#and the difficult choices she'll have to make
There are two scenes I'm really excited to see next season.
Rand's vision in the glass columns at Rhuidean, seeing the full history of the Aiel, reliving the lives of his ancestors all the way back to Charn, servant to Mierin Eronaile and witness to the devastation she caused at the Collam Daan university on the day she released the Dark One.
2. Aviendha talking at length about how hot Elayne is.
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bonefall · 1 year
Same anon- wasnt trying to imply that with blossom either! Just wanted to say that it could've been read that way and could be triggering to some, and the fact that no one speaks up felt off, even if its against the code. I've never read the more recent books either, so by the way the posts were spaced it felt like the series goes Df battle > Tempest > Ashfur in the span of a few moons, meaning blossom went from one horrible event to another and was still feeling isolated and shameful. Sorry if anything came off as confrontational or mean!
As for the 'why dont they leave?' thing, I think we all default to how Ravenpaw actually DOES leave and we just apply the same logic. As humans we naturally draw connections, and if we see a situation where a whole clan turns on one cat, we ask why didn't they just do what Ravenpaw (or Dovewing iirc) did and decide they can't deal with this and it's better to move on. It's a pattern that we itch to see fulfilled: Tigerclaw turns everyone on Ravenpaw so he leaves, Dovewing gets her whole clan telling her to do better so she leaves, Blossomfall gets named as a traitor and repeatedly gets dishonor titles to remind her of all her faults- why do cat not leave???
But yeah, if Blossom got to heal, i retract my statement entirely. I just was going off the logic that she felt isolated/cut off and that being told she's better off invisible would just shove her further into that belief. I do wanna ask, do you know what the thing Blossom spoke up about that got her slapped with the title?
Ah, I see! Let me clear up the order of events so far;
ThunderClan's Tempest, shortly after the Great Battle, dealing with the Clan moving on. Contains some parts of the canonical Dovewing's Silence but mostly Bramblestar's Storm
AVOS, with Blossomfall joining the Kin and being rescued sometime towards the end. Still working out some kind of incident where her kits are either stolen, or have to be retrieved-- the sire is not known
Squirrelflight’s Horror, a book about how Bramblestar turns a tense political situation into an excuse to leverage his power to abuse his deputy after feeling slighted.
TBC, which is at least a year after AVOS, with all of Blossomfall's children now being young warriors and her life coming back into order
So Blossomfall is having a pretty long journey here! Her life has been rocky and she can be a really nasty person, but she was brought back into ThunderClan because she is still loved. There are people who really want to see her get better.
And as for when she gets Clearface'd, I'm torn on it either being the first sign and SUPER shocking because it was just the normal amount of Blossom-sass, OR it coming right after the death of Bristlefrost and she argued that
"Bristlefrost was a codebreaker but who cares! She was a warrior of ThunderClan! There's no way that StarClan--"
And then interrupted and quashed with the title.
So, first option, to demonstrate Bramblefake's new level of malice at the earliest possible point and use Bristlefrost's death as the "turning point" of the arc where cruelty becomes violence,
Or, as a direct response to Bristlefrost's death, and the moment where there begins to be suspicion, because Bramblestar is NOT this good at naming.
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villainessbian · 1 year
Concept: most aliens can get anxious, can get scared, can get fight-or-flight. What most aliens do not get, however, is stress. Stress is a weird thing even by human standards. It can build up over time or be something tied to a very limited situation. It can be caused by a lot of things, and it comes in a lot of different ways. But it's a core human reaction, when a situation is wrong, it causes stress until it is righted. And it even affects different people differently!
Cue Human Cassandra, on a ship with her friend and co-worker Human Pauline. The ship is crewed with a mix of species. It's a cargo ship - load up in a space port, unload in another, get news and supplies during their stops, and live as an ever-shifting family as some of the two dozen crew members, give or take, get replaced. Some leave come payday, and new ones come looking for the thrill of low-level adventure, experiencing warp drives across the safer roads of the known universe.
But getting the supplies you need, or want, in stops is never so easy. Humans are new to the galactic community, and their needs misunderstood. Most broad-edibility food is bland for them, but that's okay. A big enough bag of their condiments can last them years. But ADHD meds... now that's less easy to get, the further from Earth you are. And a contract too big for their captain to pass on came up, much farther than the two humans expected.
Cassandra's mood deteriorated, her work priorities out of order, her sleep schedule in disarray. Little by little, she grew restless, shifting moods and gears unpredictably. A few weeks in and she was a mess, barely able to keep up with the minimum her job doing maintenance and running safety diagnostics for the route charting team required of her. While Pauline could help with the mechanical aspects of keeping the ship running, picking up the "slack", the safety had to be double-checked by the charting and pilot teams. When the curves of asteroid probability reached beyond a certain level, several hundred simulations had to be run, time-consuming processes had to be used, to avoid any collision at speeds beyond speed c. Some truly exotic things happened to ships that experienced those, but none of them contained the words "surviving crew." A safe route avoided any probability of collision over .1% and when going faster than light, any choice of course required thinking in 3 dimensions plus relative time to navigate dangerous probability fields in one piece, finding time-specific corridors and accounting for a dozen variables at once.
After she had a breakdown over a path she would normally have been able to find in under a minute, Pauline spoke to a concerned pilot team member:
"You have to understand her, this is a stressful situation and she's doing her best..."
"What do you mean by 'stressful'?" Gabalt asked. The furry little creature stood on two arched legs, and barely reached up to Pauline's shoulder, opening three wide eyes with curiosity and concern in equal parts.
"Things are... getting difficult for her, and keep getting more difficult because she does not have medication to help her brain be efficient. It makes her tired, and inefficient, and as it goes on, she's less and less able to cope with the situation. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets, and that is stress. Getting more tired because it takes more energy to deal with the situation, and less efficient because she's more tired, and things get harder because she's less efficient, on and on until something can solve the problem and the stress goes away."
"That sounds... hard. Do all humans have to deal with this?"
"Well, everyone has sources of stress, but she's got a disability. Without her meds, she gets stressed all the time. Not a lot all at once, but it always adds up."
"Oh no! So she'll be stuck like that until we get closer to Earth?"
"Most likely, yes."
But the most momentous thing to happen this day was not her breakdown. Not an hour later, alarms blared up. The simulation holograms all displayed blinking red masses - the less-travelled "safe route" was not as well protected! An asteroid range had been detected cutting through the border field, and it was in their way!
Pauline froze up, not knowing what to do. Gabalt was too surprised to act fast. All the courses from the ship's library of regular manoeuvres suggested a crash chance of over 60%, and mere seconds to act before entering the field!
Before anyone could react, Cassandra came in running from her corner to the front of the bridge, slamming the warp drive shutdown button. Most holograms stuttered and collapsed, the exit from FTL essentially dividing one or several of their dimensions by zero.
Looking quickly at the few remaining ones and gazing at the screens showing the current outside situation like a large window would have - plus a few critical extra points of data - she adjusted the angles manually while everyone still shuddered from the gravitational and temporal whiplash of suddenly coming back into normal time. Unblinkingly, she spotted the asteroids on the route while the ship was still going, if not at relativistic speeds, still fast enough for a single pebble they met to vaporise the Whipple shields, the outer hull, the inner hull, the crew members, and the hull again coming out if they but grazed it. Confirming the angles visually, she played with the reaction wheels, the thrusters, the gravity drives, to divert the ship's course just enough to miss a collision while not risking any grave injury on board. There was no time to react - if anything showed up straight ahead on the "unaugmented" outside view screens, it was too late to not get splatted. After half the crew had had the time to get thrown to the side or on the ground due to the rough handling, she'd managed to avoid any crash.
Gabalt was reeling. While it was surely not impossible, these was the kind of moves experienced veterans would never wish to attempt, and the margins for error were ridiculously low! She'd saved the ship and everyone on it, whereas she'd been unable to do a simple safety run so soon before?
Pauline was white as a sheet, but this was nothing compared to Cassandra, shaking violently and breathing unevenly.
"Pauline? What is she doing?"
"That's... probably the adrenaline."
"What's it for?"
"It's from stress. When it comes it overcharges the body. It's like the traditional, 'fight or flight' instinct from survival in prey-predator paradigms, it lets you move fast but paralyses thought... it feels pretty bad after a lot of it is released though. Now she's crashing down, must be harrowing."
"How did she do that? And you said her thoughts were paralysed for precision manoeuvres?"
Cassandra's voice came, nearly a mutter: "I just... had to. do it."
Gabalt needed to understand what happened.
"What do you mean you had to? Someone had to do it, but why you?"
"It- it was very stressful, I saw you freeze, and so."
"But... but HOW did you do all that? That was extremely complicated, few pilots -whose main craft is directly piloting- would want to even try doing that when given a choice!?"
"I had to. do it, so I did. I couldn't. couldn't make a mistake."
"This makes absolutely no sense."
Pauline interrupted. "She just works like that. Lots of stress and when people freeze up, humans with her condition... sometimes, surprisingly, function better in the moment than others can."
"Ah. So it's a human thing. of course, it's a human thing. NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE WITH YOUR ACCURSED SPECIES" the diminutive pilot pouted.
And so one more story of the humans doing the impossible spread around. Humans of a subtype, more easily harmed, sometimes unstable and needing help for the simplest things... accomplishing odd, unthinkable, borderline heroic feats under duress none could be expected to withstand - but only then. Cursed, blessed? No story-teller seemed too certain. But the "magical" species never stopped surprising all others. And a new proverb developed: "it's not over until the human says it is".
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luvvyouforever · 4 months
headcanons : med student!abby anderson x liberal arts student!reader ᥫ᭡
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content: wlw relationship. modern college au. ramblings of fluff, maybe a touch of angst but nothing heavy. enjoy <3
a/n: my authority for writing this you ask? i'm an english major who gets asked regularly what i am going to do with my degree! also this is my first time writing about abby i just had to get this idea out of my head and on to the screen.
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-abby decided at a young age to follow in her father's footsteps and become a doctor as well. she committed herself to studying science and math as a kid and occasionally disregarded her other studies like music, art, and english. she did enough to keep a 4.0 GPA but her heart was in science tournaments, young medical professional groups, and ap bio.
-she got into one of the best schools in the states for medicine and was a stellar student in organic chemistry, anatomy, and neurology. she knew she was going to do great on her MCAT, but unfortunately, she wasn't doing so great in some of her gen ed classes and it was impacting her gpa.
-that was how she found herself in a tutoring center in one of the older buildings on campus that was shockingly different from the science buildings she spent all of her time in. she had an appointment with you, but was so nervous to go and admit that she was having trouble in something as simple as art history or literature or communication.
-when she sat down to have her appointment with you, you immediately calmed her nerves and assured her that there was nothing wrong with needing some help in classes she wasn't comfortable in. you helped her ace her quiz and then she just kept coming in to see you. over and over. until she eventually passed the class with an A and no longer needed your assistance.
-and then, as luck would have it, abby got her own job as a tutor for science courses and who happened to walk in but you! the tutor who helped her pass her own difficult course.
-it was history from there.
-despite abby's commitment to her education, she was always able to carve time out of her schedule to be with you. she loves studying with you and filling up a room in the library with your stuff to prepare for exams together. she takes a whiteboard and writes all of her notes on it while you're rereading historical texts or revising your final paper about a painting abby doesn't really quite understand.
-she never makes you feel less than for not studying something "more difficult" as people have before. she loves hearing about your passions for history or writing stories or creating art. she'll come with you to art galleries and try to input her own thoughts from time to time about what she thinks certain pieces mean.
-she understands that graduate school applications are just as important to you as medical school applications are for her. you'll do practice interviews with each other and try on outfits for each other.
-abby will not stand for someone making fun of you for your choice of studies. you two once went to a family gathering on abby's side and when some of her family members began interrogating you on how you're going to get a job and even imply that you'll be living off of abby for your whole life, she gets all up in their face and comforts you later! you will not be sending birthday wishes to those family members anymore and she can guarantee that.
-if you guys get accepted in to schools that are long-distance from each other, you'll absolutely make it work. abby is so methodical that she'll never forget to text you and plans out times that either of you can visit.
-if you ever dedicate a piece that you've created in school to her, she'll positively swoon. like if you wrote a poem about her, she would print it out and pin it up on the fridge. if you painted her, she would hang it up on the wall. and she's the best model for those things too
-i imagine that dinners with your colleagues or friends are very random. abby has but a few friends in her residency and they're each as professional as her. you, however, come with a group of lively people who are discussing philosophical ideas or debating about a piece of art history and how its influenced modern culture. it would be an interesting combination to say the least.
-abby would just be so interested in anything you have to do and would never be critical of your choices. she sees the passion you have for things that lie far outside her field and appreciates it. your future apartment that you build years after meeting when you are each established in your dream careers is a mesh of medical textbooks and flashcards and models but also messy journals and thrifted antiques and poems written on sticky notes for her to find.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 4 months
can you write about hokage!naruto who's tired from all his responsabilities and asks for a cute shinobi to be trained so he can use her mouth as stress reliever every time he needs it!!
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tw: dub/noncon, blowjobs, infidelity, power imbalance, praise, throat training, dildo gags, age difference, public humiliation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Naruto has been under a lot of stress lately, being the Hokage is as difficult as ever, not to mention he recently got a new addition to his family in the form of an adopted son. Naruto's troubles seem to be never ending, so he decides to invest his resources into something he really needs: a stress toy.
Of course Naruto would never use Hinata as a stress reliever to suck him off all day, he loves her too much for that, so instead he has a slightly younger shinobi picked out and "trained", of course she doesn't know what the training entails before it's already too late and she has a dildo gag locked into her inexperienced mouth.
The training isn't too intense for the poor girl, and it only lasts a few weeks, but it is utterly humiliating. The gag is locked with a seal that won't release until she has completely lost her gag reflex, so sometimes she'll have no choice but to go out in public with the gag in, letting everyone in the village instantly know that she's the Hokage's new personal cockwarmer.
When her degrading training is finally finished, she'll be forced kindly asked to go to the Hokage's office to "assist" with his daily paperwork. Naruto himself is actually quite nervous about being sexual with someone other than Hinata, but it doesn't take him long to get very used to it.
"A-ah, fuck..! All that training really paid off didn't it..? Now just stay quiet, I still have all this paperwork to fill out, so you'll be down there a while..."
Despite his initial nervousness, Naruto quickly gets used to the feeling of having her warm, young mouth around his shaft, and she doesn't even gag anymore thanks to the training, which boosts his ego somewhat. The feeling of her mouth servicing him makes the endless paperwork much more bearable now.
Naruto also likes that he has the opportunity to be as rough as he wants with her. His wife is a delicate woman in the bedroom, so Naruto can use this well trained girl to fulfill his darker desires, like making her choke on his thick cock for hours on end.
Naruto will use her mouth like his personal cumdump, shooting his load into her mouth over and over again until he's satisfied. He's often too busy with work to have sex or masturbate, so the Hokage is very pent up and needs an outlet for his sexual frustrations.
On most days he isn't done with her "services" until the tail end of his day, since he can't resist how good her oral skills feel. Once he's finally done, Naruto will send her off, being sure to remind her of her job from now on.
"G-Good girl... I'm done all my work for today, so you're dismissed for today. I'll definitely see you again tomorrow..."
Naruto is very glad that he acquired something to make his job as Hokage both more bearable and pleasurable. While normally this would mean he can get his work done quicker, he's in no rush to go home when he has such a perfectly wet hole for his cock under his desk.
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dollypopup · 4 months
Today I'm thinking about how so much of Colin's narrative speaks to the neurodivergent experience of having to pretend to be someone else as a survival mechanism. Of the pressure in masking because your real, authentic self is rejected or ignored: too weird, too quiet, too loud, too gullible, too soft-heart, too. . .everything. Too anything. And at the same time, not enough.
Colin gets excited about his travels, about his hyperfixations, talks and talks and talks about them, and no one cares. So, Colin shuts up. Colin writes letter after letter, and gets no reply. So, Colin writes in a journal just for himself. Colin tries and tries to make his family proud, tries to marry, tries courting properly, and it blows up in his face. So, Colin chooses not to date, to become a spectator. Colin is yelled at for trying to invest, so he no longer asks or talks about money, doesn't try to rock the boat in his city. Who Colin is, what he wants, ceases to matter, the fabric of him folded smaller and smaller- instead he focuses on the shell. Builds it in image of his older brothers, of the men around him. Mirrors them.
Anthony says he should have taken Colin to brothels, that he's a fool for trying to marry and his engagement blows up- Colin thus goes to brothels. Colin hops from city to city, trying on new personas like outfits, fine tuning each one. Is this it? Will this be what finally makes them accept me? Colin's appeal to the women of the ton is that he does not talk about himself- but about them. That they're wearing beautiful dresses, that surely they'll find husbands. Separating himself from them- cannot tell them of his travels, that he's not the brave one, it was everyone working together to help with the balloon.
Deflect. Never centered. Colin exists on the outskirts as Pen does, he's just hypervisible for his exterior, and invisible otherwise. His charm is that he pleases those around him. His wounds are that the truest version of him cannot accomplish that. Thus, he becomes hyperaware of what his impact is, first to apologize and last to be forgiven. Living for the approval of others is a trap. He knows. He's fallen into it, a bear claw around his ankles.
He feels like the only way he's worthwhile is if he's providing something for someone. An apology, or comfort, or ease, compliments or winks, a laugh or a distraction, good looks or a fantasy. Providing a happy life for Pen by stepping out of the way, his own needs secondary. It's being there for his mum for an escort or a soft heart to heart. It's taking Anthony's disappointment in him and being indulgent to Eloise's insults. It's giving Benedict his special tea and saying hardly anything about why he bought it in the first place. Bringing gifts to family members who did not write back to him as he wandered the world, alone. It's sticking his neck out for Penelope with Jack, it's providing a dance or a rescue or a good time, checking on Marina to make sure she's alive and okay, listening to Phillip. Colin isn't at all comfortable being himself, the himself that is messy, so he covers it in the himself that is useful.
But what he does, what he provides other people, is not his actual worth. He thinks he's being altruistic by stepping aside and languishing in his feelings for Pen, believing she'll be happier in the future with Debling, waiting and waiting and waiting, until that candle burns out and he's at the 11th hour- and when he snaps and goes after her, when he cuts into her dance, when he runs for her in that carriage, he makes a choice for himself that he thinks, in some way, is selfish.
But it isn't. It's what she wants, too. And there's something beautiful in the fact that with Penelope, his being real, what he thinks is so difficult and unwanted, is actually giving her what she has desired all along. They both find fulfillment and contentment in his unmasking. Penelope never wanted the shell. She saw what was beneath it. She loves what's beneath it.
And I think there's something. . .healing, in that narrative. That us ND peeps who mask as a means of fitting in- that will never bring us happiness. Not really. That it didn't bring Colin happiness.
His arc is realizing that he should be his true, authentic self, and that love will bloom from it. And it does.
I don't know. I think I can learn something from that. I think I'm going to carry that with me for a while.
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citrus-writing · 1 month
yandere phantom troupe- depressed darling
Thinking about how most yanderes would be terrible at dealing with a darling with mental illness? Because even if darling already struggled with their mental health, being kidnapped and held hostage can't help. And no matter how badly their yandere wants to help, they can't ever let their darling go, even if it would help them more than anything. The best they can do is try to make life with them as good as possible.
This is written with depression in mind, but kinda blankets over any struggling mindset. (this doesn't mention any kind of self harm or suicidal ideation, i might make a part two touching on that, but this one is safe from that content.) 
Chrollo, paku, and shal- all enable mental illness by accident. You're precious and helpless and so so weak, so it makes sense when you can't do things for yourself. Don't even worry about trying to get better, just be yourself- you're perfect, they don't want you to change at all (not even for the better). But all three of them would at least try to offer comforts, because they hate to watch your struggle and hurt. 
Pakunoda knows what kind of self care and healthy habits suit her, and she tries to push those on you. She'll run you a hot bath, light scented candles, paint your nails, get you a journal to write in. But if those things don't help you she doesn't really listen to what you want or need. She simply insists that she knows best and you're being difficult- she wants you to trust her judgement on this, even if you know she's wrong.
Chrollo notices immediately the shift in your mood and demeanor. He insists you talk to him about whatever's on your mind, even if all you really want is to keep your mind off it. He presents it as a way to help you, so you can get all those thoughts out of your head. Sometimes it works. Sometimes you're grateful that he listens so intently with no judgment. But sometimes you don't really want to share what's on you mind- but you don't really have a choice, and he always knows if you're keeping something from him. Anything you ask for is yours instantly, anything he can do to try to help you. But when you ask to go home, he looks at you like you’re not making sense. He reminds you, gently, that you ARE home. 
Shalnark is the worst of the three, he doesn't really offer much in the way of support, even though he thinks he does. He keeps you near him all the while, holding you close and trying to keep you from crying, constantly trying to distract you. But as soon as the distraction fades away you feel just as bad as before. It's a Viscious cycle, one that has you constantly needing to rely on him for comfort because there's no real progress being made. But that's OK, because he loves getting to dote on you. He really does think it’s going to help, keeping your mind off of it, but the truth that always comes back is your separated from everything in your life, everything you love, and he refuses to acknowledge that. 
Machi, phinks and uvogin- both do their best to genuinely help, but neither of them are good at it. Both of them try to offer support however they can, because they both hate seeing their darling so miserable, but neither of them have a very good sense of how to help. At the very least, they are trying, and that counts for something. 
Machi knows a lot about medicine, between her nen and her extensive knowledge she can fix up almost any wound or injury. But with things like mental illness it's harder. She can't understand why you're so unhappy, and she can't figure out how to fix it. She even lets you outside (only in the backyard, and only with her) but it doesn't seem to help. She does a hundred thousand little things to try to help, from cooking your favorite food to buy you your favorite books to sewing or buying you new clothes. It's frustrating to not be able to help you and she hates being helpless in this. 
Phinks doesn't understand, and that makes him so much more volatile than he needs to be. He wants to be able to help you, and on some level, believes he should just know how to help you. It’s frustrating- almost infuriating- that he can't help you. And no matter what he does, how considerate he tries to be, it never helps. At the very least, he can't get mad at you when he sees how sad you are all curled up and crying. But being spared his fits of rage is one of the only upsides when he is so clueless on how to help. With phinks, I really do think you’re best off just asking for anything you need. He is willing to indulge you a little bit to make you feel better. 
Uvogin also does his best to help, but he’s equally bad at it. He doesn't have machi’s understanding of medicine, and is all around much less patient. But he is more patient and understanding than phinks. if it’s for you, he’ll do his best. Uvogin does his best to do little things he knows normally make you happy- from little jokes, to your favorite shows and music, to your favorite meals. And to be fair, life with him isn't nearly as bad as life with some of the other yanderes in the troupe, so he’s already better off than a lot of them. 
Feitan, shizuku, illumi- Completely ignore it. Of course they notice you seem down- not like yourself, sad, depressed even. But what can they do? Isn't it enough they make sure to meet all of your physical needs, isn't it enough that you get to live with them, their darling pet? It had better be enough, because you’re very unlikely to get any kind of comfort. 
Feitan doesn't notice until it gets concerningly bad. Sure, he knew you were unhappy, miserable even. He didn't blame you for that, afterall, even he would admit he’s been cold to you. And since you've come here, you’ve been subjected to so many horrors it’s almost a given that your mind would be caving under the pressure. But Is he really so unbearable? He doesn't think so. For a while, he tries forcing you to go about your day with him like normal. But by now, he’s gotten used to seeing you smiling, acting almost lively, at least pretending to be happy. It grates on him that he can't see you smile now. He keeps you in your room, checking on you incessantly, but content to let you rest until you’re feeling better, or at least able to fake it. 
Shizuku is the most likely not to notice at all. She doesn't keep quite as close a watch over you as a lot of the other troupe yanderes do, and for the most part, you're grateful for that. But in this care, it’s not such a good thing, because if she noticed you were sad, of course she'd try to help. But sadness can be subtle, and unless you're outspoken about it, she might miss it. She loves you more than anything, but your moods and feelings are something she struggles to keep track of. It’s hard for her to know how you feel, and she doesn't know what you need without knowing how you feel. If you do manage to open up to her about how down you feel, she’s more willing to try to help you. 
Illumi has gone through quite a bit of trouble to make everything in your home suited to your tastes. Your clothes- while all picked out by him- are all in colors and patterns you like. Your meals- while all cooked by him- are all your favorites. Your bedroom- once again, set up by him- is almost perfectly to your taste as if it’d come straight out of your pinterest board. So what more could you possibly need? What needs of yours aren't being met? If you tell him, there’s a chance he’d listen, especially if the thing you need is simple. But don't even bother asking to be let go, or you will be punished, no matter how much you cry. 
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
one of the most complex and delicious choices they made with misty is that she genuinely understands what kind of attention is valuable. they crafted this character who is so desperate for love, so hungry for attention and companionship and recognition, a woman who would doom her entire team to a life in the wilds just to hear one more nice thing said about her, and then they put her in a position to grab at fame. when the team is rescued, misty would have been barraged with offers to tell her story. media appearances, interviews, book deals. people would be able to recognize her on the streets, she would have been (at the very least) a local celebrity for the rest of her life. she smiles when she sees the flash of the cameras getting off the plane; she wants to be seen, and the offer is right there in her lap.
instead, she stays silent. she stays out of the limelight, she says as little as possible, just like they all made a pact to do. can you imagine just how difficult it was for her to say no? for her to see that people would be falling over themselves just to talk to her, that she could have used what happened to make connections, make friends, be famous and lauded, sympathized with, talked to, complimented. she could have told the world how SHE was the one who saved them, who got them through the worst moments of their lives when the plane crashed.
and the price for all of that is to admit to some cannibalism? she has no shame about what happened. she eats jerky and wears heart necklaces and remembers the wilderness with open fondness. besides, she knows how to sell herself, how to spin what happened. when she pretends with jessica, she paints the perfect portrait of a victim, the perfectly sympathetic survivor wracked with guilt for what she had to do.
all of that is right there within her grasp. so why doesn't she go public? she displays absolutely zero guilt over breaking the black box, or anything else she did in the wilderness. literally the only reason she never breaks the silence is to protect her team. her friends. to honor whatever pact they made. a pact she makes in '98, when they're still together. when she thinks their lives are all so deeply entangled and their bond is so permanent and unshakeable that it would be easy to choose this family over public attention. it makes sense that she keeps quiet in the beginning.
but the team breaks up, and as far as misty knows they all go their separate ways. still, misty stays quiet. years pass and no one calls her, no one visits. so she goes on unsuccessful dates and works a job where her co-workers seem to barely tolerate her. she gives socks to gross men who still don't call and lives alone and gets a parrot who never talks to her.
she spends her adult life living with her loneliness because the people she loves asked her to, and then forgot she existed.
25 years of this deep sense of loneliness and she never wavers. never tries to tell her story or make a grab for the fame she knows she could still get when she looks at "25th anniversary" splashed over the tabloids. in a world that has grown up around her to create social media and influencers and viral posts. every single day it would have gotten easier for misty to reach out and take even a small slice of the attention she so badly wanted her whole life.
instead, she quietly follows her actual friends. she tracks weddings she's not invited to and the birth of children she'll never meet. she registers to vote for a woman who might not even know she's still alive, and decides that it's enough. that 25-year-old memories of true connection are better than acknowledgement from a million strangers. she collects all of these little details and files them neatly, an umbilical cord of connection that she is the only one supporting. like this information will be important again, relevant again. she sustains herself for twenty-five years off of the mere possibility that maybe, somehow, someday, she will be part of her team again.
and then, like finding the flashing red light of a black box while she's all alone, the universe rewards her.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
general friendship headcanons (sumeru).
summary. what is it like being friends with some of sumeru's citizens?
trigger & content warnings. brief & hypothetical mentions of people being creepy towards you.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. alhaitham & reader, collei & reader, cyno & reader, kaveh & reader, nahida & reader, nilou & reader, wanderer & reader, tighnari & reader. 0.9k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's notes. just a lil filler post while i continue working on requests <3 should i make this into a series? i think i will HSKDHDLD sometimes i need things to post in between requests, especially when i get a wave of longer requests.
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alhaitham is the kind of friend you can just... sit in the silence with. it's not uncomfortable silence whatsoever—it's, on the contrary, rather comforting and calming. he'll let you sit right up against him if you so please as he reads a book of his. you want to take a nap on him? go for it, he doesn't mind. i like to think that alhaitham finds the weight and pressure to be soothing (neurodivergent alhaitham my beloved...). you want to read your own book? that's fine. maybe you're doing something else—crocheting, knitting, drawing, writing... he really doesn't mind. whatever it is you choose to do, you're welcome to curl up against his side while you do it.
collei is another one you can sit in comforting silence with. she finds it nice just to spend time with her friend! if either of you aren't really interested in doing anything in particular, or if one or both of you aren't feeling great mentally or physically, she's totally cool with sitting in the calm quiet and cloud-gazing together. if you do want to do something, however, she's up for that too! she would also take you on patrol with her, i think, even if you need special accommodations. she'll figure it out. if you want to go with her, she'll find a way c: she's also the kind of friend that would enjoy trading easy & convenient recipes with you.
cyno is definitely the card game friend. you will learn to play tcg. you have no choice. it is your fate. /lh but i also like to think he's a considerably protective friend! he's the one to ask all the questions if you let him know you're planning on going out. he wants to know all the details. are you going with someone? yes? who is it? where are you planning on going? he literally just wants you to be safe, so sometimes it might come off as overbearing or infantilizing, but he really doesn't mean it that way! he genuinely just wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you that he could have prevented.
kaveh is the kind of friend you could stay up until atrocious hours of the night talking to. also 100% the gossip friend. he'll sit there doing your hair, makeup, nails, or skincare routine—regardless of your gender, whatever you're comfortable with! kaveh genuinely doesn't care as long as you're happy and content—and tell you all of the terrible awful drama he overhears. he's also somewhat protective, but not to cyno's level. he'll inquire about your plans and will then tell you to be safe and have fun! he would feel really bad if something happened, though. really bad. will definitely, 100%, without a doubt tell off any creeps bothering you. he can pretend to be your brother or your boyfriend, whatever you need. he'll do it.
nahida is the therapist friend, in a way. she doesn't completely understand human emotions and thought processes, but she is totally happy to listen to whatever you need to get off your chest! it helps her understand you and other people better, and it (hopefully) helps you feel better. her advice is a little difficult to understand, admittedly... she tries her best though! if you don't understand, feel free to tell her. she'll try to be clearer. it may or may not work, and she has a chance of making her point even more confusing, but she really does try.
nilou is the kind of friend who's happy to do activities with you. she's happy to do anything as long as it's with her friend! she'll take you out to the shopping (only for you two to inevitably return with a ridiculous amount of free gifts for nilou, namely from the grand bazaar vendors...) if you'd like, or she can get you guys tickets to some of her favorite performances! she'd also love to teach you her style of dance if you'd be willing to and are able to learn. if you're not able, though, that's okay! she really doesn't mind. i like to think she'd also be super supportive of you and all your pursuits.
the wanderer is, quite simply, the begrudging friend. he will NOT admit that he cares about you and will claim the exact opposite. he'll say that he absolutely does not care whatsoever (but will then, in the same sentence, berate someone for so much as glancing at you in a way he deems to be wrong). he's a bit emotionally inarticulate—and rightfully so—but he really does care. his ways of showing it are just a little odd and unconventional. he acts like every display of affection ever is such a terrible burden that should not have been put on his shoulders, but secretly really loves holding your hand or giving you a hug. also really likes being held. like. he would die before admitting that but he... he just needs to be held, you know?
tighnari is the kind of friend who tells you all sorts of things—he shares his knowledge so freely with you, it's sort of like a love language. he'll tell you all about the local flora, explaining what plants you could eat in the case of an emergency and what ones you should never even touch. also as his friend you are allowed to touch his ears and tail. imagine habitually fidgeting with them while tighnari doesn't even flinch because, as long as you're always careful and gentle, he trusts you enough for that kind of thing. i bet he is very soft. anyway, i can't explain it, but i just know his hugs are warm and comforting and protective. he definitely gives really good hugs.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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What if servant!MC worked herself too hard? Impaired with at least tiredness and sore muscles, and at worst a broken or sprained limb? How would the kind lords react?
Sans: Depends on the severity of it. If she's just sore, or seems more tired than usual, he'll lure her into resting by pretending he needs her to do something for him. It's notoriously hard to pry Mc from her work. But Sans is sly- he convinces her she's still working, still doing something for him, he talks her into sitting down with a book she needs to 'check for errors'. Eventually she snaps back to her senses an hour later and realises she's just been tricked into sitting by the fire in his room and reading a novel.
If it's a bit more serious, he gets more hands-on. Sans is deceptively strong and he will gladly combine his aptitude at manipulation with a bit of manhandling. Mc has the 'just shut up and get it done' mindset so deeply ingrained after so long that she'll work herself into slightly feverish stupors... he distracts her with pretty words while he physically leads her away somewhere he can keep a better eye on her.
Red: Unlike a lot of men his rank, Red isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. He knows that it's incredibly difficult to talk her out of work, so if she is visibly struggling, he'll just help out with whatever she's doing. She always appreciates the extra hands and strength. Red's presence is also just good for the Soul; he's witty, he's a big flirt, he halves the load while making it twice as fun. Whatever limb she's injured barely hurts by the time the jobs are done, she's too distracted giggling.
He's not quite as subtle or graceful as Sans, in his methods. But when it comes down to it, Red is probably the only one out of the three who could genuinely talk her into taking a break. Mc often feels like Red is the one who best understands the reality of being a servant- Sans is nice but he's kinda uptight, Skull is far too rich to ever get it. Red's as down-to-Earth as a nobleman could be. And if Red is expressing genuine concern, dropping his persona for a second...
... Maybe she does need to just rest for a while.
Skull: He doesn't have time for subtlety. When it's clear she's pushing herself, he gives her a 'gentle' warning.
He looms over her, covering her entire body with his shadow, with a face like he's about to eat her. He softly murmurs that if she doesn't stop working so hard... there will be consequences.
... It's a pretty clear message. But if she still refuses to stop? He literally just steals her.
He doesn't care what she's doing, what task she's in the middle of, who's in the room or how important what she's doing is. He gave her a warning. He'll grab her right in the middle of a task, throw her over his shoulder, and (ignoring her protests) carry her off to his chambers. There's a big comfy chair covered in blankets with her name on it... and if there's one thing you can say about Skull, it's that when he's determined, he's like a machine. She won't be going anywhere. Her protests don't matter.
Wife will stay and wife will rest. He warned her. She doesn't get a choice anymore.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
how do you think different tr characters would react to being tickled? like on a scale of "doesn't mind/might start a tickle fight" to "DO NOT UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE"
I kinda pictured this as being someone their friends with/ very close to being the one doing the tickling so keep that in mind! I've also tried to rank them from easiest to most difficult.
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Mitsuya- Doesn't react, he actually isn't ticklish (Luna and Mana have complained about how unfair this is many times)
Mucho- Not ticklish, looks at you with a blank expression and asks what you're doing. 
Emma- Tears slip out when she's tickled, she just can't help it. Will pout after.
Naoto- Is surprisingly very ticklish, will beg you to stop then tells you to never do that again.
Koko- Will offer you money to make you stop
Pah- Thinks tickle fights are unfair and would rather arm wrestle 
Hina- Turns bright red when tickled and pleads with you to stop. Sometimes she'll try to get you back and other times she'll just leave it.
Angry- Laughs, actually smiling while being tickled. He doesn't always try to get you back either. 
Takeomi- Thinks you're being a bit childish, will sometimes attack back depending on how busy he is
Shion- Thinks you're very bold to try tickling him, will then say he will give you the worst tickle attack possible as revenge. It turns out to be pretty mild.
Yuzuha- Likes tickling others but hates it being done to her, half heartily tries to push you off.
Inui- Chuckles lightly when being tickled, it depends on his mood as to whether he tries to get revenge or not
Hakkai- Freezes up when tickled, will attempt to get you back hours later though.
Takemichi- Get's completely surprised by a tickle attack and doesn't see it coming. Ends up laughing uncontrollably then tries to get you back after.
Peh- Grins all throughout, he thinks it's funny, especially when he's tickling you back
Shinichiro- Also loves tickle attacks, any excuse to get to touch you and watch your face as you giggle. He thinks it's cute.
Chifuyu- Actually likes tickle fights, sure he doesn't like being tickled too much but loves that he has an excuse to tickle you back.
Senju- Laughs, you better watch out though because she tends to move her limbs about wildly while being tickled and you could be accidentally hit. 
Wakasa- Hates being tickled and finds it tiring. Will half heartily tickle you back but his main revenge is to cling to you, leaving you trapped in his embrace on the bed or sofa for a few hours. 
Kakucho- Is definitely competitive with this, holds back a little while tickling you back though. He doesn't want to hurt you.
Mochi- Laughs very loudly while being tickled and will try to get you back after, gives you a head start to run and hide before he comes after you.
Benkei- Gives you a bear hug after being tickled, trapping you in the air with one arm and tickling you with the other. Your choices are trying to break free and risk falling or waiting for him to stop.
Mikey- Laughs very loudly then 100% chases you to get you back, will then tickle you with no mercy.
Kazutora- Is very sensitive to tickling, it only takes a little for him to start laughing. Once he catches his breath he doesn't hesitate to run after you to get you back.
Draken- A very bad idea to try it with him, he's not too ticklish and will easily hold you down after to get you back. 
Ran- "oh?" Finds your boldness to be adorable but will attack without mercy. He's had a lot of practice while tickling Rindou.
Rindou- Can easily gain the upper hand in a tickle fight against you, especially if you don't know his moves. Teases you a bit after that, tickling lightly or not at all before going fully in. Likes the sounds of your laughter and screams.
Izana- Freezes up, unsure of how to react at first. He then sees it as a game and wants to win against you so will overpower you and tickle you until you declare him the winner.
Baji- Terrible idea to tickle him! He'll go for revenge immediately after and tickle you until you're begging him to stop.
Kisaki- Blushes when being tickled, then tells Hanma to tickle you back.
Hanma- Isn't ticklish but fakes it to get you to lower your guard. Loves the sudden look of shock on your face when he suddenly pounces on you to tickle you back. 
Sanzu- Hates being tickled, he despises it. His revenge involves tickling you in different places to try and find the most ticklish spot.
Smiley- You will die. He out right threatens you then tickles you non stop without mercy after.
Taiju- Do not tickle this man. Comes up with the worst revenge possible, may even ask Koko and inui to hold you still while he tickles you.
South- Grins like a maniac if you try it because now you've basically given him permission to tickle you back. You better run.
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agvstdr · 2 months
Isolated - Sam Winchester
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Summary: The Winchester brothers have decided to split up, each going their own way. But will Sam really be alone?
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a few months ago sam and dean decided to split up. the news reached me while i was in the car with the intention of reaching them, to find a solution to stop the apocalypse.
so i asked myself what to do, whether to follow sam and help him have a normal life or whether to help dean: anyone could think that the right choice is to follow dean and help the world but it is clear that dean does not want me to follow him, perhaps because he knows that i am very attached to sam. so i was left alone too, i followed some cases, killing monsters that came my way: losing news of both winchesters. at the end of a particularly difficult case, i stop at the first bar i find on the road, when i enter i immediately realize that a bartender is sam.
the girl next to him, looks first at me and then at him, surely wondering what kind of relationship there is between us.
"isn't your name kit?" the girl asks sam who nods
i then understand that he hasn't revealed his real name and i understand that i got him in trouble.
"it's my middle name." he answers making her laugh
"yes, his middle name is samuel, that makes more sense." i add trying to help him
"how do you know each other?" the girl asks again, who is starting to be too curious for my taste.
"we've been friends for many years." I answer hoping she'll leave us alone, when she doesn't it's sam who intervenes.
"come on i'll buy you a beer."
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"what are you doing here? were you hunting?"
"yeah, a ghost pissed off with his family."
i know he wants to ask me something and i know what it is: he wants to know about dean.
"i don't know anything about dean, if you want to know, i offered to help him but he refused, we haven't spoken since." i explain and he nods, he was definitely hoping i knew something about his brother and i'm sorry i can't help him. we don't have time to say anything else, that a group of hunters, easily recognizable, enters the bar and starts talking to sam: they are talking far from where i am sitting, so i can't understand what they are asking him but it is clear that whatever it is, sam said no.
"they wanted help with some demons that are roaming the city, i said no."
"i could have gone." i say getting up to join the hunters who have just left the place, sam, however, stops me.
"no, i don't trust them, stay here."
i do as i say, and i stay with him until the bar closes.
the calm atmosphere is interrupted by two hunters who had entered a few hours before: one of them points a knife at the girl's throat while the other starts talking to sam, ignoring me.
"demons killed my friend but they said some interesting things about you."
"demons lie."
"then tell me it's not true that you drank demon blood and that you didn't start the apocalypse."
a deep silence falls in the bar, sam can't deny the truth.
"then it's true." says the hunter as he looks at something in his hands
"either you drink this and help us kill the last demons that are left or she dies."
i realize that what she has in her hands is demon blood.
i look at sam with wide eyes, hoping with all my heart that he doesn't drink that blood, or he will go back to a few months ago.
i can't risk sam drinking it, so i quickly pull out my gun and kill the hunter who had his knife pointed at the girl's throat, who manages to free herself and runs to me for protection. in the meantime sam starts to fight against the hunter who had offered him blood: when he is about to kill him, he stops, seeing both me and the girl looking at him, yet we both know that if this man stays alive he will only create problems.
i don't think twice about pulling out my gun again and killing him too.
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"you didn't have to kill him but thank you."
sam and i meet back in the hotel room, after he offers me a roof over my head for the night.
"it had to be done, no problem." i smile at him and he smiles back
we sit in silence for a few moments, sitting next to each other, then i decide to speak my mind.
"i'm not mad at you sam, sure i'm sorry about what happened but i understand why you did it. and even if it doesn't seem like it, dean will too, he just needs time."
sam looks at me and seems really surprised by my words: it's definitely not what he expected.
"thank you so much."
then unexpectedly he rests his head on my shoulder, as if he's looking for comfort and I hope he's receiving it.
sitting next to sam, in such an intimate way, I understand that my place is here with him.
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spamgyu · 8 months
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – late night facetimes and fake flirting
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
College!Mingyu Masterlist
She was desperate.
She knew putting off her research paper until the very last minute was a bad idea. Though, in her defense she only did this because she was failing miserably in her micro-bio class and chose to direct all her energy to that, rather than a paper for a class that she was doing exceptionally well in.
Y/n had no choice but to stay up all night to complete her assignment.
Tapping away on her screen, she facetimed the one person she knew would be up at this ungodly time — wanting some company as she bullshitted her way to ten pages of "research".
She had no choice but to call him. He wasn't her first choice, okay? She just... had no one else she could think of.
"Sup." He nodded at her.
"Are you going to be awake for much longer?"
"Do you need me to be awake?" Mingyu sat up in his bed.
"Just for a bit," She sighed, using her water bottle to prop her phone up as she turned her attention back to her laptop. "I'm pulling an all nighter for this stupid paper."
"Ah.." He nodded. "Library?"
"Need company?"
"Facetime is fine."
"Okay." He nodded, allowing for the soft murmurs of others in the background and the sound of her typing away on her keyboard to fill his ears.
Y/n was two paragraphs in when she felt it.
He may have been behind the screen but she could feel his eyes cutting deep into her skin. She could see from her peripheral as he kept his gaze in her all while he absentmindedly played with his lips; a habit she had caught on to in during their many other calls.
School related of course.
She had caught him staring multiple times but chose to dismiss it as him being
"Let me know when you're almost done."
"If you're sleepy, it's okay. You can hang up."
Mingyu shook his head. "Not sleepy. Just wanted to time you. Let's see if you can get this done in two hours."
"God, I wish." She snorted. "I'm only two pages in."
"Get to typing then."
Mingyu was right.
Within two hours, she had managed to bullshit her way through her paper – not bothering to take a second glance at the word vomit she had typed out.
What was the worst that could happen? Get a B?
She'll manage.
"I'm going to hang up now." Y/n announced, reaching to touch the red button on the screen.
"Wait wait wait!" He cried. "I'm walking to 7/11 to get a drink, keep me company."
Y/n was just about to protest but the voice in her head had reminded her that Mingyu had been kind enough to stay on the phone with her – despite the evident yawn and sleepiness he tried to suppress.
"Fine." She huffed, gathering her belongings.
Y/n was fully prepared to make the journey back to her dorm all by herself – that's what the pepper spray and a pink taser her parents purchased for her was for.
Besides, she had Mingyu on the phone. If she were to get murdered, he'll be able to pick out the attacker from a line up.... hopefully.
She stepped foot out of the five story facility, gripping her phone in one hand the taser in another when she caught sight of a familiar face.
"I thought you said you were going to 7/11."
"I lied." He shrugged.
Mingyu knew if he had offered to walk her back, she would simply make it difficult for him – possibly spitting out a few threats. It may have just been a short walk from the library back to their dorms but it was more than enough distance for any creepy stranger to possibly attack her.
And he didn't want that weighing on his consciousness.
"If I had known you would show up, I would have dragged you here with me."
"Why didn't you?"
"I didn't want to bother."
"Never a bother." He shook his head.
"Please it's 3 am. Can we push the fake flirting to tomorrow?" She yawned.
"Who said it was fake?"
Y/n held her hand up. She never knew when he was being serious, and it was far too late in the night for her to entertain any of his jokes. "Don't start."
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @bubbly-moon @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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Could you do Steven headcannons?
I can't believe I'm just now getting to this- Sorry, anon, I know you sent this is like over a year ago-
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You were childhood friends, so great for you- You have a trauma bond with him and Connie
He tells you stuff he would never tell Connie, because he doesn't think Connie would understand
He feels like he can talk to you without judgement
When he develops romantic feelings, he doesn't think they're different than his friendship feeling
But god, he loves when you smile and laugh
It warms something so sweet in him
When he does realize he likes you more than a friend and accepts the feelings, he's to scared to tell you
His fear of rejection overcomes his love for you
When his trauma really starts to get to him, he finds it hard to be around you
He shuts you out, because he doesn't want you to see him like that
"I feel like you're shutting me out," You exaggerate your hands, before point at him and then yourself, "And I don't even know why"
"It's nothing personal, Y/n"
It breaks your heart and you don't know how to get through to him
You'll try and talk to Connie [Bad idea] and she tells you you just need to give him time. [Yeah, you didn't want to do that, so you ignored her advice, even though technically that would have been the best thing to do]
You think about going to Pearl, but you know she'll probably say the same thing as Connie- So, you go to Garnet, because she can see the future
Expect, Garnet tells you that the best thing to do is let him come to you and you groan, which causes Garnet to laugh
"Not the answer you wanted?"
"Of course not. Thank you though, Garnet."
Garnet knows you're not going to take her advice, but maybe Steven needs someone to care enough about him to pull him back into reality
You try talking to Steven's dad, but that doesn't go well either. Steven's father is so out of touch with his son. You should of known better- Even though Mr. Universe is a good dad in his love, he's never there. You supposed it was complicated.
So, you go to the last choice- The one you were trying to avoid
She's more than happy to help you. She doesn't give you words of comfort or anything, she's all about movement and action
You start to think you should of gone to her first, but this was a bad idea
You end up making Steven so angry, he yells at you
You're a little taken a back, but you finally back off
You give it a few days and he comes to you to apologize
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have yelled at you," He runs his hand through his hair, "It's just... Ugh, I don't know..." He looks over at you, a frown overtaking his face, "Difficult. I didn't mean it"
"I know. I shouldn't have tried to push you. I should have known better."
Thankfully you make up, but he still doesn't let you into what's going on
"You know, Steven, you can tell me anything"
"I know"
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AITA for telling my wife her book isn't that good?
So me (27M) and my wife (27F) have been married for 5 years. In the entire time we've been married, she had put her professional advancement on hold and chooses to stay at an office job with little potential for career advancement because her true dream is to write and publish books and she says she won't have time to write and pursue that dream if she has to put all her energy into a career she doesn't care about. I think that's not a good attitude to have, because being able to make money from writing books and getting published is really difficult and depends a lot on luck and her career choices impact me because we're married. If she doesn't reach her earning potential then I will need to make up for it by earning more for the both of us. So I feel a lot of the burden in finances while she just gets to chase her dream.
She has been resentful of me for a while that I don't support her writing, but I do! I think she's a great writer and I'm very proud of her, and I tell lots of people that my wife is a writer when they ask what she does. The only thing is that she's always talking about her books and thinking about them and talking about them to her friends and writing partners. She claims to have ADHD and writing is her hyperfixation but she's never been officially diagnosed and hasn't ever tried medication or anything. She'll work on them when there are things to do, like the kitchen is a mess or it's dinner time. And before people get mad at me for expecting her to be a maid I cook and clean a lot too. I just want more participation from her because I get tired of doing everything and sometimes I just want to be taken care of, too. She cleans and cooks sometimes, though she always half-does things, but it just bothers me when I get home hungry from work and she's been home for 20 minutes or so and she hasn't started cooking and the house is a mess and she's just sitting at her laptop.
If I'm honest, I don't like reading. English isn't my first language which makes it harder, and she writes what she calls "young adult books" and they're plots about teengers that aren't very interesting to me. I tried to read her book and got about six chapters in, but it was just really hard for me to keep going so I never finished it. Honestly I don't really care about her books, and it bothers me that her books are ALWAYS on her mind. For example if we're intimate, sometimes her gaze goes distant and I can tell her mind is elsewhere and probably on her books, and when we finally get time together it's like she's not interested in the conversation until it touches on writing or her books. I don't usually talk to her about her books much though, so to be honest she doesn't talk that much to me about it, she'll text other people. But I can tell she always wishes I would talk to her about it. I just wish she could be interested in something that isn't her own writing, like me and our life together.
So this issue kept coming up with her saying I'm not supportive, and I decided to take it to heart. I wanted to support her as a writer and help her achieve her goal of publication. So I sat her down and told her that while she's a good writer and her finished book is good, it's not great, and she's telling a story about a girl who's experiencing poverty and death and mental illnesses, all of which she doesn't have experience with, and it shows. It's a good accomplishment, but probably won't be published so if she wants to be published, she should maybe start something else. Well, she blew up at me and started yelling at me that I have no room to say that because I'm not the intended audience and I never finished it anyway and that she knows more about publishing than I do and her friends and family that read it thought it was amazing. But first of all, she can't trust her family and friends because they'll just support her even if it's not what she needs to hear, and I should be the one who she can count on to tell her the truth. Besides, I'm in the finance industry and know much more about business than she does. She got angry and stormed away and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day.
I don't want to apologize, because I think she needed to hear it. But she was so mad and even talked about it to her therapist, so I'm wondering if I'm the asshole for saying that in the first place and if she's actually right and I'm not really supporting her.
What are these acronyms?
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au
summary: your children think you died giving birth. based on this ask from anon
warnings: angsty (?), fluff at the end, mentions/descriptions of childbirth, mentions of harm and death, crying children i guess
author's note: i must say, i thought it would be way funnier to write the kids being desperate than it actually was. i'm sorry about the title, i'm not that creative when it comes to titles and summaries ☠️
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
gif by @aemondbreakbones
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for context, read the labor scene here
Daemon noticed there was something wrong with you. And your sad eyes gave it away everything your lips refused to confess.
He talked to your handmaid to discover whatever had upset you, and she said it was probably the pregnancy, but also the way the kids were treating you.
Your pregnancy was being hard on you, and the kids struggled to understand that you couldn't do most things you did before.
The Rogue Prince decided to talk to them, otherwise nothing would change.
"Listen, your mother is in a very stressful and sensible situation. It is the final stage of her pregnancy, which means your babe sibling will be here by the next moon. You should do something special for her, to show her your love."
After a lot of arguing, the children had an idea of something nice they could do to please you.
Alyssa and Rhaegon picked a dragon egg for the new baby.
Maegon made you a flower crown, like you taught him to, and asked the royal cooks to bake littles cakes the way you liked.
It was on their way to your chambers that they heard when you started screaming in pain.
Your pregnancy was difficult, but the labor was even worse. Since the very first contraction, you felt the presence of The Stranger surrounding you.
The kids hide in a corner, watching the midwives and the Grand maester invade your chambers, not long after their father came in.
They waited for someone to come out, so they could know what was going on inside the room, until they finally heard someone talking; Daemon and the maester.
"The child won't come out, my Prince. There's a choice to be made." They heard the maester say.
"A choice?" Their father murmured, between your screams and calls for him.
"We can save the child, cutting her womb open."
Alyssa frowned at the idea, crossing glances with her older brother.
"She would not survive." Daemon stated, the children gasped.
Maegon ran away sobbing and trembling, with his siblings not far behind him.
In Alyssa's chambers, all of them became a crying mess.
Although Maegon was the youngest, he was also the smartest. He knew that even if they didn't cut you open, if the baby didn't come out... you would die still.
That made him cry even harder.
"She's going to die! She'll die and the last thing we did for her was make her feel bad!" Alyssa yelled between tears. She released her anger on her brothers, but she was mad at herself.
"I- She'll die and there's... there's so much we have never done. So much she never taught me." The girl sobbed, falling on her knees to the ground.
She felt arms around her body, holding her close. Her older brother.
"We have each other. We will take care of each other, and father." He said, trying to believe in his own words.
"Father won't let them cut her. But if the babe doesn't come out..." Maegon murmured.
"What?" Alyssa questioned.
"She will die." Rhaegon acknowledged, "They both will, her and the child."
The time passed, the child was born, you fell unconscious and woke up hours later.
After you got to meet your new daughter, you asked Daemon to bring in the children.
He was surprised to find them all reunited in his daughter's chambers.
"Children!" The prince called, all the little heads in the room turned to his direction.
He cocked an eyebrow, noticing the red eyes and swollen faces.
"How did she die?" Rhaegon asked as the tears streamed down his cheeks.
"Did you have her cut open, father? Did you? Did you!?" The young Maegon whimpered in a corner, with his trembling lip and hoarse voice.
"Did the babe survive at least?" Alyssa questioned, hugging her father's leg.
Daemon chuckled, confused, and quite worried with all that questioning.
"What in the Seven Hells are you all talking about? Your mother is fine, and is asking to see yo-"
As they couldn't let him finish, the children passed by Daemon swiftly, running to their parents' shared chambers.
They were relieved to see you, well and very much alive, but they couldn't express their excitement as they came into the room and found you with a sleeping baby in your arms.
"It's okay, you can come closer." You smiled weakly.
Alyssa was the first to hop on the bed and carefully hug you.
"I'm so glad you're okay mommy," Alyssa sobbs, kissing your face.
You were so thankful for that moment, so thankful for making out alive and to see your children’s face again. Not everyone has the luck to fool The Stranger.
"We're sorry for how we have been treating you," Rhaegon voiced.
"We are sorry for making you feel bad. We had something prepared, but..." Maegon explained.
You just nodded, assuring them that everything was fine now.
"This is your new sister, Viserra." You introduced the baby to them.
"She’s small," Rhaegon pointed out.
"Mother," Alyssa called for your attention, "can we... Can we possibly sleep here?"
You glanced at Daemon, who was standing in the door corner, watching that little family scene.
"It's okay. I'll sleep on the sofa, right here. I'm not going anywhere." He smirked with wit, you rolled your eyes.
"Then it's settled. Yes darling, you all can sleep here tonight. With me, with us. Me, your father and your sister." You nodded, kissing the children’s head.
Of course they decided to leave when the baby first started to cry in the middle of the night.
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