#and that is itttt day 4 and the last part of this fic! it was sooo fun!
redleavesinthewind · 2 years
castiel’s guide to loving a human
for @emeraldcas‘ creator celebration 💚
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / full version on ao3 / dean’s guide / the home guide
prompts: soft epilogue and “the sun will never shine as bright as you
step 4: tell him all that is important
They’re watching the sunset, sitting in Cas’ garden and taking advantage of the warmth the first weeks of spring bring. They’re drinking Dean’s famous homemade lemonade, which is according to Jack not quite sweet enough, but Cas thinks it’s just right. Dean’s smile was brilliant when Cas told him he couldn’t get enough of it.
There is a moment, a very short one, just before the sun disappears, when it shines brightest. Then it is gone, and the world becomes darker, though not less bright. Not when Dean is still sitting next to Cas.
“When did you know?” Dean asks.
“When did I know what?” Cas sets down his glass, turning to face Dean.
“That you love me?” Dean looks almost nervous as he asks, turning the glass between his hands, making the lemonade in it swirl around.
Cas thinks, trying to find the words to explain. “I guess, I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you in hell. Your soul was bright, brighter than anything I’d ever seen, and so beautiful despite the violence it was surrounded by and the corruption that threatened to creep in.”
Dean scoffs unbelieving, but Cas doesn’t let that stop him. “I will always remember when I sent you back to the past and pulled you back just as you saw your mother make that deal with Azazel, and I saw the pain in your face. And it hurt me too, to see it so plainly in your eyes. That’s when I realised that something was… different. That I was feeling things I shouldn’t.”
Cas wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact moment before, but it’s so clear in his mind now that he knows, that was the point of no return. “Of course I didn’t know it was love at that point. That came later.”
And Cas thinks of all the moments he realised he was in love with Dean. When he watched over him during his time with Lisa, and the longing became nearly unbearable. When Dean found him in purgatory and for one second, his relief and happiness at seeing him again was so great that it almost made him forget that they couldn’t be near each other. When he broke free of Naomi’s manipulation because he couldn’t—wouldn’t—keep hurting the man he loves.
Cas loved him through it all, when Dean descended into blind rage due to the Mark, when he was sacrificing himself to save the world. Even when Cas and Dean couldn’t look into each other’s eyes, angry and grieving and blaming each other for things they couldn’t change, when Cas left and Dean didn’t tell him to stay, there was still the all-encompassing, ever-present love in Cas’ heart.
He considers telling Dean all of this, but in the end, that’s not what’s important. Instead, he takes Dean’s face between his hands and kisses him. When they part, Dean smiles. “It was just a random morning.”
“What?” Cas frowns. Sometimes Dean starts sentences and just assumes Cas can read his mind to fill the gaps.
“It was just a random morning, when I realised I love you. I woke up and just knew. It’s been happening gradually, I think. The falling in love. And then one morning I just knew.”
Cas kisses Dean again, letting the world around them grow dark as Dean grows brighter.
“I love you.” Cas says, still holding on to Dean.  “It feels like I’ve loved you my whole life. Even before I knew you.”
And when Dean’s soul lightens even more at that, Cas chuckles. “And I love how bright your soul is.”
Dean scoffs again, but it’s amused. “Dude, it can’t be that bright. Maybe you’re less sappy when the sun’s up again tomorrow.”
Cas laughs. “Would you believe me if I told you the sun will never shine as bright as you.”
Dean looks like he’s rendered speechless, but the kiss he lunges into is all Cas needs as an answer.
✨taglist (ask to be added/removed)
@t4tspirk @classycoffeecat @goiwantamuffin @bookworm-789 @emeraldcas @magickastiel @hellericarus @thefantasyfiend @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie
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mini-pretzel · 6 years
Ooff! I typed this already but fuck I accidentally closed the tab 😭 anyways. This will be the last one of my endless rambling. Hah! I just really wanted to point out how I felt reassured with how yoongi treated oc during their lezz get it (jk voice lol) time! And did I mention it's hot! Oozing and melting 😂 so thank you! This story made me extremely happy and giddy! I hope you continue to grow as a writer and that more peeps would read from you. Cuz u're amazing! Have a good day babe! ❤️💕 3/3
lkfdsjfalkfdj omg girl, i do this too often. those damn tabs n my slippery fingers.
i don’t mind the rambling, i swear
OMG SO. i remember during those (lezz get it, lol omg ily i read that in jk’s voice. you crack me up) parts when i was trying to make it all spicy n stuff and then yoongi was like, imma be sweet and take care of her, and i was like…….. u know, ok, yeah. you’re just gonna go do that….. u go do that….
//clenches hand over chest   my horttttt
i just love sexy scenes where there’s like fluff n emotion sprinkled around, it makes fucking melt. dlksjfadlfksa
im so glad it’s hot. i hope it was spicy too. i visibly sweated at the panty scene. yoongi u nasty ass hoe, ily.
lkfdjlfksajflkasdja f  R U KIDDING ME. OF COURSE, UR WELCOME. THANK YOU FOR READING AND LIKE TAKING THE TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO WRITE ME!! LIKE. THIS IS THE BEST PART. I LOVE ITTTT. im so glad my writing made you happy eeee. that’s the best compliment a writer could ever receive, so thank you, thank you, i cannot thank you enough.
this fic actually blew up, im still in shock, lol. lkdfsjfdlka i hope others got the same enjoyment from it. hehehe.
thank you for your kind words!!
also, keep an eye out. i’ve started writing a jk fic, so, that should drop at some point before christmas (fingers crossed).
it’s not christmas themed or anything (mostly cause i don’t have any prompts or ideas for that theme yet, but who knows, maybe i’ll stumble upon something, haha)
pray 4 me. hope it’ll be just as good if not even better.
anyways!! thank you for your asks, i hope you’re having a wonderful day!!!
maybe i’ll hear from you again in the future? c:
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