#and the final stretch is really good
louroth · 9 months
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Leith :]
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nil-elk · 2 months
Getting my bench press back up nice n' slow. Really learned my lesson to not overdo it, again haha. I just get so excited sometimes hhhhh.
Take your creatine, fish oil pills, and drink your protein shakes, kids. 💪🏼
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stagehunt · 1 month
just wanted to say sorry for the sparse activity from me again 😭 i've got one more exam on the 17th and then i'm pretty much chilling until september so there's light at the end of tunnel but i'm !! unfortunately still powering through with all of the work + uni's constant insistence on adding / moving / extending the hours of classes at the last minute and my job's refusal to give me the time i need to actually attend dfkgjhd but i also want to thank those who've been keeping me company and letting me gush about our bbgs !!! i promise there will be a significant pick up in activity here very soon, i'm just stressed and working myself to death atm. ily all very very much for being so patient with me ♡
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shima-draws · 1 year
I finished watching RTTE and I am. Emotional
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fefairys · 9 months
MAN. just finished the elements arc of our AT rewatch and watching ice king say like "listen lady im sure this simon guy is cool and all but im ice king, im a special person and i deserve respect!" and stuff hurts real bad man. he kinda was happier as the ice king.
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krawdad · 27 days
I get that they probably are trying to make the gigantic robot lizard as unscary as possible but who's idea was it to give the alligator fuzzy fleece skin
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There isn't a closeup where it's still enough to be sure but that sure looks like puppet/mascot suit fleece to me.
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Also since I'm here it looks cool without its skin
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Imagineer for scale
#I'm finding out about princess and the frog ride stuff late#im not sure it's fleece but like. they made the crocodile guy fuzzy#it doesn't look like it's even stretching all that good its moving like it has a fabric skin#did the rubber they made ursula out of not age well or what#makes more sense to me to stamp scale texture into a rubber skin than to like. make it look like a giant stuffed animal.#plus it would like. bend and stretch in ways that fabric doesnt#like the way skin does#like the way the skin of the other characters they showed did#it's like. someone somewhere said 'make sure the animatronic looks exactly like the costume' so they had to commit to that#I'm impressed with literally every other part of this figure is why I'm so focused on the skin#would be nice if the eyebrow shapes on top of the eyes moved even a little bit but that's a nitpick all else considered#i will also say that i am impressed specifically by the hand poses they chose#i dont think this figure's fingers articulate at all but the pose they put it in makes it really difficult to tell as it moves and rotates#maybe they arent even final skins who knows#so much about this works so well its sort of weird to me how the skin stands out#i didn't mention the articulated stomach panel#i appreciate that they gave him dedicated gut motors to make squash and stretch happen#but it also makes me wonder why they didnt give that eyemask shape around his eyes any movement. the whole thing could squish up or down.#tons of expressive potential squandered
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jewishsuperfam · 4 months
ayasa pranks teru then feeds her caviar for the first time. turns out teru's not a fan
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lexdrabbles · 2 years
Fire, rot, and other fun meet-cute ideas (The long overdue blupjeans ficlet!)
2. "Hey I know you’re pretty busy but would you like to defeat the invading aliens with me please answer quickly things are kind of time-sensitive" (from prompts for fun and profit).
@tentatively-positive-3 sorry for the wait!
(CW for main character death. Like in the first sentence. It's not permanent though!)
Taako went down, and man, Lup did not think she would ever get used to seeing her brother die before her eyes.
For a couple of cycles now, the crew had established a kind of rigid tier list of emergency security personnel to deal with any sort of threat ranging from wild animals getting into the ship (something mainly Magnus dealt with) to fighting off the Hunger. The twins were first on that list —Lup was first, really, something she would take any chance to lord over Taako—, and most times they were able to fend by themselves just fine.
This time around, when Magnus dropped, Taako had gotten Merle for backup— and now, Lup had seen a crossbow bolt go clean through them both. Merle seemed to get the brunt of it; he fell immediately to the ground, unmoving. The bolt had pierced his chest in a straight line with Taako's lower thorax.
"Fat load of help there, Highchurch," Taako muttered, pained, and coughed out a mouthful of blood as he forced one last magic missile out of his wand. Despite his state, all three bolts hit and each destroyed tarry black forms. Lup ran to his side and cast a glowing shield over the group just in time to block a streak of black fire hurtling toward all of them. She held it up with nothing but her brazen staff and kneeled down next to her skewered brother.
"Show-off" she chuckled quietly, but couldn't help some tears rolling down her face. She brushed some hair out of Taako's face.
"You know I gotta" he managed a quick smile. He looked so pale…"Hey, you gotta get someone else out here. Let Dav know to get the ship running and buy us some time".
"I know what to do, goofus." She held his hand and squeezed lightly. "Just… be okay?"
"See you on the other side," another weak cough and a chuckle, "that's a threat." His chest rose and fell and didn't rise again. Lup let go of his hand and dried her tears.
"You better."
She ran full speed ahead back to the Starblaster, dodging and blocking and flinching at attacks that came too close for comfort. When she made it, the engine was on and what was left of the crew was already packing up to leave. She intercepted Barry carrying a packed up case of field lab equipment into the ship.
"Hey, Barold" Lup's words came out half speech, half pant; she was out of breath. Her hair was flying all around her face, out of her ponytail, and it had somehow gotten even darker and windier in the span of two whole minutes.
"Hi, is everything okay back there? we'll just be maybe another 5 minutes before takeoff, securing cargo and whatn—".
"Cool, yeah, hey, I know you’re pretty busy but would you like to defeat the invading aliens with me- please answer quickly, things are kind of time-sensitive."
"Wh- me? No, hold on, I'm not qualified for security work! That's why—"
"Yeah, no, no, super cool that you're self-aware but Taako and Merle just fucking died, so that's kind of the sitch currently."
He seemed taken aback by that. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry."
"No time to be sorry, will you grab a wand or something and come help me fight these things? Again, kind of on a tight schedule here, bud."
Barry seemed on the verge of a panic attack: his face was bright red and he kept looking from the ship back to her and back to the ship again. She swore she could see steam rising up from his head. "Yeah okay, yeah I'll- I just don't- I should probably-".
At that moment, Lucretia ran out, clearly in a rush to get the last of the cargo on board. Lup hollered at her.
"Lucretia! Hi! Can you finish up here and be in the air in 10? We'll buy you some extra time to take off!"
Lucretia made a face that fell somewhere between shock, fear, confusion and relief. She looked at Lup, then at Barry, then back at Lup again. She blinked and shook her head as if to snap herself out of it.
“Y-yeah, sure, of course! The engine could use the additional time to rev up”.
“Great. Thanks, Creesh! Barry, let’s go. Pick us up at the arcane field when you’re up!”. She grabbed him by the hand and started running without stopping to let him pick up the pace. His hand was sweatier and warmer by the second, but in a couple of minutes they encountered the Hunger’s army, gaining ground at an off-putting pace.
Lup readied her staff once again. “You think you got what it takes, specs?”
Barry gulped and nodded helplessly, the look on his face screaming No. But he drew a wand from his robe pocket nonetheless.
“Great”. She shot three rapid fire bolts behind her and could tell by Barry’s wide-eyed gape she had hit bullseye. “Let’s buy the Starblaster those extra five minutes”.
They adapted to each other surprisingly quickly; Lup being used to being the offense to a more defensive partner, and Barry being more than comfortable dishing out shields and bolstering her attacks. A couple of minutes went by surprisingly quickly as she took out shadow after shadow, but the tarry forms were endless and seemed to be coming at her faster and faster. One or two came almost too close for comfort before being obliterated in blasts that Lup could barely keep from hitting herself. 
When a figure came into her line of sight out of nowhere, straight up in her space, she barely had time to react and brace for the worst when she saw a brilliant surge of green arcane energy shoot out from behind her. When it hit the black mass, it festered and melted away from the strike wound outward until it had fully disintegrated before her eyes.
She almost froze in surprise, but instead kicked her foot into the ground and raised a wall of fire that expanded like a shock wave between them and their attackers 
“Dude!” She turned back to face Barry; fire in her eyes, excitement and hope pumping through her bloodstream. “I didn’t know those things could rot!”
Barry met her gaze and smiled; his face was tinted a deep shade of red, but the intensity in his expression mirrored her own.
“I  didn’t know they could burn!” He was staring at her like she had just single-handedly wiped out the Hunger. “You know, maybe you should have brought that one out earlier.” He chuckled at her. Chuckled.
Lup rolled her eyes, somehow both delighted and impressed by this absolute nerd.
When they locked eyes again, it felt like time had stopped and allowed them to become a single, refined unit. The Hunger approached them in what now felt like slow motion; fear was no longer anywhere to be found within either of them.
They both nodded in assured mutual understanding, resumed their fighting stances, and got back to work.
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xamaxenta · 11 months
I ended up not sleeping at all
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coldbug · 10 months
i hate it when people use the term ‘filler’ incorrectly like. it’s okay to say that you don’t like “anything that isn’t the action” but that’s not what filler means
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
top 5 oboe concertos 👀
kalliwoda. yes i am counting it even though it's labelled a concertino. idc. it's great and i love it
mozart. yes i know this answer is Basic. but if it was good enough for flutes to steal it's good enough for this list
marcello. i have a soft spot for baroque, sue me. also if this counts then the kalliwoda definitely does. play it in c minor if you're a real one
strauss. idk i just like strauss
vaughan williams. honestly not my thing to play but with the orchestra accompaniment it really is something special to listen to
also honorable mention has to go out to the grunge concerto by scott mcallister. i heard someone play two movements of this at oboe camp a couple summers ago and it's like...the concentrated essence of contemporary composition. it is So
[ask meme]
#sasha speaks#ask meme#sleepover saturday#nablah#ty!#limited myself to oboe and excluded EH here but if i didn't know that the fiala EH and clarient concerto would be on this list#this was tough! i don't actually listen to or play concerti that much. i am very much not a soloist#(<- says the person playing kalliwoda for her recital next month. and played the donizetti EH concertino for the competition last fall.)#(well the rest of my recital material is chamber music. and i have a collab piano major accompanying the kalliwoda.#so i won't be alone up there. i always play better when i have someone to play with anyway)#and tbh once you push past like. the 1840s. a lot of solo oboe rep starts to lose me...#idk i just do not stylistically Get a lot of late romantic and modern stuff from a musicality pov#like it's lovely to listen to but i have such a hard time interpreting it in my own playing#i had a haaard time learning the vaughan williams. i gave up on it ngl. not for me#and i'm not really into a lot of modern concerti. i think they tend to prioritize crazy technique over like...sounding good#and i'm in it for the musicality anyway not the technique. no one will call me a virtuoso by any stretch and i am fine with that#anyway. the grunge concerto gets an honorable mention cause it kind of broke my brain when i first saw it performed lmao#the third mvt is titled 'headbanging' and when i heard it i was like. wow. someone invented metal for oboe. finally#anyway albrecht mayer has an album called Lost And Found that's just a bunch of lesser known 18th century oboe and EH concerti#and i'm obsessed with it. i would list all of those here but that's cheating since...i mean they're Extremely Classical and they all#kiiind of sound the same lmao. but idc!! classical is my bread and butter i LOVE that shit#i really ought to get the sheets to some of those and learn em myself. and the strauss too. finally a late romantic i can get behind...#well my eyes were on something fiala next i think. so we'll see#oboeposting#LONG RAMBLING IN THE TAGS. sorry lmao. i have a lot of thoughts#sorry goossens but i don't care about you <3 idc if you win competitions i'm keeping kalliwoda
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Strategizing my silly show rewatches to see what will produce The Most Emotion in me. And then soundly debating on whether or not that's actually a good idea
#ramblings of a lunatic#I probably think abt this too hard. thats the tism for you!#I'm gonna finish frog show 1b and then probably rewatch some of the willow and amity centric eps of s1#before starting 2A (but also i might rewatch eclipse lake AGAIN bc i watched it today and got reminded of how good it is-#-and then paused to be like. but what if i enhanced the experience even more)#the willow eps rewatch is in prep to rewatch asias (HELLO FAV EPPY SODE!!!) and as a treat to myself cause i love her-#-and theres so little of her in 2A (willow fans were genuinely the strongest ppl during this time. gus fans 2 but at least they got ttlgr)#BUT I ALSO LOVE AMITY she occasionally posseses my brain but not often! i normally leave the Amity scholarship to others on here#(namely eliot yardsards and smokey smokestarrule bc they have elevated amity opinions)#but i wanna study her like a bug myself sometimes!! eclipse lake reminded me of that. she's not well!!!#plus with some s1 eps back under my belt the blow of how fucking brutal s2B of the owl show is might be somewhat softened#it's my fav stretch of the show tho don't get it twisted. i love the slow build of 2A#AND the sheer marvel of quality despite circumstances that is s3 specials#and yes even the silliest of s1 eps#but 2B is just unbeatable to me personally. best emotions associated with it#but I am finishing s1 of frog show before i get to do All That#and then i might rewatch the rest of frog show to hold me down til the finale airs#tbh rewatching amphibia and remembering how much i love it and how insane it still makes me gives me comfort in the face of toh ending#just because something's over doesn't mean it stops giving you the same feelings that it did before or that you stop loving it!#obviously I'm hoping for more one day bc of how the show was cut short. i personally really want those comics danas talked about#but the show is still gonna be there when it's done and i can still be insane abt it for however long i want#and that's nice y'know?#oh god this got too sincere#ANYWAY. current watch pattern is going 1B of frog show -> bits of s1 and then 2B of owl show -> 2A frog -> s3 owl#fun times. owls and frogs
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
For some reason I was thinking about BC’s Fuck marry kill and how everyone else joked around but Joel was all serious about his ”I’d fuck Olli because he’s the most handsome” -answer 😭 like yes we been knew you’re sexually attracted to him (him filming him half naked doing yoga and all that) but. really?? 😭
(and for legal reasons this is a joke)
Joeeeeeellll your bisexuality is showing agaaiiinn 🙄
I mean, I'm convinced the whole fucking band is sexually attracted to Olli (who's completely oblivious to it and think the others are just messing with him) because who woudn't be, honestly?
Tommi commenting how Olli always looks good?
Niko saying Olli is the most handsome in the band?
Joonas having a whole-ass sexual awakening watching Olli paint a broccoli shamrock on his chest? (Yes, I may have stared at a gif of this for unreasonably long yesterday)
To conlcude, they all a little gay for Olli 💕
#we're ALL gay for olli aren't we 🥰#although in joonas' defence he's a little gay for everyone#(also i don't just randomly stare at BC gifs in my freetime! i was looking for another picture and just came across that lol#hence i have a vivid image of it imprinted on my brain currently)#but WHERE is my yoga instructor!olli and beginner yoga trainee!joel fic??#he enrolled for the beginner yoga class because his therapist and his mom and porko thought it might be good for him#(he's not quite as positive and porko would literally walk him to the yoga studio to drop him off like a child at day-care)#joonas is friends with olli of course so he just passes joel to him and leaves for his porko business#abandoning joel before he can do or say anything#(joel thought they were going for a record shop haul and now he knows how dogs must feel#when their owner tells them they're going to the park but really they're going to the vet)#joel understands his loved ones only want the best for him but he's not sure how a bit of strecthing is going to help him 🙄#in fact stretching is the LAST thing he wants to be doing when he sees how thight the instructor's yoga pants are 😳#so he spents the whole 30 minutes not knowing where to look 🙈#(mostly he looks at the instructor's face because it's so devastatingly cute 😩)#and then the instructor pulls out a basket of wolly socks for the trainees to put on for the final relaxation#(well actually just for joel because apparently everyone else knew to bring their own. this is somehow porko's fault)#so joel nearly cries as he lays on the yoga mattress listening to olli's calm voice bc 1) he's actually feeling a little better already#and 2) he might have fallen in love a tiny bit 😭💞#...okay i may need to write this myself actually#if y'all up for reading it? anyone at all?? 👉👈#joelxolli#answered asks#anon asks
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ONE AND A HALF PARTS LEFT. A U G H. I have NO clue what i'm gonna do- actually wait i just got an idea i know exactly what i'm gonna do with the last part. it's just writing the other half of the second-to-last part that's going to make me eat drywall -puzzle book anon
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maraschinotopped · 1 year
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decided to finally do those paintings i alluded to wanting to do a while back and started on the bmj themed one first..
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