#and sometimes I'm like “am I the problem??”
moonlightspencie · 2 days
hey lovely! i saw you were asking for more requests and i love your writing so i am happy to help 🫡😂 can you write a one shot with any of the marauders (you can choose) where the reader works in a coffee shop and he comes in all the time and she thinks it’s because he loves coffee but he really just likes her? idk just thought it would be cute!! thank you friend!
hehehe, well remus won the number 2 spot on my poll, so here he is!
remus lupin x reader
You smiled to yourself when you saw a familiar tall, lanky, scarred, absolutely endearing man walk into the café. He had a habit of dropping in every day. Sometimes twice a day. He'd come to be one of your absolute favorite regulars.
"Hi, Remus," you grinned brightly at him as he came to the counter.
"Hi," he replied shyly, his cheeks a little pink. "How are you today?"
"Can't complain. We've had a pretty slow day, but I'm not mad about it."
"I suppose it's a good thing I've come in, then. I've got to keep this place up and running," he joked lightly.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Want your regular?"
"Please," he nodded, smiling a bit at the fact she knew his order. "Also whatever you'd like."
"I'd like to pay for whatever drink you'd like, too. You told me last time that you only get one free drink per shift," he said with a small shrug.
You blinked, looking at him in a bit of surprise. "You really don't have to do that."
"I'd like to. If you'll let me."
"Really?" you smile again.
"Really. It's the least I can do."
"I'm only doing my job," you let out a breathy chuckle, your own cheeks heating a little. Though you wouldn't admit it, you'd begun to harbor a small crush on the man. "No big deal."
"You go the extra mile. Nobody else has ever bothered to remember my order."
"Well... you're easy to remember."
His cheeks went even pinker as he sighed softly. "You are... unnecessarily kind."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all."
You smile again, writing on the two cups, then give him the total. He pays, leaving much too generous of a tip as always, and goes to sit down. You start on both of your drinks, debating in your head what you should do. Was it wrong to hit on a patron of the café? Maybe. But was he terribly cute and really sweet? Definitely.
You quickly scribbled your name and number on the cup, then called his name.
He walked up with a sweet smile. "Thanks."
"No problem. But... Maybe next time, I can buy you a drink?"
His brows rose. "This is your job. I don't want you to feel like you have to pay for me at your workplace."
"Then maybe I could buy you a drink someplace else?"
He blushed fiercely. "Oh."
"Unless I'm picking up the wrong signals, of course," you shift on your feet. "I've been thinking you just really liked coffee, but now I'm not so sure."
"You're much sweeter than the coffee," he admits with a soft voice.
You bite back a grin. "In that case... my number's on the cup, and I'm off at six. Maybe text me?"
He swallows, his eyes wide as he nods. "That... that sounds great."
"Good. I'll see you around, then?"
"Next time, maybe not just for the coffee," he smiles, nodding again once.
He walks out of the café a minute later, leaving you giddy on more than caffeine for the rest of your shift. The second you clocked out, you checked your phone, seeing a message from an unknown number:
You made my heart race a lot faster than the coffee today. Thanks for asking me out, I don't think I could have worked up the nerve myself haha
This is Remus, by the way.
You laughed softly, typing a quick response.
Now you'll have to tell me your second favorite place to get drinks. Can't wait :)
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AITA for taking my dog to sniff in the grass near an apartment building?
🐶 for reference so i can come back to it
I (20) am back in my home city for the summer while i'm away from college, and i'm staying with my family which includes my dog (almost 4f) who is the love of my life. she's very sweet and cuddly around people but requires a lot of exercise and LOVES to sniff around, but we can't take her to dog parks because she was a covid puppy and was never socialized properly and thus ends up pretty aggressive towards other dogs. (this is an us problem and i am trying to work on this with her this summer).
i'm trying to reinforce some of the training i did with her before i left for college, which my family hasn't really kept up. part of this is recall training, which she always responds to if there's treats involved. i want to keep that ingrained in her in case of an emergency.
there is an apartment about a block away from my house, which has this huge lawn right next to it and a couple of benches. i never see anyone there, but it's a really nice grassy area and my dog loves to go sniffing around there. since there aren't any significant triggers for her around, usually what i do is drop the leash (i keep it connected to her) and follow her around for a bit. i also always call her back every so often and treat when she comes to reinforce her recall. it's a fun time for both of us: for her because she likes to sniff and roll around in the grass, and for me because i like spending time with her!
today we were doing what we normally do when i heard some knocking. i looked around and saw an old lady in one of the ground floor apartments knocking at me (i knew it was at me because nobody else was there). once i finally made eye contact with her, she made this aggressive pointing motion with her hand for us to go away. she kept doing that until we left (i'm super conflict-avoidant so it didn't take much).
i'm worried that i might have accidentally broken a law or something. as far as i'm aware, anyone is allowed to just go hang out there. my dad says he's seen other people and their dogs there as well, and i also know for a fact that the building is pet-friendly as there are a couple of dogs who bark from inside sometimes when my dog and i walk by (this doesn't bother her). i also am never more than 15ft away from her at any given moment, and she's very well behaved and comes when she's called. the worst she'll do is pee on the lawn or poop, in which case i'll pick it up and throw it away. i think i'm a responsible dog handler, and i don't do anything with my dog that could potentially danger her or someone else.
so AITA?
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haikyu-mp4 · 18 hours
Congrats on the milestone I love your work😸.
Applying with Sakusa, I am organized and a problem solver
thank you very very much, love!! I'm happy to hire you<3
Human error
Sakusa is a regular and finally asks you out, for the now hiring! event
word count; 1087 – f!reader
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Every time you got to see Sakusa, the mysteriously handsome volleyball player was accompanied by one or more of his fellow jackals. Their training facilities just so happened to be around the corner from the cafe where you worked and you had recognised him from the posters one of the first times he stopped by.
Sakusa wasn’t sure he’d ever have a chance with you, but he told himself it was even less likely if his teammates were to get involved. No doubt, they would try to play Cupid and ruin his already slim chances as if the prospect of them knowing he had somewhat of a crush wasn’t already embarrassing enough. So he put some effort into little ‘schemes’ that would allow him to talk to you without them.
One time, he left his MSBY jacket on the counter after he picked up his coffee. As he and Hinata left the shop, he put on what he felt was quite the acting performance, telling Hinata “I left my jacket, you go ahead,” before turning around to do so.
He had walked right up to the counter and you perked up when you spotted him, pulling the jacket up from behind the bar in a neat bag. You always wore a mask at work, which he greatly appreciated, but you pulled it down for a second to smile at him after he took the bag from you with a brief ‘thank you’. “You’re lucky I know you jackals and your uniforms by now,” you teased. “Someone tried to tell me it was theirs after they saw you left it.”
“Lucky me,” he agreed, completely abandoning the whole script. Instead, he just bowed and walked away.
Let’s just say, most of his schemes didn’t work out. Human error, one might call it.
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Sakusa wouldn’t say he gave up, but he took some time trying to come up with a new plan to approach you. The next time he saw you, it was with the full squad of Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu alongside him. They were talking loudly, not even lowering their volume when they got inside, which made Sakusa look away from them in embarrassment.
But then you laughed. And it annoyed him so much because he loved that laugh, but he never got close to being the reason for it. There’s one guy in line in front of the four volleyball players, and Sakusa was trying to tune in to your conversation. By now, one or two of his friends had caught on to where his attention lay.
“Would you let me take you out sometime?”
What did that guy just ask you?
Sakusa loudly cleared his throat and didn’t even realise he was moving until he stood in front of you, eyebrows furrowed as he turned his attention to the apparent competition. “Are you done ordering? There’s a line back here.”
You glanced at Sakusa and huffed out another short laugh, then looked back at the guy who had asked you out. “Sorry, I’m not interested. Remind me, did you want whipped cream on that?”
After a deep breath and watching the rejected guy step away to wait for his coffee, Sakusa was happy to find your attention back on him but not as happy about the playful glint of your eyes, even though it suited you painfully well. “Hello there, Sakusa. The usual?”
After confirming with a shy nod, Sakusa looked over his shoulder hesitantly. Atsumu was covering his mouth with his hand to contain his commentary, Hinata gave him a thumbs up, and Bokuto looked happily at the menu boards hanging above them to decide what he wanted to try today.
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Sakusa could not believe his luck. Not only did he have to stay late at practice, meaning he couldn’t stop by your cafe before you closed as he planned, but his car also decided to give up on him and stay in the parking lot. He called the repair guy, who said he could be there in the morning, and Sakusa begrudgingly agreed before hanging up. Taking public transport home was not an option if he could avoid it.
Might as well start walking. He stared at his feet while walking to make sure he didn’t step on anything gross, but the slam of a door in front of him made his gaze sharply turn upwards. His feet stopped moving and he stared as you locked up the door.
Is this... destiny- no. Sakusa didn’t want to entertain such childish ideas, but at least it was an opportunity. He hesitated. Should he finally talk to you? None of the other volleyball players were there to snicker or make teasing comments and no other customers could rudely ask you out right in front of him.
You were closing up the shop and it had been a long day. Working at the cafe was amazing, but even you were susceptible to bad days. It didn’t help either that Sakusa hadn’t stopped by, so you did your hair all nice for nothing.
Speaking of the devil, you heard someone clear their throat behind you, making you startle and clutch your key like a weapon. When you saw those brown eyes, you calmed down slightly before tensing up again.
Your mind went back to earlier that day when Bokuto, Atsumu and Hinata had come into the cafe and the trio leaned their elbows on the counter.
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“Between us girls, what’s your type?” Atsumu had asked, followed by Hinata adding,
“We’re asking for a friend!”
“Who might be interested,” Atsumu continued after realising that Bokuto had gotten distracted and forgot his line.
“Someone might call him the silent dark type, do you like that?” Hinata added like Atsumu had told him earlier.
“A friend?” you asked, pulling up the top of your mask a little to hopefully hide your cheeks more. They looked at each other and smirked, not giving you a proper answer.
“Could I get a raspberry refresher?” Bokuto asked with his sweet smile, and you clicked your pen more times than necessary before finally getting back into what you were doing.
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Now, you looked at Sakusa and the blush seemed to be back. Your mask was hanging off one of your ears and you thought it might be too obvious if you put it back on now to hide it.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said.
Sakusa seemed to consider his words. “I was going to get something to eat. Would you join me?”
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
hello there!
I am currently writing a story (personal project not professional or anything) and one of the main characters has multiple sclerosis, and uses forearm crutches.
I have an idea of some symptoms that I've found from researching (googling, mostly) the disability, the main ones that affect this character being visions problems, mobility problems, pain and muscle spasms & stiffness & weakness.
do you have any general advice on what to avoid and what is good to include on writing a disabled character, both in general and with the specifics i am describing?
for physical appearence, like clothing and such, anything i should know about clothes that could impede the character in using their forearm crutches or dealing with pain?
more specifically, are there any kinds of footwear that are especially bad or good for people who use forearm crutches? i was thinking work boots with some kind of padding, but i would like a second opinion.
i'm not sure how much of the research i'm doing will actually show up in the story or how far i'll get in writing the story, but i would really appreciate your help!
hello i just sent a longer ask, the character (who i forgot to mention their name in the last ask, oops) Lichuen uses forearm crutches and would decorate them. what are things to know about decorating crutches? Lichuen has a kind of pastel frilly bog witch aesthetic and i imagine they would use stuff like lace to decorate, but i don't know what kind of decorations would interfere with the crutches' purpose
General advice: For any disabled character, my general advice is to give them goals that aren't just related to their disability, to give them hobbies and likes and dislikes, and to know as much about their disability as you can so you can know how it would affect them and how they navigate the world.
Vision problems: Feel free to check out our blindness tag! Different types of vision problems and visual impairment will need different things, but we have a variety there. Research what specific issues with vision your character has, too! Like, do they wear glasses? Do they need a white cane? Etc.
Chronic pain, muscle spasms, stiffness, and weakness: We have a chronic pain representation tag that might be helpful, as well as a mobility disabilities tag that could help if your character's muscle spasms, stiffness, and weakness cause a mobility disability. Check out our mobility aids tag if they need any, too. Overall, chronic pain is often tiring, as are muscle stiffness and weakness. Bodies use a lot of energy when they have trouble moving and when they're in pain. Your character could likely need breaks and rest more than others do.
Clothing & footwear: I actually found a website with the purpose of helping crutch users find comfortable footwear! crowdsourced by people who use them, too. The consensus, before you click the link: arch support or general foot placement support, sturdier/durable and sometimes zipper/slip-on rather than laces. As to clothing, I couldn't find anything specific, but generally speaking it seems like anything that is too loose and/or long in the arms area and could get caught in the crutches would probably be avoided.
Decoration: Some people post about how they decorate their aids! This person has this particular post of them actively decorating their crutches (i couldn't find their pronouns so i'm defaulting to they/them).
Hope this helped!
– mod sparrow
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batsplat · 1 day
seen people talk about how marcs 2012 season was the reason the penalty point system was introduced (that made vale start from the back in 2015 which is admittedly absolutely absurdly funny) so here i am to ask my favorite motogp historian for thoughts (and prayers?) mostly about what exactly marc DID to make that happen (kinda funny also that he was branded a track terrorist from day 1 😭) and why they struck it in the mid 2010s?
okay so I'm gonna be lazy here and start out by just including what I put in the marc race recs post:
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phillip island 2011 was the worst incident, and marc was criticised by motogp riders too, including valentino and casey. that one was like... it was just straight up dangerous and also incredibly stupid, I mean you're trying to get an extra lap in at the end of fp1 and are putting yourself and other riders in serious danger (definitely a case where you can argue that the penalty didn't go far enough and a race ban would have been warranted). marc can sometimes be pretty bullish in response to criticism while still going away and kinda realising what he'd done was a bad idea, quietly adjusting his behaviour... examples include this, where he had his team appeal the penalty, as well as of course 2018 argentina, where he talked down the 'mistakes' he'd made and said he'd done more wrong in the aleix than the valentino incident (which may be true, but it's the rhetorical equivalent of saying it's better to go up to someone's home and throw bricks through the windows than it is to set it on fire) - he is fairly good at learning from his mistakes, even when he doesn't always fully admit to them
that being said, of course he did continue getting himself involved in a fair bit of controversy during 2012. but it's worth pointing out that the penalty points system wasn't just a case of 'oh this kid is so bad, we've got to do something' - it was also a case of 'yeah this is being handled in a super inconsistent manner, actually'. like, there were times people felt marc should be penalised more, yes, but other times where they felt it was too much... it was just a bit all over the place. luckily, inconsistent stewarding is a problem they've managed to fix in the intervening twelve years, so we never hear about that stuff any more. let's just give a quick summary of the four biggest 2012 flashpoints:
qatar: marc runs luthi off-track in a deliberate and pretty dangerous way and gets a slap on the cooldown lap for his troubles, plus a reprimand from race direction
catalunya: towards the end of a race in which marc made several questionable moves, pol espargaro attempted to overtake marc who had just saved a fall - marc cuts across the track to rejoin the racing line and ends up colliding with pol. he was initially given a controversial penalty in the form of a minute added to his final time, before that was rescinded (which was unsuccessfully appealed by pol's team). see here for valentino and casey's reactions
motegi: marc 'torpedoed' kallio in saturday morning practise, riding into his side while kallio was on the racing line headed into a turn and causing kallio to highside... which he was not penalised for. some responses to the incident below
valencia: marc attempted to overtake corsi in friday practise, causing him to crash. this time, race direction handed out a back-of-the-grid penalty
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it's a subtle distinction but an important one so I'll just stress it again: the stated aim of the penalty points wasn't to hold back aggressive riders like marc but to attempt to reduce inconsistency, which had been exposed in part due to how differently these marc incidents were handled. what marc did was create several high profile controversies, in each case prompting some level of frustration with how race direction handled the whole thing. obviously, there were other non-marc-related stewarding controversies, but it is inarguable that he was a significant factor in causing a revamp of the system
by the way, here's valentino's criticism of marc after the valencia incident:
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here's a quick explanation of how the penalty points worked:
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and, you know, for what it's worth marc did calm down in motogp... he certainly became better at operating in the grey area of the rules, approaching his racing in a manner his competitors didn't always appreciate but was certainly a lot harder to penalise. though there were also incidents that of course people felt marc should be penalised for - say after jerez 2013, jorge did kinda go 'okay but surely you can at least give a few penalty points for this, isn't this what they're for'. but it's not like there was unanimous agreement on that, see the immediate responses of some of the riders:
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(bradley smith saying that jorge's last serious race was motegi 2005 - the one he got the race ban for - is a bit of an insane stance to take and doesn't really match up to reality, but it did make me laugh so that's something. of course the general point that during the alien era most of them were avoiding doing much actual racing isn't exactly wrong but. still)
not to make this a riding standards post, but this is the underlying tension when you're trying to decide how to regulate the sport... jerez was the first serious test that system faced - and it's one where race direction ended up calling it a pure racing incident. which is a tough call! I talked about it a bit in the sete post and what his stance was on the jerez 2005 incident, where he feels like this isn't a contact sport and shouldn't be adjudicated as such. it's a fundamental philosophical difference that became very relevant again when marc showed up fresh from his controversial moto2 campaign and woke up the entire class with his own particular brand of racing. from a write-up of the jerez 2013 race:
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(motegi 2008 not motegi 2010, which is something I remember because casey's pass also allowed valentino to immediately swoop on through. should be noted that casey may have apologised but he did not give the position back to dani lol. also motegi 2010 is pretty memorable if we're talking about hard racing. fair to say that valentino demonstrated he did not share the approach of his fellow aliens when battling jorge)
and more on the shift marc brought about:
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this is the thing, right - a big part of understanding that time period is concerning yourself with what came just before. the general feeling (unsurprisingly not shared by casey, jorge or dani) was that the series desperately needed some new life breathed into it, that the racing had become stale and sterile and far too predictable... there were several factors that contributed to this, from the beloathed 800cc bikes that were only replaced in 2012, to the approach of those three aliens and how adept they'd become at racking up wins by dominating out front, to how valentino (generally considered the most 'exciting' racer of the lot) had taken himself out of the competitive picture... I mean, in all honesty the racing is still not great in 2013 compared to the rossi heyday (it had gotten better by the very end of the 2010s), but of course there's a lot more energy to it than the years before. which meant the sport as a whole was in a tricky place where they both had to be seen to be constraining marc, stopping him from being an active danger to himself and others, while also kind of... letting him loose. a little bit of controversy is hardly a bad thing, after all - love him or hate him, everyone had a take, and that's the kind of thing that's obviously healthy for a sport
marc did get two penalty points that year for ignoring yellow flags in silverstone and crashing in the same place as cal crutchlow had just gone down:
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(for obvious reasons, 'ignoring yellow flags' is extremely dangerous, but there's no reason to believe he wasn't being honest here)
he was also given another penalty point for the contact that caused dani's crash in aragon, taking him perilously close to that back-of-the-grid penalty:
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and that was basically their position - it's a warning. broadly they wanted him to not completely revamp his approach, but just apply a little more discretion, exercise his judgement. a little more caution, a little more restraint. it's still fundamentally a different philosophy of racing than the one that had been espoused for several years by the other aliens save for valentino - but marc could get to a place where he was engaging in hard racing that generally toed the line without crossing it. a little more detail on the aragon incident and marc's approach to racing in the context of the time period from this write-up:
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this is the issue, right, marc was riding on just the right line of acceptable that race direction would not have in any way been justified in slapping out race bans - though you can certainly argue that in some cases, you could have handed out more penalty points, which would then have meant he would have faced more 'real' consequences. in any case, they couldn't actually 'teach him a lesson', because he'd already more or less learned it... if the lesson is 'hard racing and contact is fine, just don't overdo it'. which of course, not everyone would agree with. the odd memorable exception aside, throughout marc's premier class career he's been very aware of that line, and has taken care to avoid bringing the wrath of race direction upon himself too severely
the penalty points thing and sepang 2015... well, first of all let's quickly bring in what the actual ruling was:
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honestly, I imagine that if they didn't have a penalty points system, they would've figured out a different way to penalise him, and might have slapped him with a back-of-the-grid penalty anyway. not in a 'oh the fim had it out for valentino rossi!!!!' way, more that they did need to be seen doing something. the penalty points felt like a fairly elegant way of giving a penalty that wasn't that harsh and wasn't making any judgement calls over whether valentino deliberately kicked marc, while also in an indirect way ensuring that valentino would suffer consequences. and yes, it is a nice bit of dramatic irony - but the piece says it, the penalty "had to be severe enough for rossi to feel truly punished". the penalty points happened to be the tool they had available and perhaps with a different set of rules, valentino would have been handed a slightly different flavour of punishment. but really, this is more 'fun historical coincidence' than something that massively changed the events that played out
of course, it was a controversial decision that few people felt 100% comfortable with. on the one hand, if you believe that valentino kicked marc, then you probably would have wanted him to be disqualified - three measly penalty points does not feel enough in that situation. on the other, if you believe that valentino engaged aggressively with marc but without deliberately trying to make him crash, then a back-of-the-grid penalty that essentially decided the outcome of the championship before the final race even started is a tough pill to swallow. (of course there's also a position somewhere in between where valentino didn't literally kick marc but did attempt to run him off track, which would make the penalty 'about right' - but this isn't nuance corner, it's controversy corner so let's ignore those equivocating cowards.) of course, the championship standings should ideally not determine what sort of penalties are being handed out - but equally, it's something that did limit the intrigue going into the race, and over something that felt quite arbitrary. the other penalty point he'd gotten to rack up the four total was about a qualifying incident in misano - which either feels like a silly thing to determine the ultimate outcome of the championship, or instead is a demonstration of how the cumulative nature of the points system is supposed to work. but yes, it did get a lot of criticism in the aftermath, with concerns over whether future title fights could end up being defanged as an indirect consequence of relatively minor incidents earlier in the season
and of course, the penalty points were eventually scrapped in early 2017. here's a bit more on that decision:
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basically, sepang 2015 was a contributing factor to broader changes in how motogp was regulated, which down the line had the knock-on effect of getting rid of that penalty system entirely. rightly or wrongly, race direction felt like they had better tools available to penalise riders and this system was now redundant. anyway [insert another lazy gag about how the switch to a stewards panel has completely failed in eliminating controversy from stewarding] [insert pithy closing line] [press post]
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kafus · 2 days
pasting a ramble i did on discord of analysis/conjecture/headcanons about liko's home life/upbringing, with strong likodot flavor in the latter half as usual, nearly verbatim because i think i worded it pretty much perfectly the first time while relaying my thoughts to friends... just edited for easier reading slightly
liko doesn’t canonically show attachment issues or abandonment worries really, but i headcanon her with some of that because like. parents busy all the time. not a lot of people in her life and the ones that are, aka mainly her caretakers (she's implied to not really have friends at the start of the show) don’t communicate with her great or are sometimes unavailable for stretches of time.
it makes a lot of sense to me that canonically the brave asagi feels like home so quickly to her. because it’s stable. the same people are always there, she literally lives with them on an airship. but like. they're stable adult figures that aren’t disappearing for periods of time, and friede’s forgetfulness aside (lighthearted), people who communicate with her better. this does wonders for her bdjdjdsk
i also think her selflessness to point of fault could tie in with this, like blaming herself for situations and shrugging off her own feelings (she often doesn’t even notice when she herself is upset/moody on multiple occasions!!) could have been a habit developed from this very thing. she loves her parents and doesn’t want to have to view them as absent or being poor at communication so everything is her fault. she doesn’t want to be pointing blame or to cause problems when people are home or things are good so she dissociates away her own feelings and is very polite and considerate of anything that comes up.
i say all this because i think it’d be an interesting way to spin liko’s character who is already interesting. but also i got to thinking about this manifesting in her relationship with dot down the line. cause like adult figures are one thing but also friends and hell having a girlfriend is kind of different. and dot does actually get busy sometimes because she is still working as gurumin on top of schoolwork (this is headcanons for vaguely what a couple years from now as of HZ053 at the time of writing might look like or something. dot going to more normal schooling similar to how liko has been, on top of still being gurumin)
this starts sparking anxiety in liko but first she shoves it down and acts like it’s fine. and then it starts slipping through the cracks. cue comedy of her being like WHY AM I THINKING CRAZY THINGS LIKE “I WANT TO INTERRUPT GURUMIN VIDEO EDITING TO HANG OUT WHO HAVE I BECOME WHAT SORT OF GURUMIN FAN AM I AHHHH also i don't want to be clingy to dot she likes her independent space...”
still, her response is to be like no it's fine, i have to be fine with this, i'm just acting crazy, dot has literally never done anything to warrant me feeling like this, i am being a bad girlfriend. and dot notices this in her demeanor and is like hey what's wrong? and liko’s like What!
anyway they talk it out and come to some sort of middle ground where of course dot still needs to be alone sometimes either to focus or to just have alone time in general. she’s not gonna let liko derail into a worsening spiral of clinginess. but! she is going to reassure her that it’s fine!
and also cue liko sometimes being able to hang out quietly in her room doing her own thing like lying in dot’s bed on her phone while dot video edits... also way more self indulgent, extremely “this is so not canon but i am a shipper let me live” imagery: dot managing her gurumin socials on her phone in her bed with one hand and liko lying on her bed partially on her lap like a lapcat while dot pets her hair with the other hand. in this essay i will
thanks for coming to my ted talk i've been rotating this in my brain for weeks
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teaandinanity · 2 years
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in my defense I was left unsupervised
just TRY and tell me that Twink Boutta Pounce meme isn’t like 300% HC at XL
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
people on this website have some sort of vendetta against rebloging traditional art and I understand that digital art comes with its own challenges like I'm certainly not very good at it but sometimes I want to shake people and say don't you understand that traditional art is permanent and all of my colors and shapes look this good without me having the ability to fix it if I fuck up
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oscalesoffeeling · 2 years
i don't know if it's normal to have an f/o who lives in your head most hours of the day and guides you through your day and whom you carry on-going conversations with and at this point i'm too afraid to ask
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the-sixxth-sinner · 2 years
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Some sketches of young Vince to cleanse your soul
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transboykirito · 2 years
i’m caught up who wants to talk about sao abridged
#abridged#sao abridged#sword art online abridged#spoilers for episode 16 in the tags#spoilers spoilers spoilers#seriously stop reading if you dont want spoilers#okay good? good#THERES NO WAY THE GRAND QUEST IS ACTUALLY REAL LMAOOOOOO#calling it now kirito's gonna get to the world tree and be pissed at oberon for lying about it#and oberon's just gonna be standing there like 'what. what the fuck are you talking about.'#ALSO YUI CALLING LEAFA AUNTY SUGU SJKDKHSFKJHSDFKHDF#and is this??????? a character arc i see????????? for leafa??????????????????#'you ever think maybe that was the problem?' OH MY GOD#i am genuinely and wholeheartedly invested in this series#i notie sometimes they reference things from the canon light novels and web novels and i'm thinking this is just an idea#i think they might follow leafa's original web novel (maybe light novel) character here#also there's part of the fairy dance arc (just incase you don't know that's the canon name for the alfheim arc) in the light novels that was#wasn't put into the anime and like. something cazmer said this ep really makes me think they're gonna include it#i've been wondering if they would since something oberon said episode 15 but now i'm almost convinced they're gonna do it#and if so i'll literally scream because i HATE that they changed it#if you're new to my blog hi i love sao as a novel series but have a love hate relationship with the anime bc they adapt things so poorly\#unironically. okay. unironically. i think the abridged gets some characters better than the official anime. i said it.#just in the tiny details that the canon anime leaves out#anyway. talk to me about it#ALSO if they abridge alicization (season 3) i think kirito might get a flashback over eugeo's name#like when yui said 'mama's scary' and he thought she said gary and. yknow.#i think that'll happen with eugeo and eugene#anyways. hi
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coquelicoq · 2 years
the problem is that the guy who plays anthony bridgerton looks almost exactly like the guy who played danny in the mindy project, a show i haven't watched in like eight years btw. except for when he's wet. then he looks like the guy from roswell.
#why is this a problem? i don't know. it's annoying me#i've discovered that i must not have total aphantasia because i can imagine the faces of people i have seen when i'm not looking at them#and something that often happens to me is i'll be lying in bed thinking about blorbos to fall asleep and i'll keep envisioning an actor#who looks really similar to the blorbo's actor but is not the blorbo's actor#how would that be possible if i had total aphantasia? but i don't 'see' them. but i know what they look like. i can't describe it#anyway lately anthony bridgerton has been the blorbo but i keep picturing danny from the mindy project! who is the wrong guy!#like they look similar enough that it is very difficult to remember what the bridgerton actor looks like#which you'd think would mean i could just interchange them. but i can't. i know there's a difference and it bothers me!!#and then when i try to correct my brain just throws up that dude from the wire. you know the british actor who#tried very hard to have a bmore accent#idr his character's name but i think the actor's name is dominic something?#i think it's because of his forehead. bc i just looked up a pic of him and he looks nothing like anthony bridgerton lol#i've been trying to think of who soggy anthony reminds me of and it finally came to me. it's the main dude from roswell whom i hate#also haven't watched roswell in many years. and i don't even find any of these three characters particularly memorable#so why my brain decided to retain their images i do not know but i am not feeling very appreciative#my posts#OH and then sometimes when he smiles i'm getting schmidt from new girl#basically i've got a bunch of guys on retainer in the ol' mental rolodex and NONE of them are anthony bridgerton's actual actor
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anyone else with health issues (especially chronic stomach problems) ever just feel like............ what if I just went wild? what if I just gont funky bonkers? I still feel bad no matter what dietary and lifestyle changes I make, so why make any at all.. nothing makes sense or seems to matter ANYWAY, so what if I just stopped being careful about things to try and help my symptoms..? throw it all away and live like other people do, start Going to sleep at 3am wake up at 5am and eat nothing until 4pm and it’s just pizza and cold brew and a week old baconator wendy hamburger, run a marathon, cancel all doctor appointment, stop taking supplements and simply relish in anemia whilst eating entire packs of little debbies, etc. etc. 
#nghngnhnhhhhhhhhhh#which I wouldnt actually do this I know it'd just make things worse probably lol just... sometimes the Idea is in my mind#it's just frustrating to still have the same issues after years still flaring up with nothing really seeming to fully help#or like something will help ONE issue but make a different one worse#etc. etc. when there's various things going on simultaneously and affecting each other#especially trying to sort stuff out like new doctors to see or etc. during a pandmic#sometimes the impulse is just like.. you know what? actually funk this lol#Some people do not take care of themselves at all yet are able to function well daily#I try to take care of myself and then still have issues. if I'm going to have the issues either way then why put in the effort lol#It also causes so much anxiety to have like... unknown and weird problems all the time since you start to get like.. insecure??#like I'll feel totally fine for a day then the next day randomly I have hives for no reason which also go away mysteriously.. then another#day is okay. then the next day I have stomach pains so bad I feel like I'll have to go to the hospital. that goes away. another day I wake#up and my fingers a numb but it passes. randomly the next day I throw up everything I eat then am fine later. etc. etc. during all of this#NOTHING about  my diet or sleeping schedule or medicines or routine or etc. has changed at ALL. It literally feels like weird things#just happen with no discernable trigger. So then you get to the point where you're always insecure or uncertain like.. as if you're#just spinning a wheel every morning and at random will have no idea how you'll feel at any given time. There have been times you#felt perfect and then all of a sudden came down with some issue seemingly unprompted. etc. etc. It's like mentally taxing because you#start to feel like your body is unreliable - instead of 'oh I'm going to the store on saturday' you feel like you have to qualify it like 'I#INTEND to go to the store on saturday.. hopefully.. i would like to.. but you never know. I should have a backup plan just in case since des#pite the fact that I've eaten basically the same 10 foods in rotation for a year and sleep and wake at the same exact#time and change literally nothing - there IS always a chance I will randomly feel too sick to leave the house for no reason so.. ehhh..'#There's this constant lingering background sense of dread at how unpredictable everything is - you never know if you'll be able to sleep wel#l that night or if you'll be woken up by some issue. or if this. or if that. or blah blah. Like you're living with a lessened sense of#security and predictability - IF THERE WASN'T ALREADY ENOUGH insecurity and unpredictability in the broader external world too#like .. damn I can't even count on my OWN self acting normal every day??? lol#anyway *** *** ***#my current villain origin story is not being able to eat the things i'm hongy for#I haven't had mushrooms in 5 months ... i can feel the transformation now... the evil spells crackling at my fingertips
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
[please blacklist spoiler tags: #loki tv series spoilers, #loki series spoilers, #loki spoilers]
I need to talk about the Avengers. 
I just want to express how much I hate that the Avengers aren’t on the hook for all their time travel nonsense bc they were “supposed to” do it and Loki is on the hook bc he wasn’t. 
I mean, I am glad that they addressed it right away - that Loki was inadvertantly caught up in the Avengers' time meddling, and that apparently they were doing what they were supposed to and that's why none of them were on trial, but - there are two things going on here that I have issue with. One is, of course, the scapegoating of Loki once a-fucking-gain, but the other is that there's a legitimate problem inherent in framing the Avengers' deeds as The Right Thing So There Are No Consequences, especially because it directly leads to Loki (and only Loki) being scapegoated since, apparently, someone's got to answer for all of this. 
Why Were The Avengers Supposed to Undo the Snap?? 
Of all the possible options they could have gone with (such as reversing time back to just before the Snap happened), going back through time to gather the stones and use them to undo things five years later is, like, one of the worst?? Best case scenario, it implies that the TVA is ridiculously incompetent in managing the sacred timeline and worst case scenario, it implies that the TVA is ridiculously adept in managing the sacred timeline, if their goal is to have it be the worst possible timeline anyone could end up in. 
The Avengers may have done an arguably good thing in undoing the Snap - I don't disagree that those people should've lived - but they also royally fucked over a lot of things in the process and left Earth (and presumably many many other worlds) in total post-Snap chaos while fucking off to die be with their families and/or start new lives. 
This goes back to the plan itself. One of my many issues with Endgame is that not only is the plan convoluted and, frankly, stupid, but also I have a real problem with the concept of the Avengers just saving the world as they see fit, regardless of whether or not that's actually the best thing to do. (If the Russos hadn't done such a shit job with explaining what the Accords were actually supposed to do, then maybe this could have been addressed somehow - like, okay, together we may have the brains and resources to carry off this plan but does that mean we're the ultimate authority on whether or not we should? Maybe we should check with, like, the UN or something about this? [and it’s entirely possible the UN was mentioned and I have forgotten it bc I’ll be honest, I watched Endgame once and have bitched about it ever since.] I digress.) 
The narrative in Endgame and into the MCU beyond plays like the Avengers only care about saving the world when they stand to personally gain from it (they want their friends and family back, they want to feel like they didn't fail, they have unilaterally decided that what they want is the Best Thing for everyone) and once the Good Deed is done and the smoke clears from the battlefield, there's no concern with saving the mess of the world they created. 
TFatWS addressed so many of the problems with the post-reverse-Snap, which implies that the MCU (both in-universe and out) is aware that things are fucked up now. People's lives were literally ruined by what the Avengers did. Refugees are displaced. Humans are coming back to a world where they've been dead for five years and their loved ones have moved on and their homes have been sold and their bank accounts have been closed and they have no jobs. And that’s just on Earth. Yet no one (again, both in-universe and out) feels the need to hold the Avengers accountable for any of this. 
Plus, what about the people who died as a result of the Snap but not from the Snap directly? What about the planes that fell from the sky when the pilots turned to dust? The cars that crashed and collided when the drivers poofed? Etc. Like, fuck all of those people I guess? 
And who, exactly, is "supposed to" clean up the Avengers' mess now that the actual Avengers are either dead, old and living on the moon, or retired? Is it on Sam's shoulders alone (or, rather, Sam and Bucky's)? Is Peter Parker (yknow, the 15 year old Nick Fury went and recruited bc there was no one else) supposed to be fixing things? 
The TVA takes responsibility for none of this. They sit back in their nightmare DMV-esque office and claim that all is as it should be but my question remains: please explain to me how the outcome of the post-Snap universe is ultimately satisfactory to anyone besides the Avengers? 
There's also the fact that Loki figures out right away that the Avengers were engaging in some time travel shenanigans ("the cologne of two Tony Starks is hard to miss” lmfao Loki you snarky shit). Loki recognizes that there's been an opportunity created of which he can take advantage, but he isn't responsible for creating it. The Avengers messed up and created that opportunity so, even if they were supposed to be doing what they were doing, there are still no consequences for the fact that they made a mistake that allowed Loki to then branch off and create a new timeline. 
Let's also say that we accept that the Avengers were supposed to undo the Snap exactly as they did. Okay, sure. BUT: 
- Was Steve, then, also supposed to decide to fuck back off to the 1940s and marry Peggy (which created two Steves, right? The one who was married to Peggy all along and the one who was in the ice?? The TVA is just okay with two Steves?)? 
- What is the actual point of Stephen Strange having the time stone and using the time stone both to gain the advantage over Darmammushumuuyourmom (I’m sorry, I can’t remember his real name) and to look at all the possible timelines to figure out how to defeat Thanos? 
- How is it possible that there are 14 million potential timelines in which the Avengers failed if the TVA’s entire thing is that there can only be one true ring timeline to rule them all? The fact that Stephen can look ahead and determine so many outcomes based on the choices they're making would mean that people do have free will and that their actions aren't automatically dictated by what's “supposed to” happen. They had to make the right choices in order to get to the one timeline in which Thanos failed. 
- What’s the point of Stephen having to protect the time stone, anyway, if there are presumably a few others in Casey’s drawer?
- On that note, if there are a lot of infinity stones hanging around in the TVA’s desk drawers, what makes the original six the specific, correct ones that Thanos had to collect in order to pull off the Snap and why is it then those specific six the ones that the Avengers had permission to go back through time to get in order to undo the Snap as the Timekeepers intended?
- And actually, in fact, if there’s only one sacred timeline and anyone who fucks it up without permission gets “reset” (aka made nonexistent, along with their timeline branch) then, again, why does Stephen have to protect the time stone? Either anyone who steals it was supposed to, or their timeline gets eliminated and the theft ceases to matter. 
- Less significant but also still kinda significant is how Agents of SHIELD figures into all of this. The TVA knows that Loki killed Coulson but they don't know (or don't care?) that Coulson was brought back to life and proceeded, with his team, to go on and get heavily involved in time travel and going back and forth and bringing people from the past into the present? So the TVA is okay with Daniel Sousa leaving his timeline but not with Loki leaving his? 
... I have literally confused myself with all of this, so if anyone followed my train of thought here, congratulations and maybe you can explain it to me lmao. 
But here's my ultimate point: the sacred timeline that the TVA is tasked with maintaining is not sensical or linear. It's full of gaps and holes and people taking matters into their own hands to determine both their own fates and the fates of others. As a result, a lot of people suffer kinda needlessly based on the events in said timeline, and apparently it's perfectly fine for all of this nonsense to occur so that everyone else has some element of control - 
- but Loki is literally the only one who is told uh, actually, no, you are supposed to live a shitty life and die a pointless death and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it bc it's supposed to happen. 
What in the actual fuck kind of logic is that??? 
Thus, either the TVA (and the Timekeepers) are grossly incompetent, or else they're extremely competent and also really fucking shitty beings who just enjoy the needless suffering of others. 
And somehow this is all Loki's fault!!
And then Mobius has the fucking audacity to say, to Loki's face, “you only exist to prop up everyone else and you, Loki Odinsonson Laufeyson mischief god and king of space lol, do not have any inherent worth or value as your own person. You were born to be a scapegoat and you will die a scapegoat and there's no getting around that, if we have anything to say about it.”
To quote Loki, in a very twisted way - yes, it's funny. It's absurd. 
Does, uh, does this make sense? At some point I crossed over from meta-writing into straight up ranting and so, well, here we are. 
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sleepinglionhearts · 3 years
Got my blood drawn this morning and didn't even notice the bandage the lady put on me matched my hair until I got home
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cozyships · 2 years
What if. I got some sudden kisses. From a certain man. 👉👈
I'm talking like. him wanting to kiss me for what feels like forever (might've only been a few minutes), maybe trying to drop hints in his own way waiting for me to get the hint until he's finally like "Forget this" and just goes for it. Firm, maybe a little hard but thats just because he's Like That without meaning to be, and it's nice...
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