#and the difference between france and argentina in the final was that Argentina were the better TEAM for 120 minutes
getting-messi · 1 year
Ranking of some of my favorite “arguments” from Messi antis/R****** fans 💀💀💀
1. The WC is rigged
Pure laziness. Offers no actual explanation as to how they would feasibly pull this off. Did they deliberately let Saudi Arabia win to make it look less suspicious? Did they deliberately eliminate Brazil so that Argentina would have an “easier” semifinal? Did Messi personally pay off the entire France NT to ensure they’d play like shit and Mbappe just missed the memo somehow? 🤷‍♀️ 0/10
2. Euro Cup is more prestigious than World Cup
Ah yes, because this WC has totally proven the superiority of European football compared to the rest of the world 💀💀💀 Requires some mental gymnastics though, I’ll give them that. 3/10 for effort
3. Argentina just has a Good Team (TM) and Messi got carried
Try walking up to anyone before the final and claim that Argentina has a better team than France on paper and see if they don’t laugh in your face 💀 No disrespect to the Argentina NT of course (esp Dibu, Julian, Enzo, etc.) — they’ve proven how well they work together as a unit — but please be fucking fr. -100000/10 maybe try watching some actual matches before talking shit lmaooo
are people actually saying that the Euros is bigger than the world cup????😵😵 When the literal European champions failed to qualify for the world cup and got eliminated by *checks notes*...North Macedonia???? 💀
And omg the Messi got carried by a good team argument is SOOOOOO funny to me especially now that Ronald Mcdonald fans are saying that that is the only reason why Messi is a world cup champion and their criminal doesn't have a good team with Portugal🤣🤣🤣 Like all i have to say is go look at Argentina's world cup performance in 2018 like EVERY single match and then tell me if that is a 'good team'. They lost against Croatia 3-0???? They TIED against Iceland and Messi had a penalty saved by guy who is a dentist full time (lord did we hear that a lot), we miraculously won vs Nigeria and then despite the match finishing 4-3, we played HORRIFICLY against France. Add onto the fact that they JUST BARELY qualified for the world cup on the LAST possible qualifier match. People love forgetting these things and how the players were literally coaching themselves because of how terribly Sampoali was😒 Scaloni was the assistant manager during that world cup and took the job and this is 4 years of his hard work.
A commentator highlighted it like this, he said Argentina used to play as Messi + 10 players and now they play as 10 players + Messi - signifying how they are finally playing together and not just relying solely on messi like they used to since 2014.
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boogernotbogger · 1 year
To set a person
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x female reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Miya Atsumu gets the brilliant idea to set you like you are a volleyball. Trouble ensues.
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Miya Atsumu is a volleyball player. Miya Atsumu loves setting. Miya Atsumu loves you. But that said, Miya Atsumu has now realised that it was probably not the best idea to combine the two things he loves the most in the world.
Don’t get him wrong, he enjoys randomly passing the ball back and forth with you, while you both unwind after a hectic day at work. He enjoys making you jump about, ensuring that you always get a nice easy set from him. He enjoys having endless conversations with you about his sport, discussing strategies, analysing plays, watching matches, and everything in between. He loves it when you watch him play.
What he doesn’t love is waiting for you outside a hospital room, sick with worry about your broken finger, and afraid of whatever wrath he is going to be subjected to, once you’re out. After all, it was not your idea for him to toss you like you’re a 67cm 280gm yellow and blue ball of Mikasa goodness.
It starts off innocently enough. You are sitting at Onigiri Miya, doing homework, after a long day at college. Your shift just ended and you are waiting for Osamu to finish closing up and join you. This is your daily routine- college, work, homework, chats with Osamu, and then, his idiot twin would walk in, loudly complaining about his ever-hungry stomach, and then the room would light up and you could finally relax before going to your shared home together.
Today is no different. Tsumu saunters in a bit later than usual, but with the same monstrous appetite as always. He dumps his sports bag on the counter, kisses you on the forehead, flicks his twin and shop owner on his forehead, gets kicked in return, makes a show of being in agonising pain, and then scarfs his food down like he hasn’t been fed in the last two weeks. You just sigh in bliss at your choice of a perfect partner.
Once he has sufficiently attacked his food, the three of you start trading stories about your day. It has been a perfectly normal day, college was fun, your friends had juicy gossip to share, you’d met your favourite regulars at the shop, homework was easily completed, and both twins were in high spirits. Then Tsumu starts to talk. And it is at this point that Tsumu starts talking about Shoyo.
Now, everyone knows that Miya Atsumu is a little bit in love with Hinata Shoyo. The entire world is in love with Shoyo, even players from Brazil and Argentina, university students from the US, and somehow, a chocolatier from France. But even so, the way your boyfriend is talking about Hinata tonight is different. He is reverent. Awed. Mesmerised. You can see the stars in his eyes as he speaks about his favourite spiker (“Yes Samu, shut up, Sho kun has finally surpassed you and you can rot in your jealousy.” “I don’t even care about your favourite spiker, you scrub”).
“And you would not believe what Sho and Bo did today!” You perk up, noticing the increased vigour in his voice. And sure enough, his eyes are sparkling, and he has that childish excitement all over his face, that generally makes him more endearing and at the same time, increases everyone’s heart rate, from anxiety. Not to mention, if Atsumu endorsed something done by Hinata and Bokuto, the two people who had one single unicellular volleyball bouncing around in their heads for brains, then there would be chaos, to put it mildly.
“Even Omi Omi was impressed!”
Osamu and you exchange alarmed glances.
There would be chaos involving hospitals at best, and arson at worst. All centred around volleyball, of course. No player in the Japanese V-league has the braincells for anything outside volleyball.
Atsumu looks up as you walk out of the Radiology room with your x-ray negatives. “A fairly clean break, but it’ll still take forever to heal,” you mutter, as you lead him back to Orthopaedics for setting your pinky back in place.
“And it hurts like a bitch.”
“And then Sho kun jumped higher than he ever has for any of my sets! I really should talk to him about that, if his contact point is higher, he’ll probably even be able to intimidate that 2 metre dude from the Railway Warriors. I mean, that dude’s absolute audacity! He looks at Shoyo like he’s just a friend from school and not some intimidating-ass opponent to be feared. Just because Sho taught him….”
He finally shuts up, being cut off by a smack to the head with the dirty countertop-wiper, courtesy of his loving twin.
“Anyway, Sho kun soared and Bokkun had his arms outstretched in perfect form for receiving and Sho somehow managed to curl his legs inwards, so he managed to bounce straight out of Bo’s receive and into Omi’s waiting arms. And it was such a perfect receive! Sure, Bo could have bumped Sho slightly higher, but he was still high enough to be set. They refused to let me set him though. Omi caught him in a perfect bridal carry, and walked out with him, and looked at me like I was the non-existent dirt under his shoes and said with enough disgust to make weaker men cower, ‘Get your grubby hands away from our points-machine, Miya. You’ll just send him to the emergency room trying to pull off one of your fancy sets.’ Again, the audacity. But oh man, I want to try setting a person. I’m sure I can do it. I mean, I do lift weights and I am a setter after all, and if Bokuto can do it, so can I…”
His voice trails off as he gets lost in his fantasies, and you turn towards Osamu, only to see that he’s trying to suppress his giggles, slowly backing out of the room so as to avoid whatever is to come.
He isn’t quick enough.
“And that would be all. If you follow the aftercare instructions diligently, you’ll be fine in no time. And just to reiterate, do avoid taking more painkillers than necessary.”
“Thank you, Doctor.” With that, you get up, taking your prescriptions in your right hand, tenderly clutching your wrapped up left, to your chest. Your boyfriend murmurs his thanks too, as he follows you out of the room. You buy the prescribed medicines, and make your way to his car.
“Uuwwwahhhh y/n san, are you ok now? I got you chocolates to make you feel better. I was gonna get you a video of myself being received so you know how to position your body better, but Omi san said that it may make you more upset.” “And I was correct. Can you not see her pain?”
“Hey hey hey y/n! How did it feel to be set by the hottest setter in the V-league?” “Kageyama is the hottest setter Bokuto san!” “Then she can ask Kageyama to set her next time” “Again, can’t you two dumbheads see her pain?”
Next time?
Atsumu intervenes, having noticed your anger about to burst. “Hey guys, we appreciate your presence, but we really have to go home now. Y/n has to rest. We can talk tomorrow?”
The three nod, and you nod back to Sakusa, since he was the only one being (somewhat) considerate of your pain, as you climb into Tsumu’s car, all set for a long night of pain, apologies, more pain, and more apologies. You can hear the dumbass duo noising around outside, but you just lean your head back, text Osamu that you’re alright, and try to get some sleep. The air is thick with tension as your boyfriend drives you both back home.
Osamu refuses to “receive” you and send you to the setter, so Atsumu decides that it’s best for you to jump off a table and curl up into the cannonball position, so that he can “set” you directly. Osamu is responsible for catching you. Both of you protest, and of course, all protests go unheard and Samu gives up, knowing it’s easier to go along with his twin’s hare-brained ideas than to resist.
Secretly though, you know Samu is also a curious little shit who wants to see how well one of the best setters in the nation can set a person.
“If anything goes wrong, and that includes so much as my clothes getting dirty, if anything goes wrong Tsumu, you can consider yourself girlfriendless for life.”
He gulps at the very real threat in your tone, but undeterred, just says, “Nothing will go wrong, I promise. I am an expert.”
Samu and you just sigh, and Atsumu goes to adjust the camera as all of you get in position.
And before you know it, you are jumping off the picnic table as high as you can. Just as you squeeze your eyes shut, you see Miya Atsumu crouch down the way he does for particularly low passes, into the position that makes his thighs bulge and girls swoon. You feel his confident hands touch you firmly for a moment, and then you are tossed up, higher than you jumped before, and your eyes fly open to the sound of his delighted laugh.
The world is a blur as Osamu positions himself under you, and that’s when the panic hits. You flail, he slips, the world seems to slide around as you drag him down with you. You bring your hands under you to support yourself, and hear a sickening crunch as you land entangled with Osamu’s legs.
For a moment you just breathe, gladly noting that you are on the ground in the mortal plane, and not dead. And then the pain hits.
All that leaves your mouth is a whimper as your entire body turns its attention to the pinky finger on your left hand. It is bent at an unnatural angle, probably from having two grown-ass adults fall on it. You nearly throw up when you see something white covered with blood poking out at the bend.
An open fracture, your brain notes, while your breaths start coming out faster and faster, trying to keep up with the adrenaline still coursing through your veins, and the pain radiating from your finger into your whole hand.
There are voices babbling around you, and hands fluttering around in the periphery of your vision, and you vaguely register apologies. But your world is narrowed down to the bone peeking out of your finger, and you feel yourself start gasping for breath, each laboured breath choking on a sob. And then suddenly, familiar hands are taking yours in them, ignoring your scream, and your finger is loosely covered with white gauze, effectively blocking the gory spectacle. You notice that Tsumu’s hands are shaking as he holds up a water bottle to your lips.
An ice pack is pressed into your left hand and you hiss, but it immediately numbs the pain and you look up to see Osamu standing with another ice pack and your packed college bag, keys ready in hand. “Atsumu will drive you to the emergency room, it is faster than calling an ambulance. I was not hurt. I really am so, so sorry for dropping you, but we can talk later when you’re not in excruciating pain. Y/n, look at me. Focus. Does anything else hurt? Did you twist anything? Are you feeling dizzy or numb anywhere?”
You shake your head no, and Atsumu lets out a sigh. Your head whips towards him, and he avoids your gaze as he helps you up and into his car, strapping you into the passenger seat. The brothers discuss something more, and then you’re off into the night, your muted whimpers the only sound between you. His drives with one hand, his free hand clutching your uninjured one in a death grip.
“So, how bad does it hurt?”
It’s the first non-essential sentence exchanged between you two since you jumped off that damn cursed table. You consider just ignoring the question as your expression speaks for itself, but there is a tremble in his usually arrogant voice, and it sounds like he is on the verge of tears himself.
You turn towards him and sigh, and take his hand in yours again, and his eyes widen before he firmly fixes them to the road.
“Much less than earlier, it definitely helps that I can’t see the bone poking out anymore. Oh, and the painkillers definitely work. It is just a throb in the background for now, but it’ll get worse later.”
“Huh uh. You’re attending classes tomorrow? I can take the day off to give you company if you don’t.”
You sigh again. You notice that you’ve been sighing a lot today. You affirm that you will go to college because of “the damn attendance policy”. He hums in response and the silence resumes as you see your apartment complex around the corner. He parks the car.
“Since you are still holding my hand, does this mean that I will not be girlfriendless yet?”
He sees you narrow your eyes and adds hastily, “And honestly, technically, if one were to be very precise, one would say that Osamu would have caught the uhh, the tossee, beautifully had the tossee not panicked. Technically. In fact, technically, one would say that it was not even the setter’s fault, since his set was perfect. It was the, uh, the tossee who unnecessarily flailed about and caused him to lose balance. Technically only. I mean, I am not accusing you or anything of course. You are perfect. A Goddess. The best. Even as a ball, you are the best thing I have ever tossed. Truly. It was my fault. Totally.”
His voice trails off as your expression turns more incredulous with each word leaving his mouth, and he shuts himself up. He has the look of a man awaiting his death sentence. His usually perfectly-styled hair is mussed from all the times he has run his hands through it. His lips look like they are one bite away from bleeding. He’s wringing his hands, a nervous gesture you have never seen him make. His eyes look like they are going to spring tears any second, and his nose is twitching in anticipation of the tears.
You just sigh again and hold your arms open for a hug, and he collapses into you, threatening to take you down again as he sobs against your neck.
“I got so scared, y/n! I thought I had killed you! I know that I had no right being scared, since it was my idea in the first place and you were the one about to die, but I was so scared I couldn’t move. This was even worse than the time Samu dislocated his thumb trying to spike the shut bucket of balls I had set for him, and back then he had threatened to tell Ma about it.”
Before you have a chance to ask about that incident, he squeezes you tighter, musses your hair, and pulls back to look at you. His eyes are red and his nose is running and you can feel the wet patch against your neck. He holds your shoulders with both hands, and vows, “Never again y/n. Never again.” He takes your hand in his and leads you upstairs to your flat, as you finally give a small smile at the hard part of the night finally getting over.
“You thought the hard part of the night is over? Well, the hard part is just getting started,” he says, waggling his eyebrows as he shimmies out of his shorts, his glorious thighs on display. You groan at the terrible pun, but have no one to blame but yourself. After all, it was your idea to destress by having sex, and sex usually was accompanied by your ridiculous boyfriend’s ridiculous innuendoes.
“Nah ah, none of that,” is all the warning you get as he quite literally sweeps you off your feet and gently places you on the centre of the bed. Very slowly, he starts undressing you leaving kisses every time he exposes a new part of your body. Once he takes off your bra, he cups your breasts with a gleeful expression and you think of the time he likened them to “two small volleyballs I can smack around”. Before you bring up that incident, he turns his attention to your left hand, leaves a soft kiss on your palm, and carefully places it next to your head on the pillow. “Don’t wanna accidentally jostle it,” he explains.
He continues undressing you, one hand tracing your chest, circling your nipple. It slowly wanders down your ribs, counting each one to reach your belly, where he keeps it flat to hold you in place as you lift your hips up for him to remove your pants.
He slides off your jeans and your panties in one smooth motion, and nuzzles his face to your pelvis, leaving wet kisses from your navel to your thighs, and you wriggle impatiently in bed, wanting him to just stop treating you like a fragile piece of glass.
You bury your free right hand in his hair, and guide his face where you want it, right in between your thighs. He grins up at you and places one wet kiss on your clit, and you shiver at the heat that pass through your entire body. You stroke his face and he leans into your touch, before he pulls back and slowly inserts a finger inside you. His left hand comes up to hold your hand.
His index finger leisurely explores inside you, and soon he inserts another, now trying to stretch you out in earnest. His lips are steadily making their way down your labia and he tentatively licks a stripe along your perinium before he changes directions and attacks your thighs. His fingers find your g-spot and press, while his teeth nibble on the sensitive skin on the inside of your thigh. You squeeze his hand from the shock of pleasure that travels along your spine and moan something that sounds like his name. Satisfied, he leans back to admire his artwork, and you see a dark red bruise already starting to form.
Before you can complain about him going too slowly, he comes back up to kiss you, tongue dancing with your own, and inserts a third finger inside, now in a hurry to stretch you open. You smack his hand out of the way and finish the job yourself, giving him time to shrug off his clothes.
“C’mon Tsum, hurry up, I’m ready,” you pant, as he takes out a condom and lube from the drawer next to the bed. He hastily unrolls the condom along his length, and you take a moment to marvel at him, before you’re moving up to sit in front of his cock.
Not breaking eye contact with your boyfriend, you take his cock into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks out to take in as much as you can. Your right hand comes up to stroke along whatever you can’t fit in, and he gasps, his big, beautiful thighs quivering with each sensation passing through him. His hands are holding your waist to steady you, and he whines when you pull off him.
You smirk, and move to sit on his lap, and he gets the memo. He lifts you up, as you guide your sopping wet pussy down on his cock, and both of you moan as he fills you up. You pause for a second to kiss, and then jiggle your hips, indicating that you want to move. He keeps a hand on your waist to support you, the other splayed across your back, as you set an energetic pace. Not breaking the momentum, you lean in for a kiss and he meets you in the middle, fireworks bursting behind your eyes as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Next thing you know, Tsumu is biting your lip as he cums, and that is all the push you need to find your release. He continues stroking along your back, whispering sweet nothings into your ears as you ride the aftershocks, and you slump into him, well and truly spent.
Afterwards, you find yourself dozing off on his lap, his hands stroking through your hair, as you finally relax after the long day you had today, knowing that tomorrow, Hinata will try to give you tips on how to be a better ball, Bokuto will try to make Atsumu admit that he is better at tossing people, and Sakusa will try to say that he is above them, but will probably give you finger pads or something for the next time you’ll be tossed.
You know that by now half the V-league has the video of Atsumu’s “failed” set, because in his panic at the hospital, instead of asking his teammates for help, he sent them the video.
You also know that at some point during the next few days, more volleyball freaks will try to set you, because you are the first person dumb enough to agree to being set. And each person will promise to do a better job than Tsumu; never mind that his set was perfect, and it was you that flailed about.
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aussiesportscorner · 2 years
One could be forgiven for having a strange sense of deja vu for this year’s FIFA world cup. Australia’s group stage opponents, France and Denmark, were also in our group in 2018. The fourth and final member of the 2018 group C, Peru, was the last hurdle for the Socceroos to qualify for the 2022 edition, a game we eventually won on penalties, 5-4. Back then an own goal against France and a 2-0 defeat at the hands of Peru was enough to send us back home from Russia.
9 minutes into our first game of the 2022 FIFA world cup, like in 2018, against France, a country dared to dream, with Craig Goodwin scoring our first goal that was not a penalty at a FIFA world cup since Tim Cahill’s iconic left foot volley against the Netherlands in 2014. However, 18 minutes later France would equalise, and after that, it was all one-way traffic, as France ran out 4-1 winners, a margin 2 goals bigger than our encounter 4 years before.
4 hours earlier, a 0-0 draw between Tunisia and Denmark would prove pivotal in our hopes of progressing to the knockout stage.
For our second game of the tournament, against Tunisia, a second loss would surely see us go home, but 23 minutes in, Mitchell Duke scored and this would be enough to see Australia’s first win at a FIFA world cup since defeating Serbia 2-1 in 2010, but unlike that tournament in which Australia missed the knockout stage on goal difference, the Socceroos would still have one more game to play, but our defeat to France made missing on goal difference a very real chance yet again.
The equation would be simple, win and we go through to our first knockout stage since 2006, and the so-called golden generation, a draw would see us relying on a France team resting players to defeat Tunisia, something that would not occur, and a loss would see us losing out on spots in the knockout stage to France and Denmark yet again.
After a scoreless first half, anyone awake at 3am Sydney time would have surely been nervous, our fate was in our hands, and with the hero against the French, Craig Goodwin subbed off shortly after play recommenced, Australia was holding out for somebody, anybody, to put them in front, and with 30 minutes of play to go, their prayers would be answered, playing in his third world cup Matthew Leckie would score his first goal in the tournament with Australia holding onto this lead for the half hour that remained, qualifying for the knockout stage for the first time in 16 years.
But what about The first golden generation, how did they fair? After a come-from-behind win of 3-1 against Japan, and a 2-0 loss to Brazil, a 2-2 draw to Croatia would be enough to see us qualify on 4 points for the knockout phase. But Australia’s 2 wins in the 2022 edition would see us make it with 6 points. As manager Graham Arnold said “I’ve been listening and hearing about that golden generation of 2006. They got 4 points and now we’ve got 6.” Suggesting that his team should go down in history as better than that team, and who am I to argue.
Next on Australia’s radar is Argentina, a team we last played in 2007, and have only defeated once in 7 matches, back in 1988. A team that also boasts one of, if not the best player of this generation Lionel Messi. There’s always a chance that we get past the round of 16 teams, but a scoreline similar to that of a game against France would not be out of the question.
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darprime · 2 years
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022- Qualifiers
The 2022 FIFA World Cup qualification is the qualifying process which will decide 31 of the 32 teams that will participate in the 2022 FIFA World Cup, joining hosts Qatar, who received an automatic spot.
Parallel tournaments are organised by FIFA‘s six confederations. Qualification started on 6 June 2019, when the first match played was between Mongolia and Brunei and the first goal was scored by Mongolian player Norjmoogiin Tsedenbal, and is set to end in June 2022 with the inter-confederation play-offs. Unlike with previous editions, there was no general preliminary draw, and instead, various draws were held separately due to different timelines used by each confederation.
The 2022 men’s World Cup in Qatar will feature 32 teams before the field expands to 48 teams for the 2026 World Cup. The FIFA men’s World Cup has featured 32 teams for the last six editions since France 1998.
Joining host nation Qatar at the tournament will be 31 other countries that will earn a ticket to the big dance through regional qualifying matches. It has been predetermined how many nations will qualify from each region:
1 playoff qualifier)
. 18, 2022
The 2022 FIFA World Cup will kick off on a Monday with four matches in Qatar.
The World Cup final will still be held on a Sunday, as per tradition. The trophy will be hoisted by the winner on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022.
What Countries Have Qualified For The World Cup?
Here are all of the teams that have officially qualified for next year’s competition, which will be the last one with 32 teams before expanding to 48 for the 2026 World Cup in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
A total of 17 of 32 teams have officially qualified for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, including the host nation. That leaves 15 spots to be filled in the upcoming months.
In addition to host nation Qatar, there have been 10 nations from Europe to qualify for the tournament. Brazil was the first to earn a berth from South America with five qualifying matches left and it was joined by Argentina. There are also four more teams from Asia that mathematically clinched a berth through qualifying.
The 2022 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to be the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international men’s association football championship contested by the national teams of the member associations of FIFA. It is scheduled to take place in Qatar in 2022. This will be the first World Cup ever to be held in the Arab world and the first in a Muslim-majority country.
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redeyedroid · 10 months
A lot of the great rivalries in sport aren’t really. We create narratives and imagine storylines that don’t really fit the reality. Serena beat Maria Sharapova twenty times and lost twice, but their contrived rivalry has it’s own Wikipedia page. Tennis’s Big Four was really Federer, Nadal and Djokovic far ahead of Andy Murray, who was just as far ahead of everyone else (unless we’re talking Olympic gold medals, of which Murray has twice as many as the other three combined.) Stephen Hendry crushed Jimmy White in snooker final after snooker final. Nikki Lauda won twenty-five Grands Prix and three Formula 1 titles; James Hunt ten and one. There’s a decent movie about them that makes it look more even than it was. At the end of fourteen of the last twenty series, Australia’s men have held the Ashes and England's women haven't done much better (though, to be fair here, there's a galaxy of more stories to it than that). And so on. Equals that go through long phases of being very unequal. Or never were. 
But there are some rivalries between objective unequals that don’t play out the way they should.  
First played in 1872, the oldest fixture in international football is England versus Scotland. England have won the World Cup (which – in my Scottish opinion - really should come with an asterisk or two attached). They were beaten finalists at the last Euros (to be Scottish about it again, they do best when they rig the draw so they can play all their matches at home, at Wembley). They aim at finals, semi-finals. Grudge matches against Germany and Argentina and big ones against France or Brazil. 
Scotland have never played a knock-out match at a tournament. Our men have only qualified for one in the last quarter-century (though, unlike our neighbours, who have decades of penalty pain to look back on, we are perfect in shootouts.) Only one Scot, Kim Little, has ever scored the winning goal in a full international against Brazil. Our men have never beaten them. On the global stage, most often we lose and most often we fail, because that is what we have always done.  
Our players are collectively not as good as England’s. Even our good players are undervalued. Andy Robertson, probably the best left-back in world football over the past five years, cost Liverpool £8m. The most expensive transfer involving a Scot was the £27m Arsenal paid Celtic for Kieran Tierney. Chelsea paid PSV £30m recently for an uncapped English player called Nomi Madueke. Nobody would be surprised if it turned out he's actually a Football Manager regen. Prising the equally uncapped and not very good Englishman Aaron Wan-Bissaka from Crystal Palace cost Manchester United £50m.
Before she moved to Real Madrid, the absurdly good playmaking midfielder, Caroline Weir would regularly – casually - dominate matches in the WSL for Manchester City, racking up a collection of goals that by rights, should have won her at least one Puskas Award. 
(I didn't fuck up the links. The last two are different goals.) 
But it would feel like precious little footage of her, or Kim Little, or Erin Cuthbert would make it into promos or prematch coverage that preferred to feature far less talented English players..  
England: a team world famous multi-millionaires playing the biggest matches on the biggest stages.
Scotland: not often – if ever – that. 
And yet, 150 years of history gives an all-time record in men's football of 48 England wins, 41 Scotland wins, and 24 draws. 195 goals for England. 171 for Scotland. The last game, played at Wembley in 2021 during the pandemic-delayed Euro 2020 ended 0-0, with Scotland having the best of it. 
I think – and I probably am very wrong - this is because there’s a difference in how the match is perceived these days. As the gap in talent has grown in one direction, the gap in attitude has grown in the opposite.
Before that match in 2021, Rio Ferdinand was on English coverage saying, "It’s a huge game. I can’t wait. Nothing to fear, and we will go down and get our seat and watch it. Looking forward to it. England are going to win. I can’t see anything else, I’m telling you. I’ve never been this confident about a game in a major championship." 
Meanwhile, on the Scottish feed, they were showing this: 
We used to play annually, but those days are gone and it feels like the English have moved on, that the fixture stil matters to them only because of history and because the Gammonscenti among them are upset that a lot of Scots want independence and the breakup of the United Kingdom. But, on the whole, they aim higher and a game against Scotland doesn’t live in their heads the way it does for Scotland.
For Scotland, there is only England. When we don’t play them, we live in perpetual annoyance at anglocentric TV coverage during tournaments we aren’t even at. When we do make it, we get more annoyed, because – fairly or not – we feel we’re treated as afterthoughts by broadcasters that ostensibly cover the whole UK. And so, England must lose. Preferably to us, but anyone is acceptable. We’re fuelled by grievances real and imagined; schadenfreude; a desire to see the ruin of our enemies; and a weird sporting inferiority complex that affects the whole country.
(And, let’s be honest, that fucking song was tedious when it was released in 1996, long before it was shorn of all nuance by the hordes of pink-faced cretins who only know three words of it).
If England were playing the Fascist Red Spiders From Mars, most Scottish football fans would be sitting there, rooting desperately for the Fascist Red Spiders. 
It matters to England because it matters to Scotland, but they underestimate how much it matters to us. Because, pathetically, we have nothing else. 
On September 12 the men’s teams will play a friendly at Hampden in Glasgow to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Scottish Football Association. On the 22nd, the women’s teams play in the Nation’s League. England should win both. They are better teams with better players. And it’ll hurt if they do. But it won’t be because the Scots haven’t performed, haven’t given their best. Somewhere in their preparation, someone will have pointed out that “It’s fuckin' England. Let’s get intae these cunts” and they'll come out looking like they’re about to chib someone. 
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(No, really. Set Robertson to malky!) 
If England show up thinking that it’s a foregone conclusion, or that they can roll substitutions, or that they need to avoid injury ahead of their Champions League game next week, they’ll find themselves in trouble. They have more than enough class to win, but the Scots have the fight. 
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blancheflericard · 1 year
Messi and Mbappe Finally Play Together After the 2022 World Cup
The Rennes vs Paris Saint Germain (PSG) match is a moment to look forward to because Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe and Neymar can finally work together on the field again.
Mbappe and Messi had different moments when they returned to PSG. Mbappe immediately returned to Les Parisiens after the World Cup was over. Meanwhile, Messi is still getting additional holidays after leading Argentina to win the 2022 World Cup.
When Messi finished his vacation and returned to Paris, it was PSG’s turn to give Mbappe a day off. Mbappe was given time off because he has not had time to rest after the 2022 World Cup.
Because Messi and Mbappe are the two main figures in the 2022 World Cup final. Both of them competed hard in the final.
Messi was able to score two goals in the final match and also netted a goal in the penalty shootout to bring Argentina to the championship. Meanwhile, Mbappe also received a lot of praise even though France lost in the final because he scored a hat trick in that match.
Neymar has also played with Messi in the previous match when PSG vs Angers. But for the certainty that the trio will go down together, all of that is still waiting for Christophe Galtier’s decision.
Neymar suffered an injury at the 2022 World Cup and Galtier had stated that he wanted Neymar to focus on recovering from the injury first.
Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe Named Candidates for Best FIFA Award
FIFA announces that Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe are among the candidates for the 2002 FIFA best player award
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Kylian Mbappe (France) and Lionel Messi (Argentina) fight for the ball in the Qatar 2022 World Cup final match between Argentina and France at the Lusail Stadium in Lusail, Qatar, Sunday, December 18, 2022. (Photo: AP/Manu Fernandez)
Zurich, Switzerland – World soccer’s governing body (FIFA), announced on Thursday, January 12, 2023, that Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe are among the nominees for the 2002 FIFA best player award after their stellar performances at the World Cup.
Messi, who has won the award before, led Argentina to the 2022 World Cup title in Qatar. This victory greatly increased his chances of winning an eighth Ballon d’Or.
Apart from Mbappe who scored a hat-trick in the World Cup final, two other Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) club players were also included in the nomination, namely Neymar from Brazil and Achraf Hakimi from Morocco.
France international Karim Benzema, who won the Ballon d’Or last year for his performances for Real Madrid, is also nominated. Likewise Poland’s Robert Lewandowski, winner of the FIFA award in the last two years.
The nomination list includes a number of other top footballers, such as Julian Alvarez from Manchester City, Kevin De Bruyne and Erling Haaland; Real Madrid pair Luka Modric and Vinicius Junior; Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mane and Jude Bellingham.
Alexia Putellas was nominated for the women’s athlete award despite being sidelined for the last six months due to injury.
The Barcelona and Spain midfielder won the award last year and defended the Ballon d’Or in October 2022.
Public voting, which is open until February 3, 2023, will determine the three finalists in each category.
The winner is then selected by a jury consisting of national team coaches and captains as well as journalists and fans.
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People pass by paintings of PSG soccer players Kylian Mbappe, Achraf Hakimi, Carlos Soler and Lionel Messi on a wall during the Football World Cup in central Doha, Qatar, on Monday, December 12, 2022. (Photo: voaindonesia.com/AP/Martin Meissner)
Messi, Mbappe and Neymar Will Rejoin After the World Cup
Paris Saint-Germain (PSG)’s trip to Rennes on Sunday, January 15, 2023, will be the first time for their superstar front three Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe and Neymar to play together since the World Cup clash.
Mbappe returned to training on Thursday after being given 10 days off after returning from Qatar and starting PSG’s first two games after the tournament.
He flew to New York for the break and was nowhere to be seen when Messi returned, and scored, in a 2-0 win for the Ligue 1 leaders against Angers on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
The World Cup was an obvious motivating factor in the trio’s outstanding form during the early months of the season, and how they play together will be crucial in determining how the rest of the season goes for PSG.
They were six points clear of Lens before finishing the first half of the season at Rennes, but the Champions League is their main objective.
After failing to lead the group, Christophe Galtier’s side will face Bayern Munich in the last 16, with the first leg taking place at their home ground on 14 February 2023.
Lionel Messi celebrates a goal with his PSG striker teammates Neymar and Kylian Mbappe in Paris, on September 28, 2021. (Photo: voaindonesia.com/AFP) Galtier described Messi, who is 35, as “relaxed and in very good physical shape” after his first match since leading Argentina to a penalty shoot-out win over France in the 2022 World Cup final.
The question now is how much motivation the former Barcelona star has after that career-defining win.
PSG want to extend his contract in the French capital for a third season and Messi’s biggest goal now is to win the Champions League for the first time since 2015.
Spurred on by defeat in the World Cup final despite scoring a hat-trick, 2018 world champion Mbappe will be desperate to get his hands on the Champions League trophy for the first time.
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stateofsport211 · 2 years
Australia to R16 while Tunisia Won Nail-Biter; Last-Minute Chaos Sent Argentina & Poland Through, Together
A Recap of Groups C & D of the 2022 FIFA World Cup
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Mathew Leckie celebrated his goal to secure the lead 1-0 against Denmark in the second half (📸 The Times of India)
The day started with the simultaneous matches between Denmark v. Australia and France v. Tunisia in Group D. Interestingly, the French side started with their B-level squad, before several substitutions featuring their biggest names came in.
In the first half, both matches ended in a draw. However, it was worth noticing that both Denmark and France dominated their ball possession rates, although it was proven not enough in the second half. Both Australia and Tunisia managed to create pressure against their opposing teams, and it started to bear fruit by the end of the second half.
Tunisia was the first to score at 59', where Wahbi Khazri ghosted Raphael Varane in response to the previous ball by Youssouf Foufana, before Mathew Lackie scored right away for Australia right after breaching the Danish defense sector, going past Kasper Schmeichel at 60'. While France started to be more offensive, Tunisia defended well enough until the last-minute French goal by Antoine Griezmann was ruled offside at an extremely close point. Meanwhile, Australia stayed solid until the end of the match, almost leaving no room for Denmark to respond, hence the 1-0 score stood until the end.
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The final standings of Group C (📸 The Guardian)
By the end of those two matches, despite the Tunisian historic victory, France remained the group winners from nailing their goal difference, by only conceding 3 goals to scoring 6 compared to Australia's 3 to 4 goals. The victory enabled Tunisia not to finish last in the group, while Denmark's loss made them move to the last spot of the group, compared to the last matchday's third place.
A Dramatic, Chaotic End of Group C
The night continued with the blockbuster Group C, where qualification chances were wide open until the final whistle blew. The final matches saw Poland v. Argentina and Saudi Arabia v. Mexico as deciding matches, where one result would affect the other.
While the first half of both matches ended 0-0, it appeared that Argentina kept pressuring Poland (including a Lionel Messi penalty save by Wojciech Szczesny), with Poland trying to maintain their intensity. At the same time, Mexico did the same against Saudi Arabia. The second half started with a goal party by Alexis Mac Allister a minute after the whistle blew, right before Mexico and Saudi Arabia continued with their second half. He converted the assist from Nahuel Molina, scoring his first international goal.
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Alexis Mac Allister's goal against Poland right after the beginning of the second half (📸 Getty Images via TalkSport).
Mac Allister's goal then shook the standings, where Argentina became the group leader on the condition that Mexico drew Saudi Arabia, until 2 minutes at the start of the second half, Henry Martin's goal right after the corner sent Mexico leading 1-0, shaking another part of the standings by having them in the third place, right below Poland. However, 5 minutes after (at 52'), Luis Chavez's direct free-kick goal minimized the Mexican goal difference, putting them really close to Poland in the standings. Unfortunately, this was followed by an offside goal at 55' or Mexico would have overtaken Poland by then.
Playing even more offensively than in the first half, Argentina managed to strengthen its position as the group leader from Julian Alvarez at 68', right after receiving a cut-through pass from Enzo Fernandez. Mexico's dominance was once again proven by another golden moment where they should have scored, but it was constructed from an offside position, nullifying the goal where they should have taken Poland's place because of the number of goals they scored. The final whistle blew first in Poland v. Argentina, where Argentina secured its victory 2-0 to advance to the Round of 16.
Just like the first half, Saudi Arabia tried to counter-attack in the last minutes, where it bore fruit by Salem Al-Dawsari firing the ball straight to advancing Guillermo Ochoa in an undefended pitch. However, the Mexican possible advancement through the Round of 16 boiled down to the last few minutes and the tie-breaking factor, which is illustrated in the standings below:
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The complete final standings of Group G, alongside the tie-breakers (📸 self-illustration)
It took the fair-play consideration, the reason behind the dramatic final whistle wait, to determine the country that followed Argentina to the Round of 16. In this situation, where both Poland and Mexico scored 2 goals, both most notably against Saudi Arabia in their second and third match, respectively, Poland drew Mexico 0-0 in their opening match, the amount of yellow/red cards pulled for the fair-play came into play: by the end of the third match, the Polish players only received 5 yellow cards compared to the Mexican 7.
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The moment when Robert Lewandowski found out about the Polish qualification to the R16 (📸 ESPN FC).
As soon as the final whistle blew in Mexico v. Saudi Arabia, Poland then knew they would qualify for the Round of 16. Had the last two goals not been scored from the offside position, Mexico would have been through: but it was not merely the case, as the fair-play consideration spoke for itself. In this sense, it is the first time Mexico to be eliminated in the group stage since 1978. The last time the R16 qualifications boiled down to the last-minute fair-play considerations was in 2018 between Senegal and Japan, where Japan had -4 fair-play points compared to Senegal's -6.
Knock-Out Stage Situation
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The current knock-out stage bracket situation (📸 FlashScore)
The other two matches of the Round of 16 are then set: on Saturday night (10pm local time), France will take on Poland, while on the next day (6pm local time), Argentina will face Australia. The winner of France v. Poland will then compete against either the Netherlands or the United States, while the winner of Argentina v. Australia will get tested by either England or Senegal.
With around 8 spots left coming from the rest of the four groups, it is definitely worth seeing how the other matches unfold. In the rest of these groups, Brazil and Portugal had already locked their Round of 16 spots (except the final standings' rankings), but not the others: because another level of chaos might be unpacked soon enough.
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socialistsephardi · 3 years
The Political History of Zionism
With everything currently going on, I’ve decided to make this post detailing the different streams of Zionism, in order to deconstruct rhetoric surrounding Zionism. I do this to aid arguments against Hasbara, which often claims that Zionism is unified and simple.
To begin, Political Zionism is generally considered to start with the writings of Theodor Herzl, in the 19th century political climate of Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to this, numerous pre-zionist movements were competing among the Jews of europe following an event called the Haskalah, or “Jewish Enlightment”. The French Revolution caused France to become the first european nation to recognize Jews as citizens with rights, which would be followed by Britain and Germany. This allowed for the formation of a new secular Jewish middle class enthrawled by enlightment principles - mainly, rationalism, romanticism, and nationalism. However, this also generated a shift from religious persecution towards ‘racial’ antisemitism. As the Jews of various countries were subjected to either intense expectations of assimilation, or reoccuring waves of pogroms, it became clear that most of europe regarded these emancipated Jews as foreign nationals of alien religion and culturally compatible. The proto-Zionists begin building a consensus pushing for immigration to Ottoman Palestine, some seeking to provide an alternative to the pogroms, some believing themselves witness to the signs of an imment messiah, etc. Moshe Hess, an associate of Karl Marx, calls for Jews to create a socialist state in Palestine (more on Hess later). Waves of European Jews arrive, and organizations aiming to support Jewish farmers and artisans in Palestine and Syria are founded. The local authorities begin to differentiate between the immigrant Jews and the Jews from the local communities. Herzl enters the Jewish public consciousness with his writings calling specifically for the creation of a Jewish majority state. appealing to the British and French empires to aid them. He rejects Hess’s socialist proposal and instead proposes a reconstruction of Jewry altogether, rejecting the diaspora entirely, arguing that only separation could ensure Jewish survival. Herzl proposes establishing this state in Argentina, but concludes that Palestine would likely have more ideological appeal. I feel it crucial to note here that in his early writings, Herzl is hostile to religious Jews, claims that the Jews of the Ghettos and Shtetls hold back the intellectual, and calls the Sephardi Jews living under France in Algeria mixed blood barbarians. These attitudes would carry over into the political zietgiest of early Zionism.
From here, Zionism begins to grow, the call for simple immigration to the land is supplanted by a demand for a Jewish majority state, and competing schools of thought emerge. The World Zionist Organization is created, and the Zionists pivot attempt including the consent of the Ottomans in the project. Herzl here also begins to explicitly call for the colonization of Palestine, in line with his admiration for the french and british empires. The first major split within the Zionist movement comes with the formation of Labor Zionism based on Hess’s writings. Wheras Herzl’s camp depended on gaining support from the empires and from prominent Jewish figures, Labor Zionism argued that only the Jewish working class could create such a nation, and sought to emphasize a progressive Jewish identity. This is also where a re-alignment for the religious backing begins. Originally, orthodox Jews are in an uneasy alliance with the entirely secular Jews in the movement, mostly because despite his early writings, Herzl emphasized a need to manufacture support from orthodox rabbis and communities. With Herzl eventual death, the orthodox separate from the mainstream movement, citing the believe that only the Messiah can reassert Jewish control over the land. Reform Jews at this time also reject Zionism, as it is perceived as a threat to Jewish citizenship in Europe and America. The Reform rejected the notion that Jews were bound by a shared nationality, a position which held true until the holocaust.
Over the next few decades, various zionist groups in palestine compete for power. Many begin attacking the Muslim and Christian Palestinian communities, often forcibly separating the local Jewry in the process. Jewish terrorist groups launch attacks on British centers following WW1. Labor Zionists rejected traditional Jewish practice, arguing that these represented a diaspora mentality. They also set up the early Kibbitzim. Jabotinsky develops a trend known as Revisionist Zionism, with the aim of territorial maximalism. Revisionist Zionism becomes ingrained as the right wing faction, and eventually becoming the ideological foundation of the current Likud party. Jabotinsky admired and borrowed core concepts from Mussolini and fascism, in particular the centrality of the state, social conservative unity, and racial supremacy. Mussolini knew of this and told the founder of the World Jewish Congress “For Zionism to succeed, you need to have a Jewish State with a Jewish flag, and Jewish language. The person who understands that is your fascist, Jabotinsky". The revisionists during this time approved of the idea of building a Mediterranean alliance and opposing British influence. In 1939, Stern forms Lehi, and they oppose Britain in WW2, instead arguing that Jews must align with the Axis, eventually going so far as to claim that if they were to take control of the mandate, they would negotiate with Hitler to see the Jews in the camps transfered in as new citizens, and in exchange join the German sphere.
Following WW2, the Nakba occurs, and the Haganah (including groups like Lehi) is reorganized into the IDF. The liberal/general Zionists are now faced with oppozing interal forces such as the labor Zionists and the revisionists. They now turn to emphasis liberalism in the new state, mostly the democratic electoral system and the free market, but largely become a backdrop to the rest of the political movements, which turn themselves into party affiliation, since the basic liberal structure had already been established. The labor Zionists become the dominant trend in Israeli politics until the 70′s. Following the Six Day Way in 67, Israel seizes control of the rest of the land from the mandate. This sets off a new movement. Previously, Religious Zionism was a minor stream mostly simply meaning religious Jews who supported Zionism. From here on, however, it becomes dominated by a right wing religious trend and becomes NeoZionism. NeoZionists combined religious and nationalist elements, specifically advocated settlements beyond the green line, and often advocate the removal of Arab people, citing Arab Israelis as a potential 5th column. Neozionists believe that the secularism of other zionist branches is a significant weak point, and usually incorporate far right orthodox talking points. Groups such as the Hebron settlers are highly influenced by Neozionism. Neozionists are also usually behind the call to establish an entirely orthodox state in the west bank if Israel were to pull out. On the opposite end, there are the post-Zionists, who believe Zionism has fulfilled its goal. Post-Zionists are not really coordiated in the same way others on this list are, but generally they are critical of the direction israel has moved, they typically seek to try to make Jews safer in the diaspora, generally support Arab Israelis and some post-zionists believe in transforming the state into an entirely liberal-democratic one. Right wing Israelis also use “post zionist“ to refer to the Israeli left after the Oslo Accords in the mid 90′s.
Finally, I’d like to take note of Kahanism. Kahanism is an extremist ideology based on the work of Rabbi Meir Kahane, and materialized as the Kach party in Israel, a party which was boycotted by every other faction the single time they were elected to the Knesset, and is now banned and labeled a terrorist organization. Kahanists believe that every single Jew should live in Israel, and that only Jews should live in Israel. They advocate for Israel to enforce traditional Jewish law at the national scale, and together with Neozionists have engaged in actions to provoke fear in diaspora communities. Kahanists believe that all Arab people are the mortal enemy of all Jews and that Israel should seize land from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Kahane himself proposed laws, including banning intermarriage, banning cultural meetings between Jewish and Muslim students, and re-segregating areas that had already undergone desegregation.
So that is a compressed history of the trends within Zionism. I write this not to garner sympathy for Zionism, but in hopes that this helps pick apart hasbarist simplification. At best, Zionism produced a labor movement with a terribly racist history which stole yemenite Jewish children and encouraged discrimination and segregation against sephardi and mizrachi Jews within Israel from a secular ashkenazi ‘core‘. At worst, fundamentalists and militant zealots who are overwhelmingly hostile to anyone else, groups who align with historic and current fascist and nazi movements, and a massive, overwhelming history of abuse and human rights violations against Palestinians, other Arabs, Jews of color, diaspora movements, etc. If you needed any reason beyond the sheer weight of the Palestinian cause to oppose Zionism, here you go. I hope this sways the mind of any lingering ZIonists reading this, and I hope this is used to more effectively call out Zionism for what it is - a racist, imperialist, and fascist ideology hellbent on redefining Judaism for its aims against any act of solidarity between groups, completely fueled by western interests in carving up and controlling West Asia / the middle east/ Al-Mashriq.
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rookieforlife · 3 years
The ARGWNT participated this week in the “SheBelieves Cup”, the most important friendly tournament in the world, where they competed against top teams such as the United States, Brazil and Canada. It was striking that, unlike the rest of the teams, the Argentines played without their last name on the shirt, something that the commentators mentioned, and that did not allow to clearly identify the compatriots who had the opportunity to live that great experience in this country, where women's football is very popular.
But shortly after, the claim for that unprecedented fact came from an unexpected place, although not so much: the American superstar Megan Rapinoe, Golden Ball and known not only for her talent on the pitch but for her constant fight for equality, asked the AFA to correct that issue.
After more than a year without competing, Argentina, which is ranked 31st in the world rankings, lost to Brazil and Canada (both eighth), with a good performance. Those led by Carlos Borrello faced the United States, current world champions, in the final match on Wednesday, and were defeated 6-0.
At the end of the match, Boca Juniors striker Yamila Rodríguez achieved the precious trophy of changing her jersey with her idol Rapinoe, who in that match had scored two goals, and also took several photos with her. Rodríguez uploaded several of those images to social networks and this Friday Rapinoe surprised with a post with the photo together, but with a detail: she had added the last name "Rodríguez" on the Argentine shirt.
"Fixed," wrote the American who wears her hair dyed fuchsia. "But let's really fix this @afaseleccionfemenina and @afaselección", she added, in a complaint to the entity of our country.
Rapinoe is not only an idol for many Argentine and world players for being a huge footballer, but also for her claims in favor of equality. She is the Ballon d'Or and the best player at the 2019 World Cup in France, she has not hesitated to face President Donald Trump, for his treatment of women, and publicly reject an invitation to the White House.
In the World Cup, where champions were consecrated, she complained about the differences that exist in the payment between the men's and women's teams in her country. She is also a strong advocate for minority rights, the LGTBQ community and an active spokesperson for the anti-racist movement BlackLivesMatter.
It is not surprising then that she has noticed that the Argentines were playing "anonymously" and she has asked the AFA to address the issue.
The National Team arrived at the tournament unexpectedly, after the withdrawal of Japan, and had little time to get ready for the contest. In the 2018 Copa América, the players had already claimed for the clothing (they wore used men's clothing), travel expenses and improvements in general. Many of their requests were heard by the president of AFA Claudio Tapia, who promoted a semi-professionalization of the discipline.
But some vocal players and leaders such as Estefanía Banini, Ruth Bravo and Belén Potassa, who have asked for more changes and a renewal of the coaching staff, have not been called up again.
Beyond the jerseys, coach Borrello and the Argentine players publicly expressed the great experience they have had by participating in this elite tournament and being able to compete with world powers and stars of the stature of Marta, Rapinoe, Alex Morgan, Carli Lloyd or Debinha.
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milaisreading · 7 months
Some words of encouragement
🌱🩷: Wrote this while taking a break from studying earlier today. Hope u like it :3
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No other warnings need tbh. Plays out in the Manager!Yn AU. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
The day everyone at Blue Lock has been waiting for had finally arrived. The famous Blue Lock vs Japan U-20 was finally about to happen. It was quite a big event. Not only in Japan did it get attention, but internationally, too. (Y/n) sweatdropped as Anri and Ego forced her to sit next to the president of the JFA, who looked pretty much out of place when answering different questions.
'Does this man even know what a striker is?' (Y/n) thought, quietly looking around. Hoping this pre-game press conference will end soon.
'Did I bring enough water bottles? Does everyone have extra towels? Wait, did Gagamaru bring his uniform even?!'  She felt anxiety rise in her stomach as she thought of everything that could go wrong. They only had this one chance. If they lose now, their dreams will be over.
"And I am confident in team Japan's abilities to defeat the Blue Lock team today. With all the respect I have for Teieri and Ego, their team isn't up on our level." The words caused (Y/n) to look back at the old man, her anxiety slowly fading as she fought back a scowl. Next to her, Anri had a similar expression as Ego kept his face neutral.
"What makes you say that, Buratsuta-san?"
"Well, out boys are pro-players for a reason. Blue Lock is just a child's dream of what football is."
'A child's dream?! Blue Lock?! That place is hell on earth. Half of those players would not survive a day there!' (Y/n) clenched her fists as her eye twitched, but it went unnoticed by the adults. She looked back at the cameras filming them. (Y/n) got reminded that the whole World was watching them, including the boys who were in the locker room.
"Today dreams will definitely be crushed." Teh older man ended his boasting and (Y/n) felt her cheeks flare up in anger. She wasn't going to let this slide.
'Nobody will put them down. Not on my watch.'
As Anri was about to take the microphone away from Buratsuta to talk to the interviewers, (Y/n) quickly took it, getting up from her seat.
"(Y/n)?" Anri raised an eyebrow, the girl's glare melting as she looked at her and Ego.
"I am sorry, Teieri-san, but can I say something? I won't take too much of your time." She said, looking between the two and the reporters. The said people quite surprised by the girl's action. Ego and Anri looked at each other for a moment, then slowly nodded their heads.
"I give you 5 minutes."
Smiling softly, (Y/n) nodded her head and turned to look at the reporters. Her heart beating crazy, her mind telling her she was stupid for this, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut. The least she could do for the guys is protect their efforts.
"Japan... Japan was never known as being this big football country like Argentina, Brazil, France, or Germany. Before entering this project, I didn't believe we had one, let alone a whole team of players who had the talent, the endurance, and the sheer will to play and play until they are the number 1 player. But I am glad I was proven wrong." (Y/n) smiled at one of the cameras, grabbing tightly onto the microphone.
"Blue Lock is a team that is a force to be reckoned with. They won't go down without q fight and they are not scared of anyone. The match with Japan's team will be finished quite quickly with a clear winner. The Blue Lock team. The players in that team are the ones who will bring Japan the highly anticipated World Cup." (Y/n) finally finished, feeling 10 times lighter after.
"And what makes you think that Blue Lock will be the ones to win this match? And the World Cup?" A man asked.
"Easy. Because they are the best players our country has to offer. And they will be the best ones in the World."
(Y/n) answered without hesitation, handingvthe microphone to Anri as she sat down.
'I believe in you guys.' She thought, looking directly at the camera from before.
'Crap... this is being aired internationally, too..' (Y/n)'s cheeks turned red in embarrassment now.
'Oh, whatever. I hope the guys aren't embarrassed by what I said.'
And the boys definitely did hear everything, but they definitely weren't embarrassed.
"Hah! Did you hear that?! She thinks I am the best!" Karasu exclaimed proudly while pointing at the TV. Kurona kept quiet as he blushed more, (Y/n)'s words repeating over and over in his head.
'She trust us so much.' His heartbeat quickened a little.
"It's not just you, gel head. She said this about everyone." Rin rolled his eyes, but it was obvious that he was as affected by her words as the rest.
"It's clear that she had mostly me in mind when she said that." Karasu said with a smug look, earning him disapproving looks from Yukimiya and Barou.
"(Y/n) clearly meant all of us, idiot... but mostly me."
"And why you, Barou?" Yukimiya challenged.
"Because I am the king here, and she knows me longer than you guys."
"If that's the criteria, then I count in that, too. Besides, she always told me she admired how fast my reflexes are." Gagamaru announced as Chigiri and Bachira chimed in.
"Don't forget us! She was always impressed with my speed. I am sure she mostly dedicated this speech to me."
"Not so fast, princess. (Y/n) always said that my dribbling skills are out of this world. And she most probably meant me on the talented part of the speech." Bachira gave the two former Team Z members a cheeky smile.
"She knows me just as long as the rest of you guys." Niko cleared his throat, causing the rest to look at him.
"And she would say stuff similar to this to me. So that speech was definitely dedicated to me."
"Hold it! Out of everyone in Building 5 I was the best one. The one who stood out the most. It's only logical that she meant me." Nagi added in, now more awake than ever.
"I am sure she meant me. After all, I was the best one in my building. And (Y/n) always liked my game play skills." Hiori smiled menacingly at the rest.
"Maybe she really did mean the whole team... it's very sweet of her. She is a great manager. Her words made me less anxious too." Tokimitsu smiled softly at the TV as Ego talked about something. Aryu and Otoya sighed in delight, nodding along with Tokimitsu.
"Such a fabulous manager. We are so lucky to have (Y/n)." Aryu smiled, just happy about the compliments she was giving them.
"Ha~ an angel! I will make sure to do a better job on the field than usually." Otoya giggled.
"Wait, guys. Calm down." Reo suddenly spoke up, causing the arguing group to look at him and Isagi, who had serious expressions on their faces.
"What?" Barou raised an eyebrow.
"Regardless of who (Y/n) was talking about, we need to stay focused. (Y/n) basically declared to the whole world that we would win." Isagi continued, causing the rest to look at each other.
"And?" Rin raised an eyebrow.
"We can't let her down. (Y/n) has a lot of trust in us to say all that. We need to stay focused on winning." Reo continued.
"And, when we win, we will get even more praises from her." Isagi finished. The last part pretty much sealed the deal for the team.
"Alright then!"
"We are so winning this!"
"You used your lukewarm brains for once."
"Let's win this thing as soon as possible!"
"It seems like they are as motivated as always." Anri giggled as she, (Y/n), and Ego stood outside of the locker room, listening to the team.
"Nothing less to be expected from them" (Y/n) smiled softly as Ego nodded in agreement.
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uh. tua language headcanons i guess.
so since in season two allison said that she spoke seven languages, i figured that applied to everyone, so they speak their native language - the language from where they came from - and one language from each continent excluding antarctica, of course. (for all the eurasia supremacists out there, we're going with europe and asia as separate continents, because that makes it easier). we're not counting english.
i can't guarantee any information is completely accurate, since i did a cursory google search/wikipedia skim and nothing else. please inform me if i'm being offensive in any way!
the name 'luther' has germanic origins, so luther knows german, because it's his language of origin; dutch, because it's a west germanic language like german; kirundi, because that's spoken in burundi, where germany established colonies; tok pisin, because that's spoken in papua new guinea, where germany had colonies; spanish, because argentina and germany have history; the luthigh language from australia, and honestly i just chose this because it started with lu; and finally, lakota, spoken by native americans who lived on the great plains, because it has so many ties to dakota, which diego speaks, that it might as well be the same language, like the differences between british and american english, and this illustrates that diego and luther are more alike than either of them would like to acknowledge
the name 'diego' is, of course, spanish, and since david castaneda is mexican, i decided diego - or, at least, his mother - was too. therefore, he knows mexican spanish, his language of origin; portugese, the second most-spoken language in south america; dakota, because of the reasons mentioned in luther's lakota section; italian, because apparently mexico has an alliance with them; filipino, because before mexico's independence the philippines were governed by them; afrikaans, spoken in south africa, because they have an alliance; and finally, the diyari language from australia, because it started with di
the name 'allison' has its roots in old french*, so the queen herself knows french as her language of origin; german, because in an ironic twist, france and germany are close allies; wolof because that's widely spoken in senegal, which was once a colony of france; algonquin because the french allied with them in the french and indian war; kali'na because the kali'na people are native to french guiana, an overseas department/region and single territorial collectivity of france; khmer, because the french ruled over cambodia for almost a century; and finally, the alawa language from australia, because it started with al
the name 'klaus' is german, so klaus and luther probably took german classes together, since it's their language of origin**. so klaus speaks german; scots, because it's a west germanic language like german; kinyarwanda, because rwanda was part of german east africa for a while; japanese, because germany and japan obviously have history and klaus strikes me as a weeb; kahlihna, a native language of venezuela, which was a german colony for a while; klallam, a north american language chosen because it starts with kl; and finally, the kija language of australia, because it started with k
obviously five is just a number, but a lot of people think the polish woman in the pilot script was meant to be five's mother. so five speaks polish, since it's his language of origin; french, because poles supported napoleon and poland and france were allies during the interwar period, and also because i'm a five + allison frendship supremacist and wanted them to learn it and take classes together; hindi, because wikipedia said relations between poland and india 'have generally been friendly, characterised by understanding and cooperation on an international front'; swahili, because tanzania and poland are allies; cree, spoken in canada, because canada and poland have quite the history; quechua, spoken in peru, because poland and peru are allies; and finally, the ami language of australia, because it starts with a and i couldn't find a not-extinct language that started with f
the name 'ben' is hebrew, so ben speaks hebrew as his language of origin; korean, because that's justin min's ethnicity and if they make ben anything else i'm going to lose it; danish, because israel and denmark have friendly relations; oromo, because ethiopia and israel have close ties; portugese, because brazil and israel are close and once again ben and diego would take classes together; spanish, because mexico and israel had a good relationship, and ben, diego, and luther would all share a class; and finally, the bunuba language of australia, because it started with b
we saw in the pilot that vanya's mom came from russia, and of course the name 'vanya' is slavic, so she speaks russian as her language of origin; mongolian, because mongolia and russia are friends, apparently; arabic, because sudan and russia have close ties; portugese, because brazil and russia have improving relations and i would like you to imagine the chaos of a class involving diego, ben, and vanya; finnish, because finland and russia are friendly; unangam tunuu, because alaska was once russian territory; and finally, the pintupi language of australia, because there were none that started with v
*i wasn't sure if allison was scottish or french, since google had mixed opinions, but i settled the matter by reading this site's page on the name. i don't think they made this history up, but if anyone wants to fact check me/the site, then feel free to!
**so, luther and klaus might actually be the twins here. who would've guessed?
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manju123 · 3 years
Halogen Bulbs Market Key players, Trends, Demands & Growth Drivers analysis 2021
The latest report published by Profshare Market Research projects that Halogen Bulbs Market is expected to show impressive CAGR between 2019-27. The study covers detail market analysis, growth and forecast of the Halogen Bulbs Market. The report includes market analysis on global as well country specific level. Historical data analysis from 2015 to 2019 is very important to forecast market for 2019 to 2027.
The report uses value chain analysis for each of the product segments. Value chain analysis offers in depth information about value addition at each stage of the product development. It is very important for organization to reduce cost of the final product without compromising much on quality. If organization receives correct value chain analysis information then it can ease the product manufacturing process to large extent. Seamless product delivery to consumer has become more important than it ever were, proper value chain analysis exactly delivers the same.
Access sample report @ https://www.profsharemarketresearch.com/inquiry/halogen-bulbs-market-report-inquiry/
Major players in the Halogen Bulbs Market are identified through secondary research and their market revenues determined through primary and secondary research. Secondary research included the research of the annual and financial reports of the top manufacturers; whereas, primary research included key opinions of leaders and industry experts. The percentage splits, market shares, growth rate and breakdowns of the product markets are determined through using secondary sources and verified through the primary sources.
Research report includes the extensive use of primary and secondary data sources. Research process focuses on multiple factors affecting the industry such as competitive landscape, government policy, historical data, market current position, Halogen Bulbs Market trends, upcoming technologies & innovations as well as risks, rewards, opportunities and challenges. Study used very precise top-down and bottom-up approach in order to validate market revenue, volume, manufacturers, regional analysis, product segments and end users/applications.
Research report provides details analysis on drivers and restraints Halogen Bulbs Market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. Research report includes in depth competitive analysis with shares of each player inside market, growth rate and market attractiveness in different end users/regions. Research study on Halogen Bulbs Market helps user to make precise decision in order to expand market presence and increase market share.
Regional analysis of Halogen Bulbs Market includes North America, Asia Pacific, Europe , Middle East & Africa as major region. These Major regions are further divided into countries like US, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, England, France Italy, Netherlands, Spain, India, China, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea & Australia. Regional outlook is one of the most important aspects of research study. Research study delivers clear picture of product market for various regions globally.
Access Full Report @ https://www.profsharemarketresearch.com/halogen-bulbs-market/
Market Segmentation
Halogen Bulbs Market Report: Product Type
Lodine Tungsten Lamp
Bromine Tungsten Lamp
Metal Halide Lamp
Halogen Bulbs Market Report: Application
Home Use
Stage Lighting
Research report on Halogen Bulbs Market includes competitive analysis that provides better insight of the major manufacturers of Halogen Bulbs. These major players include:
Halogen Bulbs Market: Company Analysis
Halco Lighting Technologies,
Westinghouse Lighting Corp
Litetronics International, Inc.
Feit Electric Company
Bulbrite Industries, Inc
Some of the important aspects of the Halogen Bulbs Market study include:
Report heavily focuses on major market aspects such as Volume, Revenue, market share, concentration rate, supply-demand scenario, growth & challenges.
Market growth drivers, trends analysis, future scope, government policies as well as environmental aspects.
Study uses many important analytical techniques to reach highest level of data accuracy. These techniques includes Primary & secondary research, Porters five analysis, SWOT analysis, Qualitative analysis, market sizing.
About Profshare:
Profshare Market Research is a full service market research company that delivers in depth market research globally. We operate within consumer and business to business markets offering both qualitative and quantitative research services. We work for private sector clients, along with public sector and voluntary organizations. Profshare Market Research publishes high quality, in-depth market research studies, to help clients obtain granular level clarity on current business trends and expected future developments. We are committed to our client’s needs, providing custom solutions best fit for strategy development and implementation to extract tangible results.
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Profshare Market Research
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thefinishedarticle · 3 years
World Cup of the Decade
Which is the greatest sporting nation in the world?
That’s a difficult question to answer. There are many different sports, each with different frontrunners, and it is impossible to compare one to another. But what if you took the premier competition of the biggest global sports, and ascribed a value based on where each nation placed? Could you then tally those up, and find out who comes out on top?
Well, I’ve given it a shot.
The analysis had to be limited at some point, so I’ve stuck to the World Cups of the five biggest sports in the world, which were consistent across every chart I could find online (whereas the rest of the top ten varied), plus the Summer and Winter Olympics.
These are the largest sports in the world where nations are invited to compete. I have not included sports like boxing or Formula One where individuals enter under their own names, and their nationalities are incidental, except to the extent that they feature in the Olympic medal tables. Fortunately, none of these sports made up the top five in any case.
Rather than pick a single iteration of each competition, I’ve looked back upon the decade from 2010 to 2019, which feels like it feel give a fairer reflection: cup competitions can be unpredictable, and the best team doesn’t always emerge victorious. An average ensures that class will out.
It is hard to rank teams which went out in each group stage or knockout round, especially as each competition will have different numbers of rounds, so I have limited my analysis to the semi-finals onwards. All of these competitions had a top four, and I have therefore taken this quartet from each, the top teams in their field, and handed out the points.
Here are the decade’s rankings:
Summer Olympics: USA, China/UK, Russia
Winter Olympics: Canada/Norway, Germany, USA/Russia
FIFA World Cup: USA, Netherlands, Germany/Japan, France, UK/Sweden/Spain, Argentina/Croatia, Belgium, Uruguay, Brazil
Cricket World Cup: Australia/India, UK, New Zealand, Sri Lanka/West Indies, Pakistan/South Africa
Hockey World Cup: Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, UK, Germany/Belgium, Ireland, Spain, USA
Davis/Fed Cup: Czechia, France, Argentina, Russia/Italy/Serbia, Spain, USA, UK/Croatia/Belgium, Germany/Switzerland/Australia, Belarus/Canada, Netherlands/Romania, Slovakia
Volleyball World Cup: USA, China, Poland/Russia, Brazil, Serbia, Japan
In terms of total tournament placings, the USA ended up with the most points, followed by Czechia and with the UK and Australia in joint third. However, this is massively skewed by the imbalance in the number of tournaments between different sports (Czechia earning their place through tennis dominance alone), and I have therefore applied a similar points system to the above rankings to even them out across the different disciplines.
On this system, the leaderboard is as follows:
1. USA
2. UK
3. Russia
4. Germany
5. Australia
= Netherlands
7. China
8. Argentina
9. France
10. Japan
The USA romps comfortably to victory, although becoming soccer world champs (thanks to the emphasis on gender equality, and the greater unpredictability of the men’s game) wasn’t something I’d anticipated. The UK didn’t lead in any field, but the consistency of placing highly in 5 of the 7 competitions earnt a second place at the expense of Russia (a similar story but with 4 sports) and Germany (the same with 3).
Australia and the Netherlands scored in just two sports, but finished first and second in those. Czechia (with fellow specialists Canada, Norway, and India, who also finished first in one competition and didn’t make the board for any others) is nowhere in sight.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 5.15
221 – Liu Bei, Chinese warlord, proclaims himself emperor of Shu Han, the successor of the Han dynasty. 392 – Emperor Valentinian II is assassinated while advancing into Gaul against the Frankish usurper Arbogast. He is found hanging in his residence at Vienne. 589 – King Authari marries Theodelinda, daughter of the Bavarian duke Garibald I. A Catholic, she has great influence among the Lombard nobility. 756 – Abd al-Rahman I, the founder of the Arab dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries, becomes emir of Cordova, Spain. 1252 – Pope Innocent IV issues the papal bull ad extirpanda, which authorizes, but also limits, the torture of heretics in the Medieval Inquisition. 1525 – Insurgent peasants led by Anabaptist pastor Thomas Müntzer were defeated at the Battle of Frankenhausen, ending the German Peasants' War in the Holy Roman Empire. 1536 – Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, stands trial in London on charges of treason, adultery and incest; she is condemned to death by a specially-selected jury. 1602 – Cape Cod discovered by English navigator Bartholomew Gosnold. 1618 – Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion (he first discovered it on March 8 but soon rejected the idea after some initial calculations were made). 1648 – The Peace of Münster is ratified, by which Spain acknowledges Dutch sovereignty. 1791 – French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre proposes the Self-denying Ordinance. 1817 – Opening of the first private mental health hospital in the United States, the Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason (now Friends Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). 1836 – Francis Baily observes "Baily's beads" during an annular eclipse. 1849 – The Sicilian revolution of 1848 is finally extinguished. 1850 – The Arana–Southern Treaty is ratified, ending "the existing differences" between Great Britain and Argentina. 1851 – The first Australian gold rush is proclaimed, although the discovery had been made three months earlier. 1864 – American Civil War: Battle of New Market, Virginia: Students from the Virginia Military Institute fight alongside the Confederate army to force Union General Franz Sigel out of the Shenandoah Valley. 1891 – Pope Leo XIII defends workers' rights and property rights in the encyclical Rerum novarum, the beginning of modern Catholic social teaching. 1905 – Las Vegas founded in Nevada. 1911 – In Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States, the United States Supreme Court declares Standard Oil to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and orders the company to be broken up. 1911 – More than 300 Chinese immigrants are killed in the Torreón massacre when the forces of the Mexican Revolution led by Emilio Madero take the city of Torreón from the Federales. 1918 – The Finnish Civil War was ended, when the Whites took over Fort Ino, a Russian coastal artillery base on the Karelian Isthmus, from the Russian troops. 1919 – The Winnipeg general strike begins. By 11:00, almost the whole working population of Winnipeg had walked off the job. 1919 – Greek occupation of Smyrna. During the occupation, the Greek army kills or wounds 350 Turks; those responsible are punished by Greek commander Aristides Stergiades. 1929 – A fire at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio kills 123. 1932 – In an attempted coup d'état, the Prime Minister of Japan Inukai Tsuyoshi is assassinated. 1933 – All military aviation organizations within or under the control of the RLM of Germany were officially merged in a covert manner to form its Wehrmacht military's air arm, the Luftwaffe. 1940 – USS Sailfish is recommissioned. It was originally the USS Squalus. 1940 – World War II: After fierce fighting, the poorly trained and equipped Dutch troops surrender to Germany, marking the beginning of five years of occupation. 1940 – Richard and Maurice McDonald open the first McDonald's restaurant. 1941 – First flight of the Gloster E.28/39 the first British and Allied jet aircraft. 1941 – Joe DiMaggio begins a 56-game hitting streak. 1942 – World War II: In the United States, a bill creating the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) is signed into law. 1943 – Joseph Stalin dissolves the Comintern (or Third International). 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Poljana, the final skirmish in Europe is fought near Prevalje, Slovenia. 1948 – Following the expiration of The British Mandate for Palestine, the Kingdom of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia invade Israel thus starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. 1957 – At Malden Island in the Pacific Ocean, Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb in Operation Grapple. 1963 – Project Mercury: The launch of the final Mercury mission, Mercury-Atlas 9 with astronaut Gordon Cooper on board. He becomes the first American to spend more than a day in space, and the last American to go into space alone. 1970 – President Richard Nixon appoints Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington the first female United States Army generals. 1972 – The Ryukyu Islands, under U.S. military governance since its conquest in 1945, reverts to Japanese control. 1974 – Ma'alot massacre: Members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine attack and take hostages at an Israeli school; a total of 31 people are killed, including 22 schoolchildren. 1988 – Soviet–Afghan War: After more than eight years of fighting, the Soviet Army begins to withdraw 115,000 troops from Afghanistan. 1991 – Édith Cresson becomes France's first female Prime Minister. 1997 – The United States government acknowledges the existence of the "Secret War" in Laos and dedicates the Laos Memorial in honor of Hmong and other "Secret War" veterans. 1997 – The Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on STS-84 to dock with the Russian space station Mir. 2004 – Arsenal F.C. go an entire league campaign unbeaten in the English Premier League, joining Preston North End F.C with the right to claim the title "The Invincibles". 2008 – California becomes the second U.S. state after Massachusetts in 2004 to legalize same-sex marriage after the state's own Supreme Court rules a previous ban unconstitutional. 2010 – Jessica Watson becomes the youngest person to sail, non-stop and unassisted around the world solo. 2013 – An upsurge in violence in Iraq leaves more than 389 people dead over three days.
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mizanurtumb · 3 years
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Atlantic Charter: The Beginning of the Rise of the United States as a Superpower
August, 1941. World War II is going on. All around then the triumph of the Axis Powers. Germany and its junior partner, Italy, were then the masters of the European mainland. The vast expanse of Europe from the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic Ocean was then under the influence of the Axis Powers. France has fallen. The mighty 'Mistress of the Sea' Britain has not yet conceded defeat, but they have been defeated by intense Axis air strikes. Axis forces continue to attack the communist superpower, the Soviet Union. Axis forces are rushing towards Moscow with lightning speed, crushing the famous Red Army. Meanwhile, Japan has occupied a large area of ​​China as well as Indochina. In Africa, the Axis powers are waging a fierce battle with the Allies. Only one major power is still out of the war - the United States.
The United States was the largest economic power in the world at that time. In fact, they became the world's major economic power before the turn of the twentieth century. The devastation in Europe during the First World War strengthened their position. The United States participated in the war at the end of World War I and distanced itself from international politics as much as possible in order to avoid being caught up in the whirlpool of post-war European politics. They maintained neutrality in the early stages even after the outbreak of World War II, but their sympathies were largely with the British and French-led allies.
But by August 1941, 'sympathy' alone was not enough for almost cornered Britain. The British wanted to involve the United States in this war at any cost. By the time France fell, almost the whole of Europe was under the control of the Axis Powers, and the British colonies were in revolt. In this situation, Britain had no choice but to involve the United States directly in the war to avoid defeat. Only the huge industrial and military capabilities of the United States could save Britain.
It is pertinent to note that in September 1940, the United States and Britain signed the 'Destroyer for Base' agreement. Through this agreement, the Americans provided Britain with 50 destroyers and in return the United States gained the right to establish military bases in the British colonies in North America and the Caribbean. This agreement was one of the reasons why Britain was not forced to surrender to the Axis Powers in 1940. The military equipment obtained through this agreement helped Britain to continue the war. But U.S. public opinion was still strongly opposed to participating in the war, so the United States refrained from participating directly in the war. But some U.S. policymakers were in favor of participating in the war because they thought it would open the door to possibilities for the United States.
By August 1941, their idea had taken root. At the time, the Soviet Union was engaged in a deadly struggle against the Axis Powers, and the Allies feared that the Axis Powers would lose. For Britain and the United States, the possible defeat of the Soviet Union was an ominous sign, because if the Soviet Union was defeated, the Axis powers would have the opportunity to seize the vast territory of Eurasia and use it in the fight against Britain (and possibly the United States). In this situation, Britain and the United States decided to strengthen mutual cooperation and to determine what the post-war world would look like if the Allies won the war. The result of this resolution is the 'Atlantic Charter'.
On 9 August 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in the Gulf of Pleasantia off the southeast coast of Newfoundland aboard the British warship HMS Prince of Wales. He was welcomed at the US Naval Station in Argentina by US President Franklin Roosevelt aboard the USS Augusta. Their interview was kept secret from the whole world. The Americans knew their president was on a 10-day fishing holiday! It should be noted that at that time Newfoundland was a British Dominion (Autonomous Colony), and now it is part of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
From 9 to 12 August, talks were held between Roosevelt and Churchill and top officials from both states. It later became known as the Atlantic Conference. The conference was followed on 14 August by a joint declaration by the President and the Prime Minister, which later became known as the Atlantic Charter. Note that the Atlantic Charter was not a formal treaty, nor was it a treaty signed by anyone. It was the culmination of a series of agreements between the United States and the United Kingdom, which were publicized in the form of declarations and thus gained worldwide recognition. Roosevelt later compared the Atlantic Charter to an unwritten British constitution and commented that the Atlantic Charter did not exist on paper, but everyone knew it existed.
It is pertinent to note that even after the proclamation of the Atlantic Charter, the United States refrained from joining the war directly for several months due to internal political reasons. But it became clear that the United States had linked its destiny with the Allies. On December 6, 1941, three months after the Atlantic Summit, Japan attacked the United States naval and air base at Pearl Harbor, and in response the United States declared war on Japan. Through this the United States became directly involved in World War II, and emerged as an economic and military superpower at the end of World War II. And the Atlantic Charter played an important role in their emergence as a superpower.
The Atlantic Charter outlined the post-World War II world. Note that the Atlantic Charter is not the first 'declaration' in this regard. Earlier, on 12 June 1941, Britain and its four Dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa), the expatriate governments of six European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia and France) The alternative to the German-controlled ‘Vichy France’ (the French government) collectively issued the ‘Declaration of the Palace of St. James’ or the ‘Declaration of London’. Through this declaration, the states pledged to refrain from making peace with the Axis powers separately and to recognize the right of the free nations to voluntarily cooperate with each other. 'Anglo-Soviet Treaty' of 12 July 1941 Was signed and through this agreement Britain and the Soviet Union pledged to refrain from making peace with the Axis powers separately. The 'Atlantic Charter' was a logical extension of this process.
The Atlantic Charter had a total of 6 articles. These are as follows:
(1) The United States and Britain will not claim any land after the war.
(2) The United States and Britain are not interested in seeing a change in ownership of a territory against the will of its inhabitants.
(3) The United States and the United Kingdom respect the right of each nation to choose its own system of government and are keen to return it to the nations whose sovereign rights and sovereignty have been taken away.
(4) The United States and Britain shall endeavor to maintain equal rights in the conduct of trade and procurement of raw materials for each nation, large and small, victorious and victorious in the post-war period.
(5) The United States and the United Kingdom are keen to maintain full economic cooperation among all nations in order to improve the conditions of workers, ensure economic progress and social security.
(6) After the final destruction of Nazism, the United States and Britain are willing to establish a peace that will allow every nation to live safely within its borders and free from fear and poverty.
(6) The United States and Britain are willing to ensure the right to free movement at sea.
(6) The United States and Britain believe that every nation in the world should abandon the use of force and take steps for full disarmament.
From the general point of view, the Atlantic Charter was a declaration that was very ‘noble’ and ‘ethical’. It discourages the practice of resolving political disputes through force and land grabbing. It emphasizes the right of each nation to choose its own system of governance, the right to free trade, the right to form alliances and the right to free movement at sea. At the same time, emphasis has been placed on disarmament, poverty alleviation and economic cooperation.
Apparently the clauses of the charter seem to be very noble. The Atlantic Charter is described as a milestone in history. In general terms, the Atlantic Charter is the landmark treaty that has led to the end of global colonialism and the establishment of the United Nations to establish world peace. But considering the context, the subtle motives of these clauses become clear, and then they can no longer be termed as 'noble motives'.
The most important clause of the Atlantic Charter is the third clause of the treaty. Through it, the United States and Britain recognized the right of nations around the world to self-determination. But the United States and Britain themselves were imperialist powers and they themselves had suppressed the right of different nations to self-determination. Why, then, were they so concerned about the “right of nations to self-determination”?
It should be noted that before the Second World War, Britain was the owner of a huge empire worldwide. In fact, the British Empire was the largest empire in human history. "The sun never sets in the British Empire" - they proudly referred to it. The British deprived the people of present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Gambia and many other similar states of their 'right to self-determination'. The United States, on the other hand, promoted itself as anti-imperialist, but in practice they themselves were a colonial state. Not only did they seize large tracts of land from North American natives, but they also seized vast tracts of land from Mexico, as well as from the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and many other territories.
In this context, the declaration of support for the "right of nations to self-determination" by the US and the British was virtually self-contradictory. But even then the United States and Britain included this clause in the Atlantic Declaration. In fact, at that time, US and British statesmen realized that after World War II, it would no longer be possible for Western European states to retain control of their colonial empires. Nationalist thought spread widely in several colonies, and the successive defeats of other Western European colonial states, including Britain, near the Axis powers at the beginning of World War II intensified the desire for independence in the colonies. On the other hand, the war destroyed the economies and infrastructure of these European nations.
By August 1941, British statesmen had realized that no matter what the outcome of the war, it would not be possible for the British to maintain control over their vast colonial empire with the economy destroyed at the end of the war. Therefore, they decided to withdraw from the most anarchic colonies as soon as possible after the war and to maintain control over the prosperous African colonies and some other strategically important colonies.
Note that in the end, the British had to give up almost their entire colonial empire. But even then the end of the British Empire was relatively peaceful. Other Western European colonial powers could not be as realistic as Britain, so after World War II France became involved in bloody wars in Indochina and Algeria, the Netherlands in Indonesia, and Portugal in southern Africa.
But there was still an important question before Britain - to whom would they hand over the dominion of this vast empire, the dominion of the world? After the retreat of the British from the colonies all over the world, to whom will the world domination go? To the German Nazis, against whom they are engaged in a deadly war? In the hands of the French, who have virtually surrendered to the Germans? Or to the Soviet communists, who want to spread their 'terrible' (from a British point of view) ideology all over the world? The world ruled by Germany, France or the Soviet Union was not desirable to Britain, so they decided that their most suitable successor for world domination would be the United States, a capitalist democratic state like Britain and part of the English-speaking world.
However, it should not be underestimated that Britain readily agreed to cede its empire and global dominance to the United States. In this case, the pressure of the United States on Britain played an important role. Britain's weakness was not unknown to the Americans, and they wanted to use this situation to their advantage as much as possible. They knew that Britain had no choice but to accept US aid. To this end, they pressured Britain to grant independence to the British colonies and to gain British support for the Atlantic Charter clause on the "right of nations to self-determination." However, after the declaration of the Atlantic Charter, Churchill explained that this right would only apply to German-occupied territories. But later events make it clear that the 'right to self-determination' mentioned in the charter
However, the question may be raised, how could the United States benefit from the loss of the British colonies? To answer this question, we need to look at the structure of the world economy. During World War II, the United States was the world's largest economic power and industrial producer. U.S. policymakers realized that it would take them a long time after the war to make up for the losses suffered by the major powers in World War II. At this time, the United States will be the economic center of the world. In this case, if the British (and other) colonies became independent, there would be no need for the United States to occupy them. Because the economic situation of the colonies at that time was very bad, And in the post-independence period they had to depend on the developed northern states for economic development. And since the economies of all the major powers, except the United States, have been devastated by World War II, the newly independent states will have no choice but to accept economic and political control of the United States.
The idea of ​​the Americans later proved to be correct. In World War II, Britain, France, and other Western European colonial powers, the Soviet Union, China, and Japan all suffered heavy losses. On the other hand, the mainland of the United States was out of the realm of the battlefield, so the war caused the U.S. economy to swell. After World War II, more than 50% of the world's production came from the United States. In this situation, the newly independent states of Africa and Asia naturally depend on the United States to overcome their economic woes. Through this the United States emerged as the new superpower of the world.
Thus Article III of the Atlantic Charter played an important role in the rise of the United States as a superpower. However, other sections of the charter did not play a less important role in this regard. According to Articles 4 and 5 of the Charter, the United States and Britain agreed to expand global free trade and economic cooperation. In this case, it should be noted that free trade means trade between different countries as far as possible without taxes / duties / quotas etc. In such a case, the state with the highest amount of product will benefit the most. After World War II, the United States was the world's leading industrial producer. The production capacity of Western Europe, the Soviet Union, China and Japan was significantly reduced as a result of the war.
Similarly, at the end of World War II, the 'Bretton Woods System' was established to assist in the economic reconstruction of war-torn countries and to strengthen global economic cooperation. As part of this arrangement, two bodies, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, were formed and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed. The main task of the World Bank is to provide loans to various countries for long-term development. The task of the International Monetary Fund is to provide short-term loans to various countries to avoid sudden economic crises. And the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was intended to promote free trade worldwide.
The United States was the world's major economic power in the latter part of World War II, so the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund came under de facto US control. Similarly, the expansion of free trade benefits the United States the most. After all, through the Bretton Woods system, states accept gold and the US dollar as interchangeable, and as a result they stockpile dollars instead of gold. As a result, the key to their wealth passed into the hands of the United States. In the early 1970s, the United States abolished the exchangeability of gold and the dollar, and became the de facto regulator of the world economy. Since other countries have so far failed to agree on a global currency as an alternative to the US dollar, the US dollar still dominates the world economy.
Overall, the implementation of the provisions of the Atlantic Charter provides an opportunity to establish U.S. authority worldwide. The independent states created by the end of colonialism became dependent on the United States in the face of their own economic weakness. The expansion of free trade has enabled the United States to export and profit from its products worldwide. In the context of U.S. economic domination, global financial institutions set up to strengthen economic cooperation have effectively become tools of U.S. influence. Above all, through the ratification of this charter, the then world power Britain agreed to peacefully hand over the flag of global domination to the United States. Thus the implementation of the Atlantic Charter made the United States a global superpower, and the United States still exists as the most powerful state in the world.
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
Valvulotome Report - 4 Valuable Trends to Note in valvulotome Forecast
Valvulotome is a new herbal supplement that has recently entered the mainstream marketplace. This company is focused on developing products that help people suffering from various types of heart diseases. valvulotome research reports are released each year and provide important insights into the future of valvulotome. valvulotome products can be found in different countries around the globe. valvulotome is currently licensed in the European Union.
In this valvulotome segment market analysis, we will look at valvulotome's growth prospects by projecting the overall sales volume for valvulotome in the future. The global cardiac valvulotome segment is estimated to increase at a very significant rate over the next five years, between now and 2021. In 2021, the global market is predicted to increase at a very significant rate and with the increasing adoption of strategies by key participants, the entire market is expected to increase over the subsequent decade.
One Valvulotome product in the cardiac valvulotome segment is the self-sizing device. The self-sizing device is a new type of valvulotome that provides the patient with a self-service option for changing the needle point location on the valvulotome. This allows the patient more freedom in the management of their condition and enables them to choose a point on the valvulotome that is most convenient for them to exercise. Valvulotome research refers to this as a self-service valve; this allows patients to choose a point on the valve that is convenient for them, such as the umbilical cord or a vein valve.
Valvulotome forecasts that over the next five years, there are three main trends impacting this global market segment. First, there is a trend where competitors will be forced to adopt new strategies to compete with Valvulotome. Second, valvulotome continues to experience significant increases in product quality due to improvements in manufacturing techniques and performance analysis software. Finally, valvulotome continues to improve in safety and performance. These factors have combined to drive substantial increases in demand for this product in the cardiovascular and interventional setting.
Based on our valvulotome forecast, there are three primary regions where this global valvulotome business is currently experiencing growth. These regions are: Central/South America, Middle East, and Asia/Pacific. Central/South America and the Caribbean are currently experiencing growth due to increased access to technology and the adoption of new standards by medical professionals. In addition, there are new wave of technologies in the area of biotechnology and new regions are entering the valvulotome industry.
Based on our valvulotome report, there are three types of manufacturers based on their location. There is a significant number of manufacturers located in Latin America, India, and China. Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Chile are seeing significant growth due to access to resources and technical know-how. On the other hand, Indian companies like Mahindra tractor and Mahindra farm equipment Corporation are seeing a strong response to the growing demand for this type of machinery.
Our forecast also shows four types of customers who typically buy valvulotome. These include: hospitals, physicians, developers/builders, and owners/operators of agricultural facilities. Our data indicate that this trend will only continue to increase as there are significant restraints in supply. Other areas of the world where valvulotome is expected to experience strong growth include Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Our forecast further shows four categories of potential future regional challenges. These include the following: market drivers, medical device manufacturers, geographic location, and product manufacturers. Our data indicates that the overall valvulotome demand will likely remain high throughout the forested areas due to current and future restraint in supply. Also, we found a number of regions where valvulotome has already been established but are experiencing strong market growth due to new applications, technological developments, or international events. These regions include: Central/South America, Asia/Pacific, and Latin America.
The research team projects that the Cardiac Valvulotome market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 B. Braun
 LeMaitre Vascular
By Type
 Expandable Cardiac Valvulotome
 Over the Wire Cardiac Valvulotome
By Application
 Ambulatory Surgical Centers
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Cardiac Valvulotome 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Cardiac Valvulotome Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Cardiac Valvulotome Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Cardiac Valvulotome market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Cardiac Valvulotome Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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