#and somehow my ex and bestie were there trying to calm me down
chappellrroan · 1 year
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writingsofwesteros · 4 months
She'd been much more quiet today, though she hadn't noticed since she'd been so in her head. Her ex coming back in town hadn't been a surprise, but him spamming her with texts did. "Hello? Did you hear me?" Aegon nudged her. "Huh?" She looked up at him. "I said Nora says we should go to Oberyn's club tonight. You down?" Aegon asked. She nodded mutely. "You okay?" He asked her again, and she nodded. "Yea, m'fine," She mumbled as she curled up into his side. "We don't have to do, you know. Jace and Cregan are already coming, Aemond's going too, I think, and Helaena obviously- I think even Baela's coming with her new girlfriend." Aegon told her. "No, no, I want to." Maybe the night out would be a good distraction.
That night as she entered the club with them, walking between Aegon and Helaena, she swore under her breath when she saw him- her ex, in the general area as they were being taken up to the VIP section. She instinctively gripped Aegon's hand, who asked, "What is it? What's wrong?" She just shook her head, praying he didn't see her. Oh, how wrong she was.
After a few drinks, she loosened up a bit more and went to dance with Nora and Helly, and she got lost in the fun, she always did, they always made her laugh, and forget about the world around her. But when she saw her ex's eyes on her, she felt like curling up into a ball, she felt so anxious. "What's wrong, baby?" Nora asked, sensing the tension. She caught the guy staring a bestie, and glared back at him with her steely violent gaze before saying, "Come on- let's go get another drink." "In a minute- I'm just going to the bathroom." She told her. "I'll come with," Helaena said gently, taking her hand. As the two were walking back, he finally approached them, saying, "Well, well- it's been a while," Helaena looked between them, and said in her soft voice, "I'm sorry, do we know you?" "Come on, bestie- what, you got all these rich friends and you're ashamed of me now?" He scoffed. "Please stop it, you're making a scene-" "So? Don't act like Mr. Big-shot up there can't afford to pay people off to forget about it," Her ex said, gesturing to Aegon, who was saying something that made Aemond roll his eye. "I think we should go," Helaena said softly, and she and bestie went back up into their VIP booth. "Please don't tell Aeg," She pleaded. "He'll get upset." Helaena sighed. "Okay."
She thought that it would end there, that she wouldn't have to deal with his shit anymore, when-
"Don't you have time for old friends anymore?" He asked her as he approached, somehow having gotten past security, he was clearly drunk. "Please don't-" "What, don't want your new rich friends to be embarrassed?" He scoffed, and Aegon asked, "Is there a problem, man?" "I don't know, is there? Your arm's all around my girl-" "I'm not your girlfriend!" Bestie felt her head spinning, the anxiety was just overwhelming her, as tears hotly spilled down her cheeks- she felt awful. Aegon's expression darkened when he saw her, and he stood up and said, "Time to go, bro." "Or what, you gonna pay me off? Surprised you've got any money to, with little miss gold-digger over there-" Aegon's fist went flying as he punched the guy, the sound of his fist making contact with his jaw was heard over the music, and bestie gasped, as Helaena covered her ears and shut her eyes, and Nora tensed, gesturing to Jace to stay close to her sister as she stood with Aemond. "Don't you ever fucking say a word about her, you asshole-" Aegon growled in between punches, as Aemond grabbed Aegon and pulled him off the guy. Her ex groaned in pain, but didn't know when to stop, apparently, as he spat blood on the ground and glared at bestie, who was trying to calm Aegon down. "Makes sense that she'd fall in with you people," He scowled. "Nothing but pretentious dicks and entitled little sluts-" The slap across his face was deafening, as Nora slapped him, and gripping his face, snapping, "You're done. Get the fuck out, and there might still be a chance you can show your face in this city, but one more word and I promise I'll have a lot of fun ruining your life, asshole." "And I'm supposed to be scared of some slutty rich girl in heels?" He retorted, pushing her back, and as Aegon was about to pull away from Aemond and throw another punch, Nora twisted his arm and he fell to the ground in pain, and said to her brothers, "I got this- I do pilates." The drama got back to Oberyn quickly, who came over with security, and Aemond said curtly, "That guy- get him to a police station." People knew better than to ask Aemond Targaryen questions, so the security listened as Oberyn nodded, and security hauled her ex away. Bestie barely registered Aegon's arms around her, as Criston came and said, "What the hell happened?" As the security were hauling him off the floor. "Long story. Make sure that he gets to the police station, Aemond's on the phone with Uncle Harwin now." Nora told him, and one look at bestie's distraught face and he nodded, and when they got out the car out front, Criston shoved him into the backseat and drove to the police station- he'd put aside his little rivalry with Harwin if it meant seeing the guy that upset bestie so much get locked up.
YOU ARE STUNNING AT WRITING FOR THEM! Harwin is going to have fun teaching this guy a lesson thank you
he'd put aside his little rivalry with Harwin if it meant seeing the guy that upset bestie so much get locked up. !!
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thatdykepunkslut · 2 years
Follow on from the other anon, gotta know now, what's the worst (or just notably offbeat) date you've been on?
Off the top of my head, well ok this was probably more of a hookup than a date but my ex said he (his parents blame me for him being trans which is hilarious to me) wanted to hang out and listen to a mutual friend's dj set twitch stream*.
I get there, find out the stream isn't for another like 2 hours. So he's like "omg let's watch inside by bo burnham this like changed my fucking life" **. So I sat through it like '[ex] literally started talking to me bc he recognized my anarchist flag pin as I walked by, how is fucking inside by bo burnham a revelation to him.' But we finished the movie and then went up to his room and watched the stream (which was fucking epic, Greystar is the best producer in Portland rn shoutout to my bestie Greystar!) and then made out afterwards to New Order. Then he walked me home with a neck so bruised it look like he'd survived a hanging and I was decently battered myself, exactly how it should be.
Sounds decent enough, right? Well the next day I was going grocery shopping with the two of my exes that I live with (this was while they were still dating each other) and we get to the parking lot and the one driving suddenly breaks down crying bc they're overwhelmed and very stressed bc the other one is a jackass (I swear my taste is usually much better this just happens to contain our 2 mutual exes that suck) and I'm trying to help them calm down.
But then MY partner texts me and is upset that I hooked up with my ex again. Ordinarily this would've been fine but the ex crying in the car ALSO dated that ex and had talked about him one of the times my partner was over like 6 months ago before they'd forgiven him for a lot of stuff. So my partner's perception of him was as a sociopath serial homewrecker. Which, to be fair, would be totally accurate if sociopathy was a real thing and not just an arbitrary word for people society doesn't like. And so trying to deal with all this shit at once I promise to everyone involved not to hook up with him again.
That night he then asked if I wanted to try out blood play sometime. Honestly it would've solved a LOT of issues in the local queer community if I'd taken him up on that offer but oh well it happened at the height of my blood aversion and I'm not one to break more than 2 promises simultaneously.
There was also the time I nearly had a massive falling out with an ex who'd I'd stayed friends with (funnily enough they're the partner from the first story) because of some miscommunication about a hookup with a girl who made me watch Attack on Titan while she gave me head but that was somehow significantly easier to resolve.
Footnotes, because fucking hell apparently this needed footnotes:
*(later found out actually not a mutual friend, MY friend can't even read his name anymore he was such a jackass to them)
**(his life was also "changed" by the third time he did acid when he suddenly realized other people have feelings, which he then promptly ignored anyways)
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
Okay but like what if foggy leaned in to give you a little kiss and you said no like I feel like he would be so understanding and then later that night you'd ask him for a kiss and like he would ESTATIC like just a concept
bestie the way i have some strong feelings about this idea and i'm gonna write it with exclusively me in mind as self care and has a long intro for info about me
sometimes i just get sensory overload and it makes me want to peel my skin off and my ex would try to kiss me at times and i wouldn't even be able to super verbalize a good 'not now but not because of you' vibe and i was very very lucky and he was a wonderful person and still is and always more than respected my answers even if i was just shaking my head no but then he would literally get so excited when i'd calmed down and would be like ok now is kiss time so this exact idea basically
"it's supposed to be movie night," foggy bemoaned, his hands drummed along your thighs that lay across his lap. you were tangled up on the couch with netflix on pause after you'd gotten a call from work that had led to you pulling out your laptop between fervent apologies.
you only hummed in response, fingers flying across the keyboard, brows furrowed together in focus. you hadn't even fully heard the words he'd said, so consumed in the sudden emergency that had ruined date night.
foggy understood, would have never actually made you feel bad about it. it wasn't like it was a regular thing, he knew that work had been stressful lately with deadlines that crept up with all the subtlety of a train. still a part of him was a little sad, you hadn't seen much of each other over the last couple weeks and he'd really been looking forward to tonight, even if it was just ordering pizza and watching a movie at home. it was just the two of you and that was all he needed it to be.
when it started to look like things might take a while he sighed and shifted your legs off so that he could stand and moved to the kitchen to grab a beer, absently grabbing one for you too by muscle memory. when he came back you were sitting up, hunched over, face lit up in the blue light of the screen. foggy sat back down, taking a swig of his drink and pulled his phone out. now was as good a time as any to check his own emails and see if there was something he might as well be doing too.
after a couple minutes he looked back up to the sound of you groaning in frustration, whatever was going on must have been bad to get this kind of reaction out of you. on instinct he leaned in to kiss you, just to press one to your cheek in comfort but you pulled back when he entered your space. "not right now fog," annoyance laced through the words and you heard it the same time he did, eyes immediately jumping up to meet his.
"not you, i'm not upset with you, i'm sorry that came off so rude. it's just-" you pulled in a big breath and let it out through your teeth. "it's just that these idiots can't give me one night off with my boyfriend without somehow burning the entire office to the ground. i'm mad at them not you, never you."
"it's okay, i promise. i get it." he smiled, and it lit up his entire face, the way it always did. that foggy nelson smile, the one that you couldn't help but smile back at. there was a beat of unspoken love and tenderness, understanding, in the look between the two of you.
broken by the ding of yet another email and with the look on your face foggy mentally prepared his opening statement for the trial for whomevers murder you were certainly going to commit by the end of the night. you dove back in, the sounds of typing much angrier than before.
he went back to his phone, texting karen to ask about the recent date she'd gone on the previous weekend. she was more than happy to immediately dive into her horrifying dating life, going on about idiot men who literally could not possibly be thinking before opening their mouths. so caught up in her disaster date story he hadn't even noticed when you'd finally shut your laptop, putting it back into its bag and shoving it under the sofa for good measure.
it wasn't until you'd thrown your legs back into his lap that he realized you were finished, but the huge grin that wormed it's way onto his face and he unceremoniously dropped his phone onto the floor with a dull thud. your head tipped back with laughter at his sudden surge of excitement, his hands pulling at your body until you're sitting in his lap.
"kiss time?" he asked eyes alight, it made your chest ache. the way he loved you so deeply, his entire being put into every moment and word. he was just so good, good that he shared easily, passing his love out to anyone who would accept.
your hands found their way on either side of his face, thumbs running along the corners of his smile, so wide it took up his whole face. you couldn't keep a responding smile off your face, not even if you tried, and why would you.
"kiss time." you confirmed and leaned in to meet his smile with your own. he wrapped warm arms around you waist, pulling you as close as humanly possible. when you finally pulled back he was somehow still smiling, he'd always say it was impossible not to as long as you were around.
"does that mean it's now movie time again?" you asked as he chased you down, his nose knocking into yours. he thought about your question for a moment and you basked in the warmth of him. his embrace, his love all of it enveloping you like a fuzzy blanket all comfort and home.
"mm, no, still kiss time."
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bonbonbun-luna · 5 years
Cool! Can you do a crossover/AU where Marinette a Youtuber, by secret, like just a hobby/second job. But know one knows it hurt since she never show her face since she wears a mask and such. Became friends with many Youtubers, even Markiplier and Game Grumps even argues about adopting her. Then get worried about their “little bug” and learned about some not happy things with about the school, a video of Chat being well not cool and the lies of this liar...Team Miraculous YouTubers!
I hope you gonna like it! This is non-magical AU and I don’t really watch the american youtube(Maybe only Pewds), but if you like it, I’ll write the second part where Marinette will interact with them! Send me more requests guys (ฅ・ิω・ิฅ)
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Marinette sighed in disappointment, looking at the trending tab.
The video «Ladybug and I are soulmates» has gained over ten million views and an incredible amount of likes over the past six hours. Reading the comments in which the loyal fans of Chat Noir called her a blind idiot, Mari could hardly hold back her tears.
This has been going on for two years already.
She started making videos three years ago, hiding her true identity with a mask, lenses and a nickname. This should never have become a big deal, but a month after the first video, which somehow magically gained 400,000 views(Mari was sure that her uncle Jagged Stone was involved in this), Netty decided to make another one, finally buying new equipment and completely hiding her room so that no one could recognize it.
Parents watched her with interest, quietly supporting and sincerely rejoicing in their daughter's new ineres.
Sabina couldn't stop smiling, thinking that this year was the best for her baby girl. Her precious daughter finally made friends, scared off her bully, met many celebrities, fell in love and even found a new hobby. Tom cautiously touched all the equipment Marinette bought, being afraid to break something with his big hands.
Blunette ran excitedly, trying to cover the bright pink walls with a peach-colored material. The installation of the camera was difficult for the girl, but she managed, from time to time hissing viciously at interested parents scurrying around her room. When everything was ready, the Netty started the video in dismay, awkwardly waving her hand.
In her hands bluenette held a recently sewn dress, nervously touching the voluminous petticoat. Each time the light hit the skirt, viewers could notice a pattern in the form of birds surrounded by flowers.
Trying to smile boldly, Mari introduced herself as Ladybug and told that she was holding a costume for Clara Nightingale last performance. Gradually, Marinette became more confident, because she finally could talk about what she likes, forgetting about her worries. Smiling proudly, Netty brought the camera closer to the pattern, talking about how she had spent weeks embroidering it. Giggling, she showed fingers injured by a needle and admitted that she was sincerely proud of what she got in result. At the end of the video, she put on a dress on a mannequin and showed every detail, describing the work on it. Standing behind the camera, Netty wished everyone a good evening and shouted «Bugout!», finishing the video.
With the help of her clients, who actively talked about their favorite designer, and Clara Nightingale, who admitted that she wanted to give Marinette the main role in her clip, the video instantly gained a million views, causing the whole school to buzz with delight, and asking her fans(God, she had fans!!!) to make a new video.
It was stupid, but Marinette squealed almost a few hours in a row, excitedly jumping around the room. Sabina and Tom, selling pastries below, actively distracted frightened customers. Awareness of how happy their daughter was, warmed the hearts of loving parents and they couldn't stop smiling.
The realization that she was a celebrity came to Mari only when her best friend Alya started a blog about her, trying to reveal her true identity. After an attempt to credibly rejoice over Cesaire, the embarrassed but determined Netty set about writing the script and release dates for the commercials. It took her almost two weeks, but it was worth it, because at the end she had a normalized schedule and she finally clearly knew what she was going to talk about.
The third Marinette's video, in which she showed and described in detail the work on the cover of the album of Jagedd Stone, attracted the attention of the famous youtuber Chat Noir. The playfully grinning blond admitted in one of his videos that he was beginning to hate his popularity and it was the inspirational speeches of the little seamstress that made him stay. In the end, he winked flirtingly, asking the girl for an autograph. A few hours after the release of his video several thousand grateful fans signed up on her channel, and all the comments yelled that she was their savior. Smiling like an idiot, she tried to answer everyone, quietly rejoicing that she was able to help someone. The number of her subscribers rapidly increased to 800,000 and she couldn't stop excitedly rushing to the phone with every notification.
At one such happy moment instead of another comment she saw a message from Chat Noir. Blushing and goosebumps, she read about how he would like to work with her, and girl couldn't stop giggling. Trying to hold the phone with trembling hands, she quickly agreed, screeching into the pillow from shock. If she only knew back then what exactly would bring this to her...
Two weeks later they first met each other. The guy smiled playfully when he saw Ladybug, and instead of shaking hands he kissed her hand. Instinctively, the girl pushed him away and shook her head.
«Borders, kitty, borders».
Chat Noir laughed and invited her inside his studio. During the video recording, the young man actively flirted and involuntarily Marinette freed herself and began to respond to flirt. The blonde seemed to her as a long-drawn-out friend and she felt absolutely free with him. Needless to say, the video has become damn popular, forcing fans to wonder if they was dating.
The bluenette immediately began to deny everything, saying that this was their first meeting and they were just acquaintances, to which she received a promise from Chat Noir that he would soon become her boyfriend. Back then Marinette ignored this comment, dismissing it as a silly joke, but now she could not help but regret it.
The girl rubbed her eyes tiredly, looking displeased at the time. The clock showed that there were four hours left before school and Netty couldn't help but regret that she had not gone to bed earlier. She was sure that at school she would face another batch of charges, and therefore sighed wearily.
Eight months ago Lila Rossi came to school. She was an obsessive liar, actively manipulating everyone she met. On the very first day, she began to claim that she was Ladybug's best friend, confidentially reporting that she had introduced the youtuber to Jagged Stone. Smiling brazenly, she said that half of the costume ideas belonged to her. Boiling with anger, Marinette tried to tell everyone about her lies, but her classmates was instantly turned on, calling her a bully.
Now, when the school was a clan by the board of this cunning fox, who took control of even the principal Mr. Damocles, it was almost impossible for a bluenette to study. Every day was like a bad drama when she was accused of every crime that could be.
Sometimes, when Marinette was tired, she began to talk about her problems with her friends from youtube.
«It's almost impossible, 'ya know. When I go to school I am among idiots with one brain cell, and when I record a video, I endure the harassment of this moron Noir. Who am I now, a Wonder Woman?»
She never noticed the worried glances that threw at her, so she had no idea that soon there was a surprise waiting for her.
In the afternoon, trying to endure the ridicule of her classmates, she consoled herself with the fact that the weekend would begin very soon.
«Wow, you sigh so tiredly. Being such a bully is probably so hard», a sarcastic voice sounded nearby.
Turning her head, she noticed a gloomy Alya, who put her hands on her hips. Behind Cessarie stood scared and embarrassed Nino, and Adrian's head could be seen behind his shoulder. Seeing Mari’s resolve, Agreste shook his head in condemnation. Can't Marinette just calm down? All she needs is to become friends with Lila and then all the problems will end.
«What do you need, Alya? I'm tired and want to relax», the bluenette snorted, rolling her eyes and looking calmly at her ex-friends.
Alya angrily clapped her hands on the table, her eyes burned with a fire of justice.
«What do I need? What do YOU need from Lila? Stop bullying her! She never did to you anything bad, and you continue to cling to a good person because of your jealousy!»
Marinette grimaced, squeezing the bridge of her nose with two fingers.
«I have no idea what you're talking about, Alya! I haven’t talked with Rossi for more than three months!»
Lila, sitting at the first desk, sobbed, innocently opening her tear-stained eyes.
«Marinette, how can you lie like that! Yesterday you deleted all my contacts! How do I get in touch with my bestie, Ladybug? She recently moved to New York!»
Alya looked sadly at her friend, wanting to console her, and then turned to Netty, her eyes flashing viciously.
«I can't believe you, Dupain-Cheng! You are even worse than Chloe! How can you-», the girl’s fiery speech was interrupted by the shocked Miss Bustier, who flew into the classroom.
The woman looked around the class worryingly, and after she found out someone, who she was looking fir, her a thin, frightened voice attracted the class attention.
«Marinette, I... He... Um... There is someone at school who wants to meet you».
Immediately after the words was said, the happy Jagged Stone ran into the class. A tired Penny was trailing behind him, who noticing Mari, waved her hand.
«Netty! My beloved niece! I'm so glad to see you, dear», the man sang, jumping to the end of the class in an instant.
A pale Lila stood next to him, trying to hide, but she was stopped by Alya, who grabbed the girl by the hand. Frightened, Rossi swallowed a lump in her throat.
«Jagged Stone? Excuse me, aren't you recognize Lila? She saved your kitten, remember?».
The rock star made the most astonished grimace that he was capable of, forcing Marinette to hide her face in her hands, expecting something not that good.
«She did what? The last time I saw any cats was in my grandmother's house, at least twenty years back.» The man grinned maliciously, and then, ignoring the dumbfounded faces of the children around, he again turned to the embarrassed bluenette.
«My dear designer, there are several people who would like to talk with you! They need your knowledge and talent.»
«Uncle G, I can’t, I have a school!»
Mrs. Bustier spoke again, awkwardly clearing throat.
«Actually, we got a note from your parents, Marinette. It seems you really can go»
Jagged giggled like a small kid and excitedly handed Mari into Penny's arms, who led the girl out of class, quietly apologizing and explaining the whole situation. Jagged smiled sweetly, and then looked predatoryly at the class teacher.
«By the way, haven't I mentioned that there are a few people who want to meet some more from your class?»
Kids whispered excitedly, hoping that they would be lucky one. The man smirked viciously, laying documents on the tables in front of Mrs. Bustier, Lila, Alya and Adrian. The teacher immediately picked up the sheets in her hands, reading what was written on them, and then fell into a chair, unable to stand on staggering legs. It seemed that a little more and she would faint from shock.
«What is it?», Adrian asked frowningly, frowning.
«This is a lawsuit, Mr. Agreste. For you personally, this is a lawsuit about harassment and a restraining order».
«But I did nothing wrong!», the blond guy screamed indignantly, frowning displeasedly.
«Really? But it seemed to me that when you put on a mask and start calling yourself a Chat Noir, you stop respecting woman's rights and understanding the word 'no'»
Smiling coldly at the frightened schoolchildren, Jagged left the classroom, leaving chaos and drama behind. The man didn't care, he hurried to his wife Penny and his beloved niece, Marinette.
Today will be a wonderful day.
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
Forever (Sanny)
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Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner
Length: about 2.7k
Warnings/tags: hurt/comfort, getting together, first kiss, mild angst, very sappy, happy ending
Summary: "He knew his neck was glowing like the coals of their nightly summer bonfires, but Sam's eyes matched the elation he felt at the prospect of being best friends but so much more. His bestie, his beloved Sammy, the holder of his heart - they were entering a new chapter of their lives going forward from this moment."
Author's Notes: I have been working on this piece for awhile, slowly building on the events of the story within it's hour timeline, but also working on my style as a writer; I think I finally have something worth sharing here. Its short, and similar in a way to the lovely story ("Beautiful") my dear friend @satans-helper posted, but I am very happy with it and I hope everyone enjoys. And thank you, Zara, forever (ha) my bro, my writing peer, an incredible force of imagination and inspiration improving me and my work. For you, dear!
Danny dropped everything and opened his arms when Sam came running to him.
His face was a blur, half obscured by his curtain of hair so Danny couldn't discern his expression, but the air around him eminated a grey sadness. Sam breathed out and wrapped his arms around him, clinging like it was the end of the world; face buried in his neck, only nestling further when Danny asked him what the matter was.
So Danny held him close, stroking his hair and his waist, determinedly, as if he could protect Sam's thin body from whatever he was running from with his own. He swayed them in a gentle motion, shooshing Sam and hopefully comforting him, while he ran the list through his head of whom he might have to kill.
After a while, Sam seemed to let loose some of the tension he had been holding in his shoulders. Danny asked him again, "What's the matter, Sammy? Are you okay?"
"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted a hug," Sam said flatly, pulling back.
The lie was palpable, even more so because of his ragged appearance betraying the turmoil inside. Sam's eyes were downcast and rimmed with red, focusing on the shoulder where his nose had been resting moments ago instead of Danny's face. Danny noticed his drained palor, as if all the life and joy that usually eminated from Sam was replaced with lead. That lead seemed to travel to his own stomach, smoking stack puffing out a concern that filled him to the brim: his Sammy was hurting.
"Nothing needs to be wrong for you to want a hug. But, are you okay?"
Sam sighed. He looked as if he was debating whether to tell Danny his problem, but, the matter was decided on its own when Danny gently brushed his hair behind his ear and tilted his head up, catching Sam's sad eyes.
"She left me, Danny. I don't know why. I went out to get us dinner - Vietnamese, and when I came back she was just in this- this rage. Something about me always being distracted and thinking about other things instead of her, but I don't know what I did. I just... I don't know what it was that I did."
Sam looked like he was about to break, both his heart and the wall holding his tears back cracking like old, brittle porcelain. Danny hugged him again, letting Sam sag against his chest as he shakily breathed out, obviously fighting back the waterworks.
"She said that I needed to prioritize her and our relationship more," Sam's voice came, muffled from his shoulder. Unproportionately large hands tightened around his hips. "I spend too much time with other people, and too much time with you. She says I'm obsessed with you. She thinks that- I'm in love with you! And that it would be better for both of us if she just left since I obviously don't love her enough. So she did."
Sam was crying in gasping sobs, finally breaking down and letting the waters flow without concern. Danny held him through it, calming and supporting him while pondering all the while at the situation; Sam's girlfriend had just dumped him because she thought Sam was in love with his male best friend instead of her, that being himself.
Still holding a sniveling - and now shivering - young man in his arms, Danny moved them over to the brown leather couch in the corner, trying to sit down with Sam heavily leaning on him. He wanted to manipulate them so that Sam was sitting next to him with Danny's arms around his shoulders, but Sam didn't budge, basically going down on top of Danny when he sat.
Danny decided to let him stay there, pulling Sam onto his lap more so he wouldn't fall off; it wasn't like he minded, all things considered. Sam needed comfort, so he was going to provide it the best way he knew how.
"Why didn't you want to tell me?" Danny asked, hesitantly, after awhile.
He wasn't trying to interrogate Sam, or seem offended, but he was desperately curious; this situation was bringing up old emotions Danny had always pushed away before. The thought of having Sam like a lover had skipped across his brain several times, but there had never been anything remotely serious or seemingly plausible about it. Until now.
Sam sniffed and lifted his head, looking at Danny with large, cool, brown eyes. He ran his hand over Danny's shoulder, worrying a lip inbetween his perfectly aligned teeth.
"Because I'm scared."
"Of what? You know I'll always support you and be here for you."
Sam's face twisted slightly, as if to say 'You don't know that, and I don't think I can believe it.'
Despite the heartache at the disbelief being expressed, Danny tried another angle. "You'll find another girl, one who really loves you and encourages your life like I know you tried to encourage her's. And she'll be so, so lucky to have you."
"Will you really stay with me, forever?" Sam asked, sounding almost like a child asking for love.
Danny nodded eagerly; an eternity with Sam was the only heaven he could ever desire.
"What if I told you that I don't want another girlfriend?"
"Then you don't need to get one. That's not gonna make me leave you. Nothing will. And why would I leave you for being single, that's ridiculous!"
Sam sat up straighter, looking Danny directly in the eyes with some sort of terrified fiercness that made him sweat with the intensity.
"But I don't want to be single, either. What if I said that I think she's right? What would you do?" He pressed, advancing on Danny until their foreheads were an inch from colliding.
Danny furrowed his brow and tapped his hands against Sam's shoulder bones, mulling it over. He understood what Sam was trying to convey to him. The essential question was, what did he want? Was he prepared to pour the last few drops of his love that were not already watering Sam onto him, and to have that returned?
The sentiment still stood strong, like he knew deep in his soul it always would.
"I'm not leaving you. We'll work it out together, and everything'll be okay."
Sam started crying again, shoulders drooping. He leaned forward onto Danny, clinging to his arms and sobbing into his sweater. Danny kissed his temple and let Sam ride it out; he was in obvious need to process the abundance of emotional events occurring in this short hour of his life.
It was an exhilarating and surprisingly welcomed notion, the thought of Sam being in love with him. Or, as much as he could be certain of in the moment, Sam having an attraction that was strong enough to be noticed by his now ex-girlfriend and tear them apart.
He hadn't thought that any other human would have been able to interfere with their dynamic; but, perhaps, he owed a thank you to this particularly catalyst who had managed to wedge herself into one of the few openings in the Kiszka-Wagner stronghold and then tear herself out again, gluing it closed behind her. Then again, she had made Sam cry more than Danny had seen in years, so, in all likelihood, he was never speaking to her again.
Danny knew that he and Sam had always been close, closer like all of them were closer than most brothers or best friends. After all, what siblings chose to spend every second of their lives in each other's presence years after not being obligated to? Not many. The love they all had for one another was what drove them along the road just as much as the music; it bound them together as a family deeper than blood or circumstance. It was written in the very essence of their beings.
Danny loved Josh and Jake more than anything: they truly were his brothers and his best friends in the whole world, and he would be completely lost without them in his life.
And, yet, Sam and Danny's relationship was different - somehow running even deeper, it sometimes seemed. Sam was very much so his kin, but also more. They understood each other at such a basic level that they had soaked each other up, built a bridge spanning from one chest to another, and, the pieces of Danny's soul that Sam now possessed, he could never get back - it was perhaps why it pained them to be apart for long: the gaping, desperate feel of incompleteness that couldn't be remedied until their partner was back at their side, putting each other back together.
Sam was Danny's brother, true. But he was also his rock, his muse, his soulmate and his heartbeat. Then was it any wonder to himself that Danny wasn't bothered by Sam being supposedly in love with him? That Danny would be more surprised to find he didn’t feel the same way--more surprised
to find he didn’t love Sam--than he would be if he were told he could make love to Sam
It felt right to him, in this moment with Sam on his lap. It was right, the most correct amd true thing in the world - as it surely felt that way to Sam. They belonged together like they always knew, just maybe more intimately than anticipated by their younger selves.
Danny started speaking - slowly, at first, sharing his thoughts on the matter with Sam. He spoke softly and continued petting Sam the entire time, treating his other half with the tenderness he deserved, especially in the situation. The revelation that the lurking feelings which had resided in himself were, apparently, reciprocated might have come and swept them both away on a tidal flood of love, but the fact that Sam had just been rudely dumped was also still present in his demeanor.
Though, much of the fog had lifted, Danny was glad to observe; Sam was practically glowing, even the tears still in his eyes glittering like diamond rings. He had his hands hooked around the back of Danny's neck, underneath his hair, lightly pressing his fingertips to the pulse on the side of Danny's neck and matching his breathing to it.
Danny watched Sam's skinny chest rise and fall against his shirt, slowing to a calmer, steadier beat as the last of the sniffles subsided. He stroked Sam's cheek with the back of his hand, wiping away the sad residue still upon it and smiling when Sam nuzzled into the affectionate touch.
"I've always loved you, you know that?" Sam opened his eyes and smiled softly at Danny, tenderness shining out every pore of his already glowing complection.
Danny nodded and cupped Sam's face, studying him. He was glittering with love and satisfaction, not even dimmed by the deep tiredness that often resulted from crying one's heart out, though it showed in the bags beneath his eyes. Sam was perfect; crystalline beauty painted onto the vessel that housed Danny's own soul, that had full access to his heart and mind yet never mistreated the power.
"I love you, too. Since I first met you. I'll love you until forever."
"Forever," Sam repeated. "Sounds nice, doesn't it? You and me, together."
He shifted on Danny's lap, twisting his torso to fully face him. Sam tugged lightly on the hair at Danny's temple and grabbed the back of his head, bringing him closer until their skulls were touching.
"I hate to admit it, but she was totally right. I think about you a lot."
Sam blushed high on his cheekbones and rubbed his fine-boned nose against Danny's, lashes fluttering closed against his pink skin so he couldn't make eye contact. Danny knew, now that his tears had dried and the emotions had been hashed out, that Sam would revert back to a slightly more 'Sam-like' manor; more fiery and less contemplative, more bold action and less heartfelt words, needing some prompting from Danny to open up.
Danny wasn't bothered by Sam's nature, though. He knew now that Sam loved him, had even known before when Sam would make some brash joke and flick his eyes back to Danny to see if he liked it. Sam's affection was in his small touches, his attention to details, his fierce loyalty, and how he gave himself up completely, heart and soul, to what he loved, though he was loathe to admit it.
Danny was his opposite; attracted to Sam's absolute confidence in themselves and everything he knew, as opposed to Danny's own careful, almost too gentle nature. It was why they worked - in every sense of the word - so well together, and why Sam opened himself up to Danny despite his dislike of being vulnerable.
"This is gonna be fun," Danny grinned, squeezing Sam's thigh with one hand.
Sam raised an eyebrow, silently asking for elaboration.
"I mean, we're already together, like, all the time, and I always have fun cause I'm with you. Now we can do all that, but then we can, like, cuddle in bed and kiss at the end of the day and stuff. And I'm happy, since we get to do this now. Together, like you said."
He knew his neck was glowing like the coals of their nightly summer bonfires, but Sam's eyes matched the elation he felt at the prospect of being best friends but so much *more.* His bestie, his beloved Sammy, the holder of his heart - they were entering a new chapter of their lives going forward from this moment.
Danny wasn't scared of the coming changes; he was looking forward with barely contained glee. He didn't know what forest the path of his future forged through, but he did know that, as long as Sam was walking next to him, he could hike up the highest mountain and come out unscathed.
Sam called him back to their mutual plane of existence with a soft breath of his name and a slightly chilled hand on his cheek. He rubbed their noses together again then tilted his head to the side, gently squeezing Danny's face as two soft, tentative, parted pairs of lips met in a sweet first kiss.
That small contact - so close to many things they had shared before, and yet, so breathtaking it shattered everything they knew - it opened the door to places within Danny that had been locked so long, he hasn't even realized. His blood rushed like a newly un-dammed river as his heart tripled in size, throbbing with elated desire. His fingertips hummed with the electric current being conducted from their points of contact on Sam's thighs, and his eyes, despite being closed, flashed with violets, golden sunshine, and glittering panes of glass like glancing at a castle atop a hill on a sunny day; Sam, the keeper of the key to his soul, had finally turned the key.
They attempted to break contact several times, but each fresh breath of air felt like an ocean of desperation filling their lungs to the brim, drowning them in it's anguish. Sam cupped the back of Danny's head and kissed him with all of his might, thumbs sweeping along his jawline and tongue licking up every drop of Danny's flavor as if he would never get the chance to again.
Finally, after Danny could scarcely perform higher thinking from the mass of delicious attention, Sam pulled back. His lips were shining in the low light coming from the windows, grinning around hurried gasps for air. He loosened his hold on Danny's face and curled his hands around his shoulders, adjusting his position on Danny's lap.
"Forever. We get to do that forever," Sam said, as excited for the development of their coming relationship as Danny was, he knew.
Danny smiled back at him and pulled him in for another kiss, welcoming their love and all that would come with it with open arms, much like Sam had taken him in all those years ago when they were still children, and just an hour ago when his love was in need if his help and comfort. Danny wrapped his arms around Sam, knowing that with each other - entwined with each other, body and soul - Was where they were always meant to be.
"Forever," he agreed.
@satans-helper @karrotkate @ryetheruler @lazingonsunday @bigthighsandstupidguys @okietrish @oblvions @mountainofthesunn @therealswanqueen @lantern-inthenight
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lonelyapprehension · 4 years
!!! WARNINGS !!!
semi detailed descriptions of suicides, mentions of fire and bombs, lots or cursing, abusive relationships, drug use mentions, lots of mentioned death, mentioned amputations (if i missed something please please please tell me!!)
"Open the door, Max."
The shuffling of items behind the pristine closet door stopped. "I don't want-"
Em cut the voice off and took a deep breath. "I don't care that you don't want to open the door. You told me we'd do everything together, and this is a thing we need to do."
"You killed three people, Em! I don't want the blood on my hands! We need to stop! We're in highschool* for fuck's sake!" Max's voice was shaky.
"They hurt you, Max! They needed to die! Why don't you fucking get that!?" Em hit the door again. "Just get dressed, we have to go to the pep rally."
There was more silence. "No."
Em whipped her head around. "I'm sorry, what?" She seethed, shaking the locked door knob.
"No!" Max shouted through the door. "I won't let you treat me like this!"
"Treat you like this?" Em laughed. "You chucked me out, like I was trash. For that you should be dead."
There was more shuffiling in the closet, "I didn't chuck you out, I kept you away from me. I don't want the fall of the...the murders falling onto me!"
Em leaned her forehead against the door. "Oh poor little Maxie. Too scared to take the blame of something I made sure looked like an accident! What a stupid set of morals you have!"
"At least I have morals!" Max's voice was strained.
Em kicked the door, resulting in a startled shout from Max. "Shut up and get dressed. The school isn't going to blow itself up."
There was a little gasp of air,then Max began to talk. "No, the school isn't going to be blown up. If you said we were going to do it together, you won't be able to. I'll stay in here forever if I have to."
Em kicked the door again, and there was another strangled yelp. "Open the fucking door!"
"No! Stop trying to make me!"
Em muttered something under her breath, "I'll tell the police if you don't get your ass out here."
Max laughed. "Good luck trying to rope* in a dead girl to your murders, you sicko" Max kept laughing.
Em turned around, to face the door. "What the hell do you mean?"
Max didn't answer for a while, only laughing. Suddenly she gasped for air. "Goodbye, Em. I'll see you on the other side."
"No, what do you meam." Em repeated, kicking the door.
When there was no sound of response from Max, Em kicked the door yet again.
"What did you mean, Max. Awnser me!"
Em took a deep breath. "I'm not mad, Max. Just open the door, we can figure this out."
The was no response.
Em sighed. "Fine, I'll kick the door down"
"One... Two..."
Em threw her head back and laughed, "Fuck it! You don't deserve a countdown."
Em kicked the door down, coming face to face...
With Max's hanging body.
Em's face fell, turning more ashen by the second. "Max...No, please. Don't do this. Please come back to me..."
Em wiped at tears before standing up, "I guess I'm doing this on my own..."
"God, I can't believe I left my bag in the auditorium. Miss Q must be so mad at me."
Apollo sighed, rubbing their face. I hope she doesn't kill me... they thought worriedly. Apollo sped up, trying to reach the auditorium before it would be locked up.
"Yes! The doors are open!" Apollo sped over. "Just gotta sneak in and-"
Apollo stopped, trying to focus on the stage. "What's... I didn't know the troop was practicing today."
One of the students, a skinny brunette, looked up to where Apollo was. "Oh! Hey App! Come join us!"
Apollo shook their head, "No thanks Nikki! I'm just grabbing my bag!" They shouted down, heading down the stage.
"C'mon, App! It'll be fun!" Nikki attempted, holding onto App's arm.
App laughed, "No! You looked baked! What did you guys take?"
"Uhh...A lot of stuff. Kelly got this new drug that makes us feel awesome" Nikki starts to giggle.
Apollo sighs. "I'm not fucking my life up, you know how I feel about it."
Nikki pouts, but lets go off App's arm. "Fine."
App hugs her quickly. "Thanks, Nick. I'll text you later, stupid."
Nick laughs, but it sounds somehow hollow. "Yeah...later."
App swipes some hair from in front of their face and goes to get their bag.
"Was that- Was that a gunshot!?" App walked out, their bag in hand. "What the fuck? What did you guys-"
App's eyes widened, there was blood dripping off the edge of the stage. "Please tell me it's fake." They whispered, putting her bag onto their shoulders.
As they walked out, the stench of blood hit like a freight truck.
"Holy fuck. No, no, no, no." App kept their hand over their mouth.
Everyone she saw on the stage, laughing and messing around just minutes before, we dead. What was probably the gun App had heard was right by Nikki's hand.
"Nikki, you idiot..." App choked out, leaning next to the body. "Why would you do this? Was it what you took? God..."
App gently closed Nikki's eyes, wiping at their eyes viciously. They then ran out, heading for the restrooms.
They crumpled against a bathroom stall, taking gasps of air and rubbing the back of their neck roughly. "God fuck!"
After barely calming down, App ran out of the school and got into their car.
Where the they were going was completely up to chance
App pulled over to the side of the road when they smelled smoke, thinking it was just the car's engine overheating from the long drive.
They quickly realized that the smoke was coming from a school, a little more ways up the street.
"Oh, fuck." App started jogging over to the forest separating the school from the road. "What the hell happened here."
As App was running through the forest they noticed a shapeless figure draped on a log. When they walled closer, they realized that it was a person.
"Hey, are you okay?" App tried calling out, walking closer.
The figure didn't answer, but the smell of their charred flesh did. App rushed over, checking their pulse.
When they felt the rhythmic thump of a heart, Apollo sighed. "Oh, thank god." They then threw the person's arm over Apollo's shoulder, dragging the limp body back over to their car.
"How did you and your friend get so beat up?"
App began to tear up, "All-all of our friends committed suicide and my ex...he blew up the school." They explained for the thousandth time.
The nurse nodded, not sensing the total act App was putting up. Sure, App's "friends" committed suicide, and someone blew up the mysterious person's school. But App didn't have an ex, and sure as hell didn't know the stranger.
"Well, your friend might need a prosthetic... But, they're very expensive and we can't find if your friend here has any insurance."
App forced their breath to sound shaky. "I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out."
The nurse walked out, leaving App and their rescued stranger.
App look at the person on the bed, "I know you're not asleep."
The figure groaned. "How did you know?"
"You always breathe faster when I say we know each other."
"Yeah, well. Sorry Apollo, I'm Em."
App looked at Em. "Short for Emma?"
Em laughed and choked out ; "I wish." in between coughs.
App began to mess with the cuffs of her new hoodie, a pale green and yellow gift from the hospital. "How does it feel not having an arm? You had some pretty nasty burns..."
Em sighed. "I wish my bomb took more..."
"You made the bomb?"
"Hell yeah I did."
"Impressive, there was so much destruction."
Em laughed again, this time softer. She looked at the IV tubes hooked up to her body, and to the heart rate monitor to her right. "I wouldn't know. The blast knocked me out as soon as it hit, I can't remember anything from the last day."
"I wish I couldn't remember the last day..." App mutters, swiping hair behind her ear.
"When can we get out of here?" Em spoke up after some time.
"God if I know, but you've been out for a while."
"Wait, what?"
App chuckled, "I found you at like... three in the afternoon. It's 10 o'clock at night now. The nurses say you're recovering inhumanly fast."
"That's good news."
"Well, time to go back home. C'mon bestie!" App internally cringed, forcing a smile on her face.
Em let out an obviously fake laugh. "Chill out, I'm coming!"
As soon as the duo entered App's car, they let out s sigh of relief.
Em started fist pumping with her good arm. "God it's over!"
App joined in the celebration. "We passed every psych evaluation! How did we manage it!?"
Em shrugged, nudging App. "All that matters is we are never coming back!"
"Hell yeah!" App started her car, and began to drive far away from the hospital.
"There was always a stupid old wife's tale about a house in the woods, wanna check it out?" Em asked, rubbing her thighs with the heel of her hand.
"Sure, what's the worst that could happen?"
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I Dedicate.. II
Luke James x Reader story
A/N: This fic is heavily influenced by Love Jones (placed in an alternate universe, where the ‘movie’ didn’t exist but the ‘characters’ do. I’m straying away from Erik on this one, Hope ya’ll like it. Feedback would be appreciated. Yes, I wrote both poems. I’m a writer, in all meanings of the word. 
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@chaneajoyyy I woke up around 8AM on a Sunday, the next morning. My head was ringing looking at the light shining through my semi open blinds. I'm definitely in no shape to go to church. Besides, I just moved to Atlanta last week and I don't even know which church to go to. There's literally one every quarter mile from another. I'll figure that out on another Sunday.
My phone starts buzzing, It's from a New York number that wasn't saved in my new phone. It could only be one person. My ex, Brendan. My ex fiancee, that is. We were together for about four years, engaged for two when he told me that he thought we weren't right for each other last month. I took his rejection hard. I drank myself into a downward spiral and knew I needed to leave my comfort zone to get out of it. I called my girl Stassi up, she took the first plane smokin' to scoop me up out of my depression and out of New York. I pressed ignore and roll back over to attempt to go back to sleep.
My phone starts buzzing, again. "Ugh. This better be my parents or God himself telling me to go to church!" I pick up the phone to see Stassi's name blinking, "Hello?" "Bitch, you hungover?" "Yes, Nastassia. I am. Obviously, you're not! What do you want?" "I wanna know, you gon call that walking Godiva God that serenaded you last night?" I grunt, "Ugh! Stass, I don't know! Can I get over my hangover first?" I heard knocks at the door, "Stass, don't tell me you're at my door." the knocks continue, "I don't know Y/N, open the door and find out!" I roll out of bed and kick a box out of my way to the front door. I open it to find my best friend with an ounce of weed in one hand and groceries in another, "I came barring gifts!" -- My apartment turned into a smokehouse. I was barely able to see my patio door from my couch. Stassi got me high as fuck. My hangover was long gone thanks to the sativa and my bestie's famous bloody Mary recipe.
"Girl, I am not ready to work with these uppity white folks tomorrow." Stassia groaned while she took a drag. "Mhm. Same, sis. Same." "Girl, give that man a call. You know Z is poppin' on Sundays?" I roll my eyes, "Damn, Stass! You killin' my buzz! I'm trying to calm my nerves and you getting on them."She hopped up  and got in my personal space, "You're either gonna call his fine ass or see him tonight at Z. I'm not taking 'neither' for an answer." I smashed my pillow over my head, avoiding her extreme gaze."ALRIGHT! DAMN. GET OUT MY FACE!" -- My best friend dressed me tonight (black). She claims I'm gonna call out to Luke with this dress even if I wasn't gonna call his ass on the phone. She told me that Sundays were strictly poetry and jazz nights. "You lit yet?" I look at the clock and shake my head. It's about 8:30 and Stassi got me set up to catch Pneumonia with what I got on and these open toed shoes. If I call in tomorrow, she's gonna do my work for me.
She rolls me two more joints, "We'll smoke one now, then smoke the other one when we get there. Here. Stuff it in your bra.. well, your bra area since you out in these streets with no bra or panties." She chuckles at her little jab. I let that one slide as I concealed the joint. --
"Hello, Hello! Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to welcome you all to Z. I am owner and operator, Zanobia Weber." Snaps filled the entire space as we marveled at the beautiful boss lady running the establishment. She's about 5'9", light caramel tone, she has beautiful hazel eyes with a contagious smile. She wore this bright metallic dress that accentuated her curves up top as it flowed to her feet. I didn't remember seeing her last night. Maybe she was somewhere I wasn't looking or something.
"As you all know here on Sundays, we highlight our poets talents. We also welcome any newcomers to step up and share their stories through their words. So if anyone else that isn't on the lineup tonight wants to perform their poetry, please let my fiancee, Zion, know." She pointed over to the right side of the stage to the sign up table, her fiancee was the guy who hosted last night with the soothing deep voice. "Alright, now that we got that out of the way, I wanna welcome our regular back to the stage! Please show love to Melanie Naomi." Stassi and I snap in applause as the poet approached the stage. She wore an all black ensemble, black boots, jeans, turtleneck, beret, and matched that with a dark plum lipstick.
My love for him was unconditional.His for me was somehow circumstantial.
Connecting when the timing was convenient for him.
Displaying his emotions for me on his own accord.
When I came to the realization that I need more
His distance became more distant
My means of communication, he'd ignore.Here I am frustrated with my pin and pad
fighting tears on my bathroom floor
When he's so closed off, I'm supposed to keep an open door?
Fuck that.I put in time
I put in work
Just for him to show his ass
To remind me that he was never mine.
His lack of response to my insecurities draw that line,
between what's wanted and whats real.
I look to the heavens for a sign
I grasp that his silence is one.
Tears fall one by one.
I mourn everything that could've been,
I mourn us.
I mourn the loss of trust.
I mourn what could've been me & him.
I mourn us.
Listening to Melanie's words made me reminisce on my relationship with Brendan. The first two years he was everything I could've asked for in a partner. After we got engaged it was like he totally withdrew from the relationship. I was planning a wedding completely on my own and spending all of my free time alone too. Her pain spoke to mine. By the time she finished her poem, I found tears falling down my face. "Y/N, you okay?" I'm startled to hear Luke's voice over Stassi's shoulder.
He found a chair and sat it next to mine, the back towards the table and straddled the seat. He awaited my answer as I was wiping my tears, "Yeah. I'm fine." "You sure about that?" I nodded. He trailed his index finger down my right cheek, "Hi." I giggled at his awkward introduction, "Hi. How are you?" He grinned, "I'm great now. I almost thought I'd never see you again Y/N." "Why was that?" I leaned my face sideways against my hand. "I dunno. Last night seemed too good to be true, I guess." I turned my attention to the stage so he couldn't see me beaming and blushing. "You didn't call me though." I bit my lip to hide my smile as I turned back to him, "I'm here though, ain't I?" He closed in and whispered in my ear, "You biting that lip is gonna get you in trouble, girl." I shook my head and whispered back into his, "I bet it's not." He scaled back as he had a skeptical look on his face, I shrugged and turned back to the stage where Zanobia came back to the stage,
"Alright fam, we got a newcomer hopping on the stage tonight. She hails all the way from England! Give your love to Miss June Riesling." Snaps filled the room as Stassi winked at me, I shrugged at her in confusion, she then makes the smoking motion, I pull the two joints out of my bosom. Luke exclaimed, "Damn, so it's like that? Ya'll just gon blow it down?" I looked around at people burning blunts and joints without any objection from Zanobia or Zion and nodded at him, "Yup." He dug in his pockets and pulled out three joints to match our two, "Well, I did say I wanted to smoke witchu."
The smoke session was like a never ending carousel of  joints being passed between the three of us. Every time I passed one to Stass, Luke would pass one to me. We watched three performers recite their poetry before we were down to the last one. Luke passed the unlit joint to me, "You do the honors baby." Stassi threw her hands up, "I'm done, ya'll got it. I'm about to step outside and catch some fresh air." She dismissed herself as I lit it. I let the smoke float up to my nose do french inhale, Luke narrowed his eyes at me. 
"You lookin' hella good tonight. You always dress this nice?" I grunted into a giggle, "Nah. I don't." He disagreed, "You two for two Y/N. I doubt that." I took another hit and he continued, "Unless..you wore this for me tonight." We starred at each other for a spell, I motioned the joint to him, he rejected, "Nah, that's all you." I ashed it and took another hit, he asked again, "So you just gon' ignore me?" I answered, "No Luke. I'm not. What if I told you I did..wear this for you." He looked over his shoulder then scooted the chair he was sitting in as close to me as he could get it. I briefly jumped up as I felt his large hand touch my knee, he mumbled in my ear, "May I?" The exhale he took after his question sent a chill down my body. I took a long drag, we sat eye to eye. He then put his lips close to mine, "Exhale." My lips made a small 'o' shape as I blew out the smoke, he matched his lips to mine and inhaled the smoke.
I let out the slightest whimper and bit down on my lip to silence myself. He went back to my ear, "I told you baby, that shit is gon’ get your ass in trouble." His hand traveled from my knee up to the middle of my inner thigh. He swayed his fingers back and forth stopping at that same spot, I tried keeping my composure using the joint to concentrate from his distracting hand. The more he was moving it back up the more turned on I was getting. I cleared my throat before taking another long drag, he used his other hand to make a 'come here' motion. I made the same 'o' shape with my lips, he shook his head, "Nah. I wanna try this.." He placed his lips on mine and forcefully tapped his other hand that was on my thigh. I subconsciously moved my lips as I moaned into his. He took that as an invite as the shotgun became a full on kiss.
His lips were so soft, the kiss was just the same. He wasn't too forceful yet he established his domination as his lips took mine in. He kept the same back and forth pattern underneath the table with his hand as he took his free hand to caress my face. I put the joint in the ashtray sitting in the center of the table and grasped on to his buttoned shirt, never breaking our kiss. He gripped my thigh as soon as I tugged his shirt. We both groaned at each other's motions.
"Daaaaammmn! I was only gone for like ten minutes and ya'll all over each other? Ya'll wanna get a room? You got an audience." Stassia's sarcastic tone breaks our contact completely, He placed his forehead on mine as I deeply exhaled, "Uhm... Things got a little carried away." We looked behind Luke to see a couple starring at us. They looked to be in their late thirties, maybe mid forties at the oldest. You know black don't crack. Luke gave the man a nod, they waved, "Don't mind us, we just having a uh..nostalgic moment." The man laughed at his mate, "You just remind us of how we were. We met at a place like this in Chicago twenty years ago." I asked, "Oh, really? You two do poetry or music?" She responded, "My husband is a writer, I write in my free time. I actually am a photographer." I nod, "That's cool. I'm Y/N, by the way. Nice to meet you." She smiled, "Nina Lovehall." The man interjected, "I'm her husband, Darius Lovehall." I gasped,
"THEE Darius Lovehall?! OMG I love your book!" I fanned out as he bowed in humility, "Thank you Miss Y/N. I appreciate it. I actually wrote it for her. The year it was published was a year after we met." I put my hand to my chest, "That's beautiful." "So how long ya'll been together?" Nina questioned us, we looked at each other and laughed, Luke retorted, "Actually Mrs. Lovehall, we just met yesterday." Mr. and Mrs. Lovehall looked at each other again and laughed, "This is like Deja Vu, man. This is trippy as fuck." Darius leaned back in his chair in awe, Luke and I looked at each other in confusion.
"Oh, man.. I'm sorry, I'm not tryna scare ya'll or nothin'.. I'm just sayin', when I met my wife..things got heavy, fast. Real fast." He kissed her on the cheek. She agreed, "Yeah. That it did." I was curious, "So was that a bad thing?" They shook their heads, "Not really. Sometimes the pace you need to go in is a little faster than you anticipated to get the love you're supposed to have." Nina's words stuck to me as Zanobia approached the stage again, "Fam let's welcome an audience favorite to the stage, from New Orleans, Louisiana; Mister Luke James." The audience snap for the man sitting in front of me. He held my hands, "I'll be right back." I nodded as he planted a kiss on my temple. -- The man I was just locking lips with less than five minutes ago hopped on the stage and became the center of attention as he announced, "I wrote this last night, awaiting a call that I never received. I call this, 'Calling out for you.' He took steps to the band without the mic so we couldn't hear what direction he was giving them on what to play.
All of a sudden, my favorite six key melody graced my ears from the piano. He requested Duke Ellington and John Coltrane's In a Sentimental Mood. I heard gasps from The Lovehall's table, "Deja Vu!" Darius yells out, again. Luke began,
"I'm sorry, I kept playing this over and over again until I finally fell asleep, so.. I figured it only be right. Yo, Milton..bring that back man."
The band started from the top as he cleared his throat.
That beautiful face that couldn't escape my mind
no matter how much I try to evade.I don't wanna wait
but...I gotta.
You see, I'm willing to wait a million moons.
I'm willing to travel any distance, just to see her face again.
Just to see those beautiful thighs clasp at my voice.
Just to hear her soprano make strides to my ears.
Just to hear her say my name. 
Even if it's through a phone. 
I want her presence. 
I no longer want to be alone. 
I'm willing to wait
All night if I gotta. 
I'm up late wondering what I've been doing without her.
3 AM. Damn I should've got her number.
I didn't want to pressure.
If I get her I want to treat her like my personal treasure.
I found this a thousand leagues under the sea, this was not just another fish.
She was a shooting star among a sky full of stilled.
Before the tempo could pick up, the song then switched over to Blue in Green by Miles Davis as Luke continued his ode, looking directly at me. Much as he did when he sang his song the night before.
As the clock ticks my phone still hasn't rang
My wish still goes unfulfilled.
But I'm strong willed.
This enigma of a woman, I'm calling out to you.
More-so like my body is..
I just hope you share a similar view.
You're not just something unfamiliar
or brand new.
Your aura exuberates through my mental as you inspire this
You're not someone I can just see through.
Maybe mine had been preparing for this moment, possibly my soul already just..knew.
You've been the person invading my mind before I ever had a vision, a face, or a name.
I'm calling out to you. 
And tonight,I hope you can do the same.
Thank you.
The crowd's generous amount of snaps had been the loudest they were the entire night, I was floored. I can't believed he felt all of this because I wouldn't call him. Truthfully, I didn't call because I was too prideful. I didn't want to give any of myself up to him too quickly. Too willingly. I wanted him to work for me. And me calling him last night wouldn't have warranted for that. At least so I thought. He shuffled back over to his seat next to mine, "So, what did you think?" He found my hand and kissed it, everyone trailed his movements to see where he was seated, as soon as they witnessed the gesture everyone let out a synchronized, "Awww!"
-- The night came to an early end at 11PM, Stass and I had to get to work promptly at 8:30, meaning we had to leave our houses an hour early to make it there on time. Her Uber was already outside so it was time to head out. We stood up as I put on my coat, Luke reminded me, "Y/N, you never gave me my coat back from last night." I snapped my fingers, "You're absolutely right, I'll have to return that to you." He nodded, "So that means you have to call me and let me know when you can return it." I turned back to him, "Yeah, I guess that's what that means."
Luke walked me outside as I had to wait ten minutes for my Uber. I confessed, "A Sentimental Mood is one of my favorite jazz cuts." He smiled then hung his head, "Mine too. Along with Blue in Green." I tilted his head up for his eyes to meet mine, "I see. Are you gonna keep dedicating these lustful pieces of art for me until I call you?" His stare became serious, "Is there a problem?" He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned closer to him in response, "Not at all, but if that's all you want.. I'm not the girl for you." He goes in, as I'm thinking he's gonna kiss me again, he kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, "I never said that's all I want baby."
My thighs rubbed against one another by pure reaction, "Hmm.. If you say so." He leans back in his original space, "If you let me take you out, I can show you exactly what I want." We're looking at one another peering into one another's eyes, "I don't know about that." He objects, "Look, it's no pressure. We're two grown adults. I'm just trying to show you a good time. I know you haven't been here long--" "Wait, how you know that?" "Girl, you sound like you fresh outta New York. Like you ready to hop inna 50 Cent video!" Luke stepped back doing a shitty rendition of the Harlem shake. I scoffed at his accusation, "First of all, nigga, I'm from the Bronx. Second of all, I've been here for about a month now. I've only been here as far as going out goes." He gasped, "Oh nah baby, you haven't even enjoyed Atlanta! I'd love to give you a tour." I placed my index finger on my chin, pretending to think about his proposal.
"How about this, when I call you to get your coat, I'll let you know my answer." He wrapped his arms around me again, "Okay, you have a deal Ms. Y/L/N." My phone dinged, indicating that my Uber had arrived. The navy Nissan Altima approached us and came to a complete stop. I tried to break away from Luke, but his grip became tighter, "Promise you won't keep me waiting too long?" I nodded once, hoping he didn't notice. The grin on his face acknowledged that he did. He took my chin into his hand pulling my face up to meet his. We indulged in a goodnight kiss, similar to the kiss we shared inside. Softly placing our lips on one another.
I broke our embrace, "Goodnight Mr. Boyd." He retorted, "Goodnight to you. Sweet dreams, beautiful." He opened the car's back passenger door as I hopped in the car. He closed it leaving his hand on the window. I placed my fingertips on the other side where his palm lied as the driver rolled off to my destination.
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The Eyes of Laura Mars
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Released in 1978, The Eyes of Laura Mars is set in the glimmering yet gritty world of NYC haute couture fashion. Mad Magazine parodied the film as “The Eyes of Lurid Mess” and rightly so, for it definitely has plot issues and some grade-A-Virginia-ham overacting. However, director Irvin Kershner managed to capture a whiff of the cultural crossover as the NYC scene shifted from disco to punk. Often touted as the first American giallo film, The Eyes of Laura Mars tidily ticks off the boxes of the Italian genre: a mix of gorgeous and grimy settings, the gruesome murder of beautiful people, and many misdirections before the killer is finally revealed. Added to the mix is Ms. Virginia Ham herself (Faye Dunaway), a hairy Brad Dourif, and a preternaturally prehistoric Tommy Lee Jones. Dourif is only four years younger than TLJ in real life, but he looks like a bearded baby next to TLJ’s tire-treaded brow. Hell, TLJ is six years younger than Dunaway, but there’s not even a scratch of the cougar in their relationship.
Faye Dunaway of course plays the main character, a superstar high fashion photographer who begins to have disturbing visions of murder. Fun fact: the actual images of famous fashion photogs Rebecca Blake and the so-called “King of Kink” Helmut Newton were used in the film.
Speaking of kink, Barbra Streisand was offered the main role (it helped that she was dating producer Jon Peters at the time) but turned it down because she thought the film’s violent, sexual content was too out-there for her image.
The film opens with a murderous sequence, which turns out to be one of Laura’s nightmares. She awakens in her rather spare and severe bedroom,
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and then wanders out to her living room, aka The Neutral Zone. Beige and brown rule the day, as does that giant rooster sculpture. From kitchen kitsch to highbrow decor? Huh. And oof, so. Much. Carpeting!
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Laura flips through some negatives and tries to put the nightmare behind her. Soon, driver Tommy (Brad Dourif) is ferrying Laura off to the gala reception for a new publication of her photos. It looks like maybe the exterior was shot at one of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s side doors. The interior looks somewhat Studio 54-inspired, though.
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Hiiiiiiyyyyyeeee! I’m just a photograph, don’tcha worry.
Laura meets cute-ish with Detective John Neville (TLJ), as cute as can be when one’s publisher has been horribly murdered with an ice pick. Neville came for the questioning, but he stayed for the hors d’oeuvres, or rather, he looks a bit hungry for a Mars Bar. Laura goes home and rings up her bestie, who happens to be dating Laura’s ex-husband Michael (a very slimy yet somehow sexy Raul Julia). Everyone calms each other down, and soon enough, Laura heads off for a shoot at Columbus Circle. The concept is a bit S&M, models in lingerie and furs fighting in front of the husks of burning cars...
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The concept was inspired by photog Chris von Wangenheim, and so fitting in front of what my father once called “The Devil’s Arsehole” (don’t feel special, C.C., he said that about every Washington D.C. roundabout too). The intersection didn’t get the moniker until 1892, the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s “discovery” of the New World, when a giant statue of the old man was erected. From the invention of the car on, Columbus Circle was considered a hazardous spot for pedestrians. Given the circle’s bad rap for most of the 20th century, it seems quaint to remember that Olmsted intentionally designed the traffic circle as the grand entrance to Central Park in 1857. By 1978, Columbus Circle was “roundly” (oh ho ho) derided as a dangerous thoroughfare. In 1979, architecture critic Paul Goldberger said that the intersection was "a chaotic jumble of streets that can be crossed in about 50 different ways—all of them wrong." A redesign of the circle’s aesthetics and traffic flow began in 1991, and by the Naughty-Aughties, Columbus Circle had even won a few awards for landscape architecture and urban design.
Neville shows up again at Laura’s set at Chelsea Piers. This is my favorite set in the movie, with the fabulous Sterling St. Jacques dancing around and a lot of blown-out color and drama going on.
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It’s also one of our last scenes with poor Lulu and Michelle, alas. I actually quite like both of their characters, so silly and yet so sassy. They have the best outgoing answering machine message, and it made me feel so nostalgic for both answering machines, answering machine messages, and that kind of close relationship you’d have with a roommate. That is the kind of relationship that can only be built after hearing all your messages, and knowing all your secrets, unvarnished and unedited by a brunch re-telling. Sigh.
Laura’s studio is amazing - it’s enormous with tons of old windows, stunning harbor views, and some convenient soft spots that are perfect for sexy times with Neville.
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Donald (René motherfucking Murat Auberjonois) is such a great character. He’s Laura’s long-suffering agent, and although at times walking the stereotypical line, he is quite comfortably un-closeted. Whenever someone tries to throw homophobic shade his way, he shines a light right up their asses. I do not love the character’s decor choices, though - a bit too Italianate for me, although who can resist a red damask wallpaper and this goddamn face? Not me, friends.
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Speaking of Italian classics, Frank Adonis makes an appearance as Sal, Neville’s slightly unhinged partner. I like this shot of him surveying Laura’s apartment with a “mmm, not bad,” expression.
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Frank just shuffled off this mortal coil in late 2018, R.I.P. Weird fact: although he’s the Italian guy you recognize from everything, his Wiki page is in French.
SPOILERS, sort of: Neville goes to see Tommy at his spectacularly depressing apartment, and the visit quickly takes a turn for the worse. Tommy stabs a patrolman while escaping arrest, but the Sal the psycho just opens fire on what appears to be the entire East Village, and Tommy est la morte. Neville rings up Laura to tell her the killer has been caught, and pack your bag, baybeee, they are going away! Laura begins to select some careful neutrals to coordinate with the lady Derringer gifted by Neville, when she is suddenly struck by another vision.
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Poor Michael gets ‘picked in the elevator of Laura’s building, and the killer is en route to her apartment! Laura manages to lock the front door just in time. Neville soon comes crashing through the balcony window, and this is where the ending gets super giallo: as he begins babbling about Tommy’s terrible upbringing, Neville accidentally reveals that it is he, Neville, who is the killer. But it’s not really Neville! No, it’s his other personality that did the killing. That personality is also apparently responsible for how nicely Neville fills out a black turtleneck, as well as for finishing Neville’s dissertation and keeping the bills paid. The real Neville struggles back to the surface; to protect his true love, he basically shoots himself using Laura’s gun (and trigger finger, as she is holding said gun at the time). The final shot is of Laura calling the cops, and her final line? “I’m Laura Mars.” If there is any shred of happy ending to this story, it might be that she has to rip out that fucking bloodstained carpet. Maybe there’s a nice parquet floor under there? I know that hating on carpeting is low-pile fruit, but there is just no way for mere mortals to keep wall-to-wall carpeting from getting disgusting.
Interesting fact: John Carpenter wrote the spec script for this film, but Kershner’s finished product took some hot turns in the rewrite. Carpenter was still credited despite his protests, but luckily the mixed reviews didn’t affect the success of his next project, Halloween. It’s been nice to revisit some giallo, although I think I’m going to go back to the real-deal Italian giallo next month. I might also be leaving this platform, as sad as that makes me. Tumblr has been doing some bullshit flagging of posts that are very LGBTQ-unfriendly, and well, they are also buggy as hell. I had this post written a week ago but the site kept crashing as I was trying to update. At any rate, stay tuned for any updates, or as I likely know all three of you reading this, I’ll let you know if there’s a new site.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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I’ve been feeling a little meh about my blog and everything lately, though that might just be another result of me being very stressed out these days. It’s less than two weeks until my prom. Oh, yeah, here in my country we usually have senior proms during months from October to February. Mine is in the beginning of November. I’m actually going to some of my former classmates’ proms as well, this Saturday and then in December, and who knows, I might throw some more in. My anxious ass will hate me for this when the date comes closer. I apparently like to suffer.
I’m also going to an eye doctor tomorrow and I’m a little scared. I haven’t been there for a while and I think my eyesight got worse. But hey, whether it actually got worse or not, I’ll have new glasses. That’s good. I need new ones.
As for the blog, I’ve been slowly but surely working on Roses again. Gen 6. It’s kind of a lot at the moment but I’m just out of practice, I guess. There’s too many sims in the household. The high school story, well...chapter three is coming soon and I’d like to get two more out until the end of 2018. Not sure if I’ll be able to do that after all but I’ll try. I care about that story and its characters way more than I should but what else is new. I know that for you, it’s probably not the most exciting thing ever but listen...some of the dialogues are my best work, okay? Give it a try.
calm down ron
Replies now.
melien replied to your photoset “In attempts of being a little more like her “superhuman friend”...”
Tag yourself I'm Val
Honestly who isn’t on this website? I feel like most of us need more sleep, correct me if I’m wrong lmao
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “You don’t get it, Jordan. I love you a lot, but we’re over....”
I kinda agree that Jordan deserves better lmao
If I remember correctly, MCCC made him go and have a child with one of Ross’s ex-lovers. Later on, Jordan went and married another one of Ross’s ex-lovers. He’s not the only one though, more of them did the same thing. The family trees in this save are messed up, everyone is related to everyone in some way. It’s a small world. *shrugs*
jackssims replied to your photo “I’m slowly losing my mind. Long story short: I’m drowning in homework....”
Omg if they get together I’ll probably scream into the void
Never say never
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Marika? I haven’t seen her for months. And is that a…does she have a...”
Ohhh yeahh
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “This legacy has seriously been blessed with some Good Genes.”
She's a cutie!
She is! I can’t help but compare kids from this legacy to kids from my other sims 4 legacy. Here, they’re almost perfect the way they’re born. Truth to be told, in my Raven Legacy, I had to edit everyone a lot before showing them to the world. If I had said something else, I probably lied.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
they look gooood
Also happy birthday to them:3
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
They came out really nice! Especially Bianca!
melien replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
Love them! Caleb may be my fav
Thanks guys! They might not be 100% accurate but I still somehow get the right vibes from them, which is more than enough for me. Honestly I’m surprised I have never done this before.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Hi Zoey, what do you want?” “Hi Bianca. Hi…um…you.” “Sharon,” she...”
"I hate running." - honestly me too Zoey
I love working out but every time we have to run in P.E. I want to die. Also burpees. Burpees and running are my two worst enemies.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I felt it from the bottom of my heart. I knew I had the potential to...”
Or... To travel between the worlds!
Yeah, Bianca is pretty badass, even though most of her badass-ness was lost in the original legacy because she wasn’t around. I’m glad I can somehow fix it here.
melien replied to your photoset “Hey LMAO!” “That’s new. What do you want, Rosie?” “Will you take...”
This totally made my day thank you I'm living
You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see this scene happen but I didn’t have enough motivation to do the whole chapter. It was killing me. But hey, here we are, six months later.
melien replied to your photoset “There’s no point in trying to argue with him, seriously. But I swear...”
I actually have a few ideas for you Jacob
Do I wanna know
melien replied to your photoset “He’s been playing with me this whole time…ever since…ever since I...”
I kinda feel like Tyler and Ross would have been besties
I was thinking about this a lot because they’re similar in many ways but...I’m not sure. Tyler is just messing with his friends. He likes joking around. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, actually I think this is very insensitive and selfish of him. I can’t stand him in this chapter. Anyway, he’s just kidding. He kind of counts on the fact that no one takes him seriously because he’s been the “class clown” ever since he can remember and so he can do whatever he wants (breaking news Tyler, you can’t). He would never ever actually cheat on anyone though.
Ross on the other hand...he was cheating on everyone and he knew it and he didn’t feel bad about it - for most of the time, at least. I’m not trying to make excuses for Tyler, he is an ass, I’m not gonna say he’s not, but compared to Ross, he’s just a goof who doesn’t think about consequences of his dumb jokes.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Just to explain what is going on,” Thomas said. “I’m willing to give...”
Was that an indirect comment on My First Pet stuff? Made me chuckle xD
It was! I wrote this chapter around the time My First Pet stuff was released...which explains everything haha. This joke would’ve been funnier if I had taken pictures for this chapter in spring. I mean, the hatred for that stuff pack is kinda dead now, isn’t it? At least I don’t care about it as much anymore.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Marika, long time no see! So you’re a mum now? How long has it...”
Here we goooo
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Well, yeah, but I also don’t need a child in my life and you’re...”
Y’know I’m not the biggest fan of Marika, but she’s got some really valid points here
Yeah. Yeah I can’t argue with that. She’s not the best person but neither is Ross
I swear I wanted to reply with something that was really good in my head, I just can’t remember what it is right now. It’s 11 pm and I’m tired. Sorry
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “I can’t take care of a baby!” Marika: “Well, you’ll have to...”
Okay I still don't like Marika overall but this whole interaction has warmed me up to her a little
I hate her for this, actually. She could’ve handled it as an adult, tell him when she found out she was pregnant, instead she did this. Though, again, she had a good point with “Ross being Sunset’s parent too”.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey Stella! Yes, the dumb fuck knows now and he took it well. You...”
Omg I love this
Not gonna lie I might like Stella and Val’s friendship more than I love Ross and Caleb’s friendship
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ghostsinthewoods · 7 years
Cole. It was god damn puke magnet Cole. There he was, sitting right across from Mae, talking to some dude in a camo hoodie. Thankfully, he hadn't seemed to notice Mae yet. But with her sitting right across from him, it was only a matter of time.
"Shit," Mae whispered. Her throat was all prickly and hot. It felt like she'd swallowed a fire ruby or something. Mae clumsily got off of her barstool and slid behind Germ, trying to obscure herself from her ex. Germ continued sipping on his milk.
This was good. This wasn't weird. Mae was being very reasonable. Really, she was just saving both herself and Cole from further embarrassment. So long as he didn't look at Germ too closely, or notice Mae's ears poking out from behind him, Mae would be fine. She'd be totally fine.
Mae looked cautiously over Germ's shoulder, over to where Cole was sitting. He'd stopped talking to his friend. Now, he was looking over in her direction. He was squinting his eyes, as if he was trying to get a closer look. With how Mae was positioned, though, she was mostly safe.
It was at that moment Germ hopped out of his seat and walked off to the side.
Mae practically froze stiff. Cole was staring at her, recognition slowly dawning on his face. A big smile broke out on his face, and he raised his hand to wave. Mae didn't know what else to do except wave back.
"Germ," Mae whispered out of the side of her mouth, "what the hell, dude? I was hiding behind you!"
"That guy was staring at me," Germ said. His bottle of milk was in his hand, and he took a sip from it as he paused. "I didn't like it. That's what you get for hiding behind me. You wanna dance?"
Mae gave Germ the most what-the-eff look she could manage. "What the hell, dude? Now's not the time to—"
"Hey, Mae."
This time, Mae was frozen stiff. While she'd been talking to Germ, Cole had moved. He was no longer sitting across the bar. He was now right next to her. Talking to her. And Mae was still waving at him.
The gang's eyes were on them as Mae turned to face her ex, trying her best not to seem terrified out of her mind. Why had he even come over here? The last two times they'd met, Mae had puked on or near Cole. Did he not know that history repeated itself? Get a clue, man!
Gregg and Angus both looked mildly concerned. Bea looked mildly uninterested. Germ looked like he was enjoying his milk.
"Heeeeeyyyy, Cole," Mae said. She had to force herself to stop waving. Slowly, Mae lowered her hand and tried to give a smile that didn't make her look like a crazy person. The corners of her mouth were starting to hurt. "What are you doing here?"
Seriously, what was he doing here? Wasn't he at some big out-of-state college? After the party in the woods where Mae had thrown up, she'd taken solace in the fact that she likely wouldn't see Cole again for a long, long time. Unfortunately, that hadn't worked out. Here he was, at some weird honkytonk that used to be a club.
Mae nervously reached her hand towards the bar and grabbed her drink. She took another sip of the cocktail. It tasted gross, but she needed to look casual. Drinking things was casual.
"Oh, god, it's a long story," Cole said, laughing. What a jerk. Smiling like it wasn't even a big deal that Mae had puked on or around him twice. How could anyone possibly be that well-balanced?
"So, what are you doing here?" Cole asked. His attention eventually turned to the rest of the group. "Oh, hey. Something going on?"
"It's Mae's birthday," Gregg said. "Sorta." He didn't have his usual chipper tone. This situation was so awkward it was even affecting Gregg.
"Oh, wow! Happy birthday!" Cole said cheerfully. "Wow, so you're finally 21, huh?"
Mae made a noncommittal noise and took another sip of her drink. A long, long sip. Her head was starting to feel light, but whatever. It was getting her mind off of the mounting panic inside of her. She could get through this. She could make it through a conversation with Cole without having an outburst or puking on him.
"Wow, it's been a while since I've seen all of you guys," Cole said with a laugh. He looked over at Gregg and Angus, then Germ, then Bea. A curious look slowly dawned on Cole's face. "Hey, where's Hartley?"
Mae nearly choked on her cocktail as she took a long, long, long sip. The straw made slurping noises as the last of the cocktail was sucked away, leaving nothing but ice and air. Mae didn't stop drinking. She kept sucking on the straw until she felt like she'd explode.
Angus was the one to answer Cole's question. "Casey… left. He hopped a train last year."
Cole's smile faltered a bit. "Oh, wow," he said. "That's… wow. I didn't really know Hartley that well, but I hope he'll be okay."
"Too little, too late, Cole-io."
Oh, god, shut up, Dream Casey. Mae finally set her drink down on the bar counter. Why did Cole have to bring up Casey? He didn't know Casey. Casey hadn't even liked Cole all that much. Stupid, well-balanced Cole and his stupid, genuine concern.
Cole sighed, and then finally spoke up. "Anyway, Mae… I just wanted to say I'm sorry for—"
"You're sorry?!" Mae felt herself say. The words just came out of her, like a… thing out of another thing. "I puked on you, nearly killed you, and threatened you, and you're sorry?!"
Cole visibly flinched at Mae's words. "Well, I mean," he said, "Last time we saw each other, I feel like I really upset you. And I don't want there to be bad blood between us. You're a really great person, Mae, and I'd like if we could still be—"
"I don't even think about you at all!" Mae shouted. For some reason, she decided to snap her fingers sassily. She wound up just kind of flicking her wrist in the air. Wow. The cocktails here were really potent. "I don't even care! We were dumb high schoolers. We just, like, played video games and had sleepovers."
Cole's eyes flicked nervously from left to right. An anxious chuckle escaped him. "Well, I mean," he said, "When you put it like that, it wasn't really serious. But, I mean, I really liked you, and—"
"There's a hot girl who's into me," Mae said, her words slurring slightly. She was vaguely aware of people staring at her. "I'm gonna get her number, and talk to her about pizza every day."
"Oh, okay!" Cole said, genuinely happy. That jerk! How dare he want Mae to be happy! "That's great!"
"I feel as if I've lost the train of this conversation," Germ blurted out.
"You know what'd really fix this whole situation? If you headbutted Cole right now. Like, really hard."
The idea was tempting, but Mae wasn't about do what Dream Casey said just because she was drunk. Drunk off of a single cocktail, no less. Wow. "Oh, god, shut up," she moaned at Dream Casey.
Cole, who was apparently the world's biggest idiot, thought that Mae was talking to him. "Oh," Cole said. "Okay. Sorry." A moment of awkward silence. Then, "I guess I'll see you around, then?"
"Yeah, you'd better run!" Mae said. With that, a very confused Cole walked away, and Mae hopped back up onto her barstool.
"That was… certainly something," Bea said.
"Dude, why did you let her order alcohol?" Gregg asked, his voice testy. "I mean, this is hilarious, but still." Horror began to creep into his tone. "Oh, god, I can't believe I'm being the responsible one here."
"You're always responsle," Mae said. She slung her arm over Gregg's shoulder, pulling him into a side-hug. "You's my brother, Gregg. We was separated at birth."
"That is demonstrably not true," Angus pointed out. "Mae, you need to settle down. You're drunk. Already. And you're getting worked up."
Mae didn't listen, though. She just kept on talking. "Gregg, you're my bestie…" She said. "You, and Bea, and Angy, and Jermar… you's all my friends. I… oh god…" Mae felt tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "I don't deserve any of you guys. I'm the worst, and I don't know why you all like me."
Despite the jovial rockabilly music playing throughout the club, the mood around the five friends took a sharp nosedive. Bea reached out, placing her hand on Mae's shaking shoulder. "Mae, stop. Okay? You need to relax. You're good. Stop worrying. You're good."
Mae shuddered as her friends gathered in close around her. Everyone, even Germ, looked incredibly concerned.
"You don't deserve it, though. You're a murderer, and a liar, and you can't even do your own laundry."
"Oh, god," Mae whimpered. She looked at Gregg, tears in her eyes. "Gregg… I'm sorry, I've been all dumb… You and Grenggus are moving away… and I'm all dumb… I'm gonna miss you guys so much." Mae's vision began to get all blurry. She choked back a sob.
"Oh, dude," Gregg said. His voice was trembling as well. "Dude, we're gonna miss you, too. The whole move's, like, bittersweet."
"It kind of is," Angus said. His normally calm, stoic voice was showing signs of emotion.
"But I've been a bad friend!" Mae bawled. "Part of me wanted to like… lock you in your apartment… make you live in it forever…" Mae sniffled. "And I don't… want to do that. My brain's bad, guys. It makes me want stuff I don't want. I just wanna be cool with the thing."
"Dude, you are cool with it," Gregg said. "You don't have to apologize. I get it. I really do. I felt the same way when you went off to college."
Mae sniffled, her vision getting blurrier and blurrier. "There's more, dude," she said. "I'm sorry… I betrayed you, man. I betrayed my Greggory." Mae lifted her arm to her eyes and tried to wipe the tears away. She missed somehow. Everything was moving around too much. "I-I was eating pizza with the Bombshell… and I… I…"
"Dude, it's okay," Gregg whispered.
"Mae, calm down," Bea said. "You're making a scene."
"I…" Mae swallowed a lump in her throat. After a few seconds of stammering, she confessed. "I stole your pizza scale!"
Gregg's eyes went wide as he heard Mae confess her sins. "What?" He asked, his voice a whisper.
"I-I stole your scale, dude," Mae sobbed. The tears were streaming down her cheeks now. "I told her the pizza scale was my idea, and I didn't even get to make out with her or anything, and the pizza was awful. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Dude," Gregg said, his voice hitching as his own tears began to flow. "I forgive you! Of course I forgive you!" He pulled his best friend into a hug as they both bawled their eyes out.
People were starting to stare now. Bea cleared her throat and hurried to help Mae out of her seat. "Okay, well, this has been a fun fifteen minutes, but we really should go." As Mae pulled away from her hug with Gregg, she felt herself being guided towards the club's exit.
"Okay, thanks for the fun, Beebee," Mae said. "I'm sorry I made a mess."
"It's fine," Bea sighed. "I'm used to it by now. Let's just get going."
And so, Mae's friends led her out into the Beaver's Rook parking lot, where she promptly threw up.
Even if she was drunk out of her mind, Mae knew an awkward car ride when she saw one. Angus had taken Mae's place in the front passenger seat. Mae had taken his place, sitting in the back, her head resting against the passenger's side door. Germ sat beside her, staring forward enigmatically.
"God, I'm such an idiot," Bea muttered. "I really thought she wouldn't get wasted this time. I really thought she'd learned some effing self-control. Shows what I know."
"It's not your fault," Gregg said. "Mae drank that whole thing in one go. We should have stepped in and told her to pace herself. Instead, we got distracted watching that train wreck of a conversation."
Mae could hear her friends talking, of course. She was too busy being drunk to really understand most of it, though. She had a feeling it wasn't good. Mae had screwed up yet another party. Hell, she'd screwed up her own party. Jeez.
"Hey," she groaned, her speech slow and slurry. "Hey, Grangus…"
"Yeah?" Gregg asked, turning to give Mae a concerned look. "What's up, Mae? Need Bea to pull over?"
Mae shook her head. She didn't feel like she was going to puke. Not yet, anyway. Maybe later. "Hey," she said. "If you and… and Angy have kids… will you name them all after me?"
Gregg blinked. "I mean, I guess?" He said. "I guess we could do that."
"You don't get to pick a kid's name when you adopt them, Bug," Angus pointed out. "You're thinking of puppies."
"God, puppies are so much better than children," Mae grumbled. "I'm gonna howl at the moon with my Iowa wife."
No one seemed to know what to say to that. These people had no respect for relationship goals. Mae pitied them all.
Mae lifted her head away from the door and turned towards Germ. He looked all wobbly. No, wait. That was Mae, moving her head. Everything looked wobbly when she did that. Wobble World. "You're real quiet, Germy. You're a quiet little boy."
"I'm 18," Germ said, his eyes still focused dead ahead.
"Shush," Mae said, placing a hand on top of Germ's head. "You're a little Germ. You've got big dreams, though. Aim for the stars, Jeremy. You do you, man."
"'Kay," Germ said. "Stop touching my head, please."
"What's under your hat?" Mae asked. "I never seen you without your li'l hat, Gregg." Mae blinked. Had she just called Germ the wrong name? Nah, probably not. She was overthinking things.
"Speaksing of hats," Mae said, turning her attention dead ahead to Angus. "I never see… I didn't see Angus without his hat on ever. Never." Mae looked at Gregg out of the corner of her eye. "Hey, Greggory. You ever seen this guy without his hat?"
Gregg just nodded. "I have, dude. We live together, remember?"
Mae shook her head. "Sometimes I don't," she said. "Sometimes I thinks it's still two years ago. And I think one day I'll wake up, and Casey'll be alive, and I'll have to leave everyone all over again."
Bea looked over her shoulder at Mae, Mom Friend'ing it up to the fullest. "Mae… are you talking to Dr. Feldman about this? I mean, how long have you felt this way?"
"Does 'forever' count?" Mae asked. She placed her elbow on Germ's shoulder and leaned on him, her eyes half-closed. Germ didn't move at all. It was like the dude was made of stone. Mae wished she could turn into stone, and punch people.
Germ smelled like old tires.
"I mean, I gotta lotta promblems, guys," Mae grumbled. "If I tell Dr. Feldyman about all of 'em, they'd put me in a brain hospital."
"Mae, I…" Bea sighed. "God damn it, Mae, how do you expect to get the help you need if you don't talk to this guy?! It's what he's there for!"
Mae winced as Bea started yelling at him. Mae didn't like yelling. She wished Bea wouldn't yell. Mae's head was starting to hurt, and she didn't need all of this noise making it worse. "You're bumming me out, Beebee," she said.
"Yeah, dude, calm down," Gregg said. "Let Mae rest."
The car skidded to a sudden halt, and the sound of brakes screeching momentarily woke Mae up. She got off of Germ and looked up to see Bea had stopped on the side of the road. They were out on a lonely stretch of highway; nothing but farms and fields as far as they eye could see. The sky was turning dark.
Bea turned around in her seat and glared at Mae. "No. Okay? No. Mae, I know you're drunk, but you need to hear this. You put off finding a therapist for months. And now that you finally have a therapist, you're not talking to him?"
Bea's expression softened a bit. In that moment, she looked incredibly sad. "Mae, you're practically my sister. And, like… shit, Mae, you haven't been getting better. Like, we've all seen it."
Mae blinked. "Whaaaa?" She asked. Everyone in the car seemed to be trying not to look at her. They were glancing off, all looking sad and guilty.
"You've been spacing out a lot more than usual lately, dude," Gregg finally said. He sounded like he didn't want to admit it. "And, like, you've been muttering to yourself."
Mae tried to think of any times she'd done those things. She guessed she'd been spacing out a little more. And, yeah, maybe she had been muttering a lot. But that was just to talk to Casey. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Wait, no, that was definitely a little crazy.
"Oh, god," Mae grumbled. "I'm am nuts."
"You're not nuts, Mae," Bea sighed. "The stuff you went through last year… That, and all of the issues you already had? All of that combined would make anyone stressed. We're all feeling stressed. I keep having dreams the world is ending."
"I feel fine," Germ said. That got him an angry look from Bea.
"My point is…" She said. "Like, you shouldn't be worried about getting locked up or anything. If you don't want to talk about the mines and the cult, then fine. But you do need to talk to Dr. Feldman about how you've been feeling."
"His name is Bort," Mae said. "I dunno… it's scary, Bea. It really is."
"Bort's not a scary name," Gregg said, confused. Angus gently shushed him.
"I know it's scary," Bea said. "But, please, we all need you to take this shit seriously." She paused for a moment. Mae could have sworn she had a hitch in her voice.
"Look, when my dad had his breakdown," Bea continued, "he refused to see anyone about it. He just locked himself up and barely did anything. And he's not getting better. I know that. He's spiraling. And I don't want to watch the same thing happen to my best friend."
A moment of silence followed Bea's tirade. What could anyone say to that? Mae knew Bea was right. At least, when she was sober, she knew Bea was right. Right now, though, Mae was just kind of confused. She felt like she'd made Bea sad somehow.
"I'm sorry, Beebee," she slurred. "I don't wanna be your dad."
Bea opened her mouth to say something, but she seemed to be unsure of how to respond to that. "Okay," she said. "I guess that works? Thanks, Maeday."
Bea turned forward in her seat again and turned the key in the ignition. The car moved forward, and within a few seconds they were on the road again. Mae looked out at the long stretch of highway in front of them. Everything seemed infinite out there.
Mae closed her eyes, leaned against Germ, and fell asleep.
And in her sleep, she dreamed.
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zombiegurllll-blog · 8 years
No title part one.
I wrote this fan fiction a few months ago. I'm still working on it, it's definitely a work in progress! Leave me any kind of feedback on here, facebook, or if you have my number text me! 
Year 2019
(Castiel appears to be sitting in a park on a bench. Watching people pass by, It's lightly snowing. Children are playing, screaming.) 
  This, this story begins in a weird place. I told Dean and Sam this is the worst idea they've had so far. I even went to heaven to ask God and the Darkness if we should do this. I needed guidance, we all do. After...after the boy's mom came back from heaven things slowly started to fall apart. Soon after we found out Slayers still exist. The boys were not aware of their existence, I myself, thought they all died out. Once Buffy had awoken all of the last existing slayers to help in the good fight, we in heaven were under the impression they all died off in the apocalypse. I had no idea they fled to Italy. They have a small commune, not many of them are left; it's quite fascinating in a way.  As far as I know Buffy is still the head slayer, from the information I gathered from God, she's tough. Buffy died saving the world twice. She's the real reason Dean and Sam are alive. If it weren't for her and her fearless friends this world would have ended before the Darkness tried to end it. It would have been taken over by a vampire they called ¨the master¨. This woman is an important play in this. We need her to help save the world one last time. Right now the boys are trying to find crowley. He is the only one whom can contact her and not die. Whoever this Buffy girl is she has a very powerful witch on her side. This witch goes by the name of Willow. I've heard many of stories about Willow, she almost ended the world once. As far as any of us know she's the most powerful witch in existence. I am positive they will help, if not, I don't know where we stand without them. 
Buffy - I haven't seen Willow in a few days. She went out into the woods and poof! After Willow came back from witchy rehab it hasn't been the same. I know she still feels guilty for turning Dawnie into a huge horse thingy. But obviously Dawnie is over it. Her and Xander are...a...¨thing¨..ew...gives me the creepy, crawly, wiggins. Dawnie isn't even a giant anymore, Angel! Willow turned her back to norm. Maybe she still kicks herself in the butt for it. Im worried. 
Angel - Buff, I'm sure she will turn up, she always does. Hell maybe she's on her  way here OR did you ever stop to think maybe she's looking for Oz? It-
Buffy - Wait, WHAT!? Do you and Spike know where she's at!? It sure sounds like you do Mr. cryptic! 
Willow (in the background) - Don't tell her I'm here Buffy can't know!  Angel, we have to find these Sam and Dean guys before they find her! It's too important. 
Angel - Buff, Spike and I will find her. When we have more intel we will call. When have we ever let you down? We've always had your back. 
Buffy - OH? When you left town to move to L.A.? WHEN SPIKE TRIED TO MURDER ME? 
Angel - Buffy...stop. I promise you we will find her. I have to go. You, Xander and Dawn will be fine. I'll call you when and if I find Oz and Willow. Then we can go from there. 
Buffy -
Okay, we'll try our best here. Hopefully we get this done, I really dont want Giles or Faith knowing. They have enough on their plate the way it is. If they check in with you please play stupid. 
Angel - Okay Buff, I'll talk to you soon. Bye. 
Willow - Do you think she knows you're lying? Are we going to tell Spike yet? We need to find Oz A.S.A.P. He wasn't at the commune helping rebuild. His wife hasn't talked or heard from him in weeks. I'm worried Angel. 
Somewhere, L.A. 
Dean - I just don't get why Cass thinks some super human girl is going to save us. Also, WHY do we have wolf-boy wonder here tied up? Isn't he some good-vibes, yoga, fruitarian weirdo? I thought he could control his crap? 
Sam - Dean, he can. It doesn't help that he doesn't believe us. We're the only two living humans who met God personally, remember? Castiel did say and I quote ¨Dean. This is a bad idea.¨ then i'm positive he called you an ass-butt? 
Dean (scowling, looking over at Sam) 
Sam - I'm just saying dude. Now that we have wolf-man, we need to find crowley. 
Dean - Yeah, well just remember asking Crowley is YOUR idea, NOT Cass s! 
Oz - You guys fight more than Buffy and Spike. Are you sure you re brothers and not together? 
Dean & Sam - SHUT UP!
Back in L.A. 
Willow - I did have an ¨odd¨ dream last night. It was way too real. Maybe we can figure this out somehow? It might be the reason why my mojo is wonky. 
- out of nowhere crowley appears - 
Crowley - Well, hello boys and girls. We need to have a little chat, yeah?
- Willow and Angel both jump to their feet in shock. -
Angel - Willow, get behind me. Who the hell are you?
Crowley - Names Crowley, king of hell. Moose and my ex bestie are on their way here with their new pet dog. They need your help. 
Willow - Someone kidnapped Oz?! There better be a good reason for this, Mr. King of hell. OOoooooh. 
Crowley - Oh love, calm down, little miss red riding hood. We all need each other right now. This is very serious stuff. 
- Angel steps forward - 
Angel - So is this. 
- Angel goes into full vamp mode - 
- Crowley rolls his eyes. Moves his hand, Angel hits a wall - 
Crowley - HELLO, KING OF HELL OVER HERE. I'm a bloody demon! A little vampire isn't going to intimidate me, Angelus. 
- Angel looks up with a confused look - 
Crowley - Ah, yes...I know all about you. Just like I know about miss red riding hood witch of the century over here. You would have given mother a run for her money. We should have recruited you when we needed to put lucy back in his cage. 
- Angel and Willow look at one another in confusion - 
Angel - Lucy?
Crowley - Lucifer. Hes currently trapped in a cage that we put him in. You really need to brush up on your history, seriously.
Angel - So, you're telling me every apocalypse we've all been fighting the good fight but on different grounds? You? A demon? 
Crowley - Ah. About that I - 
Willow - I know all about Sam and Dean. They wer - 
Crowley - Moose and his mini me are the least of everyone's worries. 
Angel - I need to call Buffy.
Crowley & Willow - NO! 
Crowley - You big softy. Let's go running to miss teen U.S.A. everytime we're in a jam. You're off your rocker. 
Willow - I agree with this guy. Buff is kind of ask questions later nowadays Angel. 
Crowley - So are moose and his side kick. Cass needs to meet all of you, then her. 
Willow & Angel - Cass??
Downtown, L.A.
Dean - So this Angel guy. Who is he?
Oz - Not someone you want to mess with. Also, he's a vampire. About...a thousand years old by now, or older. 
Dean - A thousand years old or not I'm still watching my back. You can't expect me to trust the other one either. Blood suckers. 
Sam - Dean, dude, cmon. You need to grow up. 
Dean - I'm just saying! We cant trust everyone, and you out of all people should know that!
Sam - We'll be fine. We still have God on our side. 
Oz (scoffs) - YOU know God?
Sam & Dean - Yeah, he used to live with us. 
Oz (smirks, bobs his head & looks at both boys) - Cool. 
Xander - Any word about Will?
- Xander paces. Dawnie has her arms crossed, pouting. - 
Buffy - I know Angel is lying. He knows where Will is. Maybe they're trying to find Oz, or...EW. Stop it, disgusting. 
Dawn - Buffy, you're acting completely nuts. What's your deal? OOOOO, still in love with Angel? 
- Buffy snaps her head over to Dawn - 
Buffy - DAWN. SHUT IT. 
Xander - WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
- Phone rings in the background. Xander answers in a panic -
Xander - Hello? Angel?! Did you find Will?
Willow - More like I found him. 
Xander - Willow! What happened to you? Why did you leave?!
Willow - I can explain all of that later. I found out Oz is missing, well, kind of. Its a really long story. You, Dawn and Buffy need to come to L.A. Get on the next plane out here, its important. 
Xander - Could you atleast tell me whats going on? You're being just like Mr. cryptic over there. 
- Angel in the background, scowling - 
Angel - I heard that, Xander. 
Willow - Xander, I - 
Xander - I get it. We ll see you soon Will. 
Buffy - So? What did Will say?? 
Xander - Shes with Angel, you were right. We need to go now, all three of us.
Back on the road  
- Phone rings -
Dean (rolling his eyes) - It's crowley. Im guessing it went well and no one died. 
Oz - Huh. That's surprising. I thought Angel would have tried to kill him. Whata softy. 
Sam - Crowley is the king of hell. It would be hard for anyone to actually kill him. To kill demons like Crowley you have to burn their bones. Otherwise he'll just come back. (sam sighs) 
Oz - Huh, brutal! 
Dean - So, how did you become wolverine anyways, kid?
Oz - Kid? I'm older than the other of you. While you were getting your diapers changed we were saving the world. 
- Sam scoffs while Dean chuckles and grips the wheel tighter - 
Oz - Ah, nothing to say Scoffs and Chuckles?
Dean - LISTEN, WE - 
Cass appears 
Cass - DEAN, that's quite enough. 
- Everyone in the car jumps - 
Dean - CASS! I thought we talked about this?
Cass - Dean, this isn't the time. We need to find the slayer. 
Oz - I don't know how Buff is going to handle all of this guys. Im pretty positive she's going to try to kill you. 
Dean - Well miss america is going to have to get used to it. 
Sam (rolls his eyes) - Dean, stop dude. 
Dean - Just saying! We all have this ¨mission¨ to uphold. Blondie better be on board or I'll chop her friggin head off! 
Cass - You will do no such thing. God and the Darkness are watching very closely. 
Oz - Guys, stop fighting, save it for later. Trust me you'll need all the energy you can get. Anyways, there's angels motel. We re here. 
- Angel looks out the window. -
Angel (in a sullen voice) - They're here Will. 
- Willow looks up at angel in shock while Spike enters the room. He leans against the doorway with his leg crossed behind the other, arms folded, smirking - 
Spike (smirking) - Hey, red. 
-Angel & Crowley both turn to see spike in the doorway. They roll their eyes-
Angel (scoffs) - Where the hell have you been? I thought for a second you were gone for good. 
Spike - Sorry to burst your bubble, Angelus. 
Crowley - Who the hell is the blondie boy band douche? 
- Angel scoffs while holding the bridge of his nose. As he's shaking his head at Crowley Angel is pacing. - 
Spike ( in an angrily raised voice) - Does this british twat know who we are?
Crowley (rolling his eyes) - Great...here we go again. 
Somewhere flying over L.A. 
Xander - Buff, I hope you have a plan. Do we even know what we're walking into? 
Buffy - Kick ass, ask questions later. 
(Buffy winks & head nods)
- Willow returns to her seat, looking around nervously. Buffy and Xander look around confused - 
Buffy & Xander - Will!? What're you doing here? Wheres Dawn?
Willow (in a calm sullen voice) - I zapped her back home, it's too dangerous. Someone is watching us. All I know is it's a demon. Not the cuddly kind either. 
- Buffy starts to dig through her bag. As she digs a man puts his hand on her shoulder. - 
Lucifer - Oh darling, those wont work. (He smiles & winks at Buffy)
- As the scooby gang looks around they notice time is at a stand still - 
Buffy (in a stern/angry voice) - I would remove those paws before I do it for you.
Lucifer - Ha! What anger you hold, little one. So I take it Im early to the party. 
Willow (looking ahead) - I...know who you are. 
Lucifer (putting his hand on his face while his arms are crossed) - Oh really? And who's that m´dear?  
Willow (still looking forward as her eyes turn pitch black) - You're being pretty cocky for a demon. 
Lucifer (scoffs & chuckles) - Ah, so you haven't met Samantha & little Dean berry yet I take it. 
Willow, Xander and Buffy (look at one another puzzled) - Who?
Lucifer - Well, well, well. Interesting, this should be fun. (smiles and chuckles to himself)
Back at Angel Inc. 
The boys, Oz and Cass have been on the road for countless hours/miles. They find themselves frustrated. As they finally arrive to the motel emotions are at a all time high. 
Dean - Okay, so let me get this straight...Spike and this angel guy are actually vamps? Cordelia is basically a floating guardian spirit, Buffy is the head slayer, Willow is super witch, Dawn was the ¨key¨ given to Buffy to protect for the rest of her life, you're a wolf-boy wonder and out of all of this Xander is the only human other than Buffy's old watcher Giles, which is nowhere to be found? 
Oz - Well, yeah. In a nutshell. 
Dean (rolls his eyes, scoffs) - GREAT. Every single last thing we're against NEEDS OUR FRIGGIN HELP. I didn't sign up for this Sammy. 
- As they enter the hotel loud noises/voices and the sound of things breaking get louder - 
Spike (screaming & punching angel) - WHERE IS BLONDIE? WHAT DID YOU AND RED DO?!
- Angel gets up, collects himself - 
Angel - Spike, I told you - 
- Spike punches angel in the face again - 
Spike - Wrong answer, angelus. 
- Crowley rolls his eyes and quickly realizes Willow vanished -
Crowley - Hey! knock it off! Have you lost your bloody minds?! We re at war! Also, has no one noticed that red riding hood is gone?!
- Sam and Dean break the front doors open - 
Crowley - Ha, I was wondering when those two block heads would show up. 
- No one in sight. The hotel is empty, silent and warm looking - 
Dean & Sam - Wow...
- Oz pushes ahead into the hotel - 
Oz - Not every vampire lives like an animal. Or what? You've never been in such a nice place? Ha. ANGEL! Its me, Oz! I brought - 
- Angel walks down the stairs -
Angel - Company, I see. Hello Oz. 
- Cass appears behind angel, he puts his hand on angels shoulder - 
Cass - Hello, Angelus. We need to talk. 
- Angel and Spike both look at Castiel in disbelief as crowley appears as well - 
Crowley - Ah, yes, my little blood suckers, you're not the only angel in the room, Angel. 
Spike - Why have we never met before? Who the hell are all of these blokes? Does this have to do with Buffy? 
- From the garden - 
Lucifer - Oh this has a lot to do with more than just her. 
Crowley -  Oh bollocks.
- Crowley fades out. Sam & Dean shift around. Dead looks over his shoulder - 
Dean - So, daddy let you out?
-Lucifer scoffs. He starts to shake his head - 
Lucifer - Dean, dean, dean...how good of you to bring my favorite chew toy, again. 
-Lucifer steps out of the darkness - 
Lucifer (with his arms up & open) - SAMMY! How bout it? Let's be a team again!
Lucifer - Oh Dean, where's the fun in that?
Cass - Lucifer! Brother, leave them alone. 
- Lucifer send Dean & Sam flying across the room. He starts to back away from cass- 
Lucifer - Now Castiel, lets talk about this. Don't do anything rash.
- Cass pulls out his Angel sword. Spike & Angel both are baffled, they start to back up & instantly shift into vampire mode - 
Spike - I think this one is on them mate. We need to stay out of it. 
Angel - Agreed. 
Lucifer (over hearing S&A) - OH! So no one wants to help their old pal out, huh? FINE, have it your way. 
- Lucifer turns to Sam & Dean - 
Lucifer - See you boys soon. (winks & fades out as Cass lunges at him.)
- Cass collects himself. Everyone looks around at one another - 
Dean - I - 
Cass - DEAN. Shut it...this isn't the time. 
Spike - So, What the bloody hell was that!?
- Buffy, Willow and Xander arrive, Cordelia & Doyle both appear in the background - 
Cordelia - So, hi everyone. We can explain. 
- Buffy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Xander & Oz look baffled - 
Dean, Cass, & Sam - Who the hell?
- Cordie & Doyle are standing side by side, hand in hand. Doyle bows his head -
Doyle - Ladies & gentleman. 
Angel (with tears in his eyes) - Cordelia?
- Cordie runs over, wraps her arms around Angel. then kisses him - 
Cordelia - Oh Angel...Ive missed you so much. 
- Buffy scowling in the background with her face red - 
Buffy - SO. THIS is what you've been up to? Great choice. HA.
Cordelia - Buffy, seriously? All of you are what? In your forties now? Angel doesn't love you like that anymore, this isn't high school. 
- Buffy scowls even more, folding her arms - 
Buffy - I might be getting older but ill still kick your ass, CORDIE. Don't tempt me. 
Dean - Whoa, whoa, ladies. We have bigger fish to fry. You can fight over Edward cullen later. 
- Dean laughs to himself, looks at Sammy & gives him a thumbs up - 
Sam - Dean, stop. 
Cass - Dean, Sam is right. Now that we're all here - 
Cordelia - Castiel, right? Angel of the lord?
Cass - Whos asking?
Cordelia - Other than what just happened you're the real reason Doyle and I are even here. We all need one another right now. I believe Lucifer wants our powers. Everyone in this room, even you Xander, are important in this fight. We need everyone and - 
Doyle - Hey, wait. Where's that Crowley bloke? We can't do this without him, mates. 
Cass - I'll go find Crowley. He's still terrified of Lucifer. All of you need to talk this out and get along. God and the Darkness are depending on us. 
The scooby gang - GOD?
Dean & Sam - He's real. And real pissed. 
Buffy - How can we believe you? How do you know God?
Oz - Buff, these guys know a lot. They're hunters, born & raised. God lived with them. It's a long, rad, but long, story. Theyll tell you all about it. 
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