#and the blog now has a real story whoo
so exactly 1 year ago today i thought hmmm it’s the perfect time of year (with halloween just like a week away) to start rewatching supernatural and finally finish s14 and 15…….i had been a little bit obsessed with spn in the past but whoo boy i had NO IDEA what i was getting myself into this time around. i had no idea that i would finish it in two months and then when i was finished there would be this aching emptiness inside of me, like what am i supposed to do now??? i just wanted to keep living in this world, you know? and then i ended up on pinterest searching and saving thousands of supernatural pins. and then i would see this one(of course of a tumblr post) and think hmmm that actually sounds really interesting?? (i always had thought fanfiction was all just bad writing..not as good as real books)
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so the first week of january i started reading it and wait it was really really good? and suddenly i found myself back on tumblr and i was looking for MORE fanfic to read and suddenly i was reading every fanfic i could find that sounded good and posting on tumblr again and following every spnblr that i came across and somehow it snowballed a bit and i was making friends?? like i had been on tumblr since 2012 but i’d never reeeeally gotten into it like this before…i’d never made friends here before. and the past year has been really, really great.
anyway this is just my super long winded way of saying that a year ago today i made a decision that brought me here to all of you and i am so, so happy that it did. i am so thankful to spn for being the story that would wrap me up so completely and characters who i care about so deeply, to the fanfiction writers for giving me the epic love story that the show was too afraid to commit to, and to all of you for being so much more than just a bunch of blogs that i follow or who follow me on tumblr dot com💜💜💜
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eyelessfog · 1 year
eleven eleven eleven eleven
i have nothing to read and will foam at the mouth like a camel who's just seen the only water during a drought in months if you hand over your three favourite fics
Link your three favorite fics right now
Okay so the first one is a series actually :D lifeline au love of my life, go read it now pleaaase ty ^-^ its by @/slashmagpie !!! my friend my mutual my eswap shelby. It's a hermitcraft au and sooooo so good. has all your faves and a real good dose of magic, aliens and other fun things ^-^
Secondly, this one is by @/zed-ify who is also my mutual :D friend !!! this one is impdubs double life based and sooooo so good. guys who have marriage problems!!!
AND THIS ONE. whoo baby this is my obsession. third life based, timeloop story, centers impulse, guy who is having PROBLEMS. if you gave me the chance i'd drop the other third life timeloop au [that one centers martyn] im suchhh a sucker for timeloops its so good.
[this one is an extra because um. i know im a mcyt blog but this fic gives me very certain feelings. its ace attorney, trucy based, and gives all these people a lot of emotions that they have to sort through. they're mean and theyre bad for each other and they feel things even though it isn't logical to feel them and they're all sooo so human. take it.]
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bokettochild · 3 years
I fell in love with Ravio.
I wrote one fic about this boy and now I’m hooked.
And when I was cleaning up last night, I had an idea. Another fic idea. I don’t know how well it will go over, but my “crack” in the past has usually been well accepted.
Ravio gets sucked int a portal. He doesn’t know where he is, but it looks like a giant room, and there’s a banner on the wall, a bottle or so of wine on a table, seats, cups and various other things.
He’s about to read the sign when another person tumbles out of the same portal as him.
Malon looks up and around, and for half of a minute thinks that Legend dyed his hair, only for Ravio to introduce him, at which point she’s like ‘oh! I’ve heard of you!’. The two chatter a bit, but then several more people tumble out of the portal.
Groose, Fi, Ezlo, Shadow, Navi (maybe?), Tatl, Midna, Ciela, Linebeck, the ghost of King Daphnes, Proxi, Pyoko (mangas), Sir Raven, a moblin and Mipha’s ghost (all the champions?) all just tumble/float out, and Malon and Ravio have to help them untangle themselves.
For half of a second, there’s greetings and ‘I’ve heard of you’s’ between them all.
And then someone notices Raven.
Someone (probably Midna) grumbles “Oh great, were all the babysitters of courage summoned to babysit a Link together? See how well we can handle him?”
Raven has to explain that, no, his real name is Raven, no, He’s not a Hero of Courage, yes, he’s helped kill Ganon, and yes, he’s got a mini hero child running around that he helped take care of (he also sees Ravio and thinks ‘Link?’, because canonically Link from the Oracle games had dark hair, but Ravio explains.
Long story short, Hylia has recognized that the babysitters of courage (aptly named) deserve people to rant to, and who better than another babysitter? Every week, a portal appears in Ravio’s living room, Ezlo’s little hut, Groose’s house ect., and they all pile in and appear at Lon Lon Ranch (Malon begged Hylia to let her host meetings, since it was more comfy at the ranch than in the place the goddess prepared).
It great, they love chatting about their boys, or life in general. Malon and Ravio both write to their heroes about having weekly meetings with friends, and Time and Legend are incredibly relieved.
But then one day they are at Lon Lon Ranch, and the they’ve only been there for a day when a portal appears.
Malon has to explain taht it’s her friends, and what do you know, a whole host of mentors/caretakers/friends/guides comes tumbling out with a collective shout of “Hi Mamalon!”, only to be shocked that Malon also has their heroes over.
Chaos ensues.
....Oh boy, I didn’t mean to write it all out, but yeah. Wow, that one’s a bit long, yeah? Do with that what you will. I’m gonna try and write it when I get back from my work later today (childcare, whoo hoo).
Expect insanity, and feel free to do this too if it so suits you.
I think @tortilla-of-courage​ helped inspire this with her sidekicks adventure thing, so I’m tagging her so y’all can check her out if you haven’t already (what are you doing on my blog if you’re not on Tortilla’s?)
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Worst Flash Storylines and Plot Ideas of All Time
As you’ve probably ascertained from the general contents of this blog, the Flash is my favorite comic book series. I love the characters and most of the stories. However, just like any series that’s been around for eighty years (counting the Jay Garrick stuff), the Flash does, unfortunately, have some truly terrible stories and plot ideas. 
In terms of terrible plot ideas that didn’t completely ruin the surrounding stories: 
1. Barry Allen uses the Mirror Master’s mirrors to manipulate Iris into agreeing to start dating him again (Flash #109). Creepy, Barry. Just creepy. The story is great Silver Age fun otherwise. 
2. Iris West: meanest woman alive. Iris was, by and large, incredibly awful to Barry up until maybe about a year before their 1966 marriage. Almost every time she shows up in an early Silver Age issue, you will admire her daring and independence (this is good) and be bewildered as to why on Earth Barry would want to spend time with a woman who is constantly calling him slow, lazy, and ambition-less (this is not good). It doesn’t really affect any one issue too much, but when read in a conglomerate, she starts looking really awful. Although as bad as Early Silver Age Iris seems as a romantic interest, she’s got nothing on Silver Age Superman and Lois Lane, the most dysfunctional couple in the DCU. 
3. Wally West’s zero-effort code name and costume (Flash #110). It really could not be more obvious how little effort the writers were putting into creating this character. The duplicate origin is also pretty cheesy, but there are enough differences from Barry’s origin for it not to frustrate me. But the name “Kid Flash” and the fact that his first costume was literally identical to Barry’s just feel incredibly lazy. Barry and Wally do have an adorable dynamic in the issue, though, so it’s by no means all bad. 
4. Barry Allen waiting an entire year after his marriage to tell his wife that he’s really the Flash. Frustrating and unnecessary; especially since Joan Garrick had been in on her husband’s secret since the 1940s. 
5. Iris Allen is FROM THE FUTURE. I both love and hate this idea. It’s so perfectly comic-booky, but at the same time, it opened the floodgates for the Allen family being a confusing, time-displaced mess. 
6. The Trial of Barry Allen. This one’s weird. I like many of the individual issues in this arc, and I actually think the last two issues are really great as an ending for Barry Allen’s original run, but this storyline dragged on for waaaaaay too long. There’s a reason I call it the Arc that Never Ends. Also, the titular trial is actually the least interesting part of the entire storyline. His battles with the Rogues and Kadabra are far more interesting. 
7. Wally West’s borderline creepy, chauvinistic attitude towards women under Mike Baron (and, to a much lesser extent, William Messner-Loebs). There’s being a hormonal twenty-something, and then there’s going through girlfriends at the rate other people change their socks. Messner-Loebs mostly avoided this issue by making it clear that Wally was under intense psychological stress that was negatively impacting his behavior, but under Baron and in some of his JLE appearances, he comes across as a real creep around women. 
8. Kadabra overkill under Mark Waid: I like Kadabra, but when he’s the main villain in like four distinct arcs, it gets to be a bit much. It’s like modern Eobard. He is legitimately written well, though, so he doesn’t drag down any of the stories too much. 
9. Pointlessly Dead Rogues: Killing off the Rogues in Underworld Unleashed for no good reason (the rest of the story is great, especially the Trickster). 
10. Pointlessly Dead Rogues 2: Electric Boogaloo: The Golden Glider’s pointless death to build up a character who was himself killed two issues later. (The rest of the story is decent.) Also, the treatment of Lisa in general post-Crisis is frustrating, since she becomes considerably more unhinged than she was before. 
11. Any time Waid tried to write McCulloch, with the exception of Flash vol. 2 #105 (and even there, he seemed off). It’s like he forgot Evan wasn’t Sam. 
12. Apparently, the Top trying to blow up both Central City and half the world makes him a loser? Also, he suddenly hates Piper for no readily apparent reason. (At least the story had some good Piper and Wally bits.) 
13. BARRY ALLEN HAS A SECRET EVIL TWIN! DUN DUN DUN! (The rest of the story, where we get to meet a whole whack of interesting future Flashes, is actually pretty good, but whoo boy, the Malcolm reveal feels like it came straight out of a soap opera.) 
14. In order for Captain Cold to ANGST, the Golden Glider’s pointless death remained in place for over ten years. It did give us a really, really good Capt. Cold story, at least...but it’s still fridging. 
15. Rainbow Raider’s mean-spirited murder by Blacksmith. Poor Roy. 
16. Albert Desmond becomes Hannibal Lecter, only twenty times as rude, for a Gotham Central arc that would’ve been terrific without him as the main villain. 
17. Owen Mercer is an idiotic child murderer and gets killed by the Rogues. Why was this necessary? (The rest of Blackest Night: The Flash is pretty good.) 
18. Josh Jackam-Mardon’s murder. The murder of small children for shock value is pretty gross. Especially since nothing was ever really done with it. 
19. Barry’s PARENTS ARE DEEEEAAAAD! (Okay, it’s really just his mom, but still. This is a very frustrating retcon, since originally his parents were alive and well until after his own death.) 
20. Albert Desmond was Barry’s jerk coworker; which never impacted the plot or led to anything. As a result, it’s just another frustrating retcon. 
21. Sam Scudder murdered someone before becoming the Mirror Master. Yet another Johns retcon that never went anywhere and only serves to darken the Silver and Bronze Age stories after the fact. 
22. Flashpoint (a decent story) wiped out a whole bunch of characters I really liked from existence for several years. Evan McCulloch’s still not back. 
23. Giving the Rogues metahuman powers doesn’t suit them, on the whole. They work better without them. 
24. Roy’s second pointless, brutal death in (I think) Forever Evil. 
25. IT WAS MEEEEE, BARRY! After serving as the main villain for like six arcs in eight years, I’m glad that Eobard finally seems to be getting a rest. The level of bad things he was responsible for was getting ridiculous. 
26. Sam/Lisa. WHY? (The only time it even kind of worked was in Forever Evil.) 
In terms of entire storylines I didn’t like: 
1. The Flash: The Most Terribly Written Man Alive. Poor Bart is aged up with no adequate explanation, loses all the traits that made him a likeable character, fights some awful villains, and then is murdered by the badly OOC Rogues. Meanwhile, Inertia goes from an at least somewhat sympathetic villain to a complete psychopath with little explanation, a murder is retconned into one of Captain Cold’s reformed periods, the Pied Piper and the Trickster completely forget that they’re supposed to be reformed, Abra Kadabra inexplicably teams up with the Rogues despite generally being a solo operative, and all of the Rogues act like total morons, willingly following a teenage speedster for no adequately explained reason. UGH. 
2. Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Even though Piper and Trickster were probably the best part of Countdown, that isn’t saying much. Both of them are uncharacteristically stupid (especially James), and James is a grade-A jerk to Piper for no reason. Also, both of them continue to forget that they reformed, and then James gets brutally murdered and Piper almost loses his mind. Also, the other Rogues cameo, and continue to act like idiots. Countdown: it really does ruin everything it touches. 
Superboy Prime will kill you! He’ll kill you to DEATH! And after you read Countdown, you’ll wish he had killed you to death. 
3. The Identity Crisis Tie-In Retcon: So, you know all that awesome character development the Rogues have had over the years? Well, forget all that, because it was all just Roscoe brainwashing them! Which was something he could definitely do before this story! And why did he do this? Why, because Barry Allen, one of the most upstanding men in the DCU, brainwashed him! Also, apparently, the Top had a huge bodycount that we never heard about back in the Bronze Age, because we need even MORE grimdark retcons for our cheerful Silver/Bronze Age history! I like Geoff Johns’ work, I really do....but BOY HOWDY does he need to lay off on the retcons sometimes. 
4. Identity Crisis: With the exception of Owen’s introduction and the establishment of the relationship between him and Digger, this story was pretty awful all around. More specifically, as far as the Flash was concerned, it was responsible for Digger’s second pointless death. It also killed off poor Jack Drake and poor, mistreated Sue Dibney, who deserved MUCH better. And the Justice League, including Barry, are A-OK with brainwashing, apparently. Comics are fun! 
These last two stories are pretty recent, and they did have some parts I liked, but on the whole I felt they also belonged on the list. 
5. The Trickster finally returns! Hurrah! Except it turns out that he’s way more like the Joker now than he ever was before, and he mind-controls the city in a super-creepy way. A very disappointing return for the character, especially since it was set up really well. 
6. Forever Evil: Captain Cold becomes a murderous dictator with a stupid Santa Beard, all of the Rogues get horrible costumes, and Sam completes his mutation into Evan-in-all-but-name. There are some good characters bits in the story (even for Cold), but on the whole, I found the story to just be unlikeable and depressing and thought Cold was pretty out-of-character. Poor Commander Cold....
So, what are your least favorite Flash storylines and plot ideas? 
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haletostilinski · 2 years
Ya’ll, have I got a story for you.
I know I don’t usually blog about my life - but okay, so. Today I went to subway, and it should have been a get in, get sandwich, and go, like it usually is. But whOO boy was it ever not.
So I enter the subway, not expecting what I’m walking into. So I walk in, and there’s this guy - older, gray hair, most likely a boomer - and he’s...worked up, to say the least. 
He’s on the phone, which I later learn is the manager - of that particular subway store, I’m guessing - and he’s all ranting and raving about how the lone employee there - I’ll call him Theo for the sake of this story - is refusing to make his sandwich.
Now Theo, when I come in is all “welcome to subway” trying to be cordial, but this guy is...whoo boy. 
So quickly I’m taking in this interaction, and staying still and quiet and out of the way. I did not want to make this worse. (There’s the part of me that feels bad for staying out of the way, because of this poor Theo having to deal with this asshole customer, but also I felt I’d just make it worse by stepping in. Like...i’m just coming to this drama halfway through, I dunno what’s gone on before this, it’s not my business.) 
So, this guy is on the phone with the manager - we’ll call her Terry - and he’s going like “I’ve been standing here for 20 minutes, and this guy is refusing to make the sandwich I want” 
At this point Theo says - as politely as possible given the circumstances - “Sir, can you please move aside so I can serve the customer (i.e. me)” and the guy is like “no, I’m not moving until you make the sandwich I ordered.” 
Whoo boy. Okay, so I’m like *awkward* and standing back and not knowing quite what to do, but ultimately just standing there doing nothing, staying out of it. 
So this guy goes “I’ve been getting this sandwich for 3 years and this has never been a problem! There’s special instructions on this that says to add extra meat!” and from what I gathered, I think the problem was that this guy believed he should get this extra meat on his sandwich for free, Theo did not. 
So this guy is basically yelling at this point, on the phone to this person. Theo, for his part, I think stood his ground pretty well. But the poor guy, eventually I saw his hands shaking. What a stressful situation.
But the guy will NOT let up, and I even see Theo roll his eyes two times - and I’m thinking “good for you, because this guy is being a JERK” 
And this guy continues on the phone “I’ve never had this problem, the employees before this two weeks ago did it and it was fine, and the two weeks before that - now you’ve got this new employee and suddenly it’s a problem!” 
And he even goes “What’s your name?” to Theo and makes him repeat his name twice, acting like he didn’t catch his name, before he was like “This new employee, Theo, is getting it wrong!” all condescendingly to the manager. 
And so get this, eventually he’s like “Terry, can you tell Theo that this is allowed on this sandwich, that it’s special instructions!” And Theo is all “it says here on the receipt-” and Theo lists what it says, with an actual receipt in his hand. And this jerk is like “YEah, wiTH extra meat for free” or whatever and he keeps repeating that shit. 
So anyway, when Theo is on the phone with Terry, the guy turns to me and goes “I’m sorry about all this and that you’re being held up, this guy is just being a real jerk” 
And I literally just go “MM” and nothing else. Standing there feeling like:
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Like not only is this guy being belligerent and yelling at this employee, but then he turns and basically tries to involve me in this whole drama. 
Theo has said several times “Sir, can you please move aside so I can server this customer” and also “Please move aside, you’re losing business for us by doing this” 
And the guy is like “No, I will NOT move aside until you make me this sandwich” and “I’m not going anywhere until you do this” and also “No, I’m not losing you business, YOU are by not making the sandwich I asked for.”
And eventually when Theo is talking to Terry, this manager, (while the customer turns to me and says what he said above) he reads what the receipt says and then eventually I hear him go “Okay, sorry, my mistake, I’ll make it” or something along those lines. 
Now I dunno what the manager said - if it was a genuine mistake by Theo and the double meat was free or....whatever - or if she just said “go ahead and just make it and give it to him free so he’ll calm down and leave” but that’s along the lines of what Theo said, and then he gives the guy his phone back and then starts making the sandwich.
And this is when I saw his hands shaking as he was making this sandwich, as the guy continues on the phone with Terry and continues to complain about Theo to Terry TO Theo’s face. 
Poor Theo is like, head down, hands shaking, making this sandwich as quick as he can. 
And as this asshole customer is finishing up with Terry, still complaining, two customers come in behind me. I dunno if they felt the tension or what, but it was TENSE and silent. They did hear the tail end of this guy complaing, though.
AND it didn’t stop there, because as Theo was making this asshole’s sandwich, the guy gets off with Terry in the mean time and then calls someone, I’m guessing a friend and is all:
“Hey so-and-so, I’m up here at the Subway and this guy, Theo has just been difficult and has been refusing to make my sandwich” While looking at Theo - still head down, making the sandwich - and being sO nasty and pointedly saying his name several times. 
So eventually Theo finishes this sandwich and the guy takes it, but not before VERY condescendingly and very rudely going “Thanks for the help, Theo” or something along those lines. AND THEN finally the guy fucking left. 
And so Theo started my order, and I was trying to be as nice as possible to counteract that asshole and hopefully make Theo feel a little better. 
While Theo was making my sandwich he even went “So how has your day been going?” Very sweet. I said fine and then went “although I’m sorry yours isn’t going so well with what just happened” and he was like “it’s okay” and then “I just can’t let him have stuff for free” and I was like “definitely” and then I said “don’t worry, you’re doing just fine” something like that and then rushed through my order and got out of there.
I hoped I made things just even a little better for him, by telling him essentially that it wasn’t his fault and that guy was in the wrong. 
Like...that is just NOT okay, what that customer did. Even if Theo had somehow genuinely made a mistake on the order, you do NOT get to treat people like that. People are human, and employees are not there to just treat like shit whenever YOU feel like it just because you think you’re entitled to act however you want.
AND over something so trivial! Like I bet extra meat is barely anything (like what...50 cents, a dollar more? Not that much more expensive) and so just this one time, maybe just pay it and if you’re REALLY upset about it, call someone when you’re home and don’t make a scene and treat an employee like shit - when it’s out of his control (which I also think Theo said at some point) because like...HE doesn’t make the rules, and he was literally just following them. 
And if he made a mistake - it’s just a mistake! Nothing to yell over and make a scene and hold up business just for YOUR sake - AND also Theo was apparently fairly new on top of that, so he deserved even more grace, because if he HAD made a mistake, then he’s just learning how everything works and you should have more understanding if he doesn’t know the subway menu like the back of his hand yet.
AND like...what if they changed their policy and Theo WAS right? Like what if this double meat HAD been free but now it wasn’t? Like did it ever occur to this asshole customer to ASK that? To wonder about it? So it might not have been Theo’s mistake in the first place, which would really mean Theo had done absolutely nothing whatsoever to even remotely deserve even an iota of this shitty treatment by this customer.
Whew...what a wild trip to freaking subway. And what a thing to get worked up over too.
Just...god, it’s mainly older boomer people, but just...people need to remember to treat employees better, to not take shit out on them, and be so shitty to people in general because they feel so fucking entitled.
What a dramatic encounter at a fucking sandwich shop, over the littlest fucking thing. 
Be nice to the people helping you and serving you. They deserve respect, especially for putting up with bullshit like Theo had to deal with today. <3 
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Hi! I am a really big fan! You are so amazing!! I was wondering if you could do a Alice in Wonderland AU Caterpillar Aizawa x Shy Reader! Where the reader wonders into Aizawas neck of the woods and he is intimidating, but lets her stay with him. And as time goes by he develops feelings for the reader? Maybe some nsfw after he can't hold back his desires anymore?
YOUR WHAT. A FAN?!? Of me?!!? THANK YOU ILY 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Warnings. Caterpillar Aizawa smut
We fuck monsters on this blog 👏🏻
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You were reading outside under a tree, it was nice out so why not enjoy it. No one else was home so that meant no one would bother you. It was a calming relaxing day. In the middle of reading a bunny hopped over to you . You put your book down to watch it, it looked like it had a red jacket on? You reached out to touch the bunny but it quickly hopped back falling down a hole, you fell forward and the hole got bigger swallowing you right up.
Pretty lights were everywhere, getting larger and larger as you fell farther away from them . They changed shapes from stars to faces, to hats , cards, a purple cat, and the bunny . But it looked like it was running all around the other lights as if it was in a rush. Finally, after what seemed like ages you landed softly on a red top mushroom surrounded by smaller mushrooms and brightly colored flowers.
You fell off the mushroom into a bed of flowers, quickly, you sprinted up and out of them to dust yourself off and survey your surroundings. Only a couple trees, it looked like a garden, a huge one.
You found a path and followed it for a while , where were you? Was this real? It's all so colorful… eventually you came to a giant mushroom with smoke around it , lingering as if it liked being there. You waved the smoke away seeing some kind of large figure a top the mushroom.
“He.. hello?” You choked out.
The smoke faded and you saw a large caterpillar smoking his hookah, blowing smoke up at the bright blue sky. His body was big and long, he was yellow with many legs but he had a human face, he looked down to see you trying to figure out what he was. He took in some of his hookah and creeped down to you smiling , when he was inches from your face he blew out his smoke making you cough and wave your hand again.
“Whoo…are you?” He asked, not a care in the world.
“Im uh.. Y/N. I was .. reading when a bunny crept over to me. When i tried to pet it , it moved and i fell forward.. into a hole”
He rolled onto his back taking in his hookah again, blowing the smoke out with a happy sigh.
Was he.. listening? This was scary.. he's a giant talking caterpillar.
“ so youuu. Fell down the rabbit hole, into my neck of the woods hm? And just what..” he rolled back over creeping towards you again making you tremble. “Are we gonna do, about , that?” He asked smiling.
“ uh!! I .. i didint mean to trespass ..” you held your shirt sinking down to your knees rocking slowly. Telling yourself it was a dream
The caterpillar looked down at you and crept down to the ground , he spoke while he circled you. “Now now. No tearssss… i suppose, you can stay here with me. But its not a free ride no. “
You looked up from your knees to see his face in front of yours , inches apart . He blew smoke at you before speaking. “I haveee.. chores that need to be done. A pesky cat.. a mad hatter..take care of them hm? That Hatter has something of mine”
“Iii.. o-o-okay..”
He smiled creeping back to his mushroom lounging on it. “Purrrrfic...why not pay that pesky cat a visit now hm? And you can call me Aizawa”
The cat was indeed pesky, he was purple with eye bags under his eyes and never left his tree, he had some kind of control over you, a brainwash… if you will. But he always let you go after a minute of watching your pretty dazed face. The cat agreed to ease up on his shenanigans and pointed you in the direction of the mad hatter.
The mad hatter was .. well.. loud, hats everywhere spread over a table . He stood on the table with a flower as a microphone explaining that the item was under one of the hats . If you got it right you got the item. But if not…
You could think on it as long as you wanted, scanning over all the hats, then you looked up at the Hatter. You pointed to his hat and the Hatter laughed bowing , taking his hat off revealing yellow goggles. You took them thanking him.
With the tasks done you returned to Aizawa with his goggles which he happily accepted.
As the days went on Aizawa got more interested in you, you had grown to like this world, as interesting as it was. And you even enjoyed staying with him. You told him stories of your world and he always listened, even when he was half asleep or smoking.
One night he could not resist his urges anymore and let himself into you sleeping area, it was under his giant mushroom on some soft grass. You were asleep on your stomach with just a thin grass gown on, he gently bit into the gown creeping back, taking in your body as it was revealed to him. He nudged your legs apart staring down at your entrance .
So plump, plush, soft looking, eager.
He lowered his head between your thighs tasting you finally . You shuffled in your sleep feeling him lick you, his tongue ravished you like a meal, licking furiously losing himself in your delicious pussy. He dug his head in more making you part your thighs giving him more access . His two front little claws latched onto your thighs while he licked at your nearly parted folds, he pushed his tongue in and you grunted in your sleep pushing back on him. He moaned into your pussy enjoying every second of you pressing on him.
He forced himself to back away taking in a breath , he nudged one of you thighs up and had to lick at your now open pussy for a minute, he pushed his tongue in again licking at your walls for a minute. When you pushed back in your sleep he pulled off and crept on top of you.
He poked at your entrance moaning from the contact, slowly poking more till he slid right into you. He gasped out for air when he felt how warm you were, so tight, so wet. You squeezed his cock just like he thought you would.
Aizawa began humping you, his cock sliding in and out , your juices made noises every time he slapped into you. The sudden movement woke you up and you felt like you had something very heavy on you and something long inside you. You opened your eye to see Aizawa on top of you humping you and kissing your back.
Your heart thumped and you didn't dare move, he could crush you. Instead you closed your eye letting him have his way with you. Was this really happening?!???
His cock felt.. really long and thick inside you, were you wet? Was he licking you?!? You could hear him moaning into your ear with each thrust. Slowly you moved your other leg giving him more access to your needy pussy. Aizawa felt your leg move and started to go faster.
You couldn't help what you were feeling right now. The pleasure outweighed the fear , his cock fit you just right and his weight on you was like a blanket . He bit down into your shoulder and you felt all his legs creep around latching onto you so he could go faster.
A moan escaped your mouth and Aizawa let go of your shoulder to see you looking at him. Your face was just as red as his , you nodded at him giving him the OK to keep going , and he did.
By the time he was done you were filled to the brim with his cum. It leaked out in puddles, pooling around your thighs. The orgasm you felt was unlike anything you had ever felt before . Your body betrayed you in the worst way , you shuddered sucking his cock in and cumming all over it.
Aizawa had since gotten off you and rolled you over , admiring your body. He licked at your chest and you laid there , watching.
This was indeed a wonderland.
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starbuckie · 3 years
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𑁍 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬
let’s begin with our introductions- i’m malia!! i go by mal or mals a lot, but if you wanna be a real sweetheart you can call me mrs. barnes ;)
this blog is my safe space, a place for me to project my deepest romantic fantasies onto because i don’t have anything in real life (whoo, single crew!!). starbuckie blog is my storybook, for me to share my stories with you all in hopes you can enjoy them too
hi i’m mal and i am an asian-american gal just trying to get by as a highschool theater director. i enjoy reading literature, sketching, listening to vinyls, writing fanfiction, and acting of course. while my college dreams have been put on hold, i hope to one day be able to go and study screen acting as my passion has it.
twenty years old - aug. 24 - enfp - virgo ☼ taurus ☽ gemini ᯾ - enfp - ur fav chinese and japanese gal - queer (genuinely don’t know what i am anymore)
who i write for: any and all sebastian stan characters, mcu, select star wars and harry potter characters (that sounds so incredibly professional)
fandoms: mcu, gossip girl, community, star wars, harry potter, getting into the x-men slowly but surely
i’m a devoted swiftie and a huge mitski fan (the perfect depressed combo) and i also enjoy the neighborhood, the beatles, ac/dc, and ella fitzgerald
of course!! my inbox is always open to you lovelies. no hate ofc though, i’ll come after your toes if you send it. i’m currently not taking requests but when i do, you’ll see it in my bio. for now just come tell me about your day or discuss tv show and movies with me. i’m constantly awake and need more friends to talk too!!
no!! i do not allow any of my writings or moodboards to be used without my permission, which will most likely never be given. this means no reposting, translating to another language, printing out, none of it. if you want to support me you can reblog, comment, or leave me a message.
tags: 𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 - my personal shit, normally talking about how much i would like to cry • 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧<3 - from my inbox • 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 - my nsfw shit • help malia - ive probably done something stupid • malia’srp - my rp with others so block the tag if you don’t wanna see it • precious moots - anytime i talk or reblog something from my lovely mutuals • queue are a bitch - queue things • mal’s ficspiration- images, concepts, ideas that i’ll use for fics hopefully • malrecs - fics i’ve enjoyed!
previous urls: tinymalscoffee
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: hi, i am nyx  Age: 20 years old Writing Blog URL(s): jungcity.tumblr.com | v-asl.tumblr.com 
Nationality: filipino Languages: english, filipino Star Sign: pisces! MBTI: infp-t Favorite color: white accentuated by silver Favorite food: it’s sweet and spicy chicken garlic!! Favorite movie: hmmm, it’s prolly flipped because that movie was so cute :,)  Favorite ice cream flavor: rocky road!! Favorite animal: it’s gonna be cats!! although i love lions so much because of narnia :,( Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? coffee :,) Go-to karaoke song: i don’t sing agskh the world would end if i would 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i think it’s me writing about jaehyun??? since he’s the king of fanfiction, especially in ncity nowadays. 
What fandom(s) do you write for?  nct + wayv
When did you post your first piece? three days ago!! that would be august 4 i guess???
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i don’t really much write fluff since i don’t have any idea how to write a good fluff!! :( this has been an issue every time i write some au’s. so im always ending up writing and focusing more on angst. it’s the genre i know best. well, crack… it’s hard to make the readers laugh when you can’t even make their tooth ache from sweetness with your fluffy writings. :( smut… i don’t write smut explicitly any more. i’m more on the suggestive side rn. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc  i write OC’s especially when im writing a series!! to diversify my writing. but i usually am on the x reader side. ships? not that much. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? uhm, back in 2017, i was searching for some website where i could publish my works. ive always been a tumblr-girl since i am that wanna-be-aesthetic kinda person :D then i had found that i could write and publish on tumblr so yeah that’s pretty much why i am on this app rn
What inspires you to write?  ooh, music has been a great help for sure!! whenever i don’t feel like writing something, i always listen to music and the idea would flow like a river. classic poems helps, too. :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?  supernatural!au’s, fantasy!au, medieval!au. i feel like it’s easier to write something out of pure fantasy. i have a hard time writing modern!au’s since i lack the humor and the knowledge for modern slangs. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?  ooh, i always always always am careful with the way that i craft all my works. i try to feel what my characters feel to give them a certain validation. i put my shoes on the scenarios i have in mind even though i haven’t yet experienced everything ive written. and i do love writing strong female characters, whether it’s oc’s or female readers. that’s my main priority whenever i write. and i want them to know that girls could do just as much everything boys could. women are powerful. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?  i read a lot to get back on my foot. i also try to re-read my past works so i’d be inspired to better my writing on my current draft.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?  my favorite work is the one i’m still writing rn, which is entitled 505. it’s a hendery fic in which he is a bandit and the female reader is a sacristan. it’s my fave since i relate myself so much to the female reader. :) my most successful one is the childhood best friends!au taeyong x female reader. it’s about to reach 600+ notes i guess? and im so grateful of all the feedbacks i got from it. 
Who is your favorite person to write about?  it’s jaehyun and hendery :) 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?  character wise, perhaps. since you already have a face value in fanfiction, but in an original prose, you would have to craft everything from 0. 
What do you think makes a good story?  a good story is something that doesn’t romanticize the bad things going on in the world. a good story is something that is emphatic to the hardships of others. a good story is something that gives comfort to those who are in the dark. a good story is something that boosts the hearts of the readers and makes them feel things!! 
What is your writing process like?  first, i think of a plot! (this happens oftentimes when im washing the dishes) when i have the plot, i think of the ending. when i have the ending, it’s time for me to device a fitting title. and the plot would develop from then on. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?  i don’t think so… this is scary. since some people think of fanfics as delusional works from delusional authors. it’s kinda sad. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?  i love love love enemies-to-lovers trope!! one that i couldn’t stand and do my best to not read is probably… hmm… no, i love all tropes!! i just love e-t-l most!
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?  it means a ton. since it could really boosts me up. heavy sigh. it’s the best thing when you write something— the feedbacks. even though it’s a simple reblog with the ‘#ATKSHSKSHSKAHAKSGAHGEGSJA’ or ‘#myfave’. i would smile like an idiot whenever i read it.
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? i want to be a successful writer someday!
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? teleportation!! 
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?  ancient greek + victorian era
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?  yes!! im so hell deep in indecision right now so i want to restart to make everything right
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?  100 chicken-sized horses!!
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?  enemies-to-lovers trope agsksj LOL
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?  YES!!! perhaps they are lurking somewhere here on earth and we don’t know it yet ;)
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?  oh… i don’t really know what to write. i don’t give much attention to my personal details agsksj
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?  yes!! ugh, there’s this recent issue wherein stan twt called fanfic writers as freaks. and it broke my heart. i mean, most fanfic writers get inspirations from their idols and that shouldn’t be a bad thing. we aren’t delusionals as one might think. we are simply doing our craft. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change?  yes!! our country’s hero ‘jose rizal’ had somehow stirred the nationality of the people back in the old days because of his writings. i do believe that art changes things!! it has the ability to pierce the heart of the people.  
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?  yes. i feel this whenever im writing smut. i mean, let’s be real, your works would do better once you’ve included some steamy smut scenes in it. when i was writing my first fanfic after three years, i didn’t think that i’d ever include smut. but the fear of not getting feedbacks crept up in me, so i forced myself to write some sexy scenes. i know that’s like… weird. but i’m trying not to dwell on feedbacks any longer. and i also have decided not to write explicit smut anymore. honestly, i feel better now that i don’t force myself to do something that i think would please others rather than me.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?  uhm, as far as i can remember, nope— still hasn’t felt that way. :)
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?  yes!! my best friends irl knows about it. my sister knows. my parents are also aware of my passion in writing, and they do know that i write. but where and what, that remains obscured from them :D 
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?  that it’s okay to be vulnerable. it’s okay to make mistakes. it’s okay to fail sometimes. it’s okay to feel things. because like a good book, there is always a character development and you have the pen to write your own version of happy endings. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?  i’ve been there: the scared and conscious part. but one thing i would say is, you have to dare yourself!! you won’t know how your writing would have impacted so many lives and touch the hearts of people if you won’t grab your pen or your gadget and start your draft. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?  nope, there aren’t. the community has been lovely to me ever since i started writing. :,)
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? yes!! oh my god. i’d like to take this opportunity to thank my mutuals who’s done me nothing but kindness— @legendnct (hannah), whoo!! you know how much i love you, right? thank you for always being there to listen to me. :) @cloudysuh des, since day one you’ve supported me. i couldn’t ask for more. thank you for the never-ending praises, keyboard smashes, for the tags, and for always boosting me up. @bohoes georgie, you know i love you. since 2017 you’ve been with me— praising my works and supporting me. thank you. @cherr-e cherry!! thank you!! for teaching me how to better my writing. i hope endless happiness for u and please take care. @writermoon hello my babe!! thank you so much for reading my works with such vivid imaginations. i love you. @jaeyongf amy!! the bestest person :,) thank you for always leaving me feedbacks!! thank you for being kind to me. thank you for always supporting me. i love you guys so much and let’s be mutuals for a long time!! 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
“If the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” — Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
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2old4kpop · 4 years
15 Underrated Girly Kpop Songs That Make Me Go Absolutely Feral
When it comes to girl groups, more than anything I am a Blackjack and Blink. I like to listen to girl songs that make me want to murder men (and believe me, that blog post is in the works). But I’m also a ONCE, as TWICE are my sweet darling babies, but they’re about as girly as I can tolerate. I’m not one for the super girly concepts. I mean, did you guys ever see MINX? Occasionally I ironically jam to Shakey Love Shakey Shakey Shakey Shakey Love, but it was an absolute blessing from the K-pop gods to rebrand them as Dreamcatcher. It’s really only the A-list girly songs I tolerate, like GFriend or Oh My Girl. Everything else below them just seems really cringy.
Except for a few chosen few that are so good that they make me absolutely lose all of my shits. And I’m talking about songs that nobody seems to know like at all. Either these songs came out when the groups were still under the radar, before they had their big smash hits, or they just never seemed to rise to the top. But they are still valid and important. Videos are linked in the song names, since Tumblr won’t let me add more than five videos, but here we go.
15. April- Dream Candy
April is one of those rare groups that pull off the girly concept so well but don’t ever seem forced, like they are just truly naturally sweet and pure and precious. Honestly all of their songs are great, and it’s tragic that they haven’t had a comeback in 2019. But their debut, Dream Candy, is the one that really gets deep in my soul to that animal part of my brain that makes me scream this god damn chorus. But only really at the end. I never really listened to this song until it came on shuffle one day when I was walking home in the rain, and thought, why not listen to this awkward girly song, and then the last chorus hit and OH MY GOD. It’s a good one guys.
14. Momoland- Jjan! Koong! Kwang!
So this song comes out by some unknown group called uh, Momoland?, with a title that is just a bunch of sounds that don’t exist in English, and I felt like I was the only one on Earth that was like, “This is fine.” I was honestly in some I Am Legend universe where instead of me being the only living person on Earth, I was the only one that liked Momoland’s debut. As time went on Momoland started putting out what is pretty much some of the worst K-Pop that exists (I mean, have you SEEN the video for Wonderful Love? Try not to cringe challenge) and sadly enough this group just faded into obscurity and never had any huge, Earth shattering hits or anything. 
13. DIA- My Friend’s Boyfriend
On paper this song is awful. I mean it’s a song about being a petty bitch who has decided to steal their friend’s boyfriend, hence the title. Also the song ads cute little quirks like *squints eyes to read this metaphorical paper closer* coughing. Also the video has an unnecessarily long intro. But believe me when I tell you that this is an absolute slapper.
12. Gugudan- Wonderland
It’s a crime that Gugudan has never really hit it off, even with two I.O.I members. Their debut has this amazing Little Mermaid concept and believe me when I tell you that this chorus is best when screamed at the top of your lungs. After all the screaming I am basically in a manic state by the la la la’s.
11. LOONA 1/3- Love&Live
You’ll notice that the main theme of this list is that the choruses are absolute fire. But this one comes in and basically knocks the wind out of me with sweetness, like some kind of aegyo Kool-Aid man. It’s really the music that does it for me in this one, along with the melody, along with Heejin’s perfect high note. If this song doesn’t make you smile then you are a robot, like ViVi. 
10. Shannon Williams- Why Why
If Ant and/or Dec were here, they would hear this song and definitely say that Britain’s Got Talent. Shannon is the British IU,hands down, undeniably, I will not be taking questions at this time. But it’s very sad that her career was nonexistent after this came out. Was it the fact that this features a sixteen-year-old grinding against faceless boys? Or that this video widely revolves around her intensely stalking someone? It can’t be the song because that is perfect. 
9. AOA- Bingle Bangle
Okay so some history for those non-Elvises out there. AOA was THE HOTTEST girl group for a good minute, with so many timeless collaborations with the Brave Brothers that really changed the shape of female K-Pop for a while. And then ChoA left the group. And without the only member who could actually sing the face of the group, AOA kind of went quiet, save for a few Jimin solo songs. Then AOA came back with a new sound, and while everyone else thought it was terrible, I thought it was a bop! And I love the video and the concept! And the dance for this is so fun. Bingle Bangle is a real yes for me dawg. It’s only too bad that they lost yet another member and their concept was handed off to FNC’s new girl group. Speaking of which...
8. Cherry Bullet- Really Really
Yeah so they literally gave this entire “girls in a video game but it’s fun and cute” concept to Cherry Bullet, and they hit the ground running with it. This comeback in particular is my favorite of theirs because it hits one of my favorite pop music tropes: Having A Funky Instrumental Chorus, Only At The End To Put Words Over The Music. It ticks all my boxes.
7. Rainbow- Whoo
If you ever wanted to hear a song that made you scream “RAAAAIIINBOOW AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” then this is it. At this point in this list we start to hear the songs that make me truly insane, and this song absolutely destroys me. It’s really sad, however, that this is basically Rainbow’s swan song, as it was their last song before disbandment. 
6. Matilda- Macarena
I bet you haven’t even HEARD of Matilda. I bet you didn’t even KNOW that MATILDA just DISBANDED a FEW MONTHS AGO because ALL THEIR SONGS WERE BAD except for THIS ONE which is just full of CHAOTIC GOOD ENERGY and if you don’t ENJOY THIS then GET OFF MY LAWN. 
5. Berry Good- Angel
Berry Good was destined to be one of those girl groups, like Matilda, that came from a tiny company and was just given bad songs and were set up to fail. So they crowdfunded, and somehow made two incredible comebacks, Don’t Believe (which is a whole other story that we won’t get into today, but it’s an amazing song that you should check out) and prior to that, Angel. I don’t even know where to begin with this song because it literally makes me forget who I am and why I exist. It’s a banger?? This song starts off so soft and pure and jumps right into a chorus that makes you bang your head and scream “I TAKE A CHANCE, YOU NEVER KNOW” as loud as possible. And right when you think you can’t take it anymore, that you are gasping for air because you are drowning in perfection, THEY GO EVEN HARDER. Like, girls, you did not need to go that hard. Holy shit. They go full IU in Good Day. I don’t know why we were blessed with this, especially since after this all their other songs have been garbage, and they’ve been so unsuccessful that they lost their strongest member and they’re heading for disbandment. But we have this gem, and I’m thankful for it.
4. 4Minute- Heart To Heart
Back when 4Minute was just another 2NE1 clone, trying to compete in the market of “Girls Who Look Tough But Are Actually Sweet” 4Minute, aka The HyunA Group, put out this. Third Geners, this is what Second Gen was all about. This is the meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown. This song is everything. It’s perfect. And it’s too bad that 4Minute didn’t really stick with this sound, but also not, since with their more mature concept they wound up getting pretty famous once Park Bom... I mean, we’re not gonna talk about it. 
3. Hyolyn- Bae
Okay so I know that Hyolyn as an entity is not technically considered underrated, but her entire solo career is being slept on and I don’t understand. With Sistar gone, and now Red Velvet carrying the torch for summer anthems, Hyolyn doesn’t necessarily have to give us one of the best summer songs of all time but she did. Every second of this song to me is perfect. And yeah okay I’ll admit it, I am a Gay, I am attracted to women, and Hyolyn is a lot of. A lot of wow. She and HyunA are exactly my type, and this video is a lot. But the SONG you guys. It’s so much that I told even regular people who listen to English music to listen to this song. They didn’t, of course, because the world doesn’t appreciate Hyolyn like I would, I mean like I do as a fan and nothing else. This song was my summer anthem in 2018, Power Up wishes it was this good.
2. BESTie- Thank U Very Much
One of the things that really got me into K-Pop during the Second Gen was that it sounded so much like pop music from my youth. This is gonna sound weird, but I grew up in a Wiccan Neo-Pagan household where 90% of the music we listened to was traditional Celtic or New Age, and if it was ever anything else it was like The Beatles (my Mom and her sisters were one of those screaming and fainting Beatles fans, the trait that was clearly passed down to me, based on what happened when I saw G-Dragon live, but that’s another story) or ABBA, or any kind of British/European pop/rock from the 70s or 80s. So once I was old enough to really find out what kind of music I liked, I dived deep into cheesy pop songs like S Club 7, Britney Spears, and the like. But I always had a soft spot for ABBA. The melodies, the music, the strange lyrics that didn’t really make sense or weren’t quite grammatically correct but it worked. I feel like that love for obscure pop, along with the 90s and early 2000s bubblegum pop, pushed me right into the K-Pop scene. And this song is the best example of that kind of weird melody with oddly used English words, but it works in the best way. The chorus of this song sounds like it was written by ABBA. The ending of this song is transcendent. Tell me you can’t picture a Korean Meryl Streep in overalls singing the ending of this song while dancing on a beach. This song makes me lose all my shits. But I do have to say that this video is uh, Not Good, especially compared with how amazing the song is. But these underrated bottom of the barrel groups don’t have much to work with in the first place, so we can’t really fault them. This song holds up, and is going to hold up for a very long time. I stan.
1. Laboum- Shooting Love
So like I said before, I don’t typically like the super sugary, super tacky, super girly girl concepts. BUT I LOVE LABOUM. ALL their girly sweet songs are AMAZING. They somehow get everything right, in their own unique way. They’re not at all like “Oh, they’re like GFriend”, “Oh, that’s like Lovelyz” or anything, if you get what I’m saying. Laboum had their own cheesy yet perfect style of girly. Aalow Aalow: A CLASSIC. Journey To Atlantis: A CLASSIC. Hwi Hwi: A CLASSIC. Only U: YES YOU GUESS IT, CLASSIC. Sugar Sugar: DON’T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN. I could have made this whole list with just Laboum songs. So I made myself pick one by listening to as many old Laboum songs as I could before I would become an absolutely menace to society, as I am not responsible for my actions after listening to so much girly perfectlon at once. If I was arrested and went to court for I dunno, causing distress and mayhem to the citizens of my city, my lawyer would call it “the Laboum defense.” “You see, Your Honor, my client listened to a lot of Laboum songs, and lost control of themselves and became an entity, a ball of energy, a comet destroying everything in its path while screaming cheesy Korean lyrics.” And I would be set free, of course, because who wouldn’t lose themselves completely to the power of Laboum? But anyway I picked Shooting Love, as it puts me in a manic state from the very intro until the last second. And let me just say now that I deeply mourn this old Laboum, as they came back in 2018 with a new concept that makes them sound lobotomized compared to their old sound. Like slow R&B is fine, but compared to this it’s drab and slow and dull and I hate it. I Hate It. Bring back cute Laboum in 2020, or at least study Apink if you want to see how to properly change an aging cute group into a mature group. I could go on, but now I have the urge to listen to more Laboum. You’ll see me on the evening news tonight, I’m sure.
anyway 안녕
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golden-lionsnake · 5 years
The adjacent topic has been settled, so this post is only for information on some of the counter points that were brought up in a discussion that is now moot. However I still feel awkward watching my people and my history get dragged around and wiggled at other marginalized communities for why something can’t change.
This will be under a Read More for 2 reasons. 1) Probably long. 2) If I feel the need to go back and edit something that needs clarification, or I feel the post needs to be deleted, I won’t have to go blog to blog asking people to reblog the update or to take it down.
tl;dr - the golem familiars in flight rising are alright by me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
disclaimer - I am one single jew, and no part of jewish beliefs, cultures, or heritages is a monolith. I do not speak for every single jew, and I encourage other jewish players to reblog this with their opinions if they differ. However I do NOT encourage people who AREN’T jewish to add their opinions. I respectfully ask that if you have opinions different from mine and you are not jewish, that you please make your own post on the subject. This IS okay to reblog provided the preceding points are understood. Thank you!
What is a golem? short answer- it’s a being made of clay that a human brings to life. It doesn’t even have to be a human creature. Long answer? Link! And really, you can google this stuff, it’s not super special secret knowledge.
Why are the golems important? In the modern world they’re kind of folk heroes. Defenders of jewish communities and symbols of our powers and the promises of our god. However they’ve always always also tended to be cautionary tales. A sort of ‘violence begets violence’ narrative. But the golem is also... situational. One of the most popular stories of a golem is one from the 1600′s and has far and away overshadowed the rabbi to whom it was attributed, which is a real shame, because he was a pretty amazing dude for the time.
Evil magic jews? Yes, because our traditions have magic users (idk, kind of like that miracle guy that got pinned to a cross a few years back to my understanding), medieval and modern antisemitism pokes its head out in the classic depiction of the witch. Once upon a time in probably 1100-1200, some jews chose to wear funny hats. Seeing it as a way to immediately distinguish us Devil Worshipers, some medieval kingdoms/countries forced us all to wear the funny hats, and then usually killed us.
SO- the real question is Are The Flight Rising Golems A Problem? And the answer is maybe a little tricky because USUALLY the litmus test you want to use for antisemitic golems is- who are the golems created by? 
Is it an evil organization that wants to take over the world and maybe controls all the banks? Whoo boy you got yourself a ringer for an antisemitic golem! Generally, pretty okay to be mad about this golem! 
The flight rising golems are created (according to the golem workshop flavortext) by a mysterious force within an abandoned factory. The force isn’t clarified, and it’s very possible to assume there’s actually no person(/dragon) behind it at all, and it’s just chaotic energy that are creating the golems.
In a certain light, having these things that are ‘inventions and creatures dragonkind once called friends’ turning against them as enemies is actually kind of in line with the folklore of golems anyway. Whether this is intentional or not, whether this is just ‘oo cool lore’ or not... The staff kind of hit it spot on.
At BEST the golem is a sort of talisman against harm. A quiet nod to the power and the resilience of the jewish people, and a nod to the idea that we come from the earth and we will return to the earth. At WORSE a golem is used as just another tool by antisemites to paint us as dangerous power mongers who will build anything to advance ourselves.
The golem workshop on pixel dragon game dot com? Not really either of those things. Just a supremely vexing venue to grind in.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mamamandala · 5 years
Welcome back to the world of writing...
This ain't my first rodeo, I’ve probably spent more time setting up a blogging page with no direction of what or how I should be sharing... all i know is that shits about to get real..
Let me take you back to the beginning..
I have this wonderful lady in my life called Nadine *Hi IF YOU ARE READING THIS* who is like my spiritual yoda, you could call her! I first was introduced to Nadine and her gifts by a Homeopath that I had been seeing called Zoe *HI ALSO* way back when I was pregnant to my son, just over 6 years ago now.
I was at a crossroad in my life, left a broken marriage found my twin flame which i didn't know what that was at the time but we fell fast and hard and ended up being pregnant within 6 months of our relationship from this lifetime... I had so many past life and current life trauma that was consuming me. I. HAD. TO LET SHIT. GO..
With the wonders of the help from Zoe I managed to fall into Nadine’s work and as I grew in my journey, the more I read of her articles, the more I started to understand... This was a huge part of my awakening. 
Now lets just clarify that I am no way shape or form close to being where I need to be in my spiritual journey- but I am way closer then I have been. 
I finally had the chance to have a one on one with Nadine with a souls life purpose reading and wowsers, did that knock my socks off... We spoke about whats happening, whats coming and yeah, you are going to be a writer....
Say what now? 
“Yes this is your souls life purpose to write and change lives...”
I left that reading pumped, so ready to take my new place on Earth as some Anointed being with a purpose, until I had no idea what the fuck I was meant to actually be writing about or sharing....
I spent hours setting up pages, writing, hating what I am saying- Trying to construct stories, starting books only to end up with a block.... the list goes on and on....I know in every fibre of my being that this is what I am meant to do, but I can not for the life of me figure out point A.... but in that time I found the people that I needed to get that zest for the art again even if i didn't know it until 9am this morning....*Hi Mel, Hi Emma, Hi Chezzy, Hi Beth* After I left Nadine, I had a list of people to connect with obviously when the times right but I found on my own path the yellow brick road only mine was a dusty track because the universe LOVES to give me massive tests I’m sure and loves to watch me conquer said tests because I’m a naturally laid back being that unless its urgent I’ll get to it later kinda deal,,,, 
BUT lets not forget that our guides and angels are also present and when you ignore your path long enough the Universe says “Hold my beer” and showers you with lessons until you finally fucking pay attention...
I had my first Reiki treatment with my soul sister Beth *HI BETH!* and in this session we worked on my solar plexus, helping unclog the energy centre as years of suppressed emotions, feels, situations, people, experiences that I normally would take to a book and release, I hadn't which had lead to a giant dumping pit of rubbish just stayed there.... Beth also had the same message about writing, releasing, and that it’s an integral part of my journey. So I started writing in my diary, but again I found myself being distracted by life and so on and such... 
I ended up finding out that I had caught Glandular fever, making me bed ridden for a week with nowhere to go but inwards.... I found out in this time so many emotions that I had thought I wouldnt experience again. I found myself feeling lonely, depressed, down and generally crappy about myself... I needed to change things STAT!
This has to be the kicker of the story, My Yoda had a competition to win a reading, Not even thinking.... I bloody won it. And I know for a fact that my guides and angels are sending a message and the Universe is going to kick my ass hardcore if I don't start listening....
So this is my journey... I actually don’t know where this will take me but I am strapping in and going to enjoy the ride.. I’ve had enough life lessons now, this spiritual baby is going to learn and share this journey with others in my situation.. Life path #5 whoo! 
Until next time, Jen x
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thelemonade-tree · 5 years
Real Eyes Realize that some Allies are All Lies
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The Sunken Place AfAm | Blog 1
Aysia-Marie Perkins
Rose appears to be one of those “down” white people, or wypipo, who is woke and obviously not a racist. She stood up for Chris when the police officer made an unusual request for his license, she tried to deter conversations away from her father and brother’s cringey commentary, and was on the lookout for him. Rose is totally not a racist, but an ally! However, there was a very clear tell tale sign that Rose being an ally was all a lie.
Originally when i saw the film in theaters, all her woke ally character traits whoo-ed me over and I was bought until she was exposed for the fetishsizing evil villian she was with her Black body pinterest board photo hoarding in a box self. Upon watching the film for a second time, I realized the exact moment at which I, and many other people, should have known she was plotting from the jump. When Bambi randomly leaps across the road and gets hit by their vehicle, Chris was the only one intrigued. Chris walked over to where the deer was lying in the bushes while Rose called for him and ushered him to come along. The alarms should be going off in your head by now. Why did Rose not rush over to tend to the wounded animal? We should have known from this moment that she was off because wypipo LOVE animals and she was not in the least bit concerned about poor Bambi! Arguably they care for the lives of animals more than any other kind of life.
When discussions arise surrounding police brutality, Black Lives Matter, immigration, the border, and other social issues, white people can hardly ever agree on the basic fact that the people at the center of these issues are humans deserving to be treated as such. A lack of sympathy and compassion are consistently shown towards these subjects and rather they rationalize the horrors that occur. “Well if they came here legally there wouldn’t be a problem”, “He was a thug so he deserved it”, “I think all lives matter so saying only Black ones do is racist”.
However, when it comes to animals, all the compassion leaps out. Animal cruelty is an issue that garners all of the attention, concern, and call to action from white people. In 2016, when a man was charged for the rape and murder of a dog, many people were dissatisfied with his sentence, calling for a longer one and for legislature to re-write laws to come down harder on perpetrators.  “Kelly Oliver has recently noted that stranded “Katrina dogs” received more sympathetic attention in US media coverage of Hurricane Katrina than African Americans similarly stranded in New Orleans, “seemingly because many white Americans can feel more sympathetically toward dogs than they can toward African Americans” (Fielder, Brigitte, Animal Humanism). At a National Animal Rights Conference in 2017, a Latinx woman shared a story of how “a white attendee approached her randomly and asked in broken Spanish, “Why don’t Latinos care about animal rights?”. Another person shared a similar encounter and microaggression, “Hey, you would be the right person to ask this: Why aren’t there more African Americans at the conference?” (Encompass, One Person of Color’s Experience at the 2017 National Animal Rights Conference). The conference was said to be a predominantly white space. This further depicts the mass camaraderie, support, and compassion felt for animals amongst white people. Where are they when discussing the rights of their more melanated counterparts? In the 19th century, abolitionists sometimes employed animal comparisons to slaves as a means of gathering sympathy from white people (Fielder). In order for people to consider the inhumanity of slavery, the enslaved human beings that had been disregarded as such, slaves had to be likened to the kind of animal white people did like. Why?
Rose Armitage could not have cared less about little old Bambi dying on the side of the road. She had more pressing matters and plots to take care of, and that is when we should have known this woman was off, racist, and it is another one of the many signs Chris missed to get out.
Works Cited
“One Person of Color's Experience at the 2017 National Animal Rights Conference.” Encompass, 16 Aug. 2017, encompassmovement.org/one-person-of-colors-experience-at-the-2017-national-animal-rights-conference/.
Fielder, Brigitte. “Animal Humanism: Race, Species, and Affective Kinship in Nineteenth-Century Abolitionism”. American Quarterly, Volume 65, Number 3, September 2013, pp. 487-514
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gabbireads · 6 years
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"… I know how all of this sounds. But, it's my job now to somehow make it sound less crazy." "Isn't that, I don't know, like... disrespectful?" "To who? The victims?" Katie nodded slowly. "Yeah, I think that a lot. I-I suppose it comes down to intentions. Are you coming up with wild theories for fun, or for something to do instead of blogging about your cat or how much you hate the newest Marvel movie, or are you doing it for--" "The Truth." Giana finished. Whoo. Where to even begin? There is a LOT to unpack here. Usually I skim over reviews that have already been written so that I don’t rehash too much that has been said by people before me, but honestly I don’t have the energy for this one. Let me start by saying that I did not pick up Truthers expecting to like it. I work at a library, and I was looking for interesting covers to display on the shelf. The cover was visually pleasing, and I was preparing to display it on the shelf when I fully realized what the book was about. I immediately checked it out. Partly for the meme of it all, partly for the morbid curiosity, partly to torture myself... Regardless of my reasoning, I read it, and so I might as well write a review. So yeah. I went into reading this book knowing that this book wasn't going to be my cup of tea. And I was right. Just... Not in the way I anticipated. The back/inside cover does a good job of hitting the premise's high points. The main character is a young girl named Katie whose father has recently been taken away because he supposedly had a nervous breakdown. He has been an often emotionally absent figure in her life, and she has had to take care of herself since she was very young. He is a war veteran, but never spoke of his time while in the service. He is currently a parks service employee. Basically, he made a few death threats directed towards Dick Cheney (… sigh) and then hauled off and punched a dude. When Katie goes to visit him, he has been heavily drugged and sedated, and burns his skin so that he can break through the drugs to deliver her some suitably cryptic information. In a nutshell, she is not his daughter, the government is the worst, and mayyyybe Bush Did 9/11. From this point on, Katie becomes obsessed with learning more about what happened on September 11th. She remains doubtful (so the narrative claims) throughout the course of the book, but knows that she doesn't have to prove 9/11 was inside job; she only has to prove that her father had reason to believe that it was so that he can be set free. Warning... From here on out, expect there to be spoilers. Throughout the course of the book, the reader is led to believe that her father is right. Katie goes to a Truther convention, she pours over material that argues for her side, and she argues for the Truther side herself frequently, much to my chagrin. These arguments go on for quite some time, and end up feeling incredibly preachy. It was frustrating to read, because I knew it was utter bullshit, but at least it was keeping with a consistent storyline. Until it wasn't. The last handful of pages in Truthers are crowded and confusing. The entire story flips, and we learn that the government was on her side (sort of?) the whole time! Even though they led her to believe that her cat was dead, took something from their house, heavily drugged her father to keep him from talking... The list of confusing motivation and clusterfuckery goes on. I'm all for a story with a good twist, but not at the expense of an earlier narrative that makes no sense. And I have to wonder... Who is this for? It's not for real life truthers, and it was far from satisfying as an 'ordinary' citizen either. (Or, as one character in this godforsaken book pointed out, a person in the 'sheeple' category) So what was the point? All of that brings me back to the quote I pulled for the beginning of this review. Why did Girard write this book, if not to expose what he believed to be the "Truth"? Because otherwise, by his own words, all this amounts to is exploitation of the victims of a horrific event that happened not even two decades ago. I had no hope for this book, and yet, it still managed to disappoint me. Frequent typos and odd wording pulled me from the narrative, and the "twist ending" that failed to match with anything outlined before was laughable at best. What was I expecting; a rally cry for "Truthers" out there? Maybe even that would have been preferable to what I read: an exploitative mess. 1.5/5 stars.
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ayearofpike · 6 years
Final Friends, Book 1: The Party
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Pocket Books, 1988 212 pages, 11 chapters + epilogue ISBN: 0-671-68808-1 LOC: CPB Box no.1629 OCLC: 778937233 Released September 1, 1988 (per B&N)
Most of the Mesa High seniors are ready for high school to be done. It’s bad enough they can’t even graduate from the school to which they’ve dedicated their teen years – now Tabb High is old, dirty, smelly, and gross. But Alice McCoy isn’t a senior, and since she’s going to have to spend the next three years in this place she wants to get to know people. The party at her house promises to be epic, and indeed it ends up drawing way more kids than were actually invited. The downside of this is there’s no way to know which one of them ended up shooting Alice in the face.
This is another one of Pike’s messed-up-kids-doing-messed-up-shit mysteries, with little to no supernatural elements. As such, you know it’s one that appealed to me as a teen, as I previously outlined. Plus, it’s the first one we’ve gotten to on this blog (and maybe even the first one I read) that explicitly describes a larger school with a larger student body. It was not quite as big as my high school, so maybe Pike thought he was still doing the small-town thing, but he does show the kids trying to keep their heads down and fly under the radar, which was my MO for the first two years of high school. So it was relatable for me in more ways than one.
Still, even at the time, I couldn’t believe the whole combining-schools storyline. First of all, would they really just shut down a whole school in the middle of the summer, without more discussion? Surely even the most destitute school district would figure out how to do one more year, to let the seniors graduate and the teachers find new jobs. Budgets are already determined by this point, so how was it a surprise that Mesa High needed dough? It was the rich-kid school; people live in the district for a reason. And that was the other thing: if they had to close a school, why would it be the newest and richest one? It would have made way more sense to close Tabb and have its kids be the fish out of water at Mesa with all of the Benzes in the parking lot and caviar in the cafeteria and shopping malls in the main hallway (the running narrative about the rich-kid public school I went to).
But whatever: we just need a narrative to give rise to a party. It also helps us connect our two star-crossed lovers, both of whom Alice has known and loved but also whom she is waiting for the right moment to introduce to each other. She lost her parents as a kid, after all, and she thinks of these two as the parents she never really had but who are only two years older, and she knows they’re going to hit it off, if she can just facilitate the meeting. It really throws a wrench in her gears that they end up sharing a locker and meet before she even realizes it. Of course, they fall for each other instantly, but that’s not very interesting. It’s better that neither one thinks they’re good enough for the other. He sees her expensive Swiss sweater and her fancy car and her obvious physical attraction to the quarterback and figures she wants someone with better social standing. She sees his grade point average and his internship at JPL and his job that provides for his family and figures that he needs someone who isn’t so flighty and ditzy. And ne’er the twain shall meet, at least not in this installment.
I don’t know – are you waiting for me to tell you about the happy ending? Where Alice’s murder is vindicated, her killer is avenged, and the couple falls forever in love? Because the title says it; this is the first installment of the Final Friends trilogy. Alice’s body doesn’t become that until the last page of the last chapter, when the guy trips over it searching for a light switch. She’s got a gun in her mouth, her hand wrapped around the butt, a bullet hole in the wall behind her, a giant pool of blood on the floor. So maybe we know who killed Alice McCoy, but nobody quite believes it. The guy and the girl have two more books to figure it out, before the real killer strikes again.
So mostly what we’ve got here is character-building and setup. And whoo, there’s a lot to get through. And so diverse! I mentioned before that I lowkey read some of Pike’s characters as Latinx even if he didn’t explicitly describe them as such, but this book has his second for-sure brown person, direct from El Salvador. He’s also got a black guy! Who ends up going out with the Latina! So yeah, not actually all that diverse, or even accepting really. Still, in a publishing world that expects and encourages cis white representation, having two POCs in the main cast of 12 is a good start. Having so many major characters allows Pike to work on his multiple-POV approach, too, which got so much better in Spellbound. It’s not quite as good here, and tends to break down whenever he writes a scene where one of the two would-be lovers is not the POV character, but it still helps to get a better feel on who all of these people are. (Interestingly, we never get a section narrated by Alice, but I suppose it makes sense as we’re about to get two more books without her anyway.)
That’s another question: why three books? This story isn’t that long, is it? No, not exactly, and certainly not by modern standards. (In fact, it got reprinted as one book about ten years ago; I’ll get to that later.) But remember, we’re talking 1988 teen book market, where nobody expected a kid to pick up a six-hundred-page novel, let alone get through it. As such, there’s certainly some serialized and unnecessary extension and padding in here, but it all serves to build out our characters and help us determine who they are, what they’re like, and why they might or might not be responsible for Alice’s death. Indeed, there’s actually only one (maybe one and a half) people in this book who have a motive, so we’re relying almost entirely on character testimony.
Next time: we learn even more about these characters, including where they were when Alice was shot and what was wrong with them before it happened. 
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littlewritingrabbit · 6 years
Tag Game! Tagged by @adhd-ahamilton
Rules: 1. Post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people!
Questions: 1. Is there a fictional character or celebrity who has influenced your life in some way?
I bet everyone says this but... Hermione Granger. The Harry Potter series was my first real introduction into sharing a book with a friend, and by that extension, fandom, and so one of the great role models of that era for me was Hermione. Additionally when I was an angsty 13 year-old and most of my friends had changed schools, probably Nico di Angelo from the Percy Jackson books, because I wrote a fic about his various misadventures with all sorts of dangerous creatures. *cringe* 2. Name three things that make you feel nostalgic.
- An entire playlist of 2012 pop music.
- My old school.
- Can one feel nostalgic for last year? Is that far enough in the past? Anyhow, thinking back to last year and the very bad ficlets I wrote while my mattress was on the floor and I hardly knew anything about the American Revolution. 3. Do you tend to like a certain kind of fictional character? What are they like?
I don’t think there is any particular type of character... besides maybe the odd English ones, the Lunas and Newts and Tenth Doctors I suppose. 4. What’s at least one thing you’re looking forward to right now?
Getting my dance exams over with! That and finishing up chapter 3 of Operation Tortoise... 5. A thing you learned recently that’s really cool?
YES. Okay, so I was researching inverted sentence structure in Shakespeare, right? And I came across the coolest thing, which is that often sentences are inverted in poetry to put the verb at the end of the line, and this has to do with the way poetry developed in the English language, as Anglo-Saxon poetry was all about rhythm/alliteration, but French and Italian poetry was about rhyming, because their verbs rhymed nicely, so that carried over hence the verbs at the ends of sentences. Y’know what I’ll make a post about this later... 6. What websites/apps/blogs etc. do you check every day?
I try to check Tumblr every day but that’s been a bit crazy with school lately... but I often check musical.ly when I get home because I am a sucker for cosplay. 7. If money/society etc. were no restrictions, how would you dress on an everyday basis?
Whoo boy... I’d probably have a bunch of period costumes, like Victorian dresses, 18th C guy’s suits, 20′s hats... I’d also probably wear suspenders more often, and get a few more swishy coats because who doesn’t like swishy coats? 8. If you wanna just sit back and relax, what do you do?
I don’t, usually, but if I find the time... hopefully write? I also play piano to procrastinate from actually doing what I’m supposed to be doing, so I might do that too. 9. Have any good recs for a game/blog/etc. that people might enjoy that doesn’t cast any money?
Get musical.ly and cosplay historical figures and Black Sails characters with me, you landlubbers. There is one singular historical Hamilton cosplayer out there and she is amazing, but still... only one.
On a more (less?) realistic note, you could also get Chicken Scream and make chickens jump over obstacles by screaming at them. Just don’t play it in public!! 10. Why is your blog title what it is?
Why isn’t it?
I dunno... I just thought it was applicable. A short wannabe writer who likes rabbits - a pretty spot-on description that also makes a cool name. :) 11. Give at least one tab you have open right now.
Email and a sdflkadfillion Word documents.
My Questions:
1. If you could have any sort of pet, what would it be?
2. What was the first fanfic you ever read/wrote like?
3. What are some of your favourite sounds?
4. A weird story from when you were young?
5. If you started a restaurant, what would it be like?
6. Where do you get inspiration from?
7. If I gave you a thousand dollars, would you let your parents read through your blog (don’t get me wrong - I’m not actually going to give anyone a thousand dollars!! But hypothetically!)?
8. A cool word you would like everyone to know?
9. If you had to swap places with any historical person for a day, who would it be?
10. Somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel to?
11. “What exactly is the function... of a rubber duck?” - Arthur Weasley.
And I don’t know about 11 people, but maybe @phrygianphrynia @emmakoneko @vanth-charun @phocioncommotion @hycnithoides if any of you folks want to? Or anyone else who wants to do this :)
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happy2bmyownboss · 5 years
This post actually started out as a different post but it got so long that I broke it down and decided to share this part of it with you today!
Things have been SO CRAZY BUSY here lately… I can’t tell you about everything we’ve been up to but I will let you know about a few things we have been doing down below. We are so excited about EVERYTHING that is going on and we just can’t wait to SPILL THE BEANS with EVERYONE!
For now, though I’ll tell you about some of our latest adventures here in our little cabin.
A trip to the movies
We took them ALL to see the new Lion King and it was so GOOD! My oldest son was a HUGE Lion King fan when he was little… and I believe he may still be very partial to the original but my younger kids only knew about the new Disney version of the series.
Here’s a trailer for it if you haven’t seen it yet:
I absolutely loved this new version of the original movie. Everything was so real and even though it was pretty much just a remake of the original it just seemed so much better! If you haven’t been to see it then you really should put this on your To-Do list… I know I’ll be buying the DVD as soon as I can as this is one movie that I will definitely watch again which is saying a lot as I am not a fan of reruns.
They had previews for a couple of other movies like Playing with Fire, Mulan, and the Maleficent that we want to see as well. Going to the movies with this crowd can get rather expensive so we only treat ourselves to this every now and then.
**This post does contain affiliate links to products and/or services that we use. If you happen to click through a link and make a purchase we may earn a teensy-weensy small commission (at NO EXTRA cost to you) if a purchase is made through these links. These links help to support our family, our blog, and our homeschooling mission. This means that we can keep bringing you great recipes, ideas, and tips for FREE! Click HERE for a full disclaimer.
 –Thank you!
A birthday in the house
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We also had a birthday in the cabin this week. Monday was Ms. Comet’s first birthday! The only reason we actually know this is because she was actually born at the shelter that we adopted her from back in February.
Her adoption was quite an interesting story and honestly if I had known we would still be in this little cabin right now I probably wouldn’t have even considered adopting her but thank heavens for the things we don’t know!
I think her adoption story post may actually be stuck in my Drafts so I’ll try to check that out soon!
Homeschool Adventures
We also just finished up our ‘On the Banks of Plum Creek Adventure‘ and the kids have been begging to get started on the next one. The only problem is that I haven’t had a chance to get it finished yet… I actually haven’t even started it. I guess we all know what I’ll be busy working on this weekend so be prepared to be inundated with Little House posts in the upcoming weeks!
Dentist Appointments, Bread Store, and New Glasses
The kids also had a couple of dentist appointments this week. I went ahead and just scheduled an ‘Errand Day‘ into our homeschool week. This is so easy to do when we use the Homeschool Manager app!
We went to the dentist which ended up taking a little longer than normal. Then we made a trip to the bread store where we stocked up on some of our favorite treats… not THM approved but I think a little treat every now and then will be OK. An added bonus is that they offer an additional 20% off on Wednesdays! Whoo-hoo!
After the bread store, we headed in the other direction to pick up some new glasses for Ms. Caitlyn. I probably drove more yesterday than I have in the past two months!
Don’t her glasses make her look so grown up?
Chat with Grandma
On the way home, we called Grandma and chatted with her for a bit. We filled her in on some of the things that have been happening and updated her on the progress of our ‘special project’ that we hope to reveal very soon!
We also chatted about some of my latest cleaning accomplishments with our new products.
Cleaning with Norwex
As many of you know I recently signed up to be an Independent Sales Consultant with Norwex. I can’t even begin to tell you how much we LOVE these products and I can’t even being to describe the difference they have made in lives.
I’ve been a little LAZY lately when it comes to my housekeeping… we keep everything fairly clean but there are cobwebs here and there and our house probably wouldn’t come close to passing a white glove test but thanks to Norwex that may soon change!
One of the first areas I tackled was our messy 15 passenger van, if you follow me on Facebook then you’ve probably already seen some of the pics but here are the results:
  We also tackled a few areas in the house:
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Yesterday after we got home I tackled a couple more places:
Jacob helped me with the bathroom cleaning and really wanted to make a YouTube video about it but I just wasn’t feeling it yesterday… that kid is determined to be a YouTube star!
All of this with mostly just a rag and water! AMAZING!!! I also cut one of the dish rags in half and gave it to Ms. Caitlyn to start using for dishes… she seemed excited to be the first to use something. Anything I can do to motivate them to do chores is a WIN!
Anyways, it’s about time for me to get these kiddos started on some school work and I need to go pull some chicken out for dinner tonight. I think we are going to make some breaded chicken and serve it with some Super Yummy Caulitaters and Oven Roasted Green Beans. Oh my gosh! I’m making myself hungry just thinking about it…
I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day and I really hope that I can let this cat out the bag soon!
Check out the new products HERE.
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Life Update: Dentist Appointments, Bread Store, and New Glasses This post actually started out as a different post but it got so long that I broke it down and decided to share this part of it with you today!
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