#and tell me if i've entirely misinterpreted the point lol
diagonal-queen · 10 months
i just read all of Take no Kido in one sitting and. i am very upset with the ending. kunikida you owe me compensation for emotional damages
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mekkatoniks · 1 year
Alright y'all, first Sunnyblr post but this one is real important to me because it includes both something that is threatening TO ME as a writer and also something I see as mischaracterization which is something I despise. My apologies if I can't put this together in a better way, I feel real anxious right now lmao. You may have seen the clip, maybe two, of Glenn talking about AI. This has caused a major reaction, originally down on Twitter (bcs. of course) and I guess I'm here to provide the whole thing, in writing.
First thing's first I wanna reassure you that Glenn did not use AI in the writers room. He views AI as a threat.
I watched the whole interview when it came out and here's the summary: He says he was personally surprised by the quality of the AI at writing jokes, some time after Matt expresses that he doesn't view ChatGPT/AI to be "good enough" to really interfere with writers (may have to check up on this wording). They did not use this material in the show. Charlie and Glenn did this only to test it. This follows by him saying he thinks we're gonna get to a point where eventually we'll have to accept the way things are going (at the point we're at already I think we can't really fight AI here, but put protections in place for writers against AI and its improper usage, so using it to solely generate ideas, using it as a replacement for writers as a whole, etc), that it's a tool people will have to learn to use, but that ultimately there'd still need to be at least one human in the room to curate it all because there's never really going to be a fully finished product (which isn't an endorsement of that type of heavy AI usage, seems more like an observation and that AI will always still have limits).
Jay continues from this saying that even if it does create a fully finished product, there'll still be the appetite for people to tell stories to other people, and that for every big shift it stays the same. Jay is also in agreement that it'd be a tool but that it isn't something to be scared of, just more aware of; he doesn't view it as a threat. Glenn replies that he does view it as a threat and continues to talk cynically about it, saying we could be close to having just one guy and then your writers room is entirely chatbots (this is not spoken as a good thing obviously. It's kinda comedic but there's truth in it especially for cynical people I suppose). Matt makes a joke about that being Glenn's dream and Glenn laughs about it (it was pretty fucking funny) and is like "i'm a bit misanthropic ur right lol". When Matt begins speaking again Glenn jumps in to say that he is not saying that it's a good thing, which is more likely to be in reference to AI as well. At the end of the question Jay says he stands with the WGA and Glenn agrees. That is all that is said in that portion of the interview. So I suppose the end point is... he doesn't support AI, certainly not to the extent some are making it seem.
I get major anxiety when it comes to things like this - as in, people reacting to something in a way that indicates they have misinterpreted or don't have the full thing or anything like this, it legitimately makes me feel sick. I can understand people's reactions at least because AI is a threat! That's why the WGA wants protections for writers from the improper usage of AI, because they've drawn similar conclusions and want to prevent it. Fuck, I'm a writer. I of all people would understand how this affects anything. But this specific situation is not one that really calls for the type of reaction it has received? It's gotten to a point where people have started attacking him for real petty reasons like appearance because of it. It's immature, unnecessary, and really just low.
If I've had the most uncritical thinking moment in the whole universe and you think there's something really wrong with the way I have viewed the situation, that I've been the one to misinterpret it, then please be civil about it. Or even if there's a point you want to just bring up. Due to issues I have, I avoid posting about a lot of things because I'm always focused on getting things right and the idea that I may be getting it wrong, in a space where people can see (and let's be honest there's always a chance of seeing the most vile shit in response and I feel anxious over it for days which is unhealthy), is distressing to me. But I'm slowly putting myself out there lol, I mostly just came here to give comfort to anyone or assuage much of their anxiety as possible. I do not at any point want to look like I'm dickriding but this is something I feel has truly been perceived wrong by a lot of people! I think the timing of everything, being asked that question and answering it during the strike, has definitely contributed to a lot of this and tension is high for a lot but I genuinely think Glenn's answer as well as Jay's were nuanced for the time they had to answer it (they can't go on too long) and I appreciate that. Thank you for reading!
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
pls tell me you don't think disliking lynz is misogynistic lol i must've misinterpreted that
nope! it's totally fine to dislike lynz, i also don't like her myself. she's said some very questionable things and MSI grosses me out, as does her association with jimmy urine. i already know people will want to take this the wrong way so i want to make it clear that i'm not defending any of that. i'm pointing out an irritating mindless pattern of behaviour in this fandom that is immature and reductive at best and misogynistic at worst, which includes:
1. the intensity of the vitriol that is directed at her being disproportionate to most of the men ppl blog about who have done/said similar, if not much worse, things. and honestly in a lot of cases disproportionate to what she's actually done
2. the fact that i see so many people (especially on twitter) blindly jumping on the bandwagon of hating on her often without knowing what exactly it is they're hating her for - and even then, most of the reasons i see parrotted on twitter are either contextless and overexaggerated or not even one of the aforementioned valid reasons for disliking her. i don't know how to tell you this but if you believe everything on lynzuglyliar you need to reevaluate how you engage with information on the internet lol
3. the level of glee with which people hate on her, which truly smacks of old-school fandom misogyny reserved for women who marry your faves or get in the way of your favourite ship. on twitter especially it honestly truly feels like people are delighted to have a wife of the band they're "allowed" to hate on lol. i know a lot of that is coming from teenagers who will grow up and learn more self-awareness but that doesn't make it any less annoying or disappointing to see
4. the ridiculous mental gymnastics required to hate her so much while continuing to be a fan of the person who is married to her and in love with her lmao. sorry but if you truly think she's that irredeemable why are you still here
like. i hate msi and i go out of my way to avoid listening to them. but it's worth keeping in mind that the kind of shock-jock edgy gross music they wrote was not exclusive to msi in the 2000s. i hate it too and think it's stupid and counterproductive to whatever point it's supposedly trying to make but it was like. a thing for a while unfortunately. it was bad at the time and it aged even worse, but gerard and frank at the very least, and probably the others too, vocally enjoyed it. frank voluntarily chose to tour with msi and mcr performed with them multiple times and were always excited about it. if you truly think lynz's involvement with that band is indefensible, you should extend at least part of that criticism to mcr too. the amount of times i've seen people saying "omg frank hates lynz so much" is fucking ridiculous, and it's based entirely on the same kind of conjecture that led people to believe mcr didn't remain close friends after the breakup lol. if you have to make up things like that - or worse, make up and spread infidelity rumours or actual domestic abuse allegations (it's not even rare to see this on twitter) - to excuse their association with lynz/msi, you need to take a look at yourself tbh
this is partly a twitter-specific problem because that platform is literally set up to disallow meaningful or nuanced conversation but it's really exhausting to see hundreds of snippy "she's the devil" tweets and if you say anything vaguely critical of the the way fandom treats her you get immediately shot down with "why are you defending A Racist" with zero context or clarification. i hate to break it to you but if lynz is A Racist of an irredeemable level, so is gerard. hell, so is frank for blindly listening to and promoting black metal bands with nazi associations when he as a metal fan should know better and do his research. lynz's racism in question is the kind that's overwhelmingly common among liberal white women who are into witchcraft-type stuff. again, i am not condoning it, it's still wrong, but you cannot hold her to different standards than you do the guys in mcr. i'm just saying if you're able to acknowledge gerard's questionable statements and attitudes in the past, condemn them, acknowledge that he's changing and learning, but still go on liking him as a person and supporting his art...what is the reason you can't do the same for lynz.
i've seen people on twitter accuse lynz of plagiarism in an impressively tone-deaf misinterpretation of her art genre, sometimes the same people who would call gerard doing something similar a clever reference. i have literally seen people quote male members of MSI making sexually objectifying and openly misogynistic comments about lynz as some kind of gotcha saying "look, even her bandmates don't respect her" and like...if you can't see something deeply wrong with that i don't know what to tell you. i've seen COUNTLESS people bring up vague information "revealed" by her actual estranged family members on twitter after people stalked them to try to get dirt on lynz and if you think parroting back contextless one-sided information from other people's private family drama isn't a) about the least reliable source of information ever and b) deeply disgusting and inappropriate, i really don't know what to tell you
if you despise lynz to the point where you're in mcr's comments telling gerard to divorce her (again. i shouldn't have to say that this is disgusting behaviour) or booing when they perform summertime or accusing her of infidelity or abuse (which i cannot stress enough are rumours originally made up by frerard tinhatters) or anything like that, why are you even here. like what mental gymnastics are you doing to be able to remain a fan of gerard at this point. none of this is activism, if anything it's counterproductive to your point because it's indicative of the lack of critical thinking or maturity that's necessary when you're engaging with topics like casual/unconscious racism and normalised sexual abuse in the music industry
i'm probably not going to say more about this because this isn't really the hill i want to die on considering i don't even particularly like her myself but please i am begging you approach your dislike of lynz with just a little bit of critical thought and self-awareness instead of just blindly despising her for things that most of the men we blog about are also guilty of.
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kiisaes · 1 year
YESSSSS! I will always say deku is sweet uwu sunshine boy but I'll also say he is feral bunny who will fuck your shit up! He is a mix between cute baby boy and feral gremlin! Katsuki is also a feral gremlin but in a different way! Izuku knows how to stand up for himself! He isn't a fragile flower that will brake if yelled at! And bakugo knows this! In an episode katsuki says, if it bothers him he'll tell me!, talking to tsu who was mad at him for yelling at izuku. (It was in the background so it may have been missed by some people)
yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hate when ppl think deku being soft means he can't defend himself bc like ... cool. did we just completely ignore the entire first chapter/episode entirely. and how deku's stubbornness is literally what keeps him going. are we just making shit up now.
it still baffles me how in 2023, ppl STILL THINK that deku is the definitively weak, fragile, spineless victim that must enact revenge on his bully in order for bkdk's relationship to be valid. mha isn't a fucking revenge story 😭 deku has called out bkg's bullshittery so many times but never wishes ill will on him. he still wants to be bkg's friend and cares about him so so much. he isn't and never was the archetypal weakling that the bully aggressively torments and eventually traumatizes. and like .. sorry he doesn't play ur narrative lol. sorry he can't fulfill ur own bully revenge fantasies bc he chooses to have a good relationship with his former bully. sorry there's genuine mutual respect and care between bkdk now. SORRY THIS CHARACTER ARC ISNT ABOUT U.
I really don't care if ppl dislike bkdk for their own personal reasons but I've seen ppl actively harass and misinterpret bkdks to the point where it makes THEM look bad. u can enjoy ur own ship on ur own time, just don't proudly look like an idiot for essentially butchering ur understanding of the main 2 characters lol
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necronatural · 11 months
oh it goin DOWN on twitter
sorry for mobhundred discourse and also making this a little about me. #testimonials.
I've been staying out of it because of overlapping circles & callout posts being incendiary but I always disliked SC in a "this person is unlikable" way, didn't do anything but be self-righteous and overly sensitive. like
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I'd DM my friend shit she says with her name cropped out to go "LOL", making sure not to name her because no one should be put on blast for being annoying. But "that includes telling someone to explode" is objectively funny as fuck
overall I interpreted all the sketchy stuff in the fic as like general incompetence? And stopped reading. Seeing the shit she did/wrote like the week after I cooled off from MP100 feels like an atom bomb going off behind my head like she HUH?>????
I don't actually think "neutral on proship discourse" should be a warning sign, it's well-known that discourse is meaningless namecalling. It can be necessary to state your allegiances in specifically MP100 fandom because it attracts like a SHOCKING amount of people really weird about 13-year-olds, though. Disproportionate to any other fandom I've ever been. Something in the goddamn water in that fandom stg its EVIL out there.
Anyway I think an obsessive fixation on pedophilia was the actual warning sign. The fic is constantly full of these whiplash interjects like a fixative "wow, sure hope no one thinks I'm a creep, kind of creepy lol" circling. This kind of uncharacteristic fixation is what She Doth Protest Too Much really looks like.
I don't have much in the way in personal stories because I just gave them space. Uhhh I ended up in a discord server where she was friends with just about every frequent poster and popular artist in there. I found her behaviour to be kind of argumentative, but never escalating. So I was like okay, I was being uncharitable, it's just that she's sensitive. Just because I don't like her doesn't mean I gotta be rude. She unblocked me (I was blocked for saying proship electric chair as a joke) and I so I tried to be supportive and sociable by getting into her fic for a while. And now people are posting the most singularly insane quotes I've ever seen from right after where I dropped off. Holy mary mother of god.
And ok. Not to be presumptuous. but her friend SpCh is a notorious flying monkey to the point when I made a thread about how people in the west don't really bother researching other cultures and basic aspects of other countries, assuming they know everything, and SpCh misinterpreted the entire thread so badly I can only assume she was defending SC's honour based on 1 tweet. GIRL I WAS TALKING ABOUT SCUM VILLAIN FANFIC. IF A HIT DOG HOLLERS?
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I hate to ask this, but do other eggman enjoyers... Want him not to be evil? I mean this in the most respectful way, but eggman doesn't have a whole lot going on canonically besides being evil. If someone doesn't like that part what part are they into?
I regret to inform you that it's been a very shockingly controversial aspect of his character in recent years, despite him being the main villain of the series and it confuses and frustrates me to no end lol. I think part of it is because of small things outside of the game canon media, where he has vastly different portrayals and isn't anywhere near as evil. Which is all fine and good for them to like of course but then they dislike and can't accept that the original Eggman in the games has always been pure evil without any genuine good morals and traits, and no chance of redemption. And they'll get mad and judge one's character over those who actually like it.
And as a result of them liking those lesser evil versions of him more, they will attempt to ignore or highly misinterpret Eggman's scenes in the actual games, because he's one of the most unpopular versions for actually being a lot more evil and doing so is the only way they can like him there at all. And if someone actually likes that he's evil and chooses to acknowledge and embrace those things and correct the misinformation instead, they will tell them to stop ruining their fun and accuse them of being a bad person for caring. I've unfortunately been a target of this for appreciating his evil and making passionate analysis and writings based on that.
Eggman has become the subject of a lot of tropes based around giving him redeeming qualities that he doesn't have that doesn't make sense for the character he was established to be and has remained consistently so. The most popular fanon Eggman interpretation is vastly different from the game canon and liking him as he appears in the games and expressing that openly gets you alienated. It's at the point where I'm being kicked out of the fandom by newer fans that have only liked him for as long as the nicer versions and fanon of the character has existed and some older fans that latched onto them while ignoring and misinterpreting game canon.
And yeah you're absolutely right and that's especially wild about it, he doesn't have anything going on canonically in the games that doesn't involve his evil in any way at all. Even if people like his charming funny and casual moments, his evil is still a part of everything he does, it defines him, his personality, his actions, his beliefs, even his humor. He was even given the first name "Ivo" because its pronunciation is supposed to sound like "evil"! So his name is literally "evil" and 99% of what he does on screen in the games is evil - yet that's controversial, disliked by Eggman fans, and it gets fans that actually enjoy it shamed. It's so ironic.
I can't imagine that fans of him enjoy actually consuming the game media much when they don't actually like anything he's doing. And I don't know what they actually want him to do, if not be evil because they want him to become a better person despite everything he does coming from the fact he's evil, his entire character is built around it as the villain. In all the games where he doesn't have an active villainous role, he's just sat there doing nothing. If he somehow stopped being the villain after 30 years then he'd barely be used as a character anymore. I don't think that's worth occasional scenes of nice pure wholesome Eggman for people to coo at.
All of the things that make Eggman so charming, entertaining, and lovable all stem from his evil and it's involved and evident in every aspect of his characteristics and actions. He's a very evil and selfish character that will gladly do terrible things to accomplish his just as evil goals in conquering the world, he's motivated solely by that and even finds sadistic enjoyment in it. The way most the games' adventures even begin is by Eggman kicking it off with another evil scheme. It's a very important part of his character at the very core and it's important to the overall plot in most games, nothing would be the same without it, there'd be no conflict and nothing interesting left.
It saddens me that it's something that's so disliked or ignored by fandom but you know people can be when it comes to villains, they don't like it when they're genuinely evil and don't have good redeeming traits so they can have something to be interested in and feel justified in liking them because they don't like his evil and think it's wrong to enjoy it like I do. But I love seeing Eggman being his best true self as a super evil and dangerous threat and all the thrilling badass scenes that come out of it when he's in action and being a real diabolical bastard, which is 99% of the time he's on screen, and I'll always give it the love and appreciation it deserves! 🥰💜💕
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the-maggot-muncher · 3 months
rant time: disability and ableism
(don't worry there's a hopeful happy part at the end)
being disabled is a weird experience, just like in general. I have a disability that's more hidden than others, but it's still very real. i also have a mental disorder lol.
I hear ableist things all the time, even said directly to me. It's mostly from my grandma because we work together, yet it's still so awkward. Shes very judgmental and misinformed, and she's said harsh things to me about my own disability. Our boss is hiring two(2) new people for building, and they are both autistic, she thinks they shouldn't be allowed around power tools. if they had self/movement control issues then they likely wouldn't be going out of their way to do the job they're being hired for. It strange how utterly misinformed that she, and one of my coworkers who agreed, is. Her words are hurtful, and while she lived in another time, she still can't accept the change. And she has so much internalized ableism because she's growing older and medically disabled. It's so bad that she ends up hurting and pushing herself to prove that she's "stronger" or something, everyone knows she's strong, but she sees disability as so bad that she dreads it and hurts herself.
My own mother told me I wasn't disabled. She corrected herself and fully supports my disabilities, but for my own mother to doubt my issues just because I didn't fit a stereotype hurt.
There's also my aunt, a proud cancer survivor, who shamed me once for complaining about my disability. She told me I was being dramatic and that she wasn't bothered as a 50yr old woman who fought cancer, the activity we were doing was causing strain to my hips (i have hip dysplasia) and it was causing no strain on her whatsoever.
her partner is even worse, she grew up with tough love, so she gave me tough love. I have issues with social interaction and cues, shes made me cry a lot and refuses to change her language and style around me, knowing it hurts me. Our aunts take us on vcation every year, so we were having a conversation, somehow on the toipic of adhd. My aunts partner said something incredibly abelist(and also supporting child abuse) and i corrected her and told her that adhd is not something that can be BEAT out of children, it something in their brain. She decided to be the "bigger person" and say, infront of everyone, that I was a "bitch", im way too judgmental ad corrective, and that "thats the reason no one likes you". Safe to say i did shed a few tears. Yes, i correct people who are being abelist. However i also misinterpret social cues and "moods" and thought it was an actual conversation, i though as someone who was apart of the conversation was alowed to voice an opinion, didnt know that being anti-ableism and anti-abuse is bitchy. and i hav eproblems making friends because of my disability, and i also genuinely believe everyone hates me sometimes, because of my disability. the worst thing is that no one stood up for me, they just let her say terrible things to me. Thats how its always been, even when people see an injustice or something rude they just ignored it. It was a froup of 7, including my brother. And no one said anything reasssuring to me, she never apologized.
Also, my friend who knows exactly what my disability is, who is a complete asshole to me. when she gets mad or just bored shell completely shut down and ghost me irl. so much so to the point I've started crying multiple times and begged her to stop, she knows being ignored triggers my anxiety. she also likes to take things I care about (ie; my ceramics project for SCHOOL and my entire phone) and pretends to throw/drop them just to freak me out. She constantly tells me she hates me and gets pissed at me when she finds out that I was genuinely convinced she did. she speaks in very vague ways and refuses to elaborate, despite me not understanding social cues and asking for her to elaborate.
hatred is everywhere in this world, however, there are some safe places I've found.
I have a sole confidant, the one person who completely understands me, and listens. He respects me and assures me that he cares. He is also neurodivergent, so he somewhat understands, and even when he doesn't, he still treats we with respect.
When I started treatment for my anxiety I started talking more, my family was so proud of me, they praised me for opening up at family gatherings and they included me more. It was like I finally felt their love.
there are some good people in the world, people who care and love unconditionally.
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I've now read through the fast-pass episodes, so I thought I'd give some of my thoughts on Nevermore.
Spoilers beneath the cut :)
I was starting to like Annabel Lee up until the thing with Ada. I think the entire sequence really highlights what a selfish person she is and how dumb her entire plan is in reality.
First off, if Annabel was nearly the calculating mastermind she thinks she is, she wouldn't have completely tossed away someone who is obviously incredibly powerful and dangerous when there are definitely ways she could have spun that situation to keep Ada on her side. Now the biggest threat to both Lenore and Annabel's safety was given a clear field to collect that ally and do even more damage.
Second, her behavior in the Bell challenge absolutely shows us that a large part of what this is about is Annabel's love for games. It's really obvious through the behavior of both Ada and the other students that her entire plan for escaping is unnecessary; take out Montresor, Will, and Prospero and pretty much everyone would likely be Lenore and Annabel's allies and those who aren't wouldn't stand a chance against them. The entire "let me win so the others don't see you as a threat lol" was complete bullshit because everyone already sees Lenore as a threat, which Annabel is aware of. Also, sending Montresor after Lenore when he's already threatened her multiple times was the stupidest move she could have made if she wants to actually protect her girlfriend and not let on that they know each other because he literally reads minds.
Moving on, I feel like a lot of people just stop reading whenever Ada shows up because everyone is wildly misinterpreting her actions and just going "help mcs good, hinder mcs evil irredeemable bitch"
Like, the commenters on the newest chapters act like she's been actively chasing after Prospero with no justification, as though Annabel (who is shown to be pretty much the only person Prospero talks to or respects) didn't tell her that he was into her and that he would appreciate her chasing after him! She's a little delusional for still being so into him when he's awful to her, sure, but she actively believes that this is just because he's nervous about showing affection in public and it's shown that Prospero does actually indulge her crush when it serves him. Also based on the flashback, of course she would cling to someone who resembles her past lover, that's probably just how she thinks people who love you act! And then when her only friend completely drops her after the guy Annabel told her had said he was into her says he would literally rather die than be in a room with her, followed up by Annabel calling her a spoiled brat because she didn't get what she wanted (what the actual fuck btw) and sitting there stroking his hair in front of her, of course she immediately clings to the first person who tells her what she's been dying to hear from someone her entire life AND death. Is what she says about Duke fucked up? Yeah, but Duke also constantly makes fun of her and it's not like Duke wasn't ready to let someone he didn't care about die? I hope she goes insane and kills Montresor and then trades rooms with Lenore
Also, I would love to see more of Bernice and Eulalie's backstories. From what I can tell, it looks like Bernice was a flapper girl known for being a drunk who got hit by a car (or possibly murdered by someone trying to assault her, given the person saying they were "just trying to help her home" and making it a point that she was drinking)? And Eula was a Japanese immigrant working for an orphanage that got hate-crimed. I also like the rounding out of Eula's character other than just "creepy girl with wide eyes says and does creepy things". It's obvious that she's very protective of her friends because she couldn't save the kids in the fire. I love her, I want good things for her.
Pluto continues to be my child and I wish everyone in this comic would stop calling him weird for doing literally anything. Also just the fact that he hugs Lenore whenever he sees her 🥹 he's gonna be crushed when he figures out the plan. And standing up to Prospero!!!! That's his roommate and it's gotta be terrifying to think about pissing him off but he still did that for his friends! (Also shout out to Morella. "Oh no I tripped" istg)
I was very surprised that his crush is on Eulalie, and I honestly don't see them getting together? I feel like there's more evidence to suggest that Eula likes Bernice and Pluto likes Duke even if that's not what the authors are intending lol. If they plot twisted it so that Pluto had lied about his crush on Eula I would not be mad
Lenore has definitely moved up to my favorites, and I relate a lot to her backstory (no I was not drugged and locked in an attic before setting fire to my home I promise 😉)
Duke playing out the Cask of Amantillado. Oof. I do think this is going to trigger his Spector, because I'm guessing he died in one of those underwater escape tank things, so being chained up is what was missing from the Thalassophobia trial.
Also someone help Will, he is too nice for that vile snake of a man
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ravenousnightwind · 1 year
This is really just me talking to myself trying to work out a personal problem with someone else.
The question that keeps coming in my mind is if someone I know, a friend, ever truly accepted me at all. They claim I was different or understood things in the past, but have zero explanation for what that really was and what they want me to do about it now. They talk about how they can't be vulnerable with me when the entire time I've told them they can, but for some vague reason I make them feel uncomfortable about the things they want to talk about.
They say I'm different or things have changed, but maybe the reality is that things haven't changed that much and because I'm starting to no longer hide the things about myself and what I have to deal with or how I function or even what I'm into, they think I'm different. I think some things are different. I think maybe I wasn't as outspoken or maybe as sickly as I am now. But I've gotten older and the disease of depression and the condition of adhd and autism, I can only assume has gotten worse for me.
Especially since breaking down the walls of my past traumas and dealing with things I thought I dealt with. Perhaps when I merged myself I managed to change a critical part of my own force of will. It's hard to tell.
It's often said that I don't understand what they're talking about, and they don't know how to make me understand. Yet, they also can't seem to explain how I don't or come up with better ways to explain it to me. I think I've probably blamed my autism for a lot of this part because there are times when I just don't understand things. But I've never been really told by someone else that I don't understand, even when it sounds like they're saying it in a clear concise way.
I want to go out and say that maybe it isn't me, it's them who are having a problem with me, because I have looked over every angle of how maybe I'm misinterpreting, and when I go off and explain things about myself, suddenly I'm met with the same answer of a sort, that I'm talking about something totally different than they are. Of which I wasn't aware the subject matter had changed? Which has happened with me where I'd switch subjects before.
I can't really see how I'm being any different than before when I look back. But I do remember them saying things like they couldn't feel me or wasn't sure if I was "real" which I don't think even they totally get what they mean. But apparently it's a problem they have of being close to people.
In truth, it's probably a matter of both their personal problems and my sometimes inability to understand what people mean. But usually when I don't understand, I know I don't understand and the person either explains or they don't. But with this, I don't know and they can't tell me because it isn't like a specific thing I'm saying or doing. So our ability to communicate about serious topics has kinda just fell off because anytime we do they end up getting upset because they keep saying I'm talking about something else, or that they can't understand what I'm saying.
Lol idk, relationships are complex, and I guess I'm getting to the point where I kinda almost don't care. I guess I just feel like it's all seemingly petty or annoying because it feels like they're just anxious or concerned about something that either doesn't exist, or that they have some other psychological issue that they don't want to be seen for. Which okay fair, but idk. It happens almost every time we talk and I'm kinda at my wits end of how to deal with it. Of which makes me think that maybe they didn't like things about me before but ended up ignoring or forgetting those for some reason. Idk..
I'm just ranting or going off really. Cuz I can't really do anything about it at this point.
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dystopiandilfs · 2 years
I want to voice my thoughts and opinions on some of the Manatreed "cancellations" and how the idea of Dream being Manatreed turns everything Manatreed does into Dream drama. For context every Manatreed cancellation turns into people getting upset over Dream for something they've made up in their own head that Manatreed is doing also they're mad he's white.
First one is him taking away the opportunity to join the DreamSMP from smaller creators especially coloured ones by using white privilege. So my first thoughts is that this is actually the dumbest sentence I've seen, people got upset that a unknown person was added to the SMP to the point of them gaslighting themselves into thinking that Manatreed is a raging racist eventhough he has no digital footprint and there's no proof of him being racist. People got mad at a faceless unknown guy for being white whilst simultaneously saying that black creators get shit on because of the colour of their skin. Like it's the same fucking thing just different skin colours. It's the same logic and you sound dumb for getting upset over someone's skin colour whilst actively saying that he hates people with certain skin colours.
They got mad over him taking away the opportunity from a small creator which is a valid opinion to voice however the people they then tried to uplift in Mantatreed's comments were people who've actively attacked, threatened to harm, harassed etc already existing members of the DreamSMP. Like yes let's act like half of these people haven't attacked the girls for breathing or wished Techno would die from his cancer or wished Homb would get murdered or wished Antfrost got attacked on the street for being gay all because they don't like him.
The other people that were suggested were fans who started streaming which is a dumb idea. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me that adding someone who's tweeted about dnf fucking isn't going to go fucking feral knowing secrets said in the DreamSMP discord. You know that they'll leak shit even accidentally. It's too risky.
Something I want to add is that I do think Manatreed had an existing relationship with Dream and the reason for adding Manatreed was because he already knew him and obviously Dream doesn't want to risk adding another Jitski to the SMP. If Dream's going to be sharing the DreamSMP clout with someone he's going to make sure that they're not a groomer or have sent hundreds of hate messages to Dream's friends/other SMP members.
Next cancellation is the assumption that Manatreed hates fanartists and wants them to do free labour. Yes I get that people saw his tweet and got upset however it turned from Manatreed not commissioning a skin into people saying that he hates artists and that because Dream didn't tell him to comission an artist the whole Dream Vs Artists thing started up again eventhough the man has an entire account dedicated to uplifting artists in the community.
The way I interpreted Mantatreed's tweet was that he was acknowledging that people have already created skins for him that they said he could use which they have. I also saw it as Manatreed wanting to see what people's interpretations of him they would make his skin. Not once did I see his tweet as "Lol fuck artists give me that shit for free because I'm white and this is me using my white privilege to get things handed to me for free. Did I mention I'm racist and hate artists" I don't know how people got that from his tweet like I get misunderstanding and getting defensive but attacking him for it and then making up shit in your head is actually insane. Then on top of that asking for him to apologise because they misinterpreted his tweet, then attacking Dream for trying to clear things up and trying to demand an apology from both Dream and Manatreed eventhough neither of them did anything wrong. (Also it's the same situation with MCC team skins but nobody gets mad at that so why should this be any different)
Next thing I want to briefly mention is that people need to stop hyping up smaller cc's for "defending them against the big bad evil villain known as Dream and White Manatreed". You need to understand that they'll literally say anything to get likes and follows. Take Hypocrite Hunter for example he is very actively trying to get involved and replying to Dream over the artist thing eventhough just a few months back he was defending other cc's for literally holding a fanart contest for a new pfp 👁️👄👁️. Then let's look under some of Dream's tweets "oh look there's Hunter defending Dream by saying that fans are getting mad over something that didn't happen then and trying to force Dream to apologise for something he didn't do" "There's Hunter again hyping up Dream for something and then going off about the same thing in a reply to fans" Make your mind up jfc. Like I get having opinions on things but he literally hops on whatever bandwagon gets him likes.
I can't believe Dream is putting his whole drussy into trying to denounce hate and trying to spread positive vibes within his community and he gets mocked and attacked for it. Like that man can't so anything right in people's eyes to the point of they've attached every issue they have with someone on to Dream whenever he talks to them. Like how do you get Dream being racist from Manatreed being white. How do you get Dream being homophobic from him reading Erets message to show how well they kept the Micheal Nicheal thing a secret.
Anyways after the whole Michael Nichael thing it would be so fucking funny if whilst doing the whole Pig setup they were also doing the Manatreed creation. The idea of The Dream Team not streaming because they were busy creating Manatreed and fucking about with a fake Michael is so fucking funny to me.
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
Mmm, to add on to the victim hood post... it was also mentioned (I forget where, but I think it’s when Shoto started visiting Rei) that he apologized to Rei and she forgave him? I understand that he may have apologized for not visiting all this time but I feel the writing around that is weird because he shouldn’t have to apologize, he avoided her for valid reasons because of a possible relapse since she was the one that burned him (not saying the blame is entirely on her since her mental state is because of E.) I like Rei, but I feel she was written poorly, like how in the hospital scene saying the blame is on the WHOLE family for Touya and putting Shoto on a pedestal for being better because he’s a hero (isn’t Natsuo learning to become a doctor? And Fuyumi a teacher, shouldn’t you be happy they are trying to do good things to or do they have to be heroes? Idk, I may has misinterpreted that scene and I apologize.) That hospital scene was just a mess to me and I hope HK has something planned to make up for it lol. I believe it was you or some other user I read that Rei and Touya are just used as plot devices to further E and it’s unfortunate... let E atone for his mistakes without ALWAYS needing the support of others, to me it shows the guy is incompetent and unable to even register HOW much damage he has really caused to his family (still working as a hero does not = being a good father E, so will see where HK goes!) Sorry, this got long haha
No need to apologize, these are all good points!
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you are indeed correct about the weird phrasing of this scene (if it really is the one you were referencing).
Again, to clarify what I meant in the other post, I don't exactly take issue with Shouto feeling guilty and responsible for Rei's commitment. Feelings are often irrational like that, and it makes sense for Shouto to feel responsible, since his father basically raised him to think that way. But the writing here doesn't really make a distinction between Shouto's feelings and what we're supposed to take away from this scene. Without the framing telling us that Shouto's self-blame is misplaced, this reads like Shouto really needed Rei's forgiveness. Which is bullshit. What Shouto needed was reconnection. That's why after he talks to her he's finally able to move on. For ten years, he harbored the crippling fear of becoming like the man who had caged her.
Then again, the topic of forgiveness in bnha is handled very weirdly in general. Like in this scene:
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Where Shouto's willingness to let it be water under the bridge is framed as the true heroic call, the reason that makes him a good person. Which is very offputtting when you remember that throughout the story, Shouto has done nothing but ask Endvr to start acting like a father, and up to this scene, Endvr still hadn't done anything in that regard. So uhhhh
Horikoshi really bends backwards to make Endvr more palatable and more redeemable by easing off part of the blame from his shoulders or by making every single character except Dabi willing to give him a second chance he's literally done nothing to earn. But at this point I've exhausted all my salt on this topic so I really have nothing more to add.
On the topic of Rei and how the todofam plot in the hospital chapters is a mess, I ranted at length about it here. You don't have to read it, but you might find you agree on a couple of points
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stsathyre · 3 years
longish story for you- i'm in (gods willing) my last semester of class and one of the ones i'm taking is a film and literature course. a few weeks ago we read "do androids dream of electric sheep" and watched bladerunner, both of which i really enjoyed- i hadn't read DADoES before and found it to be a really compelling commentary on capitalism and the global commons and nature of life, and though i've seen bladerunner a few times it's always interesting for me to watch it again and notice new bits and pieces of that tasty 80s white american fear of communist and/or Asian multiculturism. but my classmates seem to be incapable of reading Or watching the media we're interacting with, one fellow in particular is really annoying about it and sits directly behind me. so on the last day of bladerunner, which we specifically established as a noir film on day 1, he raises his hand and starts out about how *he's* a writer (adds in a little "and i think a pretty good one too" for good measure) and begins to whine about the alternate ending's narration being heavy handed and clearly they ran out of ideas to do such an awful thing...as a voiceover...in a noir film. gags.
he continues to say that he doesn't know what the whole origami animal thing was about, at which point i am compelled to turn in my seat and say dude, the other bladerunner literally folded those. on screen. every time Gaff appeared for the entire film he was folding or had just finished folding the animals. and the dude says oh i didn't see that, also i thought deckard was going to kill rachel when he walked into his apartment with his gun out. and i say again. my Dude. his apartment door was open when he arrived, someone broke into his apartment where he is harboring a fugitive person because he's an increasingly *anti-state* state sanctioned executioner cop that was just saved from certain death by someone he was trying to kill. the dude has no follow up to this.
that's my story so far, this same man and his entire desk group has incessantly giggled their way through ghost in the shell, bladerunner, and throne of blood so far. i will not mind if they giggle through emma, but i will Not be tolerating it when we watch precious.
I need to know how many movies dude has misinterpreted in his life because that is a mess. lol
Yeah, giggling through Precious would be hands on sight.
What is your major?
Thanks for telling me a story!
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
Hi! Could you please explain the "blue sky white clouds" motif? I've been accompanying these two from the sidelines since I watched their interactions in the bts and interviews ( and trust me I'm too old to fall for queerbait or fanservice) and i saw some posts in reference to this but I think I'm missing the whole picture. Btw I really like your bjyx song series 😊
I know what you mean about queer-baiting. I was also wary of this cp at first because it was just too convenient, especially since I know many bl drama leads like to promote with cp. However, many of the clues I feel like are too subtle to be faked. Also once you understand their personalities and the timeline more, a lot of things fit together logically and cohesively to the point that it’s probably not just queerbaiting. But if you ever feel insecure like I do sometimes, I just tell myself that I should watch this like I do with any fictional tv show. The plot, the characters, the music are all good so why not. And try not to overly believe in others’ overinterpretation because those are easy to be proven wrong. It doesn’t mean the entire story falls apart but I know that still makes you create doubt. That being said, to answer your question, I feel like I have to cite some maybe far-reaching conclusions reached by fans. But even if these interpretations are all wrong, I think we can still fall back on rainbowsky’s explanation that it just reminds them of that beautiful summer.
I’ve seen @rainbowsky answer this question before and I’ll link it here. I really like their interpretation of it being “nod to that summer.”
I would say the first time that “blue sky white cloud” became a bjyx thing is when gg posted on his Oasis 6/5/2020 at 13:28, blue sky what cloud what did you see?
Warning: I will talk about kadian. Since ggdd are posting this on Oasis, a place where they post more personal things, I think it’s okay to think about some of the kadian here. Ignore it if you don’t like kadian.
The significance of the kadian can mean “1328 = yi san er ba = yi sheng ai bo = love you whole life bo”. However, xz solo fans say that 1328 is the name of the planet in Stephanie Sun’s “Kepler” and that gg promised the song to them so it’s a secret code between them. If you’ve read my “Kepler” analysis, you will know that I talked about gg can be giving a message to both his fans and also wyb. So I think that can also be the case here. I personally lean towards it’s more for his fans actually.
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Then the next day on 6/6/2020 at 17:03, dd posted a pair of shoes, one white and one red. Apparently the name of the shoes by Nike are call “blue sky white cloud” in Chinese, it’s call “Heaven” in English. The patterns of cloud inside the shoes.
The kadian here is a time ending in 3, which sounds like “zhan.” Also the abbreviation for shoes in Chinese is “xz.”
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Edit: I forgot to add that after dd posted the shoe picture, Youku, the company made a joke “Embarrassed, using shoes to represent me?” since the arrangement of shoes and color look like the Youku logo. Dd responded to it “You are over-imagining.” This tells us that dd has his intentional for posting the shoes and doesn’t like to be misinterpreted. What that intention is, we don’t know.
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On 6/12/20 13:45, gg posted on Oasis again “Look at blue sky white cloud....my hair is so long.” The kadian here is “45″, which apparently the 45s of the song “銀泰 Yin Tai” in the Kepler album, the line “Beijing’s wind have blue sky white cloud” appears. This fortify to me that the 1328 and 1345 gg posted are for his fans but I stand open to be corrected.
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This post is significant though because the way the pictures are laid is very deja vu of a post that dd posted in 5/30/2017, which looks very similar to a post gg posted in 5/29/2017. Also in dd’s post in 2017, his last line is “Should I grow out my long hair?” Fans think that gg’s post in 2020 about the long hair correspond to this. This could all be a coincidence of course.
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And then on ttxs episode aired 7/26/2020, dd wore a shirt with “blue sky white cloud” on it.
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I mention “blue sky white cloud” in my song analysis because I feel like I see that motif a lot in the songs gg pick. There are other instances where “blue sky white cloud” show up, for example outside thee plane window in gg’s recent vlog but I’m not including it here because isn’t that what all views outside an airplane window look like? LOL
The more I’m writing this, the more I feel like I’m pushing a conspiracy theory on you. I’m really not trying to, I just want to gather all the time this theme as showed up. I see this as a cute theme to follow, but definitely not a make or break piece of evidence. 
Hope this is helpful!
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semirahrose · 7 years
In the past few days I've read posts claiming that Sam is a psychopath who turns his empathy on and off so easily that it's disturbing, that Sam never cries (lol what?), that Dean is more emotionally mature than Sam, that Sam is egotistical and only cares/thinks about himself, and that Sam demonstrates more toxic masculinity than any other character on the show... I've been in hell basically and I was hoping you could cheer me up by disputing these "claims" with cold hard canon facts.
I’m so sorry you’ve experienced that, Anon!  I fear… you ventured into a truly dark corner of fandom. I have a fair few items on my blacklist to keep me away from that sort of “meta”, because honestly… it’s emotionally exhausting and endlessly frustrating running into such patent drivel.
I don’t know what these people were using to support their claims, so I can’t really refute them. Heck, I don’t know if they brought up solid points or were just angry and baseless. For many of the things you mentioned, I don’t even know where to start, because I can’t imagine what could have given anyone such an impression, but I’ll try to share some thoughts.
Sam is a psychopath without empathy? If anything, Sam’s empathy is always on. It’s always at max, and what these people might be seeing as “turning on and off” is likely Sam trying to redirect his attention elsewhere or deal with/compartmentalize his feelings. It could also just be a gross misinterpretation of introverted emotional expression. But also, let’s be real: the Winchester boys are soldiers. They’re fighting to keep people safe. They have to make choices that we can’t even fathom. A lot of times, these choices are not clear-cut and smelling of roses. Either way, someone will die. People will hurt. And these two, without the benefit of a hierarchy or large support group or court of law–in the heat of the moment–have to make decisions. People who find Sam “cold” or—God forbid, psychopathic? What the ever-living heck?—may simply not understand the magnitude of the decisions these boys must make.
Sam never cries? WHAT EVEN. What the hell even. First of all, crying is not the be-all-end-all of emotional expression. Some people cry regularly. Some people don’t cry for years at a time. And you know what? The former don’t feel things more strongly than the latter. People express grief and sadness and frustration differently. Some people feel numb. Some people get angry. Some people feel miserable but can’t cry. Some people drown it in drink. Some people blame themselves. Some people simply haven’t been taught that it’s okay to give vent to negative emotions, or grew up in an environment where expressing them was weakness and subject to mockery (*raises hand*) And… for the people who said that, may I kindly direct them to my crying Sam tag, because I have like seven pages of misty-eyed canon Sam for them to feast their eyes on. (Um. Geez. I swear there’s an explanation for the fact that I–that I have a tag for that. Uh.) ANYWAY. *clears throat* What even. 
Sam is not as emotionally mature as Dean? I can’t even dignify that one with an answer. Well. Actually. I believe Sam is, in many ways, more emotionally mature than Dean. Where Dean resorts to blame-shifting, violence, anger, and denial when it comes to things he doesn’t like, Sam acknowledges his mistakes and is aware of his unhealthy coping mechanisms (…while still  using them). THAT SAID, I don’t think I can state that Sam is more mature in general, because, well… Dean vents. He gets angry, he finds ways to release it, and he generally finds ways to settle into a sort of balance and keep going. On the other hand, Sam represses to the extent that it drives him to his breaking point. See Mystery Spot. See s4, where he was literally suicidal after Dean’s death. See any number of other times. At any point, I think Sam is a hairsbreadth away from breaking, and while there are a ton of things I love and respect about Sam, a lot of them are rooted in some really unhealthy habits. So… in many ways, Sam deals with things more maturely, understanding all angles. But he also truly just needs decades of hugs and therapy because wow.
Sam is an egotistical bastard? I would advise people who think Sam only cares about himself to watch Swan Song, then The Man Who Knew Too Much, and then Sacrifice, and then Nightmare, and then… the whole freaking show, actually. How Sam regularly puts the safety of others above his own welfare. How, even while grieving Jessica, in the beginning of the very first season, he threw himself bodily between two strangers and a Wendigo. How he was broken to pieces by his visions of death but unable to save the victims. How, later, Ruby’s perfectly calculated way to make him start drinking demon blood again was to imply that he might, by inaction, cause the deaths of innocents if he didn’t suck it up, drink the blood, and save the world. And Ruby knew Sam, played him masterfully. If anyone in the world knew how to get to Sam, she did. And she did so not by appealing to a desire for personal gain, but by implying that Sam’s desire to stop drinking blood might be selfish. And if that’s not enough, I’d like them to take a look at Soulless!Sam, who could have done anything but chose to continue hunting. Soulless!Sam, the single most stable and consistent soulless person in the entire show, whose admitted motivation for remaining soulless despite knowing he was “wrong” was that things didn’t hurt as much. Seriously. Come at me. Anyone who thinks Sam is egotistical has not seen the show or is picking events out of context and trying to apply some isolated events to the entire show.
Sam displays more toxic masculinity than any other character? What the…what even? What the heck? I would love to see the support for this argument, I really would. While both brothers display some unhealthy habits undoubtedly adopted thanks to their impossibly tough life and their upbringing… claiming that Sam is the poster child for toxic masculinity is just laughable. I could talk about why, but first let’s just look at a quick definition: 
Toxic masculinity is a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression. [… S]upposedly “feminine” traits – which can range from emotional vulnerability to simply not being hypersexual – are the means by which your status as “man” can be taken away. Sex, in particular, is an important part of “being a man”. […] The need to “get” sex is all-encompassing because the more of it you have, the higher “status” you have as a man.You’ll notice how often sex and sexlessness comes up as an insult when a man wants to insult another man. (x)
Let’s just take a moment and ask ourselves. For which of our leads are sexual conquests important? Which character looked at cheerleaders and leered that he could tell which ones were legal? Which one finds peace in violence and resorts to violent ways of expressing himself before any other? Which one calls the other “bitch” and uses feminine terms as a way to demean someone? Which one pushes the other to have sex or act aggressive/sexual? Which one regularly calls women opponents “bitch” without any real evidence or reason? Spoiler: it’s not Sam.
And here’s the thing: toxic masculinity isn’t something where we can point out someone who displays the traits of it and call that person awful. It’s not quite as simple as that. Toxic masculinity isn’t a person. It’s an unhealthy, pervasive set of expectations. Heck, yeah, it’s terrifying and harmful to women and anyone who doesn’t conform or accept it. But it’s not the people we need to fight, but the overwhelming pressure and the media portrayals and the way it’s freaking exalted as the “right” way to “be a man.” On some level, there is an element of choice in adopting these beliefs and a certain amount of personal responsibility to… I dunno, not be an asshole, but in a lot of ways, it’s like showing commercials about grapes and making movies about grapes and rewriting history to feature grapes and then expecting no one to eat grapes. The hunting community in Supernatural, I’m afraid, is full of said grape-glorification. There’s no excuse for what some of them do, but they have ample reasoning for acting that way. (And if we’re talking levels of grape-hood on SPN, then I’m gonna have to say that Dean displays the highest levels of grapeliness, objectively.)
Haha, I hope this helped, Anon! I hope you’re able to blacklist the types of people who are saying those things. Personally, I’ve found it’s just unpleasant and ultimately fruitless (pun not intended) to engage cruel and baseless claims like that. I hope you’re able to make your Tumblr experience a more enjoyable one. Sending hugs and hopes that this made even a bit of sense.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I understand where nice-guy Eggman fans are coming from. They like his boisterous confident personality and his humor and *that* can be decoupled from the crazy evil shit he does. Boom Eggman is essentially what Sega Eggman would be if he were softened up a lot; He mostly has the same charisma and attitude, but he's got more of a heart. I think both types of Eggman are valid, of course. The heartless bastard and not-so-bad bad guy are both fun in their own way.
I just don't get it when it comes to game Eggman because unless you sugarcoat or overlook/misinterpret it, it's not easy to separate him from his evil when it's at his very core and involved in all his motivations and actions in the games. Because I was talking about those that say they barely like or even dislike his evil yet say they like him, even though he's always scheming and has done tons of crazy diabolical fucked up stuff as the purpose of his character since the beginning. I don't understand how one can not like what he's all about but still like him as a character, when it's always been his main role in the series and most of what he does.
Like do they not actually like seeing him and what he does almost the entire time he's on screen, only certain assets of his personality that happen to show in it? Because if I wasn't comfortable or disliked the villain's evil actions to the point that I'd prefer if they didn't do them like some of the people I've seen apparently do, then I wouldn't like the character because that's still what villains are all about. I just can't understand, just like how I wouldn't if someone liked a hero character but disliked that they're being heroic like they're supposed to. It doesn't make sense to me, even if they do have some admirable traits.
Especially because in game Eggman's case, those traits specifically show in him while he's doing his evil 98% of the time. Like how he's boisterous and confident because he's so egotistical, he's evil because his egotism is so immense that he believes he should rule the world, and his determination can be inspiring but he's still trying to accomplish a very evil goal nonetheless. He also doesn't stop being evil just because he's funny. And yes, these are traits that can exist separately from one another in other characters but with Eggman, they rarely ever do when he's on screen. I can understand recognizing those traits of his as admirable as I do too but there's still evil in all of that when it comes to Eggman specifically.
With Boom Eggman I can understand it more because he's not even that evil, he hasn't put the entire planet in danger countless times, he isn't likely responsible for tons of catastrophic destruction and death, his goals in taking over don't seem anywhere near as malicious and oppressive, etc. Then there's also how he was shown to have a nicer softer side, loneliness and desire for friends, genuine moments that imply he isn't so bad of a guy, etc. In comparison to game Eggman, he seems hardly evil to the point I can understand not liking his (very mild) evil and only his humor or nicer side, since he also has that without evil still in it way more often than game Eggman, so it can be separated in a way I can fathom.
I can't relate because I like really evil, selfish, murderous, egotistical, low empathy, even sadistic game Eggman way more if you can't tell lol- but I can understand why people that aren't a big fan of the evil can like Boom Eggman because it's still through actually liking something he actually does in canon (the implied softer nicer side in moments, humor that's much more often separate from the evil, how his confidence and ego just seems like a way to mask insecurities that game Eggman certainly doesn't have, etc) rather than merely the idea of something he didn't even do (as game Eggman hasn't done any of that in comparison and even his humor is often hand in hand with his evil actions too) or wishing he didn't do a certain thing, like how some wish game Eggman was barely evil or even not evil at all.
I just think if you were to take away Boom Eggman's evil, it would be much easier because of how way less evil he is. He'd still almost be the same but without little mild schemes and robot attacks. But take away game Eggman's evil and so much of his core character and personality that those that dislike his evil admire would actually go with it because he's way more evil, it's almost always present or even an influence for his other traits that could be separate on different characters but not so much for him. Many of his traits, motives, and personality would lose a lot of meaning, reasoning, and their influence and I'd miss it. His evil is very prominent as the core of his character and almost everything he does, to the point it gives game Sonic most of his biggest adventures.
Game Eggman's evil is very important to who he is and the plot, it was meant to be the core of his character from the first game and even creates a beginning and end to most of the games' stories. The Boom show was very casual and even the Boom games were a lot less serious and meaningful in comparison to anything the classic/modern games have told. I don't mean this in a mean way, I just mean to say that it's just very simple in comparison and was intended to be, I mean the show is literally only very mild action and way more comedy and casual stuff. Boom Eggman's much milder evil is actually really more of a singular asset of his character there that doesn't seep into his other traits anywhere near as much and his character and the plot wouldn't be weakened if it were removed, unlike game Eggman.
There are different versions for people with different tastes and I don't mind that at all (except when it comes to fatphobic people liking the slimmer versions and thinking the fat ones can't be attractive just for being fat, fatphobes aren't allowed to have any version smh), so long as each is recognized for their differences. Boom and game Eggman have basic traits in common but still have very different contexts and amount of depth, and modern's are connected to his evil much more than Boom's. But I see people wish game Eggman was way less evil or not evil at all which I don't think would work. I don't understand barely liking or even disliking game Eggman's evil specifically but still claiming to like him, when it's such a massively important aspect of his character that's significantly present in all his traits and actions in one way or other almost all the time as part of his core as the main series villain.
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