necronatural · 11 months
oh it goin DOWN on twitter
sorry for mobhundred discourse and also making this a little about me. #testimonials.
I've been staying out of it because of overlapping circles & callout posts being incendiary but I always disliked SC in a "this person is unlikable" way, didn't do anything but be self-righteous and overly sensitive. like
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I'd DM my friend shit she says with her name cropped out to go "LOL", making sure not to name her because no one should be put on blast for being annoying. But "that includes telling someone to explode" is objectively funny as fuck
overall I interpreted all the sketchy stuff in the fic as like general incompetence? And stopped reading. Seeing the shit she did/wrote like the week after I cooled off from MP100 feels like an atom bomb going off behind my head like she HUH?>????
I don't actually think "neutral on proship discourse" should be a warning sign, it's well-known that discourse is meaningless namecalling. It can be necessary to state your allegiances in specifically MP100 fandom because it attracts like a SHOCKING amount of people really weird about 13-year-olds, though. Disproportionate to any other fandom I've ever been. Something in the goddamn water in that fandom stg its EVIL out there.
Anyway I think an obsessive fixation on pedophilia was the actual warning sign. The fic is constantly full of these whiplash interjects like a fixative "wow, sure hope no one thinks I'm a creep, kind of creepy lol" circling. This kind of uncharacteristic fixation is what She Doth Protest Too Much really looks like.
I don't have much in the way in personal stories because I just gave them space. Uhhh I ended up in a discord server where she was friends with just about every frequent poster and popular artist in there. I found her behaviour to be kind of argumentative, but never escalating. So I was like okay, I was being uncharitable, it's just that she's sensitive. Just because I don't like her doesn't mean I gotta be rude. She unblocked me (I was blocked for saying proship electric chair as a joke) and I so I tried to be supportive and sociable by getting into her fic for a while. And now people are posting the most singularly insane quotes I've ever seen from right after where I dropped off. Holy mary mother of god.
And ok. Not to be presumptuous. but her friend SpCh is a notorious flying monkey to the point when I made a thread about how people in the west don't really bother researching other cultures and basic aspects of other countries, assuming they know everything, and SpCh misinterpreted the entire thread so badly I can only assume she was defending SC's honour based on 1 tweet. GIRL I WAS TALKING ABOUT SCUM VILLAIN FANFIC. IF A HIT DOG HOLLERS?
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
You do know MOGAI isn't real.. right? And that neither is "xenogenders"?
point and laugh at the clown gang
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cupcraft · 2 years
So uh, you know that sapnap did a "damage control stream" (not the death book one, the other one) that they blew up C Tommy's house and let shroud go?
Yeah in bad stream you can see ctommys house destroyed and shroud nowhere to be seen....
not remarking on your damage control comment (sorry anon no discourse for me i'll tag with a warning just incase). But wait was c!tommy's house really blown up/shroud dead? I was mostly listening to stream on audio and then I had to leave early
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surprisearson · 2 years
Sometimes I wish the fanfic people could just accept that fanfiction is good and valid and fun without having to claim its generally better than published media or on the same level as the classics. It's okay that the 1000 word only one bed fluff does not have the same skills involved in writing a 400 page novel. It's fine that Jane Austen explores gender and class and identity and the 40k slowburn you're reading is an escapist fantasy. Fanfiction doesn't have to fill the same niche as published lit, but a lot of people think it does and I think that's partially out of guilt. We've established this internet identity that it's smart and sexy to be a reader but we have to be real. Sometimes books are hard! They're long! They take too many skills to dissect! It's hard to carry around the physical item during your busy day. You can enjoy reading fanfiction, even the meaty poetic stuff that definitely feels like it should be a novel in its own right and not enjoy reading.
I'm not saying fanfic is bad or cheap or format, just different. This year I've read lots of great stories and I can tell many of them are by fanfic writers, from people who bring archive of our own into the story, from people employing the kind of fun tropes I see dominate the fanfic space. I love those books, but I still wouldn't call them fanfiction. Those books are professionally edited, with a structured plot, developed original characters and often themes behind the plot. These can appear in fanfiction but they're never a necessity. And that's a good thing. I enjoy reading little snippets of characters tending to wounds, and dying their hair, and crazy aus where characters are rival professors. It doesn't need to be better or worse than published fiction because that was never it's role. You can just say you don't always have the time or energy to read a book.
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etz-ashashiyot · 28 days
I did a poll the other day about this from the [Jewish] Zionist perspective; I'm now curious about the Jewish anti-Zionist perspective.
To answer this poll, you MUST identify as BOTH Jewish and anti-Zionist. Jewish non-Zionists, post-Zionists, refusetoidentifyniks, other assorted folks, and goyim of any political persuasion, please just choose the see results button. Thanks!!
Also: This poll is meant for genuine listening, learning, and seeing the true thoughts of other Jews. I stg if I see anyone attacking any people nice enough to respond to this poll and give serious explanations for their answers, like folks did on the original poll?
I will find you.
If you don't like it, keep scrolling. Thank you!!
Edit: Please do reblog for reach regardless of your background or views; I'd appreciate it!
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eternallovers65 · 4 months
Okay, for those who don't know, the last two days (even tho we have been complain for months) have been absolute hell for the Brazilian community, to the point that a lot of us are agreeing to drop the community as a whole, saying we will only watch our favorite Brazilian streams and that's it; we no longer want to interact or be a part of this server
The Brazilian QSMP Twitter community has been complaining about the fact that the Carnaval event, something that's ours and our creators were excited to share with the rest of the world, wouldn't have our creators be a part of it because of the time. We were complaining because we absolutely have the right to, since, as I said before, it's our culture, the most significant event in our country.
Because of that, a lot of international fans, and it hurts to say this, Latino ones, decided to make mass hate xenophobic tweets about us and our creators. Tweets that vary from saying we should be thankful Quackity invited us because no one knew about the Brazilian streamers (when actually the reality is we have about 8 Brazilian streamers as the most-watched streamers in LATAM) to saying Cellbit, Mike, or Pac should kill themselves, and finally, to bringing back the past relationship Cellbit had with his ex-girlfriend.
Because people who had no idea of the story caused a massive hate towards Cellbit and his girlfriend. So his ex-girlfriend used this opportunity to accuse him of a crime and later deleted the tweet, but the damage had already been done.
So international fans decided to use that as a way to be xenophobic towards us, calling us monkeys and many other racist things, plus mass reporting Cellbit to the point where he had to issue a response. I'll leave the English and Spanish translations here because it's something you all need to read, and beware because of the trigger warning.
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The point is, we Brazilians are tired of this community. It no longer feels safe for us. It no longer feels fun for us, and it's absolutely ridiculous that a server that was created upon meeting and embracing new cultures would be so hurtful to us. And it hurts us a lot more, seeing as most of the hate is coming from Latinos themselves (especially toxic fans from quackity's community). French people have been the ones to defend us constantly, when our own neighbors have been nothing but racists to us.
I hope Quackity does something about this because we have been complaining for months, but he continues to be quiet about it, doesn't call out his fans, and pretends nothing is happening we will drop out of this server, even cc's commented how exhausting it is for us. This project was supposed to bring people together, but so far, we have been dealing with a lot of xenophobia, and we are tired.
I know this is more of a Twitter problem since everyone here is chill (even tho i have already seen some xenophobia in here), but I just wanted to fill you guys in on the news. And for those who watch Cellbit, we don't know when the next stream will be since he was just forced to talk about his sexuality and abuse. Please shower him with a lot of love and positive messages. For you guys to have any idea, he's trending #1 in Brazil, and even though the entire country used to hate him because of his ex-girlfriend's lies, everyone is apologizing and saying he's an incredible person.
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months
In case it wasn't clear:
Yes. Even as a proshipper, I firmly believe every single person creating content that has the potential to be unpleasant, triggering or upsetting should be responsible for making sure it can't be seen as much as they have the right to spaces where it can be seen.
It is your personal choice not to bother with things like tags or applying content markers.
But then you lose the right to be angry or upset when people complain about being exposed to your content with limited or no ways to avoid it.
Again. The Salmon Analogy.
You don't have to eat the salmon.
But its in both our best interests for me to be blatant about which dishes contain salmon specifically so you don't eat the salmon.
(And its in everyone's best interests to start bullying websites and services into giving us better tools to make sure this symbiotic relationship works.)
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nerdylilpeebee · 5 months
Successful suicides are a product of impulsivity and easy access to lethal means, not greater distress. The fact that males die more from suicide is a natural consequence of their greater impulsivity and therefore tells us nothing about how much males suffer. I'm sorry if facts offend you.
It's not that this offends me, it's that you're just being stupid thinking that wanting to kill yourself and actually trying is not an indicator of a high level of suffering, regardless of how impulsive someone is or not. Impulsiveness means nothing about how much you're suffering.
Literally all it means is you're more likely to act upon your suicidal tendencies.
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braxiatel · 10 months
I like to think none of my followers would do this, but I’m so stunned it continued to happen that I just have to say it anyway: please don’t ask mcyt creators about fandom drama - especially not when they’re livestreaming.
No, you do not need their opinion on the discourse of the week. It is incredibly inappropriate to bring internal fandom issues to them. They are not part of the fandom, their work is the the subject of it.
For context this was brought on by people repeatedly asking Scar (Goodtimeswithscar) about shipping on stream using the text to speech bot.
If anyone doesn’t understand why it’s bad here are some of the reasons:
You’re approaching someone at their workplace to ask them their opinion on a controversial topic. Would you go up to an employee at a supermarket to ask them their opinion on politics? On official store policy? Would you ask them to announce it over the call system? I sure hope the answer to all of those is a resounding no!
You are asking them to answer a nuanced question they do not have any context for on the spot. Would you like it if anyone did that to you in front of a large crowd? Would you want an answer you made to a question you don’t fully understand recorded and paraded in front of your entire audience?
When they are live the are doing their job as entertainers, providing entertainment. You know those people who heckle comedians who are live in stage? That’s you. That’s what you’re doing and it sucks.
Their career and livelihoods depend on them creating a positive experience for the audience. That means when you pay them to pay attention to your question using the tts bot they have to come up with an answer on the spot that is entertaining and doesn’t leave the audience uncomfortable
If it really does make them uncomfortable and you want to protect them from that… bestie you’re the one putting the uncomfortable information in front of them? You’re the one making them think about it?
Not only is it inappropriate to ask and disrespectful towards your fellow fandom members to put them on blast, you are very unlikely to get a response that actually reflects the creator’s opinions. Very few of them are immersed in the fandom to the point of knowing about the fandom discourse, and if they really are incredibly uncomfortable/angry/upset with something they’re not going to express that fully because that would absolutely suck to watch and alienate their audience.
So just… don’t? You’re just making an ass of yourself and you are heckling creative professionals just trying to do their job
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
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Everyone was warned and yet...
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Warning: Discourse incoming.
I told myself I’d never get involved in these kinds of discussion because I’m a firm believer in “You do you/No Kink shaming etc.” But this one is a fairly serious one. It’s long, I’m not putting a cut in there, but please just hear me out.
There’s a disturbing trend in some fic writing I’ve noticed lately, and I have to say something about it.
We all know I’m a sucker for dark fics, be it CNC, dubcon, even non-con and horror elements, so I’m not here trying to tone/content police people’s writing. I want to make it very clear that this is not about vilifying people who write dark stuff, or things I’m not into. Hell, if I don’t want to read something, I check the tags and warnings and nope out before I get the ick. (As everyone should, there’s no point getting yourself wound up or triggered by content you can just simply scroll by.) 
However, this is where my current concern comes in. 
I’ve seen lots of very prominent writers not giving adequate warnings or disclaimers about the content they write. 
I’ve come across a lot of content where Joel (sorry buddy you’re the worst offender here, Ilu tho) is being labelled as a dom – and even more worryingly labelled as a soft dom – when the relationship is not about safe dom/sub relationships/kink. 
If Joel is spanking you so hard you can’t sit down in lieu of “teaching you a lesson” when there’s clear lack of enthusiastic consent (or often any consent at all) this is not s/m, this is abuse. 
If you’re having your readers receive physical or sexual punishment for actual life slip ups/non-role play scenarios, you’re glorifying abuse.
If you’re not labelling your fics correctly, you’re being negligent to your readers, and this should be a safe space for us all to read and create without being unduly triggered because we had inadequate or no forewarning.
For example:
Javi P kisses a girl, you make him pay for it in a way that is clearly pre-established (you have to spell it out people) as consensual in your relationship? Kink.
Joel spanking the shit out of you because a man flirted with you in a bar? Abuse. 
Din edging you until you cry because you were competing in how much you could make the other jealous in a pre-agreed dynamic? Kink. 
Joel denying you sex, or fucking you without prep/making you cum because you did something to annoy him/he doesn’t agree with and you aren’t enjoying yourself? Abuse.
I thought we were over this with the discourse that came about around 50 Shades, but clearly not. So please, tag your fics with appropriate/adequate warnings. As a survivor of sexual abuse and grooming, I need to know if your fic is going to contain and/or glorify these things. Again, I’m not saying don’t write these things, but it is your responsibility to tag adequately.
It’s a simple concept that I see applied across the board with age gaps and power dynamics, and most of the time people get it right. But when posts with 1k+ interactions are explicitly abusive, with no warnings other than S/M dynamics or “soft dom!Joel” when it’s anything but soft, aren’t just triggering to some, they’re harmful.
You can’t have a healthy relationship with Joel (again sorry buddy) if that relationship contains thinly veiled or brazen abusive elements. 
If you don’t know the difference between coercive behaviour, sexual or physical abuse, and safe, consensual kink, you need to educate yourself for your own benefit, and that of your readers. 
Feel free to reach out to chat with me about this, I’m not here to run and gun, but I will not tolerate any form of abuse or unkindness (on either side of the aisle) here.
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
btw we support xenogenders and mogai L + ratio + half of our system uses xenos and/or mogai terms + i See you anon whos bashing arkh for being angelkin+divinekin im gonna fucking Kill You btw (:
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cupcraft · 2 years
🤩 and 🪓 for the ask game?
Hello anony
[lore discourse ask]
🤩 - Should Karlnapity be endgame?
I think yes overall. Like my interpretations of c!tnt aside like i think at the very least c!karlnapity should be end game. Like it would be nice to see c!karl be able to feel comfortable talking about what has happened to him, and c!Q talk about how he's been feeling and what's been happening since el rapids, and c!sapnap to talk about how it's been with c!dream leaving prison and how he's been trying to keep everything together. Like i think them talking learning hugging crying would make me cry and id be very happy!
🪓 - Was the Butcher Army justified in hunting down Technoblade?
I actually think yes and no (centrist answer ...sorry). But like I think nlm's fear of c!technoblade retaliation on nlm was completely valid regarding what happened on the 16th, but idk if the butcher army was 100% how i think they should've gone about it (though if you ask me about this i really dont know how they should've gone about it i dont have strong thoughts on this pt really) however i don't dislike that it happened this way at all. I think it served the narrative quite well how it happened esp for ctubbo's arc.
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skrifores · 6 months
I have seen the point being made that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship for some behaviour to constitute domestic violence. I’m seeing this said with regards to Our Flag Means Death and what some people perceive as domestic abuse on Ed’s part - that him not being romantically involved with Izzy shouldn’t mean behaviour between can’t be considered domestic abuse.
It is an excellent point that in many places, the definition of domestic abuse isn’t restricted to intimate partners! It is often widened to consider any violence, coercion and emotional harm taking place within a home environment. Under this definition, children can be victims of domestic abuse by their parents, it can occur between siblings, even roommates - especially with a live-in landlord situation. And of course, the Revenge as well as being a workplace is ultimately where the characters live.
I think it’s very clear that the show is a workplace comedy about pirates, but if you want to apply the definition of violence, coercion and emotional harm within a home environment to your reading to the show, that can be done.
Of course, I would be surprised if you genuinely view it that way and still made it as far as even watching Season 2, given the way what you consider to be domestic abuse in this fictional setting happens so very often with little to no moral consequence, and is often intended to be taken as a joke.
I mean. In the very first episode, the crew talk about killing Stede, and begin to plan for this, including lighting him on fire.
Jim threatens Lucius and actually physically locks him in a small wooden box in the second episode for what seems to be quite a long time.
I think in 4, Izzy pulls on Fang’s beard and it really upsets him. He also talks pretty openly about the intention to kill the Revenge crew, though I’ll let that go at this stage since he doesn’t really live there so much as being there for the purpose of murdering them and stealing their stuff. Still, poor Fang, that looked like it hurt.
While we’re on Izzy, he does also actively try to kill Stede by stabbing him, and he then he goes and does the olde worlde equivalent of calling the cops on him on the intention of having him executed, which seems pretty fucked up on the ‘violence’ part of our DA definition but also hits pretty hard on coercive control since he’s doing this to get Ed to behave differently.
He does prevent the Navy from executing Ed, which is nice, but he does point out that he regrets this, which, ouch, emotional harm. If we’re doing real world definitions, “I should’ve let the cops I called on you murder you” is the sort of thing that would make me feel pretty fucked up. And we all know what it means when someone tells you to watch your step.
But it’s not all about Izzy! (It’s really not, guys, there’s a whole TV show here!) Buttons bites Lucius - who ends up needing the whole finger gone! And he’s a visual artist!
Even my darling man Roach tries to eat the Swede, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think they were on that island long enough to justify murder.
And who could forget Mary?? Wonderfully written character, love her, but, she does with malice aforethought attempt to kill her spouse in his sleep with a skewer. She was right to do it, in my opinion, but y’know, even without broadening the definition beyond partner relationships, murder of your spouse is pretty classic domestic abuse.
So, y’know, the point I’m getting at really is that if your definition of domestic abuse is violence and control wherein the perpetrator and victim share a significant aspect of their lives like living space - that’s a fine definition in real life. It is the one I use, in real life. But if you apply it to Our Flag Means Death, I really don’t understand how you stomached watching the first season or why you came back for more.
And if you only apply this definition with regards to Ed’s behaviour, but not the rest of the characters, I do wonder why that might be.
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casyawn · 2 years
i see a lot of people saying they don't like the modern day/interview/daniel parts of iwtv and i simply couldn't feel more differently i gobble those scenes up like they are italian dessert... louis being a freak who is trying to present a picture of wellness but is clearly extremely unwell, daniel trying to provoke him by analysing the story through a modern lens and often in bad faith, louis' words being chosen carefully to represent the events of his life in the way that would further his currently unclear agenda, daniel's issues with drugs and his sexuality, the history and tension between the two of them..... literally it's a WELL of interesting threads to follow if you engage with it
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
One tip I learned as a young kid that I use now for my IM injections is to relax the muscle I'm injecting into make it as painless as possible. The idea behind this is that when your muscles are less tense (i.e., when it is relaxed), the needle will have an easier time penetrating into it to administer medicine.
Here's how I, personally, relax my muscles for injection:
Put on music or a YouTube video that piques my interest
Make sure I am focused on exactly what I'm doing to ease my anxiety; basically, being intentional and mindful
Sit myself down since I inject into the thigh, then slightly position my foot further than I normally would when I sit
Jiggle my thigh a bit before prepping it with an alcohol wipe (I don't know why, but this helps me so much)
Take a deep breath before injection, making sure the injection needle is at a 90° angle
Look away! (helps because I have very shaky hands that get worse when I look at what Im doing. Do check on your progress as you push the plunger down, but I find I don't have to look to know now)
This will be different than if you do SQ injections, so this is geared toward folks who are doing IM. These tips are things I find, personally, to be helpful, and so I implore anybody reading to realistically explore if it would work for yourself.
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