#and such a raw ass quote
shot--star · 5 months
Things @asideblogofyours has said that I felt the need to write down
Strangers are just people you haven't seduced yet
I have fucked god and come out unimpressed
I am an immortal interdimentional being with no morality and a complete lack of fucks to give. I'll *fuck* the devil if I want to.
God is my whore
I'm here to be gay and be gay I will
Yep. Humans have no survival instinct or the strongest ones possible and I assure you I'm not the latter.
Dare you cheat your way around the board for a chance at paradise?
God has abandoned us for so long we replaced him with ourselves
(sans said nothing and did nothing. this is of note)
If you're limbo dancing in hell don't be surprised to see the devil
death will be the end of itself
there are so many eyes watching me and so few remain human
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lokinas · 7 months
"The ice's penetrating their hearts! [...] We gotta work on melting their icy hearts."
Philza about team Soulfire
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handledwithgloves · 2 days
harry: *parental shoulder clasp on his middle child*
harry: albus severus potter, i named you that bc i thought those names were sick af
harry: also i named ur older brother james sirius bc i didnt want them to be mad at me in the afterlife for naming you albus severus, but dont tell ur brother that
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gorelesbian · 28 days
rewatching the best show ever made (avatar the last airbender) and i just got to mai's line "i love zuko more than i fear you." which was the sole reason i made a tumblr account back in 2012 oh the nostalgia
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scourgiez · 1 year
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" i think barbara took this. it's so far out. in my head, that is me now: mr rock'n' roll with a guitar.
[...] i play a bit of guitar and piano, but i've never put the time in to really learn them. they just give me some notes. now, with synthesizers and computers, i can play in any key because you just press a button and play them all! by the way, 'coochy coochy' has just been covered by ray wylie hubbard. i love ray. "
- ringo starr, PHOTOGRAPH (2013)
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edamamefiend · 2 years
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starryscale-art · 1 year
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i will pray for you, so that you shall surely break.
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noa-de-cajou · 6 months
Thinking about something that happened on a call with two of my partners, H and N, a few weeks ago
Me: *apologizes in lenght for something*
Them: *talk through it with me then resume the convo*
Me, later: *thanks them in lenght for something*
H: Somehow that sounds negative.
Me: Huh??
H: Your tone when you thank us, it feels weird.
Me: But I don't- oh, shit.
Me: I say "thank you" with the same tone I use to say "sorry".
I say "thank you" the same way I say "sorry".
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
what is grief
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if not love persevering
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Her permit to reside above the earth is canceled.
-Creon, Antigone line 890
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thatrandomblogsays · 1 year
An Ongoing Non-Exhaustive List of Raw Ass Quotes I’ve found on Tumblr & Other Places…
“Everything single thing that escaped me has claw marks on it.” - yannthyeur on instagram
“Every place i’ve ever lived is full of ghosts” - @catadromously
To be continued…
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the-valdezinator-571 · 10 months
Neither am I
I saw something about a shapeshifter trying to pass as human and it falling into the uncanny valley, and it brought this idea to my head. Hope it's not bad.
You enter the tavern, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the bar, where a hooded figure in a simple outfit sits. He pats the bar a few times as if to test it, then his hand lands on a tankard next to him. As he raises it towards his head, he suddenly freezes. Time feels as though it has reached a standstill, but the trance-like effect is instantly shattered when he drops the tankard. As it clatters on the floor, he makes a frenzied effort to collect his things from the bar. He stuffs them into a pouch on his waist, then leaps off the stool and pivots, immediately running into you. You take in the features of his face you can. His unkempt grey beard, jagged nose, broken one too many times, and the shock of stark white hair that peeks out from the darkness of his hood are enough to unsettle you. But one detail stands out to you more than the others, and it is by far the most disconcerting. His milky white eyes, which tilt up to meet yours as though they can still see. They settle into your gaze before clamping onto it, not only peering into your soul but piercing it like harpoons. His voice reaches your ears, hoarse and hushed, yet manic. "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!" Without further words, and in a feat of strength not befitting his frail bones and stiffened muscles, he shoves you aside before leaping through the door as if shot from a cannon. His words weave their way through the crevices and pitfalls of your mind, and as they do, you finally take stock of your surroundings. As you survey the other patrons, what you see meets the old man's words in your mind, merging into a dense dread, its weight pulling it down into a valley most uncanny. An understanding rises over said valley like the dawn, and you see the patrons for what they are. Not human. They are nothing quantifiable or specifiable, they simply are not human. As you realize this, another revelation is bestowed upon you. This one, however, does not rise like the dawn, but instead settles like fog. It's a feeling that has lingered within not only your mind, but your spirit, since you were given that medicine a few days ago on your way into town. Your fear over these people not being human is replaced with this new, ever present truth.
"Neither am I."
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hydrossity-zone · 2 years
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sunstaained · 1 year
“I met Death and Death wants me to live”
Dimension 20 Neverafter: Ep. 9, Origins
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megasilly · 29 days
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“I am the light that casts the shadows you live in.”
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octo-pie · 7 months
“Yea, foolish mortals, Noah’s flood is not yet subsided; two thirds of the fair world it yet covers”
-Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, pg. 265
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