#but it had something to do with attacks and people were everywhere on street in panic
dykegirlfriend · 1 year
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celibibratty · 12 days
It's like Marina said, as bad as the mini fight of that day was, it was necessary, we finally talked about the things we suffered and showed how they also hurt us, and how mom hurts us too, she doesn't understand/doesn't try to understand us, and that's it!, maybe that's just how it is, mom is like that, she's not considerate, she doesn't understand what we suffered indeed
Before that it seems that I/we get it very frustrated with that, even though I didn't admit it, it seems like I wanted her to understand, I/we wanted her approval, but now with this day....we don't need her approval, it's just like that, mom is like that, she'll never understand what we went through, and she's not interested in the things we do indeed, and that's all right, she's just like that, she doesn't understand and she doesn't need to understand, I/we no longer want her to understand and be interested
#reflection#The reason of the mini fight was just that mom started talking about trauma and said that she has afraid of being judged...#We said that we had this fear a lot too but then she question us saying that...#How we have this fear “judged of what?” She said#I snap it what you mean? “Being judged of what?”(Ugh The way she says) I think you forgetting something...#Very important about our life we suffered bullying!! Bullying is basically an phsychologic abuse of judgement💢🔥#We were judged almost our whole life a-and it was in everywhere by people at our age adults kids...#At the english course at school at the street#How dare you say that!!! As if what we being thru was nothing!#I had afraid of going outside I didn't had a voice god and it seems we eventually become a target to judgement just for existing...#People laughed at us i had an anxiety attack almost every day#Are you having amnesia should I get worried? First forget that you liked mine s1fu w0man and now forget that we were victims of bullying...#In a very Young age(these are so unimportant to you that you simply forget)#Then we open up about a very suck day that the school superior screamed at us cuz we didn't find...#People for doing a group project(this story is for another day it was worse than that)well it had a teacher...#That put us in this situation I swear I almost hate this woman till this days cuz of that well mom was saying “ ah it was the teacher job..#She was doing what she has to do?" We fuckin know that it was her job I not saying she was evil I just want you to see how it hurted us...#Marina was the one that fighted more back she said how much frustating it is to open up to mom...#Cuz she always like that she always tries to almost put the blame on us make us understand the other side but NOT OUR SIDE#And we always caring and understanding with her but she is not the same with us that was what marina said...#Then mom just go away crying I guess(I didn't saw my eyes were shut)#Now everybody is okay again time cease those things#....well it was very intense but it was the right thing#I don't understand what mom's being thru and mom don't understand what we being thru....#Cuz we are different people for more similar that “trauma” is we dealt differently....and that's okay we don't need to understand
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
To soothe myself from my last post where it’s non-Joker hate *shudders* here have this.
The first three months of Danny’s stay in Gotham had been mostly quiet. No big Rogue attacks since most of them were in Arkham. Unfortunately that had come to an end. There was a mass breakout and among them was the Joker.
Danny had made friends with a couple people, during his classes, and had met his new crush Tim at a coffee shop. He was actually with Tim when they got the news about the breakout. They had been walking out to Tim’s car so he could be driven home when it happened.
Tim’s POV
He had been talking with Danny when he saw him shudder and stop walking.
He frowned, turning towards him. “Danny? What’s wrong?” He watched as Danny paled, full body twitched, then his eyes turned a glowing red that took over his entire eyes. He snarled, face almost inhuman as he turned and booked it down the street at inhuman speeds (though nowhere near Flash speed).
Scrambling Tim jumped in his car and chased after Danny, though he quickly lost him. He grabbed his com and turned it on. “Oracle, I need you to track someone.” He quickly rattled out along with the street information and Danny’s description.
“Red Robin, report.” Batman growled out.
“I was walking with my friend back to my car after we heard the news of the breakout. On the way there he froze and then… I’m not quite sure but whatever it was I don’t think he was in control anymore.”
There was silence for a few moments on the coms. Oracle spoke, “I think I found his location. The cameras are fritzing out big time in a decent area near your location.”
When he managed to get there he was honestly a little sickened. There was body parts and blood everywhere. Joker goons, from the occasional mask lying around. Swallowing he ventured deeper into the zone, having to turn off his coms due to the screeching interference.
When he finally set his eyes on Danny it was to see him arm deep into the Joker’s chest. He paused, watching as the Joker’s body fell to the floor, his heart still in Danny’s hand. He watched as Danny’s eyes stopped glowing red and he swayed, dropping the heart to bring a hand to his head.
“Danny?” He asked hesitantly.
Danny turned, a hazy expression on his face. “Tim?” He slurred out.
Quickly making his way over he managed to prevent Danny from toppling over, grimacing at the blood now coating his hand. He noticed the other bats and birds arriving on scene out of the corner of his eye, but stayed focused on Danny. “Let’s get you out of here.” He said gently as he guided Danny out of the area.
Later, after he had managed to get Danny some water and a bit of food, he asked, “Do you remember what happened, Danny?” His friend looked down at his blood covered hands. “I remember walking to your car when it was like I was being grabbed by a bunch of hands and I couldn’t move. Then… it almost felt like I was being stuffed into a box or something and everything was hazy and indistinct after that. I tried fighting it but it like catching smoke. Then I was being released but it was like I had no energy. I know you called my name but I don’t recall much until after you gave me the energy bar.”
Tim frowned, glancing at Black Bat. He saw her sign “true” and nodded. Looks like they might have to call the JLD on this one.
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weneepie · 1 month
HEYYY !! I have a request 😼what about reader who want to go out late a night to ser her friend having a hatd time without warning jason and suddenly jason come back of patrol more earlier and scold her , but reader is upset about jason reaction , but jason just want to protect her …
worried w/ red hood rules | m.list
note. hiii! thank you sm for your request omg i love jason sm of course i'd do that ; worried jason is adorable, my boy is doing his best <3 feel free to request anything else!
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You were supposed to be here. He left you alone in your apartment before he left for his night patrol. So why weren’t you here anymore? Where were you? Jason thought he was about to go crazy. He was searching everywhere, calling your phone, but you weren’t answering at all.
Yes, he came back earlier than usual, but it wasn't a reason to disappear, was it? What if something bad had happened while he was gone? Jason was making the worst scenarios in his head. Until he heard the sound of the door opening. He turned around and you arrived in the living room, a bit surprised. 
You didn’t have the time to say anything that Jason was standing in front of you, a visible frown across his eyebrows. “Where the hell were you?!” His voice was too loud, too angry ; you didn’t like that at all. You slowly raised an eyebrow at his tone, feeling the slight irritation growing inside of you. 
“My friend needed me, so I left to see her.” You explained but it didn’t calm Jason at all. “You know Gotham’s not safe at night. What if you got attacked, or worse?” He was clearly angry, but it simply made you angry too. You weren’t a child, you didn’t need him to act like he was your own father. 
“Quit yelling at me, would ya?” Your tone was harsh, and it caught him off guard. He wasn’t so used to any reaction like this from you, so he was taken aback. He was about to answer when you pointed at his chest, looking into his eyes. “I don’t need you to protect myself, Jason. I’m a grown adult!” And in those words, you left the living room to get locked up in the bathroom. You really needed a shower. 
Jason stayed alone in here, standing up and a bit lost about what just happened. Did he get too far? He knew you were strong enough to defend yourself ; he loved you for that. But he couldn’t help it ; he was always worried when he knew you were alone in the streets at night. He meant what he said: Gotham wasn’t safe at all, and he knew what he was talking about. 
He saw so many people get hurt without any reason, and he was just so scared to lose you. Anger was his only way to express those feelings, but making you mad was the last thing he ever wanted. So he sat on the couch and waited for you to get out of the bathroom. It took you long minutes, and he was almost falling asleep. Or at least, he would have if he wasn’t thinking so much about what he wanted to tell you. 
When you joined the living room again, your gaze met his figure and you rolled your eyes. You sat next to him in silence, hating this stupid sad look on his face. You hated to see it, but he needed to understand what was wrong. Jason took your hand softly in his. “Look at me, please… I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to react like this.” You turned around, meeting his eyes ; and he knew he wasn’t lying. There was too much sincerity in it for that ; you knew him by heart. 
You stayed silent, waiting for him to keep going for a moment. He breathed out softly, leaving a gentle kiss against your knuckles. “I was just… worried. I’m always so scared when you’re alone out there. I know you’re strong ; but those guys can be crazy.” And how could you blame him? You knew Jason got through hell because of one of them. You finally completely turned to face him, grabbing both his hands between yours. 
“I’m not angry because you’re worried. I am because you yelled at me like I was completely dumb and not careful.” He slowly nodded at your words, understanding that he didn’t react the way he should have. Your hand gently moved to his cheek so you could stroke it with your thumb so slightly. Jason leaned onto your touch, eyes now closed at the feeling. 
You felt like home for him, and he’d rather die than having to lose this feeling once more. He left a soft kiss against the palm of your hand, making you smile lightly. “I’d be careful with my reactions,” he told you, looking back at your eyes. You leaned forward a little, leaving a small peck against his lips. “And I won’t leave without telling you where I am.” 
A silent agreement, so things could work. Jason was making so many efforts for you, all the time ; the less you could do was to do some efforts too. Moreover, Jason was clearly worth it. The boy needed a comfort and safe place to calm his home ; and you were ready to be this for him.
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thank you!!
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happyprincesscycle · 1 month
Grump and Pupp
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Pairings: Grumpy!Billy Butcher x Sunshine!Reader
Summary: Billy Butcher and the reader with the Shrek and Donkey dynamic. Basically Butcher is a grumpy old man and you are like a cute puppy yapping and following him everywhere and no matter how much he tries to get you off of his ass you just can't seem to get a hint.
(Recently rewatched Shrek and he reminded me of Butcher lol. I thought a dynamic like that would be so funny with him so I gave butch a sweet yapping friend who he cannot get rid of)
Billy Butcher was no stranger to solitude. In fact, he preferred it that way—peace and quiet, no one to answer to, no one to bother him. But that all went out the window the day you stumbled into his life, a young, bright-eyed, relentlessly cheerful force of nature that had somehow decided he was your new best friend.
He didn’t know how it happened. One moment he was alone, enjoying a quiet pint at his favorite dingy pub, and the next, there you were, plopping down beside him like you belonged there, chatting away like you’d known him for years.
“You look like someone who could use a friend,” you’d said with a grin, as if that explained everything.Butcher had glared at you, silently willing you to leave. But you didn’t take the hint—in fact, you didn’t seem to notice the hint at all.
And from that moment on, it was like you’d attached yourself to him with some sort of invisible leash, following him everywhere, talking his ear off, and generally driving him up the wall.
“Oi, Butcher! You ever think about getting a pet?” you asked one day as the two of you wandered through the city, your voice as bubbly as ever. “I bet you’d be great with a dog! Or maybe a cat—they’re more independent, like you. But then again, cats can be kinda grumpy, and you’re already grumpy enough…”
Butcher stopped in his tracks, spinning around to face you. “Will you just shut it for five bloody minutes?”You blinked at him, your smile never wavering.
“Sure! But can I just say one more thing?”
He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re gonna say it anyway, aren’t you?” “Yep!” you chirped. “I was just thinking, wouldn’t it be fun if we had a secret handshake? Like, something really complicated with lots of fist bumps and twirls—oh, and maybe a little dance at the end! It’d be our thing, you know?”
Butcher stared at you, wondering how in the hell you’d managed to survive this long. “A secret handshake? You’re serious?”
“As serious as a heart attack!” you replied, nodding eagerly. “Come on, let’s come up with one right now!”
Butcher rubbed his face, feeling the last of his patience slipping away. “Listen, I ain’t got time for handshakes or dances or any of this bollocks. I’ve got a job to do, and you’re just in the way.”
You frowned for the first time, looking genuinely confused. “In the way? But I’m helping, aren’t I? I mean, who else is gonna keep you company while you do… whatever it is you do?”
Butcher opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his tongue. You were right—well, sort of. He didn’t need company, but for some reason, you’d stuck around longer than anyone else ever had. And despite himself, he couldn’t completely hate it. Not that he’d ever admit that, of course.
“Look,” he said, trying to sound as stern as possible. “I’m a dangerous bloke, alright? People who get close to me end up gettin’ hurt. You’d do well to bugger off while you still can.”
You just grinned at him, completely unfazed. “Dangerous, shmangerous! I’m not going anywhere, Best friends stick together, Butcher!”
Butcher let out a long, suffering sigh. “Christ, you’re like a bloody tick…”
But despite his grumbling, he found himself continuing down the street, with you happily tagging along beside him, yapping away about something or other.
And as much as he tried to tune you out, he couldn’t help but catch bits and pieces of your chatter.
“—and then we could get matching jackets! Maybe something with skulls on the back, or flaming swords! Oh, and we definitely need a cool team name. How about ‘Butcher’s Team’? Or maybe ‘The Butcher Bunch’? No, wait! I’ve got it—‘The Grump and The Pup’!”
Butcher shook his head, half-amused despite himself. “You’re a right pain in the arse, you know that?”
“Yep!” you replied cheerfully. “But you love me anyway.”He scoffed, but there was no heat behind it.
“Keep tellin’ yourself that, sunshine.”
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baxndaid · 5 months
Hello! I have a request!
Can I have a headcannon of LMK? where female reader is sweet but has really bad luck? ( Like she would almost get hit by a car, incoming ball to the face, tripping, accidentally falling down the stairs, bumping into furniture or people, and light poles, flower pots or signs almost falling on her. And not just her getting hurt but generally things that won’t work with her like a soda getting stuck in a vending machine, losing her wallet and opening a bag of chips but it gets ripped apart instead and falls over to the ground. )
So I was wondering if Mk, Redson and sun wukong actually found this out by hanging out with her and does everything to protect her or put her out of harms way? And maybe they secretly like her? ( I thought this idea was cute and funny so I hope it’ll be fun for you! )
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mk + redson + wukong x reader 🧷🧃⏰ -- who has horrible luck!!️
a/n ; this is soo cute, also im just going through my asks rn so if u requested, itll most likely be answered soon!! ilyy
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sun wukong !!
☆ he thought you were just real dumb as first icl... just sweet but stupid
☆ you had such a cute innocent smile i mean come on how could he not think that? just so ignorant, yeah, thats it!! thats why your always in danger silly
☆ at first he found it so funny like he tried to hide his goofy little smile but it wasnt enough - watching you trip over literally anything was hilarious
☆ sometimes he thought you mightve been cursed by a demon - how does somebody miss their bus by a minute every single day? you cant be human, theres no way somebody is this unlucky? whatever nagito...
☆ he did find it funny when you wasted a whole 90 yuan on vending machine snacks that didnt even come out, and he did find it funny when you started kicking said vending machine, and he did find it funny when the vending machine spat out drink cans onto your head as a result of your abuse - he can admit that
☆ but he started to get concerned about your safety whenever you even thought about crossing a busy road
☆ im not even kidding - the second you stepped on the road he had to yank you back by your shoulder onto his chest, there was a truck coming right for you
☆ he scolds you a little.... just a little
☆ not harshly but he just wants you to be safe - so he does something to protect you (and embarrass you for scaring him with that whole road incident)
☆ he carries you everywhere, EVERYWHERE MAN... and he shows off a bit too the cheeky bastard - throws you up and down, does somersaults, carries you like a sack of potatoes just to embarrass you more
☆ he doesnt do this a lot though, with your luck? you two would probably be hit by an aeroplane
redson !!
☆ he so damn annoying with it "god your so clumsy" WDC!
☆ hes very very protective - like annoyingly so bc he acts like he doesnt care at all (he is PANICKING)
☆ please play with his hair im pretty sure hes more stressed than you are even if your the one whos being attacked by random vending machines and flower pots on the street atp
☆ his ass is NOT letting you leave without him anymore
☆ yeah yeah hes gonna act all "god your such a nuisance, i have to take care of you like youre a child" WDC!
☆ you would hardly see the effects of your bad luck with him because he prevents it as much as he can - he sees that your wallet is loose and about to fall? he got it for u!! "did you just touch my ass?" "w-WHAT?!"
☆ hes never doing that again, have fun losing your money
mk !!
☆ he gets you frr
☆ you both just chill together, he DOES try to prevent the more harmful situations that you may find yourself in like traffic and... vending machines
☆ but hes a baby, he cant help you with getting your coins unstuck in a sewer because he himself probably has his whole wallet in there somewhere
☆ you both look out for each other
☆ see a puddle hes about to slip in? call out, he sees a car coming? he calls out
☆ overall you both have a lot of ... ehem... baxndaids.... in your bags just in case you two do something stupid - whether intentional or not
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lmk masterlist
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
ok so 90s slash. (90s guns they are all vampires they keep it a secret) The members feast on their groupies to become more powerful and fulfil their needs. Slash however doesn't wanna kill the girl he bits. In fact, she decides to turn her without telling her to keep her all to himself. This could be done with smut and angst when reader realizes that she burns herself from the sun by accident. She gets really pissed off and nearly attacks him which the others overhears the commotion. is that too much?? i just have a big brain.
hiii no it’s not too much I absolutely loved this idea and went full out with writing it thank you for the suggestion 💛🩵❤️🖤
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A Monster
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Words: 1,475
warnings: *smut* *angst* *slight cnc* *vampire slash* *ropes* *degradation* *being kidnapped* *p in v* *blood* *getting turned into a vampire*
Guns n Roses was a very popular band in the 80s and 90s. Their fans and groupies knew every single thing about each of the members. Little did they know that they were all vampires. Guns n Roses remain to keep their vampire secret to themselves.  All of them were brand-new vampires. They were all out one night at a bar and a female vampire lured them into her hotel room and she turned them all into vampires. They all had red eyes but everyone seemed to ignore it. All of the fans who have met them backstage say they feel cold and they all look scary. In an interview, A groupie even said that Axl tried to bite her wrist. No one was really surprised and they all ignored groupies because a lot of rock stars had a thing for biting people. People thought Groupies were also known to lie because they always seemed to be high and other people thought they were paranoid. Guns n Roses would drug their groupies beforehand if they decided to let them go so people would think they were delirious. 
It is the year 1991 and you were a groupie for many bands including Motley Crue, Ratt, Skid Row, and Guns n Roses. Many bands knew that you were a groupie and they would invite you to sleep with them whenever they were on tour. One day you were invited to stay in a hotel with all of the band members by Slash because he was interested in you. You immediately accept the offer and many people warn you that Guns n Roses was very dangerous. Little did anyone know that they caused death because they were supernatural creatures that loved human blood. You go to the hotel Slash invited you to. When you enter the room you see all of the GNR members and their groupies. All of the curtains are shut and they have empty jars everywhere. They all go to their hotel rooms and start to feed on their groupies. You can hear them all scream and cry. 
“What is that Slash” You ask scared.
“They are all fucking” Slash smirks.
“No, they sound like they're being killed, What is going on?.” You say gulping.
“Those are cries of pleasure. Please trust me” Slash says with pleading eyes.
“Just ignore those sounds and focus on me and my voice Y/N,” He says pulling off your panties.
You stop Slash.
“Let's do it after they stop,” You say, pulling Slash’s hands off of you.
“Okay,” Slash gives up sitting next to you.
You didn't know but they are all feeding on their groupies to become stronger. They suck most of their blood and then they drug them and let them wander off on the dark streets at night. You sigh in relief after hearing that they stopped screaming blood-curdling screams. 
“Let's do it slut” Slash rips your panties off and he holds your waist tight.
You feel a sharp bite on your neck. You don't say a word because you don't want to ruin the moment. You feel him gulping something out of your neck. You are scared because you know he is drinking your blood. You thought it was just a kink he had and you let him do it. He lays you down while keeping the same position of his mouth on your neck. His one hand travels down to rip his underwear off. He sticks his cock in you and you let out a small whimper.
“Mmm Slash” You whimper while holding onto his back.
“Mmmm, You taste so good,” Slash says as he takes a quick break from your neck.
He continues to thrust his cock inside of you hitting your soft spot over and over again. You were restless, especially since he drained you from your blood. Everything was getting blurry. Your toes curl and your legs start to shake. Your pussy tightens around Slash's cock. Slash’s legs start to shake and his head goes back. “Slash, I'm almost there.” You cry out. 
“Me too slut just stay still” Slash grunts as his hips collide with yours at the speed of light. 
Slash spills his wet load in you at the same time you squirt on his cock.
“Oh Slash” You moan while passing out. Slash pulls himself out realizing he took too much of your blood.
“Hmm, this is going to be fun” Slash smirks while injecting some of his venom in you. 
He wants to turn you into a vampire so he can have you all to himself forever. Axl and Izzy walk in while Slash is tying you up.
“Did you have fun with her?” Axl asks while chuckling.
Izzy comes to your side and moves his hands through your hair. 
“She looks so innocent.” Izzy smirks.
“Yeah, I did have fun. I turned her” Slash says to Axl. 
“She's one of us now?” Axl asks. “Yep,” Slash says.
Axl and Izzy go tell Duff and Steven that you're a vampire now.
After a couple of minutes, you wake up with an intense craving for blood. You found it extremely weird and uncomfortable. You have the strength to rip the ropes off.
“Holy shit!” You yell. “Fuck what's wrong with me? What happened, what did you do?!” You ask Slash frantically. 
“Shh,” He says, putting his finger to your lips. Slash opens the curtains and steps away to let you find out yourself. You step into the light not knowing you are a vampire you try to ask him what he did. You feel burning on your arm and it's very intense. You look down at your arm and it's on fire. You panic not knowing what is causing your arm to be on fire. You step out of the light and realize that you are a vampire.
“Fuck I’m burning what did you do?” You sob. 
Slash shows you his fangs.
“Fuck You bit me and turned me into a monster.” You sob.
“A monster? I wouldn't put it that way” Slash says while trying to help you to calm down.
He grabs you while you try to attack him. He tries to pin you to the bed but you yell, scream, and sob.
“Get the fuck away from me” You scream while grabbing a wooden stake. 
Slash pries the wooden stake out of your hand and he pins you to the bed.
“Shh, it's going to be fine. On the bright side you will get to be with me forever” He says while moving his hands up and down your hair.
“I didn't want this” You cry while trying to get him off of you. Steven Axl Duff and Izzy hear all of the commotion and walk in on you and Slash fighting. 
“You need blood,” Slash says while the guys watch you. You feel disgusted but you have an intense craving for it so you chug the whole bottle of blood in front of Slash. “Shh, you will feel better after this I promise,” Slash says. After you finish your blood you feel another intense wave of anger and you attack Slash even worse. You slap him and pull his hair. You spit in his face and you bite his arms hoping he would feel some pain.
“Ow” Slash yelps after you bite his arms.
He is fed up with you attacking him so he tries to calm you down again.
“I promise it's going to be okay,” He says while tying you up with steel ropes.
“Let me go,” You beg.
“I will but first you will have to calm down,” He says.
After a couple of hours, you seem to calm down and Slash unties you. “Do you feel better now?” He asks you while cupping your face.
“Yeah,” You say sniffling.
Slash unties the steel ropes. He is still on guard in case you try to hurt him. 
“Slash, why did you turn me? I had so many things to do. I wanted a family and I wanted to die one day. I wanted a husband.” You sniffle letting out your confessions.
“Vampires can be married. Also, you will have me forever and vampires can have kids. So we can still have a family.” Slash tells you.
“It still hurts,” You say, showing him your arm.
The band just smirks while watching you and Slash talking. They all look amused that you're in pain. They were all very sadistic. 
“It will heal soon,” He says while holding your arm. You fall asleep next to Slash for a while but you still resent him for making you a vampire. It takes some time but you start to feel safe and forgive Slash for turning you. You both get married after 2 months. You both soon find out that you're having a son.
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confused-wanderer · 2 months
thoughts about Bruce nearly adopting the prince of hell itself- Nico di Angelo? bcause there is no register of Nico having a family, he's an orphan for the mortals. And Bruce is always into adopting orphans with a dark past (cmon Nico has a really dark n complicated past)
I love the way you think.
Nico di Angelo already has the brooding, dark and concerningly pale part of being Gotham’s cryptic down. It isn’t his fault that when he accidentally shadow travels while in the underworld and ends up in Gotham, every villain and goddamn person in Gotham has already pegged him as the latest addition to the bat family. It had taken Nico way longer than he’d like to admit to realize he wasn’t in the underworld anymore. In Nico’s defence, when you had dark streets filled with a heaviness in the air, accompanied by darkness and screams everywhere it’s hard to realize you’ve actually ended up on Earth.
The first time Bruce bumps into him is when he sees this kid take down forty assassins in one fell swoop. The kid fights with a sword, but Bruce notes that he relies more on his powers. When the fight is over, Bruce feels the weight of Nico’s gaze on him. He feels the souls of the damned judging him, but the only thing he can focus on is that this kid is scrawny. Concerningly pale, and eye bags so deep they gave Tim a run for his money. And all the pieces clicked: why all the people were suddenly chastising him for not feeding his kid enough, why the villains were crying foul play over him playing favourites when it came to allowing metas in his city, Bruce keeps his eyes peeled, tries to track down the kid because forget seeing him as a threat to Gotham, this kid was a threat to himself with the way he was operating. The next time he meets Nico, he comes prepared with weeks of research that led him to the perfect peace offering: A McDonalds Happy Meal.
Nico’s fight or flight instincts were failing him when Bruce approached, because he had no idea what to do when an intimidating creature appears out of the shadows, walks towards him and basically shoves a meal in his face and asks him where his parents are. But slowly he starts trailing Bruce, asks the ghosts about him and pieces together that he was a mortal famous for brooding and hiding in the shadows..Nico had competition for his title.
Bruce lends him a room in the manor one night after Nico almost passes out, and is slightly scared of how aggressive the man’s kind gestures are. From the way Alfred gives him the side eye when he thinks he’s successful in skipping meals, or the superhuman strength with which Bruce absentmindedly judo-flipped a monster into another dimension when it tried to attack Nico while he was half-asleep. One day after a long nap, Nico hears a lot of animated noises, peeks around the corner and that’s how he sees the rest of the batfam. The next few days even though he tries to avoid him they all somehow find him, curious to see the latest arrival. Jason is informing him of his rights when he becomes a legal ward and all the blackmail and guilt-tripping he is entitled to, while Dick and Barbara try and make him feel comfortable and welcome without preying too much. Something about them keeps nagging Nico, because they seemed so damn familiar he found himself wanting to believe he was safe with them. It’s only after the two have a debate and share an exasperated look that it clicks. Their antics remind him of Percy and Annabeth.
It takes a little getting used to though. The first time Nico and Tim met, everyone else swore they were seeing double. Two anemic kids with more trauma than blood in their body, complete with the eye bags and the pale complexion. The only thing Nico was missing, was a missing spleen. The batfam still mixed up their names from time to time, but Nico wouldn’t admit that he liked it, and sometimes would add fuel to the fire. He liked being the only one who could scare Bruce every single time by beating the man at his own games and appearing out of the shadows. Bruce does still occasionally ask about his parents- half out of curiosity and the other concern and at one point Nico knows enough about their world to know they won’t bat an eye at the truth, so he tells them. His reaction was certainly tame, but the bat kids went crazy when they realised they could have a dance-off with the skeletons.
When Nico finally feels well enough to shadow travel back, that’s when Bruce pops the question. He’s nervous, Nico can tell and that makes him nervous. The same way his dad would feel nervous asking him if he wanted to hang out, or have a movie night. It’s strange, Nico thinks to himself, how two powerful beings that can intimidate the world without saying a word, could turn so scared when facing their own children. Their conversation goes a little something like this:
Bruce: listen.. I know you have a dad. I know you’re not an orphan.. technically. But it’ll be a lot easier and we’ll have less obstacles in our civilian identities for me to help you however or whenever you want. I want you to know.. you have a home here. If you ever need to rest, shelter or help, I want you to know you always have a place to crash. The manor is your home, and I just want you to know that. If you say this name in this universe and ask for me, no matter where you are, I will find you. And I will come to help. And I’m not the only one who will if you have that name.
Nico *struggling to blink back tears*: I-
Bruce *panicking*: Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry it’s completely fine if you don’t want to. Sorry I wasn’t trying to guilt trip you chum I just wanted you to know I-we all care about you and that you’re not alone.
Nico *sniffling*: Thank you..
Skeleton hand *popping out of the ground, hopping over to Bruce and extending out a letter*
Letter: YES.
Bruce: .. what the-
Nico *turning red*: DAD!!
Letter: Love you :) -Dad.
Nico: it’s fine you don’t have to do what he says Br-
Bruce *slams down adoption papers*
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shubblelive · 2 years
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summary : wilbur gets to your apartment and finds you and all your belongings gone. you didn’t even say goodbye.
genre : angst -> fluff (“angst” might be a strong word)
warnings : sleep depravation (it’s bed time, wil. you have school in the morning), swearing, wilbur almost has a panic attack
pairing : cc!wilbur soot x reader
pronouns : none (you/yours)
featuring : cc!wilbur soot, lovejoy (mentioned)
word count : 987
note : i'm not the proudest of this, but here you go anyway.
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Wilbur hadn’t slept in days. 
It had been a lot, all at once, and he was struggling. He had just got back from America and Dave was already discussing another tour after their next single. He loved travelling and performing; it was what he was meant to be doing. Hearing people scream his silly little lyrics back at him while practically high on adrenaline was a feeling Wilbur wouldn’t be able to replicate with a million streams (as much as he loved them). 
He’d been overwhelmingly anxious in a way that couldn’t be halted by breathing techniques, but he would try his best. Part of it was flying, which he knew shouldn’t have been an active issue given that the song wasn’t even finished yet. What they had been performing was about 90% complete, and another thing giving him grief was wondering whether people would like it. It was different from his first two EPs, and Wilbur knew even the most loyal of fan bases could hate songs. 
That, combined with his hair being everywhere, wasn’t even the cause of the gnawing feeling in his abdomen. That one was simple, and he knew it couldn’t be solved. He missed you.
The tour had been short and he didn’t remember most of it, but he remembered hardly being able to sleep without the feeling of you on top of his left arm. It was worse when he was in the US, and he couldn’t even call you before bed. Of course, he was back now, and he’d been smothering you in affection to the point where you’d had to beg him to let you go and film.
He had been at the studio all day working on the rest of the EP; Wilbur had grown frustrated with just working on that one song when it clearly wasn’t sounding right. It was almost there, but it consumed his every waking moment and he needed a break. Whether it was the song itself, or the music video, or the concept art. The whole thing was just hurting his head, and the feeling was getting worse. 
His eyes were heavy in the taxi ride home, and he’d fought the urge to fall asleep. He was heading for your flat; it was closer. He had a certain paranoia since he’d gotten more known about people knowing where he lived, so he always gave them a random address near where he lived but far enough away that it eased his anxieties. Trudging down the street, drops of rainwater in his hair, he pulled up your texts.
I’ll see you tonight, love, he’d sent early that morning. Yours or mine?
Ha, you had replied.
He pulled out his keyring, finding the key to your place that he’d held onto since forever. It stuck in the lock, like it always did and he closed his eyes as he turned the knob, dropping the keys into the bowl with a clatter and turning on the lights.
The flat was empty. There was still furniture, but all your stuff was gone. His keys lay there lamely on the floor, he was so exhausted he hadn’t even realised you’d taken the end table. Your shelves were bare, the counters were empty; hell even your streaming setup was gone.
You’d left, and you hadn’t even told him.
Was it something he had done? How long had you been planning this? It wouldn’t have been hard to orchestrate, you’d spent most of your nights at his place recently. Where had you gone? Maybe he could find you. At the very least get some closure. 
He called you. Three times. His phone fell from his hand and he lent back against the door. You were the only thing that wasn’t causing him immense amounts of stress, and you were gone. There had been signs, surely. He hadn’t seen any, but there had to have been some.
Did he forget an anniversary? No, none that he could think of. Fuck. What had he done?
He couldn’t stay there, in your empty flat. It was too small, too full and too empty and he stumbled out, through the hallway, down the stairs and onto the street. It was late, the streets were nearly empty but it was too loud. The street lights flickered and Wilbur kicked a lampost. 
It didn’t move. How annoying. 
It took him nearly an hour to get home, somewhat because he continued to try and kick inanimate objects (mostly because he realised he forgot his phone and had to go back). This time, when he put his keys on the end table they fell resolutely onto the end table. 
He flicked the light switch. They turned off.
Why were they already on? Whatever, he probably left them on accidentally. He shed his coat, throwing it over the back of the couch and face-planting onto it. The cushion groans underneath him.
“You ‘right?” Your hand found its way into his hair and his breath was strong against your neck. “Will? Everything okay?”
“You weren’t there,” His voice broke. “I went to your apartment and all your stuff was gone.” His arms were wrapped around you so hard his knuckles were turning white. “I’m sorry, darling. I’m so sorry.” You could feel tears leaking onto your collarbone and you clutched him back.
“Are you alright? Have you still not been sleeping?” Your eyes, warm with concern, met him. “Will, love?”
“I’m sorry.” He kept repeating.
“We’re okay. I promise. I’m moving in here, remember?” your voice was soft, and he couldn’t stop crying.
“Fuck.” His eyes were clamped shut. “I’m sorry, I’m an idiot.”
“You need a break,” you corrected gently. “You’re overworking yourself, Wilbur.”
It took him a while to calm down, and soon he was nodding in your embrace. “Need you.” That night, Wilbur slept better than he had in months and in the morning you were still there. 
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mitsua · 2 months
Hello it's me again 🌹🎀 I must say that I saw your post that you had made and I loved how you wrote it, you have some talent ✨ I had this thought a few days ago, I saw myself again of an anime Magical Girls (Precure, although in English the adaptations of two of its anime franchises are called Glitter Force) And I was wondering if I could make a request for A female reader who is a magical girl (Precure or Sailor moon) and is in a relationship with Izuku Midoriya (It would be fun to know how they would get along their relationship).
And no thanks for the other request! You are the most never forget.
: 🌹🎀
Hiii 🌹🎀!!! Thank you so much for your support! I wholeheartedly appreciate it!
Ohh, this is probably gonna sound weird but I've actually never watched a whole series involving magical girls... sure I watched a couple of Sailor Moon's episodes but I preferred something else so never got to engage with them too long. However—this request definitely made me re-think about my choices and I'll most probably go watch some when I can! Soo, enough rambling—hope you enjoy this headcanons!
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With an S/o who's a Magical Girl
Warnings: none Genre: fluff
Series: Boku No Hero Academia Pairing: Izuku Midoriya × FEM! Y/N
Words' count: 0.50k
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Better be prepared when he first sees your transformation! Undoubtedly will stare in awe and probably malfunction for a while, so if you got a sparring match of any kind, you could have some advantage hehe.
He can't help it! All those sprinkles and the sudden glow coming from your body flabbergasts him—the dress that could or could not reveal some parts of your body shocks him more. Nevertheless, he really loves your costume so much and makes sure to let you know while he is interviewing you about your power's benefits and drawbacks.
Even when you're one of the best couples in the Heroes' world after getting your official license, he can't help sometimes but admire you as you get into your matching clothes.
You carry your special weapon everywhere, it helps you to transform quicker and Izuku notices quickly along the way. That's something he gotta do since he's been witness and victim of villains attacks and without the proper equipment close to him, he may get more hurt at the end of the battle. (Like without the red gloves All Might's niece did for him.)
So, after asking you how it works or you lending it to him to investigate it, he may be able to come up with some device that adjusts to his necessities so you both are never caught unprepared on the streets.
That's something else, the eye public has on you. They've been supportive ever since you decided to announce your engagement with Izuku.
Everyone thinks you're the cutest couple ever!
They've got clips of battles when Izuku's mouth is slightly agape as he watches from behind you as you transform and—in the other way around when you smile profoundly when he activates his power and his whole body starts glowing green. Yeah, definitely made for each other.
If you have a maskot, whatever creature they might be, they give you both that sense of comfort and normality while spending quality time in your shared home.
You spend mornings cuddling and when your maskot sees you two, they go straight to enjoy your warmth when they settle between you two on the bed.
On a sad side, you two know how painful it is to watch the other get or be injured. Of course you do your best on the battle fields to end up victorious and smile comfortingly to everyone, alas, it's not always possible.
Izuku went through a spiral of thoughts when you were deciding to be a couple of active heroes. If you ever decide to for a family, he might have gone further than just a spiral of thoughts—instead suffering anxiety and insomnia as only fatal outcomes kept on appearing on his dreams.
He may try to disuade your idea to keep protecting people when you do get a family together, but if you stay strong you will come with a resolution that would work perfectly.
You two would undoubtedly make history as the 'glowing couple' because of your quirks!
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the base idea, picture and tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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satansamwriting · 1 year
I absolutely loved your raiden x male chaosrealmer reader and I was wondering if I could get something similar to that but with Shang tsung buts it’s Shang tsung trying to get the male readers attention all the time with fights and chaos?
MK1 Shang Tsung with a M!chaosrealmer
I'm really happy you enjoyed the Raiden story! I hope you enjoy this one as well!
I'm using a mixed version of Shang Tsung from the new game and Mk11. Mostly for the claws tho.
The timeline here follows loosely the story of Mk1.
Warning : Blood, description of gore, sexual innuendo.
Disclaimer: English ain't my native language. Mistakes might be found in this. I apologized for them, I'm trying my best.
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“Your soul is mine”
Laughter travelled around the flesh pit. Battered and bruised, (Y/n) kneeled on the bloodied floor amongst discarded limbs of previous victims. A draft of putrid smell filled his nostrils, making him nauseous.Neon green shackles restrained his wrist, the chains rooted in the rocky ground. Before him stood his captor, the sorcerer known as Shang Tsung.
“Escape is futile, you won’t make it out of here”
Grinning from ear to ear, the chaosrealmer tilted his head slightly. His eyes never-blinking bored into the sorcerer. He could practically smell the uneasiness coming from the other.
Cocky little sorcerer, he should never underestimate a chaosrealmer. Under the cautious eyes of Shang Tsung, (Y/n) raised from the ground. The skin near his shoulders stretched with the pull of the shackles. In a sickening crunch, both arms fell. It was as if the chaosrealmer had shed his own arms. Shang Tsung grimaced under such a crude and gory display. Kicking a severed head nearby toward the sorcerer, he sneered at the disgusted look on his face. From a fraction of second, the sorcerer’s hold on his magic faltered, thus giving the opportunity for (Y/n) to reattach his arms now freed from the shackles. Aware of his mistakes, Shang Tsung used his magic to counter block the incoming punch. From deep inside the flesh pit, a prisoner howled.
The chaosrealmer proved to be a difficult adversary for the sorcerer. Erratic and unpredictable, Shang Tsung struggled to block the incoming attacks from him. However, the sorcerer grew more and more fascinated with (Y/n) ability to dismember any of his limbs on command.
Shang Tsung inexperience in close kombat gave the chaosrealmer the upper hand. In a matter of time, the sorcerer found himself knocked on the ground, his vision wavering.
“As much as I’d love to stick around, you bore me sorcerer.” Waving mockingly at the fallen man, (Y/n) threw a torso his way for good measure before escaping the retching place.
Roaming around the street of Sun Do, (Y/n) enjoyed the chaotic lifestyle of the outworlders. Despite not being as much as in chaosrealm, he found comfort in it nonetheless. Talks of the tournament floated around everywhere he went. Some were impressed by the strength of the Earthrealmer champion while others were displeased that Outworld lost once again. A real shame (Y/n) had been stuck in that nasty prison during the event.
Bustling with colourful stands, he marched down the marchants road. As he was inspecting merchandise from an old man, (Y/n) straightened up, alert. He felt a burst of chaos somewhere near. Leaving a very confused old man behind, the chaosrealmer let his sense guide him toward what he expected was to be a fun time. Imagine his disappointment when, upon entering a small forest surrounding the town, his eyes fell on the sorcerer. Unable to contain the groan from escaping his lips, his eyes met Shang Tsung’s.
“ Of course, of all the people in Outworld, it had to be you.”
Laying beside the sorcerer's feet were two lifeless bodies. More bones than skin, the bodies were unrecognisable. Shang Tsung wasn’t lying when he said he’d take someone's souls, (Y/n) came to realise.
Green shackles appeared around his wrist, yanking him forward. The sorcerer seemed pleased with himself, for a reason unknown to (Y/n). Perhaps Shang loved seeing him on his knees.
“Had I known how easy you’d be to capture, I would have done this a long time ago.”
Rolling his eyes at the smug face the sorcerer, (Y/n) took hold of the chains connected to the shackles. Perhaps this time, the kombat would be more interesting than the last one.
Pulling himself up with the help of the chains, (Y/n) brought his head against the sorcerer’s. Joy spread inside him as heard a cracking noise on impact.
“You make chaos boring Shang.” Watching as the green shackles evaporated in a puff of smoke, (Y/n) was tempted to leave, boredom already seeping through his bones.
A stream of curses left Shang Tsung's mouth as blood flowed down his broken nose. Rolling on the muddy ground to evade a burst of green magic, (Y/n) ripped his left arms apart. Using the limb as a weapon, the chaosrealmer smacked the sorcerer across the chest.
"Blood looks good on you wūshī~" (Y/n) taunted. He was delighted to see his words having an effect on the other man. Weeks had gone by since their last kombat and frankly he could see some improvement from the sorcerer. Using his magic in unpredictable ways, faster reflexes when it came to blocking. Truly, Shang Tsung was full of surprises.
But alas, (Y/n) had better chaos to find somewhere else. Tackling the unsuspecting man, the chaosrealmer used the muddy ground in his favour.
He'd hate to admit, hours later once he was back in his mediocre living space, that he'd enjoy the kombat. Maybe the sorcerer wasn't that boring after all.
Days passed without a single shred of chaos. Bored out of his mind, (Y/n) had decided to take a stroll around the living forest. There, he met with a peculiar group formed with earthrealmer, a demon from the Netherrealm, a tarkatan and a saurian.
Deciding they would do for now, (Y/n) joined their ragtag group under the weary black eyes of the demon. It proved to be a wonderful decision as the group kept finding themselves in chaotic situations.
During his time with them, he got to learn more about Ashrah and her quest to cleanse her soul, about Baraka and Syzoth tragic lost of their families and of the Earthrealmer ,(which names (Y/n) had already forgotten), being on a quest for Lord Liu Kang.
After an eventful night spent running along the streets of Sun Do, (Y/n) got to meet the god. The group, minus Baraka, had made their grand escape through a portal toward Earthrealm.
Shelter was politely offered for those who didn’t come from Earthrealm. The saurian and the demon accepted the offer but (Y/n) remained silent. His mind elsewhere.
“Something is troubling you?”
Noticing the unresponsive chaosrealmer, Liu Kang turned his attention to him.
“I am drawn to Chaos, big or small-" Arms crossed over his chest, (Y/n) glanced at the god. "-I can feel a high concentration of it somewhere within this realm.”
To his surprise, the god offered his help. Days later, after many nights of searching where the source of chaos was coming from, (Y/n) found himself inside a giant icy fortress.
Shivering from the cold, he marched further inside, his eyes inspecting the strange contraptions on each side as he did.
Riches like he had never seen before occupied the first room past the threshold.Barely able to fray himself a path through the cluster of gold coins and valuable objects, he dared to take one single coin as a souvenir.
His marvelling was cut short, however, when a voice came through in the distance.Ducking behind a pillar out of sight, he waited.Shortly after, a man dressed in yellow skedaddle passed him.
The man was pursued by others, who seemed unaware of the chaosrealmer presence. Except one. Back facing (Y/n), the warrior eyes scanned the room. Angered burned inside the chaosrealmer upon seeing who was blocking his escape route. Moving away from his cover, (Y/n) faced his enemy.
“Orderrealmer.” He spat venemously.
“Chaosrealmer.” Responded the other with as much disgust and haine as (Y/n).
Clattering noise filled the room. Objects scattered violently in a small explosion as the two kombatant threw one or the other across, unbothered by the valuables. A storm raged outside as if reflecting the conflict happening within the walls of the fortress. Neither cared, nor paid any thoughts on what was transpiring outside, far to absorbed into their own kombat.
“I love your new aesthetic, very chaotic “ (Y/n) taunted while waving his hand in front of his jaw in reference to the disfigured man.
Artefacts of a long deceased clan shattered underneath the weight of the chaosrealmer. Hidden amongst the rubble was a golden dagger. Red mixed with gold, staining the once immaculate riches. Moving only helped the blade sink deeper.
Havik stalked toward his downed enemy.Scarred tissues raised into a twisted smile.Havik straddled (Y/n), kicking an incrusted vase that was in the way. Wrapping his hands around (Y/n) throat, he squeezed.
Pain flared up his side, ripping out a horrible scream from his mouth. Flashes of gold moved before his eyes followed by a streak of blood. (Y/n) entangled his legs around Havik, flipping them over, grazing the tip of the blade over Havik’s chest.
Heavy breathing filled their ears as both fought for the dagger. Inches by inches, the blade sunk into Havik’s flesh, blood oozing as it descended. (Y/n) enjoyed the visceral scream of the other.
Further inside the fortress, sparks of neon green illuminated the stony walls. (Y/n)’s mind registered the attack once his back collided with the nearby wall. Grieving the loss of his new weapon, he rose on shaky feet.
"Do you believe me now?" Came the suave voice of a man (Y/n) was painfully familiar with.
Dustin himself off, the chaosrealmer sluggishly turned toward the sorcerer. Another man stood beside him. Someone (Y/n) vaguely remembered. Wasn’t he the man the earthrealmers had captured?
"I'm getting tired of you ruining my fun ruòzhě."
His previous fight had drained most of his energy which didn’t go unnoticed by the sorcerers.
Outside, the storm had settled. Whatever had happened beyond this chamber had ended.
Wordlessly, the other sorcerer approached the wounded orderrealmer, leaving Shang Tsung to do as he pleased.
This time, the kombat didn’t last long. Wounded and exhausted, (Y/n) caved under the magic of the sorcerer. Cold seeped through his clothes as Shao Tsung maintained him pinned against the frozen wall. Clawed fingers dunged around his throat, drawing little trinkets of blood from the marks.
“ I told you, escaping is futile.”
Unable to do anything, (Y/n) opted to roll his eyes instead. To be fair, he was quite enjoying the predicament he found himself in. It was thrilling if not arousing. Finally, the sorcerer had beaten him in kombat. Of course, the weakened state of the chaosrealmer had played an important part in the fight. He had missed the smug face of Shang.
“Yeah yeah my soul belongs to you or something like that..” He mocked, feeling the clawed fingers tighten their hold on his throat yet never applying enough pressure to strangle him.
"You're making chaos on purpose, aren’t you?"
The question hung in the air for a while, the sorcerer content in observing the defenceless chaosrealmer.
“What makes you think such a thing?” Chaos almighty, this man was still as pretentious as he used to be.
Hissing noise left (Y/n)’s mouth once his knees hit the ground.Seriously, Shang Tsung must have a thing for people kneeling in front of him. Regaining his mobility temporarily, the man brushed the tip of his fingers over the marks Shang had left on his throat.
“ You wouldn’t have said ‘do you believe me’ to your friend over there if you weren’t trying to lure me here.”
Humming contently, Shang Tsung slid his fingers underneath (Y/n)’s chin forcing the other man head upward. Both had forgotten the others within the room, their attention sullenly on each other.
“Perhaps you are right…after all you said so yourself-“ Leaning his face closer to (Y/n), Shang smirked. “Your soul is mine.”
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atierrorian · 1 year
Memorial of the Dead
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Context: For as long as you can remember, there has always been a festival to remember and mourn the dead. And at this time around, a lot of paranormal activities started happening in the vicinity of your home...
Warnings: Female reader, Yandere behavior, obsession, haunting, panic attack, kidnapping?, hallucinations, death, blood, ooc.
Note: If you do not do well with these kinds of warnings then I suggest you stop reading for your own good and health!
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For as long as you can remember back when you were just a kid, there had always been a festival to remember, mourn, and celebrate the dead. You always enjoyed the festival since it was such a memorial festival and has such a meaning.
Your mother would always tell you all kinds of stories about the dead around this time of year and they always interested you and you always wanted to hear more. One of the reasons why you always loved the festival.
"Your favorite story was called "Memorial of the Dead," a tale about a boy who died while attempting to bring back his brother from the dead due to a serious mistake. As punishment for his egregious misdeed, the boy was condemned to eternally roam in search of a way to reunite with his little brother. According to some, his translucent appearance can be spotted in the graveyards wandering and always had a longing to be with his little brother again.
And as he wandered, he was mocked by the Gods as they watched him like he was some sort of show that was purely for entertainment. And maybe in that case, he was. He was only another entertainment by the Gods above.
That was a story you loved very dearly. You admired his passion and determination of getting his brother back, but in the end, all was for naught as he was punished for his doings and forever wandering for all eternity in this world.
And now it was this time of year where everyone would now began to celebrate and mourn for the dead. You didn't had that much excitement anymore like you used to back when you were younger, but that's just the way it is. Although you can't deny that you always had a feeling of excitement.
I guess you just wanted something new.
You sighed as you walked through the festival, banners hanging, lanterns hanging from the street posts, candles being lit everywhere for the dead, so on and so forth. The people were mourning for their loved ones and lit up a floating lantern and released it from the sky. You had your own and were going to the graveyard.
Where your Mother was now.
No one really knew how she died and you didn't either. You were only 15 when she died and now you were 19. It had been four years since she died mysteriously and you missed her dearly. You wished to bring her back just like the boy did with his little brother.
But you knew better, besides, it was just a fairytale anyways. Not like it was real in the first place right? But you sometimes had a longing for your Mother to be back and wished for some miracle she would be back and you both would be happy again. But atlast, such things can never happen. As the Gods hates such things.
And in present time, strange things began to happen in your home. The lights would always flicker and at night the wind would get cold and the windows would sometimes be open despite closing them and making sure they were shut tight. And at night, you always heard something break.
And in those events, you would always see a silhouette hiding in the shadow, watching you with their glowing yellow eyes.
You thought it was some sort of punishments from the Gods by your longing and hope. But you should have been more careful, as you were merely another puppet for their entertainment.
And maybe, you should have seen the signs sooner or later, but never late.
Once you finished talking to your Mother's grave and lit up the floating lantern to the sky, you returned home to get some rest and hoped for this day to end and begrudgingly try to get up in the morning and do the same thing over and over again and then just repeat. Besides the events in the night.
You don't exactly remember when it started. It started small when you felt a air chilling cold as the window was opened, you thought you just forgot to closed it and went on your way once you closed it.
And that's when things started going downhill from that point on.
You always felt eyes on you all the time everywhere inside your house and during the Festival. It creeped you out and you felt goosebumps every time you had a feeling someone was watching you. You considered moving out on occasions but decided against it since you didn't want to leave your Mother.
But maybe you really should have just left and never looked back.
Because the paranormal activities became too much until the suspect finally decided to show themselves.
And now, you were in this situation. And it's all your fault that you were now in this mess.
You should have trusted your instincts, you should have trusted your gut and went somewhere far away from this place.
But you didn't.
And now you were locked in your room with no way out as every exit was locked and your back pressed against the wall as you finally came face to face with him. Your breath was ragged as you looked at his eyes, shining and reflecting the moonlight. But there was something off about his eyes.
There was obsession, deep obsession within his eyes as he continued to look at you, curiously as you tried to keep your distance from him.
Was he the ghost your Mother always told you stories about? He looks so much like the boy your Mother described. And the most distinctive feature was his blue flamed hair. And If so, then why is he here? And what did he want from you?
You gulped down your saliva and asked him with a shaky breath-
"Why are you here? And what do you want from me?" You said as you kept pressing your back against the cold stone wall, trying your hardest to really keep your distance. But it was quite hard considering you were already at the corner of the room and there was no where else you could go now.
Nowhere to run.
He had you right where he wanted you, like a cat finally cornering its mouse, finally ready to devour its prey.
He had a grin that spelt trouble and I felt my nerves flare up, his gaze wanting to make myself smaller and smaller with each passing second he keeps gazing at me with those yellow glaring eyes.
What felt like hours that were most likely just a few seconds, he finally decided to talk.
"You and I, we share similar passions and feelings. And I can't help but be attracted to you." He said as if it was the most normal thing to say to someone.
"And besides, you always looked so cute whenever you slept you know? I had cameras all over your house."
His words made you freeze, he watched you sleep?? And had cameras all over your house? What else could he have seen he shouldn't have seen? And if he's a ghost then why does he need cameras?
As if he read your mind, he shrugged.
"Because I have limits, I can't always watch you with my own eyes so I decided to watch you from cameras, I don't like it but it would do in the meantime I wasn't around."
At this point you felt your heart racing rapidly, your breath became heavier with each second that passes and your body trembling as you felt dizzy. You were disgusted by his behavior and all this time you never knew he had cameras all over you. And we share similar passions and feelings??
"Well it really doesn't matter now since I have you now, and for all eternity you'll be stuck with me forever and ever, I won't lose you like I lost him." He said before taking small steps towards me before hugging me, trying to comfort me.
I suddenly felt a sharp pain before I coughed up blood.
Wait, blood?
I looked down to my hand and saw blood on my hands as I subconsciously touched my abdomen, feeling a gash on my stomach.
He then started saying some words I didn't know nor did I care. All I cared about was the blood on my hands, and now on the floor.
"Shh, it's alright, I'll be here when you wake up alright? Like I said, we'll be together for all eternity."
That was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes shut and leaned against him.
The Gods were really cruel huh? But this was a blessing for him. This was a curse for you.
"The end!" A young woman said as she closed the book in her hand, looking at the 6 year old in front of her who still wanted to hear more.
"That's it? No happy endings?" The girl asked as she was confused, most fairy tales she heard always ended with an happy ending. She didn't like this story as it didn't had one and it was sad for her.
The young woman patted the young girl's head and shook her head sadly.
"There are no happy endings in this one I'm afraid little one." She said before yawning and stretching, getting ready for bed now. The six year old merely pouted, wanting to hear an alternative ending besides the bad ending.
The woman noticed the girl's expression as her face softened and sighed.
"Listen, not all fairytales end in happy endings I'm afraid, there are just stories that won't always end up being a happy ending like everyone else wants it too be. And that's the way it is." She said as she tried to consult the girl who was still pouting.
She sighed as she scooted over next to her and tried giving her some comfort to make her feel better.
"You'll understand soon when you get older. But go to sleep now okay?" The woman said to her daughter as her daughter nodded, but still not understanding her words.
As she was about to get up and go to her room, she suddenly was stopped by her daughter.
"Mama, what was the title called again?"
The Mother smiled and replied happily-
"Memorial of the Dead"
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Hii! How are you guys today? I hope you're doing well and I'm sorry if I'm not posting very often. I've became very busy recently but I am still trying to post every now and then! But I hope you enjoyed this!
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storiesaplenty · 23 days
Goodbye Sunshine
Bridgerton family x sister!sibling
Main Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: death. Stabbing. Anguish. Sadness.
WC: 1543
From my previous account plentyoffandoms.
©️ storiesaplenty 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
The words of the priest sounded faint in my ears as I looked at the casket.
There were her favourite flowers everywhere, our mother and sisters making sure that there were as many as they could find.
Anthony was sitting next to our mother, who looked like she had no more tears left to cry.
His wife, Kate, was sitting between the two of us, looking at the casket, her hands over her pregnant belly, as her shoulders shook with her cries.
She is still blaming herself for what happened to our sister, but she is not to blame. Kate will never be blamed for what happened to my twin sister.
Kate and her were out shopping for the perfect gift for Eloise, as her birthday was coming upon as fast, and there was a book that our sister so desperately wanted to get her.
Kate, tired of being cooped up in the house, agreed to take her to go and get this book, as she was still unmarried, and therefore needed a chaperone.
I offered to take them both, but the two of them insisted that they shall not be long and will return within the hour.
I waited, and when it was 15 minutes past the hour mark, I knew something was wrong, as did Anthony. The two of us were about to grab our jackets, to go and find them when there an urgent knock on the door.
Him and I went to see what the commotion was, and I found myself looking at the tear-streaked face of one Mr. Albion Finch, brother-in-law of our brother, Colin.
"Mr Finch, what a pleasant suprise. Please come in. Has something happened to your wife? You look to be in distress." I said to him, concerned for the man.
"Please come with me. There is no time to explain." Was all he said, Anthony and I looking at one another before following Mr Finch.
We came upon a large crowd, with many of the women hiding their faces in their husbands chest, or the ones just staring, with tears streaming down their faces.
The crowd went almost quiet, as they saw Anthony and I. I heard two more people running towards us, and I heard Colin ask what was going on.
I looked back and saw that he was accompanied by Mr Harry Dankworth, his other brother-in-law.
"Anthony, Benedict, what is going on?"
We didn't have time to answer, as Kate appeared from the crowd, crying hysterical, as Genevieve was right behind her, her too with tears streaming down her face.
"What is going on?" I asked her, looking around for our sister, but then I noticed that there was a body laying on the ground, covered in blue fabric.
The crowd moved aside as I raced to see if it was my twin or not.
"Please stay back." One of the Bow Street Runners said. "He is her brother. They all are." Genevieve told the officer.
At that very moment, I collapsed on the ground next to her, moving the blue fabric from her face.
I made no sound as I saw her laying there, her eyes, the same colour as mine, looking back at me with no life behind then.
I cupped her cheek, hoping to feel something, but I her body felt cool.
"What happened?" I looked up at the officer.
"We must wait for her husband." He said as I stood up, ready to fight him, when Anthony stepped forward.
"Our sister is not married. I am head of the family, now please answer the question."
Kate spoke up at this point. Her focus only on our sister. "We just left the shop, her and I talking about Eloise's birthday, when we were approached by a man."
I listened as she continued to tell us what happened. He asked for some change, and my Kate gave him some, as did my sister.
He saw that they had money and pulled out a knife. He demanded their pouches, and they gave them to him, but he went to attack Kate, and our sister stepped in the way.
My twin was stabbed, and no one could get the bleeding to stop. I noticed at that moment that Kate was covered in her blood.
"I tried to save her." Were her last words, as she once again broke down in Anthony's arms.
Colin rushed home to tell our family.
I stayed by her side, never once leaving her. My hand holding hers, refusing that this was reality. I wished myself to wake up from this nightmare, her calling me silly for having such a foolish dream.
But I never woke up.
Not even when her body was moved to a cart to be transported to our family home.
Anthony, Kate, and I walked beside it. Many members of the ton were out, watching as the three of us walked beside the dead body of my twin sister.
As we turned onto our street, our mother, sisters, and brother were standing outside, with Lady Danbury, who always seemed to know what was happening in the Ton.
Our mother came rushing towards us, her focus on her oldest daughter, pulling the fabric back. Her screams of anguish forever etched into our minds.
She collapsed but Colin caught her. Our other siblings came joined us. Hyacinth, after seeing her, wrapped her arms around Gregory, who just looked at his older sister, anger came over his face. Eloise, and Francesca held onto me, while Daphne was holding onto Penelope.
I still couldn't believe that this was a real. Just yesterday, I was in her bedroom, just looking around. I found her journal, and I looked through it. Just hearing her voice in my head as I read it.
I was on her bed, looking at her sketches and drawings of our family and friends, and there were a few of her.
One even dated the before she passed. I was looking at the drawing, and that is how my mother found me.
"Benedict, what are you doing in here?" She asked softly. My mother was trying to be strong for all of us, but she did not need to be. "I am just looking at her work, and you Mother?" I asked as I sat on the side of the bed.
"I must pick out her outfit." She said as the tears streamed down her face. She opened the wardrobe, and she didn't move. Her face was just looking at the clothes that her and her oldest daughter got together.
"I believe she would like something in blue Mother." I said, as I stood up to find her favourite dress. When I found it, I pulled it out.
"She would be most happy with this choice. It was her favourite," Mother couldn't even speak anymore, her hand coming up to hide her face as she cried harder.
I placed the dress on the hook and brought my mother to her bed, letting her lean into me as we both cried for our lost sister and daughter.
"Hyacinth has a sweet idea. Did she tell you?" I asked mother, who nodded her head yes.
"I believe it is a wonderful idea, and she would love it knowing that we are always with her."
"Yes, as we say our final goodbyes before the casket closes, we shall place our letters with her." I did find it to be a nice idea, I just have no idea what I shall write.
As her service was over, I stood up to join my family for our final goodbyes. I looked around, and I was stunned to see how packed the church was. I could see that there were members of the ton waiting outside as well.
I let my siblings go first, ignoring the looks from Anthony and Colin.
I watched as each family member place a letter in her casket. We each agreed to keep our final words for our dear sister and daughter to our own hearts.
When it was my turn, I placed my letter next to her head, her hair matching mine, but with a pretty silk, blue bow now in it. I noticed it was frayed and well worn, and it was the one I gave her for our tenth birthday.
I had one another final gift for her, which I pulled out of my pocket. I unfolded the parchment, and gently lifted her hands to place the drawing underneath.
"Goodbye my sweet sister."
I stepped back as they closed the casket, never taking my eyes off of her until I couldn't see her anymore.
We watched as she was lowered into the ground, throwing dirt atop her casket. I looked up at the beautiful clear sky, knowing my twin sister was looking down on all of us, with our father.
Holding the drawing I did of our family that I placed under her hands.
'Goodbye for now sunshine.' I thought of her childhood nickname I had for her.
As we left the cemetery, a butterfly flew in front of me, and I just knew it was her, with our family and me, always.
Tag list: @madhatterbri
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The Taming of Man: chapter Six - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Holy crap this one is long for me (Heh heh, that's what she said), Usually each chapter is about half of this length! I hope you enjoy the extra reading material, and I hope you enjoy the large amounts of plot growth to come!
Words: 4,715
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Katsuki is practically naked for a sec, [reader is attacked, reader is tied up, reader is manhandled, reader experiences loss of vision]-> none of these are inflicted by Katsuki
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The walk all the way to the market was slow, but not too long. You both walked along the dirt roads, people in carriages passing you on both sides. You couldn't take any carriage, or even a dragon, because it was too risky. That was basically a one way ticket to getting caught.
Before long, you could smell spices and meats in the air, you could hear the bustling of the people, you could see the crowds moving through stalls placed by street vendors. "Stay close to me, You don't wanna get lost here," Katsuki ordered, holding his hand out for you.
You instead took his arm, using both hands to grasp onto his left triceps, and in turn making him feel quite strong. Something about you holding onto his arm with your delicate hands made him feel prideful. He needed to stop getting so worked up around you, it pissed him off.
The two of you breeched the "entrance" of the market, Truly the entrance to town as the vendors put up their stalls next to the street every weekend, nearly blocking the businesses that had actual buildings. The yelling from each and every salesperson was rather overwhelming to you, being someone who had never experienced this kind of market.
"Capricornus meat, fresh from the docks!"
"Bread! get yer bread! only 3 drac!"
"fabrics and textiles! new sale! starting at 10 drac!"
Everywhere you looked there was someone trying to sell you, or rather the general populous, something. That's when you realized...
"Uh, Katsuki?"
He was busy walking through, looking around at the stalls but seeing nothing that impressed him. "What," he asked, not looking down at you and clearly distracted.
"I don't have any money."
You forgot that you were in a whole new universe, that had different currencies and certainly no exchange for your money. Even if your money did work here, it had completely slipped your mind when you were getting ready to leave, so you had none of your own.
Katsuki just scoffed, continuing to walk and drag you with him. Stopping wasn't an option in places like these, not when the groups of people were ever moving. "So? 's not like I expected you to." You might not have anticipated this, but the second he thought of going to the markets he also came to terms with the fact that he'd be paying for whatever you got. It wasn't a big deal, he was the prince, he definitely wasn't short on money.
"Really? Thank you," you said gratefully, smiling up at him. He pulled you out of the way of an oncoming woman, scowling at her for nearly plowing you over. "yeah yeah, just watch where you're going," he huffed, scolding you.
As the two of you moved, many merchants seemed to find you an easy target. A man wearing gold in every possible way shoved necklaces in your face, calling out, "A pretty girl like you must have pretty jewelry," in a sing-song tone. You just politely declined, Katsuki yanking you away before he could continue trying to sell. Similar things happened with a woman selling tapestries, a man doing tattoos, and a couple selling food.
Each and every time you declined, they'd scowl at you as if you just cursed their firstborn. Everything was...well, it was too much. Katsuki could see this on your face, the anxiety from the big crowd and loud noises, and firmly said, "Let's go in there." Before you could even look to where he gestured, he already pulled you into the shop, one of the few buildings that was still open at this time.
You were both greeted by an older couple, a brunette woman wearing plenty of rings and necklaces and a blonde woman wearing an extravagant purple hat. "Come in," The brunnette woman welcomed, her voice quiet and gentle, before the Blonde woman remarks, "Oh, Addy, look at them! what a cute couple," excitedly. You laughed, instantly much calmer than before, while Katsuki grimaced. "We're not a couple," he barked, to which the older women laughed. "Please, have a look around," the woman called Addy said warmly, Gesturing to their little shop.
Apparently, Katsuki had led you to a dress store. There were plenty of different handmade clothes to choose from, as well as accessories like hats, jewelry, and bags. "Wow," you cooed, pulling your hood down and releasing Katsuki to look around.
"My, aren't you pretty," The blonde woman complimented, walking right over to you. She instantly took your face in her hands, examining it and smiling. "You know, I bet you'd look fantastic in red...or blue...or maybe green," she laughed, turning to Katsuki. "You 'ought to count yourself lucky to be in the company of such a beautiful young lady!"
"Connie dear, you pry too much," Addy gently scolded, shaking her head. Connie just waved her off, sighing. "Well, If you need anything at all, please let us know! I'm Constance, but you can call me Mrs. Connie, and the party pooper over there is Adelaide, but you can call her Mrs. Addy." You nodded with a laugh, thanking her and beckoning Katsuki to come and look with you.
He did so begrudgingly, Following you around the store as you browsed. "If I find something here, I won't have to wear the cloak you gave me," you said sweetly, looking up at Katsuki as you flipped through dresses on racks. "I guess," he grumbled, something in him wishing he could keep you in his cloak a little longer. Something about the way the fabric swallowed up your body was...cute to him.
Every dress you could see had similar features, usually modest to hide from the beating sun but with a thin fabric to allow ventilation. You picked out two dresses, a green one and a red one, comparing them side by side. "Which do you think," you asked, turning your head to Katsuki. He sighed and thumbed at the fabrics, eyes flicking between you and the clothes. Why was he giving this any real thought? It's not like he cared...
"Red." he didn't sound too enthusiastic, but in truth he wanted to see how you looked in one of his favorite colors...plus, he agreed with the fabric wench. Red would suit you. You examined the dresses again, before nodding and smiling. "I think you're right." You turned to look for one of the two women you saw earlier, and thankfully Adelaide was right next to you two, adjusting hats on mannequin heads.
"Mrs. Addy, Could I get this one, please?" She turned her attention to you and nodded, taking your hand and leading you away. "Let's get it tailored," she said softly, looking towards her wife and nodding to the back of the store for her to help.
Connie followed, giving a mischievous smile to Katsuki for God Knows what. Now he was all alone in the main area, with nothing to do but look around. He couldn't just walk out either, even thought you'd probably take a while, because if something happened he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
"Damn idiot...now what'm I supposed to do..." he muttered, examining the different accessories that were available. He noticed a necklace with a delicate gold chain and a gold dragon pendant to match, the charm holding two little rubies set in for eyes. You'd look beautiful with it around your neck, especially with that dress...Katsuki groaned and shook his head, what was he thinking?!
"So, tell me, how do you feel about that boy," Constance asks, gently pinning the dress together to fit your body.
"Connie," Adelaide laughs, reprimanding her but also curious about your response. "He's just a friend," You quickly responded, your cheeks warming as you stood stock still for the couple dressing you. "Ahhh, that's what I said when I met Addy," Constance giggled, making Adelaide sigh while shaking her head, a blush on her own face.
"of course, times were different then, Didn't have so many opporitunities, and-" She was interrupted by Adelaide- "She get's it, darling." You giggled, watching the women work in the mirror with focus you wished you could have in your own job. "It's not like he'd like me back...Y'know, i-if I did like him."
Addy shook her head, standing straight up and giving a look that said really? "He'd be lucky to have an ounce of your affection," Connie scoffed, taking out her sewing needle and beginning to alter the dress.
Katsuki was sitting on a Bench in the main area, able to do nothing but wait, before Adelaide popped out with a soft smile. Constance followed soon after, saying, "She's all set!"
Katsuki Stood up, hands in his pockets as he looked towards the curtained fitting room. You confidently walked out, a smile on your face and your old clothes in your hand. "What do you think?"
He froze, taking in the sight of you. The dress was a bright, fiery red, with an empire waistline defined by a gold belt, a V-neck, and angel sleeves. There was a slit right down the center of the skirt, your legs fully able to breath, and fully able to be seen by him. What did he think? How could you ask that, knowing how good you look? "G-good," he grumbled, looking askance and clearing his throat.
You giggle a little and walk over, handing him his cloak to put in his bag. He takes your dress too, knowing you probably won't want to hold it. "Just good," Adelaide asked teasingly as the two of you walked to the counter to pay, making Katsuki turn beet red. "Just lemme pay," he mumbles, setting down a drawstring bag of Drac. Adelaide sifted through, counting out the necessary amount.
While she did that, Constance slid up to the counter with a deck of beautifully detailed cards in her palm, a cheeky grin on her face. "You know, there's a free card reading with every purchase~"
Adelaide rolled her eyes with a smitten grin, both in love with and tired of her wife's shenanigans. Katsuki scoffed, ready to go, but you smiled excitedly. "Let's do it!"
He scowled at you, saying, "Why should we?"
"Why not?"
Constance giggled and began shuffling the cards, humming to herself. Fanning out the deck, she asked you to both to pick a card, and you both picked one on opposites end of the deck. Flipping them over, she smiled widely and held the cards up. "Ah, star crossed lovers, yet your souls are intertwined!"
You and Katsuki were both completely flustered, you doing a better job at playing it off. "O-oh," you laughed airily, Katsuki getting his bag of money back while, for once, keeping his mouth completely shut.
"Connie, please, these kids have had enough," Adelaide sighed with a smirk, waving you both away and bidding you adieu. You both walked back into the intensity of the market, your hands returning to Katsuki's arm.
"It's not like I believe in that stuff anyways." "I've always taken those things with a grain of salt."
You laugh, both of you floundering to find some excuse not to believe her. Surveying the area once more as you walk, the scent of food becomes more and more enticing to you. Your stomach growls, especially at the sight of a food stand having what looked to be the juiciest goat leg you've ever seen, seasoned and fried to perfection.
"Let's go there," you suggest, pointing at the stand and looking up at Katsuki. "There? The food'll be too spicy for you," he scoffed, a smile barely showing on his face. "I happen to like spicy food," you huff, clearly some level of offended.
Katsuki grins and laughs a little, the discomfort he felt just moments ago now gone. "Fine then," he chuckled, taking you up to the vendor and ordering. "Two legs of lamb...and two waters," he told the man, handing him a total of 30 drac. He handed him the food almost immediately, and Katsuki handed you your meal while the two of you leaned against a wall to eat. He took a bite of his leg ferociously, he was hungrier than he thought, and his eyes stayed completely locked on you to see your reaction.
Watching him eat it so easily brought some comfort to you, surely it couldn't be that bad...you gingerly brought the meat to your mouth, biting down and chewing thoughtfully.
"It's not so bad," you remarked, shrugging and going in for another bite. Then, suddenly, the spice hit you full force, causing you to cough. "Holy shit," you spluttered, patting your chest. Your lips, tongue, and throat were all on fire, your face was hot, and your eyes were watering.
Katsuki burst out laughing, one of those genuine cackles that were hard to pull from him. "Here, idiot," he laughed, handing you a water skin and watching you chug it as fast as possible. "It won't stop," you groaned, fanning your face with your hand and sniffling.
Katsuki just kept laughing and laughing, doubled over with his hand on the wall for support. "I fuckin' told you," he howled, taking the lamb from you and holding it with his own in one hand. He gave you the other water skin, and you drank it all without question, the pain finally subsiding.
"I'm gonna be sick," you griped, wiping sweat off of your face. "You'll be fine," he chuckled, his laughing at your expense finally calming.
"I'm still hungry," you mumbled, wiping your mouth and once again looking around for food, this time something tame. Katsuki kept eating his lamb, knowing he'd have to eat yours too. He wasn't about to let perfectly good food go to waste.
"Well find somethin' fast, we don't have all day...and listen to me next time."
He was right, you didn't have all day, you'd definitely have to leave in at most an hour in order to be back by sunset. The both of you continued walking nearer and nearer to the center of town, your hand on his arm as you searched. A stand selling goat kebabs caught your eye, a mother and her child at the front of the short line. The kid was no older than five, his hand gripping his mother's dress as he sniffed and coughed a little. Poor thing probably had a cold.
He sneezed loudly, and to the surprise of you and only you, a burst of flame released from his mouth. You didn't know Dragonborne could breath fire, at least not in human form. Nothing caught on fire, everything here seemed to be nonflammable, and Katsuki only looked over because he noticed you stopped. "Wanna go there," he asked gruffly, to which you just nodded and smiled. there was still so much you had to learn.
The two of you waited in line, only a few people ahead of you, and 10 minutes later you had a full belly. Continuing to walk, you saw a glassblowing shop, the man inside easily manipulating the liquid glass with his bare hands and flaming breath, shaping beautiful vases and sculptures.
Katsuki noticed your eyes linger, and almost asks if you want to go check it out, before his attention is caught by the sound of a beating drum. You are immediately interested, eyes tearing away from the glassblower to find the source of the sound. A crowd is forming in a circle, so you decide that following the crowd is the best course of action. "Let's go see what they're looking at," you say giddily, your excitement making Katsuki blush a little.
"Whatever," he sighs. He already knows what it is, but supposes it wouldn't be bad for you to see. Taking you to the mass of people, pushing through to get nearer to the front, you finally see it.
A lump of purple fabric lie on the ground, surrounded by people beating drums and humming a low tone in unison. The mass of fabric begins to move, and you realize it is indeed not just fabric, but rather a woman wearing a lengthy and massive cloak, the edges adorned in gold bells. She slowly rises, hands gripping the very top corners of her cloak while her shoes are quickly and rhythmically tapping against the ground, hips swaying simultaneously, the bells jingling to the music.
Underneath her cloak was a short top and long skirt of the same color, all to accentuate the movement of her hips and belly. She shakes her hands, all the while rising slowly up and above her head as she leaves her crouched position, the cloak now looking as if it were the wings of a flying dragon, rippling in the wind.
Suddenly, she shoots her hands to one side, the half of the ensemble that she pointed to chanting "Hah" loudly. She repeats on the other side, all while continuously tapping her wooden sandals against the ground on the balls of her feet. Her gesturing becomes faster, moving back and forth between each side so the chanting becomes more and more frequent.
You had never seen someone dance in this way...all of her movements were concentrated in the very center of the circle, not once did her feet leave the spot she tapped against, her arms and hips doing most of the talking. The dancing was different at home, when your people danced they danced with lots of flourish, spinning and swaying and taking up as much space as possible. "It's so different..." you mused. "It's..."
Katsuki didn't want to hear it. He knew what you would say, the same thing everyone else said. That it was too crude, too sinful, too provocative. He opened his mouth to combat you, to come to his culture's aid and tell you to just shut up, but then... but then he saw your face.
Your eyes were wide, glistening with wonderment, your lips slightly parted in awe and your hand on your chest as if your heartstrings were being tugged out of your body.
"Beautiful," you murmured, watching intently. "Isn't it beautiful," you whispered to Katsuki, not looking away for a second.
"Yeah...beautiful," he muttered, eyes drinking in your appearance, memorizing each and every detail of that face, that expression. Why the hell did this keep happening? It's like every time he was with you, something incapacitated him. He couldn't think right, he couldn't see anything but you. It made his stomach to backflips, it made his heart beat in his throat, it made his hands heat up.
"Can we go put money in her bowl," you ask him, bringing him back to reality. Her dance was almost done, and next to her there was a bowl people were dropping money into. Katsuki took two drac from his bag, pressing them into your head. "Go yourself," he grumbled. He figured it'd look weird, the two of you walking up there, like a couple. He was sick of people assuming you were, he didn't want anymore of that.
You shrugged and took the money, pushing through some of the crowd to get to the little wooden bowl.
Katsuki watched you from afar, keeping his eyes locked onto your form, the flowing fabric of your dress trailing behind you, before someone bumped into him. "Watch where your goin," Katsuki huffed, before turning and seeing...Kiri?!
"Woah, sorry about- oh, hey bro!" Kirishima smiled at Katsuki, a bucket of veal in his hand. "What the hell are you doing here," Katsuki asked gruffly, arms crossed. "I'm getting Versengen a treat, it's almost his birthday...what are you doing here?"
Katsuki scowled, cheeks involuntarily going pink. "Why the hell do you care, I can go wherever I damn please!" Kirishima immediately picked up on the way Katsuki went on the defensive...and the intense scent of roses and honey lingering nearby. "Ok, ok," Kiri said nonchalantly, nodding and looking towards the dancing woman. "And you're totally not on a date with that girl, right?"
"We're not on a date," Katsuki instinctively shouted, promptly giving himself away. "So there is a girl," Ejiro shouted excitedly, punching Katsuki in the arm.
Walking through the crowd was a deceptively difficult task, pushing past people and squeezing through gaps. You finally reached the bowl, dropping the gold coins into it and smiling at the lady as she made her final steps in the dance. Proudly walking away, you once again pushed through people, being spat out in front of an alleyway...
So, this definitely wasn't where you were before. It was ok, you just had to look around for Katsuki's hair, and after a moment of scanning you could see it peaking out above the sea of people. Smiling, you took a step forward to get back into it, before getting yanked back by a pair of hands.
You tried to scream, but another hand immediately covered your mouth. "Heh, Look at her...She's gotta be a noble," a raspy voice chuckles, before another, slightly squeakier voice says, "probably sell for a pretty penny, huh?"
Oh. Hell. No. This isn't how you were going out. Kidnapped by some rando and sold? You weren't going down without a fight. Stomping on the foot of whoever had you and biting down on the hand that covered your mouth, you were released just long enough for you to yell out.
"There's no girl, there never was a girl, and there will never be a girl, so shut up about it," Katsuki barked, pissed as hell that Kiri wouldn't believe him.
"...No girl," kiri asked, cocking his head to the side...but Katsuki had no time to argue anymore. You were in danger. He muttered, "holy shit," before booking it in the direction he heard your voice. Kirishima followed, just in case he'd need backup.
"Stupid bitch," one of the guys shouted, grabbing you once more and holding you still despite your kicking and squirming. "Get the ropes," he ordered, and the other guy did just that. Your wrists were tied behind your back, your ankles tied to your wrists, and your arms tied to your torso. A black mask was tied over your eyes, a piece of fabric tied around your head to cover your mouth. You were tossed to the ground, your arms hitting a wall of the alleyway.
You couldn't see, all you could do was hear and feel. It was unnerving, you didn't know what was going to happen to you...Until you heard Katsuki's voice.
"Hey! Get the fuck away from her!"
Footsteps...two pairs of them.
"what do we do?" one of the kidnappers.
"Grab the girl and run," the other responds.
footsteps running towards you, stopping directly in front of you...but it wasn't a kidnapper...you knew because amidst the smell of garbage from the alley was the smell of musk, smoke, and caramel. It was Katsuki.
"Touch her and you die!"
then, something strange. The sounds you heard, you can't describe them, but you could feel Katsuki's presence grow larger. Then you could hear the sound of much, much bigger footsteps, planting down in front of you, accompanied by vibrations and wind generated with what seemed to be large wings fanning out. you leaned forward, wanting to touch what was before you to confirm your suspicions. Your cheek hit the mass before you. Just as you thought. Scales.
"oh fuck-" a guy shouted, cut off by the great, screeching roar of Katsuki Bakugou in his dragon form, so loud your ears began to ring. You wished you were able to cover them, but all you could do was shrink back into the wall.
Now everything was muffled, like the Footsteps running towards the entrance of the alley, only to be stopped suddenly.
an unfamiliar voice was speaking, the loud protesting of the criminals insinuating that the two men were grabbed and picked up.
You could feel Katsuki's once great form shrink, and you could barely hear him panting afterward. Then, a little clearer now as the effects wore off, you could hear the rustling of fabric, accompanied by his grumblings about his clothes being torn.
"Hey, can you hear me," he asked, his tone sharp, yet carrying some amount of gentleness. You suddenly felt his hands on your face, before he pulled the mask off of your eyes and the fabric out of your mouth.
"Uh-huh," you mumbled, blinking as the light finally found your pupils. Katsuki was crouched before you, a look of concern thinly veiled by anger on his face. He was rather naked, that cloak he let you borrow wrapped around his waist, his chiseled muscles on nearly every part of his body completely displayed to you. "You ok? Did they touch you," He asked, that second question with a tone of worry and slight wrath.
"O-only to tie me up," you answered, squirming in your bindings. Katsuki brought his hands around you, reaching behind to take off the hogtie they put you in. When he couldn't immediately undo the knots, he just impatiently ripped the rope in two anywhere that was keeping you bound.
sitting up and rubbing at your wrists and ankles, you looked up at Katsuki with gratitude. He looked back down at you, his brow furrowed. Were you judging him or something?
"what," he asked gruffly, pulling back from you and sitting on his knees.
You came in fast, giving him a big hug around his neck and pressing your face into his bare shoulder. "Thank you for saving me," you whispered, a tear rolling down your cheek.
You weren't a big crier, you don't spend your entire life with an emotionally manipulative mother without learning how to not cry, but this was a lot for you. You were almost kidnapped, and Katsuki, this man who was so adamant about not getting too close to you, saved your life and took care of you after without question.
Katsuki sat there for a moment, about to let you hold him for a few seconds and pull away without him touching you back just like every time, before slowly bringing his arms around you. He wasn't very good at hugging, he had no experience at it, but he knew you needed it right now, and you needed it specifically from him. You wanted him to hug you.
He put his left arm around your waist, and his right arm under your arm and over to your shoulder, holding you firmly despite how nervous he was. His cheek was pressed to your head through no fault of his own, but as he slowly breathed in the scent of your perfume, his entire body seemed to relax. When was the last time he felt this at peace? He can't recall...but he knows that any time he asks that question in the future, he'll definitely remember this.
You slowly pull away, surprised to get even the tiniest bit of resistance from Katsuki, before wiping your eyes and smile. "Gah, look at me," you laugh, flicking the tears off of your hand. "We should probably head back...and get you some clothes on the way."
Katsuki looks down at himself, realizing he was practically naked. "Last time I save your ass at the expense of my dignity," he scoffs sarcastically, meriting a giggle from you.
"C'mon, we can go back to that dress shop, they have masculine clothes," you offer, standing up and smiling down at him. He stands too, grabbing his bag and grimacing at the thought of walking all that way like this. "Why even bother, might as well fly," he scoffs, not even registering the fact that the idea would be so appealing to you.
"Really," you ask excitedly, having never flown on the back of a dragon before.
"Well don't lose your shit over it..." he grumbles, blushing at your happiness. Even with his apparent annoyance, He'd be giving you a ride back in his dragon form. Like hell he'd disappoint you, not after you smile at him like that.
Maybe it was time to do a little thinking about all this, about how he really felt.
Maybe he was realizing pining after you wasn't as bad as he thought it'd be.
Maybe your smile was worth it.
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ahhhhhh feelings <3 Thank you so much for keeping up with this story, your support is everything to me, and as always, let me know what you thought about this chapter!
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend @chixkadee @ssplague @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @andysdrafts @daria-rona
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musntbill · 6 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader
(TW: Some violence and implied sexual abuse/[worse], but nothing explicitly said)
Hank’s eyes surveyed the crime scene. A murder, of someone quite important to the mayoral candidate. This was a high-visibility case, which Hank hated. That meant more people telling him how to do his job.
Hank crouched beside the body, the body of a young girl who had been practically mutilated. Tortured in all of the worst ways. Hank could only imagine what her last moments must have felt like. Something nobody should experience. Something he promised himself he would make the culprit experience, one way or another.
His eyes moved up as he stood, listening to Antonio telling him about the case. “We have no witnesses, apparently. At least, none who are willing to talk.”
Hank huffed in protest. “She was dumped in the middle of the street. Someone has to know something.”
“They won’t cooperate,” Antonio replied, shaking his head as he put his notebook and pen away. “Damn shame, too.” He then walked away to talk to some of the other officers.
Hank looked out over the crowd of people behind the yellow tape. They were watching and chattering amongst themselves, all except one woman. She stood there, facing Sergeant Voight, arms wrapped around herself. She had her hood up, hair blowing in the breeze to cover part of her face. As Hank looked at her, they locked eyes. She seemed to curl into herself as she moved backward, disappearing into the crowd. Hank hummed, musing to himself over the woman and her behavior as he looked over the crowd in an attempt to find her. When he found the effort to be futile, he moved away from the scene in the opposite direction, getting into his car and heading to the district.
— —
The case dragged on, dead end evidence everywhere they looked. Without a witness to put the criminal at the scene, all they had was circumstantial at best. Hank rubbed his forehead with one hand, taking in a deep breath as he poured over the paperwork again. It didn’t help that the folks in the ivory tower were breathing down his neck, watching his every move.
The bullpen was empty, as everyone else had gone home for the night. Hank knew he should leave too, but he needed answers. He needed to find the killer.
“Hank,” came a familiar voice. Strong but gentle, he knew it to be Trudy. He didn’t look up to meet her eyes, simply grunting in response. “Hank,” she insisted.
He sighed, looking up from the files to look at his friend and coworker, only to see a woman beside her, the same woman from the crime scene. She had her hair in front of her face, but her hood was down this time. She still curled into herself, as if at any moment she would be attacked. Hank stood to greet her, looking her over. “You were at the scene.”
“Then you know why I’m here,” the woman replied. “I’m (Y/N).” She reached out to shake his hand.
“(Y/N),” he repeated. “Sergeant Hank Voight.”
“I know,” she replied softly, Trudy nodding to Hank and leaving as (Y/N) sat down across from his desk. “You were there the night Emilia was murdered.”
“Did you know Emilia?”
“Yes. I was her babysitter, back when she was younger. We grew close in the last few years. I just graduated college.”
Hank hummed as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms to listen to the girl in front of him. “And?”
“And…” She sighed heavily, rubbing her arms. “I saw them murder her. They said if I talked…” She looked away, flashing back to the terrible memory that had kept her awake.
“Please, please!” She begged, crying and kneeling before the two men who had just mutilated her friend. “Please, please don’t kill me, please! I-I’m a nobody! I don’t have family!”
“Kill the bitch!” The first man said, obviously in a rush, since they’d left Emilia’s body in the street.
“Andy, she’s begging for her life! Let’s just get out of here.”
Andy growled, grabbing (Y/N) by the collar. “If you go to the cops, speak to the cops, or call the cops, you know what I’ll do to you? Huh? I’ll tie you down and cut out your tongue. Then, I’ll do all those nasty things to you that you see in the movies. I’ll make you suffer, more than your friend.”
“(Y/N)?” Hank had since stood, putting a hand on her shoulder and leaning down to her. “What did they say?”
“They said… They’d cut out my tongue… Do horrible things… Then make me suffer, more than Emilia did.” She took in a ragged breath, looking up at Hank.
Finally, he could see the light on her face, her hair moving back to reveal a black eye. Hank tucked her hair behind her ear, gently pressing his fingers to her chin, maneuvering her face so he could see better. “Did they do this to you?”
“Last night, when I was at home, they came in and threatened me again. They said the cops were getting close, and said that if I talked, I was dead.” She swallowed hard, tear welling in her eyes as she looked up at Hank. “They hit me and… And then they left.”
“Is that all they did?”
She swallowed hard, moving back from his grip and looking down, letting her hair fall back into her face. Silence washed over the both of them, (Y/N) pulling tighter into herself, clinging for life as she re-lived the night before.
Hank let out a soft breath, then crouched in front of her. “Hey… You did the right thing,” he reassured her, a tender hand on her leg, the other resting on her arm. “I’ll take care of you.”
She sniffled and took in a deep breath, nodding. “I know your reputation on the street. I asked around about you. If you give me your word… if you promised to protect me… I would believe you.” She looked up a bit, her eyes meeting his.
Hank nodded in response, looking up into her eyes. “I promise.”
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lillylvjy · 2 years
Tender is the night (for a broken heart)
A/n// hello! So I’ve been writing this fic for… a long time. But it’s also one of my fav fics I’ve wrote so far, and it means a lot to me. It is long but! It’s cute so, enjoy! Also, if it seems like it’s everywhere, I’m so sorry. I tried to make it as connected and sensible as I could!
Warnings// kissing, some sexual innuendos at the end ig, hurt/comfort, reader being insecure, crying, swearing, panic attack, a lot of fluff at the end, Sarah being a bitch. (Please tell me if I missed anything!)
Edited and 5.5k words!
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When you and Wilbur started dating, you thought it was a joke.
Wilbur was the smart and nerdy, yet extremely attractive and well known kid. He was the lead trumpet in the band and a straight A student. He liked to play guitar for small gigs at your local coffee shop, but it was also the same place he worked at on a regular day basis after school.
And you. You were the smart and nerdy kid that no one really knew. You always kept to yourself. You were usually sitting at one of the corner tables at lunch watching the group of girls crowd around Wilbur. You worked at the diner down the street from the café as a waitress. You wrote poetry for fun and put your art in art shows that happened in the city to try and sell them to gain a couple bucks.
To put it simply. You were a nobody. An outcast.
So when Wilbur came over to you at lunch one day, tapping your shoulder to get your attention over the music blasting in your ears, you were shocked.
“Hey! Y/n right?” The boy asked you as you took off your headphones and looked up at him. You took a quick glance over at the group of girls and saw all of them looked confused and jealous he was paying attention to you. The schools nobody.
“Uh.. yeah! Yeah I’m y/n.” You said hesitantly and quiet. “What are you doing over here? Don’t you have other girls to talk to?” You said with a bitter tone.
“Ouch. I can talk to other people you know? What? Don’t want to talk to me?!” He asked as he leant against the wall your table was against and smirked down at you.
You rolled your eyes as you put your pencil down on your notebook. “No Wilbur. I really don’t want to talk to you. I’m busy.” You pointed down to your notebook with a rough sketch of the scene that was in front of you a couple second ago. You had the silhouettes of the students drawn out but got rudely interrupted by Wilbur before you were going to start drawing him.
“Ahh. I see. Is this what you always do at lunch?” He asked as he stole your notebook from the table and flipped through the notebook.
“Wait! Wilbur, stop it! Give it back!”
“What?! Got something bad in here?! Do you draw naked people like Jack from Titanic?! Even worse, do you draw me-“ Wilbur froze as he looked down at your notebook, his face falling slowly into a look of confusion and disbelief.
You quickly grabbed your notebook from Wilbur’s loose grasp and closed it up. You held it to your chest as you closed your eyes and waiting for him to start laughing. But yet, no laughing came.
“Was- Was that me?” He asked in a hushed voice for only you to hear.
“Yeah, so what?” You asked back in a harsh voice.
“I- It’s really good. Like super good. Can I see it again?” He asked you softly as he sat down next to you and held his hand out, head slightly turnt to look at you.
You hesitantly put the notebook in his hand and let him have his fun. As he opened the notebook and flipped through, you watched his face. His face was always perfect somehow. Not just because it was symmetrical! But, because it was always so loose. He had very few wrinkles and he had a little crease it his forehead from when he smiled. He looked peaceful and beautiful. Regardless if he did have any or not, he would always be perfect to you. Always.
“I like this one.” He snaps you out if your thoughts as he points to the page he’s on. One of your favorites as well. It was a portrait of him, but it was his side profile while laughing. He continued flipping until he got to the one he landed on. That one was a drawing of him playing the guitar in a flower field. Something you kind of just.. came up with. But it was by far the one you admired and cherished the most. “Now this. This is incredible. How did you draw this?” He asked looking up at you.
“Oh! Um.. I just kind of imagined a place you would possibly play at and came up with this. It took a while but, it was worth it.” You tell him as you trace over the likes of rough pencil markings and dark shaded areas, admiring the piece. While you did that, Wilbur never took his eyes off you. He watched how your eyes filled with happiness and nostalgia from when drawing this. Filled with relief and longing. He watched your lips twitch as you held back a smile. God how much he would love to see you smile. “But it’s nothing important. Just a silly little sketch.” You concluded as you grabbed the notebook and put it into your bag as the bell rang.
“Do you put any of your art in the art show they do up in the city? Because if you do, you should definitely put that one in there.” Wilbur says as he gets up with you and slings his backpack on his back.
“I do. But I don’t know if I want to put that one. I like it too much.” You gave him a small smile as you looked up at him.
Wilbur smiled back down at you. “Do you have another class for the rest of the day?”
“Um… no actually. Why?” You asked him as you both started to walk out of the school.
“Would you maybe want to go get coffee and maybe go to that flower field so I can play you some music? And so you can draw my handsome self again, obviously.” Wilbur cockily added the last part.
“Hmm. Only if I pay. It’s the least I could do since you’re letting me get a free show and a drawing session in one day.” You offered him.
“Deal. But this is the only time you will be paying. Also I’m driving.” Wilbur says as he stops in front of his car. It was an old, rusty, beat up red truck. But it fit him so well. Like it was made for him.
“Oh? So you’re saying there’ll be another time?” You jokingly questioned him.
“Only if you want it darling.” Wilbur told you as he opened the door for you as you gave him your bag. Wilbur quickly put the bags in the back and ran to the drivers side. He put his phone on the aux and put on a random playlist.
“We’ll see how today goes pretty boy. And maybe there will be another time.” You said as you rolled down your window and let the fall breeze into the car. Wilbur did the same with his and chuckled at the nickname. You looked at him from your seat and smiled brightly at him as he looked at you.
“Well then. I’ll try my best to make it the best time you have ever had.” Wilbur says as he backs out of the parking lot and to the coffee shop.
After that day, you and Wilbur grew closer. You continued to hang out as friends. And eventually those feelings turned into more for the both of you, and the hangouts became dates. And by the end of your junior year, you and Wilbur were dating. Everyone always told you how good you and Wilbur were together. And you thought that too. You loved him. A lot. Yes you had worries but, those quickly subsided when he was around.
You and Wilbur graduated high school with the both of you getting voted best couple of the year in your year book. Wilbur went to college for a couple years but soon dropped out to pursue music. He made a band and quickly started to make music and publish it, which was going extremely well. You, on the other hand, went to college and finished. Going to classes for drawing and painting, to improve your skills, and majoring in fine arts and digital arts. You continued to sell and show your art off at shows and art museums when they offered. You also got a job at a school teaching art and teaching kids that art can help express things and tell stories.
You loved that Will followed his heart and pursued music. You loved watching him just play small snippets of the things him and the guys were working on for you. Loved being apart of the writing process, as well as the designing process. You loved seeing him so happy and excited with his music.
You both lived together in an apartment in downtown Brighton and you were both happy!
Well. At least you were. You didn’t know about how Wilbur felt after finding those text.
Wilbur and you were both lying on the couch, watching a movie. Well. You were at least. Wilbur fell asleep half way through the movie with his arm holding your waist, pulling you close to him. The other hand that was tracing your arms was now in yours as you played with his fingers, listening to his soft snores and his little whispers from his dreams. He looked so peaceful.
Your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of Wilbur’s phone buzzing on the coffee table. Thank god it was on silent or he could’ve woken up immediately knowing him. You took the phone and pressed the ‘shut off’ button to turn of the buzzing.
Once you were settled into Wilbur again. The buzzing started up again. You groaned as you moved and turned the buzzing off again. That had to be it.
A couple minutes later his phone started to buzz again, but short, little buzzes from text messages.
Now you were curious.
Who needed his attention this badly, besides you of course.
You slowly reached over to grab Wilbur’s phone and turned it on to show his lock screen.
The lock screen was a picture of you and Wilbur, sitting on the couch that was in the studio. You sitting on Will’s lap with his guitar in your own lap. Wilbur’s hand fingering the chords, as you strum whatever song you guys were playing. Wilbur’s free hand on your thigh as you both looked at each other with goofy smiles. You remember that day like it was yesterday. The day Wilbur told you he loved you.
When you finally snapped out of your thoughts, you looked down at the messages that continued to come through. You grimaced as you swiped up into his phone to reveal the numbers asking for the password. You hated going on or even through his phone. You didn’t want to be considered that girlfriend. You weren’t the jealous type and it wasn’t like you didn’t trust him, because you did! But. His phone never went off like this unless it was you wanting his attention or his band mates trying to get him to wake up on Saturday mornings for practice.
You typed in Wilbur’s password for his phone, which was your birthday. He said it was “more romantic than a stupid little password that didn’t mean anything to him.” Which you didn’t argue with. As you finally got into his phone, you took a deep breathe and went into messages.
But the name you saw didn’t seem real.
Sarah. A girl throughout high-school you were always jealous of. She was the cheer captain her senior year and she was always on varsity cheer throughout the years. She was the definition of perfect to you. She was beautiful, nice and extremely smart. She was one of those popular girls who was always super nice to people… well like you. The quote-on-quote “weirdos”. Even when she was friends with absolute assholes, it felt nice to be noticed by her. Now, junior year, it was rumored that her and Wilbur liked each other. I mean, they always talked to each other, sat by each other, and you could tell by the way Wilbur looked at her that something was going on. That’s one major reason of why you were jealous of her. But, the rumors were quickly shut down when Brett, the quarterback, asked her to the homecoming after the big game against their rivals. She obviously said yes and that was the end of the story. Sarah and Brett started dating and Wilbur was, you could say, forgotten by her. But you could tell Wilbur still had feelings for her after that night at the football game.
“Why is she texting him?” You thought out loud. You heard Will groan and shift slightly after you said that. You froze and looked at him until you heard his snores start back up, that’s when you relaxed. You looked down at the text.
‘Hey Wilbur!’
‘Are we still getting coffee this afternoon?’
‘Text me back when you can!’
When you say your heart stopped, you meant it. Coffee? With her? With the person he knows makes you insecure about everything? He said he had a get together with his friends tonight. What the fuck is going on?!
You scrolled up and saw the text messages they had earlier. Nothing screamed ‘cheating!’, you know Wilbur wouldn’t do that. But some whispered, ‘watch out for her.’
As you heard Wilbur groan and begin to wake up, you quickly put his phone on the table and smiled up at him.
‘Act normal. Talk about it later.’
“Hey sleepy head.” You put on a small smile as you ran your hands through his hair. He looked… perfect.
“Hey. Have you been awake this whole time?” He asked in a scratchy deep voice. He looked at you as you scratched his scalp and smiled.
“Eh. I woke up about 10 minutes ago.” You said while pecking his chin. He laughed and cupped your face in his hands as he pulled you up to be face to face with him. “What’s up?”
He smiled and looked at you for a couple seconds. “You, my love, are so beautiful.” He leant up and kissed you. Slow and passionate.
The kiss lasted shorter than you both would’ve liked but Wilburs phone started buzzing again. He groaned as he reached for the little device and grimaced as he looked at it. “Sorry love. I have to go. James is calling me.” Wilbur said as he got up from underneath you and put his shoes back on. “I’ll bring back some food for you ok?” He asked you as he pecked your lips one last time.
“Mhm. Just don’t get the wrong thing this time.” You teased him.
“That was one time! And I promise I won’t.” He said back to you as he kisses your forehead and grabbed his wallet and phone.
“I love you. Have fun.” You said as he opened the front door.
“I love you too darling.” He smiled at you as he closed the door.
You quickly frowned as thoughts started to crowed your mind.
‘When he comes home, I’ll ask him about it.’
Well. That was two days ago. And you still haven’t talked to him about it. It’s not like you haven’t had time or you haven’t seen him! You two are basically stuck to the hip when you can be. But. You just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Afraid that maybe it was true. Maybe Wilbur never loved you and kept in touch with Sarah secretly this whole time and waited until she was either single or loved him again.
No. Your head was just playing tricks on you right? He wouldn’t do that! He’s a good guy. And he loves you. Right?
Wilbur came home from filming a video with Tommy and the rest of the boys. Once he came into the house and greeted you, you sat him down on the couch with you and sighed.
“We need to talk Will. And it’s nothing bad, maybe.” You said, anxiety filling your body as you looked down at your hands in your lap and started picking at them.
“Love what’s up? Talk to me.” Wilbur whispered to you as he grabbed your hands and kissed them.
You looked at him and sigh. “Do you love me? Like… truly. Do you love me?” You asked, slow and drawn out. your voice quiet and breathy, almost like you didn’t want to be saying those words and you didn’t want the reply to them.
The moment those words fell from your mouth, Wilbur’s face fell. He felt… sad? Angry? Confused? Why did you ask him that? Didn’t you know you were all he can think about half the time? Of course he loves you! “Love. Why are you asking that?” Wilbur asked in confusion and disbelief you would even ask that.
“No. Wil. I need you to answer the question. Do you love me or not?” You said, your voice raising slightly as you let go of his hands and got up from the couch.
“I- what brought this up y/n? I just want to know what I did to make you think this-“
“I saw the text. I saw what you both were doing that night. You fucking lied to me Wil! How long has this been going on? How long have you been seeing her?!” You raised your voice as you spoke. You couldn’t control your emotions. You weren’t angry per-say. You were more upset and disappointed. If this was true, you were done.
“What text?! What are you talking about?” Wilbur said as he scrunched his face up and looked at you like you were crazy.
“Oh don’t fucking try that on me. You know exactly what I’m talking about! You and Sarah have been secretly seeing each other this whole time, right? All the times you went out with the “guys”. It was with her. Right?!” You yelled at him, your voice cracking as you held back sobs.
Wilbur just looked at you with the most heartbreaking look ever. You saw the text? He got rid of those! He wasn’t even worried about the text at the moment though. He was upset and angry you thought that about him. Thought that he would do that. But disappointed at himself for not getting rid of her number and just telling you about what happened. “Y/n-“
“Please tell me this is fake. Please tell me what I’m feeling is just my mind playing games on me!” You sobbed as your ran your hands through your hair. “Please, Wilbur. I- I love you so much. Please. Please don’t leave me.” You whimpered as you choked back sobs as you looked at him through blurry eyes. Wilbur hurriedly got up and walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought your head to his chest and held it there as you sobbed. You wrapped your arms around his torso and scrunched his sweater up in your hands and squeezed.
Your thoughts persisted as you sobbed into his sweater. ‘He doesn’t love you. He never did!’ ‘He was using you the whole time to get over her.’
It didn’t feel real.
“Please- Wilbur please-“ You gasped out through sobs as you grabbed your chest, trying to get air into your lungs.
“Hey, hey. Look at me, ok? Focus on me.” He said in the softest voice you have ever heard as he gently cupped your face. “Deep breathes. In and out, ok? Do it with me. In-“ Wilbur inhaled as you grabbed into his forearms and followed him. Once he saw you take in as much air as you could, he exhaled. “And out. Good girl. Yeah. And just keep doing that with me ok?” You nodded as Wilbur helped you get a steadier breathe.
Once you nodded at him to tell him you were alright, he brought his forehead down to your own and sighed. “Can I- Can I please explain, all of this?” He asked you as he leaned back to look at you. You nodded, afraid if you spoke you would start crying again.
Wilbur sighed and gently brought you to the couch. He grabbed your hands and held them in his own as he kissed them gently. “Darling. I love you so much. So goddamn much. And I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Wilbur started but quickly stopped as he got choked up. He was scared to be honest. Scared you would leave him either way. Scared that once he explained the whole situation, you would still be upset about all of it. He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t be able to bear it. Not having you there with him. Not having your stupid jokes and your silly faces when he wakes up in the mornings. Not having anyone to come home too. Not having you to share music with.
He didn’t like the thought of you not being in his life anymore.
Wilbur looked up to see you looking at him with a sad lopsided smile and waiting patiently for him to continue as you rubbed his knuckles. “I-“ He took a few breathe before continuing. “I saw her at the coffee shop a couple weeks ago. And I hadn’t seen her since high school so I just went up to say hi and ask how she was doing.” Wilbur took a deep breathe before continuing the story. “She said that her and Brett broke up and she was home for the holiday. I had to leave, so I gave her my number, just to catch up her! Nothing else. And she texted me later that day if I wanted to get lunch and catch up in person. And me being the person I am said yes. And then during lunch I-“ Wilbur cleared his throat as he got chocked up once again. “I knew she was trying to flirt with me. She kept touching my hand and making unnecessary comments about me and just- it didn’t seem right. So I started talking about you and she got annoyed. That’s when I finally realized she didn’t want to catch up, more like she wanted to see if I was available. Which I made it super clear that I wasn’t! I mean. I thought I did. I thought I blocked her number, truly. I didn’t think she would keep pestering me about seeing her after talking about you. Y/n-“ Wilbur got cut off by his own sob. All you did was bring him into your chest while crying with him. “I’m s-so sorry. I didn’t mean to h-hurt you. I didn’t mean for you to think like that. I should’ve never said a-anything to her. I’m so sorry.” Wilbur sobbed out into your chest as he held you close to him like a lifeline. Like you would leave any moment.
You buried your face into the messy mop of hair on top of his head. You just sat there, holding him and crying with him, whispering to him that you loved him and it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know this was going to happen. He didn’t plan for this to happen. It wasn’t his fault.
As you both settled down and your breathing was back to a regular rhythm, you lifted his head in your hands and wiped his tear stained cheeks and gave him a weak smile. “Wil. It’s not your fault. You were just being the nice person you always are, and I love you for that. And I’m not mad at you or anything. I’m just, kind of mad at myself and confused about everything. Mad at myself for letting myself get upset over this without letting you talk. Letting myself get insecure about our relationship and your feelings about me because of her. But also knowing your history with her, it kinda made my brain go into thoughts I didn’t like.” You let out a shaky sigh as you tried to blink away your tears. “But I’m also conf-“ you cleared your throat before continuing. “I’m just also confused on where you went that night and all those nights that you just left in a hurry or just left while smiling at your phone. It doesn’t make sense Wil.” Your voice cracked as you ended your sentence, putting your head down to look at your lap as your bottom lip quivered and you took deep breathes to stop yourself from crying.
Wilbur frowned at you as he sat up and took your hands in his again. “Love. You had all the right to be upset. I should’ve have told you I saw her, I should have told you about the lunch, I should’ve have told you about everything. And I’m so sorry you felt that way love. You shouldn’t have to be insecure about yourself or this relationship. I love you. And only you. You are perfect. And I only want you. Not her. Not anyone else. Just you.” Wilbur sniffed as he lifted your chin up so you were looking at him. “There’s my perfect darling.” Wilbur smiled at you as he cupped your face and rubbed your cheeks. You sent him a weak smile back as you leant into his hand. “And if you’re wondering what I’ve been doing all of those nights. I’ve been with the Phil, Tommy, Jack, James, practically everyone. Every night. Not with her. And I had a plan, but I cant wait any longer so-“ Wilbur cut himself off as he went to his coat on the rack and went through his pockets. He held the mystery thing in his balled up fist and came back over to you.
Wilbur knelt down on one knee in front of you as he looked at you with a small smile. You just sat on the couch with a confused yet shocked face. “Wil-“
“Y/n. Ever since that one little interaction in the cafeteria in junior year, I’ve been utterly in love with you. From your art to the way you laugh and talk about the things you love for hours on end. You have become home. And I never really believed in that stuff, about how a person could become home to you. But now I do. I have found that one person i want to spend every moment with until I die. And the only person that will put up with my bullshit.” You laughed at that as you sniffed and held back tears. “And that is you, darling. Always and only you. Now-“ Wilbur sniffed and smiled as he looked at you and opened the small black box. Inside, a silver ring with a small yet beautiful diamond, which you knew was fake, on the top. You admired the ring as he took it out of its resting place and held it up to you. “I know it’s not much but, it’s something. Y/n L/n, will you make me the happiest man to ever exist and marry me?” Wilbur asked you, his hand slightly shaking as he awaited your answer.
You laughed a little as you yet again held back tears and nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you William. Oh my god.” You say in shock as Wilbur put on the ring and cupped your face. He pecked your lips softly and rested his forehead on yours as he laughed.
“Thank fuck. I was scared you were gonna say no.” Wilbur sighed out as you smiled up at him.
“I would never. I love you too much. That is unless you did do something bad-“
“I swear I didn’t!”
“I know, I know! What made you decide to do… that… now?” You asked him as he sat on the couch and pulled you into his lap.
“Well, knowing you had those thoughts and knowing how impatient I am to just make you mine forever, fuck the plan. Sorry Phil but, I needed you to know that you are my forever. My one and only. My sugar plum. My little soft cute baby-“
“Ok now you’re pushing it.” You deadpanned at him as your crossed your arms and tried not to laugh at Wilbur’s pout.
“Fine. I just won’t call you anything. I won’t even call you my fiancé!” Wilbur whined out as he looked away from you.
Hearing him say that word. Fiancé. Brought a whole other world into you. A whole other part of your life you get to experience, with him.
“Nooooo! No please! I’m sorry! Call me what you like!! See what I did there- please I’m sorry!” You whined out as you kissed all over his face, not a spot left untouched by your lips.
Wilbur laughed at the song reference as you continued to kiss his face. He placed his hands on your waist and squeezed. “Ok! Ok, fine. I will call you whatever I like. And I won’t stop calling you my fiancé. Well- not until we’re married. Because then I get to call you my wife. Oh! I get to call you my wife then! Can we just get married now?! Please-“
Wil! Wil! Calm down dear. We’ll get married when we can afford it. And plus I want our family and friends there. But for now-“ You ran your hands through his hair and rubbed his head as his eyes fluttered shut. “You can call me your fiancé or any other nickname you want.” You smiled at him as he looked at you. Wilbur leaned in and softly connected your lips together. The kiss wasn’t quick or rough. It was like Wilbur was summoning all of his love for you into one kiss. The kiss was soft, slow, and love-filled.
It was perfect.
Once you both needed air, Wilbur pulled away and panted softly as he smiled widely at you. “I love you. And I’m sorry for what happened and not telling you anything. I promise to tell you everything for now on, like i should’ve been doing.” Wilbur sighed and rubbed your waist lightly. “I love you.”
“And I love you. So much.” You smiled at him as you leaned in and kissed him again, but quickly pulling back before the kiss could go anywhere. “And what do you mean ‘like you should’ve been doing’?? I swear to god if you did something el-“
“Hey. None of it is bad. Maybe somethings I did with Tommy or the band that we kept secret, but nothing bad. Now shut up and kiss me.” Wilbur quickly reassured you as he pulled you back into him and kissed you again.
But you being the person you are, needed more answers. “No no no! Did- Did you and Tommy break the TV that one ti-“
“Darling. Love. Baby. Stop talking more kissing, ok? I want to show my fiancé how much I love them.” Wilbur quickly mumbled out as he started to kiss you again.
“Yeah but you have some explaining to do.” You mumbled out in between kisses.
“That depends if you even remember it after we’re done.” Wilbur says as he flips you over, so your back meets the couch, as he hovers over your frame.
“Oh, I will. But you can try to make me forget pretty boy.”
“Oh I certainly will.” Wilbur smirked as he leant down and pressed an intoxicating kiss onto your lips.
You were gonna have to try really hard to remember.
Taglist: @deadphantomsociety @jadeissues @aimi-chann @z0vamp @art3m1s-adelia @bird-shack @mcr-pr-fob @hop-scotchh @romancingdaffodils @sixofshadowandbone (if you want to be added, all you have to do is ask or message me dears <3)
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