#and that gives me the same annoyed feeling as black sails flint
sodrippy · 2 years
sorry to white black sails fans but can you take even four seconds out of your day to admit that flint was absolutely fine with being an imperialist bootlicker part of a racist navy-that-wreacked-havoc-on-the-world and the only reason he turned on queen and country was bc his stupid boyfriend died
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Regarding the ofmd/black sails drama. It took me a while to find it because I have so many people blocked lol. But like what I saw on the original post was nothing near as bad as what the ofmd fandom does to itself. Like I'm firmly entrenched in Izzy canyon at this point and Stede fans complaining about people being mean to them is rich.
Yeah, like, it's upsetting to interact with people who dislike your blorbo in general, but a cross-fandom blorbo poll with "Vote Flint!" (or "Vote Stede!") taglines is just not that serious. And it's ridiculous to watch people - very few people, I should note, but people - bemoaning how they were just being silly and fun making jokes about how Flint's an edgelord, but any Flint fan responding with eyeroll emojis or "you haven't even watched the show" or hydrogen bomb vs crying baby is just taking this fun poll so seriously. Why are they so toxic???
This is tumblr. By all means, suggest that a culture of hyperbolic threats (especially toward strangers) is maybe a bit mean and unnecessary if you want, but it doesn't change that "OFMD is annoying and I have it filtered" and "Flint would beat Stede to death with a cannonball and unfollow me now if you don't agree" are more often than not conveying the exact same amount of mild blorbo antagonism.
I'll give OP a bit of a break - just a bit - because they are the one person who experienced all of it as if it was directly targeted at them, but anyone else...? Please.
The OFMD fandom is toxic as hell, and a very large and very loud section has made harassing and villainizing other fans based on performatively moralizing blorbo opinions into standard fare. Yes, it is absurd that a lot of people who find their blorbo's vibes annoying jumped at the chance to call him and his fans vaguely racist to justify that opinion. What must that feel like. 🙃
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crepuscularqueens · 1 year
whadduppp!!!! would you mind terribly if i asked for four wips as well?? i HAVE TO ask about 'the future's in our hands and we will never be the same again' & '(how to acheive immortality (the terrible price))' !!!! and, god.. they're all soo.. your title game is sicko mode... 'when i walk into a room i do not light it up' & 'untitled bb au', too?
omg heyyy!!! i absolutely do not mind at all hehe thank you so much (and thank you SO much for the tag, these are always so fun :))
the future's in our hands and we will never be the same again was actually the second in a series neither of which have seen the light of day, but the premise of the first part is the usual post tws stuff. steve and sam are looking for bucky, natasha is also helping a lot of the time bc she's integral to the dynamic. they find bucky, bring him to a safe house, try to figure out what his whole deal is at the moment. this one starts out right before they leave for the safe house, and once they get there the four of them learn in their own ways what it is they need to be a person again, and the answer to that is CLEARLY have a shrek marathon.
Natasha got up and went to a closet, which upon opening revealed a shelf full of tapes. “Any thoughts or is it dealer’s choice?” she asked. “I don’t feel like thinking,” Sam answered. Steve shrugged as she looked at him, “No preference.” “Okay,” Nat yanked a tape out and held it aloft, “Then you can’t complain.” The cover had four characters sitting in front of a giant green ‘S’. Steve really couldn’t complain because he had no idea what it was. Sam could, though.
“Ugh,” he groaned, wrinkling his nose in mock-disgust, “Shrek? Yeah, this is definitely why you weren’t invited to sleepovers.” “Correct,” she said, clearly trying to keep her laughter at bay as she slid the tape into the machine to start the movie, “That is literally the only reason.”
"Well I'm not mad at that view," she said appreciatively. "Shit," Sam repeated, angling the phone away from Bucky as he stood, who was laughing and doing absolutely nothing to cover himself, "Video call, Romanoff?" "I have no regrets," she replied warmly, "Hey, Rogers, you owe me twenty dollars." "Jesus, really?" they heard Steve's muffled voice call as Sam sat back on the bed next to Bucky, who pulled a rumpled sheet over their laps to give a modicum of decency as he finally propped himself up into a seated position.
lol and also lmao this part of the series was 36k and i just. abandoned it. maybe someday i will fix it
harrow the ninth/treasure island (how to acheive immortality (the terrible price)) is actually the full title of it SO lol. this one is evil and it actively eats my brain every time i open the document. but i love it.
Silver (Harrow) removes Flint (Gideon) from his memory, awakens to find Max at his bedside, expression unreadable (disappointed? Annoyed? Smug?)
Billy (Ianthe) is soon to find him (either at the tavern already or arrives soon after. Maybe he was the one to suggest this step) wants to find the cache. Silver does not want to but after Billy takes off with the clear intent to go through with his plan (obviously not remembering their falling out because he does not remember Flint. In not remembering Flint, he also does not remember large portions of his relationship with Madi. Madi has long since parted ways with Silver, unable to stomach the lies that have festered their relationship)
Silver remembers Vane (Ortus) as the captain who he started the revolution, Charles’ death acting as what killed it in its cradle
Miranda’s (Abigail) “ghost” coming to Silver in his remembrance of the Black Sails timeline, constantly questioning the way he tells things, challenging him without explicitly stating it
In this version of events, Gates and Miranda are allowed to grow close and confer with one another, consulting on the progress of things
it's a very loose adaptation of htn, so it's more of a springboard then a real au
“How could I?” asked Billy, sour note infecting his voice, “You taught me that lesson quite thoroughly. But I want you to remember who it was that created you, Long John, who it was that made your shadow one to be so feared. I want you to remember how quickly it really is that a man can gain and lose favor, especially when there’s money involved.” “And yet, that never seemed to apply to me, did it?” you hissed, “No, Billy. I have never lost their favor before and you are not nearly as clever as you seem to think to frighten me into believing that I am close to it now. I don’t intend to be so stupid as to think myself teetering on that edge at the current moment.” Billy laughed wryly, gripping your shoulder in one hand and looking down into your eyes, expression unnervingly even, “God, this whole ordeal has made you mad, hasn’t it? I know what it is you’ve lost, Silver, I know what it is you removed from yourself to ease the pain. I know how to bring it back. Ask me to and we can be done with this whole ridiculous mess. You did what you needed to do, you never needed to feel guilty for it. “Besides, what man in our line of work doesn’t have a few bodies he’s buried? How is he any different from the rest?” “Fuck you, Billy,” you said, voice full of heat and venom as you jerked out of his grip, “I will not hear this again. I do not want what you’re offering.”
when i walk into a room i do not light it up is a magicians penntin fic because i am a clown and i'll never be over them. sorry. my usual disclaimer of don't watch the magicians it sucks. anyway this is an attempt to hook up at a party that goes TERRIBLY wrong at first but works out for them in the end
Without being completely conscious of the movement, his hand came up for a third time to rake nervously through his hair, never making it before Penny's hand closed around his wrist. His grip was solid and warm, but not too tight, like he was giving Q every opportunity to break away if he wanted to. All the sudden, the guy was in Quentin's space, apparently very interested in the hand he now had a hold of.  "I'd accuse you of trying to claw your hair out of your scalp, but I think you bite your nails too short for that." Quentin's thoughts dissolved with a bit of a fizzle, or something like TV snow, or radio static, or pop rocks. One of those for sure. He only seemed capable of stammering incomprehensibly. “I can practically hear the little gears in your head shifting into a dangerous speed,” Penny remarked with a smirk, “Jesus, Coldwater, you have no chill.” Penny’s other hand came up to gently caress the side of Quentin’s face, leaning in until they were only a hair’s breadth apart. Quentin’s brain finally caught up with what was happening and he jerked away suddenly, snapping his head back so quickly he cracked it against the sharp corner of the cabinet in a moment of confused panic. “Shit,” Penny hissed, stepping back but still half reaching out towards Quentin, "Shit, I’m sorry, I didn't read that right, are you okay?"
untitled bb au is a modern day ofmd blackbonnet fic hehehe. i never fleshed it out enough in writing, but i think the premise was stede and ed broke up and stede was being WEIRD about it (and they'd eventually get back together once stede calmed down lmfao).
"Jim said you're being weird," a familiar voice said from behind him. Stede looked over his shoulder to see Oluwande behind the bar, giving him A Look. Stede didn't want to know what exactly the meaning of it was, but it was certainly meant to convey something. "I haven't seen Jim in ages," Stede tried for plausible deniability while not quite lying. It was true, it had to have been a couple of months since he had seen Jim. "Yeah, I know. Kinda makes it weirder that you call up their work every week on the busiest night then hang up before they can help you." Right, of course Olu would know, being that Jim was his partner and they were probably getting sick of all this. Stede felt his cheeks heat up a little, but stubbornly kept up his pretense. "Could be another man who sounds like me?" "You're aware that this is the twenty first century and pretty much everywhere's got caller ID, right?" Olu almost looked torn between amused and unimpressed now, "Maybe it could be someone that sounds just like you, but unlikely his name is also Stede Bonnet. Not a common one, mate."
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jaynovz · 3 years
Black Sails night with Lauren @boatsfordays
Miranda gives James Don Quixote: -Lauren starts singing the man of la mancha(1972)- “I actually hate that show”
Vane’s crew “that guy needs a shower... yeah I don’t think those are purposeful dreadlocks”
Ned Lowe talking about how Vane is the one you don’t fuck with
Lauren: thank you for noticing that I’m a bad bitch
about Vane and Eleanor “Oh he’s conflictedddd. tough pirate side doesn’t want to but lover boy side wants to win her over”
about MaxAnne sex scene re: cunnilingus “her face is uhhh not low enough for that. I mean I know it’s acting but...”
Flint and Silver going ashore “Oh is it just the two of them together on shore? ohhh this is where the ship really starts to sail huh? I seeeee” (indeeeeed)
“Max is calling Vane out how he’s simping in 4k”
Flint: He must be removed from that fort:
“ohhh boy I don’t think that’s gonna happen. and Flint doesn’t know about that other captain that’s giving her trouble that Vane is trying to fix”
James opens door to Miranda “he looks so confused lol”
“he look so young without his beard”
about Miranda “she being sus”
Hornigold: how can you stand so close to him knowing what he’s done and sooner or later you’ll be next?
Lauren: cuz he wants to fuck.
Silver: five million pieces of eight
Lauren: nah it’s ass reasons
about the fort nonsense “Flint does Not want to deal with this right now, he is so annoyed”
about Jack failing to get a new crew “just stay in the brothel, live a happy brothel life. You’re doing so well there!”
“There’s a lot of simping happening in this show. it causes ppl to make questionable decisions” (listen you’re not wrong)
about Jack and Vane public reconciliation: “Jack’s like ‘I dunno if I should be excited or terrified. I’m a little afraid of getting my heart broken, please don’t break my heart sir.’ are they gonna hug, are they gonna make out. OH THEY HUGGED IT HAPPENED”
about James “he does not look like a good kisser” (RUDE)
about Toby Stephens/Flint  “listen here’s the thing, I support him, no okay I do not support him, but like, red head solidarity. But like, I can’t. He looks like my father, that’s what my dad looks like. His like freckle situation is the same freckle situation as my dad. It’s never gonna happen” (I was fucking LOSING IT)
“Everybody wants to be at sea, why?? it’s scary”
about new low “what is going on with his teeth”
“They don’t play music on the action scenes and it makes them way scarier”
“Eleanor are you still sure this is the business you want to be in?”
“Vane def had that ‘I’m bout to get LAID’ look in his eye”
“Why does everyone want to sail?? they had a good thing goin”
“Jack needs Max to show him her ways so he can be better at sex. Jack needs a teaching session” (lmaooooooooo)
(Lauren is cheering for the MaxAnneJack ot3)
“Everyone is getting laid this episode... except for Flint” (I meannnn James got laid in the flashback)
About Flint and Silver: “Is it time for them to fuck now? I mean this is the fuck episode, everybody simping in 4k”
“I guess not... Flint is still upset that he’s stuck with Silver as his new right hand man. Silver has too much sass for him, he’s too young. Flint is not here for it” (BAHAHAHAHA Lauren’s commentary is always So Interesting)
Flint speech “is he LYING to them AGAIN. This motherfucker”
“Oh god he’s goin after Vane, this is not good, don’t do it”
“Oh Flint has nice handwriting”
about Flint and Vane “Why can’t they just be friends??” 
“I still don’t like Flint, I don’t want him to succeed. He has not done anything to make me like him.” (HARSH but I get it) 
“This is so stressful, I would not want to live this life”
MaxAnneJack morning after “many feet! they had a good time”
“More peen! they like to show his peen don’t they, that’s the second time” (this is about Jack naked LOL)
“My prediction is that Jack is going to be the key to all this, the one to devise a plan and take Flint down. Jack is my favorite character btw” 
“Yeah Vane sucks but he’s not a manipulator. He’s straightforward, you know what he’s about--super violent and kinda rash but he’s not a liar. 
But Flint is like a big time liar and manipulator (Me: so is Silver) yeah but he’s not the Captain, he’s just tryna get by, survive, make some money and maybe get his dick wet” (BAHAHAHHA that’s... not a bad summary)
“stupiddd... stupid men oh my god”
(Me: I’m really fascinated that you like Vane more than Flint, I wonder if that will change)
“Well, there’s some honor among pirates and Vane understands that and Flint does NOT”
Do you see me as the villain here? convo: “Yeah you are the villain sir. but it’s okay he wants to fuck the villain. Sorry... I just like viewing everything through a horny lens” (pffffft eyes emoji)
“I like this trio. I want them all to be happy and I want them to succeed more than anyone” (about MaxAnneJack)
“His hair is so curly and clean wtf”
“Jack has so many conflicted feelings about Max, I mean I don’t blame him. She’s fuckin his girl but also she’s helping him.” 
about Alfred Hamilton, “-sarcastic- well doesn’t he look like a pleasant person”
‘James is like ‘don’t do it ho don’t do it’ and Thomas is like ‘I did it’ ” (about Thomas telling his dad about the pardons)
“I mean... I agree with him too but it’s not gonna go well” (about James talking shit at Alfred Hamilton)
About shelling the fort “Flint listen to Mr. Scott, he’s right. You better back down sir but I know you’re not going to... oh god, he can’t. oh godddddd”
Lauren’s larger thoughts right now:
“Okay okay so Flint and Silver are both manipulators, but they’re in different ways right?”
“Okay so we know what’s up with Silver right? He wants to get rich, he’s not a man in power, he’s just the cook, he’s not responsible for the good of the crew. Okay he has some power but it’s subtle. He wants to get his money and get out. And I can sort of like... I get that, that’s forgivable to me. He’s a sneaky little shit who’s going to keep doing sneaky little shit things.”
“But FLINT. He’s in power, he has so much responsibility, and he’s using his crew for his own purposes. He’s like, lying to them constantly and using them and he killed his best friend. It’s really shitty, like way shittier to me. He’s so like... dishonorable.”
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
The Blood In My Veins | Black Sails
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Chapter 64: XXXVIII
For Chapter 63: The Ludicrous Plan click here.
After the incident I started because I suddenly broke by the news, I apologized to Jack and we now were standing on the dock, waving him goodbye. Jack's plan was to return to Nassau, find out where Flint was going, and execute him. My heart dropped at that thought, but somehow there was some kind of truth in what Charles and Jack had discussed when I tried to fall asleep on Charles' lap to calm down; Flint is the only man who will continue the never-ending circle of violence in Nassau and it had to be stopped.
1 month passed
It worried me that Jack hadn't written to us from where he was located to Philadelphia, not even to Anne, and I paced through the blue room.
It bothered me to not know what was going on back in Nassau and I knew it was bad to stress about it, but I couldn't relax with the thought of Nassau's future being in Jack's hands. Not that I believed he wasn't capable of fulfilling his mission or something, but I was just way too concerned about his welfare and as for the rest too.
My ankles and feet were throbbing and they started cramping which forced myself to sit down for a moment.
Charles went to visit Anne to see if she was already fitter and didn't want to wake me so he left on his own, locking the door behind him to keep me secured and safe while I was slumbering.
I didn't like to awake alone, but sleeping was becoming increasingly difficult for me and I get why Charles let me sleep in. It takes so terribly long for me to have a solid sleeping position, to finally fall asleep and then to stay asleep that Charles wouldn't dare risk my health by waking me up and taking me with him. A soft click, made by a key opening a lock, was heard coming from the door and I saw it open slowly. I was going to get the gun from underneath Charles's pillow, but I could tell from the hand and muscular arm that it was Charles himself. I let myself fall back onto the bed and my aching back bounced a bit back from the cushiony mattress.
"I woke you?" Charles asked, letting his heavy leather jacket slide from his shoulders to hang it somewhere next to the door.
"Nah, I woke up by some movements in here." I gestured to my abdomen as I placed my hands on either side of it. I had reached the time that my pregnancy was visible to people and it was even more visible now that I was laying on my back. "I guess it has your fighting spirit." I chuckled.
"Or yours." He grinned. "I hope he or she isn't as stubborn as you are. That would be a bigger problem."
"Hey. Says Mr. it's my fucking way or it's no fucking way!" I bursted out in laughter as Charles tickled me and I begged him to stop, not being able to take it.
I couldn't stand tickling.
It was my true enemy and Charles knew exactly where to do it.
After our laughing session, he dropped himself next to me and ran his rough hand gently over my growing stomach.
He loved to feel how his child was developing even though he always denied it when I accused him of it.
"And? How was Anne?" My eyes found his.
I hadn't seen Anne on the streets for a long time and was hoping that she had already recovered from the horrible fight she had to endure.
"She is fit. The wounds and bruises in her face have properly healed and the deep scars on her palms are less deep and painful so it's possible for her to hold onto things."
"Well, at least that's something positive today."
"Having a bad day?"
"I'm concerned for all our welfare." I began and folded my hands together as I sat up straight. "And my feet hurt." I wasn't the type to nag about pain like this because I didn't want people to be anxious about little things, but the pain was annoying as hell.
"And your back?"
"Still the same.... as usual." I sighed.
"I can help you." Charles raised a brow at me and I nodded while laughing.
"Fine." I smiled and he raised to his feet to sit before me and to pull the warm slippers off my swollen feet. "You know, Charles-...."
"What?" He hated the playful tone in my voice that I spoke up with and knew what to expect.
"Since you and I came back together and you and Flint left the rivalry behind the two of you, you softened.... you've noticed that yourself too?"
"Yes and I hate it." He hissed at me as he let his thumbs glide down my foot while putting pressure on them. A man like him messaging my feet and denying the fact he had become more soft towards me while doing so made me smile even more. There was a long silence as he continued to massage me and neither of us had noticed that a letter had been shoved under our door. I wanted to get up, but the Captain had already seen it and soon walked over to the letter on the floor. Who the fuck could it be? Charles unfolded it to reveal a neatly written letter. "There is no name on it." Nervously I stared at the man with the letter in his hand and he furrowed his eyebrows a few times as he read it in his mind.
"What does it say?"
"A man has arrived in the bay. A man who belongs to our group of sailors."
"Jack?" I questioned and the man nodded at me, gesturing I could be right. I quickly jumped up and put on my boots that were placed to the left side of the door, not wanting to waste any time. When I was ready the man next to me held out his hand.
"Shall we?" I chuckled as I took his hand in mine and together we walked out the room, locking it behind us.
We walked with big strides to the harbor and there he was, Jack Rackham, the one who could rescue  Nassau from Woodes Rogers' grip. Of course we all had our roles to play, but he was the one who had to take the last step to succeed. I bit my lip, hoping he indeed had succeeded, but we couldn't ask him yet.
He was embracing Anne.
Charles and I had stopped on a corner to let them have their privacy and time because Charles and I both knew how hard it was not to be able to come close to one another. "Charles! Naida!" The once exhausted man was hyped up by the company of Anne, and Jack was now targeting us. Charles had shook his hand before pulling him into a hug and I chuckled when Jack pulled me along into the hug.
"Nassau is ours."
"I was able to sail to Skeleton Island with leads given by an old sailor.... whose heart stopped along the way.... and when I arrived, I encountered both Flint and Rogers there. I picked up the survivors and grudgingly allowed Flint to take command of the pursuit. Then after our ship left the inlet, Flint had commanded to ram into Rogers' ship and that's how we got closer and were able to board it. First it was a fair fight, but he soon was clearly outnumbered and I managed to defeat him, preferring to humiliate him, instead of killing him so I could avenge Edward Teach. After all that I sailed back." Jack explained as we were gathered around in the big blue room Charles and I had stayed in.
We were told to wait there until Mrs. Guthrie was done with her meeting with her husband and his partners and so Anne, Max, Jack, Augustus, Charles and I sat across the room with Jack telling us what had happened.
"I'm happy you're back."
"What about Flint?" I threw the question in the conversation without emotions visible and Jack swallowed. I wasn't mad at him, but I was just curious and nervous for what the answer would be.
It had haunted me for days.... weeks even.
"Captain Flint is no longer a concern to Nassau." Jack stopped for a moment to sit beside me on the bed. "But he's not dead. He was taken to the Savannah plantation, to retire there, and money changed hands to have him incarcerated. I heard it took a while to calm him down on the way there, but that was put to an end when the information about his former lover, Thomas Hamilton, leaked. Thomas Hamilton was located there and Flint started to embrace the fact, Naida! He was okay with leaving Flint behind to return to Mr. McGraw." My heart had lowered to a steady rhythm when I heard that Flint was finally getting the rest he deserved.
"Thank you, Jack." He nodded.
"Now! Think about the fact that within a day or two, we can go home and live the lives we earned!"
2 months passed
Nassau had become a legitimate flourishing port with the new Governor being Augustus Featherstone. Piracy was now of course strictly disapproved of. Well, that was supposedly so that Nassau retained a good image and no longer attracted armies. Nassau was finally secured and we finally were able to have a proper life. As for piracy around the world; Even if we, the heart of pirates, would retire.... there would always be someone new stepping out of the shadows. Piracy will always live forth and Jack, Charles and I would make sure of it.
A/N: This Fan Fiction meant so much to me, but what meant more to me was the likes and the comments and the readers who read it along the way. I never expected so many people to enjoy it, but it happened nonetheless. There will be one more chapter coming about the future of Naida and Charles after this one and that will also be the last. I'm happy and grateful for the skills I learned while writing this story and I'm also very grateful for you readers for giving this story a chance! 🤍🖤
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heytheredeann · 4 years
i love your love for black sails bc those are literally the only writers that i trust ever
No, okay, listen
I started watching Black Sails out of curiosity for the pirates aesthetic, basically. I wasn’t that sure about it, wasn’t sure it would be my thing, but I was curious. Also, I was still very much suffering because Once Upon A Time brutally betrayed me (I say, pretending that I am not still suffering), so I was kinda okay with diving into something that wasn’t likely to make me feel too many emotions (LOL joke’s on me). 
The only spoiler that I had about the show was remembering that someone I follow once said that ‘nobody is straight in Black Sails’. Only I didn’t know it was a spoiler, because I thought she meant it in a ‘there are a lot of guys with deep friendships and gay subtext’ way. 
I didn’t think she was serious
So I started watching this, and I was weirdly captivated: Silver was a little shit and I loved him, Max and Eleanor had my heart, I had a crush on Anne Bonny, I felt this weird love for Flint even though I was not sure why…
Throughout all this, I developed a ‘gay conspiracy theory’, as I called it. Flint and Miranda kept referring to this ‘him’ that they had in common, which I assumed was her husband, and I was like “LOL wouldn’t it be fun if the affair was actually between Flint and the husband and then he and Miranda fell together in their grief when he died?” 
I wasn’t serious. At all.
I mean, I thought that if we ever got flashbacks (which I was hoping for) James and Thomas would be best buddies who longingly stare into each other’s eyes and then get tragically thorn apart by their passion for the same woman and yet somehow manage to maintain tons of gay subtext. Truth be told, I was even a little preemptively annoyed, because I usually don’t like it when friendships are torn apart by the two guys Wanting The Same Woman.
Anyway, I kept watching, sometimes things happened that made me go “LOL I stand by my gay conspiracy theory”, like when Flint went for the forehead kiss with Eleanor, who obviously thought Something Else was going to happen, but I still wasn’t at all serious. 
Fast forward to 2x05. 
In one scene (I think it was one of the first flashbacks of the episode) we got Thomas being all casual about his wife sleeping with his friend, which already blew a giant hole in the official cover story about him going mad with grief over the betrayal, and Miranda talking about people possibly discovering Something Far More Damaging Than That. 
Obviously my head immediately went to the gay and it stayed there. 
But I didn’t want it to stay there, okay?
I spent literally the whole episode watching as the whole thing got gayer and gayer, and I was DESPERATELY looking for SOMETHING to explain why they were being so dramatic about James’ crimes that WASN’T ‘He was fucking Thomas’, I deliberately ignored James’ tone when he said ‘Our affair?’ (as in ‘You and me? But I was sleeping with him! Obviously!’, nope, didn’t hear that, n o p e), etc.
I was getting way too excited and I needed to find a way to level my expectations because there was No Way the writers from any show would give me something like this, so I had to Calm The Hell Down and find the Logical Explanation that undoubtedly was there somewhere, even if my little gay head couldn’t see it
Then Thomas and James kissed right there in front of my eyes, I exploded, turned into a rainbow, and pledged my allegiance to Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine for as long as I shall live.
The end.
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goldthatglistens · 4 years
For some reason I started writing down whatever was in my head when I was watching Black Sails and sleep deprived and this is what happened:
Now you have everyone’s eyes where you want them. What happens next? I wish to speak on behalf of the defendent. The power you’ve given them. That the prisoner before you. For those of you who live to see tomorrow, know that you had a choice to see that the truth and you let yourself be convinced otherwhies. Stay down. Fire. How are they so good at fighting? I’m so confused. Peter Ashe. Her word with be the last hope for this place. Move. What? They’ve engaged the blockade. I’ll take my chances sailing. Oh my goodness. What? I gave you an order? What is your problem. Where are his key’s? And has he seen them since he took me away from my men. Shouting. Gunfire. More screams. Billy Bragg. I legit can’t believe he is in so many shows. Take him to Howell. Help me. If those ships flank us, they’ll have us. Gun crews at the ready. Fire at will. How did that happen? WHo did they conspire against. How did two pirates fight  literally everyone in town. I don;t understand. They’re over there. This is probably the most unrealistic part. People screaming. The buildings on the right, every building. Look down there. Cannons boombing. This is literally chaos. I don’t understand how people. He sets the m free. Move. There is so much chaos, how do they even know who the pirates are? How did they not runinto them. They are really leading their reputation. I wonder if Peter Ashe was a real person? Fire! Get them both. Men. Take aim. Behidn them. Wait, what the fuck happened? Why didn’t he fire? How are they not getting hit by the cannonballs? What did they do to his leg? Somone give him some rum. Somone should just knock him out. Oh my lord that is nasty. I think they need to cut it off. How is he still talking and not screaming. What does that mean?W hat does that mean? They should knock him out omg. Why don’t they. Don’t they have things. But it’s under control now. Release those men. What/ I know what happened and I don’t care, I won’t hold pirates prisoner on my ship and I wont again . Ready the guns, full compliment. Whatever’s left. They are really going to town. Charles Vane is just chill there. I can do it wiht as few as three or four men. I don’t want this. I don’t want this. You’ll die. This way there is a very good chance to prevent this. I don’t understand how cutting off can make it better? Also, how did they do that much damage with just a hammer? I guess hammers are really heavy. Oh wow, this is more graphic than I thought. Wow. Did this actually happen to Charles Town? Is this in penssylvania. Literally everything is being blown apart. Yikes that must suck to be Lord Ashe. But he betrayed them? I really don’t understand what is so bad. HOw are they sawing his foot off when he’s still alvie? Why the fuck didn’t they knock him out? Or why didn’t he pass out. I am so confused. How do they stop the blood? How did they stop the infection? His eyebrows look weird, I think that’s why he looks weird. Also, he should shave off that ugly mostashe. Also, bwhy did they put him on the bed. At least he lived, I guess. Just south of Inagua. Winds blew us east. We stopped at tortuga to refit and garner news which there was plenty. Elanor Guthrie has been arrested. In teh custody of His Majesty’s Navy. There is no Guthrie in Nasseau. Did Guthrie actually exist? Try and act suprised. That’s nice that they coted. THe more those men need you, the more you need them. It drives us to do the most unexpected things. There’s something you’d ought to know before we reached nassea. I’m sorry I’m having a hard time. He lied to us all. And then he sold the information to the other crew so that he could retrieve the gold. WHo the fuck did he sell it to. Mr. Jack Rackham. Oh gotd thats an ugly child. I guess its a boy. Max is honestly so annoying. Honestly, Jack is the best. The information was incomplete at best and they fought like hell. Is that the. We needed the hold space? OMG he got it. I can’t believe it. WHy did the spanish soldeir  figiht. Also, why would the king get so much money. What happen to Elinor Guthrie. What is Carolina? Oh, I bet this is the British dude. Oh wow, those are good brothers. Eww look at his beard. Everythign moves towards its end. I feel like clocks are a symbol. I explained all this to Mary who said she understood. Well, you’re here. I can think of at least three lies. First, I amge she told you I retired from a prosperous trade. The trade was piracy. Second she told you my name was drummond, she clearly led you to believe that you could point your sword in my direction and survive the experience. Yikes. It’s not their fault. This too was somethign less than the truth. There is definitly a similar way they introduce pirates. They start with the bad and then go on to add more layers. Also, was there an intro to every episode, because if so I missed it lol. Who are these masked leaders. Those are the same signs that arthur uses in the once and future king. What the hell is happening. Is this blackbeard? What happened to the gold? Where is Jack Rackham. Jack Rackham is my favorite because he’s funny lol. Oh my goodness are they saving Eleanor guthrie. Oops thats some other blonde woman. OMG thsi is flint. Who are these old farts? Hazzard the magistrate. Their magistrates hagned men for piracy. Fint has gone crazy and SHAVED off all of his hair. I don’t understand why flint is so gungho about saving all the pirates after they are dead? I wagered that despite all I heard about you that you could tell the difference. Why the fuck did he kill him? Oh my goodness, Flint has really gone off the rails. What happened? When he lost his hair, he lost his sense of justice or something. I thin he is being reminded of Miranda. I guess without Miranda he has nothing left as an ancor to humanity. Hoenstly, I just want captain vane and flint workign together. Why does Long John Silver have that ugly ass neck beard? Don’t enable Flint Billy. Charles Vane is very pretty. HE is gathering the slaves. Charles Vane does not like slavery. I forgot how scary the pirates are. Why did that dude just give up? How was Charles Vane a slave? Like how did that happen? HE’s white? Who enslaved him. Oh my goodness, I would rather just get shot. 
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jamalexlee · 5 years
Ask me: FANDOM EDITION: Allll of them, please!?
To clarify its for Brooklyn 99
A - Your current OTP: Ok so I have to cheat right out the box - cos I have two. Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago and Captain Raymond Holt and Kevin Cozner. They’re just perfect for each other, so complimentary and so in love - but real you know?
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind Jake and Doug Judy. They are a friendship otp (mostly) but yeah lifelong togetherness. And it was tumblr that got me wondering on this.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will Jake and Amy with anyone that isn’t each other during the show. Brooklyn 99 is better at this than most tv shows but the people introduced solely to keep the will-they-won’t-they couple apart will always annoy me - its just taking air time from the bits of a show I like and forces so much jealousy and stuff - and I’m not into that
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t Rosa Diaz/Adrian Pimento. They just never clicked for me as a couple and she is so out of his league its painful. Not that I’m against Rosa having a boyfriend I actually liked her with Marcus and was upset when they broke up. But yeah…
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what I don’t think I’ve offered much to the 99 fandom - I mostly reblog others bits and agree or add silly comments.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? 22 years. I was with Buffy from the get go - and while its got its issues and bits of it hasn’t aged very well I wouldn’t have been the same without this show in my life.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it? Bangel. The combinded high romance and excruciating pain had me hooked. I still feel it when I watch it all these years later.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series? My anime interest has grown over the last few years but action still wins overall - especially since I can’t help loving seeing my favourite characters in pain - and the live action means we get to see the actors and actresses hurt and cry for the sake of the drama - anime can’t compare.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I try not to let tumblr do that to me if I can help it (these days anyway) but (and I realise I could die for this) I have started to dislike corners of the Star Wars fandom due to their treatment of certain characters.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. Oh god so many - but… sense8. It was advertised no where so I wouldn’t have known it existed or watched it without tumblr giffing the hell out of it - and wouldn’t that have been a shame.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom? I’m assuming this is Brooklyn 99 so… I love them. Honestly. Their love kept the show going when it was cancelled allowing us to continue enjoying this wonderful funny show.
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? @lupismaris please please more chapters for But Alone is Alone (Not Alive)
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist? I’m so bad with names - but I’m hoping the upcoming Silverflint Big Bang and rarepairing weeks will teach me the names better.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor? See above - I have so many I love but I suck with names.
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of? Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith -  and Silverflint. Seriously there’s a fanvid to this on Youtube that fits them so well.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas): Black Sails - Thomas comes to Nassau instead of Flint going to him. There are so many characters I need him to meet on that island. Feel free to have him arrive in earlier season to meet characters that totally didn’t die (vane cough cough) - and p.s. I’m total Silverflinthamilton trash so yeah…
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why? Destiel. I hung on to this for far longer than I should have mostly because I couldn’t handle the truth of this pairing - that it was world-class queerbaiting of the highest degree - mind you I stayed with Supernatural for longer than was sane too (9 seasons god help me)
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. Is there actually a ship in any fandom that no one has ever thought of before? I mean even as Crack!fic it’ll have been done. I guess my closest is Joshua Donovan and Steve Jinx from Warehouse 13 - I don’t know if anyone ever put those two together and its a small fandom
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon:  I don’t really have a personal headcanon for Brooklyn 99 - I agree with a bit of fanon that’s gotten popular - Bi!Jake. Honestly I kinda love the idea of Jake having been oblivious and accidentally had a boyfriend without him realising - and it being played by John Mulaney.
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships? Bangel, Peraltiago, Willow/Oz, Fred/Gunn - though I should mention that I headcanon one or both of these couples as bi so… not totally hetero.
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships? I mostly ship queer ships - its just a fact. And if I ship it I’ll reblog about it - probably more than people would like honestly.
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping? Don’t be daft. But on the same token - why’s it bad if you do? Shipping is just another part of fandom. Another avenue of interest and discussions to have in your fandom. And why would you deny yourself an extra dimension of enjoyment.
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms: Ok so not choosing Black Sails for this because how in the hell do you pick just one favourite character in that? I’m changes several times a day. Honestly I’d struggle to do a top 10. So Tara Maclay, Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I saw so much of myself in her when that show first came out and she was a very important character - and I’m still pissed about what the show did to her. Captain Raymond Holt, Brooklyn 99 - god what a character, so much too long about him and he is a complete character flaws and all. Wynonna Earp - I love this woman soo much - and not just because the actress that plays her is a goddess either (honest), Dave Lister, Red Dwarf - I’m literally watching it right now - and honestly it was the first time I’d heard my own accent on television and I fell in love immediately and The Doctor - honestly a favourite character that can be a totally different character from one season to another? Classic - this character hasn’t been used the best yet (seriously why always white and why so long to be present as female?) The Doctor is still unique and wonderful character I’ve loved many versions of.
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms: Silverflint - there’s just so much in that relationship so much to work with, unpack, rewrite and do with it - you’d never run out of things to do with it - especially if like me you’re cool with either Hamilton or Madi added in (or all of the above), Holmes/Watson - in all versions in all mediums they are soulmates in all of them and I’ll never get bored of these two together, Posner/Scripps - it never happened in canon but it should have - Scripps is oblivious but totally in love with Posner and Posner knows - Scripps will figure it out in University and they will live happily ever after.
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from:  The IT Crowd - I don’t ship anyone there. Not really anyway.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go: Black Sails is awesome - if you haven’t watched it go do it now - you won’t regret it - but fair warning it’ll ruin all other shows for you.
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bisexualpirateheart · 5 years
Oh oh oh! Polyshipping day!!! Since Silverflintham is the most popular ot3 in Black Sails, how about you write a rare ot3? Like SilverflintBones or or Vanebonesilver? (I just want Billy to get laid for once really, and when I say laid I mean laaaiiiid!) ;) ❤
Okay, somehow, I lookedat both your excellent suggestions and my brain went oh yeah! And then somehowI wrote a Flintvanebones fic. Anon, I sincerely hope this is okay with you! Iwas already about 500 words in before I realized my mistake. If you’re nothappy/this doesn’t do your dreams of Billy getting laid justice, let me knowand I will totally write one of the other pairings. (They’re both great ideas!I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain! Also this is from Flint’s pov, and I’msorry if it seems to be about him, like I said, lemme know if this doesn’t workfor you!)
Anyway, I really hope you like this. Thank youso much for the prompt!
(There’s no title for this yet, because I’mtired and it deserves something better then Boned By the Captains, just saying!It’ll have a title by the time it makes sits way over to AO3.)
                                                           ~ * ~ 
“He’s a large man.”
Flint flicks his eyes impatiently in thedirection where Vane’s nodding. It’s the young blonde sailor new to his crew,Flint remembers him. Billy. He makes a point of not remembering for the mostpart. It suits him to have the men think he’s indifferent unless he needs themto care.
“What of it?” He doesn’t see the point in Vane’sremark; for that matter he doesn’t understand why Vane is even speaking to him.They don’t speak for the most part unless they have to, and for the most partthey don’t have to. In Flint’s opinion they can drink in peace  andsolitude for that matter, but Vane has decided to sit with him, and more thanthat, talk and so here they are.
Vane merely shrugs his shoulders. He’s no smallman himself, Flint admits grudgingly, though he’s not as tall as Billy. Few menare tall as Billy.
“I was merely thinking…” Vane pauses, bringingthe bottle to his lips, causing Flint to have to look over at him while he doesso.
“Well?” Flint says impatiently when Vane’s mouthhas lingered far too long over the mouth of the bottle instead of finishing hissentence.
“Have you had him yet?”
That casual remark causes Flint to look at himsharply.
“Well?” Vane asks lazily. “Have you?”
“No.” Flint manages at last because he hasn’t.It’s not as though he hasn’t thought about it. He’s not a saint.
Vane takes another drink. “What do you say?”
For a moment Flintthinks he’s going to ask if he can have Billy and his hackles raise at the veryidea of handing Billy over to this man. Billy’s a member of his crew, forstarters. But more than that, he’s not simply something to be just handed overfor the pleasure of another. He wonders how much trouble it will cause when herefuses Vane’s offer, cracking his knuckles at the thought.
But before he can stand up and defend Billy’shonor, Vane simply adds, “Surely between the two of us, we could handle him.”
At that addition Flintblinks. He takes another moment and rearranges all the information currently inhis mind. Vane is proposing to haveBilly, but he’s suggesting they share him. And that…that is not an unappealingprospect. Flint takes a sip of his own rum.
He looks again at Billy, and this time Billy islooking back at him. He looks away quickly enough, the tips of his earsreddening. He’s so fair, though tanned from the sun, it’s noticeable and Flintfinds his lips twitching upwards in a quick smile.
He looks sidewise to see Vane leaning back inhis chair and smirking at him. “Well, well, looks like he’d be over here in amoment if you snapped your fingers for him.”
“Nonsense.” Flint’s not sure he wants to learnif that’s true or not.
“Let’s see, shall we?” Vane’s tone is stilllazy. “You there!”
Flint looks up in alarm to see him raising ahand to gesture at Billy.
“Come here.”
They both watch as Billy slowly rises and makeshis way over to them. “Capn’s.” He gives them both a nod, and waits curiously.
“Captain Flint wishes to ask you something.”Vane says.
Billy looks to Flint expectantly and Flintgrinds his teeth. He doesn’t want to get into this with Billy, he doesn’t wantto get into it with Vane. He doesn’t want to get into it with any of them.There’s nothing to get into here. But Billy’s still looking at him, and there’ssomething about the way he’s looking at Flint that makes Flint consider whatVane’s told him, that Billy’s looking to him for attention, that Billy mighteven welcome it.
“I…” He fumbles with his words, he who isusually always so ready with his words. “Wondered if.”
“If you would join us in Flint’s quarters for adrink.” Vane injects smoothly.
Flint’s grateful for the rescue there, and yetirritated by it at the same time. He looks at Billy, not sure he wants to knowwhat the answer is.
“Oh.” Billy looks flustered for a moment, andthen nods. “Of course. It would be an honor.”
“That’s the spirit.” Vane rises, clapping him onthe back as he heads for the door.
Billy looks a little askance at the gesture, butnot unhappy with it, and Flint thinks about that too as he leads the way to aroom he’s taken down the street a ways. He wishes they were on the Walrus forhalf a second. It would be a good location for whatever’s about to happen here.He’s got a good feel of matters in his own cabin. Here, it’s all open to chance.
He opens the door to his room and leaves itopen, Vane following him, and Billy entering last and politely closing the doorbehind him.
Flint lights a lamp. It’s afternoon, but it’sstill fairly dim in his room. There’s only a small window, looking out highabove the rooftops towards the sea. He can see the Walrus from here, anchoredpeacefully. He shakes out the match, wishing he were on his ship right now.
He turns around to face the other two.
Vane raises his eyebrows at him meaningfully.“That drink, captain?” He’s calling Flint captain as a sop to his position.Vane knows he can’t get Billy without Flint, and clearly he wants Billy.
If he’s honest, and in this moment Flint forceshimself to be honest, he wants Billy as well. There’s something undeniablyappealing about the tall young man, and Flint’s forced himself to overlook itmost of the time. It’s easier that way. He doesn’t need to be attached to hiscrew. Gates is the only one he counts a friend, and even he’s expendable, ifneeds must.
But if he’s honest, Billy is more thanattractive and Flint admires him.
He has two cups and he pours rum into them, andthen considers which of them gets the bottle.
“I’ll take it.” Vane reaches for it.
At the same time Billy speaks up. “It should beme.”
Vane grins at him. “Or do you just want morerum?”
Billy flushes and Vane chuckles.
Flint hands the bottle to Vane, and looks atBilly. “The gesture’s appreciated.”
Billy gives an awkward nod, and accepts the cupFlint hands him. He takes a deep gulp, looking around the room. He wants toknow why he’s here, and Flint wonders if he’ll run once he knows.
He clears his throat. “To our endeavors.”
Vane almost chokes at that, but raises his cupin answer. “Our endeavors.”
“Our endeavors.” Billy echoes, confused butwilling enough.
Enough. Flint’s tired of this game. It’s onething if Billy’s interested, but if he’s not, then there’s no point in wastingany of their time here.
“Captain Vane,” He can be polite too, he tells Gates in his head, “wants to know ifyou have any interest in joining us.” He pauses and then words fail him again.
“Joining you.” Billy repeats carefully.
“In bed.” Vane says plainly enough.
Billy stares at him incredulously. “I’m sorry.”
“For a fuck.” Vane elucidates helpfully.
Billy tips his cup all theway back, downing his rum in one gulp. He stands there a moment, not looking ateither of them. Flint sends Vane a swift look and Vane shakes his headminutely. The message is clear. Let him think about it. So Flint makes himself wait, sweating,angry at how much he’s waiting to hear Billy’s response.
“I don’t…” Billy starts, and then clears histhroat. “I’m not sure I…” He stops, and Vane lifts the bottle questioningly.Billy nods and Vane pours him more rum.
Billy takes another sip and then speaks, stillnot looking at either of them. “I’m not sure why you, either of you, captainswould be interested in that. With me.”
Flint wants to laugh at the absurdity of it andthen it strikes him that Billy’s serious. He means what he’s saying. He doesn’tunderstand why they would be interested. Flint’s floored by this revelation. Helooks at Vane almost helplessly.
Again Vane saves him, and this time Flint letshimself be grateful, instead of annoyed.
Vane steps forward. He reaches for Billy’s cupand sets it aside along with the bottle. And then he tilts his head back,looking up Billy, putting a hand on Billy’s hip. “Let us show you then.”
At that Billy looks at him, considering it, andthen he looks at Flint, really looks at him. Flint’s mouth goes dry. Billy’seyes are bright blue and he’s never let himself really look at them before. Notlike this.
“Captain.” Billy says and Flint snaps back intofocus. He takes a final sip of his own rum and lets it join the others on thetable before turning to them.
“It’s true.” he says softly, because that’s thequestion Billy is asking now. Is this real? Can he trust it? Can they possiblymean it? He wants to reassure Billy. He wants him to know how much he is wantedhere.
So he moves in close, standing shoulder toshoulder with Vane and reaches upwards, curving his hand around Billy’s neck,drawing his face down. Billy leans obediently, and their mouths meet, a thrillof heat curling through Flint as it happens. Billy’s lips are a little dry, butthey part almost immediately, and his tongue responds to Flint eagerly, andwith that touch, Flint knows Billy wants this too. He’s not the only one who’sbeen looking.
A little heady with the rush of it, Flint drawsback. He looks up at Billy and smiles.
Vane nods towards the bed. Flint looks at it,and Billy follows his gaze, still flushing a little.
Vane grabs the bottle and strolls towards thebed. “Come on then.”
The bed’s really not going to be big enough forthem, Flint’s already thought about that. But it will have to do.
He nods at Billy. “Sit down.”
Billy sits and Flint steps back to look at him.Vane takes a swig from the bottle and sets it down again. He glances slyly atFlint. There’s a challenge in his eye and Flint doesn’t shy away from it. Hereaches for his coat, removing it with a flourish and tossing it over a chair.
Vane responds by pulling off his shirt. Hischest is finely muscled, well-developed muscle. He’s brawn through and through.His hips are taut and lean, and Flint imagines placing his hands on them, holdingVane close.
He reaches for his boot and Billy says, “Letme.”
Flint looks at him startled, and then slowlylifts his boot, placing it in Billy’s firm grasp, Billy tugging it off. Flinthalf loses his balance and Billy chuckles a little.
“Lean on me.” He instructs and Flint places ahand on his shoulder for the second one, gripping Billy as the boot’s removed.Billy glances upward at him and Flint’s arrested again by the color of hiseyes. How is he just now seeing them so clearly?
Vane coughs, breaking the silence and when theylook up Flint sees that he’s discarded the rest of his clothes, standing nakedbefore them. His legs and thighs are well-muscled too and Billy suppresses ahalf-drawn sigh. The sound sends a faint pang of jealousy through Flint andthen he looks down.
Billy’s hand is on his hip. Except, Billy’s handis so large, his fingertips are practically grasping Flint’s backside andBilly’s not even aware he’s doing it.
Vane’s smirking at the both of them as he takeshis cock in hand. Billy’s gaze follows the motion hungrily, his tongue flickingout to wet his lips.
“What’re you waiting for?” Vane asks lazily.
Flint glances at Billy and this time Billy looksupward.  His hand flexes upon Flint’s body and for the first time Billyseems aware of where it is. For a moment Flint thinks he’s going to take itaway, and he half leans into Billy’s touch, encouraging him to leave it there,to move it further.
“Which one of us do you wanna fuck?” Vane’svoice drifts through the silence again. “Before we fuck you?”
Billy’s hand curves around Flint’s hipbone, hisfingertips pressing into Flint’s ass with delicious purpose.
He looks up at Flint again, as though to ask ‘isthis all right?’ and Flint answers him by leaning down, clasping Billy’s jaw inhis hands as he kisses him again.
Vane settles into the chair with the corner, oneleg thrown over the arm, the bottle tilted to his mouth as he watches, his cockstill vividly interested in the proceedings.
Flint settles on the bed. They’re still kissingas he pulls at Billy’s shirt, and he can feel the thick swollen heat of Billy’scock pressing insistently through his breeches. It’s as large as the rest ofhim when he reaches for it and Billy groans low in his throat from the feel ofhis hand.
It makes Flint desperate to get his mouth onhim. He needs to taste Billy, wants to feel the length of him in his throat. Hedraws him out with greedy hands and then stops, just looking at him.
Billy looks slightly embarrassed to have himselflooked at like this so Flint has to kiss him again. It’s messy, his tonguedemanding more and from Billy and Billy responds just as before, answering hishunger, his hands grip Flint’s back, his cock pressing hard into Flint’s belly.
Flint breaks off with a gasp, sliding to hisknees between Billy’s thighs. He places a hand on each thigh, but that won’tdo. He needs at least one hand on Billy’s cock as he sucks it.
Oh god, the first taste of Billy makes the bloodrush to Flint’s cock. He lowers his head further, lifting the length of him ashe slides Billy deeper down his throat. Everything about him is so satisfying.The weight of his cock is pure heaven and Flint moans around it. There’s no wayhe can fit Billy entirely, but there’s a pleasure in trying, taking as much ofhim as possible.
                                                *  *  *
“I want to fuck you.” Billy whispers at last,and for that Flint will stop sucking his cock.
He lies back on the bed and there’s something,the briefest something in Billy’s eye. “What?”
“Nothing,” Billy shakes his head.
“How do you want me?” Flint asks softly.
The flush rises in Billy’s ears but he meetsFlint’s gaze. “All fours, in front of me.”
Fuck, Flint’s cock swells more at his words.Mutely, he rolls over, positioning himself on his hands and knees. His stomachtightens in anticipation. He looks over his shoulder at Vane who’s stilldrinking, still fisting his cock but slowly. He’s not going to finish anytimesoon. His eyes meet Flint’s and there’s a glimmer of satisfaction in Vane’sexpression.
For the briefest moment Flint lets himselfwonder if this as a trap of sorts. Did Vane arrange all of this, just to catchhim like this? To see him fucked by one of his own crew? When he thinks aboutit like, it sounds like something Vane would set up.
But there’s no faking the enjoyment in Vane’sbody now, there’s pretense to the pleasure in his eyes as he watches them. Forwhatever reason Vane is here, it’s real enough.
Flint takes a deep breath, letting his head hangslightly as he waits.
                                                *   *   *
“There’s oil, somewhere.” Flint says gruffly. Hehas to think for a minute but Billy’s ahead of him and has already found it andreturned to the bed.
Billy settles behind him, one hand on Flint’sflank. With his other, he sticks his fingers in the oil, slipping themcautiously between Flint’s cheeks.
It takes all of Flint’s willpower to keep fromjust pressing back against his fingers like a whore. Fuck, it’s been too long.He doesn’t want to think about that, the years, or the reason, so he lets itrecede back into the gray shadows of his mind. 
All the same he can’t keep from uttering thesmallest noise when Billy presses a finger inside.
“You can go harder than that.” Vane says out ofnowhere.
When Billy looks at him questioningly he merelyshrugs. “He likes it rough.”
A fierce heat burns in Flint’s cheeks and neckas he feels Billy looking at him with this information. How the fuck does Vanedare? More importantly, how the fuck does he know that truth about Flint?
Vane meets his gaze challengingly. “Tell him I’mwrong.”
Flint doesn’t back down from a challenge. He’snot above lying to suit his purposes, but he’s not going to fucking lie forthis, not when Vane happens to be right, somehow. Not when it’ll suit hispurposes to tell the truth.
“He’s not wrong.” Flint mutters. He gives Billya brief glance over his shoulder, his ears still red, “I like it rough.”
He’s not sure he’s ever said that aloud before,and the realization of admitting it, in front of Vane, no less, makes his bloodrun cold for a moment.
Then Billy presses deeper into him and hedoesn’t give a flying fuck what he just admitted. He wants more. This time hepushes back, clearly begging.
Billy’s not outwardly rough, not at first, butthe freedom to be so gives his gestures more confidence. He stretches Flintcapably enough, never filling him completely, though he easily could with hisfingers alone. He never gives Flint enough to satisfy, and Flint’s hard withanticipation by the time Billy’s done.
Billy’s hands fasten on his hips, readyinghimself as the head of his cock presses to Flint’s slicked hole. Flint lickshis lips, gripping the sheets under him. He doesn’t dare look at Vane, not rightnow.
The first thrust of Billy inside makes Flintmoan, embarrassing and loud and true. He lets his head drop further as Billyslides deeper. The thickness of his cock makes Flint’s whole body thrum incontentment, even though he’s restless with blatant need.
Billy’s hands are bruisingly tight as he rollshis hips, sinking still deeper into Flint. How is there still more of his cock,Flint wonders.
Flint’s sweating, his own cock starving for it,but he’s going to fucking come from Billy’s cock inside him. He knows thatalready, and he has the feeling Vane, damn him, knows it too.
For once Vane isn’t watching him. He’s taking asip of the bottle and then he looks up, catching Flint’s eye. A smile slipsacross his lips, the closest Flint’s ever come to calling a real smile.
Billy leans down and licks a stripe alongFlint’s back. Flint moans helplessly at the feel of his tongue. He rocks backon Billy’s cock, silently pleading for more.
Billy leans down, his body pressing againstFlint’s, practically covering him. “You want more?”
“Yes.” Flint breathes.
“How?” Billy whispers.
Flint swallows down the urge to protest, toprotect himself, “Harder.”
Billy presses his lips to Flint’s shoulder, asoft kiss there on his burning skin. “As you like, captain.”
He straightens back, gripping Flint’s hips withrenewed purpose. Then he sets about at a relentless pace that makes Flint gaspwith pleasure, his body rocking forward as Billy fucks him. It’s like beingfucked like a cannon, Flint thinks helplessly, and then he’s gone too far forthought.
He knows at one point that he nearly comes,sinking down on his forearms, groaning for it. Billy halts his pace, pullingnearly all the way out, which makes Flint want to beg even more.
“Up.” Billy commands, giving him a slap smartlyacross the backside, and Flint obeys, bracing himself with his palms.
Billy nods to himself in satisfaction. If helooks at Vane, Vane surely gives him a look of appreciation. Flint’s not evensure if that happens. He just knows Billy pushes all the way inside him untilhis balls rest close behind Flint. Flint, impaled and filled and so close tocoming, he doesn’t know how he can last any longer.
Billy slides his hands up and down his back fora moment, half stroking, half reassuring. Then he moves his hands to cupFlint’s cheeks, parting them wide as he thrusts in and out of him.
“That’s a fucking hell of a sight.” Vanemurmurs.
Flint’s knees tremble, at the sight he’s makingfor them, at the steady, seemingly endless thrust of Billy’s cock, claiming himagain and again, stroke after stroke. Billy’s broad hands holding him wide openlike he’s nothing more than an offering for Billy to take and fuck.
“Do you want to come?” Billy asks and Flintnearly chokes on his laughter.
“Do I want to come?”
“Then ask for it.” Billy tells him, and Flint’sknees nearly buckle again at the tone of it, the way his words fill the roomwith possession.
“Please.” Flint’s voice is a mere rasp. “Please,make me come.”
Billy smiles above him, tracing his thumbs alongthe thick of him sticking out of Flint, making Flint shiver at the feel ofthose rough thumbs on his sensitized flesh. Billy nudges his hips upward, andthen he just slides his hands to Flint’s thighs, spreading him so wide Flintnearly screams with it. There’s not a single part of him not aware that he’sbeing fucked by Billy. His whole body submits it, clenching hotly around Billy,claiming him as much as Billy’s claimed him.
Billy shudders then, coming so deep inside Flinthe feels he’s going to be full of it for days after. His own release shootsacross his belly, in thick waves.
When Billy finally pulls out of him, Flint wantsto moan again. It’s too good, it’s unfair that it was Billy who made him feelthis good, and that it was Vane who helped orchestrate it. His body feelsbereft, empty. He lays on his side panting, not wanting to face either of themyet.
                                                 *  *  *
“My turn.” Vane rises to his feet like a lionwho’s been stalking his prey, lying in wait for the right moment.
Billy’s still catching his breath when Vanestraddles him, leaning down to kiss his mouth.
Flint turns over on his back to watch them. It’sa relief, Vane’s paying him no attention at all, so he has a moment to gatherhis thoughts as Vane makes his move.
Billy’s hands move over Vane’s body hungrily.Has his cock already recovered? Flint glances between his legs, but no, notquite. Not even a man of Billy’s girth and stature that quick of a recoverytime. Selfishly Flint’s a little pleased by this.
Vane sticks his fingertips in the hole andstarts stroking Billy’s hole.
“That was a good show you put on.” He saysconversationally. He spreads Billy’s legs, slinging them over his shoulders. “Ienjoyed it.”
“But,” Flint prompts humorlessly.
“But,” Vane grins at him as he readies his cock.“Now you’ll see how a captain fucks.”
The first thrust inside makes Billy grunt. Alow, pleasurably surprised sound and for the first time Flint thinks about whatit would be like to be fucked by Vane. He watches Vane’s cock as it slidessmoothly between Billy’s thighs, the way Vane has Billy positioned, completelyin control.
“Grip the headboard.” Vane orders and Billylifts his hands.  His chest is a broad expanse and Flint reaches out ahand before he knows what he’s doing, spreading it over Billy’s torso. Billysucks in a breath at his touch. Encouraged Flint lets his hand roam further,brushing and teasing his nipples.
“Mm.” Flint’s mesmerized by the sight of Billylike this.
“Fuck his mouth.”
Vane gives an impatient jerk of his head. “Dosomething useful with that pretty cock of yours and fuck his mouth?”
Flint looks at Billy, and Billy quickly nods.
Flint swings his leg over Billy’s chest,settling on his chest, lowering his cock so Billy can take it.
“You sure?” He murmurs.
Billy just nods so Flint slips it between hislips. He’s not going to come again anytime soon, but the feel of Billy on himis more than enjoyable. Billy moans around his cock and Flint lets him have alittle more.
“More.” Vane urges as he thrusts harder andFlint mutters a curse as he rises to this challenge as too, truly fuckingBilly’s mouth with his cock now.
There’s a hand slipping between his cheeks andFlint almost stiffens, but the finger sliding inside him knows what it’s doing,knows what he wants and he shouts hoarsely as Vane manages to find that damnedspot.
His cock, already half hard from Billy, swellsfurther and Billy groans as he does indeed come a second time, half of itspilling on Vane, half of it on Flint.
Vane gives a final curl of his finger before itslips out of Flint and Flint half collapses atop Billy’s chest, panting,furious, and worse still hard.
Vane finishes in Billy with a rumble of a groan.He lowers Billy’s legs and flops on the bed beside him.
“Now,” Vane’s voice is lazy in its contentmentas he turns his head and looks at Flint. “You can be angry at me, and walk offin a huff. Or you can stay and see which of us wins the coin toss to finishsucking you off.”
His hand is on Flint’s thigh. Well, one of themis. the other is in Billy’s hair, stroking it. Flint takes a deep breath andstraightens up. He gazes down at Billy who looks back at him hopefully. It’sclear Billy wants him to stay.
He looks at Vane and considers the matter.
“Which of you has a coin?”
Vane’s smile widens.
                                               *   *   *
Later when they’ve parted ways, Vane departingfor his own ship with no more than “See you around town,” he and Billy headback for the ship.
Now that it’s done Flint doesn’t know what tosay. Surely Billy knows not to say anything, but still Flint has to tell himthat. He can’t take the chance Billy will speak of this to anyone.
He stops abruptly before they get to thelongboat. “Look, Billy.”
“I dreamed of that you know.” Billy’s words aremuttered, quiet, but matter-of-fact all the same.
Flint gives him a quick look, half prepared forBilly to mock him with that, his dream of fucking the captain. But Billy’s eyesmeet his, true and honest.
“I know it doesn’t mean anything, that whateverhappens ashore, stays ashore, but.” Billy clears his throat. “I just wanted youto know that it meant something to me, captain.”
He turns to head for the boat and Flint places ahand on his arm, halting him.
Billy looks back at him, that hopeful look stillin his eyes.
“It…matters to me too.” Is all Flint can manage.But the surprised look, the startled pleasure that spreads over Billy’s facetells him it’s enough.
“Now, let’s get back to the Walrus.” He saysbrusquely.
“Aye, aye, captain.”
Billy’s whistling as they head over to thelongboat, and Flint takes a private pleasure in the fact that those lips,forming so fair a tune in the evening’s dusk, had been the pair to entice himto coming a second time. For a moment he wishes all in Nassau town knew Billy’stalent, but decides in the end it’s best if they don’t. Some things are bestleft between captains. 
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Black Sails Appreciation Asks
I’m bored, so why not try fill all these? I’m in the mood to write all of these :)
1. How did you find out about Black Sails?
Through Game of Thrones because of Tom Hopper ;)
2. Who was your favourite character when you began watching? And did it change over the course of the show?
Originally Billy Bones. And then changed to Captain Flint, followed by John Silver. There is.. something I can’t explain on his vibe. He’s so gingerly and I kept dreaming of him. And then John Silver. He’s such a puppy and his hairs remind me of Cavalier Spaniel!
3. What was your theory about Flint during S1?
That’s he’s lone ranger and merchant. Honestly I don’t remember what was other my theory on him because I was damn occupied by him.
4. Is there a character you used to hate but ended up loving?
None. All of them. Not hate, just dislike their personality.
5. What’s your favourite season?
Season 1 and 2. Pre established relationship and that’s how I ship John Silver and Captain Flint.
6. What’s your favourite episode?
Season 2, Episode 1.
7. What’s your favourite scene?
Season 1: John Silver got laid by lady Blackbeard and others girls, caught by Captain Flint at wreck, flirting with Billy Bones, cooking pigs for crews. Season 2, Episode 1. Love puppy eyes John Silver and annoyed James Flint, on fucking warship.
8. What’s your favourite quote?
"I dont know how else to say this, but no. I suppose theres "fuck no", or "fuck you"." - John Silver to Eleanor
9. Which death hit you the hardest?
Blackbeard. Took 2 weeks to recover from kneelhauling scene. I was crying because Blackbeard is my favourite daddy pirates after Mr. Gates.
10. If you could change one thing that happened in the show, what would it be?
Give them another season 5. I want John Silver and Captain Flint to confess with each other. Or- confess to Madi that Silver is not interested with her. *sorry!*
11. Which actors would you like to see switching roles?
Nah, I think they are perfectly for their own roles. Maybe Miranda can join forces with Max to work at brothels..
12. What’s your Black Sails OTP?
John Silver and Captain Flint. Jack Rackham and Charles Vane.
13. What’s your favourite kind of fanfiction to read for Black Sails?
Orange Verses “St. Augustine is that way” by @vowel-in-thug
Butterscotch verses by @r0b0tb0y
Be My End by @brassfannibal
14. Which character are you most similar to?
John Silver, he and I shared same trait and disability. I lost my hearing since I was baby. It was tough for me to live as normal, without learning any skill such as sign language. But I am very good at lying (but in good way) to protect myself from others, especially my parent. I rather not to hurt their feelings if they know I was invalid among friends and relatives.
15. Imagine you lived in the Black Sails universe, who would you be? Pirate, whore, business conductor, master schemer, noble lady, lord?
Sketchy witch and herbs merchants. I can use magic to win any pirate’s heart, especially my Captain Flint and John Silver? ;) 
16. Gay
Well, I am gay for Idelle. I don’t mind to be in middle between John Silver and James Flint. Attracted to both their intelligence and personality, why not?
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vowel-in-thug · 7 years
hey everyone! it’s that time again! where i grovel :|
once again, i’m short on my rent because the holidays, which i love, fucked me over (unwillingly losing hours at work + paying to fly home = broke as shit.) my dad normally helps me out because he’s the greatest, but he has to arrange my grandfather’s funeral in a couple days, which are not the cheapest things ever, and i don’t want to burden him even more
so, since it’s the holiday season, and tomorrow is #GivingTuesday or whatever, i’m appealing to my wonderful black sails fam and reminding everyone I have a Ko-Fi account and a PayPal.Me account right over here and if you can spare a dime for a bum down on her luck, i’d really, really appreciate it.
and i’m also really slacking on my fic contributions because Life Keeps Happening, i have nothing full to post in order to sweeten the deal, but here’s an excerpt from my Miranda Lives AU which will be finished! sometime! soon! i hope!
thanks to anyone who has read this far, but in this post and my whole discography. bless you all.
Silver sits by the window with the iron leg on, the ties around his stump suffocating. He’d promised Howell he wouldn’t put any pressure on it, and at the time he’d been lying. But just sitting here with the thing strapped on brings a pain both blinding and sharpening. The only thing he can’t seem to focus on is the book in his lap. Instead, he’s maddeningly aware of the sweat itching on his collar, the throb of his leg that reaches all the way up to his hip, the rock and sway of a boat moving forward, the heat from the sun pouring into the window. The clang of steel as Flint teaches Miranda to fight with one eye.
Flint beats Miranda again with a tap of his sword on her shoulder, although it maybe took him a few seconds longer than it had when they first started. Miranda sits down heavily on Flint’s chair, panting hard, sword limp in her hand. She’s not wearing nearly as many layers as she used to, and no corset, but it’s unlike she ever did this much physical activity since childhood. Silver feels tired just looking at her.
“Again,” Flint says. To keep things fair, Flint has one of his eyes covered with a scarf. Silver finds his gaze drifting back to his face time and again and he’s not sure why.
Miranda scowls. Her face is no longer so heavily bandaged, but still she keeps her eye covered. She’s smarter than any man on this ship combined, and doesn’t try to push her recovery by risking infection for the sake of appearance. “I need a moment,” she says, one hand pressed into her stomach, the other resting on her brow.
Flint makes a half amused, half annoyed sound with his mouth. “You’re on my crew now, Mrs. Barlow. Crewmembers don’t argue back when their Captain issues an order.”
She freezes. Face still obscured by her hand, she says, “You’re giving me an order?”
Silver winces, wishing he had a white flag to signal to Flint. His captain is an incredibly intelligent and accomplished man, but one thing he had apparently never learned how to do was to yield.
Flint does that trick with his wrist, making the sword spin in a way that is more distracting than the pain in Silver’s leg. “The only way we agreed this would work,” he says, somehow missing her tone of voice completely, “is if you behaved like any other member of this crew. That means listening to my instruction, and that means being able to defend yourself, being able to fight. I need to have at least one person I can trust to have my back out there.”
Silver looks down at his book, trying to find where he left off. Even though they’re all in this small cabin together, he isn’t a part of this conversation and he shouldn’t be listening.
Miranda takes a moment to respond, and when she does, she doesn’t actually say anything. She stands, so abruptly that Silver can’t help looking back up at her. But then she places her sword gently down on the desk. Silver didn’t think her the type to just quit, and they’re out at sea now. She can’t just quit.
“Miranda —“
“Just a moment,” she says, approaching Silver. She reaches for the bucket of water by his seat and grabs a clean rag. “We’ll begin again. I just need to clean my wound, I think the practice has reopened the stitches.”
Along with the bullet hitting her eye, she’d also been shot through the shoulder. Silver hadn’t seen the injury, but he’d heard it had been pretty straight through and no cause for alarm. But he feels alarmed now, watching as Miranda unbuttoned her shirt right in front of Silver, pushing it off her shoulders to hang by her waist, fully exposing her breasts.
He gets a single flash of heavy, pale, soft skin before his eyes close, his head jerking up to the ceiling. His book falls to the floor.
He hears Flint give an aggravated sigh and says again, “Miranda. Honestly.”
“What?” The voice of an angel. Like Lucifer.
Silver opens his eyes again, but keeps them trained on the ceiling. He waits impatiently for it to fall on him. He can see out the corner of his eye that neither of them have fucking moved an inch. Miranda stands by the desk, half turned to face them both, idly pressing the wet rag into her healing wound. Flint just stands there with his shoulders slouched, still holding his sword tightly. He drags the scarf off his eye and, still gripping it, tugs at his beard. He has made no movement to cover her up, or to do the honorable, decent thing of killing Silver.
Miranda, toplessly, says, “I’m just another member of your crew, sir. Keeping this body free from infection to better serve your cause, sir. Besides, I’ve seen your other men far less undressed and far dirtier than I in my time on this ship, and it hasn’t bothered anyone else.”
“What?” Silver asks the ceiling at the same time Flint demands, “Who?”
“What difference does it make?” she says. “I’m just trying to be the best fighter for you, sir.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
Another pause. “No. I’m being thorough. Mr. Silver?”
Silver looks at her instinctively, and immediately regrets it. She’s approaching him calmly, but the way her breasts sway with each step feels like an assault. He looks back at the ceiling, but then she’s right next to him, and he can’t not see her, no matter how far he cranes his neck. She drops the wet rag into his lax hands, spins around, and balances herself precariously on the thin edge of his windowseat. Her backside presses softly against his good knee.
“Do you mind bathing the other side?” she says loudly, like there’s either chance the two of them aren’t listening to a word she says. “I can’t reach it so well, and I believe I felt the wound reopen.”
It hasn’t. The drops she felt sliding down her skin were likely sweat, not blood. The puckered hole is healing nicely, not even needing to be bandaged any longer, but Silver does as requested and brings the rag to her shoulder. He has no other move to make. It’s not like he can just get up and walk away from the two of them. And he isn’t a good enough person to refuse.
Somehow, her bare back, her tapered waist over her billowing skirt, seems more obscene than her nude front. He tracks the drops of water over her sharp shoulder blade, and it’s too intimate, too vulnerable. He can’t look anymore so he shifts his gaze to Flint, still at attention with his sword in his hand.
Flint’s in all black, standing in the kind of dusty shade that only exists beside bright sunlight. But Silver can still see his slim waist, his rising chest, the flush sitting high on his cheekbones. The way his bottom lip hangs slightly as he stares at Silver, touching his wife. No, as he stares at Miranda, her naked skin beneath his Quartermaster’s hands.
No. As he stares at Silver and Miranda, together.
There seems to be some kind of argument, some kind of dialogue happening between the two of them that Silver can’t understand. Miranda shifts her body slightly, moving her shoulder against the rag held still in his hand.
Flint opens his mouth as though to say something, and the closes it with a huff, finally looking away.
It’s the end to whatever conversation they’re having. Miranda shoots up suddenly, shrugging her shirt back on as she stomps towards the door. Flint doesn’t watch her.
“I’m going to get something to eat,” she says to the room, before exiting with an angry slam.
Tension hangs in the air like the wet cloth in Silver’s hand. He lets it slip to the floor, and it narrowly misses the book he’d dropped. The sound of it slapping makes Flint turn abruptly back at him. Something he sees on Silver’s face makes the anger bleed out of him, because he just sags, throwing his sword down next to Miranda’s with a lot less care than usual. He collapses into his chair, rubbing his eyes with one hand.
Without looking at Silver, he says, “You think she’ll be alright out there?”
Choosing his words carefully, Silver says, “I don’t think you have to worry about her with the men.”
Flint snorts, dragging his hand through his hair, unsettling his ponytail. Strands come loose, hanging in his face as he says, “I don’t understand what she wants from this. She wants to be part of the crew, but doesn’t want to be treated like part of the crew? It cannot work like that.”
Silver shifts in this seat, trying to relieve some pressure in his leg. He doesn’t say anything.
“Whatever it is you want to say,” Flint says, “just say it.”
“What makes you think I have anything to say?”
“Your eyebrows speak even when your mouth is shut. Just say it.”
Silver scratches at the back of his neck, feeling unusually short of breath, and it’s not because he’s unexpectedly seen a set of breasts, because he isn’t twelve anymore. It’s just the two of them here, which is rare. He likes having Miranda here. He feels less likely to be strangled or to beg to be strangled.
But with just the two of them here, he feels able to uncoil just a little. Just enough to undo the straps on his iron leg. Miranda might soon be more familiar with such bloody cruelty, but she doesn’t have to be introduced to it by him. Flint already knows.
Slowly undoing to ties, and not looking at Flint, Silver says, “She wants the crew to see her as one of the crew. You and she have too much history for you to ever see her as anyone unimportant to you, and she’s smart enough to know you’ll never actually see her as just another pirate. So you treating her like you treat the rest of us, is just you treating her with disrespect.”
The boot falls to floor beside the book, beside the rag, and Silver sighs with relief even as the fresh air stings the raw skin. He’ll put it back on in a little bit. It just needs to breathe, but then he has to put the leg back on. He must.
“And you?” Flint asks. “How do you treat her?”
Silver stops leaning down to pick up the rag. Flint is staring at him now, but he doesn’t look angry. Silver is only learning how to read Flint’s face, but one of the first lessons had been angry or not angry. He doesn’t know how Flint is feeling, but mad isn’t it.
“I treat her like a member of my crew,” Silver says plainly, turning back to his leg with the cloth. “The contentedness of my crew is of the utmost importance, which is the only reason why I’m telling you what I think.”
Flint doesn’t say anything, but he makes a sound that has Silver looking up. It’s a — chuckle, almost. More of a shake of his shoulders and a stuttered puff of air than an actual noise.
It is, on the whole, more shocking than Miranda’s breasts. “What?”
“Nothing, I’m sorry,” Flint says, smirking slightly. “I just. Well, I guess I had nothing to base it on, but I had always gotten the impression that you didn’t know a thing about women.”
“What's to know?” Silver treats all women like how he used to treat a mark. The most important thing to remember is that they probably know more than you ever will. “She's part of my crew.” Flint hums, but it's a contemplative noise, not a dismissive one. Silver continues to bathe his leg, sure that if Flint had anything else to say, he'd just fucking say it. “Miranda and I – ” Flint stops. He's looking straight ahead, at the shapes of light on the wall, opposites of shadow streaming through the window. “We have a different relationship than other people.” “....I'd gathered.” “We've been together for a long time, and we love each other,” Flint says. “But there are certain things.... certain needs....” Silver stops bathing his leg. “We have an understanding,” Flint continues, toying with the fringe on his belt. “And I can't help but notice... If she wants... and you want... well, I won't take offense. Or try to interfere.” What? “What?” Flint sighs, finally looking his way. “Her happiness is always a concern, but an area I've too often neglected. We have – different needs. We’re both well aware of it. And I have no intention of intruding on what happiness she finds for herself, from whatever corner it comes.” Silver is generally smart on the uptake, but it takes him too long to understand what happiness Flint is referring to. In his defense, it's been a long time since he's been associated with anyone's happiness. “Captain,” Silver says, louder than he'd intended. “Do you take me for a stupid man?” Flint blinks. “No. I mean. Not recently. I'm not trying to trick y– ” “Do you think,” Silver interrupts. “given the man I was up until recently, that I would have survived as long as I have by ever getting involved with a married woman? Are you insane?” “I'm giving you permission,” Flint insists. The tips of his ears are turning red. “I'm just thinking about what she might want.” “And what about you?” Silver says without thought. “What is it that you want?” The look Flint gives him this time is not unreadable. Instead, Silver translates a thousand different meanings in the tick of his cheek, the movement of his eyes, how quickly he looks away. Every one makes Silver's heart expand like a full sail, stretched taut and liable to tear before an unrelenting wind. “That's my concern,” Flint says, standing up suddenly. “I must go check on Miranda.” On his way to the door, he adds without turning around, “I'll fetch you some fresh water.” And then Silver is alone, his heart still rippling in his chest. He has no idea which direction it's blowing in. He has no idea where it's taking him, and he's helpless to do anything but stay the course.
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stilljumpingback · 6 years
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(via Black Sails Episode 407 - XXXV)
For an episode all about grief, it is a refreshingly light episode after six hours of dark material.
The scene between Silver and the Queen is so lovely.  They are both grieving Madi, and her mother knows she can trust this boy who claimed to love her because he describes her as, “curious and strong, not made to be hidden away from the world.”
Flint is so tender with Silver!  “How is she?”  “Breathing.”  “How are you?”  It is continually astounding to realize that the rage that drove Flint through the first two seasons and especially the third has vanished.  He has a purpose now, has allies, and this has freed him to care for and trust the people around him.
When Julian balks at the idea of their Caribbean revolution expanding to include all of the New World, Silver is the one to go Bad Cop.  This is the exact opposite of the Quartermaster we used to know who could make Flint’s crazy plans palatable to the crew by selling it with a smile.
Part of me is annoyed that the only female pirate is the one who can’t seem to recover from her wounds, but it also gives us Jack the Nursemaid, so I can’t be mad for long.
Anne is pissed that Max wouldn’t apologize, but also admires her for not pretending.
“You have plenty of time to murder her another day, but right now you need to rest.”
Woodes Rogers is interrupted in blaming Mrs. Hudson for Eleanor’s decision by realizing that Eleanor was pregnant.  I would be sad for him, but he remains an asshole.
Jack mimicking Max’s French accent is A+ delightful.
Featherstone claims that Max hasn’t crossed anyone who didn’t cross her first.  Is this true?  Did Jack and Anne cross her?  Can someone rewatch the whole series real quick and validate this statement?
The Queen:  I once thought like you.  That because I had reason to mistrust the pirates, that it necessarily followed that I must mistrust them.  But it is not so.  For there is also reason to see common interest with them.  I have fought alongside these men. Julian:  I have fought alongside these men, but I did it so that I might find security.  What they are now arguing for does not sound like security to me.  There is no lasting security to be had here. Q:  We’ll fight to change that. J:  Nothing is lasting.  But months, years, that is meaningful, and it can be had here.  … Q:  No one has ever been this close, this near a chance to change the world. J:  No one changes the world.  Not like this.  Not all at once.
I love this conversation between the Queen and Julian!  They both make good points, but I have always been, and still remain, Team Long Term Planning.  And the Queen is sounding quite a bit like Flint at the end there, huh?
Silver is emotionally where Flint was last season, and it’s beautiful to see their roles reversed.  Flint is such a good partner to Silver, laying out their past and their present, warning him that his emotions will cloud his judgment (is he remembering a certain storm?) but that Flint will be there beside him, guiding him.  And when Silver regrets his harsh words to Julian, Flint calmly reassures him that it’s alright.  There’s obviously going to be a significant turn in their relationship by episode’s end, but this moment is really beautiful.
Flint says multiple times, “Trust me.”  Is it crazy that I do?  He’s ambitious, determined, and unafraid to change allies at the drop of a hat.  And yet, if you believe in the same thing that he does, he is hard to resist trusting.
Jack enjoys the notoriety of being identified as a pirate in Philadelphia by a wide-eyed teenager, especially when his name is listed right after Edward Teach.  But his mood quickly sours when he realizes the world wants to sensationalize their stories rather than seeing them as human beings.
“Charles Vane was my closest friend in the world.  He was the bravest man I ever knew.  Not without fear, just unwilling to let it diminish him.  And loyal to a fault.  And in a world where honesty is so regularly and casually disregarded–” “I heard he cut off a man’s head and left it as a marker in the sand to anyone who would cross him.” “It was a little more complicated than that.” “I heard he sometimes butchered his enemies for amusement, made stew of their flesh.  He was truly an animal.” “Stew?  For what possible–I beg your pardon, but do you believe this?” “I read it in a newspaper.” “Charles Vane was a good man.  What I told you was the truth.  Put down the newspapers and read a book.”
This is the whole points of Black Sails, adding layers of depth to the hype of a Pirate Show.
Grandpa Guthrie is dismissive of Jack’s plan, BUT GRANDMA GUTHRIE.  She and Jack immediately bond because they both know what it’s like to be underestimated and to use that to their advantages.
Eleanor fought to create space for her family, but Woodes Rogers destroyed it because he didn’t trust her.  Even if it feels a little out of place for this show, I’m glad Eleanor’s corpse is supernaturally judging him and crying because of him.  It is Very Effective, and he deserves it.
Billy is alive and a defector.  It made me think of Baby Billy who was tortured by the British and swore to fight against them as a result.  I suppose it must be very painful that his own allies wound up doing the very same thing to him.
Jack bought a fancy new coat while in Philadelphia.
Although Jack shows a lot of respect for Max by bringing her to meet Grandma Guthrie, GG demands more when interrupting his introduction with, “Does she speak?”  I cannot believe that this television show about pirates thought, “You know what we should do now that we only have four episodes left?  Let’s introduce another awesome female character!”
I have thoughts about the Cat Cycle at the end on my website under spoiler warnings.
Max:  In Nassau, slaves have seen too many of their own find freedom amongst the crews.  It costs less to pay wages than to replace defectors, or worse yet, to pay guards to watch my door as I sleep. Grandma Guthrie:  That isn’t the only reason, though, is it? Max:  No, it is not.  In my life, I have been bought and sold.  And as I would be no slave again, nor would I be a master.
Max shows both logic and emotion in her decision to pay former slaves wages.  She’s also learning that there is value in vulnerability, and I like her more than ever before.  (Relearning?  It’s possible that she stomped down her vulnerability after asking Eleanor to flee with her in the series beginning and being refused.)
We learned earlier in the episode that the cache no longer matters to Spain, yet Rogers demands its return in order for Madi’s release.  Why?  Out of spite?  Oh wait, he super needs the money.  It’s personal now.
Silver is blinded by his emotion, but the Queen can see through hers. Both she, Flint, and Madi agree that one life, however beloved, is not worth forfeiting the cache and their revolution, but Silver…he just wants her back.  Hmm.
Woodes Rogers goes to Madi for comfort, which is gross.  He tries to convince her to sign the agreement by being monstrous, which is ineffective.  Dude is flailing.
“Eleanor died fighting.  As will I.”
Jack and Anne’s separation is so sweet.  In exchange for her alliance, Grandma Guthrie has demanded that Jack kill Flint.  When Anne asks how he’ll do it, he lays out a litany of physical obstacles.  But she presses him, asking, “How could you be someone who would do that?”  Anne has been the secret heart of this show!  And this is so sweet, but Jack answers her concerns with the equally sweet, “I do it for us.  That’s how it started.  That’s how it’s going to end.”  I LOVE THEM.
Silver says, “He’s confident in his plan, as am I.”  He’s got a backup, because of course he does, and what’s going to happen next???
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silverlovesmadi · 7 years
Black Sails s4 ep9: Last scene, Madi's state of mind and parallels
What is that feeling called when different senses of your brain are being stimulated at the same time? At the end of this episode you’re are left with so many different and conflicting feelings and conclusions. But one thing is for sure: how depressing and heartbreaking it was. For one: In the last scene you see Silver, Flint and Hands gazing upon the utter distruction in front of them. They were unprepared for it, blind too it (Hands wasn’t obviously, always the very neccesary voice of reason), because their inside turmoil was to great. And so again, Billy proves he was right and he wins. Rogers wins too, since his entire purpose of being has become his dedication to the complete distruction of all high seas piracy. What are we to take from this as an audience watching this from the comfort of our 2017 homes? How senseless and stupid ALL of it is? That the times they lived in only warrented tragedy? The only choice of “true” freedom being piracy for so many men (and women)? Former slaves included. Now, like I’ve been saying week after week, am I surprised of this outcome? Of course not. It was more of a “brace yourself, because YOU know what’s coming.” Sadly, our main characters didn’t. Sidenote: To see Billy spare Ben Gunn was so poetic in the sense that if he didn’t had freed Billy, the distruction of the Walrus and the massacre of the Walrus crew wouldn’t even have happened. This entire mess is Flint digging his own grave, if he could’ve mustered to work together for once in his life, to care about the concept of friendship the same way Silver does, to be an empathic being, they could’ve been prepared for this assault, but again we all know Flint, Billy knows Flint and here we are. I personally don’t care much for the pirate cause, because of it’s toxic hypermasculine nature, but damned did all those men die for nothing.
Everything what Madi said to Rogers was in true Madi likeness. To hear her confront Eleanor of her hypocrisy in episode 6 was already incredibally satifying, but to hear her confront Rogers on his bullshit, you could tell he is not used to a Black woman defying him like that. I truly wonder what Madi used out of that book Rogers wrote about himself. Because she was fighting her damnedest to maintain her composure, her eyes were watery, her face evoking so much emotion and turmoil. Meaning not all of her words corresponded with her true thoughts. She doesn’t know anything about what has transpired between Silver and Flint since being captured in Nassau, she has no clue. She’s never had the chance to have a good conversation with a man like Julius, who could possibly be a father figure. As “badass” as her speech was, because truely what Black woman wouldn’t want to give a colonial sociopathic dipshit like Rogers her piece of mind, Madi is acting from what she believes to be the most selfless way to act. However scared she may be and fighting not to show that fear, she believes that to choose her own personal and individual desires (Silver) over a chance to fight for a free world for her people would be the most selfish thing she could ever do. And “It goes against everything she understands herself to be.” She’s at an impasse, a dilemma, the same place her mother was when Madi knew she wasn’t able to lead their men through the first battle with the British Navy. She refuses that deal because she holy believes it to be the most selfless and self sacrifing choice to make. She is in it, part of it, not on the outside like us, the audience, so her mind isn’t clear. She’s deciding FOR her people, not WITH. Her word is law, because before her it was decided that the Maroon community would not be a democracy. She was prepared for this role since she was a child, saw her people’s constant fear growing up and growing up in freedom herself, albeit isolated and hiding from the still existing threat, allowed her to form her current ideology. It’s a horrible and tragic place to be honestly, to finally have such a chance to give your people that freedom they so desperatelly seem to want and to have to contemplate giving it all up to make a deal with the devil were in you have to aid them in maintaining said threat that has caused all these years of intense hatred and anger against the powers purpetrating it in the first place. To be in a place where she can continue her fathers legacy who can not have died for nothing. To, with her own eyes, see the enslaved on the Plantations being brutalized and to not do anything about it. To live in freedom, to enjoy freedom, but see people who look just like you not have the same thing. To not want to disappoint anyone, betray anyone and want to save everyone all at the same time. What a mental hell, which she’s able to hide very well. But it’s easier for her to want this because she was born free. Her people, who still live in fear, would far likely take that deal, despite the fact it would mean that they would have to help the BE recapture escaped slaves. On the outside Madi seems to be a radical when it comes to her cause, someone who chooses idealism over realism, but what truely goes on inside of her head we do not know, because she does not allow us to see it, so we can only go of on body language. Either way, whatever she chooses, it will be a damned if you do, damned if you don’t type of situation. She knows it, so she’d rather choose martyrdom, then to choose to become a villain against the thing she’s been prepared to fight for her entire life. Despite the fact that choosing Rogers’ deal would allow her people and Julians people to live another day. They would rather choose fear over war. All those decisions to contemplate trusted upon so young a person. It’s a horrible tragedy to be in such a position in the first place and for that reason alone very diffult to watch. My heart breaks for her.
I don’t have to point out the very obvious difference between Madi and Flint nature and motives here, that’s why it really annoyed me to hear her speak of Flint the way she did. As if he deserved to be spoken of as such, while at that very moment he was betraying her very cause. His war will NEVER be the same as hers. Weeks ago I commented on somebody’s analysis about episode 5, wondering if Madi knew about Flint’s true motives, so I loved seeing the Madi x Silver flashback in which this was confirmed. He can not lie to her, keep things from her, that absolute trust between them is so important. A true tether moment. But she ended up working with Flint more closely anyway because, while Silver was missing, he convinced her that he wanted the same thing. Silver didn’t know about this, in the same way Billy didn’t know about Silver and Flint’s budding friendship in his absence. So, with that missing information and context, he panics and responds with a “Jesus, you sound just like him.”
I wonder, does Madi still believe this about Flint or is she willing herself to believe it like Silver has all this time, because admitting to yourself that your judgement was wrong, that you let yourself be pursuaded because you wanted it to be true so badly, is so much harder?
Special note: I personally loooved the flashback scenes between Silver and Flint, the in depth dialogue, the tranquility in and the length of the scenes, THE SWORD FIGHTING, Silver’s very apparent vulnerability and evasiveness, constantly struggling to talk about his past, like there is a deep sense of shame, like he truly believes it to be nothing, mean nothing compared to Flint’s story. I’m okay with that, he wants his present to be his origin story. It could also be that he instinctively didn’t trust Flint with that type of vulnerability, but didn’t realize it at that moment. We’ll see if he reveals it or not next episode. Only one episode left, so many loose eeeeends still, my God! How are they gonna do that in a consistent, clean and satisfying way? I hope the series finale is a hour and a half, because they have A LOT of ground to cover *laughs nervously*.
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About a boy
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I have seen some posts about Billy Bones’ senseless character’s arch and I agree with you. Even if I desagree with you in some points, I can’t help agreeing with people who are worried about Billy. I am not going to name all the metas I read, cause I know I’ll keep on reading more, and that I will like them too! :)
So now, all I want to do is leave my last headwank about our beloved Billy here and see it burn next sunday.
If you feel like reading it, do it!! It’s free ;)
I came to Tumblr because I was being a total trash for Blint, and I needed to talk to someone about it.
At first in the show, I was fascinated by Flint, and Billy was my puppy. But the more I watched the show, the more interested and worried I got about Billy.
When season 4 started, I got excited cause for me the relationship was still there. They yelled in 4x01, yeah! I know, buy it's because a missunderstanding, and that makes everyone lose their shit about Billy (not only in Nassau but also in this fucking fandom). We start to see him really angsty with his "friend" Silver who doesn't not only listen to Billy's part of "attacking Madi and Flint", but he even betrays him when Billy wants to get Flint once he's out of the fort. Then in Underhill Ben sets him free and Billy does the only thing he thinks he's gotta do, go and defeat Silver and Flint. How? Well, he'll go to Rogers, and the rest, is BS’s history.
I find it logical the way he feels about everything and all that, but what I don't understand is the way they are treating him. If they are not going to make Billy TIcanon, and change completly his essence, personality and moral, they are doing it right. But if they want to keep Billy as TIcanon... then, they are doing it wrong, or just preparing a fucking plot twist, cause it doesn't make sense!!
I've started to worry about Billy in 4x03 when I saw that he appeared in the chapter for only 10 senconds, and also after I found that everyone seemed to be blaming him for everything in Nassau (and again, in this fandom). I couldn't believe how Billy was being perceived. And I say perceive, cause that's all we get. A perception of what's really going on inside of him. Why do I say this? Cause this show is becoming part of our reallity somehow. We believe what's going on, because we are shown that. As well as people who doesn't dig Billy perceive him as a traitor or someone who should be killed, we, the people who have been paying attention to his whole arch development (Blint strange relationship included), are also losing shit about him. We don't understand him anymore, as well as the others... Again, why?? because that's what the show wants! They want us to understimate Billy so he can fucking give us a plot twist on his favour! (or at least that’s my last hope!)
Otherways, why would they use in the scene where Silver betrays Billy in 4x05 a tense music while Jacob walks to him, and then stop it when we see Billy's face? I don't see any hate there. If he had it, he would had shown it, and most important, the music wouldn't had stopped. It would had gone more tense and dramatic... just saying...
Look at this face for fuck’s sake!!!
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Or then, why would they shoot the moment Flint and Silver saw Billy and Madi that way? I mean, they made a fucking paralell between Billy-Flint and Madi-Silver moment. Both men make the same moves and expressions when they see that "special" person in the other ship. But what is more important to me is whether Flint knew or not that Billy was alive, and what Silver did to him... I wanted Flint to be mad at Silver for that, but we didn’t get that, and it's dissapointing.
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I could go on and on with more theories about Flint and Billy relationship arch development this season, but it's just too exhausting... for real!! That's why after 4x06 I only focused on Billy. I couldn't believe all the things that happened to him. Nor couldn't believe in Flint not asking about Billy; nor Joji, Dooley and more crewmates betraying him, and leaving him alone... that's not possible! and that's when I became TeamBilly. I know it sounds childlish, but that's how I feel. It really hurts me how he is being describe this season... is too fucking much BS writers, and not reasonable at all!!
But in the other hand, the fact that Ben and Jacob were by his side doesn't make Billy so dark, I guess. They both defended him and acted againts what their new "captain" ordered, in order to help a friend who's been keeping everything together, and who's allways right (3x06's everyones wrong but you)! And Billy seems to remember it on 4x09! He saved Ben, he shoot his other crewmate, yeah, but he saved Ben, and, in that moment, Ben could see the difference!! Billy is not dangerous! If he really was he wouldn't had shown any mercy, and he would had killed Ben!! And for me that's a sign that not everything is lost with Billy, and the reason why I still trust him.
And last but not less... the fucking 4x09′s flashbacks:
I thought about it when I was seeing the scene where Flint shows Silver to fight and asks him about his past.
Flint has bever been true to Billy. I mean. Flint asks about his past to Silver cause he trusts him and had trusted him with his own story about Thomas and Miranda, but Silver never told him nothing. And as opposite, it comes to me the mystery of Flint knowing about Billy's past, the decitions he made and the way he became a pirate. But Billy doesn't know about Flint's story either, so in that sense, he's in the same level as Billy in his relationship with Silver. Silver knows about Flint's truth, but Flint doesnt now about Silver's truth and Flint knows about Billy's truth, but Billy doesn't know about Flint's truth. And Tom Hopper said that the lack of communication is the key of their relationship, and that somehow Billy never gets to see that part of Flint. Is sad that we only have one episode left, cause there's no time for that...
I also noticed that before every flashback, there's a scene of Flint and Silver together or separated. The first scene of the chapter is indeed a flashback, but, the next ones are introduced in the previous scenes by both Silver and Flint realising something about each other.
The first one starts when Hands asks Silver if he knows that he has send the two groups of men to their own end if they meet Flint on the way. Then Silver says something very important: they wont die or get harmed if they don't expose their position. Then we have the second flashback, where Flint, in order to show how to fight and win your adversary, tells Silver that they can't sursprise you, so you have to know who they are (remember Scott giving Madi Rogers’ book in order to know and learn about and from the enemy?)... and then he goes: "I don't know who you are... who are you?". As Flint tells Silver later, he's being transparent with him. Flint has showed Silver his weakest part, what makes him human, something so personal that becomes Silver part of his own story... but Silver says his story is not important. Flint get's annoyed, cause after all, he expects the same things he's being giving Silver, but instead all he gets is nothing.
What I understand from this two scenes is that Silver is hiding himself from Flint. Is not that he doesn't have a story, the thing is that he doesn't want Flint to know it. He's hiding something, cause the way the chapter is written tells about it. I mean, Hands asks Silver if Flint knows everything Silver has learned from him. And I think he referes, not only to the fighting skills, but about everything that Silver must not repeat from Flint, like telling somoene who you really are. Silver is very smart and knows he must have a plan b with Flint. He told it to Madi in season 3: he needs someone with him in order to get into Flints darkness. He learns from other peoples mistakes, and that’s great!
I see more foreshadowing things about the true relationship between Silver and Flint in those flashbacks and nothing has lead me to any Silverflint conclusion. I don’t want to keep on writing about it, but if you found it interesting, tell me and I would tell you more about it!
What I want to say with all the flashback thing is, that in a way, Billy’s always been true to Flint, to the crew and the audience. We’ve seen him from the very first episode being able to face his captain with different weapons and also saving his fucking ginger ass... and it’s been like that until now! I mean, Billy hates Flint? Yeah, he has shown us from the beginning that he doesn’t trust him, even though he always ends up saving him. His words contradict his actions, and that’s the best part of it! Billy is a man of action, he doesn’t have to explain things, he just does it! (Silver in the contrary is a man of words: telling stories that are not his own, telling lies in order to survive, or to even acusse a “friend”... ) Does Billy care about his crew? Yes. I’m sure you remember his line in 2x07: “None of us is safe until all of us are safe”. Well what happened in 4x06? Who was the one left chained in the plantation ready to be found by the Spanish army, but had the luck to be freed by his only friend?? Who??? Yeah! Billy!! So I’m sure he cared about the crew until this point. Then he was left behind by EVERYONE in Nassau (and in the fandom), so yeah! I understand him beinng a little bit too much irritated about it!
And about Flint... well, don’t get me started... At this point the more I think about it, the more confused I get...that’s why I’ll ride anything that 4x10 give us, seriously.
Let’s keep on understimating Billy Bones, Black Sails... you know why?? Because being understimated is an incredible gift!! Oops! I didn’t said it! Rackham did in 3x10!
... just saying...
If you’re in this point, thank you for reading! And as @greenleaf444stuff said: we people gotta stick together!!
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
The Blood In My Veins | Black Sails
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Chapter 47: Forced To Be Someone I'm Not
For Chapter 46: Right Time, Right Place click here.
"I will."
"Good luck, Jack." I patted him on his back before letting go and there he went, away from me, leaving me all alone in a civilised world.
Right when the next day started, I was pulled into a small bedroom and was ordered by the governor to dress myself as a proper formal woman.
Immediately, maids were measuring me to probably make a dress or find one that would suit me and they had against my will undressed me and dragged me into a hot bath. The hot bath wasn't such a problem though. It felt nice to relax for a moment and being clean felt refreshing too. I had a moment to think and hope Flint, Anne and Charles would manage to save Jack from his hell as I laid my head back. Eventually the maids came back and I got handed over a normally common red dress when I was commanded to come out of the relaxing bathtub and cocky I shook my head towards the maids.
"If I have to blend in your 'perfect' civilised world. I want it more.... uncommon, more my style." Without hesitation the women nodded at me and they left the room with me in it, all alone.
Sighing, I almost crumbled to the ground, still naked and wet.
I had been forced to live a life I didn't want to live so many times and I finally thought I was free from it the day I decided to become a pirate. I had fought for the freedom to be my own person, but it seemed like all that effort was thrown away just like that.
I knew when this was all over, I could go back to who I was, but it felt like what I feared was coming true. Becoming one of those judging, fancy whores under a governor's or king's command.
After an hour of trying to keep the tears at bay because of all the bad thoughts, one maid walked in on her own. She laid a beautiful long 'Circassian-like' white dress with gold embroideries onto the bed and held out her hand to help me raise to my feet.
"I'm sorry if the girls are picking on you. They simply hate pirates-...."
"And you?" I raised an eyebrow at the black haired woman.
She didn't look like one of the governor's maids, she was rather very familiar to me.
"I don't, I'm working with a resistance.... and when I heard you were here, it was better to pay you a visit." She slowly smiled at me and I nodded back.
"What kind of resistance?"
"I work together with Captain Vane and Augustus Featherstone. I told them where the exchange was taking place, my name is Idelle."
"You spoke to Charles?"
"Yes, he was worried. Sadly, the time the three of us spoke, I didn't know about you being here so that's why I couldn't reassure him you were safe."
"I hope they find Jack so he can give the message I'm unharmed, but being mentally tortured by this island." I weakly laughed.
"Well, put it on." She stared enthusiastically at me. "I don't know if you like the feeling of a dress though."
"Dresses have a lot of disadvantages.... that's why I don't wear them, but they aren't that bad." I explained to Idelle and straightened my back as I covered my body with a blanket. I was getting cold.
"Well, this one doesn't have a corset."
My head shot up.
"Look, that sounds way better, doesn't it?" My mood had cleared up a bit seeing a face that is in the same 'resisting civilisation' state as I was and with effort tried on the dress.
(POV Charles Vane)
Shooting the last man standing, he stumbled back and bled out on the ground before I and Anne hurriedly made our way to the carriage which had crashed on the hand of our unannounced attack.
Anne had kneeled down before the window and I quickly followed, spotting Jack laying lifeless under a few wooden beams. Taking a deep breath, I saw that Anne had also removed her face cover and concerned watched Jack covered in blood. When she almost lost hope, her eyes grew wide and I smiled when we heard Jack groan in pain and move his fingers. With speed, Anne had taken action and gasped before she made her way through the carriage to Jack, kissing him desperately.
"Ow." Jack complained and Anne just chuckled while I climbed in as well, handing the cache over to Flint and Bones so they could bring that somewhere safe.
As Anne tried to get Jack free around his wrists I instead had put an iron stick between the chains and the place where it was bound to, pulling the stick towards me with the hope I could break it.
"We need to move, now!"
"Go!" Grunting, I shortly responded.
"Take the chest to the beach. We'll be right behind you." I groaned, putting all my force behind trying to get my friend free.
"Right behind us?" Flint didn't trust me and was worried about us, I could hear it in the way he spoke up and I stopped pulling, jerking my head the way Flint was standing.
I knew he didn't want to leave someone behind, but we came here for Jack as well and he needed to be released.
"Yeah." I reassured and continued my work, a terrible sound hearable.
In the corner of my eye I could see Flint nodding at us before he left us behind in the carriage.
"I thought you said you and Nassau were through."
"Got worried you two'd be lost without me. Glad to see I was wrong about that."
"I was locked up with Naida. She's safe now. I helped her regain her freedom inside Nassau without her having to take the pardon." My head shot up and suddenly my face started to automatically smirk. I must say that was the best news I heard in a couple of weeks and out of a sudden all my rage was gone, except for the one towards Rogers, still for capturing my woman and taking Nassau from us.
Man, hearing she was unharmed eased my mind a bit.
"Thank you."
"You love her.... and she has been nothing but a good friend towards me and Anne." He smiled, probably happy to not see me terribly stressed anymore. "And Teach? How has he taken your change of heart?"
"Couldn't say. If you see him, I suppose you could ask him." I spoke through my grunts as my arms were getting more exhausted as the seconds passed. From the distance I could hear Flint and Bones disappearing by the fading of their horses' sounds and I started to work harder and faster. Time was running out after all and when I was almost there, Jack clamped his chains so it would break easier and within a small amount of time afterwards, he broke free. I climbed up the carriage to jump from the top to the floor so I could help Jack to get out from the outside of the carriage and he groaned in pain as I supported him with walking.
"Look." Jack stated and then we heard it, the horses whinnying and redcoats sitting on top of them.
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st4rlings · 7 years
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed by some (= quite a few) fandom-reactions to the Black Sails finale. I thought the overwhelming majority of us were adults, ergo able to have matter-of-fact discussions. But now that I look at the meta in the tumblr tags I realise that an astonishing number of people feel attacked by diverging interpretations of the finale. Some are extremely emotional because they can't even bear the thought of someone doubting the version they believe is true, others seem to feel the need to rationalise why 'the other faction' must have gotten it wrong by coming up with a bunch of rather insulting psychological judgements as to why ‘the others’ chose to believe a different theory despite the clearly superior arguments for their own perspective.
I mean, why not just state your own opinion and trust it is convincing? Why not try to debunk arguments you deem incorrect? Why go and whine about people, who don't share your view, being mean or stupid? Frankly, for me, that's ruining the fun I'm looking for in fandom. I don't understand why we don't celebrate the fact that, in a way, everyone got what they wanted.
So in the end it boils down to deciding if we share Silver's view of things or if we're with Flint and isn't that marvellous?! The show gives us a choice by deliberately providing us with equally good arguments for either interpretation. I'm still in awe the writers came up with such a clever way to end things. It's an unexpectedly brilliant move.
That's why it I'm extra annoyed by this “But I am right, I must be right, don't even tell me I might be wrong”-response. Fandom is always about individual preferences, about questions of taste, about wishfulfilment. To each their own is basically its grand overarching motto. (Or at least it should be)
So yes, argue the hell out of this ending, make your point, come up with brilliant analytic pieces to prove your case. But don't go around insulting people for having, in your eyes, inferior opinions. That's really bad manners. A tag is public. Everyone interested in the topic can read it, not just your followers or members of your ‘superior opinion group’. And I don't care if you feel justified by rude anon asks to lump all of the 'opposition' together to paint them as a bunch of sore losers. We may not share an opinion but we’re still in the same fandom together. I respect you, you respect me. Even if we don’t talk to each other directly. That’s the deal.
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