#and tbh i feel like this works for p much any of the verses too.
hxdrostorm · 2 years
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Name / Alias: Vani Are you over 18?   Yes  / No Is your muse(s) over 18?    Yes/  No  / Verse Dependent / Depends on the muse you’re asking When was your blog established? Blog was made in 2021! But there are some muses, I've been writing since 2017!
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with?
No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
Are you selective about who you follow?
No (anyone)/ Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon?
Not at all  / A little  / Some/ Mostly /  Strictly / Not Applicable.
// it depends on the muse you’re asking, I always try to stick a serie’s timeline of events. But at the same time, I like mixing canons from different sources. Seeing how some of my muses, can be pretty obscure with little in the way of lore, so I have to make do with I got.
What post lengths do you write?
One-Liners  / Single-Para / Multi-Para /  Novella/All of the aforementioned.
// One-liners are only for dash-commentaries/cracks.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS?
No  /  Gifs / Icons /  Yes / Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms?
No / Yes
// Discord, which I've been very active on as of lately!
What level of plots do you write?
Unplotted/  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
// I have a preference for plotted stuff. Knowing the course of events and my partner’s muse makes things a lot easier for me.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads?
Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks)  / Fast (less than one week) /  Very Fast (less than three days) 
// It depends on the kind of thread & the size of it TBH. I can't do a lot of back and forth quickly, but I try not to take too long to respond (unless I forget about it ofc). On tumblr however, I rely on my queue to deliver the replies! I like giving us plenty of time.
What types of themes do you like?
Adventure  / Romance / Fluff / ANGST / Violence /  Tragedy / Domestic / Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! )
High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror /  Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers)
No/ Yes /  Sometimes
// Gore can leave me feeling ill. I'm also not the fondest of those "instant family fanons" for RP. And I suppose I should mention how, even though I'm open for writing abusive/toxic relationships. That's something I prefer reserving to only my most consistent partners, or those I'm well familiarized with. I've had some, unsavory experiences to put it mildly, in the past.
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged?
// I have no triggers! But I filter out anything related to politics/IRL stuff. Sorry not sorry. I don’t think that a RP blog is the best place for these things IMO. Keep it to your personal or a blog specifically meant for those things. I come here to relax.
Label & call me all sorts of names. But I think there are better places and the right time to talk about these serious subjects. I will unfollow, if I feel like my dash is being spammed about these things. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that I’m not interested in seeing stuff about it, on this side of tumblr.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
// Just make sure the muse is available/open for it. This goes double for family stuff.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to?
Romantic  /  Platonic /  Familial /All of the aforementioned
// So long as we have managed to come up with something that works well for both muses.
Do you have OTPs?
No /  Chemistry Only / Yes
// They can all be found in each one of my muses' about docs! Even though these ships are my OTPs, it doesn't mean I'll insta-ship them. It only means I have my own preference, for them.
SW muses - Rexmé/Obirex/Rexwalker/Codex Palpatine/Fox, Dogma/Fox Appo/Vader
Pokemon muses - Eusine/Morty, Clair/Morty Barry/Dawn Juan/Rose Drake/Drayden
Do you have NOTPS?
No / Yes
// There are only a select few ships I straight up refuse to write.
SW muses - Ahsoka/Plo
Pokemon muses - Falkner/Morty
What is your muse’s sexual orientation?
Heterosexual /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual / Pansexual /  Homoflexible  / Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual /  Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
What is your muse’s romantic orientation?
Heteroromantic /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   / Panromantic/ Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
Are you comfortable writing smut?
No  / Selectively / Yes
// Depends on the muse. So far, Barry is the only one I refuse to write it with.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically?
Autoship / During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent /  Never 
// I'm always all ears to new shipping opportunities and plots!
Are you open to toxic ships?
No / Selectively/ Yes  / I am not sure
// See above. It's something I'm 100% fine with writing, but I won't write it with just about anyone I come across, due to some bad experiences in the past.
Are you open to problematic ships?
No /  Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
// At this point, anything has the potential of being problematic. All it takes is sb, to not like a ship and waste hours of their life, coming up with hot takes pulled out of their asses to "justify" their hatred for it. Some of my ships are already deemed "problematic", I've already been called a "nasty shipper", for something that's entirely harmless. But it is "bad", bc a large and loud crowd, decided to interpret it as such.
So, yeah uwu Im here for the uwu nasty uwu ships uwu!!!
Before anyone decides to put words in my mouth. I'll have to draw the line for minor/adult ships, I'm very on the fence about age up versions of muses. In the end, it all boils down to who I'm plotting/writing with.
Are you open to polyshipping?
No /  Selectively  / Yes / I am not sure
// Depends on the muse because most of them aren’t open to it. Even though, I'm more than willing to write them!
Are you an exclusive shipper?
Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
// NOPE! Been there, done that. It didn’t work for me. At most, I have a cap on the number of different takes, of the same character I'll accept as shipping partners. Which is 3, anything beyond that, it just becomes repetitive and I get overwhelmed bc I can't give everyone the same amount of attention it deserves.
Does crack shipping ever happen?
Nope / Yes / depends / altho they normally become normal ships
// Stares @ all my ships
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mego42 · 3 years
Hi!! I love all of your fanfic! I am in the mood for some brio fluff and was wondering if you had any recommendations?
hi!!! tysm i bluSH!!! 💖💖💖 can absolutely hook you up with some fluffy recs! here are ten favs:
subjunctive by @foxmagpie
college AU!
look, i am obSESSED with this fic, it hits me right squarely in the mushy bits
the hooDiE
i’ve said too much
bonus rec: snapshots featuring delinquents!verse beth and rio on a date involving a photobooth so right out the gate you know it’s gonna be the cutest thing ever
Promptly Unfulfilled by @bethsuglywigs
lowkey cheating bc this is a prompt fill collection but both chapters are adorbs, the first one of the brio college au first date variety, the second of the sexy brio variety
spoilers i consider any instance where they’re not actively working against each other fluff so adjust your expectations i guess while going through this list
if you like it you could fuck around and check out the clementine
Child’s Pose by @pynkhues
honestly a struggle to pick one, was v torn between this and may the moon’s silvery beams and obvs the entire center and circumference verse even the angsty bits
rio surprises beth while she’s doing mom/daughter yoga! 
idk it’s short and sweet and got this really lovely kind of anything is possible, hopeful promise to it that makes me all mushy
Heart and Soul by @riosnecktattoo
look you can’t go wrong with anything in the only you show me what warmth is verse but this one is a particular fav
(i am also esp fond of nine-tenths)
idk i love them like, accidentally communicating Big Feelings to each other and then immediately being all JK I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT even though they like, you know, live together so you’d assume there was some sort of emotional commitment involved on top of them being lying liars who lie
A Bit of a Stretch by @septiembrre
another yoga fic! this time in rio pov!
i mean v technically this is more of a domestic fic involving a memorable couple’s yoga class
ugh this fic is so sweet
i’ve said too much again
count to twelve by @daydreamstew
i was actually going to rec delicate (gorgeous sleepy morning sex fic which apparently has a second chapter now i have been SLACKING) but when hunting for the list i ended up reading this and oH mY goD i LOVE IT
i think all fic should feature rio not being able to count tbh
hE gOT mAd bC it’S thEiR thiNg
i’ve said too much x3
green by @johnisntevendead
i have a soft spot for beth and rio getting high idk what to tell you
the lazy stoned vibeZ of this fic are *chef’s kiss*
also idek why but i’m really into the making out like some stupid teenagers it feels right for their level of arrested emotional development
it’s not mine / you just holding it for a friend makes me cackle every time
Filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake by @sothischickshe
PI AU!!!
incredibly appropriate, rio was born to be a private dick
hahahahaha i’ll show myself out
absolute best ever depiction of brio roleplay, all others can go home
I'm Just Going To The Store (To The Store) by @fairhairedkings
i don’t normally do pregnancy fic but this one’s really really cute
there’s this thing with rio buying a second phone charger that takes me tf out
idk why either but here we are
for a moment we were strangers by @milkshakemicrowave
p sure i’ve recced this one before in which case whoops my bad i was trying to diversify 
somehow manages to be domestic and take place right after 204 which is a neat trick
and also gives the whole fic a sort of wait wtf is happening vibe (or it may be that beth is kind of like wait wtf is happening????? the whole time)
look it’s stupid cute and i love it
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bthump · 3 years
Any hcs on how would the relationship between Griffith and Guts evolve if they grew old together ? Like, in an no eclipse au, how could you imagine their personalities change as they age/mature and how do you think it could impact their dynamic ? (Also, I’m sure they would both look really good if we could see them grow older, like obv Griffith would always look beautiful and ethereal at any age of his life but guts would also wear the « badass war veteran » look better than anybody else)
Yk when it comes to Guts looking like a badass war veteran, I like the idea of him losing his arm some other way in a no-eclipse AU and getting a metal prosthetic (maybe without a cannon in this version lol). But yeah I think they'd both age pretty well, because it's all headcanon and I say so.
When it comes to personality, assuming everything went perfectly and Griff got his kingdom and Guts stayed as a general or whatever and they're lowkey fucking and everything worked out, I think Griff would definitely mellow out a lot.
I talk a lot about him being torn between his dream and Guts, being unable to acknowledge that he's in love with Guts because he can't admit his dream isn't everything to him/Guts poses a risk to it, needing to pursue his dream to assuage feelings of guilt, yk all that fun dramatic stuff that leads to conflict, but I think even with that interpretation of Griffith, in a chill AU he could probably just subconsciously sort all that shit out with himself while ruling a kingdom and being in a relationship with Guts. If everything works out then there's no real conflict to deal with and he'd get used to having his cake and eating it too.
He'd open up to Guts more about his feelings and presumably in this AU Guts doesn't see him as a godly figure but just as a fellow human and would therefore engage with him instead of deflecting. Guts' love and admiration and reassurance would start to help him deal with his self-loathing, and with Guts at his side he could maybe find a good balance w/ ruling a kingdom but not needing to continue to pursue further and further goals just to have something to strive towards to feel like he's justifying himself.
Like okay in an AU where Griff got the kingdom but lost Guts, I assume he'd end up caught in a cycle of needing to keep expanding his goals further because he can't just stop pursuing a goal once he's achieved it, because stopping would be implicitly saying that he has now justified his mountain of corpses, yk? So he'd start building an empire, or he'd dive into trying to change Midland into his utopian dream by whatever means possible, never feeling like he's done enough. (I also assume this is lowkey NGriff's MO tbh)
But with Guts at his side starting to replace the dream as his reassurance that he's not a monster, he'd be much chiller. More able to handle political set-backs while trying to get his medieval socialist agenda going or whatever, more able to sit back and say ok I've done enough for now, less likely to push too far too quick and end up assassinated, etc.
Guts, for his part, would hang up his damn sword. That's what I want for him in a happy griffguts AU. He wouldn't have to immediately, and he wouldn't, a good decade or 15 years of swinging his sword in service to his friends and Griffith (as opposed to as an outlet for his negative feelings) works fine for him, but like, his proof that he's grown into a mature and well-rounded adult would be retiring and settling down without misgivings.
imo Guts at his most emotionally healthy sees his sword as a tool rather than an extension of himself, and a positive relationship with Griffith would lead to him seeing his sword and his job of killing people in a much healthier light - swinging his sword to protect his comrades and earn a living rather than because there's nothing else for him and it helps him stop thinking. And I think Guts contentedly retiring early and spending the rest of his days learning to paint or something would be his best possible ending. Maybe he gets a career ending injury, like Gambino did, but being in a much more emotionally healthy place, he's able to roll with it and be happy with Griff and his friends and do something else with his time.
As for their dynamic, lol honestly I think they'd be pretty chill in a happy AU. griffguts is a ship with a lot of potential for interesting conflicts and power dynamics and dysfunction, but like, not in the happily ever after timeline imo. The thing that really defines griffguts for me is that the story p much shows and tells us how genuinely perfect they are for each other, and then rips that potential away because all their issues ruined it. But if their issues didn't fuck it all up and they navigated the rocks and made it through, they'd be so perfect for each other that it would be boring lol.
But to be fair they could still have some good conflict on the way to their happily ever after. Like it's easy for me to see Charlotte being an issue for Guts that needs to be resolved somehow (Griffith proving he only cares about Guts, maybe doing something that risks his marriage for him?), they both potentially have major issues with sex that need to be navigated, Griffith is conscious of his position as a leader and possibly needs to resolve that with his relationship with Guts, the whole secret relationship thing, etc.
But once they're old, they'd be boring. I can imagine them just being content in each others' presence, pretty emotionally open and honest with each other, interested in what each other has to say, occasional fond married couple bickering, boring verse vanilla sex (I don't actually think either of them are particularly kinky by default, other than mb them getting a little thrill out of Guts fucking Griff hard enough that he feels it during his next meeting with nobles or tea party with Charlotte), little glances and smiles in public and lots of physical affection in private, etc etc.
Anyway yeah, that's what I got on the subject. Thanks for asking! And lmk your thoughts too if you want.
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toonbugged · 2 years
[[ • I’ve been feeling a bit better since my last non-queued post, so I thought I’d make another toonverse hc dump! I’ve done ones for Spring and Roxy already, so this time I’m focusing on Dugan~
      Content warning: this includes discussion of child exploitation in the context of the entertainment industry + child abuse in general under the cut. So y’know, best to tread lightly.
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      Biquinho’s conception was... interesting. The creation process was even publicized in his comic debut in an exaggerated, dramatized manner and toon-wise, he came to life before his cartoonist even completed the duckling’s lineart. Then Biquinho’s legs, feet and at one point his face were repeatedly erased and (in)correctly redrawn until, understandably, he started acting out.
      IRL, there was a contest where readers could pick out his color scheme! In-universe, the publishers saw what happened and made a profit on it. He went at least a year without color by proxy, and was made fun of for it as shown in that issue. Ironically, most modern duck comics give him his uncle’s color scheme (white feathers, red clothes), ditching the yellow downfeathers entirely.
      Hell, even before Brazil stopped making Fethry comics, Dugan’s feathers were made white whenever published outside the country. These days image editors do all the work, but he still remembers the old-fashioned and extremely painful process of being made to apply paint thinner for non-Brazil publishers.
      To this day he’ll sometimes lose and regain color in random spots or all over his body, especially when emotions are high. Keep in mind that Dugan was both mentally and physically 4 years old at the time. At most, he might be have aged one emotional year out of the 41 years he’s been around.
      Aaaaand this is where we get into the content of his comics. Honestly there are aspects that haven’t aged well (including the v blatant racism in his ‘canon’ first appearance), but here I’m talking about his treatment by adults... like, literal-child-gets-strangled-by-Zé-Carioca-for-shaking-jackfruits-off-a-tree-while-not-knowing-any-better treatment.
      Granted José’s kind of a jerk in the comics, but there are a lot of other instances where both one-offs and canonically benign characters tackle Dugan’s shenans in veeeery overblown, either verbally abusive or not-even-cartoony-violent ways and it’s? Not Great. And it’s not even in-character when the Duck relatives are involved.
      It’s why I consider my take on him canon divergent, but for his toonverse these comics are “canon” in that they were acted out, published, and documented. Once again, while these scenes were simply acting, Dugan was still legally 4 by toon standards and had no way to gauge why grownups treated him like this. He hasn’t aged much and more often than not, his more explosive fits are the direct result of the resulting complex trauma.
      On the bright side: his Unca Fethry, for all his quirks, is the best damn parent. In this verse, it’s the reason why his appearances became sparse after the 80s. Because when he was made Dugan’s guardian, Feth lacked the tools to protect Dugan during the height of his popularity — he had to defend him and combat the studio by himself, and he’s firm as hell when making sure that his kid won’t be exploited in future gigs for that reason.
      Granted, despite Fethry’s show appearance making nods to his Brazilian comics, this hesitance to trust illustrators/animators with Dugan ties into why he never shows up in the Duck.tales reboot. Dugan himself is kinda salty about that, but maybe that’s for the better tbh.
      In the meantime: Travel between the states/Brazil/Italy aside? Dugan lives with his uncle somewhere in Toon Town, not too far from his Unca Donald and other Duck-McDucks. The lack of official English comic translations means he’s p obscure by Dis.ney standards outside of Italy and the lusophere.
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minwooks-moved · 3 years
let's hear where you're at for treasure 🎤 ! and golcha bc i wanna know who u would fight jakdbgjasg
due to accidentally opening a notif… i had to redo everything .. t*mblr i hate u 🥲 sorry it took forever <//3 i wanted to really think about what said, which meant … more time added to already long answers KSNDNS
﹒゚♡ treasure ! 💎
[ if i stan | if i’m familiar | if i’m unfamiliar ]
favorite member : i’m still p stuck between yoshi & hyunsuk ! <3 they’re so !! cute 🥺 asahi’s just a wrecker…. for now 💕😵‍💫
favorite song(s) : i haven’t done a thorough listen to all of their current songs yet, but from what i’ve heard… boy & slowmotion are looking to be bie-loveds <3 boy for nostalgia as i remember listening to it the day it came out (one of my friends had talked a lot about them during trsr box & leading up to their debut + i was curious 🤧) and absolutely fell in love with it then ! slowmotion because they sound so wonderful in it + it’s so pretty 🥺
why i don’t stan(yet)/if i want to reason for getting into them : (hope u don’t mind me editing this one JDBDB) they seem so lovely ‘n neat <3 and !! so talented :’)
question for the veteran fans : legally, am i allowed to ask how/why : doyoung = dobby/dobbi 🧍‍♀️
﹒゚♡ golden child ! 🌻
[ if i stan | if i’m familiar | if i’m unfamiliar ]
favorite member(s) / bias line : OKAY SO … the official bie-line is: (ult) bongjae -> (biases) donghyun & daeyeol -> (wreckers) joochan & jibeom / the rest of them ! (i have jc-phases…. don’t loOK AT ME)
which member i’d fight(& why) : ahh… the question of the hour KSNSNSN — as much as you’d think i’d say jangjun … mans has too much chaos <//3 + my instincts feel like i’d crumble into nothing if he even just looked at me in any harsh way :’[ hoWEVER ! would 10/10 fight bomin & taek, tbh 🤧 as much as i know i wouldn’t survive during/after — both from guilt AND i’d be pummeled into nothing by the rest of golcha (acknowledging the fact that daeyeol was preparing to fight someone after bomin came home from an acting job w/makeup that made him look like he’d been beaten up) — there’s just Something about them, you know ? they’re both Chaotic like jjun, just in different fonts … and i just wanna fight that Once 🤧
favorite song(s) : as a sucker for upbeat/cute songs and/or cool m/vs ,, that feeling , what happened? , burn it , without you , and pump it up are my absolute favorites rn 😵‍💫💓💓
favorite thing about the group : they just feel so !! homey, you know ? like … very warm. and you can feel the genuine Care they all have for one another — even if some are more close than others, they still obviously love each other. not to say that other groups don’t have that — golcha’s type of Care just feels so… warm to me. they’re also very balanced in support for each other which !! is honestly just very neat & wonderful to see, yk ? like .. they very much work as a Family ! it’s uniquely nice & fresh — not one you see often in/for a group as young as what they are.
something i’d like to see from them : more concepts like burn it ! or ra pam pam ! dystopian!golcha-verse pls !! comeback to me !!
[ 💌🐝 send me a kpop group and i’ll answer: ]
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unsettledink · 3 years
will be leaving a longer comment after finals BUT i just wanted to tell u that i am 100% obsessed with your fic 'gift wrapped' !! i was looking for an uncomplicated sfw p/t/p fic, but i've read some of your other starker fics and loved them sm and decided to just go for it n read gift wrapped and now i. can't. stop. thinking. about. it. especially about what happens afterwards? will the other chapters b abt more sex on tony's bday or are they getting together for real (originally what i was looking for)? r there feelings involved from tony's side? is he polyamorous? how did pepper initially feel?? GOD. having lots of ot3 thoughts n noone to talk about it with is torture
Oh, thank you! I love hearing that - it's definitely a fic that never got a lot of attention and that's too bad.
I think P/T/P is a very overlooked pairing! They're all such strong personalities with these deep caring streaks and like... interesting assertiveness? You'd think Tony is the most assertive, but he spends so much time just... avoiding and talking around things and not that often just straight out stating things and doing them. Even as an assistant, Pepper's so assertive and really good at sort of... walking over Tony at his most obnoxious. And it's easy to see Peter as the soft sweet one, but like... he's freaking Spider-Man! He hasn't listened to a rule once in his life! He talks to the people he's fighting in the middle of battle! He might well give when the two of them push, but then he's going to push back too.
I definitely had more solidly planned out in terms of like, the rest of that specific fic, which is all that night and the rest of the sex they get up to. I just didn't have time to do it justice during kinktober, and then... never got around to writing it lol. Too many projects at once! I do have like, the idea dump in a document in my ideas file, so it's not going to get lost. Beyond that night, I haven't done a whole lot of exploring - partly because tbh I tend to get most caught up in the verses where someone is egging me on (@the-me09 for being the worst/best about that LOL) and there wasn't much for this pairing.
I don't know that I'm... sure about it, but there's some vague idea in my head that Keeping Watch could be the same universe, months to a year+ later. I haven't quite figured out how it gets there, but I'm a huge fan of like... assertive troublesome topping sub!Peter which is even rarer than P/T/P imo. So I can see these threads where the Peter from Gift Wrapped still fits characterization-wise. But that's not set in stone by any means; they could totally spin off into entirely different universes (because I don't have enough RIP).
I do think that Gift Wrapped ends up with them in a more steady relationship. Peter has always had feeling, and Tony catches feelings at the drop of a hat, so they're easy to make fall in love. I admit I have less of a solid grasp on Pepper, since this is like... maybe the second time I've ever written her? I've never sat down to figure her out enough. I think she'd start out with fondness for both of them and it could morph into something more. Tony and Peter have enough similarities that I can see them both appealing to her. And I like the idea of like... Pepper and Tony are both super busy, super high profile people, so finding time for each other is hard even when they're trying hard. Peter is a superhero and incredibly intelligent but he's still (probably) secret identity and not famous or as in demand, so it's easier for him to make time for them, and work around their crazy schedules. While all three of them together is ideal, I can see there being just as much of Peter with like, Tony, and Pepper being comforted knowing that Tony isn't being neglected or lonely because Peter's taking care of him (and vice versa for Pepper).
I definitely headcanon Tony as open to poly relationships, Pepper less so at first. I don't think she plans on this being more of a thing than a fun fling, but isn't put off by it sliding into more. There might be a period of adjustment where she even thinks it's going to be a V relationships without that much Pepper/Peter, and then realizes that actually, Peter's into her as well, and she's finding Peter more and more appealing the more she gets to know him (beyond the hot sex lol). As to like, why she did this in the first place - she's been around Tony so long and seen him beat himself up endlessly over things, just be consumed by guilt. Which of course starts happening when Tony realizes just how much he wants Peter - which means he's a terrible partner to Pepper and he shouldn't want Peter for Peter's sake either and he's the worst and why can't he stop WANTING D: D: D: Which Pepper objects to a hell of a lot more than a threesome with a sweet kid like Peter, who isn't a threat to their relationship even if Tony does want him that much (I enjoy how much Pepper is not insecure in the movies in that way, though I can definitely see Peter being highly insecure at first). So she's just going to arrange herself, to give Tony the most obvious sort of acceptance and permission of him wanting Peter.
In a lot of ways I see their threeway relationship playing out similar to the Tony/Rhodey/Peter I've written, actually.
(Lol now you've got me thinking about this OH NO) (sorry for the book i tend to go on and on!)
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astro-break · 4 years
Thoughts on the 12th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima. Spoilers beware
Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 & 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11
I am the definition of Fear.jpg rn please help
MTR are so cute, just celebrating their win. Look at how happy they are!
... Oh well thats new. I like how Ichijauku has a tiny bit more agency in throwing out ideas (it really shows how close her and otome trust each other) but it also completely retcons a part of hypmic lore that was established with the Drama tracks. If you’ve heard “” then you know what I’m talking about
ahaha doppo i love you so much youre so adorable you deserve to be happy
MTR as a family is just soo good. Both as familial or 
Hmm.... yes Samatoki has the right to be angry but that flattens him to a good for nothing thinks first asks questions later type of thug which is absolutely not what his character is. Especially with how the anime portrays him, it seems like there's only one emotion that he feels at any moment and that is anger. Which, fair he is an angry boy, but thats just one facet of his character. He’s also logical and not that sore of a loser, seeing that he still has room to grow (if you want an anime example, refer to the previous episode where he genuinely wonders what he could have done to treat Nemu better)
I think my biggest gripe with the adaptation is the flattening of all the characters TBH. I only really see it in Samatoki since I understand his character the most but I also see hints of it with Rio, Hifumi, and Gentaro. Most of the characters are just flattened into 2D tropes and made to act those tropes out. Which, y’know is the basis of each character but the series has built upon each character so well that its kinda jarring seeing them all so flat
I’m not sayin that I hate what the Anime has done with MTC but I hate what the anime has done with MTC
I expected a “Brocon” “Siscon” fight not this. What the fuck
☆ミ+。゜H A C K I N G ゜。+ミ☆
ahaha Ichiro you’re too trusting and pure for your own good
Okay why does all the animation budget go to making Samatoki look hot as fuck?
Ahaha they really do get along like cats and dogs. Jyuto being the voice of reason is kinda weird tho but oh well I can live with it
Tom saying “hai warat~e!” is so cute wtf?????? Lemme pet your head please
Im getting second hand embarrassment from Ramuda lmao
Slightly suspicious about how these group of reporters know the underground layout of Chuuoku so well
Oh well see I was right to be suspicious
That Unit name is really funny considering the whole Galatic Federation thing ahahaha
Oh that english! that was super clean and enunciated really well
Good intentions, bad execution. His reasoning is a bit flawed but its at least sound
hmmm usually I’d be happy about Doppo giving Hifumi his jacket but in this context not so much. See, Doppo gave it to Hifumi mostly because they had to fight, not because there were woman (which let me remind you Hifumi is deathly afraid of and the jacket acts as a wall between him and his gynophobia)
...... uh Interesting choices of microphones for Secret Aliens. Tom’s is a recording studio mic which makes some??? but not much sense. like Tom is a street photographer, not a radio host. Iris’s mic is.... I’m sorry what is that? Some sort of keyboard and.... something. idk what it is on her finger. And T. Rex just ripped out a purple dinosaur spine, stuck a mic onto the neck and called it a day. Nice
At least their speakers are somewhat better. Iris has Iris plants which. hilarious, but also very modern looking and sleek fitting of her more tech savvy nature as a hacker Theres also phone cameras which makes sense but the butterfly imagery which is present .... Fear.jpg. Rex again just went with a T. Rex Speaker which. Thank you rex for being very predictable, we love you so much. That soundwave looks like DNA too which is cool as hell. Tom.... Idk man Tom are you okay? What exactly is your speaker? are they those aperture umbrella things that photographers use? Im so confused, photographers in the fandom please help
YOOOOOOOOO THAT RAP THOUGH IRIS SOUNDS SO PRETTY?!?!?!? Can she please sing me to sleep? its so smooth and rolling. If I had to describe it, I would say that its the type of voice that I would hope would sing the ballads that I compose, the voice of a mother who still holds on to something after loosing everything she has fought for. 
Too bad Iris doesn’t get a verse to Rap in but holy shit what? Secret Aliens just might become one of my fave divisions based off song alone
Ah theres the cancellers. Thats fun, nice to see that there isn’t an adaptation induced plot hole in this One instance. Lets see if they can patch up the other plot holes created because the anime and source material went into different places
Dice, bad. no cheating. Bad dice
Ahaha there the flash bomb. That high pitch wailing was awful though. please never do that again
Hah, typical Ichijaku. We love it
Oh look at them. Working together. How cute. I really like Rio and Saburo interactions mostly because theres so much potential
Oh noooo i worry for FP
That growl from Ichijaku though. That did things to my heart oh my god
Aww I do like that enthusiasm from Ramuda. I do hope that things turn out at least somewhat okay for him. He’ll probably suffer 
Wait why is Saburo’s left eye purple? Is it the lighting or something else? I hope its just the lighting bc if anything happens to Saburo i will be very very sad (I rewatched the episode and Saburo’s eye is blue all the way up till he gets hit by Secret Alien’s attack. Even in a brightly lit area, it looks purple... i hope it isn’t forshadowing but then again Saburo’s eye has always been a darker shade of blue so it could just be the yellowish lighting since Ichiro’s red eye looks fuchsia)
Ichijaku with an angry face is kinda hot ahaha. Her deep rolling voice of anger just. Ugh very very good. Major props to her VA for pulling it off
oh there’s a 13th ep
well thank fuck for a 13th ep bc if they ended the season like that i think id actually cry lol
Ugh so I guess that next week will be the last episode. I was so prepared for today to be the last episode but its kinda surprising that they have 13, slightly different from the normal season
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spockandawe · 4 years
I think I want.... to talk about Luo Binghe.
Because I never ever get tired of talking about Luo Binghe, honestly. And I’m trying to mentally prod at my bingliushen au, so talking about any of those three dorks (or about 79) counts as being productive, right? XD
Anyways, I think one of my favorite things with Luo Binghe is how insecure he is, but not in the more common ways I see insecurity done in fiction. He’s skilled as SHIT, and he’s confident in his skills. He’s smart as hell too, and a dedicated learner. Shen Qingqiu even has a spot in the book where Binghe is like ‘oh, where did shizun learn this?’ and it’s from reading the novel, but Shen Qingqiu bullshits like ‘uhhh it’s from a secret book back at the sect’, and immediately is like SHIT and Binghe is like ‘hmm it must be a very, very secret book if this disciple never read it.’
And in the canon-verse, he’s got a magnetic, charming personality. He collects this MASSIVE harem of pretty ladies, he manages to charm political figures, etc., etc. He’s plenty strong as a fighter, but it sounds like he doesn’t often have to bring that to bear, because he naturally manages people well. He winds up comfortably ensconced in a position of power and with no serious threats facing him.
However, comma, he’s still massively insecure on the level of like... basic interpersonal relationships. Which sounds silly, considering the size of the canonverse harem. But even in the novel extras where canonverse bing-ge hops over to the svsss universe and talks to sy!sqq, he still craves shizun’s approval. Even though he, uh, dismembered his own shizun, and had some dream-ish encounters with this version of shizun where he popped off a couple limbs (though it didn’t stick). He finds out shizun and this luo binghe are happy together and shizun takes care of binghe, and he’s like what the FUCK, WHY DOES HE GET THIS, WHY DON’T I GET IT, I WANT IT I WANT IT THIS ISN’T FAIR--
I love that, that he has literally hundreds of women ready to dote on him in all kinds of ways, but it sincerely throws him that his old shizun, who rejected him, is willing to treat another version of him so well.
And like, in the actual novel itself, Binghe being insecure is a straight-up plot point, which is delicious. It’s such a nice build of the pieces of his backstory, starting with the way his mom gave birth to him and immediately tossed him into an icy river (it was more complicated than that, but that is the sequence of events he is aware of). And in the canonverse and novelverse, it’s a hugely formative moment when his shizun is like ‘oh, you’re half-demon? lemme just yeet you off into the abyss and tell everybody you died’
Plus in the novel, that feeling of rejection only builds and builds once he comes back, which is SO EXTRA TASTY because the rejection is actually shen qingqiu being terrified of binghe, not because he hates him. But from luo binghe’s perspective, shizun is his most important person, and shizun loathes him THIS. MUCH. it was one of my FAVORITE moments, even experienced indirectly, where luo binghe is like ‘wow, shizun would literally rather die than stay with me’ (and refuses to accept that dafghsgdj)
And!!! It’s not resolved by shizun visibly softening up to binghe either!! Even after he softens, even though it’s already a MASSIVE concession in terms of his typical reserve, that isn’t enough. He holds Binghe a little too far at arm’s length, and Binghe melts down because he concludes that it’s been made clear to him now, nobody will ever choose to stay by his side, nobody ever has chosen to stay by his side, and if anyone he cares about is offered a choice, they will choose to leave him.
Which, honestly, is also probably one of the things that draws me SUPER hard to svsss fic. Even though the story has a pretty emphatic romantic conclusion, and the extras go hard on the romance too (the marriage extra was PRECIOUS), that is some fertile-ass ground for fic to prod at in more depth. That’s the kind of emotional chasm that a novel has to bridge and move past, but maybe i want to go wallow at the bottom for a year or ten. 
It’s a relationship that carries the codependency to slightly worrying extremes, but has the story behind it to OWN that codependency. In the 100 questions extra, binghe’s most precious wish it to stay by shizun’s side for three whole days. Shen qingqiu is like ‘what, only three days?’ and binghe is like ‘but after three days, surely shizun will be tired of this disciple’ and sqq is like ‘Nope.’ It’s not as much of like... a lazy, relaxed codependency as cygate, it’s a coiled spring filled with potential energy. Which means, of course, that i also love the fics where their relationship has lasted long enough that binghe is able to relax his grip a little without feeling like he’s going to lose everything. And oh my goddddd, i love bingliushen, and seeing binghe able to relax his grip enough to let someone else in? GOD!!!! DELICIOUS! 
(and, if we’re talking about my personal fanfic ventures, having a triad introduces all kinds of new and delicious tension to the mix. as well as silly, silly things like ‘leave room for jesus’ memes, except it’s ‘leave room for binghe’)
But this kind of emotionally-driven insecurity is EXACTLY my favorite kind of flavor for a character. Like... tbh, binghe is probably the premier mxtx example of insecurity, but it’s a LOT of what draws me to jin guangyao as well, and to xue yang once he realizes Oh No, These Are Emotions. My favorite angle on hua cheng deals with this a lot too. And with jin guangyao and hua cheng especially, they are INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL in their personal lives, and have a good measure of their own skills, but if you ask them to evaluate themselves on an emotional level, things get much more Complicated.
I don’t really have an end point to this essay, but it’s really interesting to me just how STRONGLY svsss and luo binghe especially grabbed ahold of my heart. I hadn’t really been expecting it, and I finished the story pleased and ready to move on. But then... I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I read tgcf and erha and am working on dreamer in the spring boudoir, and still can’t stop thinking about svsss. I love fannish navel-gazing, so here we are, yet again, haha :P
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
I was tagged by @darth-bagel thank you! I shall tag (no pressure as always and feel free to ignore!) : @a-muirehen , @palepinkycat , @walk-ng-d-saster , @kyber-heart and @berriku <3
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: I usually go by Elf/Elven online, tho my gf also calls me Boyscout (it’s an inside joke we have XD)
Gender: Cis female
Star sign: Taurus  ♉
Height: 5′4″ (I can’t believe I’m actually taller than someone, sorry Bagel!)
Birthday: April 21st. Prolly gonna be spending another birthday in lockdown but hey, at least I can either play SWTOR with some buds or ARK with dad this time so that’ll prob be what I’ll be doing. Gotta make the most of it
Time: as I’m finishing this to post it, it is 1:22pm
Favorite bands: I have a lot so hold onto your hats lmao: Fall Out Boy, Glass Animals, Panic! At The Disco, Hop Along (not sure if these two still count as bands or if they’d fall under solo now...), MISSIO, 30 Seconds to Mars, Shinedown, Lord Huron is apparently a band now too tho he started solo owo, The Oh Hellos, Of Monsters And Men, The Antlers, PVRIS, Bastille, Young Heretics, Dorothy, The Crane Wives, The Mountain Goats
Favorite solo artists: Hozier, Willyecho (pretty sure he’s solo? XD), Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, Lorde, Mikky Ekko, Iron & Wine, Marina (& The Diamonds), Florence & The Machine, EDEN, P!nk, Keaton Henson, Amanda Palmer, Halsey, Radical Face, grandson, Lincoln
Song stuck in my head: as of this morning, The Mighty Fall by Fall Out Boy
Last movie: Uuuhh, pretty sure it was Hotel Transylvania 2, I was feeling icky the other day and needed to laugh so XD
Last show: The Alien Worlds series on Netflix, it’s really cool even if I wish they’dve come up with better names for the alien critters ¬_¬
When did I create this blog: Oh, not that long ago actually, funnily enough. I’ve been in and out of tumblr for a long while but never made my own blog(s) till about March last year (2020)
What do I post: this blog is exclusively SWTOR (and KOTOR) related stuff, anything from awesome art, writing and headcanons from mutuals, to my own art, screencaps from my and mutuals’ gameplay, to my own fics, headcanons and stuff. My other blog is for “canon” Star Wars, general fandom/gaming stuff etc. Very occasionally I might post non-swtor posts like this one here if I feel it “belongs” in the “get to know elven” tag
Last thing I googled: "acnh how many villagers can you have” - I wasn’t sure what the limit was and I play sporadically so I didn’t know, don’t laugh at me LMAO
Other blogs: just my other/main blog: @itstheelvenjedi​ . There’s “canon”-era Star Wars, LotR/The Hobbit stuff as well as a little bit of Warrior Cats, other gaming (mainly ARK: Survival Evolved atm), as well as a tiny bit of politics and ranty stuff. All is properly tagged so you can block any tags you don’t want to see.
Do I get asks: I do! I’m kinda slow answering them sometimes but I promise if you send me one I will always answer it and I appreciate every single one <3
Why I chose my url: ok, so, my mains are mostly wlw - except for Kas - (and yes, wlw can use the word “lesbian” if we want to, as a demisexual wlw person I will beat you with my crutch, fuck off, it’s a blanket wlw term just like “sapphic” and you don’t get to decide what I can and cannot call myself or my characters, you’re not me), they’re chaotic and they live in the SWTOR verse which is sometimes affectionately called a “space opera” so: chaoticspacelesbians. my main blog is because “TheElvenJedi” has been my main online pseud since about 2014, but theelvenjedi was apparently taken when I made my tumblr so I had to add something else to the beginning, therefore I went with itstheelvenjedi cause it was the closest thing to theelvenjedi and easy for me to remember XD
Following: 229 apparently (oop. I should probably....go through that and trim out the year+ inactive blogs huh o.o)
Followers: 90 (holy crackers where did you all come from LMAO am I really that funny???)
Average hours of sleep: I try to stick to at least 7, sometimes when insomnia hits tho it’s more like 4... >__<
Lucky number: 4 again! I just really dig it, it’s a cool number.
Instruments: I used to play recorder, and I took a couple drum lessons in primary school but couldn’t afford to keep it up ;-; it was fun while it lasted tho!
What am I wearing: ...my pyjamas and a dressing gown. It’s cold and I don’t have to go out or expect visitors today so I’m staying warm. Don’t judge me LOL
Dream job: I would’ve loved to have done either Riding Groom/Jockey (which I might have managed 6 or so years back but uhhh, I can’t handle the physical strain anymore, thanks granny joints!) or Animal Assisted Therapy, but there’s no way I can cope with managing my own business, it’s too much for me qwq A lot of things are Too Much For Me, unfortunately. I will take working checkout at a grocery store at the rate I’m going now tbh.
Dream trip: 1) to visit the gf in Germany and see the Christmas Markets there, and also 2) to go to New Zealand and visit the Hobbit/LotR sets and see all the wildlife :’D
Favorite food: Mac n cheese, it’s just...so good....
Nationality: South African/British (yes, I am in fact dual-national even if my SA passport has expired and I can’t find money to renew it, it’s on my birth certificate and in my blood so HAH)
Favorite song: I have...a few... but uhh Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along Bury Me Face Down - grandson Domestic Bliss - Glass Animals (TW: abuse mention, abusive relationship) Raise Hell - Dorothy Woman King - Iron & Wine Save Rock n Roll - Fall Out Boy Saint Bernard - Lincoln I could go on for a while but these are the ones that oft live in my head rent-free XD
Last book read: I don’t even know, tbh....I haven’t been able to focus on reading in a while 😅
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. SWtOR (obviously. Gimme a lightsaber and Force powers, stat!)
2. LotR/The Hobbit
3. ARK: Survival Evolved (I’d prolly get eaten by a t-rex or a spino in like 5 mins but hey, the thought of actually having a bunch of pet prehistoric animals is nice~)
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taejeonie · 4 years
what if markhee dated...
Tumblr media
— for anon, hope u like it <3
i think mark developed feelings for taehee during superhuman era
and the fact that they had that verse together doesn’t make it any better
yes i won’t shut up about that verse
i feel like he would be kinda obvious to johnny
johnny would force it out of him just for the fun of it
then would tease him about it
but then they get serious like, “you know you might.....just be careful, okay?”
“i know hyung,,it’s just a crush anyways”
mark still had feelings for taehee come kick it era
surprisingly mark was able to hide it well
there were moments where mark would be a teensy tiny bit,,,,
since taehee hung out with hyuck more during that time
“do you,,,,do you want to eat tofu with me?”
“sure, let me go and ask haechanie”
and mark’s like : “wHy dOeS sHe hAvE tO aSk hIm iT’S nOt LikE tHeY’Re dAtInG >:(((“
“why are you jealous? it’s not like you’re dating either-“
did he just say that out loud? he did.
and then he hears a gasp
but then it’s just hyuck
“who’s dating who?”
and then he creeps up to mark while mark attempts to push him away
“you love me, don’t you hyung? why would you date someone else that’s not me (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)”
“it’s not like that-“
hyuck suddenly pulls away from him, “oh my god....”
“‘oh my god’ what?”
“don’t tell me,,,,don’t tell me you like me in that way”
mark winces, “oh god, please no”
but then at the same time, johnny goes, “he likes taehee not you”
“hyung,,you know that’s not allowed right-“
“i know”
“haechan, no-“
“THIS IS GONNA BE THRILLING!! don’t you want that hyung?”
“that does sound tempting,” johnny agrees with him
“i’d like to focus on work more, thanks”
“you’re a loser.”
a door shuts close causing hyuck to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at mark, making the latter shove him to the floor
and now hyuck’s on the floor being dramatic
“jOHNNY HYUNG .°(ಗдಗ。)°.”
“i asked jungwoo oppa but he’s asleep- woah what happened”
she helps hyuck up from the floor and fixes his clothes, “u okay?”
“yes, thank you noonaaaaaa (*´꒳`*)”
“is johnny oppa coming?”
“i’m kinda tired, you guys can go”
taehee grabe hyuck’s arm and leads him out
the whole time mark was like :OO
so hyuck sticks his tongue out at him
about taehee
hmm i think she didn’t like mark as much as he did at first 
i mean she found jungwoo handsome she wouldn’t mind dating him
but she wouldn’t mind dating mark either
she wasn’t exactly thinking about dating anyone
in short, she doesn’t dwell much on the members to the point she would think if she wanted to date them or not
but yes she would date mark
they were doing a vlive in the waiting room after performing “kick it”
“manager hyung told me not to open vlive but i did” - taeyong, leader
taehee was being her free self as she was explaining what went down when she and jaehyun were playing games
“but then we had to get this thing bc it adds to our points bUT JAEHYUN OPPA-“
“taehee noona, someone said you should date mark hyung”
i swear mark was about to kill hyuck right then and there
“later, okay anyways-“
and you could see at the very corner
hyuck has his fist in his mouth like :OO
while mark becomes flustered again
but the members don’t really notice just mark, haechan, and johnny
so then later on taehee was lying down on her bed
thinking about everything that went down that day 
and then she started to think about what it would be like dating mark
and by think i mean think
and then suddenly she was like, “oh,,,,i like,,,mark”
she didn’t tell anyone
i don’t think any of them would notice tbh
when she had her episodes after promotions they noticed that mark would be one of the people to really really make her smile and cheer her up
so when she was fine again her mind drifted to her and mark
i mean she knew it wasn’t allowed but,,,she’s willing to try it out
but then she started overthinking about what if it went awkward between them what would happen to the group will they kick her out would the fans hate her would it make mark her ex-best friend what if what if what if
she feels the bed dip beside her and two arms wrap around her frame
“i’m boreddddd”
“i’m tired, go somewhere else”
“you aren’t,,,you were smiling. why were you smiling”
“nothing go away”
“were you thinking about hyung?”
“ew no why would i think about mark”
“ ( O.O ) what no-“
she tries to push him off the bed but hyuck’s arms had her secured
“if you’re not gonna let go then sleep with me. i’m going to sleep”
“ahh noona, mark hyung would be jealous if he saw us like this”
“shut up. i’m gonna sleep”
taehee couldn’t sleep bc hyuck was so,,,cryptic
so taehee tried to test out the waters with mark
and how, you might say?
pickup lines!!!! (*^_^*)
attempt one
“are you asthma? because you take my breath away ;)))”
taehee: :((
second attempt
“mark i think something’s wrong with my phone”
“what? let me see”
“i don’t have your number on it”
“i thought I already gave you my number?”
“noona i think that was pretty dumb” “shut up haechan”
attempt tres
“mark, i may not be ariana grande but i’m so into you”
“what we’re not even-“
attempt #938274929482939
to markly <3: mark mark mark mark mark mark
from markly <3: you’re right next to me
from markly <3: why are we texting?
to markly <3: because it’s more fun
to markly <3: okay. you have to complete the lyrics okay?
from markly <3: ... okay
to markly <3: are we an item? girl quit playin’
to markly <3: “we’re just friends”, what are you sayin?
to markly <3: your turn
from mark <3: said there's another, look right in my eyes
from markly <3: my first love broke my heart for the first time
to markly <3: and i was like baby baby oh
from markly <3: you forgot one
to markly <3: one what?
from markly <3: baby
to markly <3: yes?
from markly <3: you forgot one baby. there’s three baby’s
while in haechan’s room
“oh is that what you were doing?”
“noona, everyone knows your naturally like that. you should just go for it”
“kiss him,,,,on the lips”
*proceeds to make kissy noises*
“that’s too bold i’m not doing that”
haechan shrugs in return, “fine. your choice anyways”
“ugh let’s just play this game”
“if i win you need to kiss mark hyung tomorrow”
“never mind”
“pleaseeeee??? for me??”
“i said no, just play your game”
“but we’re playing what i want to play.....easy mode”
“whatever you want noonaaaa (^_^)”
she lost
so now she’s in her room with mark
hyuck locked the door from the outside for extra measure
but they don’t know that
“mark lee,”
“yes joanie?”
“jdjsjdhsjd you’re making this harder for me?”
“what??? are you talking about???”
she huffs before grabbing mark’s hand and pulling him up to sit straight on his bed
“do you watch haikyuu?”
“only a few episodes. wh-“
“because i laikyuu....”
mark is flushed but he’s has too
k e e p c a l m
and teehee has her bottom lip in between her teeth cause she’s sO nervous this would never work
and mark finds this even more cUTE HE WAS ABOUT TO GIVE IN
tbh i think mark kinda had an idea of what teehee was doing,,,he just kept on denying it 
“you should tell that to yuta hyung. he’ll like it.”
“it’s for you, stupid”
“you’re so dense sometimes, geez. i like you a lot lot and if you still won’t get it through your frickin cute head i will literally explode”
“....’wow’ what?”
“cause i kinda....like you too”
and now they’re both just smiling at each other until they just break and laugh
“so uhh....what now?”
“then we date! duh,,,,unlessyoudontwanttoitsfine”
“no not like that, i mean how are we gonna do this? are the others gonna know? do you want to date outside bc i’m not sure if we can go out-“
“we don’t,,have to tell the others. and it’s fine we can stay here,,,”
she brings her face closer to mark’s before cutely saying, “as long as i’m with youuuuuuu”
“ahhh stop it”
“but i’m your girlfriend now!!!”
“y-yes ‘oh’! why you don’t want to? fine.”
taehee stands up but mark quickly grabs her hand and pulls her down until they’re both lying on the bed
“what are you doing?”
“i’m spending time with my girlfriend? what are you doing?”
taehee playfully rolls her eyes and proceeds to bury her face in mark’s neck
she feels mark smile
okay so the people who only knew about their relationship were hyuck and johnny
they were very sweet
very clingy off-cam
“where’s my goodnight kiss?”
instead of calling each other by their names or like
there’s the occasional “baby” hhhhh
“baby, come here”
“do you,,,do you not like it”
“no it just,,sounds nice i guess”
so taehee would call him baby too 
but they’re professional during work dw,,they still had to prepare for “punch”
while taeil, jungwoo, and mark did the relay live
taehee came in and the fans noticed how mark’s eyes lit up
markhee stans are thriving
“are you doing vlive?”
mark stays quiet as he continues to stare at her with a smile on his face
awe i want a mark now :((
“yeah say ‘hi’”
taehee, off cam: “czennie hellooooo”
“why won’t you show your face?,” taeil asked
“i just woke up from my nap”
“oh did we wake you?,” jungwoo asks
at the same time mark mumbles, “you’re still pretty anyway”
but they all heard that oop
“jungwoo-oppa. i. am. fINEEEE,” she says cutely, “you guys weren’t loud”
“do you want a bite?,” jungwoo asks
taehee moves to his side of the table but mark stops her
“wait wait! come here”
taehee comes into the frame so mark could feed her with his chopsticks
“is it good?”
c u t e
markhee stans keep getting fed without realizing
now markhee’s just being plain obvious with the next vlive we’re just friends my ass
the one with mark, jungwoo, and taehee
taehee sat in between the two boys and she kept patting mark’s hair
tHeY sEEm To bE vErY gOOd FrIEnDS
when mark imitated yuta saying ‘really?’
she couldn’t help but laugh and squish his cheeks together
mark pried her hands off his face and casually, discreetly clasped her hands in his and put their hands atop of her knee 
jungwoo’s third wheeling unknowingly i’m so sorry sweetie
taehee.exe has stopped working 
and mark smirks in response 
when that beep called tHEY WERE BOTH LIVID
later on, another beep kept on spamming teehee’s phone with calls and texts that mark had to put it on silent and slide it in his pocket 
teehee protection squad 
they went to the dream’s mv set to bring them food 
“sHSHHSHSH none of them are supposed to know”
“mark hung danced to ‘boom’ already. you don't have to be anonymous anymore”
lol remember dohyuck in their uncut take #3?
well you have another one coming from markhee when they did that yt live to spoil punch’s choreo
hyuck noticed it while he was talking to the camera and his eyes went wide for a split second before proceeding to cover them with his head 
he tried to hold in his laughs 
ever since then, there were fans who were suspicious 
but majority of them just said all the members are like that 
“they seem to be very good friends”
i think the other members would be sus too but they won't dwell on it,,,that much 
overall, markhee would be the cheesy yet cute couple hyuck and johnny adore!! it’s like being best friends but now they get to hug and cuddle and kiss whenever they want (behind cameras and other people of course). in all honesty, if their relationship doesn't go south, i guess you could say they are each others’ first and last. <3
will dispatch catch them? most likely not.
will they ever reveal their relationship? who knows.
hyuck and johnny’s tip: “don’t let the managers know or else we’ll have to change roommates.”
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
Backalley Brawl | myg | M
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This is....just as unedited as 666 medici lmao, but! Here, have this! It takes place in the same universe as the 666 medici drive fic, so this is the same MC, just...with a different friend lol. I'm lowkey hype because the more people you meet in this verse, the more I get to play with them, and they're some of my favorite characters I've ever come up with. 
Also shoutout to @strawbxxymilk​ bc its her birthday!!! I was going to write a jungoo fic for it, bUT NO im not gonna, i decided to be benevolent and let the renkook agenda stay on hold for a single day :)))
Word Count | 3.5k, I think?
Warnings | This is pure pwp, I'm not kidding, absolute filth. Semi-public sex, deepthroating, facefucking, gagging, yoongi’s kind of a dom??, unprotected sex (ur not a vampire or a werewolf, wrap your johnsons), rough sex i think, breeding kink, f masturbation (kind of?), cumplay, mention of knots, yoongi got a phat ****, degradation, i think thats it?? Idk tbh my brains p fried from finishing this
The smell of wet dog has been following you all night; from when you got up and went to Joon’s shop to tease him a little while ordering an arrangement, to the store to order food for your pet, the club to handle some business and find a satisfying meal, and even now as you wander the sidestreets and backalleys in an attempt to either lose your apparent shadow or draw them out. You aren’t scared or even apprehensive - you’re just annoyed, because the scent lingers in your throat and there’s very little that’s worse than the smell of werewolf. 
You stop in a darkened alley, one hand on your hip as the other fishes your phone out of your dress pocket. There’s not a single soul nearby from what you can tell. Everyone that isn’t sequestered in their homes and beds is packed into the clubs and bars a few blocks away. The scent gets as closer than it’s dared to all night, probably only arm’s length away from you; the hints of woodsmoke and sap tell you everything you need to know. 
[You, sent: ] Is there a reason you’re hiding in the shadows, pup, or are you just going to be creepy all night?
Behind you, a text tone dings through the air followed by a muffled curse. You hear a sigh, and then footsteps. 
“Oh good, so you aren’t going to be creepy all night,” You tell him without turning around. 
“You could’ve just texted me hours ago if you knew I was following you.” His voice is muffled slightly, but there’s no mistaking the pout in it.
“And you could’ve just called like I told you to instead of being weird, but alas, we both chose different paths in life.” When you turn, your struck not for the first time at how soft the werewolf in front of you looks. 
He’s one of the smallest werewolves you know. They all tend to be rather large and imposing, but not him. No, he carries his power in the way he stands, relaxed and lazy no matter what’s in front of him because he knows it’s not a threat. The power he holds in the long fingers is but a millisecond away, and everything about him screams that he is all too aware of it. 
The thought makes your stomach flip and heat sink low between your thighs. 
His nostrils flare ever so slightly, and you have no doubts he can smell your train of thought. He adjusts ever so slightly, flipping the black wavy hair out of his eyes and adjusting the red plaid flannel he’s got tossed on over a nondescript black shirt. He’s more fidgety than usual today, and your eyes narrow.
“Why didn’t you just call, Yoongi?” You ask as you take a single step closer to him. His muscles tense ever so slightly. 
“You remember what happened last time,” He mutters. “Didn’t want a repeat.”
That’s fair , you think. It still doesn’t explain why he decided to stalk you through the night when he could easily have just approached you in one of the several secluded places you’d been. 
“I-” He cuts himself off before he can get more than a word out, and when he brings a hand up to fiddle with the choker around his neck, you notice that he’s shaking slightly. You take another step toward him, and he mirrors you by taking a step back. You look closer. 
His black shirt is slightly damp at the neck, and the sleeves of his flannel are in tatters from where he’s picked at them with his claws. There’s not much light in the alley where you stand, but with your enhanced vision you can see the way his pupils are shrinking and dilating rapidly. The barest hint of a fang worries at his lower lip. 
You’ve never seen him so out of control of his shift before, and it almost worries you. Not only because, against all odds, you care just a bit for this werewolf, but also because out of control werewolves are dangerous even to vampires. You’re confident in your abilities, but you know better than to think you can take down a fully trained, mature, crazed werewolf like Yoongi on your own. 
“Should I call someone for you?” You ask. You manage to keep your usual bored tone in your voice, but if he could pay attention, the tight grip on your phone would give you away in heartbeat. 
“Yes, I mean, no, it’s not-” He huffs. “No, that’s why I came to you. I didn’t get to Joon in time, y’know, it hit early, and now I’m, uh, I don’t have the-” He huffs again, running long fingers down his temple. 
“I’m in rut,” He eventually spits out. Heat floods you at the words; you’ve been with werewolves in rut before, you know what it’s like for them. The need to claim and breed, to ensure their line continues, constantly at war with the want most ‘wolves have to not hurt anyone around them. It’s why Namjoon created his signature potion, a concoction to stave off the need so long as it was taken before all of the symptoms set in. 
Yoongi has been precise about taking it ever since you met him, content to live his life without a mate until he met someone he loved enough to want children with. You’ve never seen him this out of his mind, and yet the fact that he can stand here and have a conversation with you while his instincts scream at him to do anything else is only another testament to his control. 
It only makes you wetter, and you can tell by the way he groans and his nostrils flare once again that he knows the effect. 
“So you thought you’d come to me?” You ask as you slip your phone back into your pocket. Yoongi’s gaze hardens slightly, the muscles in jaw working as he bites back whatever retort he had in mind. “Or, rather, you thought you’d come for me?”
Yoongi steps away again as you step forward, and you cock a brow at him. 
“I’m not going to force you to do anything, okay, Meds?” You stifle a laugh at the shortened form of your nickname; Medici was kind of a mouthful for the younger generations. It’s sweet that he’s so thoughtful, though. “I just...some of the others have mentioned that you’re good for this, what with all the…” His hand waves through the air, gesturing at all of you for a moment before he makes fangs with his fingers. 
“What with our uncooperative biology and my love of roughness,” You finish for him. 
“Yeah,” He responded lamely. “Yeah, that. I just don’t want you to think that you have to do this. Because you don’t. I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop if you say yes without you making me.”
His thoughtfulness brings a fresh wave of arousal, paired with the realization that he believes you could control him even in rut. You step forward again and he maintains his distance until his back hits the wall of the alley. You don’t stop, though, getting close enough that you feel his breath mix with yours when his lips part ever so slightly. 
He stifles a soft moan, no doubt able to taste your arousal on the air with how enhanced his senses must be at this point. You run a finger down his sweat-soaked chest; the hitch in his breath only cements your decision. 
“Who said I would want you to stop?”
Yoongi groans, low and deep in his throat, and you smile at the sound.
"Only if you're sure," He mutters. You don't dignify his words with a response. Instead, you slide a hand under his flannel and along the edge of his black shirt, teasing at the hem with your fingers. They ghost along the thin strip of skin you can see, and his eyes flutter closed.
"I'm sure, pup," You whisper. The growl he gives in response isn't something you hear; it's just felt. In the tips of your fingers as they hook under his joggers, in the flip of your stomach, and in the way you can feel the damp cloth of your underwear sticking to you.
"I am not," He growls, one hand moving to tangle in your hair and push you to your knees. "A pup." Your tongue darts out to wet your lips as you tug lightly on his waistband, and you stifle a moan when you realize he's not wearing anything underneath. The hand in your hair tightens and pulls you closer to the hard length hidden behind the soft material of his joggers.
"Fuck, Yoongi," You whisper, already mouthing along the outline of his cock.
"Get to work." His words ring in your ears as you pull firmly down and reveal his shaft in all its glory. You've had longer - Taehyung and Namjoon are both exceptionally gifted there - but you doubt anyone could match the girth Yoongi sports.
You wrap a hand around him and slide slowly upwards, committing the relieved sigh he releases to memory. There's a wide gap between your thumb and the rest of your fingers, further proof that he has the girth to make up for any lack of length, and you give it a soft kitten lick.
Yoongi cuts his groan off before it can even start, but his hips buck into you. You grin and look up at him before licking a stripe all the way to his head. His jaw tenses and the hand not tangled in your hair grips the wall behind him hard enough that some of the brick crumbles. 
He sucks in a harried breath when you wrap your lips around him; your jaw already aches from the stretch, but you can’t find it in yourself to care because when you look up at him again, his fangs are digging into his bottom lip and his eyes are clenched shut. You tease him for just long enough that he looks down at you, a demand written in the way his lip curls upwards. With no further warning, you slide down him, taking his entire length into your mouth. 
He chokes on a moan and stuffs the side of his hand between his teeth in an attempt to stay quiet. His hips are moving the barest amount against you, and you can’t help but be impressed that he’s still so in control. 
You want to see him lose it. 
You lick your way off of his cock before sliding back down, letting the flat of your tongue run along the vein as you do. You repeat the motion, letting the very tip of his cock hit your throat before you hum around him and bring one hand up to grip his balls. His hand tugs lightly on your hair and you resist for a single second before you let him pull you off. 
“Fuck, if you keep doing that-”
“You’ll cum?” False sweetness coats your voice, and it makes his expression twist in a snarl. “And here I thought you’d last longer than the others.”
“You want me stuff that mouth of yours so full you can’t talk? Because I will,” He tells you. You cock a brow and grin. 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Yoongi.” 
You’re turned before you know it, back against the brick wall while Yoongi’s free hand moves to stroke lightly along your jaw. It’s everything you can do not to nuzzle into the calloused pads of his fingers and you’re glad you resist when his grip hardens and he pulls your jaw down. 
You let him slide his cock between your lips, precum smearing along your lips as he does. He’s heavy on your tongue. It’s intoxicating.
“Your mouth is so good like this, baby,” He says as he begins to thrust in and out of your mouth. “So wet and perfect, you know that? Can’t talk back with your mouth stuffed full of cock, can you?” You hum around him and his thrusts start coming faster and deeper. He’s just long enough that tip of his cock hits the back of your throat each time. 
You can taste him on your tongue and his pre-cum drips down your throat with every thrust. One hand stays buried in your hair, keeping your head in place against the wall as he fucks your face, and the other moves to support his weight. A quick glance tells you his eyes are focused on where his cock disappears between your lips, mouth hanging open just barely as he pants and groans. 
“God, you take it so well,” He pants. “Like it was just made for me.” You clench around nothing at his words; it’s not the first time you’ve heard them, by far, but fuck if you don’t love it every single time. A smile plays out over his lips, highlighting the sharp canines that you love. You can feel a growl building in his throat and you can’t resist the temptation to make him verbalize it.
You tighten your lips around his shaft and hollow your cheeks at the same time that you swallow around him. His rhythm stutters and he pulls out of your mouth in a rush, free hand darting down to wrap around the base. 
“You’re such a little bitch,” He hisses. His vice grip on his dick doesn’t lessen even as he pulls you up to your feet and spins you around. His hand disappears from your hair, both of them running up your thighs to push your dress up so he can squeeze the meat of your ass. He slaps it once before a tearing sound fills the air and your underwear falls to the ground. "Gonna teach you to have some respect, baby." 
His cock slides into you easily and you can't stop the moan that tears from your throat. The stretch burns in the most delicious way; there's little resistance as he pulls out, and the way he sinks back into your heat has your nails scraping against the brick wall. 
"Fuck, Yoongi," You whimper. He chuckles at that and snaps his hips into you again and again. Your moans echo off the alley walls, and only seem to spur him on. He's completely unforgiving, ramming into you quicker and harder with each passing second. 
"Yeah, that's it," He mutters, fingers digging to your hips. "Fucking take this cock, baby, you're so good for me, yeah? Sucked my cock so good I almost came, and now your sweet little pussy's gonna milk me dry. You want that?"
 You whimper, rolling your hips back to meet his bruising pace. He doesn't hold back and you have no doubts that were you a regular human, you'd be bruised beyond belief at the way he fucks you. 
You aren't a normal human, though, and you're thriving with how hard he fucks you into the wall. 
You clench around him and draw the first real moan you've heard from him. He runs a hand up the curve of your back, making you shiver slightly, and a particularly hard thrust has your walls fluttering around him. 
"Can't fucking wait," He moans. "Gonna flood you full of my cum, coat you with it. Everyone you see is gonna smell it on you, they're all gonna know just how good you've been fucked."
"Yes," You moan, "Yoongi, please, do it, please." 
He grips your thighs tight and spins you around, barely pulling out for a second before he's picking you up. Your ankles cross behind him as your back hits the wall and he slams into you once more. 
"Fuck yes, baby," He moans, leaning forward to mouth at your neck. "Gonna breed you so good, fill you so full of my cubs, like a good little bitch." He doesn't miss the way you moan and his teeth dig sharply into your skin. "You like that, don't you? You want everyone to know how good you are, how you take me like a bitch in heat. Fuck, you're so wet, you know that? Wet and hot and fucking perfect for me, the best fuck of my life."
"Yes, Yoongi, please, I'm good, I want it," You pant. 
"Say it," He demands. "Tell me what you want from me."
"I want you to cum," You moan, clenching around him again. You've been with enough werewolves in rut to know what he wants to hear, and you're so cock-drunk that you don't even have the fochs to tease him about it. "I want you to breed me, fill me with your cubs, wanna be yours." 
Yoongi curses and his thrusts shorten until he's just grinding his hips against yours. The pressure against your g-spot is just enough that you're starting to tip over the edge, but you hold it back. You want to cum after him. 
"Shit, you're such a perfect little bitch for me," Yoongi groans. "So perfect and sweet, can't wait to see you dripping in my cum." 
You chance a glance at him and nearly cum on the spot at the sight of red ringing his irises. You're instantly reminded of the power behind his grip, the way he could tear you apart right now if he really wanted to, if he wasn't distracted by the feeling of your warmth surrounding him. 
Your hands dig into his hair and pull him into a hard kiss. Your mouth hits his in a clash of teeth and tongue, both of you too fucked out to care as he grinds and swells inside of you. Your hands move down, pushing at him until he slides out. The sudden emptiness makes you ache but you're on a mission. You also don't want to be stuck against a wall in an alley for however long it takes his knot to deflate. 
"What-" Yoongi whimpers, doing his best to claw you back to him. You grin and drop to your knees again, sliding him into your mouth once more. It's more of a stretch now that his knot is swelling but it's worth it for the way he slides himself to the very back of your throat before pulling out. 
"I want to taste you," You tell him as you wrap your hand around him and start to slowly stroke. "I want to watch you cum down my throat and watch me swallow it all." His breathing turns ragged and there's a high-pitched whine in the air that you aren't sure he knows he's making. You look up at him, wide eyed and pouty. "Please?"
Yoongi curses briefly before he thrusts his cock into your mouth again. You can feel the pressure building and you set to work, bouncing your head on his shaft and letting your tongue flick into the seam and lap up pre-cum before swirling back down around him to the base. His arms are braced on the wall behind you and he doesn't move at all. 
His knot swells even bigger and catches briefly on your teeth, and the noise he makes sends you over the edge. You slide your fingers down to rub circles into your clit, hips rolling into the touch. Yoongi must smell it, or maybe he looks up and sees it, you aren't sure - your nose is buried in the patch of hair between his thighs as you gag around him - but he moans. It's loud and vibrates through his body and into yours, and it makes your orgasm wash over you in a wave of white. Yoongi chokes on another moan and he nearly explodes in your mouth. 
It seems never ending; his cum shoots down your throat, and it just keeps coming as he thrusts shallowly into your mouth. It collects on your tongue, and with his next thrust, you can feel it drip down your lips and chin to land neatly on your chest. You're glad he wasn't deep enough to get truly stuck in your mouth - though that could've been fun. 
Eventually, Yoongi settles. His chest heaves with the force of his orgasm, and his eyes haven't changed from the deep red. 
"You...fuck," He whimpers as he tucks himself back into joggers. He winces a little at the friction against his still decreasing knot and helps you to your feet, straightening your dress as best he can. "C'mon."
You raise an eyebrow and look down at where he's laced his fingers with yours. The red in his eyes brightens ever so slightly as he tugs you forward, free hand wrapping around your waist to hold you close to him. 
"Just where are we going?" You ask quietly, nose brushing lightly against his. 
"My place," He responds easily. "Gonna eat you out until you cum as much as I did, and then I'm gonna fuck you as hard as you know I can." 
The appeal of his secluded cabin must be clear on your face, because he's whisking you out onto the street and towards his home before you can even respond. A quick glance shows no sign the two of you were even there, save for your ruined panties on the ground and deep gouges in the brick. 
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hipsterfishboi · 4 years
Last night I had no internet, so I put the names of 16 MH characters and 16 EAH characters in a hat, shook it around a little and then produced all the names into 16 ships. I will then be ranking them (and maybe adding a couple of headcanons and such because this is mY POST).
Put under the cut because of how long it is.
1.       Raven Queen x Hopper Croakington
Not one I expected for this and honestly, I can’t think of anything for them. They seem like the kind of ones to have gone on one date before Raven decided she doesn’t have time to deal with his inability to talk to her and constant simping over Briar.
3/10. Barely any vibes, let alone good or bad vibes :/
 2.       Frankie Stein x Sirena Von Boo
This one could be cute, Frankie tutoring Sirena in Mad Science and both of them slowly getting crushes on each other, though Sirena not wanting to break the bro code of not dating your friend’s ex. Both have such drastically different dumbass energies and I love it.
6/10. I can see this being a cute little relationship.
 3.       Johnny Spirit x Cerise Hood
Oh damn. Needless to say, Cerise would not take any of Johnny’s shit, perceived bad boy or not. I feel like they are both drastically different when they get into relationships, with Johnny being the type to make big romantic gestures, whereas Cerise is all about the small details. They would probably be p good for each other.
8/10. This is honestly really cute tbh.
 4.       Briar Beauty x Andy Beast
This could be funny, an opposites attract sort of situation. Briar being the extroverted thrill seeker she is, whereas Andy being a more socially awkward technologically-behind guy. I can see Briar sitting with Andy and showing him how to use various different types of teach, and Andy talking to Briar about Skull Shores and carrying her to bed when she inevitably falls asleep around him.
9/10. The Vibes are toit.
 5.       Daring Charming x Gigi Grant
First of all, Gigi deserves better so let’s jot that the fuck down. And I can’t really see her getting along with Daring, who would 100% try and use her for selfish wishes.
0/10. The vibes are rancid.
 6.       Faybelle Thorn x Clawd Wolf
Clawd does not deserve this. Faybelle would use his trusting nature and loyalty to her benefit and then dump him when his usefulness had stopped, smh. She needs to be called out on her shit.
-5/10. No.
 7.       Cedar Wood x Porter Geiss
YEEEEEEEES. The vibes on this are so fucking good. Just- the duo meeting because Porter’s doing some stupid shit and accidentally knocks her art supplies down and then they get started talking on art. They would 100% have dates which is just the both of them painting each other and talking and being wholesome. Porter has her back whenever she may need help and will knock anybody out who insults his beautiful girlfriend. He is the personification of that one Will Smith picture where he’s showing off his wife.
10000000000/10. Chef Kiss.
 8.       C.A. Cupid x Deuce Gorgon
Probably happens in a verse where he and Cleo aren’t a thing. Just talking about Greek shit™ together. The softest fucking dates. Both of them would be so fucking devoted in a relationship. I see them more as friends, but even that potential was wasted.
4/10. I can’t see them as a couple too much, but 10/10 friends.
 9.       Draculaura x Chase Redford.
Okay these two would be adorable, even if just aesthetically. Chase being a soft dumbass who is constantly in awe of his tiny vamp gf. She doesn’t always understand all the rules that are put in place, but she thinks it’s cute he’s so passionate about them.
7/10. Adorable
 10.   Alistair Wonderland x Vandala Doubloons.
Adventure buddies to lovers. Alistair showing Vandala around Wonderland and generally helping her trust solids, let alone humans more. They would probably develop a lot of inside jokes nobody else would get. Vandala teaching Alistair to swordfight for that romantic tension. Dumbasses who just love adventure and accidentally fell in love along the way.
9/10. Pretty hecking sweet.
11.   Hunter Huntsman x Duchess Swan
Unless it’s some sort of Rivals to friends to lovers it wouldn’t happen. They might be interesting with the dichotomy of hunter / animal that can often be hunted. Hunter would probably have his work cut out making Duchess a semi-decent person.
6/10. Sweet concept but I can’t see it from where they are in the series.
 12.   Operetta x Darling Charming
Strong independent lady musician x Strong independent lady knight. I LOVE IT. They would be such an iconic power couple and honestly, we stan. Operetta taking no shite from the Charming family about what a woman should or shouldn’t be and setting them in their places. I adooooore this.
10/10. It’s amazing.
 13.   Maddie Hatter x Venus McFlytrap
Venus would be dumbfounded by most of the shit Maddie says, but probably would appreciate the help that Maddie could and likely would provide for the cause of preserving the flora of the planet. She’d likely love to hear about Wonderland and the plants there.
7/10. Good vibes.
 14.   Heath Burns x Dexter Charming
Awkward nerd x extroverted dumbass is an amazing trope. Heath and Dexter becoming flustered dumbasses around one another, but not realising as all their friends try and explain that they like each other. Heath would 100% be the one to confess first because it’s Heath™. Just… soft, stupid dumbasses.
8/10. Good bois. I’m lov.
 15.   Cleo deNile x Lizzie Hearts.
UTTER POWER COUPLE. The energy these girls have together is wonderful. Two powerful princesses who would utterly rule wherever they saw fit. Someone tries to insult Lizzie, they get roasted to filth by Cleo and if they try anything with Lizzie? Off with their head. They are both so sweet towards each other, with Lizzie making outfits for Cleo whenever she asks for it and Cleo being down to model for her girlfriend whenever she asks. They’re both so in love and soft for each other, though may have a couple of fights because they both have such strong personalities, though would always make it out the other end stronger for it
 16.   Sparrow Hood x Hoodood Voodoo
I can’t really see this one, I can see them maybe being friends but… anything beyond that isn’t really.
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gatezofhell · 4 years
🎵 🎶🎵
you can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to
rules- hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
@hxmewithyou so much for tagging me in this!!! ok this is my spotify saved songs. im kinda nervous tbh
1. bien longtemps by francoise hardy (<3)
2. mary jane by megadeth (FCK YEAH a favorite)
3. won’t fall in love today by suicidal tendencies (*miley voice* FCKIN BANGER)
4. if i could by craft spells (any long time followers of mine... pls get this ref <3)
5. obscure verses for the multiverse by inquisition 
6. makeba by jain (love this bop, reminds me of working at philz)
7. suddenly, like flames by LSD march (one of my faves from my japanese psych rock phase)
8. rainberry by zayn (FINALLY some fandom representation!)
9. orgasm of death by the growlers 
10.stoned raiders by cpyress hill (im a SUCKER for audio bite intros)
11. i know by fiona apple
12. mind control by c.c.t.v. (love this one!! def rec if u like fun punk)
13. rose-colored boy by paramore (a BOP! still mad i didn’t see this album on tour...)
14. orange peel by kikagaku moyo (another fave from jap psych rock dayz, my fave on this album too)
15. stolen dance by milky chance (ughhhh)
16 messe noire by behemoth
17. beast infection by grimes
18. the golden road by grateful dead
19. chapel by the pesos (def recommend their ep!!!)
20. drive my car by the beatles (one of my fave beatles songs! freaked when they did this on glee!!!)
this was so so so funnnnn thank u again nicole!!!
for my 10 im tagging from recent activity so feel free to ignore: @alynfinity @2ghoul4u @bedromfloor @speedmetalqueen @fleurlilly @berriesfarm @farmlesbians @lezlouis @legendharry @heartmeeticarus and anyone else who wants to do it feel free! p sure that was like all my mutuals lmfao
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
audiatur et altera pars "let the other side be heard also" (aka free pass to dig up and expand any of your previous works :p)
A/N: Hm, I do love digging through my own old work, anon, like a narcissistic raccoon, so having a pass to do so and further write about it is pretty nice :P
I will be honest though, a lot of my time was trying to figure out which previous work I wanted to do or which best fit the prompt or which I've been wanting to do and needed the excuse to touch back on...
So I narrowed it down to nine. Which isn't particularly narrow, but considering the list I started off with... is pretty good? (Although, one of the nine could be considered technically three for an actual total of eleven? But... uh... yeah...)
At this point I'm typing out my thought process so as to help me eliminate/figure out which 'verse I want to use for this prompt. And also, in a very meta way, this kind of fills the prompt since it's like the other side of the curtain? Anyway, here's the honorable mentions:
9. Torifu POV of Ascendant : an outside (but still close enough to witness) POV of Danzo is in theory a cool idea. Because he can't have always been that megalomaniacal sadistic bastard, surely. But for Torifu, depending on how much he knows about his former teammate/friend's actions, how sad this would be? Not just in seeing all of his former teammates/friends turn into increasingly bitter people but also, if he tried to save any of those ill-fated Hokage candidates it would just be a series of failures. And that's mondo depressing. Plus, part of the... fun? challenge?... that was the original Ascendant was to do a... not necessarily unreliable narrator but a villain's POV and mitigating it with Torifu's POV would peel back a layer unnecessarily.
8. rockstar!Shikaara AU AU : here's the problem, because it wasn't a full fic (this 'verse originated way back in the ask box three sentence fic event) I don't have a proper tag for the rockstar!Shikaara AU. Best way to find it is probably through the Sabaku No Gaara tag, chrono, and then search for rockstar!Shikaara. It is not a great method. However the reason why it came to mind was because of the literal "hearing" part of the prompt and, well, muuuuusic. So then I thought, hey, what if it's an AU of this AU in which Shikako is the rockstar? However, I think we've established that the Nara twins actually aren't that musical and I have to admit that I do still love Shikaara, I haven't been in those feels for a while. And I'll be honest, that ficlet would've been mostly froth.
7. The Saga of Windy Strife: I'm just very fond of them. Unfortunately, it does need to be revamped. And also, I haven't actually FFVII, not even the remake! Something about Windy Strife is just... they're always against something. Which is... there's a difference between being a champion of something vs being a soldier fighting something and they've always been in the latter. And I guess in that same literal "hearing" part of the prompt, it would work well to address the language barrier of Unto The Climate. But again, I'm just not vibing it :(
6. Tamed (aka, the fairy tale!AU) : There's no real plot to this one which was largely the problem. I was thinking about--hey, what if I added a war in there and the team of misfit fairy tale protagonists have to use their unique talents to stop the war before it consumes the land? But then that was a little meh... while there is some misunderstandings about Sasuke hating magic because of his brother and Shikako having magic its largely. That's just drama and rehashing friendship that I'm not so keen on.
5. dragon rider!AU (another one of those “lost” ‘verses): baaasically for the same reason as above but the conflict already exists there. And like, I'll be honest, I did have a little bit written which I've let stagnate on my laptop for literally years and given the premise of it was Shikako showing up and trying to convince the Sand dragons to aid against probably Akatsuki. And literally about getting herself heard by Sand's government. But again! A little meh!
4. Indelible: I mostly wanted to play around in this world because of how hyper-political it's become. I mean, I made it so of course I'm enjoying the drama, but it's one of those things where it's just--hey, a tiny thing can be blown so out of proportion and have so many consequences but it's not out of anything evil or mean. If anything Danzo's bullshit machinations were made obsolete because of this. Which is a little hilarious. The only reason why this didn't win at being the prompt fill is that, kind of like the Torifu POV for Ascendant, this fic would have to be either a Gaara/Sand POV during the chuunin exams (which is so far removed from the original butterfly flapping its wings) or a Nej POV as the only person other than the Nara twins to be in on the secret. And I don't really write Neji well... or at all...
And now for the top three, in no particular order:
Cadmium City/Counterclockwise/Ode to 11010201: ie, my original fiction world. Mostly because, uh, yeah. There's a lot that's happening in that which the prompt could apply to. I was thinking about using the framework of Twelve Sessions since of my original fiction series I think this one is the best received. And, also, the literal "hearing" this also applies to this in multiple ways. But for the prompt this would mean its about Curtis learning about Simone's backstory which isn't as fascinating as a literal superhero going to therapy. Maybe more of an exploration of the other Could/Should/Actually 'verses? Alternatively, and this is a little weirder, I was going back over the Ode to 11010201 'verse and just like. Realizing all the personal shit I put into its foundation and thus how inherently biased it is. I was considering trying to write from R's sister's POV but its almost too personal? Because then I'd have to reexamine the IRL analogue of the situation and consider what pushed me there in the first place. And why, conversely, I haven't written that much in that 'verse since. Emotional Maturity is not here right now.
Iron Will: the only thing stopping me here, tbh, is that I still haven't figured out which iteration of Tetsuki is the one I'm going with. Is she actually the semi-feral, Earth Kingdom, would be Freedom Fighter? Or is that a cover that the Fire Nation heiress uses to manipulate and murder on Azula's behalf? I legitimately do not know.
Primadonna Girl (Says No Thank You): specifically, the dark future AU. It's such a bonkers AU that I don't think I'll ever really be able to justify playing around in it, truly, but dang. I went real bleak with it.
... so less of a fill and more of a fanfic equivalent of a clip show, I guess. Sorry, anon. If any of these struck your fancy, let me know and I'll try my hand at it. Otherwise, uh, feel free to send in a different prompt.
Ask Box Advent Calendar 2020
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outlivespast · 4 years
STUDY    :   Christian Ozera    TAGGED BY    :   @sunreliable xo
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? he is tall!! moroi are typically taller than dhampir, and Christian is no exception to this. he is tall and lanky. 
▸     ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? he doesn’t really think about his height tbh. it’s kind of one of those things that just is, so yeah he’s chill w/ his height. 
▸     WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? it is always a little messy. it’s black and actually messy not the i’m trying to come off aloof way but the i cannot contain my hair way. 
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? no!! he thinks that a ton of focus on appearances is very shallow to begin with, but he also was forced to care a lot as a kid despite not wanting to, so it’s a little rebellion for him to not put any effort in now because he finally can. i’ll expand on it more later, but he also no longer had anyone to impress so there was no point to him for a focus on hair at all. as for grooming, he’ll take a longer shower if he needs to destress, but overall he’s in and out. he gets ready in about ten-fifteen minutes every day. 
▸     DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? ooh this is a very layered question because on the surface, no. he cares more about what others think than he realizes, but it’s in a ....personality way versus his appearance. he takes a lot of comfort in his clothes ( all black with one navy blue shirt and only one dress shirt ), as it was his own ability for self expression. it’s something he clings to, so attacks on them can hit him deeper than he lets on ( usually just responding with some sarcastic comment versus the genuine upset that he feels ). he puts the bare minimum in and would rather just exist on the sidelines rather than in the center. this does change as he gets older and is forced into the limelight, especially as he becomes king where he does put an effort to be more presentable because he represents more now. he does care more than he thinks / wants to show, but he’ll never think it defines him as a like, bad person?
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?  indoors   ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?  rain ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?  forest ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?  precious metals ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?  flowers  ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?  personality ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?  being alone  ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?  anarchy. ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  painful  truths. ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?  magic. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?  conflict. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  night ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?  dusk. ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?  warmth. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?  few close friends. ▸      READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  reading.
▸     WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? he has a tendency, especially in his teenage years, to assume the worst in people? he wants to believe in people and make friends, but his entire life has left him very defensive and guarded. he especially believes that people in high status are shallow. he doesn’t have bad habits in terms of biting his nails, instead just knee jerk reactions from years of being ostracized. that does mean that he tends to self-isolate, especially if things are very loud and people are fighting. on the other side, he runs into danger without thinking and is very impulsive, especially if the people he loves are in danger. 
▸     HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? lmaoooo. yeah. his parents were killed by the guardians after they turned strigoi ( evil vampires ). he helped this happen, after his aunt had been attacked and was trying to block him from watching their deaths. they were trying to take him, and they were willing to kill tasha to do so, so he created a wall of fire that meant they couldn’t get to him and tasha. he has a LOT of guilt over this action and what he remembers most from the attack is the guardians breaking into his house and then killing his parents -- referring to them as a black wall of death. because purposefully turning strigoi ( draining a person of their blood and killing them -- in their case, they killed their guardians and feeders ) is the worst sin that can happen in their society, tasha and christian were seen as tainted. while his family considered taking christian in, tasha refused and they moved away. the damage was done, though, and everyone in school turned their backs on him because they feared he would also turn strigoi. the entire thing has, reasonably, left him with a lot of distrust and fear of others hurting him and led to him being isolated growing up, with his few friends leaving him for social climbing. he sometimes feels tainted and believes that everyone else thinks he is, too. he ALSO lost his aunt tasha after she murdered their previous queen. @loveisaviolence and I have an entire arc based off the fact that lissa would have needed to execute her, so his reaction to this death is based heavily off our own verse and how tasha doesn’t actually die. initially, christian doesn’t know this though. he begged lissa to spare tasha somehow because tasha was his only remaining family and best friend. when lissa can’t do this because she is a new queen in an unstable position, christian breaks up with her and reverts in on himself. the person he loved most was killed by the person he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. the only people he allowed himself to open up to were rose, his best friend who also was disconnected from lissa at the time, and laurel, his guardian. they’re his only family for a while, so he reacts negatively when it feels like rose is pulling away and eventually leaves because of his abandonment issues that were sparked by losing his parents. basically christian has a lot of trust issues that stem from people that are supposed to love and protect him hurting him / dying on him. 
▸     WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? any moment with his family. i was specifically thinking about the one tiffany and i have of blake ozeras, so tasha, bellamy, and octavia, but also team tasha, and laurel and rose. some of his favorite memories are of making fun of rose as she sits on his couch, stocking up on yogurt for her to eat, etc. cooking with tasha are also some of his favorite memories and why he holds this skill so close to him. it started with her, but it’s something that he has fostered himself and really enjoys -- so making food for the people he loves and seeing their reactions are memories that he enjoys too. hide and seek with tasha was never tainted even though it was because of his proclivity for hiding that led to the attack because he wasn’t with his parents when they turned. ice skating with lissa & tasha is also among one of his most fond memories because the two most important people in his life were bonding !! he just loves his family a lot. 
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? .....yes and no? like strigoi? yeah. human beings? no. it’s harder for him to kill strigoi now because he knows that they can be brought back, and that means he thinks about the implications for his parents and whether they would have regretted it if they could come back. he also couldn’t kill anyone else BECAUSE of his parents. he’d never betray his friends, and while he may torment people...he has way too much control over his magic to accidentally harm them and would never consider actively harming them. however, if it was between the people he loves and someone trying to hurt them, it COULD happen, but no it wouldn’t be easy. 
▸     WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? painful and hard. he tends to isolate himself even when he breaks, but when his emotions are extreme, he just crashes down. this only happens in front of people he really trusts and loves, though. he can be harsh when he is hurting and is especially blind to other people’s pain when he is in pain himself. for instance, when he and lissa are broken up, despite usually being very in tune with her emotions and moods, he feels as though she isn’t hurting at all and is thriving without him. his emotions can be amplified by his fear of being left, but usually he is very reactive ( lashing out in response to feeling like someone is judging him ). he drinks a lot more after tasha’s death because of how effectively that breaks him, so he’s more prone to actual breakdowns while sitting on his floor with rose. he gets better at controlling all of his emotions as he ages, though, and becomes more adjusted in general. 
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? he is !! against all odds, he’s actually very capable of this. he trusts lissa, rose, laurel, tasha, bellamy, potentially kara, eddie & mia, potentially ryan, and others with his life!! not just because the nature of their work is really hard and he needs to trust his guardians with his life ( even if he would rather fight side by side with them ), but because he believes that they have his back and his life. he also hopes that they trust him with their lives too. once he decides to let someone into his life, that’s it. he trusts them with everything he is. 
▸     WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? he’s so soft god. he’ll put his head in his partner’s lap and is always touching them. he’s very in tune with their feelings and will do whatever he can to help assuage their fears / concerns / negative feelings. he’ll do anything for them !! which is true for everyone he loves, but he literally stows away in the back of a car with a concussion because lissa was in danger. he’s very attentive and wants to be around them all the time. he’s very physically affectionate with his partner, which isn��t the same with his friends unless they are incredibly close. he’s also incredibly verbally supportive and will be there for whatever. he is prone to jealousy, but it’s not related to trust so much as just feeling inadequate. he’s actually just a really good boyfriend and i love that for and about him. 
TAGGING :  everyone
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pureblooded-archive · 4 years
(From corda-comminuta, serpent-tongued-lie, cursed-and-chosen, tainted-prodigy, and victoria-immortalis) 🌟 from all of my muses, for all of your muses :P
ok! *cracks fingers* here we go lmao (sorry mobile users)
Now that I finally have watch CoG I can think of more thread ideas lol
Lyra – I think you’ve convinced me that a time-travel au is now viable for Lyra and we can do FB verses LOL, so perhaps Lyra ends up in a different place. She’d probably get stuck in this time trying to cure the curse for Nagini lmao
Lucius – is probably the only other muse that I could think of that would work. Possibly when he’s young if the curse hasn’t completely taken over, maybe they know one another? Potential ship? wiggles eyebrows (but that’s mainly cause my Luci is a slut and will try to put it anywhere smh)
Draco – Immediately I think Dransy ahaha, I think they’d be super sweet when they were younger and dating, I definitely have a headcanon that they were betrothed when they were younger and actually got along but then after the war it dissolved and given Draco’s distance during their 6th and 7th year, as did their relationship
Lyra – always an interesting relationship if you go off the dransy betrothal, whether she is in her main verse and is sort of like a mentor/friend to Pansy or in the year above and is new to Hogwarts
Ron – I mean, I ship it lmao, it’s an unlikely pair but it is so tasty when it works ahaha, though I know not everyone is down with that, depends on your headcanons for Pansy, would love to know more
Ginny – again I ship it (I am a shipping whore lmao) but this would be a post-war deal and also depends on your Pansy
Theo – yesssss, my sweet baby Theo and Pansy (another ship lol), but really he’s just a very good and sweet friend to Pansy I feel and he’s a massive nerd so if she needs study help he’s your boy
Blaise – my Blaise is a sleaze, he will try to get with anyone he can, esp Pans lol
Astoria – this might be good for some awkward adult tension lol, but maybe like Astoria is good friends with Pansy cause I assume she’s friends with Daphne and like Pans thinks of her as a baby sister?
Millicent and Daphne – just typical girl shenanigans lol
Marcus – another sleaze and potential ship LOL
Marcus – I can see him giving her a hard time, whilst also being wildly inappropriate (god I hate him)
I’m seeing potential in my head with Ron, Draco and Gin tho idk what
Vivian – she’s in the same year as Marcus/Percy and also in Ravenclaw so a year or two older than Cho (JK can’t math so why should I be able to) oh and they’re Asian so you know they’ll be best friends (there’s just some things you just don’t get unless you’re Asian and I’d know cause I’m half aha, we tend to gravitate towards each other irl)
Vinda I’m skipping cause I can’t really think of any others apart from our Lyra one but if you have ideas I won’t shoot them down
Lily again skipping cause I’m uncreative and the only older one is Luci but I think he’s like way older and ew
Lyra – oh there’s so many ideas cause I just ahhhh
Lyra 100% goes to Voldy when the war begins cause she has to, like this bitch ain’t dumb and she don’t wanna die so she’s definitely gonna get in and be like hi im here, ready to serve
I think these threads would mainly be a lot of conversations of him trying to get her to do things whilst also trying to sus out her motives
Lyra does have a son and I wouldn’t mind Tom using him as leverage over her (Corvus is actually Snapey’s son but he doesn’t know – always wanted a Tom to force the truth out of her lol)
Ginny – I’ve done it before but the diary again would be cool everyone has different interpretations so yesssss, I’m sure there’s also other potential things and Ginny’s a strong muse for me atm so yes
Lucius – so much potential mannnn, just so much
like we could do when he first joins to how he ascends the ranks
also Voldy’s return and Lucius’ disgrace
and yes I also ship lmao, he would get on his knees for Voldy aha
Lyra – I always try to sell this to every Harry I see but Hyra (yes that’s their ship name lol) there’s so much I love about their dynamic though, both for my main verse and lightning
one I like to explore is my main verse Lyra, so there’s a 10 year age gap and they have to have shared custody of Teddy after Andromeda dies
but mainly it’s been Lyra transferring to Hogwarts after Book 4 to be closer to home and she’s a year above Harry and Harry’s nice to her and she’s like welp now I feel guilty my fam wants you dead lol
oh yeah and arranged marriage post war where they’re like oh we gotta unite the two sides so there’s less discrimination so Harry why don’t you marry the daughter of the people who like tortured you and wanted you dead
Ron – also another ship lol but also just such a good bromance, like Harry makes Ron feel like so much more than he’s used to. Ron is just so used to being overlooked and overshadowed and for once in his life, with Harry he’s special and important and I just jghafdjbjdgs but just anything with these two is just so good
Draco – I mean drarry is great, tbh Draco isn’t that strong of a muse so I’m like ehhhhh (tbh I’m tempted to drop him lol)
Ginny – ok, so I ship book Hinny but I also don’t. They’re just… I don’t know. I feel like they’ve got a lot of work to go through before they can really be together – but exploring those things, working through those things and making Hinny viable is a yes, otherwise I think they’re a great friendship
My other Slytherin babies I’m sorta like eh about, like not that enthusiastic about writing them together (they just don’t inspire me as much as the others, though I’m always down to explore further lmao) like:
Lucius would be just plain manipulation and abuse
Theo would be a sweet boyfriend to Harry
Blaise would just use him for clout
Astoria – oh yeah maybe something about their sons? just chatting, parent stuff
Millicent – would be a plain old bitch eh and so would Marcus and Daph lol
Young Albus Dumbledore I only see as teaching Lucius though this is not in FB era so yeah not sure, would be interested in Lyra’s time travel au how they’d interact though I have a lot of headcanons about their relationship based on my fic so idk if it’d work
Lyra – oh it’d be so interesting to put these together in the same year as my ‘Lyra Canon’ (born in 1970 so 11 years before Voldy fails)
whether Ambrosine attends Durmstrang with Lyra and the two of them decide to break into Karkaroff’s office together and torture him lol
or they’re reunited at Hogwarts when Lyra does that independently
Any of my lightning era babies would be interesting too
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