#and that last sentence. oh god
daughtersofbelleteyn · 4 months
"Why does everyone think I'm still in love with Spike?!?"
Buffy 24 hours later.
"I'm not ready for you to not be here"
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chompe-diem · 4 months
hey. don't cry. audible smile in brian murphy's voice when he says "...but it's good when your friends look out for you" ok?
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r0b0t1me · 1 year
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You are not supposed to be here. You don’t belong here. Get out get out get out GET OUT-
fanart for chapter 4 of take little bites by @bigdvmnhero​
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bonus. because i couldnt pick a single scene to draw out LMAO
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homenecromancer · 6 months
reading Dune as a preteen: wow… all these characters are sooo smart :O
rereading Dune as an adult: this book rules, every single one of these people is fuckin’ stupid in a different way
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And that's why she's a Queen
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
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Riding him like you're stealing his soul, sultrily smoothing out your left palm flatly onto his heaving chest, pressing down ever so lightly as you roll and grind your hips perfectly along his solid hips, getting that perfect angle deep inside of you as you grin coyly, seductively "You want to be a daddy so bad, don't you baby?" and he gets all flustered and almost cums immediately on the spot from your depriving, promising words.
"Here, let's make you a good father then baby, just give everything to me - make me a pretty mommy, baby"
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twirlquest · 10 months
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the red was the old remastered 219; the blue is from the Kid vs Conan compilation coming out in January
it's such a small change and i am totally completely sane about it. absolutely normal. not at all feral. i'm fine. im fine im
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sweetshire · 4 months
denethor is said to have been greatly affected by finduilas’ death, right. and i know their marriage was a political one but i like to believe that they still loved each other. not in the ‘traditional sense’ i guess but they loved each other’s spirits, their souls. the duty (as they viewed it) to protect their people & the willpower to do it, they both shared. and so i think that more precious than love, they understood each other perfectly. as no one else could, or did. i can’t stop thinking about denethor’s grief at losing her. to love someone, and to have them understand you, but to lose them so abruptly… no wonder denethor became embittered by her death. i think he became sad too. closed-off. built even more walls around him, not wanting to be seen as vulnerable by anyone. but his anger, at what (or whom), exactly? he already broke up with god when he was young. at the universe? at his fate? to have lost her so unfairly.
i came here to talk about their love & somewhere in the middle lost myself in his grief lol. never mind, bc what is grief if not love persevering????? they loved each other. i can’t. i CAN’T get over this simple truth. the love was there. it wouldn’t have been this tragic if there’s wasn’t. the love was there. and isn’t that enough (it isn’t. but it is. IT IS). the love was there. THE LOVE WAS. THERE. sobbing. truly sobbing DON’T TOUCH ME
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nina-ya · 3 months
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE HAPPIEST OF TUESDAYS TO ALL OF YOU!!! I hope you all have a good day I’m sending kissies to all of you 💕💕💕
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autistickhunsam · 2 years
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I'll write it in waves. In skies. In my heart. You'll never see, but you will know. I'll be all the poets, I'll kill them all and take each one's place in turn, and every time love's written in all the strands it will be to you."
—This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
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cybertron-after-dark · 3 months
What are the humans like in wayward sparks? Are there any notable ones?
They're not necessarily as prominent in the story as they tend to be in any canon series that includes them, but they're definitely there. The bots spend the first arc just trying to survive on earth until they find a way home, and they have quite a few run ins with the locals. Most of which are relatively unhinged, many of which are not very friendly, because they crash in an itty bitty, rural new england mountain town called Ironwood, wayyyyy out in the sticks. Most residents aren't particularly afraid to fire at will when giant robot aliens decide to show up.
Least alien-friendly would be Rusty Williams, a local logger with one hell of a trigger finger for anyone and anything on his property he sees as a threat. Aliens, government agents asking a few too many questions, cops, whatever. All of them only get one warning.
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Fortunately for the stranded Cybertronians, gunshots aren't really fatal or even particularly damaging long-term for giant robots that can put themselves back together if they sustain enough damage to fall to pieces. Unfortunately, they still do enough damage to tear through their outer armor layers and that tends to hurt like a bitch.
In the very least, there are plenty of humans around with their heads screwed on right that won't try to blast anything that looks at them funny. Like Rusty's Daughter, Crystal.
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That said, Crystal is an elusive type. A middle schooler Going Through It, trying REALLY hard to be edgy so people stay away (hence the $2 Spirit Halloween horns headband), she'd really prefer to spend her free time hiding in the woods where nobody can perceive her. Thats been a little more difficult ever since a bunch of giant robots started stomping around out there and all they know about her is her dad is super cringe, so she's pretty scared of a bad first imprsssion.
She'd be lying if she said she didn't want to be friends with them (which she does lie about frequently because ew, genuine feelings), especially the Decepticons, because she thinks they're cooler, but she also knows her dad would flip his lid if he knew.
Also interested in approaching the Resident Aliens, is Marie Lambert.
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Marie's only just recently moved into Ironwood. It's been a rocky transition to say the least. Her dad's a biologist, a real science-y type, and he moved out to the boonies to be closer to the wildlife. Marie's plenty used to being out in the sticks, camping trips with her dad were a regular occurrence before the move, but it's a little hard to get used to the new place when there aren't very many kids her age around. And the ones that are there aren't exactly very welcoming to flatlanders showing up taking over the place.
But in the very least, Marie makes ONE friend when she finds Crystal out in the woods. And a few more when they find what the adult residents of Ironwood have been telling them to stay the hell away from.
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They don't approach them straightaway (mostly because their first encounter consists of watching Shockwave scare away Bumblebee, and Shockwave skulking off when he realizes he spooked the Autobot), but the next day at school they start Planning. They HAVE to know more about the robots, and they're willing to pool their resources and information to make that happen. They figure if there's two sides and they don't play nice with each other, it's easiest for one girl to pick one side and they tell each other whatever they can find out.
This begins several beautiful friendships
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Marie chooses to gather info on the Autobots. Mostly because, well, they seem less scary and potentially friendlier. She tries the polite thing (which she's hoping will result in the least possible chance for things to go off the rails) and knocks right on their door. The bots aren't really sure how to respond to a very small, very shy alien critter that showed up right at their door to ask what they are and if she can hang out. Marie isn't sure if any of this was a good idea.
They turn out to be pretty welcoming, especially because organics that aren't actively shooting at them are a nice change of pace.
She gets especially close with Bumblebee. Hes comforting. Makes her feel like everything's going to be okay. She gets pretty anxious, and he's good at keeping her grounded. So far, anyway...
On Crystal's side, it's been... Well, it's been different.
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The cons would not admit it on their deathbeds but good lord did Crystal scare the slag out of them when they first realized she was there. She snuck right on aboard their crashed ship and nobody noticed her for about 15 minutes.
After the initial scare, and a bunch of big bad giant robots scrambling around because there is a Tiny Squishy Critter in their Space and they do NOT know what to do about that, Crystal starts in trying to get answers. Answers most of the cons aren't particularly willing to give out (other than Shockwave, who is just very excited at the opportunity to make a new friend).
Megatron eventually deems her more or less harmless. She isn't really causing problems or hurting anyone, she doesn't appear to be hostile (other than hissing at Lugnut when he got too close), and he can't really fault the little gremlin for her curiosity. An ally in a foreign world can be very very valuable when you're stranded, so he lets her stay, "as long as she doesn't get in the way."
Marie and Crystal meet up at school during lunch to share notes. It gets confusing trying to keep track of everything when the two sides give conflicting information so often. The girls try to keep an open mind. Hard to remember things about someone you don't like, but they can't really figure out which version is true for any given story, but they're hoping if they spend enough time with their robot friends, they'll figure it out together.
Maybe they can even help the bots and the cons make up. It's just a silly fight, after all.
It's not like anyone's going to get hurt, right? They're all good people.
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Don't mind me, I've been waiting to write this chapter of the alien fic for 50 000 words. What a reward.
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saturnvs · 1 year
i think western au villaneve live just outside of a town on their own farm and they're a mystery to the townspeople, eve and villanelle are talked about like they're folklore even though they're very real and ride into town like once a month to buy stuff. no one truly knows what the two of them got up to before they settled down on their farm, the stories range from them just being vagabonds who chose to settle down, to robbers, to killers.
when they ride into town everyone backs away out of fear but they're equally curious about them. they're always pleasant with the shopkeepers and smile at the children who want to pet their big horses, but the townspeople claim they see blood on their skin and their clothes. no one knows if they're just mysterious but harmless lesbians or if they're mysterious and harmful lesbians :)
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adustoflove · 7 months
Sometimes I suspect autism and then I immediately push it down into the gutter and forget that I could ever have it. Like why was I so shy my kindergarten teacher who was 70 at the time and had been doing it for about 40-50 years suspected something was wrong with how shy I was and only when my sibling came during parent teacher conferences did she think this kid is a Little Normal because at least I played with them 😭 why do I walk on my toes and pace around listening to the same song on repeat for 4 hours. Why do I SUCK at making conversation irl and freeze up and feel stuck like I can't do anything when people are watching me. What is wrong with my brain other than the fact that I'm mentally a little unwell
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singsweetmelodies · 5 months
well, well, well. LANDO NORRIS
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Last Sentence Tag War
Tagged by @ablatheringblatherskite and @wednesdayandherhyde
I am officially getting to the scene that is truly the whole premise of this one-shot and I am getting nervoussss but here's the last thing I wrote (it may change bc part of me is SCREAMING that it's bad but we'll see we'll see)
He locked his eyes on hers, a sly grin spreading on his face. “Alright, I’m up here, now what’s your deal?” He turned to shut the door behind him. “Why have you looked like you wanted to eat me alive all day?” “Because I do,” Wednesday stated plainly.
That was five sentences I shared so I'll tag back five people: @writerrose1998 @wileyonce @chaoticstupiddm @nouklea @badmoodbatflowers
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