#and tbh this is interchangeable
asheoninactive · 4 months
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Fuuka has multiple lines in P3R’s Tziah block telling you to not drink the water in the area .
So here’s who I think lead to her reminding the party to not drink it
Btw she’s not here but kotone drank it
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devotionfm · 1 year
The son (moomin) the father (snoopy) and the Holy Spirit (miffy)
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rise-of-littleclan · 3 months
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A deep conversation with a stranger ft Heronstar of @juniper-clan
I'd imagine Python and Heron would get along well in another universe, two cats thrust into crippling responsibility at such a young age while dealing with the grief of losing a loved one; needing to be strong for everyone but themselves. Said responsibility doesn't easily foster friendship, though, now does it? Strangers will have to do
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meggydolaon · 5 months
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It is GredPandering hours 💚🖤🐐
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lizardinkart · 1 month
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“In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men,
Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake.
Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:
It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an image was before mine eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice, saying,
‘Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?’”
Job 4:13-17 (KJV)
The Simurgh circa Ward is, in fact, a terrifying creature. Lots of rage. Lots of grief. Lots of fear. Must suck to try to save the world, but all these little guys don’t wanna cooperate cause they’ll die or whatever… Anywho! Hope y’all enjoy this wip that’s been sitting in my drafts since I read the end of Ward months ago lol
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heich0e · 3 months
need to know who u voted for and what ur thoughts are on who among the seijoh 4 are the best in bed (i voted mattsun i am a issei pussy pounder back breaker truther)
here is my definitive thought process re: ranking (no one is allowed to boo me)
#4 oikawa: PROBABLY A VERY UNPOPULAR OPINION but i think he rests on his pretty boy laurels a bit! not saying that he's in ANY way a bad fuck but i simply do not think he outranks his competitors here. so hot it's almost kind of annoying when he takes his clothes off.
#3 makki: he's got the spirit!! into weird stuff but is also very eager to please. very average guy energy but in an endearing way. still a very good fuck and especially as a hookup because he makes u feel very comfortable.
#2 mattsun: listen. i wanted to put him first. i really did. this is where i quite literally agonized in my internal debate. in fact, i would argue that he IS the most sexually charismatic of the four—however i live and die on the hill that his dick is HUGE. to the point that. it is arguably too big. u cannot have a quickie with issei because u either need like an hour of foreplay or enough lube that u basically need to take a hazmat shower after you're done. this is the only reason i marked him down. champagne problems.
#1 iwa: i don't think this needs a lot of explaining. iwaizumi hajime loverboy and pussy pleaser extraordinaire u will ALWAYS be famous to me.
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shayennelovesbooks · 10 months
Violet: You remind me of the ocean.
Tairn: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Violet: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
i sometimes think about this one time where my sister was purposefully annoying my cousin who was trying to push her away from him, and she gets up in his space and says “you know you’re built like an ogre” and he immediately shoots back “then get out of my swamp, donkey” and i think thats the most average james sirius and lily luna interaction
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so like what if i brought you coffee in bed, you’re still soooo sleepy, i threw on your t-shirt on my way to the kitchen with nothing else, and then what if you just needed me back in your arms because i’m so soft and squishy and it’s comforting to you to have me there, and what if you felt my nipples harden when you brushed against them, and what if i couldn’t help but kiss your neck and collarbone, and what if you turned me on so much i just had to get on top of you and you felt my wetness drip onto your clit, and what if i tried to kiss you sweetly but you knew what i was going for, and what if you just kept sleepily touching me knowing what you were doing to me, and what if i gazed up at you with my fingers in your mouth, and what if your clit got harder under me, and what if you were brought out of your slumber with my moans as i finally put my fingers on you, and what if you wanted your tongue on me first thing in the morning, and what if i came all over your face before you got out of bed… what then, huh??
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
sonic prime episodes will either be really fun and have cool or interesting moments that youll be thinking about for days or the most boring shit youve ever seen that youre basically only watching so you can get to the good stuff. no in between
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andraath · 2 years
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reluctanttrabbit · 23 days
it was a very close call..... the poll would get to 50/50 most of the time.... but... THE RESULTS ARE IN!!!!!!!!
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good fight? vote? good voting? whatever good job guys! ^_^
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jade-of-mourning · 10 months
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update — did not draw lydia nor edvin, but instead spontaneously shat out a pair of dangerous axe lunatics*: ulf and wulf
(i would like to point out that wulf is on the left and ulf is on the right though. the distinction is really important i swear)
(full scribble ft. the axes under the cut as well as some of my many brain thoughts regarding the twins)
jesper | edvin
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why is the internet so deprived of pictures of people holding axes. i couldn't find a single functional reference photo also ignore the part where the axes are massively oversized and non-proportional and generally extremely wack. they're literally buff idc about Reality blah blah
*i don't remember who first called them dangerous axe lunatics but i think it's genius and i hope you don't mind me stealing the description
in my brain, wulf is more outwardly unhinged but ulf has more of a borderline-sadistic streak to him. like, ulf generally has more chill and is less likely to start a fight due to petty provocation (read: wulf will fight without hesitation if someone says shit about ulf or the herons), but if he does start a fight, it's Really not going to end well for the person on the other end of his axe. wulf will cleave your head off if he finds enough of a reason to, while ulf will break your fingers before cleaving your head off — but usually for good reason.
wulf has a stronger sense of duty towards ulf as an individual than he does towards the crew, while ulf is the opposite. both of them go for outrageous arguments shamelessly pulled out of the ass, but while wulf is more likely to be genuinely baffled by ulf's claims, ulf is more likely to fall into a wormhole of trying to actually disprove wulf's claims. i swear there's a difference but they still have an equal tally of losses in stupidity, and ulf's love of philosophy/aspiration to be an art connoisseur has not helped him win shit. oh also wulf likes flowers and chickens and is best friends with stefan idk why it just makes sense
in short, both are dumbasses, but they are also two individual dumbasses and flanagank is too lazy to make a consistent distinction most of the time. i don't think he's ever met an actual pair of twins before in his life tbh. also wulf is on the left and ulf is on the right
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catominor · 23 days
wait this made me think of something funny. gaius martinus son ranking from most to least favorite:
gaius jr
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spacemanxephos · 5 months
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lazzarella · 27 days
Nothing funnier than seeing someone complain that a rom-com has too many tropes! Oh no! The genre is genre-ing too hard! D:
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