#and so i'm a little jelly - happy for them but also jelly and sad for me (i know - boohoo world's smallest violin etc)
highwaydiamonds · 1 year
ironic that for the first time in idk how many months i have some long desired for privacy - and yet after a day at work where my nerves got frazzled (not horribly so - just stressful and tiring) i find myself tired and a bit sad/lonely. brains are confusing.
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notscarsafe · 5 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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drea-ms · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆ Because Saiki Kusuo knows that in every universal time loop he creates, that you two will always find each other and fall in love.
warnings. time loop au. implied angst?. fluff. open ending i think... saiki is just hopeless in love. um no use of yn. nothings bad. sappy.
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You don't know what loop you're in at this point, it was the same thing over and over again, a loop you can't get out of. It hurts you every time, because he knows that he can't do nothing to stop it. You know how in each time loop you're with saiki, it ends badly, it restarts again, and your back to not knowing who the guy in your loop was. This time, in this loop you'll find out who he is.
Love is a weird feeling, it makes you feel happy, cared for. It makes you feel like throwing up what you ate previously when you see the person you love. But love can also hurt, it can hurt you, or anyone in this room. Love is sad feeling, because you never know whether to expect it or not.
This time loop is weird though, this time you're in the same class room with saiki and sit next to him, before, you were in another class room and never met him, why was this one weird to you? What was so important about the pink haired boy that brought you two near each other in every time loop? Maybe this is God saying you were soulmates, as if.
"Hi" you whispered at him while the teacher was looking at the board, you weren't hoping for a hi back, it was a habit to say to the person next to you in every loop you always wanted to know every person in each of your loops, you went back and listened to the teacher, until you felt a piece of paper on your desk, "Hi?" he wrote on the note, determined to get to know him better yoy wrote, "I like your pins in your head! it looks nice on you :)" you pass him the note back and smile at him, waiting for his response, "thank you." was all he said once he gave the note back to you. he... he was cute.
Over the following weeks, you got to know a lot about saiki, his friends, the weird people that have crushes on him, and his love for coffee jelly. He was cute, cute enough for you to fall in love with him. "Saiki!" you greeted him at the front of the school, going up to him and start walking next to him, you two began talking about stuff, not minding any attention to the world, just the two of you in your silly little world.
It hurt saiki that in every time loop, you two would meet, fall in love with each other, begin dating one another, but it always ends because of the volcano eruption he can't figure out, it ends before he can say 'i love you' it ends before you guys have your 9 month anniversary, it always ends with him erasing your memory of him so that in every time loop he can find a way to change everything. To make sure he can fix yours and his mistakes. To make sure that in every time loop, universe or galaxy, you two would find each other and fall in love with one another.
Maybe in this time loop he'll find a way to end the volcano, that way you two can live happily for once.
Maybe, just maybe, god will finally be on his side for once.
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NAO SPEAKS? send in requests!! i'm bored rn, also i found some of the requests on my old acc in my notes app... i'm posting them kn here!!! 🤪🤪🤪
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short-black-diamond · 9 months
loved the sae and kaiser scenario about the reader getting hit on please may i request: barou rin and karasu for the next one (female reader)
yessss let's do this! Also thank you for putting in the gender my love. Also how were you able to put in three of my favourite characters?? Like are you a mind reader or???
Warnings: Barou's is a lil suggestive and I'm surprised by that myself, Rin's a lil angsty but just a tiny bit, Also Karasu is jelly and protects you
"You belong to me." ...part two
part one
He can't believe it actually happened while he was there. The fucking audacity the guy had to approach you, his beautiful, gorgeous and perfect queen, and that on a saturday morning?
You guys were about to go on a camping trip and wanted to buy a few things on the way, but that also included food because Barou wanted to eat something fresh and healthy.
And it also just so happened that you were looking at eggplants, thinking that they'd go well with tomatoes, shicken breasts, and beef.
That guy approached you then and smirked at you. "You comparing them, sweetheart?", he asked, and Barou had tickmarks appearing on his skin. but you just said yes. "Also don't call me that, I am-"
"You know? None of these can please you like I can.", the guy then declared with a seductive smirk. You cringed before you pointed to Barou.
"I don't need yours or any of these eggplants when I have my boyfriend right here. And also,", you added, "my boyfriend has the biggest cock in here, so shut it and fuck off, you donkey."
The guy scoffed in annoyance before scrolling away. Barou huffed proudly when you told the guy off and called him a donkey. However, he was still mad at the fact that a peasant dared to approach his queen.
"What does that guy even think...!", he growled, wanting to teach him a lesson, but you just grabbed his arm. "C'mon my love, he's gone, and I don't really like eggplants anymore. Let's go to the herbs isle."
Barou nodded at you before he smirked. "I've got the biggest cock you said?", he quoted slightly, and you blushed. "I-I've tried to defend myself, you know?!"
"So the first thing you think of me is my dick?", he asked in a low chuckle. You shook your head as you two went to the other isle while you tried to explain yourself.
You two were on an appointment because you had to get you new vitamins and you needed a receipt. Rin waited in the waiting room for you as he looked through his phone.
When you came out of the doctor's room, Rin stood up and followed you to the receptionist. A handsome guy was sitting there, and he looked at you with a blush.
Rin noticed that, but wanted to see how you'd react. He stood there with a little space, making himself nearly invisible as he stood right behind you so neither you nor the guy behind the counter could see you.
"Say, are you single?", the guy asked with a polite smile. You frowned at him before you turned to the waiting room. 'Did Rin go..?', you thought before you answered. "No, I'm in a happy relationship."
The guy pouted cutely. You'd for sure give him a chance if you weren't already together with Rin, and he was the best option to have.
"Really? Huh, you're a really pretty woman, and I didn't see a ring on your finger, that's why-", and he stopped talking when you pulled at your necklace. A ring was attached to it.
Rin blushed heavily and played with the thought of spawning right up next to you to declare that he was your lover.
"Is this proof enough?", you asked. "If yes, then can I have my receipt? I'd like to leave now."
The guy blushed again, but this time in embarassment before quickly arranging your papers and giving you the receipt before apologizing with a red face.
You shook your head. "It's alright. Have a good day!", and with that, you went out. Then you called Rin.
"Rin? Where are you?", you asked, looking around. You were sad at the fact that he "left". But, you heard his voice from your other ear, not the one which was pressed against your phone.
"Right here.", he answered softly before hugging you. You huffed. "Where were you? I just got hit on!"
"I was behind you the whole time...I wanted to see how you'd react...and w-well, you did just fine..", he mumbled as he buried his face in your neck, blushing furiously at the memory of two minutes where you conversed with the guy and proudly showed of your promise ring which Rin gave you.
"Of course. There's no one else besides you who I love, Rin.", you answered honestly before you kissed the side of his face.
"Wanna go to the apotheke with me?", you asked with a smile, and this time, Rin took your hand instead of staying behind you.
You guys were at the beach, along with his teammates. Karasu introduced himself as you best friend (ouch), because he wanted to keep your guys' relationship a secret from his friends, for they would tease him relentlessly.
But, he also took the risk of having to watch you get hit on by Otoya and Oliver, who both tried to seduce you by standing on either side of you.
"Say, sweets,", Otoya started, looking at you with a smirk. "Are you really single?", he asked as he ogled at your body. You felt uncomfortable.
"I..", you started before Oliver cut you off, daring to touch you. His hand went up to your waist as he pulled you closer to himself, creating some distance between you and Otoya.
"Seriously? Asking if she's single right away? Bad move, Otoya.", Oliver remarked before he looked at you with a reassuring smile. "Please don't mind him, he's just a pervert."
You felt even more uncomfortable, but before you knew it, Karasu's arms slung around you as he stood behind you. You looked up with a blush.
"Let me correct myself,", Karasu seethed as he glared at the two cheaters/fuckboys. "____ is my girlfriend.", he delared, and you blushed with a smile.
Oliver and Otoya only looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Damn, I wanted to suggest for me and ____ to go to a secured place and-" "Not happening."
"Heh, I would suggest a threesome-" "Nuh-uh!"
Bwahahaahaahah why is my mind so dirty...
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eczpcz · 6 days
Hey Easy could you do just all the mercs (or just who you would like to pick) with a reader that is almost always happy and go lucky showing actual sadness for once of course if you don’t want to that’s fine
Thanks for reading this even if not :)!
Offense and Defense x Cheerful Reader Showing Sadness
Now I'm not sure if you meant it as "they've been hiding it" or "they just got a little sad", but I'm going with the second one! Also, thanks for being my first ask! Sorry it took so long, Cali is super hot rn!!!!!
CW: None I don't think.
You and him probably go together like peanut butter and grape jelly. You always have something to say, or you always laugh at his remarks. At the very least, you always give him a smile.
He busts your chops!! Which is, unfortunately, how he finds out you are upset.
"WOW, that match sucked. You gotta stop suckin' out there so much. Practically bringin' down the score by, like, a gazillion points." He chuckles, turns to you, and sees the absolute destroyed expression on your face.
Aweeoohhhh shit.
"Hey man, I didn't mean that. Don't make that face at me! Look, uh, what's wrong? Why're you all down an' crap??" NGL he's not very good at this.
If you decide to tell him what ails you, he immediately starts trying to hype you up.
"Psh, naw. No way. Somebody like you? Gettin' upset over somethin' small like that? Not a chance. You're freakin' awesome. How's somethin' stupid like that got you worked up? Naaahh."
While he might suck at comfort, he is your hype king!!
If you decide to not tell him, he just sighs and slings an arm around your shoulder.
"Ah, well, whateva it was, it's probably stupid anyways. Let's go get a burger or somethin'."
To be honest, He's always gonna end up taking you for food.
As much as it doesn't look like it, Soldier loves and needs routine. And while the mercs are chaotic, they're an organized chaos. Somewhat. And that applies to you as well. You're smiley nature is one of the solid vertebrae that makes up the backbone of Soldier's usual day. So when you're NOT that, well...
He gets a little antsy. And by little, I mean majorly. And by ansty, I mean freaked.
He's on like donkey kong! He spares no time trying to figure out why you aren't you! Are you a spy? A commie sent to infiltrate their base that looks just like you?
Of course, his first suspicion was that it was due to the absolute STATE of America.
With a hand on your shoulder, he shakes you, nodding in solidarity.
"I get it, private. I, too, am brought down by the thought of our great nation SUFFERING like this... BUT WE WILL SAVE HER!!! WE WILL TEAR THOSE NON-RED BLOODED NON-AMERICANS A-"
At this point I would assume you get him to stop, or cover his mouth at the very least.
You either explain to him what's wrong, or just tell him that it is DEFINITELY not America related. (although, maybe it is? Who knows.)
It's a coin toss on whether he understands or not. Actually rephrase that. It's a coin toss on whether or not he's in the right mindset to listen, then it's ANOTHER coin toss if he'll understand.
Whatever the case is, he'll still be at least a little sympathetic.
Whether it be bone-crushing hugs, or grabbing you by the hand and rocket-jumping to lift your spirits (ah, ah, ah?)
SO. I got stumped on this one ahaaaaa. I had time to think about it though.
I think Pyro doesn't really see in Pyrovision, as shown in the comics. It's just, you know. A way of getting through the day. It probably took him time to figure what to disguise as what. What I mean is, it took work to convince his mind to lie to him. Except for fire. Fire is just pretty to him like that.
So you being a generally already happy person saved him that work! Because of that, there is probably no Pyrovision you.
And when he sees you down in the dumps, BOY does that throw him off. He goes through 20 different emotions in 2 seconds!
Finally, he approaches you after dinner, grabbing at your arm and hands, shaking them. He mumbles at you, which you.. can't understand.
You get what he's trying to say though, and whether you tell him or not, it makes no difference.
He's gonna drag you everywhere! He wants to fix your problem, and he's gonna do it anyway he can. Just be patient though, because his way may include fire, fire, and more fire.
Man oh man does he love how you brighten up a room!
You just being around gives him motivation to keep on keeping!
Also you inflate his ego by 100000x
With that being said I don't think he would be surprised if he found you upset at some point.
You are a human, and at some point, you'll get sad!
Doesn't mean he tries any less harder to make you smile again.
He's very subtle with it. Almost annoyingly. Maybe a bit patronizing too.
Although he'll just impatient eventually and out-right ask you what's wrong.
"Now listen here, y'gotta stop all this wallowing! What's got you all bunched like that?"
If you tell him, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder, and lay on some ol' southern wisdom, before dragging you off to wack somethings with a wrench.
If you don't, he'll try to give you space, but just know he'll study you like a creature.
"Are y'sure yer fine?" "Engineer." "I'm just askin', I'm just askin'!"
A shining star in his alcoholic bends, barely lucid days, and murky depressed nights.
You are always there to guide him through dark times with a beaming smile and a shoulder to lean on.
He also finds himself losing words when talking about chemistry, just because you have that soft little smile on your face.
Just like Engineer, he's not surprised when you walk around the place like someone kicked your puppy.
He's not a fool.
With a gentle hand on yours, he'll furrow his brows and ask you if you're alright.
"Ye ken, a'm 'ere tae listen if yer feelin' lik' talking."
He'll offer advice and lots of comfort if you need it.
If you'd rather keep it to yourself, that's fine as well.
He'll still sit by you, keeping you company.
Whether it be a big problem or small, he knows about unhealthy coping mechanisms, and would rather be by your side then leave you to your thoughts.
Thinking about your positivity on the battlefield gives him strength and hope. So while he doesn't show it as much, he loves how enthusiastic you can be.
That being said, if you're sad, he's even sadder. Not a lot of people get how emotional this man is.
His first thought is that you might be disappointed by something, so he does what he can to figure it out.
If its not that, then he basically pokes and prods until he finally gets to the point where he thinks it's socially acceptable to ask.
"Vhat ees wrong? you walk aroahnd, all sad. Talk to me."
He will sit down and listen if you decide to tell him, before taking your hand as lightly as possible and telling you it will all be okay.
He mmmmmight argue with you for a bit if you don't want to tell him, but he'll get the message at some point.
He offers to show you something instead, to take your mind off of it.
He'll take you to the rusty tin roof of the base, pointing at the dark sky.
You two will exchange stories about the stars for the rest of the night.
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heartstringsduet · 25 days
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Happy Wednesday. Texting from zombieland because May just doesn't want too be gentle to me and I'm so achy. But also enough whining. This is a rough excerpt from an upcoming chapter of First Aid <3
The metal railings force them to sit pressed in and with their legs dangling through the bars. Carlos’ hand winds over TK’s shoulders, one of the new ways they touch casually that he still has to talk himself into initiating, while TK’s palm warms his knee. A photo album is spread over their thighs. 
TK truly was a cute kid, chubby and big headed and tooth-gap mouthed and rumple-shirted and messy-haired and absolutely recognizable still from the little mischief in his smile and eyes. He has story for every single photo. Carlos listens and learns. He wishes he could show his own now; his father used to be into photography and he has three albums to prove it.
The only photos he can offer on this borrowed phone, he finds his tia’s facebook page because she never fails to post an embarrassing picture of him each birthday. TK quickly clutches the phone and zooms in, cooing at the untamed curls he had as a toddler and laughing at him wearing his father’s ranger’s hat when he was five.
“I want a copy of this one!” TK says, tilting the screen so Carlos can look in horror at his fifteen-year-old self.
 “No way!”
It's an old photo taken by his dad’s digital cam that somehow still captured the pimples on Carlos’ face and the awkward shadow of patchy stubble that was darker than most classmates (so he shaved, so he got even more pimples). 
“Please!” TK begs, batting his eyelashes of his spring green eyes at him. “Look at baby-you and the tiny cow in your lap! I can't!”
“And the giant cowboy hat swallowing half your face.”
“Oh back to that name?” TK asks with a smirk. “Come on. You look so cute. If you’d have been in my class I would have pined over you. I’d have doodled little hearts on the sides of my binders that I wrote poems in.”
“Is that what you did when you had a crush?” Carlos asks, brushing a lock of hair from TK’s forehead that the wind blew there.
TK snuggles in closer, rubbing his head into Carlos’ shoulder like an alley cat he once proclaimed they both were.
“Not really.” TK mumbles against his shirt. “I was out, but I didn’t want people to know when I had a crush. I had a reputation to lose.”
@goodways @orchidscript @liminalmemories21
@carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns
@sznofthesticks @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74
@lightningboltreader @decafdino @rmd-writes
@welcometololaland @strandnreyes @reyesstrand
@kiwichaeng @safeaswrites @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @actual-sleeping-beauty
@fitzherbertssmolder @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards
@freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89 @bonheur-cafe
@never-blooms @paperstorm @eclectic-sassycoweyes
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
can u write clingy gavi where he has feel day and he won’t let go of the reader allllllll dayyy
I only imagined Gavi hugging and not letting me go either for a pee for this so... Here you go anon! Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think, please!
Babyboy -P.G
Summary: After a moody day, all he wants is you
He was free today but you knew his mind was in yesterday's training, he wasn't in his best form and that was something that didn't went unnoticed by Xavi, who called him out for it and ever since, Pablo has been moody. He hated not giving his all and he was trying to but it seemed not enough and when he failed, instead of getting angry he got sad.
He tried to not show it to you but you knew your guy very well just by one look. You managed to get it off of his mind when he came home but now you had gone to your University, he was alone and his mind reflected back on his actions yesterday. He sighed feeling the need of you being in his arms, you always took care of him and he was in desperate need of forgetting his coach's words.
He spent his morning watching some tiktok's but he was wishing you were beside him in bed so he could smell your coconut and jasmin scent mentally counting the hours where your classes started and ended.
When you came home, he ran from the couch to the door and engulfed you in a big hug that had you almost fall backwards, laughing. You closed the door with your foot.
"Mi niño lindo" You said happy "missed me that much?" He nodded against the crock of your neck.
"Missed you so bad" He said shaking his head as you laughed feeling his kisses on your neck "How were classes?"
"Pretty boring, same as usual" You said shaking your head moving you both towards the couch "You?"
"At home alone and in need of my girl" You laugh softly.
"Venga, Pabs. I'm here" He got on top of you, his chest with your front, his arms around you and yours around his shoulders. You gave kisses to his hair and ran your fingers through it.
"You look so pretty today" He mumbled after a while when you were just watching an episode of a random telenovela, your eyes danced down to his and smiled.
"Thank you, mi amor" You pinch his nose and watch how his face scrunches up. Your smile increased after watching that. "Wanna eat something?" You ask softly as he nods with his eyes closed "What do you want?"
"Strawberry jelly sandwiches are sounding so good to me right now" He said "What about you?" You hum nodding, your eyes again in the TV screen
"Sounds great. I'm gonna go and do them" He hums and nods but doesn't make the attempt to move "Pabs?" You ask and he hums back his eyebrows up but still eye closed "Can you stand up so I can make the sandwiches?" He shook his head
"You're comfy" You smile, your head going up as you look at the ceiling and blush
"¿No tienes hambre?" (Aren't you hungry?)
"Un poco pero si eso requiere que te muevas pues esperaré" (A little bit but if that requires for you to move then I'll wait)
"Venga, Pabs. It's just for a few minutes. 5 minutes tops" You said shaking your head as he shakes his too
"Too much" He mumbled
"I'm hungry too, amor"
"Eat me" He said and you blush shaking your head
"Venga, Pablo. A comer de verdad" (Let's actually eat something) You pushed him off of you and quickly stood up but then you felt him on your back, his arms wrapped around your front and you laugh walking with him as he follows you towards the kitchen.
You pull out the bread package and the jelly, you also put out a bottle of water, drink of it and then offered it to Pablo who unwrapped one of his arms and drank from the bottle as well.
You decided to move to grab a knife to spread the jelly on the bread when you feel Pablo tightening his hold on you.
"Uh-uh, uh-uh" He did a negation sound with his throat.
"Pablo! I'm just spreading the jelly, I'm not going anywhere!" You exclaimed a little surprised "What's up with you today, baby?" You ask softer this time looking at him, he shook his head dismissing his emotions but you sighed seeing through them.
"Is it because of yesterday's training? Because of what Xavi said to you?" He looked at you without saying anything "Oh, amor" You turned around hugging him tightly.
"I'm not feeling like I'm doing my best but I am trying to and it's still not enough"
"Don't say that, Pablo" He sighed "Everyone has bad days and not because of them you are a bad football player. You're amazing, you give your everything in and out of that pitch, on those training grounds and on everything you do" You said shaking your head softly "You're human, you're allowed to feel good and bad, to have amazing days and also having off ones, yesterday was one of those and it doesn't mean anything"
"It did for Xavi"
"Because he's your coach and highlights your mistakes for you to get better, maybe he was a bit rude or harsh, but he is glad for you and with how you play, he only does it for you to get better and be successful but he also was a young player like you and he must know how having an off day is and feels like, that's why he let you come home earlier, didn't he?" Pablo nodded.
"But don't overthink his words, Pablito. You're an amazing player and an amazing person, I know it, he knows it, your teammates know it, your family knows it, the world knows it and you should know it too. Don't put pressure on yourself, work hard doesn't exactly mean to overwork physically and mentally yourself out..." He sighed softly.
"You block everything and everyone when you have a ball on your head or feet, that's your passion, you do it because it's a nice escape for you from reality, it's something you love" You said "it doesn't have to become something forceful for you, something that you have to do at perfection. It doesn't"
"You just be you and that'll be more than enough for everything" He smiled leaning to kiss your forehead.
"You truly know how to make me feel better" You smile kissing the mole at his jaw.
"I try" He laughs softly as you turn around and make the sandwiches.
"I still want you tho" You smile nodding. He was still feeling a bit off but your words calmed the storm in his head, you knew Pablo was clingy when upset but you weren't complaining, in fact, you loved to be able and take care of him.
"And that's fine" You looked at him "You want some lemon juice?" You ask as he nods, you move with his hand on your back to the fridge and pull out the lemon juice as he grabs two vases for you.
"Te quiero" He said suddenly as you were closing the fridge, you turned around before letting out a small smile.
"Y yo a ti, mi niño" You said pecking his lips quickly, you gave him the plate with the sandwiches and you grabbed both vases with juice sipping from one "What about we go and keep watching what happened with María and Oscar?" You asked as he nods with a smile on
"You love telenovelas"
"Hombre, que están muy buenas" (They are good, man)
You started walking towards the couch when you felt Pablo's arms around you again
"¡Pablo!" You exclaimed as he chuckled
"We're not getting out of each other's arms for the rest of the day" He said kissing your cheek as you smiled "Nor anytime soon" He murmured in your ear
"No, we are not"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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spnfanficpond · 6 months
New Member Spotlight - December 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@mayalaen -
Other SM names? - Mayalaen on AO3, Discord, Twitter, Bluesky, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc.
OTP? - I'm a multishipper so no true OTP.
Other fandoms? - Mostly Stranger Things, OFMD, Stargate SGA/SG1, Star Trek, X-FIles, and Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I'm interested in a lot of fandoms.
Looking for in the Pond? - I like to encourage people to write and create and I like to make friends in fandom. I was referred to the Pond for that by some members.
Something to signal boost? - I run a monthly writing/art challenge on AO3 called SPNColdestHits that you guys have already been boosting (THANK YOU!!). It's multifandom now and accepts art and original fic, not just fanfic. This is the AO3 collection link and of course, we're @spncoldesthits here on Tumblr, but we're also on Discord, Twitter, Bluesky, and Pillowfort.
Pairings you read? - I'll read pretty much any pairing, poly or otherwise. I'm not interested in reader insert, but I've read some.
Genres you read? - I prefer darkfic and/or kink, but I read anything.
Favorite writer(s)? - Xanthe Walter, but they haven't been active in fandom for about 2 years now.
What do you like to write? - My favorite is darkfic, D/S AU, and kink, but I also love writing crack and all other genres.
Most underappreciated fic? - It's newer but it has the least amount of hits from the list of non-crack/non-gift fics and is an SPN/Blacklist crossover. Caging the Mongoose.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I really would like to write some SPN/HDM fusions. I keep toying with the idea, but have never posted any of them. I always work better when I have prompts or ideas from others to spur me on.
.@leatafandom -
Other SM names? - @leatawrites, Leata (AO3 and Discord)
OTP? - Sabriel
Other fandoms? - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel, BBC Merlin, Star Trek, Doctor Who
Looking for in the Pond? - I could use some help with tags and challenging myself to write different things.
Pairings you read? - Ships, Gens, Poly fics
Genres you read? - Angst is my favorite but fluff and smut are always wonderful
Favorite writer(s)? - Yes, @idabbleincrazy on Tumblr or Gabriel_is_my_guardian_angel89 on Ao3
What do you like to write? - Angst, Horror, Smut, Bittersweet/Sad Things
Most underappreciated fic? - My most underappreciated story is probably one of my original horror short stories. My most underappreciated fanfic is probably Becoming One,Two, and One Again.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I really would like to write more horror however I feel like I struggle with expressing fear, scenery/detail descriptions, and word choice
@oganizediguana -
Other SM names? - Oganizediguana on Discord
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - I tiptoe through many fandoms, but SPN is my home. Good Omens
Looking for in the Pond? - I’d love to get encouragement for writing and the confidence to share my work. But I’d also love to just meet interesting people.
Pairings you read? - 99% destiel
Genres you read? - I read it all, but mutual pining slow burn is what makes me feel all the things. I love a good canon-compliant AU. I’m happy with anything that ends happily. Or at least hopefully.
Favorite writer(s)? - On AO3: NorthernSparrow, tenoko1, saltnhalo, there are so many amazing authors in this fandom!
What do you like to write? - Everything seems to turn into angst.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I’d like the confidence to share what I have written.
@dragonslayer-5fanfiction -
Other SM names? - Ao3- Dragonslayer5
Other fandoms? - haikyuu, daria, lotr/the hobbit, tmnt
Looking for in the Pond? - I just want to make friends and read good fanfic. I like to beta read. Maybe write some fanfic, but I have writer's block rn.
Pairings you read? - Reader insert
Genres you read? - Fluff, crack. One bed, and arranged marriage forced proximity tropes.
What do you like to write? - Reader inserts. Fluff.
Masterlist! AO3 Works list
Most underappreciated fic? - Do You Think About Me? (not SPN)
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -Honestly, writing two characters from the Fandom. I typically stick to reader insert, and I'm a little scared I won't get the characteristics right or the dynamic.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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lonelysouffle · 2 years
Hello a new blog it nice to see this so can I’m be your first person to request can I’m have dark choco cookie captain caviar cookie and cream unicorn cookie x reader who is overprotective over sorbet shark cookie cookie and ask them if they can adopt them please sorbet they have been alone in the ocean for years I’m want them to be happy headcanons please
hello anon! your wish is granted <3 (also thank you for being the first ask! :])
"Geysers and Gullies" gn reader, uses they/them pronouns , reader does have motherly undertones, you can understand sorbet shark when their not in water, dark chocos part turned out longer than intended oops, reader and love interest dont outright adopt sorbet nor explicitly ask them if they want to be adopted,,,they do some family stuff though, NOT PROOFREAD
features dark choco cookie, cream unicorn cookie, and captain caviar cookie
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Dark Choco Cookie
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when taking a stroll on the beach the last thing you expected to see was child, seemingly only a couple years over the age of 10
the child was shivering and it noticed you, they clung onto your clothing
it was, (to no ones surprise) that you took this child with you to your contemporary place of stay to nurse them back to health.
you started by giving them blankets, to warm themselves up in for the sake of comfort or whatever else they might need the blankets
you began prepping raspberry jellies, a delicacy from your homeland, so they could have at least something in their system.
as you watched them stare at you, you asked them how they were feeling. mix of garbles came from the kid, which to your surprise, you understood.
"Really? Okay, I'm glad your just feeling tired and hungry. Here, some raspberry jellies, their a delicacy from my homeland!"
watching sorbet shark cookie eat, to make sure they didn't end up hurting themself, you listened to the door being opened, coming inside was your s/o, Dark Choco Cookie.
"Good evening, my love." he said, kissing the top of your head.
you giggled a little. "Good evening, my dear Dark Choco!"
dark choco noticed sorbet shark cookie, thus began the conversation, such as where you found them, why they were in your home, the works...
"i see. my darling, if your so intent on letting them stay, i fear as if i can't do anything to change your mind..." he sighed. you smiled, noticing the smaller dark pink-ish cookie had curled themselves in you lap and had begun to talk to you.
"A story to help you sleep? Hmm...well, let me tell you of a confident hero who always wore an eerie smile. Her strength and her home-country were shrouded in total mystery...."
a family made up of trust will always be more comforting than a family who relies on their blood to keep the trust moving forward.
Cream Unicorn Cookie
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a romantic stroll on the beach, is what this was originally supposed to be. until you spotted the small body in the sand. cream unicorn looked at you and you looked at them, as if the same idea had been lit up in your minds.
you sat sorbet shark on your couch, cream unicorn in the kitchen cooking up whatever sort of mouth-watering blessing imaginable
you watched sorbet shark wake up and curl up next your figure. a garble of sound emitted from them, and you began to pet as a way of comforting them.
cream unicorn emerged from the kitchen, a plate of food in their hands intended for sorbet shark cookie
as you watched the child scarf down the food, you asked them where they were from, you were given a small, sad, garble.
you sighed, looking at your spouse. "Cream Unicorn Cookie, they have nowhere to stay. Do you...think we could take them in?"
Your spouse looked at you before smiling, "I see no reason not to. If they would like to stay with us theirs no reason for us to deny that."
You asked sorbet if they would like to stay with you, a barrage of "oOoOoo!" 's emerged from him.
the night was filled with happiness and laughter <3
Captain Caviar Cookie
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ok, so this one is kind of funny
you were minding your business, looking out to the sea on your (OUR) mans ship
when all of a sudden you see a body of a literal child floating in a barrel
and you just...dive in
and when you pull you (and sorbet shark cookie) out of the ocean, hes all like
"what the fuck were yer thinkin'?! i could've lost ya darlin'..."
"oh. i found a child in a barrel." "YOU FOUND WHAT-"
and now sorbet shark is your charge. yippee
captain caviar lets them do whatever they want. the cool dad
and your about fling yourself--once again-- into the ocean because "why would you let sorbet shark cookie have a knife???"
tired soccer mom and cool dad vibes but there's also so much love in the relationship
house husband captain caviar teaching sorbet shark how to clean. that's it. that's the bullet point.
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milkybonya · 1 year
trust yourself ☆ jeongwoo
order 068, 🐦 anon: large honey milk tea with fresh taro and mango jelly for trsr's jeongwoo
!: a bit of angst here and there because reader is sad :(
#: idol!bf!jeongwoo x gn reader, comfort fluff
[💌: hi anon here you are ! i hope this fic can keep you warm on rainy days even tho its short and not that goodjdjdj!! also trust yourself by balming tiger is so good and so true,, ive added it at the bottom heh]
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having a significant other means sharing the good and the bad with them. it means laughing together, crying together, and everything inbetween. yet, having an idol boyfriend is a bit different... at least, it is for you. Jeongwoo is your everything.. so you don't want to hurt him. you close off when you're sad so he won't have to risk his mood being ruined by listening to you vent.
little do you know, his day is ruined when you don't vent. he's your boyfriend, for pete's sake! he gets worried when you close off and he'd rather cry with you than have you shedding tears all alone.
maybe it's because Jeongwoo, and maybe also you, are both so young. maybe you think that he has to be protected because of his young age. maybe it's something else.
Jeongwoo doesn't know.
he rattles his brain in the waiting room for answers after reading and rereading your text to him.
i'm sorry i've been mia, Jeongwoo. things are not so great and i don't want to burden you with that.
why would you be burdening him? why would you think that way?--
"hey, jeongjeong! watchu doin'," Jaehyuk asks Jeongwoo, sliding in beside him on a touch.
"just thinking," Jeongwoo mumbles back.
"y/n and how they won't share their sorrows with me because they don't want to burden me."
"ah.. y/n is just really considerate. but i get you.. it's hard to wait so long for a loved one. you don't have to force anything out of them--how about you just do something they love with them to cheer them up?" Jaehyuk explains.
Jeongwoo's eyes light up and he smiles.
"you're right!"
"Jeongwoo, 1 minute until camera rehearsals," a staff points out.
"i know! just let me--" Jeongwoo aggressively types out a text to you, telling you to meet him at your favourite café after his schedule is over. he pokes his tongue out as he types, focusing hard.
once it's done, he puts his phone away and joins the other members to prepare to rush on-stage.
meanwhile, you're at home watching the live of the music performance. you've been having such a hard time these days but your boyfriend and his group always make you feel a bit better. treasure are up next and just as they're about to go up, you get a text from Jeongwoo?! isn't he busy right now?!
you read it and smile, knowing that the typos must be from him typing his message to you in such a rush before his stage.
just watching him perform their comeback already fills you with so much joy, so you're giddy as you get changed and rush out to meet your boyfriend at the café. on the way, you hum treasure's songs, walking a little faster than usual and enjoying the warm breeze.
Jeongwoo is already there, still slightly sweaty and makeup+hair still intact as he smiles in your direction.
"y/n!" he stands up, grinning at the sight of you.
you're gorgeous despite your tired frame, and he's so happy to see you that his knees start feeling weak. you feel shy as you run up to hug him, butterflies filling you as his arms wrap around you. his hug is warm and his scent is like home.
"take a seat, i got you your favourite drink," he says, pushing the cup towards you.
you take it and drink, relaxing even more. the two of you are seated by the window and you briefly glance outside, watching as couples walk together.
"what's the occasion, Jeongjeong?" you ask.
"well... i know things haven't been so amazing for you lately. i just wanted to meet you in person to tell you that i love you and i'm rooting for you," he says, only meeting your eyes after he's done talking. he doesn't want to make you feel worse.
the effort he's made for you makes your heart ache, but in the best way possible.
"if you want to talk to me, i'm here. if not, i'm still here. i'll wait for you. and.. i just want you to trust yourself, no matter what's happening. please know.. it's okay to not be alright, and that things will be alright eventually. just take your time, everything will fall into place!"
you have to fight back tears as you reach for Jeongwoo's hands, giving them a big squeeze.
"i really needed to hear that, Jeongwoo. thank you," you say.
Jeongwoo's own lips wobble as he watches you get emotional, and he stares at the ceiling to stop himself from crying.
"hey, you big crybaby! don't cry because of me, i'll get sad.." you whine.
"i'm not crying!" he says, as his lips quiver more intensely.
you laugh, stroking his soft hair and caressing his cheek.
"i just love you, y/n. i won't let this world hurt you, ever." his eyes sparkle as he speaks to you and your heart is filled with warmth.
in that moment you realize that no matter what happens, you can overcome it, because you'll always have at least once person rooting for you.
and one of those people will always be me, dear reader. me, milky. ♡
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demonichikikomori · 5 months
Hello! ♡
AHHHH it always makes me so happy when people enjoy my work, especially when it comes to Ruggie! He's a character I really enjoy writing, so I'm happy you enjoy how I write him!
I actually have two stories planned for him coming up, one for Valentine's Day and one that my anon 🎀 gave me inspiration for! It's gonna be an established relationship Ruggie x Reader story about Ruggie having freckles and the Reader noticing them for the first time! It'll be short compared to most of my works but I hope you enjoy it none the less!
I've always had an interest in Hypnosis Mic ever since I found out about them when Dotsuitare Hompo and BAT first debut (thanks to the song Osaka Dreamin' Night actually!) I just LOVE the music so much, and how all the groups/characters have different rap styles! I myself am a big BAT fan (especially Hitoya and Kuko!), but I also really like Fling Posse and recently noticed how much I like Matenro (Hifumi's solo songs are so good! ....and I have a soft spot for Doppo ♡)
I recently started playing the mobile game (Hypmic ARB) and it's SO MUCH FUN! If you're able to play (since I know it's region locked!) I highly recommend it!
I'm so glad to see Syo getting more love! I now know two people who are Syo fans, which is great! It's funny cause originally I was gonna make my banner Kuko's second anniversary card, but then I decided to go with Masato cause I love the sanrio cards from Shining Live! I had already made the Kuko banner too, and it would have looked like this:
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I'm honestly glad I didn't now, since it lead to us interacting! ♡
But I know what you mean! Utapri as a series has always been such a HUGE comfort for me, and I regularly listen to Masato's and Natsuki's solo CD's (as they're my faves in Utapri!) It's got to be one of my favorites series, and it will always hold a special place in my heart! Syo's backstory is honestly so inspiring, with his heart condition and how hard he worked to get where he's at!
AHHH I'm so excited to see what you have in store for us readers, and I hope to also write for Hypmic in the future (and more Utapri!)
Thank you! ♡
Ruggie Bucchi with freckles my beloved aughhhh very excellent taste. I understand it. WE NEED MORE FRECKLE RUGGIE!! All Ruggie enjoyers and propagandist understand how excellent the concept is. I mean really, there’s no way he doesn’t have at least a few scars, freckles, sunburn, and a little tan. Ruggie is ‘rugged’ and he needs to look that way!! This school shit made him soft wwwww
Osaka Dreamin’ Night is so fire omg have you heard the drinking song? Naniwa… Something..? NANIWA PARADISE SAKE!!! There’s a bar with Rosho where he’s shitfaced and Rei kindly raps along about how you should not drink and drive haha. It’s super dope and it shot super high on my list of HypMic songs I love. I do play HypMic ARB! I actually had it on BlueStacks and then I couldn’t get it to update to retrieve my login so… I had to start from scratch and I got it on my phone! I was kinda sad since I actually had a ton of Jyushi cards and he was my first SSR but hey… That’s life…
And unfortunately I am a massive cornball… I LOVE BUSTER BROS!! Part of it is the fact their team color is red and I love red but Ichiro… His big stupid pants and the fact in almost every canon photo of him you can see the black waistband of his underwear. He’s doing it on purpose… He’s sending me signals. I need to Break the Wall… I’m also a huge Kuko fan too which is funny cause Ichiro and Kuko used to be besties in Naughty Busters!!
Oh my gosh the Sanrio Shining Live cards I’m so jelly that EN shut down before I could get them aughhh Syo and Tuxedo Sam is such a cute combo and I saw Natsuki had Wish Me Mell(?) which was honestly so cute? Otoya and Pochaco is an amazing pairing ahhh very amazing choice for Masato’s Sanrio card it’s such a cute banner ahah. A Kuko banner ready for when and if you decide to change your theme… Become purple… Or stay pink???!?!??!?? I think it’s cute!! Slap him on there anyways!! Okay, because we’re here I’ll show you some of my W.I.Ps and I feel like maybe it’s a lowkey bad idea but maybe it’s not!! Writing is a fun hobby and I get so excited to share what I make even before it’s done.
Writing is like being a chef: Ain’t nothin wrong with tasting the food as it cooks.
SPOILS UNDER THE ANIME GIRL! (Her name is actually Iron Mouse and she is from Sailor Moon)
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I wanted to do this because I saw someone do it with the Twst boys and I thought it would be nice to write about HypMic characters peeling an orange for you. It really is a personality test to see them as a partner or someone who is supposed to care about you. Would they do something so minor as to peel your orange for you? Because most of them are my favorite: I say yes because this is my mind palace and they are not like horrible irl men. They are on paper and they are nice to girls. Me, I am girls. You, you are girls.
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I usually am a smut author but I LOVE PWP. I need story before I get to the ‘meat’ of my fics that I write. And Kuko is a violent person anyway, I don’t think outings with him last long. If someone sneezed on you he would probably shove his fingers up their nose until he reached their brain stem. But that’s part of what makes him attractive… He cares in his own terrifying way! Sex the monk! And I have been wanting to write smut for Kuko since I tested the waters with Samatoki and just a few days ago I was whining in my server because Kuko is a monk right?
Now, I didn’t process the fact that Kuko has a dad. Like… He has a biological father who is a monk. He is the heir to his temple. That completely vanished from my mind as I went to a channel and ‘boo hoo’d with attractive pictures of Kuko about how he is inedible to my carnal desires. And then I was grabbed by the throat by a friend and they said ‘uh… Japanese monks aren’t the same as other monks’ and I looked it up… THEY CAN GET NASTY. YOU CAN SEX KUKO AND IT WONT RUIN HIS LIFE AS A MONK!!!!!! Sorta. I still feel a little guilty about trying to do it…
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I feel a little worried sharing this one hehe!~! I do have Hitoya high on my list of faves because I too love making money it’s my favorite past time. He’s like that hot older man you’re too shy to put the moves on but it’s slowly getting more and more obvious he sees you as a proper adult… Don’t be afraid of that age gap. He’s hot and has old dude wisdom and experience. Also I can’t stop thinking about in soul switch when Jakurai proved he wasn’t Kuko by saying: “Remember in middle school when you randomly got up during class and moonwalked and everyone called you Amaguni Moon for the rest of the school year? That was cool!” And Hitoya is embarrassed… It wasn’t cringe… Jakurai thought it was sick. Be yourself pimp.
I have more wips but they’re super rough so I’m hiding them still! Thank you for coming to chat with me again wahahhhhh you’re super sweet!! <3 <3 <3
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felizusnavidad · 1 year
i was tagged by @poptart-cat-78 to answer some questions (thank you thank you) 🩷 there were two parts, but i decided to start a new post and combine them into one (cause i'm a mastermind).
are you named after anyone?: no, i don't think so. i have a cousin who is named after me tho.
when was the last time you cried?: yesterday? i cry every day so probably.
do you have kids?: nope and i don't think i will ever have them tbh.
do you use sarcasm a lot?: sometimes i think i use it too often. chandler bing is my spirit animal.
what's the first thing you notice about people?: i think it's their smile. or hair color. idk idk.
what's your eye color?: blue.
scary movies or happy endings?: ok look... i'm not saying i don't like happy endings, i love them, i really do. BUT. they make me forget about the movie/show/game too fast. i think sad/bittersweet endings are my thing. i want to be traumatized and think about it for the rest of my fucking life. scary movies are fine. i am choosing the secret third thing tho.
any special talents?: no, absolutely not. i am not talented in any way.
where were you born?: 🇵🇱.
what are your hobbies?: consuming any kind of media (music, tv shows, movies, video games etc etc) to find new obsessions, i also play ukulele a little and i like being annoying, i love collecting gifs in my phone.
have any pets?: no, but i would love to have cats and dogs (yes, plural).
what sports do you play/have played?: bold of you to assume i'm a sport person.
how tall are you?: 5'4 (not tall).
favourite subject in school?: english, cause i was pretty good at it (sometimes you have to learn foreign language in order to understand your favorite songs).
dream job?: no job at all. i just want to be in bed.
first ship: i think i already mentioned that in some other tag game, maddie and zack from the suite life of zack and cody (at least the first one i remember).
three ships: pb&j (pam and jim from the office because that's what i'm currently watching), i'm pretty sure claire and charlie from lost were also named peanut butter & jelly (because of reasons) so let's put them here because i suddenly miss lost, and let's say monica and chandler from friends because i would fucking die for them.
last (current) song: gracie abrams - right now.
last movie: star wars: episode III - revenge of the sith 💔
currently reading: posts on tumblr.
currently watching: the office/star wars/jimmy fallon (yes, i am watching all of this at once every day because it's a good distraction and i need to be distracted all the time).
currently consuming: i am drinking water at the moment (stay hydrated babes).
currently craving: a cheeseburger.
this was long but also fun. np tags: @meetmeatthemidnight, @tisthedamnseasns, @era-zona, @selcouthangel, @midnights-ts, @happinessforevermore. have fun guys 🩵🩵🩵
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zirielladior · 11 months
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ella's diary ୨୧
friday || 7.28.2023
hihi ella here !!
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
another nice-ish week. school starts on august 9th. i'm kind of sad, but at least i'll see some friends. i just don't want to do any school work. i still want good grades, of course, just.. without doing anything i guess.
my friend & i started a baking goal a few days ago. we were baking cookies and then his little sister came into the kitchen and asked if she could watch a movie with us. (she's eight.) and we said yes, we ended up eating all the cookies in three days, so we decided to bake again. we baked the famous pinterest jelly tart cookies. they came out pretty good, i almost burnt them because he went to shower and i started reading. but he got out soon enough and then went to check on them and they almost burnt. they're good though, i wish i could give you one right now for staying this look just to read <3 🍪
i spent a bit of today cleaning my room again. only vacuuming & organizing my closet, for almost the third time this month. and then i started reading another book i bought, it's called 'if he had been with me'. i saw it online & in a bookshop when i was in ontario for the summer, so i bought it! a lot of people say it's a little overrated, (not judging by the cover but by the actual book) and of course i saw it. i wanted to buy it anyway because it wasn't available at the library. (i can't really afford me buying books every other day so i usually go to my local library for books i see online that might be nice to read.)
also i've been writing a little bit of my own novel ideas. it think i might actually publish something, (hopefully if the KOSA bill doesn't progress.) on wattpad. not much of a fanfic although that's really the most popular side of wattpad. maybe. i'm really fond of writing a story that may reflect my dream life. you know..? like a good main plot with my dream lifestyle? don't know if it's a good idea though considering i just created this blog.
oh also, i've just started watching stranger things 4 !! i love the show up until now, but i've heard that vol. 2 could've been better. not sure, i just started episode one with my father on wednesday. i hope its not a weird season with a lot more people dying.
oh! speaking of which, i'm thinking of taking bass lessons soon. and maybe piano too. i've really wanted to play both for a while. he knows how to play bass, piano, drums, pretty much anything. he can make a tune out of recordings of every instrument and then he can make a nice instrumental song. he makes good poems so sometimes i tell him to make songs but he doesn't usually. he's making one now actually! i finally convinced him with elliot (his little sister) that he should write a song. so i think he's writing a song, maybe it's a love song for his crush. like i dunno but that could def be a reason why he's hiding it from us. otherwise he's pretty open about music and stuff.
him & i also went to a bakery in town. it was a bit close to the hotel his family & my family were staying at. (family friends trip, chill nothing weird.) so it was nice to go out and feel the night breeze. especially since i haven't been leaving the house much after being gone to ontario for an hour. we went shopping and i bought a cute cream colored mug with brown paint splattered on it, and a cute little baby tee that said gilmore on it !!
we went out to a cute bakery and had pastries and tea. we also bought candy from there for our sisters. mine's twelve and his is eight, but my sister's still pretty immature. they get along really nicely. his sister likes dolls, and my sister likes fixing dolls up. that's not whats immature about her, she genuinely acts five, but she loves dolls, and miniatures and making jewelry which i adore for her. if she's happy, i'm happy. in the end we both bought chocolate covered peppermint sticks with sprinkles. i think it was called lazy dog chocolateria. really great place, the food was sososososoo yummy.
anyway, so much for trying to keep a short entry. thank you for staying this long and listening to my conversations that were, really, just for myself considering not many people are going to listen to these.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
love always, ella ୨୧
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I just want to bully all three elf husbands. Imagine Haurchefant, Estinien and Aymeric in the just the four of us au getting all jelly over Raymond the corgi because Agni has been distracted over them :3 . Just want to take the time and say love your recent gposes
(Oh thank you!!! <3 I always love it when you send me asks!)
"That...thing...is a menace." Estinien huffed, arms crossed over his chest.
Aymeric rolled his eyes. "Tis not a menace but certainly a nuisance."
Haurchefant nodded. "Tis also not surprising when we know how much our lady loves cute animals." Every single cute animal our darling Agi sees, she must pet and cuddle. "Though I do wish some of that attention were turned back in our direction."
The three men watched as their beloved wife had baby Esme on her lap and looked at Raymond the corgi minion with glee. Even Esme is cooing at Raymond! Dear child, pray look towards your fathers.
However, within moments, Esme caught sight of her fathers and cooed loudly, leaning towards them with her fat little arms waving about! So cute!
"Oh! Goodness, I didn't see you three there!" Agnes giggled. "Have you seen Raymond splooting? He's positively adorable!"
Estinien smiled tensely. "Aye, we've seen the bloody minion do a thousand times. Today."
Haurchefant and Aymeric gave him a look (you grumpy ass, NOT NOW) while Agnes frowned. "Oh. Yes. Well, he's being very cute and Esme is watching him so closely. It's all...very cute." Estinien, I love you dearly, but our purpose to get her attention without making her sad!
Aymeric in the most graceful way possible moved to Agnes and sat next to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What our darling grump means is that you've been spending a lot of time with Raymond--"
"And we'd like some of that, ah, redirected towards us, my lady wife." Haurchefant finished, taking Esme from Agnes. Sweet baby daughter, you are so loved. However, we would like some time with your mother so a trip to see Luci or Father might be in your future.
Agnes's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped. "Oh. My. Fucking. Gods. I am so sorry! I didn't realize! Oh, I'm so sorry!" She grabbed Aymeric's face and kissed him soundly. Then she moved to Haurchefant and did the same. And one more time for our grump with the large cock! There she goes! Now he'll be less miserable. "I really do apologize, my loves."
Estinien grunted. "Hmph. Tis no trouble, my sweet." He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "Been feeling...needy. All of us." Estinien murmured softly.
She melted in his arms and sighed. Her sighs are like music! So beautiful! "Then perhaps some cuddles and kisses are in order, in addition to some private time." Stepping back, she glanced at Aymeric and Haurchefant before smiling softly. "After all, the three of you are my heart along with Esme and deserve--"
"An evening to ourselves, I agree, darling." Aymeric chuckled. "I shall contact your mother and see if she would like to take Esme."
"I'll make sure her to-go bag is packed." Estinien said with a small smile, his gaze catching Esme's. Oh, he adores her. It's so lovely to see. Estinien, after everything, deserves to be happy...we all do. As Estinien walked past Agnes, he pinched her ass making her giggle.
"And you, Haurche? What will you do, my knight brave and true?"
"Why, serve you of course!" He grinned. "As I have vowed to do til my last breath."
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caught up with one of my old irls not too long ago and we got to fangirling about a lot of stuff, as one does, and she hmu again this week... to tell me that she ended up diving balls deep into some of the games i mentioned that i played/liked and rec'd for her. had a feeling tears of themis would be up her alley, and wouldn't you know it? she's obsessed now 😂 also apparently binged tf out of obey me this weekend so now I'm just sitting here like omgggg what have I doooneee 🤣 but anyway apparently we have the same taste in tot (she loves marius and luke's crawling up as her 2nd atm hahaha- SHE GOT AN SSR FOR EACH OF EM ALR WITH THAT NEWBIE STANDARD BANNER GUARANTEE AT THAT- even got the luke one ive never gotten kfjdjfjf lowkey jelly but also like so so happy for her bc it'll help her out in catching up on the content sm🙏). and is all over the place with obey me, which is painfully relatable... funniest part is she got to looking around into the cards and is now ✨ excited ✨ for 1st anniv rerun and 2nd anniv cards. she really truly has become one of us in so short an amount of time 😂🤣 just a funny little tidbit i thought I'd share bc I'm not used to irls playing any of these games. one of my best friends also plays a bit of switch otomes, but hates moving games, but our tastes don't overlap. but hey, at least we can still geek out together 🤓💕 hehe
said friend is also curious abt twst and was very sad ayakoi rr had shut down.. the struggle is real.. i still haven't played it on my switch bc my heart weeps for my lost acct, all the updates, and the dusk faction.. will we ever get them?😔
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spnfanficpond · 4 months
New Member Spotlight - February 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
enteselene (twitter) - This new member is cool and mysterious, but probably does not have a son named Fergus. Probably.
@disenchantedhalo -
Other SM names? - ghoulsnhalos (Discord), morgawse_hp (Twitter), GhoulsnHalos (AO3)
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Bandom
Looking for in the Pond? - Have a space to share ideas on fics, writing, editing. Help me make better use of social media to promote fics etc.
Pairings you read? - novel-length Destiel
Genres you read? - Pretty much anything except sports AUs and crack. Tropes: Enemies to Lovers; Two-person love triangle
Favorite writer(s)? - JuniperJones (AO3)
What do you like to write? - Mostly explicit alternate universe with a happy ending. Range of lengths. These days I pretty much stick to writing for Bangs.
Most underappreciated fic? - Take Me Down
.@charliethealpaccaso -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - Not sure as I tend to hop around.
Other fandoms? - Furry Transformation
Looking for in the Pond? - Looking for new transformation fics and meet some new friends
Something to signal boost? - Mellowfello on furaffinity.net
Pairings you read? - Now I think about it I hop around to more ship tags
Genres you read? - Fluff, Crack, and a small bit of Angst
@ryladante -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord, Twitter, and AO3
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - Help to get my writing back on track, some ideas to get me writing again.
Pairings you read? - Destiel ftw, lol.
Genres you read? - Angst, Smut. Even if it has a sad ending, I'll read it. I like pain in my stories. Tropes? Enemies to lovers, roommates who fall in love
What do you like to write? - Angsty, dark and suspenseful. I like pain and drama in my stories.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I've never written Omega/Alpha stories. The idea intrigues me, but I wouldn't know where to start.
@dustlines - This new member is cool and mysterious and definitely was not seen breaking a seal to bring on the Apocalypse.
@deeranger -
Other SM names? - Deerangerfanart (Twitter), deerange (LJ), deeranger (Pillowfort)
OTP? - Sam/Dean and Wincest all the way
Looking for in the Pond? - Find new and interesting ppl and creations that tickle my fancy (I like dark and dead dove primarily) and I also hope to maybe find resources for my writing, maybe ppl to talk to and bounce ideas off of.
Something to signal boost? - My (often NSFW) fanart is scattered all over, primarily it's on my Twitter though at @DeerangerFanart. Also, I have my carrd where you can find all my social media accounts.
Pairings you read? - Wincest or anything bottom!Sam, really. I have a weakness for noncon Samifer. 3rd person pov is my preferred pov and I mostly read m/m but f/m is okay too. And hey, so are tentacles! 😂
Genres you read? - Noncon, angst, dead dove, smut, pwp, dark and smutty stuff in general. I like "problematic" stuff.
Favorite writer(s)? - BlindSwandive, AnOddSock, hunter_king, CleverUsernameHere, TammyRenH
What do you like to write? - Dark and angsty ones, mostly noncon bottom!Sam... Usually my fics are pretty dead dove.
Most underappreciated fic? - "Nothing Hurts Like the Truth", a Jess/Sam dubcon fic
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I've never written a long fic. I'm currently trying though (at 74k as we speak) and I'd love some support and such on it and maybe advice if needed. I've never had the guts to try and write such a long fic. But now is the time! Also, I'd just like to get better at plotting out fics and such and get better at writing in general. That's my goal. Inspiration and practice!
@zepskies -
Other SM names? - Zepskies (Discord), Zeppelin_skies (AO3)
OTP? - Dean Winchester x Lisa Braeden
Other fandoms? - Actively writing for: The Boys, Big Sky, 10 Inch Hero, Smallville, Dark Angel
Looking for in the Pond? - A community of fellow writers/fandom enthusiasts. I like talking and sharing about the writing craft, mutual encouragement of ideas, just basically continuing what I've been doing on Tumblr.
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts, OC pairings
Genres you read? - Romance, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, comedy, drama. Favorite tropes: Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Meet Cute
Favorite writer(s)? - Ooh this is tough. I have many, but on Tumblr there's @waynes-multiverse, @deanwritings, @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior, @deanwinchesterswitch -- and many others that I follow and love their work.
What do you like to write? - Genre wise? Romance, fluff, smut, angst and hurt/comfort, soulmate AU and other AUs. I've also dabbled in A/B/O.
Masterlist! (AO3 Works list)
Most underappreciated fic? - Damned If I Do and Chico Malo
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Well, while I'm primarily a Dean girl, I've toyed with the idea of a Sam Winchester soulmate AU, or a Sam Winchester series (which I sort of have outlined). Maybe for the soulmate AU, some brainstorming prompts would be fun and helpful! <3
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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