've watched the door like a fucking hawk all night waiting to see if she's coming."
"it's funnier this way," oscar giggles. "also, it's because i'm dating lily."
"you're what? since when? why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"way before you started seeing her. but you're focused on the wrong thing, mate."
"i doubt that, actually."
"oi, beer pong bitches!" liam screams, his hands cupped over his mouth as he beckons for the pair to approach him. he's knelt on a bar stool to catch their attention in the crowd. "logan is up first for the public versus the house."
logan chuckles, slowly making his way towards the beer pong table once more. "are you sure? i'm undefeated, mate," he turns to his friends, "you'll never get your turn if i'm up first."
frederik grins, gesturing towards the rows of red cups filled with sizzling cheap beer. "we wanna see how long you last."
oscar giggles, patting his back. "revenge for making us scramble to put together this party at such short notice."
"and anyway," liam laughs breathily, stumbling into logan's body. he takes a sip from the red cup in his hand. "we have another table for the casual games by the pool."
"and i don't get to play at that table? how rude," logan scoffs, stepping towards the table. he spreads his arms out as he looks around the crowd. "any takers?"
there are a couple who try taking logan down in his own game of beer pong. but as someone who's always in attendance at every party on campus, he's simply mastered the game – how to distract his opponents when he's losing, how to throw them off the game, and how to hit the ball into the cups.
he's figured it all out.
the games pass by very quick, and logan only drinks a couple of cups out of the 6 opponents that are brave enough to step up to the challenge.
"seriously?" logan giggles, slightly intoxicated from the beer. he watches the previous guy walking away, greeted by his group of friends and consolations for a 'nice try'. but logan knows it wasn't a good try. he didn't have a fighting chance at beating him. "where's the real challenge?"
"i could probably beat you."
he hears a chorus of 'oh's from his own friends crowded behind him, lifting his head to meet a pair of blue ones. he sees you first, hands on someone else's body and an arm wrapped around your shoulders. his eyes land on mick, smugly grinning at him with a hand inside the pocket of his jacket nonchalantly.
"yo, isn't that-"
"liam, read the room."
logan doesn't notice lily threading the edge of the makeshift circle over to his side, greeting oscar with a smile. he tilts his head at mick. "you think you can beat me? i'm undefeated, bro."
he sees you whispering something at mick, swatting at him with a small smile. logan knows that look: the flushed cheeks, swollen lips and slightly smudged mascara under your eyes. you'd drunk a little too much during your pre-drinks.
and so do you with logan: the heaving, permanent sly lazy grin and slumped shoulders. you even notice the way he's already slurring at his words.
"mick, should you really be entertaining this?"
mick smiles down at you, squeezing you with a soft shake. "just a bit of fun. we're at a party after all. i'll keep it friendly."
"i know you will. but will he?"
"trust me?"
you tilt your head and lift an eyebrow. you sigh with a small smile, "fine."
"asking for permission?" logan scoffs. "what are you, scared?"
mick scrunches his nose, lifting his hands from you. "no, mate. reassuring her," he smiles. he slowly tears his jacket off of his arms.
logan clenches his jaw at the sheer audacity when mick turns around and hands you his jacket. he feels a wave of anger, something he's never felt before, rising in his chest when mick leans down and presses a quick kiss to your red cheeks.
this might just be jealousy. but it's an emotion so foreign to logan that he doesn't even notice it. in his head, he's just mad that he's lost you to this guy.
someone rumoured to have gotten into the school through his dad’s connections.
"you sure you wanna embarrass yourself in front of her?" logan asks sweetly, biting down on his bottom lip. "one more chance to back out, schumacher."
mick shrugs and steps towards logan. "all in, mate."
"just making sure you don't embarrass your little girlfriend," logan grins, craning his neck slightly and squints his eyes down at you. "you don't want everyone to see him lose to me, do you? you should advise him otherwise."
you don't even get a chance to react before mick steps into logan's line of vision to you. "don't bring her into this."
logan scoffs, eyeing mick up and down. he furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head. "huh?"
"let's keep this friendly?" mick smiles. he extends his hand towards logan.
logan's gaze trails to the hand held out in front of him. he chuckles dryly before turning away, earning another chorus of gasps and shocked whispers around him, walking over to his side of the table. "you know how to play beer pong, don't you?"
mick purses his lips together, retracting his arm before padding over to his spot. "yeah."
liam looks between them, drunkenly filling up the new set of cups with beer. the kiwi can only hope that they keep talking so that he doesn't have to rush with the cups.
"i can teach you if you'd like."
"no, i think i can handle myself."
"alrighty," liam stands, clasping his hands together. "enough yapping. play the stupid game, you guys. it's just beer pong."
logan remembers a time when you used to be in this crowd. cheering for him instead of some random guy you met in one of your classes. you should be on the other side of the crowd next to oscar and arthur.
logan doesn’t do great with losing. if that hasn’t been implied, he doesn’t know any other way to show it.
mick crosses his arms over his torso. “make a shot, reigning champ.”
“i can be generous,” logan scrunches his nose, pressing his lips together. “guests first.”
the boy across the table shrugs. the game doesn’t go by as fast as the previous ones that logan plays. mick was actually true to his word, knowing how to play the game.
logan’s drank more cups than he’s ever in the entirety of the evening. he has to take a couple of deep breaths, staring down at the table when mick hits the ball into the last cup on his side.
he lost. he… lost? how is that possible?
“good game,” mick smiles with a polite nod across the table.
logan scans the table, taking his last cup into his hand. he hadn’t even stood a chance against mick. he still had more than half his set on the table.
mick swiftly turns around, ready to approach you when logan speaks. “one more?”
oscar taps liam on the shoulder, his one arm around lily’s shoulders, and grins. “no, let him do what he wants,” he glances at lily, who is smiling back at him, “i wanna see how this goes.”
“he’s gonna get himself into a fight, oscar,” liam mutters, pointing at logan. “you know him.”
“let him,” oscar shrugs. “he’s an adult — he knows what he’s getting into.”
“one more?” mick asks, halfway towards you. “are you sure?”
“yeah. best of three?”
“logan,” frederik calls out, pressing his lips into a thin line and shaking his head. “mate. he beat you fair and square.”
“no, it’s alright,” mick smiles. “no hard feelings.”
“very hard feelings,” logan mutters to himself, reaching to the side to open a beer can to replenish everything himself. “you stole my girlfriend.”
liam quickly takes over logan, swatting his hands away as he fills one cup sloppily with half of the liquid trickling down the side.
the next game goes by even quicker than before, the entire duration flashing right in front of logan’s eyes. he’s lost again. at least, it was closer this time. it was tied down to one last cup. mick simply played his shot better.
in normal circumstances, maybe logan would have just taken the loss as one would. but this is mick we’re talking about. logan will be anything but diplomatic about it.
“you had me nervous for a moment there!” you giggle. you move your arm out to avoid spilling the cocktail that frederik very graciously mixed for you during the game. “i thought you were going to have to play the third round.”
mick laughs breathily, blinking rapidly with a hand on his chest. “me too. i’m filled with alcohol,” he laughs, sweeping you into his arms. he pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, lifting you slightly from the ground. “let’s go whenever you want to?”
“aw, mate,” frederik sighs, heading over to mick. “house rules: the winner stays until defeated.”
“no way,” you whine, jokingly tearing frederik’s hands from mick. “i wanna head to the bar and get another drink with him!”
“fuck this,” logan mutters, throwing the racket down on the table. he snatches the last cup on the table and glances over at you excitedly bouncing as mick swept you up into his arms.
he rolls his eyes, whirling around and heading towards the backyard of the house.
mick hums as you engage in a conversation with frederik, his hand still on your waist. “um, hold on,” he whispers, tapping you gently. “i’ll go check on him. he looks mad.”
you tug on his shirt. “no, he’ll be okay. he’s just a sore loser, mick.”
he laughs, shaking his head as he detaches himself from your grasp. “i just wanna ask him if he’s okay. i’ll meet you guys at the bar.”
you hum hesitantly, letting go of his hands finger by finger. frederik nudges you in the direction of the bar where oscar and lily are already walking towards.
mick steps out into the backyard, hopeful to find the blonde that turned his back on them. while he didn’t frequent petty fights, logan’s reactions are just very entertaining to him. all because he had failed to appreciate your presence when he was blessed with it and mick stepped up to take you out on a date.
and when he was hearing whispers about logan remaining undefeated at the beer pong table, he took up on the chances. perhaps the alcohol made him feel slightly competitive.
he’s ashamed to admit that he let his ego get the best of him and that’s why he stepped up to logan’s challenge.
“mate,” mick announces his presence, slowly approaching logan sitting on one of the sun beds by the pool. “i hope you didn’t take the game to heart.”
“fuck off,” logan mutters, dropping his head low. he picks at the grass under the bed and clenches his jaw. “what are you doing here anyway? shouldn’t you be celebrating with your girlfriend?”
“she’s not my girlfriend.” logan looks up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “yet.”
“seriously, what’s your deal? have you just come here to parade in my face that you got the girl or something?” logan pushes himself up to his feet. “i get it, man.”
mick sighs. “no. i was checking on you. you look like you had too much to drink there.”
“i don’t need you babysitting me,” logan shakes his head and folds his arms over his chest. “i’m a grown adult.”
“do you need some water? i don’t imagine you feel so good after chugging that much beer,” mick mutters under his breath. “you should really sit down.”
“don’t act like you care.”
“logan,” mick sighs, closing his eyes momentarily to let his frustration pass. “iced or room temp water?”
logan rolls his eyes. “stop acting all saint-like, man. i know you wanna hit me.”
“mate, i do not want to hit you.”
“for sure, you do. you just don’t know it yet.” logan shoves his hands into his pockets. he takes a step forward. “we all know you want to hit me. just do it.”
mick takes note of the step he takes, but stays planted into the ground. “i don’t want to fight you.”
“i know you do. the urge just hasn’t clawed at you yet,” logan grins sloppily. another step forward. “or are you holding back? because she doesn’t like messy guys and you’re scared you’ll lose her it you throw a punch?”
“i’m not holding back. fighting is a waste of time — i don’t like it.”
“she’s very conservative, dude, but she’s very forgiving,” logan nods, looking into the glass doors that lead into the house. he tries to spot you in the crowd but when he doesn’t, he returns his attention to mick. “you’re allowed a couple mistakes.”
“i’m not taking advantage of her like that.”
“i’m not asking you to take advantage of her kindness. i’m telling you that if you need to throw a punch or two, she will definitely forgive you. no need to be scared.”
mick laughs slightly, throwing his hands into the air to surrender. “i’m really not looking to fight with you. that’s beyond me, mate.”
“she appreciates when you let loose a little bit,” logan nods to himself. “why do you think we were going out all those months together? it’s not just cause i won her over with my charm, ya know. she’s got a bit of a wild side, mate.”
mick tilts his head, squinting slightly. he appreciates the extent logan is going to just to rile him up.
“if you don’t know that, then maybe she’s just not comfortable with you.” one more step forward. “i know so well a side of her even you’ve never seen before.”
“do you?”
“yeah,” logan answers in a low tone. he drops his head, one corner of his lips turning up into a smirk. “she’s got that perfect picture smile from a magazine, but you should have seen her when we went to this one party on campus.”
“ah. so?”
“do you know that she gets touchy when she consumes tequila?” logan perks up innocently. “very brave — she’s taken body shots before, you know. off of me?”
“okay? that was a frat party; of course you guys would host that kind of activity. i was there when that happened.”
logan ignores the jabs at the fraternity.
“kissed her yet? in case you haven’t, she tastes like those strawberry mints she always keep a tin of inside her pocket. they’re very minty, but it’s lovely.”
mick grins, pursing his together. “yeah, i know.”
“have you seen her in that one baby doll dress that she likes wearing a lot? what about her yellow sundress that barely covers her thighs?” logan pouts his bottom lip out. “it’s a scene when the wind comes by.”
“mate, you’re kind of crossing a line now,” the german chuckles. “don’t talk about her like that. i know you like her too.”
logan takes another step forward, eager to find that one trigger in mick. “do you know the mole she’s got on her hip? on the left side of her lower back. it’s really really visible when you’re fuc–“
“aw, fuck’s sake!”
logan almost bursts into laughter when he realises what had happened. his back meets the land of grass in the backyard, a pain shooting through his face. when he looks up, a crowd has formed around them during their conversation and liam is already knelt by his side.
lifting his head, he sees mick covering his face with both hands. he runs his hands through his hair as he looks down at logan with wide eyes, hands cupping his warm cheeks. “oh, my god. oh my god.”
oscar and lily pour out of the glass doors with a crowd following them out, the australian raising his eyebrows at his best friend lying back on the ground with a bloody nose.
“logan?” oscar asks, already knowing that he’s probably done or said something to trigger the normally calm headed man in front of him. “what did you do?”
logan scoffs, letting liam help him to sit on the sun bed. “i have the bloody nose and you’re asking me what i did? why don’t you ask him? he hit me.” logan points at mick as he takes the tissues that liam is putting into his hands.
oscar stares at logan. “really? you’re going with that?”
“yeah,” logan grins, glancing at mick. he presses the tissues to his nose, hissing when pain shoots through his face again at the contact. “god, dude. you don’t look like it but you can throw a punch.”
mick nurses his knuckle, taking a couple of steps back. “i know, mate. i’m not stupid.”
you stumble out of the glass doors, heaving as frederik keeps a firm grip on your shoulders. you were in one of the bathrooms upstairs — where it’s exceptionally cleaner — when mick threw the punch (frederik was holding your purse waiting for you outside the door).
when you made your way back down, the crowd inside the house halved. frederik would tap ollie, taking body shots off of someone, asking where everyone had gone.
and ollie, lying back on the table as he put salt on his stomach, pointed to the backyard and muttered something about a possible fight. “logan, maybe,” he muttered before promptly shooing you away.
you look at mick first, who has his shoulders slumped with oscar and lily by his side and is staring at you with guilt all over his face. then you look at logan, being nursed by liam and someone else, with a tissue and an ice pack against his face.
“yeah?” logan perks up with a scoff at you. “can’t pick who to nurse?”
@cashtons-wife @localwhoore @vroomvroomcircuit @foreveralbon @what-is-happening-helpp
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eyeheartboobiez · 18 days
-> 𝗃𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝖽 𝗑 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
-> 𝗌𝗈𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖺 𝖺𝗎!
-> 𝖺/𝗇: 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 6!! 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗂𝗍💕
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liked by bigdickgrayson, cass.cain, and others
@rred_hood: hey guys. sorry for the radio silence, but i needed some time to figure things out w/ everything that’s been going on. just to give a quick update: these past few months i’ve been working on bettering myself, both physically and mentally. mostly though, i need to re-evaluate the people i allow to be in my life vs. the people i actually want around.
as you all know, artemis and i were seen out together a couple of months back, despite our very toxic relationship in the past. i’ve mentioned her abuse towards me here and there before, but now i wanna set the record straight.
me and artemis were NEVER happy. point blank. the first few months of our relationship seemed amazing, sure, but every moment after that felt like hell on earth. im not gonna go into the specifics of her treatment towards me (bcs frankly it’s not anyone’s business but mine), but the only reason we met up last month was to hopefully make peace with what happened during the time we were together.
as for the copyright situation and my alleged involvement in it; everything will be revealed before of the judge. while im legally not allowed to speak on it at this time, i will go ahead and apologize in advance for the news you’ll be hearing in the upcoming days…
before i post this, though, i publicly want to say this: @y/nforeal im GENUINELY sorry for any of the pain or stress all of this has caused you. i betrayed your trust, and have absolutely no expectations for you to forgive me. believe it or not, every second of our time together felt like pure bliss, and you’re the last person i ever wanted to hurt. i sincerely hope that you get everything you’ve ever dreamed of in life, regardless of whether i get to be part of the journey, or have to cheer you on from afar.
to end off, anyone who really supports me knows idc to involve myself in drama, so please, all i ask is that you be patient with me as i figure out a way to right my wrongs. peace✌🏻
View all 1,521,791 comments
user1: all the jason antis looking mad goofy rn💀
⤷ user2: this man js opened up about his trauma and you’re staring fan wars… get a life fr
user3: praying for ur peace jay🙏
user4: yea enough is enough artemis need to be locked up for life
⤷ user5: matter fact, put her under the jail
user6: i just hope that y/n understands🙁
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Case Closed, Artemis Grace headed straight to the slammer! Where does this leave us now? (2/27/2023 1:42 PM PT)
From TikTok, to Instagram; almost all of social media has been flooded with people's response to the verdict of one of the biggest cases in Hollywood right now. Fans all over the internet have been posting nothing but support of the court's ruling. The hashtag "#WHOMPWHOMP" has even found itself trending on twitter in response to Artemis' behavior displayed throughout the trial.
The celeb's unsavory etiquette is nothing new though. From sobbing in the witness stand, to lashing out at her own lawyer, Artemis has shown nothing but discomposure since the day charges were pressed against her. But, for everyone new here, let's start from the beginning.
For those who may not have been keeping up with the story, back in September, acclaimed singer Y/N Y/LN took legal action against Artemis Grace on the grounds of copyright infringement. After months of speculation, investigators found that Grace had illegally distributed a song that had absolutely no business being in her possession in the first place.
Although the track was taken very favorably by fans and casual listeners alike, the actual artist was nowhere near pleased. Once sharing her feelings about the situation online, Y/N immediately put her emotions into a new album, the same album that led her to receive the first grammy of her career.
Aside from the copyright violation though, Artemis is also being sued for causing emotional distress in regards to all the drama she got wrapped up in with her ex-boyfriend, Jason Todd.
While Jason and Y/N were presumed to have been dating since March of last year (if not earlier), that fantasy was quickly ruined when Artemis and Todd were caught being uncomfortably close with each other outside of a club last August.
Of course, many fans on both sides were reasonably hurt by the news. Those who have been following Y/N for a while now may know that she has had trouble opening up to people in the past; something she has expressed quite a bit in her music. So, when word broke out that Jason seemed to be playing with her feelings, her supporters were beyond furious.
Even songwriter Cassandra Cain, Jason's adopted sister, made sure to support Y/N in every way that she could. The two have been friends for years now, having officially met back in 2020 at the billboard music awards. While Cassandra isn't a woman of many words, she made sure that her actions spoke volumes.
Late last year, she helped Y/N write one of the songs for her latest album, basically ensuring her win at this year's Grammys. Outside of music though, posts have been made by the two besties seemingly having the time of their lives.
Between the high emotions and the immense camaraderie being shown, fans have come to the conclusion that both women may have gotten together at some point while working together.
Without a doubt, there was an obvious tension between the duo while doing promotions for their shared single. Cassandra, though a notable lesbian icon in the community, has yet to speak up on the rumors (and, knowing her, probably never will).
Back to the legal proceedings, the heartbreaker in question was also present during Artemis' trial. In order to shed some light on the story, Jason Todd appeared before the court as a witness in hopes of ensuring that Y/N wins this case.
Unlike Artemis, Jason showed nothing but absolute remorse for his actions. About a month ago, the Gothamite made a post to his instagram page detailing the shame he felt by being involved in such acts, although in reality he had little participation to begin with.
While on trial, it was found that Todd actually had little to no involvement with the illegal distribution of the track. In fact, Artemis herself confessed that he only talked about Y/N having a song that was "in the works". He also revealed to her that the track was "something his girlfriend (had) dedicated it to him", thus confirming our suspicions of their relationship status.
Alongside this, she also admitted that their meet up back in August originally had nothing to do with music, nor were they trying to rekindle their disastrous affair. Jason did state that he was notably intoxicated that night, while Artemis indicated that she "hadn't had anything to drink" prior to their conversation.
In the end, after the grueling legal battle, Artemis is soon to be locked up after receiving a firm guilty ruling from the judge. The now former singer has been sentenced to three years in prison without possibility of parole, in addition to paying $25,000 as compensation for emotional distress.
Outside the courtroom Y/N and Jason were seen speaking together away from everyone else, as well as sharing a meaningful hug before parting ways. The heartwarming image that was caught by paparazzi has given shippers more than enough hope that the two celebs can hopefully rekindle the love they once had.
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a/n: thoughts?
taglist: @din0o0o @cipheress-to-k-pop @bonnie-tz @phatnyash420 @rwylm-things @sheluvv-gambino
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riaarivic · 11 months
HIS - KNJ x F!reader: 1 Into you
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💗Pairings idol!NamjoonxReader
💗 Genres idol!AU, Smut, Angst, Romance, Enemies to lovers
💗 Rating 18+ minors DNI
💗 Summary  Four years have passed since the last time you saw Kim Namjoon. But now he was right in front of you, with the same stupid warm smile that made your good judgment (and underwear) disappear without a trace. You haven't seen him for four years. But now here you were working for BTS again. Having to see his insufferably attractive face every day of your life again.
But there's something Namjoon doesn't know. The little girl with almond eyes and dimples in her smile clinging to his ex-girlfriend's hip, not only looked too much like him. But she was… His.
💗  Warnings for the series: Unplanned pregnancy (I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT) Unprotected sex, foul language, angst, miscommunications, pinning, SO MUCH PINNING, Hurt/comfort. Will update as the series progress. 💗  Warnings for the chapter: reader has very conflictive emotions about the news of her pregnancy at the begining. This chapter will have some back and forth time skips
💗 A/N: ⚠️ dialogue in BOLD is intended to be in English if not, they are speaking in Korean. ⚠️
Love, Ria
💗 Chapter wordcount 3,4k
💗 Series Index 1 2
His 01: Into you
"And baby even on our worst nights. I'm into you" Into you - Paramore.
💗💗💗MARCH 2022💗💗💗
You have to admit, you've been glued to your computer screen for a solid twenty minutes, utterly motionless.
Hyung-Joon, once your boss and now your business partner, just forwarded an email confirming your company's involvement in BTS's upcoming Permission to Dance on Stage tour. The whole team was buzzing with excitement about the colossal job ahead.
It would be the biggest job in your company.
It really was the opportunity of a lifetime, the pay was enough to take Hana on a Disney cruise vacation.
For a whole year.
Three years in a row.
Heck, you could buy the damn boat.
That's how good it would be.
You should be basking in the joy of this achievement.
Yet, the smallest detail casts a shadow over the happiness—precisely, the leader of the band. The young, talented, millionaire, successful, infuriating asshole Kim Namjoon is your daughter's father.
For the tiniest detail, it must be emphasized that he had no intention of being a part of her life.
Fuck him.
He couldn't even summon the decency to meet your gaze when he sent his mother and manager to deliver an envelope full of money, effectively kicking you and your daughter out of Korea.
The memory of it turned your stomach.
💗💗💗JANUARY 2017💗💗💗
An alien.
That's how all the people saw you when you entered Big Hit as if you came from another planet entirely. An alien who spoke their language perfectly, who had not come as part of a tourist excursion, but to work.
They all regarded you as if you had a second head protruding from your back. The security, while registering your information for your access card; the staff, makeup artists, hair stylists—all whispered things as you walked by.
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
The chance of a lifetime, you reminded yourself. The pay might not be extravagant, but the perks of being part of a K-pop group's staff more than compensated for it.
You were going to travel all over the world, meet new people, eat delicious things and most of all… be as far away geographically as possible from where you came from.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime
After navigating several security checkpoints and maneuvering through what felt like a maze of boxes filled with the group's merchandise, materials, and clothing, you reached the office where they awaited you.
The global press department.
Though the term "department" sounded too grand for the small space—more like a converted broom closet with your boss's desk and yours side by side.
"Oh! Miss… um," you smiled as you saw him struggling with the pronunciation of your full name.
"Call me y/n. You must be Manager Hyung-Joon," the man let out a sigh of relief. Despite his imposing stature, dominating the tiny office, a friendly smile adorned his face.
"Miss y/n, you're just in time. They are about to finish a rehearsal, and we are going to start the first practice interviews for the US tour. Did you bring everything you need?" You nodded, and he motioned for you to follow him.
Probably, nothing you had read about this group could prepare you for what lay ahead. As Manager Hyung-Joon swung open the door, the first thing that struck you was the noise.
That room was pure Chaos.
What you'd expect if you left seven practically teenage men to their own devices. They chatted and laughed, appearing at first glance like a bunch of ordinary kids.
Not like the young men who would become the biggest musical act in history.
"Bangtan, can you please be quiet?" the manager shouted, capturing everyone's attention. "This is y/n; she will be your translator from now on." All seven pairs of eyes turned to you simultaneously, and once again, there it was.
That look that made you feel utterly out of place.
According to what you'd been told, it wasn't common for the company to hire young, let alone single, women to work with BTS. Yet, you excelled at your job, armed with a glowing recommendation letter from one of your college professors.
Fast and precise with translations, you also brought experience as a journalist before accepting this position.
And that you accepted the joke of a salary they offered.
The company deemed you useful enough to overlook the fact that you would be the only woman among these men most of the time.
But your integration into the staff didn't happen before their main manager warned them that any attempt at inappropriate behavior towards you would result in drastic consequences.
Not to mention the uncomfortably awkward conversation you had in the president's office, where terms like contraceptives, confidentiality agreements, and the ominous "If you have any kind of relationship with one of the members, we will sue you for everything you have" echoed.
Though you were sure the suitcase you brought to Korea wouldn't be much help to a music company at the time.
The message was clear:
Mess with one of them.
You're out.
It's not like you were interested in a workplace romance; true, they were all attractive, but you needed this job more than anything else in the world.
At that time, Bangtan was gearing up for their promotions in the United States, and they required someone to assist them in English communication.
So they wouldn't be overly dependent on him.
"Do you even speak Korean?" that was the very first words he spoke to you. He wore an expression somewhere between puzzled and annoyed for a moment before turning to speak to Hyung-Joon as if you weren't there. "Are you sure she's not a stalker?"
"I'm a communications major from Busan National University. I also speak Japanese, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. But my first language is English. I suppose that answers your question," you retorted, meeting his gaze challengingly, and he rolled his eyes as if your response bored him.
At the far end of the room, you heard an amused snort; you recognized him from the dossier—his name was Suga.
"Did that lady just shut up Namjoon-hyung?" the youngest among them stared at you as if you were a unicorn, a mythical creature, the weirdest thing he has ever seen, and the older one nudged him to stop staring.
"Nice to meet you all; my name is y/n. I will be your translator, and I hope you can take care of me." You bowed, and when you straightened, you smiled at everyone. He kept his stare locked at you, irritated and unimpressed by your initial response.
That was the beginning of it all.
💗💗💗DECEMBER 2018💗💗💗
A complete fool is how you felt, your heart pounding in your chest as you found yourself on your bathroom floor holding a positive pregnancy test. Four years ago, your heart held a different kind of weight, the weight of a secret growing within you.
Two weeks after he had returned to Seoul.
Exactly two weeks after you had told him to get the fuck out of your life.
No. That's not true.
You know better now. He was already gone before you found the strength to let him go. You just hadn't realized it.
So, here you were sitting on your bathroom floor. The weight of your shared history hanging heavily between you. Looking at the abstract pattern on the tiles feeling like a complete idiot.
Feeling guilty for a child who will grow up without a father.
You thought you were strong enough to handle it. You believed you could navigate motherhood alone, but...
Should you tell him?
Would it be too selfish to unveil this reality now?
How could you shatter his world, now that his career soared to unprecedented heights?
And the company…
You knew The company would go to great lengths to erase you and this secret from existence if necessary..
Kim Namjoon the leader of BTS.
Korea's pride.
Fathering an unplanned child out of wedlock with a foreigner?
It could dismantle everything he had worked for.
And his group. It will destroy them and he will never forgive you for it.
Besides, did you even have the right to reenter his life?
After what you have said to him? After the wounds you carved upon each other?
You wanted to cry, but the tears remained trapped within your eyes.
Kim Namjoon, the man known as RM, the leader of BTS, was your adversary, your lover, the man who once held your heart, and the one who shattered it into irreparable pieces—
All within a year.
💗💗💗NOVEMBER 2019💗💗💗
This is a terrible idea
It took you too long to work up the courage to tell him that you had had a daughter. But you couldn't tell him by phone call or mail.
You mustered all the courage you had and took a plane from Los Angeles to Korea. You definitely did not imagine how extremely difficult 16 hours on a flight with a one year old baby would be.
You had to bribe Jungkook with buying him 10 cartons of banana milk to get his new number.
Calling him was much harder.
"Hello?" His voice, after a year, stirred emotions you believed buried deep within.
You had no idea what to say.
Hi Namjoon, remember me? I'm y/n, your ex-girlfriend, ex-enemy, ex-translator? Oh, by the way, we have a daughter. I'm in Korea. Sorry for not telling you earlier; I panicked, thinking the company might erase us if they found out. Congratulations on the new album.
Definitely not that.
"Hey, Joonie," you blurted, and somehow felt like worse alternative, "I'm in Korea, and I'd like to talk…"
"Yes," he interrupted, his voice as desperate as yours, "I'm sending a driver for you. Where are you staying?"
Two hours later, a black company van awaited you in front of your hotel. It transported you to a far more luxurious apartment complex than their previous dormitory.
They are doing so well.
That made you proud, they deserved every drop of success they had.
But he wasn't in the apartment.
Waiting for you in the living room was a face you'd only seen once—Namjoon's mother, Mrs. Kim Seolmi. Accompanied by bodyguards and a staff member, her gaze held the same mix of disappointment and anger as the first meeting. Her eyes shifted sourly when they landed on Hana, in your arms.
Hana was the vivid image of her father, every feature, dimples, almond eyes, pouty lips, and even her expressions. Seeing Namjoon in her.
It took Mrs. Kim mere seconds to deduce the baby in your arms was her granddaughter.
"He doesn't want to see you, neither you nor the bastard child you're carrying. Did you think you could pass off just anyone's daughter as my son's?" She pulled an envelope from her bag. You knew it contained money. "Take it and leave. A gold-digger like you, using men for money. How disgusting."
"Madam, I don't need your money. If Namjoon doesn't want to see me, he should tell me himself." You clutched your crying daughter, scared by the woman's shouts.
From a corridor emerged Sejin, BangTan's main manager. He always knew everything about them. And his presence here meant The company was already aware that Namjoon had a daughter.
"I'm sorry, Miss y/n, but it's true. He asked us to give this to you," Sejin handed you a sealed letter with your name on it, "and this you must sign. It's the only way to prevent the company from taking legal action against you for involving yourself with a member."
"Ha! As if the half-breed was really my Namjoon's daughter."
Oh you were going to kill that woman.
Before you could unleash your thoughts, Sejin spoke again. "y/n, you know what it means to be in a relationship with an idol, let alone having a daughter out of wedlock. This could destroy him and Bangtan. I'm sure you don't want that." His voice carried pity.
"You don't want to go trough this, and we know you don't want to put your daughter through it." He took a breath and sat in front of you. "The company is willing to compensate you for your silence. It's your only option—"
"I don't want your fucking money, Sejin"
"Miss, if you go against the company, we'll have to fight in court, and you could lose custody of your daughter. I'm sorry, but it's true. He didn't want to come when he found out you were coming with your child."
He didn't want to come
When he found out
That you were coming with a child.
Your child.
That phrase echoed in your mind for years. You could still close your eyes and see Sejin's pitiful face—the same one he wore when informing an employee they could no longer work for them.
Because they spoke a second too long with one of them.
Because they smiled at them a little too much.
Because feelings started to emerge.
All were fired and forced to sign mountains of legal documents preventing them from ever speaking about what transpired.
Some were even offered positions at other agencies.
"You're fortunate Bang PDnim decided to compensate you. But it's your decision," he concluded.
Three hours later, you were repacking to return to Los Angeles, vowing never to set foot in Seoul again.
This should never have happened.
As you wiped away tears, your phone buzzed with several notifications.
Message from unknown number: Doll, it's Yoongi. Jungkook told me you were here and you were staying at a hotel in Myeongdon. Message from unknown number: I'm coming to see you.
Message from Cookie 🍪: Y/n Noona, Yoongi Hyung asked me to give him your number. Thanks for the banana milk, you should stop by the dorm and let's drink soju like old times!!!!
Message from NJ: I am so sorry. I hope you can understand.
The last message made you want to throw up.
The phone started vibrating with an incoming call…..
💗💗💗MARCH 2022💗💗💗
"Are you sure you're okay with this?"
Hyun-Joon regarded you with the same concerned eyes he had five years ago when you first met. He had transitioned from being your boss to your business partner and, eventually, one of your dearest friends. A few months after your departure from Korea, he called to share the news of starting their own management agency with a friend.
The startup funds came from the envelope Sejin handed you as compensation for never disclosing the identity of your daughter's father.
At least something good came from shattering your heart into a thousand pieces.
Today, you were the CEO of a flourishing company offering diverse services to music companies in Korea—translators, managers, staff, security; you had it all, and your agency ranked as the best in the market.
It was only a matter of time before you appeared on HYBE's radar.
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself back in the same room as him.
"Of course, this is the best contract the agency has had since we started. We are professionals, and your CEO is no exception," you reassured yourself more than Hyun-Joon.
He scrutinized you, trying to believe your conviction. "Well, let's get ready; they are about to come in."
The sight before you differed vastly from the first time you saw them in the modest conference room at what was then Big Hit. Through the glass door leading to your meeting room, the bodyguards entered first, followed by the new individual managers.
You knew much had changed since your last encounter. Initially, it was just you and a handful of staff members.
Now, it felt as if the President of the United States or Beyoncé were about to make an entrance.
Scratch that, the president's secret service probably had fewer people.
The room was nearly full, yet they hadn't arrived.
Jungkook walked in first. The last time you saw him, he still wore his school uniform. Now, he appeared as if he had stepped out of a novel, exuding a bad-boy aura with tattoos and all-black attire.
Behind him, Taehyung, the shy boy with the innocent smile, wore a designer suit, exuding timeless elegance like the protagonist of an old Hollywood film. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him.
Jimin seemed unchanged yet transformed simultaneously—beautiful, elegant, with a hint of mischief in his eyes. When he saw you, he smiled discreetly, as if holding back many unspoken words.
Following him, J-Hope entered. His off-stage personality always intimidated you, yet he remained the kindest and most focused among them. That hadn't changed.
Yoongi walked in behind him, smiling genuinely upon seeing you. Among all of them, he was the only one you still maintained contact with. Nonetheless, seeing him in person brought a sense of relief.
Jin came in almost last, and you couldn't help but be amused. Despite not having seen him in person for four years, he hadn't aged a day. Serene as ever, he entered with a respectful bow.
A chill ran down your spine.
They entered in the official order.
From youngest to oldest.
And last.
Kim Namjoon, always entering last, responsible for introducing them all. Front and center, as always. His now-blond hair caught your attention first. Even beneath his clothes, you could see that he had grown. His arms filled his shirt just like his chest and legs.
Your mind instinctively wandered into territory you almost slapped yourself for entertaining.
You looked up, and he was looking at you. Whether he was surprised or not, his face revealed nothing. With almost a decade in the business, Kim Namjoon knew how to conceal his emotions.
Assuming he had any.
He obviously doesn't care to see you. And who were you to him?—just some woman he was fucking four years ago.
The mother of his daughter.
Your ears buzzed, and you were so deeply lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice when he began talking.
"...it's a pleasure for us to work again with you and your agency," that damn voice, it could still stir emotions in you. "Miss Y/LN, it's also nice to see you again."
Oh, is he going to call you by your last name?
"It's Lee now," your voice sounded cooler than you thought it would, perfect.
"Congratulations, in that case," he stiffened his jaw, and you smiled at him. Simultaneously, several people in the room tensed up.
Ah yes, that was another detail Kim Namjoon obviously didn't know about you.
Eric Lee was your other business partner and your best friend. You had married three years ago so that he could obtain a visa and stay in the US with you.
Eric gave his last name to Hana and had practically raised her with you.
And also.
Eric was completely, totally, and utterly gay.
Your marriage was only on paper.
But that was a detail you weren't going to explain to Kim Namjoon.
By the way… where the hell was he?
Namjoon cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts. "In that case, I think we can start—"
"Mommy!" a little voice interrupted, entering the room. With so many people there, you could only see the top of her dark brown hair. "Uncle said to play hide and seek; can I hide with you?"
Almond eyes.
Dimples in the smile.
The same pouty lips.
Kim Namjoon who was almost 10 years in the industry and knew perfectly well how to hide his emotions, but he looked at the little girl in front of him as if he had just seen an alien.
His face showed a thousand questions.
How old was that little girl?
Why did she have the same eyes as him?
Why had she called you mom?
Did you have a daughter?
The whole room tensed up.
Oh shit, I knew this was a bad idea.
But things happened so fast.
For the first time in her life, Kim Namjoon looked at his daughter's face.
And you were looking at the consecuence of what once was a stolen kiss behind a closed door.
And then evolved to so much more.
A snarky remark.
An irritated snort after others spoke.
A heated argument in a press room.
A few stolen kisses behind the staff room door.
A night in a hotel room.
And despite your reluctance to admit it,
Despite everything.
You would always be
I KNOOOOOWWWW! Another fic and I haven't finished translating/editing/rewriting/posting Hate!. But Yes, I had to, I had a writers block and decided to pull this one out of the vault of prompts.
Pregnancy troupe? while I'm writing a dark mafia romance? I KNOW But hear me out with this one, it is A RIDE.
I REALLY wanted to write a short agnsty BUT filled with heart clenching romance and.. other things clenching smuttines.
Yes, I'll continue updating Hate! but i would love you a bit if you give this baby a chance... literal baby. AND KIM NAMJOON AS A GIRL DAD!!?? IM NOT GOING TO DEPRIVE MYSELF OF THAT
Ps. If you want to be on the tag list drop a comment below!! 👩🏼‍💻✨
As always love you guys,
Ria 💗
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simpcityy · 6 months
My Little Spawn Pt.7 (Dadstarion X Child!Reader)
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Summary: Astarion was finally free from Cazador after being kidnapped by a mindflayer but he was stuck with one annoying task, you.
Disclaimer: I do not own Baldur's Gate 3 or any of its characters.
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), Cazador, language, violence, spoilers for those who haven't gone far in the game, mentions of blood, animal death...Uhhh...I think that is all. MAJOR SPOILERS IF YOU AREN'T IN ACT 2 YET.
Author Notes: (PLEASE READ) I hope all of you are excited for this chapter, I know some of you have been waiting for an update. I will be updating more chapters less, I got a new job, so I've been trying to focus on that. Thank you for understanding my lack being online. So, these next chapters will just be mostly fillers to move faster on act 3 so we can get some father battle. So, this chapter and the next might feel empty or rushed because we are on part 7 and we haven't reach act 3 and Cazador hasn't made an appearance yet. I want this series to have at least a maximum of 12 chapters. As always, Thank you so much for the support! I should be updating the master list with all the links of each chapter soon. Remember to Reblog and like if you enjoy this series. I am happy to start a taglist for this series since this week I will be working on a story well two.
Every time they settle down for the night, Astarion would be pacing and complaining how they are wasting time, you could be in danger. “Astation, we need rest for any enemies up ahead” Gale began only to be yelled at by the pale elf. Everyone was on edge with Astarions foul mood keeping their distance from him, even Tav. Tav mostly kept to themselves as Astarion only glared the meanest eyes at them, spewing over and over it’s their fault. “We could've found them already but here you are all lazing around.” He crossed his arms sitting at his tent. “Alright fangs, we get it.” Karlach looks over, carrying over wood on her shoulder. “You are always welcome to go on your own and find them. We are all worried for the little soldier, but we need to be smart about this and not endanger them more” Astarion only looks away and sits alone in his tent missing his little spawn. 
You were running trying to avoid the shadow curse taking over you. You somehow escaped that cell, but it cost the life of a guard. All you could see is their life drained. You felt so bad but yet they tasted so sweet. You vowed yourself not a single word of this to Astarion. You were scared he was going to get mad. You ran over to a fire staying close to it whimpering. Hearing footsteps near you, you quickly crouch behind a large rock and peaked. Hoping whatever is coming near is friendly. “Halt! Who goes there!” A feminine voice calls out. “Come out or arrows would be fired” They threaten. You slowly walk out of your hiding spot. Gasps were heard, “It’s just a child” the woman walks over and smiles “Are you okay? We won’t hurt you.” She kneels down holding a touch. “I escaped from a big castle…” You whisper, staying close to your rock. “Castle? Moonrise towers.” One of them whispers to their leader. “Come, we have a safe place called the Last Light Inn, you will be safe there. There are children of your age as well.  “She gently took your hand and kept you close. “Harpers lets go before the Shadow Curse gets us.” She commands and walks down a path. 
You felt lost inside this inn. You watched as those same Tieflings from the Grove were playing a quiet game. You slowly walked over “Hi…can I play?” You placed your arms behind your back. They only look at you before going back to their game. You turned around ready to walk back to the chair you were in, but a hand grabbed your arm and spun you back to the Tiefling children. “Hey now, is that how we treat a hero? If I remember correctly, they helped us out back at the Grove.” Mol grins looking back at the children “So I reckon you reconsider their offer.” Once they see Mol, they quickly move over offering you a spot. You smile “Thank you!” You quickly sat on the open spot playing with them. 
Hours passed and you met many people, you caught up with Alfira but you noticed she seemed sad. You also noticed there are a couple of Tieflings missing but didn’t question it. You met Jaheira and Isobel along with many more. You stayed by Mol’s side befriending her. You munched on a piece of bread given by Jaheria when you looked overhearing a commotion. “Stay inside, could be dangerous” Alfira told you two before walking outside. You didn’t mind as you kept eating but hearing a voice you’ve missed so much; you dropped your bread. 
“Astarion!” You yelled running outside tearing up. “Stay back little one!” Jaheira warns as you go outside and slip past her. Astarion looks overhearing his name and swore his dead heart had a heartbeat again when he saw you alive and unharmed. He picked you up quickly and held you close, placing your head into the neck of his shoulder “Oh thank god your alive little spawn” He didn’t care who saw him, he was feeling many emotions. He kissed the top of your head. Mol walks over “They are the ones who saved us, and that is their daddy.” Astarion looks up hearing Mol “I’m just a caretaker” He rolls his eyes. The group can see their spawn companion is back to his normal self. 
After the group minus you, take some herbal medicine that makes you say the truth, you stay near Astarions side. “What have you been up to little Spawn.” He brushes your hair as you sit between the space of his legs. “I was locked up in a castle when I woke up. There were these people and they called me beautiful artwork.” You look up at him. He frowns “So they know about your situation. “He sighs “They aren’t wrong, your kind is an artwork to those who have bad intentions. Usually…you would…” He tries to find the right words “Not be breathing, not even a second you were born. Which explains why there isn’t a high population of little spawns like you, well Dhampirs. “He explains though he knew you weren’t paying attention as you were busy watching a weed flow by the wind. He chuckles to himself as you were easy to get distracted. You got up from your spot and walked over greeting everyone you missed, getting hugs from left to right. You even got a pat on the head from Lae’zel. Nighttime came and you pouted at Astarion “But I don’t want to!” You wiggle around in his arms. You didn’t want to stay in the camp again. “It’s for your own good, it’s too dangerous out there.” He sighs “Tav say something” He motions his eyes over to you. Tav only looks over before looking over to you, “(Y/N) it’s safer for you to stay at camp. You don’t want Astarion to be worried sick again.” They pat your head. You only pout before huffing “Fine” You finally relax in his arm. “And you are never going to leave my side anymore” Astarion placed you over his hip walking to his tent. 
Over the couple of days, you were learning many things about nature thanks to Halsin. You giggle as he shifts out of his bear form. “Again! Again!” You cheered. “Alright alright.” He chuckles trying his best to keep up with your energy. More days went by, and a new temporary companion joined the group, Arabella. It took some time for you to warm up and approach her after Astarion told you to not question anything about her parents. You stood near her and kept silent before she broke the silence “You can talk to me you know; I am nothing like those children from the Grove.” She looks at you. Sitting down next to her, you look at the ground before looking up to Gale who was at his tent giving you the thumbs up. You took a deep breath and looked at Arabella. “Would you like to be my friend?” The Tiefling smiles “Of course. I think I need a friend at this point in my life. “ 
Hours rolled by and Astarion sighs walking back to the camp after successfully being able to get inside moonrise towers and become part of the group for their plan. “You know I can’t wait for when we stab them in the back” He smirks before looking over to see you and Arabella playing catch with Scratch. Scratch gets the ball whenever you fail to catch it and rolls away from you. “Were they able to play with other children over at Cazador’s palace?” Tav walks over to Astarion. The pale elf lets out a small smile seeing how happy you look. “No…Cazador never lets them out of the palace, never thought of it since I thought they were a spawn. Sunlight is our number one enemy after all, but I think this…this is making them feel more connected to their…human side you can say…I haven’t heard them complain about blood hunger. Maybe this distracts them” He hums before walking over “(Y/N), time a bath and do not fight me on this” He began before seeing you dart off. “Come back here!” He yells Tav only chuckles crossing their arms and lean back a bit watching you slip past Astarions legs and escape every time from his grasp. Everything was slowly going back to where it should, minus the tadpole and mind flayer situation.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Shades of Grey || CL16 {4}
Summary: Your happy ending. Warnings: 18+ only, fluff to make up for the hurt I have put you through. Word Count: 2k
F1 Masterlist || Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || - complete
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Two Years Later
Even with the moulded plugs fitting snug in your ear you could hear the roar of the Miami crowd as you stepped out onto the grid. It had been a long road of recovery and few people believed you would ever make it back into Formula One. But one person did, and he was there to support you every step of the way. 
“And the third Leclerc has entered the track now and she is in a decent space to be getting points after a good qualifying round yesterday.”
You blocked out the commentators that wove their way around the cars and teams, hoping to get a word from a driver or two, and continued your walk up the starting positions. Suddenly your earplugs were pulled out with an irritating pop and the full force of the atmosphere threatened to deafen you as you turned to the newest Alfa Romeo driver.
“Nervous?” Arthur asked for the thousandth time since Williams announced you would be back in the seat and no longer the reserved driver just a few weeks ago.
“I think you and your brother have that covered,” you said as you looked ahead to where Charles was talking to the media from his place in P4. 
Charles had barely slept last night. He had laid awake, holding you close like he was afraid to let you go. He knew it was your dream to race again and he had watched you put in the monumental effort to regain your strength after waking from the coma but now that you were there he was having trouble letting go. 
He had hardly been able to concentrate during the free practices and especially the qualifier and you knew it had affected his pace. Instead of asking his team for updates on his lap times he was asking about yours, and when a yellow flag slowed the track down his heart rate had spiked in response until his team reassured him the flag was nothing to do with you.
It was almost more than he could bear just seeing the few burn marks forever seared into the top of your back and he made sure he kissed the marred skin softly everytime he curled himself up against you. He hadn’t said anything about it to you, but you could see the worry in his eyes as he watched you getting dressed into the fireproofs that had saved your life when the fuel tank had exploded two years ago. 
“You’re still wearing your ring,” Arthur commented, pulling you from the memory of your morning spent wrapped in Charles’ arms.
You looked down at the simple gold band on your finger, smiling at the knowledge that the date engraved on the inside represented the best day of your life. “I only just put it on, and I don’t plan on ever taking it off.”
You both turned at the sound of Charles’ voice as he bounded over after finally breaking free of the Sky News reporter and a wide grin greeted you. He threw an arm over his brother’s shoulders, his helmet hanging by his fingertips, while his other hand snaked around your waist and pulled you into his side so he could kiss your temple. 
“Ready to make history?”
Arthur grinned back and nodded. “Three Leclerc's racing in F1.”
“Does one by marriage count?” you asked with a laugh as they both looked offended.
“Your last name is Leclerc, is it not?” Charles dared as he nodded to the ring on your finger and bit his lip. 
“So long as you keep looking at me like that it will be,” you replied with a wink and Arthur tore himself out from under his brother’s arm. 
“Get a room,” Arthur said with a juvenile gag.
Charles smirked as he placed his helmet on the ground and sat against the rear tire of brother's car so he could pull you between his legs and suggest, “There is still 30 minutes to the race.”
“You only need 30 seconds,” Arthur joked before darting into the midst of his engineers where he would be safe from his brother. It was nothing new for the good natured sibling rivalry to spill over onto the track and as often as they were seen hugging, they were also seen trying to tackle each other down to the ground to settle some debate.
It didn’t matter that there were literally hundreds of thousands of people at the event and even more watching live on their tv’s at home, you wanted his attention solely on yourself and you cupped his jaw that was clenched after his brother's taunt. He slowly turned back to face you and you stared into eyes that were the perfect mix of green and gold, like autumn leaves just before they fell. 
“You look tired,” you murmured as you tipped his chin back so the sunlight chased away the shadows on his face. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I like it when it’s just us out here.” He leaned in and rested his head between your breasts but there was so much padding in the race suit it was almost impossible to feel. “You, me and the stars.”
“And the alligators.” You grimaced at the thought of the animals that populated the state and draped your arms around Charles’ neck. “I can’t wait to go home. No alligators, or snakes, or Florida Man.”
“I can’t wait to go home so I can have you all to myself,” he said as Arthur made his way back over, complaining about the PDA as he approached, “with no interruptions.”
“Sky wants an interview with the first couple to race against each other,” Arther said as he jutted a thumb over his shoulder to the reporter behind him.
“Have they been asleep for the past 5 years? Poor Yuki.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” Charles groaned.
“What, Pierre's boyfriend? You know I’m kidding.”
His arms tightened around your waist as he held on a little tighter and shook his head and mumbled his response.
“Babe, you just motorboated me on live tv.” You gently pushed him back so his words wouldn’t be lost to the thick padding of the racing suit. “What did you say?”
He ran a hand through his thick tufts of hair, his wedding band catching the sunlight as he did so. “Please, don’t joke about anyone being in a coma.”
Your lips parted with a sharp intake of breath and a stab of guilt hit you in the gut. “I’m sorry, my love,” you apologised as you saw the hurt in his eyes. “I didn’t even think.”
Charles nodded and rose to his feet, his forefinger trailing up your neck to your chin to guide your head back. “I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been thinking about every single second today. You are my world, and I nearly lost you once already.”
“You’ll never lose me, Charles,” you murmured as you ran your finger over his wedding ring. “I’m yours, forever, like I promised in our vows, I’m yours in this life and the next. I found my way back to you once before, there’s nothing that could keep me from finding you again.”
The noise on the track fell away as Charles dipped his head to capture your lips, stealing your breath when his tongue traced along your bottom lip. Your lips parted for him and he moaned softly at the access he had been desperate for, shamelessly deepening the kiss in the middle of the grid.
The fifteen minute warning alarm sounded and you reluctantly pulled away, his hands tightening for a moment before he sighed and released you. “I’ll walk you.”
Thankfully the media crews had moved on so there were no interrupts after wishing Arthur well and heading further up the starting grid. Charles’ bright red racing suit stood out amongst the sea of dark blue Williams’ crew but he felt at home around your team like they were his own too. 
You grabbed your bottle of water and held it out to Charles since he had been busy talking instead of drinking. He gave you a small shake of his head but dutifully wrapped his lips around the straw and sipped the electrolyte infused water. When you pulled a few macadamia nuts from your hidden stash in the car he outright laughed. 
“As your wife I take the role of keeping you fed and watered very seriously,” you said as you picked one and lifted it to his lips that curled up in amusement before letting you feed him. 
“Satisfied?” he asked after chewing the snack and swallowing it. 
“With you, always,” you said with a wink before one of the engineers handed your balaclava over, followed by your helmet. “Ready?”
Charles inhaled slowly, his nostrils flaring and his lips pressing tightly together as he swallowed deeply, and he took the white balaclava from your hands. “I’ll see you at the finish line.”
The air turned heavy as he battled his fear and though you felt the same apprehension your focus was on easing Charles’ mind. Forcing a smirk onto your face, you brushed his dark hair back from his forehead. “You’ll see me in your rearview, right before I overtake you.”
Charles chuckled and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Would I still have to be your slave for a week?”
“Oh, babe, I don’t think a week would be enough for what I have planned with you.”
Charles pulled the balaclava over your head and straightened it with precision before stroking the top of your cheek that peeked out of the eye hole. “Win or lose, I’m yours.”
You reached up to his neckline where his own balaclava was tucked in so he didn’t have to carry it around and you pulled it over his head, brushing aside his hair that flattened nearly all the way down to his eyes. “I’m yours,” you echoed. 
The teams were starting to pack up and the grid was emptying as things got into serious race mode. Charles would have stayed until the very last second before he had to be seated in his car but you knew that wasn’t conducive to focusing on the race so you grabbed his helmet and pressed it to his chest. 
“Your cars looking lonely,” you said through the thickness in your throat. “Go.”
He was torn as his hands closed over yours and he looked down at his red and white helmet, the updated design holding both your initials and the date of your wedding as well as your racing number. Your’s was the same, only the colour scheme matched your car that had a complete overhaul and improvements since the accident. 
“Drive safe,” he rasped as his green eyes seared yours. He pulled the material of his balaclava down to free his lips and you did the same to seal the promise with a kiss.
He started to walk away to finish his climb of the grid, two rows separating your places, but before he was out of ear shot you called out. “Hey, Chuck!” He turned with a bounce of his shoulders with a laugh that you couldn’t hear. “I love you.”
His palm slapped his chest twice before resting over his heart. “I love you too. Sempre.”
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The first light turned red and you began your starting sequence. 
There was a moment where it felt as if the entire world held their breath and time slowed. Your eyes looked dead ahead but they saw more than just the five red lights ready to disappear and signal the eruption of chaos. You saw the vibrant flags in the grandstand, the baby blue of the sky above, the lush green grass past the first turn, and the bright red of the Ferrari two rows ahead. 
This was right where you were meant to be, not a single shade of grey in sight, no more voids of darkness. This was light. This was life. This was love.
Tagging: @alwaysclassyeagle @abeanontoast @theslytherinwriter @pjofics @91vhs 
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btsmosphere · 6 months
Supercharged | JJK (Teaser)
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Get hyped!!!!!! Posting date chapter 1: 14th April
Chapter 1 is now here!
It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
🗲pairing: jungkook x f!reader 🗲teaser word count: 365 🗲full fic wc: you do nOt want to know (79k...) 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, superheroes/villains au, found family (imagine a mafia au with superpowers) 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: in the teaser: none, just some tension. general fic warnings: violence with superpowers, weapons, swearing, arguing, injury, past trauma, mentions of death
>Updates every week!!
Supercharged Masterlist
a/n: guys. it's TIIIIIME!!! how many years have you heard me talk about how I was working on a superpowered jungkook story?? I started this thing four years ago so I can't believe the moment's finally come! it's been a long ride, and most of those four years was spent not writing this, but I just couldn't stay away either! I really wanted to tell this story, and now here it is and I am so happy to be able to share it💜 Let me know in a reblog, comment or ask if you want to join my taglist for this series! Over the next week before chapter 1 is released, check back as I introduce our characters👀I'm so excited for you to meet them!
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As a smile was just blooming on your face, it was halted by Namjoon's next words.
“But. You aren’t ready just yet. I want you out there with us, so I’m willing to send you out sooner than I have with others before. These are unusual times, and you have to understand this will be more dangerous than I normally send rookies to. There’s work to do, with your powers, but also…
“As much as I appreciate your trust in us, I know it doesn’t extend fully. I need my team to be able to trust each other. Every single one.”
Fixing you with a hard stare to accompany his last words, he was effective in making you shrink in your seat. You knew exactly who he was talking about.
And that person was waiting for you right outside.
On leaving the office, you found Jungkook leaning up against the wall. Jin and Namjoon had hung back, leaving you alone as you emerged, and you instantly rolled your eyes. Determined not to be deterred, you kept walking down the corridor, trying to fix your eyes ahead – firmly away from the infuriating man that watched your approach.
“Scared yet?” his smirk bled through his words. You were almost upon him at this point, and he pushed away from the wall, blocking the way with his black-clad body.
Eyes flicking up to him, unimpressed, you tapped your foot.
“Why would I be scared?”
One corner of his mouth curved up, looking you in the eye as he leaned a little closer.
“We aren’t heroes, honey.”
“Thanks for spelling that out, Jungkook,” you drawled, making to step past him.
His laughter followed you while you started walking away.
“Need help packing?” he called.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jin’s stern voice joined him, “no need. She’s not going anywhere.”
Jungkook’s silence spoke volumes.
Glancing back as you reached the end of the corridor, you were met with the livid expression that seemed so familiar. Jungkook’s eyes bulged with shock. You were sure that Jin’s hand on his shoulder was all that was holding him back.
Making the most of his eyes on you, you flashed a serene smile and walked away.
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Thank you for reading!! Part 1 is coming on April 14th, and I will update every week (that's a promise, since it's already written in full!)💜
Contact me to get yourself on the tag list!
Taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities
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Lol remember the early days when there was an about-even split between people who thought that Gabriel would be Hawkmoth and people who thought Alim Kubdel would be Hawkmoth? Good times, good times. Speaking of Alix’s dad, how would you have had the show pan out with him being Hawkmoth instead?
I wasn't around to see it in real time, but I browse fanfics in rough chronological order starting from the beginning of a fandom, so I'm aware that this theory was a thing because I've read a good portion of the fics that were written pre Origins. (AO3 has a last update filter if you want to pair down your options for a less overwhelming selection or just enjoy fics from before certain plot points came to be.)
While I'm aware of the theory, I'm a little confused as to where it came from. Alim only has two brief appearances in season one. The first is from the start of The Pharaoh. In it, we see Alim telling Jalil that historical artifacts are not meant for testing crackpot theories:
Mr. Kubdel: Jalil, these types of frescoes are almost always the illustration of a legend. They called it a legend for a reason... Jalil: That's what everyone thinks. But I know it's real. I can prove it! Mr. Kubdel: Really? And exactly how are you going to prove it? Jalil: I just need to get my hands on Tutankhamun's scepter and recite the spell! Mr. Kubdel: Are you serious? Don't even think of touching that scepter. I'd lose my job on the spot. It's a priceless historical object! Not a toy! Jalil: Come on, dad! We have to try out the spell! What if Tutankhamun had found out how to bring people back to life? Mr. Kubdel: Listen, Jalil! That's enough! Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world! This one! (leaves)
And his other appearance is from the start of Timebreaker. In it, Alim gives Alix the watch that is later revealed to be her miraculous:
Alix: They're Marinette's parents. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with? Mr. Kubdel: Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in the whole of Paris. (he notices one of Alix's sneakers) Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely? Alix: What do you mean? I took off my cap. (points to her cap) Mr. Kubdel: But this is a special day. Alix: Well, it's only a birthday. Mr. Kubdel: No, this is a special birthday (reaches inside his jacket pocket and brings out a watch) This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. It's been passed down from one generation to the next, on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it. Alix: It's pretty sweet, dad. But I've already got a watch, synced up to my smartphone. Mr. Kubdel: But sometimes there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was… (opens the watch) Ahead of his time. (Alix gasps) Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buy you a new pair of rollerblades. Alix: No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it. It's awesome, thank you! (her phone rings) Mr. Kubdel: Are your friends waiting? Alix: Yeah, but I don't wanna bail on you. It's cool. Mr. Kubdel: No, no, go ahead. (Alix stands up and grabs her cap) Now, take good care of it.
Based on these two scenes, Alim doesn't read like a villain to me. He reads like some sort of protector. If I had to pick a role for him, it would be the guardian, not the villain. After all, what better way to find missing miraculous than to go into a field that has you informed about all sorts of interesting archaeological discoveries? The fact that he's handing out a miraculous only elevates that potential, especially since Alim was smart enough to give it to the kid who was suited to be a hero while leaving Jali is be his conspiracy-theory-loving self.
Another variation of that is to have him (or Alix's other parent) be the rabbit holder and Alim is passing on the torch to Alix because it's time to start her training. He did say that the watch is handed down through their family and, if there's one miraculous that would need a lot of training, it's the rabbit. Plus a history related field is a perfect fit for a rabbit!
Of course, a villain might also go into a field like curation in order to find miraculous, but I'm really not getting villain vibes here. Part of the reason Gabriel makes such a good villain is that he has a clear, understandable goal: bringing back his wife. Alim has nothing like that, so to make him into a villain, I'd have to come up with a motivation for him and the only thing that I can think of is wanting to bring back his own seemingly missing spouse. That's not a very interesting route, though, since it's just a copy-paste of Gabriel's plot and I'd want Alim to be something unique unless you wanted to swap Adrien and Alix for some reason and just tell the same story with a focus on different characters.
I mean, you could make Alim have a motivation like protecting historical artifacts, but then why would he want the ladybug and the black cat? What wish would he be trying to make? Rewriting history won't protect it! I could maybe see a goal of rewriting history to stop a bunch of atrocities, but any historian would know that undoing a given set of atrocities means massive changes to history and it would likely just lead to different atrocities. You'd have to change how humans work or something equally messed up to make a world without atrocities, which makes it a pretty poor motivation as it would make Alim too cartoonish to really work. He'd feel like such a massive step down from Gabriel's complexity...
All of this is why I don't think that the show should have continued post Gabriel. I just don't see what motivation you can give a villain that isn't either derivative or a cartoonish downgrade. "I want to resurrect my wife" just hits different from "I want to take over the world."
To make Alim a villain in his own right, you'd have to redesign major elements of the show. I think a character with his background would work well as a master thief who collects historical artifacts for his own collection or to sell them so that he can live in luxury, but I can't picture his character sending out akumas to terrorize Paris. Ladybug and Chat Noir would go from action heroes to something more stealthy. Spies who are trying to track down Alim and stop his network, returning artifacts to their rightful owners. Not a bad concept for a show, but too different from Miraculous for me to pretend it's a good concept for a series reboot.
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whxtedreams · 7 months
Lovesick in Jackson - Preview
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comming soon, a coral island, stardew valley inspired Rancher!Joel fic.
no tags yet as I'm starting to write this tomorrow but will update with tags. It's going to be fluffy! But basically Jackson is a little coastal town known for it's farmland. Characters from the last of us will be included but it's a strong AU.
or: Joel finally get's his sheep.
Sarah has passed in this fic but he has a healthy relationship with Ellie, a run away orphan who he found on his ranch stealing food and eventually takes in as family.
I'm looking at making this into a medium sized series? 10-20 chapters and well under 100k. seriously under 100k. (will probably be 100k lets be honest. I don't know when to stop)
a little thank you to @toxic-seduction for helping me brainstorm this idea and being as obsessed with coral island as I am. if this story gets sad, blame her.
little sneak peek, preview under the cut!
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You stand before the front door to your grandmother's cottage, a place long forgotten and now abandoned. Cobwebs and critters are scattered all across the exterior of the house, the once meticulously maintained walls now covered in unkept vines that are slowly crawling their way up the structure. The exterior has an eerie and uninviting aura to it, as if the place has been left to become an echo of time lost to memories.
The inheritance letter hangs loosely in your hand, your fingers turning the creased paper over and over again. The words on it have been worn with time, the writing now barely legible.
At the center of the front door hangs a small piece of paper, its edges frayed and fluttering in the breeze as the rusty nail it's held to struggles to keep it in place.
Heard someone was moving back in to Rose's place, if you need a hand rebuilding, let me know. Joel Miller ps. I used to work in construction, I know what I'm doing.
You rip the note off the front door and sigh as you look back over the farm, its beauty all but fallen apart since your grandmother's absence. The farm, once a beautiful and lively space, seems almost lifeless now. The plants are all unkempt and overgrown, most of them withered and dry while others are covered in a thick layer of weeds. It's a sad sight, one that reminds you of how much time has passed since she was last here.
How long it's been since you've been here.
You look at the sprawling space, trying to figure out all the work ahead of you and feeling slightly overwhelmed by it. Maybe having an extra pair of hands around for help wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
As you look down at the note in your hand once more, you can't help but exhale. "Joel Miller," you mutter to yourself, slightly amused and even grateful knowing someone actually wants to help you rebuild this place.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you turn back around, opening the front door before you and stepping into your new life. You know that it won't be easy, but you also know that it will be worth it.
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𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬.
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Epilogue (you are there).
English is not my first language, please be patient.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Like post credits scenes in movies, this epilogue is short, but I hope you like what it reveals. To all who are on the Tag List, I will use the same list for when I post things about this universe, if someone is there and does not want to know if I post any other ideas about this or updates let me know, and if anyone wants to be added please do not hesitate in asking. There's still a lot more of Batmom!ScarletWitch to see, so see you on the next adventure.
Sequel: 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @some-lovely-day @simonsbluee @yuki-chan23 @miyakana @myst3batz @otchae @d3m0n8ch1ld @marsenbie @mynameisnotlaura @igotmessymind @andieperrie18 @randomboostsofmotivation @totallynotme420 @igotmessymind @amarawayne @calsjack
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It was after midnight when you woke up with a cold sweat running down your back. Frightened, you quickly used your magic to check on your children: Dick was in his room, sleeping with his bags ready for his trip back to Blüdhaven the next day. You found it fascinating that, before you woke up, both Bruce and you, Alfred and Dick, were all asleep, which is the higher number of family members sleeping together in the mansion at the same time. And then there was Tim. You almost jumped in place when you noticed he wasn't in his room, then you felt his mind under the house.
“It's fine, I'm fine” you quickly assured, squeezing Bruces hand, who woke up instinctively “I freaked out for a second, but it's okay, go back to sleep” you assured him before leave the room.
Tim was in the bat-cave, sitting on the catwalk that was displaying the costumes of the three Robins that had ever existed, a steaming cup of straight coffee in his hand. But he hadn't touched it yet, which worried you when you appeared at his side. The boy showed no sign of acknowledging your presence, just staring straight ahead, staring blankly at a point behind Jason's tattered suit. He was still wearing the pants from the suit he'd worn to the funeral that afternoon, but with the pajama top and his robe.
You sat silently next to him on the cold metal of the platform, staring at the suit for a few seconds before looking back at your youngest son. Janet Drake's funeral had gone well until one of the woman's prestigious friends decided to comment that Tim's speech would surely be beautiful, wincing when your son told her he wouldn't do the part of her speech. The woman proceeded to make sure the whole room knew about it, as if it were some outrageous gossip about the neighbor's daughter. Most of the people in the room understood why, they weren't judgmental, and you saw it in their minds, but that didn't stop Tim's seething anxiety. That feeling consumed him at the end and on the way back home, then the boy had locked himself in his room for the rest of the day. He didn't cry, but he didn't talk at all, he hardly even made a sound to breathe for the rest of the day. Alfred cooked for him, and you made the tray of food appear on his nightstand, but you never got in. You gave him his space
“I was also at my own mother's funeral” you began to relate softly, seeing how your child processed that information in a second and turned to look at you in surprise, the first expression on his face since that afternoon. Curiosity winning as usual.
You didn't talk much about your origins, not even Bruce had much idea about your family life before the events that led you to travel through the multiverse until you reached the world that is now your home. It was a mysterious subject for your children. Being that you were such a wonderful mother in his eyes, the idea that you had seen your own mother die shattered the idea he had assumed of your childhood. You knew that, so you smiled sadly at him while you nodded slowly while you let him process what he said.
“She wasn't the best.” you continued to explain to him “When she was fifteen, my grandfather to whom she was very close died, and she ended up running away from the small town where she lived with my grandparents to the city. She disappeared and returned almost two years later, fresh out of rehab and pregnant. My grandmother was just happy to get her back and excited about the idea of a grandchild, so I arranged for him to stay there with her again, finish school and get a quick job to take care of me. But the thing is, my mom never liked the idea of staying in a small farming town, she dreamed of big cities. That was the reason she ran away in the first place, and when my grandmother tried to help her stay, she only got more scared. So once I was born, she went away again, leaving me with my grandmother.” Tim blinked in surprise, his head processing the reality that you had lived through, setting the coffee cup aside, “She ended up going back to drugs, having no support system outside my grandmother. She appeared every once in a while, I have memories of her visiting me and I knew she was my mother. But she was never my mother in the way that other people see a mother, what a mother supposed to be was fulfilled by my grandmother. She took care of me and raised me. Mom died of an overdose when I was six” you looked again at the suit in front of both of you.
“How did it go?” Tim asked, genuinely curious how you had handled the situation and eager to get some guidance on how to move forward, those were the first words he had said since the funeral. 
“It was weird, at the moment I remember crying inconsolably and not knowing why. The woman was almost a stranger to me, but she was my mom, even if she didn't fulfill the role” you looked at him sympathetically “Later I understood that sometimes mourning a loss isn't about the sorrow for what you had, Timmy.” you stroked his hair, arranging it on his head, and the boy lowered his head. “But about what you didn't have.” 
After that, it only took a few seconds before the hold broke and Tim began to cry, his shoulders shaking as you pulled him close to your chest.
"She was your mom" you whispered affectionately.
“You're my mom,” Tim replied between sobs “It's not fair.” He burrowed deeper into your chest, tightening his arms around you as if afraid you'd run away soon.
No, it wasn't fair that a boy as wonderful as Tim had been born to parents who didn't take the time to notice his greatness. Janet and Jack didn't notice when he disappeared almost every night when he was out on patrol with your husband. They didn't appreciate that their neglect didn't lead him in a wrong pat, but it made him want to do better. As if he wasn't just a kid. They didn't care how mature his little baby was, they didn't care that his child wasn't a child, but a mini adult. It wasn't fair at all.
“I know, I know, my love” you pat his back while hugging him, trying not to curse the dead because you knew they felt it. “But it's okay to feel it, even when you don't know what you feel, because at the end of the day there was something there even when it was hard. It only remains to let it go“
Tim cried for a long time, he ended up with his head resting on your lap snoring softly, and you didn't have the heart to wake him up, looking at him fascinated by how calm he looked. Eventually, your own head fell back against the platform railing, and you fell fitfully to sleep. 
You woke up suddenly, covered in a cold sweat. You've had the same dream for a while now, Jason's voice screaming for your help, but you knew it wasn't real. Don't make that mistake again. You looked at you and used your magic to take him to bed-
It wasn't real. It wasn't real. It wasn't-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: I want to thank all of you who read this story. The story of the loss of Batmom coincided with a time of mourning in my personal life, it has helped me to continue with everything despite the pain, to process it and to move on. You with your interactions and comments have helped me to continue as well, even when it takes me a long time to update because of the university, for which I apologized and I thank you a thousand times more. Finally, I hope that if anyone has suffered a recent loss and feels like ScarletWitch!Batmom and I have felt throughout this story, know that you can do it and I hope this story will at least give you the ease to distract yourself a little for a moment, while you keep resisting.
With love, Ella.
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tparker48 · 9 months
(Got a lengthy one for ya. This one took a lot longer than expected, but wanted to make it extra special for you all. I hope you all enjoy ^w^)
It's been almost a year since James was freed from the bonds of graduating from his community college. After walking upon the stage with his diploma in hand, he thought that would be the end of his educating adventures. But he couldn't be more wrong, finding himself sidelined by his dream job due to lack of experience. A college degree in arts was one thing he had under his belt, and to get more he needed funds to keep him afloat for the upcoming year in the fall. He scoured the web for scholarships, eyeballing the postal pillars for opportunities to award money. But everywhere he turned there was none in sight, stress beginning to boil within himself. That until he took to his phone.
He scrolled to the top of the screen, pausing when he looked at the title. 'The Big Game' it said, printed in bold red letters. "Come one, come all to the greatest game show of your life.." He read its description. "Participate in our games and win the grand prize!"
A grand prize? This may be the chance he was looking for. If he won those games, he'd be set for the rest of the rest of the fall, maybe even the school year. He scrolled down the screen to the images, a prompt showing itself above. Those who dared to receive riches were offered the chance to choose their side. Become a Giant, and get paid by the forefront of participation, or be a tiny, who's task will be more challenging but will bring higher reward.
He pondered at the thought. Being giant showed promise, being bigger than the competition, they'd be mere stepping stones for his victory to a better education. He hovered over the giant Icon, his finger itching to take his ticket to fortune. But he paused when he looked at the Micro icon, a thought lingering in his mind. Was taking the route the best idea? It would be easier, but he couldn't help but think it'd be pitty change compared to them. He wasn't going to settle for less. No, he was going to go all the way.
He pressed at the Micro Icon, a loading sign encircling around it. A bright flash came from his phone, a small window opening with a prompt. "Thank you for participating. Please follow these coordinates."
His Gps turned on, an address typing in the screen as the location marked zoomed to the corner of the map. The structure looked familiar to him, but couldn't tell how exactly. but if that was his destination, he best get cracking at it. He wasn't gonna be a winner just standing here, he had a competition to get to.
He followed the coordinates to an alleyway downtown, following the sewer lines to the end of the street where cars waited at the stoplight. The night was still young, the moon casting its glow upon the black streets as he opened into a clearing. He eased his way to the end of the block, his gps pointing to the right as he turned the corner.
A university rested ahead, pearly gates surrounding its perimeter as they stretched to the far street. He gazed upon a symbol castingover the gateway, A Sabertooth lunging in place. That symbol, he remembered seeing that all too well. He looked to a football field behind trees in the distance, a mathematics wing hiding behind a restaurant building. It was all the confirmation he needed, before he knew where he was. His old university, in the flesh.
His phone pinged, a text message appearing ahead. "Move forward." It simply said, his gps updating as an arrow hovered above.
He followed the arrow to the science wing, turning to the dormitories resting along the side. All those memories, he recalled them as if it were yesterday. The booming music upstairs, the chatting with his roommates moving through the halls, and the obnoxious laughter of his bully, Rich. He shuttered at all the wedgies he endured, let alone his meatheaded antiques. But that was a year ago, if at all, he'd be off making a living as a dumpster diver. Heh, even a burger maker.
He traversed toward the gym, the arrow transforming as a circle resided in the middle. He looked through the clear glass to the lighting around the lobby, not a person in sight as the lights cast to the far hallway. "Where is everyone? This better not be a wild goose chase." He tapped at his phone.
A bright flash erupted from the ceiling, blinding him as others showered into the mix. A silhouette soon formed, a woman dressed in black as she held a pamphlet in hand. "Greeting participant, we have been expecting you."
"I can see that.." He shielded his eyes. "Am I the only one who's here"
"There are more inside, they are gathered in the lockers. Come," she stepped to the side. "We must not delay, the games begin momentarily."
He wiped the tears leaking from his eyes, following her through the entrance. They moved deeper into the gym, moving through the stretching hallway to paneled doors. He peeked through the windows to dark rooms staring back, but the woman tapped at his shoulder, holding one of the doors. "This way.." She said. James followed her as they entered the lockers, chattering slowly resonating. They came into a larger space, players nearly piling over each other for the chance to let their shoulders breathe.
"Geez, it's like a chicken farm in here, there’s so many of them."
"Yes, many from across the city have heard word of the Giant and tiny competition." She slapped a sticky note upon his chest, its force nearly knocking him over. "Your nametag, you'll find it easier to find your group."
"A little warning next time, why don't ya?" He rubbed at his chest, moving further into the crowd. the participants filled the room like a giant pond, many of varying in size as he maneuvered over them. He ushered behind the broad shoulder of one participant, moving the head of the another's to a seat along the wall, grabbing one of the pamphlets resting on a table. He's been in this gym far too many times than he could count, the gym had limits to how many people they had at a time. This crowd far exceeded that, how do they even think they're going to participate when they're all butting heads.
"Move it..out of my way!" A deeper voice pierced the rowdy crowd, heads tumbling further in the distance. Grunts ensued beyond the participants in front of him, players tumbling sideways like trees being cut down. A hand split between two ahead of him, forced from their feet to the others resting upon the floor before a mass stepped out from the toppled players. "Ah that's much better, all these wimps were starting to make me cramped."
James knew that raspy voice from anywhere, gazing upon the nametag, that jiggled along his pectorals. It was there he read it, the cursed name of the bully that brought nothing but chaos, Rich.
"What's a guy gotta do to get a soda around here.." He scratched at his neck, looking to the crowd swimming past his lower torso. He eyed a bottle hanging from one of the participants' backpack, yanking it from they're chain and between his fingers. "Ah, that's the stuff."
"Hey! That's my drink, you bastard!" they shouted, raising their arms to retrieve their beverage, but were held back by a hand. They fanned at the air as he popped the metal lid with a squeeze, sending the fluid into mouth like a waterfall. He took it all in one gulp, belching before tossing the husk of the bottle toward them.
"Ugh, sugar free. Give me a break." He scoffed at the bland taste. He looked up and toward the bleachers off to the wall, he and James locking eyes before he held his pamphlet over his face. A crooked smile ran on his face, stepping toward him. "Is that who I think it is?"
The player behind him blocked his path. "Hold it! You can't just drink my drink and-"
He shoved a meaty palm into his face, thrusting him to the crowd. "Cram it, guppy, I'm busy." He marched over to the bleachers, his smile growing wider as his shadow toppled the bleachers. "Is that termite I’m gawking at?" He said in a playful tone.
God not now. He raised his pamphlet higher, hoping for it to shield him from his senseless antiques. The crowd sitting next to him scooted away, fingers snatching the paper away to Rich's grinning face. "Ah..Rich."
"Ahah! I thought that was you! I know that scrawny body from anywhere!"
"Likewise..” he got to his feet. “If you don't mind, I was just getting ready-" a palm crashed at his shoulder, thrusting him back to the bleachers.
"Aww don't be off in such a hurry, this a reunion of my favorite cushion afterall. Still keeping those lungs strong? I've been aching to let loose a bomb i got cooking up." He reached a finger for him, but he dodged as they collided against the glass window.
He slip between his thighs, stumbling to the space behind him. "Hell no! I'm not enduring any of your gassing."
"Don't be like that, I promise I-"
"Participants please stand in your designated lanes. We shall begin the process for your roles in the events." a voice came on the intercom.
"Thank god." He sighed. "Unfortunately, Rich, we won't be seeing each other, good luck finding a partner." He stormed off, the brutes banters falling on deaf ears as he vanished into the crowd.
He flocked to the participants towards the two slanters, one going through the left as the others went toward the right. He spotted those to the left of him had the same marking name tag, huddling into the line as he followed them through a slim corridor. The marble floor turned to plastic, shades blocking the window. The gym was known to have a lot of corridors, but never one like this, he thought. He eyed the other contenders, each of them chatting amongst themselves along the lime.
"Wonder what kind of partner I'll get, I bet it'll be someone quick for the event." One said.
"What good is quick when you have class. Brains is where it's at." One tapped at their forehead.
"You're kidding, what good is thinking if you don't have the speed to perform."
"The same way your mouth does at a blubbering speed."
James eyed the two as they bickered further up the line, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. They're talking nonsense when it comes to which is better, but there was one thing that did get his head spinning, who to partner with. He never thought a competition of being on top would come with baggage. If he was going to succeed, he had to receive one like-minded as him. If not more coordinated.
They entered into an open area, the group spreading out to tiled lines. He floated around the player's to a checkered tally mark, looking around for anything going on. Was this where the games were going to be? It's too crowded to do any activities. A speaker screeched through the room, a female voice presenting themselves.
"All players, please hold still while the process is proceeding."
Odd, they hardly started with the events yet, he thought to himself. Maybe they were playing, Simon says. Yeah..yeah that has to be it. Keep to the tiled lines and he’d be good for the next round.
A static hum pierced the room, the ceiling shifting as rods lowered toward them. A spark ran through the tiled floor, his feet locking in place. "This is one weird game of Simon says!" He struggled to free himself.
"What the hell is this?!" A shout came from a player, Jmaes looking towards the front row. They bucked at their legs, his socks dragging to their ankles, but still remained stuck.. The knob above illuminated an orange glow, a bolt striking them as they vanished into a pile of clothes..
James' eyes widened, the other players sharing the same gaze. "What the hell?"
A barrage of bolts erupted from the ceiling, clothes flying in waves as player's vanished from sight. He looked to the players tugging at their shoes, himself doing the same as the bolts grew closer. Scowls and yells filled his ears, orange flashes drawing closer with each blink he'd take. He looked to the ceiling, the knob above glowing brighter before a bright flash engulfed him. Electricity erupted through his body, his limbs shriveling as if gravity itself was squeezing upon him.
The room, the very players around him expanded with the ceiling, clumps of his own tank top toppling over him as he struggled to get free. "What the hell is going on?!” he struggled from the net of his own clothes, floundering in efforts to escape from beneath.
Yells continued from behind him, growing more faint as the flashing bolts above drowned them out. As if on cue, the last bolt struck the back of the room, an eerie quietness filling the air. James managed to find an opening in the fabric shoving it away to gaze at the hills of clothes resting around him, the knobs still simmering as smoke flowed over them..
"What the..why's the room so big?" He asked, looking at the clumps of clothes around him. Movement stirred from the pile before him, grunts and moans resonating.
Players rose from their clothes like zombies coming back to life, their body not even the size of a tac compared to their full size. Commotion stirred around them, wondering what had happened, and why it happened. But they fell short, when an alarm rung from the end of the room, a metal door opening.
"Process complete, please proceed to the other room." The announcer spoke, players still confused as they looked amongst each other. With little choice, they moved through the door to the dark hallway, James included as they moved to another room.
There was another line next to them, the other players who traversed through the other door. Their forms were like titans compared to them, casting shadows over their smaller counterparts. Chatting ensued amongst the groups, but were interrupted when staff moved to the two doors off to the wall.
"You will be assigned based on two capsules, you will be assigned based on the syllables you chose for your name." One of them said.
The floors glew as it flashed toward the doors, the staff escorting the lines inside as they capsules took them individually through the walls. Their partners were chosen by their syllables, he ran through his mind. Easy enough, he just had to pick one. When his turn arrived, the capsule opened before him as a screen lit up along the side. He sat down as the capsule closed, gears turning around him as he looked towards the screen.
Two syllables popped up before him. 'RK' rested along the left side of the screen, flashy with a gold lighting. "That better not be who I think it is.." He groaned, tapping the screen for more info. Not a profile picture to be found, only a description of their hobbies. Football? Wrestling? Definitely sounds like Rich to him. That meathead always did like sports that dominated others. He wasn't going to make that mistake.
He moved over to the syllables on the other side, 'SC'. This one was competitive, does whatever it takes to win. He could use that to his advantage. Having a mind like that would give him just the boost he needs to get that prize. Without haste, he clicked at the syllables, the capsule moving as he rocked in place. After moments of shifting, it opened to two rooms resting along the walls. A staff member waiting for them.
"Welcome contender, your assigned partner will be arriving momentarily." They said.
They haven't came yet?, must've taken longer to choose than he did.
He walked over to one of the benches along the door, waiting with the staff as they watched the door. Moments later, two panels arrived from the walls, the smaller capsule opening first as a tiny stepped out. They shared greetings with one another, before waiting at their assigned doors. The second capsule opened, a slender giant walking out as he made his way to the staff.
"Is this the rooms?" He asked, the staff nodding in confirmation.
This must be his partner. Average build, tall, he fits the description perfectly. "Hello there!” he approached the giant,extending a hand toward him. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”
The giant looked below, smiling as he bent a knee. “Hello there, little guy, it's a pleasure to meet you too.” He extended a finger, James shaking it by the finger nail. I take it you’re part in these rooms too?”
“Definitely! And it’s even better now that you're here.”I’m James, and I tell you and I are going to be great partners.” "James huh? I can tell you got some motivation in you." he said. "But I don't think we're partners in these games."
"You're not? But your syllables are 'SC' right?"
He tapped at his nametag, tilting it from his sticker. RC was under the name. "No, I’m Ryan Corcher. RC for short."
His heart sunk into his stomach, knocking into the chair. "No way..If your syllables are that, then that means…"
Another capsule came from the wall, bangs lingering inside as the hinges creaked to support its weight. It hissed open, a meaty foot stepping from the steam before the rest came out. It was Rich, his body glistening as if it was bathed in oil. "Finally out of this stupid thing."
“Ah, you must be Skull Crusher.” the staff member said.
“Might as well be after sitting in your soup can," he replied. “Damn thing’s worse than the lobby.”
James widened his eyes at the sight of his bully "Rich?"
"Hmm?..Well, if it isn't Termite." He stomped over. "This is certainly a surprise."
"Now that the contenders are here, you are free to explore your assigned rooms." The staff said, the doors opening behind them. Bowing, they took their leave to doors beside the walls.
James tugged their cloak. "Switch me! I refuse to be paired with the likes of him!"
"There will be no switches, once partners are selected, they will continue to be. All who do not have a partner, will be eliminated." They yanked their cloak from his grasp, disappearing behind the door.
"But..but.." The ground shook beneath him, toes peering into his peripheral. He turned around the brute’s beaming face, hands wiggling from his waist as he plucked him into the air.
“So you’re my partner? Hah, this must be my lucky day.”
“No!..I didn’t mean.. I-”
"Guess you're seeing me again after all, Termite. In fact, you're going to be a lot of me from now on." He shoved the door open, taking the two of them inside. His hand swung through the air, thrashing James like a ragdoll as he made his way to a bed resting against the wall. "Nice digs, could do without all the flowers though." he stepped along the side of the bed, noticing a smaller one next to the wall. “Oh, and it comes with a bed for little squirts.” He loomed closer to it, flattening the mattress underfoot. ”You won’t be needing that. You’re going to be sleeping with me.”
He tossed James to the pillow, his legs stumbling against its soft form before he tumbled to the rest of the bed. "Easy will ya, I'm not exactly.." The space grew dark as the giant's backside hurtled toward him, jumping to the foot of the bed as he bounced onto one of his thighs. "Squishy.."
Rich chuckled as he got himself comfortable, peeling the flattened mattress off his foot. "Okay Termite, here's how things are going to go. Rule number one, what I say goes, no exceptions. Two, your space is my space. Follow those, and I'll make sure you at least keep a pint of your share. Got it?
And here it goes, taking over the place like he always does. He wanted to high tail and just forget about the prize, but then he'd be back to square one. There's no telling wherelese he could go for the money, let alone a stable income. He had to sit this through, at least until the games were done.
The brute’s sausage fingers snapped together. "Oi! You listenin'!"
He took a breath, standing atop of his thick thigh. "Yes, I heard you."
"Good, now that that's out of the way" he rocked his thigh, sending James between his legs. He scooped his scrotum in one hand, lifting them to the air as the moist bag of skin dropped to the bed. Any inches further and it would've flattened. "Being cooped up in that capsule made me all itchy. Make yourself useful and give my balls a good scratch."
"Oh for the love of-" a palm reached behind him, scooping him into the bulk of the brutes testicles. Its skin was as worse than it looked, slime secreting into his as if the very skin itself was melting. He shuddered at the moist sensation, flailing against Rich's grasp.
"No point in being shy, termite, take in all of it."
"Alright alright!" He pushed himself off, sticky strands of the substance peeling from him. He looked to the greasy genitals that flexed in front of him, holding his breath as he massaged over the clammed skin. He winced as his palm glided over its surface, like watered down dough as it secreted more sweat into his palms.
His moans reverberated through his body, his legs spreading wider as his cock drooled over James. "Yeah that's it, both hands now. I don't want no slack."
"Ugh, why does it have to feel so soggy.."
"Hah, if you think that's soggy just what til I blow my-"
"Not the information I want to hear!"
It had only been a night since he stayed with Rich, and it was already proving to be a living nightmare. The amount of sweat the man brewed and phenomenal, no amount of soap he applied would wash away the ever lingering stench soaking his hands. Throughout, Rich’s demands grew worse. Teeth cleaning, foot massages, It was maddening. It was only when midnight arrived that the brute grew drowsy, James slipping away to the outskirts of the kitchen. The pantry worked for a few hours, but was ineffective when it came to the brute's hungering stomach. his heart nearly skipped a beat as gorilla arms raided the cans stacked inside, almost taking him with it if not for the safety provided by the staff.
He thought he’d have time to make an escape to the other side of the room, but barely hit the carpet of the living room before he was wrapped by a fist, his world blinded by frowsty flesh as the world went dark. The rest of the night was a blur, by the time he knew it was morning, the bells of the speaker ringing through the room..
"Mmm..wha?" He groggily rubbed at his eyes, a stinging sensation lingering in them. He reached off to the side for a blanket, his palm meeting warm damp skin as he yanked it back. He squinted an eye to scan his environment, a valley of flesh spreading to a dimmed lighting above. And behind him, puckered flesh as it winked in place. "Ah…right."
The bell grew louder, its blares now riveling a tornado siren. He stumbled along the flesh bed, struggling to flip himself to crawl himself out. "Of all the places to put me, it just had to be here." He pressed his foot into a meat pocket, its flesh plonking as he kicked against it, snores echoing through the chamber. "Hey! Wake up!"
"Mmm.." A groan replied, the muscle around squeezing into him. His face reached his knees, his back aching as he shoved the tender muscle away. Spreading a gap for himself, bubbling lingered beneath him, the star of muscle quivering in place.
a smaug of gas heated his body, pressurized air dragging him forward before it bursted into the opening of the flesh. "Ah gross!" He cursed, squirming from the fowl smell. Another blast erupted, the walls squeezing him to his belly. He crawled against the damp flesh, climbing to the dimming lighting as he fanned at the bushes of hair shielding it. Gas hissed from below, the hairs absorbing its heat as his nostrils flared..
He punched a patch of the bushed hairs, sticking his head out from as he gasped at the open air. The ceiling welcomed his sight, the hills of hairy muscle climbing to the horizon of Rich’s back.. He scoffed at the sight, the bastard’s still sleeping, typical. He wrestled the strands of hair wrapping his neck, shaking himself around. "Hey! Wake up already! Hello?"
The snores became disgruntled, the mass of flesh moving in a wave. "Wha?..Who turned on the alarm?" Rich rubbed the slobber from his lips, the massive backside tilting to the bed sheets.
"No no, wait don't-!" it crashed on top of him, wedging him back between into the mounds embrace.
"Morning already? I thought the events weren't til later." He questioned, bubbling lingering in his stomach. "Nah, all this gas is getting me irritated. Where the hell did I place that termite?" He squeezed in on himself, the sheets beneath him warming as carbon met his nose. Wiggling soon caught him attention, resonating within his crack before it climbed to his balls. A small lump appeared between his testicles, Jame's small head popping out from beneath its weight. "Oh heh, Right, that's where I put you."
"Would it kill you to lay off the fibers?"
"Fibers is what separates the alphas from the betas." He lowered a hand to one of the orbs, squishing James between them. "You know, you don't look so bad from up here. Like a third testicle."
The bell rung from the speaker, a microphone blaring through it. "Attention contenders, we will begin our games shortly. Our first game will be a foot race. Please head to your doors, your equipment shall be awaiting for you.
"Equipment huh? This should be good." He got from the bed, walking through the living space toward the door.
"Hey-grh! I'm not looking to be tenderized here."
"Quit, your complainin', I’m barely squishing you!" He opened the door to a box sitting along the front, bringing it inside.
James wheezed as the giant stood in place, wiggling between the furry taint as he tumbled to the floor behind him. "Finally.."
"Wonder what's in it." He shook the box, a light shuffle answering inside. Opening the box, he became puzzled. A single string would reside inside, tape resting along with it. "What is this art and crafts? This barely counts as equipment."
"Leave it to you to judge things by their size."
"What you say?" He growled.
The speaker rung once more. "By now you've seen what's inside the box. For today’s challenge, you are tasked with racing with your little partners. You are free to place th wherever, once ready, report to the track."
"A foot race? with a piece of string? What idiot would decide to go along with.." Giggling lingered from above, Rick plucking the string from the box. "Rich?"
"Anywhere we want huh? Oh that's an opportunity I just can't pass up."
"Rich? Don't even think about it."
"You heard the announcer, we gotta get you ready." He ringed the string between his fingers, straightening its thread. "Come here."
"Wait a sec! Can't we talk about-ah! Hey!.Grh!..easy!"
Along the outskirts of the campus, participants waited for the staff to prepare the event for the day. talking amongst themselves, cheering came from the bleachers behind them, Rich marching toward the crowd. "Alright! Let's get this win streak on the road!"
He approached the crowd, marching his way toward the of the line. Swinging between his legs, his balls tossed around, crashing into his thighs with each stride he'd take. And tied to them, would be James, his feet bound to the bulky sack as his hands wrapped around the head of the cock. "This is so embarrassing.."
"Hey, you should be thankful for getting the honor of being this close to me." Rich fondled at the string. "Most wimps would drool at being a cock ornament for yours truly.
James groaned at the response, swaying from one thigh to the other as Rich looked to the groups around him. As he looked at the surrounding competition, James looked to to tines secured to their bodies. He spotted a few wrapped the giant’s arm, wrapped around their necks like a bracelet. He was somewhat jealous of their position, He’d take being a necklace than being strapped to the source of Rich's jewels.
A whistle blew from one of the staff members. Meanwhile, others herded the other players and gathered them to the starting line.. "Welcome contestants to the foot race. You will be tasked to finish one lap around the track. Those who cross the finish line will move onto the next rounds." The announcer said. " However, if you lose your partner along the way, you will be eliminated, and sent home."
The crowd looked amongst each, chatting as some tugged at the restraints of their tiny partners. James looked to Rich, who eyed the other contestants. He could almost sense the fire burning inside from his wide stare, his smile growing wider by the second. No doubt fantasizing how he can decimate his competitors. At the most, at least he had the muscle to carry the two of them. And the sooner he could get away from his cock the better.
The contenders aligned at the starting line, readying themselves for the race ahead. He watched as the thighs bulged up, Rich's toes pressing into the rubbery track.
"Remember, our goal is to reach that finish line with both of us intact." He spoke to Rich.
"Yeah yeah, Termite I got it. This competition is as good as mine."
"That's what I said."
James rolled his eyes, looking to the corner of the track as a staff member held up a white flag. They raised it to the air, the other giant's responding as most took a track star's stance. Whipping the flag, the players were off.
Richrushed with a burst of strength, knocking into the shoulders of other players as he advanced through the crowd. Gravity yanked against the restraints, forcing James to cling against the clammy as the sack thrashed around. It was like riding an aggressive bull, sending the world into a blender as the ground and sky tossed around. The crowd turned around the end of the track, Rich turning with them as they ran to the opposite side.
Tinies tumbled from the side of giant's next to him, rolling like tumbleweeds to the back of the crowd as their partners slowed down. He looked to the cock above, a greasy substance drenching his back. Sweat secreted from Rich’s skin, eroding the thin fabric holding James up. "Rich, you might want to slow down, the string’s starting to slip!"
"Slow down?! Fat chance, this competition is all mine." He increased his speed, bulldozing his way through two racers in front of him. They grinded shoulders, the tinies secured to the arms smothered by their biceps.
"Get your own lane!" The racer to the left of him yelled, shoving into Rich's body.
"Nah, I like this one better." Rich replied.
James couldn't see their faces from the cockhead cushioning his head, their rocks thrashing more aggressive than the very thighs grinding together. The sweat at his back grew thicker, the tangy taste of salt meeting his lips. his left arm came undone, his feet shaken off from his balls as they swayed. With another thrash, he was dropped from the cock, clinging to the string tied to the head of the cock as he flew behind the brute like a flag carried by a plane.
"Rich! A little hand here!" He shouted, twirling in the wind.
He and the other player continued to bicker, palms clutching at the other in efforts to gain the advantage. Rich managed to land a palm to the racer's face, clipping the string of his partner's restraints. "Looks like you got important things to worry about." He shoved his arm away, the tiny smothered between them cast to the wind.
The racer stopped in a panic, bumping into the racers behind. "You bastard!"
"Sucker!" He responded, trucking through the rest of the crowd. He came neck and neck with the one next to him, crossing the finish as he pranced around the props. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about baby!"
His cock flung forward, James yelping as he splatted against his pecs. "Are you out of your mind?! I could've fell!"
"Oh yeah, forgot you were down there."
"What part of intact did not understand?"
"Oh don't get pissy, you're still tied to me aren't you?"
The speaker rung, the announcer speaking through it. "Congratulations to the winners of the event, those that managed to cross the line, shall move to the next rounds."
James sighed in relief. Thank goodness, he still had a shot in all of this.
"This concludes the first event, please return to your cabins and await for the next rounds." The crowd dispersed into their own separate pathways, taking to the doors entering the east wing of campus. Rich followed them back to his cabin, other players scolding the two of them as he paraded his victory. "That's right, wimps. Hang those tears high and dry."
"Speaking of hang, would you mind putting me down?" James interrupted, clinging to the chest hairs. "Oh..I feel like I'm gonna hurl."
"Ugh, well don't do it on me." He flicked James from his chest, watching the tiny fly through the air before he swung between his legs. "Ah, that's better."
"This is completely worse!"
"More complaining, why don't you swing for a while. Catch some air" he snorted.
The aftermath of the first game dragged on for the two of them, Rich returning to the cabin. A prize waited for them along the table, a dish of ice cream with sweets toppled along the frosted dessert. It was a token for their efforts, but to Rich, it was just his light snack. James watched as he wolfed down the ice cream in the blink of an eye, only receiving tiny droplets of the vanilla that managed to evade his lips. Its sugar dosing over his taste buds was enough to satisfy him, anything to get the sour taste of sweat from his mouth. But it proved short lived, when Rich demanded his tribute from his partner.
The following was more active compared to the first event, the staff ushering the members around the campus like a herd of sheep for the public to catch a glimpse of their wondrous contenders.Throughout most of the week, the staff had them do Q&As with fans, but the games soon commenced once more, as they were gathered a spot on campus.
Find the flag, was Thursday's game. The giants had to stash a tiny flag in a spot where their opponents couldn't find them. The tinies of the group, himself included, were tasked with finding the flag somewhere along the other giant’s body. It was a simpler task than what they prescribed, most of the giants hid them in common spots behind their ear or in their hair. At least that’s what it was for the giant he was assigned to search. He felt sorry for the ones paired with Rich, each of them searching from toe to ear lobe for the flags. But they weren’t finding those, less they want a wrestling match with his asshole. He could still feel the slime on the corners of his fingered, he prayed no one would have to endure that kind of stress. By the time the game was up, 40 contestants were left after the game, he and Rich included as they returned back to the cabin.
Battleship. He winced at the very thought of it as he saw through the campus's swimming pool. Giants were assigned inflatable tubes, tasked with knocking tinies off of their floaties. It was a shark’s game, that much he could tell. Rich was over the moon for it, bulldozing the sides of his own float as the contestants were tossed or flipped over. The brute nearly took him with it if he stayed near the edge. By that time it ended, 20 were left in the pool, soggy and tired as they floated to the stairs. But not Rich, he barely had his fill during the match, and wanted some quality time with his partner. The little guy would never look at cannon balls the same after dodging his attempts to land on him.
The remaining rounds of that week were trivial, guessing games to say the least aside from your basic jeopardy. It was a strong suit that Jqameses held so highly, his education in the arts of science were mere cake walks compared to his fellow contestants. At least to those except Rich. He got an earful of his protests in him taking up the spotlight. Leave it to him to heckle over using your brain rather than muscle.
Before the two of them knew it, the final week was upon them, four contestants including themselves were left to participate. It's been hours since they played the last games, let alone announced anything. What were they planning?
A loud scoff pierced the air, Rich slouching over the couch. "All this sitting around is so lame. Come on, I want to smash some heads!"
"They said to be patient, Rich. They're probably preparing."
"Preparing my boredom more like it. Those pinheads are lucky they weren't stomped on like those losers in the rounds." He tossed his weight along the sides of the arm, his feet lifting off the edge to the counters. "Speaking of, rubs. Now!"
He rolled his eyes at the demand, stumbling toward the massive stompers. He rubbed his hands into the center, its meaty flesh squishing beneath his palms. They flexed eagerly, their weight almost spilling on top of him. "Ooo, that's better. All this running around has got me beat. The big prize better be worth it."
That makes two of us, James thought silently. He continued to massage against the tender feet, adjusting to its weight as he shoved them back to the air. But he stopped when a knock came from the door, drawing their attention.
"Huh, who's that?" Rich moved to his feet off the edge, sweeping James along with it as he stamped him into a foggy footprint on the tiled floor. He answered the door to one of the staff members waiting for them. "About time, I was about to trash this place. What's the next round, wrestling? Tackling?" He rubbed his hands together.
"Not yet, preparations are currently underway. But I bring news of your current arrangement."
"Oh really?" James said from the floor, cracking his back. "And what might that be?"
They pulled a document from their cloak. "For the final game, you two shall face off for the prize. Only one of you can succeed."
There was a moment of silence, James and Rich looking at each other. Not a moment later, a smile creeped along Rich's mouth, cackling out loud at the news. "Wait! Wait!..you want me..t..to compete with him? Like this? Ahah! What is he going to wrestle my pinky or something."
"The details will be discussed when the time comes. For now, you have been assigned for a separate room while we prepare." They ushered a hand toward the hallway.
He snickered before marching behind him. "And here I thought this day couldn't get any better. So long, termite, I enjoyed the pampering while it lasted." he and the staff member vanished into the hallway, leaving James alone at the front door of his room.
He was on his own, just as he was before he joined the event. his heart raced at the thought of it all, facing off Rich in this small form? it was suicide. How do they expect him to even pull it off? He fanned at the air, his body heat rising by the second. he had to head outside, he couldn't think straight in the conditions he was currently in. He ran to the outside crosswalk, Rich's words ringing through his mind. He gasped in the cool air, hyperventilating at the very thought of what It would mean if he'd lost, what it'd mean for his future.
He followed along the crosswalk to a bench resting beneath a tree, sitting on a used cup resting at its leg. He stared at the moon in the night sky, hoping its beauty would wisp him away from this unfortunate predicament. "What am I gonna do now?" he muttered into the air.
"Hey there." a louder voice came from the side, it was Ryan, a water bottle in hand as he sipped at its straw. "What are you doing out here so late?"
He wiped the sweat from his brow, turning to the buildings behind him. "Oh uh..nothing. Just needed some fresh air."
He nodded softly, lowering the straw from his mouth. "I see, so you're in the slumps too."
"Is it that easy to tell?"
"I know that phrase anywhere, it's one I often find using myself." he moved toward the bench. "Mind if I join you?"
he paused at the thought, looking to the cement before looking to the sky. With a light sigh, he nodded softly, Ryan sitting along the bench as the two of them stared into the sky. Silence lingered between the two of them, the giant’s gaze shifting from the sky to the little guy.
"So what's on your mind."
"It's..a long story."
"I'm all ears, we've got plenty of time before we go anywhere. Most of my time is usually with my..: he paused for a moment, tapping at his shoulder. "Partner."
"So you're separated from your partner too. I'm in the same boat." James rolled onto the cup. "MIne left me the second they announced it." he looked to the sky, letting out a deep sigh. "How am I gonna get through the final challenge when I'm barely bigger than his toe? I might as well forget about the funds for my degree."
"Don’t say that" a palm brushed against the side of the cup. "You may not have the muscle compared to giants, But you don't seem to see how strong you are.
He wiggled a finger for James to hop on. Puzzled, he obliged as he moved to the middle of his palm, watching it hover him toward the smooth chest, walking along the crosswalk back to the dorms. "I am?"
Ryan simply smiled. "I think so, just look around you. you managed to get this far without the use of muscle. your wits, your determination, I saw it all when it came to the last few rounds. "
James looked to his palms, reminiscing on the games he participated in. Rich's brute force filled most of his thoughts, but the more he listened to Ryan, he highlighted the moments he shined best. Trivia, find the flag, it was all on him to pull it through. "Yeah but..what if this next round I fail? what will happen then?"
"I don't know, we'll just have to see." he arrived at his dorm room, lowering James to the opposite door. "Afterall, if we're both gonna have a shot at getting into careers, we might as well endure to the end right?" he held a fist to the air, lowering it in front of James.
he was looking for a higher education too, he thought to himself. He looked to his palm, balling his fist as he tapped it against his. "Right."
Ryan nodded, getting back to his feet before he moved to his door. "Good. then whatever lies ahead, just know we'll give it our all." he pumped his arm, heading into his room as the door shut.
James returned to his room, his mind still processing the conversation. Ryan was right, he managed to get this far because of his endurance to persevere. Being Rich's plaything blinded him of that realization. He let him walk all over him in the past, but no more. He was going to win this thing, or go down swinging.
It took hours before the finals were prepared, lights shining from the gym as staff members worked along the pillars. After a night's work, they were finally ready as they fetched the final contenders. James followed the members to the entrance of the stadium, crowds of people lined up for their tickets, cameras flashing from photographers as he moved inside. It reminded him of their old basketball games. The booming music from the speakers, the heckles from people in the background, it was refreshing to the least.
He made his way backstage, peeking from the curtains to the wave of people in the stands.. "There's so many here? "How many people were watching us?"
"Don't be so surprised, these mooks eat up these things for breakfast." the tiny next to him said. "they can watch for all I care, it'll make it all the sweeter when I win the prize."
"I wouldn't get too confident, pal. it's all about endurance."
"Whatever, I’ll dish out whatever those chumps throw out. I didn't come this far just to go home with nothing."
Chattering came from one of the staff member’s earpiece, music beginning to play as they ushered James and the other tiny toward the curtain.. "We've got a special show for you all tonight!” the announcer said. ‘You’ve seen the many hardships of our valiant contenders. Each have given it their all this past week, but now, only four remain. Are you ready to see who shall come out on top?!" Roars came from the crowd, sending a force toward the announcer. “That’s what I like to hear! Then without a further ado, let’s give it for our contenders!”
the curtains drawed, James and the other tiny following the red strip that connected to a boxed dome in the center of the stadium. From the other side, another set of curtains drawed, Ryan walking through them as he waved to the crowd. And the other, Rich, roaring to the surrounding as he basked in their cheers. The way they eat up his praises, it was beyond excruciating with how much they fed his ego. But he wasn't going to let him bask in it for long.They made their way into the ring, the two of them coming to their feet.
"Well well, surprised you haven't chickened out yet.” Rich said. “ I bet those little legs of yours are just shaking to run away."
"Oh they're shaking alright, shaking to leave you in the dust."
"Oh ho, you got some balls thinking you can play with the big boys."
the announcer road toward them, a pamphlet in hand. "Save the banter for the crowd gentlemen, the games are about to start!" he took a lap around the stadium, gathering cheers from the surrounding crowd. making his way to the other side, he rode onto a stage set near the exit doors. "Hold onto your butts folks, we’re venturing into treacherous waters. For our final game, it will be..truth or dare!"
Truth or dare? how is that a competition? the stage dimmed around the four of them, a panel opening from the top of the dome. it's colorful flashes illuminated the area like a disco ball, symbols dancing along its squares as it lowered half way.
"We got a special one for you ,contenders, our fans love watching you face off in the games, that they've come up with a few games of their own." the panels of the box lowered to the four of them, a pocket of letters handed down to them. James looked inside his own, tossing the papers flipping through the paper.. He recognized a few of the writings from his old classmates, this could give him something to use, but most of them were based on truths rather than dares. giggling came from Rich, his face digging into his bag like a kid with a sack of candy.
"What's got you all giddy?" James asked him.
"Oh you'll see."
the announcer took to the console, the light dimming as the spotlight danced around them. "let's kick things off, you are to eliminate the other players. they either have to give up, or not meet the requirements of the chosen tasks. With this, we shall receive a selection from.." the spotlight slowed down landing one of the giant’s. "Ryan!"
He nodded as he dug into his box, pulling a slip from inside. "Okay then. I have a truth for you all. 'Have you ever said something nice without hesitation?"
"Definitely yes."
Rich rolled his eyes at the thought. "Oh please, of course I did."
The lighting turned red, a tally marking on the scoreboard beneath Rich's name. "Ooo, sorry Rich, but it seems that was false." the announcer said.
"What? you're kidding me!"
Not surprised at the slightest, James thought to himself, he wouldn't know a kind word if it bit him in the ass. The lighting swirled once more, flashing overhead. it slowed down its speed, hovering over Rich. He grinned from ear to ear, marching toward his box. He plucked one into his palm, his gaze never leaving James.
"I've got just the dare you, termite. I recognize this handwriting from the boys. I dare you, to be a fart tester!"
damn it, not that one, he and his goons were relentless in the after meals back in the day. He barely had time to before he snapped a fingers, a staff member pushing a tray of balloons into the arena. He looked to Ryan who winced at the sight of them, before moving toward the table.
"A peculiar choice folks. What will the contender do with this, ‘termite’?"
"I’m glad you ask." he grabbed James from the floor, plucking a balloon in the other as he took to one of the chairs.
He wrestled between the meaty fingers, rolled into a ball before he was jammed through the rubbery opening. Rich guided the struggling tiny down the balloon’s neck, watching bounce as he flailed against the rubber walls. He presented his struggles to the crowd, before lowering it beneath him. "I owe my boys a thank you, all that cheese last night was just about to make its exit."
He pulled open his crack, jamming the rubbery end inside as the ring clamped upon it. The crowd grew silent as microphone hovered against his abdomen, bubbles filling the void as his stomach jiggled. the hole busted open, the balloon swelling as they eyed the dark spot beyond its red walls. The camera panned to shadow's dancing along the surfacing, a silhouette of James banging against the wall..
"Ah! it's egregious!" He yelled, coughing on its sulfuric scent.
"Don't let that nose burn out just yet. Dessert was about to say hello." the speaker shook as his stomach roared, widening his stance before pitching at the stem. Its exit sent droplets along the corners of the balloon, its form shaking as the inside became visible. It reverberated through the speakers as the crowd themselves winced at the sound, Ryan included as he looked away. The balloon expanded to its max, exploding as James catapulted to the other side of the dome. Rich arched proudly, tossing the torn balloon to the side. "tsk, can't even handle my own farts. might as well give up while you can."
James pawed at the floor, stumbling onto his knees before standing back up. "I'm not..giving up that easily Rich!" The chime rung through the arena, the tally mark updating as a point aligned beneath his name.
Rich balled his fist. "You're gonna wish you did."
The two were called back to the center of the ring, the light spinning around for the next contenders. This cycle went of for hours, each of them upping the stakes the longer it drawed on. James was managing by a few points, Rich closing behind him as the rounds went on. His arsenal were riddles with dares, all pointed toward him specifically before targeting the others. He looked to the clock as it ticked over the basketball hoop. 20 minutes, 20 minutes to get one of us to cave. It was a number’s game from here on out, he just needed to endure long enough to have the lead. A few minutes passed as another tally mark was added to the board, a shout coming from the other tiny..
"Nah! I can't take anymore of this crap!" The tiny said. "The hell are these fans even sending me? Secret hobbies? Dating life? This isn't a sim!"
"You are to use the fans' truth or dares, nothing more." the announcer said.
"To hell with that, these choices are almost worse than there's"
James placed a hand along his shoulder. “We’re all trying our best with the options we have, but we-” a hand swatted his away, the tiny facing toward him.
“Don’t try and be buddy buddy, you’re already up in the talley. If all else, I should try eliminating you!”
The light flashed as the tallies were updated, skipping over the tiny before landing on the other players circled. This time, it landed on Rich, who grinned at the opportunity. "God I hate it when shrimps bark up the wrong tree. But I’ll be damned if I let a punk like you rob me of the chance to crush him." He plucked a note from his box. “I’m taking a chapter out of the book boys, I’m taking this lint ball to the trenches.."
The trenches?! He won't survive a minute! He wanted to jump in to derail the brute’s path, but he brushed against his heel as he marched toward the tiny, Plucked from the ground, and toward his chest. “No Rich, not that!”
He only smiled. “Oh yes, that.”
He raised his arm as steam escaped from beneath, the bushes of hair ripe with sweat as they glistened like wet grass. With an assured wink, he jammed the tiny inside, slammed his arm back down with a messy squelch. The very sound made James shutter, a sense of remorse drawing for the tiny trapped inside those musky meats Rich called arms.
He grinded his shoulder against his side, muffled yells escaping from beneath as his arm squished on top of him. It was like he was being chewed upon, sweat oozing from the loose gaps like drool as it feasted upon its play. The bell soon rung for the timer, Rich giving the one last clench to feel the struggles before flexing his arm.
The tiny was spat to the floor, green fluid coating them as they gagged at the scent. "Please, you don't know the first thing of worse." Rich stood over them, watching as the little guy stumbled to his feet.
"I'm done." the tiny said. "This game is too crazy for me. You can keep the money, I'm out of here!" he flicked the sweat from their body, taking from the dome. The crowd booed, throwing cups at their small form as they climbed the ramp to the entrance.
"Folks, folks, there's no need to be in outrage, " the announcer rode around the stadium. "We still got plenty of action with three of our contenders. Let's turn those boos into cheers, and let's get on with the show!"
James watched as the tiny disappeared behind the curtain, before salty droplets trickled over him. “One nuisance down, and one more to go.”
The stage lights dimmed down, the lights flickering before to it's next chooser. it paused as it light shined upon the ring, casting its glow upon Ryan. James watched as he took a soft breath, taking to his box. Thanks to Rich's dare, he was at equal points to him. What was he going to choose to topple that brute's? He took his hand out from the box, turning toward Rich.
"I have a dare for you, Rich" he said.
"Oh, and just what might that be?"
"you're so keen on being top dog, let's see how you feel about being the underdog for once. I dare you to follow Jame's command."
James blinked at the thought, looking at Ryan in confusion. He shared a wink towards the little, before looking to Rich who's face twisted in place.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me, listen to the beckon call of a termite.”
He clenched his fist. “Not termite! My name is james! And you will follow my command, or say goodbye to your ‘prize’.”
He was caught aback, his fist raising to smash the little guy for his insolence. But he looked to the scoreboard, shaking his fist to his side before taking a knee. "You've got some nerve putting me in this situation."
James rubbed his hands together at the giant's submission. "I beg to differ, I think it's time for a get back for the little guy you forced to quit. Rich, I want you to jam your fingers into your ass."
the giant scoffed at the command, but obliged as he pulled the meaty cheeks apart. "Is that it? I've fingered my own hole before, termite."
"I wasn't finished. you are to shove your finger in your ass, and shove it up your nose."
his eyes widened before squinting. "Oh you've got some-"
"ah-ah, my command."
Rich growled at the response, a fire of rage lighting through his eyes. He removed his fingers from his cheeks, and brought them to his nose. to see his face scrunch at his own scent was a sight to behold, and it only grew better. He shoved his fingers into both nostrils, scoffing at the deed.
"good boy." James mocked the display. "Now give those a little twist."
he grunted in protest, but did as he said. His face scrunched, twisted his fingers deeper into his nostrils. Laughter from the crowd, watching as his legs quaked in place, his body swaying from side to side. interesting, it was like he was sniffing an ether rag, guess he wasn't as used to sniffing his own stink as he thought. The giant became drunk upon his smell, stumbling around the ring in a daze. James crossed his arms as Rich leaned on his back leg, tapping at the foot in the air as he crashed to the ground.
"Aww, I didn't say lie down, not a very good boy after all." he looked at the score as two points added to his name, a minute left along the clock.
"that was an interesting choice, way to handle it" Ryan lowered a fist to James.
He smiled as he tapped his own fist against his. "Wasn't expecting for him to fall over at the smell of himself, but I suppose that's a bonus. and we're tied too, if we play our cards right we can-"
chuckling came from the toppled brute. "So that's how it is, huh? You two are working together." he got up from the ground, his nostrils still flared from his backside. "That's just peachy, then I got just the dare for you Ryan.." the light shined upon him as he made his way toward his box, jamming his fist inside as the machine's arm jolted down. He took out a note, green stains marking it. "I dare you to join me in a good old fashion foot play, against James.”
the round began, the machine moving from between them to the air. James was taken aback by the response, he and Ryan sharing glances at the thought. The floor shook upon Rich's approach, two pairs of feet coming to either side of him.
"Don’t get cold feet now, teddy bear, aren't you going to team up with me in a stompfest?" he smirked toward him.. Ryan's gaze shifted from him to James, before laying his gaze to the floor. He took a step back, the light flashing red as his points depleted and were added to Rich's name. "hah, I knew it! you'd be way too soft to pummel such a defenseless tiny. unfortunately I don't share that sentiment."
his foot peeled from the floor, its skin glistening with sweat and grime as it hovered over James. he shared a glance towards the little guy, bloodlust filling his eyes before the foot came down. James turned the opposite direction, but he didn't get far before he was stamped into the ground. Rich lifted his foot to his heel, the camera panning to his stuck predicament against the pallet of his foot."Still think I'm a good boy now, Termite?"
He groaned as he peeled his face from the skin. "Among..other things."
"Still huh? then how's we go for a little walkie."
He placed his foot back on the ground, adding a little twist before he marched around the dome. stomp after stomp, he left footprints along the floor, Jame's muffled grunts lingering beneath every step. The crowd watched silently as he raised his arms toward them, the camera's lowering to catch a glimpse at the display. But the frames couldn’t pick up the slightest hint of his presence, tucked beneath the toes before they were covered by the floor. After moments of walking, Rich moved back to the chair where the balloons still rested, relaxing upon it as if he were at home.
he tilted his foot sideways to get a glimpse of James, smirking as he leaned on a knee. "How about now?" he wiggled his toes.
"Oh come on, you were so talkative a few minutes ago," he clasped his feet together, rolling him around like jam between his toes. "Come on, show the crowd just how much of a 'good boy' I really am." he listened to his feet rubbing together, focusing on the soft whimpers vibrating between them. After a moments of rubbing, he relented as James tumbled to the space between them, dropping to his knees. "Well?" he learned in closer.
James couldn't muster the words, choking upon them in efforts to balance himself, his head spun as the very crowd became blurred. Taking a step forward, he fell to the ground, the bell ringing around the dome. He looked to the scoreboard, the zeros replacing the time.”No, it can’t..end like this.”
Toes stepped into his vision, a heavy chuckle ringing in his mind. “Aww, and you were so strong. I guess once a loser, always a loser.”
The crowd cheered as the game came to its conclusion, the announcer cheering them on as they circled around the room. “What a game ay folks?! Our valiant contenders gave their all to the bitter end. But now, only one remains. And now, it is time to announce the grand prize!” flashing lights came from the stage set, a panel opening from the floor as a metal box stood from it. “Come on down, champion of the game show!”
“It feels so good to be a winner.” He stepped over James, dandriff flaking upon him as he left the dome. James turned weakly as Rich climbed to the stage, crawling along the floor to follow behind.
A palm reached for him, picking him up from the floor and close to their chest. He looked up to see Ryan’s, concern and anger lingering on his face. “You did your best.” he said.
“Yeag, but enough.” James said, wincing at the thought. “ I guess we both aren’t getting that achievement.”
Music played from the speakers, the lights dimming to the stage as Rich approached the box. His grin grew wider the closer he got toward it, his fingers wiggling with anticipation as he grabbed the box. He pulled the lid apart, a golden glow shining from within. “Oh it’s glorious, it’s phenomenal! It’s..It’s!..” the light dimmed down, the inside of the box coming to view. The camera panned upon it, two slips of paper resting inside. “Paper?!”
James and Ryan stared at each other, before looking back to the screen. All this time, all this work, was for two slips of paper? Were they checks? A money orders?
“Not just any slips," the announcer assured. “These slips are endorsements for your efforts. They’re honorary scholarship tags for-”
“What kind of bull crap is that?! These things aren’t worth to get me a good blowjob! Where’s the mula! The cash!” he started to puff, looking at the box holding the said prize. His muscles tightened before he shoved it to the ground. “Can’t believe I wasted my time with this stupid thing! I'm going somewhere that has real cash.” he stormed off the stage toward the exit, the crowd booing at him from the stands. “Oh boo yourselves!”
“What just happened?” James asked.
“I have no idea.” Ryan said.
The announcer approached the fallen box, wiping his forehead with a tissue. “Well folks, that was an interesting turn.” they laughed, their palms still shaking. “But since first place didn’t accept the award, then it goes to second place. Give it up for…James!” the lights flashed upon the two of them, the two still confused about the whole debacle.
“Well, it looks like you won after all, little bud.”Ryan said, carrying him to the stage. He got to the steps, placing him upon the top. “I uh..I should probably get out of here.”
He made his way off the steps, but James clinged to his finger. “Where do you think you're going?”
“I.. well I-”
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without your encouragement. And I owe ya i bunch for that get back during the game. Come on, let’s get this prize together. winner”
Ryan paused for a moment, smiling as he walked along the steps. He guided the two of them upon the stage, the crowd cheering them as they approached the announcer.
“Let’s give it up for our winners!” the announcer said, holding the slips in hand as cameras flashed from the stands.
That following Monday, The event of the game had ceased as everyone returned back to their normal lives. It was good to finally have his size back again, being ground to earth was starting to get tedious in the long run. But he couldn't help but think of the merits that came along with it. He managed to scavenge enough money for an orientation at a university, to think they'd be a fan of the event, thank goodness he added that into his profile. He heard Ryan found a spot for himself somewhere up south, an academy where he could train for being on night patrol. He’ll have to give him a call to see how things are going sometime. With Rich, well, he wasn't so keen on getting biffed on the grand prize, but he's still prospering at his own job, or at least so he’s been barking about on social media . Nonetheless, the journey he went through was a rocky one, but in the end, it was surely worth it.
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theresivy · 4 months
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Listed below are the TL;DR, How to Help, and Full story/Context. I’m sorry I had to resort to this but i have no other choice.
TL;DR version
Please help a mentally disabled fan artist’s family to pay for medical debts for c*ncer, insulin, maintenance meds (for depression, anxiety, etc), and cat food
How to Help
D*nations!!! - I only have P*yPal (also thru K*-fi) and GC*sh! Please dm me for the link or QR code
C*mmission me!!! - I really hate asking for help with nothing to give in return, so preferably please c*mmission me. I havent updated my new set of c*mmission sheet samples BUT heres a short, quick version attached on my post as a pic.
B*y my let-go collection of merchandise!!! (PH-based only please and sorry) - In order to try and make up for the em*tional ab*se me and my mom have to go thru on a daily basis just by living with dad, I ended up in a downward spiral and tried to buy things impulsively since 2020. So, now, we’re paying the price and I have been deeply regretting it ever since. So, plsase please please help buy my palugi (selling for a loss) let-go merchandise, theyre mostly official and am selling for a loss, we badly need the space and especially the funds. Weve only sold less than a half of my stock and it doesnt help that my dad keeps mocking me about it.
Share and S*gnal boost!!! - Tumblr is the only site where i have somewhat of an audience. Please please please help reblog, share, and signal boost.
Full Story/Context
Hi, I’m Theresivy (Teh-reese-ivy), I have been depressed and mentally impaired (among other things) who draws art as a multifandom self-taught fan artist, As of 2020 my mom’s tumor has turned into cancer that has only been given medical attention to in 2022 onwards. And as of then, i have indefinitely become a N,E.E.T for my mom and our finance’s sake while being there by her side. As of now she has gone through FOUR surgeries because more and more unexpected complications keep popping up. She doesnt deserve this, why couldnt it have been me,
We live with my emotionally abusive and manipulative dad (her husband) and our two fur daughters Pancake and Waffles (of which my cats and mom mean more than the world to me) while being forced to live in one of the countless apartment complexes my equally abuse maternal uncle (and his wife, my maternal A-I-L) as we have no other choice. And as such, my dad has been kissing their asses since we were forced to move here more than five years ago.
Both my uncle and my A-I-L took it upon themselves to become the defacto head of my maternal family ever since my maternal grandmother passed just because he became rich thru the means of evil entrepreneur practices. We cant do anything lest we want to get kicked and live on the streets. He is a real-life mastermind as he is always a few steps ahead of us, even making it so that his eldest daughter became his perfect pawn of being his personal lawyer. He always has connections and to them we are merely insects.
My parents and the rest of our family dont really see “artist” as anything that could get money rolling in (and day by day my failed attemptes have been proving them right), and on top of that, they see me being depressed and such as being the “freeloading couch potato”. So they keep bringing up how much of a failure I am. Weve been living in such toxic conditions that my mom has developed this sort of stockholm syndrome type relationship with my dad, and her younger brother (my uncle), and his wife (my A-I-L, her S-I-L). At first i thought i could try and save mom but shes too far gone that she strictly forbids me from fending for myself whenever either of the three try to berate me and drive me to tears and breaking down for the fifth time every week.
All i wish now is to be able to pay back at least some of the debt, for my mom and my fur daughters’ sake, and hopefully my own. I have been in a downwards spiral ever since i have been tolerating being the “odd one out” kid from school. in general, and even in the family, its been literal years and my entire life, im tired of being used and tossed to the side, im tired of being the punching bag of a cosmic joke, and im tired of my disabilities. im tired of being useless to the people i care for the most. so please. help us.
My wish now is to be able to help mom and our fur daughters move away from our domestic ab*sers. everything is an endless spiral of dead ends and im sick of it. ive been self sabotaging for years but a small part of me still has hope, please. i dont want to believe that this is where it ends for us. in this world of darkness and cruelty that spits on our faces, only my mom and our fur daughters have shown me the smallest glimpse of happiness. and even then ive failed them by becoming a barely functioning patient of depression. so, please, dont take my sunshines away.
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
moon river, miles morales x reader
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pairing: earth 42! miles morales x spider!reader
synopsis: you clean out miles’ room taking anything you could with you. you stumbled across a picture of the two of you when you were younger and your heart filled with rage
wc: 2.7k
warnings!: swearing, violence, slight gory details
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: the end! this story idea came to me when i was non stop day dreaming and creating scenarios in my head so i decided to just write it down. i love it actually
prev ♱
it's been three days since miles' funeral and you've spent the nights wrapped up in his bed surrounded by things that were his.
during the day you've been visiting may to upgrade your suit and also help you learn how to use some new gadgets. you didn't tell her why you needed the suit upgrade or updated spider shooters that made your webs stronger, but she obliged. you were hurting about miles, bad. you had been skipping school to sneak into his bedroom.
you were currently in miles' bed in the purple hoodie he always wore, your teddy bear and his favorite hello kitty plushie of yours in hand. you had tears running down your cheeks as you looked through the videos and pictures you'd taken together. suddenly, his mom knocked and came into the room "ohh cariño, i miss him too." she said sitting next to you, rubbing your back.
"tell you what? how about you take some of his things? keep them for yourself?" she offered. you furrowed your eyebrows "but won't you want anything to keep?" "ahh no te preocupes por eso cariño, i already ran through here, you should see my room" she chuckled. "are you sure?" you asked, wiping your tears. "i'm sure." she smiled placing a hand on your knee.
you left her house with a garbage bag full of his things. clothes, cologne, the pictures he kept around his room of the two of you, you searched thoroughly around his room for any more of his prowler gear to take, you even got the secret stuffed rabbit he hid under his bed.
when you got home and in your room, you began putting his things all around your room. you sat on on the bed, hot tears stinging your eyes as you stared at a polaroid your mom took of you and miles when you were 10. he was on your back, an arm wrapped around your neck other hand holding an ice cream. you had one in your hand and you both had the biggest smiles on your face, in the middle of laughing.
your heart twisted with anger, the love of your life was taken from you. thanks to that oversized fucker, and you weren't just gonna let him get away with it.
you got up and opened the faulty ceiling tile in your bathroom, grabbing the prowler glove and shoving it in your bookbag along with your updated spider suit and shooters. you crawled out of your window and swung in the direction of a bus station.
you knew the lab that kingpin was rumored to frequent alot, having gone there for a field trip with your class. so you decided to start there, taking a bus to save your energy. when you got to hudson valley you moved up into the mountains using binoculars to stake out the place. you saw the familiar black bmw that kingpin would drive around in.
your blood was boiling, holding back tears as you quickly got dressed in your spider suit. the upgraded suit had relatively the same design but now the spider logo legs sprawled down across your body, your new web shooters strengthened your webs, and the best part about your new suit was that it could turn invisible - camouflage.
you grabbed the prowler glove and shoved it into seemingly nowhere, thank god for hammerspace.
you made your self invisible and crawled all around the walls of alchemax looking for a way to sneak in. you found a vent at the top and crawled through using your senses to find kingpin.
you heard his gravelly voice and peeked through the cracks of the vent. he was talking to some woman about some collider? "olivia i don't care! just go ahead with that damn project!" he shouted at the lady.
you tried to move down closer to the vent but instead you pressed to hard on it and it fell down. pin and olivia shot their heads in the direction of you hitting the ground, knocking some things off a table.
the woman grabbed some goggles from her table and looked around, spotting you on the floor. "ah we got little spider-girl here" she giggled. suddenly four octopus like machines appeared from her back. "you know i've always wanted to meet you, your powers are so interesting to me." she shot a mechanical arm at you, letting it squeeze around your body.
"i'm not here to fight you you damn squid" you scoffed, wriggling your way out it. you shot webs at her feet making her fall on her back. she recovered quickly, throwing you against the wall with one of her arms. "octopus, actually" she corrected you. you got up and tried turning invisible to sneak away but she caught you "might as well save that, i can see you" she chuckled going to grab you again. you quickly moved your hands out in front of you grabbing the tentacle, breaking it.
she growled and you swung out of her reach, jumping back down to throw her to the floor, her glasses fell off and you stomped at them breaking them. another arm shot at you, roughly throwing you down to the ground. you groaned before snapping back to the reality of the situation.
you looked around for a second now realizing that kingpin was no longer in the room. you swung through the doors of the building looking for any sign of that oaf. the alarms in the building were now going off, workers running out of the building. every now and then some worker would try to fight you, you quickly beating them down.
you snuck into the doors of the collider room, mouth agape at what you saw. olivia burst in the room behind you, throwing you down onto a desk. "olivia take care of that damn insect!" you heard kingpin say from the front of the room. "what's it look like i'm doing?!" she yelled out, giving you another blow.
when a tentacle was thrown at you, you grabbed it and then grabbed the other one she threw at you. you pulled her up into the air before throwing into a wall. you grabbed a nearby pipe and blow after blow you beat olivia with it. you reached down pulling her head up by her hair "i said i wasn't here to fight you" you growled throwing her head back down to the floor.
"yo pin, come on man you can't fight your own fucking battles or what?!" you screamed out, jumping at him, throwing a blow to his head. he grabbed you and slammed you down “i killed one spider, i can do it again” he whispered, throwing a punch to your face.
you sneakily grabbed the prowler glove, putting it on. you shot an air blast to his chest that threw him across the room. “took prowler’s little toy huh?” he coughed. you got up and swung the claws through his chest opening the wound he previously had, making him scream out. you shot explosives out of the glove directly at pin, one missing as it hit the wall instead. the room began to shake as pipes began to burst.
you didn't notice him grab his gun, shooting at your arm and your stomach somehow catching the same spot he stabbed a week ago. you cried out, the wound beginning to secrete blood, he was about to shoot again, aiming for your head but you flipped out of the way.
fueled by adrenaline, you growled throwing webs at his feet hanging him upside down before throwing him up against the glass. you jumped on him, legs wrapped around his neck, hitting him with the sharp knuckles of the glove. he wailed out as blood began rushing from his nose and his cheek. you shot another web, wrapping around his back swinging back down onto his back making him gag. you jumped on top of him, sinking the prowler claws into his chest making him wail out. you kept sinking it deeper and deeper inside him, twisting it like he had done to you. the brick of the roof began to crumble, rubble falling all around you
“i am going to watch you suffer and die just like you made me watch miles.” you growled, venom laced your voice. you got up quickly to grab a piece of rubble that was falling from the walls, lifting it into the air. “i am going to beat you bloody” just then some glowing orange and purple portal opened next to you and three people jumped out in spider suits.
“oy you cant kill ‘im mate” the tall one said running over to pull you off. “what who the fuck are you, let me go!” you screamed out trying to pull away from his grip. the other two people began tying pin up with their webs, hanging him in a spiderweb on the ceiling. “the police are coming and you can’t be seen here.” a feminine voice said from under the mask. “you gotta come with us” the other spoke, moving closer to the portal.
“you expect me to go in some fucking portal with three random cunts that just popped out of it.” you spat backing away from them. “listen we can explain on the way. either you stay here and get caught up with the police or you come where we can help you” the girl said, pointing to the blood that stained your suit. you thought about it for a minute before stepping into the portal after the three of them jumped in. the portal dropped you in some elevator that was going upside down. you looked out and saw what looked like a futuristic new york, flying cars, futurist buildings.
the three of them tugged off their masks. the tall one was revealed to be dark skin, piercings littered his dark skin. the other one had the side of her blonde head shaved, piercing on her eyebrow.
your heart felt like it stopped when the third one took his off. you saw familiar brown eyes staring back at you, gorgeous brown skin you haven’t seen in a week, the only difference was his air that was out in a curly afro. “miles?” you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. you fought to hold them back, not ready to cry in front of these people. it hit you like a train seeing that face. “yeah. b-but i’m not your miles.” he said, looking down. your eyebrows furrowed wondering what the hell that meant.
“we’ll explain everything when we get to miguel.” the girl said. “i’m gwen by the way.” she told you. “hobie” the tall one spoke reaching out a hand to dap you up. “i’m assuming you already know mine?” you asked to which they nodded.
the elevator doors opened and you saw an array of people scattered all across the building, all dressed in different spider suits. some walking right side up, some upside down, some on the walls. there were so many, you couldn’t even count. there was even a cat!
“welcome to spider society” miles said to you. “miguel actually started this whole thing two years ago after me and miles messed up the multiverse or whatever. all of these people are all spider-man, each belonging to their own universe. i’m from earth 65, hobie’s from 138, miles is from 1610, and you’re from 42” gwen explained to you leading the way to wherever she was taking you.
you groaned, injuries becoming apparent to you again. you tripped a bit before miles caught you “yeah we gotta get you to the infirmary” he said.
after about 10 minutes in the infirmary, you were bandaged and taken care of. gwen, hobie, and miles stayed outside to wait for you before taking you on a short tour throughout the building, and then to some dark and gloomy office.
a man, who you knew to be miguel was standing on a floating platform, it descending as slow as it possibly could. “is he?-“ “uh yeah just let him do his thing” miles chuckled.
the man came down off the platform, muscular body clad in a blue and orange spider suit. “what am i doing here?” you spoke up. he looked at you before turning away “you are here because you’ve proved yourself to be spider-girl.” he told you.
“LYLA, do the information explaining thing” he said, a small hologram appearing by his shoulders. “there are these things called cannon events and every cannon event is what holds the spider-verse together. it’s what makes spidermen, spidermen.” he said, going on to show and tell you about how every single one of them lost a loved one. you watched holograms appear of multiple spider people kneeling over a dying relative, last one ending with you kneeling over miles. he told you about his dead daughter and how he tried to redo everything by placing himself in another universe.
“we track cannon events using high technology, making sure everything is in order.” he said, making you furrow your eyebrows. “wait so you know when these things are gonna happen? when these people are gonna die? did you know that miles was gonna die?” you asked, fists clenching. miguel turned his head to the side, sorrowful expression on his face and nod his head.
“wait so you knew he was gonna die and you didn’t do anything?” you said, growing angry. “we couldn’t do anything, it was a cannon event, it was supposed to happen-“ you interrupted him “oh so you couldn’t do shit when miles was dying but when i attack kingpin now you wanna send your fucking people to stop me.” you spat. “that’s not how it works-“ he tried to explain, but you wouldn’t let him.
“nah you picking and choosing who gets to die because of some fucking code” you spat, the hologram on his shoulder getting upset. “you get to sit up here on your slow ass platform and play god? who put you in charge.” you growled, beginning to walk away. “listen, i created this to protect the multiverse, i am and have been protecting every world. i don’t play god, i keep things in order because if they’re not, worlds could begin falling apart. i brought you here because you are a good spider-man and we could use someone like you on the force” he explained.
“whatever, send me home.” you whispered. “listen” another voice interrupted miguel. “wait, listen just stick around for a day. if you really want to go home and never be apart of this, then we’ll send you home when the day’s over.” miles said resting a hand on your shoulder.
you agreed and the four of you were dismissed from miguel’s office until further notice. they were about to show you around when an older looking peter parker with a pink robe and a baby in his carrier walked up to you. “hey guys” he exclaimed, wrapping an arm around miles. the baby in his carrier shot a web at you and began crawling around your shoulders. “ah you must be y/n! you gonna join this little club?” he asked you. “not yet.” miles answered for you, giving you a small smile.
they showed you around, jumping through different universes to show you around. you visited their friend, pav’s, universe in mumbattan and hung around there for a while.
after about an hour, gwen and hobie had to report back to their own universes to deal with whatever crimes were happening there. leaving you and miles alone.
“hey, um you know i really think you should join” he said, arms awkwardly behind his back. “i saw the way you held your own there with kingpin and doc ock. you’re really good at what we do.” he complimented. “thanks” you mumbled smiling at him. “listen i know you have your doubts about this place, believe me i had them to at first. when i showed up here, uninvited by the way, miguel told me my dad was gonna die and i couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. so i forced my way back home and i ended up proving him wrong, but then again i am some sort of original anamoly so my universe kind of fixes itself.” he told you.
“i think you should stick around, these watches are pretty cool, you could literally go anywhere” he said, geeky smile on his face. “plus it’d be nice to have a new friend around here, you and me are a lot alike” he told you. “well for one we both got that whole invisible thing going on” he showed you, making himself fully invisible. “and who knows what other powers you could have if you stayed here and trained with us and grow as spider-girl!” he exclaimed.
“yeah, i guess you’re right” you whispered. “so you in?” he asked, hoping smile on his face as he extended his arm out to you. you thought before making your decision “i’m in.” you smiled, taking his hand.
taglist ʚɞ
@itsberrydreemurstuff @alecmores @darksidescorner @insomniafrog @gwennesy @randomhoex @fiannee @am-3-thyst @melanie456 @missussmorales @spritecactus @laiflower @catushi @chispita279 @spideys2cute @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic
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