#and that’s what matterssss
a-multifandom-mess12 · 11 months
“Wdym you read fanfiction? that’s so lame” SHUT UP AND LET ME HAVE MY LITTLE GAY GUYS OKAY?
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vesselmade-a · 4 months
things are happening
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salmonroes · 4 months
got my ass beat a little bit in the vial pit 😵‍💫 but we chilling now
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
vaggie the hotel manager uses her position and assumed no-nonsense-ness for evil and chaos bc she can
Vaggie: “So.”
Vaggie: “Who broke it?”
Hotel Crew: *stares in silence at the obliterated coffee machine*
Vaggie: “I’m not mad. I just wanna know.”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “-I did, I broke-”
Vaggie: “-no. No, you didn’t sweetie.”
Charlie: (huffs)
Vaggie: “Angel Dust?”
Angel Dust: “Don’ look at me, toots! Look at Husk.”
Husk: “What? I didn’t fucking break it?”
Angel Dust: “Weird. How’d you even know it was broken?”
Husk: “Because it’s sitting right the fuck in front of us, and it’s broken.”
Angel Dust: (leans down) (smirks in his face) “Suspicious~”
Husk: (angry cat noise) “No the fuck it’s not???”
Sir Pentious: “If- if- if it matterssss- probably not, but… Niffty WASSSS the lassst one to ussse it.”
Niffty: (giggling) “LIAR I DON’T EVEN DRINK THAT CRAP!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh. Ah, um, well then- what WERE you doing by the coffee cart earlier?”
Niffty: “I use the hot water to boil insets alive in- everyone knows that, SNAKEY.” (holds up coffee cup of dead drowned bugs)
Sir Pentious: (recoils hissing in HORROR)
Charlie: “Okay- OKAY! Let’s not fight, I broke it, let me pay for it Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Babe, no. Who broke it?”
Hotel Crew: *dead silence*
Husk: “….”
Husk: “…Vaggie. Alastor’s been awfully fucking quiet…”
Alastor: (irate dial tuning sound) “REALLY?”
Husk: “Yeah, really-”
Alasator: “OH HO HOW DARE-”
Hotel Crew: *bursts into squabbling*
Vaggie: (watching)
Vaggie: (shit liar) “I broke it. It burned Charlie’s hand earlier, so I punched it.”
Hotel Crew: *still arguing aren’t listening*
Vaggie: (smirks)
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shegetsburned · 1 year
Kansas x Locus and/or Alejandro x Luna for the ship ask please <3
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thank you all so much for asking for Luna & Alejandro, I’ve been dying to talk about them, also props to Ice for Kansas & Locus; my babies forever @jinfromyarikawa @voidika @jillvalentinesday @d-vx also tagging @sstewyhosseini for the rvb obsession
questions come from this ask game
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: Alejandro 100%, that man will go out of his way to get close to Luna and attack her with kisses.
Gets jealous the most: Alejandro, man’s blood is hot.
Takes care of on sick days: Both, they will take care of each other, I just know Alejandro will force Luna to stay in bed.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Neither. I want to say Luna, she’d tease Alejandro before pulling him into the water.
Brings the other lunch at work: Luna. Alejandro always forgets his. Luna loves eating too much to forget.
Tries to start role-playing in bed:  It would most likely be Alejandro, and it would definitely amuse Luna at first before she kinda gets into it.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: If it’s either one of them, it’ll probably be Alejandro, Luna doesn’t normally get drunk nor dance.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Luna. She loves to match with her man.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:  Alejandro. He’s always spoiling his girl.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Both, probably the first one up.
Remembers anniversaries: I feel like Luna remembers them more for some reason.
Brings up having kids first: Definitely Alejandro. He’s a big family man and cannot wait to start one with Luna. Unfortunately, she’s very hesitant towards this subject.
Kills the bugs: Both, except if they’re big, then Luna’s not it.
First to define them as a couple: Neither. It’ll always be something they don’t officially define.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: Luna. She’ll for sure wait longer than Alejandro.
Snorts while laughing: Neither, but Luna can always let one slip.
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: I firmly believe Locus sometimes places tender kisses on Luna’s forehead.
Gets jealous the most: Both, but Locus is more discreet about it than Kansas.
Takes care of on sick days: Locus will, since he doesn’t believe he needs taking care of, he’ll probably refuse Kansas’s help.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Definitely Kansas. She’s way more playful and will drag her grumpy husband out into the water.
Brings the other lunch at work: Neither. They’re soldiers, they know eating is important.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Kansas will unsuccessfully try- that poor girl 😭 it won’t last long before Locus gets the upper hand.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Neither.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Kansas all the way. She’ll drag Locus to match with her, wether it’s same color armors or small details that reminds them of the other.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Locus. He’s a rich mercenary and will spoil Kansas.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Again, both. I want to imagine them in the coziness of their home, after the war, eating breakfast together like a cute couple.
Remembers anniversaries: Locus. Kansas doesn’t remember shit. She’s even confused about her own anniversary.
Brings up having kids first: Neither one of them are interested, to be honest. They both agree kids would not mix well with their current occupation.
Kills the bugs: Both. They’ll hunt the poor little bug down.
First to define them as a couple: It’ll take veryyyy long before they’re both officially together, so I want to say Kansas will bring up the subject one time and they’ll never talk about it again 😭 they know who they are to each other and that’s what matterssss.
Who hides their guilty pleasure longer: Locus. He’s more set back and will wait longer, until Kansas gets him to reveal it.
Snorts while laughing: Kansas. I just know despite everything that has happened to her, she often laughs and can’t help but snorts.
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my life and what i want out of life matterssss
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askazfellandco · 4 years
sssurely that doessssn’t matter now.... what matterssss iss him
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vex-bittys · 6 years
I heard a Drabble event was going on! I will be classified as Syrus. I only have and idea and this takes place with a King (full size) and a reader. Bond is platonic (or sibling like, whatever) and said King is being a little overprotective of Reader cause Readz is going out late-night driving (reason is up to you, but I just think that the reader will be stressed.) they come back saying sorry after storming ng off.
A Dark and Rainy Night
The night was unforgivingly dark. Clouds obscured the light of the moon and the stars, and even the shadows cast deeper shadows in the eerie stillness, broken only by frustrated shouting.
“I know how to drive!” a young adult human shouted belligerently to the full-sized King lamia next to them. “Now give me back my keys!”
The stoic lamia refused to return the keys until he’d pleaded his case. “Issss dark. Foggy. Driving conditionssss are dangeroussss. I do not want you to be hurt,” he cajoled, trying to convince his owner to stay home instead of driving out in the middle of the night to visit a friend in the treacherous darkness.
A light rain sprinkled the road, increasing the risk of accidents. The fog that rose from the surrounding countryside to creep across the pavement in the long stretches with no streetlights reduced visibility to alarming levels, even to a lamia who could see in the dark.
“I know what I’m doing,” his owner insisted.
“I worry,” countered the King.
“You can’t control me. I’m the owner, not you. I say what goes. Give me my keys!” They held their hand out expectantly, and the King set down the keys with a forlorn jingle. He watched with a look of sadness on his angular features as his owner drove away, and the darkness swallowed their car with disheartening finality.
Twenty minutes later the home phone rang, and the King answered, wondering if his owner was checking in to let him know they were ok. A stranger’s voice informed him that his owner had been in an accident, and as soon as the speaker revealed his owner’s location, the King slithered off as fast as he could move, leaving the phone discarded on the floor and the caller saying “Hello, hello?” to empty air.
The front end of the car rested against a tree, crumpled up like a piece of paper by the unyielding tree trunk. Smoke rose in lazy wisps from the wreckage, intermittently lit by the flashing lights of police vehicles, a fire truck, and an ambulance. The panicked King pushed surprised emergency responders aside until he saw them, his owner, sitting on the ground, shivering, with a blanket wrapped around them.
The huge lamia immediately grabbed his owner, hugging them tightly after quickly checking them for injuries. He squeezed them so hard that they squeaked. They apologized over and over, telling him they were sorry for leaving, sorry for their earlier words, sorry for worrying him, but he shushed them firmly.
“You are ok. Is all that matterssss.”
More Drabbles | INDEX | Read on AO3
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hlvr-o-rj · 3 years
what was their name?
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..........................for what it, matterssss....her name wasssss....Amaya.
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semi-sem · 7 years
I’ve been very disappointed in myself lately in where I’m at in life especially in terms of like “success” (I know that word means different things to everyone, so before anyone comes at me with “well that’s not what really matterssss!!! You should focus on being happy/healthy/improvement/etc” bitch sit the fuck down, this is about me and my life not you. Success matters to me, and if it means nothing to you then that’s fine too. Do you boo) I already know I’ve been casually trying to push back those negative feelings with focusing on more superficial things like beauty and languages (*cough*andflirtingwiththatfuckboi*cough*) but I think I really need to get back on track and start focusing on those goals I put for myself even maybe changing them a bit so they fit better for what I’m doing now. The reason I’m telling you guys all of this is 1) cause we friends lol and 2) sadly I might have to delete this blog to achieve my goals, just cause its a little bit of a waste of time and not focused on the things that matter to me the most (its all just random crap let’s be honest) so ye just a heads up for everyone <3 As always stay awesome <3
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magicbyhalves · 7 years
who... who the heck was that??
“I don’t know. I thought dealing with one pirate leader wassss bad enough, but...
Whatever. What matterssss issss that the town’ssss safe.”
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
possibly scenes between masquerade canon aka who left the two hotel grumps together who did that. don't do that. what if they start bonding and shit
Vaggie: “Okay… Angel’s off to work, and Charlie’s off to work on that… looks like it’s just us assholes here.”
Husk: “Do not lump me in with you motherfuckers.”
Vaggie: "You're literally worse than them."
Husk: "Bullshit." (swig) "And there's no them without including YOUR sorry ass too."
Vaggie: (glares) "Har. Har."
Sir Pentious: “Can WE, er, ah- sssswitch off the porn now..?”
Niffty: “No~” (kicking heels) “Let’s rewind to part where the bad boy actually EATS Angel’s ass.”
Vaggie: “Niffty- ugh, can you just, take it back to your own room?”
Niffty: “The hotel air vents don’t have a TV!”
Vaggie: “You live in the- okay. Pentious. I won’t kill you for watching me and Charlie sleep IF you rig Niffty up with her own TV somewhere that’s not the lobby.”
Sir Pentious: “Do I HAVE to ssspend time with the pessst-”
Vaggie: (punches fist into palm) "Now."
Sir Pentious: “-AH yes!!  PORN ISSS A RIGHT NONE SHOULD BE DENIED!” (scoops up nifty) “Come sssmall pessst, let uss inssstall a sssscrene for your PRIVATE viewing pleasssure!”
Niffty: (giggling) “Do you even know what privacy means-?”
Sir Pentious: “AAAHAHA OF COURSE I DO!!!” (hurriedly slithers away)   
Husk: “… and these are the fuckers you and your little miss princess are trying to rehabilitate.”
Vaggie: “That’s the plan yeah.”
Husk: “Ha! Good fucking luck.”   
Vaggie: (sigh) “Husk?”
Husk: “What?”
Vaggie: “You’re fired.”
Husk: (spits drink) “FffUCK-” (cough) “-you I’m WHAT!?”
Vaggie: “Can’t keep to the code of not talking about shit you know you weren’t supposed to hear? Fine. No more bartender therapy for you."
Husk: "You can't fucking do that."
Vaggie: "Hotel fucking manager, asshole. Watch me. From now on you serve drinks ONLY to go, NO more people sitting at your bar for you make yourself feel better listening to. Not until you treat them like people instead of a damn telenovela."
Husk: “You think I LIKE listening to you all bitching?”
Vaggie: “No. I’m saying I’m not the only self-hating bastard here who gets off on judging others.”
Husk: “Fuck you.”
Vaggie: "Wow what a comeback. Look Husk, if you’re gonna break our trust just to score points in a dumb argument then you can go get your gossip somewhere else.”
Husk: “It’s the only way I’m getting paid in this crappy place!”
Vaggie: “And who’s fault is that? Did I sell your soul to a creepy smug disc jockey?”
Husk: “You’re sure using it either way.”
Vaggie: “Can’t be judgmental without being a fucking hypocrite too, right? Might as well own it, since now everyone knows that’s my thing.”
Husk: “I was trying to help you motherfucking losers!”
Vaggie: “Like hell. Telling others how much they suck feels good doesn't it? Feels like you've got it all figured out. No reason to get your own shit together when you can point at people who're an even bigger mess than you. No, you've already learned your lesson, you fucked up but won't be making any more mistakes. At least you're not in denial over it. At least you're coping with it the right way, aren't you."
Husk: "Well you'd sure fucking know since you're doing it right now."
Vaggie: "Takes one to know one."
Husk: "Tell yourself that if it helps."
Vaggie: "Oh you wanna talk about helping? Charlie’s trying to help every one of you assholes here. She's the one opening up and risking fucking up and getting hurt trying to reach you! Not that it matters to any of you.”    
Husk: “…”
Sir Pentious: (muffled) “It matterssss to me!!!”
Sir Pentious: “….not, ah, lisssstening in from the hotel air ventilashhhtion ssssystem…?”
Niffty: “Carrrrreful. Don’t crawl through my disembowel rat corpse collection~”
Sir Pentious: (shrieking)
-later that night-
Vaggie: “Hey."
Husk: "Hey your fucking self."
Vaggie: "Angel Dust said you had a drink with him.”
Husk: “Yeah? What if he did?” (ears flattening) “He didn’t even get fucking tipsy and I’m not telling anyone what that loser would’ve said to me while drunk off his ass anyway. I don’t hate you motherfuckers that much.”
Vaggie: (smiles) “Yeah. I know.”
Husk: “…. your miss princess asleep?”
Vaggie: “Technically she’s in bed. Angel Dust came over for a sleepover girls night and I kicked Pentious out of a shadowy corner to join them. You seen Niffty?”
Husk: “No. Sounds like she’s still enjoying that shitty film though.”
Vaggie: “Sounds like? What-”
Husk: “Shh. Listen.”
Vaggie: “…… are the air vents..”
Husk: “Moaning.”
Vaggie: “That’s Angel Dust’s moaning. That’s his work moan- Fuck, I never wanted to know what that sounded like- but does that means the hotel ventilation system is-?”
Husk: “Piping hot garbage throughout the hotel like hell’s shittiest surround sound.”  
Vaggie: “Great.”
Husk: “Hope your princess is ready for the audiobook.”
Vaggie: “Ugggghhhh.”
Husk: “Drink?”
Vaggie: “Just break the bottle over my head....”
Husk: “Fuck no.” (grins) “I’m not wasting a whole bottle on you.”
Vaggie: “Pour it out for yourself then. Tonight you’ve earned it.”
Husk: “Earned what, a fucking hangover?”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Just drink up, old man. I’ll drag you back to your room and toss you in when you’re done getting drunk off your own ass.”
Husk: “Huh!”
Vaggie: “I also won’t tell your princess he left you smiling like a dumbass for the rest of the night either.”
Husk: (opens bottle) “You better fucking not...” (swigs) (still smiling)
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