#and stupid gifs
ajbullet · 1 year
Still not 100% sure when exactly Lockwood fell for Lucy (though I know it was sometime in the first episode) but I do know for sure that this is when I fell for him
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(Gif set from midnightisquiet’s Tumblr page)
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ophiuchus-star · 2 months
I don't know how to this tumbler thing!!!! (T_T)
I would at A but I don't know their account
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they're a little silly goofy
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mamamittens · 2 years
Cherry on Top
Day #11 of 2022 December Event
Fandom: One Piece
Ship: IzouXThatch
Warnings: slight foul language, gay fools (affectionate) in love, cheesy proposal, and ill advised use of solid objects in food.
Word Count: 1,672
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This was going to be easy. Simple, even. And incredibly romantic with no chance of failure—Thatch already knew!
This steadfast knowledge did little to prevent him from fretting over his personal kitchen area and the ingredients he had prepared. The chocolate chips for tempering were immaculate—no bloom to be found anywhere on any side of any chips or bars. The cocoa powder was as fresh as he could ask for without personally making them from cocoa beans. Milk far from expiration sat waiting in the fridge that he (almost in a crazed state) ensured was the perfect sitting temperature. The marshmallows that he actually did make were set to the side in bowls by size. Garnishes depending on their mood was also lavishly prepared. Everything from peppermint chips to sprinkles and powdered sugar. He even had piping materials set out if Izou wanted to decorate his hot cocoa bomb.
Most importantly, of course, was an engagement ring safely stowed in a box deep in his back pocket.
“I see you’ve already gotten everything ready.” Izou commented from the doorway with an airy, amused tone. Thatch, the handsome, grown man of Izou’s dreams didn’t yelp or otherwise jump at the surprise.
Thatch whirled around and beamed.
“Babe! You’re here!” Thatch stumbled, nearly saying ‘why are you here’ in his haste to act normal. Which wouldn’t have been very normal at all, so it’s a very good thing he didn’t. Izou chuckled, walking up to Thatch to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Of course I am. You asked me to come.” Izou reminded him. Thatch just knew by the mischievous look in his soft, brown eyes that there was a lipstick mark on his cheek, but it didn’t really bother him. That particular shade of red happened to be both of their color.
“Right! Well, I hope you came ready, babe. This is going to be the best cocoa you’ve ever had!” Thatch crowed, putting his hands around Izou’s waist to guide him to the counter where the materials were waiting. “First, we temper the chocolate! Don’t worry, I may not be a chocolatier but this is the easiest way to do this!” Thatch reassured him.
Izo chuckled, picking up a small bit of chocolate to taste.
“Mmm… I’m sure it is.” Izou laughed.
Sometimes, Thatch showed people how to cook in the kitchen. Sometimes it was members of his own division who hadn’t cooked in a particular way so they could expand their horizons and other times it was just for fun. Thatch enjoyed the task of showing people how to cook and making it fun—and naturally very tasty! But usually he kept his hands to himself more often.
Something he had a lot more trouble with when it was his handsome boyfriend.
Izou wasn’t even really dressed up. His special wintertime kimono (thick and blue with white waves and snowflakes along the bottom) secured with his favorite obi and his hair pinned back with a gift Thatch got him last year the only real concessions to the date. But Thatch still found himself taking every opportunity to personally guide Izou’s hands or gently nudge him this way and that as they worked. Izou bore this with his usual amusement, occasionally taking a moment to press a new lipstick smudge to his face or neck as a teasing gesture.
Pouring the chocolate into the molds, about the size of Thatch’s fist because he refused to skimp on hot cocoa, and waiting for them to set only provided him with time to think.
Not good when he was barely able to focus on not giving away his master plan as it was. Not helping in matters was Izou clearly aware Thatch was up to something.
Thankfully, the chocolate set quickly and they could begin adding ingredients inside the molds.
“What are you putting in yours, babe?” Thatch asked, adding spoonful’s of cocoa powder as a base. Izou hummed, gazing over the elaborate selection.
“Marshmallows, naturally.” Izou decided, plucking several large pieces before sprinkling in smaller ones. “And peppermint… I think I’ll add caramel too.” Thatch nodded along, quietly building his own as he inwardly panicked.
He forgot the most important step!
How the fuck was he going to add the ring to Izou’s bomb?!
He got it.
“I think that’s all they can hold. Can you get the mugs and milk while I finish putting them together, babe?” Thatch asked. Izou laughed, brushing his hand over Thatch’s as he snagged a marshmallow to press it against his lips. Eagerly, almost forgetting his plan entirely, Thatch took the treat with a light nip to Izou’s fingertip and a wink.
“Alright. Milk is in the fridge, right?” Izou asked as Thatch applied a thin layer of chocolate to the rims of the shells, quickly dropping the ring into Izou’s before sealing it closed.
“Yep! We’ll let these set in the fridge while the milk heats up.” Thatch responded quickly. “Oh! Unless you want to decorate the outside?” Izou nodded.
“I think some stripes and powdered sugar would look nice.” Izou sighed. Keeping in mind which was Izou’s, Thatch set them in cupcake liners.
“Alright. This one is yours, go nuts.” Thatch laughed, allowing Izou to do as he wished. As expected, he added white stripes layered over strips of caramel. Thatch was a bit more simple, dripping chocolate with peppermint shavings over the top.
Once they were thoroughly finished being decorated, Thatch placed them on a plate and put them in the fridge to set all the way. And so he’d stop fretting and glancing at Izou’s like it was going to spontaneously combust.
Now, while it’s very delicate to heat milk, Thatch was an old hat at it by now. Enjoying hot cocoa made by hand every year as he does. But it was still just demanding enough that it kept his attention as he brought the milk slowly to a hot temperature. The last fucking thing he wanted was to scald it.
Filling the mugs with some room to spare, Thatch retrieved the hot cocoa bombs and allowed Izou to drop his into the milk. As he hoped, they melted quickly and rolled, dumping their contents into a thick mixture as they used spoons to quicken the process.
Thatch personally thought this might be the best hot cocoa he’d ever made before, and he was barely paying attention thanks to the wonderful distraction by his side.
Occasionally, as he took slow, satisfied sips from his mug, Thatch would glance at Izou.
But he never seemed to pause once while drinking. Steadily draining the contents as Thatch grew increasingly nervous.
He… he did put the ring in, right?
No. Of course he did! He remembers opening the box and everything!
… so where was the ring?
Thatch felt his stomach drop in horror, face going white as he nearly choked.
Did Izou swallow the ring?!
Thatch desperately glanced at Izou and found that he was being watched suspiciously.
“Are you alright? You look… pale? Something not sitting right?” Izou asked, thoughtfully concerned.
“U-Uh, y-yeah! Yeah! I’m fine! I-I’m fine! It’s just uhm…” Thatch took a hot sip to calm himself. “H-How’s the cocoa?!” Thatch frantically whispered.
Izou chuckled, downing the last of his drink in a single chug.
Then he sputtered, spitting something out.
“What the fuck?!” Izou hissed, something metallic pinging on the floor. Horrified, Thatch nearly threw his mug to the ground as he dove to pick up the ring.
The ring was undamaged. Gold band a little more thin than is traditional for a man, set with dravite and white diamonds. The dravite, of course, being almost the exact shade of Izou’s eyes. Not quite as lovely, or bright, but set in gold it was a close second. Thatch sighed in relief.
“Oh thank fuck.” Thatch nearly melted into the floor.
Maybe putting an engagement ring into food wasn’t the brightest idea he had…
“Thatch, darling… what are you doing?” Izou asked with only a little bit of irritation.
Understandable given that his attempt at romance nearly choked Izou.
Bracing himself on his knee, Thatch looked up, holding the ring with a sheepish grin.
“Trying to propose?” He said, helplessly.
Izou scowled.
“With a dirty ring?” He asked, reminding Thatch that the ring had just been in cocoa mix and spat onto the floor. Jolting, Thatch shot up and quickly dashed to the sink, face hot with embarrassment.
Izou chuckled, wrapping his arms around Thatch and gently pressing his fingers into Thatch’s wrists.
“I-I thought it would be romantic?” Thatch explained with a grimace, rubbing away the last flake of chocolate and caramel.
Izou slipped his hands up, between Thatch’s fingers. Presenting his left hand as he kissed Thatch’s neck softly.
“It was a sweet idea, Thatch… maybe next time put it in something that doesn’t sink?” Izou suggested.
Thatch paused, watching as Izou slowly slipped the ring onto his finger.
“…Is this a yes?” Thatch asked breathlessly, like he was the one being proposed to.
“Yes, you silly man.” Izou laughed, allowing the ring to rest above his knuckle as he pulled back his right hand. It came back into view with a small, velvet box.
Elegantly, Thatch’s hands still dripping with water, Izou flicked it open.
Thick and a dark honey gold color, the band was matte with no gems. Practical but luxurious, perfect for a chef… and notably a shade very close to his own eyes.
Laughter bubbled up in his chest as he allowed Izou to slip the band on his finger. Hand still wet, Thatch pulled up Izou’s knuckles for a soft kiss.
“Hey… you had the same idea.” Thatch murmured against Izou’s soft skin.
“No. I planned to propose after our drinks.” Izou denied with a warm chuckle.
“Close enough.” Thatch responded snottily. Izou’s lips pressed against the shell of his ear, warm breath curling against his skin as his fiancé laughed.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Izou snorted.
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lonnieontherun · 2 years
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Christian Slater as George Kuffs in ‘Kuffs’ 1/3
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sharky-the-idiot · 11 months
POV: me explaining why everything is an Omori reference (this game is in my brain forever):
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devilfromars · 2 years
how does this thing work
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cometiny · 3 months
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you can shake him. he enjoys it
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hellfire--cult · 3 months
We have a new character now, @ghost-proofbaby decided on a new tav, but elleon is still very much there!
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mommyssluttt · 2 months
walking around the house like this so if someone breaks in they have it easier with me
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blue-saaaaargent · 1 year
One thing I want to point out about nimona is that it captures tenderness in such a visceral way that I haven’t really seen in 3D animation before? Like the way the characters curl into each other and melt makes me go INSANE
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stupot · 1 year
tumblr developers cranking it into overdrive to make sure one of the few unique and usable social media sites remaining becomes a half-formed failed homunculus clone of tiktok like every other fucking website
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murasaki-cha · 8 months
How I feel like when I see new pjo fans calling percabeth by the name annacy
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pov: you told me to take them out ✨️
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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If I had a nickel for every time a gay angel was sent to super something because he was in love with his best friend, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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